Vice President Dick Cheney uses a cane during a tour of the Harley Davidson plant in Kansas City, Mo., Friday, Jan. 6, 2006. Jim Ziemer, right, CEO of Harley Davidson and Karl Eberle, middle, vice president and general manager host the tour.

Vice President Dick Cheney gets a round of applause after addressing troops at a rally at Fort Leavenworth Friday, Jan. 6, 2006, in Leavenworth, Kan.
“I’m using a cane today, and it’s driving the press nuts. (Laughter.) They keep asking my staff what happened to the Vice President, is it serious? And so I said, no, Secretary Rumsfeld bit me in the ankle. (Laughter.) Not to worry. (Laughter.) But don’t tell him I said that. (Laughter.) “
Wild Thing’s comment……..
I love Cheney’s sense of humor. And also President Bush’s sense of humor. With all the stress aimed at them and then to hear them joke like this makes my day. In a way it is like a little slap to the Dems. hahahaha