27 Jan

Great Video’s Of Our Troops


Our Troops ROCK!

Theodore’s World
is happy to bring you
some video’s from and by
the troops.
Just click on the titles
to see each one.





F-18 Ride




The video
titled "Ambush" is from
the front seat on a road in Baghdad
known as "Ambush Alley" where our troops
have come under repeated attacks.

The clip shows grenades
exploding in front of
a private security vehicle and return gunfire is heard
in response to the attack. A still photograph,
taken after the attack, shows the damage to the vehicle,
operated by Blackwater USA, the private security outfit
hired by the State Department for such security detail missions.

SUV damaged in
Baghdad ambush

These private
security teams protect and
escort civilian leaders, such as Secretary of
State  and other members of the
State Department team.

In this case, a military escort is also
provided and leads the civilian car back
to the safety of the Green Zone.

Blackwater USA
uses armored SUVs and
heavily armed bodyguards.

A total of
four grenades explode in this video.
The gunfire heard is largely from U.S. military
forces providing cover for the escape.


special thanks to TomR, Sparks and LindaSOG for some of the Video’s.



BobF says:

Those guys sounded a bit excited during that air strike. You can actually see the bomb as it impacts the building.
Die Terrorist Die is awesome. Did you see the B-1 drop that bomb load…unbelievable.

BobF says:

I spoke too soon before I watched all the video’s. Bomb Saddam is the best but then I’m partial to Air Power.

Wild Thing says:

Hi Bob I am so glad you like them.I agree they are awesome.

I was going to post a rant, but…

…I decided to post some Ramones again instead.
And while I’m posting video (again), here are some Marines in Fallujah:
Wild Thing has more videos of the troops in Iraq!
Tags: video, Ramones

RightToCarry says:

Awesome! Bob, gotta love our air power. Even though I’m partial to the ground pounders. Great videos WT!

Wild Thing says:

Thank you RightToCarry,my heart fills with such pride when I watch video’s like this.