15 Apr

“Stinky” Ahmadinejad

Iran prez arrests 4 over text message
Fires head of phone company, sues over claim he doesn’t wash
Hey how about maybe get this stenciled onto a missile headed his way.- Wild Thing
Story here
When Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad got an anonymous text message suggesting he didn’t wash enough, he did not take it lying down.
He fired the president of the phone company, had four people arrested, took other legal action and accused those involve of conspiring with the Israeli foreign intelligence service Mossad, according to the Iranian opposition website Rooz Online. …..( you can click at the top of their page on the left to read it in English)
The website says Ahmadinejad, known throughout the world as a hard-liner who has threatened Israel with destruction and questioned the Holocaust, is the target of many barbs among the populace in his country.
But the mullah regime doesn’t show much of a sense of humor. Of particular concern are jokes comparing Iran’s nuclear ambitions with sex. Several people have reportedly received court summonses for sending nuclear-related jokes, according to the website.
Tehran has taken a tough stance against opposition on the Internet. Many of the nation’s estimated 70,000 to 100,000 bloggers have faced harassment or imprisonment. The regime has acknowledged monitoring text message traffic.

Wild Thing’s comment………
Thank you to the Mossad! Hey Stinky Ahmadinejad
Lesson here for you
This is a bathtub
use water and soap
little yellow rubber duck is optional

Rhod says:

Apparently this clod was a facilitator and counselor for the Bajij, the children who were used as fodder to clear minefields during Iran’s war with Iraq. The kids were ordered to march in facing columns through minefields, but the carnage was so appalling, Ahmadinejad had the kids wrap themselves in fabric and rugs to keep their bodies from breaking apart.
Yes, he’s a greasy-faced, gap-toothed sludgebag, and I would cherish the opportunity to “bring him around”, so speak, myself. He’ll be dead within two years, and one hopes he ends by hanging upside down from a lamp post in the Mussolini motif. Make it very, very, very, very, very slow, too.

Ben USN (Ret) says:

The filthy swine will not get away with the evil he has/is inflicting on the world.

Wild Thing says:

OH Rhod how awful, how horrible!! Those poor dear children.oh my God please let there be a way of getting rid of these evil people that do such things
I agree Rhod, make it very very slow.

Wild Thing says:

Ben I pray he won’t get away with it too. This is so horrible.
Ben it is very nice to meet you. Thank you so much for serving our country.