07 Apr

Public Service Announcement from LindaSoG

The party is at Sondra’s today. Stop by and say Hi!

Wild Thing says:

Linda oh my gosh what a HUGE surprise this is.
Thank you soooo much! oh my gosh!! WOW! I love the bear and the WT doll with it. Thank you! Love you my friend and Blog Mom.

BobF says:


Shaffer says:

Wild Thing, we at Marine Corps Community for USMC Veterans would like to wish you a happy birthday today!

vt_nam_vet says:

WT thanks for the memories and keeping in touch over the years. Nancy and I both wish you a very Happy Birthday.

Tony says:

Sure do love ya WT! Thanks for the best Christmas a guy could ever have.
Happy Birthday!
Hue TET 68
Fox Co -Weapons Platoon 2nd Battalion 5th Marines

TomR says:

Linda,I’ve been to the party over at Sondra’s and I think I am too enebriated to comment about our sweet Wild Thing’s birthday.

Alex says:

The Happiest Happy Birthday to the girl that tripped over my foot and gave me a kiss on my cheek. You sang to me in a bad place in a hard time and I sing to you now Happy Birthday.
damn so I can’t sing aw hell WT
Phu Bai, 1969

Tyler D says:

Happy Birthday!

LindaSoG says:

Hey, your comment that you’re too enebriated to comment is a comment so there! Lol!

Rhod says:

Well, “Forever Young” comes to mind, WT, the Dylan version, and the words apply. One of my regrets now is that I was in VN too early to have seen ya there. And, by the way, how did a twelve-year old girl get to sign on with Bob Hope?
Love from us in Connecticut.

RightToCarry says:

May the road rise to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face.
And rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the hollow of His hand.

Beth says:

Happy birthday, sweetheart! xoxoxoxoxo!!!!

Jack says:

Happy Birthday WT, sorry I missed the shows. Quang Tri & Chu Lai ’68 -’69.

raz0r says:

Happy Birthday Wild Thing. Many more and many blessings.

Wild Thing says:

Hi Bob, thank you so much.

Wild Thing says:

Hi Shaffer thank you.
Semper Fi

Wild Thing says:

Hi vt_nam_vet and hi to Nancy. Thank you so much.

Wild Thing says:

Yo-ho Tony hi there. Thank you for the wishes.

Wild Thing says:

giggle….Hi Tom heh heh that was a great party at Sondra’s. Thank you!!

Wild Thing says:

Alex, omg I remember that. Your poor foot hahaha I was so embarassed when that happened.
Thank you so much Alex for the wishes and the song.

Wild Thing says:

Hi Tyler I went to your blog and saw you posting about the weather. I hope you are OK. Those things can come up fast and it can be scary.
Thank you so much for the Birthday wishes.

Wild Thing says:

Rhod……..”how did a twelve-year old girl get to sign on with Bob Hope?”………
ROTFLMAO love it.
I wish I had been there when you were too, to be able to thank you in person would have been an honor for me.
Thank you so much.

Wild Thing says:

Hi RightToCarry I love it, thank you so much.

Wild Thing says:

Hi Beth thank you and a bug hug for you.

Wild Thing says:

Hi Jack thank you so much.
I wish so too it would have been wonderful to see you in person and thank you, a real honor for me.

Wild Thing says:

Hi razOr thank you so much for the wishes and blessings.

SparkS says:

What can a crusty ol Sparky say that hasn’t already been said infinately better!
Chrissie if I come visit can I get me one o’ dem
“bug hugs” too?
Sorry, I’m such a braindead ol’ fart at first I figured it was something special that I didn’t know about. GGGGGGG

chrys says:

A day late and many dollars short – Hope it was one of the best. Happy Birthday.

Wild Thing says:

Hi SparkS you sure can have a hug
Thank you

Wild Thing says:

HI Chrys, thank you so much.

SparkS says:

Having a super ‘Blond moment’? I don’t want a plain ol’ “hug”. I want a “bug hug”.
“Hi Beth thank you and a bug hug for you.
Posted by: Wild Thing at April 8, 2006 01:35 AM”
BTW I lied about not wanting a hug.