12 Apr

Iran President Says We Can Take Our Desires To The Grave


Iran President: Enemies can take their desires “to the grave”

Tehran, Iran, Apr. 10 – Hard-line Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Monday that the Islamic Republic’s enemies will take their “desire to harm the Iranian nation” and stop it from pursuing its nuclear ambitions “to the grave”.
“Our enemies will take their desire to harm and stop the Iranian nation to the grave”, Ahmadinejad said at a rally in the north-western town of Fariman. The official news agency carried his comments.
“This nation is determined to continue the path of advancement. The enemies can never create a gap in its determination by creating commotion”, he said.
“For as long as be stand firm, no power can harm the Iranian nation in the slightest way”.
He added that Iran’s “enemies” would fail in their “psychological warfare” against Iran.


Wild Thing’s comment……
Screw you Ahmadinejad! Nakba to you and your other Goat fucking pigsuckers! Allah FUBAR!
Now get this and get it straight! America is the most powerful country in the entire world! Our military is also the most powerful in the world. Push our buttons and you will regret the day you took your first breath. Your death cult of Islam worships death. Well ass wipe we will get you there when WE want to and not a moment sooner.
You say your enemies ( Israel and America) can take our desires to the grave. YOU aren’t even going to be able to be put in a grave, there will be nothing left of you but dust, got that? Own it !
Nakba is a word that followers of Islam hate more then any other word. If you are on a forum and Muslims are present and you use this word, most of the time they will immediately leave. The word is Nakba. The word Nakba is Arabic for “the Catastrophe,” and it refers to the creation of the state of Israel. The Palestinian rallies mournfully commemorate the day Israel was created. They call it “Al Nakba”.


Suricou Raven says:

Heh… dont worry, no chance of nukes being used. Iran cant possibly have even one ready for use in less than two years. The US nukes are politically unusable, for deterent purposes only – not even Bush would get them out, and he has publicly said so. Besides, its not his style – he doesn’t want to blow countries up, he wants to convert them.
Iran is playing the same dangerous game that Saddam lost – hoping that as long as Iraq is unstable, a conventional invasion in Iran would be both militarily over-demanding and too unpopular for any politician to support without killing their career.

Wild Thing says:

Suricou Raven hahahaha I’m not worried about it, not even a little bit.

BobF says:

Have you ever seen the little weakling kid who likes to think he’s tough? When he’s with the big boys, he gets pushed around and acts like a little sissy. But, when he’s in his own yard with mom and dad close by, he shoots off his mouth, yelling at and threatening the bigger boys. He knows that the big kids won’t or can’t do anything right at the moment because mommy and daddy are near.
Right now, Ahmadinejad reminds me of that sissy little kid. He knows that at the present time the United States can’t do anything to him. He’s in his own yard and knows that mom and dad (Democrats) are going to stop the big kid (Bush) from beating up on him. He’s gotten real brave lately because mom and dad are upset the big kid beat up on his friend, little Iraq, when he got mouthy and dangerous. He’s watching while mom and dad are doing all they can to hinder the big kid and see he’s made ineffective. He realizes that mom and dad will sell their souls to kick the big kid off the block and he figures that if acts tough, mom and dad will look the other way once the big kid is gone, allowing him to bully the other little kids in the neighborhood.

TomR says:

Wild Thing-glad you reminded the ever forgetful me of NAKBA. Anything that turns off a moslem is of value to me.
Right now I really regret Carter’s ditching the plans for neutron bombs. I wonder now how long it would take us to develop them. I also wonder how small out tactical nukes go. It would be neat to have a small mushroom cloud within sight and sound of mecca, as a warning to the moslem hordes.

Rhod says:

Sometimes you encounter a sentence, a phrase that completely answers, explains or clarifies the subject at hand. This did it for me…
“Screw you Ahmadinejad! Nakba to you and your other Goatfucking pigsuckers! Allah FUBAR”.
‘Nuff said.

Suricou Raven says:

No need to start blaming the democrats here. Its not a party-line split here, and I imagine the democrats are just as concerned as the republicans about Iran. Besides, even if the demos were all to offer then full support to an immediate invasion… its just not that easy. The invasion would be easy – Afganistan is conveniently adjacent, perfect. But it would be Iraq over again. As the body-count rises, the war becomes less popular. And an appeal to patriotism, trying to leech popularity off ‘support the troops’, can only go so far. Every politician knows that will happen, so they will all be very reluctant.
And Europe? Not a hope of them joining an invasion. Two are enough.

BobF says:

The Iranians aren’t stupid. They see what’s happening to President Bush because of Iraq. They see how Democrats are thwarting the most effective efforts to locate and trace terrorists in the United States. When we first went into Iraq, the Iranians kept their mouths shut and were worried that we might decide to go after them. For some reason they thought they were facing a United America but now they realize they are only facing a Divided America. As long as we have people like Reid, Kerry, Clinton, Durbin, and Kennedy in the Senate, piss ant countries like Iran will always act up, just like they did under Jimmy Carter.
So yes, I do blame the Democrats for lot of what’s happening. With their wanting to get back control of congress and the White House at all costs, look what their doing to this nation. They could care less how many troops die in the field, as long as the can win congress.

Wild Thing says:

Bob good one…..”Ahmadinejad reminds me of that sissy little kid”…..he sure does!
And well said on this too.,,,,,
“So yes, I do blame the Democrats for lot of what’s happening. With their wanting to get back control of congress and the White House at all costs, look what their doing to this nation. They could care less how many troops die in the field, as long as the can win congress.”
Thank you!

Wild Thing says:

Yes Tom I agree. I hate that we even have to think about this stuff. And your right about Carter too. He has done so many things I hate I can’t even remember all of them,
Thanks so much for your comment.

Wild Thing says:

Rhod……giggle…thank you sooo much.

Wild Thing says:

Raven,nope sorry. You said…
“And an appeal to patriotism, trying to leech popularity off ‘support the troops’, can only go so far.”
Leeching popularity off support of the troops is a true Dem statement, talking points shall we say. That is just plain silly and Bush nor any Republican has done that. Too bad the Dems hate for Bush gets in the way of loving America and yes appreciating our military MORE then the terrorists.