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February 28, 2017
Wollman Skating Rink in Central Park New York City
Wollman Skating Rink in Central Park New York City
Donald Trump And The Wollman Rinking of American Politics
We best understand the world through compelling narratives. Here’s one that helps us process the phenomenon known as Trump for President:
“Once upon a time there was an ice skating rink in Central Park that could no longer make ice. No one could figure out how to fix the skating rink. Years went by and millions of dollars were spent and still no ice. One day a white knight wearing a bright red tie showed up and said: ' Let there be ice!’ Four months later there was ice. When asked by the press why the people had been unable to fix the rink themselves the knight said 'they’re very nice people and I like them very much but they're all idiots!' And everyone lived happily ever after.”
Pretty much the true story of the Wollman Skating Rink fiasco. You can even check the New York Times. On May 31, 1986 Donald Trump said in an interview with the Times, "I don't want my name attached to losers. So far the Wollman Rink has been one of the great losers. I'll make it a winner.'' Shortly after Trump decided to slap his name on Wollman Rink, if you read the fine print. Now, 30 years later, Wollman Rink is a winner and the Trump name is still associated with it. Just check the Wollman Skating Rink website. There it is! The famous, or, according to some, infamous TRUMP red logo.
The Wollman Rink incident underrscores the fascinating impact that Donald Trump is making on the political landscape and the American psyche irrespective of the outcome of the presidential campaign. Wollman Skating Rink today is one of the most iconic amenities for New Yorkers and tourists located in Central Park just a stone’s throw north of the Plaza Hotel (which was once owned by Donald Trump).
Posted by Wild Thing at 11:58 PM
President Trump Gives FOX & FRIENDS Tour of White House and a Special Visit with First Lady Melania
Fox & Friends captured first lady Melania Trump (left) hard at work, as she explained planning each White House event is like planning a wedding
irst lady Melania Trump is in Washington this week, meeting with her team and making appearances alongside her husband in the Oval Office, before attending his State of the Union-like speech tonight.
As the trio of Fox & Friends hosts got a tour of the White House Monday, led by none other than President Donald Trump, their cameras glimpsed some of the first images of the first lady hard at work.
‘Hello first lady!’ the cheerful president said as he walked Steve Doocy, Brian Kilmeade and Ainsley Earhardt into the Library, an ornate room filled with bookshelves on the White House’s ground floor.
Melania Trump, seated with her team, said hello to the guests, as Earhardt asked what kind of planning goes into White House events.
‘Everything,’ the first lady responded. ‘You know, planning is almost like you’re planning a wedding every time.’
So far the first lady has made two official hires, Lindsay Reynolds as her chief of staff and Rickie Lloyd as White House social secretary.
When the Fox & Friends hosts walked in on the meeting, Melania Trump was sitting with the two women and two male aides as well.
‘This is my team,’ she said, saying they were ‘just working,’ adding that they were already focused on the ‘next event.’
‘We had a successful Governors Ball last night,’ the first lady added, calling it beautiful and very good.
‘First one and many to go,’ Melania Trump said.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:14 PM | Comments (1)
Trump Signs H.R.321 and H.R.255 for Women in STEM Fields and Work with NASA
President Donald Trump signs a pair of bills into law. H.R.321 directs the NASA administrator to encourage female students to study and pursue careers in science, technology, engineering and math. H.R.255 would encourage the National Science Foundation to support entrepreneurial programs for women in the STEM fields.
From Ivanka Trump.................
"I am incredibly proud to support the signing of two bills today: H.R. 321 and H.R. 255. I am thankful for my father’s commitment to enhancing STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Math) education opportunities and entrepreneurial programs for women and girls. Closing the gender gap in STEM fields is essential to both innovation and workforce development. I look forward to working alongside my father to champion the economic empowerment of women and girls and encouraging gender diversity in STEM fields is critical to that mission. #STEM #ClosingTheGenderGap #WomenInSTEM"
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:07 PM
President Trump Revokes EPA's Crazy Water Rule! ~ Fantastic!!!
President Trump Revokes EPA's Crazy Water Rule!
Wild Thing's comment...............
Thank God for President Trump. I have learned one tremendous thing in this last election, there truly has been only ONE candidate that can do what Trump has been doing. It took a man that is NOT a lifetime politician, a lifetime person that makes promises and does not keep them. You can feel how much he loves America and how he has been ticked at the same things we have been ticked off about it. Just so many things that show me no one else would or could tackle what he is and has been doing.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:14 PM
Sheriff Clarke on Trump's meeting with black leaders
Sheriff Clarke on Trump's meeting with black leaders
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:10 PM
Vice President Pence Participates in a Swearing-In Ceremony for Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross
Vice President Pence Participates in a Swearing-In Ceremony for Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:07 PM
The story of why the Resolute Desk was given by Queen Victoria to the President of the United States
The story of why the Resolute Desk was given by Queen Victoria to the President of the United States
This double pedestal partners' desk, usually called the "Resolute desk", was made from the oak timbers of the British ship H.M.S. Resolute as a gift to President Rutherford B. Hayes from Queen Victoria in 1880.
A brass plaque affixed to the desk records the history of its creation:
"H.M.S. 'Resolute', forming part of the expedition sent in search of Sir John Franklin in 1852, was abandoned in Latitude 74º 41' N. Longitude 101º 22' W. on 15th May 1854. She was discovered and extricated in September 1855, in Latitude 67º N. by Captain Buddington of the United States Whaler 'George Henry'. The ship was purchased, fitted out and sent to England, as a gift to Her Majesty Queen Victoria by the President and People of the United States, as a token of goodwill & friendship. This table was made from her timbers when she was broken up, and is presented by the Queen of Great Britain & Ireland, to the President of the United States, as a memorial of the courtesy and loving kindness which dictated the offer of the gift of the "Resolute'."
The President's Desk
Many presidents have used the Resolute desk in the Oval Office or the their study in the Residence. It was made from the timbers of HMS Resolute, an abandoned British ship discovered by an American vessel and returned to the Queen of England as a token of friendship and goodwill. When the ship was retired, Queen Victoria commissioned the desk from William Evenden, Royal Naval Dockyard at Chatham, England, and presented to President Rutherford Hayes in 1880.
The desk has twice been modified. Franklin Roosevelt requested that the kneehole be fitted with a modesty panel carved with the presidential seal (he preferred people not see his leg braces and often placed a waste basket in front of his desks), but he did not live to see it installed. However, President Truman liked the eagle motif and had it installed when he came into office in 1945. Since this was prior to Truman's decision to turn the head of the eagle in the presidential seal to face the olive branch of peace, the eagle in the Resolute's modesty panel faces the arrows of war.
Every president since Hayes—except Presidents Johnson, Nixon, and Ford—has used the Resolute desk, although some chose to use it in their private study in the Residence. The desk was made famous in part by a photograph of John Kennedy at work while his son, John Jr., peeked out the front through the kneehole panel.
On the President's Desk
What the president has on his desk is often symbolic of his style and experience.
Although he did not use the Resolute in the Oval Office, Harry Truman's desk was famous—he was well-known for having a plaque with a motto that read: "The buck stops here." On more than one occasion, President Truman referred to the desk sign in public statements. In his farewell address to the American people given in January 1953, President Truman referred to this concept in asserting that, "The President—whoever he is—has to decide. He can't pass the buck to anybody. No one else can do the deciding for him. That's his job." The other side of the sign read "I'm From Missouri," a reference to the skeptical nature of people from Truman's home state, often expressed as "I'm from Missouri—show me." (Missouri's nickname is "The Show-Me State").
John Kennedy did use the Resolute, and his desk included a very special coconut paperweight. While he was serving in WW2 as commander of the PT109, his boat was hit by a Japanese destroyer and his crew was stranded in the Solomon Islands. Lieutenant John F. Kennedy carved this Coconut shell with a message and gave it to two natives to deliver to the PT base at Rendova so he and his crew would be rescued. He later had the coconut shell encased in wood and plastic and used it as a paperweight on his desk in the Oval Office. The message carved on coconut shell reads "NAURO ISL…COMMANDER…NATIVE KNOWS POS'IT…HE CAN PILOT…11 ALIVE…NEED SMALL BOAT…KENNEDY".
President Reagan and President Clinton both displayed the motto "It can be done" on their Oval Office desks.
President Jimmy Carter brought the desk back to the Oval Office, where Presidents Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama, and Donald Trump have used it.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:30 PM
Ivanka Trump Splits Day Between Governor's Ball, Monster Jam
Ivanka Trump Splits Day Between Governor's Ball, Monster Jam
Ivanka Trump posted to Twitter on Sunday that she had taken her kids to a "Monster Jam" event in the Washington area.
"Epic first Monster Truck show with the kids!," Ivanka Trump wrote.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:04 PM
F&F Goes To Washington - Sitting Down With President Trump - Fox & Friends
F&F Goes To Washington - Sitting Down With President Trump - Fox & Friends ..PART ONE
Pres Trump On The Press, Obama & Protesters - Fox & Friends .....PART TWO
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:03 PM
Dr. Sebastian Gorka: We Are Here to Obliterate ISIS
Dr. Sebastian Gorka: We Are Here to Obliterate ISIS
Posted by Wild Thing at 08:50 AM
February 27, 2017
Build The Wall, We Need Borders to Stop ILLEGALS
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:53 PM | Comments (1)
The Best President Ever Donald Trump Leads a Listening Session with Health Insurance Company CEOs
The Best President Ever Donald Trump Leads a Listening Session with Health Insurance Company CEOs
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:55 PM
President Donald J. Trump Has Ordered a MASSIVE Military Strike Against Al-Qaeda Ahmad Hasan
President Donald J. Trump Has Ordered a MASSIVE Military Strike Against
Al-Qaeda number two Ahmad Hasan 'killed in drone strike' in Syria
Al-Qaeda's number two Abu al-Khayr al-Masri has been killed in a US drone strike in Syria, it is being reported.
Also known as Ahmad Hasan Abu al-Khayr al-Masri, he served as a deputy to the terror group's leader, Ayman al-Zawahiri.
The 59-year-old Egyptian's death was reported by a number of experts on Syria and terrorism, including Charles Lister of the Middle East Institute.
Abu Khayr al-Masri, who was reportedly married to a daughter of Osama bin Laden, was allegedly responsible for a number of terror attacks, including the bombings of the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998.
Yesterday, an American drone strike took out al-Qaeda’s number two guy, Abu al-Khayr al-Masri, in Syria. Images of the attack posted to social media revealed a vehicle containing the radical Muslim leader, with a massive hole blown right through its roof!
The al-Qaeda leader who was taken out by President Trump’s drone attack was also known as Ahmad Hasan Abu al-Khayr al-Marsi. He served as a deputy to Ayman al-Zawahiri, the leader of the radical Islamic terror group, the Mirror reports.
The 59-year-old Egyptian terrorist’s death was reported by multiple international media outlets, yet the mainstream media here in the United States have remained almost silent on the president’s latest successful attack on radical Islam.
The swift and severe actions undertaken by Trump are what is necessary to win this fight. For the past eight years, only the minimal efforts have been undertaken to rid the world of these vile jihadists.
Khayr al-Masri was not just a high-ranking Muslim terrorist — he was also reportedly married to one of Osama bin Laden’s daughters. He was allegedly responsible for a multitude of terror attacks.
In 1998, the terrorist was involved in the bombings at the American embassies of both Kenya and Tanzania. He fled Egypt during the 1980s and fought in the Bosnian War in the 1990s before joining al-Qaeda in Afghanistan.
After the 9/11 attacks in the United States, he was forced to flee Afghanistan and found his way to Iran. He had been among the upper echelons of al-Qaeda for the last 14 years.
Posted by Wild Thing at 11:47 AM
Beautiful Vanessa and Donald Trump Jr. photo is from Inauguration Night
Vanessa and Donald Trump Jr. photo is from Inauguration Night .
Posted by Wild Thing at 10:48 AM
February 26, 2017
President Donald Trump delivers brief remarks before a toast at Governors Ball and Meeting
President Donald Trump delivers brief remarks before a toast during the annual Governors' Dinner in the East Room of the White House February 26, 2017 in Washington, DC. Part of the National Governors Association
Posted by Wild Thing at 11:57 PM
Beautiful Melania Trump Host Governors Ball At The White House
U.S. first lady Melania Trump listens to a toast by her husband President Donald Trump while hosting the annual Governors' Dinner in the East Room of the White House February 26, 2017 in Washington, DC. Part of the National Governors Association's annual meeting in the nation's capital, the black tie dinner and ball is the first formal event the Trumps will host at the White House since moving in last month.
Posted by Wild Thing at 11:55 PM
First Lady Melania Trump Plays Hostess At Her First White House Soirée
First Lady Melania Trump Plays Hostess At Her First White House Soirée
Posted by Wild Thing at 10:22 PM
President Trump and First Lady Melania at The Governor’s Ball
The Governor’s Ball National Governors Association Meeting and the National Governors Association Meeting
Posted by Wild Thing at 09:08 PM | Comments (1)
February 25, 2017
Pres Trump & The Sights & Sound Of CPAC
Pres Trump & The Sights & Sound Of CPAC
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:48 PM
President Donald Trump Delivers Weekly Address February 25th 2017
President Donald Trump Delivers Weekly Address February 25th 2017
Wild Thing's comment,............
God answered our prayers when Trump became President. After 8 years of the nightmare and destruction of Obama a man that hates our country and what it stands for, we now have a man, a real man that loves our beloved country and his beautiful wife and family that do as well. God bless the Trump family and thank you Mr. President Trump.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 PM
Awesome Diamond and Silk have an important message for Rep. Maxine Waters
Awesome Diamond and Silk have an important message for Rep. Maxine Waters
These women, Diamond and Silk are so fantastic.
Posted by Wild Thing at 11:25 AM
Ivanka Trump's Perfume Becomes Best-Seller On Amazon As Some Retailers Drop Her Brand
Ivanka Trump's Perfume Becomes Best-Seller On Amazon As Some Retailers Drop Her Brand
Posted by Wild Thing at 10:58 AM
If Heaven Has a Gate, a Wall and Extreme Vetting, Why Can't America?
If Heaven Has a Gate, a Wall and Extreme Vetting, Why Can't America?
Rep. Andy Biggs, Rep. Ken Buck, Mike Gonzales, Helen Krieble
Posted by Wild Thing at 09:39 AM
Posted by Wild Thing at 08:55 AM
February 24, 2017
President Donald Trump! Full Speech CPAC 2017!
President Donald Trump! Full Speech CPAC 2017!
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:04 PM
Actor, Robert Davi, Excellent Speech! CPAC 2017!
Actor, Robert Davi, Excellent! CPAC 2017!
Posted by Wild Thing at 11:36 AM
Commander-in-Chief! President Trump and Veteran Pete Hegseth
Honored to meet today w/ our Commander-in-Chief! President @realdonaldtrump is the tough, courageous & patriotic leader we need.
Pete Hegseth was an infantry Captain in the Army National Guard, and has served in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Guantanamo Bay. He holds two Bronze Stars and a Combat Infantryman Badge for his time in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Posted by Wild Thing at 11:23 AM
Judge Jeanine Pirro! Sanctuary Cities! CPAC! Full Speech!
Judge Jeanine Pirro! Sanctuary Cities! CPAC! Full Speech!
Posted by Wild Thing at 08:50 AM
Great Job Mr VP!! So proud of our POTUS & VP. A government for the people once again
Great Job Mr VP!! So proud of our POTUS & VP. A government for the people once again.
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:55 AM
February 23, 2017
Steve Bannon & Reince Priebus Participate in CPAC 2017
White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus and Chief Strategist Steve Bannon joined Matt Schlapp in a panel discussion at CPAC 2017.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:24 PM
Kellyanne Conway Full Interview at CPAC
Kellyanne Conway Full Interview at CPAC
Feb 23, 2017
Kellyanne Conway on how Donald J. Trump has impacted the conservative movement: "I think by tomorrow this will be TPAC when he’s here. No doubt."
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:27 PM
Trump administration lifts transgender bathroom guidance
Trump administration lifts transgender bathroom guidance
WASHINGTON (AP) — Transgender students on Wednesday lost federal protections that allowed them to use school bathrooms and locker rooms matching their gender identities, as the Trump administration stepped into a long-simmering national debate.
The administration came down on the side of states' rights, lifting Obama-era federal guidelines that had been characterized by Republicans as an example of overreach.
"This is an issue best solved at the state and local level," Education Secretary Betsy DeVos said. "Schools, communities and families can find — and in many cases have found — solutions that protect all students."
In a letter to the nation's schools, the Justice and Education departments said the earlier guidance "has given rise to significant litigation regarding school restrooms and locker rooms."
The agencies withdrew the guidance to "in order to further and more completely consider the legal issues involved."
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:07 PM | Comments (1)
Ivanka Trump and daughter Arabella a Visit the Supreme Court
This is from Ivanka Trump.............. Arabella and I visited the Supreme Court this morning and attended a hearing. I'm grateful for the opportunity to teach her about the judicial system in our country firsthand.
Posted by Wild Thing at 11:41 AM
Sebastian Gorka Deputy assistant to President Trump speaks out about terrorists threats
Sebastian Gorka Deputy assistant to President Trump speaks out about taking threats seriously on 'Hannity' show.
Posted by Wild Thing at 08:01 AM
February 22, 2017
VP Pence Cleans up Vandalized Jewish Cemetery Given Yarmulke by Jewish Leader
VP Pence Cleans up Vandalized Jewish Cemetery Given Yarmulke by Jewish Leader
Missouri GOP Governor Eric Greitens and United States Vice President Mike Pence helped clean up a Jewish cemetery in University City Wednesday afternoon.
Mike Pence gave a speech to the hundreds of volunteers at the cemetery.
The vice president urged Americans to reject hatred, racism and anti-Semitism.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:39 PM
February 21, 2017
Congratulations to our new National Security Advisor, General H.R. McMaster!
Congratulations to our new National Security Advisor, General H.R. McMaster!
Herbert Raymond "H. R." McMaster is a United States Army lieutenant general and the incoming National Security Advisor to United States President Donald Trump.
Born: July 24, 1962 (age 54 years), Philadelphia, PA
Spouse: Kathleen Trotter (m. 1985)
Books: Dereliction of Duty, More
Commands helds: Afghanistan, and more..........
Children: Katharine McMaster, Caragh McMaster, Colleen McMaster
Education: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, United States Military Academy
Battles and wars: Gulf War, Battle of 73 Easting, War on Terror, Iraq War, War in Afghanistan
PLEASE CLICK HERE to read about his badges, patches and orders etc. of his long military career.
President Trump has named Lt Gen HR McMaster as the Director of the National Security Council, Lt Gen Keith Kellogg remains NSC CoS
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:02 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack
President Trump with Ben Carson as they view the Ben Carson exhibit at NMAAHC
President Trump with Ben Carson as they view the Ben Carson exhibit at NMAAHC with Dr & Mrs Carson & Senator T Scott
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:16 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
President Trump Is Against Anti-Semitism Unlike Obama and His Hate foro Israel
Today President Trump said:
"Anti-Semitism is horrible, and it's going to stop and it has to stop." President Trump said this during an interview at the National Museum of African-American History in honor of Black History Month. President Trump said "I denounce anti-Semitism wherever I get a chance."
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:06 PM
White House Details Border, Immigration Measures
White House Details Border, Immigration Measures
White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer gave an overview of memos related to President Donald Trump's executive orders on immigration and border security. (Feb. 21)
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:07 PM
February 19, 2017
First Lady Melania Trump Says The Lord's Prayer at Rally....Beautiful Moment!
Melania Trump and The Lord's Prayer
Wild Thing's comment........
This was so fantastic that she did this and did it so sweetly. She is beautiful inside and out and have proven that so many times.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:07 PM
President Trump's Full Rally Speech! Melbourne Florida. Awesome! 2-18-17
President Trump's Full Rally Speech! Melbourne Florida. Awesome! 2-18-17
Posted by Wild Thing at 11:47 AM
VP Mike Pence Visits Dachau
VP Mike Pence Visits Dachau
U.S. Vice President Mike Pence paid a somber visit to the site of the Dachau concentration camp on Sunday, walking along the grounds where tens of thousands of people were killed during World War II. (Feb. 19)
Posted by Wild Thing at 10:55 AM | Comments (1)
Supporter Joins Trump on Fla. Rally Stage
Supporter Joins Trump on Fla. Rally Stage
President Donald Trump on Saturday invited a supporter onstage while he was speaking at a campaign-style rally at Orlando Melbourne International Airport in Florida.
Posted by Wild Thing at 09:55 AM | Comments (1)
Priebus: Media Ignoring Trump Helping Coal Industry, Empowering Women
Priebus: Media Ignoring Trump Helping Coal Industry, Empowering Women
Posted by Wild Thing at 09:55 AM
Priebus: Pres. Trump Has Accomplished More In The First 30 Days Than Any President In A Long Time
Priebus: Pres. Trump Has Accomplished More In The First 30 Days Than Any President In A Long Time
Posted by Wild Thing at 09:47 AM
February 18, 2017
President Trump is the Answer to Make America Great
NO DREAM is too big, NO CHALLENGE is too great. Nothing we want for our future is BEYOND OUR REACH. #AmericaFirst🇺🇸 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:02 AM
February 17, 2017
Justice Samuel Alito Swears-In EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt
Justice Samuel Alito Swears-In EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt
Posted by Wild Thing at 10:02 PM
President Trump Full Speech at Boeing in North Charleston, SC.
President Trump Makes Remarks at Boeing
Trump Tours Boeing Facility in SC
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:02 PM
President Trump Departs White House with Grandkids
Trump Departs White House with Grandkids
President Donald Trump has left Washington to give remarks at the debut of the Boeing 787-10 Dreamliner in South Carolina. As he departed the White House, he walked to Marine One with two of Ivanka's children, Arabella and Joseph. (Feb. 17)
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:55 PM
President Donald Trump Delivers Weekly Address 2/17/2017 4th Weekly Address By Donald Trump!
President Donald Trump Delivers Weekly Address 2/17/2017 4th Weekly Address By Donald Trump!
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:50 PM | Comments (1)
February 16, 2017
(Fantastic!) President Donald J. Trump signs legislation undoing coal mining regulation
President Donald J. Trump signs legislation undoing coal mining regulation.
Wild Thing's comment.............
Regulations gone. The best part about what he is doing is not saying that he will do something, but the fact that he isn't hesitating on keeping his word and acting on it. Something like this is a good example of that to show he means business. Go Trump.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:03 PM
Awesome Dr. Sebastian Gorka responds to attacks on his credibility
Dr. Sebastian Gorka responds to attacks on his credibility
Dr. Gorka is the Deputy Assistant to President Trump and he is a true man of honor.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:17 PM
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu & Mrs Sara Netanyahu welcomed at the White House by President Donald Trump & First Lady Melania Trump
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu & Mrs Sara Netanyahu welcomed at the White House by President Donald Trump & First Lady Melania Trump
President Trump on Israel: “You’re Going to See a lot of Love, a Lot of Love”
The American president said things are going to a lot different with this White House compared to the last administration. Obama was arguably the most anti-Israel president in US history who trusted the Iran regime more than the Netanyahu government.
President Trump pointed out Jewish son-in-law Jared Kushner and daughter Ivanka who are Jewish and promised a new tone with Israel.
Bibi Netanyahu..."I believe that under your leadership this change in our region creates an unprecedented opportunity to strengthen security and advance peace"
PM Netanyahu: Israel has no better ally than the United States, and I want to assure you, the United States has no better ally than Israel.
Posted by Wild Thing at 11:41 AM
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Donald Trump
GONE thank you God are the days of the vile POS Obama and hos vile and horrible he was to our dear friend Bibi Netanyahu. Love this photo and the BIG smiles. and joy one can feel. ~Chrissie.
Posted by Wild Thing at 11:16 AM
President Trump Signs Bill Eliminating Regulations On The Mining Industry
U.S. President Donald Trump signs H.J. Res. 38, disapproving the rule submitted by the US Department of the Interior known as the Stream Protection Rule in the Roosevelt Room of the White House on February 16, 2017 in Washington, DC.
Posted by Wild Thing at 10:27 AM
First Lady Melania Trump Announces Reopening Of White House Visitors Office
First Lady Melania Trump Announces Reopening Of White House Visitors Office
First Lady Melania Trump Announces Reopening Of White House Visitors Office ( in case any of you forgot, horrible Obama shut this down).
Melania Trump announced the reopening of the White House visitors office on Tuesday.
“I am excited to reopen the White House to the hundreds of thousands of visitors who come each year,” the first lady said in a statement.
“The White House is a remarkable and historic site and we are excited to share its beauty and history. I am committed to the restoration and preservation of our Nation’s most recognizable landmark. ”
Melania said public tours, which must be submitted through a Member of Congress, will resume Tuesday, March 7.
Posted by Wild Thing at 10:04 AM | Comments (1)
President Trump Lashes Out at "Fake News" During Netanyahu Presser
President Donald Trump met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu today in the White House.
During the press briefing President Trump lashed out at “fake media.”
The first question went to David Brody from the Christian News Network who asked about the continued intelligence leaks.
President Trump: Michael Flynn, General Flynn is a wonderful man. I think he’s been treated very, very unfavorably by the media. As I call it the “fake media” in many cases. And I think it’s really a sad thing that he was treated so badly.
Posted by Wild Thing at 09:55 AM
February 11, 2017
President Trump's Senior Advisor Jared Kushner, Ivanka Trump and their children
Trump's Senior Advisor Jared Kushner, Ivanka Trump and their children.
Family getaway! Jared Kushner helps his son Joseph down the stairs of Air Force One while Ivanka carries baby Theodore and holds the hand of her eldest child Arabella
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:18 PM
First Lady Melania Trump and her love of gardens
Today, Abe and Trump toured the Morikami Museum and Japanese Garden while their husbands played golf at President Trump's golf club in Jupiter.
Stephanie Winston Wolkoff, senior adviser to the first lady said in a statement: 'The First Lady has a deep personal commitment to her role as caretaker and nurturer, beginning with her family.'
'She believes there is a connection between a child's mind and places of calm and beauty to be used as a tool for us all.'
'As a mother and as the First Lady of this country, Mrs. Trump is committed to the preservation and continuation of the White House Gardens, specifically the First Lady's Kitchen Garden and the Rose Garden.'
Mrs Trump said in a statement: 'I hope that together Mrs. Abe and I can continue to inspire our youth to enjoy the beauty around them and to restore their minds in the peacefulness of their surroundings.'
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:52 PM
Mrs Abe and Mrs Trump a tour of Morikami Museum and Japanese Gardens
Park Administrator Bonnie White Lemay (right) gives Mrs Abe and Mrs Trump a tour of Morikami Museum and Japanese Gardens
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:43 PM | Comments (1)
First Lady Melania Trump and Akie Abe, wife of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, tour Morikami Museum and Japanese Gardens
First Lady Melania Trump and Akie Abe, wife of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, tour Morikami Museum and Japanese Gardens in Delray Beach, Florida, on February 11, 2017. The two appear to be having a delightful time together. They toured the Gardens while their husbands played golf. The couples will meet up again for a private dinner together tonight.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:07 PM
President Donald Trump, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, his wife Akie Abe, First Lady Melania Trump, and Robert Kraft at Mar-a-Lago Resort
President Donald Trump, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, his wife Akie Abe, First Lady Melania Trump, and Robert Kraft,owner of the New England Patriots, sit down for dinner at Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort on February 10.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:53 PM
First Lady Melania and Akie Abe Tour Japanese Gardens in DelRay Beach, FL.
Melania and Akie spent time together today. In this photo, Melania Trump and Akie Abe tour Morikami Museum and Japanese Gardens in Delray Beach, Florida.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:35 PM
First Lady Melania Trump hosted the Japanese First Lady Akie Abe
First Lady Melania Trump hosted the Japanese First Lady today in a tour of Morikami Gardens in Florida. It was her first official hosting of a foreign leader spouse. Later today Melania and Akie Abe will visit the museum in Delray Beach, Florida.
It is so nice to have someone with such dignity, beauty and grace as US First Lady.
Posted by Wild Thing at 11:19 AM
President Trump on on Marine One with Prime Minister Shinzō Abe and his wife Akie
Heading to Joint Base Andrews on Marine One with Prime Minister Shinzō Abe
and his wife Akie .
Posted by Wild Thing at 10:55 AM
February 10, 2017
Ivanka Family Photo After Donald Trump was sworn in as 45th President
Ivanka Trump..............family photo moments after my father Donald J. Trump was sworn in as the 45th President of the United States.
Posted by Wild Thing at 10:58 AM
President Trump with Some of His Grandchildren

from Donald Trump Jr........ from last summer. Grandpa @realdonaldtrump with Tristan Kai and Donnie having some lunch after a game of golf. #tbt #throwback #throwbackthursday #golf #family #familytime #trump
Posted by Wild Thing at 10:42 AM
Trump: See you in court, our nation’s security is at stake
Trump: See you in court, our nation’s security is at stake
Posted by Wild Thing at 10:20 AM
Krauthammer: Court's decision on Trump's order 'disgraceful'
Krauthammer: Court's decision on Trump's order 'disgraceful'
Posted by Wild Thing at 10:03 AM
February 08, 2017
President Trump: Zero Tolerance for Violence Against Cops
Trump: Zero Tolerance for Violence Against Cops
Wild Thing's comment.................
Huge thank you to President Trump. Obama was al for the crimes and killings of our police. It is a new day in America now to have a president that loves our country and appreciates our police.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:25 PM
PM Bibi Netanyahu Meets Chuck Norris
PM Netanyahu Meets Chuck Norris
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:48 PM
National Sheriffs' Assoc. Visit Presisent Trump at White House to Show Support
An honor having the National Sheriffs' Assoc. join me at the White House. Incredible men & women who protect & serve 24/7/365. THANK YOU!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:57 PM
February 04, 2017
President Trump and Vice President Pence greet Harley Davidson executives on the South Lawn
President Trump and Vice President Pence greet Harley Davidson executives on the South Lawn
Donald Trump met with executives from Harley-Davidson Thursday, and he and Vice President Mike Pence greeted the team on the South Lawn of the White House.
President Donald Trump on Thursday used a lunch meeting at the White House with executives and union leaders from Milwaukee-based Harley-Davidson Inc. to push his "America First" theme in trade deals.
"A lot of countries are taking advantage of us," Trump said during a press briefing with the executives and union members.
"Thank you Harley-Davidson for building things in America," Trump said during his remarks.
He also used the opportunity to tout his election night victory in Wisconsin. "I want to thank the people of Wisconsin," Trump said. "Great people. Amazing people. And they get it."
The president also focused on his theme of the need for health care and tax reform to help businesses succeed. He pledged to bring down the high cost of health care and also promised tax reform, issues he has repeatedly raised during his time so far in office.
Wild Thing's comment...............
I love this.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:06 PM
President Trump Visits Mar-a-Lago the winter White House (2.3.2017)
President Donald Trump walks with his wife Melania Trump on the tarmac after he arrived on Air Force One at the Palm Beach International Airport for a visit to his Mar-a-Lago Resort for the weekend on February 3, 2017 in Palm Beach, Florida. (Getty)
According to US Weekly, the Trumps “are expected to attend the white tie Red Cross ball” while they are in Florida.
According to The Huffington Post, Donald Trump is also planning “a Super Bowl gathering at his Trump International Golf Club in Palm Beach.” The president is also expected to make weekend calls to the leaders of New Zealand, Italy and Ukraine .
Vice President Mike Pence is attending the Super Bowl.
Wild Thing/'s comment............
A well deserved mini vacation, Trump has done more good for our country in these last two weeks then anyone ever.
Posted by Wild Thing at 11:41 AM
February 03, 2017
Game Day Watch Party Planned at the Trump International Hotel Washington, D.C.
Trump International Hotel Washington, D.C....this building used to be the Post office and now it is a gorgeous hotel.
Benjamin Bar & Lounge is ready for Sunday. Chicken lollipop and drink specials start at 4:30PM #WatchParty #WashingtonDC #Superbowl 🏈 #Falcons #Patriots
Fresh from the kitchen...these Sweet & Spicy New England style wings will delight Patriots and Falcon fans too at the Benjamin Bar & Lounge SuperBowl Watch Party.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:37 PM | Comments (2)
President Donald Trump is America’s head cheerleader
Donald Trump is America’s head cheerleader
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:30 PM
President Donald Trump Delivers His Weekly Address 2/3/2017
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:11 PM | Comments (1)
February 02, 2017
Secretary of State Rex Tillerson Addresses Department of State Employees 2/2/2017 (FULL Speech)
Wild Thing's comment..............
I really like this man.
Posted by Wild Thing at 11:31 AM
President Trump at the National Prayer Breakfast this morning. 2.2.2017
Wild Thing's comment..........
This is just soooo wonderful. It has been such a long time, since President Reagan that I have felt like this about our President. Each day I am more and more happy that Trump is the one that one the election. There really was no one else that could do the job he is doing and as well.
Posted by Wild Thing at 11:27 AM
First Lady Melania Trump hires chief of staff
Melania Trump hires chief of staff
Washington (CNN)Nearly two weeks after her husband assumed office, Melania Trump has made her first official East Wing hire.
Lindsay Reynolds will serve as assistant to the President and chief of staff to the first lady, the White House announced Wednesday evening.
Reynolds previously served in the George W. Bush White House and brings more than 14 years of political fundraising, event management and logistical expertise to the position, per a White House statement.
She is the daughter-in-law of Ohio businessman Mercer Reynolds, who served as national finance chair for Bush's 2004 re-election campaign.
The first lady acknowledged a delay in staffing -- the staffing gap has caused a delay in carrying out some duties such as White House tours, state dinner planning and the announcement of her official causes -- among other tasks traditionally reserved for the first lady's team.
"I am putting together a professional and highly-experienced team which will take time to do properly," Trump said in a statement. "I am excited to be organizing and bringing together such a dynamic and forward-thinking group of individuals who will work together to make our country better for everyone."
Trump has not been seen publicly since an inaugural weekend multi-faith prayer service at Washington National Cathedral.
A spokeswoman for the first lady knocked down recent reports that Trump would not be moving to Washington at all.
"That report is not true," the spokeswoman said.
Later Wednesday, Stephanie Winston Wolkoff, acting as senior adviser to the first lady, confirmed Trump will move to Washington.
"Mrs. Trump will be moving to DC and settling in to the White House at the end of the school year, splitting her time between New York and DC in the meantime," she said. "Mrs. Trump is honored to serve this country and is taking the role and responsibilities of first lady very seriously. It has only been a short time since the inauguration and the first lady is going to go about her role in a pragmatic and thoughtful way that is unique and authentic to her."
She will join her husband at Mar-a-Lago this weekend, a White House source confirmed.
Wild Thing"s comment................
Melania is going to be a fantastic First Lady. The entire Trump family is bringing class back into our White House....first class all the way.
Posted by Wild Thing at 10:29 AM
February 01, 2017
President Trump and First Lady Melania at Inaugural Ball
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:14 PM
Unlike idiot POS Obama, Awesome President Trump Knows How to Salute
Wild Thing's comment......
I will never forget how Obama did his salutes, he had no clue and even after he was shown how to do it properly he never did it right or with respect. GRRRRRRRRRRRRR I will hate Obama forever.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:07 PM
First Lady Melania Trump

Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 PM
Lincoln Monument and President Trump and First Lady Melania
Wild Thing's comment.......
What a great moment in time.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:40 PM
President Donald Trump walks parade route on Inauguration Day 2017
President Donald Trump walks parade route on Inauguration Day 2017
Wild Thing's comment............
This was such a very very special day for our country and for all of us.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:23 PM
Trump Inauguration Speech (FULL speech)
Wild Thing's comment...........
I loved this speech.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:10 PM
President Donald Trump on Air Force One
Wild Thing's comment............
So glad he is President.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:01 PM