HYPOCRISY n.: An Act Or Instance Of Such Falseness
10. Larry Noble, Executive Director Of The Center For Responsive Politics, A Non-Partisan Government Watchdog Group, Says Democrats Are Just As Caught Up In The Abramoff Scandal. Noble: “I Would Say, Broadly Defined As A Question Of The Tribes’ Buying Influence In Washington, It Includes Democrats.” (Donald Lambro, “Dean Denies Party Ties To Abramoff,” The Washington Times, 1/11/06)
9. 39 Of 44 Senate Democrats, And 1 Of 1 Senate Independents, Have Accepted Contributions From Abramoff Affiliated Lobbying Firms And Indian Tribes. (Charles Hurt, “Dorgan Returns Abramoff Money,” The Washington Times, 12/14/05)
8. Abramoff Affiliated Lobbying Firms And Indian Tribes Have Contributed Over $3.1 Million To Democrat Party Interests Between 1997 And 2004. (Political Money Line Website, www.tray.com, Accessed 1/17/06)
“Of The 18 Largest Recipients Of Tribe Contributions Directed By Abramoff’s Group, Six, Or One-Third, Were Democrats.” (Jeffrey H. Birnbaum and Derek Willis, “Democrats Also Got Tribal Donations,” The Washington Post, 6/3/05)
7. Sen. Tom Harkin (D-IA) Used Abramoff’s MCI Center Skybox For Fundraisers In 2002 And 2003, Without Proper Reimbursement. (Sharon Theimer, “Lobbyist Helped Draft Harkin Letters To Interior,” The Associated Press, 12/3/05)
6. Sen. Harry Reid’s (D-NV) Former Legislative Counsel, Edward Ayoob, Was “Team Abramoff’s” Top Democrat. While Working With Abramoff, Ayoob Held Fundraisers For Reid And Contributed Nearly $40,000 To Democrats. (Jeffrey H. Birnbaum and Derek Willis, “Democrats Also Got Tribal Donations,” The Washington Post, 6/3/05; The Center For Responsive Politics Website, www.opensecrets.org, Accessed 1/17/06)
5. Sen. Blanche Lincoln (D-AR) Has Received $14,891 From Abramoff Affiliated Lobbying Firms And Indian Tribes. (Political Money Line Website, www.tray.com, Accessed 1/4/06)
4. Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC), A Member Of The Democrats “Clean House Team” To Propose Lobbying Reform, Took A Trip To Northern Mariana Islands Improperly Paid For By Jack Abramoff. (Larry Margasak, “Records Say Travel By Two Democratic Lawmakers And Two Delay Aides Paid By Lobbyist And Firm,” The Associated Press, 5/3/05)
3. Sen. Byron Dorgan (D-ND) Used Abramoff’s MCI Center Skybox For A Fundraiser In 2001, Without Proper Reimbursement, And Accepted More Than $10,000 In Contributions From “Team Abramoff” Lobbyists After Reviving One Of Their Issues. (John Solomon and Sharon Theimer, “Abramoff Investigator Used Lobbyist’s Skybox, Helped Client,” The Associated Press, 12/1/05)
2. Abramoff Affiliated Lobbying Firms And Indian Tribes Contributed More Than $1.2 Million To The DNC, DCCC, And DSCC. (Political Money Line Website, www.tray.com, Accessed 1/4/06)
1. Democratic Sens. Harry Reid (D-NV) And Byron Dorgan (D-ND) Are Reportedly Part Of “First Tier” Of Lawmakers Being Scrutinized By Justice Department In Influence Peddling Investigation. (Donald Lambro, “Dean Denies Party Ties To Abramoff,” The Washington Times, 1/11/06)
Yesterday, ( January 18,2006) the Democrats signed a declaration to rid the Congress of corruption and save the day. This sounds like one of those ‘promise rings’ type of measures that gives Democrats a good photo-op and makes it look like they are accomplishing something. Photo above is from C-Span

Reid and Polosi took out a pen and piece of paper and say they now have struck a”pledge” with America that they (the RATS) will now take the government back from the evil corrupt Republicans by ”pledging” to the people that they are for ”honest leadership and open government”. All we have to do is put them back in the Whitehouse and give them the Congress and Senate back and everything we’ll be fine again!! Then they took out this giant pen and piece of paper and all the reporters took pictures of them signing their” pledge to America”!
Looks like their trying to imitate the Contract with America which gave the Republicans control of the House.
It’s like the raised clenched fist sign of Communist solidarity, at least they’ve identified themselves so they’ll be easy to spot at election time. I may be PO’d at the Republicans right now for having a few corrupt members but the rank and file on the Democrat side is rife with corruption and Communist collaboration.
Hi Bob, I had forgotten about that, thanks Bob.
Hi Jack,your right the communist clenched fist.
I agree with you also about the Republicans. Thanks for your comments.
I think the problem we should be worrying about is the growing wealth, power and political muscle of the Indian casinos. It is not healthy for our democracy.
In Minnesota, only the unions spend more money than Indian casinos in buying politicians. Neither party has the guts to cross the casinos.
Hi Jake thanks for commenting. That is interesting information.