Atlanta Journal Constitution
Jane Fonda’s name still raises the blood pressure of many Georgia veterans more than 30 years after her famous pose on a North Vietnamese anti-aircraft gun.
So the idea of honoring “Hanoi Jane” for her recent charitable and public service work didn’t go over too well with at least one member of the Georgia Senate on Wednesday.
Sen. Steen Miles (D-Decatur) (steen.miles@senate.ga.gov) introduced a resolution recognizing the two-time Academy Award-winning actress for her efforts to help women and children globally, particularly her work as the founder and chairwoman of the Georgia Campaign for Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention.
Senate Resolution 1189 seemed to breeze through the Senate without a raising an eyebrow — as do hundreds of honorary and commemorative resolutions each year. There’s no vote on these types of quick resolutions, and lawmakers very rarely object to them.
But Sen. John Douglas (R-Covington), (john.douglas@senate.ga.gov) a retired Army Major and the chairman of the Senate Veterans and Military Affairs Committee, stood as the Senate was adjourning and briefly voiced his strong opposition to the resolution.
His words provoked a strong response from Miles, who argued that Fonda’s work deserved recognition. “We have been very, very hypocritical when it comes to taking care of the least of these and the lost,” Miles said.
Miles’ speech, however, may have backfired. When she wrapped up, Douglas immediately made a motion for the Senate to reconsider its approval of SR 1189. The Senate will decide at 9 a.m. today.

Douglas had harsh words later in the day for Fonda, who has said she regretted the gesture on the anti-aircraft gun. “I think Jane Fonda is less worthy than any living American to be honored by our Senate and the people of Georgia,” Douglas said. “It starts off with her actions during the Vietnam War and it continues today. No amount of good work now will make up for her past actions against the military and our country.”

April, 1973 — Hanoi Jane Fonda calls the freed American prisoners “hypocrites and pawns,” insisting that…….
“Tortured men do not march smartly off planes, salute the flag, and kiss their wives. They are liars. I also want to say that these men are not heroes.”
“We were elated when Jane Fonda, wearing a red Vietnamese dress, said at a press conference that she was
ashamed of American actions in the war, and that she would struggle along with us.” –
Bui Tin, Colonel, People’s Army of Vietnam (PAVN)
Wild Thing’s comment……
Thank God for men like Senator Douglas.
I agree with Sen Douglas I think he should read the words of men that were prisoners over there like Paul Cary a Neighbor to my father in law and hundreds of others who this bitch called liars.She is devoid of honoror principle.It would be to the ever lasting shame of the State of Ga. to put this traitor up as noble.If she is not a traitor then who is?
I have sent an email to Sen miles enumerating Fonda’s crimes against America and the men that served this country and asked her to reconsider. I doubt she will. She seems to be a follower of Cinthia McKinney
Hi Jack I sent off emails too. I can’t just sit by and not speak up. Thanks Jack!!
Good job Jack.
Jane Fonda won’t outlive every Vietnam vet. As long as one of us is alive her treason will be remembered.
It appears she and her silly veggie bus tour have backed down from pissing off another generation. John kerry, however, is still speeding on the highway of stupid and is still practicing treason.
Oops, I kept getting a notice that the website was not responding as I was trying to post. Don’t ya just luv computers!
Hi Tom hahaha I sure do,I am addicted to computers but this time I had to ask for tech support. The pages were not loading for me from the main site. ugh. They said it is fixed now.
(I hope)
I remember the “FTA Tours” she and Donald Sutherland did. The “FTA”, standing for “F**K The Army” were mock USO tours performed outside military bases, ostensibly to encourage desertion and resistance to the Vietnam War among soldiers and Marines.
Over the years I’ve tried to unwrap my mind from the degraded skankslag Jane Fonda; if I don’t I’ll go nuts. It’s just ONE MORE EFFING THING that never seems to go away. I have to believe there’s a special hell for those who conspire with the monsters of the world the way she has.
A poll I read about last year showed that almost 75% of Vietnam vets would go back and do the same thing again…even knowing what we know now.
I would. In a minute.
Just heard about the 101st Air Assault units dropping into the area around Samarra in Operation Swarmer. I’m guessing my son is part of this, but am not sure. If so, he’ll do his best to stick it to Jane Fonda and her kind. God Bless America.
Thanks Tom
I will never forget or forgive the sorry bitch. I helped load to many peices of my friends on UH1″s to set back and not say something. I am a true capitolist. But it kills me to thinkmy fellow country men flocked to her movies enriching her after what she did.
A poll I read about last year showed that almost 75% of Vietnam vets would go back and do the same thing again…even knowing what we know now.
I would. In a minute.
A big ((((Hug)))for you and all my Vietnam Vets.
I am so proud of all of you.
I am watching the news about the bombing on TV at work. God I love our troops! I am so proud of your son Rhod, so very proud.
Hanoi Jane,what a waste of air!!she was a waste
then and still is but her time has passed and
frankly no one gives a damn…As for the Vietnam
vets,its like forget?? not on our watch!!!
USS FRANK KNOX DDR742 4/58-4/62
WT, if you can please keep us posted on the final results. I’m afraid I am not very optimistic it will get shot down. Politics today is such a ‘get along, go along’ job these days.
I agree with all the others about that traitorous
bitch. Some years ago I made my then wife get rid of a handful of exercise videos she had by that scum. Told her they would NOT be allowed under my roof.
Rhod, blessings to you and all my brothers in arms here. Prayers for your son and his mates for their safe return.
Thank you Subhunter for commenting. I agree with you….absolutely!
Thank you for serving our country, bet that makes Hanoi Jane angry too, to have such good men on our side heh heh.
Hi SparkS, I will and I agree with you. ON Sunday mornings I watch political talk shows and constantly the Republican will turn to the Democrat and say ” my friend ( so and so ) and then disagree with him/her. Never have I ever heard the Dem turn to the Rep. and start off with the “my friend ( so and so). I get so angry when I see the Rep. kissing up to the Dems like they do.
Thank you for commenting.
Thank you, Sparks. So far Swarmer seems like a round-up rather than a battle.
In my estimation there is no good reason that a traitor such as her is allowed to waste good American Air. But, those that supposedly practice the law are to feeble to do the job.