The infamous environmental group Greenpeace is targeting Sen. Ted Kennedy for opposing a wind farm in the Nantucket Sound because it would interfere with the view from his Hyannisport mansion.
Greenpeace is launching a nationwide TV ad campaign against Kennedy, with spots that portray the Massachusetts Democrat as Godzilla.
The Cape Cod Times reports:“In the 30-second spot, a cartoon Kennedy looms over the water like a Japanese movie monster, pounding wind turbines as they sprout from the water, and barks, ‘I might see them from my mansion on the Cape.'”
Kennedy’s nephew, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is a leading environmentalist who urges Americans to cut back on energy consumption and who blamed Bush environmental policies for Hurricane Katrina. But he, too, opposes the wind farm in Nantucket Sound – going so far as to argue that it would cause pollution.
By running the ads, Greenpeace hopes to torpedo an amendment to a Coast Guard bill that would make a proposed Nantucket wind farm vulnerable to state veto.“‘We’ve targeted the Senate because we need leaders to stop this amendment before it can even be voted,” Greenpeace spokesgal Kate Smolski told the Times.

There once was a Senator from Nantucket.
who drank gin by the bucket………….
Kennedy is a huge enviro jerk and he only cares about stopping this because it is to be in his own backyard. If it was in Joe Schmo’s backyard Kennedy would be pushing hard for this.
…….when he ran out of booze
in the car he would snooze
drive off the bridge
and say f**k it
Should have told him it was a Gin Mill farm.
You’re exactly right Wild Thing. If it was anywhere else in the US, he would be pushing hard for them but when it’s in his neighborhood, he’s against it.
There is no better way to show leadership than to lead by example. Allowing the wind farm would be the perfect example of leadership but we all know Teddy is no leader and this only adds proof.
Besides, that slob is usually too drunk to see the windmills.
Alcohol dementia hasn’t slowed this mud butler down at all. There is no hell deep enough for Edward Kennedy, but he’s just representing his social class here, as he always has. His disgusting father is on record as teaching his kids that the greatest threat to wealth is a restless, resentful underclass. Tax the middle to pacify the poor, and the trust-fund parasites can continue to suck at the blood money of the predecessors.
Kennedy’s entire life has been devoted to maintaining the unearned privileges and perks of his kind. In Europe, for the most part, they had the good sense just to hang the bastards and be done with it. In this country, the Democrats and their lefty stooges persist in their sado-masochistic rituals of keeping their worst enemies in power.
Massachusetts, since 2000, has lost an average of 42,000 native residents a year. Immigrants, both legal and illegal, are filling the void. Times are changing. In twenty years, Massachusetts will be as violent as Sarajevo, as the old ruling classes disgorge their killers and goons to keep the rabble off the beaches. They’ll get what they deserve…the bloodiest garden parties since the Russian Revolution.
Billy lmao good one
Bob…”Besides, that slob is usually too drunk to see the windmills.”……….hahahahhahaha
he sure is.
“Massachusetts, since 2000, has lost an average of 42,000 native residents a year. “…… amazing, I had no idea.
What an example of action and reaction from the lefties being in charge. Thanks Rhod
Hmmmmmmm!!where in the hell did my hash pipe
go??Damn it Alice there goes that white wabbit
Great white whale sighted off Nantucket, Greepeace alienated by sighting!!!
“Do we operate under a system of equal justice under law?
Or is there one system for the average citizen
and another for the high and mighty?”
– Senator Ted Kennedy, 1973 –
Ted, if only ye had went to the wedding with John John.
Tincan Sailor hahaha
Jack omg lmao too funny
“Great white whale sighted off Nantucket, Greepeace alienated by sighting!!!”
After many trips to the bathroom teddy thinks
to himself,awwwww!! just one more time, Mirror
mirror on D wall is I dat ugleeee after all???
Good one Tincan Sailor