02 Mar

News From The Bunker Notebook


This is a new Category at Theodore’s World. 
It will be about the things shared in emails from 
our troops and other Americans that are 
located in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Theodore’s World is very aware of how 
loose lips endanger our troops and other Americans 
working in the hot zones, so at all times great care will be 
taken in how much information is posted. 

Some notes will be directly from the troops 
and other notes from those such
as employees with Halliburton and others.


This note arrived last night and it is regarding the recent news of Presidnet Bush and his surprise visit to Afghanistan


” Something kind of cool happened today.
The largest mobile phone service in the country is called Iraqna.
Today, the company sent a text message to every single user. (I have an Iraqna cell phone.) It was in Arabic. I had it translated and it said “God is great, God is good. Please come together and pray for peace in Iraq.”
Every one of us got one and every user around the country did.
I thought that was encouraging.”
from one of the contractors with Haliburton on the banks of the Tigris, Baghdad, Iraq


Wild Thing’s comment……
This made me smile and I wanted to share it with all of you.
