New Jersey graphic artist and Arab civil rights advocate, Michael Kabbash, speaks about his newly designed board game the Patriot Act. Seen above at his office in Hamilton, N.J. A parody of the Monopoly game, The Patriot Act pokes fun at the historic abuse of governmental powers by the recently-renewed anti-terrorism law. (AP Photo/Jose F. Moreno)
In this send-up of “Monopoly,” players don’t pass “Go” and they don’t go directly to jail — they go to Guantanamo Bay.
Instead of losing cash for landing on certain squares, they lose civil liberties. And the “Mr. Monopoly” character at the center of the board is replaced by a scowling former Attorney General John Ashcroft.
Patriot Act: The Home Version” pokes fun at “the historic abuse of governmental powers” by the recently renewed anti-terrorism law.
But while it may be fun, creator Michael Kabbash, a graphic artist and Arab civil rights advocate, is serious about how he feels the law has curtailed Americans’ freedom.
The object of the game is not to amass the most money or real estate, but to be the last player to retain civil liberties.
“I’ve had people complain to me that when they play, nobody wins. They say `We’re all in Guantanamo and nobody has any civil liberties left,'” he said. “I’m like `Yeah, that’s the point.'”
Kabbash decided to keep Ashcroft as the visual focus of the game, even though he stepped down in January 2005, because “he really is the icon that people associate with the Patriot Act.”
prewar comments, the “Go” space in is renamed “Bring It On!” Players roll the dice to determine how many civil liberties they start out with, accumulating them from a variety of categories: U.S. citizens get 5; non-citizens 1. Whites and Asians get 5; Arabs 1. Ultra right-wingers get 6; Democrats 3 or 4.
Instead of landing on, say Oriental Avenue, players land on a color-coded spaces corresponding to the national terror alert. A player who lands on a red space loses one civil liberty, as does anyone else within five spaces. A player who lands on an orange space gets to designate another player to lose one civil liberty.

More of the article about this ant-American game HERE
Amazing isn’t it, they live in this country, enjoy the freedom we have and then do shit like this.
I hope Hasbro sues his ass for every dime he has or will ever have. Because the AH stole the ‘look and feel’ of the real game. But things don’t look good for that ever happening. He’ll get away with it, which is a real shame.
Wonder where Mr. Kabastard is from?
Hi SparkS he will get away with it just like you said. And I am so disgusted by this.
All that for a little press coverage! He will probably sell 5000 copies of the game and they will all be purchased by the National Democrat Party (stored next to a bunch of copies of Hillary’s books). “Somehow” the MSM will pick up the story that “5000 copies of this game were sold in one day alone”.
Well, it’s been more or less true that Muslims have been killing other Muslims by the tens of thousands for the past millenium and a half. Kabbash seems to like that. The total number of murders of non-Muslims by Muslims, by comparison, has been a fraction of the localized killing and bloodthirsty behavior of Muslims in general and Islamofascists in particular towards people of their own kind and religion.
Kabbash is no exception, and as an “Arab Civil Rights advocate”, he’s conspring in the killing of thousands more Muslims by attempting to stand in the way of change in the Muslim World. The Patriot Act is one measure in the arsenal of detection which will enable us to win this war and introduce the seeds of change.
As Hitchens said recently, he lives for the time when the “last phony pacifist is strangled with the entrails of the last suicide-murderer”. Kabbash won’t be the last but he deserves the same treatment.
Yes Sierrahome, they will sell some but not the billions that he thought I bet.
Exaclty Rhod…..
“As Hitchens said recently, he lives for the time when the “last phony pacifist is strangled with the entrails of the last suicide-murderer”. Kabbash won’t be the last but he deserves the same treatment.”
I agree and he sure does deserve the same treatment.