Here at Theodore’s World aka PC Free Zone Gazette. There are sometimes things that a photo speaks for itself, or there may be something that is not important enough to do an entire post about. Like spending more then a few words on the likes of breeder Sheehan and her vileness.
And then of course I love posting photos of our awesome troops.( big smile of pride on my face) I am so very proud of them.
Iraqi and Afghanistan Navy
Breeder (no Mother as far as I am concerned)Cindy Sheehan
The face of the Democratic anti-war movement. She was the face of the Democratic base. At the National Press Club. She spoke to a nearly empty room. There were only a couple of foreign journalists there. Zilch attendance. Nobody cared that Cindy Sheehan was speaking. ha ha ho ho heh heh……Your 15 minutes of fame are up Cindy!
They hate America and Israel
They want us dead, but not right now they are busy praying……
A few years ago I got this from my friend Linda at Something….And Half of Something and I saved it. heh heh
Our Troops are the best!
Something special for Looters
I’ve joined The Weekend Trackback Party at Stop the ACLU and Beth’s Weekend Link Whorage Open Trackback Post Covered Fest Carnival Dish Also at the Mudville Gazette where he reminds us it is Lady Liberty’s Birthday! Tah dah! I am so glad we have Lady Liberty. Also at Wizbang’s Carnival of the Trackbacks XXXV This is my very first time to be a part of a Trackback Party so I am very excited about this.

Those “Army” pictures were pretty good – had them for a few months myself. Kept thinking – we don’t want these to be the IRAQ or AFGANISTAN Armies! It’s actually a contrived insult to our coalition – so I didn’t post them that way. BUT – seeing them here – instead of Afganistan and Iraq Armies – a good title would be OBL’s Army!!
“a good title would be OBL’s Army!!” hahaha Good idea!