Condi Rice: Hello…hello…..Jimmy who?…..I’m sorry,we have a very bad connection.
Carter personally called Secretary of State Rice to try to convince her to reverse her U.N. ambassador’s position on changes to the U.N. Human Rights Commission, the former president recalled yesterday in a talk in which he also criticized President Bush’s Christian bona fides and misstated past American policies on Israel.
Mr. Carter said he made a personal promise to ambassadors from Egypt, Pakistan, and Cuba on the U.N. change issue that was undermined by America’s ambassador, John Bolton. “My hope is that when the vote is taken,” he told the Council on Foreign Relations, “the other members will outvote the United States.”
While other former presidents have tried to refrain from attacking the sitting chief executive, Mr. Carter’s attacks on President Bush have increased. The episode he recounted yesterday showed how he tried to undermine officials at lower levels in an effort to influence policy.
The story, as Mr. Carter recalled, began with a recent dinner for 17 he attended in New York, where the guests included the president of the U.N. General Assembly, Jan Eliasson; an unidentified American representative, and other U.N. ambassadors from “powerful” countries at Turtle Bay, of which he mentioned only three: Cuba, Egypt, and Pakistan. The topic was the ongoing negotiations on an attempt to replace the widely discredited Geneva-based Human Rights Commission with a more accountable Human Rights Council.
“One of the things I assured them of was that the United States was not going to dominate all the other nations of the world in the Human Rights Council,” Mr. Carter said. However, on the next day, Carter said, Mr. Bolton publicly “demanded” that the five permanent members of the Security Council will have permanent seats on the new council as well, “which subverted exactly what I have promised them,” Carter said.
Wild Thing’s comment……….
The day that twisted traitorous bastard drops dead I swear I will dance in the street.
What right does this has-been wannabe have to go to other nations and make promises committing the United States?
Three Cheers for John Bolton for subverting the promises Carter made the UN. Bolton showed them that Jimmy Carter is a nobody who is only all talk and has no inherent power. Carter was a disgrace as a president and even more so as an ex president. He should go back to building houses for Habitat for Humanity.
HI Bob,Bolton did great. I am so glad he is there now. Thank you Bob for commenting.
Carter is rotted, corroded from within by his religion. NOT Christianity, which isn’t his religion, but the depraved notion that his inspirations are divine, because he thinks of himself that way. Carter is psychotic, and maybe worse, a psychopath.
In one of his books, the deranged bastard even claims that the American Revolution was unncecssary; that negotiations would have resolved our differences with Britain. Consider a remark like that, and you realize that the only thing operating in this dipshit’s head is stupidity and vanity so volcanic that it erupts and stains the nature of human thought itself.
A mind and heart so putrid redefines what it means to be an upright and rational animal. Having to witness this piece of shit wandering through the world makes you wish for his death or your own. When I see Carter’s bug-eyed face and slack, drooling jaw, for some reason I feel what I felt when I first saw the gaunt faces in those photos of Auschwitz. Something beyond disgust comes over you, something so awful it’s in a new category of human experience. Carter is evil. Period.
OMG Rhod I never knew about his books. That is horrible!!!!
Thank you so much for informing me even more about him. I have always felt the same way as you described about him. This info. just adds to it.
What gets me too are those that say, “well he wasn’t that bad.” and some of those I have heard say this are so called Republicans. grrrrrrrrr
THAT BAD????????? Oh my god!!!! He is satan.
Thanks again Rhod.
Jimmy Carter, the president who invaded Iran with 5 helicopters and a couple C-130s.
Very interesting stuff Rhod. I had no idea Carter held those beliefs.
Thank God for Ronald Reagan.