REUTERS/Jorge Silva

(AP Photo/Fernando Llano)
By Melanie Hunter
CNSNews.com Senior Editor
January 27, 2006
(CNSNews.com) – Anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan has threatened to run for Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s (D-Calif.) seat unless Feinstein filibusters Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito.
Sheehan, who was in Caracas, Venezuela Friday attending the World Social Forum, heard that several Democrats planned to filibuster Alito but that Feinstein, who is up for re-election in November, announced that she will vote against Alito but would not filibuster the nomination.
“I’m appalled that Diane Feinstein wouldn’t recognize how dangerous Alito’s nomination is to upholding the values of our constitution and restricting the usurpation of presidential powers, for which I’ve already paid the ultimate price,” Sheehan said in a statement.
Sheehan became a national figure representing the anti-war movement after her son Casey was killed in Iraq and she stood vigil outside President Bush’s Crawford, Texas ranch last summer demanding to speak face-to-face with Bush about her son’s death.
Sheehan claimed Alito has “an extensive paper trail documenting the right-wing political agenda that he has actively advanced, not only as a high-ranking official in the Reagan Administration, but also as a judge.”
She accused Alito of trying to restrict Congress’ power and supporting “efforts to curtail privacy rights, including not only privacy from government surveillance and arbitrary arrest, but also other constitutional rights based on privacy, such as reproductive liberty for women.”
Sheehan is scheduled to return from Venezuela on Monday and will travel to the nation’s capital to take part in an alternative State of the Union event.
And what do you suppose is her alternative State of the Union event???
DC – CODEPINK DC and special guests Cindy Sheehan, Ann Wright and others will be getting started a little early with a surprise action at the Mott House. Afterwards we’ll head over to Bus Boys & Poets to watch the State of the Union Address. Join us for a fun action and evening – we’ll be out ’til closing.
People’s State of the Union Action
Time: 3pm
Location: Mott House / 122 Maryland Ave., NE
(Equal distance from both Union Station and Capitol South Metro stations).
Confirmed Speakers:
Cindy Sheehan, Malik Rahim, Ann Wright, John Cavanaugh and more!
State of the Union Party
Date: January 31st
Time: 8pm
Location: Bus Boys & Poets
Now wait it gets even better…………
Senator Feinstein to Vote NO on Cloture ( will vote YES on Filibuster)
From her website…….
Senator Feinstein to Vote No on Cloture for the Nomination of Judge Samuel Alito to be an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court
Washington, DC – U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) today announced that she will vote no on cloture regarding the nomination of Judge Samuel A. Alito, Jr. to be an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court.
“Based on a very long and thoughtful analysis of the record and transcript, which I tried to indicate in my floor statement yesterday, I’ve decided that I will vote no on cloture.”
This is all just hilarious! I am having way too much fun.
Sheehan is clearly mad. Announcing for Feinstein’s office would guarantee her a spot under the next parking lot San Francisco.
ROFLMAO! Sheehan’s handlers have gone off the deep end. An imbecile for senator… I’m still drying off the tears on the carpet. Feinstein will follow her own twisted agenda.
What I don’t understand is the mentality of the Democrats. Alito will be confirmed, continued resistance to his confirmation is just plain counter productive. Congress and the Senate have more important things to do. A filibuster will only cause more damage to the people of our country.
RTC just shakes his head in disgust and anger. Hey Democraps, get over it and move forward.
She paid the ultimate price…Bovine Scatology! She didn’t pay squat. Her son paid the Ultimate Price and she is cashing in on his payment. She abandoned her husband and family to further her political goals. Her threat of running for the senate is proof positive she has ulterior motives other than morning her adult son who made his decisions which were totally against her beliefs.
Rhod soooo funny.
“Announcing for Feinstein’s office would guarantee her a spot under the next parking lot San Francisco.”
She at least might have thought about that part. haha
Good one.
RightToCarry when I read about this I was laughing so hard. Immedialtely I had a cartoon image of her as a Senator but wearing her protest
t-shirts. Lord help us! haha
Bob she is so nuts she probably even has plans for running for President.
Has Hillary Clinton ever said anything about Sheehan? Just wondering.
Hi Rhod, I am looking for a quote by Hillary.
Great idea thank you.