In this photo released by Venezuela’s Miraflores Press, Venezuela’s President Hugo Chavez embraces visiting U.S. peace activist Cindy Sheehan, left, whose son was killed in Iraq, and Elma Beatriz Rosado, the widow of slain Puerto Rican nationalist Filiberto Ojeda Rios during his national broadcast ‘Hello President’ in Caracas, Venezuela, Sunday, Jan. 29, 2006. All three joined in condemning the government of U.S. President George W. Bush
Sheehan’s trip was paid for by Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. Thousands of international activists have gathered in Caracas for the sixth World Social Forum, to protest against war, U.S. economic policies and of course meet other low lifes!

I would like to know if cindy sheehan is really
a man We know she is a moron defaming her son’s
You know what Robert, I feel really stupid. Yesterday I just read that she has three other children. ( one other son and two daughters). I never knew that before.
She never cared about Casey when he was alive from the information I have read. And now we also see how she treats her other children as well. I never see photos of her with them on all her traveling around.
Thank you for commenting.
She has a political agenda and is using her son’s coffin as her podium.
She’s an idiot who has distorted the fact that her son was a hero who loved his country and wanted to serve in the military, making it a career.
“It’s all he wanted to do was serve God and his country his whole life,” his sister, Carly Sheehan, told the Associated Press shortly after his death. “He was a Boy Scout from age six or seven and [an] Eagle Scout. It was kind of a natural progression to go into the military from that. He said he was enjoying the military because it was just like the Boy Scouts, but they got guns.”
Allison Corrigan, a family friend, said that Casey, who had reenlisted after the start of hostilities in Iraq, “definitely is one of those people who lived his life through a higher calling. He knew there was something big he was supposed to be part of.”
On a memorial website devoted to Casey’s memory, friends Judy and Jim Brennan recall Casey as “a person of dignity and purpose. Being in the military was important to him.”
Reading these things about Casey tells me he was an extraordinary individual in spite of his mother. It’s too bad his mother has belittled his beliefs and his love for his country.
OH Bob it is sooo sad. She had such an amazing son, someone she could and should be proud of.
Thank you so much for the link and the information.
Sheenhan as a new rider on her coat trails. The widow Elma Beatriz Rosado. Her slain husband was a Puerto Rican nationalist, (communist). I did a goole search on his name. Almost all the hits where from fellow nationalist and communist groups. Filiberto Ojeda Rios was of the mind that violence was a good way to win the hearts and minds of Puerto Ricans. The only balanced report about his death and why he was on the FBI’s most wanted list is in the one article. Sheehan stoops deep in the muck again.
RightToCarry she is really getting down and dirty on a road that has no return. Thanks for the link and the information I really appreciate it.