Song of Hanukkah
….by Eva Grant
Come and sing a Hanukkah song.
Sing of heroes, brave and strong –
Maccabeus and his band,
Who rescued Israel’s ancient land.
Sing a song of candles burning,
Dreidel spinning, pancakes turning,
Hanukkah presents tucked away
To open on the holiday.
(IsraelNN.com) from Arutz…..
Jews Expelled From Gaza Light Menorah Made From Mortar Shells Fired at ThemGush Katif refugees, many of whom are still dwelling in hotels awaiting permanent housing, lit a unique menorah tonight, one made of mortar shells fired by Arab terrorists into the heart of N’vei Dekalim, the largest community of Gush Katif.
That special menorah commemorates the miracle of Jewish survival throughout the ages, and reminds us of the symbolic role Gush Katif has played in the saga of Jewish history: a community standing victorious despite constant attempts by Arab terrorists to wipe it out.
5000 mortars rained down on Gush Katif, from the onset of the Oslo War in September 2000, to August 2005. Miraculously, they succeeded in causing only minor damage and minimal casualties. Not only did they fail to harm the community physically, they failed to impact the Jewish spirit burning in the hearts of its residents. They call the menorah of mortars the “al hanissim,” menorah of miracles.
Happy Hanukkah day two!