Thank you Michelle Malkin for the information.
This morning I was just sitting here sipping coffee and had just started to reply to comments here at Theodore’s World. It was very slow loading and then all of a sudden would not load at all.
Here are the details:
Glenn Reynolds confirms the attack originated in Saudi ArabiaPosted 12:23 PM by Glenn
12:23 PM by Glenn HOSTING MATTERS IS DOWN as the result of a DOS attack. They’re working on it. The only other thing I know is that it originates in Saudi Arabia.
From Michelle Malkins post about what happened……
Many Hosting Matters-hosted blogs are down–including Instapundit, Power Line, Hugh Hewitt, and tons of others large and small. Hosting Matters’ own website is also down.
Denial of service attack on Hosting Matters. Most, if not all, their hosted sites are down. Attack is originating internationally.
I’ve received quite a few emails this morning from people having trouble getting to blogs like Power Line and Captain’s Quarters.
I greatly appreciated all the blogosphere’s support when the cyberjihadis took down my site down over the Mohammed Cartoons. If you’re down, please send me an e-mail and I’ll keep a list here of all those affected.
I just got home and saw this at Michelle Malkins so I have sent off an email to her so she can add us to her list.
Blogs Down:
Instapundit (***Glenn is posting on his back-up site here***)
Power Line
Captain’s Quarters
Pundit Guy
Chuck Simmins
Small Dead Animals
Hugh Hewitt
Mountaineer Musings
Say Uncle
Counterterrorism Blog
Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler
Castle Arggh! – John Donovan
She Who Will Be Obeyed – Beth Donovan
Michael Totten
Ticklish Ears
Something……And Half of Something
Theodore’s World
Wild Thing’s comment…….
Thank you Michelle.
* Michelle Malkin
You’re welcome.
Hi Aaron good to see you.
Glad to see your back up Chrissie. As for Aaron, well…maybe after the weekend Hosting Matters will have him back. They have lousy network security, or so it appears.
Glad to see you are back up- I tried several times throughout the day, only to get a *this page is not found* message- glad to see your site is ok!
Wild Thing,
I too have checked in a couple of times today and you were down this AM for awhile and again this evening. I went for a cyber walk over to the Captains Quarters blog following the link you supplied for Michelle Malkin. They have an interesting thing going on over there they you may be interested in. They are forming a group that is calling themselves the 101st Fighting Keyboardists. Apparently they are assuming a moniker initially created by some lefties to describe conservative bloggers who’s lives preclude them from picking up arms. Instead of taking offence they are embracing the idea and seem to be attracting a large number of recruits. I would join, but I’m not sure if I just simply send them my blog address or if I have to manually enter something on my site. I’m not that computer savvy. Anyway, I thought you might like to know and OH by the way, I think I found Vern. There is a guy over at Captains Quarters who goes by the name of Dave that sounds eerily similar.
razOr it was very strange that they attacked the server like that. It sure effected a lot of blogs.
Hi SouthernDoll, thank you I appreciate that.
Billy that is so neat, I did like you mentioned and went to Captains Quarters and signed up to be on their blog roll for this and also put the logo in my sidebar.
“I would join, but I’m not sure if I just simply send them my blog address or if I have to manually enter something on my site. I’m not that computer savvy.”
All you have to do it put the logo whatever size you make it on your site. Then email Captain Ed with the name of your blog and the url for it. He will put you in the blog roll that way I think. That is what I did so we will see how it works.
I can do HTML code with my eyes closed but there are thousands of things I have no clue about with computers. I think your blog is wonderful I really love it.
That is too funny about Vern er ah Dave. hahahahahaha