From the Las Vegas Review Journal………….
Senator arranged for grant now involved in indictment of pastors
WASHINGTON — The money that led to the indictment this week of two Las Vegas pastors and the wife of one of them came from federal grants arranged by Sen. Harry Reid in September 2001, a Reid spokeswoman said Wednesday.
Moving to distance Reid from a possible scandal, aide Tessa Hafen said the senator sought the money on behalf of a nonprofit social services agency and not for the churches or persons who have been accused of mishandling the money.
“The money was administered by the Department of Justice, and it went to the agency in Nevada (Alliance Collegiums Association of Nevada),” Hafen said.
The Rev. Willie Davis, the longtime pastor of Second Baptist Church, and his wife, Emma, were indicted Tuesday on fraud charges with an associate minister, the Rev. McTheron Jones.
They are accused of spending $330,000 from federal grants on themselves although the money was intended for halfway houses for prison inmates in Southern Nevada.
The indictment identifies Willie Davis as president of the Alliance Collegiums Association of Nevada board of directors.
In late 2002, Emma Davis became executive director, and Jones was assistant director.
According to the indictment, a grant of $423,000 was approved for the alliance in September 2002.
The indictment charges the defendants of using the grant money to benefit themselves.
A Reid relationship with the Second Baptist Church surfaced in 1997, when the senator donated $250 to the church where Davis was and still is pastor.
The money came from John Huang, who was convicted of making illegal contributions to the 1996 re-election campaign of President Clinton.
hmmmm isn’t this MONEY laundrying?
At about the same time, Reid donated another $250 from Huang to the First African Methodist Episcopal Church in Las Vegas.
Reid said he made the contributions to the churches instead of returning the money to Huang because he did not think Huang deserved it.
Hafen said Reid has not made contributions to Davis or his church since 1997.
Reid has attended services at the Second Baptist Church “about three or four times” since 1997, Hafen said.
“He says hello to the pastor (Davis) when he goes to the church, but apart from that, the only other time he has seen him was in May when he met with about 30 or 40 ministers to organize a faith-based summit,” Hafen said.
Update from the Las Vegas Review Journal…. I am not going to post untruth’s abut keep it factual at all times..………..
CORRECTION ON 09/30/05 — A story in Thursday’s paper incorrectly said that Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., had not contributed money to the Second Baptist Church in Las Vegas since 1997. Reid gave the church $100 in December 1999, $500 in November 2002, $200 in September 2002 and $500 in February of this year from his campaign and political funds, as allowed by Senate rules. The story also mischaracterized the actions of a Reid staff member who discussed a federal grant that was tied to an indictment of church officials this week. Spokeswoman Tessa Hafen gave information about the grants in response to questions.
Wild Thing’s comment……
When Harry Reid goes to churches he does not contribute his own money. He contributes John Huang’s money.
Most folks I know contribute their OWN money. In some cases 10% of their income as the Bible asks. I guess the Dems just do everything different. Naw ya think? haha
Now let’s see it kind of breaks down like this………..
Republican money fraud=bad
Democrat money fraud=good
How to be a good A Democrat for Dummies 101 shall we say. sheesh!
And let me just for fun point this part out again. haha
The money came from John Huang, who was convicted of making illegal contributions to the 1996 re-election campaign of President Clinton.
Oh this is just to good to be true .. LOL!!
Great graphics!
Hi The Fastest Squirrel, thank you. And thank you for coming by.
Let’s hope he uses some Huang money to buy himself a Degree in Thinkology.
Hi Rhod, isn’t that something to see that name from the past…John Huang. hahaha I laughed so hard. Like a Huang lost and found dept. heh heh
“Degree in Thinkology”…..I LOVE it! Thanks for you comment.