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To: Assignment Desk, Daybook Editor
Contact: Karen Bradley, 202-669-3927; or Christine Yorty, 703-447-6726
News Advisory:
— David Swanson, moderator, co-founder, After Downing Street
— Allan J. Lichtman, history professor, American University
— Lila Rajiva, author of Abu Ghraib and the Media, The Language of Empire
— Cliff Kindy, Christian Peacemaker Teams
— Kevin Zeese, peace activist, Democracy Rising
— D.C. Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton (invited)
WHAT: Out of Iraq Town Meeting
WHEN: 4 p.m. to 7 p.m., Saturday, Jan. 7
WHERE: Washington, D.C. Town Hall, Busboys and Poets, 14th and V Streets N.W., Washington, D.C.
WHY: To educate Americans about the need to end the U.S Occupation of Iraq.
Grassroots activists will hold “Out of Iraq Town Meetings” in more than 100 locations across America on Saturday, Jan. 7. Several will feature members of Congress, including Bobby Scott, Diane Watson, Jim McDermott, Adam Smith, Bob Filner, Martin Sabo, Jim Moran, Marty Meehan, and John Murtha.
Others will include candidates, elected officials, and leaders of the peace movement, including Gold Star Families for Peace founder Cindy Sheehan, and Constitutional Law Expert John Bonifaz. The events will focus on ending the war, however many will address Congressman John Conyers’ resolutions to censure and investigate President Bush and Vice President Cheney and to create a select committee on impeachment.
PDA Director Tim Carpenter said: “Progressive Democrats of America is proud to be working with grassroots organizations across the country to mobilize and organize a broad-based coalition to call for an end to the Occupation of Iraq and demand action from Congress to investigate the lies of the Bush administration and their conduct regarding the Iraq War.”
National Sponsors: Backbone Campaign, Progressive Democrats of America, After Downing Street, Democracy Cell Project, Cities for Peace, MilitaryFreeZone, Operation Ceasefire, Montgomery County Progressive Alliance, United for Peace and Justice, U.S. Tour of Duty, Hip Hop Caucus, Democracy Rising, World Can’t Wait, Global Exchange, WakeUpLaughing.com, Gold Star Families for Peace, Peace Majority Report, Bring Them Home Campaign, United Progressives for Democracy, 20 20 Vision, Peace Action, America in Solidarity, CODE PINK and others.
This is scary, smoke and mirror time from the radical left.
Hmm, how many of these national sponsors are Communist/Leftwing groups?
Well, all of them! Actually they are all part of the “peace left”.
Most of the leaders of these so called sponsors are not pacifists and are not really interested in peace as such, but in radical agendas that are served by opposing America’s war on terror.
The peace left’s core consists of the ideological descendants of the communist/progressive left that wanted the West to lose the Cold War to the Soviet Union. This no mere motley crew of inconsequential fringe extremists, but is in fact the well-organized, militant, and immensely influential driving force behind the contemporary peace movement and the enormous anti-war rallies it has staged in the past.
In word and deed, these allies make it plain that they consider everything about the United States to be evil and unworthy of preservation; that they wish to see American society and its way
of life crushed by any means necessary, including violent revolution.
These groups are self-described patriotic lefts – have failed to draw any similar distinctions between itself and the radical, anti-American left that in fact does endorse the permanent destruction of American society. Nowhere is this failure to dissociate from America’s enemies more evident than in the peace movement, where teeming masses of people have participated in demonstrations organized by hard-line Communists whose most fervent wish is not to bring about the establishment of a lasting peace, but rather to see the United States toppled by an attack from without or a revolution from within.
The average American is unaware when it comes to discerning who these people are and what their real agenda is.
Just my 2 cents worth.
Hi RightToCarry great comment. I agree with you.
And this “The average American is unaware when it comes to discerning who these people are and what their real agenda is..”…….I see this all the time and wonder why. Why people when they hear things, read things don’t get that feeling in their gut what is being done or said that is in fact leading to the destruction of America. And realize who is truly behind it.
Your comment is excellent thank you soooo much.