House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) denounced President Bush’s most recent statements on the War on Terrorism by saying the White House lacks “a real plan for success.”
Pelosi, commenting via press release on Bush’s Tuesday speech at the Pentagon, said “candor was not one of President Bush’s New Year’s resolutions.”
The Calif. Democrat claims Bush diverted attention and resources from the war on terrorism to wage “his war of choice in Iraq,” which Pelosi said, “removed the focus from Afghanistan and the real war on terror.”
“Bush has allowed the Taliban and their al Qaeda (sic) allies to continue to attack our troops,” Pelosi said. “President Bush also failed to admit that a lack of post-war planning in Iraq has allowed the insurgents to remain a threat nearly three years after the invasion.”
As previously reported by NewsMax, Pelosi recently backed the proposal by Rep. John P. Murtha (D-Pa.) for a swift redeployment of U.S. forces from Iraq over six months, but other party leaders did not endorse it and House Minority Whip Steny H. Hoyer (D-Md.) publicly opposed her.
Pelosi opposed the war, arguing that Saddam Hussein posed no imminent threat to the United States.

Pelosi may be accidentally correct. In that, our most dangerous front in the War on Terror is Washington DC, Hollywood and the East Coast headquarters of the news media
Hi Tom, hahaha how funny that is too. Your right, she is talking about herself in the area you mentioned (Washington D.C.) good one.
Thank you so much.
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