Army Staff Sgt. Clarence Hutton watches an intersection in Sadr City, Iraq, as he provides security for other soldiers on Jan. 12, 2006. Hutton is attached to the Army’s 4th Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division, deployed to Iraq from Fort Campbell, Ky. DoD photo by Spc. Teddy Wade, U.S. Army. (Released)

U.S. Army soldiers from Alpha Company, 3rd Special Troops Battalion, 3rd Brigade, 101st Airborne Division prepare to unload two armored Caterpillar D9 bulldozers from their carriers at Al Butoma, Iraq, on Jan. 11, 2006. The soldiers will use the bulldozers to construct berms for security in Al Butoma. DoD photo by Spc. Jose Ferrufino, U.S Army. (Released)

U.S. Army Lt. Eric Robinson, assigned to Bravo Battery, 4th Battalion, 320th Field Artillery Regiment, 101st Airborne Division, briefs his soldiers before a sweep for weapons and items used to make improvised explosive devices in Baghdad, Iraq
Wild Thing’s comment……
Thank you to our troops from everyone here at Theodore’s World. You are in our thoughts and prayers every day.
Great stuff, WT. My son’s outfit. Now if I can only get him to write home…the ungrateful wretch.
Hi Rhod, I am so glad it is your son’s outfit.
Some are better at writing then others. I hope he writes you soon.
haha you are so funny.