Many of you will remember the story of Pfc. Joshua Sparling, the wounded soldier who received a disgusting death-wish greeting card in December while hospitalized at Walter Reed Army Hospital.
Audio from Joshua Sparling being interviewed on the Sean Hannity radio show.
Sparling’s leg will have to be amputated below the knee–but he wants to “get back to [Fort Bragg] and “jump right back in his unit (the 82nd Airborne).” We are so fortunate to have men like Pfc. Sparling. He will be needing the halo device currently attached to his leg for the next 9 months or so in order that bone growth below the knee continues to progress so that the amputation can be done below the knee which is a much better scenario when it comes to the use of advanced prosthetics.
He wants to rejoin his 82nd Airborne unit after his recovery!
He also had some choice words in the interview regarding the terrorist
in North Carolina who ran over the students and for Jay Bennish’s statements
comparing the American flag to the nazi flag.
Joshua also mentioned that he finally gets to go home to Michigan for a month
coming up here shortly.
Colonel Ollie North was also in on the interview with Sean and Joshua.
Wild Thing’s comment……
My prayers are with you Joshua, you are in all of our hearts, minds and prayers.
Here is his address where you can write to him:
PFC Joshua Sparling
c/o Walter Reed Army Medical Center
6900 Georgia Avenue N.W.
AIRBORNE!, Pfc Sparling. A number of amputees have returned to active duty, and several have actually returned to jump status.
ALL THE WAY Pfc Sparling!
Wow Tom that is amazing! Our Troops rock they really do I am so proud of them. I just wish I could thank every single one of them in person. And their families too, that would be great.
Interviews with military personnel are usually interesting and enlightening.
Here’s one I did recently.
Thank you RWR for sharing.