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November 30, 2011
Obama Guilty of " Fast and Furious" Seals Court Records of Agent Brian Terry’s Murder To Hide Information From Media and Public ~ COVER UP!!!!
Obama Seals Court Records of Agent Brian Terry’s Murder
On December 14, 2010 in Peck Canyon, northwest of Nogales, Arizona, Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was shot dead by a group of illegal border entrants who refused commands to drop their weapons after they were confronted by US agents. The illegals murdered Terry with a gun connected to a failed federal experiment that allowed firearms to be smuggled into Mexico. The family of slain border agent Brian Terry blamed Eric Holder for their son’s death in a recent interview.
Now the Obama Administration has sealed the court records on Agent Terry’s murder.
The Obama Administration has abruptly sealed court records containing alarming details of how Mexican drug smugglers murdered a U.S. Border patrol agent with a gun connected to a failed federal experiment that allowed firearms to be smuggled into Mexico.
This means information will now be kept from the public as well as the media. Could this be a cover-up on the part of the “most transparent” administration in history? After all, the rifle used to kill the federal agent (Brian Terry) last December in Arizona’s Peck Canyon was part of the now infamous Operation Fast and Furious. Conducted by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), the disastrous scheme allowed guns to be smuggled into Mexico so they could eventually be traced to drug cartels.
Instead, federal law enforcement officers lost track of more than 1,000 guns which have been used in numerous crimes. In Terry’s case, five illegal immigrants armed with at least two semi-automatic assault rifles were hunting for U.S. Border Patrol agents near a desert watering hole just north of the Arizona-Mexico border when a firefight erupted and Terry got hit.
We know this only because Washington D.C.’s conservative newspaper got ahold of the court documents before the government suddenly made them off limits. The now-sealed federal grand jury indictment tells the frightening story of how Terry was gunned down by Mexican drug smugglers patrolling the rugged desert with the intent to “intentionally and forcibly assault” Border Patrol agents.
You can see why the administration wants to keep this information from the public and the media, considering the smugglers were essentially armed by the U.S. government. Truth is, no one will know the reason for the confiscation of public court records in this case because the judge’s decision to seal it was also sealed, according to the news story. That means the public or media won’t have access to any new or old evidence, filings, rulings or arguments.
Wild Thing's comment......
Obama is guilty as heck ! I could not hate him more!
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:55 AM | Comments (6)
Limbaugh Letting Newt Know How Wrong Newt Was To Say.." the era of Reagan is over"
Back in March 2009... Newt Gingrich had put down Ronald Reagan saying" the era of Reagan is over"...... and when Rush Limbaugh spoke at CPAC he had some things to say about Newt! God bless Rush Limbaugh and the hell with Newt Gingrich!!!
Wild Thing's comment......
Newt may know history, but he has more history of his own that will bite him back with his campaign. Foro such a smart man he sure says and does a lot of stupid things. Things no one forces him to say or do.
It might even be Newt's ego the size of a blimp that will be his worst enemy.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:50 AM | Comments (2)
SUPERMAN, Dean Cain Endorses Rick Perry
SUPERMAN Endorses Rick Perry
"I undoubtedly like Rick Perry," Cain said on Fox and Friends. "I like him a lot. I like his record on job creation."
The actor, best known for his role as Clark Kent/Superman in the 1990s TV series "Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman," added that Perry is an "upstanding guy."
Wild Thing's comment........
Dean Cain has voted Republican for as long as I remember how him.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:47 AM
Town Hall with Rick Perry and Sheriff Joe Arpaio (complete video)
Texas Gov. Rick Perry today received the endorsement of Sheriff Joe Arpaio, a steadfast advocate for border security and national leader in combating on illegal immigration, citing Gov. Perry's unmatched efforts to bolster border security in Texas in light of a federal government that for too long has abdicated this basic responsibility to the states. Sheriff Arpaio made his announcement at Joey's... Diner in Amherst, New Hampshire.
"The federal government has failed on border crime and border enforcement, and no candidate for president has done more to secure the border than Governor Rick Perry. I have been watching Governor Perry and Texas closely and know his border surge operations with state, local and federal law enforcement officials have helped shut down the illegal trafficking of weapons, drugs and people," said Sheriff Arpaio. "I'm endorsing Rick Perry because we need a tough-on-crime president who will champion and fund full-time border security operations from Brownsville to San Diego. Governor Perry has a superior border security record and plan to make our border and our nation safer."
Wild Thing's comment........
Later in the day ......there was also a great interview on Hannity - Sheriff Arpaio to Hannity, "He isn't a robot. He's human. If that's what you want, you can get them from Japan." LOL!
This video is an hour long, I just wanted to let you know.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:45 AM
November 29, 2011
Corrupt Democrat Barney Frank Not Seeking Re-election in 2012
Barney Frank not seeking re-election in 2012
Massachusetts congressman Barney Frank, a prominent 16-term liberal Democrat and arch-enemy of political conservatives nationwide, announced Monday he does not intend to seek re-election in 2012, according to a statement from Frank's office.
Frank, 71, said his decision to retire from Congress was prompted partly by changes made to the boundaries of his U.S. House district. As part of Massachusetts' recently concluded redistricting process, Frank's 4th Congressional District will lose the heavily Democratic blue-collar port city of New Bedford while gaining several smaller, more conservative towns.
"I will miss this job, (but) the district is very substantially changed," with roughly 325,000 new constituents, Frank told reporters. The veteran congressman said he was planning to retire after 2014 regardless, but said he didn't "want to be torn" next year between the need to serve his existing constituents, reach out to new district residents and protect his signature Dodd-Frank financial regulatory reform law.
Wild Thing's comment.......
I heard on TV that Barney Frank almost did not get elected the last time, so if they redistrict his area they said he is almost sure not to win his next election.
If there was real justice in the world, Barney would be headed to prison for the things he has done. What he did with Fannie Mae and Mac was HUGE in how bad it was.
Bye Bye Barney Fwank.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:55 AM | Comments (4)
Herman Cain and His What " Is" Is
Herman Cain has got some real problems on his hands this time. The Fox 5 Reporter from Atlanta talked to Shep Smith at 7:00 tonight and he tells Shep that there were 61 calls in and out between the woman (Ginger White) and Herman Cain's private cell phone according to billing records. The reporter calls the number and Herman Cain calls back and talks to this reporter from Fox 5.
Wild Thing's comment......
The last time this stuff came out regarding Cain, true or not, Cain chose to blame Rick Perry directly and then also Perry's team. I went into my attack mode on Cain because I will not tolerate lies like that. This time......... I will wait again to see how Cain handles this before I pounce on him. That is as fair as I can be about Cain.
The person I do feel sorry for or persons are his wife and family. His wife always voted democrat which is a bummer but all the same this is about a marriage so I do feel sorry for her.
One other thiing.....The station also released a statement from Cain's attorney, Lin Wood, who said the allegations of "private, alleged consensual conduct between adults" is not "not a proper subject of inquiry by the media or the public."
If that is the best... denial that a $600 an hour lawyer can issue, then I'd have to say that this story has legs. There are telephone records and text message records.Cain set himself up when he claimed there were no skeletons in his closet.
For me however, the biggest thing about Cain that I just will never think of him as Presidential are three things.
1. his using the race card, and that was all on his own, no one forced him to as they say go there.
2. the constant ad lingo speak he does. sorry but I do not want my president to be sitting with heads of State and speaking in ad lingo.
3. his total lack of knowledge about so many things, including foreign policy and no desire to even try to learn in preparation of his run for president. His constant way he refers to getting advisors omg never in my life have I seen that from a candidate on either side before. It is really bad.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:50 AM | Comments (3)
Fun Video Of Rick Perry on Fox and Friends
Rick Perry's Boot Collection
Wild Thing's comment........
I love his personality and you can tell they like it too on FOX and Friends.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:48 AM
Newt’s Tea Party Comparison Should Put Newt In Tea Party Kettle
Gingrich Backs Obamacare’s Individual Mandate Requiring Health Insurance
Gingrich: Focus On My 1993 Mandate Support Is ‘Political Amnesia’ (VIDEO)
Newt Gingrich Supports Individual Mandate
Newt Gingrich Had Lucrative Health Industry Ties
Newt Gingrich Was For The Individual Mandate Before He Was Against It
Gingrich (in 2007): Congress Must Impose an Individual Mandate
Newt’s Tea Party Comparison Should Put Newt In Tea Party Kettle
I have been a devoted Tea Party advocate since its inception and have witnessed politicians from both parties jump in the mud, but I have never witnessed such blatant and sad arrogance as that of Newt Gingrich.
Gingrich has a long history of debacles and unethical behavior from sideways deals that got him in trouble in the House of Representatives. A few include, while he condemned his colleagues over the House overdraft scandal, it turned out he did the same. As he criticized President Clinton’s personal life, he himself, suffered from similar behavior. As he has been critical of Fannie and Freddie Mac, it comes out that he took nearly two million in consulting fees. As the nation struggles, Newt kept up a half million dollar Tiffanys line of credit and went on luxury cruises as a nation suffers… not to mention his public overtures and embrace of Nancy Pelosi.
None of this compares to the shameless attempt for Newt to pretend to be an advocate of the Tea Party and to suggest that he is our ideal candidate. Quite the contrary, he is the candidate not of the Tea Party but of the “inside the beltway” mentality that has seemingly corrupted him.
Those in our movement cringed when he attacked Congressman Ryan for “social engineering” and many of us were breathless when it became clear that Newt profited from Fannie and Freddie to the tune of almost two million dollars as Americans face record foreclosures.
Gingrich is NO “Braveheart” or a William Wallace but rather is a calculated political tactician, who should be ashamed for this reckless self promotion and appeal to those of us in the Tea Party. Candidly, as Christmas approaches, Gingrich should not embrace the role of Braveheart to compare himself to, but I would suggest Mr. Potter, the corrupt banker from It’s a Wonderful Life whose only interest is lining his pockets no matter how deceitful his behavior is or who it hurts. I encourage all of my fellow Tea Partiers to not be yet another opportunistic species for Newt to try to prey upon on.
I enclose below the shameless attempt of another Gingrich, used car salesperson promotional tactic and encourage all of us to object to his horrific attempt to get our vote.
Gingrich Casts Himself as ‘Braveheart‘ — ‘Perfect’ Tea Party Candidate
I saw this interesting post of opposition research on Newt and although it’s clear it came from some Ron Paul/Alex Jones types who fear the CFR, Bilderbergers, and the Illuminati… save for some of that crazy it does put quite an impression of Newt out there that is in no way favorable to Tea Party support!
Newt Gingrich is a political chameleon that has inexplicably managed to fool conservatives for 30 years. He is a globalist to the bone and supports every opportunity to erode American sovereignty and the constitution. He disguises his statist positions with an abundance of flip-flopping and pandering as needed. He has a long history of expanding the Federal Government and deficit spending. He is the very definition of an Establishment Insider.
You can CLICK HERE IF YOU WISH TO SEE TONS OF QUOTES BY NEWT ....... and the dates and links to go with the. Remember we are Republicans most of us and we vet our candidates. If you wish you can send this to others that want to know more about Newt Gingrich.
Wild Thing's comment......
NO thank you, not now and I pray not ever.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:47 AM | Comments (2)
LTC Rep.Allen West: Illegal Immigration Could Be Considered An “Invasion”…
I think that illegal immigration – the operative word is ‘illegal’. It also says here in Article 1 Section 8 [reading from Constitution] that you have to repel invasions. I think that anytime someone is coming across your border and they haven’t been invited, that can be considered what the founding fathers wrote as an invasion into your country.
Wild Thing's comment........
I listened carefully and I heard West say like Perry does, that the fence cannot be done the entire way, it has to be broken up with other things. I agree so much. I love Perry's plan for the border fence and securing our border and it would be done now if Obama had done as Perry kept asking to be done.
Thank you LTC Allen West and I hope one day you run for President. But for sure stay in politics we need you and your sound conservative thinking.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:45 AM | Comments (2)
November 28, 2011
Obama Selling Martini Glasses and Spatulas for Campaign Cash LOL He is so low class!
Obama Selling Martini Glasses and Spatulas for Campaign Cash
Obama’s campaign team has put together a website to remind us what the Yuletide season is truly all about — getting him re-elected. So they’ve decided to offer Americans a collection of special decorations for the “holiday” season...
...And don’t worry about messing up your furniture with water stains because the Commander-in-Chief also has a line of glass coasters.
But if you’re sipping a Martini, why not just throw a backyard barbecue?
And President Obama has just what you need — a “Fired Up and Ready to Grill” apron, a six-pack presidential cooler, and a nifty Commander-in-Chief cutting board to chop up your White House veggies.
But wait — there’s more.
Now you can flip those yummy fermented soy burgers with a side of arugula smear in style — with a new Barack Obama spatula.
This versatile spatula has a wooden handle and can scrape off most any surface.
The website has a treasure trove of treats, but my personal favorite is the President Obama Dog Leash.
“Help your dog be the envy of the dog park with a ‘Baracks’ Best Friend’ collar,” the website gushed.
And if Fluffy doesn’t follow the rules, you can always put him on a leash — President Obama is selling one of those, too.
Wild Thing's comment.......
A Obama dog food bowl, Obamam portrait shirt, Biden beer mug holder, Obama 44 basketball jersey, Obama soy candle, Obama Martini glasses, and and and Obama golf BALLS!! LOL good grief.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 AM | Comments (13)
Memo to Gingrich: 'Red card' is path to amnesty
Memo to Gingrich: 'Red card' is path to amnesty
by Tom Tancredo
Memo to Newt: That's not a back-door amnesty program, it's a front-door amnesty program.
If Newt Gingrich is a "policy wonk" as his friends proclaim, he is a very lazy one. He should have read the Kriebel Foundation's "Red Card Solution" before endorsing it as a non-amnesty solution to our immigration conundrum.
The so-called Red Card Solution purports to create a new guest-worker program that solves all of our immigration problems. It strengthens border security, helps employers fill low-skilled jobs, bars criminals from participation and does all of this by "empowering the private sector" without use of taxpayer dollars. Maybe in the fine print it also wipes out the national debt.
The problem is, it does none of those things, and anyone who takes time to actually read the full 41-page "white paper" instead of the press handout will see this.
Buried deep in the proposal is a statement that ought to send a chill up the spine of any American who opposes amnesty. The plan makes endless statements that foreign nationals who participate in our work force through the Red Card non-immigrant visa are "on a totally separate track" from immigrants seeking citizenship. Yet, in the fine print the proposal admits that this is not actually true. Any worker could apply for a green card – and thus a path to citizenship – after completing several years in the program. The sole hitch? They could not go to the head of the line.
So, the Red Card program does not convey citizenship, but it does establish a legal path to citizenship for illegal aliens already in the country. Memo to Newt: That's not a back-door amnesty program, it's a front-door amnesty program.
A true "guest worker" program requires the worker to go home after completing the term of the work visa, but the Kriebel proposal does not do that. In the fine print, we learn that any worker can change jobs or renew the work permit indefinitely – and not by returning to their home country and reapplying, but by simply making a phone call to the private employment agency that issued the permit.
Does Newt Gingrich or any serious person really believe that after legalizing 10-20 million alien workers and welcoming them into our communities as legal workers, they would forever be kept in a legal limbo without a way to gain citizenship? The Red Card Solution is a dishonest non-solution on those grounds alone.
The press release version and the Helen Kriebel video are also deceptive in another respect. Kriebel implies that the program is aimed at assisting employers in recruiting foreign workers, but its real purpose is to allow the millions of illegal workers already in the U.S. to keep their current jobs after a quickie trip to a border "visa processing station."
The third joker in the Red Card deck is the laughable criminal background check that each foreign national will supposedly receive as part of the "job placement process." All applicants will be run through the FBI database and also the criminal database of their native country.
Now, pardon me, but I do have a question about this rigorous background check. How much do you trust the governments of Mexico, Ecuador, Brazil, Cuba, Egypt, Vietnam, China, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Pakistan or Russia – to name a few – to maintain an accurate database free of corruption and bribes? Are those databases fingerprint-based to guard against fake names and aliases? And what crimes will be exempted from the background check after the ACLU and the American Immigration Lawyers Association finish their lobbying campaigns?
We can give the Kriebel proposal kudos for a few gems found buried in their plan as "background." They admit we need to eliminate the "birthright citizenship" misinterpretation of the 14th Amendment that gives automatic citizenship to children born to illegal aliens (and foreign students, business travelers and others). And they admit we have 15-20 million illegals in the U.S., not the ludicrously low U.S. Census estimate of 11.3 million.
The Gingrich endorsement of the misnamed Red Card Solution tells us how pathetically stupid the establishment GOP is in dealing with the immigration issue. It has learned nothing since the disastrous debate over the Bush-McCain amnesty proposals of 2006 and 2007. The so-called Red Card Solution is so fraught with loopholes and contradictions that after five-and-a-half years of alterations and refinements, it has yet to be introduced as legislation in Congress. The Secure Fence Act, passed by a Republican majority in the House in December of 2006 was sabotaged by later amendments – but who in Republican ranks is demanding it be implemented?
There is one non-amnesty strategy that has already proven that it works. In fact, it works so well it is continuously attacked by the open borders lobby and undermined by the Obama administration. That is "attrition through enforcement." Illegal aliens self-deport when denied access to jobs, and millions have gone home as jobs dry up in our recession.
Here's the bottom line. Any new guest worker program that offers legal status to illegal aliens without first securing the border is doomed to failure. Moreover, any plan that presumes competent and efficient enforcement of its complicated provisions before we have demonstrated we can enforce existing laws is not a proposal to be taken seriously.
Wild Thing's comment......
I would also like to point out that Rick Perry has said several times that the border has got to be taken care of first above all else dealing with the illegals.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (4)
November 27, 2011
Sheriff Joe Arpaio to Endorse Rick Perry Next Week
Sheriff Joe Arpaio to Endorse Rick Perry Next Week
Sheriff Joe Arpaio, the sheriff of Maricopa County, Ariz., who calls himself “America’s Toughest Sheriff,” will endorse Texas Gov. Rick Perry next week, a source with knowledge of the endorsement told ABC News.
Arpaio espouses a hard-line stance on illegal immigration, leading raids to round up and jail illegal immigrants, and was a major proponent of the controversial Arizona immigration law. Perry has spoken with Arpaio several times over the phone since entering the presidential race.
Arpaio, a much sought after endorsement in the GOP field, plans to campaign with Perry in New Hampshire next week, the source said. The Texas governor will be in the Granite State Tuesday and Wednesday, holding three town halls and a breakfast at the Nashua Chamber of Commerce along with speaking at the New Hampshire State House.
Perry, who touts himself as the only candidate with firsthand experience in dealing with border security, encountered backlash from Republican voters after a statement he made in a September debate suggesting that those who oppose the education of illegal immigrants “don’t have a heart.”
Perry has since walked back that statement, saying on several occasions that it was “inappropriate” and “insulting.”
As Texas governor, Perry signed a voter ID law, vetoed a bill that would allow illegal immigrants to obtain driver’s licenses and sent $400 million to the border in the form of Texas Ranger reconnaissance teams.
Unlike the rest of the Republican field, Perry opposes the construction of a fence along the entire U.S-Mexico border. Instead, Perry he says the fences should be concentrated in metropolitan areas.
During Texas’ last legislative session, Perry attempted to pass a law that banned sanctuary cities, even setting it as an “emergency” item, but the bill failed to pass in the state legislature’s special session this summer.
Over the past three months, Arpaio has sent short missives over Twitter indicating his courtship by Republican candidates. Arpaio met Rep. Michele Bachmann in September and Herman Cain in October, and he has spoken over the phone with Mitt Romney.
Sheriff Arpaio to campaign with Perry
Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Arizona will campaign with Rick Perry in New Hampshire on Tuesday, the Texas governor's campaign told CNN on Saturday.
The man famous for his tough stance on illegal immigration has not endorsed a presidential candidate, though he has been courted by the likes of Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann, businessman Herman Cain, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and Perry.
Arpaio is a hard-liner on illegal immigration in a state known for its tough 2010 law on the issue. Among other provisions of the law, it would require that local police, during the enforcement of other laws, check the immigration status of anyone they suspected of being undocumented.
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit said the measure overstepped Arizona's authority, and the state is seeking a U.S. Supreme Court ruling to settle the issue.
Arpaio's endorsement could be helpful to Perry, who has been the subject of criticism from conservatives for some of his actions on illegal immigration.
Wild Thing's comment.........
I am thrilled about this, it is fantastic that Sheriff Joe is going to endorse Perry. Great news!
Thank you Sheriff Joe.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:55 AM | Comments (5)
Gov. Rick Perry: ‘I Strongly Oppose Amnesty’
Gov. Rick Perry: ‘I Strongly Oppose Amnesty’
October 6th, 2011
Governor Perry says he is against the Federal DREAM Act, “I strongly oppose amnesty.”
The federal DREAM Act is an amnesty bill, and I strongly oppose amnesty. The Texas educational residency bill was vastly different.
Because the federal government has failed in its basic duty to protect our borders, states are forced to deal with illegal immigrant issues.
In Texas, we had to deal with the children of illegal immigrants residing in our state and attending our schools, as the federal government requires states to educate these children through the public school system. Lawmakers in Texas – indisputably one of the most conservative states in America – were virtually unanimous in their decision.
The Legislature determined the payment of in-state college tuition is available to all students who have lived in Texas for at least three years and graduated from a public high school. If you meet those requirements, you pay in-state tuition, whether you relocated from Oklahoma, Idaho, Canada or Mexico. The only difference is that Texas residents who aren’t documented must be on the path to pursue U.S. citizenship to be allowed to pay in-state tuition.
There were a number of reasons the bill received widespread support among conservatives. Importantly, it has never had a cost to Texas taxpayers. In fact, our institutions of higher learning would actually lose tens of millions of dollars in lost tuition payments if the law were repealed.
And it would lower the odds that these students would receive subsidized health care or end up in prison. Protecting taxpayers was a serious concern, given that a Supreme Court decree already requires taxpayers to pay for K-12 education for undocumented students.
This is the link where the above information is from. If anyone is interested in the entire interview please click here.
Wild Thing's comment..........
Perry above all the others knows what he is talking about. He has lived it, having the longest border of dealing with the illegals.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:50 AM | Comments (2)
November 26, 2011
U.S. troops in Afghanistan celebrate Thanksgiving
Pfc. Cuyler Slocum explains his idea for a Turkey Day parade at COP Garcia in Nangarhar province, Afghanistan.
Wild Thing's comment.........
LOVE our troops.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:55 AM | Comments (2)
Man's Best Friend Welcoming Home Their Owners from Deployment
This video was actually made for Veterans Day that shows dogs welcoming home their owners as they come home for deployment.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Love this, our troops are so wonderful and I love seeing them welcomed home like this.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:50 AM | Comments (2)
November 25, 2011
'Company Policy: We are not hiring until Obama is gone' ~ Good For This Patriot!
A west Georgia business owner is stirring up controversy with signs he posted on his company's trucks, for all to see as the trucks roll up and down roads, highways and interstates:
"New Company Policy: We are not hiring until Obama is gone."
"Can't afford it," explained the employer, Bill Looman, Tuesday evening. "I've got people that I want to hire now, but I just can't afford it. And I don't foresee that I'll be able to afford it unless some things change in D.C."
Wild Thing's comment........
The only people IMO that would not like this would be Obama voters. This is a brave man and doing the smart thing. How the heck can a person expand their company etc. when Obama keeps destroying everything in sight.
God bless this man!
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:55 AM | Comments (2)
Russian Newscaster Fired for Flipping Obama the Bird in Live Broadcast
PHOTO ONLY..... there seems to be copyright issues that YouTUbe has now with thie Russian Newscast if anyone has the ACTUAL VIDEO. So this photo is all we can show, but you all saw the video the other day so it is ok ~ Wild Thing
Russian Newscaster Fired for Flipping Obama the Bird in Live Broadcast
MOSCOW – A Russian TV network said Thursday it fired a popular newscaster who appeared to give U.S. President Barack Obama the middle finger after reading his name during a live broadcast.
In footage from Nov. 14 that has become an Internet hit, award-winning senior newsreader Tatyana Limanova can be seen reading an item about Russian president Dmitry Medvedev assuming the chairmanship of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC).
Obama hosted the APEC annual summit in Hawaii less than two weeks ago.
Limanova then said the post "has previously been held by Barack Obama," before raising her left arm and displaying her raised middle finger.
REN TV, the largest private network in Russia, said Limanova was in fact gesturing to her camera crew and had no idea at the time that she was still live on air, AFP reported.
"REN TV management considers this a gross violation of on-air discipline and unprofessionalism," the station said in a statement.
Wild Thing's comment.......
I wanted to let you know the lastest about this newscaster.
I know there might have been a question if this was real or not. It seems it really is real. LOL And now the newscaster is in trouble. I say give her an award. heh heh
She’s welcome over here where we ALL would like to flip Barack Obama the bird!!! heh heh
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:50 AM | Comments (3)
Ndamukong Suh Stomps ( Detroit Linos) on Evan Dietrich-Smith ( Green Bay) Then Gets Ejected ~ Thanksgiving Day Game ( VIDEOS)
Here is video of Detroit Lions’ star defensive lineman, Ndamukong Suh, trying to deny stomping on an opposing Green Bay Packers’ player after his team’s loss to the Packers on Thanksgiving Day, 27-15. Suh was ejected for the stomping incident, which occurred after the play. Speculation has already begun on how long a suspension Suh could receive from NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell. Despite Suh’s protests, the video clearly shows him stomping on the Packers’ player on the ground.
The FOX NFL Sunday crew recap the Packers and Lions
Wild Thing's comment........
I am glad in the last video I think it is, the man speaking brought up about the cleets on the bottom of the shoes. This was very dangerous for this player to do.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:47 AM | Comments (6)
November 24, 2011
Happy Thanksgiving...Perry and Marcus Luttrell Share In This AWESOME MUST SEE VIDEO
Securing the American Dream (Marcus' Story) ....the "LONE SURVIVOR STORY" .. Marcus Luttrell. every American , endorsement of Gov. Perry ..
Republican presidential candidate Texas Gov. Rick Perry's Thanksgiving message focuses on giving thanks to our military, and comes from a decorated Navy SEAL Perry refers to as a "second son." In the web video, fellow Texan Marcus Luttrell, shares his heroic story fighting the Taliban in Afghanistan, and praises the man he says he often calls on for fatherly advice.
Luttrell was born and raised in Huntsville, Texas. He received the Navy Cross for his actions in Afghanistan during Operation Red Wing.
Luttrell says he's not a political person, but in the web video he gives Perry a resounding endorsement. "He's one of the most honorable men I've ever met. As far as character and honor and commitment and all those words that most people use as a punch line, he lives that stuff. It's those characteristics in a man, and especially in him, that I think embody what the president of the United States should be."
In 2005, Luttrell and SEAL Team 10 were on a mission to kill or capture a high-ranking Taliban leader. His team came across two goat herders in a ravine. They took a vote, and decided to let the herders go. And about an hour later, the team found itself in an intense gun battle with up to 100 Taliban fighters.
Luttrell's entire SEAL team was killed. He walked seven miles to evade capture, and was eventually sheltered by an Afghan tribe, until American forces were able to rescue him six days later.
The campaign says Luttrell met Rick and Anita Perry while they were on a trip to San Diego, back in 2006. A Marine Corps aviator they were introduced to on the trip invited the Perrys to a SEAL graduation ceremony, where they met Marcus.
Marcus and the Perrys went to dinner together that night and he told them his story. They stayed in close contact, especially after Marcus returned to Texas.
Perry is an Air Force veteran who flew C-130 tactical airlifts from 1972 to 1977. He has often said, "There is no other state that takes care of its veterans better than the state of Texas.
Perry lists as those commitments: programs providing emotional support to returning vets; housing assistance for vets; the most success of all 50 states in finding vets work; and eliminating property taxes for 100-percent disabled vets.
For his part, Luttrell started the Lone Survivor Foundation, a nonprofit foundation dedicated to building a therapeutic ranch facility to support veterans and their families affected by post-traumatic stress disorder and serious combat injury.
Luttrell wrote a New York Times bestseller based on his experiences. Universal Studios is also making "Lone Survivor" into a movie.
Wild Thing's comment............
Thank you Marcus Luttrell and Rick Perry. God bless you both BIG TIME!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:55 AM | Comments (2)
Happy Thanksgiving From Theodore's World
Happy Thanksgiving everyone. I am so grateful to each of you that are part of Theodore's World family. You are all very special to me. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Thank you to our troops, please know you are all in our thoughts and prayers.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:50 AM | Comments (8)
Ronald Reagan's 1986 Thanksgiving Radio Address
Ronald Reagan's 1986 Thanksgiving Radio Address
Ronald Reagan's 1986 Thanksgiving Address from the Reagan Ranch in Santa Barbara, California.
Wild Thing's comment..........
I could care less what the human flesh in the WH right now has to say. He is the enemy of our country.
So I thought you would prefer to hear and see Ronald Reagan making a radio address for Thanksgiving. He is so good, I really miss him.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:47 AM | Comments (2)
November 23, 2011
Hermain Cain Makes Major Gaffes and No Knowledge What He Is Talking About In Debate~ LMAO Good Lord!
Cain's plan to impose sanctions against Syria's oil industry would be less than effective as it has more or less ground to a halt because of existing sanctions.
Cain floundered throughout the foreign policy debate, unsurprising given his recent embarrassing interview on the situation in Libya. He also committed another gaffe, adding what is sure to be one more viral video to his impressive collection.
1. "I would work with people that know better to make a plan."
Throughout the debate, Cain avoided giving an opinion on the actions he would take as president, often citing those he would ask for advice over his own theories. Such a strategy is healthy (in part) in practice, but is political kryptonite in a presidential debate.
2. "If you take a look at the people who have tried to kill us, it would be easy to identify what that profile looks like."
Cain, like Santorum, was firmly in favor of profiling, which he called "targeted identification." When moderator Wolf Blitzer compared the profiling of Muslims and Arabs to that of Christians or Jews, however, Cain rejected the comparison as simplistic.
3. "Blitz."
A classic blunder. Cain mistakenly called Wolf Blitzer by an abbreviation of his name. Blitzer's response: "Cain?"
Cain and mountains ...... "That's not good decision-making,” said Cain. ... Bombs! They will not land on mountains. They just bounce right back up in ... You can't explain that!
During World War II, between 1942 and 1945, or approximately 70 years ago, brave Allied aviators flew numerous transport missions over and across the eastern end of the Himalayan Mountains — they called it the “Hump” — to resupply units of the U.S. Army Air Forces based in China.
These pilots had to wind their way between, around and sometimes over mountains as high as 15,000 feet in two- and four-engine propeller aircraft while encountering violent turbulence, winds up to 200 mph, icing, and using 1940s navigation technology, unreliable charts, and having to fight off occasional Japanese fighter attacks.
But they did it, delivering approximately 650,000 tons of materiel to China during their 42-month history.
Mountains have never kept our military from doing their job.
But here comes pizza CEO and presidential wannabe Herman Cainz, on two occasions in the year 2011, claiming that the mountains in Iran would “make it very difficult” to launch a military strike against Iran to stop that country from developing a nuclear capability.
During the most recent Republican presidential candidates’ debate, Cain also said — in addition to the mountains problem — that he would support Israel in an attack on Iran if there was a “credible” plan.
“I would support Israel if it was clear what the mission was,” Cain said.
Two comments, Mr. Cain:
First, the Israeli Air Force or its missiles would have no problem in the year 2011 flying around, in-between or over those Iranian mountains that are between 11,000 and 14,000 feet high. (The highest mountain in Iran, Mount Damavand, located in the Alborz Mountains, along the Caspian Sea is approximately 18,000 feet high and easily avoided in any aircraft or missile raid.)
If there is any problem with finding and attacking Iran’s nuclear sites, it is not the mountains, but the fact that they are underground, hardened and dispersed. But I believe the Israel Defense Forces have a pretty good idea where they are and what to do about them.
Which brings me to the second point.
Believe me, Mr. Cain, that Israel has a “credible plan” to attack the Iranian nuclear sites when and if that becomes necessary. Also, I do not believe that you would have to worry about the mission not “being clear.”
You see, Mr. Cain, even in the open literature one can find detailed, credible plans for such a preemptive strike.
For example, already back in March 2009, the reputable Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) published in superb detail, accuracy and realism operational “plans” for various Israeli military options to take out the Iranian threat, both by IDF aircraft and by an Israeli ballistic missile attack.
The report, titled “Study on a Possible Israeli Strike on Iran’s Nuclear Development Facilities,” includes detailed mission analyses, mission weapons payloads, strike force requirements, mission route profiles, optimum routes, specific weapons capabilities and effects, and even how the Iranian ground and airborne defenses will react to such attacks.
Also, detailed maps showing locations of Israeli and Iranian nuclear facilities, military and missile bases and sites, and (estimated) numbers and types of weapons—including nuclear—and aircraft and missiles orders of battle — and even the locations of all those mountains.
Finally, assessments of consequent environmental damages as a result of such a strike; of how the Israeli air defense and ballistic missile defense systems would perform against an Iranian retaliatory attack.
There may be many reasons for not launching an attack on Iran, but the “mountains in Iran” is not one of them.
Mr. Cain may want to take a peek at such plans before his next debate.
Wild Thing's comment.......
I am so sorry to anyone that is supporting Cain, the truth is there each time he opens his mouth why he is NOT qualified. He won't even study up to learn anything, he prefers to keep saying he will get those advisors when he wins the election. sheesh Hello voters we can do much better then this and it is RICK PERRY.
You want to know what has really been ticking me off big time???? I am just going to say it. If you are reading and listening to what Perry says he is leading the way in ideas and how to handle things, how to restore our country and make us strong again. BUT Newt is parroting Perry's Social Security stance, his Energy policy...China issues...how convenient that Newt now agrees with Perry but is making like he came up with the stuff. And Cain has been doing this too on some issues. I watch this happening and watch the polls as they ( Can and Newt) go up in gthe polls stealing Perry's ideas and Perry just keeps at it. Perry is the man of strength and the great ideas what to do. I pray one day he gets the well deserved credit for it.
These two Cain and Newt are not even shy about stealing from Perry they do it sometimes even during a debate. sheesh!
Amd the media and rino's just sit back and nod oh yes Newt has good ideas.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:55 AM
Rick Perry and Bachmann Disagree On Suspending Aid To Pakistan
Minnesota congresswoman Michele Bachmann and Texas Gov. Rick Perry are clashing over whether the United States should continue to provide more than $1 billion in aid to Pakistan. (
Wild Thing's comment........
Just watched a Frontline episode about the terrorist who planned Mumbai.
Of course he and his group were supported by the Pakistani military and the ISI.
I would really doubt any intelligence coming out of that cesspool. I disagree with Bachmann that we should give them any money.
Perry and Bachmann disagreed over suspending aid to Pakistan.
Perry would suspend aid until Pakistan demonstrates that it would be a trusting ally however Bachmann believes that to be highly naive and would continue aid to Pakistan because she worries that their nukes would fall into the hands of the Taliban or Al-Qaeda/
Cut them off. Freaking Bin Laden was being sheltered by their government! I agree with Perry! Scrap it out and start all over again after proven negotiations!
I have to share this too. LOL this is so funny.
Rick Santorum said, "Africa is a country on the brink." Ron Paul smirked. Herman Cain nodded in agreement.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:50 AM
My Herman Cain Problem.... by David Stein ~ Excellent Summary
by David Stein
Recently, I’ve been having a spate of private arguments with some of my fellow GOPs regarding Herman Cain. I’ve found that, among Cain fans, it’s sometimes (not always, but sometimes) difficult to express reservations about their candidate of choice without getting attacked personally in one way or another. I feel about Cain the way I’ve felt in the past when friends whose opinions I genuinely respect have recommended a “must see” TV show, and after viewing it I find myself having difficulty understanding why my friends are so crazy about it.
So in the spirit of “who the hell needs friends anyway,” here are some of my reservations about candidate Cain.
Let’s begin with an easy one. Cain can’t stop putting his foot in his mouth. He’s damn near pathological about it. The Palestinian “right of return” flub, the “I think we already recognize their democratically-elected government (of Taiwan)” gaffe, the “no Muslims in my cabinet” claim and reversal, the “ban on mosques” claim and reversal, the “Gitmo prisoner exchange” claim and reversal, the “ascribing the most well-known lines of the Declaration of Independence to the Constitution” blunder, the “China is seeking nuclear capability” bungle, the “what’s a neo-con?” stumble, etc., etc. And this is only in the first few months of the primary.
But okay, Cain might become better-informed in the months to come. So let’s leave those concerns behind and move on…
The experience question. In next year’s general election, we have two very strong arguments to make regarding Obama’s failures. One is that Obama’s policies are bad. They don’t work. They’re destructive. But another equally effective argument is that Obama’s near-absolute lack of governing experience made him ill-equipped for the job of president. If we run Cain in the general, we lose the ability to use the latter argument. If we run someone who, impossible as it may be to imagine, actually has less governing experience than Obama, we can’t make Obama’s lack of pre-election governing experience an issue.
Now remember, a large percentage of independent voters – you know, the people whose votes we’ll need to win – don’t hate Obama. After all, a lot of them voted for him in ’08. It’s more that they’ve grown disappointed with him. He’s let them down. They don’t see him (as many of us do) as the bastard child of Mao Zedong and Rosa Luxemburg. They simply see him as a sad, sad failure.
These are the people who will be especially moved by the talking point that Obama was a poorly-qualified candidate ill-equipped for the most important job in the world. These disaffected independents will not be keen on replacing Obama with someone with even less governing experience. We run Cain, we lose one of our most effective strategies.
Cain supporters will argue that their guy’s experience in the private sector will make up for his lack of governing experience. I’m not sure voters will buy that; I’m not sure I buy that. Running a company is different from running a country. More importantly, Cain’s private-sector experience will count for nil if, God forbid, there’s a major terrorist attack in the months before the election, or if war breaks out in one of the world’s hot-spots. Cain has joked about his lack of foreign policy knowledge, and how he’ll learn on-the-job if elected. Heaven help us if we run Cain and, two months before the election, events create an environment in which a joke about not knowing the name of the leader of “Uzbeki-beki-beki-stan-stan” loses all humor.
By running Cain we’d be doing the unthinkable – running a man who’s FIRST TIME being publicly vetted is in a presidential election (Cain did run for the Senate in ’04, but he didn’t make it out of the primary, and was thus spared the scrutiny that comes with competing in a general election). With Cain as the nominee, 2012 would be our “crossed fingers” election. Let’s keep our fingers crossed that he stops making embarrassing gaffes; let’s keep our fingers crossed that he has no more skeletons in his closet (like the sexual harassment settlements); let’s keep our fingers crossed that he can control his temper once the heat really gets turned up; let’s keep our fingers crossed that nothing occurs on the international stage in the months before the election that would make his ignorance of foreign policy a major campaign issue.
In short, if 2008 was the Democrats’ year of “Hope and Change,” with Cain as our guy, 2012 will be the Republicans’ year of “Hope and Pray.”
“Thanks for the sound-bite, Herman. Sincerely, Barack.” Cain has already given the Obama re-election team a gift of immeasurable worth: He’s given them a “Kerry moment.” When John Kerry uttered the now-infamous “I actually voted for that bill before I voted against it” comment, he handed team Bush the best campaign commercial they could have hoped for. Cain hasn’t even waited until election year to give team Obama the one sentence they can play over and over again in their campaign ads: “If you don’t have a job and you’re not rich, blame yourself.”
Assuming, and this is a pretty easy assumption, that unemployment will still be a top (or the top) issue during the campaign next year, how exactly do you think that sound bite is going to play to voters? How can we blame unemployment on Obama’s policies if we have a candidate who’s on record saying that unemployment is the fault of the unemployed, not the government? Cain’s boneheaded comment can single-handedly dilute our most compelling argument – that we can accomplish job creation, and that Obama’s policies are responsible for the dismal job figures.
Cain supporters might counter that his “blame yourself” statement was referring specifically to the OWS protesters, not to the unemployed in general. And that might indeed have been Cain’s intent. But Cain didn’t qualify his statement to make clear that he wasn’t bashing all unemployed. It was a ham-fisted comment. For the record, Kerry also tried to clarify what he “really” meant with the “voted for it before voting against it” remark. Little good it did him. The sound-bite is what matters, not the footnote.
The race card. If Cain had responded to the Rick Perry “Negrohead rock” non-story, and the recent sexual harassment claims, by unequivocally refusing to play the race card, we’d all be applauding his character. Admit it – we would. So what does it say about his character that in both instances he pulled that foul card quicker than Robert Shaw pulling a fifth ace out of a loaded deck in The Sting? Whether on the attack (against Perry) or on the defensive (against the harassment charges), Cain seems to have no problem screaming racism. Personally, I see that as a serious character flaw.
And, frankly, when you can’t run on governing experience, character becomes much more important.
And on the subject of character…
“I did not say what I just said!” Cain seems to have no problem just…well, I’ll be blunt – lying. On camera. About something that happened ten minutes earlier. In June, while holding a press conference at RightOnline, Cain quite clearly said that he would consider taking “extra precautions” when appointing Muslims to his cabinet. He said this on camera, in a room full of reporters. About ten minutes later – at the same press conference, in front of the same reporters – he was asked what he meant by “special precautions” (the reporter said “special precautions” instead of “extra precautions,” but the doesn’t change the legitimacy of the question; what “precautions” was Cain referring to? It’s a completely appropriate question). Cain threw a temper tantrum and screamed “I never said I would use any special precautions.” He then had the audacity to claim that the “precautions” comment was a lie cooked up “by somebody on the Internet.”
Mind you, he said that to a room full of reporters who had, only ten minutes earlier, heard him say that he’d consider using “extra precautions” when appointing Muslims.
That was absolutely irresponsible. We can’t sugar coat what we see on that video. He lied, in a place and manner in which the lie was demonstrable and preserved for the record. What the hell are we supposed to make of that? Is he so easily flustered that he can forget something that happened ten minutes ago? Is he just reckless? Or, as others have suggested, is his entire campaign based on the strategy of “winging it?”
Which brings me to the current sexual harassment morass. Frankly, there’s only one aspect of this controversy that concerns me. Yes, the liberal press is biased against conservatives. Yes, the media would have almost certainly soft-peddled (or ignored) the harassment story if Cain were a Democrat. Yes, the very notion of what constitutes sexual harassment can be vague. Yes, some harassment complaints are baseless.
Yes, yes, yes. I know that. We all do.
Now, most of us can agree that team Cain didn’t handle the harassment scandal in a prepared and professional manner. But my concern is, did Cain lie through his teeth when the story became public?
Cain repeatedly claimed that the harassment charges were “thoroughly investigated” by the National Restaurant Association (NRA) and found to have “no basis.”
“I was falsely accused of sexual harassment and when the charges were brought, as the leader of the organization, I recused myself and allowed my general counsel and my human resource officer to deal with the situation. And it was concluded after a thorough investigation that it had no basis.”
The problem is, as of this writing, there’s absolutely no corroborating evidence of any “thorough investigation” by the NRA that found the charges baseless. In fact, the person who was head of the NRA’s human resources department at the time of the incidents claims to have no knowledge of any such investigation.
Cain has quite possibly wandered into a classic Nixonian “the cover-up is worse than the crime” sand-trap. Many Republicans (myself included) could live with a candidate who, twelve years ago. became embroiled in a “he said/she said” workplace harassment situation. Honestly, it’s not that big a deal to me. But what I can’t live with is a candidate who could look his supporters in the eyes and lie about a nonexistent report that supposedly cleared him.
If Cain lied about the exonerating report, that’s a MASSIVE red flag. As I said, at this point I really don’t give a damn about what happened with his female employees twelve years ago. What I care about is if Cain’s response to the crisis was to lie.
I think enough questions have been raised concerning Mr. Cain’s viability as a candidate to warrant a demand to know whether such an internal investigation exists, and what its conclusions were. Because, essentially, there are four possible outcomes:
1. There was no NRA internal investigation. Cain lied.
2. There was an investigation, but it found that the harassment claims had merit. Cain lied.
3. There was an investigation, but no conclusion was reached as to whether the claims were legitimate or baseless. Cain lied.
4. There was an investigation, and it concluded that the harassment claims had no basis. Cain told the truth.
Three out of four potential outcomes do not favor Mr. Cain. Those are not great odds. Now, for all I know, Cain is telling the God’s honest truth about the exonerating investigation. But he’s already been contradicted by one of the people who supposedly oversaw it. And it’s a simple fact that we really don’t know very much about how Cain would handle a major crisis if he were elected president.
So let’s at least find out how he handled this one. Either there is an internal investigation that cleared him, or there isn’t. If there is, that should be the end of the harassment scandal.
If there isn’t, I’d say the same thing about Mr. Cain’s campaign.
Wild Thing's comment.......
I have posted writings by David Stein before. He is excellent and I like the way he walks a person through what he is writing.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:48 AM
Perry Responds To Deficit, Defense Spending Question
Since the 12-member congressional panel was unable to find $1.2 trillion in budget savings, across-the-board spending cuts are slated to kick in -- including a large chunk in defense spending that pro-defense conservatives are protesting. President Obama said on Monday that he would veto any effort to roll back the supercommittee "triggers."
"It was reprehensible, for me, for this president to stand in front of Americans and to say that that half a trillion dollars, $500 million-plus is not going to be on the table and we're just going to have to work our way through it, putting young men and women's life in jeopardy," Perry said in a CNN debate on foreign policy Tuesday. "Even his own secretary of defense said it was irresponsible. As a matter of fact, if Leon Panetta is an honorable man, he should resign in protest."
Perry blamed Mr. Obama for what he called the "super failure."
"We had a president of the United States who is not a leader. He pitched this over to them and said, here, you all figure this out," Perry said.
Wild Thing's comment........
I love the passion Perry has, he will always look out for our troops and their needs.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:47 AM
November 22, 2011
LOL....Russian News Anchor “Flips the Bird” at Obama (Video)
Russian News Anchor “Flips the Bird” at Obama
News reporter Tatiana Limanova gives the middle finger during a live news broadcast by REN TV.
Wild Thing's comment......
LMAO gosh it feels good to see someone do this to Obama. hahaha
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 AM | Comments (6)
GOP Candidate Gov. Rick Perry Joins Bret Baier's 'Special Report' In The Center Seat ~ GREAT Interview
Gov. Perry on Failure of Super Committee
GOP candidate joins 'Special Report' All-Star panel
Perry Talks Syria, United Nations
GOP candidate joins 'Special Report' All-Star panel
Wild Thing's comment........
I wish the many interviews that all of us see ONLINE would be shown on TV like this one with Bret and his people. Perry is so impressive in these interviews. He is so right for the job of President!!!! Perry truly walks the talk. I love the way he answers questions, he looks the person straight in the eye, explains clearly so no one will not get it unless they are trying hard to be stupid. ( imo) He does NOT speak in ad jingle like Cain and he does NOT talk down to you like Newt. Perry is REAL and authentic and a true conservative!
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:50 AM | Comments (2)
Lech Walesa Unveils Reagan Statue in Warsaw: “Without Reagan There Would Be No Poland”
Walesa unveils one more for the 'Gipper'
The former Solidarity leader said that “as a participant in these events,” it was “inconceivable” that such changes would have come about without the last American president during the post-1945 cold-war era.
Walesa added that thirty years ago, it seemed that the fall of the communist system would not be possible without a nuclear war.
The bronze statue of Reagan has been installed not far from the American Embassy, on Ujazdowskie Avenue, one of the capital’s most picturesque thoroughfares.
A statement from President Barack Obama was read out to the guests attending the ceremony, which said that: “The location of this monument is a fitting reminder of the close ties between the American and Polish people, and a tribute to the strong support the United States gave Poland during its long struggle to free itself from communist rule”.
The three-metre high monument, designed by sculptor Wlaydyslaw Dudek, depicts Reagen nicknamed ‘the Gipper’ making his famed 1987 speech at Berlin’s Brandenburg Gate.
During the Berlin address Reagan called on his Russian counterpart, President Gorbachev, to “tear down this wall.”
Wild Thing's comment........
God bless Poland and Walesa.
Eat your heart out Obama the most hated President.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:48 AM | Comments (6)
GOP Debate....The Heritage Foundation ..Tonight On CNN
The Heritage Foundation, the American Enterprise Institute and CNN are pleased to announce that the presidential debate on national security, foreign policy and the economy co-hosted by The Heritage Foundation will take place in Washington, D.C. on Tuesday, Nov. 22. CNN's Wolf Blitzer will moderate.
The debate falls on the eve of the deadline for the so-called congressional super committee to create a plan for at least $1.2 trillion in deficit reduction.
8 p.m. to 10 p.m. (ET) live from the historic DAR Constitution Hall in Washington, D.C.
The following eight presidential contenders will participate in the debate: Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann, businessman Herman Cain, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman, Texas Rep. Ron Paul, Texas Gov. Rick Perry, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum.
Wild Thing's comment.........
This is so stupid all these debates, there are just way TOO many of them. How the heck our the candidates supposed to raise funds, speak around the country, do the shake hands stuff all of it and at the same time do this many debates. I think the GOP is stupid and could care less about beating Obama, honest to God I believe that.
Never before have there been this many debates.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:47 AM | Comments (3)
Mitt Romney Refuses to Call Obama a Socialist,Instead Says Obama Is Just a Liberal Democrat ~ Mitt Is Like McCain!
During his interview with Sean Hannity tonight Mitt Romney would not call Obama a socialist. Instead, the former Massachusetts governor said Obama was a typical “liberal democrat” like other democrats he’s dealt with over the years. Obviously, Mitt didn’t want to offend any of the media elites.
Wild Thing's comment......
I am shaking in my boots Mitt, such strong words.... " lliberal democrat" WOW that will put the fear of God in the enemy within. LOL
This reminds me of when John McCain answered that woman in his audience when she asked about Obama and McCain answered....." Obama is a man of honor, he is a good man and loves America".
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:45 AM | Comments (1)
November 21, 2011
Interview of Beautiful First Lady of Texas Anita Perry (Videos)
Anita Perry Interview - Part 1
Anita Perry Interview - Part 2
The first lady of Texas agrees with her husband Rick Perry, President Obama’s health care policies are socialist. Yes, Anita Perry went there too. “It is socialized medicine. People can call it what they want– nationalized health care, that is what it is in my opinion,” Mrs. Perry told Fox News.
In fact, Mrs. Perry says her strong feelings about health care reform are why she wanted her husband to run for president. “I don’t like socialized medicine and that’s the path we’re going. We have the greatest health care system, why would we want to change it,” Perry says.
Mrs. Perry’s background qualifies her to talk about health care. She was a practicing nurse in Texas for 17 years, working in surgery, pediatrics, intensive care, administration and teaching. She has advocated for health care issues as the governor’s wife, and has continued talking about it on the trail, making stops at hospitals and nursing schools.
When pressed on why she feels Obama’s health care policies are socialist, she points to her father, a “bed side” physician who told her, “‘the moment we take a dollar from the federal government they will tell us how to start practicing medicine.’” Perry went on to say she agrees with him that “every American should have the choice they want. To have that physician they want.”
Wild Thing's comment........
Anita Perry is first class and so is Rick. What a great couple they are.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 AM | Comments (2)
Rick Perry New Ad : Outsider
Wild Thing's comment........
He does excellent ads and we have been seeing his ads on TV here in Florida as well.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:50 AM | Comments (4)
November 20, 2011
Presidential Thanksgiving Family Forum – Complete Video
Thanksgiving Family Forum – Complete Video
Presidential Thanksgiving Family Forum, hosted by Frank Luntz. It runs for about 2 hours and has Michele Bachmann, Ron Paul, Rick Sanoturm, Rick Perry, Herman Cain, and Newt Gingrich.
Mitt Romney and Huntsman would NOT participate, they were asked but refused.
Wild Thing's comment........
Before you watch the video I would like to tell you all something. I just finished watching the Thanksgiving Family Forum . Crying oh my gosh the sharing that went on was powerful. The thing I wanted to share about if you watch it, is to look at Rick Perry as he listens. His compassion, his leaning in toward each candidate that speaks and shares a story of how God has been powerful in their lives etc. Here is a man, Rick Perry, that has been attacked horribly by Herman Cain, has had the race card used against him by Herman Cain, has been omitted by Cain as to who he would support for President etc. and when Cain broke down a little telling how hearing he had 4 stage cancer.....RICK PERRY... reached his strong hand and rubbed the shoulder of Herman Cain like one would do to show support especially what a man might to do a close friend to show support and understanding. Would Cain have done that I would bet my life on it he would not. When others told their stories Cain pretty much was stone. But Perry did this and one would have to be blind not to see the kind of a man that Perry is to his core. He is a man that impresses me every single day how he thinks, what he has done as Gov. and a leader and what he will do as President. I wish this forum had been on TV so people could have seen Perry in this.
I only wrote about Perry because yes I support him but also it was something that really stood out to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:47 AM | Comments (3)
Rick Perry: What To Do On A Day Off
Republican presidential candidate Rick Perry explained that shooting sniper rifles was his version of golf.
“This is my golf,” the candidate said, praising the owners of a gun shop that “make the finest sniper rifles in the world.”
“I’m still trying to get a hole in one,” Perry’s voice is heard saying over video of him firing one of the rifles.
“For me it’s really relaxing and getting to come hang out with what I consider to be patriots, the men and women that work here.”
Watch this video from Rick Perry 2012, broadcast Sept. 28, 2011
Wild Thing's comment........
Love this. I know I posted another one about his not being a golfer but this one is a little different and I thought you might like to see it.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 AM | Comments (4)
Using Race Card (AGAIN) Herman Cain Mailer Tells Iowans He Will Win GOP Race Because Of Black Vote
Herman Cain mailer tells Iowans he will win GOP race because of black vote
In a new Iowa mailer, Herman Cain says he believes he will be the 2012 GOP nominee because he’s a descendant of slaves who can garner a large share of the black vote, he didn’t inherit a dime, he has traveled the globe for years, and he’s a believer in Jesus Christ.
“The news media and the Republican establishment are stunned!” says the first line of the seven-page mailer. “I am now the front runner in the race for the Republican Presidential campaign and the highly regarded Rasmussen poll shows me defeating President Obama.”
But then he asks Iowans to tell him which of the other candidates they’re supporting, saying “there are lots of good folks in the race.”
A “poll” asks people to check a box for a candidate among a list of nine in alphabetical order, including Gary Johnson.
Cain lists several points on why he thinks he will win the nomination, including that “as a descendent of slaves I can lead the Republican party to victory by garnering a large share of the black vote, something that has not been done since Dwight Eisenhower garnered 41 percent of the black vote in 1956.”
The letter mentions Ronald Reagan three times. “It’s true that both Ronald Reagan and I grew up poor, worked hard, and put our faith in God,” he says.
Cain says his “grassroots team is unmatched in Iowa” and the other early states, but that Mitt Romney and Rick Perry have a financial edge on him.
The final pitch asks Iowans to send a “personal reply to Herman Cain” with a donation of up to $5,000 per couple.
Wild Thing's comment......
( shaking my head) I am sooooo tired of the race card being played. Obama and the left do it all the time and to see a Republican candidate doing it, is disgusting! It harms our party too, it harms what the Tea Party movement kept telling me we were not about.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:50 AM | Comments (3)
Those For Newt Gingrich Need To Read This! Newt’s New Strategy: Hide in Plain Sight
Newt’s New Strategy: Hide in Plain Sight
As of 2008, Newt Gingrich’s position on the science of global warming was essentially the same as Al Gore’s. True, he was advocating supposedly “conservative” solutions, as opposed to Gore’s expressly UN-oriented agenda. And of course no one is capable of sounding as moronically maniacal as Gore. Nevertheless, regarding the basic ‘theory’—that human activity is leading to a significant and potentially catastrophic alteration of Earth’s climate—they were absolutely of one mind.
In a previous article, “A Newt for All Seasons,” I explained in detail how the dynamic of this year’s primary race has favored the articulate, acerbic underdog, leading to his sudden rise in favor, as though Republicans nervous about Herman Cain’s personal history had simply turned up the next card, and found Newt. It is therefore vital that conservatives taking a second look at the former Speaker ask him—and themselves—the hard questions about his own history.
There is urgency in this matter, for a reason peculiar to Gingrich’s particular set of ‘issues’. Herman Cain’s supposed indiscretions are of a sort that could, and of course would, be exploited by Democrats and liberals in general, should he win the Republican nomination. The most serious concerns about Gingrich, on the contrary, are matters that can only be addressed during the primaries.
Aside from charges of hypocrisy, which could be used in a presidential race to undermine his support from conservatives, the biggest problem with his recent history is the extent to which he is guilty of pandering to—or even worse, actually agreeing with—leftists. This, then, is a concern that must be raised now, before it is too late, i.e. before he wins the nomination and thereby effectively silences all conservative objections until at least November 7th, 2012. And on no issue is this examination more imperative than the question of climate change.
Gingrich’s obfuscation
On November 16th, 2011, Gingrich appeared on the Mark Levin Show. Levin’s first question was very direct and straightforward. Gingrich’s response was, to be polite, obfuscation. Here is the exchange:
ML: Global warming—yes, no, or you don’t know?
NG: I think, I think that I don’t know, but I do know that I’m opposed to cap-and-trade, and I’m opposed to any kind of massive government response. I think there’s no evidence that justifies a large government centralized response of any kind right now. The most you can argue for, I think, is more research.
Let’s compare this directly to Gingrich’s past statements on this issue. As I have described in my previous article cited above, in 2007 he stood on a stage with John Kerry, one of the Senate’s leaders on this pseudo-issue. In a direct, prepared response to Kerry’s staged question about how to answer those in the Senate who resist the science of global warming, Gingrich said, “the evidence is sufficient that we should move towards the most effective possible steps to reduce carbon-loading in the atmosphere.” To Kerry’s follow-up ‘question’ as to whether these steps ought to be taken “urgently,” Gingrich replied, “And do it urgently. Yes.”
When he said “do it urgently,” what was the “it” he was referring to? More research? And when he said “the evidence is sufficient that we should move… to reduce carbon-loading in the atmosphere,” was this merely an alternative way of saying, “I think that I don’t know”?
Gingrich’s choice of words
Pay close attention, further, to this most articulate man’s choice of words, as he tells Levin that “there’s no evidence that justifies a large government centralized response of any kind right now.” What does he mean by “right now”? Is he suggesting that there might be sufficient reason for such action in the future? And if so, when? In addition, if a “large government centralized response” is not justified (yet), how about a small or medium-sized centralized government response? And how do we know, exactly, when a government response is “large”? Okay, so it’s ‘no’ to cap-and-trade. What about other actions, such as the EPA’s various assaults on individual liberty? Which ones are ‘too big,’ on this new Gingrich standard?
Indeed, if he does accept the Gore/Kerry position on the science, as he certainly did three years ago, then how does he justify his rejection of a large government response? The argument for such a response—or, what’s more, for a global, i.e. supranational response—is that this is a problem that cannot be solved by private, localized action, and that cannot be deferred until market forces come around to finding solutions. And if the science were true, the centralized response proponents would have a point. After all, if the long-term survival of a nation and its people were at stake, and specific types of human activity could be identified as the cause of this danger, then wouldn’t resisting immediate government action related to those activities be analogous to refusing to give the government authority to defend the nation against a known, approaching enemy?
The appearance with Kerry is merely one example, of course. Then came Gingrich’s 2008 public service announcement alongside then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi, paid for by The Alliance For Climate Protection, an organization founded by none other than Al Gore. Sitting on a sofa with the U.S. Capitol in the background, smiling at one another, all but holding hands, Pelosi and Gingrich told viewers about the importance of addressing the climate change problem. Here is the script Gingrich read into the camera:
“... [W]e do agree our country must take action to address climate change…. If enough of us demand action from our leaders, we can spark the innovation we need.”
What action do we need, and why must we demand it, if, as he told Mark Levin, the most the evidence provides grounds for is “more research”?
Lest it be argued in Gingrich’s defence that ‘back then’, a lot of people were caught up in the climate change nonsense, whereas now things are clearer for the rational observers among us, keep in mind the following:
First of all, ‘back then’, in this case, means 2008. Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth was released in 2006, won its Oscar in February of 2007, and Gore, along with the UN’s IPCC, was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in December of that same year. Global warming was all the rage as a liberal issue, to be sure. However, the debunking of global warming was also in full swing. By May 2008, more than 30,000 scientists (including over 9,000 Ph.D.s) had signed a petition rejecting the “settled science” of anthropogenic global warming. Conservative commentators of all sorts had been tackling the matter directly. Battle lines on the issue had been clearly drawn, and the direct link between the science and politics of climate was readily apparent, as symbolized by the UN’s IPCC, a panel made up of a combination of diplomats and scientists, which releases summary reports that expressly omit or bury the dissenting voices within the panel itself. No one as informed and connected to the political scene as the former Speaker could have failed to know this. Hence, his support of the science was not merely an acceptance of a mainstream idea that had yet to be questioned.
Secondly, the simplest tracing of the history of global climate change/warming/cooling reveals that at each stage of the narrative, the scientific claims were tied to specific or general policy proposals—proposals of an explicitly anti-industrial, anti-capitalist, and internationalist nature. Gingrich’s pretense, in his appearance with Kerry, of separating the science from the liberal agenda is bizarrely naive if it is not disingenuous. The science is, and always was, primarily a pretext for the agenda.
(This is not to say that every professional researcher who seeks to present supporting evidence for the AGW hypothesis is a leftist. Most scholars in any field are people who accept the presuppositions set before them as they enter that field. In fact, such acceptance is usually necessary for the sake of professional advancement, in addition to being the path of least resistance for an unoriginal thinker working in an intellectual setting. Every academic paradigm needs its worker bees. This includes politically-motivated academic paradigms.)
Perhaps I have taken the wrong tack on Gingrich’s global warming position. Perhaps he really doesn’t believe in it at all, in which case he was merely dissembling and pandering to liberals and independents when he staged that ‘green conservatism’ appearance with Kerry, or smiled smarmily at Pelosi in that 2008 public service announcement. There is a deeper issue here, regarding Gingrich’s motives and purposes. His coming-out party on climate change was not a small, personal decision which happened to find its way into an interview somewhere. As I have noted, it was a grand, planned event. He used the appearance with Kerry to stage an applause line, just as he has so effectively done during this year’s debates. Both then and now, he has been careful to orchestrate his crowd-pleasing moments so as to seem to be attacking an enemy shared with both the audience and the putative debate opponents on the stage with him. In 2007, it was Kerry, who nodded with sober approval as Gingrich embraced the science of global warming, and a liberal audience, who clapped and shouted their appreciation for his ‘enlightened’ position. In 2011, it is his Republican debate opponents, who nod or laugh on cue, and the audience of Republican voters, who cheer him on, as he eviscerates a common enemy, be it the liberal moderators or President Obama.
What has changed since 2008 is not the availability of opportunities to educate oneself about the science and political history of anthropogenic global warming. What has changed, to put it simply, is the American conservative movement. The difference, to put it even more simply, is the Tea Party. Three years ago, Washington insiders—of whom Gingrich is obviously one—saw the Republicans’ prospects as bleak. They were somewhat directionless, spineless, and, in the waning, unpopular moments of the Bush administration, powerless. They were looking at, and talking about, a generational climb back into majority status in the nation, and in Congress.
In that climate, Gingrich’s prominent photo-ops with important liberal Democrats—Kerry, who had recently received 48% of the popular vote in a presidential election, and Pelosi, the most progressive House Speaker in history—along with his decision to align himself, albeit provisionally, with Al Gore, the popular hero of campus leftists and UN stooges—was a reasonable, if cynical, course for a famously controversial Republican seeking to redefine his image. After the 2010 midterm elections, it became clear to anyone with Gingrich’s experience and wiles that no one could hope to gain the Republican nomination without attracting support from some of the Tea Partiers, and forbearance from the rest. Hence the outright rejection of his own past declarations on global warming. Newt the “green conservative” is no more. The same is true on the individual mandate, his consultancy for Freddie Mac, and even his more recent trashing of Paul Ryan’s budget bill.
In his November 16th interview with Levin, he defended the nature of his consulting work in this way: “[W]e said flatly from day one… I will not take any client who has a position that I don’t agree with, because my position was, if you want to come to me for advice, that’s fine, I’ll give you advice. But any position that I take in public is a position I personally believe.”
That strong statement of principle would be a lot easier to make if one felt that one could just “believe” anything that happened to be convenient at any given moment, and then, if it should become inconvenient, suddenly “believe” the opposite.
Global warming: either he’s lying now, to win over conservatives, or he was lying then, to win over liberals
Gingrich’s campaign strategy from this point on is clear, and is demonstrated in his appearance with Levin: deny the anti-conservative positions he has taken—indeed, offer strong arguments against them—and hope to run out the clock on those who would draw attention to his calculation.
With regard to global warming, at least, either he’s lying now, to win over conservatives, or he was lying then, to win over liberals. Which one is better? Which kind of dissembler do you prefer as the Republican nominee: one who pretended to accept the leftist/globalist agenda’s primary theoretical weapon of the moment, or one who really does accept it, but pretends not to when he sees the Tea Party as his surest path to power?
Wild Thing's comment......
I thought this was an excellent article and I liked the way it walks through the details step by step. It is not saying Newt is as evil as Obama, but it is a wake up call to know the truth.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:47 AM | Comments (2)
November 19, 2011
Trying To Explain His Last Gaffe, Cain Stumbles Again And Says Taliban Posed Threat To Libya
Explaining last gaffe, Cain stumbles again
GOP presidential hopeful Herman Cain committed another potentially damaging foreign policy gaffe on Friday, when he implied that the Taliban posed a threat to the Libyan government.
Speaking at a news conference in Orlando, Fla., Cain was defending his performance in front of the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel’s editorial board earlier this week, in which he searched for words and sat in awkward silence after being asked if he agreed with the Obama administration’s policy toward Libya.
“Do I agree with siding with the opposition? Do I agree with saying that Gadhafi should go? Do I agree that they now have a country where you’ve got Taliban and al Qaeda that’s going to be part of the government?” Cain asked reporters. “Do I agree with not knowing the government was going to — which part was he asking me about? I was trying to get him to be specific and he wouldn’t be specific.”
The Taliban are an Islamist militant group based in Afghanistan and Pakistan, while Libya is in northern Africa.
It’s the latest in a series of foreign policy stumbles for the candidate.
In October, Cain said it wasn’t important to know who was “the president of Ubeki-beki-beki-stan.” And in the Journal-Sentinel interview, Cain said he couldn’t recall Obama’s position on Libya because he had “all of this stuff twirling around in my head.”
Cain has responded to the criticism by saying he would surround himself with worthwhile advisers to help him out with foreign policy.
Wild Thing's comment......
It almost feels like he is in a panic mode watching the video.
Michael Yon has this to say about Cain saying that about the Taliban...........
"That's like saying "Tibetans are invading Brazil, forcing Brazilians to cross the border into Greece." - Michael Yon
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:55 AM | Comments (2)
Rick Perry on Cavuto Show - November 18, 2011
Gov. Rick Perry talks about his plan to overhaul Washington, his flat tax proposal, congressional insider trading, and other reasons why the DC Establishment is scared of his policy proposals.
Wild Thing's comment.....
This was a really good interview. I got to watch it live and am so glad it is on video so I can share it with you.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (3)
Herman Cain Campaign Won’t Allow Videotaping of Newspaper Interviews ~ Not A Good Sign For Cain To Do This
Report: Herman Cain Campaign Won’t Allow Videotaping of Newspaper Interviews
Herman Cain’s campaign will no longer allow videotaping of the Republican presidential candidate’s meetings with newspaper editorial boards.
Campaign spokesman J.D. Gordon says the new edict has nothing to do with the fact that Mr. Cain bumbled for several minutes earlier this week when members of the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel editorial board asked him, on video, whether he agrees with President Barack Obama’s handling of events in Libya.
In a TV interview here Thursday, Mr. Cain referred to his ceiling-staring brain freeze in Milwaukee as a “powerful pause.” He added that that his fumbling, during which he first asked the assembled editors whether Mr. Obama had supported the opposition in Libya, then said he’d gotten confused because he had “all this stuff twirling around in my head,” was a media-manufactured problem and that voters didn’t care. His sinking post-gaffe poll numbers this week suggest otherwise.
Mr. Gordon announced the new policy in the Airport Diner in Manchester Thursday, after reporters asked why Mr. Cain refused to be videotaped by C-SPAN during a meeting with the New Hampshire Union Leader editorial staff. The decision against tapng ultimately scotched the meeting, which had been scheduled for Thursday morning.
All day, both sides have been accusing each other of canceling the interview. The Union Leader called him a no-show, and the Associated Press quoted Mr. Gordon saying the newspaper canceled, citing differences over timing. “We would like to do something with them in the future,” he told The Associated Press.
According to accounts from both, the interview was originally slated to be about an hour long. When the C-SPAN taping was mentioned, the candidate balked. Later, the Cain camp said they needed to cut the time to 20 minutes, which Union Leader publisher Joe McQuaid dismissed as not long enough.
Of course, Mr. Gordon said, that doesn’t mean Mr. Cain will refuse TV interviews–he did three of those before lunch Thursday. He just won’t be doing on-camera sessions with editorial boards, which tend to be far longer, and feature the policy-heavy questions like the one that tripped him up in Milwaukee.
Wild Thing's comment......
For Cain to do this is very bad, is he going to do this if he made it to being President?
Sorry but Cain is a mess, he is just not qualified to be President. I am not saying he is a bad man , just too many things he does not even try to learn about. He keeps saying he will have people to call on as advisors later one when he is President. Now honestly has any other candidate ever repeatedly used that exuse for their lack of knowledge? I don't remember anyone that did this so often as he does. It does not build confidence.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (2)
November 18, 2011
Newt Gingrich Won’t Release His Freddie Mac Records ~ This is NOT Good!
Gingrich Won’t Release His Freddie Mac Records
It doesn’t appear that Newt Gingrich will be handing over his Freddie Mac records.
Gingrich in Iowa Wednesday defended his role in the troubled federally-backed housing agency that paid him as much as $1.8 million for consulting work.
He told reporters that he would release as many documents as possible.
But late this afternoon Gingrich’s campaign simply released a list of facts they wanted to reiterate. Spokesman R.C. Hammond said: “This is it” when asked when the public could expect the documents Gingrich had earlier said he would try to provide.
Here’s the press release:
Fact Sheet: The Gingrich Group and Freddie Mac
Atlanta, GA – ln response to a Bloomberg News story today about Freddie Mac’s hiring of the consulting firm, The Gingrich Group, over the course of an eight year period, Newt 2012 released the following fact sheet:
Newt Gingrich welcomes scrutiny of his record in public office and as a small businessman. Gingrich believes that properly vetting the potential next president is absolutely necessary in a free society and that a properly vetted nominee for the Republican Party will better be able to defeat President Obama and lead our country in rebuilding the America we love.
Gingrich has never lobbied for Freddie Mac, or any client, nor has anyone in any of the organizations he founded after leaving office as part of their work with them. Gingrich made a decision after resigning that he would never be a lobbyist so that nobody would ever question the genuine nature of his advice and perspectives. This prohibition against lobbying was made very clear to all Gingrich Group clients and strict internal protocals were developed to prevent lobbying. Today’s Bloomberg article confirms that Gingrich and his firm did no lobbying for Freddie Mac.
Nor did Gingrich, as part of his contract, advocate against pending legislation affecting Freddie Mac, as Gingrich was accused of doing by the moderator at the CNBC debate in Michigan. This, too, was confirmed by the Bloomberg News article this morning.
Freddie Mac was a small part of the client and revenue base of The Gingrich Group and Gingrich’s various small businesses. The Gingrich Group offered strategic advice to a wide variety of clients about a wide variety of issues, including IBM, Microsoft, The US Chamber of Commerce and more. Gingrich Group fees were comparable to that of many consulting firms.
Gingrich is broadly favorable of the concept of Government Sponsored Enterprises (GSE) but believes the financial crisis shows that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac should be broken up and their smaller successors be moved off of government guarantees and into the free market.
Gingrich also is in favor of efforts to increase home ownership in America but as a conservative believes it has to be within a context of learning how to budget and save in a responsible way, the opposite of the lending practices that led to the financial crisis.
Wild Thing's comment......
Newt has demonstrated on going ... he is not to be trusted. He speaks conservative ideas, and votes for liberal ones. Check his record. He is a convincing speaker. Only it is all about showing his super intelligence. He is smart and he desires to be President of the United States of America. BEWARE! and Be Aware that is all I am saying.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 AM | Comments (4)
RINO Romney on Romneycare: ‘I Am Not Going to Walk Away From That’
Romney on Romneycare: ‘I Am Not Going to Walk Away From That’
Don’t expect Mitt Romney to backtrack on his Massachusetts health-care plan at any point this election cycle.
“I am sure there are many people who have calculated, and perhaps correctly, that thehealthcare plan I put in place in Massachusetts is not good for me politically, and if I want to encourage my political future, I should say it was a mistake and walk away from it,” Romney told Fox News host Neil Cavuto in an interview set to air later tonight.
“You have seen a lot of candidates look at their biggest vulnerability, call it a mistake, and ask for forgiveness,” Romney continued. “In my case that wouldn’t be honest.”
He affirmed that he believes the health-care program was the “right thing” for Massachusetts then, although he conceded that it hasn’t “worked perfectly.”
“If it hurts me politically, it’s a consequence of the truth,” Romney added. “I am not going to walk away from that. It’s right for states to come up with their own solutions. I doubt other people are going try and follow the one we put together. Maybe learn from our experience. Maybe come up with something better. But the wrong course is to have the federal government impose its will on the entire nation.”
Wild Thing's comment......
I sure hope and pray Ann Coulter and the rest of her rino ilk do not get their wish with their wanting Romney to be President.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (4)
Rick Perry The Only Candidate To Have the Vision Of The Tea Party Movement
Rick Perry: Last, Best Hope to Fight Washington, D.C. Corruption
(Nov. 17, 2011) — Washington, D.C. is hopelessly corrupt. None of the critical problems America is currently facing will be resolved without effectively addressing the blatant dishonesty and frequent criminality of politicians and their wealthy facilitators.
Corruption in Washington, D.C. can assume many forms.
Financial corruption
Peter Schweizer’s new book “Throw Them All Out” reveals a pattern of suspicious stock trading by members of Congress from both parties based on their financial disclosure statements and legislative activities.
In our current get-rich Congress, every member of the House and Senate can mix business with governing by trading stocks and making land deals while considering major pieces of legislation.
Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) – When Visa went public in March 2008, then-Speaker of the House Pelosi and her husband bought some of their shares at the opening IPO price—access that would be virtually impossible for the average individual investor.
Sen. Max Baucus (D-MT) – Baucus played a central role in forging the health-care-reform bill. As he was negotiating with pharmaceutical companies and putting his imprint on the legislation, Baucus was also buying and selling health-care stocks.
Sen. John Kerry (D-MA) – John and Teresa Heinz Kerry made numerous trades in health-care stocks, buying almost $750,000 in Teva Pharmaceuticals in November 2009 alone, while Kerry actively pushed Obama-care as a member of the health-care subcommittee.
Rep. Jared Polis (D-CO) – Polis sat on two committees central to the crafting and language of Obama’s health-care bill. At the same time, he invested millions of dollars in stocks and funds related to health care and pharmaceuticals.
Rep. Spencer Bachus (R-AL) – After learning in a September 2008 briefing with Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson and Fed chairman Ben Bernanke that the financial markets were in deep trouble, Bachus began aggressively buying and selling stock options.
Rep. John Boehner (R-OH) – On Dec. 10, 2009, then-House Minority Leader Boehner bought tens of thousands of dollars of health-care stocks, including in health-insurance companies. On Dec. 15, The Washington Post declared that the “public option” for health insurance was dead.
Rep. Shelley Capito (R-WV) – After a briefing with Paulson and Bernanke, Capito sold between $100,000 and $250,000 shares of Citigroup; she and her husband accrued as much as $50,000 in capital gains from Citigroup transactions made throughout the crisis.
Rep. Dennis Hastert (R-IL) – When Hastert was Speaker of the House, he inserted a $207 million earmark into a federal highway bill for a parkway near land he owned in rural Illinois. When he first went to Congress in 1986, Hastert’s net worth was less than $300,000. When he retired in 2007, it was close to $11 million.
Legal corruption
Judicial Watch, the public interest group that investigates and prosecutes government corruption, announced that it has obtained three new documents that provide additional information about Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan and the Affordable Care Act (also known as Obamacare) while she served as solicitor general. Justice Kagan has said she was not actively involved in the Department of Justice (DOJ) discussions regarding Obamacare. Moreover, the Supreme Court justice did not recuse herself from the High Court decision in April 2011 not to “fast-track” for Supreme Court review Virginia’s lawsuit challenging Obamacare.
“These new emails are bound to raise additional questions about whether Justice Kagan ought to participate in High Court deliberations on Obamacare. Certainly, if these documents were known at the time of her confirmation, there may have been quite a different Senate debate. The Obama Justice Department dumped these documents just before a holiday weekend, hoping they would go unnoticed. This slow-walking of documents out of the Obama Justice Department is scandalous and makes one wonder what other information they are sitting on,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.
Attorney Leo Donofrio has evidence conclusively establishing that, during the run-up to the 2008 election, 25 U.S. Supreme Court opinions referencing Minor v. Happersett (1875), the case which proves that Obama is an illegal President, were sabotaged, then republished at Justia.com, the main resource on the web for all things related to United States Supreme Court holdings. According to that report, Justia.com CEO Tim Stanley was associated with Obama For America 2008.
Intellectual and Character corruption
Barack Hussein Obama would not today be occupying the office of President of the United States if members of Congress had honored their oaths of office, upheld the Constitution and respected the rule of law.
Members of Congress are fully aware that Obama is a Constitutionally illegal President and has committed felonies both before and after occupying the Oval Office.
Obama is, according to the U.S. Constitution an illegal President, who has committed felonies both before and after occupying the Oval Office.
Because exposure of the Obama fraud and criminal activity would reveal the depth of corruption in the two-party system, a conspiracy of silence is maintained and a deliberate misinformation campaign is conducted by the Republican and Democrat Parties and their facilitators in the mainstream media to mislead the American people.
Addressing the corrupt status quo
Admittedly, I am distrustful of politicians and skeptical regarding the promises they make.
Despite these reservations, Texas Governor Rick Perry is the only Presidential candidate who has thus far addressed the corruption issue as a major part of his campaign platform.
Perry’s proposals include:
Members of Congress are too entrenched in Washington, out-of-touch, and frankly do little to actually benefit the American people while they are in session. Work to establish a part-time, Citizen Congress, cut congressional pay in half and repeal the rules that prevent members of Congress from holding real jobs in their home states and communities.
Criminalize insider trading by members of Congress.
Congressional office budgets have doubled since 2000. Freeze federal civilian hiring and salaries until the budget is balanced.
End lifetime appointments of federal judges by instituting an 18-year term limit.
No more bank bailouts, no earmarks for pet projects and no spending beyond the country’s means.
The Obama Administration is the most corrupt in U.S. history only because our elected officials in Washington, D.C. have aided or abetted it.
Wild Thing's comment........
At last there's a candidate, Rick Perry, who has the chutzpah to confront DC corruption.
One of the many things Perry has spoken about is the corruption in D.C. and how government is too much in our lives. These were things the tea party movement hammered about. I think once the people realize it is Perry and no one else that is answering the call from the tea party movement they will come to their senses, yes I mean senses and see that Perry is the only true candidate to restore America. I pray this happens because all the others are just kissing up to us saying what we think we want to hear some doing it well and others half assed. But Perry has done it in Texas and he will do it across America if he is elected.
So I say wake up tea party movement.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (2)
Before Leaving Office, Romney Staff Wiped Records From Servers, Bought Their State-Issued Hard Drives
Just before Mitt Romney left the Massachusetts governor’s office and first ran for president, 11 of his top aides purchased their state-issued computer hard drives, and the Romney administration’s e-mails were all wiped from a server, according to interviews and records obtained by the Globe.
Romney administration officials had the remaining computers in the governor’s office replaced just before Governor Deval Patrick’s staff showed up to take power in January 2007, according to Mark Reilly, Patrick’s chief legal counsel.
As a result, Patrick’s office, which has been bombarded with inquiries for records from the Romney era, has no electronic record of any Romney administration e-mails, Reilly said.
“The governor’s office has found no e-mails from 2002–2006 in our possession,’’ Reilly said in a statement. “Before the current administration took office, the computers used during that time period were replaced and the server used during that time period was taken out of service, all files were removed from it, and it was also replaced.’’
Wild Thing's comment......
This reminds me of the Bill Clinton regime,and also Obama. BOTH how they kept things from the rest of us.
No matter that the reason, it proves he is not honest and wants to hide something. Maybe how big a rino he is.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:45 AM | Comments (2)
November 17, 2011
When Obama Took Office = National Debt Was $10,626 Trillion ~ Obama's National Debt Today $15 TRILLION
Obama Took Office = National Debt Was $10,626 Trillion ~ Obama's National Debt Today $15 TRILLION
The candidate who told us that he believed in pay-as-you-go. The one who said he would go through the federal budget line by line. The man who told us he would have a 'net spending cut.'
Wild Thing's comment........
Well I typed several times what I wish would happen to those that voted for this piece of human flesh and then I deleted it. Just use your imagination. I am beyond fed up with America haters that put this guy ahead of loving our country.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:55 AM | Comments (2)
House Approves Concealed Firearm Permit Bill; Would Allow People to Carry Concealed Weapon Between States
Rep. Cliff Stearns presides over a hearing on Capitol Hill in Washington. Stearns is chief co-sponsor of the concealed carry bill.
House Approves Concealed Firearm Permit Bill; Would Allow People to Carry Concealed Weapon Between States
A state permit to carry a concealed firearm would be valid in almost every other state in the country under legislation the House passed Wednesday.
The first pro-gun bill the House has taken up this year and the first since Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, D-Ariz., was severely injured in a gun attack in January, it had the National Rifle Association’s backing and passed by a comfortable margin. The vote was 272-154, with only seven Republicans voting against it and 43 Democrats supporting it.
The Democratic-controlled Senate has no parallel bill. But two years ago, GOP Sens. John Thune of South Dakota and David Vitter of Louisiana nearly succeeded in attaching a similar measure to a larger bill.
Under the House legislation, people with a concealed carry permit in one state could carry a concealed weapon in every other state that gives people the right to carry concealed weapons.
While states have various standards for issuing such permits, currently only Illinois and the District of Columbia prohibit the concealed carrying of weapons.
"The Second Amendment is a fundamental right to bear arms that should not be constrained by state boundary lines," said GOP Rep. Lamar Smith of Texas, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee.
The bill's chief co-sponsor, Rep. Cliff Stearns, R-Fla., said states should consider concealed carry permits no differently from driver's licenses recognized by all states. He noted that many states already have reciprocity agreements with other states.
The legislation would "make it easier for law-abiding permit holders to know that they are simply in compliance with the law when they carry a firearm as they travel," he said.
Democratic opponents said the bill would constitute a "race to the bottom," with states that have strict requirements for issuing permits having to accept permits from states with far more lax standards.
"It's a situation where weaker state laws become the national law," said Rep. Bobby Scott, D-Va. He noted that some states require training for permit holders, or deny permits to those under 21 or who sell drugs to minors, commit sex offenses or are involved in domestic violence.
According to the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, the measure would allow states with tough requirements, such as New York and California, "to allow in concealed carry gun-toting people from states, such as Florida, which repeatedly have given dangerous people licenses to carry."
Rep. Carolyn McCarthy, D-N.Y., and Sen. Frank Lautenberg, D-N.J., wrote President Barack Obama last week urging him to issue a veto threat against the bill. Passing the bill "would jeopardize public safety and would be an insult to states like New Jersey and New York that purposefully have strong gun ownership laws," they wrote.
The administration has not yet taken an official position on the bill.
Democrats also chided Republicans for ignoring their dedication to states' rights. "For the Republican House majority that supposedly believes in states' rights, this bill is shocking," said Rep. Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y.
There hasn't been much legislative action on firearms issues this year. A spending bill that the House is expected to vote on this week would bar the Justice Department from consolidating firearms sales records or maintaining information on people who have passed firearms background checks.
The chief sponsors of the concealed weapon measure, Stearns and Rep. Heath Shuler, D-N.C., said their proposal would not create a federal licensing system but merely require states to honor one another's carry permits.
People who are unable to get a permit in their home state would not be able to carry a concealed weapon in their home state by getting a permit in another state. A state's ban on carrying concealed weapons in places such as bars, sporting events or state parks would apply to nonresidents as well as residents.
Thirty-five states have "shall issue" permit laws that usually require states to issue permits to those who meet legal requirements. Ten others have "may issue" or discretionary permit laws. Vermont, Arizona, Alaska and Wyoming do not require a permit to carry a concealed weapon.
Wild Thing's comment......
WHOO-HOO! Might not pass the Senate but it is a great indicator!
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:50 AM | Comments (2)
Awesome Rick Perry Ad Hammers Obama for Calling Americans “Lazy”; Says “Obama’s Socialist Policies are Bankrupting America”
Perry telling it like it is. He takes President Obama to task for calling Americans “lazy,” and he flat out says, “Obama’s socialist policies are bankrupting America.”
Wild Thing's comment........
It will be such an honor to vote for Rick Perry. I can hardly wait.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:47 AM | Comments (4)
Obama Bad-Mouths US to Aussie Teens

President Barack Obama reviews the troops with Federation Guard Maj. John Cottis, left, during an official arrival ceremony at Parliament House in Canberra, Australia, Wednesday, Nov. 16, 2011. (AP/Susan Walsh)
Obama Bad-Mouths US to Aussie Teens
President Obama bad-mouthed the United States during a visit to an Australian high school, telling teenagers that the United States has “fallen behind” in education, according to a White House pool report.
He told young people at Campbell High School the United States has “fallen behind” when it comes to math and science education – explaining why he made it a priority in his administration.
He also said poor American children don’t get “the support they need when they’re very young” and are “already behind” when they enter grammar school.
Wild Thing's comment......
Surprised he did not bow and apologize as well.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:45 AM | Comments (5)
November 16, 2011
Yikes! Obama Says Hawaii is in Asia
While promoting socialism at the APEC Summit in Hawaii, Barack Obama thinks he’s in Asia................
In this video, Obama speaking in Hawaii says, referring to Hawaii, “when I meet with world leaders, whether it’s in Europe or here in Asia….” So, he wasn’t born in Kenya, but in Asia. Not only does he think we have 57 U.S. States (perhaps confusing them with the 57 Islamic states in the United Nations), he thinks Hawaii is not one of them. How does Won do that? Incredible considering the differences between the way trade and Asian governments work, among other significant differences, including insisting he was born in the U.S.
Wild Thing's comment......
LOL he just can't do anything I will ever say is well done.
One day I hope we have a real President .
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 AM | Comments (4)
At Tomb of the Unknown ....Guard Silences Disrespectful Crowd
Tomb of the Unknown Guard Silences Disrespectful Crowd
ARLINGTON, Va. - Video posted online shows a guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington, Virginia silencing a crowd after laughter is heard.
Usually the guards patrol in silence.
However, after the disruption, the solder stops and addresses the onlookers.
"It is requested that everyone maintains a level of silence and respect," he said as he stopped in stance.
The crowd fell silent.
The guard continued his patrol.
No other disruptions were reported that day.

Wild Thing's comment........
Horrible how people treat being there with such disrespect. HORRID!
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:50 AM | Comments (3)
November 15, 2011
Herman Cain Causes One To Cringe Seeing How Unprepared He Is On Basic Foreign Policy and Domestic Issues
Herman Cain, in the midst of a Midwestern campaign swing, Monday when answering a simple question about whether he agreed or disagreed with President Barack Obama's approach to handling the Libyan crisis.
On Libya (listen for the part where he excuses his hemming and hawing by explaining that he has “a lot of stuff twirling around in his head”)…
The real Cain scandal: He can barely form a coherent thought on Libya when put on the spot and garbles collective bargaining 101 facts.
This Milwaukee Sentinel Journal editorial board session — all on video, in all its prolonged cringe-worthiness — sums up the problem with the Cain Train.
Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain said Monday that he believes public employees should be allowed to bargain collectively on wages and other benefits as long as it does not create an undue burden on taxpayers.
In Wisconsin Monday for two fundraisers, including a tailgate fundraiser at tonight’s Packers game at Lambeau Field, Cain met for a half-hour with Journal Sentinel reporters and editors. In the meeting Cain:
* Struggled to collect his thoughts and explain how his approach to the crisis in Libya would have differed from the actions taken by President Barack Obama.
…On the issue of collective bargaining, Cain said he supported the right of public employees to bargain collectively.
“But not collective hijacking. What I mean by that, if they have gotten so much for so many years and it’s going to bankrupt the state, I don’t think that’s good. It appears that in some instances, they really don’t care.”
Asked about last week’s vote in Ohio, in which the state’s new collective bargaining law was rejected by voters, Cain said that “maybe they tried to get too much and as a result it failed.”
Asked if the Ohio Legislature had gone too far in stripping collective bargaining rights for public employees, including fire and police personnel, Cain said that Ohio legislators “may have tried to get too much in one bill.”
Ohio’s collective bargaining law differed from Wisconsin in at least one key aspect: Wisconsin exempted police and fire personnel from the law.
In an interview with the Journal Sentinel last month, Cain said that he was “right in the corner of Gov. Scott Walker 100%” in Walker’s battle with public employee unions.
Cain also appeared to be unclear on the issue of collective bargaining as it involves federal employees. Asked if he thought federal employees should have the ability to bargain collectively, Cain said: “They already have it, don’t they?”
Told they didn’t, he said, “They have unions.”
The American Federation of Government Employees, which represents 600,000 federal government workers in 65 agencies, says that most federal employees don’t have collective bargaining over pay and benefits.
Wild Thing's comment......
OMG and the media attacked Perry for forgetting one thing? sheesh Cain is the one that is NOT ready for Prime time...Not ready to be President, NOT qualified for the job.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 AM | Comments (3)
Former NYPD Officer and Marine Drags Out The Door A Filthy Occupier Trying To Disrupt Swearing-In Ceremony For NY GOP Rep. Bob Turner
Meet New York’s newest hero.
Kevin Hiltunen, a former NYPD officer, yesterday grabbed an Occupy Wall Street demonstrator by the collar and dragged him out of a Queens school where he’d been heckling US Rep. Bob Turner at the congressman’s swearing-in ceremony.
“I guess you could say I sorted him out,” said Hiltunen, 48, his jacket and tie barely mussed after dragging the scruffy protester out on his rear end.
“All I was doing was trying to stop this historic occasion from being disrupt-ed. There is a time and place to exercise your First Amendment rights,’’ said Hiltunen, of Bergen Beach, Brooklyn, who was identified by people at the ceremony as an ex-Marine.
“This was not the time or the venue,” Hiltunen added.
Adam Weissman, 33, of Astoria, was one of three demonstrators to disrupt Turner’s local swearing-in ceremony at Metropolitan HS in Forest Hills.
Turner won the congressional seat once held by disgraced ex-Rep. Anthony Weiner by defeating Assemblyman David Weprin.
“Bob Turner has only been in office for two months and . . .” was all that the bearded heckler could blurt out before he was taken down by Hiltunen.
Holding a sign that read, “Rep. Turner [heart] the 1%,” Weissman remained seated and quiet until Turner, who was there with his wife, Peggy, took the stage about 1:30 p.m. and began to speak.
“He was close by to where I was standing, and he started yelling something about Bob Turner,” said Hiltunen, who described himself as a Turner supporter and a volunteer for his congressional campaign.
“So I grabbed him by his sweat shirt and escorted him out. I just had to do what was right. I was just here to witness this historic occasion.”
Afterward, Turner blasted the Occupy Wall Street demonstrators and praised Hiltunen.
“Protesters are on the wrong track. Socialism has been tried again and again, and it doesn’t work,” said Turner. “He picked the wrong guy to pee off.”
The no-nonsense Hiltunen said he hadn’t known Weissman was part of the raucous demonstration based at Zuccotti Park since Sept. 17.
“I’m a citizen who believes in democracy. I did not ask this man if he was part of any movement,” the former cop said.
Hiltunen was a member of the NYPD from February 1994 until June 2009, when he retired in good standing on a disability caused by an accident, a source told The Post.
Weissman, meanwhile, was unapologetic for disrupting the ceremony. After getting the boot, he was distributing OWS fliers on Metropolitan Avenue.
“Before I got grabbed by those people, I wanted to say that Bob Turner has only been in office for two months and he has already sold out his supporters,” said Weissman, adding that he twisted his ankle in the melee but otherwise was “OK.”
“How can you support a man who is a backer of free backdoor trading with China?” he asked.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Heh heh ha ha ho ho, I love it when Veterans protect us. And he is also a retired policeman. Great stoyr and yesss take out that garbage occupier jerk. tah dah!
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:50 AM | Comments (3)
Allen West Weighs in on the Waterboarding Debate ~ Good For West!
Allen West Weighs in on the Waterboarding Debate
Wild Thing's comment.......
Of course the limp wristed Obamam said he was against it.
LTC Allen West knows what he is talking about, thank you.
For those that missed the debate Saturday night. The candidates were asked about waterboarding. So on Sunday Obama was asked about their replies and he said he was agaisnt it.
Thank God for Allen West and for Rick Perry!
This was Rick Perry's reply at the debate .
..."Where there are people who would kill them (American soldiers) in a heartbeat, under any circumstances and use any technique that they can… For us not to have the ability to try to extract information from them, to save our young people’s lives, is a travesty. This is war! That’s what happens in war! And I am for using the techniques, not toruture, but using those techniques that we know will extract the information to save young American lives and I will be for it until I die. " ~ Rick Perry during the debate 11/12/2011
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:47 AM | Comments (4)
November 14, 2011
First NON Lady.... Michelle Obama To to Russia’s President Dmitry Medvedev
First lady Michelle Obama gestures to Russia’s President Dmitry Medvedev as she and U.S. President Barack Obama greet him at the opening dinner of the APEC Leaders Summit in Honolulu, Hawaii November 12, 2011.
First Lady Michelle Obama gestures warmly to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev: “I am smiling.”
Wild Thing's comment.......
LOL she is scary to me. whew what a look on her face and she has lots of looks like this. haha
She is NO lady that is for sure, no class and hates America.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 AM
Family of Murdered Border Agent Breaks Silence, Lashes Out at Holder ~ Good And I Blame Obama As Well!
Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry died almost one year ago. Despite almost daily headlines about the ongoing scandal in the Obama administration, his devastated parents have said nothing publicly about the U.S. program that helped provide the weapons that killed their son.
Until now.
In separate interviews, Josephine and Kent Terry lashed out Thursday at those they blame for Brian’s murder — Attorney General Eric Holder, his top assistant Lanny Breuer, former U.S. Attorney Dennis Burke, and those ATF officials who approved, executed and supervised Operation Fast and Furious.
“I think they are liars and I would tell them that,” said Kent Terry from his home in central Michigan. “What would I say to Eric Holder? They would not be nice words.”
Terry is in his 70′s, paralyzed and bound to a chair after an accident 17 years ago. His former wife Josephine lives 90 minutes north near Detroit.
“If they never let the guns walk, maybe Brian would not have been out that day,” Josephine said. “I just can’t believe our own government came up with a program like this that (let) innocent people get killed.”
Wild Thing's comment......
Holder and Obama and nappy Janet all of them and anyone else involved in this should be sent to jail.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (2)
Rick Perry On Saving the Lives of our Troops
During Saturday night’s debate between the current GOP hopefuls, Governor Rick Perry of Texas responded to congressman Ron Pauls accusations that waterboarding was torture.
..."Where there are people who would kill them (American soldiers) in a heartbeat, under any circumstances and use any technique that they can… For us not to have the ability to try to extract information from them, to save our young people’s lives, is a travesty. This is war! That’s what happens in war! And I am for using the techniques, not toruture, but using those techniques that we know will extract the information to save young American lives and I will be for it until I die. " ~ Rick Perry during the debate 11/12/2011
Wild Thing's comment........
I love how he spoke up to Ron Paul. I get so upset when idiots say waterboarding did not do any good when we have proof that it has.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (3)
November 13, 2011
Tough Talk, Humor Set Perry Apart At Latest Debate
Tough Talk, Humor Set Perry Apart At Latest Debate
By Richard Dunham
Houston Chronicle/Hearst Washington Bureau
SPARTANBURG, S.C. — The first foreign policy debate of the Republican presidential campaign was a mix of tough talk and sly humor, as the candidates took turns Saturday night denouncing President Barack Obama’s foreign policy and Texas Gov. Rick Perry tried to rehabilitate his campaign with several quips about his forgetful answer in the last debate.
Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann led the criticism of Obama’s Middle Eastern policies, with Bachmann declaring that the president’s miscalculations were leading to a “worldwide nuclear war against Israel.”
Romney said Obama’s inability to stymie Iran’s nuclear ambitions is his “greatest failing from a foreign policy standpoint.”
But while the candidates were unanimous in their contempt for the Democratic incumbent, they sharply disagreed about the use of waterboarding, U.S. aid to Pakistan, relations with China and strategies for ending the war in Afghanistan.
Texas Rep. Ron Paul and former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman were the lone voices of opposition to so-called “enhanced interrogation” of prisoners and continuing military deployment in Afghanistan.
“Torture is illegal,” said Paul, a Republican congressman from suburban Houston. “I think it’s uncivilized … and is really un-American.”
Perry, whose performance in Wednesday’s debate in Michigan led some pundits to predict his demise as a candidate, was by turns forceful and humorous at the 90-minute debate sponsored by CBS News, National Journal and the South Carolina Republican Party.
When asked by co-moderator Scott Pelley, of CBS News, what he would do with the Energy Department’s nuclear weapons programs if he eliminated that agency — the very one Perry could not recall during Wednesday’s debate — the governor quipped, “Glad you remembered it.”
“I’ve had some time to think about it, sir,” Pelley volleyed.
“Me, too,” Perry said with a smile.
But Perry turned serious when he took Paul to task for opposing waterboarding or other harsh interrogation techniques.
“This is war,” Perry said. “This is what happens in war … And I will be for it until I die.”
Billed as “the commander-in-chief debate,” the encounter at Wofford College focused on international policy and national security issues. And while Perry has little experience on foreign policy — he boasted that he was “commander in chief” of more than 20,000 Texas National Guard troops — he made several major policy pronouncements that set him apart from the pack.
Perry, for example, was the only candidate to call for sanctions against Iran’s central bank, predicted that China, like the Soviet Union, will be relegated to “the ash heap of history,” and advocated dismantling current foreign aid programs and forcing each nation to explain why it should receive any assistance from Uncle Sam.
The Texas governor did not attack any of his rivals Saturday and received praise from Gingrich, who has surged into the top tier of candidates in recent polls. Gingrich seconded Perry’s foreign aid proposal: “What he said made absolutely perfect sense,” Gingrich said.
Perry’s supporters were euphoric after the debate and predicted it was the start of a monumental comeback.
“It was a home run and answered any questions about his abilities,” said former South Carolina Republican Party Chairman Katon Dawson. “We saw the Rick Perry that we all know and love.”
This was from the other day Perry went on with Megyn Kelly, he did an excellent interview. ~ Wild Thing
Rick Perry talked to Megyn Kelly about his “oops” move at the debate on America Live and said, “I really stepped in it that’s for sure, and in fact, some of it’s still stuck on my feet.”
He went on to say, “People understand. You make mistakes. Things don’t come out of your mouth right, but we talked about a lot of important issues like my tax plan.”
Wild Thing's comment........
Perry's humor about the gaffe showed he can laugh at himself, a good trait for us all.
This time in the debate, Perry did not hold back, he was strong and confident. I was very impressed how well he did. Love it.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 AM | Comments (2)
Perry Great At CBS News Debate Saturday Night
from The Teen Conservative ~ I love this, this is a site for teens and God bless these future voters.~ Wild Thing
The Winner of the CBS News Debate Is…Nov 12, 2011 ........RICK PERRY
Breaking news: The Texas governor is not out of the race just yet. We all remember Perry’s horrific performance in the CNBC Debate earlier this week, and so did Rick. He fired back tonight like no other. With plenty of applause moments and zingers, he clearly planned to win this debate. While there were really no apparent losers, Perry clearly had an edge over others with his military experience. This is what Perry supporters were wanting, hopefully he can keep it up.
Also toward the very end of the video, the camera pans to Perry's wife and daughter.
Perry Takes a Page from The Gipper
So Perry was quick to cut off CBS’ Scott Pelley, one of the debate moderators in South Carolina, when he began a question, saying, “Governor Perry, you advocate the elimination of the Department of Energy. If you eliminate the Department of Energy...”
“I'm glad you remembered it,” interjected Perry with a big smile as the audience broke into applause and laughter. Pelley responded, “I've had some time to think about it, sir.” And Perry shot back again to even more laughter, “Me, too.”
Far from being uptight after his earlier stumble, Perry was loose even before the debate. Backstage before the TV lights came on, Perry said to fellow candidate Rick Santorum, “So tonight if I need a lifeline, I'm just gonna look to you, OK?”
"Perry’s use of humor was reminiscent of Reagan’s rebound in 1984 after the then-president's performance in that year's first presidential debate with Democratic nominee Walter F. Mondale raised questions about whether age had dulled Reagan's mental quickness. At the second debate, Reagan was ready when he question came up. “I will not make age an issue in this campaign," he said. "I'm not going ...to exploit for political purposes my opponent's youth and inexperience.” The lasting image from that debate is Mondale laughing heartily at the joke at his expense. And the question of Reagan’s age was put to rest for the campaign."
Anita Perry Knocks on Doors to Promote Husband
SPARTANBURG, S.C. — Donning a rhinestone “PERRY 2012″ pin on her sweater, Anita Perry knocked on doors on the tree-lined Fairlane Drive here in South Carolina this morning, pressing residents to consider voting for her husband in this presidential election.
“I’m out walking and hoping I can get people to vote for Rick Perry this morning for president,” she said as she spoke with a voter in the doorway of her home.
One woman told Perry she hoped the governor would perform better in Saturday night’s debate, but noted his slip-up Wednesday night showed he was human.
“Maybe he won’t stumble tonight,” the woman told Perry as she walked down the steps of her home.
“I hope not,” Perry answered with a laugh.
“That’s OK, that was quite fun. I think it showed he was human-like,” the woman said.
Anita Perry walked the neighborhood with Katon Dawson, the chair of the Perry campaign in South Carolina, and volunteers who continued the block walk after the Texas first lady left.
Dawson said most South Carolinians are still undecided in this election, and he argued Perry’s handling of the slip-up in Wednesday’s debate has proven he possesses the leadership and character that will resonate with voters, regardless of how difficult the recovery from the blunder will be.
“Rick Perry’s going to fit really well with this state, and his leadership ability, his character integrity have shown in the last couple of days,” Dawson said. “It’s never easy. It wasn’t easy before. I mean, ‘Oops’ kind of made it human, you know. I mean at the end of the day, it was something that happened.”
Wild Thing's comment........
Lots of good things from the debate I wanted to share with all of you.
What a fantastic first lady Anita Perry would make! As First Lady of Texas, she has been an active advocate for nursing and other health care issues. The Anita Thigpen Perry Endowment at the UT Health Science Center at San Antonio focuses on nutrition, cardiovascular disease, health education, and early childhood development. In 2008, the Anita Thigpen Perry School of Nursing at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center was renamed in her honor.
AND she is a Republican who votes for Conservative candidates and values. Not sure what we would do with ANOTHER Democrat first lady who votes for liberal candidates and issues like Herman Cains wife.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:50 AM | Comments (2)
Perry, Gingrich Standout in GOP Debate Last Night (11-12-11)
Perry, Gingrich standout in GOP debate
Republican presidential candidate Rick Perry turned in is strongest debate performance of the campaign Saturday, though former House Speaker Newt Gingrich stole the show by schooling debate moderators on terrorist assassinations and refusing their efforts to get him to criticize frontrunner Mitt Romney.
With the nation's economy resisting recovery and joblessness stubbornly high, foreign policy issues have played only a minor role in the GOP debates this election cycle. But those issues took center stage in Saturday’s meeting in South Carolina, a crucial early-primary state.
Compared to past debates, Perry turned in a strong performance and even managed to joke about suffering brain freeze during last week’s debate when he forgot the name of the Energy Department, one of three agencies he was pledging to eliminate if elected president.
Romney used the appearance to showcase a broad knowledge of foreign policy issues. Herman Cain, who shares the top of the polls with Romney, escaped any questions about the growing scandal involving accusations that he has sexually harassed women in the past. But Cain has yet to really demonstrate detailed understanding of many foreign policy issues and several times avoided giving specific answers, instead falling back on his often-used answer that he will first have to consult with his military advisors and gather more information.
Cain won applause in the CBS/National Journal debate when he announced that he would revive waterboarding – simulated drowning often categorized as torture – as a legal interrogation technique, as did Rep. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota.
"If I were president, I would be willing to use waterboarding," Bachmann said. "I think it was very effective. It gained information for our country."
One of Perry's stand-out moments came when he offered a passionate defense of allowing the military to use other enhanced interrogation techniques, which the Obama administration has prohibited.
"This is war," Perry said, adding that he believed the technique would be used to save American lives. "That is what happens in war."
Perry also scored points with the audience when he pledged to zero-out the nation's foreign aid budget and instead let counties make their case to the United States as to why the should receive money. Perry said countries like Pakistan, which has harbored terrorists including Osama bin Laden and where some within the government may be working against the United States, may not get much aid under his administration. Perry helped to set part of Saturday night’s agenda, calling to cut off aid to Pakistan. He pledged full support for Israel, however.
Gingrich, who has been experiencing a surge in the polls, once again sparred with the debate’s moderators, this time over when it would be considered legal to sign a death warrant for an American citizen overseas who is thought to be a terrorist. The question referenced Anwar al-Awlaki, a Yemeni-American who was killed by a U.S. sanctioned drone strike last month.
Pelley referred to al-Awlaki as a "terrorist suspect," and Gingrich lectured that al-Awlaki had been found guilty by a special panel.
"The correct thing in an act of war is to kill people who are trying to kill you," Gingrich said. "If you engage in war against the United States, you are an enemy combatant. You have none of the civil liberties of the United States. You cannot go to court."
Gingrich, who has made sparring with moderators standard operating procedure during debates, had earlier zinged the moderator for asking the former speaker to elaborate on his recent accusation that Romney lacks the ability to change Washington.
"Would you care to evaluate Gov. Romney's ability to think outside the box and change the United States national security or foreign policy perspectives?" Gingrich was asked.
"No," he said to audience applause.
Wild Thing's comment........
Some positivei write ups have been coming in since the debate.
It was great when Perry said about the zero funding to all countries and start fresh then Newt backed him up and agreed with him. Perry went on to say even Israel but that Israel is already a proven friend. The whole thing went really well.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:47 AM | Comments (3)
November 12, 2011
America Hater, Business Destroyer Obama Says NO To Keystone Pipeline ~ He KILLS Jobs and We Need To Drill Baby Drill
Keystone Pipeline Decision a Political Ploy or a Political Problem?
The Obama administration's decision to delay a controversial oil pipeline was cast by critics as a political ploy to placate environmentalists ahead of the 2012 election.
But if that's the strategy, it could backfire.
While the decision pleased environmentalists who had earlier suggested they might withhold support for President Obama over the project, it did not please the labor unions who were banking on the estimated 20,000 jobs tied to the pipeline.
Republican strategist Brad Blakeman said he was puzzled by the decision on the pipeline project -- diplomatically, politically and economically.
"The reasons not to do it are far outweighed by the reasons to do it," he said. "It doesn't make any sense to punt it until after the election, when you could have a victory on numerous levels today."
Environmentalists applauded the decision. Friends of the Earth President Erich Pica called it a "major accomplishment for the climate movement" and for the people who could be affected by the pipeline route.
Wild Thing's comment......
This is totally unforgivable that he would say no to this. And there is a time limit to saying it would be OK which means it will not happen because he will keep putting it off. DAMN Obama!
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 AM | Comments (3)
Cain Is A Lot Like Obama: Herman Cain's 'blame game': 5 enemies he's holding responsible
Herman Cain's 'blame game': 5 enemies he's holding responsible
The GOP hopeful swears the sexual harassment allegations against him are bogus. And he has an idea — many ideas, actually — of who's behind them
Herman Cain's "flailing blame game" has devolved into an utter mess, says Michael Gerson at The Washington Post. Facing years-old sexual harassment allegations that are threatening to derail his campaign, the GOP presidential hopeful has pointed his finger at many, many suspected culprits over the last two weeks while proclaiming his innocence. "I have never acted inappropriately with anyone, period," Cain said this week in a closely watched press conference. Who's behind the recent resurfacing of these (allegedly bogus) allegations? The Cain campaign has several theories. Here are five:
1. Rick Perry
When the story broke, Cain blamed the report on "factions that are trying to destroy me." One top Cain aide pointed the finger squarely at GOP presidential rival Rick Perry. "The actions of the Perry campaign are despicable," Cain's chief of staff, Mark Block, told CBS News. "Rick Perry and his campaign owe Herman Cain and his family an apology." Shortly thereafter, lacking proof, Block backtracked: "We want to move on with the campaign. Let's get over these things that don't mean anything to the American public."
2. The liberal media
Cain says "dishonest" journalists are making something out of nothing. After federal employee Karen Kraushaar revealed that she was one of the women who accused Cain of sexual harassment in the 1990s, Block told Fox News' Sean Hannity that she was the mother of a journalist at Politico, the news outlet that recently uncovered the old allegations. The Cain campaign wants to pawn off this scandal as "a liberal media conspiracy," says Alex Pareene at Salon. But "Josh Kraushaar, the reporter Block is referring to, no longer works at Politico." And he's not Karen Kraushaar's son.
3. Democrats
When Chicago-area single mom Sharon Bialek told the press this week that Cain had groped her after she sought his help finding a job in 1997, Cain found a new enemy to blame. Cain labeled Bialek a "troubled woman" who was being used by the "Democrat machine" to derail his campaign with false accusations. Of course, jokes Frank Michels at Salon, everyone knows a "secret Democratic cabal" called the "Democratic Strike Force" is "using science and espionage techniques to destabilize the Republican Party...."
4. Racists
Early on, a pro-Cain political action committee said "radical" liberals were out to bring down Cain, says Michael D. Shear at The New York Times. "This is what the Left always does," wrote Jordan Gehrke, the campaign director for AmericansForHermanCain.com. "They hated Clarence Thomas. They hated Allen West when he ran in 2010. And now they hate Herman Cain. The Left spews such hatred at black conservatives because they know that if the G.O.P. ever breaks the Democrat stranglehold on the black vote, they are done as a party."
5. People who hate businessmen
One of Cain's latest suspects, say Christopher Palmeri and Lisa Lerer at Bloomberg Businessweek, are unnamed political insiders trying to prevent a businessman from being elected to the presidency. The American people want someone from the business world to run the country, Cain said, but professional politicians are trying to make sure one of their own gets the job. "The machine trying to keep a businessman out of the White House is going to be relentless," says Cain.
Wild Thing's comment......
Cain is one sick man! Look at the list and it tells a lot about Cain more then anything.
This guy has a lot of chips on his shoulder, much like Obama with his.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:50 AM | Comments (4)
Mitt Romney Explaining His Strapping His Dog To The Roof Of His Car For A 12 HOUR Drive !
Governor Cruelty – Mitt Romney Straps Dog To Car Roof For 12 Hour Drive
Posted by Kevin Farrell on Aug 9, 2011 in Oh Hell No!
Towleroad has us reminiscing about the time the Republic Presidential Candidate Frontrunner, Mitt Romney went all “family values” in a Boston Globe. The Governor of Massachusetts described in detail the 1983 Romney family vacation. Snooze.
He and his wife dressed the kids, packed up the car, and got everyone safely buckled in. Finally, seeing no more room inside the car’s cabin, Romney tied the family dog, Seamus, to the roof of the car and proceeded on a twelve hour drive.
“What happens to a dog in this situation is precisely what would happen to any of us in the same situation: Trapped in a box for 12 hours would be no one’s idea of comfortable,” said Llope.
Dr. Russell Cumming, a professor of aerospace engineering at California Polytechnic State University, got a little more technical.
“At that speed, assuming sea level conditions, the poor little dog would have about 10 pounds per square foot pressing against his head,” said Cumming.
Nobel Prize-winning physicist Douglas Osheroff of physics at Stanford University said the dog crate on top of the car would change the air flow around the vehicle.
“Beyond a certain velocity, the air flow becomes turbulent,” said Osheroff. “The airflow isn’t going to be laminar,” which means it won’t have a uniform distribution.
Cumming said that’s bad news for Seamus.
“Chances are the windshield would only protect the front of the dog, but the air flowing around the windshield would buffet the side of the dog — that would be tiring,” said Cummings. “My wife’s a vet, and she would be more worried by the dehydration of the dog’s eyes under those conditions.”
That ten pounds of pressure buffeting poor Seamus was strong enough and stressful enough to literally squeeze the shit out of the dog.
“A brown liquid was dripping down the back window, payback from an Irish setter who’d been riding on the roof in the wind for hours,” the article said.
After his son noticed the liquid, Romney pulled the car over and hosed down Seamus at a gas station before putting him back into the crate on top of the car and continuing on with the drive.
It is illegal in Massachusetts (and the rest of the country) to tie an animal “in or upon a vehicle, or otherwise, in an unnecessarily cruel or inhuman manner or in a way and manner which might endanger the animal carried thereon.” Of course you already knew that. Because, you know, DUH.
Over 10,ooo complaints were left with the New York Times, after the paper published a follow-up to the Boston Globe’s original story. The general tone of the complaints suggest that Americans do not trust a man who not only tortured his dog, but bragged about it to a newspaper, to run the United States government.
We agree.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Wow! How horrible!!!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:47 AM | Comments (2)
Obama Voter Colin Powell :"Occupy Wall Street Protests 'As American As Apple Pie"
"It's up to leaders in Washington to find a way to listen to the needs of the Occupiers", he said. | AP Photo
Colin Powell : in 2011 Powell said.....Occupy Wall Street Protests 'As American As Apple Pie.' BUT Colin Powell Back in 2010: Tea Party is All Slogans, No Agenda
Colin Powell says the Occupy Wall Street protests are “as American as apple pie,” and political leaders need to do more than just “scream” at the demonstrators.
“Demonstrating like this is as American as apple pie. We’ve been marching up and down and demonstrating throughout our history,” the former secretary of state said on CNN Thursday night.
“So what you’re seeing with Occupy Wall Street and others is people who are unhappy, and they’re directing their unhappiness right now toward Wall Street and toward others they think are doing too well in our society.”
Powell spoke warily of reports of violence breaking out in some Occupy protests, noting that some have demonstrated “absolute nihilism” and a narrow interest in destruction and tearing down the system.
Still, it is up to political leaders in Washington to find a way to constructive listen to the needs of the Occupiers, he said.
He added, “This is something that our political leaders need to think about. It isn’t enough just to scream at our Occupy Wall Street demonstrators — we need our political system to start reflecting this anger back into how do we fix it? How do we get the economy going again
Wild Thing's comment......
I an NO fan of Powell and never have been. Once again he proves how awful he is. People have died, been arrested, businesses have been attacked with spray paint and broken windows etc., disease in these occupy camps is happening ( TB and body % head lice), it is sickening, people going to the bathroom on police cars. OMG these people are vile and filthy and they sure as heck are not as American as apple pie, sheesh. Plus Powell says in this article that Washington should listen to them??? About what??? How to hate the rich or those that work hard?
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:45 AM | Comments (4)
November 11, 2011
Veterans Day ~ A Very Special Thank You To ALL Who Served
Wild Thing's Thank You!!!
We would never of had our FREEDOM if it were not for each one of you that have served our country, and all our Veterans and our troops today. Thank you with all my heart!
Thanks is such a small word. I have a long history of family members serving or served in the military. And not one second of any day goes by without me being completely grateful and honored that they chose to fight for our freedom. God Bless America!!
If it were not for those who serve this great nation none of us would have life as we know it.
Our debt can never be repaid. I feel so inadequate in my humble honor of these men and women and all of you here that have served our country, all who have sacrificed SO MUCH for my safety and freedom! They are worthy of so much more than I have to give.
Prayers lifted for our fallen heroes.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 AM | Comments (4)
Herman Backtracks Once Again, This Time On His Saying “Princess Nancy” in a Republican Debate ~ Continues To Show Weakness As A Leader
Herman Cain, battling allegations of sexual harassment, said he regretted calling House of Representatives Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi “Princess Nancy” in a Republican debate on Wednesday.
Cain criticized Pelosi for not acting on a piece of healthcare legislation when she was speaker of the House.
“You didn’t hear about it in the previous Congress because Princess Nancy sent it to committee and it stayed there,” Cain said at the debate in Michigan.
Asked by CNBC after the debate if he regretted the remark in light of the sexual harassment claims by four women, Cain said, “That was a statement that I obviously should not have made, but I was trying to make a point.”
The former pizza executive has been leading in some polls of Republicans or tied with former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney. Cain's favorability ratings have slipped in some polls.
Wild Thing's comment......
Sorry but one of the thigns I admire about Rick Perry is how he stood strong when he said Social Security was a ponzi scheme. He did not backtrack, backdown or weaken. He would simply go on to explain it in more detail for those that tried to attack him for it.
Cain has backtracked so many times on things he has said and imo it shows weakness and or a person that opens his mouth without thinking more often then not. This is an example of how he tried to make amends with Nancy Pelosi after he called her......“Princess Nancy". He could so easily have brought up even some of the things she has done in acting like a princess, like demanding the doors be locked and keeping Republicans out from a vote, turning the lights off on the Republicans when they wanted to stay and debate Obamacare. The list goes on and on the things she has done.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:50 AM | Comments (4)
November 10, 2011
Happy 236th Birthday US Marines - 10 Nov 2011
Happy 236th Birthday US Marines - 10 Nov 2011
Thank you Marines for all you do and the sacrifices you make and have made for all of us and for America.
Wild Thing
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 AM | Comments (2)
Why I Will Continue to Support Perry ~ Excellent Article!
Why I Will Continue to Support Perry
By the time you are reading this, people in all 57 states, civilians and corpsemen alike, will know that Perry had a horrible gaffe at tonight’s debate because he forgot his third department to cut. This will overshadow what was otherwise a solid debate by him (I know, I know, “Other than that Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?”)
Despite his gaffe, I still support Rick Perry. Going into tonight’s debate, Perry was the only candidate who I felt had a great combination of strong executive experience and a record of fighting Washington and advancing conservative causes. Coming out of tonight’s debate, Perry is still the only candidate who has a great combination of strong executive experience and a record of fighting Washington and advancing conservative causes. And he will still have a strong record of conservative leadership after he finishes his waffle.
Rick Perry may not know off the top of his head which three departments he would like to cut, but he does know how to cut spending. Under Perry for the first time since World War II, Texas cut its budget, (take that W.), not by growing the budget less than proposed, but by actually spending less than it did in the previous budget. Every budget that Rick Perry signed was a balanced budget. We need someone with a strong record of fiscal responsibility to right the ship, when even the Republicans in Washington are willing to sell us out to the SuperCommittee by raising taxes now for the promise of future cuts that never come.
Rick Perry may not know how to develop debate points, but he knows how to develop a pro-business environment. The thing that this country needs most can be summed up in three letters: J-O-B-S. Texas has created one million net jobs during his tenure in Texas, during that same time, the country as a whole lost 2.5 million net jobs. Texas added four seats in the latest census because of the number of people moving to Texas in order to find work. Indeed, CNBC named Texas it’s number one state for business in 2010. And just like when the stock market crashed and Franklin D. Roosevelt got on the television to explain what happened, Rick Perry will explain how overregulation and overtaxation are killing employment in America.
Rick Perry may fight against words, but he also fights against Washington. Texas has fought against overregulation by the EPA; the Department of Education; State Department, and The Department of Immigration and Naturalization Services, just to name a few.
Rick Perry is not a good debater. Rick Perry is a good leader and a solid conservative. If we can’t have all three in a candidate, I would rather have the guy who knows how to put conservative policies into action and show that they can work through example, rather than a candidate who can explain why conservative policies are great on paper, but never plans to implement them. Showing that your policies work in practice and not just on paper, translates to any language: including Texan and Austrian, or anywhere else your trip on the Intercontinental Railroad will take you.
Can Perry best Obama in a debate? I don’t know. What I do know is that people are seeing that Obama’s policies don’t work, and that even Perry can show that his do. People understand that. What I also know is that when consevative policies are implemented and get the economy growing again, people aren’t going to remember what was said in some debate.
I will gladly pass over Rick Perry the next time I need to pick a debate partner. I will gladly continue to support Rick Perry the next time I need to choose a president.
Wild Thing's comment........
Obama stated there are 57 states, Romney can't remember his wife or how long they have been married.
But who is the one that will be crucified for not remembering something it will be Perry. And you know what I could care less. He smiled and said he could not remember, that is being honest and certainly no crime.
I do hope you read the article above it is really good and well worth the read.
For me I am truly honored to support Perry for President.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (3)
Post Debate Video of Rick Perry ~ Sincere, down to earth....a Great man!
Wild Thing's comment........
Since you all probably saw the debate last night I thought you might like to see this POST debate video of Perry. I love so much how he speaks afterward and answers questions. He is so natural with people in this kind of a setting.
I love this tweet by Perry. I checked Perry's website and they had a live tweet going on after the debate. It it is own tweet and it says.....
Governor Perry: "Really glad I wore my boots 2nite because I stepped in it out there. I did still name 2 agencies to eliminate. Obama has never done that!"
I have to tell you this was something that if I had not been for him already it would have sealed the deal. His being positive, his joke like that about Obama...the whole thing was so good.
Romney forgot how many years he has been married so he messed up in the debate. When it happened he joked about it. OK here is the difference...Perry forgets the word Energy and he smiles and admits he can't remember. But who is the one the RINO'S and media will crucify????
"Have at it " as Perry would say.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (3)
November 09, 2011
Obama Couldn’t Wait: His New Christmas Tree Tax
( MUSLIM FREAK ) Obama Couldn’t Wait: His New Christmas Tree Tax
President Obama’s Agriculture Department today announced that it will impose a new 15-cent charge on all fresh Christmas trees—the Christmas Tree Tax—to support a new Federal program to improve the image and marketing of Christmas trees.
In the Federal Register of November 8, 2011, Acting Administrator of Agricultural Marketing David R. Shipman announced that the Secretary of Agriculture will appoint a Christmas Tree Promotion Board. The purpose of the Board is to run a “program of promotion, research, evaluation, and information designed to strengthen the Christmas tree industry’s position in the marketplace; maintain and expend existing markets for Christmas trees; and to carry out programs, plans, and projects designed to provide maximum benefits to the Christmas tree industry” (7 CFR 1214.46(n)). And the program of “information” is to include efforts to “enhance the image of Christmas trees and the Christmas tree industry in the United States” (7 CFR 1214.10).
To pay for the new Federal Christmas tree image improvement and marketing program, the Department of Agriculture imposed a 15-cent fee on all sales of fresh Christmas trees by sellers of more than 500 trees per year (7 CFR 1214.52). And, of course, the Christmas tree sellers are free to pass along the 15-cent Federal fee to consumers who buy their Christmas trees.
Acting Administrator Shipman had the temerity to say the 15-cent mandatory Christmas tree fee “is not a tax nor does it yield revenue for the Federal government” (76 CFR 69102). The Federal government mandates that the Christmas tree sellers pay the 15-cents per tree, whether they want to or not. The Federal government directs that the revenue generated by the 15-cent fee goes to the Board appointed by the Secretary of Agriculture to carry out the Christmas tree program established by the Secretary of Agriculture. Mr. President, that’s a new 15-cent tax to pay for a Federal program to improve the image and marketing of Christmas trees.
Wild Thing's comment......
It's a tax that targets ONLY Christians. I mean, how many muslims are putting up Christmas trees?
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:55 AM | Comments (7)
A Not To Miss Interview With Rick Perry by ABC's Christiane Amanpour ~ Video
GOP presidential candidate discusses 2012 race with ABC's Christiane Amanpour.
Wild Thing's comment........
LOL I know I say that a lot that he does a great interview, but it is true. This one he is asked some questions he has not been asked before. So it makes it better in that way too.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:50 AM | Comments (2)
Mitt Romney Afriad Of Questions??? You BET He is!
This is a Jon Huntsman ad attacking Mitt Romney for running away from tough questions from the media and from voters. Huntsman’s ad uses odd music to accompany video of Mitt Romney running, interspersed with clips talking about Romney not appearing on news shows, or taking questions from voters. The ad suggests Romney is afraid, using the phrase “scared Mittless.”
Wild Thing's comment......
This is interesting to me because on "Special Report with Bret Baier" weekday show at 6:00p.m. he has had each candidate on his show. Each of his panel ask the candidate questions then Krauthammer gets to say what they think to the candidate. Then at the end Brett plays some funny video of that particular candidate. So far several of them have been on Ron Paul, Bachmann, Newt ( Newt was on last nighit).
Rick Perry is scheduled as well to be on the show.
Guess who has refused to be on the show......ROMNEY!!!
Regarding Herman Cain.... it is a he said she said....she said he said....thing. Apparently there are more women, and his smoking gun man on his team went on Hannity last night and said a son of one of the women accusing Cain worked for Politico. That turned out to be a lie. sheesh They just won't stop with the lies and it sure looks like the Cain team want to keep it going. I think Cain himself would like it to stop but who knows.
November 9, 2011 8pm ET on CNBC
Location: Oakland University in Rochester, Michigan
Sponsor: CNBC, the Michigan Republican Party and Oakland University
Participants: Bachmann, Cain, Gingrich, Huntsman, Paul, Perry, Romney, Santorum
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:47 AM | Comments (5)
November 08, 2011
Mic's Accidently Left On At G20 Meeting: Sarkozy admits he 'can't stand' Israeli premier. Obama: You're fed up with him? I have to deal with him every day!
Report: Sarkozy calls Netanyahu 'liar'
Microphones accidently left on after G20 meeting pick up private conversation between US, French presidents. Sarkozy admits he 'can't stand' Israeli premier. Obama: You're fed up with him? I have to deal with him every day!
French President Nicolas Sarkozy reportedly told US President Barack Obama that he could not "stand" Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and that he thinks the Israeli premier "is a liar."
According to a Monday report in the French website "Arret sur Images," after facing reporters for a G20 press conference on Thursday, the two presidents retired to a private room, to further discuss the matters of the day.
The conversation apparently began with President Obama criticizing Sarkozy for not having warned him that France would be voting in favor of the Palestinian membership bid in UNESCO despite Washington's strong objection to the move.
The conversation then drifted to Netanyahu, at which time Sarkozy declared: "I cannot stand him. He is a liar." According to the report, Obama replied: "You're fed up with him, but I have to deal with him every day!"
The remark was naturally meant to be said in confidence, but the two leaders' microphones were accidently left on, making the would-be private comment embarrassingly public.
The communication faux pas went unnoticed for several minutes, during which the conversation between the two heads of state – which quickly reverted to other matters – was all but open to members the press, who were still in possession of headsets provided by the Elysée for the sake of simultaneous translation during the G20 press conference.
"By the time the (media) services at the Elysée realize it, it was on for at least three minutes," one journalist told the website. Still, he said that reporters "did not have a chance to take advantage of this fluke."
The surprising lack of coverage may be explained by a report alleging that reporters present at the event were requested to sign an agreement to keep mum on the subject of the embarrassing comments.
A member of the media confirmed Monday that "there were discussions between journalists and they agreed not to publish the comments due to the sensitivity of the issue."
He added that while it was annoying to have to refrain from publishing the information, the journalists are subject to precise rules of conduct.
Wild Thing's comment......
Disgusting, both of them. Typical of the French they always think they are better then anyone else. And typical of Obama with his hate for Jews and Israel.
God bless Bibi!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 AM | Comments (5)
Rick Perry’s parents say their son is strong medicine needed by a sickly nation
Rick Perry’s parents say their son is strong medicine needed by a sickly nation
PAINT CREEK, Texas — Rick Perry may be the 61-year-old governor of Texas, and a candidate for president of the United States, but he’s always going to be Amelia Perry’s baby.
And in these parts, you don’t talk bad about a woman’s baby.
Consider this recent exchange at St. John’s Methodist Church in Stamford, a small town about 16 miles from the Perry family’s homestead in Paint Creek.
The Rev. John Erwin stood in the pulpit of the historic church and offered what many may consider a sad but safe observation about the world — politicians lie.
That’s when 82-year-old Amelia Perry’s voice rose above the sermon.
“John, my son is the governor of the great state of Texas,” she said. “And he is not a liar.”
The pastor paused briefly, then galloped on with the message.
A few minutes later, he repeated the fightin’ words — politicians lie.
This time, Amelia Perry stood from her pew.
“I told you once,” she said, her voice icy. “My son is not a liar.”
A moment of uncomfortable silence was followed by waves of laughter.
After years of shooing reporters off their doorstep, Rick Perry’s parents — Ray, an 86-year-old cattleman, and Amelia, an expert quilter — agreed last week to an exclusive, wide-ranging interview with The Dallas Morning News.
The ground rules were this: They would not talk about politics, dignify salacious rumors or criticize their son’s opponents for the GOP nomination.
“I probably shouldn’t be doing this because Rick asked us not to, but somebody needs to know,” said Amelia Perry, handing out candy at a Halloween carnival sponsored by First United Methodist Church in Haskell.
“The country is declining and we need somebody who can turn it around. If we don’t, these children, and my grandchildren, will never know the America we know.”
Ray Perry, who served 28 years on the Haskell County Commissioners Court, sat nearby under a black cowboy hat. His Western shirt is starched crisp, his denim jeans creased.
“Life is a whole lot different out here than it is in Dallas,” he said, motioning to swarms of children buzzing by in costumes. “I’m 86 years old. What business do I have sitting out here watching these little kiddos?
“I don’t believe they do that in Dallas. They’re not as close as we are out here in sparsely populated West Texas.”
The Perrys say their son’s church training, pull-yourself-up-by-your-own-bootstraps work ethic and straight-shootin’ style is the strong medicine needed by a sickly nation.
“The way we look at it, this country needs Rick Perry because he’s the kind of person who will lead,” said his daddy. “We certainly don’t need another Obama; we don’t make any bones about that.”
For the most part, the Perrys painted their son in the pastels used by proud parents.
“I may be a little biased, but I don’t think he’s perfect and I don’t always agree with him,” said Amelia Perry. “But he’s smarter than I am and he wants what’s best for America.”
On more controversial topics — sexual harassment allegations against current Republican front-runner Herman Cain or the racial epithet once painted on a rock at the family’s hunting lodge — they offered a simple “No comment.”
‘Little bitty’ politician
The Perry family’s political heritage extends at least back to the 1880s in West Texas when the governor’s great-great-grandfather, W.D. Hamilton, served in the state Legislature from Trinity County. His grandfather and father were both elected leaders in Haskell County.
Politics is in the blood, and Ray Perry said he could see it in his son when he was 7 or 8 at the former Methodist Church in Paint Creek.
Before each service, men would gather outside in knots to discuss issues of the day.
Little Rick Perry started on the outside of the circle, but it didn’t take long for him to work his way inside. He wanted to be heard.
“He’s always been a politician, ever since he’s been little bitty,” said Ray Perry. “He’d get hold of one of those coattails and tug on it. He wanted those men to recognize him, and he’d even join in the conversation.”
Perry raised 4-H animals and thrived in the Boy Scouts, where he eventually earned an Eagle Scout badge. He was the popular quarterback of Paint Creek High School, which, because of its size, played six-man football.
The scheme fit Perry, who was a scrawny teenager but a fast one. When he would get on the edge, or turn the corner, he often went all the way.
Making a name
That was his style in politics, too.
Perry was elected to the state House of Representatives in 1984 as a Democrat.
In six years, he earned a reputation as a fiscal conservative who would occasionally vote to open the state’s checkbook.
In 1989, he defected to the GOP and ran against popular Democratic Agriculture Commissioner Jim Hightower.
The Perrys said they were not surprised when their son pulled off the long-shot victory.
“You won’t find anyone who works harder when he’s campaigning than Rick Perry,” said his dad. “He works at it constantly. The first time he ran for statewide office, people would say, ‘Rick who?’
“But Rick had a Cessna 310, and he was a pilot. He absolutely wore that airplane out campaigning around the state.”
He has since been elected Texas lieutenant governor, took over the state’s highest office in December 2000 when George W. Bush resigned to become president and won three full terms as governor, in 2002, 2006 and 2010.
On Aug. 13, Perry announced in South Carolina that he would seek the Republican nomination for president.
‘He works hard’
Amelia Perry said everyone believes their children are the smartest, strongest and most beautiful creatures on earth. She did, too, while raising Rick Perry and his older sister, Milla.
But there were times she sensed something special in the boy with a square jaw and thick flop of brown hair.
During his sophomore year in high school, Rick Perry asked his daddy for two things — a drum set and a motorcycle.
His daddy replied, “I’m not buying you a drum set and I’ll never buy you a motorcycle, but you can have a horse.”
So, they found a sturdy pony at a fair price and drove out to Big Spring to pick him up.
When they got back to their ranch, Ray Perry told his son to untie the horse and ease him out of the trailer.
Moments later, his son was screaming.
The horse had reared on its hind legs and come down on the young boy. His arm was snapped, and a piece of jagged bone protruded from the skin.
Perry’s arm was eventually set in Abilene, about 60 miles away.
Doctors weren’t sure it would ever work right again.
But Rick Perry wanted to play football his senior year of high school, and he dreamed of flying. So, he took to physical therapy with gusto — push-ups, pull-ups for hours each week, building back the muscle and mobility.
“He wasn’t a large teenager, but he wanted to play football,” his mother said. “By the time he went back to school that next fall, he had grown 3 or 4 inches and put on 14 or 15 pounds.
“He works hard. Rick Perry works hard at everything he does.”
After graduating from Texas A&M, Perry did join the Air Force and become a pilot. He flew C-130 transport planes around the globe, retiring in 1977 with the rank of captain.
“I think the big jolt for Rick Perry was when he came home from the Air Force and moved back into his bedroom at home,” said his mother. “He had been a captain in the Air Force and he’d been all over the world, commanding those boys.”
In some ways, it was a time of self-discovery.
After leaving the Air Force, Perry was so glad to be home he said he would never leave Haskell County. But it didn’t take long for him to realize the wide-open prairie wouldn’t hold his dreams.
His parents said he would take off for days at a time, with nothing but a bedroll, his horse and old dog named Kelly.
“He was a farm boy and a rancher’s son and he just liked this West Texas life,” said Amelia Perry. “He might spend a night or two down there by the Brazos River, hunting, and then he’d throw a deer up on the back of the saddle and come on home. He’s just like that.”
‘It could happen’
Rick Perry’s life has changed a lot since those carefree days.
His parents can’t pick him up at the airport, even if they wanted to. And when they walk down the street with their son in Austin, they try to stay in the background.
But in other ways — important ways — Ray and Amelia Perry say their son is the same rough-hewn, square-jawed, level-headed West Texas boy who used to run around in their back pasture.
They say if he wants to president of the United States, God willing, he will be president.
“I was born and raised to think there may be a lot of people who are richer than I am, and prettier than I am, but there’s nobody better than I am, as long as I’m trying to live right,” said Amelia Perry.
“And I raised my children that way, to think they can do anything. And I believe it could happen.”
Wild Thing's comment........
What dear parents he has. This ia a special story about them.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:50 AM | Comments (4)
Cain Accuser Gives Details and Krauthammer,Alex Castellanos and Bill Bennett Weigh In
A woman named Sharon Bialek, flanked by attorney Gloria Allred, said at a news conference Monday that the presidential candidate reached under her skirt and tried to push her head toward his crotch in a parked car in 1997. Bialek is a former staffer of the National Restaurant Association who says she was seeking to regain her job.
The Cain campaign immediately issued a statement declaring that “Mr. Cain has never harassed anyone” and dismissing what it called “bogus attacks.”
Bialek said she told two other people, one of them her boyfriend at the time, about the alleged groping, so corroborating witnesses could emerge. Allred says she has two such affidavits.
Republican Consultant on Herman Cain: You Can't Have As a Campaign Slogan 'Everybody's Lying But Me'
Alex Castellanos on CNN with Wolf Blitzer says "the dots now--you don't have to connect them, they're beginning to connect themselves."
Casellanos says in this clip that he talked to the Cain campaign this morning and they clearly weren't expecting this. "This is at a serious point now" and Cain saying 'I'm gonna ignore this' is not gonna get him there Castellanos says.
Krauthammmer Herman Cain
Krauthammer on Special Report tonight: "For Cain, this is gonna be something he may not be able to actually shake"
Radio Host Bill Bennett: Herman Cain Needs To Give a Full Press Conference Dedicated Exclusively to These Allegations
BENNETT: "Herman Cain and his campaign chief of staff, Mark Block, cannot go on as they have. There has been a pattern now that is both unhealthy for our politics and unhealthy for our polity.
Four women are not an insignificant number. One or two anonymous charges, perhaps. Three anonymous charges (where, as I understand the story, Cain knows of at least two of the women) plus one woman who went very public and opened herself up to all manner of investigation are a lot. It is no longer insignificant. Neither is it insignificant that the Cain campaign discounted the charges in the initial stories, saying they were based on anonymous sources, only to make a mockery by blaming other campaigns with less substantiation than the original stories.
If Herman Cain wants to be taken seriously as a public advocate for anything, never mind running for the chief executive and commander in chief of the most powerful and important and blessed country in the world, he needs to give a full press conference dedicated exclusively to this issue and these allegations.
I have watched long enough and held my tongue long enough to give him the benefit of the doubt, but can no longer say this is a witch hunt, “a lynching” to use his word, or any other euphemism. There are allegations out there that matter and they have stacked up. For we who led the charge against Bill Clinton on a number of related issues to continue to blame the media or other campaigns or say it simply doesn’t matter makes us the hypocrites as well"
Republican presidential contender Herman Cain will address the latest sexual harassment allegations against him at a Tuesday afternoon news conference, his campaign announced late Monday. ( CNN )
Newt Gingrich on Cain: “The allegations are very serious,” Mitt Romney told Fox News host Bill O’Reilly during a radio interview. “I’ve got no counsel for the Cain campaign. I’ll let them keep their own counsel and I’m going to focus on my message.”“He is going to have to have a clear and compelling explanation for this whole story,” Gingrich said.
Rick Perry on Cain...
Texas Gov. Rick Perry suggested that the scrutiny was to be expected of any front-runner in the race: “Any time that you rise to the top of the polls… you’re going get to get whacked,” Perry told O’Reilly. “As you said” – he told the Fox News host – “it’s Herman’s turn in the barrel.”
Bachmann on Cain: Great on Personality, Bad on Governing
Rep. Michele Bachmann has come out swinging with the strongest assault on GOP front-runner Herman Cain, since decade-old accusations of sexual harassment came to light last week.
“Everyone loves him. Who doesn’t? He has a great personality, but this is the leader of the free world we’re talking about,” Bachmann said in an interview with conservative radio host Scott Hennan, set to air Monday. Bachmann did not specifically address the harassment charges, but instead attacked him on a series of inconsistencies in his positions on issues.
“I think the real problem is how inconsistent he’s been on the issues… There’s been 10 instances in the last month where he’s changed his position on significant issues. On the issue of pro-life, he said the government shouldn’t intervene to protect life then he switched and said, ‘no they shouldn’t.’”
Cain has been accused of changing, sometimes in the same interview, his stances on abortion, a Constitutional amendment that defines marriage between a man and a woman, and whether the United States should hypothetically swap imprisoned foreign terrorists for American hostages.
~ snipet~
Stingingly, she said when asked of Cain: “People are looking for an adult in the room.”
Wild Thing's comment.......
Who the heck konws if any of this is true or not. It certainly is werid and it doesn't seem to stop. I have no idea how Cain can make it stop. But so far I don't think it has hurt his campaign.
Of all the candidates responses Michele Bachmann is the one that is self righteous. Bachman needs to sew up her machete mouth. Cain will self destruct on his own if that is what is in the cards. I do have to say that Cain needs to stop blaming others. That is probably the biggest thing for me that I am sick of.
Gingrich and Perry gave better responses imo.
The bottom line is that this election is not about this kind of thing and it is a distraction big time. I hope it stops so people can get back to what this coming year is about. We have got to get Obama out of office and he still has too many that support him and are drinking his stupid kool-aid. Very scary.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:47 AM | Comments (4)
November 07, 2011
Liz Cheney: Talk About The Issues People Care About
Wild Thing's comment........
Bob Schieffer is a jerk. He was doing his whole show about the Cain bimbogate whatever it is called and also about the video of Rick Perry where the media took clips from an long speech he made for a dinner of donors where he was applauded big time and made to look like he was drunk or something. Which was untrue.
So Liz had enough of the direction of the show and let Schieffer have it. Yippee!!!
Thank you Liz Chaney. I LOVE how she responds. Right before she replies she was asked how she felt about the video that has been debunked about Rick Perry where some freak has put together clips mind you from a long speech Perry made and GOT STANDING APPLAUSE FOR. The left media and others are trying to make people think Perry was drunk or on pain pills for his back. More slander of Rick Perry that is NOT true.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 AM | Comments (3)
Occupy THUGS Push Older Woman Down Some Stairs as She Was Attending a “Tribute to Ronald Reagan” Dinner ~ Video
Occupy DC Protesters assaulted conservatives as they exited an Americans For Prosperity “Tribute to Ronald Reagan” dinner.
This elderly woman, 78 years old, rode 11 hrs on a bus from Detroit to attend the dinner. After the attack she was taken to hospital with multiple injuries, a bloody nose which developed after the fall, and a large knot on her head. After x-rays and a CAT scan, she was released the following morning with cuts and large bruises.
Update: Further uploaded video footage shows the second woman to have been brought to the ground by a conference attendee losing his temper and pushing through the Occupier chain. While it was clearly a mistake on his part, and wrong, it is also equally true that the dinner attendees should have been able to go to dinner at a public place without wild, aggressive people imprisoning them in a human chain as they tried to leave the venue!
This is not protesting, this is physical intimidation and harassment. However, the older lady and others were clearly pushed by the occupiers over the stairs as other occupiers released their side of the chain.
Here are some other headlines about these filthy pieces of flesh!!
Occupy Portland Suffers From Head And Body Lice Outbreak…
California Occupiers Defecate, Urinate In Entry Way To Bank…
Occupy Atlanta Protesters Attack Police Officers…
Occupy Wall Street: “Every Single Night It’s The Same Thing. I Mean, Some Guy Was a Victim of Rape!”…
New Ronald Reagan Statue Vandalized in California
A statue of President Ronald Reagan was damaged by vandals last night during an attempted hoist. The vandals were not able to make off with the statue but they did damage it.
A life-size statue of former President Ronald Reagan is tilting at an odd angle in California after someone apparently tried to make off with it.
The bronze statue was just dedicated last month in Newport Beach, Calif. It remains in the park, but is broken off its foundation and is tilting forward after someone attempted to pull it down, the Orange County Register reported.
Newport Beach Police received a call around 5:30 a.m. Sunday of a vandalism in progress, KTLA-TV reported.
A witness said a man wearing dark clothing tried to attach a chain to the base of the statue. The chain was connected to the back of his truck and he seemed to be trying to pull the statue down. He was unsuccessful and was seen fleeing into the surrounding neighborhood.
“Either someone really didn’t like Reagan or they tried to steal it so they can sell it for scrap metal,” said police Sgt. Kirk Jacoby told the Register.
Wild Thing's comment......
None of this is going to stop until our elected politicians stop saying it is OK to what these occupiers are doing. That means YOU FREAK Obama who spoke to a group of them egging them on and Pelosi saying God bless them etc.
This all really shocks me!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:50 AM | Comments (6)
Allen West Responds To Jesse Jackson About The Occupy Horrible People
It's a very weak attempt to try to lend some type of credibility to this Occupy movement...Dr. King stressed non-violence -Allen West
Wild Thing's comment........
It is horrible what these Occupy people have been doing.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:47 AM | Comments (2)
November 06, 2011
Herman Cain Stumped Several Times During Lincoln-Douglas Style Debate Last Night
From the Lincoln-Douglas style debate (almost) last nighth on C-SPAN, between Herman Cain and Newt Gingrich at The Woodlands, Texas, here is Cain getting stumped by a question on Medicare, which he started to try and answer, and then threw it over to Gingrich to go first. Cain actually did this several times during the “debate”.
Wild Thing's comment......
Newt clearly won the debate hands down. Herman Cain is clueless, Newt showed him who was the teacher and who was the student, and if Cain wasn't letting Newt go first he was using Rick Perry's lines from Rick's campaigns speech!!!!
Cain is winging his way through everything, He is incapable of running this country. Cain is making the tea party look like a joke for everything they stand for and I will go so far as to say the GOP ( conservatives in the party) as well.
I am sorry to be so tuff about this but there has got to be some reality, this is about our country and it's survival. I have seen Cain use lines from Perry before but this is getting more and more obvious.
There are some truly wonderful people supporting Cain , but for me there is just no comparison between Cain vs. Newt ( Newt with his vast knowledge ) or Cain vs. Perry ( Perry tremendous experience and succss as a leader).
PLEASE understand non my opinion is personal it is political. I have been for Perry from the start, I was thrilled when he got in the race. I have tried to be as fair as possible posting about others but also keeping honest about what I felt about each one. I love you all and appreciate your passion for the person you are supporting. But have to be honest in my post because my blog is a part of who I am.
To Herman Cain I would say, I am sorry but lingos, bumper sticker speak and ad jingles have their place but one does need to speak in substance sometimes especially if that person wants to hold the highest office in the land and the most powerful office in the world. And to get many of your best lines from a candidate you despise has been truly disgusting and shameful to do.
During the debate Newt gave Perry credit thank you Newt. Perry has already reduced medical costs in Texas with Tort Reform and successfully tested a privatized SS system in Galveston which he thinks everyone should be able to implement. Cain dismissed this fact of what Perry has done that would have had referrence to the question they were asked.
Just for information in case you want it this is about Newt. I am not familar with the blog. It is a Sarah Palin blog I think from the photos in the sidebar.
Here is the link with information about Newt's record and things he has done one might want to think about.
NONE of the candidates are perfect. And we are vetting the heck out of them all. hahaa In my gut I am feeling like it will all work out OK I pray so anyway this election is so important. .
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 AM | Comments (6)
Obama Snubs St. Louis Cardinals – No White House Call After Series Win
Obama Snubs St. Louis Cardinals – No White House Call After Series Win
The Cardinals celebrated a the historic World Series victory last Friday night. But President Obama didn’t join them. He never made a call to the champs after the seventh game of the World Series.
Was President Barack Obama too busy watching the “Operation Repo” marathon or something else last Friday night?
When KMOX host Charlie Brennan asked now-retired St. Louis Cardinals manager Tony La Russa how the traditional call of congratulations from the White House went, La Russa suddenly realized that…it never happened.
“That’s a good point, I hadn’t really even thought about that,” replied a surprised-sounding La Russa, who can be forgiven for having a few other things on his mind over the past week. “As we were getting into the World Series we had a call from the White House to make sure they had the correct number for my office.”
But as the wild, champagne-drenched celebration of the team’s 11th World Series title was going on in the locker room, that phone never rang.
“We never did get a call,” La Russa said.
In August 2010, St. Louis Cardinals Manager Tony La Russa introduced Cardinal great Albert Pujols at Glenn Beck’s “Restoring Honor” Rally in Washington DC. Pujols was awarded the “Hope” Award at the massive rally.
In June 2010 Cardinals Manager Tony La Russa came out in favor of the tea party movement and the Arizona immigration bill.
Do you suppose that had anything to do with Barack Obama’s decision not to call the Cardinals last week?
Wild Thing's comment......
Obama is so disgusting!!!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (4)
The Herman Cain Campaign (Pokeman? SimCity? 999?) - It's Performance Art!
Cain quoted "a poet" as having once said, "Life can be a challenge, life can seem impossible, but it's never easy when there's so much on the line". These are lyrics from "The Power of One," a song written for Pokemon: The Movie 2000. Song is from pokemon movie 2000 by Donna Summers.
This could be dismissed as a charming flub, if only it was the first time Cain had used Pokemon lyrics in a political speech. Cain quotes the line on what appears to be his official website (attributing it to the 2000 Olympics closing song, which it's not), at his official campaign announcement in May, and at the Republican Leadership Conference in June.
Wild Thing's comment......
LOL I give Cain a plus for trying and actually pulling this pokeman thing off. No harm of course but in terms of Presidential and taking the credit for it when it is NOT his. haha yikes That is a different story.
I am NO fan of Maddow, but she is right about Cain on this. It is embarassing.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM
November 05, 2011
Even After Subpoena on Solyndra Documents Obama and White House REFUSE To Turn Over All Documents
White House Fires Back at 'Overbroad' Subpoena on Solyndra Documents
The White House on Friday all but refused to turn over the documents House Republicans have subpoenaed on bankrupt solar firm Solyndra, firing off a letter saying the request would put an "unreasonable burden on the president's ability to meet his constitutional duties."
The feisty response appears to set up a clash between congressional investigators and the White House over the sprawling probe into Solyndra's finances and the administration's involvement in the decision to provide the struggling company a $528 million loan with taxpayer money.
White House Counsel Kathryn Ruemmler, in her letter, scolded GOP lawmakers for demanding more documents, noting the Obama administration has already turned over 85,000 pages of documents in the course of their investigation. Without explicitly refusing to comply with the subpoena, Ruemmler repeatedly described the order as "overbroad."
"The Committee's extremely broad request for documents -- now a subpoena -- is a significant intrusion on Executive Branch interests," she wrote, saying she can only conclude the subpoena was "driven more by partisan politics than a legitimate effort to conduct a responsible investigation."
Rep. Fred Upton, R-Mich., chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, questioned what the West Wing was trying to "hide" in a response late Friday.
"We have been reasonable every step of the way in this investigation, and it is a shame that the Obama administration and House Democrats continue to put up partisan roadblocks to hide the truth from taxpayers," he said. "Now, we need to know the White House's role in the Solyndra debacle in order to learn the full truth about why taxpayers now find themselves a half billion dollars in the hole. The White House could have avoided the need for subpoena authorizations if they had simply chosen to cooperate."
Though the White House has turned over thousands of documents, Republicans say the administration has not provided everything they've requested. The House Energy and Commerce Committee voted Thursday to subpoena, and the subpoenas went out late Thursday to the White House and office of the vice president.
"Unfortunately, we had to take this step after the White House has continued to slow walk the production of documents necessary for this investigation by only releasing selected documents and records," Rep. Cliff Stearns, R-Fla., chairman of the House panel investigating the matter, said in a statement.
The subpoena called on the White House to produce "all documents referring or relating in any way" to the Solyndra loan guarantee, as well as to investors in the company and to the company's financial condition.
As Republicans pressed the White House for more information, new bankruptcy court documents also revealed that Solyndra executives were paid quarterly bonuses earlier this year worth up to $60,000 apiece.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Obama could care less about about “constitutional duties”, he hates our Constitution and has made that very clear.
Everything this miserable traitorous president does he considers an “unreasonable burden” when it comes to upholding the Constitution.
The White House on Friday all but refused to turn over the documents House Republicans have subpoenaed on bankrupt solar firm Solyndra, firing off a letter saying the request would put an "unreasonable burden on the president's ability to meet his constitutional duties."
This coming from the most transparent and open Administration in history! Just ask Nancy Pelosi for details.
Isn’t that called obstruction? I know it would be if this were a Republican regime.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 AM | Comments (8)
Speeches at the Iowa Republican Party Ronald Reagan Dinner ~ November 4th Videos
This was the lineup of speakers Friday night at the Reagan Dinner in Iowa, from the desmoinesregister
Former Senator Rick Santorum spoke at the 2011 Iowa Republican Party Ronald Reagan Dinner
Governor Rick Perry spoke at the 2011 Iowa Republican Party Ronald Reagan Dinner
Wild Thing's comment........
In case you missed these speeches. I was able to find them, I was hoping to find the tribute to Ronald Reagan that used, but there are a lot of them online and I am not sure which one they used.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (2)
November 04, 2011
Rick Perry on the Economy with CNN's John King
Here is the economic portion of the CNN interview with John King on Nov. 3, 2011
Rick Perry scored another very strong interview on CNN's John King USA. Recorded in Iowa, in this segment, Perry makes a forceful argument for his economic plan, the 20% flat tax, by telling King what his response would be to an Obama attack ad. Obama hypothetically can say that the Perry economic plan would be unfavorable to he middle class. Perry's answer, in a nutshell, is what has Obama's economic record done for the middle class? There are 14 million unemployed and we aren't going anywhere fast. The Perry plan, he said, creates an environment where entrepreneurs will feel comfortable about investing in their businesses and that those entrepreneurs will create jobs, and reverse the failed policies of President Obama.
Another very good answer Perry made was to John King's inquiry about what Perry would say to the G-20 meeting in France this week. Perry said that once President Rick Perry got America's economic house in order with lower taxes and cutting spending that his message to Europe would be to follow America's lead. Good stuff.
Comments by the pundits after the interview on John King USA on CNN last night:
John King: "This is a man very comfortable in his skin - very confident man."
Ed Rollins (former Bachmann advisor): "That was an extraordinary interview. If Iowans can see him in the mode he was in today - very confident - very articulate...you turn him loose here in Iowa for 8-9 weeks and he'll be back in this race."
Gloria Borger: "I kept thinking as I was watching this interview, where has this candidate been in the presidential debates?"
Wild Thing's comment........
Perry thank you for being a true leader, a man of integrity and honor and with some 27 years experience making a difference for your State and one day I hope and pray for America as well.
The enitre interview was one of the best I have seen with Perry. Too bad Fox does not come up to par lately on this. O'reilly did a terrible job and made it all about O'reilly. Hannity is so far into Cain that even though Rick did great , Hannity was awful himself.
I am so glad I am able to show you at least this much of the interview.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 AM | Comments (5)
Iowa radio host calls Herman Cain’s behavior ‘awkward if not inappropriate’
Iowa radio host calls Herman Cain’s behavior ‘awkward if not inappropriate’
Now that Herman Cain’s chief of staff is drawing attention to them, observations by Iowa conservative radio host Steve Deace about the presidential candidate’s behavior are getting national exposure.
On Monday, Deace posted a message on his Facebook page that Cain had “said things to both of my female staffers that at best are professionally awkward if not inappropriate over the last several months.”
Deace has been critical of how Cain behaved while the Georgia Republican was in Iowa doing interviews. But Deace has tried to keep his public comments strictly on Cain’s record, saying Cain has done back-tracking and flip-flopping on key issues in recent weeks.
On Monday, Deace told The Des Moines Register he didn’t want to talk publicly about what Cain did that made the women present at his radio interviews uncomfortable.
“I have instructed our employees not to address the situation specifically,” Deace said Monday. “At this point I see no need in dragging them into this individually.”
But on Tuesday, Cain’s chief of staff Mark Block, while insisting Cain has never sexually harassed anyone, made a passing comment that seemed to refer to Deace’s staff, as Politico noted in an article this afternoon.
“As the hours go by, it’s interesting that we even hear from a radio talk show host of Iowa that a receptionist thought that Mr. Cain’s comments were inappropriate,” Block said a National Journal event, according to Politico.
Deace told Politico today that when he has written about Cain, he has tried to “make it about his record and not the personal stuff.”
During his Oct. 3 broadcast in Iowa, Deace mentioned that Cain made a comment to a woman who was there to report on the radio interview for another news agency.
“Cain said, ‘Darling, do you mind doctoring my tea for me?’” Deace said.
Deace told the Register last month that he believes Cain was talking about adding honey and lemon, but that it was an awkward moment.
Cain’s behavior on the campaign trail and in his distant past have been under intense scrutiny since Politico on Sunday reported that two women who worked for Cain at the National Restaurant Association complained of sexually suggestive behavior by Cain, accepted money to leave their jobs, and signed confidentiality agreements. Cain was CEO from 1996 to 1999.
Cain on Monday said he has never sexually harassed anyone. He called the allegations part of a “witch hunt.”
Wild Thing's comment......
The Herman Cain soap opera, news at eleven.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (6)
November 03, 2011
Obama Slams Congress For Wasting Time on "In God We Trust" (Video)
America Hater Obama Slams Congress For Wasting Time on "In God We Trust" (Video)
Outrageous. Obama takes a swipe at congress for taking time to keep 'In God We Trust' as our motto."That's not putting people back to work" Obama says. This was just before noon at the Obama jobs speech in the Washington D.C. area
The NINE that voted against it, a suggestion from me would be to call their offices and give them hell!!!
House of Representatives Votes 396-9 to Reaffirm “In God We Trust” as the National Motto of the United States – Wild Thing
House Votes to Reaffirm 'In God We Trust' as National Motto
by Audrey Hudson
The House on Tuesday passed a measure reaffirming “In God We Trust” as the national motto of the U.S., in an effort to encourage its display in public buildings and send a message to those who seek to remove God from the public domain.
The resolution required a two-thirds vote to pass, and did so easily, 396 to 9. Rep. Justin Amash of Michigan was the lone Republican voting no, joining eight other Democrats, Representatives Gary Ackerman and Jerrold Nadler of New York, Judy Chu, Mike Honda and Pete Stark of California, Emanuel Cleaver of Missouri, Henry Johnson of Georgia and Robert Scott of Virginia.
Rep. J. Randy Forbes (R.-Va.), chairman of the Congressional Prayer Caucus and sponsor of the measure, said the resolution serves to clear up confusion over a speech President Obama gave last year in Jakarta, Indonesia, in which he stated that the motto was instead “E Pluribus Unum,” Latin for “Out of many, one.”
“For the President of the United States to incorrectly state something as foundational as our national motto in another country is unacceptable,” Forbes said. “The President is the primary representative of our nation to the world, and whether mistake or intention, his actions cast aside an integral part of American society.”
“We need to make clear to the people in this country that our motto is ‘In God We Trust,’ and encourage them to proudly display that motto,” Forbes said.
Nadler, the only Democrat to engage in debate against the measure on the floor, said the suggestion that the President is “less Godly, less patriotic,” is a “kind of divisiveness that undermines national unity.”
“It’s an exercise to tell people who may not believe in God, ‘You don’t really count, you’re not really an American,’ ” Nadler said.
Rep. Dan Lungren (R.-Calif.) said the reaffirmation is also important because the word “God” has been challenged in the courts when used on public buildings, such as the new U.S. Capitol Visitor Center, and in the Pledge of Allegiance when it's recited in public schools.
“This is an important message that we need to affirm. It is under attack, and we are not wasting time. How could we waste time making sure ‘In God We Trust’ is enshrined in our national motto?” Lungren said.
Nadler shrugged off Lungren’s concern, and said the motto is not under threat or attack, and that those court challenges lose “all the time.”
“I’m not saying God is a waste of time,” Nadler said. “But this resolution is simply words that do nothing. It is intended to do nothing except to say, ‘We are godly, we are good people.’ We do have to be sensitive to the fact that not everyone believes in God, and they are just as American as those who do believe in God. So, it’s a waste of time.”
Rep. Jeff Miller (R.-Fla.) said the U.S. has relied on its faith in God since the country's inception.
“Yes, there are attacks on God, every day,” Miller said. “As President Reagan said, 'If we ever forget that we're one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone under.’ ”
Wild Thing's comment........
It still shocks me about Obama. I will never get passed that people voted for this collection of human flesh.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 AM | Comments (3)
Charles Krauthammer on Cain: You Sound Like Clinton
Wild Thing's comment.......
Cain not only sounds like Clinton he also sounds like Obama....as he blames everyone else but himself.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:50 AM | Comments (1)
Rick Perry Was Interviewed on Hannity Last Night ~ Videos
Rick Perry on 'Hannity' Part 1
Rick Perry on 'Hannity' Part 2
Wild Thing's comment.........
Loved this interview, Hannity asks him a lot of questions. Perry is so good at explaining things, so clear and easy to understand.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:48 AM | Comments (2)
AP Exclusive: Third worker says harassed by Cain
AP Exclusive: Third worker says harassed by Cain
A third former employee says she considered filing a workplace complaint over what she considered aggressive and unwanted behavior by Herman Cain when she worked for the presidential candidate in the 1990s. She says the behavior included a private invitation to his corporate apartment.
She worked for the National Restaurant Association when he was its head. She told The Associated Press that Cain made sexually suggestive remarks or gestures about the same time that two co-workers had settled separate harassment complaints against him.
The employee described situations in which she said Cain told her he had confided to colleagues how attractive she was and invited her to his corporate apartment outside work. She spoke on condition of anonymity, saying she feared retaliation.
Cain's campaign declined to comment.
Wild Thing's comment......
Good grief.
You know Cain has been the only candidate not vetted, not really. Certainly not like all the others. This is why it is so important. We are not democrats and we are not wanting to elect another Obama that has too much hidden in his past. It is better for all of whatever there is to come out now and see what happens then to find out about things if he were to be elected.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:47 AM | Comments (5)
Cain Like Obama Blames Others Not Himself, First He Blames Perry, Then Rham Emanuel Who Is Next The Pope or Bush??
Cain Gets Testy With Reporters: "Don't Even Bother Asking Me These Other Questions"
PICKET: Source - Rahm Emanuel involved in Cain sexual harassment accuser attacks
Herman Cain's campaign is revealing suspicions about who is behind the story regarding the former unidentified employees who accused Mr. Cain of sexual harassment in the late 1990's.
According to a source who is friends with the Cain campaign, not only is the Rick Perry campaign involved but also the Mayor of Chicago and former Obama White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel is likely involved with the sexual harassment accuser attacks. A friend of the Cain campaign believes a National Restaurant Association (NRA) employee out of the Chicago office leaked the story to the Perry campaign via information and influence from Mayor Rahm Emanuel's office.
According to Politico's Jonathan Martin, Curt Anderson, the Perry advisor who the Cain campaign is accusing of leaking the damaging information, is denying the charges:
"I’ve known Herman Cain for about 7 years. I was one of several consultants on his Senate race in 2004 and was proud to help him. I'd never heard any of these allegations until I read them in Politico, nor does anything I read in the press change my opinion that Herman is an upstanding man and a gentleman. I have great respect for Herman and his character and I would never speak ill of him, on the record or off the record. That's true today and it's not going to change."
RedState.com Exclusive: Rick Perry responds to Cain Campaign
Wild Thing's comment......
Shame on Cain for not just taking it like a man and not even telling the truth. He did , he didn't, nothing ever happened, well there might something but it was nothing really. flip flop and more flip......... sheesh.
And to blame Perry ....bye bye Cain.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:45 AM | Comments (3)
November 02, 2011
TV Series “The Rockford Files" Jim Rockford To The Occupy Wall Streeter ~ LOL GREAT Reply!
Your alternative lifestyle comes out of somebody else's pocket
If you’ve never watched “The Rockford Files,” then you have missed some of the greatest social commentary ever to come out of a sit-com. One of the best episodes is when Jim Rockford, played by James Garner, teams up with a New Age nut named Jane Patten who goes by the name Sky Aquarian (Valerie Curtin). If you ever want to know the answer to the question “What’s the sound of one hand clapping?,” then this episode of “The Rockford Files” is the one to see. It’s called “Quickie Nirvana.” It was first broadcast November 11, 1977.
H/T i own the world
Wild Thing's comment......
LOL so perfect. Good reply!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:55 AM | Comments (6)
Rep. David Schweikert (R-Ariz.) To Obama: STOP Spending Tax Payer Money To Buy Your Own Books ~ Obama has spent $ 70,000.
Rep. David Schweikert (R-Ariz.) wants President Obama to give back the royalties on books purchased by the State Department, he said Tuesday.
“Imagine you’re in a foreign country, you’re visiting a foreign embassy, they hand you a very political book written by the president and you realize the president’s getting royalties on. It just, symbolically but also even mechanically, it doesn’t seem right,” Schweikert said on Fox News. “This is one of those occasions where, on the scale of what’s going on in Greece and Afghanistan, it may be very small, but the symbolism’s pretty powerful.”
Schweikert is following up on a report by the Washington Times from late October that found the State Department bought more than $70,000 worth of books authored by Obama. Embassies used the books as gratuity gifts and also to stock libraries in various countries. The largest single buy was by the U.S. Embassy in Egypt, which spent $28,636 for copies of Obama’s 2004 memoir Dreams From My Father.
Schweikert called it “not a particularly pretty circle.”
He sent an open letter to Obama on Monday asking Obama to cease purchasing copies of his books using taxpayer money, and remit any royalty payments based off previous State Department purchases to the Treasury Department.
“Receiving royalties from government purchases of your book is exactly the type of out-of-touch Washington behavior that the American people are weary of and will no longer tolerate,” the letter reads. “Whether this has been done in the past or not, it should be stopped immediately.”
Wild Thing's comment......
Obama's kool-aid drinkers must be so proud of him ifor spending money that is NOT his to buy his books. Hard earned money from tax payers.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:50 AM | Comments (5)
Rick Perry Offers Advice to Young Marine
Rick Perry Offers Advice to Young Marine
Texas Governor Rick Perry often shows his appreciation for men and women serving in the military, whether it’s on Twitter or in a public speech, and at a townhall in Des Moines Tuesday, Perry offered some advice to a young man entering the Marine Corps this December.
As Perry mingled in the crowd following the townhall, he was approach by Joseph Buhr, an eighteen year old from Altoona, Iowa, who is set to enter basic training for the Marines in December. When he learned the young man would enter the Marines in one month, Perry put his arm around Buhr’s shoulder, drew him in, and whispered in his ear with a few words of advice.
“He told me that if I don’t come across certain challenges along the road of life, I should probably step up my game a bit,” Buhr recounted to ABC News after the exchange. “In the Marine Corps, that actually means quite a bit. You do have to compete quite a bit to succeed in that career.”
“It means a lot coming from a guy who has been very successful in life and who has also been in the military,” Buhr said.
Perry served in the Air Force from 1972 to 1977, flying C-130 tactical aircraft, before returning to Paint Creek, Texas to help on his family’s farm. Buhr said he not only appreciated Perry’s advice, but also found it critical for a president to have military experience in order to fully comprehend the needs and strategy of the military.
“There cannot be a commander in chief who has not serve in the military,” said Buhr. “If he hasn’t served in the military, he doesn’t understand how it works. You need to have knowledge of how things work inside in order to command it.”
Wild Thing's comment........
I love how Perry did this and can relate to our troops and Veterans.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:47 AM
Wake Up America - Jon McNaughton
Wake Up America - by artist Jon McNaughton
We are enslaved to our debt. Wake up, America! Before it is too late...
Every man, woman and child in America is enslaved to the national debt. As an artist, I have painted my vision of the dire circumstances that surround us. Now, more than ever, each American must make a choice: we must unlock the shackles that enslave us, or will we lose our freedom. It is my hope and prayer that America will "wake up" before it is too late.
Those who are familiar with my work know that I like to use symbolism and metaphor to engage the viewer. See if you can find and decipher the many symbols in this image by visiting
In the painting I have intentionally hidden six keys that represent solutions that will release us from the chains of economic and political bondage. Find these keys and share them with as many Americans as you can. If we don't "wake up" future generations may not know what it means to be free.
-Jon McNaughton, political artist
Wild Thing's comment........
This conservative Artist does a beautiful job using his art to say what is happening in America.
I have posted his work before on other topics, He is so awesome.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:45 AM
November 01, 2011
Secret Service On Barack and Michelle Obama
SECRET SERVICE says, “Barack Obama is the sneakiest president ever” and “Michelle is a hard core racist who hates white people.”
They also say, “Hillary Clinton despised the Secret Service, law enforcement, and the military, and humiliated and threatened them everyday.”
Wild Thing's comment.........
I remember back with the Clinton's how one of the SS guys wrote a book and told a lot of things about Bill and Hillary. I hope when Obama and his wife are out of the WH one of their SS guys will do the same thing.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 AM | Comments (6)
Herman Cain
Krauthammer: Herman Cain "Is Winging It," He Needs To Get The Story Straight or He's In Deep Trouble
“I think he should be prepared for things like this because he’s a serious presidential candidate. In fact what gets me, is look, I’ve talked to people in the news business today and they say this has been going around for at least 10 days. I find it hard to believe that the campaign didn’t know this was coming and was a badly prepared as they were. You don’t start out by saying there’s nothing to this whatsoever and then go into we don’t know anything about and then go yes I know it but I didn’t do it.”
UPDATE: Herman Cain told Greta Van Susteren tonight that his campaign had known that Politico was going to publish the hit piece since October 20th.
Wild Thing's comment........
I did not post about this till today. I honestly wanted to wait until we at least heard from Cain.
What I do not like are the flip flops. Cain was on various shows yesterday and his story changed several tiems.
Other then Cain's flip flops on this, does anyone else think this stinks of Romney???? Remember how he did this??
Fred Thompson smears traced back to Mitt Romney
Romney smears Rudy
Romney misleads on Huskabee record etc.
there are links just below the main article.
And this..............
And here is another one about Romney using surrogates to undercut Sarah Palin Former Mitt Romney presidential campaign staffers, some of whom are currently working for Sen. John McCain and Gov. Sarah Palin's bid for the White House, have been involved in spreading ant-Palin spin to reporters, seeking to diminish her standing after the election. "Sarah Palin is a lightweight, she won't be the first, not even the third, person people will think of when it comes to 2012," says one former Romney aide, now working for McCain-Palin. "The only serious candidate ready to challenge to lead the Republican Party is Mitt Romney. He's in charge on November 5th."
Some former Romney aides were behind the recent leaks to media, including CNN, that Governor Sarah Palin was a "diva" and was going off message intentionally. The former and current Romney supporters further are pushing Romney supporters for key Republican jobs, including head of the Republican National Committee.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (6)
Sean Hannity Introducing Rick Perry at Freedom Concert ~ Fantastic Video!!
Wild Thing's comment........
I LOVE supporting Rick Perry, it feels so good to know he is the right one to be President. To not have any second thoughts about him and be excited each day to post things about him.
This video I would say is a must see, and any of you that are Perry supporters too please feel free to share it with others.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:47 AM | Comments (2)