From YNet News
Hizbullah leader, responding to U.S. charges that Syria and Iran organized Muslim protests against Muhammad cartoons, says: ‘We’ll defend our prophet not just with our voices but with our blood. Muslims must continue to demonstrate until an apology is made’
Charm offensive? Hizbullah leader Hassan Nasrallah, speaking in front of Shiite Muslims marking the holiday of Ashura, told U.S. President George Bush and Secretary of State Rice to ‘Shut their mouths!’
Nasrallah told Muslims around the world to continue to protest against the cartoons on Islam’s prophet Muhammad until an apology for their publication is made, and until Europe passes laws forbidding any insults of Muhammad.
“The defense of the prophet must continue around the world. Condoleezza Rice and Bush and all of the other despots should shut their mouths. We the Islamic ummah (Muslim nation) cannot tolerate in silence or show flexibility when they insult the prophet and our holy values. We will keep (the faith) as emissaries of Allah, not just with our voice but also with our blood,” said Nasrallah.
On Wednesday evening, during a joint press conference with Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, Rice condemned the violent riots around the Muslim world, saying that Iran and Syria were going out of their way to inflame passions, using them for their aims, and that the world must confront them over the activities.
Iran totally denied the charges, with Iran’s Vice President Isfandiar Rahim calling Rice’s statements a “100 percent lie.” Damascus has yet to respond to the comments.
This vile person also said this:

Al-Manar TV aired this speech on February 18 and 19, 2005
Hassan Nasrallah:”Israel is our enemy. This is an aggressive, illegal, and illegitimate entity, which has no future in our land. Its destiny is manifested in our motto: “Death to Israel, Death to America !”
Wild Thing’s comment…….
I would love to see Condi put her hand on her hip, snap her fingeer, and say, “Now I KNOW you didn’t just tell ME to shut up…..”
I think maybe it’s time we, the US, back off a bit and let Israel finally carry out what God commanded them to do back in the Old Testament.
Deuteronomy 7:2 – And when the LORD thy God shall deliver them before thee; thou shalt smite them, and utterly destroy them; thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor shew mercy unto them
Deuteronomy 20:17 – But thou shalt utterly destroy them; namely, the Hittites, and the Amorites, the Canaanites, and the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites; as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee
NOTE: Israel failed to carry out God’s commands and they are now paying the price for it as the Islamists are the descendents of the peoples mentioned in the verse above.
Bob has provided the scriptural setting for the war that is certainly coming. I don’t know enough of the topic to agree or disagree that Israel has the prophetic requirement to eliminate this cancer in the world.
But I do know this. What we see brewing in these hideous, primitive lands is a Pan-Arab kind of fascism, combined with a variation on the mysticism that Germans of the 1930’s saw in the Teutonic legends and brought to their politics.
It fills the adherent with a sense of destiny that exists outside the tangible world, and ends in acts of unbelievable cruelty, delusions, and outright madness. The battle shaping up is one between Rationalism and its opposite (whatever it is), and I suspect these people will need killing, in numbers that will stagger us if we knew what they were.
I’m now convinced that events have overtaken us in Iraq, and we need to prepare for an explosion there which will make our democratic policies seem quaint and old-fashioned. The dogs of war are loose now, and we need to mobilize.
Bob thank you for the Bible verses. It is true, God commanded them to do what the verses say. You are right about the Islamists being the descendents of the people in the verses.
Thank you for reminding me about this. I had been taught this long ago and I guess my mind just filed it away with not in my life time kind of thing. Thank you!
Rhod what you said is true to the core of all that is happening. It needed to be said!!!! You put into words the feeling I keep having in my gut about all that is happening.
The strnoger my gut feels these things, the harder I pray for our troops,and for those on here that have loved ones serving now. I wrote to one of the guys the other day that he is living history that very likely will change the world.
Thank you Rhod for your comments.
I can tell you this. I haven’t heard from the Baghadad son in a month, which always means something. They’re busy or preoccupied or incommunicado.
His twin brother, on his way to Afghanistan in a couple weeks has had significant change of mission and orders just in the past couple days. Much, much, much different mission, but info not for here and not now.
The oldest, the been-there-done-that guy is also mum on his coming deployment. This is new.
Something is afoot.
The third son,
Rhod, I have a list at my nightstand of those that have told me they have a loved ones serving now. I pray for each one every day. Not that I am special I am not, nor that my prayers are heard any more then anyone elses. But I have such a love and respect for those serving and for their families that have to wait and wait and hope and pray that their loved ones are OK.
Thank you for sharing about your sons Rhod it means a lot to me. I agree something is up and I wondered too, if when Bush held back on sending more troops, and they even pulled some of the Army out and are replacing them with some Navy in Iraq…..I was wondering if maybe they are wanting some of our troops to be on hold for something else just in case.
Your sons are in my prayers and please keep me updated either on here on in an email whichever you are more comfortable with.