A friendly fundraising competition for Project Valour-IT is happening in the blogging world.
Dates for this: November 2nd through Veterans Day (the 11th).
Why do you ask?:Because giving wounded warriors with hand and arm injuries access to a computer supports their healing and puts them back in touch with the world.
How it works: Blogger teams will be divided along military branches.
Additional information: every donor during this time will receive a Soldiers’ Angels Coin. And they are beautiful!

Thank you Cox and Forkum
Holly Aho stepped up to the challenge of being the leader of the Marine Branch of the fundraising.

Here’s how….
If you are a blogger:
Join my team!!! Put a post up on your blog letting people know about the Project Valour-IT Fundraising Competition. Leave a trackback to this post or leave a comment below to let me know you are officially on the Marine Team. [Or e-mail Holly at holly@sablogs.com]
If you are not a blogger, but a blog reader:
You can also help by spreading the word with flyers and word of mouth.
Starting November 2nd donate to Project Valour-IT to help us win the competition. Tell everyone you know about the competition. Details on how to do just that will be provided in the next day or so.
This will tell you exactly what this worthwhile project is all about and remember to sign up over at Holly’s site
Flyers are over at Argghhh!!!
The Valour-IT blog is located at www.valour-it.blogspot.com where there’s more information on the program and the competition.
If you wish you may mail donations to:
Soldiers Angels
Valour-IT Fund
1792 East Washington Blvd.
Pasadena, CA 91104
Wild Things Comment……
Please donate to this worthy cause that will ensure our Warriors who have been injured to receive voice controlled software and laptop computers. They had our six and this is a great way we can say thank you and show them our support.
Be a part of the team:
Soldier’s Angel
BIG DOG’s Weblog
My Vast Right Wing Conspiracy
One Marine’s View
The Gunn Nutt
Righty in a Left State
ANOTHER good site on Valour IT – One of the BEST programs out there! You can only use so many “baby wipes!” 😉
Hi Chrys, thank you for the link and also for your post. Ditto on the baby wipes. haha
Wild Thing, Is it OK to use this picture or do you have exclusive permission?
Hi Big Dog, you can use any graphics I have one here always.
(big smile)
Project Valour-IT – A Worthy Cause!
I see hundreds of them on the road and in parking lots every day. All different colors and designs. Some yellow, some red, white and blue, some a combination. They all say the same thing. There is a yellow one…
I’m going to borrow as well – they are Great graphics !!
Hi Barb, nice to see you. It is always nice when someone likes the graphics and helps themselves to them.
The one you chose I made myself so I am thrilled you like it. Thank you for liking it.
Thank you too for your response.
Thank you for stopping by Stacking Swivel today. All the best to you, and yours.
Semper Fi . . .
Hi Mustang, it is so nice to see you here. Thank you and all the best to you too.