Unless you were looking for it you’d probably never know it exists. It’s called Holy Islamville. A Muslim village in the upstate started by a man suspected in attacks against the United States and once on the terror watch list.
“We see children – small children run around over there when they should be in school. We hear bursts of gunfire all of the time, and we know that there is military like training going on there. Those people are armed and dangerous. We get nothing but menacing looks from the people who go in and out of the camp, and sometime they yell at us to mind our own business when we are just driving by. We don’t even dare to slow down when we drive by. They own this mountain and they know it, and there is nothing we can do about it but move, and we can’t even do that. Who wants to buy property next to that?”
FOX Carolina’s Jamie Guirola investigates Holy Islamville and reports. It’s just a short drive to get there, but if you look online this intelligence report from a group of private citizens suggests what goes on over there is anything but holy.
The roads that lead to it are rural. The homes nearby are spread apart. And even though only Muslims can live in Holy Islamville there’s a welcome sign out front of its location; tucked in York County, about an hour and a half from Greenville.
Whether you enter or just keep driving by is your choice. We chose to go in.
Mayor Kamal Shakir/Holy Islamville: “We have families. Our families have grown and since then other have families have moved in, as Mr. Rashid was saying, from other places to populate the area”.
Population: roughly 150 people. Both men and women.. Young and old. They live in mobile homes set on many acres of private land. Land, the Muslims here say, wouldn’t be there’s if it wasn’t for one man.
Sheikh Gilani.
Jamaat al Fuqra, a terrorist organization founded by Sheik Mubarek Ali Shah Gilani, the Islamic cleric Daniel Pearl was attempting to interview when he was kidnapped, and a group that has been linked to over two-dozen murders and fire-bombings inside the U.S., maintains active training compounds inside the United States. Perhaps the largest – and their operational headquarters, is situated on 70 acres nestled in a remote and heavily secluded area on the western edge of the Catskill Mountains in New York state, about 40 miles southeast of Binghamton, NY.
WNYW-TV FOX 5 News did a report on the “Islamberg” Jamaat ul-Fuqra compound near Hancock.
A local Fox news affiliate in NYC did an extensive report on ‘Islamberg’ in upstate NY.
The reporter walked into the camp with a hidden camera. The place looked pretty barren with a few beat up trailers. There was a schoolbus which looked like it had been shot up. The reporter encountered 2 black Muslims who were actually kind of friendly. They said they did have guns and occasionally shot them off when celebrating weddings. Yeah right. The report mentioned the financial problems one of the leaders was having and how the IRS had confiscated his business.
They said that 9/11 was a part of some larger Jewish conspiracy.
They also spoke with a couple of townspeople. One gentleman said prior to 9/11 he had seen them training in fatigues but said they had been relatively quiet since.
When asked to see “the boss,” they were told he was in the city and wouldn’t be back until later, but then he showed up rather mysteriously. “The boss” was Hussain Abdallah, reportedly one of the early organizers of Fuqra in the United States and the guy that runs “786 Security” in Brooklyn. Abdallah said that his business had been raided by the IRS in Dec. 03 and the case was in process. The reporter said that a legal search of judgements or liens might turn something up. He owes something like $300K to the Feds and $40-50K to the state in taxes.
You see my town knows how to handle these jerks.When the Crips tried to move in here there was about 50 from LA cops watched them like hawks arrested them for everything from spitting on the sidewalk loitering littering crossing traffic lines not to mention the dope bust that went along with that.Our comunity was determined we were not going to let it get started here. and we didnt.If they resisted arrest they got the shit beat out of them.After six months they packed up there shit and left town with a bunch of outstanding warrants if they return.
You see my town knows how to handle these jerks.When the Crips tried to move in here there was about 50 from LA cops watched them like hawks arrested them for everything from spitting on the sidewalk loitering littering crossing traffic lines not to mention the dope bust that went along with that.Our comunity was determined we were not going to let it get started here. and we didnt.If they resisted arrest they got the shit beat out of them.After six months they packed up there shit and left town with a bunch of outstanding warrants if they return.
Hi Jack, that is great! It would be really something if all communities handled gangs and things like this the same way.