Dr.Ruth, Sex Sage and Ex-Sniper with the IDF
An interview with the 4-foot-7-inch-tall (140 centimeters), German born, Jewish grandmother. Dr. Ruth has lived through and survived the tragedy of the Holocaust, plus the loneliness of being an orphan, and the Israeli War for Independence. She was born as Karola rith Siegel in Frankfurt, Germany, on June 4, 1928.
“I am very old fashioned, and a square. I believe in love. I believe in relationships. I believe in people staying together for a lifetime or as long as possible.
My parents sent me away from the Nazis when I was ten years old and my entire family died at Auschwitz. They were all exterminated in concentration camps.
And when I went to then Palestine, which became Israel in 1948. But Palestine was not the land of milk and honey of which Ruth had heard. On May 14, 1948, Israel declared its independence. Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Egypt and Irak immediatley attacked the new nation, and once again Ruth’s world collapsed. Ruth, dedicated to the building of a Jewish homeland, joined the Haganah and was trained as a sniper. On her twentieth birthday she had just finished up guard duty when an Arab shell exploded at her feet, seriously injuring her. Her recovery was slow, but she survived to walk again. It injured and killed many of her friends.
The first fellow who offered to marry me…we loved each other, and we are still good friends—but it wasn’t a marriage forever. Then I met a gorgeous looking French guy and I married for one year and have a beautiful daughter, and then that didn’t lead to a relationship. However, my late husband who passed away, he was Fred Westheimer. We were married for 37 years, and that was a marriage.
We were all trained in the forerunner of the Israeli Defense Force, and for some reason that I can’t explain I’m a very good sniper. I can put five bullets into this little red circle (makes circle with her fingers). I know how to throw hand grenades.
I am what you call bold because the one thing that I’ve learned coming out of Nazi Germany is that I have to stand up and be counted for what I believe. And that’s how people are listening to me, because they know it’s not a put-on.
The women of the IDF today….click HERE for more photos.

Wild Thing’s comment…..
I had never known this before about Dr. Ruth. I saw this interview and was impressed that she had been a sniper in Israel.