28 Feb

How About A New Muslim Holiday: Islam’s Extinction

It’s Time to Put Muslim Holidays in US Calendars
By Jane Jewell
Al-Jazeerah, February 25, 2006
Dear Muslims in America,
May I suggest that it is time you got yourselves established as part of the American Way of Life, and not people of a religion that belongs to ‘them’ and not to ‘us’.
I have been sending the following email to various calendar makers. You may like to do the same and get your holidays included in the 2007 calendars.
I have noticed that many calendars in the USA list the Christian and the Jewish holidays, but not the Muslim ones.
As there are now 8 million Muslims in the USA, exceeding the 6 million Jews, Islam is now the second most popular religion in the USA, after Christianity.
I feel that their holidays should also be included in the yearly calendars.
Here is the list of Muslim Holidays that could be included on 2007 calendars.
BTW, if you are wondering why the dates of the Muslim Holidays are 10 or 11 days earlier each year, it is because they follow the lunar year, which is about 355 days.
So the dates for 2007 will not work for 2008!
Look forward to hearing from you.
Jane Jewell,
‘14 friends of Palestine, Marin’, founder.
Jane and Chris Jewell [mailto:jewellcj@jewellfamily.com]
Her suggestions are:
Muharram (Islamic New Year)
Mawlid Al-Nabi (Muhammad’s Birthday)
Ramadan begins
Eid Al-Fitr (Ramadan ends)
Eid Al-Adha (Festival of Sacrifice)


Wild Thing’s comment…..
There must be a mistake with the article. I noticed some ommissions —
~National Beheading the Infidel Day – many separate days during a year.
~Taking off the Burka Day – December 1st -Done once per year for bathing behind locked doors.
~Love your Goat! Day – Coincides with first day of spring.
~National Week of Martyrs – Always first full week of every month.
~Blow up your kids Day – celebrating how well unloved children of Islam learn how to be suicide bombers
~Family Rock Throwing Day – Ah, this is another daily day kind of thing, never mind…

When I grow I want to be Theodore’s World!
Sorry for not visting earlier.*hangs head in shame*
Btw-you ARE “officially” on my blogroll now.
Barb of The Annoying Little Twerp

Wild Thing says:

Hi Barb, it is so nice to see you. Thank you so much.