We all know how vile the U.N. is and as for me I believe it is one of our enemies. I just found out about it today and am glad that at least this film was made , it is a start to bringing to the world how awful the U.N. is. When Arafat died, Flags were flown at half mast at the United Nations, as the world body paid tribute to late Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat ( TERRORIST) by granting him the same honours as a head of state!!! UN Secretary General “Kofi Annan said of Arafats death that he was “deeply moved”. sheesh!!
Broken Promises…..the film
Executive Producers: David Bossie and Ron Silver
Written and Directed by Kevin Knoblock
Narrated by Ron Silver ( actor and he also voted for Bush, you may have seen him on Fox News a lot)
A powerful documentary, newly released to DVD, illustrates the U.N.’s disturbing record of failure, nearly from the moment of its founding.
Broken Promises: The United Nations at 60 was produced by the Citizens United Foundation and actor Ron Silver, who also narrates it.
While the film doesn’t reveal any fresh U.N. scandals, it succeeds brilliantly in assembling the world body’s catalogue of ineptitude and corruption into a single, easy-to-understand narrative.
Like any good documentary, the film’s foundation is an extraordinary group of interviews with experts, scholars and notable figures. Through these interviews, the filmmakers successfully tell the story of U.N. failure from the world body’s founding through its most recent tragedies and scandals.
But the film’s most powerful moments are interviews with two victims of U.N. failure. The first is Eugenie Mukeshimana, a survivor of the Rwanda genocide. She recounts how she and her husband hid in separate houses as rampaging Hutus, bent on genocide, went from house to house, hacking her friends and neighbors to death with machetes. She describes surviving the initial onslaught even as the U.N. decided to pull 90 percent of its peacekeeping force out of the country. And she reveals that even as the U.N. sat by and did nothing, pro-Hutu radio stations were sponsoring the killings, featuring the most prolific murders on the air and urging Hutus to “stamp out the cockroaches.” She laments her husband’s murder and explains her fortunate escape.
Supplementing Eugenie’s tale are interviews with General Romeo Dallaire, the Canadian commander of the U.N. force in Rwanda, and Ken Cain, who was then working as a civilian staff member with the U.N.’s Rwanda mission. General Dallaire recounts his request for permission to engage his forces in order to stop the slaughter and the U.N.’s subsequent rejection of his request, explaining the need to maintain the appearance of the world body’s impartiality. The General describes how, after being forced to sit by and witness the slaughter, he took to leaving his base, alone and unescorted for hours on end, hoping to be killed.
The second interview with a U.N. victim is with Hasan Nuhanovic, a survivor of the effort by Serbs to exterminate Bosnian Muslims.
Hasan describes how, after fleeing the Serbs over the countryside, he and his family came to the U.N.-designated safe haven in the village of Srebrenica. There, Hasan found a battalion of Dutch troops operating as U.N. peacekeepers. After a short time, Hasan found himself working for the Dutch as a translator. For weeks, the Dutch troops and Bosnian locals knew that the Serbs would come. But the U.N. commanders promised that air support from NATO planes and the troops on the ground would protect the Bosnians.
When the Serbs did come, the air support did not. U.N. peacekeepers simply handed the Bosnians over to their executioners. Indeed, U.N. troops even forced Hasan’s family to leave the protection of their base and walk into the arms of the Serbs while Hasan stayed behind. As the Serbs rounded up the Bosnians throughout the safe-haven, Hasan describes how the U.N. troops sat in their barracks, drinking beer and listening to music. Years later, Hasan still has not discovered where the Serbs buried his family.
Others interviewed for the film include Natan Sharansky, former dissident in the Soviet Union and Israeli cabinet minister; Former U.S. Senator George Mitchell; Cuban-born U.S. Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen; Former Israeli Ambassador to the United National Dore Gold; and many others.
The film successfully weaves these tales of horror together with stories of U.N. corruption and scandal as well as a thoughtful discussion of the structural problems that are the recipe for the world body’s on-going failure to achieve its core mission: protecting peace and security. As such, it’s a must-see for anyone with an interest in the United Nations and the threat it poses to freedom in the 21st Century.
If it weren’t for the United States veto bloc to the United Nations I would say get us out immediately. This organization has been highjacked by tin pot dictators, Marxists and Muslim fanatics, it has never functioned up to it’s original charter. Unless that charter has been the partitioning of countries and the death of millions by political persecution and starvation.
Hi Jack I agree, and one day I hope our country takes a stand and gets us out of the UN. Our troops should only serve under our Flag and not under the UN Flag.
The UN has been bad news from day one. Even it’s founder was against America. Alger Hiss served time in prison pursuant to his involvement in a Communist spy ring. And he is the one that started the UN with some others.
Thank you for your comment.
The UN announced the withdrawl of its “peacekeepers” from the Congo, too. The provocative event was probably a child sticking his thumbs in his ears and wiggling his fingers as a guard tower. He might also have whispered “Boo!”
It should be noted that five UN Guatemalan “Special Forces” troops were shot dead in the bush by rebels. I know. What qualifies as a Guatamalan SF guy? Only the UN knows.
Hi Rhod amazing!
Thank you for sharing about this.