03 Feb

NAACP Chairman Compares GOP To Nazis


Civil rights activist and NAACP Chairman Julian Bond delivered a blistering partisan speech at Fayetteville State University in North Carolina last night, equating the Republican Party with the Nazi Party and characterizing Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and her predecessor, Colin Powell, as “tokens.”
“The Republican Party would have the American flag and the swastika flying side by side,” he charged.
Calling President Bush a liar, Bond told the audience at the historically black institution that this White House’s lies are more serious than the lies of his predecessor’s because Clinton’s lies didn’t kill people.
We now find ourselves refighting old battles we thought we had already won,” he said. “We have to fight discrimination whenever it raises its ugly head.”

Wild Thing’s comment…….
Julian Bond, Julian Bond, didn’t he used to be somebody? Hahaha What a moron. Bond is a punk. So is Belafonte. They’re `60s throwbacks. OK Julian, you are definitely off the NAACP Kwanzaa list! My bad!
Bond told the audience at the historically black institution that this White House’s lies are more serious than the lies of his predecessor’s because Clinton’s lies didn’t kill people. (hmmmm shall we ask Vince Foster and several others that are DEAD????)
Hey Julian, Walter Williams, Tom Sowell, J.C. Watts, Clarence Thomas……All Brilliant. All Black. All mainstream American conservatives.

He referred to former Attorney General John Ashcroft as J. Edgar Ashcroft. He compared Bush’s judicial nominees to the Taliban.
The talk so infuriated at least one black family in attendance among the 900 in the auditorium that they got up and walked out in protest.
“He went on and on name calling,” said Lee Wilson. “I walked out in the middle of his speech with my wife and three kids”
The harsh partisan rhetoric from Bond should not have surprised anyone who has followed him in recent years.
In July 2001, Bond said, “[Bush] has selected nominees from the Taliban wing of American politics, appeased the wretched appetites of the extreme right wing, and chosen Cabinet officials whose devotion to the Confederacy is nearly canine in its uncritical affection.”

BobF says:

What a jerk Bond is calling Powell and Rice tokens. Doesn’t that fool realize the Secretary of State represents the United States to the rest of the world? When the Sec of State says something or commits this nation in the world scene, it’s upheld by the president and congress. You don’t have a token in that position.
Maybe that fool didn’t read this: http://www.usatoday.com/news/washington/2004-12-09-diverse-usat_x.htm
By Susan Page, USA TODAY
WASHINGTON — With little fanfare and not much credit, President Bush has appointed a more diverse set of top advisers than any president in history…
Bush did not go out and say, ‘I’m going to create an administration that looks like America,’ which is how Clinton led off,” says Paul Light, a political scientist at New York University who has studied presidential appointments. “He has just gone about recruiting a diverse Cabinet as an ordinary act. That’s remarkable in the sense it sends to future administrations: ‘This is just the way we’re going to do business.’ “…
On the Democratic side, we see that and we say, ‘Hmmm,’ ” says Donna Brazile, who was Al Gore’s campaign manager in 2000 and is African-American. She credits Bush with instinctively believing that surrounding himself with able women and people of color helps him make better decisions — a lesson she says some Democratic officeholders and candidates have yet to absorb.
Julian Bond would better serve the Black People by shutting his mouth and doing a little research. Unfortunately he’s no different that Jesse Jackson and instead of leading others, they are controlling them through lies and fear.

Wild Thing says:

Bob, thank you so much for the link and your post!!

Rhod says:

Bond use to be a bright young star in the Dem Party. But identity politics eventually corrupts everyone involved in it, chiefly because the “identity” part serves as a kind of uber-explanation for everything you don’t like, and it undermines critical thinking.
Marxism is the highest example of this kind of bullsh**, and the Labor Movement in the US ended the same way. Once you begin to think of yourself as defined by race, or any other qualifying and quantifying factor, you lose your soul.
One of the smartest things Aynn Rand ever said was that the idea of The Comman Man was the most insidious precept of the 20th century. There is no such thing, unless you think of yourself that way. And once you do, you’re doomed to commoness in everything you attempt. This is true of Bond and his followers, with the idea of blackness as the governing principle.
Bond lives in perpetual moral and intellectual darkness, and so do the ignorant mobs he speaks for. This is their punishment, and they deserve it.

Jack says:

It’s the poverty pimps like Bond, Jackson and Sharpton who do the devils bidding as useful idiots of the Communists that are keeping the black people enslaved. Enslaved to their way of thinking. Some are awakening to the reality but it’s so slow with these idiots getting preferential treatment by the media. We need more leaders with the courage of Jesse Peterson, who will stand up to them and provide solid programs for improvement.

Wild Thing says:

Rhod, excellent and this “And once you do, you’re doomed to commoness in everything you attempt”…..is so true.
Thank you so much for commenting.

Wild Thing says:

Jack I agree and like you said, Jesse Peterson, he is a good person to mention for this and there are others.
Thank you so much for commenting.

Robert says:

The naacp should be reportes to the irs because
they are a political group and should not be tax exempt

Wild Thing says:

Robert yep and they sure get away with a lot! Good one, thank you.