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November 30, 2014
Obama and the Pentagon, an uneasy relationship
Obama and the Pentagon, an uneasy relationship
WASHINGTON (AP) -- On a trip to Afghanistan during President Barack Obama's first term, Defense Secretary Robert Gates was stunned to find a telephone line at the military's special operations headquarters that linked directly back to a top White House national security official.
"I had them tear it out while I was standing there," Gates said earlier this month as he recounted his discovery. "I told the commanders, `If you get a call from the White House, you tell them to go to hell and call me.'"
To Gates, the phone in Kabul came to symbolize Obama's efforts to micromanage the Pentagon and centralize decision-making in the White House. That criticism later would be echoed publicly and pointedly by Gates' successor, Leon Panetta.
The president's third Pentagon chief, Chuck Hagel, was picked partly because he was thought to be more deferential to Obama's close circle of White House advisers. But over time, Hagel also grew frustrated with what he saw as the West Wing's insularity.
There have been similar gripes from other Cabinet officials, but the friction between the White House and the Pentagon has been particularly pronounced during Obama's six years in office. That dynamic already appears to be affecting the president's ability to find a replacement for Hagel, who resigned Monday under pressure from Obama.
Within hours, former Pentagon official Michele Flournoy called Obama to take herself out of consideration, even though she was widely seen as his top choice and would have been the first woman to hold the post.
Flournoy officially cited family concerns, but people close to her say she also had reservations about being restrained like Hagel and would perhaps wait to see if she could get the job if another Democrat - namely Hillary Rodham Clinton - won the presidency in 2016.
Obama's eventual nominee will join a national security team that is under intense criticism for its response to the rise of the Islamic State group in Syria and Iraq. The president has authorized airstrikes in both countries and sent about 3,000 U.S. troops to train and assist Iraqi security forces.
He has resisted sending American troops into ground combat and has insisted the military campaign is not designed to oust Syrian President Bashar Assad, whose 3 1/2 year assault on civilians helped create the chaos that allowed the Islamic State to thrive.
The foreign policy landscape looks far different from what Obama envisioned when he ran for the White House and pledged to end the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Obama has been seen in the Pentagon as being overly suspicious of the military and its inclination to use force to address problems. To some in the Pentagon, the president's approach to the military seems particularly cool and detached when compared with that of his predecessor, Republican George W. Bush, who was more eager to embrace the military and accept its judgments.
Stephen Biddle, an occasional adviser to U.S. combat commanders, said the White House has fallen victim to "group think" and is distrustful of advice or perspectives that challenge its own.
"That's a bad policy development design," said Biddle, a political science professor at George Washington University's Elliott School of International Affairs.
Several White House, defense and other administration officials discussed the relationship between the president and the Pentagon on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to do so publicly.
On foreign policy decision-making, Obama relies in particular on national security adviser Susan Rice and chief of staff Denis McDonough. Secretary of State John Kerry has managed to carve out some areas of influence, particularly on Iranian nuclear negotiations. Some Pentagon officials say they have seen an increasingly close relationship between Obama and Gen. Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
But at the Pentagon, senior officials say there is growing frustration with a lack of policy direction and clarity from the White House that has hampered the military's ability to quickly respond to fast-moving events around the world. Policy recommendations from the Pentagon are often discussed exhaustively in White House meetings that can bog down, delaying decisions and sometimes resulting in conclusions that remain vague.
Over the past year, officials said the Pentagon leadership was particularly baffled by the White House's slow deliberations on Russia's moves against Ukraine and the rise of Islamic State militants.
Earlier this fall, officials said, Hagel sent Rice a memo on Syria reflecting the views of military commanders who feel Obama's strategy lacks cohesion and has included too many one-off decisions, such as resupplying Kurdish forces fighting the militants in the Syrian town of Kobani. Hagel and military commanders were particularly concerned about a lack of clarity over Obama's position toward Assad.
On Ukraine, officials say Hagel pressed the White House to speed up the protracted debate over providing even nonlethal assistance to Ukrainian forces and to look for new options when the support the administration did provide proved ineffective in stopping Russian-backed rebels.
Obama's advisers deny Hagel was ousted because he challenged the president. They cast the former Republican senator as the wrong fit for a job in which he never appeared comfortable. The aides also defended the White House's lengthy internal deliberations, saying Obama's decision-making process reflects the complexity of the problems.
Hagel's ouster has spurred a flurry of suggestions from foreign policy experts for how Obama can repair his relationship with the Pentagon, from ousting his West Wing aides to revamping the White House's National Security Council, which has ballooned from a few dozen staffers in the 1970s to more than 400.
But Gates, the former Pentagon chief who voiced his frustrations during a forum this month at the Ronald Reagan presidential library in California, suggested the real issue rested with the president himself.
"When a president wants highly centralized control in the White House at the degree of micromanagement that I'm describing, that's not bureaucratic, that's political," he said.
Wild Thing's comment........
Obama is a POS and it is all BS when he pretends to support our military, our troops and or Veterans.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (1)
Muslim Obama To Release Another Wave Of Jihadist Reinforcements From Gitmo
Obama To Release Another Wave Of Jihadist Reinforcements From Gitmo…
The Pentagon is preparing to transfer more detainees from Guantanamo Bay in coming weeks despite continued Republican opposition, according to defense and congressional officials.
The Wall Street Journal reports that, after five detainees were transferred last week, there will be another round in December, but defense officials refused to disclose further information on their numbers or nationalities.
Rep. Howard McKeon, R-Calif, chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, complained at a recent hearing of an increase in notifications by the administration to lawmakers on coming transfers from the detainment facility.
President Obama promised since before he took office that he would close the controversial detention center, a move that has been opposed by many Republicans.
Wild Thing's comment........
This is Obama abetting the enemy and therefore the commission of treason.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM
Darren Wilson Resigns From The #Ferguson Police Department
Darren Wilson Resigns From The #Ferguson Police Department
Citing security fears, Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson, who fatally shot Michael Brown Aug. 9, has resigned from the police department.
Wilson, 28, who on Monday was cleared by a grand jury investigating the shooting, had been a member of the city’s police department for six years.
In a telephone interview Saturday evening, Wilson said he resigned after the police department told him it had received threats that violence would ensue if he remained an employee.
“I’m resigning of my own free will,” he said. “I’m not willing to let someone else get hurt because of me.”
He said resigning was “the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do.”
Wilson’s resignation, which was expected, comes after private talks between his representatives and the police department. The grand jury announced its decision in the case Monday.
Neil Bruntrager, Wilson’s attorney, said a news conference is being planned.
Wilson’s resignation letter reads:
“I, Darren Wilson, hereby resign my commission as a police officer with the City of Ferguson effective immediately. I have been told that my continued employment may put the residents and police officers of the City of Ferguson at risk, which is a circumstance that I cannot allow. For obvious reasons, I wanted to wait until the grand jury made their decision before I officially made my decision to resign. It was my hope to continue in police work, but the safety of other police officers and the community are of paramount importance to me. It is my hope that my resignation will allow the community to heal. I would like to thank all of my supporters and fellow officers throughout this process.”
Wild Thing's comment.........
I wonder if these vile pieces of humans will ever stop, no matter what happens. They have the blessing from Al Sharpton and others.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:49 AM
Disgustng Muslim Farrakhan Goes On Tirade Over Ferguson: “We’ll Tear This G–damn Country Up! A Salaam Aleikum!”
Farrakhan Goes On Tirade Over Ferguson: “We’ll Tear This G–damn Country Up! A Salaam Aleikum!”
Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan went on a fiery tirade about Ferguson on Saturday — threatening that if the demands of protesters aren’t met, “we’ll tear this goddamn country up!”
Farrakhan stated in his speech — given at Morgan State University, a black college located in Baltimore, Md. — that violence was justified in response to the decision not to indict officer Darren Wilson and peaceful protests are only in the interest of “white folks.”
“We going to die anyway. Let’s die for something,” the radical figure told the crowd to roaring applause.
He even said the parents of teenagers should teach their kids how to throw Molotov cocktails. “Teach your baby how to throw the bottle if they can. Fight,” the minister advised, and then imitated throwing the explosive device.
Wild Thing's comment........
LOL he can't even pronounce the name of the town correctly ...he calls it Jefferson instead of Ferguson.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:48 AM | Comments (1)
Ferguson Goons Force Children Planning To Sing Christmas Carols To Cower In Fear Until Police Could Rescue Them
Ferguson Goons Force Children Planning To Sing Christmas Carols To Cower In Fear Until Police Could Rescue Them
Via KING 5 news anchor Mark Wright:
Some of you may know that tonight's tree lighting at Westlake Center was cut short by protesters. I feel really bad for a group of children from the 5th Avenue Theater. They came tonight, excited to sing. When the protesters overtook the balcony, the children were absolutely terrified. I helped usher them to the far end of the balcony where they would be safe. They huddled with their chaperones and each other, some of them crying, until police got the protesters out of there. As a journalist, I'm absolutely in favor of the right to free speech. This was not free speech tonight. The protesters appear to simply want to disrupt, and in doing so, traumatized some beautiful young kids.
Wild Thing's comment.......
These people are so horrible and filled with so much hate.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM
November 29, 2014
One of the country’s largest producers of ammunition magazines for guns has chosen Austin, TX. for its corporate headquarters
Colorado ammo magazine maker moves HQ to Austin
One of the country’s largest producers of ammunition magazines for guns has chosen Austin for its corporate headquarters, the company said.
Magpul Industries Corp., formerly based in Erie, Colo., said its new corporate headquarters will be at 8226 Bee Caves Road in Austin. The company said it closed on the new facility in November.
Magpul said it also has moved its production, distribution and shipping operations to Cheyenne, Wyo., where a manufacturing and distribution center is scheduled to open in January.
Magpul officials had announced in January that they planned to move their operations out of Colorado because of new state laws that include restrictions on how many cartridges a magazine can hold. Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s office had reached out to Magpul, to encourage the company to relocate to Texas.
Magpul did not say how many employees would move to the Austin facility. Company officials could not be reached for comment Friday.
All of Magpul’s existing Colorado facilities will close during the first quarter of 2015, the company said. The company plans to open an administrative office in Colorado to support the relocation, with that site then serving as a regional support office after the move.
“These new facilities in Texas and Wyoming immediately enhance and expand the company’s business operations,” Duane Liptak, director of product management and marketing for Magpul, said in a written statement. “Magpul remains committed to completing the final phases of this transition without disruption to our customers and business partners.”
Magpul did not disclose a purchase price for the Bee Caves Road property, but the property was previously being marketed by Oxford Commercial for $3.995 million. The site is 3.89 acres, with a 16,000 square foot office building.
Wild Thing's comment......
Good news for Texas. It is understandable why they would move to Texas.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (1)
Dictator Obama executive action extends benefits to HIS 5 Million ILLEGAL immigrants
Obama executive action extends benefits to immigrants
Wild Thing's comment......
Notice how the liberal man on the show continues to lie for Obama....that is expected. The truth is when the illegals get a social security number as Obama has planned they will also get the benefits ( social security checks and medicare etc. )
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM
November 28, 2014
Black Friday’s Big Gun Sales Trigger Two Background Check Requests Per Second and a More Easily Beaten System
BRIDGEPORT, W.Va. — More gun sales than ever are slipping through the federal background check system — 186,000 last year, a rate of 512 gun sales a day, as states fail to consistently provide thorough, real-time updates on criminal and mental histories to the FBI.
This Friday opens the busiest season for gun purchases, when requests for background checks speed up to nearly two a second, testing the limits of the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, or NICS.
NICS did about 58,000 checks on a typical day last year. That surged to 145,000 on Black Friday 2013. They’re bringing in 100 more workers than usual for the post-Thanksgiving rush this year.
Much of the responsibility for preventing criminals and the mentally ill from buying guns is shouldered by about 500 men and women who run the system from inside the FBI’s criminal justice center, a gray office building with concrete walls and mirrored windows just outside Bridgeport, West Virginia.
There are more than 48,000 gun retailers in the U.S., from Wal-Mart stores to local pawn shops. Store clerks can use the FBI’s online E-Check System, which federal officials say is more efficient. But nearly half the checks are phoned in. Three call centers — in Kentucky, Texas, and Wheeling, W.Va. — take these calls from 8 a.m. to 1 a.m. every day but Christmas.
The call centers have no access to privileged information about buyers’ backgrounds, and make no decisions. They just type in their name, address, birthdate, Social Security Number and other information into the system. On Black Fridays, the work can be grueling: One woman took a call that lasted four hours when a dealer phoned in the maximum 99 checks.
“Rules had to be stretched,” recalled Sam Demarco, her supervisor. “We can’t transfer calls. Someone had to sit in her seat for her while she went to the bathroom.”
By federal law, NICS researchers must race against the clock: They have until the end of the third business day following an attempted firearm purchase to determine whether or not a buyer is eligible.
“They won’t proceed or deny a transaction unless they are ABSOLUTELY certain the information they have is correct and sufficient to sustain that decision,” FBI spokesman Stephen G. Fischer told the AP.
You can continue reading here........... just click this link.
Wild Thing's comment.......
The direction our country is going each day I am not surprised if more and more people want to own a gun to protect themselves.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
Hillary Demands Royal Treatment On Speaking Tour
Hillary Demands Royal Treatment On Speaking Tour
It was like a scene out of "The Princess and the Pea," only this was real life. Along with her $300,000 fee for her speech at UCLA , Hillary Clinton had a list of demands, one of which was "that the chairs be outfitted with two long, rectangular pillows — and that two cushions be kept backstage in case the chair was too deep and she needed additional back support."
Through a Freedom of Information Act request the Washington Post received the emails exchanged between UCLA and Clinton's people as they were preparing for her March 5, 2014 speech at the school.
The documents show that Clinton’s representatives at the Harry Walker Agency exerted considerable control over her appearance and managed even the smallest details — from requesting lemon wedges and water on stage to a computer, scanner, and a spread of hummus and crudité in the green room backstage.
When the University reminded Clinton's people that UCLA was a public school and asked for a reduction of the $300,000, the presumptive Democratic Party candidate's staff responded that $300,000 is the “special university rate.” The fee went to the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton foundation.
It is commonplace for celebrity speakers to request special accommodations — and Clinton was no exception. Her representatives asked for a case of still water, room temperature, to be deposited stage right. They also asked that “a carafe of warm/hot water, coffee cup and saucer, pitcher of room temperature water, water glass, and lemon wedges” be situated both on a table on stage as well as in another room where Clinton would stand for photos with VIPs.
For the green room, Clinton’s representatives requested: “Coffee, tea, room temp sparkling and still water, diet ginger ale, crudité, hummus and sliced fruit.” They also asked for a computer, mouse and printer, as well as a scanner, which the university had to purchase for the occasion.
Clinton's team even micro-managed the way Clinton was to receive the UCLA Medal during her visit to the campus. The team asked that it be presented to her in a box rather than draped around her neck. Perhaps she did not want to direct her attention to her neck.
By contract, Clinton’s approval was needed for any promotional materials. Clinton gave permission for the university to record the event, but “for archival purposes only.” For public distribution, Clinton’s speaking agency approved only a two-minute highlight video to upload to YouTube. “Please make sure it is available only for one (1) year from the date of posting,” a Harry Walker Agency official added" [presumingly this was done incase she made a gaffe during her appearance].
Her staff even regulated the number of pictures she would stand for and whether or not there were "do overs."
“We get a total of 50 clicks,” one university official explained — as well as two group photos. Lippert wrote to colleagues that Clinton’s representatives wanted the group shots “prestaged,” with participants assembled and ready to take the photographs before Clinton arrived “so the secretary isn’t waiting for these folks to get their act together.”
During her book tour in June, Clinton caused an uproar when she told ABC's Diane Sawyer when she and Bill left the White House they were dead broke. It demonstrated a lack of compassion and understanding for those who are really impoverished. When that faux pas is added to other details, like her exorbitant speaking fees and list of royal of demands, it makes one wonder if she will be able to carry the populist message the progressive Democrats demand.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Someone should hire a Vince Foster look-a-like to sit in the front row and heckle her.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (2)
US Troops Celebrate Thanksgiving in Afghanistan
Wild Thing's comment.......
May God Protect and keep every single one of you safe
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM
November 27, 2014
Happy Thanksgiving To YOU my Wonderful Veterans and to our Troops

Thank you and thank you to all our Troops and to all of you Veterans. And I would also like to thank those of you that have loved ones serving now, sons, daughters, husbands and wives. You are serving too in such a special way. You are all in my thoughts and prayers every single day.
I am so grateful to each of you that are part of Theodore's World family. You are all very special to me. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Wild Thing
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (4)
Islamic Jihadists Are Using Twitter In Attempt To Recruit Angry Ferguson Protesters To Their Cause
Islamic Jihadists Are Using Twitter In Attempt To Recruit Angry Ferguson Protesters To Their Cause
Islamic jihadists worldwide have launched a barrage of recruitment messages amid the latest unrest in Ferguson, Mo., using Twitter accounts to call on African-Americans and others in the United States to join their cause.
Some messages urge direct revolt against the U.S. government, while others evoke the names of former black leaders – among them Malcolm X – in a bid to convince people of color that living under an Islamic caliphate is in their best interests.
“March against tyranny and arm yourselves against the true terrorists of our time: the US government,” says a tweet from a prominent Dutch jihadist in Syria going by the name of Israfil Yilmaz, and carrying “Ferguson Rising” and “Ferguson Decision” hashtags.
Another tweet from a user going by the name of Abu Hamza As Somaal says: “My fellow black community know that #Jihad is the only thing that will bring justice, respect and honor in (the) Ferguson decision.” This message is followed by the hashtag “Islamic State.”
Wild Thing's comment........
Will the ISIS provide them with all the handouts they now get from our government and from their Obama............
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM
981 Missouri Black Babies Have Been Aborted Since Michael Brown’s Death, No Riots
981 Missouri Black Babies Have Been Aborted Since Michael Brown’s Death, No Riots
To illustrate the utter hypocrisy and injustice pervading the black community following the death of Michael Brown, LifeNews published the depressing reality that 981 black babies have been aborted in Missouri since that fateful day back in August-and not a single person has rioted over their wrongful deaths.
LifeNews published the numbers in response to a blog post from a pro-life advocate in Missouri named Reverend Katherine. She wrote:
Since the day that Michael Brown died [Aug 9, 2014], another 981 Black Missourians have died; 9 per day, every day since then. These Black Missourians were unarmed, innocent, and had no ability to defend themselves and died in plain sight. But there is no outrage, no riots, not one protest.
Wild Thing's comment.......
The sick left do not count the murder of babies, it does not matter to them.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM
November 26, 2014
NRA News Ginny Simone Reporting....Servin' Up the Second Amendment
NRA News Ginny Simone Reporting .... Servin' Up the Second Amendment
Good food, friendly service and a huge helping of freedom — that’s what they’re dishing up at Shooters Grill in Rifle, Colorado. “It’s not about politics, it’s a way of life,” says one of the servers, who can be seen brandishing a Ruger Blackhawk .357 on her hip. But she’s not alone, customers carry too and owner Lauren Boebert wouldn’t have it any other way. “We’re certainly able to protect ourselves,” she says.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Love this.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (4)
Illegals Could Receive Social Security, Medicare Thanks To Obama’s Action
Illegals Could Receive Social Security, Medicare Thanks To Obama’s Action
Under President Obama’s new program to protect millions of illegal immigrants from deportation, many of those affected will be eligible to receive Social Security, Medicare and a wide array of other federal benefits, a White House official said Tuesday.
In his speech on Thursday night, the president touted his plan as a means of bringing accountability to a broken immigration system, under which 11 million or more people are estimated to be living in this country illegally.
“We’re going to offer the following deal: If you’ve with been in America more than five years. If you have children who are American citizens or [legal] residents. If you register, pass a criminal background check and you’re willing to pay your fair share of taxes, you’ll be able to apply to stay in this country temporarily without fear of deportation,” he said. “You can come out of the shadows and get right with the law.”
For those who work, that includes payroll taxes, also known as FICA taxes, because they are collected under the Federal Insurance Contributions Act.
Wild Thing's comment.......
It just keeps getting worse, and more illegal on all levels.
The night Obama made his announcement about HIS illegals, he said they wuld be getting Social security numbers. To my knowledge when a person has that it is forever, and not some temporary thing. GRRRRRRRRRR
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (2)
Netherlands Animal Park Welcomes Polar Bear Triplets
A wildlife park in the Netherlands is celebrating the rare birth of polar bear triplets, but zookeepers don't know the gender of each cub because they don't want to get too close and upset the mother. (
Wild Thing's comment.........
So precious and very special.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:49 AM | Comments (1)
Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) We Really Shouldn’t Have Passed Obamacare In 2010 ~ DUH!!!!
Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) We Really Shouldn’t Have Passed Obamacare In 2010
(CNSNews.com) – Speaking at the National Press Club on Tuesday, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) said focusing on health care reform in 2009 was a mistake that hurt Democrats because most Americans were happy with their coverage but were unhappy with the economy.
Schumer said the health care law, popularly known as Obamacare, is “very important” but the timing was wrong, and was not at the “top of the agenda” of the American people.
“We were in the middle of recession. … People were hurting and said ‘What about me? I’m losing my job,’” said Schumer, who spoke as the Democratic Policy Chairman on why his Party was defeated in the 2014 mid-term elections by Republicans.
“Like I said, about 85 percent of all Americans were fine with their health care in 2009, mainly because it was paid for by either the government or their employer – private sector,” said Schumer. “And so the average middle-class voter, they weren’t opposed to doing health care when it started out but it wasn’t at the top of the agenda.”
“Don’t get me wrong,” Schumer also said. “I think it’s a good bill [Obamacare] and I’m proud to have voted for it.”
“But, it should have come later,” said the senator.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Hey Chuck Chuck....you voted for it...you own it..
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (1)
Democrat Wants Gag Order On Liberal Lawyer Representing GOP In Obamacare Lawsuit
Democrat Wants Gag Order On Liberal Lawyer Representing GOP In Obamacare Lawsuit
Self-avowed liberal law professor Jonathan Turley is representing the House GOP in its lawsuit against President Barack Obama’s implementation of Obamacare and at least one House Democrat wants him punished for it
Turley, a George Washington University law professor, is also a frequent media commentator on political issues. Despite describing himself as a political liberal, he’s long been harshly critical of Obama’s use of executive power and said he’d jumped at the chance to represent the House GOP in the lawsuit against unilateral changes to the Affordable Care Act in its implementation.
Now that Turley’s working for the GOP, Pennsylvania Democratic Rep. Robert Brady wants to ban him from speaking out any issue of executive authority — which Turley’s based much of his career on — for years.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Let's hope Turley has more respect for law and the truth than the party he votes with.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM
November 25, 2014
Fox News' Mike Tobin Caught in the Middle as Police Fire Tear Gas on Group of Demonstrators in Ferguson
Fox News' Mike Tobin Caught in the Middle as Police Fire Tear Gas on Group of Demonstrators in Ferguson
FERGUSON ON FIRE: Walgreens, Beauty Town, Little Caesars, Auto Parts, Police Cars TORCHED – Shots Fired at Firemen!
Police fire tear gas in attempt to disperse a line of demonstrators gathered on the streets of Ferguson. Fox News Mike Tobin gets caught in the middle and some of the tear gas canisters hit just feet away from him.
He also reports that there were shots fired from the crowd of protesters into the air following the Grand Jury decision and a report of protesters trying to tip over vehicles.
Demonstrations In Other Cities- DC, NYC, LA, Oakland, Seattle
Wild Thing's comment........
I am glad for the verdict from the Grand Jury, and have been hoping it would be positive for the policeman.
But I also expected riots and the protesters to react just this way if it came out in favor of the police .
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM
Michael Brown’s mother, Lesley McSpadden Reacts: You Motherf*%ckers Think This is a Joke
Worth noting her son’s body is still laying in an unmarked grave while she makes money off his death.
Michael Brown’s mother, Lesley McSpadden, reacted harshly following tonight’s Grand Jury decision to not indict Officer Darren Wilson for shooting Michael Brown to death in Ferguson, MO, last August.
McSpadden was clearly angry as she shouted to protesters, “Some of you motherf*%kers think this is a joke! Everybody want me to be calm? Do you know how them bullets hit my son? Ain’t nobody had to live through what I had to live through.”
**Video contains graphic language:**
Wild Thing's comment.........
Your son was a thug— thief — assaulted a policeman with deadly force and a big idiot. And what about your bearing false witness against officer Darren Wilson overseas to some UN lying organization on torture .
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM
Attorneys for DARREN WILSON Issue a Statement: “Officer Wilson Followed His Training & Followed the Law”
Attorneys for DARREN WILSON Issue a Statement: “Officer Wilson Followed His Training & Followed the Law”
Officer Darren Wilson issued a statement tonight after the grand jury decision was released by Prosecuting Attorney Bob McCulloch.
Lawyers for Darren Wilson issued a public statement tonight after learning he would not be indicted, saying, in part, that Wilson “followed his training and followed the law” when he shot and killed Michael Brown Aug. 9.
The statement continued: “Today, a St. Louis County grand jury released its decision that no charges would be filed in the case involving Officer Darren Wilson. From the onset, we have maintained and the grand jury agreed that Officer Wilson’s actions on August 9 were in accordance with the laws and regulations that govern the procedures of an officer.
“In a case of this magnitude, a team of prosecutors rightfully presented evidence to this St. Louis County grand jury. This group of citizens, drawn at random from the community, listened to witnesses and heard all the evidence in the case. Based on the evidence and witness testimony, the grand jury collectively determined there was no basis for criminal charges against Officer Wilson.
“Law enforcement personnel must frequently make split-second and difficult decisions. Officer Wilson followed his training and followed the law. We recognize that many people will want to second-guess the grand jury’s decision. We would encourage anyone who wants to express an opinion do so in a respectful and peaceful manner.
“On a side note, Officer Wilson would like to thank those who have stood by his side throughout the process. This continued support is greatly appreciated by Officer Wilson and his family. Moving forward, any commentary on this matter will be done in the appropriate venue and not through the media.
Wild Thing's comment.......
My heart goes out to Ofc. Wilson - it's sad that he has lost any chance at a normal life just for doing his job as well as defending his own life.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM
November 24, 2014
Obama Asked if Future Presidents can Use His Logic to Go Around Congress to Cut Taxes: “Absolutely Not”
Obama Asked if Future Presidents can Use His Logic to Go Around Congress to Cut Taxes: “Absolutely Not”
Obama could scarcely look more foolish. He is asked “what if” a future President decided to use Barack Obama’s own example of Executive Action to impose a tax cut – by ordering that people not be prosecuted for not paying Capital Gains taxes. It is precisely the same logic Obama used to legalize millions of illegals. His answer if that would be ok? “Absolutely not” in regards to taxes!
Wild Thing's comment.......
He loves taxes on us so of course he would not want to ever have that stopped. He wants the money to send to the Hamas and other treasonous spending he does.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (1)
Six Dem Senators Have Criticized Obama’s Executive Amnesty (so far )
Six Democratic Senators Have Criticized Obama's Executive Amnesty (So Far)
A handful of Senate Democrats are publicly expressing disapproval of the president’s executive action on immigration, but it’s not yet clear that any of them are willing to do anything to stop him.
“Our immigration system is broken, and I support a comprehensive plan to fix it, but executive orders aren’t the way to do it,” Missouri senator Claire McCaskill said in a statement issued late Friday afternoon.
“I am as frustrated as anyone that Congress is not doing its job, but the President shouldn’t make such significant policy changes on his own,” SenatorrJoe Donnelly of Indiana said in a statement Thursday.
“I’m disappointed the President decided to use executive action at this time on this issue as it could poison any hope of compromise or bipartisanship in the new Senate before it has even started,” Senator Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota said in a statement Thursday.
Senator Angus King, an independent from Maine who caucuses with the Democrats, told Politico: “I worry that his taking unilateral action could in fact inflame public opinion, change the subject from immigration to the president. I also have constitutional concerns about where prosecutorial discretion ends and unconstitutional executive authority begins.”
Senator Jon Tester of Montana offered more tepid criticism, telling Reuters that he would "prefer" that the issue be handled by Congress. Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia told Politico that Obama's move made him "very uncomfortable."
Wild Thing's comment.........
It would be great if more say they are upset about it, but that would be in a sane world.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (1)
November 23, 2014
'America Loves You' Jay Leno Surprises Wounded Veteran
'America Loves You' Jay Leno Surprises Wounded Veteran
'America Loves You' Jay Leno Surprises Wounded Veteran 'America Loves You' Jay Leno Surprises Wounded Veteran 'America Loves You' Jay Leno Surprises Wounded Veteran 'America loves you': Touching moment Jay Leno surprised wounded soldier with brand-new muscle car - as it's revealed former Tonight Show host has pulled out of gun show in response to petition Leno, 64, randomly selected Cpl Ethan LeBerge to receive 2015 Dodge Hellcat, worth at least $59,995 LeBerge, an infantryman, was severely wounded in suicide bombing in Afghanistan, which killed two of his comrades Leno, who has a massive car collection, surprised the soldier at Fort Campbell, Kentucky
Wild Thing's comment.......
I love this and things that happen like this. It warms the heart to see people appreciate our troops.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
Terrorist Sympathizer Obama Quietly Releases More Gitmo Detainees
Terrorist Sympathizer Obama Quietly Releases More Gitmo Detainees
Obama has opened a new front in his hard line against the incoming Republican Congress by releasing more detainees from Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, against lawmakers’ objections.
The Pentagon announced Thursday that four al Qaeda fighters from Yemen, including a senior figure who facilitated travel to Afghanistan for Arab extremists, and a Tunisian extremist would be transferred to Slovakia and Georgia.
The transfers leave 143 detainees at Guantanamo, which Obama has vowed to close. Republican lawmakers, who have been pressing the administration to stop releasing detainees amid reports that some former prisoners had joined the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, were furious.
And another one released to a Saudi ‘rehabilitation’ program.
Obama releases Saudi prisoner from Guantanamo Bay, to take part in militant rehab program
Muhammad al-Zahrani was released Saturday, based on the conclusion of a U.S. government board that has been re-evaluating the need to continue holding the roughly 142 men held at the facility.
The facility was created in the aftermath of the 9/11 terror attacks to get people with strong evidence of ties to terror groups off battlefields.
The release of al-Zahrani follows the release Wednesday of five other prisoners, as part of the Obama administration’s renewed effort to close the detention center at the U.S. Navy base in Cuba.
It also follows the controversial release in May of five Taliban detainees in exchange for Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl. One of the primary criticisms of the deal is that the detainees -- after being sent to Qatar where they will stay for a year -- is they will likely return to terror-related groups.
Al-Zahrani, who is about 45, had been held at Guantanamo since August 2002, according to military records. A report by the Periodic Review Board said he traveled to Afghanistan in 1999 and "almost certainly" joined al Qaeda, trained in military tactics and fought the Northern Alliance.
Wild Thing's comment............
Obama is on a roll, doing as much as he can to continue to destroy our country, to weaken our Nation in every way possible. He commits treason with every breath he takes.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (1)
Eric Bolling about Obama: ‘America Is Not Broken, The Country Did Just Fine Without You’
Eric Bolling about Obama: ‘America Is Not Broken, The Country Did Just Fine Without You’
Wild Thing's comment......
Yes and to all the idiots that voted for Obama and wanted to transform our awesome country they are my enemy.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM
Judge Jeanine on Obama's Thuggish Executive Amnesty!
Judge Jeanine on Obama's Thuggish Executive Amnesty!
Wild Thing's comment........
Obama is the enemy of our country,
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM
November 22, 2014
Megyn Kelly & Alan Colmes "Duke It Out" Over Obama's Executive Amnesty!
Megyn Kelly & Alan Colmes "Duke It Out" Over Obama's Executive Amnesty!
Wild Thing's comment.......
Good for Megyn! I am furious how the left is trying to say Reagan did the exact same thing when he did not.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
Awesome speech by Senator Ted Cruz....The Wisdom of Cicero is Timeless
The Wisdom of Cicero is Timeless
Wild Thing's comment........
Thank God for Ted Cruz . We have several really good people in power and I am grateful for each one of the good ones.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM
Communist Dictator Obama Already Fundraising Off His ILLEGAL Immigrant Executive Order
Communist Dictator Obama Already Fundraising Off His ILLEGAL Immigrant Executive Order
I want to tell you why I’m taking action on immigration.
There’s no disagreement in Washington that our system is badly broken. That’s why a bipartisan majority in the Senate passed comprehensive immigration reform. That was more than 500 days ago, but we’re still waiting for the House to hold a vote.
Every day we delay, our country and our economy suffer. Millions of families go on living in the shadows, without a chance to pay their taxes or do what’s necessary to get on the right side of the law.
So, just like every president in the last 70 years — Republican and Democrat — I’m taking steps in my power to help fix this broken immigration system.
If you agree that we can’t wait any longer for meaningful action on immigration, join Americans across the country, including supporters of OFA, who are standing up to fight for reform.
Some voices in this debate want to make this issue about me, so I want to be clear about this:
The actions I’m taking today are no substitute for comprehensive reform. Only Congress can finish the job.
But I’m not just going to wait for that day to come. The American people expect solutions from the people they send to Washington. Today, I’m doing what I can to take common-sense steps forward.
Add your name if you’re ready to fight for reform:
Wild Thing's comment.......
POS Obama the president from HELL!
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:49 AM | Comments (1)
Rush Limbaugh - The Illegal Aliens Are Still Illegal Whether Obama Decides To Prosecute Them Or Not
Rush Limbaugh - The Illegal Aliens Are Still Illegal Whether Obama Decides To Prosecute Them Or Not
Wild Thing's comment........
Yes they sure are, and that will never change,
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM
November 21, 2014
GOP Rep. Steve King: Obama Just “Tore Article One out of the Constitution, Put it into His Own Pocket”
GOP Rep. Steve King: Obama Just “Tore Article One out of the Constitution, Put it into His Own Pocket”
Wild Thing's comment......
Exactly, that is what happened.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM
Krauthammer: 'This is an Invitation to a Mass Migration'... 'A Gigantic Neon Sign on the Rio Grande'
Krauthammer: 'This is an Invitation to a Mass Migration'... 'A Gigantic Neon Sign on the Rio Grande'
Wild Thing's comment........
I am so glad Charles is around, I always like to see what he has to say about things.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM
Obama Padded Obamacare Enrollment Numbers By Including 400K Dental Plans
Obama Padded Obamacare Enrollment Numbers By Including 400K Dental Plans
The Obama administration included as many as 400,000 dental plans in a number it reported for enrollments under the Affordable Care Act, an unpublicized detail that helped surpass a goal for 7 million sign-ups.
Without the dental plans, the federal government would have had 6.97 million people with medical insurance under the law known as Obamacare, investigators for the House Oversight and Government Reform committee calculated, using data they obtained from the U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
Federal officials said in September they had 7.3 million people enrolled in coverage through new government-run insurance exchanges. They didn’t distinguish between medical and dental plans, breaking from previous practice without notice.
Blending dental and medical plans let the administration assert that enrollment remained greater than 7 million, the original projection of the Congressional Budget Office. The move also partly obscured the attrition of more than 1 million in the number of people enrolled in medical insurance.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Pathological liars without an OUNCE of shame or conscience. The Democratic Party has become, the OFFICIAL Party of tyranny.....
"Where the people fear the government you have tyranny. Where the government fears the people you have liberty." -John Basil Barnhill.
“The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government, lest it come to dominate our lives and interests.”
~Patrick Henry
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM
November 20, 2014
Today Dictator Obama to Announce His Kissing up to ILLEGALS plan and further destruction to America
Barack Obama on Thursday will announce on national television go-it-alone steps he will take to shield up to 5 million immigrants illegally in the United States from deportation.
Obama’s 8 p.m. Eastern time announcement
Wild Thing's comment........
Then we will see the flag of Mexico flying all over the place too, count on it.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM
| Comments (2)
Rush Limbaugh Breaks Down the Democrats' Lies on Immigration
Reagan signed an immigration statute – Obama is passing executive amnesty.
Rush Limbaugh broke down the dishonest liberal talking points today.
Watch liberal Juan Williams get caught in a bald-faced lie.
From the Rush Limbaugh website:
Let’s go to the audio sound bites. You’ll see what I’m talking about here. Last night and this morning we have a little montage of how the left all of a sudden is once again in love with Ronaldus Magnus.
BECKEL: Ronald Reagan did exactly the same thing.
BEGALA: Presidents Reagan and Bush issued executive orders on immigration.
REID: Every president, 39 different times, Reagan, Bush.
KOSINSKI: Reagan allowed legalization for three million immigrants.
O’REILLY: President Reagan also took executive action allowing some illegals to stay in this country.
CUELLAR: A very eerie way when President Reagan was the president, he then took the executive order.
CATANESE: Pointing out to actions by two former Republican presidents, presidents Reagan and President George H. W. Bush.
RUSH: Okay. So you want to know who was in there? You want to hear the names? I think you should. The first up was Bob Beckel, and then The Forehead, Paul Begala, and then Dingy Harry, and then Michelle Kosinski, whoever that is, and then O’Reilly. O’Reilly said President Reagan also took executive action allowing some illegals to stay. He did not. Reagan never took executive action. This is a bald-faced flat-out lie. Not that it’s gonna matter to anybody. But you know us here; we’re concerned with the truth. Henry Cuellar, David Catanese. Those are the people in the sound bite that you just heard…
I’m almost speechless here as I prepare to explain to you just how big the left is distorting this. Ronald Reagan signed a piece of legislation. It was the Simpson-Mazzoli Act. It was 1986. Congress debated and passed a law to grant amnesty to three million illegal immigrants, and Reagan signed it. They are saying that’s exactly what Obama’s gonna do. They are claiming that Reagan signing legislation, thereby making it legal, is the same thing as an Obama executive order. It breathtaking what they’re trying to say here.
Reagan had a statute behind him. The statute was called Simpson-Mazzoli. The very law that Reagan had signed was signed after it was passed by Congress. What Obama is about to do is write a law, or rewrite a statue all by himself.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Thank you to Rush Limbaugh.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM
Charles Krauthammer on Obama: "I've Waited Long Enough" Is Something A Banana Republic Leader Would Say
Krauthammer on Obama: "I've Waited Long Enough" Is Something A Banana Republic Leader Would Say
Wild Thing's comment......
Good point, he is right it is something typical of a third world leader would say.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:49 AM
Sen. Tom Coburn: Obama taking a “Very Dangerous Step”; “Country is Going to Go Nuts”; Could see “Anarchy” and “Violence”
Sen. Tom Coburn: Obama taking a “Very Dangerous Step”; “Country is Going to Go Nuts”; Could see “Anarchy” and “Violence”
Here is highly respected GOP Sen. Tom Coburn warning that Barack Obama’s unconstitutional amnesty order tomorrow could lead to “anarchy” and “violence.” Coburn gave the sobering assessment on the eve of Obama’s announcement that he is going to impose amnesty, going around Congress to make his own law. That is expressly forbidden in the U.S. Constitution. Coburn believes Obama’s act will send the signal that the Law does not matter, and there are people who will believe the Law does not apply to them either.
Wild Thing's comment..........
I agree and I will add , why should any of us obey any of the laws if laws mean so little. It sends a very bad message to we the people.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM
Sen. Ted Cruz on Obama’s Amnesty Executive Order: “It is Lawless. It is Unconstitutional. . . He will be Acting as a Monarch”
Texas Sen. Ted Cruz is reacting to Barack Obama’s decision to announce his illegal and unconstitutional Executive Order imposing Amnesty tomorrow night. Cruz says Obama will be acting as a “Monarch,” and that his action is “lawless” and “unconstitutional.”
The Constitution designs a system of checks and balances for our nation, and executive amnesty for immigrants here illegally unilaterally decreed from the White House would seriously undermine the rule of law.
Our founders repeatedly warned about the dangers of unlimited power within the executive branch; Congress should heed those words as the President threatens to grant amnesty to millions of people who have come to our country illegally.
To be clear, the dispute over executive amnesty is not between President Obama and Republicans in Congress; it is a dispute between President Obama and the American People. The Democrats suffered historic losses in the midterm elections largely over the prospect of the President’s executive amnesty.
President Obama was correct: His policies were on the ballot across the nation in 2014. The elections were a referendum on amnesty, and the voters soundly rejected it. There was no ambiguity.
Undeterred, President Obama appears to be going forward. It is lawless. It is unconstitutional. He is defiant and angry at the American people. If he acts by executive diktat, President Obama will not be acting as a president, he will be acting as a monarch.
Thankfully, the framers of our Constitution, wary of the dangers of monarchy, gave the Congress tools to rein in abuses of power. They believed if the president wants to change the law, he cannot act alone; he must work with Congress.
He may not get everything he wants, but the Constitution requires compromise between the branches.
A monarch, however, does not compromise. As Alexander Hamilton explains in Federalist 69, a monarch decrees, dictates, and rules through fiat power, which is what President Obama is attempting.
When the president embraces the tactics of a monarch, it becomes incumbent on Congress to wield the constitutional power it has to stop it.
Congress, representing the voice of the people, should use every tool available to prevent the president from subverting the rule of law.
When the president usurps the legislative power and defies the limits of his authority, it becomes all the more imperative for Congress to act. And Congress should use those powers given to it by the Constitution to counter a lawless executive branch—or it will lose its authority.
If the president announces executive amnesty, the new Senate majority leader who takes over in January should announce that the 114th Congress will not confirm a single nominee—executive or judicial—outside of vital national security positions, so long as the illegal amnesty persists.
This is a potent tool given to Congress by the Constitution explicitly to act as a check on executive power. It is a constitutional power of the majority leader alone, and it would serve as a significant deterrent to a lawless president.
Additionally, the new Congress should exercise the power of the purse by passing individual appropriations bills authorizing critical functions of government and attaching riders to strip the authority from the president to grant amnesty.
President Obama will no doubt threaten a shutdown—that seems to be the one card he repeatedly plays—but Congress can authorize funding for agencies of government one at a time. If the President is unwilling to accept funding for, say, the Department of Homeland Security without his being able to unilaterally defy the law, he alone will be responsible for the consequences.
A presidential temper tantrum is not an acceptable means of discourse.
Of course, these confrontations are not desirable, and it is unbecoming for an American president to show such condescension towards the voters.
The American people, however, are not powerless. They have elected a new Congress full of members who have promised in their campaigns to stand up to this lawless President and stop the amnesty. We must honor our commitments.
If the president will not respect the people, Congress must.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Well said Ted!
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM
November 19, 2014
GruberGate In Two Minutes
GruberGate In Two Minutes
Wild Thing's comment.......
This is so well done, and it has all the comments added in by Obama and Pelosi.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (1)
Pat Robertson: 'Obama is a Dyed-in-the-Wool Socialist'- glad you woke up Pat!!
Pat Robertson: 'Obama is a Dyed-in-the-Wool Socialist'
'You wonder what goes on in that man's mind. What is happening to him? He's focusing on immigration and climate change when people are out of work'
Wild Thing's comment.......
Hey Pat, we have been saying that during his first campaign for president. In fact a communist is more the term I would use for Obama.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM
Illegal Immigrants Protested offices of Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL), and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) Tuesday
The protestors were organized by the pro-amnesty group United We Dream, its spokesman Mario Carrillo confirmed to Breitbart News in a phone interview following the protests.
“United We Dream sees their attacks on the president not so much on the president himself as on the community by trying to prevent him from using his legal authority to protect millions of immigrants,” Carrillo explained as the reason it was protesting McConnell, Cruz, and Sessions.
“They’re saying if the president can shield them from deportation then [the senators] are obviously suggesting they should be deported,” he added, explaining they wanted to let the senators know “anytime they attack our community we’ll respond in full force.”
Reports indicate that President Obama could move to take executive action on immigration as early as this week. Republican lawmakers are currently considering ways to block such actions.
According to the United We Dream spokesman, Tuesday’s protest was a response to opposition to executive amnesty and some of the rhetoric, specifically McConnell’s description of executive amnesty — saying it would be like “waving a red flag in front of a bull.”
Wild Thing's comment.......
Jerks! They break our immigration laws and demand to be put ahead of all of those that have come here respecting those same laws of how it is to be done.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:48 AM | Comments (2)
Senate Democrats Vote to Kill the Keystone XL Pipeline by One Vote
Senate Democrats Vote to Kill the Keystone XL Pipeline by One Vote
It needed 60 votes to invoke cloture and bring the bill up for a vote on passage. It only got 59 votes. Republicans supported it, and a number of Democrats, but in the still Democrat-controlled Senate, it was not enough. Once Republicans assume control of the Senate in January, they will have the votes to pass the job-creating measure and send it to President Obama.
Wild Thing's comment...........
Either way Obama will veto it since he hates the pipeline. Grrrrrrr!!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM
November 18, 2014
Ron Fournier: Obama 'Destroyed the Credibility of His Administration and Government Itself'
Ron Fournier: Obama 'Destroyed the Credibility of His Administration and Government Itself'
Wild Thing's comment........
Ron Fournier is a longtime AP journalist, which means he's a liberal Democrat and he is waking up about Obama and not liking it one bit.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM
Berkeley Moonbats Hold “Funeral” For Frozen Chicken Inside Whole Foods
Berkeley Moonbats Hold “Funeral” For Frozen Chicken Inside Whole Foods
Wild Thing's comment.......
They are more worried about chickens then aborted babies. The land of fruits and nuts that is what V\Calif. used to be called and this video sure is a good example.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (1)
November 17, 2014
Obama Met With Ferguson Activists – Said He’s Concerned They “Stay on Course”
Obama Met With Ferguson Activists – Said He’s Concerned They “Stay on Course”
President Obama met with Ferguson protest leaders on November 5th, the day after the midterm elections. The meeting was not on his daily schedule. He was concerned that the protesters “stay on course.”
What does that mean?
And why is the president meeting with the violent Mike Brown protesters before a verdict is reached in the court case?
Some of the national leaders met with President Obama on Nov. 5 for a gathering that included a conversation about Ferguson.
According to the Rev. Al Sharpton, who has appeared frequently in St. Louis with the Brown family and delivered a speech at Mr. Brown’s funeral, Mr. Obama “was concerned about Ferguson staying on course in terms of pursuing what it was that he knew we were advocating. He said he hopes that we’re doing all we can to keep peace.”
Protest leaders said wholesale change was ultimately what they were demanding, though not all agreed on what that meant. Some called for the removal of the Ferguson police chief or the entire department. Others said they want the police to wear cameras; civilian review boards for all police shootings; or a requirement that ethnic and racial makeup of police departments match the communities they serve.
Wild Thing's comment...........
Stay on course?
Not "dispel and follow the law?"
He should be the first one tried for inciting a riot.
Of course Obama never met anyone or spoke about the Marine that was in the prison in Mexico even once.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (4)
Bibi Netanyahu: Only Reason Why Iran Is Building Long Range ICBMs They Need Them To Hit The United States!
Netanyahu: Only Reason Why Iran Is Building Long Range ICBMs They Need Them To Hit The United States!
On Face the Nation, Israeli PM Netanyahu says there is only reason why Iran is building long range ICBMs and that is to hit the US. They don’t need them to nuke Israel, they the ICBMs to nuke the US. We are only looking at the nukes. In additional to depriving them of the ability to build nukes, we need to deprive Iran of the ability to ICBMs.
“It’s not merely preventing Iran from having nuclear weapons today, it’s to prevent them … from having nuclear weapons tomorrow,” Netanyahu told host Bob Schieffer. “That means that Iran should not be left with the residual capacity to enrich uranium that you need to have an atomic bomb, nor to have the long-range ballistic missiles — the ICBMs, intercontinental ballistic missile — to launch them.”
Wild Thing's comment........
Obama would never listen to Bibi, he would rather bash him.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM
November 16, 2014
Erdogan, the president of Turkey Says Muslims Discovered America, not Christopher Columbus
Erdogan, the president of Turkey Says Muslims Discovered America, not Christopher Columbus
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan told a group of Muslim leaders from Latin America that Muslims discovered America hundreds of years before Christopher Columbus.
And they built a mosque in Cuba.
Muslims discovered the Americas in the 12 century, nearly 300 years before Christopher Columbus made his famous voyage there, according to Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the president of Turkey.
His words, delivered in a televised speech, will lend support to a controversial theory that has been debunked repeatedly by historians.
That did not seem to bother the Turkish president during a summit in Istanbul of Muslim leaders from Latin America.
“Contacts between Latin America and Islam date back to the 12th century. Muslims discovered America in 1178, not Christopher Columbus,” he said.
Mr Erdogan went on to say that Columbus descibed the existence of a mosque on a hill by the Cuban site and that Ankara was prepared to fund a new place of worship for Muslims there.
Wild Thing's comment.......
LOL Excuse me , but the Vikings dispute that claim. Muslims haven’t even discovered basic civility yet, and it’s looking them in the face all the time.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (3)
Canada’s Conservative PM Stephen Harper Tells Putin To “Get Out Of Ukraine”
Canada’s Conservative PM Stephen Harper Tells Putin To “Get Out Of Ukraine”
Stephen Harper told Russian President Vladimir Putin flatly that he needs “to get out of Ukraine,” when the two met at a Group of 20 summit of major economies in Brisbane.
A spokesman for the Canadian Prime Minister relayed the details of the encounter and, according to director of communications Jason MacDonald, “Mr. Putin did not respond positively.”
Mr. Harper and leaders of other Group of 20 economies are meeting on Australia’s northeast coast to find ways of spurring growth and creating jobs, but the debate is quickly taking on a more familiar theme: what to do about Russia.
Mr. Putin had arrived at the summit in an unrepentant mood Friday just as the North Atlantic Treaty Organization was offering detailed reports on the troops and heavy weaponry Moscow is sending into eastern Ukraine, a violation of a ceasefire agreed to in September.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Harper is a great Prime minister and leader.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (1)
Nancy Pelosi: Boehner, McConnell got Time covers, but I never did
Pelosi: Boehner, McConnell got Time covers, but I never did
Washington (CNN) -- Nancy Pelosi doesn't understand why House Speaker John Boehner and newly-elected Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell have been on the cover of Time magazine in light of their electoral victories, but she has not.
"I was never on Time magazine cover even though I was first women to be (Speaker)," Rep. Pelosi, D-California, said. "Isn't that a curiosity? That the Republicans win, Boehner's on Time magazine. Mitch McConnell wins, he's on the cover of Time magazine. Isn't there a pattern here?"
Pelosi's comments came as a reaction to a press conference question Thursday about whether she has considered stepping down as minority leader in light of the Democrats losing the House for the fourth time since she led the chamber in 2011.
Charging that the question was unnecessary, Pelosi said she is now thinking that she has "a mission for women on this score."
'When was the day when any of you said Mitch McConnell, when they lost (taking back) the Senate three times in a row, 'Aren't you getting a little old, Mitch? Shouldn't you step aside,'" Pelosi asked. "Have any of you ever asked him that question?"
Wild Thing's comment.......
Poor Baby, waaaaaaa!
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (2)
November 15, 2014
Islam Invades House Floor with Prayer to Allah - He was invited by a DEMOCRAT
Islam Invades House Floor with Prayer to Allah ....Imam Hamad Ahmad Chelbi was invited by Rep. Rush Holt (D-N.J.).
Wild Thing's comment.......
I don't recall Hitler or Ho Chi Minh or Ayatollah Khomeini being invited to pray on the floor of the house. Why are we inviting this enemy scumbag ?
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
Yesterday U.S. Islamist Groups To Turned National Cathedral Into Mosque For Friday Prayers
U.S. Islamist Groups To Turn National Cathedral Into Mosque For Friday Prayers
What: Muslim Friday Prayers at Washington National Cathedral
When: Friday, November 14, 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
The Rev. Canon Gina Campbell, director of liturgy for Washington National Cathedral
South African Ambassador Ebrahim Rasool
All Dulles Area Muslim Society
Council on American-Islamic Relations
Islamic Society of North America
Muslim Public Affairs Council
Masjid Muhammad, The Nation’s Mosque
Organized by South African Ambassador Ebrahim Rasool, the All Dulles Area Muslim Society, Council on American-Islamic Relations, Islamic Society of North America, Muslim Public Affairs Council and The Nation’s Mosque, certain people are pretty worked up about the service, with the Reverend Franklin Graham calling it “sad to see.”
Wild Thing's comment..........
My only comment is WTF!
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (1)
CNN Warns Viewers They Are About To Hear The National Anthem…
CNN Warns Viewers They Are About To Hear The National Anthem
CNN, which bills itself as “The Most Trusted Name in News,” sure knows how to put a weird damper on a perfectly heartwarming, patriotic and downright tearjerker story during the week of Veterans Day.
The video story is entitled “Sailor mom surprises daughter at school.” It first appeared on CNN on Thursday — on loan from an Indianapolis Fox affiliate.
Prior to CNN’s presentation of the video (just after the mandatory commercial), a warning message appeared for several seconds in bold font atop a two-tone black background.
“Please be advised you are about to hear an excerpt of the national anthem,” the warning declared.
Wild Thing's comment............
This makes me sick to my stomach.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:49 AM
U.S. House of Representatives Approves Keystone XL Pipeline 252-161; Obama “Likely” to Veto if Senate Approves
U.S. House of Representatives Approves Keystone XL Pipeline 252-161; Obama “Likely” to Veto if Senate Approves
The House on Friday voted 252 to 161 to approve a bill that would direct the federal government to move forward on the Keystone XL oil pipeline, ahead of a vote scheduled for Tuesday in the Senate that could send the measure to President Obama’s desk.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Obama has been mouthing off again how he will not do it. He is beyond horrible.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (1)
Obama To Spend three billion dollar taxpayer funded US contribution to the world climate change fund
Obama to spend three billion dollar taxpayer funded US contribution to the world climate change fund
The two announcements, both unveiled at prominent global meetings with world leaders, highlight Mr. Obama’s intention to use the last two years of his administration to push forward on climate change policy, which he sees as a cornerstone of his legacy.
Mr. Obama aims to be the lead broker of an international climate change accord, to be signed in Paris next year, that would commit all the world’s major economies to significantly cutting their emissions of planet-warming carbon pollution from burning coal and oil.
The pledge is directed to the Green Climate Fund, a financial institution created last year by the United Nations with headquarters in Seoul, South Korea. It comes ahead of a Nov. 20 climate meeting in Berlin, at which countries have been asked to make formal commitments to the fund.
Wild Thing's comment..........
Gurly man Obama loves to spend other people's money.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM
November 14, 2014
Krauthammer: Obama is clearly making a "flagrant assault on the Constitution"
Krauthammer: Obama is clearly making a "flagrant assault on the Constitution"
Wild Thing's comment............
Obama should be arrested and tried for treason to our country.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
Buffalo, NY Police Going After Recently-Deceased Pistol Permit Holders’ Guns
Buffalo, NY Police Going After Recently-Deceased Pistol Permit Holders’ Guns
In a new attempt to reduce the amount of guns on the street, police in Buffalo, NY are going after deceased pistol permit holders.
Last week at a press conference, the BPD told reporters that a majority of guns used in crimes seem to come from guns stolen from homes. This led to the new program of confiscating guns of the recently-deceased in order to make sure the guns do not make their way to the streets.
“We recently started a program where we’re cross referencing all the pistol permit holders with the death records, and we’re sending people out to collect the guns whenever possible so that they don’t end up in the wrong hands,” said Police Commissioner Daniel Derrenda.
Wild Thing's comment..........
A good reason not to let gov. know about every gun a person owns.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (1)
Krauthammer on Pelosi: “If You’re Going to Lie Make Sure There Isn’t a Video”
Krauthammer on Pelosi: “If You’re Going to Lie Make Sure There Isn’t a Video”
Nancy Pelosi told reporters on Thursday she had no idea who Jonathan Gruber was. Gruber, an Obamacare architect, admitted in video released this week that Democrats repeatedly lied to “stupid” Americans to pass the law.
Unfortunately, video was discovered of Nancy Pelosi mentioning Jonathan Gruber during a press conference.
Tonight Charles Krauthammer weighed in on the controversy. He offered the Minority Leader this advice:
“She cited him and now she claims she’s never heard of him. The moral of the story is if you’re going to tell a lie on camera make sure there isn’t a video that directly contradicts what you said coming out of your own mouth.“
Wild Thing's comment........
Good one Charles haha. Pelosi has gotten away with her many lies for such a long time she forgets there are videos of what she says.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (1)
Another Doctor Infected with Ebola in Sierra Leone To Be Treated in U.S.
Another Doctor Infected with Ebola in Sierra Leone To Be Treated in U.S.
The surgeon, a Sierra Leone national, is married to a US citizen and has children.
A surgeon who’s a Sierra Leone national and a legal permanent resident of the United States will be transported from Sierra Leone to The Nebraska Medical Center for treatment for Ebola, a government official familiar with the situation said.
The doctor is expected to arrive this weekend, most likely Saturday, the official said.
The official said it’s not known whether the doctor was working in an Ebola treatment unit or some other type of hospital. The surgeon is married to a U.S. citizen and has children, the official said.
The surgeon will be the 10th Ebola patient on American soil.
Doctors are about to treat their 10th Ebola patient on American soil. A Sierra Leonean surgeon, with U.S. residency, will be flown to Nebraska Medical Center, in Omaha, on Saturday.
A federal official with knowledge of the case said the patient would arrive from Sierra Leone, one of the West African nations grappling with the Ebola outbreak. The patient is a male surgeon, a Sierra Leone national and a permanent American resident who tested positive for the virus on Monday.
Wild Thing's comment.......
I hope and pray we never hear this kind of news about any of our troops that Obama sent there.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM
November 13, 2014
Russia’s Bombers To Conduct Regular Patrols Around Gulf Of Mexico Region
Russia’s Bombers To Conduct Regular Patrols Around Gulf Of Mexico Region…
MOSCOW - In a show of military muscle amid tensions with the West, Russia will send long-range strategic bombers on regular patrol missions across the globe, from the Arctic Ocean to the Gulf of Mexico, a top official said Wednesday.
The announcement by Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu came as NATO's chief accused Russia of sending fresh troops and tanks into eastern Ukraine.
"Over the last few days, we have seen multiple reports of large convoys moving into Eastern Ukraine," said NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg. "We assess that this significant military buildup includes Russian artillery, tanks, air defence systems and troops. His statement called the situation a "severe threat to the cease-fire."
Moscow denied the allegation as unfounded, but Shoigu also said the dispute with the West over Ukraine would require Russia to beef up its forces in the Crimea, the Black Sea Peninsula that Russia annexed in March.
Shoigu said Russian long-range bombers will conduct flights along Russian borders and over the Arctic Ocean. He said, "In the current situation we have to maintain military presence in the western Atlantic and eastern Pacific, as well as the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico."
Shoigu would not say how frequent the patrol missions would be or offer any other specifics, but he noted that the increasing pace and duration of flights would require stronger maintenance efforts and that relevant directives have been issued to industries.
He said the Russian air force's long-range planes also will conduct "reconnaissance missions to monitor foreign powers' military activities and maritime communications."
A senior U.S. military official said Russia has not previously flown actual bomber patrols over the Gulf of Mexico, including during the Cold War.
Long-range bombers have been in the area before, but only to participate in various visits to the region when the aircraft stopped over night at locations in South or Central America. During the Cold War, other types of Russian aircraft flew patrols there, including surveillance flights and anti-submarine aircraft.
The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he wasn't authorized to discuss the flights publicly, also said that the pace of Russian flights around North America, including the Arctic, have largely remained steady, with about five incidents per year.
Col. Steve Warren, a Pentagon spokesman, declined to call this a Russian provocation. He said the Russians have a right, like any other nation, to operate in international airspace and in international waters. The important thing, Warren said, is for such exercises to be carried out safely and in accordance with international standards.
Russian nuclear-capable strategic bombers were making regular patrols across the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans during Cold War times, reaching areas from which nuclear-tipped cruise missiles could be launched at the United States. But that stopped in the post-Soviet economic meltdown.
Continue reading...click here.
Wild Thing's comment...........
This does not make me feel very safe.
'A senior U.S. military official said Russia has not previously flown actual bomber patrols over the Gulf of Mexico, including during the Cold War.'
This is all on Obama!!! Grrrrrrrrrr
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (1)
Krauthammer on Obama's Executive Amnesty: This is an Advertisment to the World That If You Come Here Illegally and Wait Long Enough, We Will Legalize You
Krauthammer on Obama's Executive Amnesty: This is an Advertisment to the World That If You Come Here Illegally and Wait Long Enough, We Will Legalize You
Charles: Obama has said repeatedly for 6 years that he's not allowed under the Constitution to do what he's proposing to do.
'This is a wholesale cancelling of a law passed by Congress'
Wild Thing's comment.......
With two years to go, Obama is pedal to the metal. He does not intend for the US to survive in its present state and does not fear either the voters or the Congress.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM
Joe Biden Bashes Middle Class “It Means You’re Not Sophisticated”
Biden Bashes Middle Class “It Means You’re Not Sophisticated”
Joe Biden inserted his foot in his mouth again on Wednesday.
The Vice President bashed the middle class at the American Association of Port Authorities convention in Houston.
“And, when I say the middle class, the first time I said it, and I referred to myself as ‘Middle Class Joe’, you know in Washington that’s not meant as a complement. It means you’re not sophisticated.”
Wild Thing's comment.......
He and Obama are so presidential....not.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM
Dictator Obama To Issue Flood Of Sweeping Executive Orders To Stop “Global Warming"
Obama To Issue Flood Of Sweeping Executive Orders To Stop “Global Warming”
The Obama administration is set to roll out a series of climate and pollution measures that rivals any president’s environmental actions of the past quarter-century — a reality check for Republicans who think last week’s election gave them a mandate to end what they call the White House’s “War on Coal.”
Tied to court-ordered deadlines, legal mandates and international climate talks, the efforts scheduled for the next two months show that President Barack Obama is prepared to spend the remainder of his term unleashing sweeping executive actions to combat global warming. And incoming Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell will have few options for stopping the onslaught, though Republicans may be able to slow pieces of it.
The coming rollout includes a Dec. 1 proposal by EPA to tighten limits on smog-causing ozone, which business groups say could be the costliest federal regulation of all time; a final rule Dec. 19 for clamping down on disposal of power plants’ toxic coal ash; the Jan. 1 start date for a long-debated rule prohibiting states from polluting the air of their downwind neighbors; and a Jan. 8 deadline for issuing a final rule restricting greenhouse gas emissions from future power plants. That last rule is a centerpiece of Obama’s most ambitious environmental effort, the big plan for combating climate change that he announced at Georgetown University in June 2013.
Wild Thing's comment.........
Go to hell Obama!
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM
November 12, 2014
Krauthammer slams Obama over chewing gum in China - It shows his "arrogance" and "amateurism""
Krauthammer slams Obama over chewing gum in China - It shows his "arrogance" and "amateurism""
Wild Thing's comment...........
Ditto all that Charles says.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
John Bolton slams Obama over APEC behavior - "Stop acting like this is a high school dance"
John Bolton slams Obama over APEC behavior - "Stop acting like this is a high school dance"
On Greta's show former Ambd Josh Bolton blasted Obama for his behavior at APEC in China. He said Obama reminds him of Nixon in that he is very awkward and he does not know what to do He said Obama should stop acting like this is a high school dance and he should have put away his gum when he got ouf the car.
Wild Thing's comment...........
Obama is a failure on all counts.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM
Obama Gum-Chewing in China causes social media stir and Offends Chinese; Dismissed as a “Gum-Chewing Rapper”
Obama Gum-Chewing in China at APEC Summit Offends Chinese; Dismissed as a “Gum-Chewing Rapper”
Chinese repulsed by Obama chewing gum at formal summit http://t.co/z000oLmV5q #tcot
— slone (@slone) November 11, 2014
RUDE OBAMA: Chinese quickly characterized gum chewing Obama, as an impolite "idler," or careless "rapper." http://t.co/lfpzwZZRHc #tcot
— slone (@slone) November 11, 2014
Obama's gum chewing offends Chinese who take to social media to call him a 'rapper' and 'idler' http://t.co/gdQDw5DpZk via @MailOnline
— DanRiehl (@DanRiehl) November 11, 2014
Some Chinese Offended by 'Rapper' Obama Chewing Gum During State Visit http://t.co/QKiVnMJcIm pic.twitter.com/hkjhAoY4di
— Mediaite (@Mediaite) November 11, 2014
President Obama dismissed as a gum-chewing "rapper" by some Chinese http://t.co/eRLOq68mvJ
— Taegan Goddard (@politicalwire) November 11, 2014
Wild Thing's comment.........
I am no fan of Communist China, but besides that Obama continues to be an embarrassment.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:49 AM
Obama pushes FCC to turn broadband Internet into a public utility with revised 'net neutrality' rules as Republicans claim it's 'Obamacare for the Internet'
Obama pushes FCC to turn broadband Internet into a public utility with revised 'net neutrality' rules as Republicans claim it's 'Obamacare for the Internet'
Senator Ted Cruz: 'The Internet should not operate at the speed of government.'The biggest regulatory threat to the Internet is "net neutrality."In short, net neutrality is Obamacare for the Internet. It puts the government in charge of determining Internet pricing, terms of service, and what types of products and services can be delivered, leading to fewer choices, fewer opportunities, and higher prices for consumers.The Internet should not operate at the speed of government
Obama announcement was videotaped before his trip to China but released as he was in bed in Beijing
Barack Obama sided with open-Internet activists on Monday, urging the Federal Communications Commission to draft new rules that would reclassify the broadband net to regulate it more like a public utility.
The end result would tie the hands of Internet service providers that want to cut special deals with services like Netflix, YouTube, Hulu and Amazon to push their streaming content along a 'fast lane' that ordinary Americans can't access.
The FCC has been working on the new rule for seven months, and has received nearly 4 million comments from the public.
Its first attempt at a 'net neutrality' rule met with the judicial axe in January with a federal court sided with Verizon and ruled that the government agency lacks the legal authority to control how Internet companies set their prices.
Continue reading about it click here..........
Wild Thing's comment.........
More and more government in our lives and all because of the POS Obama.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (1)
U.S. May Evacuate Embassy In Yemen Amid Rising Unrest Including Al Qaeda Threat
U.S. May Evacuate Embassy In Yemen Amid Rising Unrest Including Al Qaeda Threat
The State Department is updating its plans to evacuate the U.S. embassy in Yemen’s capital city of Sana’a amid growing violence in the country between military and rebel forces, CNN reported.
Although U.S. Defense Department officials had been watching the situation for several weeks, the violence has “grown more serious” over the past several days, according to CNN Pentagon correspondent Barbara Starr, and now included fighting “around the airport in the capital.”
“When you can’t rely on commercial air traffic to get diplomats out, that’s when the military begins to watch very carefully,” Starr said Tuesday on CNN’s “Legal View with Ashleigh Banfield.”
Any request to evacuate would have to come from the U.S. ambassador to Yemen, Starr said, but added “that has not yet happened.” She said after the 2012 bombing of the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, American officials don’t “wait around” for violence to escalate.
However, Starr said if the U.S. did close the embassy, diplomats would “lose their window into understanding what al-Qaida is up to in that country (and) any plots against the U.S.”
Wild Thing's comment.........
We will see if they really do this or not, since Obama loves his Muslim terrorists.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM
November 11, 2014
To All our Awesome Veterans Thank You This Veterans Day and Every Day!!
If you know a Veteran, someone in your family, friend of the family, neighbor, who served their country, thank them. Thank them for the sacrifice they made for the better good of their country. I am so very thankful for every service member in our military who has served our great nation .So, to the men and women who answered the call in both times of war and peace,to each of my Veterans friends here at this blog, I thank you. ---- Wild Thing
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
What Newly Elected Senator Joni Ernst Did 2 Days After the Election Tells Us All About Her Character
What Newly Elected Senator Joni Ernst Did 2 Days After the Election Tells Us All About Her Character
Joni Ernst was elected Iowa’s first female U.S. Senator on Tuesday and was in uniform and on duty with the Iowa National Guard on Thursday.
Lt. Col. Joni Ernst has been juggling her civilian and military lives since joining the National Guard in 1993. She is on duty every week, according to her husband Gail, who told National Review:
Not many folks know she is in uniform on Thursday and Friday. She does it without fanfare.
Ernst, a combat veteran in Operation Iraqi Freedom, has told the Guard she wants no special treatment, but had to re-schedule her drilling from last weekend to till after the election.[...]
Her National Guard duty made it hard on the campaign trail. She stepped away from the campaign for a week to drill over the summer.
Joni Ernst speaks for many Americans who think service, honor, and country should be top priority for every single U.S. elected official. She not only talks about it, she’s doing it.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Obama wouldn't have a clue about serving our country. He is the enemy within big time God bless Joni.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (3)
One of the architects of ObamaCare, Jonathan Gruber,Admits the Bill was Deliberately Written to Deceive American Voters
ObamaCare Architect Jonathan Gruber Admits the Bill was Deliberately Written to Deceive American Voters
One of the architects of ObamaCare, Jonathan Gruber, tells a conference in 2013 that the ObamaCare law was written to be deliberately deceptive, to keep the true costs from being scored by the Congressional Budget Office. He also says they did not want “transparency” because the “stupidity of the American voter” would have killed the bill if people understood what was in it.
“This bill was written in a tortured way to make sure the CBO didn’t score the mandate as taxes. If CBO scored the mandate as taxes the bill dies. . . . If you made it explicit that healthy people pay in and sick people get money, it would not have passed. Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. And basically, you know, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical to getting the thing to pass.”
Wild Thing's comment......
These are the EXACT kind of bastards that our Forefathers would've publicly hanged after the 1776 Revolution...Enemies of the States: i.e. ALL enemies foreign and DOMESTIC! Obama welcome and wanted all of this.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (1)
November 10, 2014
Whiny Kaci Hickox And Boyfriend To Leave Maine
Whiny Kaci And Boyfriend to leave Maine
Nurse Kaci Hickox and her boyfriend are leaving Maine next week for parts unknown.
Hickox made national headlines last week when she fought efforts to quarantine her in New Jersey and Maine because she had just returned from treating Ebola patients in West Africa.
Kaci Hickox and her boyfriend, Ted Wilbur, say they will stay in Maine through Monday, when a state court order expires.
Her boyfriend, Ted Wilbur, withdrew from an accelerated nursing program at the University of Maine at Fort Kent on Friday and said the couple will stay through Monday, after which a state court order expires and Hickox will no longer have to submit to daily health monitoring, inform state officials of travel plans and let them know if her health changes.
Wilbur said the couple will depart Fort Kent in the middle of next week, drop off some items in storage in southern Maine, and then leave the state.
Wild Thing's comment.......
May I suggest anyplace outside of the United States of America .
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (4)
18,000 Nurses In California To Strike Over Ebola
18,000 Nurses In California To Strike Over Ebola
Some 18,000 nurses in Northern California are planning a two-day strike starting Nov. 11, partly over equipment and training standards for the Ebola virus.
The walkout would affect 21 hospitals and 65 clinics owned by Kaiser Permanente, based in Oakland, California, said Charles Idelson, a spokesman for National Nurses United. The union’s contract with nonprofit Kaiser expired in August and was extended until October, he said.
The union said in a Nov. 6 statement that Kaiser “continued to stonewall on dozens of proposals to improve patient care standards, as well as refusing to address the concern of Kaiser RNs about Ebola safety protocols and protective equipment, refusing to even answer questions by the RNs.”
Kaiser hospitals have contingency plans in place and will operate with normal business hours and services, while elective procedures and non-urgent appointments will be rescheduled, John Nelson, a spokesman, said today in an e-mailed statement.
He disputed the idea that health workers aren’t being trained to deal with Ebola.
“We are training our staff on how to use the right protective gear, to make sure they know how to use it,” Nelson said in the statement. “We have repeatedly asked union leadership to work with us on our Ebola strategy. They have refused. Instead, they continue to hold press conferences claiming hospitals are unprepared for Ebola.”
Wild Thing's comment.......
When Unions get involved it is hard to know the truth so much of the time.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (2)
Democrat Texas State Rep Wins Re-Election, Then Is Convicted On Six Charges
Democrat Texas State Rep Wins Re-Election, Then Is Convicted On Six Charges
It has been an up-and-down week for Texas State Representative Ron Reynolds. On Tuesday, Reynolds, an attorney and Democrat representing Missouri Springs, coasted to an easy re-election, winning 66 percent of the vote against his Republican opponent. Wednesday, he was in a Montgomery County courtroom — not to represent a client, but to face trial for 10 felony counts of “barratry,” the illegal solicitation of clients by attorneys commonly referred to as “ambulance chasing.” Finally, on Friday, he managed to avoid a felony conviction, but was found guilty of six misdemeanor counts for a lesser charge of “solicitation of professional employment.”
As Breitbart Texas previously reported, Reynolds has had multiple ethical and legal problems since being admitted to the Texas Bar in 2000, including having his license to practice law suspended twice by the Texas Bar and a $10,000 fine by the Texas Ethics Commission for failing to file required campaign finance disclosures, which he failed to pay until after the Texas Attorney General sued him to collect and the Comptroller placed a “warrant hold” on his state reimbursement checks. These problems, coupled with his lack of legislative accomplishments, led Texas Monthly to brand him one of the “Worst Legislators of 2013.”
Wild Thing's comment........
Way to go Dimocrats...you really know how to pick 'em!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (3)
November 09, 2014
John Bolton discusses Obama Secret Letter To Iran
John Bolton on Obama Secret Letter To Iran
Wild Thing's comment.......
Obama does whatever he w3ants to and once again could care less the effect it has on our country and on Israel,
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:15 AM | Comments (2)
Bret Bair show responds to Obama Secret Letter to "Iran" Ali Khamenei
Obama Secret Letter to "Iran" Ali Khamenei
Wild Thing's comment.......
Krauthammer has the best comment as usual.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:57 AM | Comments (1)
Fmr. Israeli Ambassador: Obama’s Secret Letter to Tehran “Shows Weakness” – Is His 4TH COMMUNICATION to Iran
Fmr. Israeli Ambassador: Obama’s Secret Letter to Tehran “Shows Weakness” – Is His 4TH COMMUNICATION to Iran
Former Israeli Ambassador to the UN Dan Gillerman blasted Barack Obama today on America’s News HQ. The former Ambassador told Uma Pemmaraju Obama’s letter to Ayatollah Khamenei is shameful and “a letter of appeasement.”
“Israel is very upset and very surprised because that letter is really a letter of appeasement. It’s sleeping with the enemy the morning after sending him a love letter. And, as we know it it not the first time. It is probably the fourth communication between the president and the Iranian leadership. It totally disregards the fact that the recipient of that letter is a terror state which perpetrates, harbors, finances terror all over the world… To do this is a sign of weakness. The message it sends out to its allies, to America’s allies, especially to Israel is a message of weakness, of a weak America. And, the worse thing is the message it sends out to the Iranians is how eager the United States is to that deal. How eager the United States is to this evil, fundamentalist, cruel, extreme, cynical regime in Tehran… Neville Chamberlain… And what it says to America’s allies is they cannot rely on the United States and what it says to America’s enemies is that they can get away with murder… This is very dangerous… I think it’s a sign of desperation…”
Wild Thing's comment.......
I have always liked Dan Gillerman , he truly is oe of the good guys.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:45 AM | Comments (1)
Chinese Media Slams Obama Before Visit: “Obama’s Best Performance Is Empty Rhetoric”
Chinese Media Slams Obama Before Visit: “Obama’s Best Performance Is Empty Rhetoric”
The Chinese Global Times, which has close ties to the Communist Party, ripped Obama before his scheduled trip to Asia.
The Global Times
“Obama always utters “Yes, we can,” which led to the high expectations people had for him. But he has done an insipid job, offering nearly nothing to his supporters. US society has grown tired of his banality
…Obama’s best performance is empty rhetoric, while he achieved nothing on issues such as lowering the income gap. The American people have not benefited from the economic recovery.
In foreign policy, Obama must also take his share of the blame. He has managed to take US troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan, but left no peace. Osama Bin Laden was killed during his tenure, but the IS has emerged from the Middle East.
Moreover, the Ukrainian crisis has almost brought Europe back to the Cold War era, and his pivot to Asia strategy only increased mistrust between China and the US and among East Asian countries.
Wild Thing's comment.......
I guess we can't even give Obama away.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (1)
Election Night Ratings: Fox News Annihilates Everyone, Including Broadcast Nets
Election Night Ratings: Fox News Annihilates Everyone, Including Broadcast Nets
Fox News obliterated its cable news competition during Tuesday night's election coverage, and did so by humiliating margins. However, co-hosts Megyn Kelly and Bret Baier not only vanquished CNN and MSNBC into oblivion, the dynamic duo also beat their broadcast network competition
According to Nielsen Media Research, Fox News Channel beat CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NBC and ABC's coverage in both total viewers and in the 25-to-54-year-old demographic.
Co-anchored by Bret Baier and Megyn Kelly, the channel's election coverage averaged 6.3 million viewers during prime time.
CNN was the second most watched news network, with 2.1 million viewers during prime time. MSNBC came in third with about 1.7 million viewers.
Basically, Fox News not only beat CNN and MSNBC combined, Fox almost doubled the combined viewership of its left-wing cable competition.
This is no surprise. Bret Baier hosts "Special Report," which has been the finest newscast found anywhere and in any format since Brit Hume launched it in 1998, and Megyn Kelly is the biggest star in news, cable or otherwise.
Meanwhile, over at CNN you had Wolf Blitzer co-anchoring -- a man America was already tired of in 1995 -- while Jake Tapper (who should've been front and center) was relegated to sometimes anchor/contributor status. If I knew anything about sports, I would end this paragraph with an awesome metaphor.
Co-anchoring MSNBC was Chris Matthews, who's so played out even his meltdowns have lost their kick.
Wild Thing's comment......
We switched over to CNN just to peek at what they were dong and they had horrible pounding music in the background making it almost impossible to hear them speak.l LOL
Then we went back to FOX.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (1)
November 08, 2014
Police Foil Islamic Terrorist Plot To Kill The Queen Of England
Police Foil Islamic Terrorist Plot To Kill The Queen Of England
Four men arrested for allegedly plotting a terror attack to kill Queen Elizabeth
A suspected plot to kill the Queen at a Royal British Legion event ahead of Remembrance Day at the Royal Albert Hall has been foiled by police.
British tabloid The Sun reports four Islamic terror suspects are thought to have been planning a knife attack on Her Majesty, 88.
It is thought the alleged assassination plot on the Queen emerged during routine surveillance.
The Queen and British Prime Minister David Cameron were both informed of the police operation and potential threat, the Sun reports.
Heavily-armed counter terrorist police swooped on four addresses across west London and High Wycombe in the Thames Valley overnight and arrested the four men aged 19 to 27 years.
Wild Thing's comment........
England has gone so soft on Muslims and our country is following in the3 same path.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM
Lawless California Plans To Issue 1.4 Million Driver’s Licenses To Illegal Immigrants
California Plans To Issue 1.4 Million Driver’s Licenses To Illegal Immigrants
California Division of Motor Vehicles is preparing for roughly 1.4 million new driver’s license applicants after Jan. 1.
That’s when Assembly Bill 60, or the Safe and Responsible Drivers Act, goes into effect.
FOX40 spoke with a Maria Rodriguez, an undocumented immigrant living in West Sacramento who plans to apply for a license under the new law.
“It’s the best thing that could have happened to us in California. We’ve been waiting for it for many, many years,” Rodriguez said.
To prepare for all of the new applicants, the Department of Motor Vehicles has hired about 900 new employees and opened several temporary offices across the state.
The DMV is encouraging all eligible applicants to start preparing for their drivers tests early.
When Nevada adopted a similar law, about 90 percent of undocumented immigrants failed the written exam.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Too many politicians have zero respect for our laws.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM
Dennis Michael Lynch on FOX: Obama & Amnesty
Dennis Michael Lynch on FOX: Obama & Amnesty
Wild Thing's comment.....
Lynch has worked really hard on keeping up on what is happening at the border.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM
November 07, 2014
LOL Al Sharpton Literally Flips Show Upside Down to Protest Republicans
Al Sharpton Literally Flips Show Upside Down to Protest Republicans
Wild Thing's comment.........
Hahaha I can't help it, this guy makes me laugh. He has to be the worst, least professional commentator on any news channel.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
Number Of People In NYC Under ‘Active Monitoring’ For Ebola Triples To 357 People
Number Of People In NYC Under ‘Active Monitoring’ For Ebola Triples To 357 People
The number of people under “active monitoring” for Ebola symptoms has increased from 117 on Monday to 357 people Wednesday, health officials said.
The vast majority of those being monitored arrived in New York City within the past 21 days from the three Ebola-affected countries, the New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation said in a statement.
Others being monitored are the staff caring for Dr. Craig Spencer, the physician being treated for Ebola at Bellevue Hospital, the lab workers who conducted his blood tests and the FDNY EMTs who transported the doctor.
All of those being monitored showed no symptoms but are being checked on out of “an abundance of caution,” the statement said.
Wild Thing's comment........
Everything Obama does is political. He would rather risk us all to pandemic than do any common sense actions.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (1)
November 06, 2014
Singer Carrie Underwood at CMA Awards jokes about Dems’ loss and audience ‘goes wild’
Carrie Underwood at CMA Awards jokes about Dems’ loss and audience ‘goes wild’
"I'm pretty sure that's why the Democrats lost the Senate."
Wild Thing's comment.......
LOL love it.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
Krauthammer: Only Reason Obama Is Threatening Executive Action On Amnesty Is Because ‘It Makes Him The Center Of The Universe Again’
Krauthammer: Only Reason Obama Is Threatening Executive Action On Amnesty Is Because ‘It Makes Him The Center Of The Universe Again’
Wild Thing's comment........
Obama is all about himself.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (2)
November 05, 2014
Republicans Win Control of the U.S. Senate!
Republicans Win Control of the U.S. Senate!
Congratulations to our Republicans, I am so thrilled at the outcome. We finally are in the majority in the Senate.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
Obama Says He’s “Irritated” But “Does Not Feel Repudiated” After Losing Senate (Video)
Barack Obama reportedly told The New York Times he’s “irritated” but he “does not feel repudiated” after losing the US Senate to Republicans on Tuesday.
He lost at least 7 Senate Seats, at least 9 House Seats and several qovernorships but he does not feel repudiated?
That’s delusional.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (2)
Florida Governor: Rick Scott Defeats Charlie Crist
Florida Governor: Rick Scott Defeats Charlie Crist
Florida Republican Gov. Rick Scott has won re-election over former Gov. Charlie Crist, according to the Associated Press.
The Associated Press declared Scott the winner Tuesday night with nearly all precincts reporting. He held nearly 49 percent of the vote to Crist's nearly 47 percent
Thank God Rick Scott won, I was praying all day he would win. Charlie Crist would be horrible for Florida. Crist has run as a Republican, Independent, and Democrat. Green Party up next.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:48 AM | Comments (3)
Wonderful Greg Abbott speaks to supporters after win - Nov. 4, 2014
Greg Abbott speaks to supporters after win - Nov. 4, 2014
Congratulations to a good man.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (2)
MIA LOVE WINS IN UTAH – First Female African-American Republican in Congress
Fantastic! She is a wonderful person and will do great.
Republican Mia Love was favored to win her Congressional race in Utah.
Republican Mia Love has defeated Democrat Doug Owens in the race for Utah’s 4th Congressional District.
The campaign manager for Doug Owens tells FOX 13 News’ Caroline Connolly that Love has won the race for Utah’s 4th Congressional District by a margin of 50 percent to 46 percent.
Doug Owens tweeted at 11:25 p.m. that he had called Mia Love to concede the race.
With 525/525 precincts reporting, the results are as follows:
Doug Owens of the Democratic Party: 46. 75 percent of the vote with 60,165 votes.
Mia B. Love of the Republican Party: 50.04 percent of the vote with 64,390 votes.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (2)
November 04, 2014
A Muslim University Of Arizona Instructor: American Troops Worse Than Islamic State Jihadists
A Muslim University Of Arizona Instructor: American Troops Worse Than Islamic State Jihadists
A University of Arizona instructor is facing criticism for claiming that the U.S. military is “a greater threat” than the Islamic State (IS) and for portraying American soldiers as anti-Muslim rapists who commit crimes on par with—or even worse than—IS itself.
University of Arizona instructor Musa al-Gharbi—who also serves as an academic affiliate at the university’s Southwest Initiative for the Study of Middle East Conflicts (SISMEC)—drew the controversial comparison between IS (also known as ISIL or ISIS) and U.S. soldiers in a recent column arguing that America’s moral outrage at IS’s crimes is hypocritical.
Al-Gharbi’s comments, published in the online publication TruthOut and several other places, attracted outrage from experts who said that taxpayer funds should not be supplementing a university that encourages such dialogue about current events.
“It would not be a stretch to say that the United States is actually a greater threat to peace and stability in the region than ISIS—not least because U.S. policies in Iraq, Libya, and Syria have largely paved the way for ISIS’s emergence as a major regional actor,” al-Gharbi wrote in an October column entitled, “How Much Moral High Ground Does the U.S. Have Over ISIS?”
Wild Thing's comment.............
Hey you Muslim freak, go back to your terrorist loving country you came from. I hate that our awesome troops fight and serve to protect a vile person like this.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
UNPRECEDENTED: Obama Forces Insurance Industry to Withhold 2015 Prices Until After Election
UNPRECEDENTED: Obama Forces Insurance Industry to Withhold 2015 Prices Until After Election
For the first time in modern history, the Obama administration has forced insurance companies to withhold 2015 prices until after the election. So he can shield Democrats.
In the past, new prices were announced 60 days before the first day of the year.
Not this year.
Barack Obama is again playing political games with our health insurance industry and has turned in another underhanded move against it by forcing insurance carriers, brokers and agents to withhold their 2015 prices until after the 2014 midterm elections are over all so that the news of higher prices won’t hurt Democrats on Election Day.
This means that customers looking to get new insurance or those wishing to scout new policies to see if they can get a better deal are not able to shop for insurance.
Before we get into that, though, millions of new cancellations will be hitting on January 1, 2015. Much of this news has gone under the radar as Democrats and their lapdog media are keeping this as quiet as possible.
There is also something different with these cancellations, something that has never happened before in the healthcare insurance industry. Past practice has always been that the next year’s new rates are released 60 days before the first day of the next year. But Obama has mandated that companies hold back on that normal practice so that he can shield Democrats at the polls.
Here is how insurance agent C. Steven Tucker explained it this weekend:
This year, for the first time in 20 years I can not even quote a replacement product because Barack Obama has issued a GAG ORDER to the health insurance industry instructing them not to disclose their January 2015 health insurance rates until after the mid-term elections. This is unprecedented. Normally health insurance premiums are released for public viewing 60 days before the January 1st effective date. Where are the reports on these cancellations and the gag order from NBC, ABC, CBS and CNN? The only news organization that I am aware of that has reported on any of this is the Fox News channel. I can guarantee you one thing, not one of my clients who received a cancellation notice is voting Democrat on Tuesday.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Obama should be locked up and the key thrown away for good.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (3)
White House spokesman Josh Earnest told reporters Midterm Elections “Don’t Represent a True National Election”
White House spokesman Josh Earnest told reporters Midterm Elections “Don’t Represent a True National Election”
Despite signs pointing to Republican gains in Tuesday’s midterm elections, White House aides said President Obama won’t change his leadership style because the contests in red states don’t represent a “true national election.”
With the GOP in striking distance of regaining control of the Senate, White House press secretary Josh Earnest said Monday that “the vast majority of [Senate races] are actually taking place in states that the president did not win in the last presidential election.”
And he said the Republican-friendly nature of this year’s electoral map would be a reason for the White House to limit any lessons learned from the outcome.
“The electorate is different this time than it is in a traditional presidential election,” Mr. Earnest said. “That will be part of the calculation that’s made as we consider what sort of conclusion should be appropriately drawn from the election.”
Wild Thing's comment.......
What a bunch of BS.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (1)
November 03, 2014
Megyn Kelly Obama Can’t Be Trusted!
Megyn Kelly Obama Can’t Be Trusted!
Wild Thing's comment.......
My hope and prayer is that Republicans will get out and vote. I am concerned about it becaquse4 there is just too much conversation about how polling says there will be a lot of wins and this is all way ahead of time. Which makes the lazy voter stay home thinking they do not have to go out and vote.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (3)
It was Obama himself who called Netanyahu ‘chickensh*t’
It was Obama himself who called Netanyahu ‘chickensh*t’
During Wednesday’s White House press briefing Fox New’s Ed Henry made a valiant effort to find out why the Obama Administration wasn’t trying to discover which secret “senior official” was behind the now-famous leak to Jeffrey Goldberg calling Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu a “chickensh*t.”
My question going back to the Israel story is, why then are you kind of sloughing off this idea that you kind don’t care who leaked that story that insulted of the prime minister of Israel? You have gone after reporters again and again in this administration to find out who leaked information to them. And then when it comes to insulting the prime minister, you don’t seem to care who leaked it.
Press Secretary Josh Earnest danced around the question.
Henry should know the answer. The reason the administration isn’t looking for the leaker is they know exactly where it came from, President Obama. It may not have passed from the President’s mouth to Goldberg’s ears, but Barack Obama was the puppeteer whose strings controlled the mouth that spoke to Goldberg.
Make no mistake, the Goldberg story was meant as a message to Netanyahu. The White House may have walked it back a tad, but only because the message wasn’t meant for the U.S. public or the mainstream media — it was meant for Israel.
You see, Barack Obama does not like Benjamin Netanyahu and it’s personal. Our thin-skinned President doesn’t like anyone who disagrees with him. Bibi not only disagreed with him but he proved Obama wrong from the very beginning.
Obama doesn’t understand why administration pressure isn’t working for him as it had with other Presidents. When Yitzhak Shamir fought with George H.W Bush, his government fell and he was voted out of office. The same thing happened during Bibi’s first term as Premier. When he didn’t give Bill Clinton the concessions he wanted Netanyahu’s coalition failed and he was booted from office. Obama is angry that he couldn’t do the same to the Netanyahu government.
But Obama doesn’t understand what happened to Israel since U.S. presidents helped to force those PMs out of office. Those government changes brought the failed Oslo peace efforts, which brought the second intifada, the withdrawal from Lebanon that brought the war with Hezbollah, and eventually the withdrawal from Gaza under Ariel Sharon that brought three wars with Hamas.
Obama misjudged Israel from Day One. What the president and his advisers perceived as a minor concession, a settlement freeze, was not perceived by Israel the same way. This was a major error by the administration.
As part of his early settlement demand, Obama informed the Israeli government that written assurances given to it by the Bush Administration about U.S. policy, given in response to prior Israeli concessions, were no longer in effect. One of those assurances was that Israel could expand existing settlements in Judea and Samaria and could build new ones in Jerusalem. The settlement demand was a lesson from Obama that assurances from American governments have a very short expiration date. Their insistence on a freeze and the constant public berating of the Jewish State turned the Israeli population against Obama at the beginning of his administration, especially the Israeli “left” who a U.S. president would look to for support.
Then came the Obama Cairo speech in 2009. There, Obama spoke of the Holocaust as a reason for the Jewish State, echoing the anti-Israel narrative that Jews had no historic right to the land, but were only given a state because of European guilt. He repeated that claim when he visited Buchenwald on his way back home from Cairo, where he said, “the aspiration for a Jewish homeland is rooted in a tragic history” that culminated in the Shoah.
It also didn’t go unnoticed that Obama went from Cairo to Germany and purposely avoided Israel.
There were other early actions that alienated the Israeli public. During his first week of office, Obama sat down with Al-Arabiya TV, ignored Palestinian terrorism, and indicated that the Israeli government had no desire for peace. During the second month of his first term, his Secretary of State, Hilary Clinton, demanded that Israel open border crossings to terrorists.
Each of these early actions generated more support for Netanyahu and mistrust for Obama from the Israeli public. Each convinced the Israeli public that their country should stand up to the American president, and each time Israel stood up to Obama, he gew angrier that his will wasn’t being obeyed and that Israeli voters weren’t abandoning their Prime Minister.
This cycle — Obama throwing Israel and Netanyahu under the bus, generating more Israeli support for Bibi instead of damaging his coalition — continues today. Just look at Israel’s objections to Obama’s negotiations with Iran and his criticism of Operation Protective Edge, where Israel and Egypt blocked the U.S. from leading the ceasefire negotiations.
In his Atlantic article, Jeffrey Goldberg wrote that Netanyahu has “written off” the Obama administration. He is only partly correct. The majority of Israeli citizens have “written off” the Obama administration, and with good reason.
On the third day of his administration, Obama met with Congressional leaders to discuss the proposed stimulus plan. When Eric Cantor raised objections to some of the items the President said, “I won. So I think on that one, I trump you.” It was a warning to the GOP that he did not want to negotiate — that he expected to be obeyed. And because the party didn’t obey, he has been badmouthing them to the American people and the world ever since.
The same thing happened with Israel. At the beginning of his administration, Obama’s actions were a signal that he must be obeyed. But the Prime Minister wouldn’t kneel down to his demands, and the Israeli people wouldn’t oust the Premier. This thin-skinned President does not react well to being disobeyed. That more than anything caused the anger driving Obama to call Netanyahu a “chickensh*t.”
Wild Thing's comment.......
Obama is the one that is the chickenshit.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (3)
November 02, 2014
As Many As 30 Men Released From Gitmo Now Fighting With ISIS And Other Terrorist Groups
As Many As 30 Men Released From Gitmo Now Fighting With ISIS And Other Terrorist Groups
Remember how we were told about all those innocent goat-herders Uncle Sam was unfairly keeping locked up at Gitmo?
Well, now comes news that as many as 30 former Guantanamo detainees — some released within the past three years — are believed by US officials to be fighting in Syria with ISIS and other terrorist groups.
Others, reports Fox News, are aiding these terror groups in areas such as financing and propaganda from other countries. The president’s own former ambassador to Iraq, James Jeffrey, put it this way to Fox:
“These people are ideologically and essentially religiously committed to their evil cause, and it’s very hard to sort out who are going to stay at home and who are going to return to the battlefield.”
Wild Thing's comment.......
Obama giving aid and comfort to your enemies.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
Navy Vet Spots Purse-Snatching Punk Knocking 76-Year-Old Woman to the Ground — and Issues the Punk a Painful Lesson
Navy Vet Spots Purse-Snatching Punk Knocking 76-Year-Old Woman to the Ground — and Issues the Punk a Painful Lesson
Navy veteran Kendrick Taylor was on his way to the gym in Orange County, Florida, when he saw something that got his blood pumping much faster: A man attacking an elderly woman and trying to steal her purse.
What if that was my grandmother? She was screaming for help. That’s when I ran over to help her,” Kendrick Taylor told WESH-TV in Orlando. “When I looked down I didn’t know if he had a knife or a gun. When I saw the lady was so old when he threw her down, she was so fragile…I knew she needed help.”
So Taylor went right at the culprit in the parking lot of a Winn-Dixie on Wednesday.
The purse snatcher noticed he was about to get clobbered, tried to run away — but not quite fast enough as Taylor grabbed him and tackled him to the asphalt.
“When I finally got my hands on him, I just…told some local people to call the police and they got here and I kept him down,” Taylor told WESH.
John Zachary DesJardin, 23, who was on probation for unrelated offenses, was charged with attempted robbery and battery on a person 65 or older, WESH reported.
“He definitely needs to face some jail time,” Taylor offered to the station. “He has to know what he did was very wrong.”
While the victim, 76-year-old Rosemary Carelton, suffered minor injuries and was traumatized, her niece told WESH the whole family is thankful Taylor and others intervened.
Wild Thing's comment.........
Glad they got the guy.
Seaman Taylor – Thank you for your service to our country.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (2)
Charlie Crist Holds Illegal Campaign Event in Government Building
Charlie Crist Holds Illegal Campaign Event in Government Building
Wild Thing's comment.......
Typical of the jerk Charlie Crist.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (1)
November 01, 2014
BREAKING NEWS! U.S. Marine Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi Ordered Released from a Mexican Prison after 214 Days in Captivity
BREAKING NEWS! U.S. Marine Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi Ordered Released from a Mexican Prison after 214 Days in Captivity
U.S. Marine Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi has been released by a Mexican Judge! The order came down today, and Andrew has reportedly been released after 214 days in a Mexican Prison. Sgt. Tahmooressi took a wrong turn and wound up in Mexico. It is such a travesty that he spent 214 days in jail. There is NO WAY Barack Obama should have allowed this brave Marine to languish in a Mexican Prison like this. But praise God he is now free!
Wild Thing's comment.......
This is such great news.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (5)
Fear of Ebola Nurse Kaci Hickox Causes Boycott of Fort Kent, Maine Businesses
Fear of Ebola Nurse Kaci Hickox Causes Boycott of Fort Kent, Maine Businesses
Kaci Hickox, the Ebola nurse fighting quarantine efforts in her hometown of Fort Kent, Maine, is costing businesses customers and hurting the town’s reputation according to a report by the Bangor Daily News.
The News quotes the Town Manager, Don Guimond, bemoaning the affect Hickox is having on the town:
“The community has not done anything wrong. But this type of publicity does not do anyone any good and people need to know we are open and ready to provide services to people here.”
Business owners are quoted saying customers have told them they are boycotting Fort Kent until the Ebola incubation period for Hickox has passed:
“The situation “is bound to affect the whole town,” Steve Daigle, owner of Stevie D’s Panini Plus said Friday. “The economy around here is already so fragile, every dollar we lose hurts us.”
“Daigle said he has spoken to several customers who have told him they plan to shop out of town until the 21-day incubation period for the virus ends for Hickox on Nov. 10.
““People are afraid,” Daigle said.”
”On Friday, another business owner in Fort Kent, who did not want to give his name, said he, too, has heard from customers planning to shop out of town in the wake of the Ebola concerns.
“A local dentist also voiced his displeasure that Hickox has not committed to home quarantine.
““I think that is very irresponsible of her,” Dr. Lucien Daigle said. “She cannot guarantee 100 percent she will not become symptomatic [and] in that worst-case scenario the ramifications will be beyond what you can imagine.”
“There already has been an adverse impact, Daigle said, pointing out the numerous cancellations of routine and elective procedures at Northern Maine Medical Center.”
Hickox’s ‘all-about-me’ attitude has caused fear in her neighbors, including her Canadian neighbors just across the border in Clair, New Brunswick. Now she is costing small businesses money they can ill afford to lose because she won’t stay indoors for a few weeks to ensure the health and well-being of her community.
Wild Thing's comment.......
I honestly cannot blame these people for being careful and alarmed. Saying ooops or we are sorry from this selfish nurse would be too late if there were deaths from Ebola because of her.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (4)
Canada Bans Travelers From Ebola Hot-Zone
Canada Bans Travelers From Ebola Hot-Zone
Canada will not process visa applications from foreign nationals who have been in Ebola-affected countries of Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone within the previous three months.
Canada will stop issuing visas to people from the three West African nations where Ebola is widespread, the government said on Friday.
The federal citizenship ministry, explaining the move, said in an official document that "the introduction or spread of the disease would pose an imminent and severe risk to public health".
About 5,000 people have died in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone this year in the worst Ebola outbreak on record. Fears rose that the disease could spread beyond the region after a few cases were diagnosed in Spain and the United States.
Canada, which has not reported any cases of Ebola, is following in the footsteps of Australia, which on Tuesday became the first rich nation to issue such a ban.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Good for Canada, too bad the POS Obama does not do the same thing.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (1)