Pakistani children carry a mock coffin wrapped with a U.S. flag, wearing yellow headbands that says, ‘There is no God but God.,Muhammad is the Prophet of God,’ during a rally against the publication of cartoons depicting Islamic Prophet Muhammad printed by some Western newspapers, Tuesday, Feb. 28, 2006 in Karachi, Pakistan. (AP Photo)

Pakistani Shiite Muslim women take part in a rally to condemn the bombing on the Golden Mosque, one of Shiite Islam’s holiest sites in the Iraqi city of Samarra, in Karachi, Pakistan
Wild Thing’s comment……………
The first photo are chidren that they let out of school early so they could protest. Now how do you like that, we had schools in our country do the same thing so they could protest the war in Iraq. Remember how the teachers told the kids that if they did not protest they would be written up as missing school that day as a punishment. Just more of the left in our country being similar to these protesting Muslims.
In the second photo of course they are blaming the USA. Aren’t we just awful to want to fight terrorism and bring freedom to a land that never had it before. Shame on us. (NOT)