
‘Sir! No Sir!’ details how wartime experiences led some U.S. troops to join the peace movement.
Hanoi Jane Fonda Going to Mill Valley, CA Feb. 22
(“Sir,No Sir” Vietnam anti-war era documentary)
An intimate film preview and fundraiser for the award-winning documentary Sir! No Sir! Hosted by Jane Fonda and filmmaker David Zeiger, featuring special guest Maria Muldaur Wednesday, February 22 6:30pm Reception 7:30pm Program $100 Guest $250 Sponsor (includes 2 tickets)
Co-Hosts Janice Anderson-Gram and Carole Simon Mills invite you to join Jane Fonda and filmmaker David Zeiger at an intimate fundraiser for the award-winning documentary Sir! No Sir!, a film about the thousands of GIs whose courageous rebellion helped end the war in Vietnam.
“Anyone waging war with American troops might want to listen carefully to the largely untold story of David Zeiger’s new documentary…”–Los Angeles Times
Reception with Jane Fonda begins the evening at 6:30pm. A screening of Sir! No Sir!, moderated by Jane and David will begin at 7:30pm along with a live musical performance with Grammy nominee Maria Muldaur.
Host Committee for this evening: Celia Alario, Medea Benjamin…CODE PINK , Parker Blackman, Peter Broderick, Mike Brune, Larry Carlin, Ron H. Cowan, Cathy Dreyfuss, Jodie Evans, Jonathon Frieman, Lila Garrett, David Harris, Mayme & Jay Hubert, Pat Hunt, Davoud Ismaili, Pamela & Marty Krasney, Country Joe McDonald, Robert Meyer, Nick & Sloane Morgan, Maria Muldaur, Holly Near, Greg Price, Annie Roney, John Sellers, Gail Silva and Ina Tabibian
Sponsors: Be The Media, DFA-Marin, Global Exchange, Iraq Veterans Against the War, MMOB, with LeaveMyChildAlone.org, San Francisco Veterans for Peace

Jane Fonda “I would think that if you understood what communism was, you would hope, you would pray on your knees, that we would someday become communist.” ……..Jane Fonda of Hanoi Jane notoriety at a discussion with students, at Michigan State University, 1970
Wild Thing’s comment…..
She just won’t go away!! OH how I wish she would just leave this country and never come back.
If we can’t be a country that punishes traitors like Fonda, Kerry, Gore, Carter and others then
can’t we at least make it where they no longer can be allowed to live in America?
A Vietnam Veterans poem…..Thank you Mark
We suffered in silence for 30+ years
Scorned and ridiculed, we shed a few tears
Jane Fonda, John Kerry what do you hear ?
The millions of Vets singing out-loud and clear
When all of the votes were finally tallied
Some will asked perplexed, why Kerry never rallied
Pundits and pollsters will be confused
While we Vietnam Vets will be simply amused
For we will know the reason you see ?
It is no mystery for you and me
All the other hurdles Kerry was able to surmount
It was the 58,000 Votes he thought would NOT count.
You are invited to visit my Vietnam Page at my website
We suffered in silence for 30+ years
Scorned and ridiculed, we shed a few tears
Jane Fonda, John Kerry what do you hear ?
The millions of Vets singing out-loud and clear
When all of the votes were finally tallied
Some will asked perplexed, why Kerry never rallied
Pundits and pollsters will be confused
While we Vietnam Vets will be simply amused
For we will know the reason you see ?
It is no mystery for you and me
All the other hurdles Kerry was able to surmount
It was the 58,000 Votes he thought would NOT count.
Don’t worry Wild Thing. Jane friggn Fonda lives in a small world, and getting even smaller, of leftist elitists in Hollywood and DC. Her veggie powered peace bus tour did not even get started.
She will get a few news banners once in a while, but she is a has been.
Hi Mark, thank you so much that wonderful. I added your poem to my post and also I added it
to my Vietnam page at my website.
Thank you again.
And thank you for serving our country Mark.
Welcome Home!
Hi Tom, thank you so much! Thank you for being here and for your comments about this.
It makes my heart hurt for all my wonderful Vietnam Vets. Thank you again!!!
That witch, ‘Hanoi Jane’ has been a non-healing festering wound for the past 35 years, She and Kerry should have been tried for treason. But kerry had connections with the Kennedys and when carter was elected, he granted a blanket amnesty to draft dodgers and protestors.
Funny thing after the amnesty, all of kerrys ribbons and badges were re-issued, there is only two reasons for that: first he was dishonorably discharged,(It is hard to believe that the Navy didn’t do something, and it looks like they did, but it was superceded by that slack jawed carter) for participating in the VVAW, and his meetings with a known enemy of this country, at that time Madame Binh in Paris, (At least one of his meetings is well documented)or he was given a Bad Conduct discharge. Either way that story has never come out. He has yet to release all of his records.
In his debate with Leutenant John O’Neill, Kerry claimed that the communists would not try to decimate their own country men, when Ted Kennedy had the aid cut off to South Vietnam, the NVA slaughtered a half-million people and this opened the door for Pol pot, Dick Turbins favorite reference to our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.
This is what the communists are good for slaughtering thousands of people. We were winning that war and we went all out then the president quit on us, Lyndon Baines Johnson, we didn’t quit on him. It was after that I think everything went south.
Apparently she has strong supporters at the University of Washington where they voted down a memorial to Pappy Boyington.
But a proposal to erect a memorial in his honor was voted down by the Student Senate. Some students questioned why the university should honor a person who killed others or even honor a Marine.
Picnic 2006-02-18
Today's picnic basket of items from my blogroll.
Wild Thing (PC Free Zone) looks at the enemy within
VW Bug (One Happy Dog Speaks) says, with kids, you got to be careful about what comes out either end
Metaphysically Wrinkle Free celebrated an an…
Bob that makes me furious! Thank you for the link and telling about it.
What horrible people they are and users of our freedom that came at such a high cost and they won’t even give credit to those that gave it to them. Grrrrrr!
Mark and I have pushed the Fonda issue around on other blogs…Mark’s a Marine, I’m Army, but all VN vets and real Americans (Fonda isn’t an American, she’s an actress) experience the same revulsion over this putrid slag.
She had a “show” many years ago with Donald Sutherland, which was “The FTO Show”, in mockery of USO shows, and “FTO” stood for Fu*k the Army. They appeared outside military bases. Luckily for them, the general mood of the times militated against the urge to kill them outright, but such was our mistake.
Every generation since the invention of the performing stage has viewed actors as the lowest form of human life. That changed briefly with the invention of film and the studio system, which brought us the “star” system.
Only one generation of actors, the WWII generation, was different, in large part because the antics of a shithead like Fonda would have been impossible with the studio heads of the old days.
But Fonda and Clooney, and all the parasitic, narcissistic, essentially stupid freaks in show business are dysfunctional to start with. Robert Mitchum spent his life lamenting the fact that he wasn’t doing “a man’s job”, but he liked the money and admitted it. He was the exception. Fonda and her kind are smearing themselves for attention. Toddlers do it with their own feces, Fonda and the rest do it with politics.
Rhod every word you said is so true.
There are a few in showbiz that do their craft because they love what they do and truly don’t want to have any other vocation and they HATE with all they are how the 99.9 percent of the rest of Hollywood is and believes. They go to work, do their thing and go home and do not even socialize with the rest of Hollywood at all. I know that is what my husband and I did the entire time we were doing our work in the industry.
But everything you said about Hollywood is absolutely true! And you said it perfect! They punish those if they speak up in whatever way they can. They hate the military most of them and could care less how they obtained the freesoms they have. They are socialist and communists and mouth off about it to whoever will listen. It makes me sick!
Thanks for commenting Rhod and thank you for telling me about how you and Mark have taken the Fonda thing on in blogs. I am proud of both of you. It makes me mad though you know why???
Because you served our country, you did your fighting and Fonda and the rest should be gone and not still pushing their agenda like they do. It is not fair for you to have to fight twice so to speak.
If you’ve worked in that industry, my remarks must seem naive. When I think of it, very few of those who qualify for star status seem to be of the Fonda kind. Lots of wannabes, though, like the jug-eared dimwit Julia Roberts.
For Mark and me, it’s almost over. The Kerry candidacy was a watershed moment, and we got to talk to each other. We’re also very grateful for people like you. Most of us never wanted anything other than to be left alone and to not be publically reviled or stereotyped. No complaints; life’s a roll of the dice.
But Hollywood produced so many cheap frauds, from Full Metal Jacket to Platoon to Apocalypse Now, and even the relatively harmless Deer Hunter stirred the pot, and left indelible images of us that were neither accurate, sympathetic or even dispassionate.
This was not good for us, and even more dangerous for a nation in danger. Soldiers who are reduced to the level of cartoons, by either side of the issue, will always know about it, and will end up questioning the motives of the nation.
Thank you again. No need to respond to this.