Why black sheep are barred and Humpty can’t be cracked
TRADITIONAL nursery rhymes are being rewritten at nursery schools to avoid causing offence to children.
Instead of singing “Baa baa, black sheep” as generations of children have learnt to do, toddlers in Oxfordshire are being taught to sing “Baa baa, rainbow sheep”.

The move, which critics will seize on as an example of political correctness, was made after the nurseries decided to re-evaluate their approach to equal opportunities.
In keeping with the new approach, teachers at the nurseries have reportedly also changed the ending of Humpty Dumpty so as not to upset the children and dropped the seven dwarfs from the title of Snow White.

Stuart Chamberlain, manager of the Family Centre in Abingdon and the Sure Start centre in Sutton Courtenay, Oxfordshire, told the local Courier Journal newspaper: “We have taken the equal opportunities approach to everything we do.
In keeping with the new approach, teachers at the nurseries have reportedly also changed the ending of Humpty Dumpty so as not to upset the children, and dropped the seven dwarfs from the title of Snow White.

As you all know there are sort of two names for my blog. It happened because my website is called Theodore’s World and one of the pages at my website is tited PC Free Zone Gazette. I have been so outraged at all the PC crap going on in the world for such long time I had to do an entire page to rant about it. Later it grew to having a blog. I stayed with both names because they are both me. That is why I wanted to keep both are at the top section of this page.
This is exactly the kind of BS that steams me. This changing shit that has nothing wrong with it. The touchie feeling left once again destroying perfectly good things. Then add in the financial cost of their doing this.
Before moving to Florida 3 years ago, we lived in Malibu, California. Due to heavy rains and mudslides one year a bridge went out that made it possible to go from Malibu ( a beach community) into the city of Santa Monica. One could take the bridge along Pacific Coast HWY. instead of the extremely long way around through the canyons and then the long drive in the valley.
For over a year the city of Malibu would not fix the bridge and why????? Because some freakin fish lived there, under the bridge and they did not want to disturb it. BITE Me! How stupid is that for a reason. But this is an example of how these liberal, leftie idiots think and run things.

* Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler
* The Fall of Jericho
Chrissie It drives me nuts. Of course the writers of these nursery rhymes have long departed but dont they owe intellectual honesty to these artist work. By the way how did you come upwith the name Theodores World?
Hi Jack one of the St.Bernards I had named Theodore and St. Bernards almost always live to be 8 years old. Not much longer due to their size. I had St.Bernards all my life even as a child. All of them made it to 8 years old.
Theodore at 5 years old got stomach cancer and passed away within weeks of getting it. He never had a chance to make it the full 8 years.
So this is kind of a tribute to him to call it Theodore.
You know Jack, you have a good point. I wonder how they deal with the actual author’s family of the nursery rhymes. Maybe there is no problem with it but some things that are written like that have copywrite etc.