30 Jan

Hershey, PA Must Just Love Mayor Ray Nagin or Not

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In New Orleans, outside City Hall, Mayor Ray Nagin called for “black people … to come together. It’s time for us to rebuild New Orleans — the one that should be a chocolate New Orleans … a majority African American city.”
Nagin further commented that “It’s the way God wants it to be. You can’t have New Orleans no other way.” While he was in the process of reading the Almighty’s mind, he added, “Surely God is mad at America. He sent us hurricane after hurricane after hurricane, and it’s destroyed and put stress on this country.” And he added, “Surely he doesn’t approve of us being in Iraq under false pretenses.”

RightToCarry says:

This moron reminds me of Howie Dean. Nagin’s deck of cards only has two cards, and they’re the Jokers.
There is only one other politician in Louisiana that comes close to Nagin, the dimwit Governor Blanco.
A portion of the blame for what happened before and after hurricane Katrina sits squarely on Nagin and Blanco’s shoulders. Why? LA & New Orleans have a long history of political corruption. Corrupt government equals ineffective government.
Poor to no disaster plans in effect at the city or state level. Poor judgement on the part of the City of New Orleans. City lawyers debated for two days about the possible lawsuits if the city was evacuated, and then nothing happened. Things did happen and the delay to evacuate wrecked havoc.
Just my 2 cents

Wild Thing says:

RightToCarry thank you so much for the link.
Everything you said is right on target!!!!
Thank you so much for your comment.