With winter coming and maybe even already here in some States. With winter coming to Iraq and Afghanistan where so many of our troops are located. I was thinking of the well-known campaigns in the Korean War that took place in the Chosin Reservoir area of North Korea. Of all the wars where our Military had to fight in cold, unbearable cold weather, and then the sizzling humid heat of that our Vietnam Vets had to endure.
Today I received a letter from one of our solders in Baghdad. It was as though I had received a Christmas present early to get this letter today. His note inside was very kind and thanking me from his heart for my support. Can you imagine he was thanking me, I am no one special, he is the one that is over there and I am the one thanking him and all of our troops. I honestly can’t remember one day that has gone by that I do not think about our Veterans or our Troops. In war time or peace I can never forget.
I would like to share these two videos with you. They are both very special. One is about Thanking our Troops.
And this one is about thanking not only our troops but our Veterans as well. In the song it says, “take a pittance, a pittance of time to never forget”………
They BOTH are awesome and I needed a lot of Kleenex for each of them. Turn up the volume and watch the videos. The music is great too!!!!