The Islamic Thinkers Society is a faction of the U.K. based extremist movement known as Al-Muhajiiroun.
Islamist protest in N.Y. –
‘Mushroom cloud on way’
Rally at Israeli consulate features pictures of Muslim flags flying over White House

A New York rally by the Islamic Thinkers Society outside the Israeli consulate yesterday featured chants of “The mushroom cloud is on its way! The real holocaust is on its way!”
The demonstration by the Queens-based group was monitored by the Investigative Project on Terrorism whose members noted signs including “Islam will Dominate” and a picture with an Islamic flag flying over the White House.
Yesterday’s rally was held in response to Monday’s Tel Aviv bombing that killed 9 and injured scores. While carrying signs including “Islam will Dominate” with a picture of an Islamic flag over the White House, the small but loud group of men chanted threatening slogans.
The chants were in Arabic and translated by the Investigative Project on Terrorism, headed by Steve Emerson, a former reporter for CNN.
Here are some excerpts from the chants:
Leader (in Arabic): “With our blood and our lives we will liberate al Aqsa!”
[The rest also respond in Arabic:] “With our blood and our lives we will liberate al Aqsa!
Israeli Zionists What do you say? The real Holocaust is on its way”
Response: “Allahu Akbar!”
Response: “Allahu Akbar!”
“Zionists, Zionists You will pay! The Wrath of Allah is on its way!
Israeli Zionists You shall pay! The Wrath of Allah is on its way!
The mushroom cloud is on its way! The real Holocaust is on its way!”
“Israel won’t last long … Indeed, Allah will repeat the Holocaust right on the soil of Israel”
Response: “Allahu Akbar!”
And another chant:
No wonder they call you sons of apes and pigs because that’s what you are.
We know many government services are watching us
Such as the FBI…CIA…Mossad, Homeland Security…
We know we are getting on their nerves
And so are you….
So we say the hell with you!
May the FBI burn in Hell
CIA burn in Hell
Mossad burn in Hell
Homeland Security burn in hell!!
Islam will dominate the world
Islam is the only solution
Islam will dominate the world
Islam is the only solution
La ilaha il Allah, Muhammad-ur Rasool Allah
Wild Thing’s comment…..
Protesting against America with threats of nuking us … in NYC. Why in the hell are we putting up with these people. And where is the Media ONCE AGAIN in their silence about this. Oh that’s right, it would make the true nature of Islam public and we can’t have that. Our Media with their Anti-American/Pro-Islam agenda.
Heck, this didn’t make the the news either and it was up on the web within weeks of 9/11.
Lock and load they have sworn to kill every last Infidel. hmmmmmm, there’s never an A-10 loaded with cluster munitions loitering on station when you need one. Or at least do this to these scumbag Islamofascist protestors, round them up and ship them off to Gitmo. Islamic Thinkers Society ” THAT is the BIGGEST oxymoron I have EVER!
Other posts at my blog of past protests this Islamic Thinkers Society has done in NYC.:
NYC Muslim Group Warns U.S. ‘Your Days are Numbered’
* Counterterrorism Blog
NAKBA the frig’n moslems!
Love it Tom! 🙂
can anyone tell me where to go to get a copy of Bo Deitl’ interview on Neil Cavuto’ show on april 24 His idea to feed mousoui to wild boars is the perfect solution to any would be marytrs
Round all of the non-conformists and ship them off to the middle east and NUKE-EM!!
Ross E I have no idea.
Jerry Hildenburg that is an idea for sure.
The last week update (part II)
And of course, the message of the New York Jihadist demonstration, “Islamic
Thinkers Society”, is just in Ahmadinejad’s line. While …