Susan Estrich was on Fox News again the other day and looked well rested. giggle
All was well till she spoke. Now if she could just do something about her voice. It really grates and there is nothing she can do about it I guess. Then how about becoming a Republican. haha Well that is positive thinking you see. heh heh

When I get wrinkles and this is now in print. I plan on keeping every one of them. My husband said it would be ok when it happens so why not. hahaha
I am fine with others doing stuff like getting rid of them but things like that scare me, what if the doc was having a bad day. Yikes
Yikes, she’s starting to look like Sheehan! Is this what being a Democrat does to women?
RightToCarry giggle too funny. hahahaha
Wild thing, you are neat!
Hi cuchieddie thank you.
Cu Chi Eddie must have been with the 25th.
In case cuchieddie doesn’t get back to this thread, Yes, he was with the 25th. He is a good guy, but don’t tell him I said so. Ha
More than once when that wacko SE would be on Fox I truly thought she was quite high on drugs. Now I simply hit the mute button when the Lie-berals start flapping their lips.
Speaking of wrinkles I always thought they showed character. Anyway, a persons inner beauty will always shine through, wrinkles or not.
Yes, 66-67 C 4/23 (Mech) send me your e-mail
wildthings neat isn’t she?
Sparks I agree the inside is what is the very, very most important of all.
Those people are pissin me off, I’ve been over at NYT’s Wash/Bush 2nd Term where you can give them hell and not fear being booted for calling someone a name
heh heh!
125th Sig, Sep 66 to end of Nov ’67. Were you down near OP Ann Margaret, or was that the 4/23rd? How do I send you my EMail?
Remember Ann Margaret very well, as a matter of fact I was interviewed by CBS Xmas day 66 at the OP. Most of the time we left via Ann Margaret on our excursions into the Hobo Woods. And BTW, the real Ann Margaret was almost as good looking as Wild Thing