Our reply to Carter!

Carter urges troop withdrawal from Iraq
SEATTLE — Former President Jimmy Carter criticized the war in Iraq on Wednesday, urging a troop drawdown as the United States enters its fourth year of conflict in Iraq.
“It was a completely unnecessary war. It was an unjust war,” said Carter, the 2002 Nobel Peace Prize winner. “It was initiated on the basis of false pretenses. All of those are true, but we can’t just pre-emptively withdraw.”
Sick old man. Maybe he will withdraw from America and noisily retire to one of the hellhole paradises he cares so much for, like Cuba.
Tom haha I bet even Castro doesn’t even want him. heh heh
I can see it now, Carter on a small boat rowing himself to the shores of Cuba trying to get in. Castor sitting back in his chair smoking a cigar and smiling shaking his head no peanut brain… no way. heh heh
Thanks for commenting Tom.
Mr. Carter, your entire presidency was a false pretense, as was your worthless Nobel Peace Prize.
Hi RWR, it sure was, thanks.
Jimmah Carter what a waste of flesh. If you took his brain out and replaced it with the ham hock I am about to put in a pot of beans it would be an improvement.I dont know how this country survived 4 years of that meathead.
Hi Jack pretty amazing isn’t it. I will never understand how Carter and Clinton got elected.
And ROR, didn’t Carter share the prize with Arafat? Good pair. The sadist and the masochist.
maybe Carter will end up being one of Arafats 70 virgins.Bend over Jimmah
Jack omg hahahaa too funny