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September 30, 2012
Sick Ego ......Obama to college crowd: Bend your knees so you don't faint
Obama to college crowd: Bend your knees so you don't faint
Wild Thing's comment............
I am so sick of this jerk.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:55 AM | Comments (4)
September 29, 2012
12 Marines Bike Across the Country to WTC in Honor of Fallen Warriors
12 Marines Bike Across the Country to WTC in Honor of Fallen Warriors
It’s the memories of those who gave their lives in service that is motivating a group of 12 Marines to bike across the U.S., raising money for families of those fallen service men and women. The group started last Friday in California, and are now beginning to close in on their final destination: the 9/11 Memorial at the World Trade Center in New York.
Jenna Lee spoke with Captain Carlo Pecori, a former Marine captain riding in support of the Travis Manion Foundation, and he said that while the 2,673-mile ride they’ve managed so far has been difficult, they’ve got their “eyes on the prize.”
“We’re all really excited to get to the 9/11 memorial,” he said. “Originally, we started biking from Arlington to ground zero, and this year we wanted to make it a little bigger and raise some awareness … [it's] a way to honor the fallen heroes who chose to serve selflessly.”
Pecori was good friends with Manion, but said it’s not just about riding for the memory of one individual.
“Honestly, it’s not just about Travis. It’s about all the service men who have gone before us; we look to them for strength,” he said. “It’s really an honor for us to continue to serve with their memories in our hearts.”
Wild Thing's comment..........
God bless these Marines.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM
September 28, 2012
The SEIU is paying these protesters to stalk Allen West. ~ Disgusting to do this to West!
Screaming Allen West stalkers, who paid for a room above his rally, barged into the meeting, unfurled a banner and started screaming down on the crowd with microphones until they were arrested.The SEIU is paying these protesters to stalk Allen West.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Those protestors should be arrested asap and punished.LOL I deleted what I would really do to them. hahha I don't want to go to jail.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 AM | Comments (3)
Former USS Cole Commander Has Harsh Words For Obama and His Administration
Former USS Cole commander Kirk Lippold joined Neil Cavuto on Your World and had harsh words for the Obama administration and its handling of the Iranian nuclear threat. He claimed there is “paralysis” on the national security front while the president campaigns for another term.
He also faulted President Obama for failing to have extensive face-to-face meetings with world leaders this week at the United Nations, calling it a “failure of leadership.”
“One time a year, the president has an opportunity to gather with any leader in the world that he wants to discuss the most pressing issues of our time. … Instead of this president taking that opportunity to meet with those leaders face-to-face, he chose instead to a touch-and-go in New York and get back on the campaign trail. I don’t want a politician, I want a president who understands it’s his job to be the president up until the day he is either out of office or re-elected,” said Lippold.
Wild Thing's comment.......................
Thank you Commander Kirk Lippold!!!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:50 AM
Complete Video of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Dramatic United Nations Speech – Video
Here is this years speech by awesome Bibi.This is a REAL leader, God bless this man, he is a Hero!!
FULL SPEECH: Israel PM Bibi Netanyahu speaks to the UN, draws red line on Iran.
Wild Thing's comment........
I love Bibi, he is always sooo good. His speech is awesome, if you have the time it is well worth watching and hearing his speech.
Obama the disgrace to our country and Bibi an honorable man that loves his country.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:47 AM
Krauthammer: Obama Deceived Americans On Libya
Krauthammer: Obama Admin Deceived Americans On Libya
Krauthammer: There are two parts of this deception and the first has to do with the fact that they pretended that it was a demonstration. Obama actually carried it on with a speech he gave at the United Nations three days ago. He spoke endlessly about the video and he denounced it at least seven times, as if that’s what the issue is here. But the other half of this deception is, every time they’ve been asked a question about what actually happened on the ground, the lack of intelligence, security, and preparation, they deflect it and say they can’t answer because there is an ongoing inquiry…..At every level this administration wanted a suppression of the story because it went completely against its story line of the great success it had against Al Qaeda.
Wild Thing's comment...........
Thank God for Krauthammer, Limbaugh, Levin and several others. There is the liberal media of course but we do have some outstanding people that are not that truly love America and want to speak the truth.
I like Bret Baier too, he is very fair.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:45 AM
September 27, 2012
Obama Continues To Look the Other Way About Attack on U.S. Consulate in Benghazi! ~ Very Bad Leadership
Fran Townsend, CNN contributor and former Bush Homeland Security Adviser reports.
“They never made it to Benghazi”
More than two weeks after four Americans — including the U.S. ambassador to Libya — were killed in an attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, FBI agents have not yet been granted access to investigate in the eastern Libyan city, and the crime scene has not been secured, sources said.
“They’ve gotten as far as Tripoli now, but they’ve never gotten to Benghazi,” CNN National Security Analyst Fran Townsend said Wednesday, citing senior law enforcement officials.
Last Thursday, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told reporters that an FBI team had reached Libya earlier in the week.
“In fairness to the secretary, it may be that she wanted to be coy about where they were in Libya for security concerns. That’s understandable. But the fact is, it’s not clear they’ve been in Libya for very long,” Townsend said on CNN’s “Anderson Cooper 360°.”
“They had difficulty, and we understand there was some bureaucratic infighting between the FBI and Justice Department on the one hand, and the State Department on the other, and so it took them longer than they would have liked to get into country. They’ve now gotten there. But they still are unable to get permission to go to Benghazi.”
FBI agents have made a request through the U.S. State Department for the crime scene to be secured, Townsend said, but that has not happened.
Wild Thing's comment..........
Obama only knows how to destroy and be a dictator, he has no intention or clue how to be a leader. It is not part of his makeup. The world has been watching America since Obama took office and have got to think Americans lost their minds to elect Obama.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:55 AM | Comments (3)
Obama Said “I Want to See Us Export More Jobs” (video)
Speaking at Kent State University in Ohio today, President Obama told the audience,
“I want to see us export more jobs.”
Since Obama came into office in January 2009 the US has suffered a loss of 1.3 million jobs.
Wild Thing's comment..........
Jealous sick jerk Obama. He thinks he is so smart and he is not.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:50 AM | Comments (1)
September 26, 2012
Former Navy SEAL’s To Obama: We Are Not ‘Bumps In The Road’
Former Navy SEAL’s To Obama: We Are Not ‘Bumps In The Road’
Former Navy SEALs are speaking out after President Barack Obama referred to recent events in the Middle East, including the deaths of two former Navy SEALs, as "bumps in the road."
Tyrone S. Woods and Glen A. Doherty were providing security at the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya when it was attacked on 9/11. They were both hailed in the aftermath of the attacks by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Both had gone into private security after retiring from the Navy after distinguished careers.
Former SEAL and current Montana State Senator Ryan Zinke issued the following statement:
The President refuses to admit that his policy of appeasement and apology has failed. The murder of our Ambassador and two former Navy SEALs is more than a "bump in the road," it is a global catastrophe where America is seen as being weak and vulnerable by our enemies. This President has failed to establish a red line for Iran's nuclear ambitions and has failed to recognize the scale and implications of the attacks against us. Reagan had it right: don't negotiate with terrorists and recognize the clear and present danger of not being willing to act or lead from the front.
Zinke has been a frequent critic of President Obama's foreign policy, and started a super PAC, Special Operations for America, that has released ads to that effect, including an ad highlighting Obama's bows to foreign monarchs.
Beyond the political debate, however, Navy SEALs are also a close-knit brotherhood, and do not take kindly to disrespect when lives are lost. President Obama's "bumps in the road" comment is particularly chafing because of the credit he has taken for the success of the SEALs in the raid against Osama bin Laden.
They are heroes when they return, and heroes when they fall--not just when it is politically convenient for those in power.
Wild Thing's comment..........
Muslim Obama hates our military and hates giving them credit for anything.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:55 AM | Comments (2)
Obama Blocked Romney From Meeting World Leaders at UN
FOX News contributor KT McFarland told America's Newsroom that by not meeting with foreign leaders at the United Nations this week Barack Obama has blocked Mitt Romney from meeting with the same leaders.
Wild Thing's comment..........
Damn Obama!
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:50 AM
Disgusting!!!!!!!! Obama puts his stamp on the American Flag
Wild Thing's comment...........
Satan is calling you Obama.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:47 AM
Obama Spokeswomen: “The President Killed Osama Bin Laden” ~ Obama All by Himself???
The President has killed Usama Bin Laden
Wild Thing's comment......
I guess he did it with his bare hands....yes that must be what happened. Or maybe Obama used a golf club.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:45 AM | Comments (1)
September 25, 2012
Obama Refuses To Describe Embassy Attack As Terrorism ~ Disgusting President
The attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, that killed the American ambassador to the country earlier this month “wasn’t just a mob action,” President Barack Obama said Monday.
During an appearance on the daytime TV show “The View,” Obama was asked if the attack was an act of terrorism. Administration officials began labeling it that way last week, but Obama didn’t use precisely that language.
“There’s no doubt that the kind of weapons that were used, the ongoing assault, that it wasn’t just a mob action. What’s clear is that, around the world, there are still a lot of threats out there,” Obama said, according to a pool report.
Initially, the Obama administration claimed the attack grew out of a protest underway at the consulate in response to an anti-Muslim video posted on the Internet. However, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers said Sunday he had “no information” that a protest was underway at that consulate at the time of the attack.
Wild Thing's comment.........
He is not human, there really are no words I can think of bad enough for Obama.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:55 AM | Comments (2)
Axelrod: No, Obama Doesn’t Have A Plan To Keep Social Security From Going Bankrupt
HALERPIN: Social Security came up last night on “60 Minutes.” Let me ask you: in a second term, what is the president proposing to do to reform Social Security, save it for future generations, and will it involve lower benefits for anyone or higher taxes for anyone?
AXELROD: Well there, too, Mark, the approach has to be a balanced one. We’ve had discussions in the past. The question is, can you raise the cap some? Right now Social Security cuts off at a lower point. Can you raise the cap so the upper income is paying a little more into the program? Do you adjust the growth of the program? That’s a discussion work having. But again, we have to approach it in a balanced way. We’re not going to cut our way to prosperity. We’re not going to cut our way to more secure entitlement programs. We have to have a balance.
HALERPIN: So what is his proposal?
AXELROD: Mark, i’ll tell you what, when you get elected to the United States Senate and sit at the table we’ll have – this is not the time. We’re not going to have the discussion right now unless the Congress wants to sit at the table and say we’re ready to move on a balanced approach.
Wild Thing's comment..........
No plans, and no surprise. I guess Obama has not received his orders from Soros yet about this.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:50 AM | Comments (1)
Romney Responds To Obama Calling Deaths in Mideast of Ambassador and Navy SEALs as Bumps in the road
..."Bumps in the road? We had an ambassador assassinated. We had a Muslim Brotherhood member elected to the presidency of Egypt. Twenty-thousand people have been killed in Syria. We have tumult in Pakistan, and of course Iran is that much closer to having the capacity to build a nuclear weapon. These are not bumps in the road, these are human lives. These are developments we do not want to see. This is time for a president who will shape events in the Middle East, not just be merciful or be at the mercy of events in the Middle East. I will get America on track to have the kind of leadership we need so we can shape the future of this part of the world and keep America strong."...Mitt Romney at rally in Pueblo, Colorado.
Wild Thing's comment.........
Thank you Gov. Romney.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:47 AM
September 24, 2012
Obama Joins Iran’s Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in Referring to Israel’s Views as “Noise” - Video
Here is video of President Barack Obama on “60 Minutes” tonight where he referred to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s views on Iran as “noise” that he tries to block out when thinking about what to do regarding National Security and the Middle East. Obama also referred to Israel as “one” of our closest allies in the region – when Israel has been regarded for decades by Presidents of both parties as our closest ally in the Middle East. That seems to be different under Barack Obama.
It seems President Obama is taking his talking points on Israel from Iranian Dictator Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (see below) – at least in referring to Israel’s views as “noise.” Interesting that they they used that exact same word, isn’t it?
Article referred to: An interview with Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Wild Thing's comment...............
Typical of Obama, maybe he can go live in Iran after he is out of office. It would be a perfect place for him.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 AM | Comments (4)
Mitt Romney ( "60 Minutes) Interview: " We must restore America's FREEDOM"
“I want to restore the kind of freedom that has always driven America’s economy. And that’s allowed us to be the shining city on the hill. The kind of freedom that has brought people here from all over the world.” – Mitt Romney
Wild Thing's comment...........
Romney had a great interview. They aired both Romney and Obama interviews last night on "60 Minutes". The comparison was of course vast and if anyone that watched it cannot tell the difference they need their head examined. hahhaha But I am guessing the Obama people were mostly not watching since the Emmy's were also on TV and football as well.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:50 AM
September 23, 2012
2016 Obama's America ~ Full Flim on Video
If you have not seen this movie yet, here it is. The entire film on this Youtube video.
Wild Thing's comment...........
Excellent film, Nick and I it the first week it came out.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:55 AM
Mitt Romney, His Family, and Life ~ Excellent video
Mitt Romney, His Family, and Life
Wild Thing's comment...............
Excellent video and a good one to send to a person if they are still not going to vote. Or have not decided which candidate to vote for.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:50 AM
September 22, 2012
Obama Knew About Benghazi Terror Attacks 90 Minutes After They Began… Went to Bed (Video)
Obama Knew About Benghazi Terror Attacks 90 Minutes After They Began… Went to Bed
Barack Obama knew about the Benghazi Consulate terror attacks 90 minutes after they began on 9-11. The attack in Benghazi took place in two waves at the consulate and lasted several hours. Libyan “looters” found the body of Ambassador Chris Stevens hours after the attack began.
FOX News Special Report said the president knew about the attacks three hours after they began.
Obama went to bed without knowing the status of the US Ambassador.
Wild thing's comment......
Obama is either ticking me off or shocking me. Not just every once and awhile but every single day and sometimes many times a day. What a total nightmare we are living with him as president.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:55 AM | Comments (4)
Paul Ryan Shops With His Mom Betty at Florida's Walker's Fruit Stand
Wild Thing's comment.........
Love that Ryan's mom lives here in Florida. This is a great election year and so important.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:50 AM
Governors Risk Scott, Risk Perry and Scott Walker discuss how Gov. Romney will create Jobs
Wild Thing's comment............
I love how these Gov.'s work together. Gov. Perry and Gov. Scott here in Florida have been very good friends.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:47 AM | Comments (1)
September 21, 2012
Gov. Rick Perry Does Best Tweet Ever!!!
The other day when Obama was on David Lettermen, Obama was asked by Lettermen how much was the National debt. Obama had no idea then uh'd a bit and then answered he thougth it might be 15 trillion.
Wild Thing's comment........
BAM! POW! Right in the kisser. hahaha I LOVE RICK PERRY!!!!!
Obama is stupid besides being a socialist, Marxist. And anyone that votes for him is as stupid as he is. They would have to be.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:55 AM | Comments (2)
Univision’s Jorge Ramos: “I Want You to Acknowledge You Did Not Keep Your Promise”
Univision’s Jorge Ramos Calls out President Obama for Breaking His Promise on Immigration Reform: “I Want You to Acknowledge You Did Not Keep Your Promise”
Obama being called on the carpet by Univision’s Jorge Ramos during an interview today, for his blatant breaking of a 2008 Campaign promise to get “Comprehensive Immigration Reform” passed by the end of his first term.
Ramos blasted away at Obama, reminding him that even though he controlled both the House and the Senate for his first two years in office, he did not even try to introduce a Comprehensive Immigration Reform bill. Ramos then said, “Before I continue, I want you to acknowledge that you did not keep your promise.”
Of course, Obama droned on in his answer, making every excuse in the book, and essentially claiming he never really promised what he did promise.
Wild Thing's comment.............
When Romney had his interview with Univision it went really well, lots of applause and some laughter too.
Obama's was just the opposite with Univision, it was very tense and Obama was jumpy and nervous and lots of uh- uh- uh's,
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:50 AM | Comments (2)
Student Asks Obama How to Find a Job – He Can’t Answer, Tells Her It’s Been Tough (Video)
Student Asks Obama How to Find a Job – He Can’t Answer, Tells Her It’s Been Tough (Video)
During a Q-&-A with Spanish Univision Television channel a student asks Obama how to get a job.
The president praises journalists then admits, “The economy has been tough for the last four years.”
Wild Thing's comment..............
English would help.
Obama is not a person I would go to for advice on anything.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:47 AM
September 20, 2012
T E X A S P R O U D.... "Don't Mess With Texas"
BANK OF CHAPPELL HILL TEXAS (Chappell Hill Is a small town between Houston and Brenham on Hwy 290).
Any would-be robbers planning to walk into this bank had better think twice. There's a new sign in town.
About a month ago, Chappell Hill Bank president Edward Smith looked at a sign on the front door prohibiting concealed weapons from his bank and decided to make a policy change. Licensed to carry a handgun? Come on in, and bring your weapon. The sign, now prominently displayed on the bank's front door, says: "Lawful concealed carry permitted on these premises. Management recognizes the Second Amendment of the U.S. Right of all citizens. We therefore support and encourage the carrying of licensed concealed weapons."
Smith said he made the policy change to send a warning to potential robbers, and to express support for Americans to bear arms. "We had the conventional sign on the window, with the red circle and pistol inside and a line through It.I started thinking...we've got this "no gun" sign up, so a robber can come in and do anything he wants. But if we've got a policy that allows handguns, he won't know how many people in the bank are gonna be carrying a concealed weapon. There may be some little old lady who's mad at the government, and would love to use her concealed weapon," he said.
The bank has been robbed twice in the last three years, including last March when a man walked in, ordered bank employees to fill a canvas bag with money, and then fled in a pickup truck. The man, who didn't brandish a weapon, has not been caught.
The sign has made Chappell Hill Bank somewhat of an Internet curiosity. He's also been contacted by various media outlets wanting interviews. "It's kind of gotten a life of its own," he said. Expressions of support have far outnumbered criticism. "I haven't gotten any reactions from Chicago or California, which doesn't surprise me," Smith said with a chuckle.
The policy change has also brought Chappell Hill Bank some new customers, as well as comments from people outside Washington County , saying that they'd bank there if they lived here, said Smith. "I tell them that we're a full-service bank, and we're on the Internet. They can bank online," he said.
Wild Thing's comment............
What a great story. I LOVE this man, love how he did this and why. AWESOME!
....Thank you Tom for sending this to me.
1st Aviation Brigade, US Army
RVN, Sep66-Mar68
US Army Special Forces
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:44 PM | Comments (2)
Obama Has Crossed the line, He now has His own American Flag with His Logo in place of Stars and only 5 stripes
CLICK HERE to see the rest of it.
And HERE IS THE LINK for Obama's store where a person can buy the obama flag for $35.00
Wild Thing's comment.............
Doesn’t the US flag code say that the American flag can not be altered? Does this narcissistic demon have no limits, putting his own logo in place of the stars? Brave men and women have fought for the integrity of this flag, it was raised a Iwo Jima, it was placed on the moon, And now this trash desecrates it and makes it about him?
A United States flag has 13 stripes – 7 red, 6 white – representing the original 13 colonies. This “flag” has only 5 red stripes . . . what are they supposed to represent? The only “5″ of importance in Obama’s life I can think of is the “5 pillars of Islam”
When I saw this flag of his I felt so sick to my stomach and total rage. Burn in hell Obama!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 AM | Comments (2)
Coal Miner Saying Barack Obama is “Attacking” His “Way of Life” – Video
This is an excellent video I recommend watching it.

Wild Thing's comment...........
Great ad, I am sooooo glad Romney has really been listening to the Miners and when he went to speak to them 2000 Miners and their families showed up. Some even asked him to autograph their helmets they wear. They know Obama is out to destroy the coal industry and he is succeeding.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:50 AM | Comments (4)
Sen. Marco Rubio: Barack Obama “Will be Held to Account for Why Things have not gotten Better”
Sen. Marco Rubio: Barack Obama “Will be Held to Account for Why Things have not gotten Better”
Sen. Marco Rubio says he believes Americans will hold Barack Obama to account for why things are not better after four years of him in office.
Wild Thing's comment.........
I sure hope so Marco, I truly do.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:47 AM
September 19, 2012
Obama Is Making the U.S. Defenseless
Obama making the U.S. defenseless
Wild thing's comment..........
November cannot come soon enough. I pray every day we get him out and can save our country.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:55 AM | Comments (1)
Small Business Owners Say "President Obama is the Problem”
ere is a new “American Crossroads” that features small business owners making the central truth in this election very clear – “President Obama is the problem.” As one man says in the ad, “If he has four more years, I don’t think we’re going to want to see what it looks like.”
Wild Thing's comment............
If you saw the movie...2016 Obama's America you will know just how much Obama hates the American dream and why. His agenda is to get rid of it, no matter what line of bs he puts out there, his actions have and continue to be to destroy it.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:50 AM | Comments (2)
Mitt Was Right! Palestinians Don’t Want Peace… And They Want Out of Oslo Peace Accords
Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas wants out of the Oslo Accords.
Palestinian Authority head, Mahmoud Abbas, proposed cancelling the Oslo Accords with Israel at a weekend meeting of the PA leadership, a senior member of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) told AFP on Tuesday.
PLO Executive Committee member Wassel Abu Yusef said Abbas raised the idea of “cancelling the Oslo agreement as well as the associated economic and security arrangements,” at the meeting on Saturday and Sunday.
Abu Yusef said that “members of the Palestinian leadership had mixed opinions on the issue, and it was decided to postpone any decision until their next meeting,” due to be held after Abbas’s return from the UN General Assembly later this month. “It was the first time the Palestinian leadership put the issue of the Oslo agreement on the table since it was signed in 1993,” Abu Yusef added.
Wild Thing's comment...............
It seems to me anyone that has kept up on what has been happening in Israel over the years would say the same thing. Facts speak louder then what we wish it was that's for sure.
Good for Romney for what he said.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:47 AM
September 18, 2012
VP Joe Biden Uses Chinese Communist Propaganda to Attack Mitt Romney – Video
VP Joe Biden Uses Chinese Communist Propaganda to Attack Mitt Romney
Wild Thing's comment......
What a sicko Biden is. but then so is Obama.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:55 AM
College Professor Tries To Force Students To Vote For Obama By Making Them Sign Pledge
College Professor Tries To Force Students To Vote For Obama By Making Them Sign Pledge
A college professor has been placed on leave after she allegedly forced her class to sign a pledge to vote for President Obama in the upcoming elections.
Early last week Professor Sharon Sweet at Brevard Community College (BCC) allegedly told students to sign a pledge that reads: “I pledge to vote for President Obama and Democrats up and down the ticket.”
The pledge was printed off of GottaVote.org, a website funded by the Obama campaign.
University administrators said they learned about the incident late Thursday afternoon and launched an investigation, after they received a phone call from a concerned parent.
“Based on the allegations, Associate Professor Sweet has requested, and been granted, a leave of absence without pay effective immediately,” reads a statement put out by John Glisch, Associate Vice President for Communications at BCC.
UPDATE: A college professor has been placed on leave after she allegedly forced her class to sign a pledge to vote for President Obama in the upcoming elections.
Wild Thing's comment.............
How stupid, we live in America and to try to force a person to vote like this...sheesh. But they will try that's for sure.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:50 AM | Comments (2)
While Middle East Burned… Obama Watched “A Whole Lot” of Football
While Middle East Burned… Obama Watched “A Whole Lot” of Football
White House: Obama Watched 'a Lot of Football' This Weekend
During this morning’s press gaggle aboard Air Force One, White House reporters asked White House Deputy Press Secretary Earnest if he had seen the new Saturday Night Live skit with Jay Pharoah playing the president.
“Earnest said he did not believe he had, but that he did take in a lot of football,” the press pooler reported.
White House reporter Amy Gardner reported- He was busy watching football.
Wild Thing's comment...........
Typical of Obama, he could care less about our Flag, American lives or doing anything to make America strong.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:47 AM | Comments (1)
September 17, 2012
Allen West on Comments Made by US Ambassador Susan Rice: "asinine, naive, inept, incompetent " ~ West is right!
Rep. Allen West: Well it’s very simple. When I listen to the US Ambassador Susan Rice today, several words came to mind: asinine, naive, inept, incompetent and borderline ignorant because when you understand that the Egyptian government, there intelligence services, put out a letter talking about potential threat of attacks, uprisings about a week before this. It was even printed in the Jerusalem Post on 9-11… For Susan Rice to say this was not a well coordinated attack, first of all, I’d have to ask her what is her line of expertise in understanding what a well coordinated attack is. Because this was not happenstance. It was not coincidence. It was well planned. Well coordinated.
Wild Thing's comment.........
Love it, thank you All West!!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (4)
Democrat Politician Warns Jewish Voters Do Not Vote for Obama He Hates Israel
Wild Thing's comment........
I am so glad to see democrats speak up like this.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (2)
Paul Ryan: A Seond Term for Obama Means He will Never Answer to you again! ~ Dangerous!
Paul Ryan on Obama: “If We Renew the Contract, We’re Gonna Get the Same Deal with One Difference – In a Second Term, He Will Never Answer to You Again”
Paul Ryan at the Values Voter Summit where he hammered Barack Obama for his failed promises. Ryan bluntly said about Obama, “If we renew the contract, we’re gonna get the same deal- with only one difference: In a second term, he will never answer to you again.”
Wild Thing's comment.......
That is absolutely the truth and I hope people wake up to this fact. This is their last chance to stop this destruction from Obama.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:48 AM
Paul Ryan: Israel being “Treated with Indifference Bordering on Contempt by the Obama Administration”
Paul Ryan: Israel being “Treated with Indifference Bordering on Contempt by the Obama Administration” as Iran Moves Closer to Nuclear Weapons
Wild Thing's comment............
Thank you Paul Ryan I agree!!!!! Obama is the enemy of America but he is also the enemy of Israel.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (1)
September 16, 2012
Ken Smith shares his Romney story with Glenn Beck ~ For Veterans A Must See Video!!!
The media has not reported on - the unbelievable generosity and decency that define Mitt Romney.
Watch/listen to this story all the way to the end, you will not be disappointed.
Wild Thing's comment.........
Romney is an exceptional person and I as I get to know more about him I have not been disappointed.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:55 AM | Comments (4)
September 15, 2012
Michelle Obama Says “No One Gets Where They Are On Their Own"
Michelle Obama Says “No One Gets Where They Are On Their Own"
Michelle Obama: ‘No One Gets Where They Are on Their Own’
In a campaign speech on Thursday in Fredricksburg, Va., first lady Michelle Obama said that “no one gets where they are on their own” because there is a village of people “lifting us up,” including teachers and janitors.
In her speech about the Obama family’s values, Mrs. Obama said, “We learned that the truth matters, so you don’t take shortcuts, you don’t game the system, you don’t play by your own set of rules. And we learned that no one gets where they are on their own; that each of us has a community of people who are lifting us up — from the teachers who inspire us to the janitors who keep our schools clean.”
Mrs. Obama spoke at the University of Mary Washington, telling the crowd that she and the president learned about citizenship and service from their parents.
“And we were taught to treat everyone with value, and everyone with respect,” she said. “We learned about citizenship and service, that we’re all part of something bigger than ourselves; that with our freedoms come obligations, and with our blessings come a duty to give back to others who have less.
Wild Thing's comment...........
Disgusting people both Barack and Michelle Obama.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:55 AM | Comments (4)
Mitt Romney Remembers Libya Attack Victims at Campaign Stop in Ohio
At a campaign event in Ohio Friday afternoon, Mitt Romney took some time to remember the four Americans killed in this week’s attack on a U.S. consulate in Libya.
The bodies of Amb. Chris Stevens, diplomat Sean Smith, and former Navy SEALs Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods arrived at Andrews Air Force Base earlier today.
“We are a patriotic nation. We love this country. We love the men and women who serve this country,” said Romney.
Wild thing's comment............
The video starts a little too soon, because at the very beginning he asks the entire audience of supporters to please put they hand on their heart for a moment of silence.
After watching all the speeches, reading all the articles Mitt has done. Listening to what others have said about him and am more impressed with him then I thought I could ever be. Mitt truly is a leader and I pray he wins because he will know what has to be done and has the experience.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:50 AM
September 14, 2012
Kirstin Powers UNLOADS on Obama and Media After Mideast Embassy Attacks
Democrat Kirstin Powers blasted this week’s media jihad against Mitt Romney today on America Live with Megyn Kelly. Powers also slammed the Obama Administration for their weak response to the Mideast disaster and murder of our ambassador in Libya.
Wild Thing's comment........
Three cheers for Kristen, I realize she is a democrat but at least she is one of the few dems that just might love America more then worship for Obama the evil one.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:55 AM | Comments (2)
Krauthammer: What We’re Seeing Now is the “Meltdown, the Collapse of the Obama Policy on the Muslim World” – Video
Krauthammer: What We’re Seeing Now is the “Meltdown, the Collapse of the Obama Policy on the Muslim World”
Wild Thing's comment........
Home run buy Charles.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:50 AM | Comments (2)
September 13, 2012
Michelle Malkin On The US Embassy Attacks, Islam and Weakness of Obama as Leader
These optics suck White House! I mean we have 4 Americans who are dead who were butchered and slaughtered because this administration did not have the foresight to fortify these embassies on the eleventh anniversary of 9/11. And there he is with all of his fanbois and fangirls in Vegas raising money while they scream ‘I love you!’ in the middle of an international crisis.
Wild Thing's comment...........
Any American that loves our country and understands what is going on must be angry
over Obama's cowardly and disdainful, actions. I am livid.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:55 AM | Comments (4)
September 12, 2012
Romney's Statements on Libya Attacks (video) This is how a *real* president speaks.!
Wild Thing's comment............
This morning Mitt Romney held a press conference and here is the FULL video. It made my heart burst with pride to hear Mitt Romney and what he said, his strength and leadership and how he handled the press question too....the entire thing is how it should be and will be with Mitt as President. A true leader and one that loves our country.
This is how a *real* president speaks.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:08 PM
Romney calls Obama administration's early response to attacks a disgrace ~ Thank you!!!!
Mitt Romney Hammers Initial Obama Administration Response to Attack on U.S. Embassy in Egypt
Gov. Mitt Romney issued a statement Tuesday night hammering the Obama Administration’s response to attacks on the U.S. Embassy in Cairo, Egypt yesterday, in which the United States Flag was torn to shreds and a black Islamic Flag was raised. The initial response on the U.S. Embassy website in Cairo was to apologize for anyone who hurt the feelings of Muslims. No condemnation of the attack on the U.S. Embassy in Cairo was mentioned initially. Romney’s statement was issued before it was known that the U.S. Ambassador to Libya had been killed in another attack in Libya:
Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney criticized the Obama administration in the wake of attacks on U.S. diplomatic missions in Egypt and Libya on Tuesday, branding as "disgraceful" an early response to the assault in Cairo as sympathizing with the attackers.
The assaults were linked to a video being promoted by an extreme anti-Muslim Egyptian Christian in the U.S. Protesters say the video posted on the Internet, a 14-minute trailer for a movie, attacks Islam's Prophet Muhammad.
Protesters scaled the walls of the U.S. Embassy in Cairo to replace the American flag with an Islamic banner. In the Libyan city of Benghazi, an American was shot to death as protesters burned and looted the U.S. consulate.
The U.S. Embassy in Cairo issued a statement saying, in part, that it condemns "the continuing efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims -- as we condemn efforts to offend believers of all religions." The statement, an apparent reference to the video, was posted hours before the American's death in Libya was reported.
In a statement Tuesday night, Romney said he was outraged by the attacks and the death of the American consulate worker. He added: "It's disgraceful that the Obama administration's first response was not to condemn attacks on our diplomatic missions, but to sympathize with those who waged the attacks."
Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, in a statement released about the same time as Romney's, condemned the attack in Libya "in the strongest terms."
"Some have sought to justify this vicious behavior as a response to inflammatory material posted on the Internet," Clinton said. "The United States deplores any intentional effort to denigrate the religious beliefs of others. Our commitment to religious tolerance goes back to the very beginning of our nation. But let me be clear: There is never any justification for violent acts of this kind."
In response to Romney, White House spokesman Ben LaBolt said in an email early Wednesday: "We are shocked that, at a time when the United States of America is confronting the tragic death of one of our diplomatic officers in Libya, Gov. Romney would choose to launch a political attack."
Wild Thing's comment........
I say thank God for Romney's response the the hell with the WH, they already messed up. At least Romney took a stand and not a stand apologizing to the freaking Muslims. So go to Hell Obama and your entire administration.
"In response to Romney, White House spokesman Ben LaBolt said in an email early Wednesday: "We are shocked that, at a time when the United States of America is confronting the tragic death of one of our diplomatic officers in Libya, Gov. Romney would choose to launch a political attack.""
Posted by Wild Thing at 09:55 AM | Comments (1)
The Obama Administration Apologizes to Islamists and Attacks the Constitution
ISLAMISTS FIRE ROCKET-PROPELLED GRENADES at US Consulate in Libya – Building Torched to the Ground
An American staff member of the US consulate in the eastern Libyan city of Benghazi has died following fierce clashes at the compound, Libyan security sources said.
An armed mob attacked and set fire to the building in what they say was a protest against an amateur film deemed offensive to Islam’s Prophet Muhammad, after similar protests in Egypt’s capital.
“One American staff member has died and a number have been injured in the clashes,” Abdel-Monem Al-Hurr, spokesman for Libya’s Supreme Security Committee, said on Wednesday, adding that rocket-propelled grenades were fired at the building from a nearby farm.
“There are fierce clashes between the Libyan army and an armed militia outside the US consulate,” he said. He also said roads had been closed off and security forces were surrounding the building.
The Obama State Department apologized to the Islamists today after they stormed the US Embassy in Cairo.
U.S. Embassy Condemns Religious Incitement
September 11, 2012
The Embassy of the United States in Cairo condemns the continuing efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims – as we condemn efforts to offend believers of all religions. Today, the 11th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States, Americans are honoring our patriots and those who serve our nation as the fitting response to the enemies of democracy. Respect for religious beliefs is a cornerstone of American democracy. We firmly reject the actions by those who abuse the universal right of free speech to hurt the religious beliefs of others.
This attack comes on the same day that Egyptian Muslims stormed the U.S. Embassy in Cairo and desecrated the United States Flag – taking it down, tearing it to pieces, and burning part of it. So far, not a word from President Obama on either attack, as far as I have been able to find. The U.S. Embassy in Cairo not only has not condemned the attack on the Embassy compound and the desecration of the U.S. Flag – they apologized for those who have “hurt the feelings” of Muslims! All part of Obama’s outreach to the Muslim world. Never mind that our Embassy is attacked and our Flag is desecrated.
UPDATE:LATER IN THE DAY........ Obama administration walks back embassy apology, blames embassy
Faced with increasing criticism over an apology issued by the U.S. Embassy in Egypt for the alleged "abuse" of free speech by Americans critical of Islam--even as Islamist radicals raided the building on the 11th anniversary of 9/11--the Obama administration has disavowed any such apology this evening, according to Politico:
"The statement by Embassy Cairo was not cleared by Washington and does not reflect the views of the United States government," a senior administration official told POLITICO.
Wild Thing's comment............
What a mess and this whole thing is horrible.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:55 AM | Comments (2)
Krauthammer: Tell Egyptian mob "go to hell"
Krauthammer: Tell Egyptian mob "go to hell"
Wild Thing's comment............
God bless Charles Krauthammer!!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:50 AM | Comments (1)
Obama Refused to Meet With Netanyahu, Romney Slammed Obama and Stood With Israel, Then Obama Had To Make Nice and Called Bibi
Obama gives chilly response to proposed Obama-Netanyahu meeting
The White House moved Tuesday to tamp down emerging claims that it had turned down an offer by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to meet with President Obama later this month, as Republicans seized on the reports.
Israeli officials confirmed to Fox News earlier in the day that the White House had indeed brushed off such an offer. A White House spokesman also confirmed that Obama is not expected to meet with Netanyahu, citing scheduling conflicts.
Not until Romney and others spoke out about how disgusting Obama was to do such a thing ....hours later, Obama made a phone call to Bibi. We are to believe they were on the phone for almost an hour.
Wild Thing's comment.................
Romney shamed Obama as well as others telling Obama off. Once again in an important chance to show Israel friendship, Obama sides with the Muslims and against Israel. I doubt seriously the phone call meant as much as it could have if it had happened automatically when first asked.
And what is Obama saying is the reason he will NOT meet with him when Bibi comes to speak here this month??? Obama said he was too busy...... ahem.....too busy....well he is supposed to do a David Letterman show and fund raisers......sheesh.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:47 AM
September 11, 2012
Remembering September 11, 2001
A Tribute of slides and footage to the lives lost September 11 2001.
Music: Where Were You (When the World Stopped Turning) by Alan Jackson.
Wild Thing's comment..................
We will never forget!
God Bless All Our Defenders Past Present including Our Civil Servants as well as their families.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:55 AM | Comments (3)
'Economic Collapse' If Obama Re-elected
'Economic Collapse' If Obama Re-elected
Rush: 18 Months Before A Real U.S. Economic Collapse, If Obama Wins
Rush Limbaugh offered bold predictions on his nationally syndicated radio show Monday saying that another four years of President Obama will lead to "economic collapse" in the U.S. and the "end of the Republican Party."
RUSH LIMBAUGH: How long does this country have if Obama wins? We're headed toward an economic collapse and we are the leader of the world. And when it happens to us, there are reverberations all over the world, it's not like some poll dunk little European country collapsing that goes to another poll dunk European country for a bailout. When we collapse, world-wide reverberation. How long is it going to take? I'm asking a serious question. 18 months? You throw ObamaCare on to what we know what we are going to get from Obama, more debt, more spending, the expansion of the welfare state, how long can this go on?
How many of you think we are at the tipping point now? Medicare, Medicaid, social security, the years are 2020, 2022, 2024 as to when they implode.
How long do we have if this guy wins? And then what happens, if this guy wins?
Do you realize... who was it that I saw, Matthews was saying Friday on PSMNBC, if Obama wins, that's the end of Conservatism. Nope, if Obama wins, it's the end of the Republican Party. And there's going to be a third party that's going to be orientated towards Conservatism and Rand Paul thinks Libertarianism. If Obama wins, the Republican Party will try to maneuver things so Conservatives get blamed, the only problem is right now, Romney is not running a Conservative campaign. But they're going to set it up, "Well, the right sat home, the right made Romney be other than he is." They'll try to deflect the blame, but they got who they want.
How long do we have, folks. I know people, who think 18 months before a real United States economic collapse. That the fed can't do anything about, that the Chi-coms can't do anything about. Two years, four? Point is, that's what is on the other side of Obama winning, because he is not going to change anything.
“If Obama’s re-elected, it will happen. There’s no IF about this. And it’s gonna be ugly. It’s gonna be gut-wrenching, but it will happen. The country’s economy is going to collapse if Obama is re-elected. I don’t know how long: a year and a half, two years, three years.”
Limbaugh is expecting California to go belly up first, setting off a chain of financial calamities.
“California is going to declare bankruptcy and you know what Obama will do? He’ll go to states like Texas or Arizona, Florida to bail them out. That’s what he’ll do, and that’s gonna precipitate this stuff. California is showing where we’re headed in every which way,” Limbaugh said.
“This can’t go on, folks. We’re on an unsustainable course,” he continued. “You simply can’t pay people who aren’t working. You just can’t. You cannot pay them anything, much less full-fledged incomes, lifetime health care and lifetime pensions. You can’t do it. Even if you wanted to, even if that was your definition of fairness and equality, you can’t do it. The money isn’t there.
Wild Thing's comment..............
I believe with all that is in me there will be a collapse, absolutely. It is just a matter of time and
if more of Obama's agenda is put into play it will happen even faster.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:50 AM | Comments (2)
What Mitt Romney Left Behind: The People Who Bought His House Tell Their Story ~ A Must Read
What Mitt Romney Left Behind: The People Who Bought His House Tell Their Story
Buying a house is usually an impersonal transaction. The buyer sees a scrubbed version of the home, artfully “staged,” possibly with a fresh coat of paint and flowers on the table. Once a purchase price has been negotiated, the buyer and the seller sign legal papers in triplicate, and the new owner gets a set of keys and – if lucky – an extra garage door opener. So, when Hal and Corinne Prewitt decided to buy Mitt and Ann Romney’s Park City, Utah home in spring of 2009, they figured they were in for another paperwork hassle. What they got, however, was a great house, interesting interactions with the man who’d just lost a bid to be the previous election’s GOP nominee, and some insight into the character of the possible next President. In fact, their interaction with Romney was so different than what the Prewitts expected, Hal decided to write down his experience in a Google document which has since been downloaded over 100,000 times.
First of all, the Prewitts were impressed – and a little shocked — when Mitt Romney met them at the property on moving day. There were no brokers or anyone there at the house – just the former governor walking around the house to make sure the new owners were comfortable and familiar with their purchase. “He spent as much time as we needed showing us around, answering our questions and explaining how to use and service the home’s equipment,” Hal wrote. “And when he was done, he gave us his direct contact information should we have problems.
Secondly, the Prewitts were fascinated by the way Gov. Romney – worth, by some calculations, hundreds of millions of dollars – decided to move his things. Some people hire professional movers to pack their things, others hire them to transport them, and others prefer a do-it-yourself approach. Gov. Romney fit into the last category. He went to Home Depot, bought wood, and built the necessary containers to transport his possession from the house. Then, he asked a friend and some family to help him pack his family photos, mementos, and grandchildren’s toys. Then, they carried his things into a U-Haul, which he drove to his new home in California.
The home, according to the Prewitts, was built with a focus on their family, even though it had “no swimming pool, tennis court or movie theater. There are no maid, butler or nanny quarters. Clearly Ann and Mitt raised their kids. No gold faucets, no fancy silverware. The kitchen was simple and typical of an average three bedroom home, very much like those in which we were raised.” Because the Prewitts bought much of the home’s contents, they also got to see the way the family really lived in their home: the linens didn’t have the highest thread count, the master bedroom pillows had tags from a discount store, and almost everything — the art, furniture and drapes — were American made.
Plus, there were lots of toys for the grandchildren. Also, in the Romney’s former mud room, Hal and Corinne found the former governor’s ski gloves with holes in the fingers. Apparently, one of Mitt’s sons had suggested he replace the gloves, but Gov. Romney, whom his sons have described as “frugal” and even “cheap,” thought he could salvage them. When Hal and Corinne found the gloves, they’d been altered.
“Mitt had gone to the garage tool box and wrapped them with duct tape. Thrifty? Yes, and the repair provided an immediate practical solution rather than traveling to the store to buy a new pair,” Hal wrote. “His indifference to appearance demonstrated his confidence, true character and priorities. Good qualities, but easily misunderstood because they are quite different from those displayed by many famous people and certainly politicians, who highly protect and prize their appearance.”
In the Romney’s master bedroom, was a prominent painting of Jesus Christ. “Most Americans know little about Mormonism and we didn’t either,” Hal wrote. “But Mitt Romney clearly had a home of faith and family just like the rest of us.”
“One of the most interesting questions many have asked is, ‘as president will he impose his beliefs on others?’” Hal wrote. “Many claim that a President Romney would take away rights and impose his beliefs on all Americans.” However, possibly the most surprising discovery was a small stash of alcohol in the house, which – the Prewitts were told – was for guests only. Mormonism prohibits drinking alcohol, of course, and the Romneys are teetotalers. However, they kept a few drinks on hand to be good hosts and make sure their guests felt comfortable. Hal believes this stash shows the Romneys wouldn’t impose their beliefs on others from the White House, because they didn’t even impose their beliefs on others in their own house.
The Prewitts didn’t support Romney in the 2008 election. Neither Republicans nor Democrats, they knew very little about Romney, Utah, or his former Presidential bid when they looked for a winter home. However, they felt they needed to speak out, because the caricature of Romney on television is such a far cry from the real man who showed him around the house and packed his own boxes that day.
“Mitt Romney… is not aloof or out of touch. He is a man of faith, family and American values. A guy who is well-grounded. It is not beneath him to roll up his shirt-sleeves and get the job done,” Hal wrote. “The fact that he has allowed this to be kept so very private is a true testament to his character and shows how different he is from many other politicians.”
Wild Thing's comment.........
I recommend reading this to all the lurkers and regulars or anyone that would like to. I found it very special and a personal experience with a person is always the best.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:47 AM
September 10, 2012
Obama and Biden Embarass Office Of Presidency
Let’s just say it’s been a VERY strange photo-op day on the campaign trail for the Obama / Biden Ticket:
President Obama got a bear hug in Florida from a pizza parlor owner who literally lifted him off the floor! (Video above)
And I don’t even want to venture a guess at what Joe Biden is doing during a stop in Seaman, Ohio (Via Fox News):
Look at the 2 guys reaction on either side
(Vice President Joe Biden talks to customers during a stop at Cruisers Diner, Sept. 9, in Seaman, Ohio. Carolyn Kaster / AP)
Wild Thing's comment...............
So much for respecting the office they hold and want a second time.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 AM | Comments (3)
September 09, 2012
"Last Ounce of Courage"....AWESOME film coming out a must see
Last Ounce of Courage trailer
"Last Ounce of Courage," is an inter generational story of a grieving father inspired by his grandson to take a stand for faith and freedom against a tide of apathy and vanishing liberty. Against a backdrop of military conflict abroad and domestic wars against freedom, a highly-decorated combat veteran is reminded that we best honor our fallen heroes by not holding too loosely what they gave their all to defend. Alongside fellow citizens of courage, faith and integrity, he champions the cherished principles we the people hold dear.
Starring Marshall Teague ("Roadhouse," "The Rock" and "Armageddon") as small-town mayor Bob Revere, "Last Ounce of Courage" uses the vehicle of a public religious display to ignite a spark and lights
a fire under a community that honors its American values, but has tired of fighting the "American Civil Liberties Organization" (ACLO) over the very rights guaranteed them by the Constitution. Former NFL great Fred Williamson ("Black Caesar") ably plays the villain in the film as the head of the ACLO.
Encouraged by his grandson, played by Hunter Gomez ("National Treasure"), and his wife Dottie, played by Academy Award nominee Jennifer O‟Neill ("Summer of ‟42"), Bob finally takes a stand for his beliefs and revives his townspeople‟s latent patriotism. Leading the younger generation to join in and make a difference is Bob‟s young neighbor, Maddie Rogers, played by Jenna Boyd ("Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants"), who comically hijacks the town‟s annual generic school pageant.
The film is being produced by Veritas Entertainment, under the leadership of Kevin McAfee ("Beyond the Gates of Splendor," "The End of the Spear") and Steve Griffin (former CEO at Nest Entertainment and EMI/Chordant), both of whom have a passion for creating and reaching audiences with entertainment products centered around the character values that under gird family, faith and freedom.
Wild Thing's comment...........
Be sure to watch both videos, they both made me cry and the film should be awesome.
The will be in selected theaters for Patriots Day On Tuesday, September 11 and in theaters nationwide on Friday, September 14. Help us fill theaters opening weekend. Find theaters near you at: http://www.standusa.com/looc-theaters/ Share this with your friends!
Here is the link to their page on Facebook.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 AM | Comments (4)
September 08, 2012
MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell Not Buying Obama Spin on Terrible August Jobs Report - Video
MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell Not Buying Obama Spin on Terrible August Jobs Report: “We Know It’s Not Good Enough” Is Not A Great Bumper Sticker
Obama today trying to spin the terrible August Jobs Report as a positive. Even MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell was not buying it.
Wild Thing's comment..............
I am so glad that some and it is growing have had enough of Obama and his spin.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 AM | Comments (2)
Krauthammer Calls Some of Obama’s DNC Claims “Shameless and Unconvincing”
Charles Krauthammer took on President Obama’s DNC speech, specifically referring to the president’s remarks in which he described Republicans’ prescription for fixing the American economy.
“All they have to offer,” he said, “is the same prescription they’ve had for the last thirty years: ‘Have a surplus? Try a tax cut.’ ‘Deficit too high? Try another.’ ‘Feel a cold coming on? Take two tax cuts, roll back some regulations, and call us in the morning!’”
Krauthammer claims the Republicans, including Romney and Ryan, have been offering specifics for a long time.
“Obama has offered nothing … he hasn’t offered anything anywhere,” he said. “He’s been in office for a term … has he offered anything on Medicare? … Has he done anything on social security? Anything on entitlement? Has he done anything on tax reform? He actually had the audactiy to refer to, as he called it, “my own debt commission.” And he rejected it. I mean, it’s shameless and I thought extremely unconvincing.”
Wild Thing's comment;............
He is so right about Obama and also he is right about Romney and Ryan,
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM
Chuck Norris Blasts Obama’s DNC Speech, Says ‘We Need an Experienced Man in the White House’
Wild Thing's comment...............
Why on earth anyone thought a community organizer and a communist one at that would be good as president. We all warned people all of you did and me too, and most people would not listen.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (1)
September 07, 2012
Krauthammer on Obama's Speech: "Gave One of the Emptiest Speeches I've Ever Heard"
“I was stunned. This is a man who gave one of the great speeches of our time in 2004. And he gave one of the emptiest speeches I’ve ever heard on a national stage… There was nothing in it… At least Romney had a 5 point plan… He pulls numbers out of a hat… He doesn’t say how he’s going to get from A to B. It’s a vision. I have a vision of America where there’s no disease and everybody owns a private airplane. But, unless I tell you how we get there I’ve said nothing.”
Wild Thing's comment.............
Ditto that Charles.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:50 AM | Comments (5)
James Carville: Not Obama’s Best Speech
Wild Thing's comment..........
I have looked at over a dozens papers and each one is saying they did not like Obama's speech. I am so glad, maybe just maybe people really are tired of his bs and lies and ego.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:50 AM | Comments (2)
September 06, 2012
Many Democrats Boo Decision to Put Words “God” and “Jerusalem” back into Party Platform – Video
Many Democrats Boo Decision to Put Words “God” and “Jerusalem” back into Party Platform
Here is simply unbelievable video of the Democrat Party having a hard time deciding whether they want to put the word “God” back into their party platform, and whether they want to affirm “Jerusalem” as the Capital of Israel. In fact, the Democrats amended their platform today after removing “God” and “Jerusalem” yesterday, because of the tremendous pressure they felt when the Republicans began attacking that move. It took a two-thirds vote today, and the truth is, the Democrats really did not get the vote they needed to put “God” and “Jerusalem” back in. But they said they got it anyway. This was a train wreck.
Wild Thing's comment..........
Disgusting democrats!!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:55 AM | Comments (2)
Krauthammer on Clinton’s Speech: “I Think It Was a Giant Swing and a Miss…I Don’t Think It Will Move the Needle Whatsoever” (Video)
Krauthammer on Clinton’s Speech: “I Think It Was a Giant Swing and a Miss…I Don’t Think It Will Move the Needle Whatsoever”
Charles Krauthammer spoke with Bret Baier and Megyn Kelly after Bill Clinton’s DNC speech and did not hold back in his critique of the former commander in chief’s remarks. “I think he struck out on this,” Krauthammer said. “I don’t think he moved the needle whatsoever.”
Krauthammer went on to call his nearly 50-minute speech sprawling, undisciplined and truly self-indulgent. “It was one of the strangest nomination speeches ever given,” he said. “It sounded like a campaign speech for a third Clinton term.”
Wild Thing's comment..............
Love how Krauthammer puts things.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:50 AM | Comments (2)
September 05, 2012
You Belong To The Government ~ Opening Video at DNC Convention
Opening Video of the Democrat National Convention: “Government is the Only Thing We All Belong To”
Incredible. What a way to start your Convention.
An opening video at the 2012 Democratic National Convention has this statement that pretty well says it all about the philosophy of the Democrats these days: “The Government is the only thing we all belong to.”
Wild Thing's comment.............
.Mitt Romney tweets: “We don’t belong to government, the government belongs to us.”
Thank God for Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan. America has a chance if people vote for them.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:55 AM | Comments (3)
Charles Krauthammer on Michelle Obama speech:"I Didn’t Buy a Line of It” - video
Krauthammer on Michelle Obama’s DNC Speech: “I’m Sure It Was a Great Speech But I Didn’t Buy a Line of It”
Charles Krauthammer on Michelle Obama’s DNC Speech:
“She told the story of a Gandhi. And considering the way he’s conducted himself in the presidency and particularly in the campaign, with ruthlessness and determination and drive, it’s not quite a plausible story…. I’m sure it was a great speech but I didn’t buy a line of it.”
Wild Thing/'s comment.......
Thank you Charles, you are awesome.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (1)
The National Debt Is Now $16.0 Trillion Dollars. (US Department Of The Treasury, TreasuryDirect.gov, Accessed 9/4/12)
Since President Obama Took Office, The National Debt Has Risen $5.3 Trillion, An Increase Of Over 51 Percent. (US Department Of The Treasury, TreasuryDirect.gov, Accessed 9/4/12)
Under Obama’s Watch, Each Citizen’s Share Of The National Debt Has Risen $17,454 To A Total Of $51,874. (US Department Of The Treasury, TreasuryDirect.gov, Accessed 9/4/12)
Obama Has Added An Average Of $4,073,237,142 To The National Debt Every Day. (US Department Of The Treasury, TreasuryDirect.gov, Accessed 9/4/12)
On Average, Obama Has Added $1 Trillion To The National Debt Every 245 Days. (US Department Of The Treasury, TreasuryDirect.gov, Accessed 9/4/12)
Politifact: Barack Obama Is “The Undisputed Debt King Of The Last Five Presidents.” “So by this measurement — potentially a more important one — Obama is the undisputed debt king of the last five presidents, rather than the guy who added a piddling amount to the debt, as Pelosi’s chart suggested.” (“Nancy Pelosi Post Questionable Chart On Debt Accumulation By Barack Obama, Predecessors,” Politifact, 5/19/11)
Obama Is Responsible For “The Most Rapid Increase In The Debt Under Any U.S. President.” “The latest posting by the Treasury Department shows the national debt has now increased $4 trillion on President Obama’s watch. The debt was $10.626 trillion on the day Mr. Obama took office. The latest calculation from Treasury shows the debt has now hit $14.639 trillion. It’s the most rapid increase in the debt under any U.S. president.” (Mark Knoller, “National Debt Has Increased $4 Trillion Under Obama,” CBS News, 8/22/11)
Congressional Budget Office: “The Amount Of Federal Debt Held By The Public Has Skyrocketed In The Past Few Years, Rising From 40 Percent Of GDP At The End Of 2008 To An Estimated 73 Percent By The End Of This Year.” (“An Update To The Budget And Economic Outlook: Fiscal Years 2012 To 2022,”Congressional Budget Office, 8/22/12)
According To The CBO, Federal Debt Held By The Public Will Reach The Highest Levels Since The 1950s. “Federal debt held by the public will reach 73 percent of GDP by the end of this fiscal year-the highest level since 1950 and about twice the 36 percent of GDP that it measured at the end of 2007, before the financial crisis and recent recession.” (“An Update To The Budget And Economic Outlook: Fiscal Years 2012 To 2022,” Congressional Budget Office, 8/22/12)
Wild Thing's comment............
God help us all if he gets a second term.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM
September 04, 2012
To Obama We’ve Heard it All Before – Video
We’ve Heard it All Before
This is a great ad!
If you think Barack Obama 2012 sounds like he is running as a candidate who has never been President – he is! This devastating ad by the Republican National Committee reveals that Obama 2012 is literally using the same tired rhetoric he used in 2008 – “We’ve heard it all before.”
Wild Thing's comment...........
If people do not see how bad Obama is for our country they need their head examined.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:55 AM
Mia Love On Obama: “I Think He’s Stripping Away the American Dream & the America As We Know It” (Video)
Mia Love On Obama: “I Think He’s Stripping Away the American Dream & the America As We Know It”
The Republican Congressional Candidate ripped Obama, “I think he’s stripped away the American Dream and the America as we know it.” Mia also blasted the Obama Administration for stripping funds from Medicare and for his attacks on small business.
Wild Thing's comment..............
Mia is great, I really like her.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:50 AM | Comments (1)
September 03, 2012
Labor Day Cancelled Due To Lack of Jobs Instead it is Empty Chair Day
In case any of you missed it or did not watch the RNC convention here is the video of Clint Eastwood's speech and the empty chair.
And this from Michelle Malkin's blog........
What better way to commemorate the Labor Day holiday than to send a message to the AWOL campaign-in-chief — and support Clint Eastwood, to boot!
Monday is the day.
Decorate yours any way you want it: Nobama stickers, Romney/Ryan yard signs, golf clubs, mom jeans, etc.
Wild Thing's comment.......
LOL I love this. I can just see Clint loving the reaction to his speech as well.
Facebook is packed with people doing this as well as on Tweeter. Thousand of people joining in.
Have a great day everyone.....(((hug)))
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 AM | Comments (2)
New Mitt Romney Web Ad: “On November 6, 2012, A Better Future Begins” for America – Video
New Mitt Romney Web Ad: “On November 6, 2012, A Better Future Begins” for America
Here is a new Mitt Romney web ad that weaves together some of the great moments from the 2012 Republican National Convention. The theme of the ad is that with the election of Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan on November 6, 2012, “A Better Future Begins.”
Wild Thing's comment.....
I like the way the ad has added a lot of the speakers from the convention....really great ad. There were a lot of awesome speeches by outstanding people. It was a great convention, my favorite since back to when Reagan ran for office.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:50 AM
September 02, 2012
Jon Voight's reaction to Clint Eastwood - video Clint and Jon are great!
Piers Morgan gets Jon Voight's reactions to Clint Eastwood's speech at the RNC.
Wild Thing's comment.........
Thank you Jon and thank you Clint. Two of the good guys in Hollywood.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:55 AM | Comments (2)
Debbie Wasserman Schultz Reminds You, “I’m the President’s Most Prominent Surrogate” – Video
Debbie Wasserman Schultz Reminds You, “I’m the President’s Most Prominent Surrogate”
DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz making sure everyone knows who Barack Obama’s “most prominent surrogate” is!
Wild Thing's comment...............
I would love to have both of them out of office, Obama and Wasserman. augh!
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:55 AM | Comments (3)
Obamanation - Jon McNaughton ( video)
Artist Jon McNaughton explains the interactive painting he has created with 60 symbols that detail the “Obamanation” of the Barack Obama Presidency. He urges everyone to head over to his website to view the painting and click on the interactive links embedded in the symbols within the painting.
Wild Thing's comment............
Jon McNaughton is such a fantastic artist, wow what a talent. I have posted other works of his.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:50 AM | Comments (2)
"Invisible Obama "
Wild Thing's comment......
Haha I am glad to see college age reacting to Obama. They are doing their take off of Clint Eastwood when he used a chair to represent Obama at the RNC convention.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:40 AM
September 01, 2012
Powerful Rebuke of Clinton and Obama from the Heart of a Fallen SEAL’s Mother
Powerful Rebuke of Clinton and Obama from the Heart of a Fallen SEAL’s Mother
Karen and Billy Vaughn, please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers.
We will never forget your sacrifice. We will never forget the sacrifice of your son for this Great Nation.
Wild Thing's comment..........
If you let Obama get a second term there will be more of this. He does not care a hoot about our military, they are only photo ops to him.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:18 PM | Comments (3)
3 hours after Romney says he’s going to Lousiana, Obama says he is too.
Mitt Romney detoured to hurricane-damaged Louisiana on Friday as he campaigned his way out of the Republican National Convention, touring a flooded community and saying he hoped his visit would rivet public attention on victims' needs. (Aug. 31)
Wild Thing's comment...................
Yesterday Romney and Ryan held a rally in Lakeland, Florida. Romney was to go on to another rally in VA and the same with Ryan and then split up to do more rallies in different places. Romney cut out his rally he was going to do in VA and made sure he could go to Louisiana to talk to Jindal and go visit the people and meet face to face with the people. Not about politics, only to see the people.
3 hours after it was announced Romney was going, then and only then did Obama decided to go too. Not sure which day he is going but he is not a leader at all.
I heard on the radio this morning someone from Louisiana with Jindal's people say, Romney had also given some good input.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:07 PM