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August 31, 2015
Green Berets have growing doubts of duties with skittish political leadership
Green Berets have growing doubts of duties with skittish political leadership
Army Special Forces operating in Afghanistan have been disciplined, admonished and even fired for actions that the U.S. soldiers firmly believe are part of their duty to “free the oppressed,” as the Green Beret motto says.
hey were the first troops to hit the ground in Afghanistan while al Qaeda’s dirty work still smoldered back in the United States.
On foot, helicopter and horseback, ArmySpecial Forces showed that if the U.S. was to win a long counterinsurgency war against Islamic extremists, the special skills of Green Berets would be fundamental.
Nearly 14 years later, these soldiers, some of the military’s smartest and best trained, are still creating lots of headlines, but not necessarily for heroics.
In recent months, the Army has disciplined, admonished and ended the careers of a number of Green Berets for actions that the soldiers themselves believe were part of combating an evil enemy. Pristine standards for fighting the Taliban and al Qaeda are not achievable, some in the community say.
“There is certainly a belief that upper echelons of leadership have morphed into political positions, and leaders are a lot less willing to risk their own career to support their soldiers,” Danny Quinn, a former Green Beret team leader and West Point graduate, told The Washington Times.
Examples abound:
•Army Secretary John McHugh stripped a Green Beret of his Silver Star for summarily killing a Taliban bomb maker.
• A military investigation blamed two Green Berets for the worst U.S. friendly-fire incident in Afghanistan, when critical errors were made by the Air Force crew that dropped the bombs onto their soldiers.
• The Army fired a Green Beret from his hostage rescue post at the Pentagon and put him under criminal investigation for whistlingblowing to Congress.
• The Army is kicking out a Green Beret for pushing an Afghan police officer accused a raping a boy.
Maj. Matt Golsteyn, one of the Green Berets in the Army’s crosshairs, said the group’s motto, De Oppresso Liber (“To Free the Oppressed”), presents a “moral imperative for action against those who would use violence and injustice as means for repression.”
“It would seem the lives and careers of Green Berets who would dare to see the organization’s motto realized on foreign soil are sacrificed for politics and careerism,” the Afghanistan War veteran told The Times. “As we witness continual displays of failure after failure in military leadership, our collective failure to liberate the oppressed in Iraq and Afghanistan should confuse no longer.”
No one says the military is specifically targeting Green Berets, but there has been a rash of punishments for these soldiers for actions in warfare that they believed were justified.
Joe Kasper, chief of staff for Rep. Duncan Hunter, California Republican, said the discipline is “causing a high sense of discomfort and concern with that small community.”
“What we hear consistently is what many of these soldiers can’t say publicly, and that is Army leadership has created an environment that has soldiers second-guessing themselves and hesitating constantly, and one misstep — whether intended or not — is a career killer,” Mr. Kasper said. “All of it has had an impact on morale and retention, and it should sound alarm bells for the Army.”
A snapshot of recent cases:
• Mr. McHugh, the Army secretary, stripped Maj. Golsteyn of his Silver Star, one of the military’s highest awards for combat valor, after he acknowledged in a CIA job interview that he killed a Taliban bomb maker suspected of killing U.S. troops. The Army never charged Maj. Golsteyn after a lengthy investigation. Mr. Hunter wants Congress to strip service secretaries of such powers.
• The Army opened a criminal investigation of Lt. Col. Jason Amerine, one of the first Green Berets to land in Afghanistan in 2001, after he complained to Mr. Hunter about what he considered a broken hostage rescue program. The FBI informed on Mr. Amerine to Army headquarters, suggesting that he might have relayed classified information. The Pentagon ruled that there were no secret data in his hotline complaint of whistleblower reprisal to the inspector general.
• The military blamed two Green Berets, an A-Team commander and its top enlisted man, for friendly-fire deaths in Afghanistan. The root cause, however, was that the B-1B crew that dropped the bombs lacked basic knowledge of the targeting pod and thought it would be able to see “friendly” troops’ strobe lights when it could not. Not seeing any strobes, the crew dropped the ordnance onto the soldiers.
• Earl Plumlee was on his way to being awarded the Medal of Honor for acts of extreme bravery in Afghanistan. He won endorsements up the chain of command. Then someone made the accusation that he tried to sell a rifle online. The Army conducted a criminal investigation but filed no charges. Still, the Medal of Honor never arrived. The Army awarded him the Silver Star, two notches below the nation’s highest honor.
Wild Thing's comment............
I feel so badly for our troops serving today. They have been treated horribly by Obama with his pink slips to them while deployed, his stating he does NOT want Victory and the vile R.O.E. he has given to them. More troops have been killed during Obama's reign of terror then all the years with the war when Bush was president.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
Another DEAD body in the Clinton's world. Spy Found Dead In Bag He Had Hacked Into Secret Data On Bill Clinton
Another DEAD body in the Clinton's world. Spy Found Dead In Bag He Had Hacked Into Secret Data On Bill Clinton
- Gareth Williams's body was found in a bag at his London flat five years ago
- Spy illegally hacked into secret data on former U.S. president Bill Clinton
- Personal voicemail messages left by the spy were deleted after he died
The British spy whose body was found padlocked inside a bag in his flat had illegally hacked into secret data on former U.S. president Bill Clinton, it has been revealed.
Gareth Williams, 31, was discovered in a holdall in the bath at his London home five years ago this month, but the mystery surrounding his death has never been solved.
Today, it has been revealed the spy had dug out a guest list for an event Clinton was due to attend as a favor for a friend.
The hack breached Mr Williams' security clearance and this sparked anger among MI6 bosses as tensions rose with U.S. security services over the spy's transatlantic work, The Sun on Sunday has reported.
A source said: 'The Clinton diary hack came at a time when Williams' work with America was of the most sensitive nature.
'It was a diplomatic nightmare for Sir John Sawers, the new director of MI6 at the time.'
The paper has also reported that voicemail messages Mr Williams, a maths genius and expert cryptographer, left for family and friends were deleted shortly after his death.
Earlier this month, it was revealed that detectives who investigated the mysterious death believe he was murdered and that his killers then broke back in through a skylight to cover their tracks.
The claim centres on the revelation that part of the forensic equipment placed in the flat after the body was found was moved – despite the fact the building was under armed police guard.
The theory supports his family’s suspicions he was murdered by ‘agents specialising in the dark arts of the secret services’.
Mr Williams had been working with the American National Security Agency in Washington before returning to London, where he underwent training and was sent on active operations.
Dr Wilcox concluded that Mr Williams’s death was ‘unnatural and likely to have been criminally mediated’.
She said she was satisfied ‘on the balance of probabilities that Gareth was killed unlawfully’, as it was likely someone else had put his body in the bag and locked it.
Wild Thing's comment.............
Crossed the Clintons and ended up dead. What.A.Surprise. Not. Just another victim of the Vince Foster Syndrome.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (2)
Obama Changes The Name Of Tallest Mountain In U.S., Mt. McKinley, To The Original Native Name, ‘Denali’
Barack Obama on Monday will officially restore Denali as the name of North America’s tallest mountain, ending a 40-year battle over what to call the peak that has been known as Mount McKinley.
The symbolic gesture comes at the beginning of a three-day trip to Alaska where Obama hopes to build support for his efforts to address climate change during his remaining 16 months in office.
The peak was named Mount McKinley in 1896 after a gold prospector exploring the region heard that Ohioan William McKinley, a champion of the gold standard, had won the Republican nomination for president.
Wild Thing's comment............
Obama's hate for American presidents. They could name a garbage dump after Obama.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:49 AM
DNC Not Backing Iran Deal ‘Big Embarrassment’ for Obama
DNC Not Backing Iran Deal ‘Big Embarrassment’ for Obama
Obama suffered an “embarrassment” with the Democratic National Committee not passing a resolution over the weekend in support of his Iran nuclear deal, CNN panelists said Sunday.
According to the Washington Post, party chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D., Fla.) blocked the resolution at the summer meeting in Minnesota.
“The Obama-controlled DNC could not pass a resolution this weekend expressing support for President Obama’s Iran deal,” New York Times reporter Jonathan Martin said. “It’s a bit of an embarrassment for the administration seeing as it’s how his party, he appointed Debbie Wasserman Schultz, and it’s revived the sort-of latest round of eye-rolling among Democratic operatives about the state of the party.”
CNN host John King said Martin was being diplomatic, saying it was a “big embarrassment for the president.”
Wild Thing's comment..........
But......but.....but Obama said those that don't support the nuke deal with Iran are "crazies". Obama alone in the Oval office chanting Death to America all by himself.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM
Professors Threaten Bad Grades For Students Who Use Terms, ‘Illegal Alien’, ‘Male’ And ‘Female’
Professors Threaten Bad Grades For Students Who Use Terms, ‘Illegal Alien’, ‘Male’ And ‘Female’
Multiple professors at Washington State University have explicitly told students their grades will suffer if they use terms such as “illegal alien,” “male,” and “female,” or if they fail to “defer” to non-white students.
According to the syllabus for Selena Lester Breikss’ “Women & Popular Culture” class, students risk a failing grade if they use any common descriptors that Breikss considers “oppressive and hateful language.”
“Students will come to recognize how white privilege functions in everyday social structures and institutions.” Tweet This
The punishment for repeatedly using the banned words, Breikss warns, includes “but [is] not limited to removal from the class without attendance or participation points, failure of the assignment, and— in extreme cases— failure for the semester.”
Breikss is not the only WSU faculty member implementing such policies.
Much like in Selena Breikss’s classroom, students taking Professor Rebecca Fowler’s “ Introduction to Comparative Ethnic Studies” course will see their grades suffer if they use the term “illegal alien” in their assigned writing.
According to her syllabus, students will lose one point every time they use the words “illegal alien” or “illegals” rather than the preferred terms of “‘undocumented’ migrants/immigrants/persons.” Throughout the course, Fowler says, students will “come to recognize how white privilege functions in everyday social structures and institutions.”
Wild Thing's comment............
The left never takes a day off from being assholes. What total idiots.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM
August 30, 2015
Actor Jon Voight Hops on Stage and Joins Gospel Choir in Impromptu Restoring Unity Performance
Actor Jon Voight Hops on Stage and Joins Gospel Choir in Impromptu Restoring Unity Performance
Actor Jon Voight joined thousands of participants at the Restoring Unity event this weekend in Birmingham, Alabama, taking the stage to sing and dance along with a gospel choir that was on-hand to offer praise and worship music during Saturday’s speakers series.
“I started dancing back there, because this is my favorite music,” Voight said during an impromptu stage appearance. “‘Worthy of the glory, worthy of the power’ — It’s so wonderful, so I said, ‘I want to get up there,’ and so Glenn Beck, he says, ‘Go ahead.’”
Voight and Alveda King, niece of Martin Luther King Jr., joining the choir on stage
Wild Thing's comment..........
This is nice I like that Jon Voight has been such a great advocate for conservatives. He has changed so much from his beliefs a long time ago.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM
Veteran Sgt. Bartlett calls on Senators to reject the Iran deal Obama Is ‘Selling Out The Country’
Sgt. Bartlett calls on Senators to reject the Iran deal Obama Is ‘Selling Out The Country’
Recalling the Iranian bomb that cut through his armored vehicle in Iraq in 2005, “my scars are the direct result of Iran,” says Sgt. Robert Bartlett.
His face was ripped from the temple to the jaw and his gunner’s legs were blown off. He had more than 40 procedures done and he died three times, only to live to speak today.
Bartlett says, “People want to kill us just because we are Americans. I’m the proof of that reality. The lie that we are safe, or don’t need protection from Iran, is a lie.”
“Iran chants in their streets every day, ‘Death to America.’ They are burning the American flag outside their doors. They’re teaching it in their schools. That’s what they want. They want us dead. They don’t want us protecting the world anymore.”
Admitting that he has no idea why President Obama and John Kerry made such a deal, Bartlett admits to making mistakes himself, but “this is the mistake of a lifetime. Their kids won’t survive this mistake.”
Wondering whether they just want a legacy, Bartlett asks, “Do you want your name on it if it kills the country?”
“They are selling out America. The blood that I gave, the scars that I have and my buddy’s death means nothing. We protected them from these people — now they will pay those same people? It makes no sense.”
Asked why he agreed to be featured in this new ad, Bartlett answers, “I swore a long time ago I’d do anything I could for this country. When I got blown up by an Iranian bomb, it took me out of my uniform. The damage is too much.”
Referring to this ad and his public appearances, “God has given me a chance to defend my country again, and it just by using my voice. I’m keeping my promise to my buddy who didn’t get to come home because of the Iranian bomb.”
Wild Thing's comment.............
Thank you Sgt. Bartlett !!!!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (1)
August 29, 2015
Hillary Clinton Being Investigated For Violating The Espionage Act
Hillary Clinton Being Investigated For Violating The Espionage Act
An FBI “A-team” is leading the “extremely serious” investigation into Hillary Clinton’s server and the focus includes a provision of the law pertaining to “gathering, transmitting or losing defense information,” an intelligence source told Fox News.
The section of the Espionage Act is known as 18 US Code 793.
A separate source, who also was not authorized to speak on the record, said the FBI will further determine whether Clinton should have known, based on the quality and detail of the material, that emails passing through her server contained classified information regardless of the markings.
The campaign’s standard defense and that of Clinton is that she “never sent nor received any email that was marked classified” at the time.
Wild Thing's comment..........
Mark Levin said,it doesn't matter if documents were marked, if they were sent or received - opened or unopened - in emails, or even if she didn't recognize any markings. The sole fact that even one of these secure documents was on her personal server altogether is a violation of the Espionage Act.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:55 AM
Hillary Clinton Response To Fox Reporter: You Are ‘Entitled’ To Only One Question
Clinton Response To Fox Reporter: You Are ‘Entitled’ To Only One Question
When Fox News reporter Ed Henry asked Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton three straightforward questions about her email scandal on Friday, she quickly told him she would only be answering one.
“Well, let me answer one of your questions, because I think that’s what you’re entitled to,” Clinton said.
Here are the three questions Henry asked:
• “Were you aware that your husband wanted to give paid speeches to repressive regimes like North Korea?”
• “Do you have any comment on these new emails that have raised questions about conflict of interest involving your aide Huma Abedin?”
• “You’ve said there’s nothing unique about this situation…can you name one other cabinet secretary who has their own server?”
Clinton chose only to answer the first one, saying that she implemented a policy that required any request that her husband received be sent to the State Department to “be vetted.”
“It didn’t matter where it was coming from, it was going to go to the State Department,” she added. “And there were some unusual requests, but they all went through the process to try to make sure that the State Department conducted its independent review.”
She added, “He did neither of those speeches,” referring to reports that he sought to give speeches in North Korea and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Clinton’s exchange with Henry came after her address to the Democratic National Committee.
Wild Thing's comment............
LOL the Queen bee.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM
August 28, 2015
Retired Generals and Admirals urge Congress to reject Iran nuclear deal
Retired Generals and Admirals urge Congress to reject Iran nuclear deal
A group of nearly 200 retired generals and admirals sent a letter to Congress on Wednesday urging lawmakers to reject the Iran nuclear agreement, which they say threatens national security.
The letter is the latest in a blizzard of missives petitioning Congress either to support or oppose the agreement with Iran, which would lift sanctions if Iran pared back its nuclear program. Letters have come from ad hoc groupings of rabbis, nuclear scientists, arms-control and nonproliferation experts — and now, retired senior military officers, many of whom have worked in the White House during various administrations dating to the 1980s.
The letter, addressed to Republican and Democratic leaders in the Senate and the House, is a response to one sent last week by three dozen retired senior military officers who support the nuclear deal.
“The agreement will enable Iran to become far more dangerous, render the Mideast still more unstable and introduce new threats to American interests as well as our allies,” the letter states.
The signatories include retired generals and flag officers from every branch of service, including a handful who were involved in some public controversies during their careers.
One is retired Lt. Gen. William G. “Jerry” Boykin, who was deputy undersecretary of defense for intelligence under President George W. Bush and is now executive vice president of the Family Research Council. He had a history of making controversial speeches, including one in which he characterized U.S. military operations against Islamist extremist organizations as a Christian fight against Satan.
It also was signed by retired Vice Adm. John Poindexter and retired Maj. Gen. Richard Secord, who were involved in the Iran-contra affair in the Reagan administration, in which arms were sold to Iran to fund the contras in Nicaragua.
Many of the signatories served in the White House, under Democratic administrations as well as Republican. The only thing they appear to have in common is that they consider the Iran nuclear deal a threat to U.S. interests in the region and its own national security.
Leon A. “Bud” Edney, a retired admiral who served as vice chief of naval operations, initiated the letter after he read the letter by other retired officers in support of the agreement.
“I looked at the letter they published, and thought it was very weak,” Edney said. “I just don’t agree with it.” He then got the alternative viewpoint rolling through e-mails sent to some of his Navy and Marine friends. They in turn passed it on.
The competing opinions espoused by people within each group reflect the intense lobbying campaign underway even as Congress is in recess. Lawmakers must vote by Sept. 17 whether to “disapprove” the deal. The Republican majority is unanimously opposed to the agreement, so the Obama administration is focusing on ensuring that enough Democrats support it to sustain a presidential veto. They are close to succeeding. So far, 29 senators have announced their support, only five votes short of the 34 needed to block a veto override.
Retired Air Force Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney, who was vice commander of U.S. Air Forces in Europe, said he considers the agreement the most dangerous nuclear accord in U.S. history.
“What I don’t like about this is, the number one leading radical Islamic group in the world is the Iranians,” he said. “They are purveyors of radical Islam throughout the region and throughout the world. And we are going to enable them to get nuclear weapons. Why would we do that?”
McInerney said he thinks that most retired general officers do not support the agreement, but he said some did not sign the letter because they feared negative career repercussions.
“I don’t think the retired general officers necessarily speak with one voice,” he said. “We’ve all gone our own way when we retired.”
The opinions expressed in the letter were popular enough that people rushed to sign on, even in the hours before it was sent to Congress. The number of signatories almost doubled between Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday morning, copies of the letter showed.
LINK in case the other one does not open up.
Wild Thing's comment...................
190 people that Obama will not listen to.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (1)
Obituaries Keep Requesting Loved Ones Not Vote for Hillary
Obituaries Keep Requesting Loved Ones Not Vote for Hillary
An Arkansas man has requested in his obituary that loved ones do not vote for Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election, making him at least the third individual to do so since Clinton launched her campaign in April.
The obituary for Richard Buckman of Beebe, Ark., reads, “In lieu of flowers, please do not vote for Hillary,” mirroring text that was included in a recent obituary for a deceased New Jersey woman.
Buckman died on Aug. 22 at the age of 75, three days after news broke that the obituary for 63-year-old Elaine Fydrych of Gloucester Township, N.J., advised funeral goers, “Elaine requests, ‘In lieu of flowers, please do not vote for Hillary Clinton.’”
Indeed, such requests have become something of a trend. The obituary for a 81-year-old North Carolina man who died the day after Clinton launched her presidential campaign also asked loved ones to refrain from voting for the Democratic presidential candidate.
Wild Thing's comment.............
LOL this is kind of funny, since the Democrats use so many dead people to vote.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (1)
Ex-Clinton Advisor: Clinton Team In ‘Sheer Panic’, It’s A ‘Bad Day In Clintonland’
Ex-Clinton Advisor: Clinton Team In ‘Sheer Panic’, It’s A ‘Bad Day In Clintonland’…
Doug Shoen -- Hillary's email scandal not going away
Wild Thing's comment.............
She has done to to herself. Karma from all the crimes of both the Clinton's.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (1)
August 27, 2015
Hollywood actor to auction his rifles to fund Israeli army
Hollywood actor to auction his rifles to fund Israeli army ( PHOTO AT LINK)
Joe Mantegna, star of the CBS television show Criminal Minds, plans to auction off two of his Tavor rifles to fundraise for "Friends of the IDF", a New York City-based organization that lends material support to the Israeli military.
According to a press release from IWI-US, Mantegna will conduct an auction for two Tavor rifles produced by IWI. Gains from the auction will go to "Friends of the IDF".
Interestingly, "Israel Weapon Industries-US" (IWI-US) is co-sponsoring the Sunday event, along-with "Bullets & Bagels", a Jewish gun club in Orange County, California.
Event attendees “will get to shoot the TAVOR at the range and receive basic shooting instruction and assistance from an [National Rifle Association certified] instructor.”
Michael Kassner, IWI-US Vice President of Sales and Marketing, said “IWI is proud to support the Jewish community. ‘Bullets & Bagels’ allows all who love guns, great food and Israel to get together, eat, shoot and shoot the breeze. … Don’t be surprised if you see me there myself. I could always go for some bagels and lox with a side of Tavor.”
Hollywood actors have been long supporting Israeli aggression against Palestinians through various means, such as direct fund-raising events or making movies backing Israeli interpretation and catalyzation of the ongoing unrest in the middle-east.
Wild Thing's comment...........
Good for Joe Mantegna, he really is a good man. He also has been a huge supporter of our Troops and Veterans.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
Club for Growth: Trump wants 'federal control over U.S. businesses'
Club for Growth: Trump wants 'federal control over U.S. businesses'
Leaders of the fiscally conservative Club for Growth PAC have accused Donald Trump of pandering to tax-and-spend liberals after promising to levy a tax on Ford vehicles imported from Mexico.
Club for Growth President David McIntosh said in a press release Wednesday that the billionaire's "threat to impose new taxes on U.S. car companies will hurt the American economy and cost more American jobs."
"It should thrill liberals and Democrats everywhere that Trump wants to create new taxes and start a trade war to force American companies to work where he demands," McIntosh said.
Ford Motors announced a multi-billion dollar initiative in April to build a new transmission facility at its current plant in Chihuahua, Mexico and to expand its diesel production plant at the same location. Other companies in the auto industry, including Toyota and Hyundai, have also moved to erect new facilities in Mexico.
On Tuesday, Trump told supporters in Iowa that he would persuade Ford to move its plant back to the U.S. by taxing "every car, every truck, every part that comes across [the] Southern border," at a rate of 35 percent.
"I would say very simply, 'Fellas, sorry, you gotta move back,'" he said. "And I would say that the president of Ford will call me to say 'Mr. President, we've decided to build a plant in the United States."
"That's what will happen," Trump proclaimed.
"Instead of lowering corporate taxes, cutting unnecessary regulations, and fostering a more profitable environment in the U.S., as some Republican candidates have proposed, Trump wants to unilaterally threaten a major U.S. manufacturer with higher taxes," McIntosh said.
The free-enterprise advocacy group — which recently announced that it plans to fundraise for Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush, and Scott Walker — described Trump's plan as a "one-up on the Obama pen-and-phone method."
"If Trump gets his way, the heavy hand of government will get substantially heavier, and car buyers will be left holding the bag," Club for Growth stated.
Wild Thing's comment............
Socialism is about government ownership; fascism is about government control. Trump is a fascist.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM
This is what Donald Trump’s popularity says about us. And it ain’t pretty.
This is what Donald Trump’s popularity says about us. And it ain’t pretty.
Everyone should read this and ask yourselves, "How can a Christian support this man?"
"Donald Trump's despicable comments about Megyn Kelly are God's mercy toward the U.S. We've been allowed to see the madness of Saul in time to reject him. If anything has ever illustrated our debased view of manhood…Donald Trump is it. He is not gentlemanly or chivalrous or heroic. He is a win-at-all-costs Saul who would mesmerize us for a time and lift our hopes, only to destroy us in the end. His viciously nasty comments toward Rosie O'Donnell were not what a gentleman says about a woman, no matter who she is or what awful things SHE has said. A gentleman would never have stooped to that level. Would George Washington or Abraham Lincoln speak about a woman that way? We've fallen very far that we would tolerate this behavior.....
When we respond to vulgarity with vulgarity, our opponents win the argument. And when we howl our approval at a billionaire calling a woman a “dog,” we cannot claim, in any sane or rational way, to be consistent with any principles."
That, I think, is how a Christian and a real conservative responds to a man who takes the national stage and says horrible things about women. Those who are defending Trump by saying that those on the left (where Trump himself oh-so-recently resided) say things about us that are much worse are missing the point, not to mention ignoring the “turn the other cheek” admonishment.
Wild Thing's comment..........
It truly shocks me at how so called Republicans ignores, or are not shocked and upset with Trump and the thins he says, his immature and bully personality and so many things about him that show a total lack of good character.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM
August 26, 2015
Donald Trump is many things. Conservative is not one of them.
Donald Trump is many things. Conservative is not one of them.
To better appreciate how philosophically erratic Donald Trump has been over the years, consider this: Less than three years ago, Donald Trump was criticizing Governor Mitt Romney’s comments about “self-deportation.” Today, Mr. Trump is advocating forced (and mass) deportation.
The Trump record on this matter is worth reviewing. A few days ago on NBC’s Meet the Press, Mr. Trump endorsed mass deportation of the estimated 11 million illegal immigrants in America.
“They have to go,” he said.
Then, two nights ago, Fox News Channel’s Bill O’Reilly asked Mr. Trump if he envisions “federal police kicking in the doors in barrios around the country dragging families out and putting them on a bus” as a means to deport everyone he intends to deport. Trump answered, “We have to start a process where we take back our country. Our country is going to hell. We have to start a process, Bill, where we take back our country.” And what a process that will be.
Now let’s go back to just after the 2012 election when Trump criticized Mitt Romney’s “crazy policy of self-deportation, which was maniacal. It sounded as bad as it was, and he lost all of the Latino vote … He lost the Asian vote. He lost everybody who is inspired to come into this country.”
That same year, Trump said:
For people that have been here for years that have been hard-workers, have good jobs, they’re supporting their family — it’s very, very tough to just say, ”By the way, 22 years, you have to leave. Get out.” … I have to tell you on a human basis, how do you throw somebody out that’s lived in this country for 20 years.
And just two years before that, this is what Trump had to say:
You have American interests hiring [illegal immigrants], absolutely. And many cases, they’re great workers. The biggest problem is you have great people come in from Mexico working crops and cutting lawns that I’m not sure a lot of Americans are going to take those jobs. That’s the dichotomy. That’s the problem. You have a lot of great people coming in doing a lot of work. And I’m not so sure that a lot of other people are doing that work, so it’s a very tough problem.
For those with inquiring minds, immigration is only one issue among many where Trump has shown massive inconsistencies, as Max Boot writes about here. As I’ve repeatedly pointed out – and will continue to point out – Mr. Trump was a registered Democrat for most of the last decade. He gave large sums of money to leading progressive politicians, and he supported liberal policies on a whole range of matters, from health care to taxes to guns to abortion to drugs to much else. To this day, he is an opponent of entitlement reform and supports affirmative action.
(Mr. Trump’s effort to compare himself to Ronald Reagan is risible. Mr. Reagan was elected president in 1980. In 1964, he was a great champion for Barry Goldwater. He served as a successful, conservative governor of California for two terms. And he was one of the key figures in the creation of the modern American conservative movement. Donald Trump, on the other hand, was a registered Democrat when it was being led by John Kerry, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid. Mr. Trump was a particularly big donor in elections that brought Pelosi and Reid to power. And he has shown no interest and made no contributions over the years to conservative philosophy and ideas.)
What’s fascinating to me is that for many Trump supporters, the kind of flip-flops and philosophical transgressions that would disqualify any other candidate many times over doesn’t apply to Trump. The question is: Why? What is it about Trump that causes some people on the right to suspend their critical judgments, renounce fidelity to conservative ideology and policies, and extend immunity to Trump in ways they would never to anyone else?
The answers vary person to person, of course. (It’s worth saying here that Trump’s support cuts across ideological lines. Warren Henry and Emily Ekins have written articles for The Federalist here and here examining who Trump supporters are.) But some measure of support for Trump on the right is clearly rooted in deep anger and disenchantment, resentment, and frustration.
This is a populist moment – and for them, Trump is Mr. Anti-Establishment. They see him as the confrontational outsider, unscripted and not politically correct, a person who can shake up the system. Donald Trump is The Great Disrupter. In addition, he knows how to “school” the “establishment” types and has their “number.” The enemy of my enemy is my friend. It’s time to burn down the village – in this case, Washington D.C. — to save the village. And if the man lighting the match is vulgar, inconsistent, and unprincipled, no matter. If in this cause those on the right end up defending and supporting what my Ethics and Public Policy Center colleague Yuval Levin calls “the least conservative Republican presidential aspirant in living memory” – Donald Trump — so be it.
People are entitled to their anger, and they are entitled to support Mr. Trump. But here’s what they’re not entitled to: They cannot take conservatism, reinvent its meaning, and attach it to whatever cause or character they happen to identify with. Conservatism is a philosophy; it has a history and a core set of principles. It’s been shaped by towering intellectual figures. The effort by some on the right to disfigure conservatism in order to justify their support for Mr. Trump is unfortunate. It is also incoherent. Conservatism is not synonymous with alienation and resentments, crudity, and unfiltered rage.
People can support Donald Trump, but they cannot support him on conservative grounds.
Wild Thing's comment............
IMO this is an excellent article about Trump. Too bad supporters of Trump will not listen.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:46 PM
Walmart To Stop Selling AR-15s, Claims Decision ‘Is Not Political’
Walmart To Stop Selling AR-15s, Claims Decision ‘Is Not Political’
Just months after winning against a Trinity Church lawsuit designed to force Walmart to quit selling AR-15s and “high capacity” magazines, Walmart corporate says it will quit selling AR-15s of its own accord.
Moreover, corporate stresses that the decision is “not political.”
According to Gun Talk radio host Tom Gresham, Walmart corporate “confirmed” their decision to quit selling AR-15s on August 25.
Gresham tweeted, “CONFIRMED with Walmart corporate offices. Getting rid of AR-15s. They aren’t selling. Replacing with hunting guns. ‘Not political.’”
This latest gun-related decision comes after the retail giant has spent a decade shifting back and forth on guns and gun sales. In 2013, Walmart’s vacillation on guns included meetings between Walmart “representatives” and then-Attorney General Eric Holder.
TIME magazine reports that Walmart announced an end to gun sales in a third of its stores in 2006. Then, when the economy tanked in 2009, they broughtback guns to bring back customers. Now, they say they will quit selling AR-15s–the most popular semi-automatic rifle platform in America–but will continue selling hunting rifles.
Wild Thing's comment.........
Walmart endorsed Obamacare so now I guess they are on his bandwagon about guns as well.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (1)
At Least 800 Islamic Extremists Ready To Launch Attacks In Europe
- Jihadis poised for order from ISIS and Al Qaeda to strike on the Continent
- Source: 'They are not well trained, but they are prepared to do anything'
-Around 350 Britons have also returned, with some planning attacks in UK
- High-speed train terrorist is believed to be an 'Islamist returner' from Syria
Around 800 jihadists have returned to Europe to launch attacks after being trained by extremists in Iraq and Syria, intelligence services have warned.
Counter-terrorism officers said the fanatics had been recruited by the Islamic State or Al Qaeda-linked groups and were waiting for the order to strike on the Continent.
Around half of the 700 Britons who have traveled to fight in the Middle East have also returned, with some believed to be planning attacks in the UK.
Wild Thing's comment...........
The way Obama has been bringing Muslims to our country it might even be the same here in America.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (1)
August 25, 2015
Hero Airman That Stopped Terror Attack On French Train Nominated For Air Force’s Highest Award For Bravery Outside Of Combat
The Air Force will nominate Airman 1st Class Spencer Stone for the Airman’s Medal, the highest award for bravery outside of combat, the service’s secretary said Monday.
Stone, together with Oregon Army National Guard Spc. Alek Skarlatos, a civilian friend and a British civilian, halted a gunman on a passenger train from Amsterdam to Paris last week, tackling him to the ground before anyone was injured in the attack.
“Had it not been for this heroic quartet, I’m quite sure that today we would be sitting here discussing a bloodbath,” Air Force Secretary Deborah Lee James told reporters during a briefing at the Pentagon.
Wild Thing's comment............
I heard he also qualifies for the Purple Heart for being wounded in a terrorist attack.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
Disgusting Democrat Donald Trump trolls Megyn Kelly on return to TV Calls Her a Bimbo
Donald Trump trolls Megyn Kelly on return to TV
Donald J. Trump
@megynkelly The bimbo back in town . I hope not for long ."
Wild Thing's comment.............
This is just one example of the tweets he did Monday night when Megyn came back from her vacation. He tweets like rapid fire one after the other like a shot gun going off, non stop till he is done then waits and starts again. Totally immature, like a bully on steroids. He is beyond disgusting, why on earth anyone would support this jerk is beyond me. People have lost their ever loving minds.
My friend Bettina wrote this and I agree.
"Phase 1...Make sure the entire world thinks the GOP is ugly, vile, racist, sexist, old, rich white men...Phase 2...Make the low info jackasses on our side hate all of our great candidates, and trash them so no one likes them...Phase 3...Run third party...End game...President Clinton."
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (1)
CNN: Obama Gives Joe Biden Blessing To Run For President
CNN: Obama Gives Joe Biden Blessing To Run For President
Washington (CNN)Vice President Joe Biden received President Barack Obama’s “blessing” to make a 2016 bid for the White House, according to a senior Democrat.
But that’s if Biden chooses to run — the decision is his. While he doesn’t need the President’s permission, of course, a potential presidential candidacy was among the topics of their lunch Monday at the White House. The President made clear he would not stand in his way or counsel him against a run, the senior Democrat said.
The Vice President was expected to huddle at his residence Monday night with Anita Dunn and Bob Bauer, the husband-and-wife team who have been at Obama’s side for much of the last decade, two people familiar with the meeting told CNN. Steve Ricchetti, the Vice President’s chief of staff, was also expected to attend.
“As a general rule, we are not going to confirm the Vice President’s private meetings or provide a readout of them,” an aide to the Vice President told CNN on Monday.
Wild Thing's comment............
Well good, hahaha I am sure this ticks Hillary off.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (1)
August 24, 2015
Harry Reid: I will back Iran deal - His support moves the Obama administration nearer to a veto-proof majority
Barack Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran just won the backing of the Senate’s top Democrat.
Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada said Sunday that he “strongly” supports the agreement reached by six world powers and Iran meant to curb Tehran’s nuclear ambitions – vowing that he will do “everything in my power” to defend the deal.
“At the end of the day, there is no doubt in my mind that the threat of Iran gaining a nuclear weapon — the one outcome we all agree is unacceptable — is far more likely if Congress rejects this agreement,” Reid said in a lengthy statement explaining his support for the nuclear deal.
The backing from the Senate’s most powerful Democrat adds even more momentum on Capitol Hill to protect the nuclear agreement. Reid becomes the 27th Senate Democrat to formally endorse the Iran deal, and Obama needs just 34 votes in the Senate to sustain a veto of a resolution of disapproval that is expected in Congress next month.
No Republicans are expected to vote in favor of the nuclear deal. But in recent days, key Democrats have come out in favor of the agreement – including red-state Sens. Joe Donnelly of Indiana and Claire McCaskill of Missouri, and Jewish lawmakers such as Rep. Jerrold Nadler of New York.
In an interview with the Washington Post, Reid said he was “cautiously optimistic” that there would be enough Democratic support to sustain any veto from Obama. His counterpart in the House – Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi of California – has confidently predicted that Obama’s veto won’t be overridden.
Wild Thing's comment..............
How wonderful...NOT. It never ends with this jerk Reid, if there is a chance to do the right thing he just won't, no matter what. He is so vile and horrible!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:14 AM | Comments (2)
Democrat Luis Gutiérrez (D-IL) ‘President’ Jeb Bush Our Best GOP Chance To Pass ILLEGAL Immigration
Gutiérrez: ‘President’ Jeb Bush Our Best GOP Chance To Pass ( ILLEGAL) Immigration
This week at the The University of Chicago’s Institute of Politics, long-time immigration activist Rep. Luis Gutiérrez (D-IL) said the potential Republican president he could work best with to pass comprehensive immigration reform is Jeb Bush.
Gutiérrez said, “We would have to stay with the Bush family,” explaining George W. Bush tried twice to pass comprehensive immigration reform.
Wild Thing's comment...........
LOL so a democrat activist for the illegals looks at Bush to be president because he feels it will help his cause the most.
And that is another reason Jeb should not be president.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:50 AM | Comments (1)
School District Bans All Flags Including the American Flag In One Tennessee County
School District Bans All Flags Including the American Flag In One Tennessee County
A Tennessee school district is banning all flags, including Old Glory.
School leaders in Dickson County decided, after a summer of controversy surrounding the confederate flag, the wise thing to do would be to ban all flags and banners.
Some students are angry as they feel their patriotism is being compromised.
School leaders said there is a right and wrong way to show American pride:
“It’s not an unpatriotic act by any means because we have a number of ways in which students do learn how to be patriotic and express American pride.”
One student said, “I just think that’s a right…it’s freedom of expression and I don’t think you should be able to take that away from us.”
Students said they were told they would get kicked out if they bring an American flag onto school property.
So far, school leaders say they haven’t had any issues.
Wild Thing's comment..........
This is so sick and so terrible. Those in charge of doing this should be fired immediately.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (2)
(Democrat) Donald Trump Attacks candidate Gov. Scott Walker for not raising taxes to shrink Wisconsin’s deficit (Trump like to Raise Taxes)
Trump attacks candidate Gov. Scott Walker for not raising taxes to shrink Wisconsin’s deficit
Donald Trump took a shot at fellow presidential candidate Gov. Scott Walker for not raising taxes to shrink Wisconsin’s deficit while being interviewed by George Stephanopoulus on ABC’s “This Week” Sunday.
TRUMP: I’m not worried because the state is really in trouble. I mean it’s a fantastic place, and I love the people of Wisconsin, but if you look at what’s going to happen, there’s a $2.2 billion deficit. They were supposed to have a surplus of a billion… He’s stopped a lot of work because he doesn’t want to raise taxes, so instead of raising taxes he’s borrowing… and the state is thirty eight, number thirty eight out of the states, ranked number 38. That’s not very good. I’m honored that he wants to copy me, he’s a nice man. I gave him campaign contributions when he was running for governor. I like him very much, but his state has not performed well.
Wild Thing's comment..........
I am not a Walker fan that much, but I think people need to pay attention as to Trumps comments about raising taxes.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:35 AM
August 23, 2015
Obama Seeks $1 Billion for His Presidential Library, Post Presidency
Obama Seeks $1 Billion for His Presidential Library, Post Presidency
Barack Obama's post-presidency plans come with a hefty price tag that could exceed $1 billion, The New York Times is reporting.
Advisers mapping out life after the White House for the president and first lady Michelle Obama are preparing fundraising strategies to raise at least $800 million for the Obama Library and foundation.
That number, according to The Times, is the minimum for an Obama endowment. Obama's lofty plans for a high-tech, digital-first library and worldwide foundation could exceed $1 billion, twice the amount raised by President George W. Bush.
The Times story speculates that Obama’s visit to a federal prison and his eulogy for one of the Charleston church massacre victims indicate the president will focus on criminal justice reform and race relations. He may also pursue diplomatic endeavors with Iran and Cuba.
"His focus is on finishing this job completely, thoroughly," Obama-confidante Valerie Jarrett told The Times.
Oddly, the library, to be built on Chicago's south side, will have an office for the president he likely will rarely use.
The Obamas are expected to stay in Washington until their younger daughter Sasha, 14, finishes school there. Obama also is expected to have an office on the campus of Columbia University in New York City, according to The Times.
A voracious fundraiser, Obama pledged not to actively raise money for his post-presidency plans while still in the White House.
Still, money has been donated — about $5.4 million.
Still, the fact that the president will be raising for his library elevates concerns of potential conflicts during his final months in office.
"Is this a problem? Absolutely," Meredith McGehee, policy director at the Campaign Legal Center, a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization, told McClatchy's Washington bureau. "Even if he doesn’t solicit himself, (donors) are seeing all kinds of signals that this is a priority for him. It’s all a wink and a nod. ... It buys access."
Wild Thing's comment..........
He only needs an outhouse.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (1)
Love this! Trey Gowdy Gets Standing Ovation After Publicly Destroying Obama On House Floor
Trey Gowdy Gets Standing Ovation After Publicly Destroying Obama On House Floor
On Wednesday Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC), sponsor of the "Enforce the Law Act," gave an very passionate speech defending the need for legislation to stop Obama's power grab. Five Democrats joined the Republican majority to advance a bill that would authorize the House or Senate to sue the executive branch for not enforcing laws. Gowdy received a standing O on the House floor.
Obama’s approval ratings are lower than ever, and Americans throughout the country are fed up with him acting more like royalty than a leader.
While Obama has been on yet another lavish vacation, a video from 18 months ago has gone viral.
“We make the law!” Rep. Trey Gowdy said, in the footage capture on the House floor. He was arguing in defense of the Enforce the Law Act, a bill that would give Congress the right to sue Obama for failing to enforce laws.
Gowdy went on to claim that House does not exist to “pass suggestions” or “pass ideas.” Its main responsibility is to “make law.”
If it’s good enough for us to ask brand-new citizens to affirm their devotion to the law, is it too much to ask the president to do the same?” Gowdy argued.
Wild Thing's comment...........
Good for Trey Gowdy!!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (1)
August 22, 2015
Gov't worker paid for 91 days' worth of nothing
Gov't worker paid for 91 days' worth of nothing
Wild Thing's comment............
More corruption. It sure seems to just get worse and worse.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
Dem/Rep/Rino Donald Trump: I'd like to have elections tomorrow
Donald Trump: I'd like to have elections tomorrow
Wild Thing's comment...........
Trump will be a king not a president if he wins. No one tells him what to do, he does not care.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM
Would media go easy on 'presidential candidate' Joe Biden?
Would media go easy on 'presidential candidate' Joe Biden?
Wild Thing's comment.............
I think they will go easy on Biden because of the death of his son. A\
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:44 AM | Comments (1)
August 21, 2015
GOP Rep. Mia Love Breaks Down In Tears While Talking About Planned Parenthood Videos
GOP Rep. Mia Love Breaks Down In Tears While Talking About Planned Parenthood Videos
On the Planned Parenthood videos
Freshman Rep. Mia Love, R-Utah, had to wipe away tears while talking about the undercover Planned Parenthood videos on the Fox Business network Wednesday night.
“It’s our job to protect those who do not have a voice to protect themselves, and to see what is actually happening to babies while they’re still alive, I mean, it’s horrific,” said Love.
“This is not about a Right or Left issue – this is right or wrong, and whether we are going to stand up for those who cannot speak for themselves, or if we’re going to just turn a blind eye and pretend that this is not happening,” she added, wiping away tears.
When asked about Iran .....She also says "I Am Going To Vote 'No' On This Iran Deal ".
Wild Thing's comment.......
The videos were horrific, anyone with a heart would cry when watching them.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM
Trump Floats Asking Networks to Pay Him For Interview Appearances
Trump Floats Asking Networks to Pay Him For Interview Appearances
There can be no doubt that after everything that’s happened, Donald Trump is an undeniable magnet for attention. The problem is that he knows it too, so well, in fact, that now he’s tossing the idea of getting TV networks to pay him for the privilege of interviews.
After throwing the usual shade towards his competitors in his interview with Time Magazine, Trump posed an interesting hypothetical to CNN for its September 16 debate. “If I go to CNN and I say, ‘Look, you’re going to have a massive audience,’ and if I say to them, I want $10 million for charity, nothing for myself, what happens,” Trump asked. He answered his own question, saying “I’m not showing up.”
Trump also examined the possibility of dividing that $10 million, but emphasized that the crucial point was that the networks who pay him will break even with the audience he brings in.
If I’m in it, they’ll get this crazy audience, and they’re going to make a fortune since they’re selling commercials every time we take a break. Would you ever say to them, would you ever say, I want $10 million for AIDS research, for cancer, for this type or not, or is it too cute?
Wild Thing's comment.........
This has to do with his ego more then it has to do with he would donate the money he would be paid to a charity.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM
August 20, 2015
Obama's Secret Side Deal To Iran Deal That Allows Iran Use Its Own Experts For Inspections Of Nuke Sites
Obama's Secret Side Deal To Iran Deal That Allows Iran Use Its Own Experts For Inspections Of Nuke Sites
Capitol Hill opposition to the Iranian nuclear deal was stoked Wednesday by a bombshell report that Tehran will be allowed to use its own experts to inspect one of the country’s most controversial nuclear sites.
“Allowing the Iranians to inspect their own nuclear sites, particularly a notorious military site, is like allowing the inmates to run the jail,” Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., a presidential candidate, said in a statement.
The Associated Press reported Wednesday that, in an unusual and secret agreement with the U.N. agency that normally carries out such work, Iran can use its own experts and equipment in the search for evidence for activities that it has consistently denied — trying to develop nuclear weapons.
At issue is an investigation of the Parchin nuclear site by the International Atomic Energy Agency. Iran has refused access to Parchin for years and denied any interest in — or work on — nuclear weapons. Based on U.S., Israeli and other intelligence and its own research, the IAEA suspects that the Islamic Republic may have experimented with high-explosive detonators for nuclear arms at that military facility and other weapons-related work
That deal is a side agreement worked out between the IAEA and Iran, separate from the nuclear deal now before Congress for approval. Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, said the revelation only "reinforces" concerns about the broader agreement.
"Trusting Iran to inspect its own nuclear site and report to the U.N. in an open and transparent way is remarkably naïve and incredibly reckless," he said in a statement. "It is time for the Obama Administration to come clean with the American people and provide all information about these secret side agreements between Iran and the IAEA."
House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ed Royce, R-Calif., who previously voiced concerns to the State Department over the so-called side deals between Iran and the IAEA, said the inspections need to be done by international inspectors, "Period."
"Congress must now consider whether this unprecedented arrangement will keep Iran from cheating. This is a dangerous farce," he said in a statement.
The Obama administration, though, defended the arrangement without going into detail.
"We are confident in the Agency's technical plans for investigating the possible military dimensions of Iran's former program, issues that in some cases date back more than a decade," National Security Council spokesman Ned Price said. "Just as importantly, the IAEA is comfortable with arrangements, which are unique to the Agency's investigation of Iran's historical activities. When it comes to monitoring Iran's behavior going forward, the IAEA has separately developed the most robust inspection regime ever peacefully negotiated to ensure Iran's current program remains exclusively peaceful...
"Beyond that, we are not going to comment on a purported draft IAEA document."
State Department spokesman John Kirby also said they are "confident in the agency's technical plans for investigating the possible military dimensions of Iran's former program" and the IAEA is "comfortable" with the arrangements as well.
Wild Thing's comment............
Unreal how stupid Obama and anyone else is to say it is ok for IRAN to use it's own inspectors. good grief.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
Governor Perry: White House, Clinton engaged in cover-up at Benghazi
Governor Perry: White House, Clinton engaged in cover-up at Benghazi
Rick Perry on Hillary Clinton’s email scandal, immigration reform, Donald Trump, tax reform and his campaign.
Wild Thing's comment...............
I LOVE this video of Perry. He is strong and I agree with all he said.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM
Michael Reagan to Trump: Stop Using My Father While 'Trashing What He Believed In'
Michael Reagan to Trump: Stop Using My Father While 'Trashing What He Believed In'
Political commentator Michael Reagan castigated Donald Trump and any GOP presidential contenders who are "looking to wrap themselves in the mantle of Ronald Reagan," telling Newsmax TV they're doing a "disservice" to themselves and the esteemed former president.
In a fiery interview with "Newsmax Prime" host J.D. Hayworth on Tuesday, the son of the 40th president chided Trump for his violations of the so-called 11th Commandment to never speak ill of another Republican.
"He's using my father on one side, and on the other side trashing everything my father, in fact, believed in," Reagan said.
"If my dad were alive, what he'd be saying is this: 'Well, there they go'," Reagan said. "It's amazing how many of these people, including Donald Trump now, dropping my father's name to try and wrap them in the mantle of Ronald Reagan. Let's be honest, never going to happen with Donald Trump.
Wild Thing's comment.............
Good for Michael Reagan. He says he has not endorsed anyone but it does make him angry the wa\y especially Trump uses Ronald Reagan
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM
August 19, 2015
Obama administration objects as Russia moves ahead with Iran missile sale
Obama administration objects as Russia moves ahead with Iran missile sale
Despite a ban on arms shipments to Iran under international sanctions, Russia appears willing to proceed with the sale of advanced S-300 surface-to-air missiles to the country -- in a development triggering objections from the Obama administration.
“We have long expressed our concerns over reports of the possible sale of this missile system to the Iranians,” Pentagon spokesman Capt. Jeff Davis told Fox News.
Russia, along with the U.S. and others, was a party to the recently struck Iran nuclear agreement, which keeps the arms embargo in place for five more years. A State Department official told Fox News this specific S-300 missile system is not technically prohibited under United Nations sanctions or the nuclear deal. But the department does not want the sale to proceed.
“We certainly object to it,” department spokesman John Kirby told reporters.
Reuters first reported that Iran plans to sign the contract for four of the S-300 Russian missiles as soon as next week.
"The text of the contract is ready and our friends will go to Russia next week to sign the contract," Iran Defense Minister Hossein Dehghan reportedly said.
When asked to characterize the capability of Russia’s S-300 air defense system, a U.S. defense official with knowledge of Russia’s weapons systems told Fox News, “This is a very capable weapons system that can bring down U.S. or Israeli jet aircraft.”
Wild Thing's comment........
Just one more thing to bring danger to the world.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (1)
August 18, 2015
Obama's State Department Turns Up Over 81,000 Emails From Top Hillary Clinton Aide They Swore Didn’t Exist
State Department Turns Up Over 81,000 Emails From Top Hillary Clinton Aide They Swore Didn’t Exist
State Department officials have uncovered thousands of emails between Philippe Reines, a top Hillary Clinton aide, and members of the media, they previously said did not exist.
In a court filing last Thursday, the State Department estimated that a recent search turned up more than 81,000 emails from Reines’s official account while at the State Department. And 17,855 potentially fall within a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed by Gawker earlier this year.
That is a reversal from 2013, when the State Department said a thorough search turned up no responsive records for Gawker’s request. In 2012, Gawker requested all emails between Reines and reporters from 34 media outlets.
The State Department did not explain the reversal in the court document, nor did it return a request for comment.
It will begin releasing a tranche of Reines’s emails by the end of September.
After it was revealed earlier this year that Clinton, and potentially some of her aides, used personal email accounts for official business, Gawker sued the State Department over its initial request for communications between Reines and reporters.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Is Obama throwing her under the bus? hahahaha
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (1)
20 times Donald Trump has changed his mind since June
20 times Donald Trump has changed his mind since June
Trump has done a lot of things no other GOP candidate this year would dare try: pick a fight with Fox News. Bad-mouth prisoners of war. Wear Palm Beach casual-wear to the Iowa State Fair. Tell small children he is Batman.
But this might be the most daring: Trump seems to be making up his own platform as he goes along.
Looking back over his interviews and speeches, it appears that Trump came into the race with only a vague idea -- or perhaps no idea -- how he wanted to handle some major, obvious, policy issues. So, when someone pointed out a new wrinkle that Trump hadn't thought of, he came up with a new answer. And then another.
On some issues, Trump's campaign has gone through more than half a dozen plans in two months. And counting. For instance:
Donald Trump’s plan to defeat the Islamic State.
Version #1: Find a guy.
“Within our military, I will find the General Patton or I will find General MacArthur, I will find the right guy. I will find the guy that’s going to take that military, and make it really work. ” (June 16, presidential campaign kickoff speech)
Version #2: [Secret plan]
Bill O’Reilly, Fox News Channel: “Are you telling me you are going to send American ground troops into Syria?”
Trump: “I'm not telling you anything.” (June 16)
Version #3: No longer secret. Send in American ground troops.
“I will tell you what my plan will be…You have to go in. You have to go in.”
O’Reilly: “With ground troops?”
“Well, you bomb the hell out of them and then you encircle it, and then you go in.” (June 16, shortly after Version #2).
Version #4: Maybe don’t.
O’Reilly: “There's no way you can defeat them without invading.”
Trump: “I disagree.” (June 16, minutes after #3).
Version #5: Definitely do send in ground troops. Have them seize ISIS oilfields.
“We’re going to have so much money.” (Sunday, NBC's Meet the Press).
Version #6: Send in ground troops. Seize oilfields. Sell the oil, and give the money to the families of the soldiers who died protecting the oil.
“What I would do with the money that we make, which would be tremendous, I would take care of the soldiers that were killed, the families of the soldiers that were killed, the soldiers, the wounded warriors that are -- see, I love them…” (Sunday, NBC's Meet the Press).
Version #7: Send in ground troops. Seize oilfields. Sell the oil. Give some of the money to the families of the soldiers who died protecting the oil.
Chuck Todd, NBC: “Shouldn't [oil money] be given to the Iraqis?
Trump: “Well, we can give them something.” (Sunday, seconds after #7)
Now, Donald Trump’s plan for the 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the United States.
Version #1: Figure it out later.
“The first thing we have to do is strengthen our borders. And after that, we're going to have plenty of time to talk about it.” (July 23)
Version #2: Figure it out now. Deport “the bad ones.” Work out something so the good ones can stay.
“If somebody's been outstanding, we try and work something out.” (July 24)
Version #3: Deport the bad ones. Maybe let some of the good ones stay.
“We're going to do what's right. Some are going to have to go. And some, we're just going to see what happens.” (July 26)
Version #4: Deport everybody.
“But the good ones -- of which there are many -- I want to expedite it so they can come back in legally.” (July 27)
Version #5: Maybe don’t deport everybody.
Dana Bash, CNN: “What about the ‘Dreamers?’ What about people who came here when they were children, they didn't know what they were doing, they came with their parents who brought them here illegally?...Should they have to leave too?
Trump: “They're with their parents? It depends.” (July 29)
Version #6: Deport everybody, the sequel.
Chuck Todd, NBC: [talking about the “Dreamers”] “You're going to kick them out?”
Trump: “They have to go.” (Sunday, on “Meet the Press.”)
Then there's Donald Trump’s plan for tax reform.
Version #1: Make taxes simpler.
“Simplify it. At a minimum, simplify it.” (June 18)
Version #2: Don't have a plan.
"You can't be just boom, boom, hard and fast." (August 11, in an interview on CNN).
Version #3: Maybe get rid of the income tax and have a national consumption tax, which proponents call a “Fair Tax.”
“You can have a ‘Fair Tax…’ (August 11, just after #2).
Version #4: Or maybe keep the income tax, but make it one flat rate for everybody.
“You can have a flat tax…” (August 11, just after #3).
Version #5: Or maybe don’t change the current system at all. Except add new things. Which will be really good.
“Or you can leave the system alone, which is probably the simplest at this point. Leave the system alone and take out deductions and lower taxes and do lots of really good things, leaving the system the way it is.” (August 11, just after #4)
Version #6: [Secret plan]
“I know exactly what I want to do, I just don't want to announce it yet.” (August 11, just after #2, #3, #4 and #5).
Version #6a: [Definitely secret]
Chris Cuomo, CNN: “If I was sitting across from you, making you a pitch to do anything for you and I said, ‘Look, I got a plan, but I'm not going to tell you yet.’ I think I'd get an eye roll and I'd get ushered out of the office.”
Trump: “Oh, I'm going to say it. I'm just not prepared to tell you right now on your fantastic show that is getting better ratings all the time because you have Trump on so much.” (same interview)
And Donald Trump’s plan for the nuclear deal with Iran.
Version #1: Re-negotiate it.
“I guarantee you that if I were president, this deal wouldn't be made, a deal would be made that's 100 times better.” (August 11)
Version #2: Maybe don’t re-negotiate it.
“It’s very tough to do, when you say, ‘Rip up a deal.’ Because I’m a deal person…I would police that contract so tough that they don't have a chance.”
Chuck Todd, NBC: “So the deal lives, in a Trump administration?”
Trump: “It's very hard to say, ‘We're ripping up.’” (Sunday, Meet the Press).
Here's Donald Trump’s plan for “Obamacare.”
Version #1: Get rid of it. Replace it with something "much better."
“Let it be for everybody. But much better, and much less expensive for people and for the government. And we can do it" (June 16, presidential campaign announcement.)
Version #2: Get rid of it. Replace it with something "terrific," which lets people buy insurance across state lines. And still gives poor people a way to get healthcare, when they can’t pay for it.
“I want to take care of everybody. You know, you have a group of people that aren't able to take care of themselves."
Dana Bash, CNN: “How do you do that?” (July 29)
Version #3: Work out “some kind of a deal” with hospitals.
"We're going to have work out some kind of deal with hospitals where they can get some help, when they are sick, when they have no money and they are sick..."
Bash: “How do you do that, thought?” (July 29, just after #2)
Version #4: The deal will be very, very smart.
Trump: “We are going to have to work out some kind of a very, very smart deal with hospitals around the country.” (July 29, just after #3).
And finally: Donald Trump’s plan for governing the United States.
Version #1: Be flexible.
“We’ve had no leadership in the country…For doing that, you need compromise. You need back-and-forth. And it’s not about a plan. It’s about flexibility. You need flexibility.” (August 14)
Wild Thing's comment.............
This would hilarious if it was not about something so serious, about a man that wants to be the leader of our country. No thank you!!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (2)
August 17, 2015
Obama To Make a multi-pronged attack on cow flatulence in an attempt to cut emissions
Cows have a huge flatulence problem that is damaging the planet.
They produce methane – a greenhouse gas which is 23 times more potent than carbon dioxide in trapping heat in the atmosphere.
Last year, the Obama administration said that it would make a multi-pronged attack on cow flatulence in an attempt to cut emissions.
Now, one group of scientists believes it has come up with a solution; adding a special supplement to cows’ feed to cut down on their methane production by 30 per cent.
Wild Thing's comment.............
Beano for cows. haha good grief.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (4)
Trump: I Get My Military Advice from Watching Shows - NO to Trump!!!
Trump: I Get My Military Advice from Watching Shows
Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” when host Chuck Todd questioned Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump on his military positions, Trump said he watches television shows for military advice.
Todd asked, “Let’s go foreign affairs. You want to knock the hell out of ISIS, how?”
Trump said, “I want to take away their wealth. And as you know, for years, I’ve been saying, don’t go into Iraq. They went into Iraq, they destabilized the Middle East. It was a big mistake. Okay, now we’re there, and you have ISIS. And I said this was going to happen. I said Iran will take over Iraq, which is happening, as sure as you’re sitting there, and ISIS is taking over a lot of oil in certain areas of Iraq. And I said, you take away their wealth. You go and knock the hell out of the oil, take back the oil. We take over the oil, which we should have done in the first place.”
Todd continued, “What you’re talking about is ground troops, maybe 25,000.”
Trump answered, “That’s okay. We’re going to circle it. We’re going to circle it. We’re going to have so much money. And what I would do with the money that we make, which would be tremendous. I would take care of the soldiers that were killed, the families of the soldiers that were killed, the soldiers, the wounded warriors that are — I see — I love them. And they’re walking all over the streets of New York, all over the streets of every city, without arms, without legs, and worse than that. And I would take care of them.”
Todd pressed, “So, America should take over these oil fields. [They] shouldn’t be given to the Iraqis?”
Trump added, “Well, we can give them something, but we should definitely take back money for our soldiers. We’ve had soldiers that were decimated, so badly hurt, the wounded warriors, and killed, of course. But we’ve had soldiers that were so badly hurt and killed. I want their families to get something. Because we got nothing out of that war. We spent $2 trillion, Chuck. We had thousands of people killed, wounded warriors all over the place. They got nothing, and they can’t even say we had a victory.”
Todd asked, “Who do you talk to for military advice right now?”
Trump answered, “Well, I watch the shows. I mean, I really see a lot of great — you know, when you watch your show, and all of the other shows, and you have the generals, and you have certain people –.”
Wild Thing's comment..............
America can do so much better then this Trump character.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM
Reality Show Candidate Trump Still Says I’m Not Prepared to Close the Door on a Third Party Run
Trump: I’m Not Prepared to Close the Door on a Third Party Run
On Sunday’s “Meet the Press,” GOP presidential hopeful Donald Trump told NBC’s Chuck Todd that he wants to run as a Republican, but when pressed by Todd to completely rule out running as a third party candidate, Trump said he was “not prepared to close that door yet.”
“I’m not prepared to close that door yet, but I wouldn’t be surprised if some day in the not too distant future it happens,” he explained. “They’re treating me very well. I just want to be treated fairly. And I’m a person that believes in leverage.”
Wild Thing's comment..............
This guy is the worst spoiled brat I have ever seen. Here he is the highest one in the so called polls ( although I have yet to know anyone that has been polled for this election) and he is still whining about being liked or he will leave. sheesh. Presidential much????? NOT!
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM
August 16, 2015
Judge Jeanine: Hilliary Guilty and Cannot be President
Judge Jeanine: Hilliary Guilty and Cannot be President
Judge Jeanine walks through the litany of probably felonies committed by Hillary Clinton in the handling of her emails while Secretary of State. Based on the evident, the judge declares Hillary GUILTY. Therefore she cannot and must not be our president.
Wild Thing's comment..............
Good for Judge Jeanine.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
Obama Has Plan To Move Gitmo Prisoners To Kansas, South Carolina
Obama Has Plan To Move Gitmo Prisoners To Kansas, South Carolina
Senators reject DOD plan to move Gitmo detainees to Kansas, South Carolina
Republican Sens. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and Pat Roberts of Kansas are up in arms about reports that the Pentagon is scouting sites in their home states to house terrorist prisoners currently detained at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
“We have received reports of President Obama’s attempt to shut down Guantanamo Bay, which once again reflects another egregious overstep by this administration,” Roberts said in a statement on Friday, referring to the law preventing transferring any of the inmates to a U.S. prison.
“Congress has consistently stopped Obama by law from moving a single detainee to the U.S.,” Roberts said in reaction to reports that Kansas’s Fort Leavenworth is being considered as the terrorist suspects’ new home.
“I shut down this administration’s nominee for secretary of the Army in 2009 to prevent moving any detainees to Kansas and will do it again if necessary,” he said. “Not on my watch will any terrorist be placed in Kansas.”
Graham was equally emphatic upon learning that Defense Secretary Ash Carter is also considering Charleston for the new high-risk installation.
“If the detainees need to be moved, they must be moved to a maximum security location in a remote area far from heavily populated areas with vital infrastructure,” Graham told the Washington Post earlier this week. “Charleston does not meet that criteria.”
The Pentagon on Thursday confirmed to lawmakers that it is studying both Forth Leavenworth and the Consolidated Naval Brig in Charleston as potential sites.
Transferring the remaining 116 detainees to the U.S. is being considered as an option for closing Guantanamo Bay. Moving the prisoners to other countries requires congressional notification and unanimous sign off by the departments of Defense, Homeland Security, Justice and State, along with the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.
Earlier this week the Pentagon said it would present Congress with a plan to shutter Guantanamo Bay when they return to Washington after Labor Day.
Wild Thing's comment............
Stupid, GITMO has worked just fine but Obama is determined to give it completely back to Cuba to his dictator buddies.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (1)
Another LIE from Hillary - Clinton: Voters not interested in email scandal
Clinton: Voters not interested in email scandal
Wild Thing's comment..............
She is a natural born liar. People like this, and like Obama have no conscience at all.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (1)
August 14, 2015
LMAO....Howard Dean: Hillary Clinton Has Been Completely Truthful - This Is An Attempt By Republicans to Smear the Frontrunner
Howard Dean: Hillary Clinton Has Been Completely Truthful - This Is An Attempt By Republicans to Smear the Frontrunner
DEAN on NBC: "This is nothing but a partisan witch hunt"
Former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean, the former chair of the Democratic National Committee, tells Matt Lauer that the Justice Department investigation of Hillary Clinton's email server will show "no criminality" and that her Republican rivals are attempting to "smear the frontrunner early on."
Wild Thing's comment.......
Oh Howard you must think we are all stupid like the democrats.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
Obama Admin Threatens States That Defunded Planned Parenthood
Obama Admin Threatens States That Defunded Planned Parenthood
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, a federal agency, was in contact with officials in Louisiana and Alabama this month, said a spokesperson for the agency's parent, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).
The agency warned those two states that their plans to terminate Medicaid provider agreements with Planned Parenthood may illegally restrict beneficiary access to services, the spokesperson said in a statement. […]
Federal law requires state Medicaid programs to cover family-planning services and supplies for anyone of child-bearing age. Ending the agreements with Planned Parenthood would limit beneficiaries' access to care and services from qualified providers of their choice, according to HHS.
Alabama and Louisiana of course had made the decision to defund Planned Parenthood after a series of secretly recorded videos came out exposing that the group sells babies’ body parts, among other disturbing practices.
But is what these states are doing really illegal? LifeNews.com reports that no, it isn’t:
According to the Medicaid provider contract between DHH and Planned Parenthood, along with relevant Louisiana law, either party can choose to cancel the contract at will after providing written notice.
Louisiana for its part is refusing to back down, a spokesman for Gov. Bobby Jindal said, reports The Hill.
He cited a provision in the state Medicaid contract allowing either party to cancel it at will, with 30 days notice.
“CMS reached out to DHH after we canceled the Medicaid provider contract with Planned Parenthood,” Reed said. “DHH explained to CMS why the state chose to exercise our right to cancel the contract without cause.”
Wild Thing's comment..........
I hope the States saying no to Planned Parenthood stay strong on.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (2)
August 13, 2015
87 Year Old Great-Grandma Is An EMT
87 Year Old Great-Grandma Is An EMT
Wild Thing's comment.......
I love stories like this, filled with hope about people that are still active as they get older.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM
ISIS Posts Addresses of US Military Families: “Strike At Their Necks”
ISIS Posts Addresses of US Military Families: “Strike At Their Necks”
The U.S. military said Wednesday it was aware of a purported hacking attack by Islamic State group supporters who posted on Tuesday what they claimed to be the personal information of hundreds of U.S. servicemen and women.
“We are aware of the report but cannot confirm credibility at this time,” a Pentagon spokesman told TheBlaze, adding, “The safety of our service members is always a primary concern.”
The group, which calls itself the “Islamic State Hacking Division,” said it hacked into U.S. military computers and released the personal information of military and government personnel, including alleged names, addresses, military-issued email addresses, passwords and credit card information.
Wild Thing's comment.............
“I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.” ~ B. Hussein Obama
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (2)
Brent Bozell: Hillary Scandal '100 Times Worse' Than Watergate
Brent Bozell: Hillary Scandal '100 Times Worse' Than Watergate
Media Research Center President Brent Bozell on Wednesday urged journalists to continue covering the bombshell developments related to Hillary Clinton's use of a private E-mail server as Secretary of State. Appearing on Varney and Company, Bozell compared the story to Watergate and Richard Nixon: "His entire presidency was destroyed because of this. Now, compare that to what we're learning about Hillary Clinton, which is 100 times more serious."
The MRC president and Stuart Varney discussed how journalists actually covered the news that Clinton is surrendering her server, as well as the revelation that her e-mails included at least some top secret information sent on the unsecured server.
Wild Thing's comment............
We will see how bad it comes down on Hillary, every time we think this time will do it, she gets away with it. deep sigh.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (1)
August 12, 2015
Hillary Clinton: “As President, I Would Model The Kind Of Behavior I Would Hope All Americans Would Have”
Hillary Clinton said at a Tuesday town hall meeting that she would strive as president to “model the kind of behavior” that hopefully all Americans would have.
Clinton made the remark while responding to a question about cultural intolerance in Claremont, New Hampshire, according to The Blaze.
“My question is about something that’s troubling me about our culture in the United States right now,” the town hall participant said. “There is a strong undercurrent of hatred with racism, homophobia, transphobia, classism. Besides being good neighbors to each other, what can you do and will you do as our leader to help us move beyond all of that?”
“I think we have to, as a nation, really ask ourselves some hard questions about how we truly feel about and treat each other, and the level of vitriol and insult that we see on the Internet is so distressing to me, and it goes exactly after people in the categories you have outlined,” Clinton said. “As president, I would do my very best to model the kind of behavior that I would hope all of our citizens would have. I’m not asking people to like everybody. I’m asking people to be respectful.”
Wild Thing's comment........
'Americas secrets shouldn't belong to you'. (two of four Top Secret emails missing, containing material at the highest classification) Inspector Generals office. The FBI is involved."....Mark Levin.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
Gowdy Does Not Mince Words Reacting to Hillary Email Revelation: ‘This Is a National Security Issue
Gowdy Does Not Mince Words Reacting to Hillary Email Revelation: ‘This Is a National Security Issue
Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.), the chairman of the House Select Committee on Benghazi, released a statement Tuesday night calling the Hillary Clinton email matter a “national security issue.”
The conservative congressman was reacting to news that the Democratic frontrunner would turn her private home server, used to send emails while secretary of state, over to the Justice Department.
“For months the Select Committee on Benghazi has called on Secretary Clinton to turn over her server to a neutral, detached third party for independent forensic examination. She refused every entreat,” Gowdy said. “Secretary Clinton said she created this unusual email arrangement with herself for ‘convenience.’ It may have been convenient for her, but it has been troubling at multiple levels for the rest of the country.”
“Congress, the media, the public, private litigants and FOIA requestors were denied access to public documents, and recently the Inspectors General for two separate Executive Branch entities expressed concern about the possible exposure of classified material as a direct result of her decision to eschew the email rules applicable to everyone else and create her own,” he continued.
Gowdy expressed much concern over the inspector general for the intelligence community noting that emails deemed “TOP SECRET” traversed through her server.
“The IC Inspector General revealed Secretary Clinton’s emails and server contained not just ‘top secret’ classified information, but ‘compartmented’ classified intelligence not releasable to foreigners, which must be noted in the timing of this announcement,” Gowdy said.
He added, “This is a serious national security issue, and the seriousness of it should transcend normal, partisan politics.”
Gowdy concluded by suggesting the revelations surrounding Clinton’s email were only exposed because truth-seekers continued to demand answers.
“The revelation that Secretary Clinton exclusively used private email for official public business, and the multitude of issues that emanated from her decision, including this most recent one, demonstrates what can happen when Congress and those equally committed to exposing the truth, doggedly pursue facts and follow them,” he said.
Wild Thing's comment.......
I hope something comes of all of this. It seems like forever to get justice Obama and Hillary have been dong all they can to keep information from Gowdy.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (1)
Hillary Clinton Will Turn Over Private Server to DOJ
Clinton Will Turn Over Private Server to DOJ
The news comes just hours after the Intelligence Community Inspector General told Congress that her email server contained emails that have now been classified “top secret.”
Spokesman Nick Merrill said Clinton “pledged to cooperate with the government’s security inquiry.”
“She directed her team to give her email server that was used during her tenure as Secretary to the Department of Justice, as well as a thumb drive containing copies of her emails already provided to the State Department,” Merrill said in a statement provided to The Hill.
“If there are more questions, we will continue to address them.”
The statement added that Clinton has worked with State to "ensure that her emails are stored in a safe and secure manner."
While Clinton turned over the emails she deemed work-related, she deleted a similar amount that her team said were strictly personal.
Clinton’s use of her personal email server has dogged her since even before she entered the presidential race, and some Democrats have worried that it has contributed to her fledgling poll numbers on trustworthiness.
"The majority of Americans don't trust her, and they're right. She put our national security at risk for selfish reasons. She couldn't be trusted at the State Department; she certainly can't be trusted in the Oval Office."
Jamal Ware, the spokesman for the House Benghazi Committee, criticized Clinton, noting that "she refused every entreat" as the committee called on her to turn the server over.
"Secretary Clinton's decision to prioritize her own convenience - and desire for control - over the security of our country's intelligence should concern all people of good conscience," he said.
"This is a serious national security issue, and the seriousness of it should transcend normal, partisan politics."
House Speaker John Boehner added in a statement: “It's about time. Secretary Clinton's previous statements that she possessed no classified information were patently untrue. Her mishandling of classified information must be fully investigated."
Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) released two pages of the memo sent to a handful of members of Congress that confirmed the Intelligence Community Inspector General's finding.
“This information revealed by the inspector general makes it even more important that the FBI and the State Department secure these documents,” he said.
Wild Thing's comment..........
Both the Clinton's are corrupt, to even consider either of them to be good for our country is a joke....a bad one.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (1)
August 11, 2015
Man, 90, saves wife of 68 years in wheelchair from fire in North Carolina
Man, 90, saves wife of 68 years in wheelchair from fire in North Carolina
A 90-year-old man pulled his wife of 68 years to safety in her wheelchair as a fire ravaged their North Carolina home.
Arthur Schneider jumped into action after a lightning storm hit a street transformer, causing flames to crawl through his Asheboro house, he told the Daily News Saturday.
Arthur immediately thought of his wife Rosemary, 89, who has Parkinson’s disease and dementia. She was all the way at the back of the house and cannot walk.
“I had to go back and get her,” Arthur said. “She’s part of me.”
The smoke alarms “were all buzzing” as the power went out, forcing Schneider to have to feel his way around as he couldn’t even see “my hand in front of my face,” he said.
Arthur, who grew up in the Bronx, wheeled Rosemary out to the front porch and ran across his yard — which is “the size of a football field ” — to get help from a neighbor, his daughter Bernadette Such said. He made the dash without his cane, despite his "terrible limp," she said.
The neighbor helped bring Rosemary off the porch, which isn’t wheelchair accessible, and called 911.
Half the house was destroyed in the fire, and the couple is staying with Such, who lives eight miles away.
Arthur shrugged off claims he acted heroically.
“I don’t know if it’s so incredible. I think anybody else would do the same thing,” he said.
But Thursday’s rescue was just the latest example of Arthur’s devotion to his wife, Such said.
Arthur has taken care of Rosemary, feeding her and cleaning her, since she was put in hospice care a couple years ago. He even insisted on putting her hospital-style bed next to his bed so they can sleep next to each other.
“My dad is a saint,” Such said. “I told him you’ll go straight to heaven for what he’s done for her the last two or three years.”
The couple met during World War II after Rosemary wrote to Arthur, who was serving in Guam in the Navy. Six months after they met in person, they got married in October 1946.
Arthur got a job at an IBM plant in Kingston, and the lovebirds had nine children, 20 grandkids and two great-grandchildren.
“It’s a good marriage,” he said. “When you live together and you love somebody, you can’t afford to lose it.”
Wild Thing's comment...............
Wonderful story!!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (1)
$15 Minimum Wage Causes Seattle Restaurants To Suffer Worse Job Loss Since Great Recession
$15 Minimum Wage Causes Seattle Restaurants To Suffer Worse Job Loss Since Great Recession
According to a report released Sunday by the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), the $15 minimum wage has caused Seattle restaurants to lose 1,000 jobs — the worst decline since the 2009 Great Recession.
“The loss of 1,000 restaurant jobs in May following the minimum wage increase in April was the largest one month job decline since a 1,300 drop in January 2009, again during the Great Recession,” AEI Scholar Mark J. Perry noted in the report.
The citywide minimum wage increase was passed in June of last year. The measure is designed to increase the city minimum wage gradually to $15 an hour by 2017. The first increase under the plan was to $11 an hour in April.
According to the report, Seattle restaurants have already faced severe consequences as a result. In contrast, in the six years since the 2009 financial crisis, the industry has been recovering in areas without the $15 minimum wage.
Wild Thing's comment........
What did they expect?
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (1)
August 10, 2015
George Soros MoveOn aims to withhold $10m in contributions from Dems who oppose Iran deal
MoveOn aims to withhold $10m in contributions from Dems who oppose Iran deal
Within minutes of Sen. Chuck Schumer’s announcement Thursday night that he will oppose President Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran, progressive advocacy group MoveOn — which has been lobbying in support of the deal — urged its eight million members to withhold campaign contributions from Democratic candidates against the deal.
The group’s “Democratic Party donor strike” aims to secure commitments from its members to withhold $10 million in contributions from lawmakers and party committees. That figure is not what MoveOn as an organization would withhold from candidates and committees, but rather what individual MoveOn members would potentially withhold collectively.
“We will organize grassroots progressives across the country to withhold campaign contributions from the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee and from any Democratic candidate who succeeds in undermining the president’s diplomacy with Iran,” MoveOn said in a statement. “Our goal will be to secure commitments to withhold $10 million in contributions within 72 hours after this campaign launches.”
MoveOn is known more for its grassroots organizing than for being a major political contributor. In the 2014 election cycle, MoveOn gave $125,000 and bundled $644,160 for House and Senate Democrats. In the 2012 cycle, the group gave $701,634 and bundled just over $4.5 million — $2 million of which was for Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) — for House and Senate Democrats, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.
Wild Thing's comment........
Buying and selling votes.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (1)
Navy to Arm Sailors at Reserve Centers After Chattanooga Shootings
Navy to Arm Sailors at Reserve Centers After Chattanooga Shootings
Cmdr. William Marks said armed guards will be posted at the centers as “a matter of prudent and he Navy is preparing to arm sailors at its reserve centers across the country in the aftermath of the attack last month at a Navy Reserve Center in Chattanooga that resulted in the deaths of 4 Marines and 1 sailor, officials said late Friday.
The Navy has authorized arming personnel at reserve centers that are not on military installations, such as the Chattanooga center, a Navy spokesman told Fox News.
Cmdr. William Marks said armed guards will be posted at the centers as “a matter of prudent and necessary action toward protecting our personnel.”
“The threat posed to military forces in the United States by homegrown violent extremists has increased,” Marks said.
He said additional measures are being considered.
The spokesman said sailors will be trained to protect the reserve centers in accordance with Navy regulations.
The authorization is effective immediately but Marks could not say when the actual watches will begin.
The Navy began examining ways to enhance security at its facilities after a gunman opened fire on the Chattanooga facility in a July 16 attack, killing the five service members.
Police said Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez, a 24-year-old college graduate, who was born in Kuwait, carried out the attack, as well as a second one at a military recruiting center 30 minutes earlier. Police shot and killed Abdulazeez.
The FBI said that it was treating the attacks as an act of domestic terrorism.
Wild Thing's comment........
"Homegrown" a way of not saying Islamic terrorist.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (1)
August 09, 2015
Why the Obama team can’t make national-security decisions
Why the Obama team can’t make national-security decisions
The US military now believes that Russian hackers, likely tied to the Putin regime, were behind last month’s massive cyber attack on the Defense Department’s e-mail servers. But don’t expect our government to respond.
After all, that news comes on the heels of White House-Pentagon battling over just how much of a threat Vladimir Putin poses.
Top US military commanders are imploring the administration to take seriously what Gen. Joseph Votel, head of the US Special Operations Command, calls an “existential threat” from Russia.
And Gen. Joseph Dunford, on track to be the next chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, has concluded that “Russia presents the greatest threat to our national security.”
The latest cyberattack won’t move the White House, either. After all, Defense Secretary Ashton Carter admitted back in February that Russian hackers had broken into the Pentagon’s network.
Fact is, President Obama has a long history of ignoring military advice.
Forget older debates, when the president ignored the military (and even the State Department) on his pullout from Iraq, his “surge” in Afghanistan and giving serious help to the rebels early on in the Syrian civil war.
Obama is shutting out the professionals right now on anti-ISIS policy.
Army Chief of Staff Gen. Ray Odierno noted recently that the rise of ISIS under Obama is “frustrating to watch.”
The Marine Corps commandant, Gen. James Amos, slammed Obama last month for not “working with” the Iraqi government or military and lamented the “position” Obama’s policies have put the country in.
In January, just-retired Marine Gen. James Mattis deplored the “reactive crouch” the US military has been forced to take and noted that he didn’t know what “our policy is on Syria.”
Try finding anyone who does, general.
Add to this the furor at Defense, State and elsewere over Obama’s National Security Council — which insists on intervening in low-level decisions but seems unable to actually decide.
A Washington Post report last week is rife with anonymous quotes about “constipated” NSC policymaking that’s left the nation doing nothing for months amid crises from Syria to Ukraine to Egypt.
Our conclusion? This president only wants to seem to be getting tough on America’s enemies. He’s not trying to bluff them — but merely convince the US public he’s doing his job.
Give a speech here, throw in a drone strike there: Obama’s content with the appearance of action — and he’s not going to change.
The problems for the next president are going to keep piling up for the next 16 months.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Obama doesn't listen to anyone.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
Target Removes Gender Labels From Kids Sections
Target Removes Gender Labels From Kids Sections
Target Corp. is removing gender labels from most of its children’s departments after customers complained about signs designating certain toys for girls.
The kids’ bedding section will no longer feature boy and girl signage, and the toy department will be without labels and pink or blue paper on the shelves, Minneapolis-based Target said on its website Friday. Gender labels will remain in the kids’ clothing section because of sizing and fit differences.
Retailers have been moving away from gender stereotypes, and some startups have emerged to break down the divide in kids’ clothing and toys. The signage that sparked the dispute at Target was for building sets, like GoldieBlox, that are targeted at girls.
“As guests have pointed out, in some departments like toys, home or entertainment, suggesting products by gender is unnecessary,” Target said. “We heard you, and we agree. Right now, our teams are working across the store to identify areas where we can phase out gender-based signage to help strike a better balance.”
Wild Thing's comment.........
This country has sooooooooooo gone to hell, sheesh.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (1)
Obama calls for more federal oversight of elections
Obama calls for more federal oversight of elections
Wild Thing's comment..........
It will be so wonderful when Obama is GONE and out of office, I am so sick of hearing his voice.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:48 AM | Comments (1)
Top Adviser to Trump...Roger Stone: I Wasn’t Fired, I Quit, Trump’s Losing Grip on Reality
Top Adviser to Trump...Roger Stone: I Wasn’t Fired, I Quit, Trump’s Losing Grip on Reality
POLITICO reported that they received word from friends of Stone that the former adviser sent in his resignation about an hour before Trump’s interview.
Stone’s friends also reportedly said that Stone had become increasingly fed-up with Trump’s controversies, his personality, and his confidence in uncertain poll numbers. Stone reportedly warned Trump not to go after Megan Kelly, but after he did so, his friends said he came to them with his frustration.
“He is losing his grip on reality,” Stone said. “He has these yes-men around him. And now he’s living in a parallel world.
Stone offered no direct comment, but a copy of the email was reportedly provided:
“I was proud to have played a role in the launch of your presidential campaign. Your message of ‘Make America Great Again’ harkened back to the Reagan era. Restoring national pride and bringing jobs back to America – your initial and still underlying message – is a solid conservative message. In fact, it catapulted you instantly into a commanding lead in the race…Unfortunately, the current controversies involving personalities and provocative media fights have reached such a high volume that it has distracted attention from your platform and overwhelmed your core message…With this current direction of the candidacy, I no longer can remain involved in your campaign.”
Wild Thing's comment.........
It is not unusual for a person to leave a campaign so I don't know why Trump feels a need to lie about it. The man Roger Stone, has proof he left and was not fired.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM
August 08, 2015
Obama administration accused of stonewalling in suit over downing of SEAL Team 6 chopper
Obama administration accused of stonewalling in suit over downing of SEAL Team 6 chopper
Families of Navy SEAL Team 6 members believe their loved ones were turned into a Taliban target after President Obama revealed that members of the team were involved in the killing of Usama bin Laden.
The Obama administration was accused Thursday of ignoring a judge’s order to turn over documents in the downing of a helicopter that killed Navy SEALs from the unit that carried out the raid on Usama bin Laden.
Families of Navy SEAL Team 6 members and others killed in the attack marked the fourth anniversary of the Aug. 6, 2011, tragedy by blasting the government for stonewalling in a public records lawsuit filed by the watchdog group Freedom Watch, the Washington Times reported. All 38 people aboard the chopper, call sign Execution 17, were killed over the Wardak Province in Afghanistan, including 30 Americans.
“It has now been four years since Extortion 17 was shot down,” Doug Hamburger, whose son Patrick was killed, told the paper. “I find it quite disturbing that the government is not willing to give us the answers we deserve. I find it very irritating that we will not question the Afghans about their knowledge of what took place that night.”
The families believe SEAL TEAM 6 had been turned into a Taliban target after President Obama revealed that members of the team, though not the ones killed in the crash, were involved in the killing of bin Laden in Pakistan three months earlier.
They also believe that persons inside the Afghan National Security Forces may have tipped off the Taliban to the Chinook’s mission.
A Defense Department official told a House subcommittee last year there is no proof the mission was compromised by the Afghans.
A federal judge in February signed an order requiring the Obama administration to release documents on a continual basis through the spring and summer.
Freedom Watch’s Larry Klaymen told the Times that despite the order he’s gotten only 1 of 50 Pentagon documents the Justice Department has identified as relevant. He said the Justice Department set a new deadline for the release and then ignored it.
“They don’t even produce under their own self-imposed deadline,” he said. “We’re pleading with the judge to do something, and he’s just sitting on it.”
Wild Thing's comment.............
Obama sure does hate our military, he could care less, and he is the reason for many of their deaths. Stone walling BS…they are guilty and they are hiding it…pure and simple
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
Obama's FBI Now Refers Some Potential Terror Suspects To Counseling
FBI Now Refers Some Potential Terror Suspects To Counseling
Obama Regime Sending ISIS Terror Suspects To Counseling
The FBI is now referring some potential terror suspects for psychological counseling as part of a new touchy-feely strategy to defeat homegrown Islamic State supporters.
Rather than lock up everyone in the U.S. suspected of potential terrorist activity, the FBI will direct up to 10% of the thousands of people under investigation to the shrink’s couch, where they can rehash the indignities of their childhoods that led them to seek retribution by opening fire on crowds of innocents or blowing up jetliners.
Proponents of the plan told the Wall Street Journal it will ease the FBI’s investigative burden and provide a possible “off ramp” from radicalization for some of the thousands of people in the U.S. interested in joining ISIS, especially minors.
“Nobody wants to see a 15-year-old kid go to jail if they don’t have to,” an official working on the new plan told the Journal, adding that the FBI will continue monitoring potential suspects that have been referred for counseling, standing ready to arrest them in the event that emotional hugs don’t work.
Some inside federal law enforcement are pushing back against the plan, because of the potentially deadly consequences of misjudging potential suspects.
“I get the principle,” former FBI counterterrorism agent Peter Ahearn told TheWSJ. “But there are a lot of potential problems with this, and I think it’s a wrong move.”
Wild Thing's comment..........
Amazing, this is such a waste of time and so stupid.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (1)
Disgusting Trump: Megyn Kelly had blood coming out of her 'wherever'
Trump: Megyn Kelly had blood coming out of her 'wherever'
Donald Trump ratcheted up his feud with Fox News host Megyn Kelly over her role as moderator on Thursday night’s Republican debate, telling CNN’s Don Lemon he has no respect for her and thinks she’s “highly overrated."
"What is it with you and Megyn Kelly?” Lemon asked Trump, who had spent most of the past 24 hours slamming Fox News and Kelly on social media and in TV interviews.
"She gets out and starts asking me all sorts of ridiculous questions,” Trump told Lemon. "You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes. Blood coming out of her — wherever.”
Trump also called Kelly a "lightweight" and went on to claim he wasn’t alone in his disapproval of Kelly’s debate-night demeanor, and that a source at Fox News told him they had been “inundated” with a record number of negative letters from angry viewers.
UPDATE 12:20 a.m.: Carly Fiorina, who was also mentioned in Trump's CNN interview, was the first Republican presidential candidate to weigh in on the real estate mogul's remarks about Kelly.
"Mr. Trump: There. Is. No. Excuse," the former CEO of HP tweeted late Friday night shortly before declaring "I stand with @megynkelly."
Wild Thing's comment............
The way Trump attacks is so immature, I think it is the worst I have ever seen.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:48 AM | Comments (1)
Good! Fox Panel Shreds Trump for Being Too Thin-Skinned for Debate Questions
Fox Panel Shreds Trump for Being Too Thin-Skinned for Debate Questions
Wild Thing's comment...........
Trump is thin skinned like Obama. One thing for sure IMO Trump is not presidential he does not have what it takes. He can't handle hard questions he will not be able to handle harder questions if he was president or from other world leaders at meetings.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM
August 07, 2015
Charles Krauthammer says Trump is finished
Fox News contributor Charles Krauthammer says Trump is finished. "The real story is the collapse of Trump in this debate... The fact is he was out of place... When he can go on on his own and ramble, he is entertaining, sharp and amusing, but here when he is controlled in a tight setting he was lost for most of the debate."
KRAUTHAMMER: The real story is the collapse of Trump in this debate. I thought this, before I saw the Luntz group but I think it is reinforced. The fact is he was out of place. When you think about it, when he's free form, when he's uninterrupted, when he can do the flag of ideas, when he can go on his own and ramble, he is entertaining, he is sharp, and he's actually amusing. But here when he was controlled and in a tight setting, he was lost for most of the debate. And I think it showed that he was in a group of professional politicians whom he mocks, and yet they as a group, individually, were able to handle it and to be sharp and persuasive most of the time, but they left him out in the cold.
Wild Thing's comment..........
Well said Charles.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM
Frank Luntz Focus Group HAMMERS Trump
Frank Luntz Focus Group HAMMERS Trump
Wild Thing's comment.......
I am not surprised, Trump has no substance, not to be president that's for sure.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM
Trump Gets Booed When He Won't Commit To Support The Republican Nominee
Trump Gets Booed When He Won't Commit To Support The Republican Nominee
First Q out of the box from Bret Baier (good question)
"Is there anybody here who will not support the Republican nominee?"
Trump raises his hand.
Wild Thing's comment..........
It sure started off with a lot of excitement and then BOOING at Trump. Bret gave him a few chances to change his mind.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (1)
August 06, 2015
Muslim Obama Iranian “hardliners” to the Republican Caucus
Barack Obama pushed his Iranian nuclear deal today in a major speech in Washington DC.
During his speech he compared the Iranian “hardliners” to the Republican Caucus.
Obama: I realize that resorting to force may be tempting in the face of the rhetoric and behavior that emanates from parts of Iran. It is offensive. It is incendiary. We do take it seriously. But superpowers should not act impulsively in response to talks… Just because Iranian hardliners chant ‘Death to America” does not mean that that’s what all Iranians believe. In fact, it’s those hardliners that are more satisfied with the status quo. It’s those hardliners chanting “death to America” who’ve been most opposed to the deal. They’re making common cause with the Republican Caucus.
Wild Thing's comment.............
He is pure EVIL!!!!!!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
Brit Hume Speaks Out About Obama's Horrible Speech on Iran
Brit Hume Blasts Obama's Iran Speech: The People Who Are Chanting 'Death to America' Are the Leaders of Iran, The Very People You Just Made a Deal With
Wild Thing's comment.........
Thank you Brit for saying that, it WAS insulting!!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (1)
Clinton Donor Trump Calls Bill Clinton Weeks Before His Campaign Launch
Trump Calls Bill Clinton Weeks Before His Campaign Launch
Just weeks before Donald Trump launched his bid for the Republican presidential nomination, he received a phone call from former President Bill Clinton, CBS News confirmed with Mr. Clinton's office.
The former president called Trump after Trump "reached out to President Clinton a few times," Mr. Clinton's office said.
According to the Washington Post, which first reported the call, the former president encouraged Trump to become more engaged in the GOP. Without going into further detail about the call, Mr. Clinton's office told CBS that the two did not discuss the 2016 presidential race.
An aide to Mr. Trump declined comment. An aide to Mr. Clinton confirmed “that Mr. Trump reached out to President Clinton a few times.”
Wild Thing's comment.............
Just an FYI for those interested. It is funny to me, that Clinton's people say yes it happened and Trumps will not comments. hahaha
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM
August 05, 2015
George Will Rips Trump: He's Running a 'Fact-Free Campaign'
George Will Rips Trump: He's Running a 'Fact-Free Campaign'
George Will says the Trump campaign is 'all tone'
He then repeats a Republican strategist who compared the upcoming debate to a car race and Trump is the one drunk driver.
Wild Thing's comment.............
George Will is not what I would call a strong conservative, but like they say about a b roken clock, it is correct twice a day.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (1)
‘If you LIKE TRUMP SO MUCH, why don’t you GET OUT OF THE RACE?!’ – Megyn Kelly to Ted Cruz
‘If you LIKE TRUMP SO MUCH, why don’t you GET OUT OF THE RACE?!’ – Megyn Kelly to Ted Cruz
Wild Thing's comment.......
LOL good question from Megyn. Cruz has behaved like the mascot for the Trump campaign.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM
August 04, 2015
Governor Perry's remarks at the Voter's First NH GOP Candidate Forum
Governor Perry's remarks at the Voter's First NH GOP Candidate Forum. PART ONE
All current or likely Republican presidential candidates were invited to take part in a “Voters First Republican Presidential Forum” on the campus of St. Anselm College in Manchester, New Hampshire. This event was the first opportunity to hear all of the 2016 Republican presidential candidates on one stage. The candidates appeared one at a time, answering questions determined by the editors of the Union Leader based on the topics suggested by the public. Senators Cruz (R-TX), Paul (R-KY), and Rubio (R-FL) appeared via video link from Washington, D.C. Jack Heath moderated.
Everyone else was there in person, except for Huckabee and Trump.
Governor Perry's remarks at the Voter's First NH GOP Candidate Forum. PART TWO
Wild Thing's comment.................
Perry was so fantastic. I am so glad I can share it on here in case anyone missed it and would like to see it.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (1)
LOL This is funny! Making ‘Machine Gun Bacon’ With Ted Cruz
Making ‘Machine Gun Bacon’ With Ted Cruz
OK it’s an AR 15 and not a ‘machine gun’, I’m sure he knows that. But nice to see a candidate with a sense of humor, making a little bit of a point about guns.
Wild Thing's comment.............
LOL good one Cruz, very clever.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (1)
Obama's US Census Bureau Hires Lunatic Comedian Dick Gregory to Deliver Anti-White Tirade to Employees
Obama's US Census Bureau Hires Lunatic Comedian Dick Gregory to Deliver Anti-White Tirade to Employees
The US Census Bureau brought in lunatic black activist, comedian and “nutritionist” Dick Gregory to deliver a speech to employees
The U.S. government paid a controversial civil rights activist/comedian to deliver an anti-white racist tirade at a major federal agency during Black History month and Judicial Watch has obtained the disturbing transcript of the offensive political rant.
It took place at the United States Census Bureau earlier this year and the paid speaker was Dick Gregory, a self-professed humanitarian and drum major for justice who claims that his social satire changed the way white Americans perceive African American comedians. But Gregory’s angry outburst at the Census Bureau was not funny to some employees and the agency was forced to explain that it will thoroughly review its procedures for selecting future speakers to “ensure their views are appropriate for the federal workplace.”
Based on Gregory’s well-known reputation as a fiery race-baiter, it’s unlikely that the government officials who booked him didn’t know about his discriminating, shock-based performances. The Census Bureau paid Gregory $1,400 to “share a wealth of history as a Civil Rights Activist,” according to the records obtained by JW under the federal public records law known as the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). Instead, American taxpayers funded a disgusting stand-up routine filled with the “N word” and replete with conspiracy theories about whites and the U.S. government targeting prominent blacks—including Martin Luther King and Malcom X—for assassination or career destruction (golfer Tiger Woods and beleaguered comedian Bill Cosby).
Gregory also said whites stole black inventions, such as ice hockey and the cotton gin, and accused the U.S. government of conspiring to kill Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri and Tamir Rice in Cleveland, Ohio. The movie King Kong is really a depiction of former heavyweight champion Jack Johnson dating white women, Gregory claimed at the Census Bureau performance, and whites treat President Obama “like dirt” and “like he’s a Redneck Cracker that can’t read or write.” Gregory delivered most of his routine in Ebonics (also known as African American Vernacular English) and advised his black audience not to obey “white racist cops,” which he also referred to as “filth.”
Wild Thing's comment............
Our tax dollars paid for this jerk to speak to them. GRRRRRRRRRRRR Obama once again pushing his racist agenda.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM
August 03, 2015
Obama Empowering the Iranian Who Murdered Americans
Obama Empowering the Iranian Who Murdered Americans
One man was responsible for the deaths or injuries of thousands of American soldiers in Iraq. That same man is responsible for sowing sectarian conflict today in Syria, Iraq, and Yemen. And yet, in the nuclear deal with Iran, this man, the commander of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps Quds Force, Major General Qassem Suleimani, will have sanctions lifted against him. Indeed, he will receive a large infusion of cash to wreak more havoc and terror. Having served in Iraq, having experienced first-hand his proxy operations against American forces, and having lost men to Gen. Suleimani’s terror operations, I find this offensive.
Obama claims to be under no illusions about the Iranian regime and its murderous activities. Even in defending the JCPOA, he has admitted that, “we'll still have problems with Iran's sponsorship of terrorism: its funding of proxies like Hezbollah that threaten Israel and threaten the region, the destabilizing activities that they're engaging in, including in places like Yemen.”
Behind all these problems stands one organization, and behind that organization, one man. Within the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, the Quds Force is responsible for special operations, including training, arming, and giving instructions to the terrorists, insurgents, and proxies that Iran uses to spread chaos across the Middle East. The head of the Quds Force is Major General Qassem Suleimani.
Wild Thing's comment........
Every breath Obama takes is treason.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (1)
Just Like Obama,More THREATS from Trump...Trump: I Will Consider Third-Party Run if GOP Doesn’t Treat Me ‘Fairly’
Trump: I Will Consider Third-Party Run if GOP Doesn’t Treat Me ‘Fairly’
Sunday on ABC’s “This Week,” Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said he would “certainly not give up” the possibility of running as a third-party candidate if he is not treated “fairly” by the GOP.
When asked if he would pledge not to run as third-party candidate, Trump said, “I’m leading in every poll, in some cases by a tremendous margin. People who know me aren’t surprised. If I’m treated fairly by the Republican Party I would no interest in doing that. If I’m not treated fairly by the Republican Party, I very well might consider that, I would certainly not give that up.”
Wild Thing's comment........
What a total jerk Trump is and he likes to make his childish threats just like Obama. This should scream out to voters what a spoiled brat Trump; is, his way or the highway attitude.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM
August 02, 2015
Navy Officer Did Something Heroic During Chattanooga Shooting, But May Be PUNISHED For It
Navy Officer Did Something Heroic During Chattanooga Shooting, But May Be PUNISHED For It
Navy Officer Who Shot At Chattanooga Terrorist May Face Charges For Using His Personal Firearm
A Navy officer and Marine reportedly returned fire at the shooter who killed five service members in Chattanooga, Tenn., even though current policy does not permit military members to carry firearms on facilities such as those where the attack occurred.
Mohammod Abdulazeez was slain last Thursday after allegedly firing dozens of shots at two separate military facilities, including the Navy Operational Support Center in Chattanooga. The cold-blooded assault killed four Marines and one active-duty Navy reservist.
The center’s commanding officer, Lt. Cmdr. Timothy White, used his personal firearm to engage the shooter during the attack, according to sources quoted in the Navy Times. A report from The Washington Post said that one of the Marines killed in the shooting might have been carrying a 9 mm Glock and possibly returned fire on Abdulazeez. The Navy officer could face disciplinary action for violating policy about possessing a weapon on the facility that was supposed a gun-free zone.
The investigation into the attack is ongoing, and authorities will not know if White or the Marine hit Abdulazeez until an autopsy and a ballistics report have been completed. The recruiting center, the other building at which the gunman fired, was reopened Monday.
Wild Thing's comment.............
Lt. White is a hero and they better NOT punish him.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (1)
Disgusting! De Blasio And Other NYC Elected Officials Stand With Planned Parenthood
Disgusting! De Blasio And Other NYC Elected Officials Stand With Planned Parenthood
The city’s top elected officials are going to bat for embattled Planned Parenthood.
All four city-wide elected officials have made videos in support of Planned Parenthood, with Mayor de Blasio accusing “anti-abortion extremists” of attacking the health care operator.
A grim De Blasio said he will fight to make sure Planned Parenthood remains protected.
“Once again, Planned Parenthood has come under attack by anti-abortion extremists,” de Blasio says in his minute- long video, released on Friday.
“Opponents of the organization deceive the public, make false changes, and intimidate women and their doctors in the hope of banning all legal abortion and cutting women off from critically needed healthcare.”
The anti-abortion group Center for Medical Progress has released four videos in which Planned Parenthood employees appear to be negotiating the price of fetal tissue, used for research.
Planned Parenthood has said they don’t make a profit off the tissue, but are reimbursed for costs.
Wild Thing's comment............
There are so many evil and ungodly people holding office in our country. I pray every day for our country to come back to God.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (1)
Judge Who Blocked Planned Parenthood Videos Is Obama Appointee And Raised $230,000 For Obama
Judge Who Blocked Planned Parenthood Videos Is Obama Appointee And Raised $230,000 For Obama
A federal judge late Friday granted a temporary restraining order against the release of recordings made at an annual meeting of abortion providers. The injunction is against the Center for Medical Progress, the group that has unveiled Planned Parenthood’s participation in the sale of organs harvested from aborted children.
Judge William H. Orrick, III, granted the injunction just hours after the order was requested by the National Abortion Federation.
Orrick was nominated to his position by hardline abortion supporter President Barack Obama. He was also a major donor to and bundler for President Obama’s presidential campaign. He raised at least $200,000 for Obama and donated $30,800 to committees supporting him, according to Public Citizen.
Wild Thing's comment..........
Obama has put people like this in positions of power throughout our federal courts, bureaucracies, and the military chain of command.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:49 AM | Comments (1)
Communist China is CRACKING DOWN on Christians
Communist China is CRACKING DOWN on Christians
A Communist party campaign during which crosses have been stripped from the roofs of more than 1,200 Chinese churches is being conducted “for the sake of safety and beauty”, a government official has claimed.
Human rights activists accuse authorities in Zhejiang province in eastern China of using the protracted campaign to slow Christianity’s growth in what is one of the country’s most churchgoing regions.
By some estimates, China is nowhome to 100 million Christians, compared with the Communist party’s 88 million members.
Since the government campaign began in late 2013, hundreds of places of worship have had bright red crosses removed. Some churches have been completely demolished, while civil servants have been banned from practising religion. Some observers suspect the campaign has the backing of the Chinese president, Xi Jinping, and could be a “pilot project” before a nationwide crackdown.
In fact, there is growing anger among China’s rapidly growing Christian community over the campaign, which has affected both Catholic and Protestant congregations. Last Friday, a group of Catholic clergy – including an 89-year-old bishop – took to the streets to protest. “What they are doing feels like something from the Cultural Revolution era,” complained one religious leader from Zhejiang.
No, it’s not as bad as Christians suffering in the Middle East, but we should all be thankful we live in America where we can safely practice our faith.....so far. And we have to zealously protect that right.
Wild Thing's comment.............
Make no mistake, this is the kind of crap that is coming here thanks to the Supreme Court .
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM
August 01, 2015
Code Pink Terrorist Loving Group Delivering Flowers to Kerry’s House to Thank Him for Iran Deal
Code Pink Terrorist Loving Group Delivering Flowers to Kerry’s House to Thank Him for Iran Deal
The far-left activist group Code Pink will attempt to hand-deliver flowers to Secretary of State John Kerry at his Georgetown home on Monday to thank him for reaching a nuclear deal with Iran, the organization said on Friday.
Code Pink, a group that is known for interrupting congressional hearings and advocating for dictators, said in a statement that it will “show support for the Secretary of State John Kerry’s efforts to broker a nuclear agreement with Iran by visiting his Georgetown residence with flowers.”
The activists said they would also spell out the words “IRAN DEAL YES” outside of Kerry’s house in pink parasols.
Wild Thing's comment.........
They are such a disgrace, why these even live in our country makes no sense to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:55 AM | Comments (1)
Jonah Goldberg says Trump is NOT the right one to lead
Jonah Goldberg has been a critic of the Trump for a while, to the point where the Donald had to lash out at him on Twitter. Last night on Fox News he got the chance to explain why the Donald is symbolic of a justified rage among the base, but just not a great leader for it.
Wild Thing's comment...........
Jonah is right. There is a big difference in mouthing off and spewing hate and anger vs. someone that is a leader and could hold the office of president.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:45 AM