Dateline NBC is apparently trying to set up a sting, asking “Muslim males” to go to sporting events such as NASCAR accompanied by NBC’s hidden cameras so they can film all the gawking “bigots.”
And these below are posted at The Haba’ib forum at MSN
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 13:05:54 -0800 (PST)
From: Subject: Looking for Muslim Males to participate in NBC Dateline Segment
I hope everyone is doing well.
I have been talking with a producer of the NBC Dateline show and he is in the process of filming a piece on anti-Muslim and anti-Arab discrimination in the USA. They are looking for some Muslim male candidates for their show who would be willing to go to non-Muslim gatherings and see if they attract any discriminatory comments or actions while being filmed.
They recently taped two turbaned Sikh men attending a football game in Arizona to see how people would treat them. They set them up with hidden microphones and cameras, etc.
They want to do the same thing 2 or 3 other times (in various parts of the USA) with one or two Muslim men in each setting. They are looking for men who actually “look Muslim”. They want a guy with no foreign accent whatsoever, a good thick beard, an outgoing personality, and someone willing to wear a kufi/skullcap during the filming.
They also want someone who is fairly well accomplished and has contributed to American society at large in some meaningful way.
That said, I’m urgently looking for someone who can be filmed this April 1st weekend at a Nascar event (and other smaller events) in Virginia. NBC is willing to fly in someone and cover their weekend expenses. The filming would take place all day on Saturday and Sunday.
And here they are putting the word out:
Need Participants for NBC Show on Anti-Muslim Bias
From: “Tarek El-Messidi”
Date: Sun, 26 Mar 2006 19:52:36
I hope everyone is doing well.
I recently spoke with a producer of the NBC Dateline show and he is in the process of filming a piece on anti-Muslim and anti-Arab discrimination in the USA. They are looking for some Muslim male candidates for their show who would be willing to go to non-Muslim gatherings and see if they attract any discriminatory comments or actions while being filmed.
They recently taped two turbaned Sikh men attending a football game in Arizona to see how people would treat them. They set them up with hidden microphones and cameras, etc. They want to do the same thing 2 or 3 other times (in various parts of the USA) with one or two Muslim men in each setting. They are looking for men who actually “look Muslim”. They want a guy with no foreign accent whatsoever, a good thick beard, an outgoing personality, and someone willing to wear a kufi/skullcap during the filming. They also want someone who is fairly well accomplished and has contributed to society at large in some meaningful way.
That said, I’m urgently looking for someone who can be filmed this April 1st weekend at a Nascar event (and other smaller events) in Virginia. NBC is willing to fly in someone and cover their weekend expenses. The filming would take place all day on Saturday and Sunday. We already have a hijabi sister who will be filmed there but a Muslim is also needed to join her. I also need candidates for the other filming segments which will take place in the following weeks.
A few weeks later, NBC will fly all the filmed participants to New York City to interview them as a group about their experience and thoughts on discrimination they’ve faced in America, especially in light of the times we live in (war on terror, 9-11, etc.). The show, if approved by NBC (highly likely), is expected to air sometime this summer.
What I need from interested candidates is an email with an attached clear photograph, a resume, and contact information. I also need basic information such as age, ethnic background, accomplishments, etc. The sooner I can get this the better and please don’t make emails too long. I will then submit a group of candidates to NBC so they can choose the people for the show.
Please forward this to all Muslim lists you can. Because of the upcoming filming in Virginia, this is pretty time-sensitive. My contact information is below.
Tarek El-Messidi
And this:
—Original Message—–
From: Tarek El-Messidi []
Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2006 5:51 AM
Subject: Update to NBC Dateline Search (including sisters)
A couple of days ago, I sent out the email below regarding the NBC Dateline producer looking for Muslim males to be filmed. Alhamdulillah, I’ve been flooded with responses that will be forwarded to them soon. I just wanted to send an update that they decided to postpone the filming at the NASCAR event by one weekend (until April 8th). It’s still not too late to submit your information but the sooner, the better.
Also, a couple of sisters have inquired about submitting info. While NBC did mention that they prefer male candidates (because they feel that people are less likely to show discrimination to a woman out of courtesy), I will also forward emails I receive from sisters. They may consider filming another hijabi sister if she’s very qualified for the role. Please read the initial email I sent below about what to submit.
Again, please forward this out to as many email lists as possible.
Tarek El-Messidi
Who is thie Tarek El-Messidi????
Tarek El-Messidi, is mentioned in this piece from the Wall Street Journal about Muslim Brotherhood influence in Tennessee. According to the story he’s a former Muslim Student Association activist who studied Islam with a radical Muslim Brotherhood preacher.
* Mighty Righty
* Michelle Malkin
Americans will not go to the streets to Demand Their Country back,but,they will go to the streets for NASCAR.
Where do you thing a “Muslim Suicide Bobber” would hide,in a Sweadish Neighborhood,NO!.They would hide in a “Muslim Neighborhood”.
Of course Americans,or any other people,would be supicious of a “Muslim” where ever a Muslim is sighted,and why not?
All the “Muslims” do is make threats on America,and every other country for that matter.One would be stupid not to be worried about a Muslim,any Muslim,Why? Because Muslims are just like Iraqi`s or Vietnamese,you can`t tell the good from the bad,so why take the chance?
Jerry they are all filled with hate. I have to work with one and it is shocking the things he says.
What if a couple of White cowboys with hats and NASCAR t-shirts attended a call to prayers at a mosque!! The moslems would likely go beserk.
Let’s examine this for what it is. Seeding a crowd of NASCAR fans with people whose intention is to elicit negative reactions from race fans. Very much a form of Entrapment.
A person is ‘entrapped’ when he is induced or persuaded to commit a crime that he had no previous intent to commit.
Stereotyping NASCAR fans as bigots and racists.
Stereotypes are considered to be a group concept, held by one social group about another. They are often used in a negative or prejudicial sense and are frequently used to justify certain discriminatory behaviours. More benignly, they may express sometimes-accurate folk wisdom about social reality.
Often a stereotype is a negative caricature or inversion of some positive characteristic possessed by members of a group, exaggerated to the point where it becomes repulsive or ridiculous.
Stereotype production is based on:
Exaggeration or distortion
Presentation of cultural attributes as being ‘natural’.
NBC is creating a story to support an agenda. Yellow journalism is an integral part of this agenda.
In journalism, yellow journalism is a pejorative reference given to various practices or tendencies of news media organizations which, by the standards of journalistic professionalism, are considered to be unprofessional and detrimental to the principles of journalistic integrity as a whole. The term typically refers to sensationalism in news reporting that bears only a superficial resemblance to the profession of journalism. The term “infotainment” was coined to refer to news programming that blends journalism and entertainment in a way which, critics argue, diminishes the news value and professionalism of the reporting.
Likely them cowboys would have to fight their way out. What a bunch of doinks at NBC. What right thinking person is going say “Send a bunch of Moslems to NASCAR? Great Idea!”? Total Asshats. My $0.02
Tom lmao I love it!!!! Good one!
RTC thanks for commenting and you are right……..”diminishes the news value and professionalism of the reporting.”………. it sure does!
Elvis, what is next a Muslim NASCAR? Maybe with Muhammad painted on the hood. heh heh