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March 31, 2010
Father of Fallen US Marine Forced To Pay The Westboro Cult’s Court Costs ~ O'Reilly Said He Will Pay It
Bill O’Reilly announced last night on his show that he will pay the legal fee for the father of fallen US Marine Lance Cpl. Matthew A. Snyder who sued the Westboro cult after they picketed his son’s funeral. The father of Albert Snyder is being forced to pay the Westboro cult’s court costs.
Bill O’Reilly said Tuesday that he will personally write a check to cover $16,500 in legal costs for the father of a fallen U.S. Marine who sued the members of a church who picketed his son’s funeral.
According to news reports, the members of the Westboro Baptist Church, located in Topeka, Kan., believe that God is punishing the United States because of its acceptance of gay people. The church garners attention for its views by protesting high-profile funerals.
On March 3, 2006, Marine Lance Cpl. Matthew A. Snyder died in a non-combat related vehicle accident in Al Anbar province in Iraq.
“He was a hero and he was the love of my life,” said Albert Snyder, Matthew’s grieving father.
During the wake that was held after his son’s funeral, family members turned on the television to view coverage of the massive procession involving over 1,500 persons. They saw the church members waving signs and protesting the funeral.
“I just stood there in shock,” Albert Snyder told O’Reilly in November 2007.
“I couldn’t believe that somebody would do that to somebody else. I mean, I didn’t know what to say.
“Finally, somebody yelled, ‘Turn off the television.’ But I just stood there in shock. I can’t believe there’s somebody that would actually do that to soldiers.”
On Tuesday’s The O’Reilly Factor, however, the host stepped forward.
“That is an outrage,” he said. “I will pay Mr. Snyder’s obligation. I am not going to let this injustice stand.”
Died March 03, 2006 serving during Operation Iraqi Freedom 20, of Finksburg, Md.; assigned to Combat Service Support Group 1, 1st Marine Logistics Group, I Marine Expeditionary Force, Twentynine Palms, Calif.; died March 3 from a non-combat-related vehicle accident in Anbar province, Iraq.
Marine's father ordered to pay Westboro's court costs
The father of a Marine who gave his life for his country in Iraq is being forced to pay the Westboro cult’s court costs.
Lawyers for the father of a Marine who died in Iraq and whose funeral was picketed by anti-gay protesters say a court has ordered him to pay the protesters’ appeal costs.
On Friday, the Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit ordered that Albert Snyder of York, Pa., pay costs associated with Fred Phelps’ appeal. Phelps is the leader of the Westboro Baptist Church, which conducted protests at the funeral of Snyder’s son, Marine Lance Cpl. Matthew Snyder, in Westminster in 2006.
Lawyers for Snyder say the Court of Appeals has ordered him to pay $16,510.80 to Phelps for costs relating to the appeal, despite the fact that the U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to review the Court of Appeals’ decision.
They say that Snyder is also struggling to come up with fees associated with filing a brief with the U.S. Supreme Court.
“We are extremely disappointed,” said Sean E. Summers, an attorney for Snyder. He added that the U.S. Supreme Court will likely hear the case during its October term and make a decision in June of next year.
“The Court of Appeals certainly could have waited until the Supreme Court made its decision,” Summers added. “There was no hardship presented by Phelps.”
Summers said there is no timetable for when the costs must be paid, but if his client doesn’t have the money when Phelps requests payment the matter would go into collections. Snyder could lose his property or his wages, Summers said.
The high court agreed earlier this month to consider whether the protesters' message is protected by the First Amendment or limited by the competing privacy and religious rights of the mourners.
“On March 10, 2006, WBC picketed the funeral of Lance Cpl. Matthew A. Snyder, who died in a helicopter crash in Iraq. On June 5, 2006, the Snyder family sued Fred Phelps, WBC, and unnamed others for defamation, invasion of privacy, and intentional infliction of emotional distress.[74] On October 31, 2007, WBC, Fred Phelps and his two daughters, Shirley Phelps-Roper and Rebekah Phelps-Davis, were found liable for invasion of privacy and intentional infliction of emotional distress. A federal jury awarded Snyder’s father $2.9 million in compensatory damages, then later added a decision to award $6 million in punitive damages for invasion of privacy and an additional $2 million for causing emotional distress (A total of $10. 9 million).[75][76] The organization said it wouldn’t change its message because of the verdict.
The lawsuit named Albert Snyder, father of Matthew Snyder, as the plaintiff and Fred W. Phelps, Sr.; Westboro Baptist Church, Inc.; Rebekah Phelps-Davis; and Shirley Phelps-Roper as defendants, alleging that they were responsible for publishing defamatory information about the Snyder family on the Internet, including statements that Albert and his wife had “raised [Matthew] for the devil” and taught him “to defy his Creator, to divorce, and to commit adultery.” Other statements denounced them for raising their son Catholic. Snyder further complained the defendants had intruded upon and staged protests at his son’s funeral. The claims of invasion of privacy and defamation arising from comments posted about Snyder on the Westboro website were dismissed on First Amendment grounds, but the case proceeded to trial on the remaining three counts.
Albert Snyder, the father of Marine Lance Cpl. Matthew A. Snyder, testified:
They turned this funeral into a media circus and they wanted to hurt my family. They wanted their message heard and they didn’t care who they stepped over. My son should have been buried with dignity, not with a bunch of clowns outside.
In his instructions to the jury U.S. District Judge Richard Bennett stated that the First Amendment protection of free speech has limits, including vulgar, offensive and shocking statements, and that the jury must decide “whether the defendant’s actions would be highly offensive to a reasonable person, whether they were extreme and outrageous and whether these actions were so offensive and shocking as to not be entitled to First Amendment protection.” See also Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire, a case where certain personal slurs and obscene utterances by an individual were found unworthy of First Amendment protection, due to the potential for violence resulting from their utterance.
WBC sought a mistrial based on alleged prejudicial statements made by the judge and violations of the gag order by the plaintiff’s attorney. An appeal was also sought by the WBC. WBC has said that it is thankful for the verdict.
On February 4, 2008, Bennett upheld the ruling but reduced the punitive damages from $8 million to $2.1 million. The total judgment then stood at $5 million. Court liens were ordered on church buildings and Phelps’ law office in an attempt to ensure that the damages were paid. [77]
An appeal by WBC was heard on September 24, 2009. The federal appeals court ruled in favor of Phelps and Westboro Baptist Church, stating that their picket near the funeral of Cpl. Matthew A. Snyder is protected speech and did not violate the privacy of the service member’s family, reversing the lower court’s $5 million judgment.[78]
Wild Thing's comment........
Good for O'Reilly he did something right for a change.
The family sued Phelps and gang, and Phelps lost. An appeal turned it around, so that now the family that originally sued lost -- and has to pay for Phelps costs.
There is a special hell for the Phelps and others like them.
If you like you can send the family an email address below
And this is the family's website
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:55 AM | Comments (9)
More BIG Government From Obama With His Sudent Loan Program
When I saw this, my blood came to a FULL BOIL immediately, and I wanted to jump out of my chair and scream: "OBAMA'S MONEY? THAT'S MY DAMNED MONEY!"
This is where we are now. And that little ARA logo...anyone ever look into that one?
This is their website
Thousands of false “Obama” adverstisements like this are funding the internet daily while indoctrinating the masses, and NO ONE is doing anything about it!
Obama Breaks Down Student Loan Overhaul
When President Obama puts pen to paper today on the final version of a health care overhaul bill, he'll also be changing the course of the nation's student loan program.
Along with the adjustments Congress made to the health care aspects of the bill was a revamping of the way student loans are administered. The President will be breaking down exactly just what that will mean for college students when he speaks at Northern Virginia Community College's Alexandria campus at 11:05am Watch it LIVE now!.
Starting July 1st, when the government issues student loans, it will bypass the banks who have traditionally provided them, and directly target borrowers.
A White House press release spells it out this way, "[A]ll new federal student loans will be direct loans, delivered and collected by private companies under performance-based contracts with the Department of Education. According to the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office, ending these wasteful subsidies will free up nearly $68 billion for college affordability and deficit reduction over the next 11 years."
But some in the President's own party say eliminating the middle man also equals eliminating jobs.
But the President's focus today will be more about what the bill does than what it does not.
He will also talk about the provision's less controversial expansion of Pell Grants, as well as supporting historically black and minority institutions and caps on student loan repayments.
According to the White House, "New borrowers who assume loans after July 1, 2014, will be able to cap their student loan repayments at 10 percent of their discretionary income and, if they keep up with their payments over time, will have the balance forgiven after 20 years."
Vice President Biden's wife, Dr. Jill Biden, is a teacher at NOVA and will introduce the President.
Mr. Obama will announce that he has asked Dr. Biden to host a White House summit on community colleges this fall, with the purpose of "educating our way to a better economy," says a senior administration official.
A senior administration official says today's remarks are targeted to people around the country who don't know what the plan is all about.
Wild Thing's comment.........
“as well as supporting historically black and minority institutions “
Well isn't that special. Democrats won’t stop discrimination because it keeps their name in front of the public and it makes them money.
This isn’t about loan forgiveness...this is about more control. More BIG government.
Right now if you owe, you are not forgiven for any loans. All those young people will be slaves to the Fed for 20 years. Obviously Obama's cronies and whoever is behind him are thinking ahead to enslaving the youth. No job? The Feds will assign one to you.
Not only are we gonna continue paying for their food, medical, housing, walkin' around money, and utility bills; we'll now get to pay for their attending college....
Is this a great country for parasites, or what?
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:50 AM | Comments (4)
Hey Obama THIS Is How You Talk To Terrorists!
Putin talks tough after Moscow subway bombings
The old Vladimir Putin is back, confronting a terrorist attack in Moscow by using the same kind of coarse and colorful language that helped him win the presidency a decade ago.
A day after twin suicide bombings in the subway that killed 39 people, the powerful prime minister told Russians that he is certain the masterminds of the attacks would be found. The security services have blamed extremists from the North Caucasus, a predominantly Muslim region in southern Russia that includes Chechnya.
"We know they are lying low, but it is already a matter of pride for the law enforcement agencies to drag them out of the sewer and into broad daylight," Putin said, directing a transportation security meeting that was shown on Russian television Tuesday.
The choice of the gutter language recalled Putin's famous threat to "wipe out the Chechen rebels in the outhouse" after they were blamed for a series of apartment building bombings that terrorized Moscow in 1999.
Putin, as prime minister at the time, sent in overwhelming military force to pound the region into submission and was elected president the following year.
Now in his second stint as prime minister after serving two full terms as president, Putin has an excuse to revert to the tough line that shored up his authority following past terrorist attacks. While welcomed by many Russians, it also is raising fears that civil liberties may be further sacrificed under the pretext of fighting terrorism.
Capitalizing on the outrage, members of the Kremlin-loyal parliament proposed bringing back the death penalty for terrorism. Russia has imposed a moratorium on capital punishment, but has been reluctant to outlaw it due to broad public support for the death penalty.
Monday's subway bombings, carried out by two women, are the first terrorist attacks in Moscow in six years. They have shaken a city that has been insulated from the violence still raging in the restive southern corner of the country.
Russia observed a day of mourning Tuesday, with flags at half-staff at the Kremlin and across the vast country. Relatives identified the dead at a Moscow morgue, and tearful commuters placed candles at makeshift memorials heaped with carnations inside the two stricken subway stations in the city center.
Heightened transportation security remained in effect across the capital and elsewhere. Police with machine guns and dogs patrolled subway entrances.
The attacks signaled to Russians that they are no safer than they were before Putin came to power.
No one has claimed responsibility for the attacks, but many speculated that they were retaliation for the recent killings of Islamic militant leaders in the North Caucasus, including one known for training suicide bombers.
Putin used a string of terrorist attacks in 2004 to consolidate his power further. He abolished gubernatorial elections, effectively giving the Kremlin the power to appoint governors, and pushed his liberal critics out of parliament. Since then the political opposition has been fully marginalized.
Many opposition leaders and rights activists said they feared the subway bombings would be a convenient excuse for the government to put increased pressure on the opposition, perhaps by cracking down even harder on street protests.
"Our government loves to use such events to act as they want," Lyudmila Alexeyeva, a veteran human rights activist, wrote in her blog. "So this is an excellent opportunity to further limit our constitutional freedoms, pretending they care about our security."
Lidia Yusupova, a Chechen rights activist, was more alarmist.
"The system will have its hands untied completely," she told The Associated Press. "There will be a crackdown on all walks of life. We have no rights now, but we will have even fewer soon."
Wild Thing's comment........
Wow, for a little bit there I had forgotten what it was like to see a leader actually care about defending it’s people. Putin sucks in so many ways, but he doesn’t in so many ways too. Vlad IS dumb like a fox, but never underestimate the stupidity of 12th century Muslims, they'll deliver every time. Russians know how to deal with terrorists. Obama's . government only wants to 'deal with" Tea Partiers.
I miss George W. Bush. Obama’s first words would have been “Let’s not jump to any conclusions here...”
Obama would rather sit down and have a beer with the terrorists then to come down hard on them in any way. He is so weak when it comes to our enemies because HE is one of them.....he terrorizes our country in his BIG government take over and not listening to we the people. He forces things on us we do NOT want. In a sense we have a terrorist of sorts in power and we have got to make sure people wake up so he gets voted out or better yet, IMPEACHED. He is similar to Hugo Chaves and if there is a difference it would be that Chavez and Castro and other dictators have never apologized for their countries. But Obama sure as heck has and continues to.
Hard on terrorists??? Nah, Obama is only hard on our troops with the dangerous R.O.E. he has ordered.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:49 AM | Comments (4)
American Rancher Rob Krentz Murdered By ILLEGALS in AZ
Rob Krentz was a Cochise County, AZ cattle farmer who had battled the bloody consequences of illegal immigration for years. Over the weekend, his dead body was found on his ranch. The longtime rancher had been gunned down.
The death has rocked the towns of Douglas and Portal, and the ranches in between, both of which have been under siege by cross-border smugglers for years.
Well-known Douglas-area rancher is found slain
A longtime rancher was killed on his Douglas-area property over the weekend, and neighbors worried that his homicide was connected to increasing border-related crime in the area.
The Cochise County Sheriff’s Office offered little information into the late-Saturday shooting death of 58-year-old Robert Krentz, whose family began the Krentz Ranch more than 100 years ago.
Krentz’s body was found on his land, which is about 35 miles northeast of Douglas, just before midnight Saturday, said Carol Capas, a spokeswoman for the Sheriff’s Office.
The Sheriff’s Office, aided by the U.S. Border Patrol, had no suspects Sunday and continued to follow leads, Capas said. She declined to comment on reports from neighbors and border activists that Krentz’s death was related to smuggling in the area.
Area residents said Krentz had no enemies, and they could think of no motive for his death other than the possibility it was related to what they called the growing level of crime in the area related to illegal immigrants and drug smugglers.
A prominent southeast Arizona rancher sped away in his all-terrain vehicle after being shot, the Cochise County Sheriff’s Office said Monday in releasing more details into Saturday’s slaying near the Mexico border.
The body of Robert Krentz, 58, was located before midnight Saturday on his 35,000 acre ranch about 35 miles northeast of Douglas after his brother reported that he had lost radio contact with Krentz earlier in the day.
Krentz apparently came upon one person when he was shot and his dog was wounded, detectives said.
While Krentz was still in his vehicle, mortally wounded, he managed to drive the ATV away from the scene at a high rate of speed before becoming unconscious, investigators said.
Foot tracks were identified and followed approximately 20 miles south to the Mexico border by sheriff’s deputies, U.S. Border Patrol trackers and Department of Corrections dog chase teams, authorities said.
So far, there have been no suspects identified and no arrests.
American Rancher Rob Krentz Murdered By Illegals in AZ
Border Rancher Rob Krentz And Dog Found Shot To Death After Aiding Illegal Alien
The body of Rancher Rob Krentz and his dog were found shot to death on his ranch. Krentz, who always was good-natured and willing to help people, had called in that he had found an illegal alien at one of his watering holes and was assisting him. That was the last that was heard from him before his body was discovered.
Rob Krentz was a lifelong rancher in Southeastern Arizona, 12 miles north of the U.S./Mexico border and 25 miles northeast of the city of Douglas. He was the father of three children. The ranch has been in his family for three generations, more than 100 years - since 1907, and sits on about 35,000 acres with 1,000 head of cattle. Running a ranch is hard work and with the influx of illegal aliens increasing, Rob was at ground zero of the stampede that is destroying the fragile desert landscape.
The Krentz family has received numerous threats in the past by illegal aliens trespassing on their property. In 2002, the family was physically threatened when one of them stumbled upon a group of 39 illegal aliens. They were told to get off the land and they made threats. The Border Patrol did catch the illegal aliens after they were called, but we all know that illegal aliens, if deported, come right back across.
In 1999, Krentz and his wife Susan did an interview with PBS when they came around asking about the issue of illegal immigration and its impacts on the local ranchers.
“We’ve been broken into,” Susan Krentz told PBS.
“One time,” Rob said “You know, we’ve personally been broke in once. And they took about $700 worth of stuff. And you know, if they come in and ask for water, I’ll still give them water. I - you know, that’s just my nature.”
In 2003, Congressman Tom Tancredo mentioned the challenges of the border ranchers, and in particular highlighted the the Krentz family’s plight.
“In the month of November, 2002, in the Tucson Sector of the U.S. Border Patrol ... where the Krentz ranch is located, the Border Patrol apprehended 23,000 border crossers,” Tancredo wrote. “many people would suggest that the [apprehension] ratio is just about maybe one in five, and that is a very conservative estimate. ... I think it is closer to one in ten”.
That means in that sector alone for one month, 8 years ago, the most conservative estimate is that 115,000 illegal aliens crossed the border in that one chunk of land in the Tucson sector. All of the illegals are unknown.
Tancredo notes that the Krentz’s did mention to him that they called the Border Patrol. In one instance illegal aliens had butchered one of his calves.
In February [2002] ... a calf was butchered by illegal alien trespassers. Two men responsible were caught. They were tried. They were found guilty. They served a total of 51 days in jail. They were also ordered to pay $200 in restitution to the Krentz ranch. The Krentz ranch has not seen a cent of that money; and, of course, our best guess is they will not because these people have been released. They either came back into the population up here in the U.S.A. or returned to Mexico.
Tancredo goes into the cases of deliberate sabotage of the Krentz ranch’s water supply and the other impacts on the Krentz’s by illegal aliens. You can read more, where Tancredo dubs the Krentzs American Homeland Heroes
6 years after the PBS interview, in 2005, Krentz did an interview with KOLD as the number of illegal aliens exploded.
“We’re being over-run, and it’s costing us lots and lots of money,” Krentz said.
“We figured it up over the last five years and it’s cost us over $8 million,” Krentz said. “Cattle don’t like people walking through, so they move. So, cattle weight loss, destruction of fences, breaking our pipelines, they break them in two and (the pipes) run for two or three days before we find it.”
Krentz went on to say that when he was a boy he actually knew the few illegal aliens that came through looking for work, he said it’s nothing like that now as hundreds of unknown illegals stream across his land.
Rob Krentz is just one of the many people who live and work along our southern border. A tough, hard working man who was trying to make a living and doing what he loved. Those who support illegal aliens will talk about “human rights”, but where were the “human rights” when it came to Rob Krentz? Where was the government to protect our border and prevent this from happening, though they’ve been told time and time again? They didn’t protect his property rights, nor his civil rights.
This country failed Robert Krentz, his family and all who work for him. As they have failed countless families all across this country. The number of deaths is estimated to be from 15-25 deaths caused by illegal aliens each day in this country.
It is not known yet whether Krentz was specifically targeted or whether it was just one of the hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens who come across our border every year who have actual criminal records, but in the end does it matter? A hard working man was killed on his own land. And all for just trying to help out someone in need.
And that is simply outrageous.
Wild Thing's comment.......
This is so terrible. How many Americans are going to have to die? Before politicians like McCain and Obama do something about this instead of catering to these illegals. I know they never will, to Obama they are votes and to McCain who the hell knows what his motives are they are about votes from these people.
McCain rarely visits this border region. The area has been unsafe for years. The beautiful birding grounds in Leslie Canyon and nearby sites are rarely visited anymore. It is considered too dangerous. This last week the deputy police chief of Nogales, Sonoro, was assassinated. And now the border towns of Nogales, Naco, and Agua Prieta are a shell of more prosperous times. It was an avoidable tragedy, but people like McCain’s Phoenix buddies have made a fortune off of cheap illegal labor. If he is re-elected he will join Graham in support of amnesty. You can bet on it.
May God bless and keep this man’s family safe from further harm.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:48 AM | Comments (6)
Lawrence Eagleburger: Obama's Playing With Fire, Playing With Dynamite & Doesn't Learn
Former Secretary of State Lawrence Eagleburger told Neil Cavuto that Obama is playing with fire and playing with dynamite and doesn’t learn from his mistakes.
“I’ve never seen anyone who is as amateurish in the conduct of his foreign relations as this president… It’s dumb and it’s what he’s done time and time again. He doesn’t seem to learn…”
“Netanyahu is a tough a guy. The fact of the matter is we’re showing our amateurishness every time we do this. And, this president can’t get it through his head that his actions have consequences outside what he thinks they might be…”
“He’s playing with fire here and he’s playing with dynamite and he doesn’t understand it. And, you’d think with almost two years in office he would understand it but he doesn’t.”
Wild Thing's comment........
Thank you Mr.. Eagleburger, but Obama is not amatuerish at all he is quite competent at destroying America, and sticking it to our allies while praising our enemies is one of many tools he has chosen.
Obama is America’s enemy ALL evidence points to that.
B. HUSSEIN Obama is following the playbook perfectly.
To destroy a nation:
1. Destroy its currency
2. Destroy its economy
3. Eliminate God, morality, tradition, and national pride
4. Enrage your enemies
5. Offend and abandon your allies
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:47 AM | Comments (2)
God Hating Iowa Town Tried To Rename Good Friday To "Spring Holiday" Day
Iowa Town Renames Good Friday to 'Spring Holiday'
Citing the Separation of Church and State, Davenport Nixes Holy Day
One week before the most solemn day in the Christian year, the city of Davenport, Iowa removed Good Friday from its municipal calendar, setting off a storm of complaints from Christians and union members whose contracts give them that day off.
Taking a recommendation by the Davenport Civil Rights Commission to change the holiday's name to something more ecumenical, City Administrator Craig Malin sent a memo to municipal employees announcing Good Friday would officially be known as "Spring Holiday."
"My phone has been ringing off the hook since Saturday," said city council alderman Bill Edmond. "People are genuinely upset because this is nothing but political correctness run amok."
Edmond said the city administrator made the change unilaterally and did not bring it to the council for a vote, a requirement for a change in policy.
"The city council didn't know anything about the change. We were blind sided and now we've got to clean this mess up. How do you tell people the city renamed a 2,000 year old holiday?" said Edmond.
It didn't take long for the city the resurrect the name Good Friday. Malin was overruled today and the words "Spring Holiday" disappeared.
Good Friday commemorates the day Jesus was crucified and died. Christians celebrate his resurrection the following Sunday, Easter.
The Civil Rights Commission said it recommended changing the name to better reflect the city's diversity and maintain a separation of church and state when it came to official municipal holidays.
"We merely made a recommendation that the name be changed to something other than Good Friday," said Tim Hart, the commission's chairman. "Our Constitution calls for separation of church and state. Davenport touts itself as a diverse city and given all the different types of religious and ethnic backgrounds we represent, we suggested the change."
News of the change could not have come at more significant time in the Christian calendar. News of the name change spread through the town on Palm Sunday, the beginning of Holy Week, becoming a topic of conversation at church services throughout Davenport.
"If you deny the idea of Good Friday then you have to deny Easter," Monsignor Robert Schmidt told ABC affiliate WQAD.
Hart said the commission had no plans to change the name of Easter Sunday, because it fell on a weekend and government offices were already closed. The commission, he said, discussed changing Christmas, but decided enough other religions celebrate Christmas too. Hart, however, could not name one.
The religious right has attacked town governments that have removed public Christmas displays, calling such practices a "war on Christmas."
Wild Thing's comment......
This is not about separation of church and state. This is about trying to wipe out Christian culture.
I have had it with people in our country pushing God out of our lives and that includes the Obama freaks in OUR White House!
So when they have spring floods, and they always do. Who are they going to call? Someone who can rebuke the wind or calm the sea and walk on the water, or Obozo and FEMA.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:45 AM | Comments (2)
Obama Medicare Pick, Donald Berwick, Urges 'radical transfer of power'
Obama Medicare pick urges 'radical transfer of power'
Claims U.S. system measures patients' quality of care by 'color of their skin'
Obama's reported pick to run Medicare and Medicaid, Donald Berwick, has argued for a "radical transfer of power" in the health industry and claimed patients' quality of care in the U.S. medical system is currently measured by the "color of their skin," WND has learned.
The Financial Times and other news organizations yesterday quoted an administration official stating Obama intends to nominate Berwick to take the helm of the largest medical payer in the nation – the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
The news emerged as the White House announced it had sidestepped Senate confirmations by appointing 15 nominees to administration positions, including a controversial top lawyer for two U.S. labor unions.
Berwick, president and CEO of the Institute for Healthcare Improvement, has been widely recognized as one of the most sought-after experts on health-care quality. In 2005, Modern Healthcare, a leading industry publication, named Berwick the third most powerful person in American medicine.
At a 2008 Families USA conference speech documented by Health Beat, a healthcare industry blog, Berwick slammed the U.S. health-care system as "bloated" and "broken."
The blog points out Berwick noted, "There's a myth that American healthcare is the best in the world."
"It's not," he continued. "It's not even close."
"It's thought to be the best because we have the most health care," Berwick stated. However, he said, "40 percent of the care that Americans actually need is not received. ... Cost is the barrier.
"Here is a question I often ask my students," added Berwick. "When you meet a new patient, what is the one test that you could do that would tell you how long that patient is likely to live?
"Typically, students answer: 'Ask them if they smoke,' or 'Test their blood sugar.'
"No," Berwick said. "Just look at the color of their skin."
Last year, Berwick authored a Harvard position paper, "What 'Patient-Centered' Should Mean: Confessions of an Extremist." The tome was obtained and reviewed by WND.
"In this paper I argue for a radical transfer of power and a bolder meaning of 'patient-centered care,' whether in a medical home or in the current cathedral of care: the hospital," stated Berwick.
A 2004 extensive Boston Globe profile of Berwick, meanwhile, labeled the physician and activist a health-care "revolutionary" who wants to "blow up" the system:
The deeper Berwick has gotten into the (health-care economic) problem over the last decade, the more radicalized he has become. At this point, mild-mannered, soft- spoken, self-effacing 57-year-old Don Berwick can best be described as a revolutionary. A lot of people say the current health-care system is broken, but by that they mean the manner of financing it. Berwick gets irritated when health-care leaders complain about a lack of resources.
"There's too much money in the system already," he says.
His critique takes aim at the medical profession's exalted view of itself. He's convinced that the fundamentals of the current system – the same fundamentals Boston used to build its reputation as the world's medical leader – are so screwed up that it is no longer possible for the medical profession to provide reliable, high-quality care, no matter how many innovations its renowned doctors roll out, no matter how many awards they rack up. "They want to cure cancer," Berwick says. "Well, how about curing health care?"
His conclusion: To save the health care system, it first needs to be blown up.
Wild Thing's comment...........
Obamacare is the most anti-American, socialistic pieces of crap in the history of our Republic.
With Obama's record I he would have asked Joseph Mengele to also be a part of his administration.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:44 AM | Comments (3)
Obama The Bully and His Pulpit
Special Report Panel Looks at Dem Bullying of Corps Revealing Huge ObamaCare Costs
Wild Thing's comment........
Wouldn’t you love to see the captains of business come to capital hill and ask the Congress, “Because of the abomination of a bill you passed we are now forced to lay off half our work forces and we want you all to explain to them why..” Wouldn’t happen but would be a wonderful thought.
The RATS new moto is: W.W.H.D.
What Would Hitler Do?
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:40 AM | Comments (2)
March 30, 2010
Obamacare to establish a "Ready Reserve Corps"
by Andrew Napolitano
Section 5210 of HR 3590 the Obamacare Healthcare Reform Law: Establishing a Ready Reserve Corps.
In the healthcare debate during the last few months, the issue of creating a small armed force under the control of the President seems to have escaped notice. The legislation that creates this para-military force purports to pre-empt the authority of State governors to control their own National Guard, absent war, which the Constitution does not authorize.
The Judge said they would be medical professionals training with sidearms / the military.
Language is too vague...power to take over the National Guard in peace time. This is a constitutional confrontation.
He states there was no debate on the floor of the congress.
1. Military is only budgeted every year this supplies money for 4 yrs.
2. You won’t be able to retire if you are on active duty
3. National guard and physician you can’t retire unless the president lets you.
Congress has created this without debate authorized president to remove military personnel from the states or to create a new army have legitimate fear in my view.
We don’t know how this will be implemented. The language is vague. It could be military or non - military and still be consistent with the statute.
Wild Thing's comment......
Shep is an idiot, but thank God for Judge Napolitano .
Every week and sometimes every day something new happens to demonstrate that Obama is trying to destroy America. So far everything is going according to the fascist plan of the Obama Junta.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:55 AM | Comments (13)
'Obamacare' Cops: $1 Billion To Force New Tax Compliance
'Obamacare' cops: $1 billion to force new tax compliance
Collecting taxes under the Democrats' newly passed health-care plan will cost the federal government more than $1 billion a year in salaries alone, Republicans in Congress estimate.
The legislation will require the IRS to hire as many as 16,500 additional auditors, agents and other employees to investigate and collect billions in new taxes imposed on Americans, according to a House Committee on Ways and Means Committee Republican report prepared March 18 for ranking members Reps. Dave Camp, R-Mich., and Charles Boustany, R-La.
In March 2009, the federal government's average annual salary was $42,035 for tax examiners, $91,507 for internal revenue agents and $63,547 for tax specialists, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics "Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2010-11 Edition."
Averaging the three pay grade averages yields an estimated $65,696 per IRS worker hired, assuming an equal number of tax examiners, internal revenue agents and tax specialists.
Together, the 16,500 new IRS personnel needed to collect taxes under the new legislation will cost the federal government somewhere in the realm of $1.1 billion
The IRS media office objected that the Joint Committee on Taxation publication JCX-18-10 issued March 21, "Technical Explanation of the Revenue Provisions of the Reconciliation Act," does not specify any number of IRS personnel that must be hired to implement the tax provisions of the bill.
Rep. Kevin Brady, R-Texas, disagrees.
"The Internal Revenue Service will see its largest expansion since withholding taxes were enacted during World War II to enforce the glut of new tax mandates and penalties included in the Democrats' latest health care plan," reads a statement on Brady's congressional website.
Brady is the ranking Republican on the Joint Economic Committee.
"We need thousands of new doctors and nurses in America, not thousands more IRS agents," Brady insists. "In addition to more complicated tax returns, families and small businesses will be forced to reveal further tax information to the IRS, provide proof of 'government approved' health care and submit detailed sales information to comply with new excise taxes."
By 2016, the IRS will be required under the "Obamacare" legislation to monitor the health insurance status of individuals and businesses to determine if the insurance purchased as reported on tax returns meets the level of coverage required by the law. In cases of noncompliance fees and penalties are to be assessed.
The IRS could not give WND any indication how the Democrats' new legislation would implement the "bounty hunter" program President Obama suggested would track down abusers and collect evaded taxes on all government health programs, including Medicare and Medicaid.
The IRS further did not respond by publication deadline to WND's request for information regarding the likely number of additional personnel the IRS would have to hire to implement Obamacare, the immediate tax consequences the IRS would have to monitor and audit, and the likely cost to the IRS of implementing the new health legislation.
Wild Thing's comment........
Welcome to Zimbabwe!
They did not include the cost of all the weapons and ammo for his newly formed brown shirt brigade.
We’d all better be working our butts off to ensure that Real Conservatives win the 2010 and 2012 elections! We can derail/stop this monstrosity, but it will require a lot of work!
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:50 AM | Comments (8)
Militia Accused of Plotting to Kill Cops
A law enforcement official walks out of an armored vehicle tank in a staging area in Hillsdale County, Mich. during a search for a fugitive who is part of a Christian militia group Monday March 29, 2010. Nine members of a Christian militia group that claimed to be preparing to fight the Antichrist were charged Monday with plotting to kill a police officer and then slaughter scores more by bombing the funeral, all in hopes of touching off an uprising against the government. Eight members of the Michigan-based Hutaree were arrested over the weekend in raids in Michigan, Indiana and Ohio, and another was still being sought. (AP Photo/Madalyn Ruggiero)
DETROIT (AP) - Nine alleged members of a Christian militia group that was girding for battle with the Antichrist were charged Monday with plotting to kill a police officer and slaughter scores more by bombing the funeral - all in hopes of touching off an uprising against the U.S. government.
Seven men and one woman believed to be part of the Michigan-based Hutaree were arrested over the weekend in raids in Michigan, Indiana and Ohio, and another was still being sought. Authorities blocked off a rural area Monday evening about 30 miles from the site of Saturday's raid near Adrian but wouldn't say who they were searching for or whether the search was related to the weekend raids.
FBI agents moved quickly against the group because its members were planning an attack sometime in April, prosecutors said. Authorities seized guns in the raids but would not say whether they found any explosives.
The arrests have dealt "a severe blow to a dangerous organization that today stands accused of conspiring to levy war against the United States," Attorney General Eric Holder said.
Authorities said the arrests underscored the dangers of homegrown right-wing extremism of the sort seen in the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing that killed 168 people.
In an indictment unsealed Monday, prosecutors said the group began military-style training in the Michigan woods in 2008, learning how to shoot guns and make and set off bombs.
David Brian Stone, 44, of Clayton, Mich., and one of his sons were identified as the ringleaders of the group. Stone, who was known as "Captain Hutaree," organized the group in paramilitary fashion and members were assigned secret names, prosecutors said. Ranks ranged from "radoks" to "gunners," according to the group's Web site.
Stone's ex-wife, Donna Stone, told The Associated Press that Stone pulled her son into the movement. Another of Stone's sons also was charged.
"It started out as a Christian thing," Donna Stone said. "You go to church. You pray. You take care of your family. I think David started to take it a little too far."
Prosecutors said Stone had identified certain law enforcement officers near his home as potential targets. He and other members discussed setting off bombs at a police funeral, using a fake 911 call to lure an officer to his death, killing an officer after a traffic stop, or attacking the family of an officer, according to the indictment.
After such attacks, the group allegedly planned to retreat to "rally points" protected by trip-wired explosives for a violent standoff with the law.
"It is believed by the Hutaree that this engagement would then serve as a catalyst for a more widespread uprising against the government," the indictment said.
The charges against the eight include seditious conspiracy - plotting to levy war against the U.S. - possessing a firearm during a crime of violence, teaching the use of explosives, and attempting to use a weapon of mass destruction - homemade bombs. The defendants were jailed, awaiting bail hearings Wednesday.
Hutaree says on its Web site its name means "Christian warrior" and describes the word as part of a secret language that few are privileged to know. The group quotes several Bible passages and declares: "We believe that one day, as prophecy says, there will be an Anti-Christ. ... Jesus wanted us to be ready to defend ourselves using the sword and stay alive using equipment."
The nature of the organization's alleged grudge against law enforcement and the government was unclear. The Web site does not list any specific grievances.
The site features a picture of 17 men in camouflage, all holding large guns, and includes videos of armed men running through the woods. Each wears a shoulder patch that bears a cross and two red spears.
David Cid, executive director of the Oklahoma City-based Memorial Institute for the Prevention of Terrorism, said there has been a resurgence in the past year or two of "domestic militancy" similar to what was seen before the Oklahoma City bombing.
"It's issues like eminent domain and immigration, and apparently national health care in some quarters," said Cid, a former FBI counterterrorism agent. "It's increasing these people's ire and their discomfort with their own government."
The wife of one of the defendants described Hutaree as a small group of patriotic, Christian buddies who were just doing survival training.
"It consisted of a dad and two of his sons and I think just a couple other close friends of theirs," said Kelly Sickles, who husband, Kristopher, was among those charged. "It was supposed to be a Christian group. Christ-like, right, so why would you think that's something wrong with that, right?"
Sickles said she came home Saturday night to find her house in Sandusky, Ohio, in disarray. Agents seized the guns her husband collected as a hobby and searched for bomb-making materials, she said, but added: "He doesn't even know how to make a bomb. We had no bomb material here."
She said she couldn't believe her 27-year-old husband could be involved in anything violent.
"It was just survival skills," she said. "That's what they were learning. And it's just patriotism. It's in our Constitution."
One of the defendants expressed anti-tax views during his Monday court hearing.
Thomas W. Piatek, a truck driver from Whiting, Ind., told a federal judge he could not afford an attorney because he was "getting raped on property taxes."
The mother of another defendant, 33-year-old Jacob Ward, told police in Huron, Ohio, last summer that family members took away his two guns - an AK-47 rifle and a semiautomatic pistol - because she thought he needed mental health treatment.
Ward told police that he needed to protect himself from members of a crime family that was keeping him from his girlfried, according to Huron police records obtained by the AP. He also said he was going to meet with the CIA.
Seven of the defendants in court in Michigan asked to be represented by public defenders. The eighth had a public defender appointed in Indiana.
Wild Thing's comment........
I have no idea what exactly was going on here. It is weird that this is happening right after Obamacare was voted on and passed. That is what makes me suscious about this whole thing.
However, if these guys were really plotting to kill cops, then I hope they get the chair.
I do have a question though, what about the radical islamic terrorist camps are allowed to freely train through out the US for jihad against the American people. ( ????)
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:49 AM | Comments (8)
Serious Threat From The Anti-Semite Obama Against Israel ~ US 'may not veto UN resolution on Jerusalem'
An Israeli soldier on leave from his unit passes anti-Barack Obama posters that went up overnight, on June 14, 2009 in Jerusalem, Israel. The posters, credited to an extremist right-wing Jewish organization, call the US President an anti-Semitic Jew-hater.
U.S. To Allow Anti-Israel Resolution at U.N. Security Council?
The United States has a hard time getting a sanctions resolution against Iran through the U.N. Security Council because Iran has two protectors (Russian and China) among the five permanent members with veto power.
Israel has only one reliable veto-wielding friend on the Security Council, the U.S.
That protection may be on the verge of going the way of the special relationship.
There is an article from the BBC.
US 'may not veto UN resolution on Jerusalem'
The US is considering abstaining from a possible UN Security Council resolution against Israeli settlements in East Jerusalem, sources suggest to the BBC.
The possibility surfaced at talks in Paris last week between a senior US official and Qatar's foreign minister.
The official said the US would "seriously consider abstaining" if the issue of Israeli settlements was put to the vote, a diplomat told the BBC.
US officials in Washington have not confirmed the report.
It is likely that the US is considering how to maintain pressure, and a UN resolution would be one way, says BBC state department correspondent Kim Ghattas.
The US usually blocks Security Council resolutions criticising Israel.
If true, this would mark a very dangerous development because U.N. resolutions, even if not containing explicit sanctions, are one of the primary tools for delegitimizing Israel. Depending upon the wording of the resolution, the damage could be severe.
This could be the change Israel's enemies were hoping for.
Wild Thing's comment........
Obama the Anti-Semite!
Without a US Veto a UN resolution can/will do a lot of damage to Israel because if they don´t comply this leads to sanctions. And given Israels size and location. Sanctions will definitely harm them.
Hussein Obama is a street thug ....ordering nations around like a dictator with Hillary nodding in agreement.
Three--fourths of the House signed a letter to Secretary Clinton expressing their dismay over the tone and direction of U.S.-Israeli relations.
The US has always been pro-Israel — until Obama got elected, who is very clearly anti-Israel.
Under US law as of 1995, Jerusalem is considered the capital of Israel. There is no reason whatsoever for Israel to seek approval of the Obamanoids or the UN thugs before building houses in its own capital. As BiBi noted, "This is not a "settlement," this is our capital."
The whole deal is just more Jew-hating from Obama and the UN.
Email address of the Israeli Embassy:
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:48 AM | Comments (6)
Happy Passover, and God Bless Our Friend and Ally, Israel!
A Happy Passover to all our Jewish friends here at Theodore's World blog.
"Remember this day, on which you went free from Egypt, the house of bondage, how Adonai freed you from it with a mighty hand...." -Exodus 13:3
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:47 AM | Comments (2)
After Obamacare Vote, Stupak 11 request billions in earmarks
After health care vote, Stupak 11 request billions in earmarks
A day after Rep. Bart Stupak, D-Mich., and ten other House members compromised on their pro-life position to deliver the necessary yes-votes to pass health care reform, the "Stupak 11" released their fiscal year 2011 earmark requests, which total more than $3.4 billion--an average of $314 million worth of earmark requests for each lawmaker. *
Of the eight lawmakers whose 2010 requests were available for comparison, five requested more money this week than they did a year ago: Rep. Jerry Costello, D-Ill., Rep. Kathy Dahlkemper, D-Pa., Rep. Joe Donnelly, D-Ind., Brad Ellsworth, D-Ind., and Rep. Charles Wilson, D-Ohio.
The eleven members were the focus of high level pressure by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other top Democrats because they threatened to vote against the health care reform bill, which passed the House on Sunday, March 21, by a seven vote margin. Granting earmark requests are one of the ways leadership can encourage members to vote their way.
Stupak requested more than $578 million in earmarks, including $125 million for a replacement lock on the Sault Ste. Marie, $25.6 million to build a federal courthouse in Marquette, Mich., $15 million to repaint the Mackinac Bridge and $800,000 to preserve the Quincy Mining Company smelter near Hancock in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula.
In 2009, the first year that members disclosed earmark requests, most members requested far more earmarks than were funded by the Appropriations Committee, which approves or denies requests. According to Taxpayers for Common Sense, Stupak's funded earmarks--including those he requested jointly with other members--totaled $28.6 million.
Despite a newly enacted ban on earmarks to for-profit firms, Stupak requested a total of $52 million for companies in his district out of the $65.9 million he requested from the Defense Appropriations bill.
Requests from Costello increased the most, but that was due to a $1.35 billion request to fund federal program called Impact Aid, which assists local educational agencies. Costello, along with 44 other lawmakers, signed a letter sent to the Appropriations Committee requesting the funds. Earlier this month, House Republicans decided to forgo earmarks for the 2011 appropriations process. House Democrats barred earmarks to for-profit companies, which mostly impacts contractors seeking earmarks from the Defense Appropriations bill.
Universities and non-profit organizations may reap the benefits of the new policy, though for-profit companies won't be shut out. Stupak requested a $4 million earmark for the Consortium for Plant Biotechnology Research, Inc., a nonprofit corporation that researches and develops new strains of seeds--including through genetic engineering--to aid U.S. agriculture. The consortium's membership includes "39 agribusiness companies and trade associations," according to Stupak's request.
Wild Thing's comment........
They are political whores every one of them.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:45 AM | Comments (3)
Obama Donor Arrested For Threatening to Kill GOP Whip Eric Cantor
Here is Norman LeBoon is threatening YouTube employees for removing his videos a few weeks ago.
H/T Michelle Malkin
A two-count complaint and warrant was filed charging Norman Leboon with threatening to kill United States Congressman Eric Cantor and his family, and threatening to kill Congressman Eric Cantor, who is an official of the United States, announced United States Attorney Michael L. Levy and FBI Special Agent in Charge Jan Fedarcyk. As set forth in the affidavit to the complaint and warrant, in or about late March, 2010, Leboon created and then transmitted a YouTube video to Google over the internet, in which he threatened to kill Congressman Cantor and his family. No harm came to the Congressman or his family as a result of Leboon’s threats.
“The Department of Justice takes threats against government officials seriously, especially threats to kill or injure others,” said Levy. “Whether the reason for the threat is personal or political, threats are not protected by the First Amendment and are crimes.”
LeBoon is a 33-year-old Philadelphia resident, according to the USA press release.
He threatened Eric Cantor:
“Remember Eric…our judgment time, the final Yom Kippur has been given. You are a liar, you’re a Lucifer, you’re a pig, a greedy fucking pig, you’re an abomination, you receive my bullets in your office, remember they will be placed in your heads. You and your children are Lucifer’s abominations.”
Congressman Cantor’s office released a statement Monday saying, “The Congressman is deeply grateful for, and would like to dearly thank all local and federal law enforcement involved.”
If convicted of all the charges, the defendant faces a maximum possible sentence of 15 years imprisonment, 3 years supervised release, a fine up to $500,000, and a $200 special assessment. The case was investigated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Philadelphia Police Department, and is being prosecuted by Assistant United States Attorney Robert K. Reed.
It appears that this Norman LeBoon and the LeBoon referenced in the charging papers are one and the same. The affidavit (reprinted below) notes that LeBoon has admitted to making more than 2,000 videos with threats.
In on or about March, 2010, in Philadelphia, in the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, and elsewhere, defendant NORMAN LEBOON knowingly and willfully threatened to assault and to kill Eric Cantor, a Congressman and a United States official, with intent to impede, intimidate, interfere with, and retaliate against Congressman Eric [Cantor], while he was engaged in his official duties and on account of the performance of his official duties, in violation of Title 18 United States Code § 115(a)(1)(B).
In or about March, 2010, in Philadelphia, in the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, and elsewhere, defendant NORMAN LEBOON transmitted in interstate or foreign commerce a communication, that is, a YouTube video over the internet, containing a threat to injure and kill Congressman Eric Cantor and members of his family, in violation of Title 18 United States Code § 875(c).
The press release was accompanied by the following FBI affidavit:
AFFIDAVIT I, David E Carter, being duly sworn, deposes and states the following:
1. I am employed as a Special Agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”) in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where I have been employed as a special agent since January of 2005. Prior to that, I was employed as a Maryland State Trooper from July 2000 until January 2005. I am presently assigned to the FBI’s Philadelphia Division’s Violent Crimes Task Force, which investigates kidnapings, Hobbs Act violations, such as armed robberies of commercial businesses and armored carriers, bank robberies, assaults of federal officers, convicted felons in possession of firearms, and fugitives.
2. I submit this affidavit in support of an application for a complaint and warrant to arrest NORMAN LEBOON (date of birth January 22, 1972) for the following violations:
(a) threatening to kill United States Congressman Eric Cantor and his family, in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 875(c), which states:
“Whoever transmits in interstate or foreign commerce any communication containing any threat to kidnap any person or any threat to injure the person of another, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both”; and
(b) threatening to kill Congressman Eric Cantor, who is an official of the United States, in violation of Title 18, United States Code Section
115(a)(1)(B), which reads in pertinent part: (a)(1) Whoever-
(B) threatens to assault, kidnap, or murder, a United States official1, .
Congressman Cantor is an official of the United States within the Legislative Branch of the federal government, as set forth in Title 18, United States Code, Section 1114, which states:
. ., or an official whose killing would be a crime under such section, with intent to impede, intimidate, or interfere with such official, . . . while engaged in the performance of official duties, or with intent to retaliate against such official, . . .on account of the performance of official duties, shall be punished as provided in subsection (b).
3. This affidavit is based evidence obtained in the course of joint federal and state investigation into the activities of NORMAN LEBOON during the week of March 22, 2010, including, but not limited to, my personal knowledge, my review of documents, knowledge obtained from other law enforcement officials, and communications with others who have personal knowledge of the events and circumstances described below. This affidavit does not set forth each and every fact learned by me or other agents during the course of this investigation.
4. On March 26, 2010, the FBI, San Francisco Division, received a copy of a video that had been removed from the internet website YouTube. The video included images of a white male, later identified as NORMAN LEBOON, making threats against United States Congressman Eric Cantor, 7th Congressional District – Virginia. The video appeared to be homemade and was of good quality. The face of the white male can clearly be seen.
5. During the video NORMAN LEBOON made the following
“My Congressman Eric Cantor, and you and your cupcake evil wife…” “Remember Eric…our judgment time, the final Yom Kippur has been given. You are a liar, you’re a Lucifer, you’re a pig, a greedy fucking pig, you’re an abomination, you receive my bullets in...
Whoever kills or attempts to kill any officer or employee of the United States or of any agency in any branch of the United States Government . . . while such officer or employee is engaged in or on account of the performance of official duties, or any person assisting such an officer or employee in the performance of such duties or on account of that assistance, shall be punished [as set forth in that statute.]
your office, remember they will be placed in your heads. You and your children are Lucifer’s abominations.”
6. On March 27, 2010, an Emergency Disclosure Request was completed and faxed to Google Inc, the owner of YouTube. The request was for Google to provide the IP address(es) used by the user who posted the YouTube video described in paragraph 5, above. Google provided the IP address – – that was used at various times by the user between March 24, 2010 4:48 p.m. PT and March 26, 2010 04:58 a.m. PT.
7. Subsequently, the IP address was subsequently provided to Verizon Internet Services. Upon being served with an “Emergency Situation Disclosure Request By Law Enforcement” form, Verizon provided the subscriber information for the user assigned IP address between March 24, 2010, 4:48 p.m. PT, and March 26, 2010, 04:58 a.m. PT. According to Verizon’s records, the subscriber to the IP address, at the specified time was: John Hopkins, 1653 Benner Street, Philadelphia, PA 19149.
8. Using a law enforcement database, an address check was conducted on 1653 Brenner Street, Philadelphia, PA, which revealed that there was a local active bench warrant for a NORMAN LEBOON (DOB 01/22/1972.) The warrant had been issued by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Court of Common Pleas charging LEBOON with Terroristic Threats with intent to terrorize another, simple assault, and recklessly endangering another person. A recent arrest photograph of LEBOON (taken on 07/14/2009) was obtained. The arrest photo of LEBOON was compared to the male in the YouTube video described in paragraph 5, above, who made the threat against Congressman Cantor. After comparing the faces, I immediately recognized and concluded that LEBOON was the male speaking and making the threats in the YouTube video.
9. On March 27, 2010:
(a) Law enforcement officials went to 1653 Benner Street in Philadelphia, where LEBOON was arrested. LEBOON was transported to the FBI office, located at 600 Arch Street in Philadelphia, where he was read his Miranda warnings.
LEBOON waived his rights and agreed to make a statement.
(b) LEBOON stated that he had created the above-described video approximately three days before and submitted it to YouTube via the internet for posting. LEBOON created the video at his residence using the video camera on his cellular telephone. LEBOON then used his home computer to upload the video to YouTube. LEBOON stated he had made over 2,000 videos in which he made threats.
(c) LEBOON further stated that he is the “son of the god of Enoch” and that his father speaks through him. LEBOON stated that Eric Cantor is “pure evil”; will be dead; and that Cantor’s family is suffering because of his father’s wrath.
10. Based on the foregoing, including NORMAN LEBOON’s admissions that he created the YouTube videotape threatening Congressman Cantor, his actions uploading the threatening videotape to his computer, then his decision to transmit that videotape through the internet to Google in an effort to post and publish the videotape, the threat was transmitted in interstate commerce.
WHEREFORE, based upon these facts, there is probable cause to support the issuance a complaint and warrant charging NORMAN LEBOON with threatening to kill Congressman Eric Cantor on or about March 26, 2010, in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Sections 1115(a)(1)(B) and 875(c).
Sworn and subscribed before me this day of March, 2010.
HONORABLE TIMOTHY R. RICE United States Magistrate Judge
DAVID E. CARTER Special Agent Federal Bureau of Investigation
Wild Thing's comment.......
Thank God they got this guy, he isi really a nut case.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:40 AM | Comments (3)
March 29, 2010
Homeland Security, FBI Raids In 3 States And 7 Arrested
Mar. 28: Michigan State Police guard a home in Clayton after the FBI raided the home of a suspected militia leader
The Obama FBI conducted weekend raids on militia groups in Michigan, Ohio and Indiana.
The FBI says agents have conducted weekend raids in Michigan, Indiana and Ohio, and at least three people have been arrested.
Federal warrants are sealed, but FBI spokeswoman Sandra Berchtold said Sunday there has been “law enforcement activity” in southwest Michigan. She wouldn’t say whether they were tied to the raids in the other states.
FBI spokesman Scott Wilson in Cleveland says agents arrested two people Saturday in Ohio. A third arrest was made in Illinois on Sunday, a day after raids in Indiana.
Michael Lackomar, spokesman for the Southeast Michigan Volunteer Militia, says a member of his group was called by members of a religious militia Saturday who claimed their property was being raided. Lackomar says the SMVM member declined to help and is cooperating with the FBI.
Gun Charges After FBI Raids in 3 States
The FBI conducted weekend raids in three states and arrested at least three people, and a militia leader in Michigan said the target of at least one raid was a Christian militia group.
ADRIAN, Michigan -- The FBI said Sunday that agents conducted weekend raids in three states and arrested at least three people, and a militia leader in Michigan said the target of at least one raid was a Christian militia group.
The raids took place in Michigan, Indiana and Ohio, the FBI said. Federal warrants were sealed, but a federal law enforcement official speaking on condition of anonymity said some of those arrested face gun charges and officials are pursuing other suspects. Some of the suspects were expected in court Monday.
FBI spokeswoman Sandra Berchtold confirmed the FBI had been working in two southeast Michigan counties near the Ohio state line. FBI spokesman Scott Wilson in Ohio said agents arrested two people Saturday after raids in two Ohio towns.
A third arrest made in northeast Illinois on Sunday stemmed from a raid Saturday just over the border in northwest Indiana, both part of an ongoing investigation led by the FBI in Michigan, according to a statement from agents in Illinois.
It wasn't clear what prompted the raids, but Michael Lackomar, a spokesman for the Southeast Michigan Volunteer Militia, said one of his team leaders got a frantic phone call Saturday evening from members of Hutaree, a Christian militia group. They said their property in southwest Michigan was being raided by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, according to Lackomar.
They said they were under attack by the ATF and wanted a place to hide," Lackomar said. "My team leader said, 'no thanks."'
The team leader was cooperating with the FBI, Lackomar said. He said SMVM wasn't affiliated with Hutaree, but a handful of Hutaree members twice attended monthly training sessions with his group that focus on survival training and shooting practice.
On its Web site, Hutaree quotes several Bible passages and states: "We believe that one day, as prophecy says, there will be an Anti-Christ. ... Jesus wanted us to be ready to defend ourselves using the sword and stay alive using equipment."
An e-mail sent to the group by The Associated Press wasn't returned Sunday, and phone numbers for the group's leadership were not immediately available. Berchtold, the FBI spokeswoman in Michigan, wouldn't say whether the raids were connected to Hutaree.
Law enforcement swarmed a rural, wooded property Saturday evening near Adrian, about 70 miles southwest of Detroit, neighbors said. Two ramshackle trailers sat side-by-side on the property, the door to one slightly ajar late Sunday as if it had been forced open.
Phyllis Brugger, who has lived in the area for more than 30 years, said some people who lived there were known as having ties to militia. They would shoot guns and often wore camouflage, according to Brugger and her daughter, Heidi Wood.
"Everybody knew they were militia," Brugger said. "You don't mess with them."
About a month ago, 50 vehicles showed up on the property, and the women said neighbors assumed something bad was going on.
George Ponce, 18, who works at a pizzeria next door to a home raided in Hammond, Indiana, said he and a few co-workers stepped outside for a break Saturday night and saw a swarm of law enforcement.
"I heard a yell, 'Get back inside!' and saw a squad member pointing a rifle at us," Ponce said. "They told us the bomb squad was going in, sweeping the house looking for bombs."
He said another agent was in the bushes near the house, and law enforcement vehicles were "all over." He estimated that agents took more than two dozen guns from the house.
Another employee, Ron Jakubczak, said the man who lived in the house often wore Army fatigues and would "play-fight" with his purebred German Shepherds. People at the pizzeria were surprised to find a military transport vehicle once parked in the man's yard, he said.
In Ohio, one of the raids occurred at a well-kept trailer park in Sandusky, a small city on Lake Erie between Toledo and Cleveland. Neighbors said the man taken into custody lived in a trailer on a cul-de-sac with his wife and two young children.
A young man who answered the door at the trailer Sunday said no one from the family wanted to talk. A neighbor said he saw authorities with rifles run past his window and toward the trailer Saturday night.
"They took over the block like it was the Army. I thought we were being invaded," said Michael Morin, who lives two lots away.
Park manager Terry Mills said authorities blocked off the street for about an hour Saturday night.
"Needless to say, this has everyone talking," said Mills, 62. "We have a lot of retirees here who don't want all this commotion."
FBI agents in Ohio also made an arrest Saturday night, said Wilson, the FBI spokesman. He said no further information would be released until after they appeared in court Monday.
There is also this from the Detroit paper:
.Seven arrested in FBI raids linked to Christian militia group
Jennifer Chambers / The Detroit News
At least seven people, including some from Michigan, have been arrested in raids by a FBI-led Joint Terrorism Task Force in Michigan, Ohio and Indiana as part of an investigation into an Adrian-based Christian militia group, a person familiar with the matter said.
The suspects are expected to make an initial appearance in U.S. District Court in Detroit on Monday.
On Sunday, a source close to the investigation in Washington, D.C. confirmed that FBI agents were conducting activities in Washtenaw and Lenawee counties over the weekend in connection to Hutaree, a Christian militia group. Detroit FBI Special Agent Sandra Berchtold told The Detroit News the federal warrants in the case are under court seal and declined further comment.
Sources have said the FBI was in the second day of raids around the southeastern Michigan city of Adrian that are connected to a militia group, known as the Hutaree, an Adrian-based group whose members describe themselves as Christian soldiers preparing for the arrival and battle with the anti-Christ.
WXYZ-TV reports that helicopters were spotted in the sky for much of Saturday night, and agents set up checkpoints throughout the area. Witnesses told the station that it was like a small army had descended on the area. The Department of Homeland Security and the Joint Terrorism Task Force are also involved in the raids.
Mike Lackomar, of Michiganmilitia.com, said both The Southeast Michigan Volunteer Militia and the Michiganmilitia.com were not a part of the raid.
Lackomar said he heard from other militia members that the FBI targeted the Hutaree after its members made threats of violence against Islamic organizations.
"Last night and into today the FBI conducted a raid against homes belonging to the Hutaree. They are a religious cult. They are not part of our militia community," he said.
Lackomar said he was told there were five arrests Saturday and another five early Sunday. The FBI declined to comment.
One of the Hutaree members called a Michigan militia leader for assistance Saturday after federal agents had already began their raid, Lackomar said, but the militia member -- who is of Islamic decent and had heard about the threats -- declined to offer help. That Michigan militia leader is now working with federal officials to provide information on the Hutaree member for the investigation, Lackomar said Sunday.
"They are more of survivalist group and in an emergency they withdraw and stand their ground. They are actively training to be alongside Jesus," he said.
Sources from the Michigan militia community said one of the FBI raids took place Saturday during a wake for a Hutaree member who had died of natural causes. A Hutaree leader was arrested during the wake while at the same time agents were conducting raids at other locations.
The Associated Press is reporting that FBI spokesman Scott Wilson in Cleveland said agents arrested two people Saturday in northwest Ohio. A third arrest was made in Illinois on Sunday, a day after raids in northwest Indiana.
Dawud Walid, executive director of the Council on Islamic-American Relations of Michigan, made an announcement Sunday during the group's 10th anniversary banquet about receiving a call from a network journalist about the alleged threat against Muslims.
"Don't allow this news to scare you away from practicing your faith," said Walid.
Audible gaps were heard throughout the banquet hall when the news was announced. Walid said he will call local authorities about more information on the allegations. He urged local Muslims to recommitt themselves to their faith in light of the accusations.
Wild Thing's comment........
So looking at the maps, Huron and Sandusky are close to Detroit and are probably related to the Michigan arrests. The Hammond, Indiana location is near Chicago, but a distance from Detroit. I wonder if the attack was planned for Michigan, but the control center was in Hammond/Chicago.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 AM | Comments (14)
Moscow Subway Hit With 2 Explosions Update 41 Killed
Russia Today video above
MOSCOW – Two female suicide bombers blew themselves up on Moscow's subway system as it was jam-packed with rush-hour passengers Monday.
The Moscow subway system is one of the world's busiest, carrying around 7 million passengers on an average workday, and is a key element in running the sprawling and traffic-choked city.
The blasts practically paralyzed movement in the city center as emergency vehicles sped to the stations. Helicopters hovered over the Park Kultury station area, which is near the renowned Gorky Park.
Passengers, many of them in tears, streamed out of the station, one man exclaiming over and over "This is how we live!"
Moscow Explosions rocked a pair of central Moscow subway stations during morning rush hour Monday, killing at least 37 people and wounding 10 others, Russia's Emergency Situations Ministry said.
The first blast occurred about 8 a.m. at Lubyanka subway station. That explosion killed 14 people aboard the train and 11 on the platform.
The Lubyanka station is near the Kremlin and the nation's intelligence service, the Federal Security Bureau.
Another blast happened about 30 minutes later at Park Kultury station, on the same train line. The Emergency Situations Ministry reported 12 dead in the second explosion. Russian TV said the blast killed 15 people.
Fox News: At least 41 people were killed in two explosions that hit the Moscow metro during rush hour Monday, local news agencies reported. “41 DEAD IN MOSCOW SUBWAY DOUBLE BLAST - TERRORISM PROBE BEGUN SNIPPET: “At least 41 people have been killed and scores more injured as two explosions ripped through the Moscow metro at the height of rush hour this morning. The first blast at the Lubyanka station in central Moscow happened at 0756 (0356 GMT) as thousands of passengers were packed onto trains. The headquarters of Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB), successor to the Soviet-era KGB, is located just above the station. Russian prosecutors said they had launched a “terrorism probe” after the two blasts.”
Wild Thing's comment....... At one of the Russian news releases it stated this:
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM
| Comments (5)
“The blast hit the second carriage of a metro train that stopped at Lubyanka,” Russian emergencies ministry spokeswoman Irina Andrianova said.
TV visuals of the blast sites showed bodies lying all over the place.
In the first blast, fourteen of the killed were in the train and the others were on the platform. The station is located next to the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) headquarters.
The blasts that hit the central Moscow metro system on Monday morning were the equivalent of two kg of TNT each, Moscow prosecutor Yuri Semin said.
Open Arms Await Fort Hood Troops

As Laird arrives on base she goes through a secured gate, and gets out of her SUV to hug soldiers Spc. Christopher Robles, center and Sgt. Randy DeWitt, left.
Open arms await Fort Hood troops
Since June 2003, Elizabeth Laird has greeted nearly every soldier in transit between Texas post and the battlefield.
Across the tarmac they come, four dozen war-weary soldiers who have just flown for 18 hours from the sands of the Middle East.
Single file they march from the chartered Boeing 757 to the military airfield terminal, sunshine reflecting off their dark glasses.
They wear digital camo and tan boots. They grip M-16 rifles cleared of ammo. They carry backpacks and extra bags.
This quiet procession heading back to American life snakes up the stairs to the door of the terminal.
Across the threshold waits a tiny, gray-haired woman.
She is about to interrupt the military's regimented universe, in which crisp salutes are standard greeting and a firm handshake is about as informal as it gets.
She wears a floral blouse, an ankle-length red skirt and black Ugg boots. She clasps her hands. She sports a yellow ribbon in her waist-length hair.
She sees a bit of herself in these young soldiers who have seen and felt so much. Life has tested her, too. She knows what it's like to feel alone in a big world.
Sgt. Michael Flanders is the first to hit the doorway.
The woman's arms lift and stretch toward him. He leans down, holding his assault rifle and bag off to the side so they don't bump.
She is all of 4 feet 10 inches tall. He is 5 feet 11 inches tall.
They embrace.
"Welcome home," she says.
"Thank you, ma'am," he says.
"It is amazing to see her again," he says later.
This woman is no stranger to the soldiers. They have seen her before. She was here when they deployed from Fort Hood last year.
Elizabeth Laird is the official Fort Hood Hug Lady.
The Fort Hood airport is her home away from home. It doesn't matter whether a plane filled with soldiers is taking off or coming home. It doesn't matter whether the plane leaves at 3:30 a.m. or arrives at 3:30 p.m.
The Hug Lady is here.
She wraps her arms around deploying soldiers before they board a plane and around returning soldiers just after they deplane. She is a one-woman welcome wagon and one-person goodbye party.
She takes over at the airfield after soldiers have said goodbye to their families at an official ceremony on the main post. When they come home, she's the warm-up act before the big, patriotic ceremony in a gym where soldiers reunite with their families.
The Hug Lady, who has her own official Fort Hood business card, has been embracing soldiers since June 2003, just three months after the U.S. invasion of Iraq. She had been going to the airfield terminal as a Salvation Army volunteer. One day, a soldier hugged her. She hugged him back, and then she hugged another soldier, and another.
Soon after, Fort Hood's then-command sergeant major, Joe Gainey, saw her in action. "I want you to hug every soldier going and coming," he told her. He even bought her a package of Huggies baby wipes as a gag gift.
She has hugged at least 500,000 soldiers in almost seven years, Fort Hood estimates.
"If I can bring a smile to their face, if I can lift their spirits a bit, if I can let them know we care," she says, "it's my way of saying 'thank you for what you do.'\u2009"
Sometimes her gig takes only a few minutes. One recent afternoon, 48 soldiers from the Wyoming Army National Guard arrived. It took only six minutes to give all of them hugs.
But the Hug Lady stayed on, waiting for the last soldier, who had been assigned to keep an eye on the luggage as it was unloaded from the plane.
Sgt. Justin Gydesen finally made it into the terminal long after his comrades had left the building.
The Hug Lady was there for him, of course.
The Hug Lady is not going to abandon a soldier. The pain of separation is something she has known. She toughs it out and smiles through her pain. Resilience shows in her laughter, which comes out as a series of giggles.
Soldiers don't have time to stop and chat. If they could, they might learn this:
Laird is 78, a mother of four, grandmother of 12 and great-grandmother of seven.
She grew up on the wrong side of the tracks in Birmingham, Ala., embarrassed by the homemade feed sack clothing she had to wear to school. Her father wanted a son, and her mother, at times, was emotionally distant. She felt unwanted.
She graduated high school at 16 and moved to New York City. At 17, she got a job at a research institute on Madison Avenue.
She joined the Air Force at 18 and ended up at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio. She married, but divorced her husband after he cheated on her. Then she discovered she was pregnant.
She left the Air Force, moved back in with her parents and married the former Marine who lived across the street. They had three children, and he adopted the son fathered by her first husband.
In 1964, she moved alone to the Rock Island Arsenal in Illinois to study computer programming while her husband cared for the children. The long-distance separation ended her second marriage, and she moved around the country with her children to various military installations and private computer companies.
She married a third time in 1969. The late Ray Laird had been in her computer class at Rock Island. Together, they ran an income tax preparation office in Copperas Cove for decades.
Her tax business is called Have Pen Will Travel.
She has two dogs, 27 cats and six birds. She also feeds 60 or so wild pigeons in the parking lot of her office twice a day.
She is a vegan who listens to Rush Limbaugh.
She hasn't cut her hair for 40 years.
Ray Laird died suddenly from a blood clot on Jan. 10, 2008. They had been married for 38 years.
He was buried in the Central Texas State Veterans Cemetery next to Fort Hood. After the service, she got in her Suburban and drove to the airfield to meet an incoming flight. She got to the doorway just as the first soldier came through.
Nine days after her husband died, her eldest daughter, Linda, died of breast cancer in Alabama. Laird's grief was immeasurable.
"In a way it was better because you can only hurt so much," she says. "I think it was God's plan. The pain for both of them was so intense. It was good that it went together rather than getting over one and then being hit with a second one."
Hugs can heal. Hugs keep her going.
On a recent morning, she locks up her tax office and steps onto the running board of her 1999 white Suburban. She's too short to reach the seat without this boost. She drives 11 miles to the Fort Hood airfield and stops, as required, at the guard shack at the gate.
"You want your hugs today?" she asks the two guards on duty.
She climbs out of the Suburban and hugs Sgt. Randy DeWitt, who has to shift his M-4 carbine to the side.
"I always remember the sweet faces," he says.
Spc. Christopher Robles comes to get a hug, too.
Then she's back on her way to the terminal.
Have hugs will travel.
Wild Thing's comment........
Awesome! I LOVE stories like this. What a wonderful lady she is!!!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:49 AM | Comments (5)
Obama and Democrats Threatening Companies That Said Obamacare Will Hurt Their Business!
The ObamaCare Writedowns
The corporate damage rolls in, and Democrats are shocked!
It’s been a banner week for Democrats: ObamaCare passed Congress in its final form on Thursday night, and the returns are already rolling in. Yesterday AT&T announced that it will be forced to make a $1 billion writedown due solely to the health bill, in what has become a wave of such corporate losses.
This wholesale destruction of wealth and capital came with more than ample warning. Turning over every couch cushion to make their new entitlement look affordable under Beltway accounting rules, Democrats decided to raise taxes on companies that do the public service of offering prescription drug benefits to their retirees instead of dumping them into Medicare. We and others warned this would lead to AT&T-like results, but like so many other ObamaCare objections Democrats waved them off as self-serving or “political.”
…Henry Waxman and House Democrats announced yesterday that they will haul these companies in for an April 21 hearing because their judgment “appears to conflict with independent analyses, which show that the new law will expand coverage and bring down costs.”
In other words, shoot the messenger. Black-letter financial accounting rules require that corporations immediately restate their earnings to reflect the present value of their long-term health liabilities, including a higher tax burden. Should these companies have played chicken with the Securities and Exchange Commission to avoid this politically inconvenient reality? Democrats don’t like what their bill is doing in the real world, so they now want to intimidate CEOs into keeping quiet.
On top of AT&T’s $1 billion, the writedown wave so far includes Deere & Co., $150 million; Caterpillar, $100 million; AK Steel, $31 million; 3M, $90 million; and Valero Energy, up to $20 million. Verizon has also warned its employees about its new higher health-care costs, and there will be many more in the coming days and weeks.
The Democratic political calculation with ObamaCare is the proverbial boiling frog: Gradually introduce a health-care entitlement by hiding the true costs, hook the middle class on new subsidies until they become unrepealable, but try to delay the adverse consequences and major new tax hikes so voters don’t make the connection between their policy and the economic wreckage. But their bill was such a shoddy, jerry-rigged piece of work that the damage is coming sooner than even some critics expected.
Democrats threaten companies hit hard by health care bill
By: Byron York
Waxman is also demanding that the executives give lawmakers internal company documents related to health care finances — a move one committee Republicans describes as “an attempt to intimidate and silence opponents of the Democrats’ flawed health care reform legislation.”
…Waxman has ordered the executives to explain themselves at an April 21 hearing before the Energy and Commerce Committee’s investigative subcommittee. That subcommittee just happens to be chaired by Rep. Bart Stupak, the Michigan Democrat who held out his vote on health care reform until a few hours before final passage on March 21, giving the bill’s opponents the unfounded hope that he might vote against it.
Waxman’s demands came Friday in letters to several executives. “After the president signed the health care reform bill into law, your company announced that provisions in the law could adversely affect your ability to provide health insurance,” Waxman wrote to Randall Stephenson, chairman and CEO of AT&T. A few hours before Waxman sent his letter, AT&T announced it will take a $1 billion charge against earnings because of the tax provision in the new health bill. AT&T also said it will be “evaluating prospective changes” to its health care benefits for all workers…
Waxman’s request could prove particularly troubling for the companies. The executives will undoubtedly view such documents as confidential, but if they fail to give Waxman everything he wants, they run the risk of subpoenas and threats from the chairman. And all as punishment for making a business decision in light of a new tax situation.
Wild Thing's comment........
Because they have the audacity to do right by the shareholders by properly accounting for their losses, they now have to answer their masters in Congress? How dare your reality trump our political lies!
This is what the dems wanted, to destroy those mean ole businesses. The more a person learns about obamacare the more diabolical it becomes.
“Meanwhile, Henry Waxman and House Democrats announced yesterday that they will haul these companies in for an April 21 hearing because their judgment ‘appears to conflict with independent analyses, which show that the new law will expand coverage and bring down costs.’ In other words, shoot the messenger.”
Now they are going to grill and harass these companies for telling the truth. Dictator Barack Hussein doesn’t like dissent.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:48 AM | Comments (4)
Obama's Trip to Afghanistan
Obama flew into Afghanistan's capital Sunday on an unannounced visit, his first trip as president to a country where tens of thousands of new U.S. troops are being deployed this year.
He’s looking for support among the “moderate Tal-i-ban.”
Obama attacks Bush every chance he gets, and this time he does it while making a surprise visit to Afghanistan.
The troops despise this creature.. He’s not going to get the hero’s welcome that Bush always got.
And for YOU Democrats that lurk here, you will say that Obama didn’t mean Bush or Iraq in his statement. Then I ask you, why make the comparison of ‘America trying to spread it’s influence’ or ‘wanting to meddle in someone else’s business’? He could have simply avoided the comparison and just pointed out the attack on 9/11 is the reason we are fighting this war. But no, he had to take another jab at Bush, as he always does.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (4)
Wonderful Jim DeMint: “The President Is Mocking Americans”
Well, Bob, the president is mocking Americans who continue to be against this bill. And he said, bring it on. And that`s what we intend to do.”
GOP Senator Vows to Keep Up Fight to Repeal Reform Bill, Says Victor of Health Battle "Will Be Known in November"
Republican Senator Jim DeMint accused President Barack Obama of "mocking Americans" who are opposed to the Democrats' health care reform bill, and suggested that, as characterized in his recess appointments, circumventing Congress has become the president's style.
Saying that more than 60% of Americans want Republicans to continue to fight the bill, even though it was signed into law by the president last week, DeMint said that the law should be repealed. "I want to repeal it; I want to replace it with real reform that puts patients in charge of their health care again," DeMint said.
Wild Thing's comment........
Republicans must continue the fight and we need to support them -- our lives depend on it, literally.
Thank God for Jim DeMint, he is standing up for all of us against this jug-eared lying communist.
This is his Facebook page
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:45 AM | Comments (3)
March 28, 2010
NCIS Underfire: Muslim Group Slams Counterterrorism Training
NCIS underfire: Muslim group slams counterterrorism training
by Jim Kouri
One of the nation's largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization on Tuesday announced that it complained to the Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) about alleged anti-Islam bias in the training offered to security personnel by that military law enforcement agency.
The Washington-based Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) received a report that a three-day NCIS surveillance detection course at the U.S. Naval Observatory in Washington, D.C., included the viewing of a film that features terror experts such as Daniel Pipes, Nonie Darwish and Walid Shoebat, whom CAIR characterized as Islamophobic.
CAIR quoted Nonie Darwish as saying, "Islam is cruel, anti-women, anti-religious freedom and anti-personal freedom in general."
Meanwhile, Dr. Daniel Pipes once warned a Jewish convention of the "true dangers" posed by "the presence, and increased stature, and affluence, and enfranchisement of American Muslims." (American Jewish Congress, 10/21/2001).
According to CAIR, the film and the course promoted the theme that "Islam is synonymous with Nazism." The briefing presenter also allegedly used the term "Hajji" as a pejorative in reference to Muslims and stated repeatedly that "Islam is not a religion of peace."
In his letter to NCIS Director Mark D. Clookie, CAIR National Executive Director Nihad Awad wrote in part:
"NCIS has an important role to play in securing our nation and can best carry out that role when its actions are based on accurate and balanced information, not on religious or ethnic stereotyping."
Awad requested an investigation "to ensure that our nation's security personnel are receiving training that is free of political or religious agendas."
Daniel Pipes, the Harvard Professor, publisher and head of the Middle East Forum, has consistently pointed out that CAIR is riddled with extremists and has been closely linked to organizations that have been convicted or individuals convicted of terrorism.
The group, that claims to represent US Muslims but is cited by many US Muslims as being a thinly veiled cover group for extremists, is losing membership. Nonetheless, they mount campaigns to get training and other valuable help to US First Responders stopped, canceled, delegitimized and several jurisdictions have folded attempts to hold counter terror training.
Wild Thing's comment........
OH OK so let's just never have anymore Counterterrorism done on Muslims, Muslim groups or suspicious activity by Muslims. There that settles that problem. Yes right! sheesh
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:55 AM | Comments (6)
Andrew Napolitano: Supreme Court to Strike Down Obamacare
There is also a video at the Newsmax site that is a different video then the one above for more information. ~ Wild Thing
Barack Obama is one of the worst presidents ever in terms of respecting constitutional limitations on government, and the states suing the federal government over healthcare reform "have a pretty strong case" and are likely to prevail, according to author and judicial analyst Andrew P. Napolitano.
In an exclusive interview with Newsmax.TV's Ashley Martella, Napolitano says the president's healthcare reforms amount to "commandeering" the state legislatures for federal purposes, which the Supreme Court has forbidden as unconstitutional.
"The Constitution does not authorize the Congress to regulate the state governments," Napolitano says. "Nevertheless, in this piece of legislation, the Congress has told the state governments that they must modify their regulation of certain areas of healthcare, they must surrender their regulation of other areas of healthcare, and they must spend state taxpayer-generated dollars in a way that the Congress wants it done.
That's called commandeering the legislature," he says. "That's the Congress taking away the discretion of the legislature with respect to regulation, and spending taxpayer dollars. That's prohibited in a couple of Supreme Court cases. So on that argument, the attorneys general have a pretty strong case and I think they will prevail.”
Napolitano, author of his just-released “Lies the Government Told You: Myth, Power, and Deception in American History” and a Fox News senior judicial analyst, is the youngest Superior Court judge ever to attain lifetime tenure in the state of New Jersey. He served on the bench from 1987 to 1995.
Napolitano tells Newsmax that the longstanding precedent of state regulation of the healthcare industry makes the new federal regulations that much more problematic.
"The Supreme Court has ruled that in areas of human behavior that are not delegated to the Congress in the Constitution, and that have been traditionally regulated by the states, the Congress can't simply move in there," Napolitano says. "And the states for 230 years have had near exclusive regulation over the delivery of healthcare. The states license hospitals. The states license medications. The states license healthcare providers whether they're doctors, nurses, or pharmacists. The feds have had nothing to do with it.
"The Congress can't simply wake up one day and decide that it wants to regulate this. I predict that the Supreme Court will invalidate major portions of what the president just signed into law…"
The judge also says he would rate President Obama as one of the worst presidents in terms of obedience to constitutional limitations.
"I believe we have a one party system in this country, called the big-government party," Napolitano says. "There is a Republican branch that likes war and deficits and assaulting civil liberties. There is a Democratic branch that likes welfare and taxes and assaulting commercial liberties.
"President Obama obviously is squarely within the Democratic branch. The president who had the least fidelity to the Constitution was Abraham Lincoln, who waged war on half the country, even though there's obviously no authority for that, a war that killed nearly 700,000 people. President Obama is close to that end of lacking fidelity to the Constitution. He wants to outdo his hero FDR."
For those who oppose healthcare, the Fox legal expert says, the bad news is that many of the legal challenges to healthcare reform will have to wait until 2014, when the changes become fully operational.
Until then, there would be no legal case that individuals had been actually harmed by the law. Moreover, Napolitano says it takes an average of four years for a case to work its way through the various federal courts the final hearing that's expected to come before the Supreme Court.
"You're talking about 2018, which is eight years from now, before it is likely the Supreme Court will hear this," he says.
Other issues that Napolitano addressed during the wide-ranging interview:
He believes American is in danger of becoming "a fascist country," which he defines as "private ownership, but government control." He adds, "The government doesn't have the money to own anything. But it has the force and the threat of violence to control just about anything it wants. That will rapidly expand under President Obama, unless and until the midterm elections give us a midterm correction – which everyone seems to think, and I'm in that group, is about to come our way.
Napolitano believes the federal government lacks the legal authority to order citizens to purchase healthcare insurance. The Congress [is] ordering human beings to purchase something that they might not want, might not need, might not be able to afford, and might not want -- that's never happened in our history before," Napolitano says. "My gut tells me that too is unconstitutional, because the Congress doesn't have that kind of power under the Constitution."
The sweetheart deals in the healthcare reform bill used that persuaded Democrats to vote for it – the Louisiana Purchase, Cornhusker Kickback, Gatorade Exception and others – create "a very unique and tricky constitutional problem" for Democrats, because they treat citizens differently based on which state they live in, running afoul of the Constitution's equal protection clause according to Napolitano. "So these bennies or bribes, whatever you want, or horse trading as it used to be called, clearly violate equal protection by forcing people in the other states to pay the bills of the states that don't have to pay what the rest of us do," Napolitano says.
Exempting union members from the so-called "Cadillac tax" on expensive health insurance policies, while imposing that tax on other citizens, is outright discrimination according to Napolitano. "The government cannot draw a bright line, with fidelity to the Constitution and the law, on the one side of which everybody pays, and the other side of which some people pay. It can't say, 'Here's a tax, but we're only going to apply it to nonunion people. Here's a tax, and we're only going to apply it to graduates of Ivy League institutions.' The Constitution does not permit that type of discrimination."
Politicians from both parties routinely disregard the Constitutional limits imposed on them by the nation's founding document, Napolitano says. "The problem with the Constitution is not any structural problem," says Napolitano. "The problem with the constitution is that those who take an oath to uphold it don't take their oath seriously. For example, just a month ago in interviewing Congressman Jim Clyburn, who's the No. 3 ranking Democrat in the House, I said to him, Congressman Clyburn, can you tell me where in the Constitution the Congress is authorized to regulate healthcare? He said, 'Judge, most of what we do down here,' referring to Washington, 'is not authorized by the Constitution. Can you tell me where in the Constitution we're prohibited from regulating healthcare.' Napolitano says that reflects a misunderstanding of what the Constitution actually is. "He's turning the Constitution on its head, because Congress is not a general legislature," he says. "It was not created in order to right every wrong. It exists only to legislate in the 17 specific, discrete, unique areas where the Constitution has given it power. All other areas of human area are reserved for the states."
Napolitano says that members of Congress infringe on Constitutional rights because they fail to recognize its basis. "They reject Jefferson's argument, in the Declaration of Independence, that our rights come from our Creator, therefore they're natural rights, therefore they can't be legislated away," Napolitano says. "They think they can legislate on any activity, regulate any behavior, tax any person or thing, as long as the politics will let them survive. They're wrong, and with this healthcare legislation, they may be proven wrong, in a very direct and in-your-face way."
Wild Thing's comment.........
The Judge is always so good! Wouldn’t this be sweet. Especially after the way the justices were attacked by the Kenyan during his SOTU Show.
If Obamacare is not unconstitutional, then nothing is and the feds have all the power they want. Finding obamacare constitutional is the end of the Constitution. But then, that is what the fascists want.
Impeach the punk!
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:50 AM | Comments (5)
Tea Party Has HUGE Rally At Searchlight, NV
On CNN they reported on the rally : “At least dozens of people.”
LMAO a dozen??? Hello CNN, your noses are really going to grow after this line of a lie.
See the video below.......
Tea Party Express coverage from the ABC station in Las Vegas
Here is aerial video of the Tea Party Express crowd gathered in Sen. Harry Reid's hometown of Searchlight, Nevada on March 27, 2010. A crowd of between 7,000-8,000 people gathered there to hear Sarah Palin and others kickoff the latest Tea Party Express tour that will stop in 40 cities, ending in Washington, D.C. on April 15, 2010.
Traffic on a highway leading into the town was backed up more than two miles.
Andrew Breitbart Describes Harry Reid Supporters on the Attack
Andrew Breitbart witnessed first hand today the cunning manipulation and violence of the unhinged left. Harry Reid supporters stood on Highway 95 outside of Searchlight, Nevada and held signs steering tea party protesters heading to the Tea Party Express Showdown in Searchlight Rally in the wrong direction. Andrew also witnessed these violent leftists attacking the Tea Party Express bus with eggs as it drove by. The Harry Reid supporters then swarmed him, harassed him, threatened him and made false statements to the police.
Sarah Palin in Searchlight:
“Now when we talk about “fighting” for our country. Let’s clear the air right now on what it is we’re talking about. We’re not inciting violence. Don’t get sucked into the lamestream media’s lies about conservative America’s standing up for freedom as inciting violence. It’s a bunch of bunk what the media is trying to feed you.”
Sarah Palin told thousands of tea party activists assembled in the dusty Nevada desert Saturday that Sen. Harry Reid will have to explain his votes when he comes back to his hometown to campaign.
The wind whipped U.S. flags behind the former Alaska governor as she stood on a makeshift stage, holding a microphone and her notes and speaking to a cheering crowd. She told them Reid, fighting for re-election, is "gambling away our future."
"Someone needs to tell him, this is not a crapshoot," Palin said.
About 7,000 people streamed into tiny Searchlight, a former mining town 60 miles south of Las Vegas, bringing American flags, "Don't Tread on Me" signs and outspoken anger toward Reid, President Barack Obama and the health care overhaul.
Palin told them the big-government, big-debt spending spree of the Senate majority leader, Obama and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is over.
"You're fired!" Palin said.
Wild Thing's comment........
These rallies are pure Americana .. all ages .. smiles .. grit and fortitude, not hired busloads of slugs and bodies in rented doctor gowns. The stark divide in this country is truly disturbing.
I just pray there are elections .. and before the illegals and felons are given voting rights.
Heh heh the population of Searchlight is something like 500 people.... can you just imagine having about 8,000 people arrive for TEA Time. giggle......love it.
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:49 AM | Comments (12)
Obama and Columbia University
"A Trial in Harlem – The Long-Legged Mac Daddy is called to answer for his mysterious past"
These are shocking accusations but they are being brought forward because the accuser is under physical duress and feels that if this Trial does not go forward in the upcoming weeks that he will not live to bring the charges at all. I will be providing more details throughout the weekend, those that are available at this time. Now we begin to understand why Obama “voluntarily surrendered” his Law Degree. The pieces of a bigger puzzle are falling into place.
The Prosecutor has a Press Release as follows
Hon. James David Manning says Barack Hussein "The Long Legged Mack Daddy" Obama was a C.I.A operative who used Columbia University as a cover to go to Pakistan in 1981 when the CIA and the Mujahideen worked together against the Soviet Invasion. Obama supplied arms, logistics, and money using his Muslim background.
And here is a partial list of “Hostile Witnesses” who Pastor Manning intends to supoena.
Dr. James Manning outlines the list of witnesses to be subpoena. Recorded on 15 March 2010.
Hon. James David Manning says Barack Hussein Obama was a CIA operative who used Columbia University as a cover up to go to Pakistan in 1981 when the United States and the Taliban worked together against Russia.
"I am James David Manning, Senior Pastor of the Atlah World Missionary Church in Harlem, New York. I am also the originator of the Columbia Obama trial scheduled for the 14th of May, year 2010. Due to the growing threatening circumstances surrounding this trial, I must now release the full transcript we wish to present, document and prove at the Columbia Obama trial later this year.
Obama was recruited in 1980 by the CIA while a student at Occidental College in Los Angeles, California. The CIA needed Muslims who were fluent in Farsi and other Islamic customs and understandings. Obama was perfect as an undercover agent. The CIA then later enlisted Columbia University to extend its foreign student program to Barack Hussein Obama that he might enroll in the universities around Karachi and in Pakistan, and also the Patrice Lamumba school in Moscow. With a perfect cover as a US student identity, Obama became the lead agent in the arms and money supply to the struggling Taliban army against the Soviet war machine. Obama's cover was flawless, and his skills as an agent incredible. He was more than integral to the Taliban victory later on that decade.
Now I will be presenting documentation to all that I say here in this announcement. But it is public knowledge that Obama traveled to Pakistan in 1981. We don't know how often he traveled between Pakistan and Russia, or his return back to America and back to Pakistan, off and on, during his undercover operation in Afghanistan training and being a money supplier and interpreter for the CIA to the Taliban during those war years. The state Department records have been scrubbed and the State Department employee was killed to cover the passport office break-in of April 2008, Lieutenant Quarles Harris, a young African American who was found shot dead in front of the Judah Praise Baptist church in northeast Washington, DC. Obama learned his Islamic language skills while he spent six years in Indonesia with his stepfather Lolo Soetoro and his mother. When he returned from his CIA assignment in the mid 1980s, he pressured the State Department to allow him to enter Harvard Law School He excelled at Harvard, became the Editor of the Law Review. Where upon his graduation he could have become a Supreme Court clerk or a multi-million dollar salary would have been offered to him at America's best law firms, except for one thing...he did not have a legitimate background as a US Citizen or as a student from Occidental or Columbia. A diligent investigation by a personnel agency of a major law firm would have revealed he was not a US citizen. And how could a "C" student go from Occidental College to America's fifth most difficult school to enter, into Columbia University, and then from there three years later enter into the world's most difficult lawschool, Harvard?
So what does a former CIA operative do when they cannot pass a personnel test? Obama becomes a "Community Organizer" on the South side of Chicago, where no background check is needed. His marriage to Michelle Robinson, a lawyer and connected Chicago politician, although a convenient marriage, now gives him citizenship and the beginning of a solid background. He takes a job at the same law firm where Michelle becomes his trainer and supervisor, a law firm that is heavily influenced by small time criminal, Tony Rezko. Michelle Robinson controls the personnel records, and his hiring takes place without a hitch. When questions were raised during the 2008 campaign for presidency about his Columbia years, he spun those questions and the media by declaring himself to be an Ascetic, a monk, and a hermit, going days on end without speaking or interacting with anyone, and he did not live one campus with the regular Columbia University students. Today, Obama is a man who loves the limelight and can hardly tear himself away from any camera he passes by, wants us to believe that he was once a monk or hermit with no interaction with anyone.
Michael Wolf, former NTA Chairman and graduate of Columbia says he remembers Obama s very smart and a great debater while he was at Columbia, and he was very active in student activities. Now it appears that Michael Wolf remembers things about Obama that Obama does not remember about himself. FOX news during the 2008 campaign, when questions were raised about Barack OBama's Columbia years, interviewed more than 400 people on campus during the years of 1980 to 1984--students, nurses, librarians, custodians, shopkeepers, people in the environment, in their investigation, not one of the 400 people remembers Barack Hussein Obama during his alleged Columbia years.
The Reagan Bush administrations and the Bush 43 administration, all know this about Barack Obama as a CIA operative, and his help to win the war there for the Taliban in Afghanistan during the Russian invasion. They just did not expect Barack Obama to win the Iowa Caucus. When he won that, there was no way they could assassinate him, remove him from the scene. They had to allow him to march over the Clintons and over John McCain that he might be the president. Whatever information he now holds or interaction he holds with the Soviet Union and both the American people as a threat.
We as a government and and as a people are being held hostage by this former CIA operative Barack Hussein Obama who has heavy Muslim beliefs Marxist politics and has an intense hatred for this nation called America. At the trial 14th of May I will document, all these statements that are not public knowledge. But because of growing threatening circumstances I must present my case to the public now. I am James David Manning, Senior Pastor of the Atlah World Missionary Church in Harlem, New York and host of Manning report."
Wild Thing's comment........
Obama's mothers boss was based at Columbia. And he was Tim Geithner's dad.
This is the first I have heard about this about Obama that Manning is speaking about. It is interesting to say the least.
And there is something else too. It does not add up that only one person out of a college class of 400 would remember a memorable tranfer student like Obama, if he really did attend Columbia College for his last two years. Since when could a student in the 1980s get through two years at a small ivy league college without attending classes or leaving any footprints? rs? Surely all the professors with whom he would have studied can’t all be dead.
Lots of weidness with Obama that's for sure.
There is also this:
Who is Timothy Geithner?
(excerpt from the Economic Policy Journal:)
Morgan Reynolds, who served as chief economist for the US Department of Labor during 2001–2, George W. Bush’s first term, has done a little fact checking on the new Treasury Secretary:
Who is Geithner? He is a creature of the eastern banking establishment and ruling class through and through. His résumé nicely matches his actions in handing out government money and guarantees to the “right people.” Geithner’s father Peter is director of the Asia program at the Ford Foundation. Peter Geithner oversaw the “microfinance” programs developed in Indonesia by Ann Dunham-Soetoro, Barack Obama’s mother. Geithner’s maternal grandfather, Charles F. Moore, was an adviser to President Eisenhower and vice president of Ford Motor Company, according to Wikipedia. Geithner’s wife Carole Marie, like Geithner a 1983 graduate of Dartmouth College (Ivy League), is daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sonnenfeld of Princeton, N.J., a professor of French and comparative literature at Princeton University (Ivy League) for 27 years.”
Thus, Obama and Tim Geithner most probably were childhood friends. Remember Tony Rezko? Obama used Rezko to launder about $100 million of taxpayer dollars while Obama was still a State Senator. Geithner is Obama’s right hand in accessing the Tony Rezkos (people like Warren Buffett and Bill Gates) of the national level for Obama and the Democrats while he’s President. That’s why that with all this trouble about AIG, Obama is still not going to get rid of Geithner. Geithner is a valuable tool for them to rob this country through its national policies.
Peter Geithner (Tim’s Father) was director of the Asia program at the Ford Foundation. Peter Geithner oversaw the “microfinance” programs developed in Indonesia by Ann Dunham-Soetoro, Barack Obama’s mother.
......Thank you RAC for sending this to me.
RAC has a website that is awesome. 336th Assault Helicopter Company
13th Combat Aviation Battalion - 1st Aviation Brigade - Soc Trang, Republic of Vietnam
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:48 AM | Comments (4)
Andy Stern's Go-To Guy ....Craig Becker, Labor's Secret Weapon
Arlen Specter's party switch has renewed the debate over the legislative prospects for "card check," which would effectively eliminate secret ballots in union organizing elections. But Big Labor might not even need card check if Craig Becker has his way.
Mr. Becker is one of two recent National Labor Relations Board appointments by President Obama.
The five-member NLRB supervises union elections, investigates labor practices and, most important, issues rulings that interpret the National Labor Relations Act. Mr. Becker, who is currently the associate general counsel at Andy Stern's Service Employees International Union, is all for giving unions more power over companies in elections. Only he's not sure he needs to wait for Congress.
Current law on organizing provides advantages and restrictions for both sides. Employers are required to provide union reps with a list of employees and their addresses. Union organizers can visit employees at home, but companies cannot. Organizers can also make promises to employees (such as obtaining raises), which employers cannot. Companies can argue their position at a work site up to 24 hours before an election, but they are barred from coercing employees. Both sides get a seat at the table during NLRB hearings about the scope of an election or complaints about how it was conducted.
Mr. Becker has other ideas. In a 1993 Minnesota Law Review article, written when he was a UCLA professor, he explained that traditional notions of democracy should not apply in union elections. He wrote that employers should be barred from attending NLRB hearings about elections, and from challenging election results even amid evidence of union misconduct. He believes elections should be removed from work sites and held on "neutral grounds," or via mail ballots. Employers should also be barred from "placing observers at the polls to challenge ballots."
More extraordinary, Mr. Becker advocated a new "body of campaign rules" that would severely limit the ability of employers to argue against unionization. He argued that any meeting a company holds that involves a "captive audience" ought to be grounds for overturning an election. If a company wants to distribute leaflets that oppose the union, for example, Mr. Becker said it must allow union access to its private property to do the same.
Mr. Becker isn't clear about which of these rules can be implemented by NLRB fiat, and which would require an act of Congress, but his mindset is clear enough. He's willing to push NLRB discretion as far as possible to tilt today's labor rules in favor of easier unionization.
Union leaders argue that they need these rule changes because they are at a disadvantage during elections. But a new report from the Bureau of National Affairs shows unions winning 67% of private ballot representation elections conducted by the NLRB in 2008, the highest rate since BNA began analyzing data in 1984. Meanwhile, 95% of all elections are conducted within 56 days of a union petition filing, with a median of 38 days. This suggests that the real union problem is that most workers don't want a union election in the first place. Employees are well aware of what has happened to the steel, auto and other heavily unionized industries.
Mr. Becker has a confirmation hearing coming up, and Senators should ask him to explain why someone who wants to rig the rules to favor unionization should sit on a panel that is supposed to enforce fairness in union elections.
Obama's Nomination of Craig Becker to Serve on National Labor Relations Board Fails in Senate
FOX News ( TUESDAY March 23, 2010 )
The Senate on Tuesday rejected Craig Becker, President Obama’s nominee for the National Labor Relations Board. Becker got 52 votes — but he needed 60 to break a GOP filibuster. Democratic Sens. Blanche Lincoln of Arkansas and Ben Nelson of Nebraska even voted no.
Senate gone, Obama seats nominees
SATURDAY - March 27th, 2010
Barack Obama has elected to bypass the Senate and unilaterally install 15 nominees, including the controversial Craig Becker to serve on the National Labor Relations Board, a move sure to infuriate Republicans.
The decision to install Becker — who was rejected by a GOP filibuster last month — is certain to inflame Republicans opposed to his ties to labor unions. Obama also installed Mark Pearce — another nominee favored by unions — to serve on the board.
“The United States Senate has the responsibility to approve or disapprove of my nominees. But if, in the interest of scoring political points, Republicans in the Senate refuse to exercise that responsibility, I must act in the interest of the American people and exercise my authority to fill these positions on an interim basis,” Obama said in a statement. “Most of the men and women whose appointments I am announcing today were approved by Senate committees months ago, yet still await a vote of the Senate. At a time of economic emergency, two top appointees to the Department of the Treasury have been held up for nearly six months. I simply cannot allow partisan politics to stand in the way of the basic functioning of government.”
“This is something that Sen. [Harry] Reid strongly supports,” Jim Manley, Reid’s top spokesman, said Saturday. “Enough is enough. Republicans have made it very clear that they’re prepared to stall just about every nominee that’s being sent to the Senate.”
“I believe it is going to happen,” Harkin said Friday when asked about a possible appointment of Becker, whom Republicans had attacked as too pro-labor.
Wild Thing's comment........
The Senate voted NO way on this guy Becker so Obama will do it anyway no matter what. Nice huh! Obama sure likes being a Dictator and he loves Unions. Both Obama and Unions like to intimidate...... birds of a feather.
I realize other presidents have done this, but none of the other presidents were the radical, socialist, communist, marxist POS Obama.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:47 AM | Comments (3)
Lt. Peters on Obama’s Snub of Netanyahu:“It Was Shameful. We Treat Our Enemies With Greater Courtesy”
Lt. Peters on Obama’s Snub of Netanyahu: “It Was Shameful. We Treat Our Enemies With Greater Courtesy”
“It was disgraceful, it was shameful. We treat our enemies with greater courtesy … This is not a peace process, this is not diplomacy. This is something about a chip on the president’s shoulder.”
Wild Thing's comment......
Thank you Lt.Peters you are right!!! Each time I have heard Peters repsond to things he has been good.
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:45 AM | Comments (5)
March 27, 2010
Obama Orders US Troops to March in Red Square
Last week the British Embassy announced that British, French and American troops would march with Russian soldiers on Red Square to mark the 65th anniversary of the defeat of Nazi Germany. The Brits said in a statement that the parade may mark the first time British troops have marched in Red Square.
The AP helpfully explains that Victory Day is Russia's most important secular holiday. It adds that the Kremlin plans a larger parade than usual this year, with good reason. The Kremlin will be celebrating the addition of the British, French and American troops.
US, British, French troops to march on Red Square
MOSCOW — The British Embassy says British, French and U.S. troops will march with Russian soldiers on Red Square to mark the 65th anniversary of the defeat of Nazi Germany.
It said in a statement Thursday that the May 9 parade will include a Royal Air Force band and a detachment of Welsh Guards.
The statement said the parade may mark the first time British troops have marched in Red Square.
The U.S. Embassy confirmed that U.S. soldiers will take part in the parade.
Victory Day is Russia's most important secular holiday. The Kremlin plans a larger parade than usual this year.
The timing is particularly bad in that, for the first time in many years, the City of Moscow is planning on putting up posters of Stalin as part of its Victory Day celebration. So Obama will be able to honor not only the would-be dictator Putin, but the real thing.
US Servicemen To Take Part in Russia's Largest Victory Parade Ever
US servicemen will participate in the Victory Day Parade on Red Square in Moscow on May 9, Alexander Vershbow, assistant defense secretary for international security affairs said. The Americans will celebrate the 65th anniversary of Victory in WWII, the official said.
Vladimir Kozhin, an official spokesman for the administration of the Russian president, confirmed that Moscow had invited France, Britain and the United States for the parade. The French were the first to agree. They now decide soldiers of which troops will march in the heart of Moscow on May 9.
If all is arranged as planned, it will be the first time when foreign military men will step on Red Square pavestones as participants of the parade. Russia invited only military attaches of foreign embassies for victory parades before.
“The parade in 2010 is a special one. It will be the largest parade that has ever been held in Moscow during the post-Soviet years. We plan to use 130 planes and helicopters, as well as military hardware from private collections in the parade,” a spokesman for Russia’s Defense Ministry said
Wild Thing's comment......
I don't like this idea one bit . Russia is not Communist anymore because of Ronald Reagans tough stance against the USSR which led to their downfall. Also Stalins image will be plastered all over Moscow for the Victory Celebrations for our troops to march by. Let it be noted that Stalin killed more Jews than Hitler did and also Stalin provided Migs to the Communist North Koreans to engage our American troops in the Korean War.
US troops in Red Square and a communist in the White House. sheesh We should not march in Moscow because of the enslavement of Eastern Europe.
Obama’s Red Mentor Praised Red Army
Barack Obama’s childhood mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, a member of the Moscow-controlled Communist Party USA (CPUSA), wrote a poem dedicated to the Soviet Red Army. “Smash on, victory-eating Red Army,” he declared. He also wrote poems attacking traditional Christianity and the work of Christian missionaries.
The “Red Army” poem goes beyond hoping for the communists to beat the Nazis in World War II and hails the Soviet revolution. It says:
Show the marveling multitudes
Americans, British, all your allied brothers
How strong you are
How great you are
How your young tree of new unity
Planted twenty-five years ago
Bears today the golden fruit of victory!
One Davis poem, “Christ is a Dixie Nigger,” dismisses Christ as “another New White Hope” and declares:
“Remember this, you wise guys
Your tales about Jesus of Nazareth are no-go with me
I’ve got a dozen Christs in Dixie all bloody and black…”
The revelations about Davis’ poetry will add to the controversy over what kind of role Davis played in shaping Obama’s political views. Davis (1905-1987) seems to have had the same kind of anti-American outlook that animated Obama’s longtime pastor, Jeremiah Wright. In fact, Davis was pro-Soviet, not just anti-American.
The controversial poems are included in the book, Black Moods, a collection edited by John Edgar Tidwell, a professor at the University of Kansas and expert on Davis’ writings and career. He confirms that Davis joined the Communist Party but that he publicly tried to deny his communist affiliations.
......Thank you RAC for sending this to me.
RAC has a website that is awesome. 336th Assault Helicopter Company
13th Combat Aviation Battalion - 1st Aviation Brigade - Soc Trang, Republic of Vietnam
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:55 AM | Comments (20)
Lawmakers: Navy and Marines Facing Larger Than Expected Fighter Jet Shortfall
Lawmakers: Navy and Marines facing larger than expected fighter jet shortfall
The Navy and Marine Corps face a much larger shortfall of fighter jets than expected, four senior members of the House Armed Services Committee warned Defense Secretary Robert Gates.
In a letter to Gates, the lawmakers said Pentagon assumptions of a shortfall of 100 fighter jets are “too optimistic.”
Armed Services Chairman Ike Skelton (D-Mo.) signed the letter along with ranking Republican Rep. Buck McKeon (Calif.). Two other panel members with jurisdiction over Navy programs, Reps. Gene Taylor (D-Miss.) and Todd Akin (R-Mo.), also signed the letter to Gates and Adm. Mike Mullen, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
The four lawmakers questioned the assumptions underlying the Pentagon’s calculations as well as its ability to fund efforts to tamp down the shortfall.
“We were concerned to learn that the shortfall of 100 aircraft, referenced in your testimony, is based on a number of optimistic assumptions and is only reached after several management efforts have been implemented,” the four lawmakers wrote to Gates in the March 12 letter. “Of great concern is the fact the shortfall number you mentioned is contingent on actions that are not included in either the FY 2011 budget request or the future years defense program.”
The shortfall of 100 jets comes from testimony Gates gave to the committee. He also said that number could go lower as a result of management efforts.
The lawmakers’ prodding comes as the Pentagon mulls whether to enter a new multiyear contract with Boeing for the F/A 18 E/F Super Hornets — the latest version of the carrier-based jets. Boeing has strong congressional backing for another multi-year contract.
The Pentagon is also experiencing trouble with the high-stakes F-35 Joint Strike Fighter program — the most expensive program to date and one that Gates is banking on.
The F-35 is facing significant cost overruns and schedule delays. The F-35 is supposed to replace the older versions of the F-18. Super Hornets, the newest version of the F-18, are supposed to share carrier deck space with the F-35 until 2030.
In order to manage the looming fighter jet shortfall, the Pentagon is eyeing efforts to extend the life of 150 older Hornets and reduce the number of aircraft in expeditionary squadrons.
In their letter to Gates, House lawmakers argue that the life extension of the Hornets, estimated at $3.5 billion, is not funded in the Pentagon’s budget, while the reduction of the aircraft in expeditionary squadrons cannot be done until the demand for these aircraft diminishes in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.
“When combined these assumptions and unfunded levers mean that the true shortfall facing the Department of the Navy is likely to be significantly greater than 100 aircraft,” the lawmakers concluded. “The strike fighter capacity of our Navy and Marine Corps is a strategic asset that should not be allowed to wither.”
Wild Thing's comment........
Obama hates our military and he could care less how much power to fight the enemy our troops are given.
The Navy and Marine Corps face a much larger shortfall of fighter jets than expected, four senior members of the House Armed Services Committee warned Defense Secretary Robert Gates.
In cradle-to-grave welfare states, the military is not a priority - just look at Europe.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:50 AM | Comments (9)
A-10 Warthogs in Action Over Kandahar
On the Kandahar airstrip, pilots Murphy and Eddins are ready to roll in an A-10 Warthog, one of the more agile planes at the Air Force's disposal.
A-10 Warthogs in Action Over Kandahar
By Michael Yon
As two pilots geared up to fly from Kandahar to neighboring Helmand to support a British unit, Michael Yon takes an up-close look at the fantastically agile and advanced A-10 Warthog.
Two pilots were gearing up to fly from Kandahar to neighboring Helmand to support a British unit in "Warthogs" -- the A-10 Thunderbolt II fighter that's popular with the Air Force. Warthogs are slow—not supersonic—but fantastically agile. They dart like dragonflies and seem to change direction against the laws of physics.
The A-10s can turn so fast that they break the laws of healthy physiology, and can cause a pilot to pass out and crash his airplane. And so pilots wear G-suits to help counter adverse fluid dynamics. Michael Yon, former Green Beret and current war correspondent, was there to catch the action first-hand.
A-10s have more tricks than Harry Potter, writes Yon, such as the flares designed to lure heat-seeking missiles away from the engines. Over these battlefields, pilots often pop the flares as "we see you" warnings to the enemy. If the enemy is in the open and no civilians are around, they're unlikely to get a friendly flare warning, but sometimes it's better to hold off on the big weapons; the enemy might be fighting from a built-up area.
Yon watched Lt. Col Murphy gear up for flight in an A-10, its 30mm cannon loaded with 1,150 rounds. The 30mm can destroy tanks, but believe it or not, it typically won't penetrate the walls around Afghan homes. When the 30mm fires, it's almost unbelievable. The bullets don't fly in a laser-like stream, but sort of spray in a lethal mist, as if the cannon is shot-painting a swath with huge bullets. If the enemy is in the open, the cannon is like a weapon of mass destruction. When people are hit with M-16 bullets, the wound is often more like a couple of small holes, but when bodies get hit with weapons this large, they fly in pieces.
A-10 cannons are tilted down so that the pilot can fly level while strafing. This is important, Yon explains: In Mosul, in 2004, an F-14 was strafing downtown after a massive truck bombing. The pilot told me he was fixated on the target. Since the F-14 cannon is tilted up for "Top Gun" air combat, the pilot had to nose down the F-14 and was diving straight into the target -- and nearly crashed. The hard turn to avoid crashing damaged his aircraft and the pilot had difficulty landing on the aircraft carrier later that night. This doesn't happen in an A-10.
To find out more, and to view a series of wonderful photos direct from Kandahar, read the full story by Michael Yon.
Wild Thing's comment........
What a great aircraft!!!!!! Imagine the thought of those it’s directed . ERRRRRRRRRRRRRR
And this from Darth....
"GO Ugly Early Warthogs!" - Darth
....Thank you Darth for sending this to me.
U.S. Airforce
C-5 loadmaster
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:49 AM | Comments (6)
Leftist Liberal Mike Malloy Calls For Deaths of Limbaugh, Beck and O'Reilly
This is a video of radical Leftist Liberal Mike Malloy on his radio show, where he wished for the deaths of Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, and Bill O'Reilly.
Malloy :
It took these filthy Republicans about 48 hours- 72 hours to come up with the 'oh, yeah, well, you know, we're getting bad phone calls too, yes we are.
And then this John Boner, this John Boner [sic] these guys created this. they created this atmosphere, they did it because Limbaugh and Beck told them to!
Well, keep it up boys, just keep it up, um except for one thing: you rat bastards are going to cause another Murrah federal building explosion, you are. And then - what is Beck - maybe at that point Beck will do the honorable thing and blow his brains out.
Maybe at that point, Limbaugh will do the honorable thing and just gobble up enough - enough Viagra that he becomes absolutely rigid and keels over dead.
Maybe then O'Reilly will just drink a vat of the poison he spews out on America every night and choke to death! Because that's what's gonna to happen, that's what they are pushing these right-wing, nut case, fringe, militia jerk-wads to doing!
Wild Thing's comment........
I never heard of this guy before, he is nuts.
Liberal talk radio is calling for killing conservatives, but major media wants to put on the defensive those representing the 70% of Americans that didn’t support this bill, suggesting that being upset or angry about this is dangerous and criminal.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:48 AM | Comments (13)
Obama and Democrats Working Hard Goal For The Economy To Collapse
Obamacare Will Cost US Corporations Billions
The health care overhaul will cost U.S. companies billions and make them more likely to drop prescription drug coverage for retirees because of a change in how the government subsidizes those benefits.
In the first two days after the law was signed, three major companies — Deere & Co., Caterpillar Inc. and Valero Energy — said they expect to take a total hit of $265 million to account for smaller tax deductions in the future.
With more than 3,500 companies now getting the tax break as an incentive to keep providing coverage, others are almost certain to announce similar cost increases in the weeks ahead as they sort out the impact of the change.
AT&T, 3M, And AK Steel Report Devastating Effects Of Health Bill
AT&T will take a $1 billion non-cash charge in first quarter related to the health care bill
AT&T Inc. Will Take A $1 Billion Non-Cash Charge In The First Quarter Because Of The Health Care Overhaul And May Cut Benefits It Offers To Current And Retired Workers.
The charge is the largest disclosed so far. Earlier this week, AK Steel Corp., Caterpillar Inc., Deere & Co. and Valero Energy announced similar accounting charges, saying the health care law that President Barack Obama signed Tuesday will raise their expenses. On Friday, 3M Co. said it will also take a charge of $85 million to $90 million.
All five are smaller than AT&T, and their combined charges are less than half of the $1 billion that AT&T is planning. The $1 billion is a third of AT&T's most recent quarterly earnings. In the fourth quarter of 2009, the company earned $3 billion on revenue of $30.9 billion.
AT&T said Friday that the charge reflects changes to how Medicare subsidies are taxed. Companies say the health care overhaul will require them to start paying taxes next year on a subsidy they receive for retiree drug coverage.
3M Anticipates New U.S. Healthcare Law to Result in One-Time Charge of $85 -- $90 Million After Tax in First Quarter of 2010
3M Company Today That It Expects To Record A One-Time Non-Cash Charge Of $85 To $90 Million After Tax… Resulting From The Recently Enacted Patient Protection And Affordable Care Act.” “3M Company said today that it expects to record a one-time non-cash charge of $85 to $90 million after tax, or approximately 12 cents per share, in the first quarter of 2010, resulting from the recently enacted Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, including modifications made in the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 passed by Congress on March 25, 2010. The charge is due to a reduction in the value of the company’s deferred tax asset as a result of a change to the tax treatment of Medicare Part D reimbursements.
AK Steel Sees $31 Million Charge From New Health Law
AK Steel Holding Corp., the third largest U.S. steelmaker by sales, said it will record a non-cash charge of about $31 million resulting from the health-care overhaul signed into law by President Barack Obama.
The charge, to be recorded in the first quarter of 2010, is due to a reduction in the value of the company’s deferred tax asset because of a change to the treatment of Medicare Part D reimbursements under the new law, West Chester, Ohio-based AK Steel said in a statement today.
The almost $1 trillion overhaul signed today, called the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, was opposed by some U.S. businesses that said the measure would raise their costs.
Erin DiPietro, a spokeswoman for Pittsburgh-based U.S. Steel, said information was not immediately available on how the new health law would affect the company financially.
Caterpillar Inc. announced that Obamacare will cost the company $100 million in one quarter.
Caterpillar Inc., the world’s largest maker of construction equipment, last week said taxes and “new-coverage mandates” would raise its health-care costs by 20 percent, or more than $100 million in the first year.
Wild Thing's comment.......
And so it continues. After just one week, ObamaCare will be taking over $1B out of the economy - just in anticipation of what is to come.
Obama, Karl Marx was NOT one of America's Founding Fathers!
ObamaCare sets all of its incentives to oppose growth. Can you imagine the impact this will have on the economy? Then there are all the other businesses that it will effect that make an income from the bigger business where employees work. Trickle down effect to other places of business, like their suppliers, even shopping employees would do would effect stores, so many things.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:47 AM | Comments (4)
Racist Rev. Jeremiah Wright Calls Americans Racist, Slams Fox News
FOX News
Obama's former pastor of more than 20 years talking to an interviewer in Jackson, Mississippi where he was asked if he regretted any of his controversial sermons.
Asked if he regretted any of his controversial sermons Wright said, "I haven't been apart of any controversy, number one. Fox News bought 4-thousand dollars worth of tapes 20-years to go back to see what Obama had been listening to. Those sermons that they aired and news clips that the nation saw were 5-years old and 7-years-old, so that was not part of the presidential campaign. The media made the controversy; not Jeremiah Wright."
And on the name calling and anger over the health care law, Wright said, "..it's all part of that kind of hatred that runs in the country for people of color and for the poor.
Wild Thing's comment........
Liberals a sick, every thing is skin color, skin skin skin. Even amongst "people of color" they compare skin tone, lighter the tone is higher status.
Can you imagine what God must think of Rev. Wright and his hate for white people and his preaching of lies about America and others. wow!
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:45 AM | Comments (4)
Hon. James David Manning States Blacks Are Not Content With Obama
Wild Thing's comment........
I hope Manning has protection. He talks straight and the left hate that.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:40 AM | Comments (7)
March 26, 2010
Obama To Require Lenders To Eliminate Monthly Mortgage Payments For Unemployed
Obama readies steps to fight foreclosures, particularly for unemployed
The Obama administration plans to overhaul how it’s tackling the foreclosure crisis, in part by requiring lenders to temporarily slash or eliminate monthly mortgage payments for many borrowers who are unemployed, senior officials said Thursday.
Banks and other lenders would have to reduce the payments to no more than 31 percent of a borrower’s income, which would typically be their unemployment insurance, for up to six months. In some cases, administration officials said, a lender could allow a borrower to make no payments at all.
The new push, which the White House is scheduled to announce Friday, takes direct aim at the major cause of the current wave of foreclosures: the spike in unemployment. While the initial mortgage crisis that erupted three years ago resulted from millions of risky home loans that went bad, more-recent defaults reflect the country's economic downturn and the inability of jobless borrowers to keep paying.
The administration's new push also seeks to more aggressively help borrowers who owe more on their mortgages than their properties are worth, offering financial incentives for the first time to lenders to cut the loan balances of such distressed homeowners. Those who are still current on their mortgages could get the chance to refinance on better terms into loans backed by the Federal Housing Administration.
The measures have been in the works for weeks, but President Obama is finally to release the details days after his watershed victory on health-care legislation.
Wild Thing's comment......
"requiring lenders"
Is this America? Where does this man get the power to do this? It does not come from God!
... temporarily slash or eliminate monthly mortgage payments ...
That would mean to force lenders to forgo monies that were legally contracted to be paid back.
"Peter, give that to Paul. Now! Until I tell you you can stop."
He had no authority to fire a CEO of a company. But he did. He had no authority to steal two auto companies, rob people of their bond investments, give those to his friends in the unions. But he did. Shall we add to the list????Obama does what he wants and no one stops him.
Obama takes the destructive remedy every time. Nothing coming out of Obama's Whitehouse is constructive. He is working to completely destroy our economy so that the people will be so desperate they will accept the socialism that is being brought into the light.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 AM | Comments (7)
Muslim Obama the anti-Semite and Israel Hater Unforgivable Treatment and Demads of Netanyahu
Obama was said to have walked out of the meeting, saying to Mr Netanyahu: 'Let me know if there is anything new'
Binyamin Netanyahu humiliated after Barack Obama 'dumped him for dinner'
For a head of government to visit the White House and not pose for photographers is rare. For a key ally to be left to his own devices while the President withdraws to have dinner in private was, until this week, unheard of. Yet that is how Binyamin Netanyahu was treated by President Obama on Tuesday night, according to Israeli reports on a trip viewed in Jerusalem as a humiliation.
After failing to extract a written promise of concessions on settlements, Mr Obama walked out of his meeting with Mr Netanyahu but invited him to stay at the White House, consult with advisers and “let me know if there is anything new”, a US congressman, who spoke to the Prime Minister, said.
“It was awful,” the congressman said. One Israeli newspaper called the meeting “a hazing in stages”, poisoned by such mistrust that the Israeli delegation eventually left rather than risk being eavesdropped on a White House telephone line. Another said that the Prime Minister had received “the treatment reserved for the President of Equatorial Guinea”.
Left to talk among themselves Mr Netanyahu and his aides retreated to the Roosevelt Room. He spent a further half-hour with Mr Obama and extended his stay for a day of emergency talks to try to restart peace negotiations. However, he left last night with no official statement from either side. He returned to Israel yesterday isolated after what Israeli media have called a White House ambush for which he is largely to blame.
Sources said that Mr Netanyahu failed to impress Mr Obama with a flow chart purporting to show that he was not responsible for the timing of announcements of new settlement projects in east Jerusalem. Mr Obama was said to be livid when such an announcement derailed the visit to Israel by Joe Biden, the Vice-President, this month and his anger towards Israel does not appear to have cooled.
Robert Gibbs, the White House press secretary, cast doubt on minor details in Israeli accounts of the meeting but did not deny claims that it amounted to a dressing down for the Prime Minister, whose refusal to freeze settlements is seen in Washington as the main barrier to resuming peace talks.
The Likud leader has to try to square the rigorous demands of the Obama Administration with his nationalist, ultra-Orthodox coalition partners, who want him to stand up to Washington even though Israel needs US backing in confronting the threat of a nuclear Iran.
“The Prime Minister leaves America disgraced, isolated and altogether weaker than when he came,” the Israeli daily newspaper Haaretz said.
In their meeting Mr Obama set out expectations that Israel was to satisfy if it wanted to end the crisis, Israeli sources said. These included an extension of the freeze on Jewish settlement growth beyond the ten-month deadline next September, an end to building projects in east Jerusalem and a withdrawal of Israeli forces to positions held before the second intifada in September 2000.
Newspaper reports recounted how Mr Netanyahu looked “excessively concerned and upset” when he pulled out a flow chart to show Mr Obama how Jerusalem planning permission worked and how he could not have known that the announcement that hundreds more homes were to be built would be made when Mr Biden arrived in Jerusalem.
Mr Obama then suggested that Mr Netanyahu and his staff stay at the White House to consider his proposals so that if he changed his mind he could inform the President right away. “I’m still around,” the daily newspaper Yediot Aharonot quoted Mr Obama as saying. “Let me know if there is anything new.”
With the atmosphere so soured by the end of the evening, the Israelis decided that they could not trust the telephone line they had been lent for their consultations. Mr Netanyahu and Ehud Barak, his Defence Minister, went to the Israeli Embassy to ensure that the Americans were not listening in.
The meeting came barely a day after Mr Obama’s health reform victory. Israel had calculated that he would be too tied up with domestic issues to focus seriously on the Middle East
Obama "Demands" Netanyahu’s peace answers by Saturday
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu will convene his senior ministers on Friday to discuss the demands made by US President Barack Obama and his overall trip to Washington – a trip that, because of negative atmospherics and amid a paucity of hard information, has been widely characterized as among the most difficult in recent memory.
Officials in the Prime Minister’s Office continued to throw a blackout on the Netanyahu-Obama meeting, as well as give only very sketchy information about the commitments that the US is demanding of Israel as a precursor to starting the proximity talks with the Palestinians. The US, according to officials, wants these commitments by Saturday so it can take them to the Arab League meeting in Libya and receive that organization's backing for starting proximity talks.
According to a Palestinian Authority official in Ramallah, the US administration on Thursday informed the PA that the Netanyahu meetings in Washington did not produce any agreement on the issue of construction in east Jerusalem.
~snipet ~
The administration’s treatment of Netanyahu during his meeting with Obama created the impression of a deep crisis in relations. As Jackson Diehl wrote in The Washington Post, the White House’s refusal to allow non-official photographers record the Obama-Netanyahu meeting, and the fact that no statement was issued afterward, led to the impression that “Netanyahu is being treated as if he were an unsavory Third World dictator, needed for strategic reasons but conspicuously held at arms length.”
According to various Israeli sources, the Obama administration is asking for Israel to commit to some type of limitation on building in east Jerusalem; to show a willingness to deal with the so-called core issues of borders, refugee and Jerusalem already in the indirect talks; and to agree to a number of confidence building measures, including the release of hundreds of Fatah prisoners.
There were also reports, not confirmed, that the administration had asked for a commitment to extend the moratorium on housing starts in the West Bank settlements beyond the 10-months originally declared.
Wild Thing's comment.........
Don’t give in, Bibi! Bibi, your answer should be bombing Iran. Don’t cave to our pathetic limp wristed Obama.
Obama loves tyrants because HE is one himself. This is just beyond the pale, it just gets worse and worse.
Obama thinks this is going to placate the Muslims, it won’t!
Every single day, just when you think this crass, soulless man couldn’t possibly do anything more to embarrass and ruin this country, which was great before he infested the White Houset, he does something else hateful and beyond the pale.
May God be with Israel, and may they not think we all support this evil Marxist.
Hello Mossad, we don't like him.......just saying.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (15)
Senator Max Baucs On Obamacare's Agenda - Redistribution Of Wealth
Senator Max Baucs addresses what Obamacare really is about after the Democrats passed the "fix" bill and sent it back to the House.
Sen. Max Baucus (D): “Too often, much of late, the last couple three years the mal-distribution of income in America is gone up way too much, the wealthy are getting way, way too wealthy, and the middle income class is left behind. Wages have not kept up with increased income of the highest income in America. This legislation will have the effect of addressing that mal-distribution of income in America.”
Wild Thing's comment........
Baucs always sounds like he is totally sloshed.
Obamacare is about control over our lives and it is also about power - to shift the power to where they want it (to them), they need votes. They buy the votes with money stolen from people who earned it and give it to subhumans who don’t ‘want’ to earn anything, except by a trip to a voting booth (and they want to be paid for ‘that’ trip, too). Democrats and liberals are disgusting human beings.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:49 AM | Comments (3)
The Most Partisan And Divisive President in Histroy Obama On GOP Running On Repeal: 'Go For It'
Obama was in Iowa City, Iowa yesterday where he made a campaign stop to try and sell ObamaCare, which he just signed into law.
Obama directly challenged Republicans and opponents of ObamaCare to "Go for it," in running on a platform this fall to repeal ObamaCare. The supremely confident President said he did not believe voters will want to give up the entitlements promised in the new law.
“This is the reform that some folks in Washington are still hollering about. And now that it’s passed, they’re already promising to repeal it,” Obama said. “They’re actually going to run on a platform of repeal in November. Well I say go for it.”
Wild Thing's comment.........
Arrogant !
Well good, we now have his permission. I feel better.
We are going for it Obama, with every ounce of energy we have! We will be celebrating when you are stopped in Nov. 2010 and you are gone after Nov. 2012.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:48 AM | Comments (3)
Checking in With Our Awesome Troops ~ Alpha Company, 1st Battalion 6th Marines
1/6 Marines in Afghanistan USMC
Words of the Marine (mabryusmc) who made the video: "Bits and pieces of released footage I put together to give you a VERY VERY QUICK look into our lives. The Marines in this video are from Alpha Company, 1st Battalion 6th Marines. PLEASE NOTE that no one was injured in these videos. H/T Afghanistan
1st Battalion 6th Marines - 1/6 - Home sweet home..... in a pack! Afghanistan USMC Marines
"So after packing my gear I thought about what my father would think if I could show him the gear I have to carry around and live out of for "who knows how long". The people in the states for some reason have this idea of Marines sitting on large bases and eating at these nice chow halls.... have you forgot about the Marines with 1/6 who live in the dirt, dont have wireless internet, dont have showers, no phones to call their loved ones? The gear I show you in this video is the gear that these Marines lives depend on. Some carry more than others... some carry outstanding amounts of ammo, weapons, and grenades.... tons of weight while trying to fight their way through Afghanistan. This isnt Iraq, this isnt Camp Leatherneck.... the Marines of 1/6 are the most bad ass Marines in Afghan right now.
Wild Thing's comment.......
To those that have never served your country, in any of our branches of services. ....... as you watch this... think about how you would live out of a backpack in the mud and cold for weeks on end while carrying a ton of weight.... you think you can do what these guys do?"
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (3)
The House Republican Study Committee Issues Response To Obama And His Treatment Of Our Ally Israel
The House Republican Study Committee issued the following statement yesterday, as well as the above video today in response to the snub by the White House of America’s close ally Israel.
White House Overreaction Strains U.S.-Israeli Relationship
Washington, Mar 24
Republican Study Committee Chairman Tom Price (R-GA) issued the following statement in response to President Obama’s refusal to let the press photograph or record meetings with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu during the latter’s last two official visits to the United States. This action comes on the heels of several troubling reports about the Obama Administration’s posture toward America’s number one ally in the Middle East, including Secretary of State Clinton’s recent remarks about an “Israeli occupation” in the Jewish homeland.
“President Obama’s been filmed shaking hands with Hugo Chavez and Muammar Gaddafi, yet he’s stopped giving the Prime Minister of Israel the same courtesy,” said Chairman Price. “That’s absurd. And it portends a troubling inclination by the President and his Administration to garner popularity abroad by distancing themselves from long-time allies. The White House’s overreaction to the announcement of an Israeli housing project has put needless strain on the close relationship our two countries have long enjoyed. U.S. diplomacy with Israel and in the Middle East is ill-served by coddling nations that eschew freedom and punishing nations that embrace liberty.”
Wild Thing's comment......
Good I am so glad they did this. Obama is a total disgrace to our country in every way on all levels.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:45 AM | Comments (3)
Looney Tunes: Democrats on Obamacare
Wild Thing's comment......
Anyone else notice that since Obamacare passed, the left have gone from zero to 60 in their comments about CONTROL and everything against how our country has always stood for? Like the saying give them and inch and they take a mile kind of thing in how outspoken they are now. They might as well change their party name from Democrats to the Progressive party and kill off the whole DNC.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:44 AM | Comments (3)
March 25, 2010
CBS Poll: Most, 62 percent, Want GOP to Keep Fighting on Health Bill
CBS Poll: Most Want GOP to Keep Fighting on Health Bill
A CBS News poll released Wednesday finds that nearly two in three Americans want Republicans in Congress to continue to challenge parts of the health care reform bill.
The Senate version of the legislation was passed by the House Sunday night, and President Obama signed it into law on Tuesday. The House also passed a separate reconciliation bill, which cannot be filibustered, that is now being debated in the Senate. That bill would make changes to the bill already signed into law.
Senate Republicans are now challenging whether the bill is truly a budget reconciliation bill (which is what makes it filibuster-proof) and inserting amendments designed to slow down passage. Republican attorneys general are also planning to challenge the constitutionality of the law.
The poll finds that 62 percent want Congressional Republicans to keep challenging the bill, while 33 percent say they should not do so. Nearly nine in ten Republicans and two in three independents want the GOP to keep challenging. Even 41 percent of Democrats support continued challenges.
Wild Thing's comment......
GOOD and it should be even more of a percentage if people care about our country. I think the numbers are a lot higher in fact. Not everyone is polled, I never have been. Plus if it is online, not everyone, even today, has a computer. Everywhere we go people can be heard talking how they hate this. Grocery store, book store, all over the place, people talking to each other how concerned they are.
Obama and his ilk have declared war on the Constitution.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 AM | Comments (4)
An Introduction to Change by Colonel Bob Pappas, USMC, Retired
by Colonel Bob Pappas, USMC, Retired
During a deployment to Taiwan I found a plaque inscribed with a creed that aptly described what it meant to be an American during the last century. It was written by Dean Alfange a New York politico. He was of Greek origin, legally immigrated with his parents as a small child, fought in WWI and died at age 91. It is notable that he was regarded as a liberal during his era, certainly a far cry from today’s crop by the same brand.
The following is what Alfange wrote:
“I Do Not Choose to Be a Common Man,
It is my right to be uncommon—if I can. I seek opportunity—not security.
I do not wish to be a kept citizen, humbled and dulled by having the state look after me.
I want to take the calculated risk; to dream and to build, to fail and to succeed.
I refuse to barter incentive for a dole. I prefer the challenges of life to the guaranteed existence; the thrill of fulfillment to the stale calm of utopia.
I will not trade freedom for beneficence nor my dignity for a handout. I will never cower before any master nor bend to any threat.
It is my heritage to stand erect, proud and unafraid; to think and act for myself, enjoy the benefit of my creations and to face the world boldly and say, ‘This I have done.’”
That creed was the essence of what most felt about America from the turn of 20th Century until after WWII. But with the passage of time it gradually changed and culminated in the signing away of fundamental freedom on March 23rd, 2010. Some applaud that for reasons explained in the last essay; others find it highly offensive, invasive and overreaching. It is the antithesis of “seeking opportunity—not security;” it is the implementation of being a “kept citizen, humbled and dulled by having the state” look after one; it is a step in the direction of a Soviet style future for our children and grandchildren; unless!
Today too many Americans look to government because they have been brought up as kept citizens and prefer the “stale calm of utopia” rather than to take the “calculated risk; to dream and to build, to fail and to succeed.” They have traded their birthright for a bowl of porridge and within a decade will reap what they have sown; less freedom; unless! Those who came from slavery have now willfully, fully embraced political plantation slavery.
Obama promised to spread the wealth around, and between the so called, “stimulus” and the new health care law, he may garner votes, but only from those who choose to remain in virtual slavery to the government. Maybe someday they will wake up to what he has done, but self-deception is freedom’s most potent opponent and in this instance mindless lemmings have deluded themselves into believing that despite the clear record to the contrary, government is their only hope.
With any luck, their trickery, underhanded dealings and unscrupulous conduct Democrats in Congress will have indelibly marked themselves as worthy candidates for the dung-heap of history. At the moment they revel in being the force that is bringing America to her knees as they snuff out hope and the only beacon in the world’s darkness. But patriotic Americans will remember and introduce them to Washington in the rear view mirror. Never forget!
Semper Fidelis
Wild Thing's comment........
Thank you Col. Pappas!!!!!! That is so true too! I love how he phrases things and hits the nail on the head.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (5)
Obama Laughs at Fears of Fiscal Armageddon
Obama laughs off warnings of a fiscal Armageddon that are being caused by large government spending programs, like that of his commiecare.
“And now that this legislation is passed, you don’t have to take my word for it. You’ll be able to see it in your own lives. I heard one of the Republican leaders say this was going to be Armageddon. Well, two months from now, six months from now, you can check it out. We’ll look around — and we’ll see. You don’t have to take my word for it.”
Wild Thing's comment........
He jsut can't speak without talking down to people, mocking anyone that does not agree or worship him.
And what a liar, Biden has even said that the government will take over the health insurance companies.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:49 AM | Comments (1)
Colonel Allen West Answers Question About Muslim Terrorists
The question of Muslim terror was never so succinctly answered as here by Allen West. (Courtesy of The Hudson Institute's Reclaim American Liberty Conference).
Wild Thing's comment......
Please note the idiots sitting at the table that giggled and laughed and were totally unable to answer the Marine. This stands out as much as Col. West's GREAT reply. How disgusting that grown men like the others are sooooo weak, so limpy minded they cannot have the balls to take a stand and answer a question about our second enemy to our country! Obama and his ilk being our number one enemy.
God bless Col. Allen West!
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:48 AM | Comments (5)
Al Sharpton: 'The American Public Overwhelmingly Voted for Socialism When They Elected Obama'
Some of the American people probably thought they were voting for hope and change when they voted for Barack Obama on Nov. 4, 2008. But according to Rev. Al Sharpton, they were voting for socialism.
Al Sharpton Says Obama Is A Socialist In An Interview With Geraldo Rivera After Obama's Health Care Bill Is Passed. Al Sharpton said American public voted for Socialism when electing Obama.
Wild Thing's comment........
We have a band of traitors running this country. We must press forward to the elections of 2010 and throw these enemies out with such resounding clarity that it cannot be denied either here or abroad what is occurring.
I don’t think the majority of those that voted for Obama have a clue or even care for that matter. IMO The overwhelming majority of Obama supporters didn’t vote for any issue. They simply supported Obama because he is Black and a Democrat, and for that reason only. If he had been black and a Republican they would have hated him like they did Clarence Thomas.
The KENYAN will be known for Prosterity with the likes of Castro, Chavez, Edi Amin, and Quaddaffi among other like dispicable Despots.
November could not get here soon enough for me!! And many others! This is the land of the free and the home of the brave! not the land of handouts for free where the once free become enslaved!
Alsp the jerk Geraldo is all for this commieCare. And so is Shep Smith both on FOX. That must be their fair and balanced part to have these two jerks on their network. Then add in O'Reilly that has totally turned me off.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (2)
Mark Levin on Our Newly Guaranteed "Right" to Socialized Medicine
PLEASE CLICK LINK Below... ......
It is well worth it, excellent!!!! OMG this is soooo good!
HOORAY Mark!!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:45 AM | Comments (2)
Responding to Obamacare: Restore, Defeat. Defund, Repeal by Dick Morris
Responding to Obamacare: Restore, Defeat. Defund, Repeal
Let's begin our reaction to the passage of Obamacare by remembering Winston Churchill's famous formulation with which he introduced his war memoirs:
In defeat: defiance
In war: resolution
In victory: magnanimity
In peace: goodwill
Now is the time for defiance! Here's what we must do:
1. Restore the Medicare cuts mandated in this bill. Block the reduction of physicians' fees by 21% scheduled to take effect this fall. Override the cuts in Medicare that require annual approval by Congress. Challenge the Democrats over each and every cut. Try to peel away enough votes to stop the cuts from driving doctors and hospitals to adopt the course already taken by the Mayo Clinic in refusing to take Medicare patients.
2. Defeat the Democrats in the 2010 election! Start with the traitors who voted no in November and then switched to a shameful yes when it counted in March: Baird (Washington), Nye (Virginia), Kosmas and Boyd (Florida), Then go on to win the open seats in the House and Senate. And then fight to replace as many Democrats as possible. Remember: Any Democrat who voted no would have voted yes if they had needed his or her vote. The only way to repeal Obamacare is to vote Republican.
3. Defund Once we get the majority in both chambers, defund appropriations for the Obamacare program. The bill passed by the Congress and signed by the president is simply an authorization measure. Funds must be appropriated for it each year by Congress. Through zero funding these changes, we can cripple them before they take full effect.
4. Repeal And, once we defeat Barack Obama, we need to proceed to repeal this disastrous plan before it can ruin our health care system. Then, we must replace it with a Republican alternative which relies on the marketplace, tax incentives, and individual responsibility to provide health care to all Americans.
Above all, we must finally learn the fundamental lesson this political process we have been through has to teach: That there is no such thing as a conservative or moderate Democrat. Blue dogs don't exist in real life. Only yellow dogs.
The days when there were Democrats who refused to follow their radical leftwing party line are over. There are no longer "state" Democrats who vote conservative as opposed to "national" Democrats who vote with the left. They are an extinct species. Some Senators and Congressmen capitalize on our memories of those days and pretend to be moderates. But they are just faking it.
Nancy Pelosi knew -- as Harry Reid knew in the Senate -- that she had the potential support of every single Democrat in her chamber if only the price was right. The sole difference between moderate and liberal Democrats is their asking price. Moderates require slightly higher bribes to assure their votes.
There are only two kinds of Congressmen or Senators: Democrats and Republicans. We have had a national education and its time to learn from it. In days gone by, intelligent people liked to say that they voted for the person, not the party. Now those who say this are fooling themselves. There is only party! The most conservative Democrat is way to the left of the most liberal Republican.
The Democratic victory on Obamacare will prove the most expensive in the party's history. It will lead to the eradication of their majority, the defeat of more than fifty of their Congressmen, the switch of Senate control, and Republican domination for decades. And, in the end, it will have done nothing to improve health care. But, fortunately, we can win the 2010 election to stop it from doing much damage.
Wild Thing's comment........
Obama has trashed the Constitution, so ofar he has the green light to his destruction.
It’s not enough to see them swept out of office. I want to see them physically tortured and put into a zoo cage for people to throw rocks at.
At the very least strip them of all their benefits and force Obamacare on them only. See how they like living under their own rules.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:40 AM | Comments (2)
March 24, 2010
Rep.John Dingell (D-MI): It's taken a long time to 'control the people'
Rep. Dingell: It's taken a long time to 'control the people'
Peter Barry Chowka
Rep. John Dingell (D-MI), the Dean of the House of Representatives for being the longest serving member of the body (he was first elected in 1955, succeeding his father, Rep. John Dingell, Sr.), made an amazing admission during a live telephone interview with Detroit WJR News/Talk 760 radio talk show host Paul W. Smith on Smith's show Monday morning, March 22, 2010. The night before, Dingell had been a featured speaker at the Democrat Congressional leadership victory press conference after Obamacare passed the House.
In response to a question posed by Smith, Dingell said:
Let me remind you this Americans allegedly dying because of lack of universal health care has been going on for years. We are bringing it to a halt. The harsh fact of the matter is when you're going to pass legislation that will cover 300 [million] American people in different ways it takes a long time to do the necessary administrative steps that have to be taken to put the legislation together to control the people.
The comment by Dingell begins 6 minutes 23 seconds into the twelve minute-long podcast of his interview on Smith's radio show. The podcast is titled "Congressman John Dingell tells Paul W. Smith he is thrilled with the passage of the health care bill."
It can be streamed or downloaded as an mp3 audio file from this page at WJR's Web site.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Just another example, similar to Maxine Water’s comments about socializing the oil industry, in a long line of examples of where these people intend to take this country - tyranny.
These people are TRAITORS. They sold their countrymen into enslavement. Pure, unmittigated evil.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 AM | Comments (7)
More From Dictator Obama : Obamacare Exempts top Hill staff
Health bill may exempt top Hill staff
The health care reform bill signed into law by President Barack Obama Tuesday requires members of Congress and their office staffs to buy insurance through the state-run exchanges it creates – but it may exempt staffers who work for congressional committees or for party leaders in the House and Senate.
Staffers and members on both sides of the aisle call it an “inequity” and an “outrage” – a loophole that exempts the staffers most involved in writing and passing the bill from one of its key requirements.
The bill requires “congressional staff” to buy insurance from the exchanges – with a stipend from the Office of Personnel Management But page 158 of the bill defines “congressional staff” narrowly, as “employees employed by the official office of a member of congress, whether in the district office or in Washington.”
The Congressional Research Service believes a court could rule that the legislation "would exclude professional committee staff, joint committee staff, some shared staff, as well as potentially those staff employed by leadership offices.”
If that’s so, staffers who work for Nancy Pelosi in her capacity as representative from California would go into the exchange program, while staffers who work for her in her capacity as speaker would stay on the government’s plan. Other Capitol employees, like those who work for the Clerk of the House or the House Historian, would be similarly exempted.
Republican Senators Sens. Tom Coburn and Chuck Grassley, who both say they tried to correct the issue last year, are firing at Senate leadership, saying that Democrats purposely exempted upper-level staffers out of the bill.
“The American people will be appalled to learn the health care bill exempts leadership and committee staff. This special deal for unelected staff underscores everything the public detests about the arrogance of power in Washington,” Coburn said. “I tried to fix this inequity along with senators Grassley, Burr and Vitter, but Majority Leader [Harry] Reid obstructed our effort.”
Reid spokesman Jim Manley acknowledged that the bill exempts committee staff but argued that leadership staff is not excluded.
“The new health care law creates two double standards. The congressional staff who wrote the new law exempted themselves from the new health care system, while other staff will be in it,” Grassley said today in a statement. “And, President Obama himself will not live under Obama health care. The message to grassroots America is that it’s good enough for you, but not for us.”
A band of additional lawmakers, including Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) and Rep. Dutch Ruppersberger (D-Md.) say they want the health care reform extended to all staffers.
“It is ironic that the very staffers and members who were saying ‘if you like what you have you can keep it,’ are discovering that they may be the first casualties of that betrayal. I bet that in the coming weeks, the hypocrisy of this loophole will pale in comparison to the other flaws we’ll discover,” Blackburn said.
Some Republican staffers are furious about what they see as special treatment for committee and leadership aides.
“It is absolutely outrageous that the very people who were directly responsible for writing this legislation put in an exemption for themselves. It’s doesn’t get much more self-serving than that, and it’s downright offensive,” said one Republican staffer.
The potential for different treatment also exasperates the envy some office staffers feel toward their committee counterparts.
“There is a view held by many people that committee work is more stable. It pays a little better and you’re not as subject to the cyclical nature of elections,” one House Republican staffer said. “So, there is a perception that overall, committee staff have better jobs. This is an inequity.”
Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) said he’s heard nervous cloakroom and speaker’s lobby staffers discussing their confusion over which staffers would be covered and which would not.
“Staff is already buzzing about it. It creates disillusionment because of the uncertainty. Obviously staffers are anxious about it,” Chaffetz said. “The whole bill is full of loopholes, it’s such a mess.”
Wild Thing's comment.......
“The whole bill is full of loopholes, it’s such a mess.”
It sure as heck is and that is only for starters how bad it is. I hope the staff do get angry about this, they should. This double standard is HUGE and shows even more how agaisnt all our Founding Fathers wanted.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:50 AM | Comments (6)
Obama An Abomination Not Allowing Photos Taken With BiBi Netanyahu
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu exits the West Wing of the White House in Washington, DC, March 23, 2010, following a meeting with US President Barack Obama. Netanyahu met for 90 minutes with President Obama after warning US demands on freezing Jewish settlements could delay Middle East peace talks for a year.
Obama will not take any photos with him or let any press get any photos of them together. This is how he treats our ally. ~ Wild Thing
BiBi Hits The Hill
Among those Netanyahu met with this morning, Jewish members, the House Foreign Affairs Committee, and the House leadership, including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Majority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-Md.), and Minority Whip Eric Cantor (R-Va.).
"The nature of what Bibi said is that it is most important that the U.S. speak with one clear voice ...when it comes to standing up for our ally, Israel," Cantor told POLITICO after he came out of the meeting with Netanyahu Tuesday.
Cantor, the only Jewish Republican member of Congress, portrayed the Hill as basically united across the aisle in leaning to Netanyahu's position on settlements over the Obama White House's one. "None of us believe we ought to go back to the '67 lines," Cantor said. "That brings into question why in the world would some construction in Jerusalem that no one thinks would be part of a Palestinian state would be an issue."
Not all Democrats seemed to think Cantor spoke for them, however.
In the meeting with Jewish members, Netanyahu complained that Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas is “not a partner, [he] won’t come to the table,” another Democratic Hill staffer summarized. Abbas “puts conditions on everything, he won’t come to the table, … he won’t do direct talks.”
Netanyahu has a meeting and photo op with the Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) at 3:15PM. He then is due to meet with Obama tonight at the White House, no photos, no press.
"As the President meets with Prime Minister Netanyahu today, I urge the President to stop all this talk about settlements in Jerusalem and start focusing on isolating a threatening, and menacing and rising nuclear Iran"
Wild Thing's comment.......
It must be insulting to Bibi to have to give 5 minutes to this clown. One good thing, if I were Bibi, I wouldn’t want any photos eithe with this POS Obama.
Back in November Obama also refused public photo ops with Netanyahu.
Obama refuses public photo ops with Netanyahu
November 11, 2009
The White House has not released any official photos of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's meeting this week with President Obama – just one of several signs indicating a rift between the two leaders.
Netanyahu arrived in the U.S. last weekend to address a convention of Jewish leaders. The prime minister's office had for weeks attempted to schedule a meeting with Obama, but no meeting was officially confirmed until Netanyahu was already on a plane on his way to Washington, sources in Netanyahu's office said.
The only photos available to the media so far have been pictures of Netanyahu entering and exiting the White House. Any official photos taken of Obama and Netanyahu have not been released.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:49 AM | Comments (6)
Obamacare's Financial Cost to States Will Be 'Horrific'
Kit Bond: Obamacare's Financial Cost to States Will Be 'Horrific'
Four-term Sen. Kit Bond tells Newsmax that passage of President Obama and the Democrats’ healthcare reform bill sets the stage for turning the U.S. into a socialist country.
The Missouri Republican, who served two terms as governor of his state, also says the financial burden that the bill places on states by expanding Medicaid will be “horrific.”
But on a positive note, Sen. Bond believes “infuriated” voters will send a lot of new Republicans to Washington after the November elections.
Bond is vice chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee and a member of the Appropriations and Environment and Public Works Committees. He has announced that he won’t seek a fifth term in November.
He agrees with Sen. John McCain’s assertion that the Republicans will eventually repeal the healthcare legislation.
“It will take us some time, but I think when the people of America see that it raises taxes, raises premiums on existing health insurance so you can’t keep your health insurance, cuts Medicare and services for seniors, and still leaves us in debt — people are not going to be happy with it.
“It will be difficult to get Barack Obama to sign a repeal. But there may be, and hopefully will be, somebody new in the presidency in 2013.”
Bond says the Democrats will have difficulty in the Senate using reconciliation to pass the revised reform bill headed there from the House.
“There are so many bad things in that healthcare bill that we passed. I don’t know how many of them they will try to take out in reconciliation, but to take out substantive provisions requires 60 votes. And they’re not going to get 60 votes.”
Referring to the special deals the Democrats cut — like the so-called “Louisiana Purchase” allocating $300 million in federal subsidies for Medicaid in Louisiana to secure the vote of Sen. Mary Landrieu — Bond says:
“They make the whole thing smell very bad. There are special deals all around the country, and that’s why I think people are irritated not only with the substance but the process.
“I hope we won’t be trying to put lipstick on that pig the Senate passed. The thing is bad, bad, bad for healthcare, for jobs, and for the entire economy.”
Asked if passage of the healthcare bill will embolden President Obama and the Democrats to forge ahead with other items on their agenda, including cap-and-trade, Bond tells Newsmax:
“I hope it will not. But as I believe the president has said, passage of this government takeover of healthcare — he didn’t call it that, I did — is a template for how we’re going to deal with the rest of the economy. If they do that, we are rapidly going to become like a socialist country, with government making the decisions, which I think will destroy jobs, and people will really understand what a serious mistake this was.”
The healthcare bill includes a provision making the federal government the originator of all student loans and not just the guarantor of loans from private lending institutions.
Bond says that will “destroy private sector student loan insurance, which would affect 15 million families and throw out of work 20,000 people and replace them with four federal call centers around the nation that families will have to apply to for student loans. That kind of thing is an outrage to be in reconciliation.”
Asked about the dramatic expansion of Medicaid called for by the bill, Bond said: “The burdens on the state are horrific. I think in my state of Missouri, the estimates were $200 to $300 million more in Medicaid expenses.
“Most state budgets are strapped. States are fighting hard to deal with the budget shortfalls they have, and that Medicaid burden is another pail of water on drowning state budgets.”
Obama is now hitting the road in an attempt to sell the healthcare bill to angry voters. But Bond asserts: “If they tell the truth, I don’t think minds will change. But we found that some of his previous assertions about the bill were not true.
“I hope that the media and certainly the Republicans will be checking to see if his statements accurately reflect what the bill does.”
Bond likened the Democrats’ support for the healthcare bill despite widespread voter opposition to a “kamikaze mission.”
He says: “I’ve never seen anything that has ignited and infuriated so many people as this healthcare government takeover.”
About the Republicans’ chances in the November elections, Bond states: “I think we’ll be seeing a lot of new Republican faces on the Hill. I don’t know how many.
“I hope that the people who are concerned will continue to voice their concerns to their elected representatives, now and at the polls in November.”
Wild Thing's comment.......
I keep changing our answering machine messgae at home. I am so ticked and I am using it to rant.
God help us, I hope a lot of Repubicans get elected, but we need a tons of them to completely blast away the amount of dems in office.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:48 AM | Comments (3)
Rep. Thaddeus McCotter Remarks On the Democrats Control Of Our Lives With Obamacare
Rep. Thaddeus McCotter (R-MI), the great conservative thinker and orator, delivered these remarks following the Democratic takeover of the health care industry:
Representative McCotter on the democratic takeover of the health care industry:
“So this is what change looks like? I would remind the president that he is not the leader of a party or ideology. He is the leader of our country, one founded not to humiliate others but to inspire the world. As families lose their jobs, their homes and their dreams for their children; as our troops fight and sacrifice in foreign fields for our liberty and security, President Obama’s obsessive-compulsive pursuit of an abominable government takeover of health care has defied the public’s objections and spoiled this House and further alienated Americans from their representative government. As President Obama’s campaign mantra of hope and change has degenerated into tax and hate…”
Wild Thing's comment........
Thank you Rep McCotter!
He has always been good, and not once has he held back in giving his opinions.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:47 AM | Comments (2)
Check Out The Various Cockpits Of Your Favorites ~ Awesome!
This is awesome and it is at Code One website. Code One Magazine is a quarterly publication of Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company.
After connecting to the site, click on any plane & and it will show you the cockpit of that airplane!
Click on: COCKPIT
Wild Thing's comment......
This is really neat to be able to see the different cockpits, I like how the site is set up too.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:45 AM | Comments (2)
Rush Limbaugh Mentions an Idiot Democrat Who Thinks CommunistCare Will Be Like Christmas
Image from the Rush Limbaugh website.
Limbaugh yesterday playing a clip of a man in North Carolina who was asked how he felt about the passage of ObamaCare. The man responded, "It's going to be like Christmas!"
As the number of doctors decrease, and the number of patients increase leading up to full implementation of ObamaCare in 2014, and we all have much longer waits to see the doctor or to have tests / procedures done, somehow I don't think "it's going to be like Christmas."
Wild Thing's comment........
The guy that called Rush and said that, LOL he reminds me of that woman that said Obama was going to pay her mortgage and fill her gas tank. Gosh there are some really stupid people in this world. Maybe the two of them can get married and make little idiots to grow up and vote for Obama.
Ronald Reagan, speaking many years ago, on the downward course that the Left wanted to take America by "trading freedom for security."
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:40 AM | Comments (4)
March 23, 2010
Biden Forgetting About Mic Says To Obama " This is a big F-ing Deal"
Joe Biden introducing President Obama today at the White House Bill signing of the ObamaCare legislation. As Obama approached the podium, he and Biden shook hands and it sounds like Biden says to Obama, "This is a big f***ing deal."
Wild Thing's comment......
Hey Joe your supposed to at least try and act like a stateman even though you and Obama have the class of camel dung.
I guess he thinks he is at a sports event and their team won .
I do have to agree with Biden that it is a BIG deal, a HORRIBLE, anti-American, anti-Constitution big deal.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:30 PM | Comments (7)
A Message To Hewlett Packard Support LOL Got To See This
Wild Thing's comment.........
LMAO I LOVE it, I love how our troops solve problems. heh heh
......Thank you RAC for sending this to me.
RAC has a website that is awesome. 336th Assault Helicopter Company
13th Combat Aviation Battalion - 1st Aviation Brigade - Soc Trang, Republic of Vietnam
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 AM | Comments (13)
Last Haditha Defendant Seeks to Dismiss Charges
Staff Sgt. Frank Wuterich
Last Haditha Defendant Seeks to Dismiss Charges
The story is also at FOX News so that is good. I would hate to think FOX had dropped their interest in this.This story and anything about these Marines should be in all the media and newspapers. Too many only want to be a part of it when it began. ~ Wild Thing
Eight Marines were charged in the biggest criminal case against U.S. troops to arise from the Iraq war. Six have had charges dismissed, and one was acquitted.
Whether the only remaining and perhaps highest-profile defendant stands trial may hinge on what happens this week in a military courtroom.
Lawyers for Staff Sgt. Frank Wuterich will ask a judge to dismiss charges against the former squad leader in a case involving the deaths of 24 Iraqi men, women and children in Haditha in November 2005, arguing that a general who oversaw the case was improperly influenced by an aide.
Wuterich, 30, is charged with voluntary manslaughter, aggravated assault, reckless endangerment, dereliction of duty and obstruction of justice. He is currently assigned to administrative work at 1st Marine Division headquarters at Camp Pendleton.
Gen. James Mattis is expected to testify at the pretrial hearing Monday about his role in the case, which included bringing charges against Wuterich when he was commander of the Marine Corps Forces Central Command and 1st Marine Expeditionary Force at Camp Pendleton.
The four-star general was later promoted to commander of NATO's Supreme Allied Commander Transformation and U.S. Joint Forces Command. He left the NATO post last year but still commands U.S. Joint Forces in Norfolk, Va.
A courtroom appearance is rare for such a high-ranking officer but Mattis has done it before in the Haditha case.
In 2008, a military judge dismissed charges against Lt. Col. Jeffrey Chessani for failing to investigate the Haditha killings after deciding that Mattis had been unduly influenced by the aide.
"The trail basically has already been blazed," Neal Puckett, one of Wuterich's attorneys, said Sunday.
A Marine Corps spokesman, Lt. Col. David Griesmer, declined to comment on the government's case.
The defense argues Mattis was improperly influenced by Col. John Ewers, who investigated the killings and later became a top legal advisor to the general. Military policy prohibits Ewers from offering legal advice on Haditha because he was also an investigator in the case.
Mattis testified in 2008 that he never talked with Ewers about Haditha, although the aide was at meetings where the case was discussed.
Wuterich's case is before a different judge, Lt. Col. David Jones.
And, while Mattis brought charges in 2006, his successor, Gen. Samuel Helland, court-martialed Wuterich a year later after a preliminary hearing. In Chessani's case, Mattis brought charges and ordered the court-martial.
Wuterich's attorneys say Helland sat in on the same meetings as Mattis.
"(Helland) was probably in the same sort of information flow as Gen. Mattis," said Puckett, who predicts Helland may also testify. "It's going to be the judge's call whether that also taints him."
The deaths occurred after a roadside bomb hit a Marine convoy, killing the driver of a Humvee and wounding two other Marines.
Wuterich and a squad member allegedly shot five men by a car at the scene. Investigators say Wuterich, of Meriden, Conn., then ordered his men to clear several houses with grenades and gunfire, leaving women and children among the dead.
At his preliminary hearing, Wuterich said he regretted the loss of civilian life in Haditha, but said he believed he was operating within military combat rules when he ordered his men to attack.
The pretrial hearing is scheduled to last up to one week.
Puckett said the judge has told attorneys he expected to rule by the end of this week. If the defense argument fails, attorneys for both sides have agreed to go to trial in September, he said.
Wild Thing's comment........
I can’t imagine being ‘wronged’ over this long of a period. September is not an option..end it now. Charges were brought 3 years 3 months ago and they were under investigation before that.
The continued persecution of Frank is an abomination.
Judge, Lt. Col. David Jones is the one to come through for SSgt. Wuterich.
There is also this from June of 2006:
Haditha Child: I Knew of Bomb Plot to Kill Marines
There were no "innocent" civilians in those houses at Haditha. The occupants were either insurgents or collaborators. They were either "with us or against us". Clearly, they were against us:
A 12-year old survivor of the alleged massacre of innocent civilians by U.S. Marines patrolling Haditha has admitted she had prior knowledge of the plot to detonate an IED as their convoy was passing by her house on the morning of Nov. 19, 2005.
In a CNN interview broadcast Wednesday, Safa Younis - who says eight members of her family were killed by U.S. troops - recalled that she was getting ready for school as the Marine Humvee approached.
"I was planning to go to school. I was about to go out of bed. I knew the bomb would explode so I covered my ears," the youngster said, according to a CNN translator. "The bomb [then] exploded," she explained. "The bomb struck an armored vehicle. I don't know if it was a Humvee or an armored vehicle. When the bomb exploded, they came straight to my house."
The "innocent" occupants of those houses knew about the impending deadly ambush and watched it happen. They chose to collaborate with terrorist insurgents, and those insurgents used them as human shields. Now look at them.... Que sera sera.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:50 AM | Comments (7)
Obama And His Expanding the IRS To Be His Obamacare Auditing and ENFORCEMENT Arm
ObamaCare Expands IRS to Become Health Care Auditing and Enforcement Arm on All Americans
Michigan Rep. Dave Camp explaining that the new ObamaCare Law that will be signed into law tomorrow by Communist Obama will result in the IRS becoming involved in the Health Care of Americans.
Because the new law mandates all Americans to buy Health Insurance, the IRS will be the audit and enforcement arm for ObamaCare. According to Camp, people who do not buy Health Insurance as defined by the Federal Government will be taxed, not fined. Camp said even if a person is without insurance for one month, they will pay 1/12th of the tax levied for not being in compliance.
To know who has not had insurance, Camp said the IRS will have to perform an audit of every American every year to determine if they have had Health Insurance that meets the definition of the Government and will then enforce the law by taxing those who have not complied. This audit and enforcement function is estimated to cost $10 billion in the first 10 years, and will likely add an additional 16,000 IRS employees.
The IRS would be in charge of verifying that every American taxpayer has obtained acceptable health coverage for every month of the year. If the IRS determines that a taxpayer lacks acceptable insurance for even a single month, then the IRS would impose a new tax on that taxpayer, even auditing the taxpayer and could assess interest and penalties on top of the tax.
This is an unprecedented new role for the IRS – one that will inject the federal government even further into the lives of American families. The bill also gives the IRS some new "teeth" to strike fear in the hears of the people with, including:
* IRS agents verify if you have “acceptable” health care coverage
* IRS has the authority to fine you up to $2,250 or 2 percent of your income (whichever is greater) for failure to prove that you have purchased “minimum essential coverage”
* IRS can confiscate your tax refund
* IRS audits are likely to increase
* IRS will need up to $10 billion to administer the new health care program this decade
* IRS may need to hire as many as 16,500 additional auditors, agents and other employees to investigate and collect billions in new taxes from Americans Nearly half of all these new individual mandate taxes will be paid by Americans earning less than 300 percent of poverty ($66,150 for a family of four). There goes that less than $250,000 thing the POTUS promised.
And then the Pièce de résistance:
The IRS is barred from imposing these taxes and penalties on illegal immigrants
Lets put it a different way, if you are here legally you are screwed, but if you are here illegally, hey don't worry, be happy.
The IRS' new powers will simply be another loss of freedom from the folks who brought you "hope and change."
Click here to read the full report.
Wild Thing's comment.........
The DemoRATS been practicing violating the constitution for decades now and pretty much have it down to a science.
The image at the top of this post really describes what is happening.
......Thank you RAC for sending this to me.
RAC has a website that is awesome. 336th Assault Helicopter Company
13th Combat Aviation Battalion - 1st Aviation Brigade - Soc Trang, Republic of Vietnam
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:49 AM | Comments (4)
Liberal Caucus Leader Set to Introduce New Public Option Bill
Not 24 Hours and Democrats All Set to Introduce Amendment For a "Robust Public Option"
Democrat Rep. Lynn Woolsey telling MSNBC's Dylan Ratigan that as soon as Obama signs the reconciliation package into law, she will introduce an amendment for a "robust public option." Democrats see passage of ObamaCare as an open door. It is their intention, and that of President Obama, to eventually bring about a "single-payer," totally run Government Health Care system.
A leader of the House liberals' caucus said Monday she'll introduce new legislation to revive the public option.
Rep. Lynn Woolsey (D-Calif.), the co-chairwoman of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, said she plans to unveil legislation to add the government-run option to the national healthcare exchange established by legislation President Barack Obama is to sign tomorrow.
"We will introduce a robust public option bill on the very day the president signs the reconciliation bill into law," Woolsey said Monday during an interview on MSNBC.
The public insurance option had been a part of the healthcare legislation first approved by the House in November, but Senate Democratic leaders were forced to abandon the provision after it became clear that they wouldn't be able to get all 60 Democrats (at the time) to sign onto legislation containing that provision.
Woolsey and her co-chairman of the caucus, Rep. Raul Grijalva (D-Ariz.), had pushed for the public option throughout the different stages of the health debate, but still ended up voting in favor of the legislation in the end, despite some threats to do otherwise earlier in the process.
Some Senate Democrats, like Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee Chairman Tom Harkin (D-Iowa), have spoken of revisiting the public option down the line, too.
Wild Thing's comment........
The Public Option creates taxpayer-funded, government-provided health insurance, in direct competition with private insurance companies. In the long run, it will put them out of business, as they cannot compete with the bottomless pit of tax revenues brought to bear against them.
In the end, only the government will provide "health insurance", and the socialist takeover of a HUGE chunk of the country will be complete.
It is a bullet through the head of the insurance industry.
What the hell is next, will they be adding the hammer and sickle added to our flag?
Public option, Amnesty, Cap/Tax, gut Military, close Gitmo, civilian trials, hang Allies out to dry, CIA interrogation trials, war on private sector, soak the wealthy, etc etc.
So much Socialism, so little time.
Woolsey is the dork who let Cindy Sheehan in for the sole purpose of disrupting a Presidential Address to Congress.
But of course Joe Wilson saying “you lie” and Samuel Alito saying “that’s not true” are grounds for public rebuke.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:48 AM | Comments (4)
Rush Limbaugh :"We need to defeat these bastards!" AMEN To That Rush!
RUSH: Today, as we start the radio program, America is hanging by a thread. So we have to see what we can do with a thread. At the end of the day, our freedom has been assaulted. This is the kind of change that people did not think they were going to get when they voted for Barack Obama. Freedom must win the day.
Rush: We need to defeat these bastards
Rush: The focus has to be on defeating Democrats in November in these mid term election, we have the people, we have the intellectual arguments, we have the common sense arguments, we have history but they won yesterday, they won because they held Congress and the Presidency, therein lies the lesson, we have to defeat these bastards, we need to wipe them out, we need to chase them out of town"
But I'm going to tell everybody in the Republican Party that's running around talking about repeal, it better be more than a campaign slogan. You better mean it. Don't declare something as principle and then play it like a five dollar poker chip like Bart Stupak did. Stupak has humiliated and disgraced himself. He lied because he held out the hope of millions of Americans that this travesty would not happen. Bart Stupak has not only humiliated and disgraced himself; he has as big a role in destroying this country as it was founded, as Barack Obama does. Last night, Bart Stupak damaged the already crippled Democrat Party more than he knows, more than they know. That executive order, totally laughable, Stupak just wanted his "notice me" moment. Stupak is no different than Neville Chamberlain, came back with that little letter from Hitler, "Oh, yeah, Hitler says no war between his country and ours." Churchill said, "Well, you're a fool."
What's happened here is not insurance. Insurance is you insure yourself against a catastrophe, something that might happen to wipe you out. This is not insurance. This is simply the insurance companies being captivated or taken over by the government and having their behavior mandated for the express purpose of putting them out of business.
"The next big push will be amnesty for ... millions of illegal immigrants who are here," he said. "Obama's gonna need their votes in 2012. The Democrats are going to need their votes in every election from now on – if we have elections, and I'm not joking."
America Hangs by a Thread at Rush's website
Wild Thing's comment........
Thank God for ElRushbo. We are very fortunate to have people like Rush and Mark Levin and others.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:47 AM | Comments (2)
Heritage Foundation Urges Repeal of "Intolerable" Health Bill
The head of The Heritage Foundation Sunday night labeled the House-approved health bill a modern-day "Intolerable Act" and called for its repeal.
Edwin J. Feulner, president of the Washington, DC-based think tank, said the bill represented "a giant step toward creation of a European-style welfare state." Instead of empowering individuals, he noted, the trillion-dollar, 2,700 page bill empowers an "unelected bureaucracy [to}... determine the content of health benefits packages, including medical treatment and procedures, and how much will be paid for those services."
Feulner called the government-centered approach "alien to our national character" and predicted that opposition to the widely unpopular measure will only grow.
"The American people are never permanently thwarted," Feulner observed. This legislation "can and will be repealed," he added.
Fellow Americans,
Late last night, in a narrow and partisan vote, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the most significant piece of social legislation in over seven decades. It did so in the face of overwhelming and principled opposition from the American people. Large majorities of Americans oppose this legislation because it offends the historic American dedication to the principle of self-government. They understand that this new law will accelerate Washington's intrusion into our most personal and private decisions.
This is why opposition to this bill will only grow. Supporters of this bill argue that popular hostility will recede upon its passage. But, rather than cementing our descent into a European-style welfare state, last night's passage of Obamacare is best seen as a historic turning point, a true catalyst for real change.
I write to reassure our supporters, the conservative movement, and the American people at large that The Heritage Foundation will do all within its power to keep this issue alive in the public square and make the intellectual case for the repeal of this act. We will bring all our resources to bear on behalf of those who believe America is and will always remain the Land of the Free.
This, rest assured, can be done. The American people are never permanently thwarted. President Obama's health care legislation can and will be repealed.
Those who supported this bill are our fellow Americans, and we do not question their good will or patriotism. In public policy, however, good intentions alone do not suffice. And let there be no mistake, our philosophical differences with supporters of this bill are profound. The reason government-run health care has been the holy grail of the left for decades is that liberals realize as much as we do that it is a giant step toward the creation of a European-style welfare state. This is an evolution Americans have always resisted because it is alien to our national character.
If there is one good thing about the past year--one in which we have witnessed unprecedented horse-trading, press stunts, midnight votes and political manipulation in both houses of the U.S. Congress--it is that the American people have come away educated as never before about the differences between these two visions for America. Americans are strongly opposed to this bill not because they have been hoodwinked but because they understand this bill both in its particulars and at an instinctive, gut level.
They understand this health care bill forces individuals and employers to buy insurance policies designed by government bureaucrats. This intrusion is intended to follow us from cradle to grave.
Instead of empowering families and individuals to make their own choices, Obamacare empowers the bureaucracy to make those decisions for them. It is this unelected bureaucracy, unanswerable to the electorate, that will determine the content of health benefits packages, including medical treatment and procedures, and how much will be paid for those services. Yesterday's legislation brings us one step closer to fully government-run medicine, with expanded government power over the financing and delivery of medical services that is sure to ration care in the name of cost control.
You will hear the left say this new entitlement will be popular with the American people. Do not believe them for a second. Yes, 32 million people will gain the theoretical right to health insurance. But over half of that coverage comes from placing at least 16 million more Americans into Medicaid, an unpopular and overextended welfare program that already rations care.
Americans will not stand for it. The American love for liberty prevailed in our founding, and will prevail once again.
In December of 1773, to protest unjust taxation, a group of American colonists dumped tea in Boston Harbor. The punishment for that first Tea Party was a series of intrusive laws passed by Parliament that were so oppressive that they could only be described as the "Intolerable Acts."
Obamacare is today's Intolerable Act. And just as the colonists banded together to enact change after those acts were passed, so should America respond to Obamacare. This law must be repealed.
Much of the fight against this bill will be led by the individual states, a process we encourage. All told, 33 states have already taken steps to challenge various aspects of Obamacare, including its unprecedented mandate that every American purchase health insurance or face a steep penalty for noncompliance. Four additional states will have this question on the ballot in November.
On Capitol Hill, the initial battle over Obamacare will occur when Congress considers whether to fund the tens of thousands of new federal bureaucrats necessary to implement the new law. In the tradition of the Hyde amendment, which prevented federal funding for abortions through annual limitations appended to appropriations bills, conservatives should look to the appropriations process as our first line of defense. Straightforward funding limitations would prevent any Administration official or any bureaucrat from implementing the law.
Our health care system requires reform, and we have long advocated measures to improve our system. We can and should strengthen the ability of American families to choose the coverage they want, rather than giving that power to Congress and its agency bureaucrats. We can also spur competition and choice to bring efficiency and lower costs to the health system, in place of the bill's deadening regulation and damaging price controls. And, above all, we should foster state innovation rather than Washington-based central planning.
But such reforms can only be considered once this tragedy of arrogance has been fully and completely repealed.
Fortunately, there are no permanent victories or defeats in Washington. For millions of Americans and for Heritage, Round One of this fight is over. Today, The Heritage Foundation is answering the bell for Round Two. Join our fight; become a part of our mission. Help us educate our lawmakers, as well as those who aspire to become tomorrow's lawmakers. Together we can make the persuasive case for repeal of this Intolerable Act and thereby return us to our American destiny.
Edwin J. Feulner, Ph.D., President, The Heritage Foundation
Wild Thing's comment........
God bless the Heritage Foundation.
And we all need to stand up for and support true conservatives running for office. And I will add we need to support those that have stood out fighting for us and for America this last year especially. We all know the names, they stand out and make sure their voices have been heard.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:45 AM
Listen Up Israel Hater Barack Obama! Real Men Like Rep. Eric Cantor Speak and Netanyahu Real Statesmen
Netanyahu Reaffirms 'Right To Build' In Jerusalem [Huge Rebuke To Obama, Clinton Threats!]
Netanyahu Reaffirms 'Right To Build' In Jerusalem
Benjamin Netanyahu "Jerusalem is not a settlement; it's our capital"
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has asserted Israel's "right to build" in Jerusalem, amid a row with the US over plans for new homes in the city. "Jerusalem is not a settlement, it's our capital," the Israeli prime minister said in Washington.
But he did not mention controversial plans to build 1,600 new homes in East Jerusalem in his speech. US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton earlier urged Israel to make "difficult but necessary choices" for peace. The Palestinian Authority is furious at Israel's insistence on building on occupied territory.
It sees it as a serious stumbling block to the resumption of talks, which have been stalled for more than a year. In his speech to a convention of the influential pro-Israeli group Aipac (American Israel Public Affairs Committee), Mr Netanyahu said building in Jewish neighbourhoods in Jerusalem "in no way precludes the possibility of a two-state solution". He said Israel wanted Palestinians to be "our neighbours, living freely". He also called on Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas to "come and negotiate peace".
Mr Netanyahu added that said while the US could help resolve the problems with the Palestinians, peace could not be imposed from the outside.
Rep. Eric Cantor (R-VA) addressed AIPAC today. He gave a tremendous speech in support of Israel:
“Now is not the time to be picking fights with Israel with what seems to be an attempt to curry favor with the Arab World. Now is the time that the US must stand with Israel in the global struggle against the threats posed by radical Islam… We must do all we can to ensure the survival of the State of Israel.”
Hillary lectured the pro-Israel lobby today on the Hamas terror group:
full text of her stupid speech
When a Hamas-controlled municipality glorifies violence and renames a square after a terrorist who murdered innocent Israelis, it insults the families on both sides who have lost loves ones in this conflict. And when instigators deliberately mischaracterize the rededication of a synagogue in the Jewish quarter of Jerusalem’s old city and call upon their brethren to “defend” nearby Muslim holy sites from so-called “attacks,” it is purely and simply an act of incitement. These provocations are wrong and must be condemned for needlessly inflaming tensions and imperiling prospects for a comprehensive peace.
Krauthammer on Clinton’s Tough Iran Words: “Rarely Heard Emptier Words Issued With Such Phony Emphasis”
March 22, 2010 ( the VIDEO above)
“Those words we heard from the Secretary of State, I have rarely heard emptier words issued with such phony emphasis. I mean, ‘we have a commitment,’ ‘we will not compromise on our commitment’ – They have done nothing in a year and two months.”
Wild Thing's comment........
Gotta love Netanyahu. Now that is a statesman.
God bless . Eric Cantor and BiBi. Obama wouldn't know what it is to be a real man if his life depneded on it.
Netanyahu is absolutely right. We have no right to tell him how to run Israel. If he wants to build, let him build. Screw the so-called “Palestinians”, and SCREW Obama!
Benjamin Netanyahu "Jerusalem is not a settlement; it's our capital"
We REAL Americans are with you, Bibi.
BiBi loves freedom and he spent more of his childhood in the United States than the *sspipe who currently holds the office. Bibi for POTUS....NOW!!!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:44 AM | Comments (2)
March 22, 2010
Florida's Attorney General Bill McCollum To File Lawsuit Against Obamacare Bill
McCollum to file lawsuit against health care bill
ORLANDO, FL -- Moments after Congress voted to approve President Obama's health care legislation, Florida's Attorney General announced he will file a lawsuit to declare the bill unconstitutional.
Bill McCollum will join Attorneys General from South Carolina, Nebraska, Texas, Utah, Pennsylvania, Washington, North Dakota and South Dakota to file a lawsuit against the federal government.
"The health care reform legislation passed by the U. S. House of Representatives this evening clearly violates the U.S. Constitution and infringes on each state's sovereignty," McCollum said in a statement distributed late Sunday night.
"If the President signs this bill into law, we will file a lawsuit to protect the rights and the interests of American citizens."
McCollum will hold a press conference at his Orlando office Monday morning to discuss his plans.
Wild Thing's comment........
Kudos to Bill McCollum. Charlie Crist is probably on his tanning bed.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:55 AM | Comments (7)
WARNING: Democrats' Plan Will NOT Protect Military Health Plans
Democrats' Plan Will NOT Protect Military Health Plans
From House Republican Policy:
*9.2 million military personnel, families and retirees don't deserve a back room deal?
"Although the health care legislation passed by the House explicitly exempted TRICARE from being affected, the Senate bill did not. Unfortunately, the parliamentary rules of tof the reconciliation process did not allow for the inclusion of language that specficially protects these programs." -- Armed Services Committee Chairman Ike Skelton (D-MO)
Background: On March 18, 2010, just days before the House votes on the Democrats’ government takeover of health care, House Armed Services Committee Chairman Ike Skelton (D-MO) announced he would introduce legislation to preemptively state that TRICARE and the Department of Defense non-appropriated fund (NAF) health plans meet all of the health care requirements currently under consideration by Congress for individual health insurance. TRICARE and the NAF health plans programs provide health coverage to members of the military and their families, military retirees and their families, and employees of U.S. military post/base exchanges. Chairman Skelton even stated he would also insert this legislative language into the national defense authorization bill, reiterating the threat the health care bill currently poses to military health plans. This is an explicit admission that the final Democrat health care bill does not protect these plans.
Military Protections Scrapped: The Senate-passed health care bill, which the House is expected to “deem” passed on March 21, 2010, omitted protections for military health plans that were included in the House bill. Specifically, the Senate language does not appear to give the Department of Veterans’ Affairs (VA) health care system specific protection from interference by other government agencies administering the various authorities contained in the massive bill, as it pertains to “minimum essential coverage.” The minimum essential coverage language in the Senate bill does cover “the veterans health care program under chapter 17 of title 38, United States Code,” but it is unclear whether that covers veterans’ survivors and dependents.
The final bill would leave it up to a bureaucrat at the Department of the Treasury to determine whether TRICARE meets the minimum standards under the Democrats’ individual health insurance mandate. If that bureaucrat decides against TRICARE, service members and their families would have to buy some other health coverage or pay a penalty.
In an effort to bolster support for the House health care takeover back in August 2009, the White House advertised that bill’s exemption for 9.2 million military personnel, families, and retirees covered under TRICARE and the military health plan. In August, the White House website stated that:
Health reform legislation that is being considered would enable those who are covered by TRICARE to meet the shared responsibility requirement for individuals to have insurance, thereby exempting such members of the uniformed services and dependants from being assessed penalties. If enacted, the President will ensure that this exemption is implemented aggressively.
Of course, the final health care bill does not include this promised exemption for military plans.
According to Armed Services Committee Ranking Member Buck McKeon (R-CA), “We need to fix this problem immediately—before Congress passes and the President signs the legislation. By forgoing the traditional legislative process, Democrat leaders in Congress—and the President who is pushing for immediate passage of the bill—have reneged on assurances that the Senate legislation would be fixed in a conference committee. Our military personnel deserve to know they will continue to receive the same level of care they so rightly deserve.”
Veterans groups would seem to agree. Thomas Tradewell Sr., the national commander of the Veterans of Foreign Wars stated that, “I remain worried because a free press and an even freer Internet continue to fuel speculation that both systems could be lost and/or absorbed into a larger national healthcare plan.”
Perverse Priorities: The Democrats’ government takeover of health care is chock-full of backroom deals for favored constituencies such as Louisiana, Connecticut, Nebraska and insurance companies. In their desperate headlong rush to pass a bill, however, Democrats have neglected to protect the integrity and independence of the DoD and VA health care systems and protect all of their health care beneficiaries. U.S. service members and veterans deserve better.
Warning: Democrats’ Plan Will NOT Protect Military Health Plans
If you are in the military, retired, a family member covered by military medical (or even someone who cares about the military) as determined as part of your pay while on active duty, be forewarned.
"Although the health care legislation passed by the House explicitly exempted TRICARE from being affected, the Senate bill did not. Unfortunately, the parliamentary rules of of the reconciliation process did not allow for the inclusion of language that specifically protects these programs." -- Armed Services Committee Chairman Ike Skelton (D-MO)
Background: On March 18, 2010, just days before the House votes on the Democrats’ government takeover of health care, House Armed Services Committee Chairman Ike Skelton (D-MO) announced he would introduce legislation to preemptively state that TRICARE and the Department of Defense non-appropriated fund (NAF) health plans meet all of the health care requirements currently under consideration by Congress for individual health insurance. TRICARE and the NAF health plans programs provide health coverage to members of the military and their families, military retirees and their families, and employees of U.S. military post/base exchanges. Chairman Skelton even stated he would also insert this legislative language into the national defense authorization bill, reiterating the threat the health care bill currently poses to military health plans. This is an explicit admission that the final Democrat health care bill does not protect these plans.
Military Protections Scrapped: The Senate-passed health care bill, which the House is expected to “deem” passed on March 21, 2010, omitted protections for military health plans that were included in the House bill. Specifically, the Senate language does not appear to give the Department of Veterans’ Affairs (VA) health care system specific protection from interference by other government agencies administering the various authorities contained in the massive bill, as it pertains to “minimum essential coverage.” The minimum essential coverage language in the Senate bill does cover “the veterans health care program under chapter 17 of title 38, United States Code,” but it is unclear whether that covers veterans’ survivors and dependents.
The final bill would leave it up to a bureaucrat at the Department of the Treasury to determine whether TRICARE meets the minimum standards under the Democrats’ individual health insurance mandate. If that bureaucrat decides against TRICARE, service members and their families would have to buy some other health coverage or pay a penalty.
In an effort to bolster support for the House health care takeover back in August 2009, the White House advertised that bill’s exemption for 9.2 million military personnel, families, and retirees covered under TRICARE and the military health plan. In August, the White House website stated that:
"Health reform legislation that is being considered would enable those who are covered by TRICARE to meet the shared responsibility requirement for individuals to have insurance, thereby exempting such members of the uniformed services and dependants from being assessed penalties. If enacted, the President will ensure that this exemption is implemented aggressively"
Of course, the final health care bill does not include this promised exemption for military plans.
According to Armed Services Committee Ranking Member Buck McKeon (R-CA), “We need to fix this problem immediately—before Congress passes and the President signs the legislation. By forgoing the traditional legislative process, Democrat leaders in Congress—and the President who is pushing for immediate passage of the bill—have reneged on assurances that the Senate legislation would be fixed in a conference committee. Our military personnel deserve to know they will continue to receive the same level of care they so rightly deserve.”
Veterans groups would seem to agree. Thomas Tradewell Sr., the national commander of the Veterans of Foreign Wars stated that, “I remain worried because a free press and an even freer Internet continue to fuel speculation that both systems could be lost and/or absorbed into a larger national healthcare plan.”
Perverse Priorities: The Democrats’ government takeover of health care is chock-full of backroom deals http://www.gop.gov/policy-news/10/03/18/shady-deals-and-backroom-bargains for favored constituencies such as Louisiana, Connecticut, Nebraska and insurance companies. In their desperate headlong rush to pass a bill, however, Democrats have neglected to protect the integrity and independence of the DoD and VA health care systems and protect all of their health care beneficiaries. U.S. service members and veterans deserve better.
Wild Thing's comment......
The Dems leadership hate our military. Always have and always will. So, they’re throwing our military under the bus. I’d expected nothing less from a Marxist President . GRRRRRRRR
Alsofrom ARMY Times......... Obama has proposed a 1.4% pay increase for active duty military in 2011. This is THE LOWEST SINCE 1973! Nice to know that during a time of rampant inflation, while war is fought in 2 theatres, our men and women in uniform get A LOWER PAY INCREASE THAN WELFARE RECIPIENTS!!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:50 AM | Comments (6)
Bart Stupak Slams the GOP For Pushing His Own Stupak Pro-life Amendment and Pro Life Group Stripes Him of Award
Shameless Bart Stupak Slams GOP for Pushing Stupak Amendment
“Thank you. The motion to recommit purports to be a right to life motion in the spirit of the Stupak Amendment. But as the author of the Stupak Amendment, this motion is nothing more than an opportunity to continue to deny 32 million Americans health care. The motion… The motion is really a last ditch effort of 98 years of denying Americans health care. It is the democrats who have stood up for the principle of no funding for abortion. It is the democrats through the president’s executive order that ensures the sanctity of life is protected.”
Pro-Life Women’s Group Strips Bart Stupak of Pro-Life Award After Abortion Deal
In the first indication of just how upset Congressman Bart Stupak made pro-life groups by arranging a deal on abortion funding with President Barack Obama, a pro-life women's group is stripping the formerly respected pro-life Democrat of an award it planned to give him this week.
Stupak announced earlier today that he arranged an executive order with Obama to nullify the abortion funding in the pro-abortion Senate health care bill.
But, pro-life groups say the deal is worthless because an executive order can't be used to modify federal law, which will be changed under the Senate bill to allow abortion funding.
Saying it plans to "drive out" of Congress the pro-life betrayers who vote for the pro-abortion health care bill, the Susan B. Anthony List told LifeNews.com that Stupak will lose its "Defender of Life" award the group planned to give to Stupak at its annual dinner gala this coming week.
"This Wednesday night is our third annual Campaign for Life Gala, where we were planning to honor Congressman Stupak for his efforts to keep abortion-funding out of health care reform," SBA List president Marjorie Dannenfelser told LifeNews.com.
"We will no longer be doing so. By accepting this deal from the most pro-abortion President in American history, Stupak has not only failed to stand strong for unborn children, but also for his constituents and pro-life voters across the country," she said.
Stupak talked with CNN about the decision and said, "I didn't see the award. I stood on my principle. I don't need an award."
The move went beyond merely an award and SBA List said the vote on the pro-abortion health care legislation would have election consequences.
"Let me be clear: any representative, including Rep. Stupak, who votes for this healthcare bill can no longer call themselves 'pro-life.' The Susan B. Anthony List Candidate Fund will not endorse, or support in any capacity, any Member of Congress who votes for this bill in any future election," Dannenfelser warned.
"Now through Election Day 2010, these representatives will learn that votes have consequences. The SBA List Candidate Fund will work tirelessly to help defeat Members who support this legislation and make sure their constituents know exactly how they voted," she continued. "We will actively seek out true pro-life candidates to oppose Members who vote 'yes' on this bill, whether it be in general or primary elections. For these Members, it will be a quick downhill slide to defeat in November."
Dannenfelser said the executive order does not do what Stupak claims it would.
"The executive order on abortion funding does absolutely nothing to fix the problems presented by the health care reform bill that the House will vote on this evening. The very idea should offend all pro-life Members of Congress. An executive order can be rescinded at any time at the President's whim, and the courts could and have a history of trumping executive orders. Most importantly, pro-abortion Representatives have admitted the executive order is meaningless," she told LifeNews.com.
She pointed to comments from Rep. Wasserman Schultz today, who admitted that "an executive order cannot change the law."
Pro-Life Group Strips Stupak Of Award
The Susan B. Anthony List .......statement said lawmakers who vote for the health care bill "can no longer call themselves 'pro-life.'"
More from the statement:
The Susan B. Anthony List Candidate Fund will not endorse, or support in any capacity, any Member of Congress who votes for this bill in any future election. Now through Election Day 2010, these representatives will learn that votes have consequences. The SBA List Candidate Fund will work tirelessly to help defeat Members who support this legislation and make sure their constituents know exactly how they voted. We will actively seek out true pro-life candidates to oppose Members who vote 'yes' on this bill, whether it be in general or primary elections. For these Members, it will be a quick downhill slide to defeat in November. The executive order on abortion funding does absolutely nothing to fix the problems presented by the health care reform bill that the House will vote on this evening. The very idea should offend all pro-life Members of Congress. An executive order can be rescinded at any time at the President's whim, and the courts could and have a history of trumping executive orders. Most importantly, pro-abortion Representatives have admitted the executive order is meaningless.
The group detailed their efforts in the health care fight as, "nearly $2 million on a grassroots campaign of targeted television and radio ads, 1.3 million automated calls, 70,000 patch-through constituent calls, 1.2 million letters and petitions to Congress, two media and grassroots tours in pro-life Democratic districts, television ads in six districts and comprehensive polling in 20 pro-life Democratic districts."
Wild Thing's comment........
I guess they never heard the story of the frog and the scorpion.
Stupak is a pathetic man who will live out his days in ever increasing anxiety and bitterness. He sold out for less than $800K in airport funding.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:48 AM | Comments (5)
Sensenbrenner: "This executive order is just a piece of paper"...."
The executive order that is being talked about now is a piece of paper, it will have no force and no effect"
Sensenbrenner: "An executive order cannot change or trump existing law. The executive order that is being talked about now is a piece of paper, it will have no force and no effect and if one is concerned about preventing the exchanges that are established under the Senate bill that we will be voting on in a few hours.
Then the only thing that one can do is to vote against that Senate bill to preserve the Hyde Amendment from being expanded to programs to that are created under the Senate bill. I'm sorry, but the gentleman from Michigan [that would be Stupak] and the gentleman from California have misstated the law, it is pretty clear"
Wild Thing's comment......
Good for Sensenbrenner! Too many people are pushing that an EO will just make everything all hearts and flowers about this.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:48 AM | Comments (3)
Even Maxine Has An Opinon on Obamacare
Let me get this straight......we're trying to pass a health care plan written by a committee whose chairman says he doesn't understand it, passed by a Congress that hasn't read it but exempts themselves from it, to be signed by a president that also hasn't read it and who smokes, with funding administered by a treasury chief who didn't pay his taxes, all to be overseen by a surgeon general who is obese, and financed by a country that's broke.
What the hell could possibly go wrong????
Wild Thing's comment........
I love Maxine. LOL She goes right to the point.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:47 AM | Comments (3)
Krauthammer on Obamacare
Krauthammer: ‘I Don’t Think ObamaCare Will Ever End Up Repealed … In Terms of Our Debt, It’s Going to Be Huge’
“This is a historic moment. This is a moment I think America changes. I don’t think this will ever end up repealed. There’s no way it could happen before 2013. I think it’s unlikely to happen at any time at all. I think in terms of our debt, it’s going to be huge, and also in terms of health care.”
He also said this.
Krauthammer: ObamaCare 'Will Be the Law of the Land as of Tonight and We'll be a Different Country'
On a special broadcast of the Fox News Channel's "Special Report with Bret Baier" on March 21, Krauthammer announced upon passage of health care reform legislation in the House of Representatives, we will have a different country and on the road to nationalized health care.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:45 AM | Comments (3)
March 21, 2010
House Sends Socialist Bill To Obama's Desk ~ Obama The Terrorist In Chief
Boehner gave an excellent speech!! I loved his speech!!! God bless this man! Boehner has fought like hell for us. And I thank him from the bottom of my heart.
House Democrats passing the Senate Health Care Bill tonight by a vote of 219-212. As the historic vote was being taken, Democrats began to chant "One more vote," in the House Chamber, and when it went over the top, they chanted the Obama Campaign slogan of, "Yes We Can."
House Sends Health Care Bill To Obama's Desk
House's 219-212 approval
Republicans voted unanimously against the bill, which as we know constitutes a government takeover of the health care system, financed by a trillion dollars in higher taxes and Medicare cuts combined.
Founding Fathers throwing up in their graves.
Posted by Wild Thing at 11:55 PM | Comments (5)
To The Unborn News For You ~ Bart Stupak CAVES To Baby Killing Obamacare Bill
Democrat Rep. Bart Stupak announcing his decision to vote "Yes" on the Senate Health Care Bill today as a result of a deal worked out with President Obama. In return, Obama will issue an Executive Order that Stupak says will prevent Federal Funds from being used for abortions. The Executive Order will not be issued until after passage of the Health Care Bill.
Andy McCarthy
I know we tire of the hypocrisy, but I really think this is remarkable. We spent the eight years through January 19, 2009, listening to Democrats complain that President Bush had purportedly caused a constitutional crisis by issuing signing statements when he signed bills into law. Democrats and Arlen Specter (now a Democrat) complained that these unenforceable, non-binding expressions of the executive's interpretation of the laws Bush was signing were a usurpation Congress's power to enact legislation.
But now Democrats are going to abide not a mere signing statement but an executive order that purports to have the effect of legislation — in fact, has the effect of nullifying legislation that Congress is simultaneously enacting?
The Susan B. Anthony List observation that EOs can be rescinded at the president's whim is of course true. This particuar EO is also a nullity — presidents cannot enact laws, the Supreme Court has said they cannot impound funds that Congress allocates, and (as a friend points out) the line-item veto has been held unconstitutional, so they can't use executive orders to strike provisions in a bill. So this anti-abortion EO is blatant chicanery: if the pro-lifers purport to be satisfied by it, they are participating in a transparent fraud and selling out the pro-life cause.
But even if all that weren't true, how do we go from congressional Democrats claiming that signing statements were a shredding of the Constitution to congressional Democrats acquiescing in a claim that the president can enact or cancel out statutory law by diktat?
GOP Leader: “Make no mistake, a ‘yes’ vote on the Democrats’ health care bill is a vote for taxpayer-funded abortions.”
WASHINGTON, DC – House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) issued the following statement on a potential Executive Order from the White House on abortion:
“The law of the land trumps any Executive Order, which can be reversed or altered at the stroke of a pen by this or any subsequent President without any congressional approval or notice. Moreover, while an Executive Order can direct members of the executive branch, it cannot direct the private sector.
“Because of Roe v. Wade, courts have interpreted the decision as a statutory mandate that the government must provide federal funding for elective abortion in through federal programs. In other words, no Executive Order or regulation can override a statutory mandate unless Congress passes a law that prohibits federal funding from being used in this manner. Legal experts at the US Catholic Conference of Bishops, National Right to Life Committee, Americans United for Life, and Family Research Council have confirmed this view that if the Senate bill is signed into law, it is a statutory mandate for the new health plans to include federal funding of elective abortion. The need for an Executive Order is evidence that this is true, and Congressional Democrats know it. Make no mistake, a ‘yes’ vote on the Democrats’ health care bill is a vote for taxpayer-funded abortions.”
Wild Thing's comment.......
Hey Stupidiac.....blood is on your hands and there is NO WAY you can spin this!!!!
Thank you Boehner and I am also glad McCarthy weighed in on this—he’s got a great legal mind.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 PM | Comments (6)
Pro-Life Democrats Abandon Stupak But Pro-Abortion Health Bill Lacks Votes
Pro-Life Democrats Abandon Stupak But Pro-Abortion Health Bill Lacks Votes
The number of pro-life Democrats standing with Rep. Bart Stupak against the pro-abortion Senate health care bill has dwindled as Democrats have applied every possible pressure to persuade them to support the measure. With more pro-life Democrats supporting the bill Nancy Pelosi is closer to getting 216 votes.
Stupak told Roll Call his now has only a half dozen pro-life Democrats in his coalition, down from the twelve he has had for weeks who said they would remain firm.
“I don't know if it’s enough,” Stupak said of whether he can deliver enough votes to defeat the Senate bill and its massive abortion funding. “There’s rumors going back and forth. Last I heard they were short four and that was about an hour ago.”
Stupak also told The Hill that he's not seen a lot to reassure him about the executive order idea of having President Barack Obama issue a directive removing the abortion funding from the bill. National Right to Life says the idea wouldn't work anyway.
Stupak told reporters that he has "not seen an executive order" and he was "going to think about" what it would have to include to get his vote.
As Stupak's talks with Pelosi and Democrats have seemingly failed on attempting to find a way to prevent abortion funding, more members have declared their support for the bill.
Rep. Henry Cuellar, who insisted he was concerned about abortion funding, said he would support the bill nonetheless.
And Rep. Christopher Carney of Pennsylvania also decided to endorse the measure and, according to Roll Call, provided a misleading analysis of it, saying it “continues the longstanding ban on public funding for abortion, a factor that weighed heavily on my mind in recent days.”
Despite the defections, Stupak contends Pelosi is still short the number of votes she needs to pass the bill.
According to vote counts LifeNews.com has seen, as of late Saturday afternoon, 202 House members will back the bill while 209 will oppose it. Adding Stupak's coalition of six Democrats puts the opponents at 215 with nine more lawmakers undecided. One more member deciding to vote no on the bill would give opponents enough to defeat it tomorrow.
Stupak reportedly gathered on the House floor with some lawmakers who appear to be the last of his coalition, including Democratic Rep. Kathy Dahlkemper of Pennsylvania, Alan Mollohan and Nick Rahall of West Virginia and Steve Driehaus and Marcy Kaptur of Ohio. Dan Lipinski of Illinois is also considered a part of the group.
In an interview with The Hill, Kaptur said that an executive order "could be helpful, depending on what's in it."
"I don't really know how real that is," she said of the idea.
Meanwhile, Charmaine Yoest, president of Americans United for Life, believes Pelosi does not yet have the votes to pass the bill Sunday afternoon.
She says the remainder of the Stupak coalition is "very solid" against the bill and that another 8-10 Democrats are still undecided for others reasons about how they will vote.
Yoest also blasted the executive order idea in comments LifeNews.com obtained.
“The proposal to address the problem of abortion funding in the health care bill through use of an Executive Order is a tacit acknowledgement that the bill as it stands is pro-abortion legislation. Both the President and the Speaker have repeatedly denied this stark fact," she said.
"The American people overwhelmingly do not want to see their tax dollars go toward abortion and that is why Speaker Pelosi cannot mobilize a majority coalition for passage. Her multiple attempts to construct esoteric parliamentary maneuvers to circumvent the clear will of the people is unconscionable. This Executive Order proposal is wrong in principle because it would be designed to retroactively address an issue after Congress, as the direct representatives of the people, failed to do so," Yoest added.
Stupak and Pelosi Talk Last-Minute Deal on Stopping Health Care Abortion Funding
Nancy Pelosi Rejects Stupak Deal to Remove Abortion Funding From Senate Bill
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has, once again, rejected a plea from Rep. Bart Stupak to agree to a deal to remove the abortion funding from the Senate health care bill in exchange for support for it. Stupak and other pro-life Democrats have been hoping to strike the abortion funding in exchange for support. As LifeNews.com reported, Stupak said this morning in an interview that he is still negotiating and still hoping for a separate bill to ban abortion funding.
“This bill is about health care and not about abortion," Pelosi said. “There will be no further changes in the bill.”
Under the Senate health care bill that will be the main bill Obama and Democrats push through Congress, there is no ban on abortion funding. While some states can opt out of funding abortions under the plan, taxpayers in other states will be forced to pay for them.
But the bill contains other pro-abortion problems that are concerns for pro-life advocates.
The bill requires that at least one health care plan be promoted across the country that pays for abortions, more abortion funding would come via the affordability credits, and many of the so-called limits on abortion funding in the Senate bill are temporary and could expire or be overturned at a later date.
The Senate health care bill also pays for abortions under the Indian Health Service program.
And it contains the Mikulski amendment that would allow the Obama administration to define abortion as preventative care and force insurance plans to pay for abortions.
Finally, the Senate bill does not contain language needed to offer full conscience protection for pro-life medical workers and facilities.
Wild Thing's comment........
Today is not the end of the fight. It will be only the beginning if Congress shoves this unconstitutional, socialist cr*p through Congress. The massive impromptu rally yesterday was just one example among many how more people everyday are becoming more resolute to defend the Constitution.
I can't remember the last time I was so terrified. Today is going to be a stressful, scary day.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 AM | Comments (7)
Patriots That LOVE America Rally in D.C. To Protest The Hate America Obamacare

Congressman Mike Pence was featured in two separate news reports on Fox News about the rally against a government takeover of health care that took place on the West Lawn of the U.S. Capitol.
Tea Party Activists Make Last Stand Against Health Care Vote
Just days after holding a rally in Washington, Tea Party activists returned Saturday to make one final stand against the health care reform bill ahead of an expected Sunday vote.
Thousands of Tea Partiers descended upon the Capitol in an effort to derail the march toward “Obamacare” by pressuring undecided lawmakers to vote “no” Sunday.
At times protestors broke into chants of “Kill the bill!”
More than 60 Tea Party affiliates organized the event in the four days since Tuesday’s rally after organizers were flooded with requests to hold another one for those who couldn’t take off of work for the first one.
Saturday’s event featured actor Jon Voight, Reps. Mike Pence, R-Ind., chairman of the House Republican Conference, Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., and Steve King, R-Iowa.
Here is a video from today's "Kill the Bill" Protest at the U.S. Capitol in Washington. It provides some of the sights and sounds of what happened there
Wild Thing's comment.........
Mike Pence is so good, he has been strong on so many things. He was also the person that lead the drill now.
After and during the rally, many of the patriots planned to visit their congressional representative and tell them what they think of the bill.
"Let Us In!" video below from the balcony in this picture.
Here is a video from the balcony of the Capitol they are yelling " Let Us In! "
Cheers for the Tea Party participants protesting.
After action report...
THIS report is from a friend that was there:Please read this report, it gave me goosebumps and tears, and it really tells how the rally went like no article in any paper would do.
The "Kill the Bill" rally/Tea Party started at 12 noon on the west side of the Capitol building. It actually got going about an hour earlier because so many Tea Partiers had shown up on Capitol Hill... some had been out there since 7am!
There were many speakers including Rep. Michele Bachmann (MN), Tom Price (GA), Joe Wilson (SC), Steve King (IA), Phil Gingrey (GA), Actor John Voight, Dr. Milton Wolf, Obama's second cousin who opposes ObamaCare, Amy Kremer, Tea Party Express, Jenny Beth Martin, Tea Party Patriots, and many more.
Once the rally ended around 2:30pm, the crowd walked across to the Rayburn and Cannon House buildings. The pic you see at the top of this thread was us "storming" the Rayburn building. Some Tea Partiers waited in line, and did get into Congressional offices, and others were standing on that balcony to get a good view of the thousands of protestors below, spilling onto the street and on the other side of the street, loudly chanting "Kill the Bill!" and imploring Nancy Pelosi to come outside. It was amazing to see this... everyone was REALLY ticked off.
The plan was to return to the West side of the Capitol at 5pm to encircle the Capitol building, as a symbolic "you are surrounded by We The People".
The crowd was told by one of the organizers that the permit obtained for that purpose did not allow for the crowd to be stationary, it had to keep moving. So we all began to move, and formed a moving circle around the Capitol. However, we all stopped on the plaza on the east side of the Capitol building (across from the Supreme Court) below the windows of the second-story office of Leader John Boehner, located between the two wings of the Capitol, the House and the Senate.
A couple of Boehner's young assistants had put up signs in his windows: VOTE NO and SCRAP THE BILL, much to the crowd's delight! About an hour later my husband saw two young men taking photos from the plaza of the windows. My husband asked if by chance they worked in that office and put the signs up. They said yes, and were thrilled at how visible the signs were.
There were people in Boehner's office waving to us. Steny Hoyer's office was below Boehner's on the first floor, apparently empty. The crowd broke into spontaneous chants of "Kill the Bill!" and "Nancy! Nancy!", "USA!", "You Work For Us!" and many other chants for about an hour and a half. A member of the Rules Committee (a Congressman from Indiana) came down the steps of the House and got up on a ladder to address the crowd. He was talking about the rules and other matters, and a small crowd gathered around him.
While he was speaking, the crowd continued to chant outside Boehner's windows. Between 6:30-7:00pm Congessman Steve King (R-IA) came down the House steps and began speaking to the crowd thru a bullhorn, firing up the crowd and explaining that on the third floor up above us the House Rules Committee was meeting and could hear our chanting and that we were bothering them... LOL. The crowd roared ever louder, egged on by Rep. Steve King (he is fantastic, by the way! He hung around after the first rally just talking and shooting the breeze with us and anyone who wanted to talk to him, or who wanted an autograph or photo).
Shortly after, several other Congressmen joined him on the steps: Poe from Texas, Tom McClintock of CA, Louie Gohmert of TX, Lynn Westmoreland of GA, Jean Schmidt of OH (who had just run her 81st marathon that day), two from Georgia, one a medical doctor, another from New Jersey... all were Republicans.
They were really thrilled at the numbers and intensity of the crowd. Each spoke for 10 minutes or more, interrupted time after time by cheers and chants from the crowd, disturbing the Rules Committee meeting inside. It was explained to us by a couple of the Congressmen the force and intensity of our presence earlier today may have helped to eliminate the "Deem and Pass" procedure. One of the Congressmen said he could hear us from inside the Rotunda, which, he said, was extraordinary. Another said he could hear us from his apartment, which was 4 blocks away from the Capitol.
We closed tonight's impromptu rally ("impromptu" because we didn't expect to hear from any Congressmen at this later rally) on the steps of the House in the dark (it was after 8pm) by saying The Lord's Prayer - yes, a PRAYER on the House steps!. We also said the Pledge of Allegiance and Rep. Steve King led us in singing "God Bless America".
Steve King told us that Congressmen (I think it may be mostly the Republicans) are having a prayer service with their families in the Capitol Rotunda tomorrow, Sunday, at 11am. He said this would be the first time a prayer service was held there in over 100 years.
He asked us to return to the House steps at the Capitol at 11am to pray outside, and to stay for the duration of the day, and continue our LOUD chants while members are inside getting ready to vote. He thinks the vote will take place around 2pm. He suggested our presence could possibly make a difference in tomorrow's crucial vote.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (2)
Fantastic GOP Rep. Paul Ryan making House Rules Committee Chair Louise Slaughter Look Clueless
GOP Rep. Paul Ryan making House Rules Committee Chair Louise Slaughter look clueless as he clearly explained his plan today that would bring solvency to Medicare. Ryan had to take on both Slaughter and Rep. Xavier Becerra, who tried to tag team him because Slaughter was - well, getting "slaughtered," in trying to deal with Ryan on her own.
They first claimed Republicans had no plan for Health Care Reform or Medicare Reform, and when Ryan began answering Slaughter's question regarding what he would do about Medicare, he began explaining it in such detail and clarity that she tried to shut him up, and then appealed to Becerra for help when she could not.
"If you look at the letter from CBO, page 4, it is quoted as saying, "In effect, the majority of the HI trust fund savings under H.R. 3590 and the reconciliation proposal would be used to pay for other spending and therefore would not enhance the ability of the government to pay for future Medicare benefits."
Wild Thing'a comment........
Paul Ryan continues to impress. He is brilliant and is an excellent communicator. The sky's the limit for his future.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:49 AM
Awesome Speech By Congressman Steve King At Rally To Protest Obamacare
Wild Thing's comment.........
He is one of the handful of great ones we have. Thank God.
Notice how he does not hold back he calls it what it is...socialized medicine.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:48 AM
Barack Obama's Approval SINKING As People Finally Wake Up To His Anti-American Agenda
Obama and health care – how low can he go?
Unpopular legislation drives down president's approval ratings to record levels
Barack Obama's all-in push for government overhaul of health care, a national pollster states, is driving the sitting president's approval ratings to all-time lows, where more people now "strongly disapprove" of the job Obama's doing than "strongly" or even "somewhat approve" … combined.
"Each time the President leads a big push for his health-care plan, his job approval ratings suffer," concludes the newest Rasmussen Reports poll.
Breaking down the numbers, 44 percent of the likely voters surveyed by Rasmussen strongly disapprove of Obama's performance in office, while only 23 percent strongly approve, netting a Presidential Approval Index score of -21.
Even worse news for the White House, however, comes when adding in those that "somewhat approve" of Obama's performance. Only 43 percent of "somewhat" and "strongly approve" combined give the president a favorable rating, matching Obama's lowest numbers yet and totaling less than the 44 percent who most strongly disapprove.
The -21 score on Obama's Presidential Approval Index – derived from the difference between those that strongly approve and strongly disapprove – matches his worst ever, while the most recent poll marks only the second time in this presidency more respondents fell into the "strongly disapprove" category than "somewhat approve" and "strongly approve" combined.
When comparing apples to apples, a total of 56 percent at least somewhat disapprove to 43 percent who at least somewhat approve – a steep fall from the day after Obama's inauguration, when 65 percent approved and only 30 percent disapproved.
Rasmussen links the falling poll numbers to widespread opposition to the president's current push for health-care reform legislation. According to the pollster's other surveys:
* Eighty-one percent of voters believe the health care plan will cost more than projected
* Seventy-eight percent believe it at least somewhat likely that taxes will have to be raised on the middle class to cover the cost of health-care reform
* Sixty-six percent believe health-care plan proposed by President Obama and congressional Democrats is likely to increase the federal deficit
* Fifty-seven percent say the health-care plan being pushed through Congress will hurt the U.S. economy
* Fifty percent say they are less likely to vote for their representative in Congress if he or she supports the president's health-care plan (compared to 34 percent more likely)
* Only 20 percent of voters believe that most members of Congress will even understand the proposed health-care bill before they vote on it.
Wild Thing's comment........
Good and he will keep sinking too.
If the media was playing it straight Obama would be down to 15%. Then again, he wouldn't even have gotten elected if the media played it straight.
You are NOT our not our president Obama and never will be!
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (2)
America's Comeback
The video says throw the current bunch of corrupt liberal bums out, reign in the federal government and let people manage their own lives.
Wild Thing's comment........
We the people are going to bury these progressives.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:45 AM
HEY Socialists Obama, Pelosi, Reid and ALL Democrats! ....November is Coming!
These are citizens outside Obama's rally today in Fairfax, Virginia who were trying to let their voices be heard. They were warning Democrats that if they vote "yes" on ObamaCare, millions of Americans are going to vote "No" on them in November. "November is Coming," they warned.
Wild Thing's comment.........
And besides all the rallies going on, phone calls to the House numbered close to 100,000 an hour, creating a bottleneck in a phone system only meant to handle 50,000 calls an hour. The chamber has been similarly overloaded for four consecutive days, beginning on Tuesday when radio host Rush Limbaugh told viewers to call the Capitol switchboard phone number.
Phone Calls Continue to Batter Congress
Jeff Ventura, spokesman for Chief Administrative Officer Dan Beard, said the problem was essentially unsolvable. The issue lies with the capacity of the cables buried underneath the Capitol complex — and even if those could be dug up and replaced, Members simply don’t have enough staff to answer so many calls, he said.
“Our capacity rate is about 50,000 calls an hour, and once we hit the 40,000 mark, we start to get these signals,” he said. “We’re beyond that. There’s no other way to say it other than the system is at capacity.”
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:40 AM | Comments (1)
March 20, 2010
Actor Jon Voight Speaking At Tea Party Rally in DC Moments Ago
Wild Thing's comment......
When I woke up this morning I just sat and cried. Cried for our country, for our troops that serve under this POS, for our Veterans that have served and fought to keep us from a dictator and have to see this happening to our country.
This massively unpopular Health Care Monstrosity is being slammed through Congress for one reason... and the reason is not compassion for the poor. This bloodless "attack" is the major offensive in an obvious ideological war to force the American people into irreversable socialism.
The will of the people be damned. The Obama Doctrine is as Barack Obama has stated during his presidential campaign... to transform America. We are witnessing the overthrow of our political system and the destruction of our 234 year way of life.
Our country has fought numerous wars to protect our liberty. Virtual "rivers" of blood have been shed for over two centuries by American Patriots willing to sacrifice their lives for our freedom.
I truly believe America is again at war and the Democrat Party is the enemy.
God help us all!
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:57 PM | Comments (4)
Jon Voight Issues Call to Arms:DC Rally TODAY To Stop ObamaCare
This video is from November 2009...Actor Jon Voight Speaks Out Against ObamaCare As Unconstitutional
And he is asking anyone that can make it to be at the Rally today.
Jon Voight/Big Journalism
I am calling to all of you freedom-loving Americans to come once again to Washington D.C. to gather on the Capitol steps on Saturday, at 12 o’clock noon.
We must come by the thousands.
Speaker Pelosi will stop at nothing to fulfill her corrupt conquests. She will bring all of the corrupt ACORN liars to try to bully all the Democrats that may be having pangs of guilt knowing quite surely what their votes can and will do. If they’re bullied into saying “yes,” it will destroy America.
Join me and Rep. Michele Bachmann in Washington DC at 12 noon EST so we can give all the Democrats who know what the end result will be the courage to say: “No, do not pass this destructive bill.”
I’ll see you there.
Wild Thing's comment.......
I think most people will fight when they are pushed too far. I think many Americans will see this vote as an act of war on their freedoms...they should.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:55 AM | Comments (5)
Biden Says Obama Plans to ‘Control Insurance Companies’
Jake Tapper of ABC News took an interview with Vice President Joe "Foot in Mouth" Biden that contains a nugget of information that tends to prove that Barack Obama intends to destroy America's insurance industry and place it under the full control of the federal government.
Jack Tapper asked VP Biden what he'd been hearing from the members of the Democrat Congress that are vulnerable over this healthcare debate and Biden's reply let slip the administrations ultimate goal; full government control of the insurance industry. (My bold)
BIDEN: Well, I yes. Some of them I say they say, well, Joe, look, man, I mean, you know, you guys haven't massaged this very well. And, you know, this thing has gone on so long, I don't know. And my response is, hey, man, the proof of the pudding is in the eating. I'm telling you, you know, pre-existing, they're going to be covered.
You know we're going to control the insurance companies.
Granted Joe Biden is the court jester of the Obama Administration. He is a fool of the highest order. It would be easy to dismiss this silly little man's words. However, the idea that Obama wants to take full federal control of the insurance industry fits quite nicely with Obama's claims as a candidate -- that he was for a single payer plan all along.
Barack Obama fully intends to destroy the health insurance industry and replace it with a socialist nationalized healthcare program.
Wild Thing's comment........
Biden may be a fool, but even fools let the truth lose once in a while!
Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Pelosi voiced similar sentiments when Coburn moved to censure her. The Rats have a big fat vendetta on the “insurance industry.”
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:50 AM | Comments (5)
Awesome Krauthammer on Obamacare: 'Truth Stretched, Bent & Tortured to an Unbelievable Extent'
“Look, this sounds like the last hours of the presidential campaign in which the truth is stretched, bent and tortured to an unbelievable extent.”
Wild Thing's comment........
Thank you Charles!
I want to B*TCH slap anyone that thinks this is a good idea and I don't even know what it is but it sounds like something that would knock the sense into them.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:49 AM | Comments (2)
If Obamacare Passes What Will Happen by Election Day!
by Dick Morris
If the House Democratic majority passes Obama's health care proposals, one of two things will happen by Election Day, 2010 - and neither one will be healthy for the Democrats seeking re-election.
Either the Medicare cuts will take effect or they will be postponed by a terrified Congress.
If they take effect, physicians' fees will be slashed 21 percent and hospital reimbursements for Medicare patients will be cut by $1.3 billion. Tens of thousands of doctors and thousands of health care institutions - hospitals, hospices, outpatient clinics and such - will refuse to treat Medicare patients.
Entire cities will be without one doctor in important specialties who will take care of the elderly on Medicare. Particularly in fields like G.I. care or arthritic and joint pain, doctors will simply refuse to accept the low reimbursement rates they are being offered and hospitals will refuse all but emergency care to Medicare patients. In effect, the elderly will experience a doctors' strike against Medicare patients.
Congress, faced with this massive revolt coming right on the verge of the election, may back down and postpone the cuts. Originally, doctor reimbursement rates were scheduled to drop on March 1 of this year, but Congress postponed it until the fall. Now the Democrats in Congress will face not only cuts in doctors' fees but in all forms of Medicare reimbursement - the so-called "market basket" of cuts programmed into Obamacare.
Congress, being Congress, will probably seek to postpone the cuts until after Election Day. But in doing so, they would expose the deficit reduction and cost containment features of Obama's bill for the fraud that they are. The news media headlines would blare that Congress just voted to add tens or hundreds of billions to the deficit and the big spending, high borrowing image of Congress will worsen. All pretense that Obamacare is not a reckless spending bill will be stripped away and we will be face to face with the reality that it will add hugely to the deficit.
All this will come at precisely the time that House and Senate Democrats are scrambling to rebut the attacks of their Republican challengers over these very issues. If Congress votes to postpone the Medicare cuts, as a former Secretary of HHS predicted to me, they will have to answer for their fiscal irresponsibility right before the election.
Either poison - the cuts or the deficit - will be enough to eradicate an entire generation of House and Senate Democrats.
And these cuts will take place against a backdrop of continuing increases in health insurance premiums, no expansion of coverage (it doesn't kick in until 2013), and no tangible benefit from the Obama bill.
This is the prospect the House and Senate Democrats who vote for Obamacare will face in the fall of 2010. This is the record they will have to defend.
Or, they could save their political lives and vote no!
Wild Thing's comment.......
Good article by Morris. They have to decide if they love our country or not. Amyone that votes for this does NOT love America, anyone that is for it does not love our country. I don't care who it is, this is against all our country has stood for and our Constitution.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:48 AM | Comments (5)
Socialized Medicine Obamacare ~ Doctors Not Liking it and Obama has IRS Has Power to Penalize Americans Who Refuse
Medical Revolt Over Obamacare
CNSNews.com- Nearly one-third of all practicing physicians may leave the medical profession if President Obama signs current versions of health-care reform legislation into law, according to a survey published in the latest issue of the New England Journal of Medicine. The survey, which was conducted by the Medicus Firm, a leading physician search and consulting firm based in Atlanta and Dallas, found that a majority of physicians said health-care reform would cause the quality of American medical care to “deteriorate” and it could be the “final straw” that sends a sizeable number of doctors out of medicine.
Poll: 46% of Doctors Would Quit if Pro-Abortion Health Care Bill Passed
Washington, DC -- A new poll that should cause significant concerns for backers of the pro-abortion Senate health care bill finds nearly half the nation's physicians would consider quitting if the bill becomes law. The New England Journal of Medicine survey indicates 46 percent of doctors would consider leaving their practice.
Under Obamacare, IRS Has Power to Penalize Americans Who Refuse to Buy Required Insurance
In another indictment of Obamacare, a congressional report has found that the IRS will have the power to penalize, by means of fines, Americans who refuse to buy required, government insurance. This further, nauseating factor of Obamacare is actually merely a symptom of what the report by the House Ways and Means Committee is really saying: greatly expanded powers for the IRS to encroach upon the lives of average Americans. In the report titled "The Wrong Prescription: Democrats' Health Overhaul Dangerously Expands IRS Authority," other ills of Obamacare are outlined in ever more shocking detail.
Some of these include the power of the IRS under Obamacare to: confiscate Americans' tax refunds as a doubly insulting complement to aforementioned penalties for not buying government-mandated insurance; the likelihood of IRS audits (always nice around this time of year) increasing; and the swelling of an already unpopular bureaucracy by increasing by nearly 17000 the number of IRS auditors and agents!
Boehner to Pelosi: “Every Member Should Stand Before the American People and Announce Vote”
House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) today sent a letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) requesting that the final health care votes be recorded by “call of the roll” so that every lawmaker is required to publicly announce their vote on the House floor.
“This weekend’s votes will be among the most consequential votes we will ever cast as Members of Congress,” Boehner says in the letter to Speaker Pelosi. “As such, it is my belief that every Member should stand before the American people and announce his or her vote as the final decision is made.”
According to the rules of the House of Representatives, “Unless the Speaker directs otherwise, the Clerk shall conduct a record vote or quorum call by electronic device. … The Speaker may direct the Clerk to conduct a record vote or quorum call by call of the roll. In such a case the Clerk shall call the names of Members, alphabetically by surname.”
Wild Thing's comment.......
Obama and his gouls are domestic terrorists .
Good for John Boehnerl for his saying that. He again put them on the spot. If they won’t do it, taunt them. If the bill is so wonderful and if most American’s are truly for it, what’s the problem, what are you scared of? Why wouldn’t they stand for all the world to see them vote for this bill? The truth is, they know it’s crap and most know it’s real reason, and they’re scared of the hangman.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:47 AM | Comments (5)
Eric Holder: Detainees’ Lawyers Are “Patriots”
Obama’s Attorney General Eric Holder called far left lawyers who represented terrorist killers at Gitmo “patriots.”
Two weeks after a conservative group disparaged Justice Department lawyers who previously represented terror suspects, Attorney General Eric Holder on Friday weighed in for the first time, calling such lawyers “patriots.”
“Those who reaffirm our nation’s most essential and enduring values do not deserve to have their own values questioned,” Holder told a group of lawyers who offer “pro bono,” or voluntary, legal services. “Let me be clear about this: Lawyers who provide counsel for the unpopular are, and should be treated as what they are: patriots.”
The crowd, gathered to honor Holder with an award from the Washington-based Pro Bono Institute, erupted in applause.
For months the Justice Department had been refusing to identify seven politically-appointed attorneys who previously represented or advocated for terror suspects.
Wild Thing's comment........
No respect is deserved for those that represent the enemies of America that seek to destroy our country. Terrorists, the very scum with dreams of cutting off the heads of our children and murdering millions of American citizens deserve no quarter.
Traitors by any other name.... are still traitors.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:45 AM | Comments (3)
March 19, 2010
House Democrats Voted To Endorse “Slaughter Solution"
Eric Cantor Offers Resolution Denouncing The Democrat Leadership's Use Of The Slaughter Solution
Final vote 222-203 with six not voting. Names to remember. .
Republicans have decried the measure as extra-parliamentary and unconstitutional. Democrats have defended the process as well within the scope of regular congressional action, and White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said Thursday that President Barack Obama would sign a bill passed through such a process.
All Republican lawmakers who voted opposed the measure, which had the effect of ending the GOP’s effort to force a vote. They were joined by 28 Democrats, who broke with party members on the vote.
222 Democrats supported the measure, though, meaning enough to proceed. Three members of both parties did not vote.
Republicans had hoped for the separate vote to get Democratic lawmakers on record on the Senate bill, which includes some provisions on abortion, excise taxes, and other issues that House lawmakers find distasteful.
As this stand[s], Democrats plan a vote on a rule on Sunday that would make changes to the Senate-passed bill while deeming the original legislation to have passed the House.
Those who didn’t vote:
Dem Ackerman
GOP Hastings (WA)
GOP Hoekstra
Dem Lofgren, Zoe
Dem Stark
The 28 Dems who joined Republicans in opposing deem-and-pass cramdown: Adler (NJ) GOP Leader: “The ‘Slaughter Solution’ is nothing more than an incumbent protection program for Democrats afraid to stick their necks out because they know how much the American people oppose this bill.” WASHINGTON, DC NOTE: This “deem and enact” maneuver has been in existence since 1933, but used just six times in the history of the House of Representatives and never in this manner.
. Rep. Hoyer: House Does Not Need to Hold Direct Vote on Health Care Bill to Make It Law The procedural sleight of hand Hoyer was referring to has become know as the Slaughter Solution and would involve the House Rules Committee drafting a rule that would merely deem the Senate health bill passed if Congress approved a budget reconciliation measure. Because the Rules Committee, which is chaired by Rep. Louise Slaughter (D-N.Y.), drafts the terms under which bills are brought to the floor and debated, the Slaughter Solution would mean that a vote for the budget reconciliation bill would translate into a vote to pass (or not) the budget and health care bills simultaneously. However, the vote would be officially recorded as a vote on the budget bill only, thereby allowing House Democrats to say they never technically voted for the unpopular Senate health care bill. If the budget reconciliation bill passes with the Slaughter Solution, the Senate health care bill could then be sent to the White House for President Obama to sign it into law. Rep. Louise Slaughter (D-N.Y.), chairwoman of the House Committee on Rules, which threw out more than 200 amendments proposed for HR 3962, including 11 that required Congress and other government officials to sign on to the same government-run health plan they want for the American people. (AP Photo) When asked whether such a move on so weighty a bill would galvanize public opinion further against Democrats, Hoyer said that the public would merely ask, “So what?”
. So the Democrat leadership says the House doesn’t need to vote on a bill for it to become law. Then why do we bother to send people to Congress to represent us????? Un-Constitutional! This is not representative government! Prison terms should be the response to congressmen who violate the constitution!! Including the FREAK Obama. Let and loose the Dogs of War!
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:55 AM
| Comments (9)
'This makes Watergate look like Romper Room' That's the conclusion of some on the political right who are calling for the impeachment of Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi along with the defeat of the health legislation. "This is the overthrow of the U.S. constitutional system, orchestrated from the White House through the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid," said radio host Rush Limbaugh today. "This is beyond rational explanation and description. This makes Watergate look like Romper Room." At issue is the possibility that reforms pushed by President Obama and other Democrats will be approved without ever actually having a direct vote, but could be "deemed" to have been passed, then signed into law by Obama. The process is called the "Slaughter Strategy," named for Rep. Louise Slaughter, D-N.Y., who chairs the House Rules Committee. Indeed, Democrats could actually vote for the rule, yet still claim they're against the Senate bill. U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., agrees with Limbaugh that the "deem and pass" method is ludicrous and worthy of impeachment. "The other thing is treason media," Bachmann told radio host Sean Hannity. "Where is the mainstream media in all of this not telling this story? This is a compelling story, that the speaker of the House would even consider having us pass a bill that no one votes on? That should laugh her out of the House and there should be people that are calling for impeachment off of something like this. That's how bad this is. I mean, trust me. Dennis Hastert could have never gotten away with this. President Bush never could have gotten away with it." Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin said, "In our lifetime, this is the most undemocratic, un-American step that we'll have ever seen our Congress take. It's appalling. It takes my breath away that they would think that this is OK to do. But again, we can't feign surprise. Remember this is what Barack Obama had promised in the campaign. He said as a candidate that he was just days away from beginning the transformation of America." In a commentary posted at Carolina Journal, John Hood, president of the John Locke Foundation, said he's simply not going to comply with the legislation if it's not properly voted on: The Wall Street Journal noted the "deeming" procedure is unprecedented, since Congress has never before passed a comprehensive reform bill using the method. According to the Constitution itself, "Every Bill which shall have passed the House of Representatives and the Senate, shall, before it becomes a Law, be presented to the President of the United States." In an interview with Bret Baier of Fox News today, President Obama indicated he did not have a problem with the "deem and pass" method, and said, "By the time the vote has taken place, not only I will know what's in it, you'll know what's in it because it's going to be posted and everybody is going to be able to evaluate it on the merits." The controversy is inciting plenty of comments on Internet messageboards, including: "The enactment of Obamacare by a budgetary 'reconciliation' process in the Senate and by the 'Slaughter' process in the House makes the U.S. Congress a parliament of whores. I blame the San Francisco Democrats headed by Pelosi and Reid as well as Obama, who hails from the bowels of the Chicago political machine as the culprits responsible for tearing apart the U.S. Constitution in order for them to put into place their socialist, borderline fascist agenda. For the first time, I fear for my country."
Davis (AL)
Herseth Sandlin
Boehner: House Democrats Endorse “Slaughter Solution,” Vote to Protect Themselves Instead of Their Constituents
House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) issued the following statement after House Democrats voted to authorize the use of the controversial “Slaughter Solution” to force a massive government takeover of health care through the House without voting on it:“Today, House Democrats voted to protect themselves instead of their constituents, who are fed up with the lack of accountability and transparency in Washington. The ‘Slaughter Solution’ is nothing more than an incumbent protection program for Democrats afraid to stick their necks out because they know how much the American people oppose this bill. Speaker Pelosi, who promised to lead the ‘most honest, most open, and most ethical’ Congress in history, gave rank-and-file Democrats a chance to pass this job-killing monstrosity without actually voting on it and they jumped at the opportunity.
“This legislative trick has been around for a long time, but it’s never been used for a bill so controversial and so massive in scope. Republicans will continue to stand up for taxpayers and fight to ensure they get a clean, up-or-down vote on the Senate-passed health care bill. The American people won’t let House Democrats hide from this vote.”
House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) confirmed that the House of Representatives will use the controversial “Slaughter Solution” – named for Rep. Louise Slaughter (D-N.Y.) who crafted it -- to enact the Senate version of health care reform legislation
Speaking to reporters at his weekly Capitol Hill briefing on Tuesday, Hoyer said the Senate would use a so-called self-enacting rule to pass the Senate bill, which would allow them to avoid actually voting on the bill itself. “We’re going to vote on a bill, on a rule, which would provide for the result that, if a majority are for it, that will adopt a bill, the Senate bill, which has had extensive debate, extensive exposure,” Hoyer said.
“Does anybody in this room doubt that you have to vote on that?” he said. “We will vote on it, in one form or another.”
“So what, says the American public?” Hoyer said. “What they’re interested in (is) what result, what did you do for me and my family to make my life more secure and better (and) of greater quality. And that’s what we’re trying to do.”
Wild Thing's comment........
They took an Oath which meant nothing to them, about a Constitution about which they could care less,
representing People on whom they act like parasites."May God have mercy upon my enemies, because I won't." - General George Patton
DEMOCRATS Health-care 'trickery' Called Overthrow of Constitution It Is TREASON!
Health-care 'trickery' called overthrow of Constitution
America's system of government based on the U.S. Constitution is being overthrown through illegal legislative "trickery" Congress is using to pass controversial health-care reform.
Discussing the need for this procedure, Pelosi said: "I like it, because people don't have to vote on the Senate bill." I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm not planning to recognize such a result as legally binding. I'm not going to pretend to obey any dictates from federal health-care bureaucrats that have never been authorized by a constitutional vote of both houses of Congress. I will not submit to any extra-constitutional order to dismantle the consumer-driven health plan I have set up for my employees.
I will not comply. If the government tries to make me comply, I'll sue. And I'll win.
This is not (yet) a banana republic where constitutions are seen as inconvenient impediments to the rule of the despot. This is not (yet) a European-style welfare state where some powerful parliament can exercise legislative, executive, and judicial power all in one stroke.
Limbaugh expounded on the "deem and pass" procedure the House is considering, saying, "The word 'deemed' means what? It means pretend!" "Maybe we can just deem our tax returns to have been filed. But we don't actually file 'em. We just deem our taxes to have been paid. We just deem it! I mean, if they can deem to have passed laws, we can certainly say that we are 'deemed' to have complied with them."
Former Clinton adviser Dick Morris told Fox anchor Bill O'Reilly the Slaughter tactic is "a ruse that is gonna fall apart of its own weight. People are massing against it as they see how phony it is."
He said it was based on the "ridiculous assumption" the public won't know a vote for the rule is actually a vote for the health-care bill.
O'Reilly agreed, noting, "This sneaky 'deem' deal isn't going to happen because the folks will not tolerate it."
"Appears constitutional to me. Now that Democrats are in the majority, [Republicans] seem to respond in a negative way to every proposal recommended. Health-care reform is needed in this country now. ... Stop griping."
"If this unconstitutional move gets pushed through, there needs to be an organized effort to impeach both Nancy Pelosi and President Obama for not standing by their swearing in pledge to 'uphold the Constitution of the United States.' We must hold Congress and those that represent the people accountable for their actions, and the action needs to be immediate!"
"It appears we are headed full-circle back to taxation without representation. Does anyone remember how that turned out the first time?"
Wild Thing's comment........
The bill itself is an overthrow of the Constitution. Individual rights and collective rights cannot coexist in one legal system.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:50 AM | Comments (2)
Sen.Tom Coburn: Senate Republicans Will Watch for Sweetheart Deals in Health Care
Senator Tom Coburn MD (R-OK) warned House Democrats yesterday.
“We will find out and out you if you sell your vote.”
From the Senate Republican Doctors Show today:
Republicans have a message for Democrats considering switching to "yes" on health care reform: We'll be watching you.
Senator Tom Coburn ( R - OKLAHOMA) warned members of the House of Representatives that Republican senators will watch carefully for any deals the White House or Democratic leaders make with members in exchange for their votes.
Senator Tom Coburn threatened House Democrats– We will out you for selling your vote.
“I want to send a couple of messages to my colleagues in the House. If you voted “no” and you vote “yes” and you lose your election, and you think any nomination for a federal position isn’t going to be held up in the Senate, I’ve got news for you. It will be held.
Number two is if you get a deal, a parochial deal for you or your district, I’ve already instructed my staff and the staff of 7 other senators that we will look at every appropriations bill at every level at every incidence and we will outline it by district and we will associate that with the buying of your vote. So, if you think you can cut a deal now and it can not come out until after the election, I want to tell you that that aint gonna happen. And, be prepared to defend selling your vote in the House.”
A senior Senate GOP aide told Fox News that his staff found what he says is a sweetheart deal for Tennessee, aimed at Rep. Bart Gordon, D-Tenn., who just flipped to a "yes" vote.
The bill includes a provision that the aide said would provide the state with additional federal funding for Medicaid expenses.
Wild Thing's commnet........
Outstanding. The strong ones are showing up, Ryan, Pence, and severl others. The weaK ones like McCain are still tying to be oh so friendly. Hell this is war and they all better realize it.
Doctor Senator Tom Coburn is up for reelection this year. It’s for his second term and he has already said that his second term will be his final term.
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:49 AM
Frank Luntz: " The Unabomber Has a Higher Approval Rating Than Members of Congress"
Analyst Frank Luntz was on Hannity last night.
Sean Hannity: Let’s go to Nancy Pelosi to responding to why it’s been hard to acquire the votes necessary. Here’s what she said.
Pelosi: Every vote is a heavy lift. We have great diversity in our caucus. We don’t have a rubber stamp Congress. (hah) or rubber stamp Caucus. So we have our full airing of issues. Members want to see these figures. They want to see what the senate will do. We like the dynamic in our caucus. But it does show the impact of the campaign of misrepresentation of fear that is going on out there. There is no limit to what the other side will do to protect the insurance companies (Huh?)
Sean Hannity: Wow. And they’re the ones who met with the pharmaceutical companies. How well did that go over?
Frank Luntz: “We don’t have a rubber stamp Congress?” Make no mistake, when someone says we don’t have “X” that means this is exactly what we have. And, when she said it is a misrepresentation by the other side and its promotion of fear, the fact is she’s actually disqualifying those opposed to this legislation. I think that is why the intensity is so much in favor of the Republicans right now on this issue. And, that is why only 37% of Americans support this. Nancy Pelosi is right. The American people are afraid. She’s just not listening… Sean, yes, the Unabomber has a higher favorability rating than some members of Congress right now.
Wild Thing's comment........
Good one Frank! “Pelosi-Reid Congress has a lower approval rating than the Unabomber.”
The Unabomber did far less damage and hurt far fewer people.
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:47 AM | Comments (3)
Mike Pence: "America, We Can Win This Fight"
Wild Thing's comment..........
I realy like Mike Pence. He has a lot of passion and you can hear it in his voice and love for our country.
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:45 AM
" That Ain't My America " Obama's Way and Agenda.....Well Done Video.
Wild Thing's comment........
Excellent video with lots of clips from the evil dictator and some of the people in his life.
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:40 AM
March 18, 2010
Bret Baier NAILS Obama! A MUST See Interview!
Bret Baier Interviews President Obama (Part 1) - 03/17/10
Bret Baier Interviews President Obama (Part 2) - 03/17/10
Obama To Bret Baier "You Keep on Interrupting"
Bret said to him..... " I know you don't like to filabuster" LMAO slam by Vret and oh it was beautiful!!!!!!
Barack Obama says he will support the criminal “deem and pass” vote in the House.
Obama says Washington is concerned about this but Americans are not so much worried about process.
Bret Baier is nailed Obama with all of the tricks, deceit, backroom deals, lies, etc. with Obamacare.
Obama says most people outside of Washington don’t pay much attention to procedural rules.
FOX News
“I don’t spend a lot of time worrying about what the procedural rules are in the House or Senate,” Obama said. “What I can tell you is that the vote that’s taken in the House will be a vote for health care reform. And if people vote yes, whatever form that takes, that is going to be a vote for health care reform. And I don’t think we should pretend otherwise. And if they don’t, if they vote against it, then they’re going to be voting against health care reform and they’re going to be voting in favor of the status quo.
“So Washington gets very concerned with these procedures in Congress, whether Republicans are in charge or Democrats are in charge,” he said.
Obama just approved the Louisiana Purchase!
Obama says it affects every state that goes through a natural disaster. (You lie!)
Florida deal?
Obama: Won’t say.
Baier: I know you don’t want to talk about process but there are a lot of questions here about process….
Obama: The bill will be posted about so people will know what is in it.
Baier: But this is one-sixth of the American economy?
Obama: But most people will not be affected by this (lie!)
Obama: Yes it’s one-sixth of the economy. We are saying we should have protections from insurance company abuses. This notion that this has not been transparent (lie).
Baier: Connecticut? $100 million
Obama: The final provisions will be posted.
** This is the best interview so far that any reporter has had with Obama.
Baier: This proposal makes Medicare stronger. But, CEO says $500 billion will not be spent in Medicare. Where is this being spent?
Obama: Most of those savings go back to help seniors (lie). Each year we’re spending less on Medicare overall.
Baier: Your guys says this will not help Medicare.
Obama: This will not help Medicare.
Baier: You call this deficit neutral?
Obama: The doctor’s fix has nothing to do with my health care bill. Let me finish.
Obama: I came in when we had the toughest challenges since the Great Depression (lie)
We’re doing a whole bunch of things on this economy.
Baier: To finish up… Do you think this pile of crap will pass:
Obama: I do. I know these things might not be popular but over time it will be seen as the right thing to do.
Wild Thing's comment......
I LOVE it, Bret is did so great! He left Obama in shambles, quivering. Bret showed the rest of the press how to do it ! This is one interview that I hope everyone gets to see. It is hard to stomach Obama in any way. But LOL this time it is almost worth the sea sick feeling and anger. This guy Obama has NOTHING about him that is presidential, he is so far out of his element.
For Obama to suggest that procedure doesn't matter is against the very rule of law he is suppposed to be upholding...he is a con-artist.
Obama was at his worst when he tried to explain how the $500 billion cut in Medicare could be spent in two different places at the same time. He was very was angry and condescending.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 AM | Comments (10)
Obama Approves of "Louisiana Purchase"
He was trying to defend the "Louisiana Purchase" special deal that was given to Louisiana Sen. Mary Landrieu to get her vote. He was saying that he agreed with that deal because it helped a state with a natural disaster to recover. That led him to use Hawaii as an example:
This LINK is the transcript of the entire interview at FOX
Obama said he agreed with “The Louisiana Purchase” in Obamacare because it also covered the earthquake in Hawaii.
BAIER: Do you know which specific deals are in or out, as of today?
OBAMA: I am certain that we’ve made sure, for example, that any burdens on states are alleviated, when it comes to what they’re going to have to chip in to make sure that we’re giving subsidies to small businesses, and subsidies to individuals, for example.
BAIER: So the Connecticut deal is still in?
OBAMA: So that’s not — that’s not going to be something that is going to be in this final package. I think the same is true on all of these provisions. I’ll give you some exceptions though.
Something that was called a special deal was for Louisiana. It was said that there were billions — millions of dollars going to Louisiana, this was a special deal. Well, in fact, that provision, which I think should remain in, said that if a state has been affected by a natural catastrophe, that has created a special health care emergency in that state, they should get help. Louisiana, obviously, went through Katrina, and they’re still trying to deal with the enormous challenges that were faced because of that.
OBAMA: That also — I’m giving you an example of one that I consider important. It also affects Hawaii, which went through an earthquake. So that’s not just a Louisiana provision. That is a provision that affects every state that is going through a natural catastrophe.
Now I have said that there are certain provisions, like this Nebraska one, that don’t make sense. And they needed to be out. And we have removed those. So, at the end of the day, what people are going to be able to say is that this legislation is going to be providing help to small businesses and individuals, across the board, in an even handed way, and providing people relief from a status quo that’s just not working.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Has he lost his mind???? Maybe Obama is thinking of an earthquake was in one of our other 57 states
Hawaii has had only two major earthquakes, one in 1868 and one in 1975 which killed 77 people and two people respectively.
And the the "Louisiana Purchase" was only for exactly one state - Louisiana.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM
Laura Ingraham ~ Dennis Kucinich "the cheapest date on Capitol Hill"
Laura Ingraham calling Ohio Democrat Rep. Dennis Kucinich "the cheapest date on Capitol Hill," in light of the news he was switching his vote from "No" to "Yes" on the Senate Health Care Bill. Kucinich was roundly criticizing the bill last week, and saying he would vote against it. But after a trip on Air Force One with Obama, everything has changed.
"All you had to do was give him some of those paper napkins with the Presidential Seal on it, and a few jelly beans and M & M's with the seal on it. He's like, 'Last week I said this thing was a raw deal, I'm for it now. Could I have more of those napkins please?' I mean, it's embarrassing."
Wild Thing's comment.......
LOL she is so funny. Good one Laura!!!
Back-Room Deals = Bribes !!
So now we know Kucinich can be bought and what his price is.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:49 AM | Comments (1)
There Is No Bill But the Senate Bill
Cafferty: "Just when you think you've seen in all in Washington along comes something like this. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi may try to pass the Health Care Reform bill without making members vote on it..Politically speaking this is beyond sleazy. It's meant to protect House Democrats who are all running for reelection in November from having to make a tough vote up or down on Health Care Reform"
There Is No Bill But the Senate Bill
Morning Bell at The Heritage Foundation
Another day, another poll showing President Barack Obama’s health care plan is wildly unpopular with the American people. Yesterday NBC News/The Wall Street Journal released their latest poll showing that the percentage of Americans who believe President Obama’s health care plan is a bad idea (48%) is at the highest level since they started asking the question last year. Only 36% of Americans are willing to call the plan a “good idea” which is up a whole four points from the time when House Rules Committee Chair Louise Slaughter (D-NY) wrote this about the Senate health plan:
"Under the Senate plan, millions of Americans will be forced into private insurance company plans, which will be subsidized by taxpayers. That alternative will do almost nothing to reform health care but will be a windfall for insurance companies. … Supporters of the weak Senate bill say “just pass it — any bill is better than no bill.”
I strongly disagree — a conference report is unlikely to sufficiently bridge the gap between these two very different bills. It’s time that we draw the line on this weak bill and ask the Senate to go back to the drawing board. The American people deserve at least that.
The Senate health bill is so unpopular, even among House Democrats, that the leftist House leadership is desperately trying to trick the American people into believing that the House can pass the Senate bill without voting on it. Hence the Slaughter Rule which would deem the Senate bill passed at the same time the House would approve a new reconciliation bill. Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) was crystal clear on her motives this week telling a group of leftist bloggers:
“It’s more insider and process-oriented than most people want to know. But I like it because people don’t have to vote on the Senate bill.”
There is one increasingly glaring problem with Pelosi’s pass-the-bill-without-voting plan: it is proving impossible to draft that reconciliation bill. The Democrats first promised to unveil their new bill last Wednesday. Then Thursday. Then Friday. Then Monday. Then last night. As of this morning, still nothing. Democrats say they are waiting for a score from the Congressional Budget Office before they release their bill, but there is nothing stopping them from releasing whatever text they have now and then publicizing the CBO score when it comes back. But they are not choosing that open and transparent path.
As we reported last week, getting a CBO score consistent with reconciliation is going to be very difficult. According to House rules, a reconciliation measure must reduce the deficit by at least $2 billion over five years compared to existing law. In this case, however, “existing law” would be the yet-to-be-passed Senate bill. And all of the changes Democrats want to make to the Senate bill (scaling back the tax on high-end health insurance policies; closing the Medicare D loophole; boosting insurance subsidies; increasing Medicaid payments; and expanding the Cornhusker Kickback to all) either increase spending or decrease revenue. Which means the Democrats have to identify new revenues to make the CBO score work. And as Congressional Quarterly reported yesterday, Democrats have not yet identified the right pay-fors to game the CBO right. That is why House Leadership has not unveiled their new bill yet: they can’t figure out how to pay for it.
Not that it really matters if they ever do. The reconciliation bill is never going to become law. The Senate will never pass it. They have no reason to. The Senate likes the existing Senate bill. That’s why it’s called “the Senate bill” … they are the ones who passed it. The White House also likes the Senate bill. As soon as the House passes it, President Obama will sign it and then leave for Asia. That’s it. Obamacare will be, as White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs promised last Sunday, “the law of the land.” After the Senate bill is law, what could possibly motivate the White House, let alone the Senate, to ever pick up the yet-to-be-written House reconciliation bill?
This is why the White House political machine is pulling out all the stops to get the House to pass the toxic Senate bill. Democratic National Committee Vice Chair Donna Brazile is actively encouraging primary challenges to Democrats who vote against the Senate bill. One House Democrat aide tells Politico: “We’re having donors, even donors outside of our district, that are being called and asked to urge support.” For her part Speaker Pelosi is relishing the bare knuckle fight telling reporters yesterday: “I never stop whipping. There’s no beginning, there’s no middle, and there’s no end.” Let’s just hope her members remember which bill she’s really whipping them on.
Wild Thing's comment........
God help us all!
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:48 AM | Comments (4)
They Fought for You now You Fight for Them by Russ Vaughn
They Fought for You now You Fight for Them
by Russ Vaughn
Recently Alan Fraser posted a blog article on AT that showed that the one group of professionals the American public has the most confidence in is the military. That comes as no surprise to those of us who have served within the military system because we learned very quickly that the military is one institution of American culture that operates by strict codes of behavior governing ethics and honor. Repeated failures to conduct oneself by the tenets of those codes can get one's butt kicked out of the military quickly and unceremoniously with a less than desirable discharge.
As a former non-commissioned officer, it is my observation that the system winnows out those with problems adhering to these comparatively strict codes of behavior and tends to reward and advance those who function best within them. Sure, there are self-serving bad eggs who manipulate the system for their personal benefit and aggrandizement, John Kerry and the late John Murtha come to mind, and more recently Eric Massa, but for the most part, successful military leaders tend to be men and women of honor who carry in their hearts a strong sense of service to the nation and a sworn oath to defend the Constitution.
Contrast that with what we have serving in our Congress and our current administration. The contrasts are stark and meaningful. For that reason, Americans should go to this website. There you will find a list of 22 combat veterans from across the country, who are seeking to dislodge many of the liberal incumbents who hold the American people in such contempt. I have immediate knowledge of only one person on the list, my former congressman, Steve Pearce, a strong conservative who gave up his seat to run for the senate and was defeated in the Democrat sweep of 2008. He is running again for his old congressional seat, currently occupied by a Democrat, and in the early polls, Steve is winning. He will get my support and my vote.
Another quality that all good military leaders and very few career politicians possess is a strong sense of loyalty to their troops/constituents. To use an example that most readers can identify with, think of LTC Hal Moore, (later LT GEN) the battalion commander played by Mel Gibson in the hit movie, We Were Soldiers Once, and Young. If you've seen this film, you know the quality of leadership I'm talking about. And the movie depicted him factually. I know because I served side by side with COL Moore for a very intense two days of combat as one of his radio operators during the little-known but important battle at Truong Luong in Vietnam in 1966.
Think about Mel Gibson's character and then think about how we can use that kind of bravery, integrity and loyalty in our political leaders. Go to this webpage and check out these combat veterans who want to continue their public service. If you are a constituent of any of them as I am, you should think very seriously about giving them that chance to serve once again with your vote and your financial support. And all of them can use your financial assistance regardless of where you reside. They've fought for you; now you fight for them.
Oh, and I saved the very best part for last; none of them are Democrats. Surprised?
Wild Thing's comment........
We are about to lose our Republic and men such as these are needed right now. God bless them all for stepping up to the bat.
"...Oh, and I saved the very best part for last; none of them are Democrats. Surprised?
No, not surprised in the least.
....Thank you Tom for sending this to me.
US Army Aviation
Vietnam 1966-68
US Army Special Forces
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (4)
Keep Flooding Congress With Calls
For only the second time in history, Rush asks us to call the switchboard.
Capitol Switchboard: 877-762-8762
The toll call number, the direct toll number is 202-224-3121
Note: the Toll-Free number above will ONLY work to get you to the Congressional Switchboard (in Washington, DC)--- so you can then ask for the individual congressman by name. That's for free
Keep Up the Pressure, America: Flood Congress with Calls, E-Mails
It was so bad that people inside couldn't call out, either. They were having to use their cell phones to get out of there. I know a couple people who are journalists, and they said they couldn't get through to their secret sources and their secret sources inside the Capitol couldn't reach them. They had to go outside, use a cell phone or something.
I don't see any reason to stop this. In fact, I don't think you have let up.
I guess this is the third time now that I'm -- or maybe I could just say this is a continuation of yesterday, still only the second time in history that I have advocated this. And there's no better time than now. It is really crucial. I think all these phone calls that you made yesterday, there's no question at all they had an impact. I mean everybody noted it at the Capitol Hill switchboard.
The Code Red Target List
Here is a view of how each representative voted last November and their current status. Make sure they hear from you.
You can click to call or write the Democrats below and tell them to vote ‘NO!
Wild Thing's comment.......
Our very liberty and freedom depends on the death of this monstrous legislation. Please continue to make calls! The battle is now!!!
....Thank you Richard for sending this to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:45 AM | Comments (4)
The Martyr’s Prize ~ A Tale Of American Exceptionalism
The Martyr's Prize: A Tale of American Exceptionalism and Ruthlessness in the Age of Religiously Inspired Terrorism.
For Kyle Simms and Jason Lanford, the discovery of a roadside-bomb tutorial will prove a seminal event, changing every aspect of their lives from that moment forward. Posted to an extremist website, the meticulous schematics hint at a new era—one in which the daily death and destruction previously confined to third-world hellholes is to be brought to the American heartland.
A mere touch of the sticky silk is all it takes, and the two find themselves drawn into a world so foreign, both literally and figuratively, that they are forced to reassess everything they previously understood about the history of Western Civilization and the global war on terror.
The Martyr’s Prize tells a tale of American exceptionalism, paying homage to the heroism and professionalism of our Special Forces and Counterterrorism communities while delivering a profound message—the alarming non-fiction groundwork, already in place and presented in the actual words of our enemies, for the future subjugation of the West. This plan, to bring about the elimination of all belief systems beyond their own, is at once spellbinding and horrifying in the face of its likely success.
The author:
Brooks William Kelley is a counterterrorism and news junkie who lives in the American West with his wife and two dogs. He graduatedVillanova University’s School of Business, earning a BSBA with concentrations in Economics and Finance. He has enjoyed success in commercial banking and real estate development. Viewers should not be misled by this website. The author is not a veteran of any of the armed services, only a huge fan of what they do, and not a day goes by when he doesn't hold each and every one of our fighting men and women in his prayers.
From the author:
"We live in The New Orwellian World, where an ongoing public relations battle keeps us continually on our heels. We’re in retreat—at all times—because we spend an inordinate amount of energy narcissistically worrying about whether we’re “good” or not. During a period when we should be extolling the virtues of Western Civilization, attention is instead focused on convincing those who would gladly bring WMDs to downtown Manhattan that we ourselves are not racists. As a reader, you should know that books and movies are being spiked out of fear; fear that those in the media world might be placed in jeopardy—and for fear that you’ll learn the true motivations of our enemies. The Martyr’s Prize pulls no punches in placing blame squarely where it belongs."
Brooks William Kelley at Facebook
Wild Thing's comment......
Brooks is a friend on Facebook. He wrote to me about his book and I was impresssed with what he had done. I wanted to share about his book with all of you.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:44 AM | Comments (2)
Biden Mistakenly Blesses Irish Leader's Mother ~ Biden Gaffeaholic
Biden Mistakenly Blesses Irish Leader's Mother
Joe Biden asked for God's blessing for the late mother of Irish Prime Minister Brian Cowen during a White House celebration of St. Patrick's Day — except the elderly lady is very much alive.
"God rest her soul," Biden said Wednesday night as he introduced Cowen and President Barack Obama. He quickly caught himself and noted that it's Cowen's father who is no longer living. Of the prime minister's mother, Biden said, "God bless her soul."
Biden then cited the Irish proverb that "a silent mouth is sweet to hear" and yielded the podium to the president.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Another “Stand Up Chuck!” moment from Rimshot Joe.
LOL Biden couldn’t organize a 2 car funeral..
Our entire country should be embarassed to have Biden and Obama in power.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:42 AM | Comments (1)
Obama Won’t Fly the U.S. Flag in Haiti
The Cubans, French, Brits, and Croations have no problem flying their flags
Obama won’t fly the US flag in Haiti
Flap flies in Haiti over U.S. flag absence
The U.S. flag has flown in Haiti under circumstances that were not always friendly.
In 1915, Marines invaded Haiti to restore stability after several coups. In 1986, President Ronald Reagan pressured dictator Jean-Claude "Baby Doc" Duvalier to renounce his rule and leave. In 1994, President Bill Clinton sent troops to prop up President Jean-Bertrand Aristide. In 2004, President George W. Bush's administration eased Aristide out of office amid a brutal civil war.
The many nations helping Haiti recover from the devastating earthquake that struck there have set up their own military compounds and fly their flags at the entrances.
France’s tricolor, Britain’s Union Jack and even Croatia’s coat of arms flap in the breeze.
But the country whose contributions dwarf the rest of the world’s — the United States — has no flag at its main installation near the Port-au-Prince airport.
The lack of the Stars and Stripes does not sit well with some veterans and servicemembers who say the U.S. government should be proud to fly the flag in Haiti, given the amount of money and manpower the U.S. is donating to help the country recover from the Jan. 12 quake.
The Obama administration says flying the flag could give Haiti the wrong idea.
“We are not here as an occupation force, but as an international partner committed to supporting the government of Haiti on the road to recovery,” the U.S. government’s Haiti Joint Information Center said in response to a query about the flag.
The absence of the American flag bothers Navy veteran Arthur Herriford, national president of the Pearl Harbor Survivors Association.
“It’s very improper,” Herriford said. “Our military people always engage and function under the American colors — always have and always will.”
Army Col. Billy Buckner, spokesman for Joint Task Force-Haiti, a group representing various Obama administration agency heads, said the decision not to fly the American flag was made out of respect as guests of the government of Haiti.
"It is no mystery that U.S. forces are on the ground, and we proudly wear an American flag on our right sleeve," he said.
U.S. Air Force air operations specialists and FAA air-traffic controllers manage air traffic at Haiti's main airport, where millions of dollars in aid from the United States has been arriving for weeks. More than 12,000 U.S. military personnel support relief operations.
"Our commanders are smart and intuitively understand their mission here in Haiti, and clearly the sensitivities that come with supporting the mission," Buckner said.A U.S. flag went up at a temporary consular station set up in the first few days on the airport tarmac, according to Charles Luoma-Overstreet, a State Department spokesman in Haiti.
"Apparently, the prime minister (Jean-Max Bellerive) saw this" and thought it appeared as if the United States were taking over the airport, Luoma-Overstreet said.
He said Bellerive said something to U.S. Ambassador Kenneth Merten, who agreed that flying the flag wasn't a good idea and told the consular officials to take it down.
Don Hollenbaugh, a former Army Delta Force operator who received the Distinguished Service Cross for actions in Fallujah, Iraq, in 2004.
"Everybody in the world knows the U.S. is there," Hollenbaugh said. "So by not flying the flag, we're not changing anyone's mind about anything."
Wild Thing's comment.......
Does this also mean that bags and boxes of donated food won't say Product Of The USA.
Castro and Chavez has already accused the USA of invading and occupying Haiti. We all know that is BS, but Obama feels like they do.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:40 AM | Comments (4)
March 17, 2010
Happy St. Patricks Day Everyone

"The Minstrel Boy to the war is gone In the ranks of death you will find him; His father's sword he hath girded on, And his wild harp slung behind him; "Land of Song!" said the warrior bard, "Tho' all the world betrays thee, One sword, at least, thy rights shall guard, One faithful harp shall praise thee!" -- Verse from the Minstrel Boy
by Thomas Moore
The Minstrel Boy to the war is gone
In the ranks of death you will find him;
His father's sword he hath girded on,
And his wild harp slung behind him;"
Land of Song!" said the warrior bard,
"Tho' all the world betrays thee,
One sword, at least, thy rights shall guard,
One faithful harp shall praise thee!"
The Minstrel fell! But the foeman's chain
Could not bring that proud soul under;
The harp he lov'd ne'er spoke again,
For he tore its chords asunder;
And said "No chains shall sully thee,
Thou soul of love and brav'ry!
Thy songs were made for the pure and free,
They shall never sound in slavery!"
An emotionally stirring and inspirational song, The Minstrel Boy was written by Thomas Moore (1779-1852) who set it to the melody of The Moreen, and old Irish aire. It is believed by many that Moore composed the song as a memorial to several of his friends he had met while a student at Trinity College and who had participated in the 1798 rebellion of the United Irishmen. One died in prison, another was wounded, and a third captured and hung. The song originally consisted of two verses. Due to its popularity, the song was a favorite of the many Irishmen who fought during the U.S. Civil War, primarily on the Union side. It was at this time that a third verse was added by unknown authors:
The Minstrel Boy will return we pray
When we hear the news we all will cheer it,
The minstrel boy will return one day,
Torn perhaps in body, not in spirit.
Then may he play on his harp in peace,
In a world such as Heaven intended,
For all the bitterness of man must cease.
This song plays over the closing credits of the 2001 movie " Black Hawk Down". It has appeared, in various recordings, in a surprising number of movies, including 'The Informer', 'Untamed Heart', 'Gods & Generals', 'Gettysburg', 'The Departed', 'Rough Riders', 'The Man Who Would Be King', as well as episodes of Star Trek:TNG and Star Trek:DS9.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:55 AM | Comments (7)
Republican vs. Democrat Women
Wild Thing's comment......
LOL Saw this from one of my friends at Facebook. Nick and I thought you all might like to see it too.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:50 AM | Comments (6)
Pelosi: 'I Never Stop Whipping ... My Life Is a Constant Whip Operation'
Pelosi: 'I Never Stop Whipping ... My Life Is a Constant Whip Operation'
Wild Thing's comment........
LOL hahahahah I have a visual, and it’s not pretty. Nutty Nan with a whip and Harry (weasel) Reid...I think I need therapy now...LOL
The idiocy of this woman is as insufferable and insulting to the intelligence as her monumental arrogance.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:49 AM | Comments (9)
Sen. Hatch ~ "It Doesn't Take Any Brains to Realize These People Are Nuts! "
Sen. Hatch on Dems Health Care Push: "It Doesn't Take Any Brains to Realize These People Are Nuts! "
Wild Thing's comment.........
They are nuts and much worse. They are socialists, communists, progressives, liberals, haters of America, you name it. And everyone that votes for this is a traitor to our country.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:48 AM | Comments (5)
Pressure Your Representative to Stop Certain Disaster by Colonel Bob Pappas, USMC, Retired
Pressure Your Representative to Stop Certain Disaster
by Colonel Bob Pappas, USMC, Retired
We are at a critical time in American History, never before has there been such an overt concerted effort on the part of socialist/Marxist to impose their form of social and economic system on America.
Those who have been born into, been nurtured, supported and advanced courtesy of the “government” believe that it is the normal way things are. They grew up in a compartmentalized universe supported by taxpayers and since that is all they know, they believe that is the way it is and should be for everyone. Such Americans and illegal immigrants don’t have a clue as to who their benefactors really are; please allow an introduction: TAXPAYERS!
The Federal Government has enacted a number of social programs over the years that benefit those, who apart from a particular socio-economic program would be forced to rely on their own efforts and resourcefulness.
That fact has unfortunate consequences, government screws things up because in each instance where an economic program favors one over another, the opposite “number” is deprived. Establishing quotas is evil if not unconstitutional, so in “PC” talk, quotas are called, “goals.” Despite the trillions of dollars spent on such programs with quotas, progress has been pathetically slow and painfully ineffective.
Since Obama became President, despite all the whining about the “hand he was dealt,” he has spent or planned to spend more money than all other Administrations in history combined. As much as one may disdain GW Bush’s freewheeling spending, the canard that “it’s Bush’s fault” doesn’t “fly.” Obama should grow up and wise up.
Now he and many Democrats in Congress are working to impose a health care system on Americans that will increase spending that would extend indefinitely into the future and apart from reducing every American to slavery to foot the bill, they have only vague ideas and a lot of “snake oil sales pitches” as to where the money would come from. Most Americans support health care reform, but without destroying the best medical care system and economy in the world. Yes. It can be done but not the present proposal.
Democrats need to give it a break, start over; and next time make it a bi-partisan effort, not the political freeze-out of the past twelve months. Next time do it in an open, honest, and transparent bi-partisan debate as to how to proceed; pound out a proposal that would be fair and balanced.
It’s an idea whose time has come! Washington! Do it!
Semper Fidelis
Wild Thing's comment.......
" reducing every American to slavery to foot the bill"
So true, if this bill passes it will make us all slaves to the government.
American Dream it sure was nice to know you, if Obamacare passes.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:47 AM | Comments (2)
IRS Visits Sacramento Carwash In Pursuit Of 4 Cents
A midtown fixture for years, Harv's Car Wash was a target for the Internal Revenue service for a delinquent tax bill of 4 cents
IRS visits Sacramento carwash in pursuit of 4 cents
It was every businessperson's nightmare.
Arriving at Harv's Metro Car Wash in midtown Wednesday afternoon were two dark-suited IRS agents demanding payment of delinquent taxes. "They were deadly serious, very aggressive, very condescending," says Harv's owner, Aaron Zeff.
The really odd part of this: The letter that was hand-delivered to Zeff's on-site manager showed the amount of money owed to the feds was ... 4 cents.
Inexplicably, penalties and taxes accruing on the debt – stemming from the 2006 tax year – were listed as $202.31, leaving Harv's with an obligation of $202.35.
Zeff, who also owns local parking lots and is the president of the Midtown Business Association, finds the situation a bit comical.
"It's hilarious," he says, "that two people hopped in a car and came down here for just 4 cents. I think (the IRS) may have a problem with priorities."
Now he's trying to figure out how penalties and interest could climb so high on such a small debt. He says he's never been told he owes any taxes or that he's ever incurred any late-payment penalties in the four years he's owned Harv's.
In fact, he provided us with an Oct. 22, 2009, letter from the IRS that states Harv's "has filed all required returns and addressed any balances due."
IRS spokesman Jesse Weller isn't commenting "due to privacy and disclosure laws."
Zeff says he's as offended as much as anything else by what he considers rude behavior by the IRS guys. While at Harv's, he sniffs, "they didn't even get a car wash."
One of a Kind Government Employees ( RAC also sent me this along with the link and story above. It goes so perfectly with the article you just read. )
A father walks into a restaurant with his young son..
He gives the young boy 3 nickels to play with to keep him occupied.
Suddenly, the boy starts choking, going blue in the face..
The father realizes the boy has swallowed the nickels and starts slapping him on the back..
The boy coughs up 2 of the nickels, but keeps choking. Looking at his son, the father is panicking, shouting for help.
A well dressed, attractive, and serious looking woman, in a blue business suit is sitting at a coffee bar reading a newspaper and sipping a cup of coffee. At the sound of the commotion, she looks up, puts her coffee cup down, neatly folds the newspaper and places it on the counter, gets up from her seat and makes her way, unhurried, across the restaurant.
Reaching the boy, the woman carefully drops his pants; takes hold of the boy's' testicles and starts to squeeze and twist, gently at first and then ever so firmly.. After a few seconds the boy convulses violently and coughs up the last nickel, which the woman deftly catches in her free hand.
Releasing the boy's testicles, the woman hands the nickel to the father and walks back to her seat at the coffee bar without saying a word.
As soon as he is sure that his son has suffered no ill effects, the father rushes over to the woman and starts thanking her saying,"I've never seen anybody do anything like that before, it was fantastic. Are you a doctor? "
'No,' the woman replied. I'm with The IRS
Wiild Thing's comment........
And then they didn't bother any of those people in Obama's administration that did NOT pay their taxes. GRRRRRRR
This would be comical if it wasn't so damn frightening.
......Thank you RAC for sending this to me.
RAC has a website that is awesome. 336th Assault Helicopter Company
13th Combat Aviation Battalion - 1st Aviation Brigade - Soc Trang, Republic of Vietnam
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:45 AM | Comments (4)
Eric Holder: Terrorists and Osama Bin Laden Have Same Rights As Charles Manson
Attorney General Eric Holder told a congressional panel Tuesday that the question of reading Osama bin Laden his Miranda rights is absurd – because he won’t be brought in alive.
“Let’s deal with reality,” Holder said. “You’re talking about a hypothetical that will never occur. We will be reading Miranda rights to the corpse of Obama bin Laden. He will never appear in an American courtroom. That’s the reality….He will be killed by us or he will be killed by his own people, so he’s not captured by us. We know that.”
Holder’s comments came during a hearing where Holder and a Republican congressman debated whether bin Laden and notorious killer Charles Manson deserved the same legal rights.
During a House appropriations subcommittee hearing, Holder invoked Manson to counter Republican arguments that the administration wanted to stage civilian trials that would give alleged 9/11 plotters the same Constitutional rights afforded to the average American.
“These defendants, many of whom are charged with murder, would be treated just like any other murder defendants,” Holder said with evident exasperation. “The comparison….the question is: Are they being treated the way any other murderer would be? They have the same rights Charles Manson would have.”
While Holder thought the Manson comparison would make Americans feel more comfortable with the idea of civilian trials for terrorism suspects, Rep. John Culberson (R-Texas) disagreed and sensed an opening.
“Osama bin Laden, in your opinion, has the same rights as Charles Manson?” a dubious Culberson asked.
“That’s incredible,” Culberson replied. “The disconnect between this administration and your mind-set is so completely opposite that of where the vast majority of the American people are,” he said, arguing that disagreement with the Obama administration’s terrorism prosecution policy drove the recent victory of Sen. Scott Brown (R-Mass.).
Wild Thing's comment.......
Holder has no business being AG.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:44 AM | Comments (4)
Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli Questions Obama's Eligibility
Virginia questions Obama's eligibility
A newly unearthed recording reveals a state attorney general explaining how the president's eligibility could be tested in the courts by a lawyer defending a client against an accusation brought under legislation signed by Obama.
The recording of Virginia Attorney General Kenneth T. Cuccinelli puts him on a growing list of elected leaders, members of Congress and state officials who have addressed concerns over Obama's eligibility to occupy the White House.
Cuccinelli released a statement this week that the recording, apparently made either while he was campaigning for the office or shortly after he was elected, was a "hypothetical" answer to a "hypothetical" question.
Spokesman Brian Gottstein in Cuccinelli's office today explained to WND Cuccinelli is battling the Obama White House on many fronts: health care, the EPA's determination on carbon dioxide and others.
"If it does get taken to court, we'll deal with it then. That's right now not what he's doing."
In an earlier statement released to Politico, Cuccinelli tried to separate himself from the recording, stating, "I absolutely believe that President Obama was born in the United States. I don't buy into the claims that he wasn't."
But the audio record makes clear his views:
The recording appeared first on the liberal blogger "Not Larry Sabato" site. An unknown questioner asks: "What can we do about Obama and the birth certificate thing?"
"It'll get tested in my view when he signs a law and someone is convicted of violating it, and one of their defenses will be it's not a law if someone qualified to be president isn't signing it," Cuccinelli responds.
When asked if he could do something at attorney general, Cuccinelli says, "Only if there's a conflict where we're suing the federal government for a law they've passed."
He replies that is "possible."
But he said a state couldn't simply file a case.
"Someone's going to have to come forward with nailed-down testimony that he was born in Place B, wherever that is. The speculation is Kenya," the recording reveals Cuccinelli explaining.. "And that doesn't seem beyond the realm of possibility."
According to a report at the Raw Story, the Not Larry Sabato blog obtained the tape with the promise not to reveal exactly when and how it was made – because that would compromise the identity of the person who provided it.
Online forum participants had both praise and criticism for the comments.
"ok. if he really is a u.s. citizen, why has he fought tooth and nail the dozens of lawsuits demanding he show real proof?" wrote one. "why would any honest man fight dozens of times against something that should be simple and straightforward if it were really true?"
"I just have one comment that Americans should consider. Obama wants us to put MORE information on the census form than he has given us himself to be our president!" added another.
"I am glad McDonnel (sic) has the since (sic) to come out of the rain and distance himself from Cuccinelli. I AM SO MAD I COULD SPIT…," said another.
The last writer's reference was to Gov. Bob McDonnell, whose office issued a statement that the question of Obama's eligibility was a "non-issue."
He responded, "I'm not going to get involved in that," at first when he was asked if he thinks the president is an "American citizen and a Christian."
But he responded, "I don't know," when pressed over whether he thinks Obama is a citizen.
"Is he a Christian?" Dominick followed.
"I don't know," Broun said, explaining that that's something known only to the individual and God. "I'm a Christian but only me and the Lord know that for sure."
Among others who have said they have doubts are Tennessee gubernatorial candidate Ron Ramsey, a long list of lawmakers in the state of Arizona, and U.S. Reps. Bill Posey, R-Fla.; Dan Burton, R-Ind.; Ted Poe, R-Texas; Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn.; John Campbell, R-Calif.; John R. Carter, R-Texas; John Culberson, R-Texas, and others.
Wild Thing's comment.........
If in the end we all are proven to be right ,that Obama has always been ineligible to hold office then every piece of legislation, including TARP and the hated Health Care bill Team Obama is determined to ram down America’s throat, would be null … void of legal force!
This despised 3,000 page monstrosity of payoffs and kick-backs masquerading as legislation could not be law.
Here is a question.......
If Pelosi, Reid, and the Democrats are determined to use any means possible to pass Obamacare, despite the fact that most of the citizens of this country DO NOT WANT THIS BILL TO PASS, how long do you think it will be before an Attorney General in one of the 50 states decides to challenge the bill as being unconstitutional on the grounds that Obama, born a British/dual citizen is not legitimately President?
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:40 AM
March 16, 2010
Obama Went to Ohio (Again)," Nobody Shows Up"
Obama at an ObamaCare Rally in Ohio yesterday where an audience member fainted while he was speaking. Obama stopped his remarks to call for a "medic" to assist the person. Obama said "it looks like someone has fainted. They're probably OK. Just give her or him some space."
His campaign events during the 2008 presidential race attracted crowds of thousands of Ohioans; this time, Obama managed a crowd of about 200 people.
But a lot more people were OUTSIDE yelling “Kill the bill”.
Opponents of Barack Obama’s health care proposals turned out early to protest outside a suburban Cleveland recreation center he plans to visit.
Protesters stretched for several blocks leading to the president’s this afternoon speaking location in Strongsville.
They waved to passing vehicles and held signs including “Don’t stick me with your Obamacare” and “Kill the bill.”
Wild Thing's comment.......
HAHAHAHAHAHA. 200 people for his socialized medicine rally and how many were paid to be there I wonder. And he probably brought most of his audience with him in his motorcade. heh heh
Ohio has 11.5 million people and Obama can only convince 200 to come listen to him say “talking is over” one more time.
Remember how they did this fainting stuff during the campaign as they worshiped this jerk.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:55 AM | Comments (11)
Awesome Rep Michele Bachmann's Kill the Bill Rally Last Sat. ~ Entire Speech
Rep. Michele Bachmann spoke at the “Kill the Bill” rally Saturday in St. Paul.
Minnesota Independent news online
During her speech she compared the radicals in Washington DC to Marxist dictator Hugo Chavez from Venezuela.
1,000 people gathered at the Minnesota State Capitol lawn Saturday to hear Rep. Michele Bachmann speak out against health care reform. Billed as the “Kill the Bill Rally,” Bachmann railed against a “government takeover” of all aspects of the economy and compared Barack Obama and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to Venezuela’s President Hugo Chavez.
“Some have called President Obama the first post-American president,” Bachmann said. “Certainly this health care bill would be our first postmodern legislation where words mean absolutely nothing.”….
While other speakers took the podium, Bachmann was easily the crowd favorite, and her supporters waved signs reading “Obama Lies, Babies Die,” “Damn this federal government to hell,” “Obama bin Lyin’” and “The citizens must declare war on their immoral, corrupt, Marxist government.”
“Obama’s idea is for Pelosi to pass a bill and have her members vote on something they never voted for. Sounds more like a Chavez tactic in Venezuela,” said Bachmann. “We have a duty to resist tyranny. This isn’t a joke. They can’t do this. The government is working against us. They are not working for us, and they got it all backwards. They work for us. We don’t work for them.”
"All I am doing in Washington is my job. And I’m in trouble every day of the week in the media in Minnesota, but it’s because I’m doing my job!” Bachmann said.
Bachmann praised veterans both past and present. “And these men had guts our founders, these were no pantywaist wusses, and neither are we by the way!”
She continued to rail against Pelosi and Obama. “They don’t scare us. They aren’t going to take our country. This is dictatorial is what they are doing.”
Bachmann wasn’t the only politician at the rally. Rep. John Kline gave brief introductory remarks. Congressional candidate Barb Davis White, addressed the crowd, while gubernatorial candidates Tom Emmer and Marty Seifert stood on stage alongside Bachmann.
Bachmann wrapped up her 27-minute speech by saying, “Mark my words, the American people are not going to take this lying down. We aren’t going to play their game. We aren’t going to pay their taxes.”
Wild Thing's comment.......
AWESOME! Thank you Michele Bachmann for all you do and say.
Chavez demonizes individualism, private enterprise, and free markets.....and Obama as well.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:50 AM | Comments (6)
Obama Threatens To Withdraw Support From Wavering Democrats ~ LOL
Obama threatens to withdraw support from wavering Democrats
Barack Obama has said he will not campaign for any Democratic congressmen who fails to support health care reform.
Obama will refuse to make fund-raising visits during November elections to any district whose representative has not backed the bill.
A one-night presidential appearance can bring in hundreds of thousands of dollars in funds which would otherwise take months to accumulate through cold-calling by campaign volunteers.
Mr Obama's threat came as the year-long debate over his signature domestic policy entered its final week.
Mr Obama is personally telephoning congressmen who are still on the fence this week, in between several personal appearances devoted toward swinging public opinion.
The bill would extend health coverage to about 30 million uninsured Americans and would bar insurance companies from refusing coverage to people with pre-existing health problems.
The plan to get it through Congress is so complicated that even experts on legislative process disagree about how it could proceed exactly.
Wild Thing's comment........
Obama is after the socialist holy grail. Health care.
The president will refuse to make fund-raising visits during November elections to any district whose representative has not backed the bill.”
LMAO, Obama's “support” is the kiss of death
Hahahahaha...I wonder if they will make him put that in writing. Well well, that gives these guys a great reason to not vote for this bill. Everyone I can think of he has campaigned for lately has lost. Considering his track record with Coakley, Corzine, Deeds, etc Plus he even picked the team in the superbowl and then they lost. So they might actually thank him for not showing up. heh heh
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:49 AM | Comments (6)
Code Red Rally To Kill The Bill!!
And here is their link at Facebook
For almost a year now, the people of this country have called, emailed, faxed, and rallied to express their strong opposition to government controlled health care. Although we have been loud and clear, President Obama, Madame Pelosi, and Harry Reid do not seem to care. They are intent on ramming through this legislation that will purportedly take over 1/6 of our economy. Have they not heard us over the past year or do they not care?
Well, we are not backing down now. The plans are in motion for another rally in Washington, D.C. on March 16th. Once again, people are coming from all across the country to look their Congressmen and Senators in the eye and make it clear that this is not what is good for our families, businesses, and our country. The people will not back down and they want their voices to be heard!
Sarah Palin If you're in the D.C. area tomorrow, please be sure to check out the "Code Red Rally."
What: CODE RED Health Care Rally to Kill The Bill!
When :March 16, 2010 at 10:00 am EST.
Where: Capitol Hill, Taft Park, Washington D.C.
The American Grassroots Coalition, Tea Party Express, The Doctor Patient Medical Association, FreedomWorks and the Heartland Institute welcome the American People to bring their LOUD VOICES, thoughts and letters to their elected Representatives.
We are asking that you come rally with the people and then flood the halls of Congress to have your voices heard. Following this day of grassroots lobbying, Leadership Institute is offering FREE grassroots activists training to those that are interested. Details on the rally, lobbying, activist training, grassroots war room and directions are below.
Speakers Include:
· Congressman Mike Pence (IN)
· Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (MN)
· Congressman Tom Price (GA)
· Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn (TN)
· Congressman Joe Wilson (SC)
· Congressman Phil Gingrey (GA)
· Tim Phillips of Americans for Prosperity
· Jim Martin of 60 Plus
· Max Pappas of FreedomWorks
· Kathryn Serkes of Doctor Patient Medical Association
· Colin Hanna of the Let Freedom Ring
· Matt Patterson of the National Center for Public Policy Research
· Amy Kremer of Tea Party Express
Wild Thing's comment......
Death to Socialized Medicine.
Good luck and best wishes to everyone attending this most impotant tea party.
Wish I could be there. I’ll be praying for the safety and success of everyone attending. And for good weather.
Proposed 28th Amendment to the United States Constitution:
"Congress shall make no law that applies to the citizens of the United States that does not apply equally to the Senators and Representatives; and Congress shall make no law that applies to the Senators and Representatives that does not apply equally to the citizens of the United States.”
This is fair, to the point and non-partisan. Who could be against it? Congress, that’s who.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:48 AM | Comments (4)
Virginia And 34 Other States To Block Obamacare aka Socialized Medicine
The bill’s sponsor, Del. Robert G. Marshall, R-Prince William, and other supporters advocated the measure as a defiant statement to an overreaching federal government. They say it falls under the Constitution’s 10th Amendment that deals with state sovereignty. Marshall said he expects the law to be challenged and ultimately decided by the U.S. Supreme Court.
Virginia is going to ignore Obama, Pelosi, Reid 's unconstitutional mandates. And 34 other states could jump on board the Virginia train.
Wild Thing's comment.......
God bless this man and all that get on this train as it says to save America from the most dangerous man in our country....Barack Hussein Obama.
This is just so American! I love it.
Obama carried Virginia in his historic ride to the presidency in 2008, the first Democrat to do so in a presidential race in 44 years. But since then, the tide has turned. Virginia’s Republicans routed Democrats in last year’s gubernatorial and legislative elections, partly because of public distrust of Democrats’ proposed health care reforms.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:47 AM | Comments (4)
Mark Levin On Neil Cavuto Show ~Obamacare "100 Times Worse Than Watergate"
Mark Levin
"This is the most brazen assault on a fundamental aspect of our Republic ever, and if it occurs it is clearly a Constitutional crisis. They who control the majority still have to follow the Constitution...The Slaughter rule is nothing more than a brazen authoritarian attempt to get something they can get legitimately. They wanted an up and down majority vote on the bill, so do it. They won't do it because they'll lose..It is 100x worse than Watergate if they pull this"
He concedes it may be a futile gesture, but I think there is merit in this. It will make it harder for those who vote for this wrap around cramdown bill to consider a fig leaf behind which they can pretend they didn't vote for the odious Senate bill.
Levin also brilliantly expounds on the constitutional issue. First, the relevant portion from Article I, Section VII, Clause II of our founding document:
"...But in all such Cases the Votes of both Houses shall be determined by Yeas and Nays, and the Names of the Persons voting for and against the Bill shall be entered on the Journal of each House respectively."
And do you want to know why? Because this clause goes to the heart of this Republic.
This clause goes to the heart of how our representative body, that is Congress, makes laws. And so I want you to [observe] how particular the Framers were... They have to pass a Bill to present it to the President...
This is one of the most exacting clauses in the Constitution.
And, to the best of my knowledge, which extends over three decades, no Congress has previously tried to institute policies without actual statutes.
Here we have the President of the United States and Congressional leaders actually talking about the possibility of a brazen and open violation of one of the most fundamental aspects of our Constitution and Republic! How we actually make laws!Let me be as clear as I know how. If this is done, this will create the greatest Constitutional crisis since the Civil War. It would be 100 times worse than Watergate.
...It would be government by fiat... meaning there would be no law... the mere discussion by officials in this government is such a grotesque violation of the actual legislative function of Congress [that it] puts us... at the brink. At the brink.
This is why we conservatives revere the Constitution. This is why we stress the Constitution's words have meaning and historical context and must be complied with. Because otherwise we have anarchy, which leads to tyranny.
This is a crucial lesson for those of you who... aren't sure what your beliefs are, or if you have any beliefs. Or aren't sure if you even care. We have an effort underway by the one of the most powerful chairmen in Congress, the woman who heads the Rules Committee, ...openly discussing gutting Congress. Gutting Congress.
And if this is done, this is about as close to martial law as you'll ever get... So Louise Slaughter, a Representative from New York, is discussing, in essence, martial law. Now I can tell you, if they pursue this process, and try to impose this kind of a law, without actually passing a statute, that I will be in a race -- with scores of others -- to the courthouse to stop this.
I can't think of a more blatant violation of the U.S. Constitution than this. And the liberal media has essentially ignored it!
...It's not only absurd on its face -- that these power-hungry ideologues, party-first-country-second types, would make the claim that the House voted on something it never voted on... that's not only absurd on its face, it's blatantly unconstitutional!
Wild Thing's comment.......
This is so sickening! We live in America, we are Americans and we have to see this THING called Obama happening TO our beloved country.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:45 AM | Comments (3)
Sen. Gregg: U.S. Financial Bankruptcy Is ‘Inevitable;’ ObamaCare Would Boost Federal Spending to 30% of GDP
“Look at that debt clock. Every time that goes up, our kids’ future goes down the drain. We have to do something about these deficits and debt. The debt is going to double in five years, triple in ten years under the proposed budget unless we doing something…
“We’re headed towards a financially bankruptcy and it’s inevitable. I mean, this isn’t like this is a hypothetical any longer, we’re on the path. Our future’s unsustainable because of the amount of money we’re spending, the amount of debt we’re running up as a nation…
“If you look at the numbers, and they’re very solid numbers, revenues, federal income, goes to 20% of GDP two years from now. That’s 2% higher than its historic norm. But spending at the federal level is at 25% of GDP today and is going to 30% of GDP if we pass this health care bill, and historically, spending has been about 20% of GDP. The issue is spending.”
Wild Thing's comment........
Sorry to keep bringing you all such bad news.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:40 AM | Comments (2)
March 15, 2010
White House Challenges Republicans to Use Health Care for 2010 Election
Robert Gibbs on "Face the Nation" says, "This is the week where we will have this important vote." He told Bob Schieffer, "Whoever you interview this time next week, you won't be talking about a proposal in the House, you will be talking about the House having passed that proposal and us being a signature away from health care reform."
Expressing an increasing confidence that a massive health care overhaul will pass Congress — despite dire warnings from Republicans about its impact on Democrats in November — White House officials on Sunday dared the GOP to bring it on during this fall’s 2010 midterm election.
“We’re happy to have the 2010 elections be about the achievement of health care reform. That’s a debate I think we’re obviously comfortable having,” White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said on “Fox News Sunday.”
“Make my day,” added senior White House adviser David Axelrod.
If the Republican Party wants to go out and say to that child who now has insurance or say to that small business that will get tax credits this year ... you know what, we're actually going to take that away from you and we don't think that's such a good idea, I say let's have that fight," Axelrod told ABC'S "This Week." "I'm ready to have that and every member of Congress ought to be willing to have that debate as well."
White House aides and House Democratic leaders have expressed increasing confidence they will get the 216 votes needed in the House to pass a Senate version of a health insurance overhaul that is not exactly what any Democrat wants but is more than no bill at all.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Watch every Obama voter showing up at doctors office saying “I have to pay? but I thought it was free now?”
It must be clear that every election from now on will be about liberty. If the voters want to be “comfortable” slaves to government then the ‘Rats will win.
Obama, Pelosi, Reid etc. believe that they, and their predecessors, have created enough people out there who fit the description outlined in the words of John Adams outlined below:
"John Adams, The Works of John Adams, vol. 4 (Novanglus, Thoughts on Government, Defence of the Constitution) - NO. III. - paragraph 144
"Obsta principiis (translation: resist the beginnings), nip the shoots of arbitrary power in the bud, is the only maxim which can ever preserve the liberties of any people. When the people give way, their deceivers, betrayers, and destroyers press upon them so fast, that there is no resisting afterwards. The nature of the encroachment upon the American constitution is such, as to grow every day more and more encroaching. Like a cancer, it eats faster and faster every hour. The revenue creates pensioners, and the pensioners urge for more revenue. The people grow less steady, spirited, and virtuous, the seekers more numerous and more corrupt, and every day increases the circles of their dependents and expectants, until virtue, integrity, public spirit, simplicity, and frugality, become the objects of ridicule and scorn, and vanity, luxury, foppery, selfishness, meanness, and downright venality swallow up the whole society."
This is what the 'Progressives' have done to America! They have created millions of "seekers" after your earnings, and they are now arrogant enough to believe those dependent on the government for everything will assure their political success in 2010 and 2012.
This never has been about "health care." It is, and has been, about raw government power over the lives of citizens who inherited liberty as a birthright, and gave it away for promises of "goodies."
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 AM | Comments (8)
Gun Totin', Flag Wavin'
This is the story of a wonderful women named Rachel Veitch. She has owned the same car since 1964 and has kept it in perfect condition. Chariot, which she calls her Mercury Comet Caliente. The car has close to 600,000 miles.
September 18th, 2007 UPDATE! We had so many requests from people wanting us to check in with Rachel that we dropped by and found out some big news. Rachel, now 91, is an international sensation .
Wild Thing's comment......
I love her, she is adorbale. She's a fiery, feisty. She is awesome. I love how she talks about our Flag too. Each of the videos has wonderful joy and happiness in them.
......Thank you RAC for sending this to me.
RAC has a website that is awesome. 336th Assault Helicopter Company
13th Combat Aviation Battalion - 1st Aviation Brigade - Soc Trang, Republic of Vietnam
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (4)
Wyoming State Plan Fines Feds $2,000 Over Gun Rules
State plan fines feds $2,000 over gun rules
Wyoming has joined a growing list of states with self-declared exemptions from federal gun regulation of weapons made, bought and used inside state borders – but lawmakers in the Cowboy State have taken the issue one step further, adopting significant penalties for federal agents attempting to enforce Washington's rules.
According to a law signed into effect yesterday by Democratic Gov. Dave Freudenthal, any agent of the U.S. who "enforces or attempts to enforce" federal gun rules on a "personal firearm" in Wyoming faces a felony conviction and a penalty of up to two years in prison and up to $2,000 in fines.
WND reported just days ago when Utah became the third state, joining Montana and Tennessee, to adopt an exemption from federal regulations for weapons built, sold and kept within state borders.
A lawsuit is pending over the Montana law, which was the first to go into effect.
But Wyoming's law goes further, stating, "Any official, agent or employee of the United States government who enforces or attempts to enforce any act, order, law, statute, rule or regulation of the United States government upon a personal firearm, a firearm accessory or ammunition that is manufactured commercially or privately in Wyoming and that remains exclusively within the borders of Wyoming shall be guilty of a felony and, upon conviction, shall be subject to imprisonment for not more than two (2) years, a fine of not more than two thousand dollars ($2,000.00), or both."
Gary Marbut of the Montana Shooting Sports Association, who has spearheaded the Montana law, now describes himself as a sort of "godfather" to the national campaign.
He said the issue is not only about guns but about states' rights and the constant overreaching by federal agencies and Washington to impose their requirements on in-state activities.
He said South Dakota, Oklahoma, Alaska and Idaho also appear to be close to adopting similar legislation, and several dozen more states have proposals in the works.
According to an analysis by Michael Boldin at the Tenth Amendment Center, the federal government has used the Commerce Clause, which authorizes the regulation of commerce that crosses state lines, to regulate just about anything.
In the Montana lawsuit, the federal government's brief argues it can regulate intrastate commerce because of the Commerce Clause.
But the analysis said what the states are doing is simply a nullification.
"Laws of the federal government are to be supreme in all matters pursuant to the delegated powers of U.S. Constitution. When D.C. enacts laws outside those powers, state laws trump. And, as Thomas Jefferson would say, when the federal government assumes powers not delegated to it, those acts are 'unauthoritative, void, and of no force' from the outset," Boldin wrote.
"When a state 'nullifies' a federal law, it is proclaiming that the law in question is void and inoperative, or 'non-effective,' within the boundaries of that state; or, in other words, not a law as far as the state is concerned. Implied in such legislation is that the state apparatus will enforce the act against all violations – in order to protect the liberty of the state's citizens," he continued.
"By signing HB95, Gov. Freudenthal places Wyoming in a position of proper authority while pressing the issue of state supremacy back into the public sphere," he continued.
According to the Casper, Wyo., Star-Tribune, the law takes effect in July and consumers could purchase guns immediately under the exemption from the state's sole firearms manufacturer, Freedom Arms, which makes revolvers in the $2,000 price range.
Wild Thing's comment......
Something is definitely stirring out there in “fly over” country and the arrogant inside the beltway anti-gun people need to take notice.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:48 AM | Comments (4)
House Democrats Post The ObamaCare Bill for Budget Markup Monday
White House announced today that the kickbacks and bribes will stay in the bill.
The White House is backing down from trying to get senators to remove some special deals from the health care bill.
Senior adviser David Axelrod says the White House only objected to deals that affected just one state, such one involving Medicaid and Nebraska that’s being cut from the legislation.
Axelrod says that deals that could apply to more than one state are OK.
That means deals pushed by senators from Montana and Connecticut would be fine because they’re written in such a way that other states could potentially qualify.
It’s a change from a couple days ago when press secretary Robert Gibbs singled out the Montana and Connecticut deals and said President Barack Obama wanted them gone.
House Democrats release bill for Budget markup Monday
The Hill
“House Democrats on Sunday night set into motion what they hope will be the final steps on healthcare reform. The House Budget Committee on Sunday evening released text that will serve as the base legislation for the changes the House will seek to the Senate bill this week. Specifically, the Budget committee released a 2,309-page effort that had been previously recommended to the Education and Labor Committee and Ways and Means Committee last year. The measure posted online does not include the substantive changes to the Senate healthcare bill that House Democrats will seek. Those changes will be offered during the markups in the Budget and Rules committees, which the budget panel hopes to begin on Monday afternoon. The House is expected to approve the Senate’s healthcare bill along with the package of changes. The Senate would then be expected to approve the package of changes under budget reconciliation rules
The Obama / Pelosi / Senate health care bill has been posted online!
MARCH 2010 Obamacare bill
It is 2,309 pages long and includes language to federalize student loans! There is no H.R. number yet, and the bill begins with this language: To provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 202 of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2010
There are three sections talking about student loans.
pg 916 line 17
pg 1949 line 4
pg 2192 line 1and continues for many pages
More of the The takeover of student loans begins on page 2098.
These people are completely insane, this is a mad grab for power.
There might be more but this is what has been found so far.
And there is this:
Page 1897:
The Secretary can withhold Federal Funds to all Medical establishments if they so deem.
- each year the federal government percentage to the states decreases, so that eventually the states pay for all medical applications while the federal government contains overall control.
If you are not liked, you will not be served. You must be a Registered Dumbocrat or you will not get service.
Page 2084:
(3) BEHAVIORAL CHANGE COMPONENT.—A behavioral change component which provides for altering employee lifestyles to encourage healthy living through counseling, seminars, on-line programs, or self-help materials which provide technical assistance
•J. 55–345
1 and problem solving skills. such component may in
clude programs relating to—
3 (A) tobacco use;
4 (B) obesity;
5 (C) stress management;
6 (D) physical fitness;
7 (E) nutrition;
8 (F) substance abuse;
9 (G) depression; and
10 (H) mental health promotion (including
11 anxiety).
Page 1971 ‘‘Placing health professionals in regions experiencing significant changes in the cultural and linguistic demographics of populations, including communities along the United States-Mexico border."
P. 2261
(e) CRITERION USED IN DETERMINING AMOUNT OF AWARD.—In determining the amount to award a State
under section 402(a), the Secretary shall take into account—
(1) the proportion of children under age 5 from low-income families in the State relative to such pro-portion in other States; and
(2) the State plan and capacity to implement the criteria described in paragraphs (3) and (4) of subsection (d).
P. 2265
(1) IN GENERAL.—Beginning with the second fiscal year of a grant under section 402(a), a State with respect to which the Secretary certifies that the State has made sufficient progress in implementing the requirements of the grant may apply to the Sec- retary to reserve up to 25 percent of the amount of the grant to expand access for children from low-in- come families to the highest quality early learning programs that offer full-day services,
This is FAR MORE than college loans, this is a huge intrusion of the federal government into education at all levels, all ages.
This bill essentially subordinates state control over education to the federal government, to the extent that states desire to get the funding which has been appropriated from its citizens by the force of the federal government.
And it appears they’ve decided to go all-in on this one. Included in the bill appears to be the “public option” that was removed from the Senate bill. From page 1167 of the bill:
from Red State blog
Subtitle B—Public Health Insurance Option
(a) ESTABLISHMENT.—For years beginning with Y1, the Secretary of Health and Human Services (in this subtitle referred to as the ‘‘Secretary’’) shall provide for the offering of an Exchange-participating health benefits plan (in this subdivision referred to as the ‘‘public health insurance option’’) that ensures choice, competition, and stability of affordable, high quality coverage throughout the United States in accordance with this subtitle. In designing the option, the Secretary’s primary responsibility is to create a low-cost plan without compromising quality or access to care
A small taste for you — the table of contents:
To provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 202 of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2010.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,
This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Reconciliation Act of 2010’’.
The table of divisions is as follows:
(a) SHORTTITLE.—This division may be cited as the ‘‘America’s Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009’’.
(b) TABLE OF SUBDIVISIONS, TITLES, AND SUB-TITLES.—This division is divided into subdivisions, titles, and subtitles as follows:
Title I—Protections and Standards for Qualified Health Benefits Plans
Subtitle A—General Standards
Subtitle B—Standards Guaranteeing Access to Affordable Coverage
Subtitle C—Standards Guaranteeing Access to Essential Benefits
Subtitle D—Additional Consumer Protections
Subtitle E—Governance
Subtitle F—Relation to other requirements; Miscellaneous
Subtitle G—Early Investments
Title II—Health Insurance Exchange and Related Provisions
Subtitle A—Health Insurance Exchange
Subtitle B—Public health insurance option
Subtitle C—Individual Affordability Credits
Title III—Shared responsibility
Subtitle A—Individual responsibility
Subtitle B—Employer Responsibility
Title IV—Amendments to Internal Revenue Code of 1986
Subtitle A—Shared responsibility
Subtitle B—Credit for small business employee health coverage expenses
Subtitle C—Disclosures to carry out health insurance exchange subsidies
Subtitle D—Other revenue provisions
Title I—Improving Health Care Value
Subtitle A—Provisions related to Medicare part A
Subtitle B—Provisions Related to Part B
Subtitle C—Provisions Related to Medicare Parts A and B
Subtitle D—Medicare Advantage Reforms
Subtitle E—Improvements to Medicare Part D
Subtitle F—Medicare Rural Access Protections
Title II—Medicare Beneficiary Improvements
Subtitle A—Improving and Simplifying Financial Assistance for Low Income
Medicare Beneficiaries
Subtitle B—Reducing Health Disparities
Subtitle C—Miscellaneous Improvements
Title III—Promoting Primary Care, Mental Health Services, and Coordinated
Title IV—Quality
Subtitle A—Comparative Effectiveness Research
Subtitle B—Nursing Home Transparency
Subtitle C—Quality Measurements
Subtitle D—Physician Payments Sunshine Provision
Subtitle E—Public Reporting on Health Care-Associated Infections
Title V—Medicare Graduate Medical Education
Title VI—Program Integrity
Subtitle A—Increased funding to fight waste, fraud, and abuse
Subtitle B—Enhanced penalties for fraud and abuse
Subtitle C—Enhanced Program and Provider Protections
Subtitle D—Access to Information Needed to Prevent Fraud, Waste, and Abuse
Title VII—Medicaid and CHIP
Subtitle A—Medicaid and Health Reform
Subtitle B—Prevention
Subtitle C—Access
Subtitle D—Coverage
Subtitle E—Financing
Subtitle F—Waste, Fraud, and Abuse
Subtitle G—Puerto Rico and the Territories
Subtitle H—Miscellaneous
Title VIII—Revenue-related provisions
Title IX—Miscellaneous Provisions
Title I—Community Health Centers
Title II—Workforce
Subtitle A—Primary care workforce
Subtitle B—Nursing workforce
Subtitle C—Public Health Workforce
Subtitle D—Adapting workforce to evolving health system needs
Title III—Prevention and Wellness
Title IV—Quality and Surveillance
Title V—Other provisions
Subtitle A—Drug discount for rural and other hospitals
Subtitle B—School-Based health clinics
Subtitle C—National medical device registry
Subtitle D—Grants for comprehensive programs To provide education to nurses
and create a pipeline to nursing
Subtitle E—States failing To adhere to certain employment obligations
This division may be cited as the ‘‘Student Aid and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2009’’.
The table of contents is as follows:
Sec. 1. Short title.
Sec. 2. Table of contents.
Sec. 3. References.
Subtitle A—Increasing College Access and Completion
Sec. 101. Federal Pell Grants.
Sec. 102. College Access and Completion Innovation Fund.
Sec. 103. Investment in historically Black colleges and universities and other
minority-serving institutions.
Sec. 104. Investment in cooperative education.
Sec. 105. Loan forgiveness for servicemembers activated for duty.
Sec. 106. Veterans Educational Equity Supplemental Grant Program.
Subtitle B—Student Financial Aid Form Simplification
Sec. 121. General effective date.
Sec. 122. Treatment of assets in need analysis.
Sec. 123. Changes to total income; aid eligibility.
Subtitle A—Stafford Loan Reform
Sec. 201. Federal Family Education Loan appropriations.
Sec. 202. Scope and duration of Federal loan insurance program.
Sec. 203. Applicable interest rates.
Sec. 204. Federal payments to reduce student interest costs.
Sec. 205. Federal PLUS Loans.
Sec. 206. Federal Consolidation Loan.
Sec. 207. Unsubsidized Stafford loans for middle-income borrowers.
Sec. 208. Loan repayment for civil legal assistance attorneys.
Sec. 209. Special allowances.
Sec. 210. Revised special allowance calculation.
Sec. 211. Origination of Direct Loans at institutions located outside the United
Sec. 212. Agreements with institutions.
Sec. 213. Terms and conditions of loans.
Sec. 214. Contracts.
Sec. 215. Interest rates.
Subtitle B—Perkins Loan Reform
Sec. 221. Federal Direct Perkins Loans terms and conditions.
Sec. 222. Authorization of appropriations.
Sec. 223. Allocation of funds.
Sec. 224. Federal Direct Perkins Loan allocation.
Sec. 225. Agreements with institutions of higher education.
Sec. 226. Student loan information by eligible institutions.
Sec. 227. Terms of loans.
Sec. 228. Distribution of assets from student loan funds.
Sec. 229. Implementation of non-title IV revenue requirement.
Sec. 230. Administrative expenses.
Subtitle A—Elementary and Secondary Education
Sec. 301. Definitions.
Sec. 311. Purpose.
Sec. 312. Allocation of funds.
Sec. 313. Allowable uses of funds.
Sec. 314. Priority projects.
Sec. 321. Purpose.
Sec. 322. Allocation to local educational agencies.
Sec. 323. Allowable uses of funds.
Sec. 331. Impermissible uses of funds.
Sec. 332. Supplement, not supplant.
Sec. 333. Prohibition regarding State aid.
Sec. 334. Maintenance of effort.
Sec. 335. Special rule on contracting.
Sec. 336. Use of American iron, steel, and manufactured goods.
Sec. 337. Labor standards.
Sec. 338. Charter schools.
Sec. 339. Green schools.
Sec. 340. Reporting.
Sec. 341. Special rules.
Sec. 342. Promotion of employment experiences.
Sec. 343. Advisory Council on Green, High-Performing Public School Facilities.
Sec. 344. Education regarding projects.
Sec. 345. Availability of funds.
Subtitle B—Higher Education
Sec. 351. Federal assistance for community college modernization and construc-
Sec. 401. Purpose.
Sec. 402. Programs authorized.
Sec. 403. Quality pathways grants.
Sec. 404. Development grants.
Sec. 405. Research and evaluation.
Sec. 406. Reporting requirements.
Sec. 407. Construction.
Sec. 408. Definitions.
Sec. 409. Availability of funds.
Sec. 501. Authorization and appropriation.
Sec. 502. Definitions; grant priority.
Sec. 503. Grants to eligible entities for community college reform.
Sec. 504. Grants to eligible States for community college programs.
Sec. 505. National activities.
Wild Thing's comment........
This whole thing is a travesty and a monstrosity. If and when they do put this into action. This is an absolute DECLARATION OF WAR from the obama administration on the American People.
GOP Rep. Paul Ryan warned last week of the Dems’ strategy ramming this “shell” HC Bill through committee tomorrow. The budget committee approves the shell, sends it to the rules committee, then strips out the language and stuffs the actual reconciliation changes into the bill. So that means that what they have posted online is the shell the outer container of what they will add to etc.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (8)
Actor Peter Graves Dies at 83
Peter Graves, the cool spymaster of television’s “Mission Impossible” and the dignified host of the “Biography” series, who successfully spoofed his own gravitas in the “Airplane” movie farces, died Sunday. He was 83.
He died of a heart attack at his home in Pacific Palisades, Calif., said Fred Barman, his business manager.
It was a testament to Mr. Graves’s earnest, unhammy ability to make fun of himself that after decades of playing square he-men and straitlaced authority figures, he was perhaps best known to younger audiences for a deadpan line in “Airplane!” (“Joey, do you like movies about gladiators?”) and one from a memorable Geico car insurance commercial (“I was one lucky woman”).
Born Peter Aurness in Minneapolis, the blond, 6-foot-2 .Mr. Graves served in the Army Air Force in 1944-45, studied drama at the University of Minnesota under the G.I. Bill and played the clarinet in local bands before following his older brother, James Arness, to Hollywood.
A journeyman actor with more than 130 film and TV credits listed on the Internet Movie Database Web site, he received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame last Oct. 30.
The younger brother of Jim Arness of "Gunsmoke" fame, Graves made his film debut in the 1951 crime drama "Rogue River." Two years later, he portrayed a German spy placed among allied prisoners of war in "Stalag 17."
One of his early TV credits was as Jim Newton on the Saturday morning children's series "Fury," about a horse and the boy who loved him, which ran from 1955-60.
In 1967, Graves was cast to replace Steven Hill as the leader of the Impossible Missions Force following the first season of the CBS spy drama "Mission: Impossible."
Graves played Jim Phelps, who would receive instructions for his team's next mission via a tape that would memorably self-destruct in five seconds, until the series' cancellation in 1973. Graves reprised the role on a 1988-90 revival on ABC.
In a departure from most of his dramatic roles, Graves starred as Capt. Clarence Oveur in the classic 1980 spoof of disaster movies "Airplane!"
Graves parlayed his portrayal of authority figures on "Mission: Impossible" and "Airplane!" into the hosting role on A&E's "Biography" from 1994-2006.
Graves' other movie credits included "The Court-Martial of Billy Mitchell"; "A Rage to Live"; "The Raid"; "The Ballad of Josie"; "The Long Grey Line"; "Texas Across the River"; "Five Man Army"; "Spree"; "Number One with a Gun"; "Savannah Smiles"; "Survival Run" "Cruise Missile"; "Black Tuesday" and "Fort Defiance."
Graves also appeared in the ABC miniseries "The Winds of War" and its sequel, "War and Remembrance."
His last performance was as the narrator in 2010's "Darkstar."
Wild Thing's comment........
Rest in Peace Peter Graves. I met his brother, James Arness is 86, one time, a really nice man.
Graves was great in Stalag 17, but absolute perfection in Airplane.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:45 AM | Comments (2)
March 14, 2010
Students Protesting Obama's Future Visit To Indonesia
Students hold posters of U.S. President Barack Obama as they protest against Obama’s plans to visit Indonesia, outside the U.S. embassy in Jakarta March 12, 2010. The posters read “Obama is the enemy of Muslims”. (REUTERS)
A Muslim student kicks a banner of President Barack Obama during a protest against his planned visit in Medan, North Sumatra, Indonesia
A student holds a poster of U.S President Barack Obama as she protests against Obama's plans to visit Indonesia, outside the U.S. consulate in Medan, Indonesia's North Sumatra province March 12, 2010
A group of student protesters step on a poster of U.S President Barack Obama as they protested against Obama's plans to visit Indonesia, outside the U.S. consulate in Medan, Indonesia's North Sumatra province March 12, 2010
Wild Thing's comment.....
I don’t blame them, I wouldn’t want him visiting our country either.
In the one photo.....The bullseye is a nice touch. LOL Maybe someone can market a new game outta this........Pin Your Loafer On The Jackass
I am not sure what they are ticked at, maybe he’s not muzzie enough for them.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 AM | Comments (15)
Obama’s Secretary of Energy Steven Chu Recently Announced a Three Year Offshore Drilling Ban
Chortling At Chu
Our secretary of energy pushes bio-refineries and windmills to oil executives at an energy conference as the administration announces a three-year offshore drilling ban. This is a policy for economic suicide.
They don’t qualify as an official group of victims, but carbon-Americans, as they have been called, did not have much to cheer about last week, when Energy Secretary Steven Chu addressed CERAWeek 2010, a premier industry conference hosted by IHS Cambridge Energy Research Associates.
With an economy struggling to regain sound footing, Chu advocated a starvation diet devoid of additional fossil fuels that are to remain under the ground and seabed. Instead, he supports 53% more funding for wind research and a 22% jump for solar research.
Subsidizing alternative energy fits the classic definition of insanity. Despite huge subsidies, it has proved to be neither cost-effective nor a reliable, significant contributor to our national power grid. Yet we keep subsidizing it, expecting a different result.
“Oil is an ideal transportation fuel, so it will be with us for decades,” Chu conceded, even as the administration forbids us from getting more of it here, creating energy jobs, lowering energy costs and cutting our trade deficit. Instead we’ll rely increasingly on foreign and often unfriendly suppliers.
Chu acknowledged the role cleaner-burning natural gas can play in electricity generation, but only as a “transition to other fuels” in coming years. And the administration continues to gobble up lands where it might be found and impose environmental regulations that curtail the use of new technologies such as fracking to get more oil and natural gas from America’s vast shale deposits.
For decades Democrats have blocked efforts to responsibly develop this nation’s energy resources, transforming vast areas of opportunity into “The No Zone.”
Wild Thing's comment........
We are being led by incompetent people! Another Obama train-wreck.
The Russians and Chinese are laughing their asses off at our country.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (9)
Banished! City Forbids Bible Studies In Homes
Banished! City forbids Bible studies in homes
The city of Gilbert, Ariz., has ordered a group of seven adults to stop gathering for Bible studies in a private home because such meetings are forbidden by the city's zoning codes.
The issue was brought to a head when city officials wrote a letter to a pastor and his wife informing them they had 10 days to quit having the meetings in their private home.
The ban, however, prompted a response from the Alliance Defense Fund, which filed an appeal with the city as the first step in its campaign to overturn a provision it describes as illegal.
"The interpretation and enforcement of the town's code is clearly unconstitutional, " said Daniel Blomberg, a member of the litigation team for ADF. "It bans 200,000 Gilbert residents from meeting in their private homes for organized religious purposes – an activity encouraged in the Bible, practiced for thousands of years, and protected by the First Amendment."
The appeal was filed on behalf of the members, all seven, of the Oasis of Truth Church.
Pastor Joe Sutherland had been told in a letter from code compliance officer Steve Wallace that the people were not allowed to meet in a home for church activities under the city's Land Development Code.
There had been no complaints about the meetings, which had been rotating among members' homes before the officer wrote the letter and ordered the group to "terminate all religious meetings … regardless of their size, nature or frequency," because he noticed signs about the meetings.
The town interprets its law so that "churches within its borders cannot have any home meetings of any size, including Bible studies, three-person church leadership meetings and potluck dinners," ADF said.
A city letter confirmed, "Given that the church is considered to be religious assembly, and given the LDC provisions prohibiting that use on Local streets without Use Permits and prohibiting it in single family residential structures, it follows that the church meetings cannot be held in the home."
"The assembly activities associated with the church, including Bible studies, church leadership meetings and church fellowship activities are not permitted," wrote Mike Milillo, the city's senior planner.
"This ban is defended based upon traffic, parking, and building safety concerns. However, nothing in its zoning code prevents weekly Cub Scouts meetings, Monday Night Football parties with numerous attendees or large business parties from being held on a regular basis in private homes," the ADF said.
The few adults in the church had met for a few hours weekly in members' homes.
The ADF argues such bans violate the Constitution's free-exercise clause, and even the state's Free Exercise of Religion Act protects such meetings.
Further, the restrictions imposed by the city violate the federal Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act, which grants significant authority for churches to pursue their ministry goals.
Finally, Blomberg said, "the First Amendment's free-speech clause prevents the town from stopping the church from holding its meetings on the public sidewalk outside the pastor's home, yet the town won't allow him to hold the same meetings just a few feet away in the privacy of his own living room."
The small church has been forced to halt its regular meetings. It meets now in a local school but only can afford the rental once a week.
A spokeswoman for the city of Gilbert told WND city officials were aware of the concern and planned to address it.
Vice Mayor Linda Abbott told WND the code apparently was adopted years earlier, and there was considerable concern on the city council because of the current issues.
"I'm not in favor of that code. That is something we would want revisited," she said.
Wild Thing's comment........
Sorry, this “law” is a direct violation of the 1st amendment, which is man’s law that coincides with God’s. This one should be tossed in a heartbeat.
It seems these stories pop up every day, with greater and greater frequency... how much longer is it going to take for people to finally say “enough”?
The town interprets its law so that "churches within its borders cannot have any home meetings of any size, including Bible studies, three-person church leadership meetings and potluck dinners," ADF said.
So let me get this straight if a group of people are gathering to share a dinner and it is for a religious reason, it is illegal.
Wonder if they ever heard of Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter.
Is the government aware that the same was true in Soviet Russia, Communist China, the old East Germany, Cuba and some other dictatorial countries??
When we lived in Calif. there was a Bible study that we went to in a home. It was mostly all actors/actresses, stuntmen and women and entertainers. These Bible studies are all over our country. I went one when I lived in Dallas too years ago. But never have I seen this happening to these Bible studies until the last few years. Kind of in the same time frame as the ACLU and other groups against Christmas and taking God out of things.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:49 AM | Comments (13)
Hillary Clinton Rebukes Israel for Housing Announcement ~ God Bless Netanyahu He Is Right!
Clinton rebukes Israel over East Jerusalem plans, cites damage to bilateral ties
Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton rebuked Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Friday about the state of the U.S.-Israeli relationship, demanding that Israel take immediate steps to show it is interested in renewing efforts to achieve a Middle East peace agreement.
State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley described the nearly 45-minute phone conversation in unusually undiplomatic terms, signaling that the close allies are facing their deepest crisis in two decades after the embarrassment suffered by Vice President Biden this week when Israel announced during his visit that it plans to build 1,600 housing units in a disputed area of Jerusalem.
Clinton called Netanyahu "to make clear the United States considered the announcement a deeply negative signal about Israel's approach to the bilateral relationship and counter to the spirit of the vice president's trip," Crowley said. Clinton, he said, emphasized that "this action had undermined trust and confidence in the peace process and in America's interests."
From the start of his tenure, President Obama identified a Middle East peace deal as critical to U.S. national security, but his efforts have been hampered by the administration's missteps and the deep mistrust between the Israelis and the Palestinians. Last fall, he softened his demand for a full freeze on settlement construction, accepting a limited 10-month moratorium that did not include the East Jerusalem area where the construction announced this week is to take place. Clinton at the time hailed the Israeli plan as "unprecedented."
Special envoy George J. Mitchell has struggled to relaunch peace talks between the Israelis and the Palestinians. Last week, he got the two sides to agree to indirect talks, with Mitchell shuttling between them, but the Israeli announcement has imperiled that development. Rising Palestinian anger led Israeli forces on Friday to seal off the West Bank and post riot squads around Jerusalem's Old City and Arab neighborhoods.
U.S. officials were especially furious about the announcement because they thought they had reached a private understanding with Netanyahu that even though East Jerusalem was not officially included in the moratorium, he would prevent any provocative actions there. Its release during Biden's trip, intended as a fence-mending mission, was seen as another slap.
"The announcement of the settlements on the very day that the vice president was there was insulting," Clinton told CNN on Friday.
Obama had approved Clinton's call, sitting down with her during their weekly meeting Thursday to determine the language she would use.
"The secretary and the president worked through together the specific points she would be making to Prime Minister Netanyahu," deputy national security adviser Ben Rhodes said. Biden also called Netanyahu on Friday to reinforce the message, officials said, and Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren was summoned to a meeting with Deputy Secretary of State James B. Steinberg.
Some analysts applauded the administration's tough stance, saying it may jar the right-leaning Israeli government into making gestures to the Palestinians. But others said Clinton's call risked emboldening Arab and Palestinian officials to make new demands before talks start, if only so as not to seem softer than the Americans.
In her call, Clinton appeared to link U.S. military support for Israel to the construction in East Jerusalem, which Palestinians view as the site for their future capital. "The secretary said she could not understand how this happened, particularly in light of the United States' strong commitment to Israel's security," Crowley said. "She made clear that the Israeli government needed to demonstrate, not just through words but through specific actions, that they are committed to this relationship and to the peace process."
U.S. officials said Clinton made specific requests of Netanyahu to get the peace process back on track and to repair the damage to the relationship. They declined to identify the steps she demanded or to spell out possible consequences. Officials noted the length of the call -- such diplomatic conversations usually last about 10 minutes -- and said Clinton did most of the talking.
"We think the burden is on the Israelis to do something that could restore confidence in the process and to restore confidence in the relationship with the United States," said a senior U.S. official, speaking on the condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to comment publicly.
Clinton's blunt message to Netanyahu came three days after Biden condemned the plans while in Israel. Netanyahu has apologized for the timing of the announcement -- he said he did not know it was coming -- but has not taken steps to reverse the action. U.S. officials said they found his response inadequate, which in part prompted Clinton's call.
More of othe article HERE
Wild Thing's comment.......
BS Hillary and Obama and Biden. Unbelievable gall.
I hope that the Mossad has Obama’s real birth cerificate.
Can you imagine any country in the world telling the USA where and we can or can not build houses?
It is NO secret that this administration is pro-”Palestinian” and fervently anti-Israel.
The Israelis sure as hell know it. I bet Netanyahu let the wench (Hillary) rant and rave with his speaker phone on “mute” while he carried on his business. He couldn’t care less what this harpie has to say.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:48 AM | Comments (6)
Community Organizer Obama 'too tired' To Give Proper Welcome To Gordon Brown
Barack Obama 'too tired' to give proper welcome to Gordon Brown
Barack Obama's offhand approach to Gordon Brown's Washington visit last week came about because the president was facing exhaustion over America's economic crisis and is unable to focus on foreign affairs, the Sunday Telegraph has been told.
Sources close to the White House say Mr Obama and his staff have been "overwhelmed" by the economic meltdown and have voiced concerns that the new president is not getting enough rest.
British officials, meanwhile, admit that the White House and US State Department staff were utterly bemused by complaints that the Prime Minister should have been granted full-blown press conference and a formal dinner, as has been customary. They concede that Obama aides seemed unfamiliar with the expectations that surround a major visit by a British prime minister.
But Washington figures with access to Mr Obama's inner circle explained the slight by saying that those high up in the administration have had little time to deal with international matters, let alone the diplomatic niceties of the special relationship.
Allies of Mr Obama say his weary appearance in the Oval Office with Mr Brown illustrates the strain he is now under, and the president's surprise at the sheer volume of business that crosses his desk.
A well-connected Washington figure, who is close to members of Mr Obama's inner circle, expressed concern that Mr Obama had failed so far to "even fake an interest in foreign policy".
A British official conceded that the furore surrounding the apparent snub to Mr Brown had come as a shock to the White House. "I think it's right to say that their focus is elsewhere, on domestic affairs. A number of our US interlocutors said they couldn't quite understand the British concerns and didn't get what that was all about."
The American source said: "Obama is overwhelmed. There is a zero sum tension between his ability to attend to the economic issues and his ability to be a proactive sculptor of the national security agenda.
A well-connected Washington figure, who is close to members of Mr Obama's inner circle, expressed concern that Mr Obama had failed so far to "even fake an interest in foreign policy".
Wild Thing's comment........
Never send a Community Organizer to do a President's job!
Obama is an embarrassment. This isn’t about being tired, too many hours, or anything else except an effort to show disrespect to England.
Ubanga’s philosophy is: Get America on the fast track to communism and the rest of the world will take care of itself.
President Reagan could have run this guys butt into the ground at twice his age. Obama on the other hand spends his evening wining and dining with celebrities, and he spends his days whining about everything else
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (14)
Scrambling For Votes, Democrats Face Uphill Climb to Pass Obamacare
Scrambling for votes, Democrats face uphill climb to pass healthcare reform
House Democratic leaders don’t have the votes to pass healthcare reform. At least not yet.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has expressed confidence that when push comes to shove, healthcare reform will pass Congress. But there will be plenty of pushing in the days ahead.
Pelosi is clearly down in the vote count. Thirty-four House Democrats are either firm no votes or leaning no, according to The Hill’s whip list. Dozens more are undecided.
The list of Democratic members who haven't committed ranges widely, from liberal Reps. Michael Capuano (Mass.) and Anthony Weiner (N.Y.) to centrist Reps. Jason Altmire (Pa.) and Chris Carney (Pa.).
Two committee chairmen -- Reps. Ike Skelton (D-Mo.) and Collin Peterson (D-Minn.) -- say they are firm nos and three others, Reps. John Spratt (D-S.C.), Nick Rahall (D-W.Va.) and Jim Oberstar (D-Minn.), are undecided.
If every House member votes and all Republicans reject the bill as expected, Pelosi can only afford 37 Democratic defections. That breakdown of the votes would lead to a 216-215 tally.
Of the 34 no votes/leaning no votes, eight of them backed the House-backed bill in November. Meanwhile, nine Democrats who voted no last fall are publicly on the fence.
Wild Thing's comment.........
It is clear that the democrat party has now become a party of tyrants comparable to what the colonists faced from the British Crown. Elected representatives face the tyranny of the democrat leadership. They are pushing an end run to deem the bill passed without voting which is cleary un-Constitutional. We can expect more of this as they use strong arm tactics to pass more intolerable acts to oppress we the people. This bill is not about health care, it is about control, more control over our lives.
While in the grocery store a day ago, I overheard people discussing politics. They were as ticked off as all of us are. When the public is standing around discussing politics in the aisles, there’s big trouble for Obama, Pelosi, Reid and the Dems. GOOD, people are not holding back anymore.
If this does not pass and I pray with all in me that it does not, it will be a wooden steak in the heart for ObamaCare.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:45 AM | Comments (4)
Democrat Candidates Distance Themselves From Obamacare
Democratic candidates distance themselves from
Hardly any Democrat running for Congress seems to want to talk about healthcare.
Of the 26 leading Democratic House candidates contacted by The Hill, only one would commit to voting for the Senate healthcare bill if and when it comes to the House floor.
Out of the more than two dozen Democratic challengers and open-seat House candidates, only 10 commented for this story.
Eight outright declined to comment.
Eight more didn’t respond to several days’ worth of requests via phone and e-mail.
The only candidate to say unequivocally that he would support the Senate bill, which could be voted on in the House next week, is a primary-care physician running to face Rep. Jim Gerlach (R-Pa.).
Dr. Manan Trivedi said it’s important to get the ball rolling on reconciliation.
“The answer is yes,” he said flatly.
That was about as direct as the answers got — though another Democratic candidate, Arkansas state Sen. Joyce Elliott, said she was “inclined” to support the bill.
Wild Thing's comment.......
They can run but they can't hide. The damage to the Democratic Party has already been done, regardless of the outcome of Obamacare.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:40 AM | Comments (4)
March 13, 2010
Fed Agencies Seize Toys, Call Them 'machine guns'
Fed agencies seize toys, call them 'machine guns'
Claim pot metal frames actually could fire bullets
wnd ...for complete article
A gun rights organization has launched a Freedom of Information request following a decision by federal Customs and Border Protection agents to seize a shipment of toy pellet guns and a determination by the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives that they could be converted into machine guns so they must be destroyed.
Government agencies have explained that the Airsoft toys, made of a soft pot metal and lacking a firing mechanism, easily could be converted into a true weapon capable of automatic fire.
"Our firearms technology branch classified this as a machine gun," BATFE Special Agent Kelvin Crenshaw said in a report assembled by Gun Owners of America. "With minimal work it could be converted to a machine gun."
Gun Owners spokesman Erich Pratt told WND today his organization has launched a FOIA demand for information to find out on what basis the government reached that conclusion.
The case stems from the confiscation just weeks ago of the shipment of several dozen of the plastic pellet-firing Airsoft toys from Brad Martin and his son, Ben, in Cornelius, Ore.
An analysis by John Velleco, director of federal affairs for Gun Owners noted that, "To make the transformation, the entirety of the upper receiver would have to be replaced, but the lower receiver would still be unable to endure the intense force of live ammunition because it is made of pot metal (inexpensive alloys) instead of hard steel.
"And all of this work would actually cost more than buying a real – and stable – AR-15 rifle," he said.
The toys also lacked the orange paint on the muzzle that some classes of toys are required to have, but the Martins confirmed that when that situation had arisen with previous shipments from their Taiwan supplier, they were allowed to paint the ends of the barrels.
Jason Jonah of Andy and Dax Surplus said, "it looks like a gun, but the insides are completely different, the design is different, and the material it's made of is just not strong enough to fire real ammunition."
If somebody tried to fire real ammunition, he said, it mostly likely would blow up the toy.
"The gun would come apart and the pieces fly at you," he said. "If it weren't the ATF making these accusations, I'd laugh, but they must be taking it seriously. In all my years, I've never had anyone talk – even laughingly – about changing these into weapons," he said.
He said it would be about as easy to convert an Airsoft into a real weapon as transforming "your Cuisinart or any other electrical appliance into a real gun.
"It's made of the same plastic or low-quality aluminum as any other appliance. So maybe you turn it into a firearm, but it would be like transforming any other electrical appliance – hiding a gun inside an electrical appliance," he said.
He noted that in an Airsoft, the trigger doesn't activate a firing mechanism, it sends "an electrical signal to the battery, which sends more signal to the motor, which is spinning and sending out those pellets."
Velleco accused the federal government, through its gun regulatory agency, of becoming "an arrogant and out-of-control bureaucracy with a history of trampling on people's gun rights."
Wild Thing's comment........
“Our firearms technology branch classified this as a machine gun,”
Good grief.
Personally I think they should demonstrate for us. Let them shoot the first "converted" model while I hide behind a tree with a video camera!
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 AM | Comments (7)
The Problem Is Brainlock, Not Gridlock
The problem is brainlock, not gridlock
Monty Pelerin
Complaints about Washington abound. Most consider President Obama the problem. Others consider lack of cooperation or gridlock the problem. There is a problem, even if there is disagreement as to what it might be.
For me, gridlock is not a problem. It is a blessing! I think there should be more of it, rather than less. Pour more sand into the engine of government. Encapsulate all government buildings with impenetrable epoxy glue. Stop everything completely. Hooray!
President Obama is a problem, but he is not the problem. He is a symptom of a much larger problem. To further understand, one need only look at recent Presidential and Vice-Presidential candidates. How comfortable were you having to choose between McCain and Obama? Do the names Kerry, Bush, Gore, Clinton, Dole, Palin, Edwards, resonate with anyone as the best and brightest? Remember, these were the survivors from primaries that had even more motley characters.
A process that produces such inferior choices ensured that one day we would get an "oddball." In many peoples' minds that has now occurred. We elected a gifted orator whose only experience was a sophisticated form of Chicago-style street hustling. How is it possible that this man-child, with no experience, could attain the highest office in the land?
The problem is not Barack Obama. Nor is it the process that provides such flawed candidates. Both result from a democratic process driven by the people. Ultimately, the problem resides with the people.
An email from a friend contained the following explanation of the problem. An anonymous responder apparently produced this commentary in response to some Reuters article. I believe it describes the problem quite nicely:
"The danger to America is not Barack Obama but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the presidency.
It will be easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president.
The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails us. Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince.
The republic can survive a Barack Obama, who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him their president."
Wild Thing's comment.......
This is excellent, and he brings up something that has been upsetting all of us as well. How America has been changing slowly that has lead to people not listening, not caring about Obama's associations, not wanting to be involved in learning more about candidates and the truth about them. Only wanting to follow the propaganda of the media and not thinking for themselves. Schools teaching socialism as the answer to all their problems and slander of our country in schools, and political correctness effecting every walk of life and not just within our country but in fighting the war. So many things contribute to the dumbing down and the fact that people can say things like how they think Mao is awesome and not even get much grief from it , like it is OK to think that way.
Obama is the end result of many things that have been going on over the years and he is not the only reason we all need to be VERY concerned with what is happening to our country.
......Thank you RAC for sending this to me.
RAC has a website that is awesome. 336th Assault Helicopter Company
13th Combat Aviation Battalion - 1st Aviation Brigade - Soc Trang, Republic of Vietnam
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (5)
Happy Birthday Cuchieddie HOOAH!!!!!!!!!!
Happy Birthday Cuchieddie and many more.
Thank you for being a part of Team Theodore!!
from ALL of us
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:49 AM | Comments (11)
Nancy Pelosi Nauseating In Her Gushing Over Obama And Delay Of His Trip
House speaker Nancy Pelosi told reporters Friday that "we'll take whatever time is required for us to pass" health care legislation.
"We stand ready to stay as long as it takes to pass a bill," she said.
Pelosi sent somewhat mixed messages, however, stating that "I'm delighted that the president will be here for the passage of the bill, it's going to be historic."
The White House announced Friday morning that President Obama will delay his trip to Asia, which had been scheduled for March 18th, to March 21st. The White House had been pressing for health care legislation by the 18th, and the delay was an acknowledgment that deadline would not be met.
~ snipets ~ from the article
At Wednesday’s speech at St. Charles High, Obama was joined by several local Democratic officials. One noticeable absence was Democratic Senate hopeful and Missouri Secretary of State Robin Carnahan, who has attempted to distance herself from Obama. Carnahan, the state’s chief security regulator, was in Washington on Wednesday talking to lawmakers about financial reform. ...
Obama pledged to keep fighting.
“I don’t get worn down. I wear them down,” the president said. “Don’t give up on me now we’re just getting started!”
...Outside, several hundred protesters representing a wide spectrum of viewpoints stood on nearby street corners, chanting slogans and yelling at one another through bullhorns.
A large group of local Tea Party activists gathered on one corner, while a smaller group of Obama supporters set up shop on another corner. Across the street was a mixed bag of protesters and activists who seemed less vocal.
...Hours before Obama’s speech, as many as 2,000 people gathered for a Republican rally at the St. Charles Convention Center.
“I have a question that I respectfully ask of my president,” Missouri Lt. Gov. Peter Kinder said. “What part of ‘no’ don’t you understand?” .
Wild Thing's comment........
Obama, Pelosi and Reid are the Boogeymen..
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:48 AM | Comments (2)
Mark Levin Calls For Expulsion of Rep. Louise Slaughter From Congress
The chairwoman of the House Rules Committee, Louise Slaughter, D-N.Y., has found a new way to ram big government health care down an unwilling America's throat: pass it without a vote.
Mark Levin calls for expulsion of Rep. Louise Slaughter from Congress
According to National Journal's Congress Daily: "House Rules Chairwoman Louise Slaughter is prepping to help usher the healthcare overhaul through the House and potentially avoid a direct vote on the Senate overhaul bill, the chairwoman said Tuesday. Slaughter is weighing preparing a rule that would consider the Senate bill passed once the House approves a corrections bill that would make changes to the Senate version"
“Slaughter Strategy” Is An Affront To The Constitution! The implementation of any ‘Slaughter Solution’ is the circumventing of the Constitution and the legislating of tyranny. Open debate and demonstrated majority consent are no longer necessary.
Here is the Audio Transcript:
"I am calling for the expulsion of Louise Slaughter from the House of Representatives, any member of the the House of Representatives who is advocating power for power's sake in absolute clear and utter violation of the United States Constitution, this isn't a close call, should be removed from office. What the hell is this?
I call for the expulsion of Louise Slaughter, she took an oath to uphold the Constitution, she doesn't even like the Constitution, what she's trying to do here is utterly and completely unconstitutional, she trying to deliver to Nancy Pelosi a rule such as it is, that suggests something was done that wasn't done, they haven't voted on the Senate bill, it violates Article 1 Section 7 Clause 2, not just in one way, but in multiple ways. She knows it, her staff knows it and she still at it and she ought to be removed.
Now what do you think about that!
The fact that she is entertaining this - the fact that she's quoted as saying that once we get the CBO numbers we're going to jump on it tells me we have someone in off ice that shouldn't be in office who needs to be removed .I'm calling on the House of Representatives, the Republican leaders to start to take steps to expel her.
and I know it won't succeed, I know who controls what up there but she needs to be made an example of. This policy stuff you can argue it day and night.....but when it comes to the Constitution.....
Arthur I looked and I can't find another example of this and I can't find another example of an open effort by the Chairwoman of the rules committee you can't find an example of somebody even suggesting something like this in a serious way.
This is the difference between conservatives and radical leftists in this administration and this congress. They will not take no for an answer from the American people or from the Constitution and they keep pounding away --so hungry, so insatiable is their appetite for more power -- they fear if they don't get what they want today they will never get it. So this lady, Slaughter, is prepared to slaughter the Constitution and she doesn't give a damn, and I have about had it up to here!"
As the National Journal's CongressDaily and Washington Examiner have reported, Slaughter has cooked up a way to avoid a House floor vote on the Senate's version of the overhaul. How? By passing a rule declaring the Senate bill already passed in the House. Apparently, all the Rules Committee chairwoman is waiting for is a budgetary scoring from the Congressional Budget Office.
The rules panel's ranking Republican, California Rep. David Dreier, warned that "the American people do not want this health care bill, and they certainly don't want the democratic process turned on its head in an effort to pass it over their objections."
Rep. Mike Pence of Indiana, chairman of the House Republican Conference, told Fox News on Thursday that "(Democrats) don't have the votes right now" to pass health reform.
Wild Thing's comment.......
War will be declared on the Constitution if healthcare goes through without a vote.
Slaughter is the woman who told the bizarro story about the “old lady wearing her dead sister’s false teeth”
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (3)
House Democrats Appear Set To Pass Senate Bill Without Voting On It ~ “Slaughter solution"
House Democrats appear set to pass Senate bill without voting on it
Republicans now expect Democrats to pass health care through the House with a trick only Capitol Hill could dream up: approving the Senate bill without voting on it.
Democrats will vote on a separate bill that includes language stating that the original Senate bill is “deemed passed.”
So by voting for the first bill — a reconciliation measure to fix certain things in the Senate bill — that will automatically pass the second bill — the original Senate bill — without a separate roll call taking place.
It’s called the “Slaughter Solution” (prepare for a weekend of endless TV gabbing about it).
And after debating House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer on the chamber floor, Minority Whip Eric Cantor emerged convinced that Democrats are going to use the tactic, and that they won’t allow Republicans, and the public, to see the text of any legislation for 72 hours before a vote.
“I can infer that we’re going to see a rule that will deem the Senate bill as having passed, and at the same time not even have 72 hours to even look at what they are passing,” Cantor, a Virginia Republican, said in an interview outside his office at the Capitol.
“The outrage to me on the part of the public is going to be focused on the fact that there is not even an up or down vote, a clean up or down vote,” Cantor said.
Here’s the reason Democrats are using such a complicated procedure: many in the House completely do not trust the Senate to pass fixes to the bill passed by the Senate in December. But according to the rules of reconciliation, the House must go first in passing the Senate bill and passing a reconciliation fix.
So House Democrats have been searching for a way to alleviate members’ concerns that if they vote for the Senate bill and the Senate does nothing to fix it, they will be hung out to dry as having supported a piece of legislation that many across the country dislike, either for spending reasons, or because of special provisions like the extra money for Nebraska’s Medicaid population (the “Cornhusker kickback”).
Technically, using the “Slaughter solution,” they’ll never have voted for the bill they find odious, even if their vote on the reconciliation legislation will have been the vote that passed the Senate bill into law.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, California Democrat, alluded to all this at her weekly press conference Friday.
“There are certain assurances that they want and that we will get for them before I ask them to take a vote,” Pelosi said.
The “Slaughter solution” is named for House Rules Committee Chairman Louise Slaughter, the New York Democrat who came up with the idea. She told the Daily Caller on Thursday that the chances of her procedure being used were “pretty good.”
Despite doubt among some on Capitol Hill on whether the “Slaughter solution” was feasible, Cantor expressed no doubt that the tactic could be used.
“It’s a self-executing rule. It is akin to passage but hidden in a rule as a side-note, passing the 2,700-page, $1 trillion bill, oh by the way,” he said.
Hoyer rejected the idea that Republicans have not had enough time to review the legislation.
“You have had months to review the substance of that bill. You don’t like it. We understand. You’re going to oppose it. We understand that as well. The fact of the matter is you cannot say you have had no notice of each and every provision for over two months,” said Hoyer, a Maryland Democrat.
Cantor said he wanted 72 hours to review the final text of the reconciliation bill.
“The reconciliation bill is new text. He claims it’s old hat, but this is clearly where they’re reconciling differences,” Cantor said, expressing concern that Democrats would rush the final text to the House floor for a vote to keep “sweeteners” used to buy off votes from being discovered.
Democrats are coalescing around a schedule for the bill’s route to the House floor for a vote. They are expecting a final score from the Congressional Budget Office later today.
On Monday, the House Budget Committee will mark the bill up, leading to an expected vote in the Rules Committee on Wednesday, with a final vote by the full House possible next weekend.
Perino Wonders If Dems are "Smoking Something" Due to Their Continued Push of Unpopular ObamaCare
Wild Thing's comment.......
Unbelievable. How can this even be remotely Constitutional? I hope and pray the Supreme Court will put a stop to this nonsense. Declaring something is a law without a vote will move the US into the land of dictatorships. Obama’s dictator friends would be proud.
It’s called the “Slaughter Solution”
Aptly named, slaughter is what they are doing to our beloved America and our Constitution.
I thought all this kind of thing was thwarted yesterday by the Senate Parliamentarian.
No drama obama is ALL drama. Lying and a bait and switch to fool the public. Now a cram down of legislation that will change the country.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:45 AM | Comments (3)
Ray Stevens - Caribou Barbie
Wild Thing's comment......
This is good, I love it. Ray Stevens has been doing some awesome videos.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:40 AM | Comments (3)
March 12, 2010
Ruling Kills an Option for Moving Health Bill
Krauthammer: Biden Overruling the Senate Parliamentarian Would Be a 'Thermal Nuclear Option'
The Senate Parliamentarian has ruled that President Barack Obama must sign Congress’ original health care reform bill before the Senate can act on a companion reconciliation package, senior GOP sources said Thursday.
The Senate Parliamentarian’s Office was responding to questions posed by the Republican leadership. The answers were provided verbally, sources said.
House Democratic leaders have been searching for a way to ensure that any move they make to approve the Senate-passed $871 billion health care reform bill is followed by Senate action on a reconciliation package of adjustments to the original bill. One idea is to have the House and Senate act on reconciliation prior to House action on the Senate’s original health care bill.
Information Republicans say they have received from the Senate Parliamentarian’s Office eliminates that option. House Democratic leaders last week began looking at crafting a legislative rule that would allow the House to approve the Senate health care bill, but not forward it to Obama for his signature until the Senate clears the reconciliation package.
Meanwhile, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) moved Thursday to put Senate Republicans on the defensive over health care, sending a letter to Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) in which he dared the GOP to vote against reform.
Reid also defended the Democrats’ use of reconciliation to get a final health care reform bill to the president’s desk, noting that the bulk of health care reform was approved under regular order via the package that cleared the Senate on Christmas Eve. Reid also emphasized that Republicans have used the procedure several times over the years.
However, Reid also promised in the letter that Republicans would have ample opportunity to amend the reconciliation package.
“Reconciliation is designed to deal with budget-related matters, and some have expressed doubt that it could be used for comprehensive health care reform that includes many policies with no budget implications. But the reconciliation bill now under consideration would not be the vehicle for comprehensive reform — that bill already passed outside of reconciliation with 60 votes,” Reid wrote to McConnell.
“Reconciliation will not exclude Republicans from the legislative process. You will continue to have an opportunity to offer amendments and change the shape of the legislation. In addition, at the end of the process, the bill can pass only if it wins a democratic, up-or-down majority vote. If Republicans want to vote against a bill that reduces health care costs, fills the prescription drug ‘donut hole’ for seniors and reduces the deficit, you will have every right to do so,” he said.
And this from Bloomberg
Health-Care Bill’s Passage Faces New Hurdle, Republicans Say
Republicans said President Barack Obama has to sign a Senate health-care bill into law before the House and Senate can approve changes to it under a process called reconciliation. The Senate parliamentarian told Republicans that a reconciliation bill has to “make changes in law,” said Don Stewart, a spokesman for Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.
“This would be another headwind for Democrats in the House” who oppose provisions in the Senate bill, said John Sullivan, a health-care analyst at Boston-based Leerink Swann & Co. “Their biggest fear has been that they vote for the Senate version and they never get the relief they’re looking for.”
Jim Manley, a spokesman for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada, declined to comment.
The prospect of longer odds for passage sent U.S. stocks up yesterday, reversing earlier losses. The Standard & Poor’s 500 Index rose 0.4 percent. The S&P 500 Managed Health Care Index climbed 1.6 percent, led by Bethesda, Maryland-based Coventry Health Care Inc., which rose 3.4 percent.
“I would expect that this would put a big barrier to this moving forward,” said Ana Gupte, a health-care analyst at Sanford C. Bernstein & Co. in New York. “I would not expect the House” to pass the Senate bill, she said.
Pushing Democrats
Reconciliation, which requires a simple majority vote in the Senate, is at issue because Democrats are trying to find a way to complete their work on health care now that they control only 59 of the 100 seats in the chamber.
~ snipet~
Democrats are calling for the biggest changes to the medical system since the Medicare health program for the elderly was created in 1965.
Obama is pushing Congress to act before lawmakers leave for a two-week recess on March 26. Pelosi said the vote “is not something we are going to drag out” and that the lawmakers are awaiting a cost analysis by the Congressional Budget Office.
Wild Thing's comment......
MUAAAAHAAAHHHAAAA!!!!!!!! (evil laugh rubbing hands together)
This might harden some of the House reps in their "no" vote. And this is a total HUGE cripple against the Dems. If I understand this correctly.
It is good news. It may not be enough to kill the bill, but forcing Biden to overrule the Senate Parliamentarian is going to make the bill seem even more illegitimate in the eyes to the 2010 voters. The Independents are not going to like it at all.
Keep calling your Senators and Representatives.
Meanwhile, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) moved Thursday to put Senate Republicans on the defensive over health care, sending a letter to Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) in which he dared the GOP to vote against reform.
Harry Reid, WE THE PEOPLE dare you and your corrupt cronies to cram this socialistic garbage down the throats of the American people!!!!!
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:55 AM | Comments (3)
Pelosi Faces Ethics Probe Over Potential Massa Coverup As House Passes GOP Demand For Investigation
Following the passage of an earmark ban by the House Republican Conference, Republican Whip Eric Cantor pointed out that Speaker Nancy Pelosi breaks her pledge to lead the "most ethical Congress in history" every day.
House Republicans are pushing hard for an investigation into Speaker Nancy Pelosi's handling of accusations that ex-Rep. Eric Massa sexually harassed a male staffer, putting Democrats in a politically dangerous position.
The House voted 402-1 to refer to the ethics committee a demand put forward by GOP leaders that the panel ask Democratic leaders about how they responded to sexual harassment allegations against Massa.
The vote does not compel the ethics committee to follow through with the Republican resolution, which would have required the panel to open an official investigation. Instead, it merely directs the panel to consider the resolution.
An investigation could be politically devastating if Pelosi is found to have overlooked warning signs about Massa's behavior. Democratic aides have told reporters that Massa's chief of staff informed the speaker's office in October about concerns that Massa was living with five aides in a group home on Capitol Hill and had gone to dinner alone with a junior aide to Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass. Pelosi aides were made aware of the groping allegations from Hoyer's office in February. Pelosi, though, told reporters last week she only learned of any accusations against Massa on March 3.
Pelosi's Office Knew of Massa Concerns
Aides to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi knew of concerns about the behavior of former Rep. Eric Massa months earlier than Pelosi previously acknowledged, a senior Democratic leadership aide said Wednesday.
In October, Massa's chief of staff told Pelosi's office the then-congressman was living in a townhouse with some of his congressional aides and that he had used "strong" language that made them feel uncomfortable, the leadership aide said. The Massa aide, Joe Racalto, also voiced concern "about the way Massa runs the office" and added he had asked the congressman to move out of the townhouse, the aide said.
Last week, Pelosi indicated her staff had learned of concerns about Massa only in February, when more detailed allegations of sexual harassment were brought to the office of House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D., Md.).
In what has become an embarrassing distraction for the Democratic majority, Massa resigned from Congress Monday. He initially cited health concerns, before accusing Democratic leaders of pushing him out of Congress for his opposition to the health-care overhaul. He later backed off that assertion. Massa couldn't be reached for comment on Wednesday.
The House ethics committee had been investigating allegations against Massa of sexual harassment, which congressional officials say involved inappropriate touching of more than one male staffer.
The new details about the involvement of Pelosi's office will likely fuel questions about when the House leadership learned of the allegations and whether they could have investigated the matter earlier.
Massa's top aide approached the Speaker's office in October in part because of publicity created by a story in the Evening Tribune, a local New York newspaper, which noted that Massa lived in a Capitol Hill townhouse with five of his staffers.
House Republicans cried foul, with one senior GOP aide saying that the new information about Pelosi’s office “further underscores” the need to find out what actually happened.
Breaking: House passes GOP demand for investigation into Massa, Dem leadership
If Nancy Pelosi hoped to put the debacle of Eric Massa behind her, she failed to do so — mainly because too many Democrats apparently sense something weird at play, too. The House passed a GOP privileged resolution demanding an investigation into the handling of Massa’s behavior and complaints about ethics, which the Washington Post reported today had been known to House leadership for a long time:
The House overwhelmingly backed a privileged resolution offered by GOP Leader John Boehner (Ohio) that will have the Ethics Committee look into what House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.), and other Democratic leaders and staffers knew about allegations of sexual harassment against Massa, and when they became aware of the situation.
House Republicans today said they are banning all earmarks by their lawmakers for the rest of this year, in an effort to put pressure on Democrats who they say are using “back room deals” to buy votes for President Obama’s health care bill.
“No doubt earmarks are being talked about in a different way by the democratic majority,” said Rep. Mike Pence, the chairman of the Republican Conference, from Indiana.
Pence said Democrats were cutting “backroom deals” to persuade reluctant House Democrats to vote for the president’s proposal, and said “the American people want us to change business as usual.”
Pelosi cannot afford to eschew pork as ObamaCare struggles to survive in her caucus. In that sense, the timing is exquisite. Not only can Republicans use the Cornhusker Kickbacks and Louisiana Purchases against Democrats in the Senate, they’ve pre-emptively made any such deals in the House sidebar bill toxic. Without those deals, Pelosi isn’t likely to find many converts to a deeply unpopular cause.
Wild Thing's comment.......
But....but...but....I thought she was going to have the most ethical Congress in History. LOL I guess to Pelosi it is ethical.
Betcha Barney Frank was the lone vote opposed heh heh
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:50 AM | Comments (1)
Rep. Paul Ryan : Dems Ramming "Shell" HC Bill Through Committee Monday
Rep. Paul Ryan said that Obamacare is all about politics and has nothing to do with health care.
And, I really think it comes down to a political philosophy. And they believe in a political philosophy that is more like a cradle to grave, more of a social welfare state, kind of like you see in Europe versus the American ideal that we’ve known and loved and grown up with. And, so really what this is more about is ideology than health care policy. Because if this was about health care policy we could get a bi-partisan agreement tomorrow. It’s not about health care policy. They are trying to ram it through as fast as they can before their power slips away from them and that’s why they’re trying to create this brand new entitlement which really does have the government takeover 17% of our economy.”
Ryan: Dems Ramming "Shell" HC Bill Through Committee Monday ( March 15th )
Rep. Paul Ryan says that Democrats are ready to ram a "shell" health care bill through the Budget Committee, on which he serves as ranking Republican member, to use as a vehicle to impose national health care.
In a phone interview with TAS Thursday afternoon, Ryan said that he expects Democrats to begin the complex process on Monday, under which they would have the Budget Committee approve a phantom bill by midnight, which they will then send over to the Rules Committee. At that point, the Rules Committee will strip out all of the language in the phantom bill, and insert the changes to the Senate bill that Democrats have negotiated.
"They don't have the votes right now, but they're creating the vehicle so that they can airdrop in whatever changes they want," Ryan said.
He said that Republicans are outnumbered 2-to-1 on his committee and don't have the votes to stop the bill there. Democrats will also be able to prevent Republicans from offering any amendments, but GOP members will be able to offer "motions to instruct" the Rules Committee, that Ryan said will be used highlight problems with the "unprecedented" step that Democrats are taking.
He said he expected Democrats to dust off last year's health care bills from the Education and Labor and Ways and Means Committees, to use as the vehicle for reconciliation changes.
He also warned against focusing too much on the reconciliation process in the Senate. "Reconciliation is a distraction," he said. "Once the House passes the Senate bill we have the massive new entitlement."
Wild Thing's comment......
Fascinating how the democrats think that giving the middle finger to We The People is a good idea.
Can this stand as consitutional?
Can this survive scutiny?
What legally can be done to stop this, this is stretching rules to the breaking point?
If they do this, they will have created a new entitlement program, which, as we know, are very difficult to eliminate.
They must be stopped.
Mark Levin last night said on his radio program said, if this is done it is tantamount to the democrats declaring Marshall Law.
Ryan said that he expects Democrats to begin the complex process on Monday, under which they would have the Budget Committee approve a phantom bill by midnight, which they will then send over to the Rules Committee. At that point, the Rules Committee will strip out all of the language in the phantom bill, and insert the changes to the Senate bill that Democrats have negotiated. "They don't have the votes right now, but they're creating the vehicle so that they can airdrop in whatever changes they want," Ryan said. He said that Republicans are outnumbered 2-to-1 on his committee and don't have the votes to stop the bill there. Democrats will also be able to prevent Republicans from offering any amendments, but GOP members will be able to offer "motions to instruct" the Rules Committee, that Ryan said will be used highlight problems with the "unprecedented" step that Democrats are taking.
I know we all are saying “Wait until November” but that’s too little too late. These atrocities need to be stopped NOW!
Because once they are passed, the damage will be done and there will be no political will to repeal them - no matter who is in power.
It’s clear to me. Obama is on a Kamikaze mission. The only hope is to convince enough Dems not to join him. Since they care only about holding on to their office, you’d think the job wouldn’t be that difficult.
The tide is shifting. though slowly. We just need a couple high profile Dems to mutiny and the flood gates will open.
Ugh...we need lots of people to do spiritual warfare in the Heavenlies over the weekend to stop this thing.
Dear God...please INTERVENE!!!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:49 AM | Comments (1)
The Reagan - Obama Debate Awesome Video!
President Ronald Reagan blows away Barack Hussein Obama on socialism, healthcare, the Consititution and Liberty.
In the last hour Mark Levin played this audio on his show- it's a compilation of speeches by Obama and Reagan- as if they were debating on various ideas, policies and principles. The differences are stark and will remind you why we can't "forget about Reagan".
Your time will not be wasted listening to this terrific "debate"!
Wild Thing's comment.......
Awesome video and they did such a fantastic job on putting it together.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:48 AM | Comments (2)
Obama’s Ideology and America’s Future by Colonel Bob Pappas, USMC, Retired
Obama: "Fundamentally Transforming the United States of America"
....LOOK at his eyes too when he says this! ~ Wild Thing
August 10, 2009 — "Those who deny freedom to others, deserve it not for themselves; and, under a just God, can not long retain it." ~ Obama
This quote goes along with how Obama goes around the world apologizing and putting our country down.He truly believes we have denied freedom to other countries less fortunate. ~ Wild Thing
Obama’s Ideology and America’s Future
by Colonel Bob Pappas, USMC, Retired
Projections about the mid-term elections are rife with doom and gloom about Democrats’ chances in the 2010 elections; and we work and hope for that. And, whereas that may well be the case it is a long way before that fateful date in November. Warning shots fired across Obama’s bow have had little effect on the ideologically driven occupant of the White House while excuses for his failures abound.
What is clear, is that the media and many bloggers are focused on his so called “failures” rather than the more obvious fact of what Obama has been totally open about, “we will totally change America,” “we will totally change the economic system,” “we will change the world,” “we are the ones we’ve been waiting for,” “I just want to spread the wealth around,” “the time for discussion is over,” and etc.
There are those who like to advance the notion that Obama is attempting to impose a European style of socialism but few have taken the time to read his books wherein without using the word he or his ghost writer eloquently spells out his socialist/Marxist philosophy in the most unobtrusive terms and reveals his disdain for free market capitalism.
On this last he openly attacks big business while advancing big unions, calls for tight regulation of the financial industry while effectively defending the designers and operators of the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac collapse. Obama’s teleprompter proclaims that the recession is over while additional thousands lose their jobs. He prints money with abandon, further devaluing the dollar and in the process prompting calls from diverse sources for a new currency basis of international exchange. Gold speculators have gone wild with the precious metal bringing all-time high prices which are projected to double in the foreseeable future. Alas, I forgot, all this was “GW” Bush’s fault. Sure; and the cow jumped over the moon.
Obama’s election reflected a mood manufactured by the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party, i.e. ABC, CBS, NBC, and CNN, with incessant talk-down of the economy and War on Terror. Their efforts, funded by Soros, and enabled by Barney Frank, Chris Dodd and speculators both large and small in the stock and commodities markets, and housing industries, were successful in bringing about market collapse and created the present economic environment. Republicans also bear a significant part of the responsibility given their efforts to out-democrat the Democrats.
Obama and his ideologically driven administration are working to destroy the foundation of hope, freedom and free market capitalism upon which the U.S. became the world’s pre-eminent nation in virtually every facet of life. Fortunately, Americans are awakening in increasing numbers to the fact that Obama’s is not failure because he knows precisely what he is doing and is acting on it with vigor.
It would be true that if Obama’s intention is to revitalize the American economy he has failed. But, if his purpose was to “totally change the economy,” “totally change America,” devalue the dollar and so increase the debt load that the present and future generations are reduced to becoming virtual slaves of the government through onerous taxes or other means, then government whose job would be to “spread the wealth around” and to expand its role, then he is succeeding. Some call excessive spending “generational theft,” I call it “totally changing the economy” from free market capitalism to socialism. In doing so, he would succeed in totally changing America from an open free society to a police state that could well be totalitarian.
Passage of the present version of health care legislation would move that objective forward. And, that “forward,” dear reader, is the reason that they call themselves “progressives.”
Semper Fidelis
Wild Thing's comment.......
Obama is the enemy of our country. The Col. wrote a fantastic article and is so right in that there were so many warning signs. We all tried hard to get the word out, to let others know the things they were not listening to. It sickens me that half of our country voted for this evil, traitor to our land.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:47 AM
Skydiving from 120,000 Feet
Felix Baumgartne, skydiving expert and test to jump pilot, discusses his attempt to break the record for highest skydive.
Record-Breaking Skydive This Year Will Include First Supersonic Free Fall
The Red Bull Stratos mission endeavors to shatter many long-held records in parachuting and balloon aviation
A privately funded team will attempt this year to break a 50-year-old record for the highest-altitude parachute jump, floating a balloon well into the stratosphere before its pilot leaps out for a supersonic free fall.
If all goes as planned, a towering helium balloon will loft Austrian-born skydiver and BASE jumper Felix Baumgartner, 40, roughly 37 kilometers into the air before he begins his descent. (BASE stands for "buildings, antennas, spans, Earth"—the places and structures from which a BASE parachutist jumps.) Baumgartner could set new records for the highest manned balloon flight and the longest free fall as well as become the first person to break the sound barrier without a protective craft. Baumgartner said he would exceed the speed of sound within about 35 seconds of free fall but would not pull his chute for another five minutes.
"It's human nature to want to go faster, farther," said Joe Kittinger, 81, the retired U.S. Air Force pilot who made the highest jump on record in 1960, parachuting from a balloon 31 kilometers above Earth's surface. Kittinger is the Stratos mission's capcom (short for capsule communicator), which means that he will be the voice in Baumgartner's helmet. Kittinger's advice to his successor: "Have fun, enjoy it, and tell us all about it when you get down."
Baumgartner, who called Kittinger a "childhood hero," is perhaps best known for gliding across the English Channel in 2003 with a carbon-fiber wing strapped to his back. Baumgartner said that jump, from about 10 kilometers, is his highest to date. The Stratos mission is incremental, with two lower-altitude jumps set to precede the final attempt; even the first jump, from roughly 20 kilometers, would double Baumgartner's personal altitude record.
The Stratos team claimed that Baumgartner's jump will be more than a dangerous stunt—Kittinger said that the collection of physiological data is central to the mission. Medical director Jonathan Clark noted that Kittinger's 1960 jump as part of the Air Force's Project Excelsior was in some ways a precursor to manned U.S. space missions, which began the next year. Similarly, Clark said, investigating the effects of a high-altitude bailout could benefit the fledgling commercial spaceflight industry.
The current record has stood for 50 years and his held by Joseph Kittinger, a retired United States Air Force Colonel. It was set on 16 August 1960 and stands at 102,800 feet.
Felix Baumgartner otherwise known as “Fearless Felix” or “God of the Skies” is a renowned skydiver who has become known for his high adrenalin stunts and BASE jumping. Some of his feats include BASE jumping from the Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; the Christ the Redeemer Statue in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; landing on top of the Turning Torso building in Malmö, Sweden, only to then BASE jump off it! Now thats one creative way around all the security!
Felix also became the first person to cross the English Channel in free-fall, by using a carbon-fibre wing to fly. He jumped from 32,000 feet and used the altitude to get himself across to France.
The Red Bull Stratos project has collected some of the leading specialists in aerospace, medicine and engineering to ensure the success of the record attempt. They will use a stratospheric balloon to carry Felix to the edge of space, 120,000ft.
He will also attempt to become the first human to break the speed of sound during his free fall, getting up to Mach 1.0 (about 690 mph or 1,070 km/h). In comparison, during a normal jump a skydiver reaches a top speed of about 120 mph (190 km/h) during free fall in a standard belly down position.
The current record for speed during free fall, is held by Col. Joseph Kittinger is 614 mph (equivalent to Mach 0.9 or 980 km/h).
If successful, Fearless Felix will also hold the record for the highest manned balloon flight. The current record of 113,740ft, was established on May 4, 1961, and is held by Lt. Cdr. Victor A. Prather, Jr., and Cdr. Malcolm Ross.
And yet another record would be the longest free fall duration, which would most likely be approximately 5 minutes and 35 seconds before his main parachute deploys. The current record is 4 min and 36 secs, held by Col. Joseph Kittinger on the same record breaking jump 50 years ago.
The original record jump was done to collect useful medical and scientific data for the American space program. Now 50 years later Felix’s jump will also be used to collect useful scientific information, especially the next generation of full pressure suits. Perhaps with this research, we could bring astronauts back to earth safely on their own.
50 years is a long time for a record to stand. There have been many attempts, some even ending in the loss of life. The most recent was made by the Frenchman Michel Fournier in 2008, who planned for years and then watched helplessly as his balloon broke free, before he could get aboard and climbed into the stratosphere without him
Wild Thing's comment........
Wow! This is fascinating.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:45 AM
Rep. Stupak Mocks House Leadership on Obamacare Tactics
Rep. Bart Stupak with Greta Van Susteren yesterday.
Rep. Bart Stupak met with Greta Van Susteren last night and mocked the House leadership on their attempts to ram through Obamacare.
Wild Thing's comment.......
He is a Democrat and I pretty much expect him to cave when it comes time to vote. I hope he votes NO.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:40 AM | Comments (2)
March 11, 2010
Silver Bullet From U.S. States Kills 'mandatory' Obamacare
Silver bullet from U.S. states kills 'mandatory' Obamacare
36 legislatures fight for citizens' rights to opt out of health-coverage demand
At least 36 state legislatures are considering legislation that would allow citizens to opt out of a key component of President Obama's health-care "reform" – an "individual mandate" requiring that all Americans have health insurance.
Both the House and Senate health-care bills require Americans to purchase health insurance or pay a penalty. The House bill establishes a fine based on percentage of a person's income, while the Senate version creates a penalty as a flat fee or percentage of income, whichever is higher. Those refusing to get insurance could be found guilty of a misdemeanor crime, punishable by another fine or even jail time.
Join nearly 100 members of Congress and 13,000 Americans in rejecting federal government health-care mandates on patients, employers, individuals and states – sign on to the Declaration of Health Care Independence.
"The president's proposal adopts the Senate approach but lowers the flat dollar assessments, and raises the percent of income assessment that individuals pay if they choose not to become insured," a White House plan released in February states.
States rejecting 'individual mandate'
According to the National Conference of State Legislatures, formal resolutions or bills have been filed in opposition to the individual mandate in Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin and Wyoming.
Also, as of March 4, Virginia became the first state to enact a new statute section titled, "Health insurance coverage not required." In Arizona, voters will cast ballots on a constitutional amendment in November 2010 that would "preserve the freedom of all residents of the state to provide for their own health care."
Lawmakers suggest approval of the legislation may spark a legal battle over states' rights versus the federal government's reach of power. The Boston Globe reported the measures could set the stage for "one of the greatest tests of federal power over the states since the civil rights era."
"The administration is trying to shift from a government by social compact, agreement between elected officials and citizens, to a government where the leaders tell the subjects what to do," Virginia Delegate Bob Marshall, chief sponsor of the measure in his state, told the Globe. "That is not what the American Revolution was about."
The American Legislative Exchange Council, or ALEC, has sparked nationwide interest with its model "Freedom of Choice in Health Care Act: How Your State Can Block Single-Payer and Protect Patients' Rights." ALEC warns that forcing patients to enroll in one-size-fits-all plans would cause massive increases in spending and force policymakers to ration care as a cost-containment measure.
Is mandatory insurance constitutional?
Minnesota State Rep. Tom Emmer told the New York Times in September 2009 that lawmakers in his state have proposed a state constitutional amendment to protect citizens from government interference in their private health decisions.
"All I'm trying to do is protect the individual's right to make health-care decisions," Emmer said. "I just don't want the government getting between my decisions with my doctors."
He said an amendment wouldn't prohibit anyone from participating in a federal health program. It would simply prevent them from being forced to enroll.
"Tell me where in the U.S. Constitution it says the federal government has the right to provide health care," Emmer said. "This is the essence of the debate."
During the Democratic presidential primary, Obama took a jab at Hillary Clinton over the individual mandate.
"The main difference between my plan and Sen. Clinton's plan," he said, "is that she'd require the government to force you to buy health insurance and she said she'd 'go after' your wages if you don't."
According to the Congressional Budget Office, or CBO, the federal government has never mandated that Americans purchase any good or service. In 1994, the CBO studied the individual mandate in Clinton's universal health-care plan and found that it was an unprecedented requirement.
"A mandate requiring all individuals to purchase health insurance would be an unprecedented form of federal action," the CBO report stated. "The government has never required people to buy any good or service as a condition of lawful residence in the United States. An individual mandate would have two features that, in combination, would make it unique. First, it would impose a duty on individuals as members of society. Second, it would require people to purchase a specific service that would be heavily regulated by the federal government."
Opponents say the individual mandate is unconstitutional because the Constitution doesn't grant the federal government power to fine citizens for refusing to purchase goods and services. Ken Klukowski, senior legal analyst with the American Civil Rights Union, explained in a Politico commentary why there is no constitutional basis for the individual mandate.
"People who decline coverage are not receiving federal money, so that mandate can't fall under the spending part of the Tax and Spending Clause," he wrote.
Article I of the Constitution authorizes excise and capitation taxes, and the 16th Amendment created the income tax. However, Klukowski contends that government health insurance cannot be considered an excise, capitation or income tax.
"It can't be an excise tax because that's a surcharge on a purchase, and here people are not buying anything," he explained. "It can't be a capitation (or 'direct') tax because that is a tax on every person in a state and must be equal for every person in the state; this would be a levy that some people would pay and others would not. And it can't be an income tax because that must be based on personal income, not purchase decisions."
He added, "All that's left is the Commerce Clause. And the people who declined to purchase government-mandated insurance would not be engaging in commercial activity, so there's no interstate commerce. That, in fact, is the government's problem with them: Those people refuse to take the money or play the game."
Likewise, the Congressional Research Service recently reported that determining whether an individual mandate is constitutional under the Commerce Clause "is perhaps the most challenging question posed by such a proposal, as it is a novel issue whether Congress may use this clause to require an individual to purchase a good or service."
Klukowski wrote that if Obama wants a plan that forces Americans to purchase insurance, he will need to "persuade the nation to adopt a constitutional amendment creating a right to health care."
He added, "You might have better odds of getting struck by lightning."
Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, member of the Senate Judiciary Committee and outspoken critic of the individual mandate, told CNS News that if Congress can force Americans to buy health care, or mandate the purchase of anything, "we've lost our freedoms, and that means the federal government can do anything it wants to do to us."
Wild Thing's comment........
Wow 36 state legislatures! These are states that have filed or have pending bills. That’s a LOT of states already...with probably all of them in the wings if this monster is rammed down our throats.
Ladies and Gentlemen, we are about to have a Constitutional showdown of historical proportions. And there is a good chance we will be pleasantly surprised I think.
The great thing about this is that it stands a better chance of truly destroying the evil monstrous bill than Congress.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:55 AM | Comments (6)
Obama Says Most of Washington Thinks He’s an ‘Idiot’
Obama Says Most of Washington Thinks He’s an ‘Idiot’
By Elizabeth Williamson
It was the ultimate in straw-man positions: at a fundraiser in St. Louis for Sen. Claire McCaskill (D., MO) Wednesday night, President Barack Obama told the crowd that “most of Washington” doesn’t understand tough moves he’s made to boost the sagging economy. In fact, he said “they just think I’m an IDIOT for doing something that’s not immediately popular!”
The president often summons forth metaphorical doubters in his speeches, saying “there are those” who don’t want to fix a broken health-care system, who oppose financial industry regulation or who favor “business as usual” in Washington. Yet never have these rhetorical opponents consisted of the bulk of the U.S. capital’s population, calling the Harvard-educated leader of the free world an “idiot.”
But the president was on a roll.
“It’s nice to get out of Washington for a little bit. Now there are a lot of nice things in Washington, don’t get me wrong. I love the monuments,” he said to laughter.
“But it’s a town where most of the time people are worried more about politics than about what’s right. People are hooked to the daily polls like some kind of EKG.”
Wild Thing's comment........
LOL he is an idiot among a ton of other things I would list about him.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:50 AM | Comments (10)
Charles Krauthammer Comments On Chief Justice John Roberts' Response To Obama's Attack On The Supreme Court
Charles Krauthammer comments on Chief Justice John Roberts' response to Obama's attack on the Supreme Court during his State of the Union.
Krauthammer said, "I hope that next year there are nine empty seats in the State of the Union Address, that would be the appropriate rebuke." Krauthammer said he liked John Roberts' response, saying it "had the right judicial touch," and he again said, "What I'd like to see is the empty nine seats for every State of the Union in the Obama presidency, that would send a message."
Wild Thing's comment........
heh heh LOVE Krauthammer's response about Obama.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:49 AM | Comments (2)
Biden: Health Reform Bill Is Unpopular Because It's Too "Complicated" for the People to Understand
Biden: Health Reform Bill Is Unpopular Because It's Too "Complicated" for the People to Understand
The people are resistant to the Democrats’ health care reform proposal because it’s too “complicated” for them to understand, Vice President Joe Biden said in an interview that aired today on MSNBC.
CHRIS MATTHEWS: Why are they so resistant to it in the polling?
JOE BIDEN: Because it’s real complicated Chris.
So if it’s real “complicated” as Biden says, how are the American people too expect his dumb ass to understand it?
This is the same man who plagiarized his own biography while running for president in 1988, was on the wrong side of every foreign policy decision since the time he entered the U.S. Senate, and sticks his foot in mouth every chance he gets.
Yet he thinks he understands the health carebill better than the American public that opposes it.
Wild Thing's comment.......
What a jerk! He and Obama BOTH sure love to takl down to "we the people".
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:48 AM | Comments (4)
Limbaugh says that Obama is a mistake, and he knows it!
Rush Limbaugh says that Obama is a mistake, and he knows it. He said Obama and his "buddies" know they have "three years to screw this place up in their image." Limbaugh said, "Obama, if he can get what he wants done, he'd be happy to be thrown out of office, after having a very successful four years in transforming the country into an image that he and his radical buddies have longed to make it.
"Obama ran for the presidency for the express purpose of, within the democratic process, overthrowing the American way of life."
"Let's just admit it: The nation made a horrible mistake in electing Barack Obama.
Not us, of course. Not us.
The nation at large made a huge mistake, and the majority of them know it."
Wild Thing's comment.........
God bless ElRushbo.
Obama is getting angry I can feel it when I hear clips from his never ending speeches now more then ever. I hope he goes off in one of them like Kennedy did in my other post and then the media will be all running around like the sky is falling. hahahaha
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:47 AM | Comments (6)
Anti-War Rep. Patrick Kennedy Yells: 'Despicable' That Press Focuses On Massa Instead Of Afghanistan
Rep. Patrick Kennedy Yells: 'Despicable' That Press Focuses On Massa Instead Of Afghanistan
Wild Thing's comment.......
He sure is Wee Wee’d Up about the U.S. military kicking the asses of his muzzie pals.
Congressman Patrick Kennedy, recently announced in the wake of his father’s death, he will not run for re-election to Congress. BUT his poll numbers were so low he knew or knows he could not win.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:45 AM | Comments (2)
Wife Of Democrat John Conyers, Monica Conyers Gets 3 Years in Prison
This was April 29, 2008 Monica Conyers debates school children
Former Detroit City Council President Monica Conyers was just sentenced to 37 months in prison.....for her roll in the city hall scandal.. She is the wife of Far Left Representative John Conyers.
Monica Conyers Gets 3 Years in Prison
Below is a timeline of Conyers' sentencing in federal court by Judge Avern Cohn:
2:59 p.m.
Conyers has ten days to appeal the sentence. She will have to report to prison on July 1.
2:54 p.m.
Monica Conyers has just been sentenced to 37 months in prison. She also received 2 years of supervised probation. Just before sentencing, Conyers screamed "If they have their tapes, I have my tapes too. I taped Rayford, I taped Riddle. You'll be fair to me or I want to withdraw my plea."
She also yelled, "What about my children? They did nothing to cause this. All I did was try to help someone I fired."
2:45 p.m.
Monica Conyers tried to withdraw her guilty plea, saying she would not go to jail for something she did not do. Conyers claims that there are conversations on the wiretaps that might clear her.
"If I have to I'll go to jail for what I've done," Conyers said, "but I won't go for what I didn't do."
The judge agreed to not consider the conduct that would have escalated her sentencing to 46 to 57 months. If he leaves that out, the guidelines would be 30-37 months. She is talking with her attorneys right now about whether they should proceed with sentencing.
2:10 p.m.
If you thought the stress of the day's events may have softened Monica Conyers' notorious temper, you'd be wrong.
Minutes before she's sentenced by Judge Avern Cohn, Conyers was upset to see that friends and family members of hers were not being allowed inside the capacity courtroom. Conyers rushed over to two court security guards, urging them to let in two of her aunts and her minister.
"I gotta get my family members," Conyers said.
Eventually, the guards relented. At least 20 people--including friends, family and several member of the media--were turned away.
At just past 2:00 p.m., Conyers' attorney Steve Fishman entered the courtroom.
There has been no sighting of Conyers' husband, Representative John Conyers.
1:57 p.m.
Monica Conyers is inside the federal courthouse in downtown Detroit, awaiting sentencing from Judge Avern Cohn.
Conyers arrived at about 1:30 p.m. She was taken to a room next to Judge Cohn's courtroom. Dressed in all black and sporting some dark sunglasses, Conyers briefly emerged from the holding room and gestured to some family members in the front row to join her. She has not been seen since.
Seats filled up quickly, with Conyers family and friends, as well as a throng of media, taking up virtually all of the courtroom's eight benches. Many spectators were turned away. Even FBI Special Agent Bob Beeckman, who has led the government's years-long investigation into city hall corruption, had a difficult time finding a seat. At one point, he was seen sitting outside the courtroom.
1:46 p.m.
Judge Avern Cohn's chambers didn't open until 1:30 p.m., but that didn't stop at least a dozen people from lining benches outside the courtroom. Douglas Bechler of Grosse Pointe said he's in attendance to "support my government."
"I will be extremely disappointed if she doesn't get the absolute maximum sentence," Bechler said.
Other attendees would not identify themselves, or whether or not they were supporting Conyers.
"It's in God's hands," said one woman.
Ironically, U.S. Congressman John Conyers--the husband of Monica Conyers--has an office in the very same building where his wife will be sentenced today. A John Conyers staffer would not say whether or not the Congressman would be in attendance for today's hearing, or if he would be in his office.
1:22 p.m.
Conyers has arrived at the Federal Courthouse in a white Lincoln Town Car. Reports from the scene say she was turned away when tried to enter the side door and told to go in through the main entrance.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Conyers pleaded guilty to conspiracy last summer and admitted taking cash in exchange for supporting a $1.2 billion dollar contract with Houston-based Synagro Technologies.
Bribery, corruption, selling votes...I’m sure there’s lots of other crimes that “woman” has committed. She was paid (took a bribe) for a vote that passed a 1.2 billion dollar project.
She’s got 30 days to appeal, which I’m sure she will, kicking and screaming and blaming others.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:44 AM | Comments (6)
Greta Asks Marco Rubio About Charlie Crist Lie
Rubio Slams ‘False’ Back Wax Jab: Crist Doesn’t Talk Policies, Just Talks His ‘Cheap Haircuts’
RUBIO: The answer is a no, but that’s a bizarre statement, the whole thing is weird. -
The answer is absolutely not. It’s false, and by the way, that’s not what this election is about. We’re talking about a country that owes trillions of dollars in debt, and my opponent wants to talk about how cheap his haircuts are – that’s ridiculous.
GRETA: What else divides you from your co-Republican, Governor Crist in terms of policies or how you approach this campaign?
RUBIO: It’s hard to tell sometimes because he doesn’t talk a lot about policies or principles.
( Rubio leading Crist 60-28, including 71-17 among conservatives. It is by far the worst public polling Crist has seen, and casts tremendous doubt on whether he can win the GOP primary. )
Wild Thing's comment........
RINOS can you hear us NOW.
Thank you Sen. DeMint , Mike Pence and others for once again going against the rino GOP leadership and supporting Crist!
Crist also failed to mention in his accusations of Rubio that Rubio paid the $132.00 back. Plus it was not about a back wax. What a liar Crist is. sheesh
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:40 AM | Comments (4)
March 10, 2010
Dictator Obama Wants To Ban Fishing ~ Wake Up America’s 60,000,000 Anglers
One sign at the United We Fish rally at the Capital summed up the feelings of recreational and commercial fishermen.
Obama’s latest assault on your rights– He wants to ban sport fishing.
Barack Obama has a message for America’s 60,000,000 anglers– We don’t need you.
The American Sportfishing Association in October reported about the sweeping changes proposed by the Obama Administration in regards to the sport fishing industry:
Obama Administration Ignores $125 Billion Sportfishing Industry in New Ocean and Great Lakes Management Policy
A sweeping oceans and Great Lakes management policy document proposed by the Obama Administration will have a significant impact on the sportfishing industry, America’s saltwater anglers and the nation’s coastal communities. T
The draft policy, the Interim Report of the Interagency Ocean Policy Task Force, issued on September 17, will govern federal Pacific and Atlantic Ocean waters and Great Lakes resource conservation and management and will coordinate these efforts among federal, state and local agencies.
This past June, President Obama created the Interagency Ocean Policy Task Force, led by the Chair of the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ), to develop a draft national policy and implementation strategy for conserving and managing the United States ocean territory and the Great Lakes.
Obama Administration is going to move ahead with these restrictions.
The Obama administration will accept no more public input for a federal strategy that could prohibit U.S. citizens from fishing the nation’s oceans, coastal areas, Great Lakes, and even inland waters…
“When the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) completed their successful campaign to convince the Ontario government to end one of the best scientifically managed big game hunts in North America (spring bear), the results of their agenda had severe economic impacts on small family businesses and the tourism economy of communities across northern and central Ontario,” said Phil Morlock, director of environmental affairs for Shimano.
“Now we see NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) and the administration planning the future of recreational fishing access in America based on a similar agenda of these same groups and other Big Green anti-use organizations, through an Executive Order by the President. The current U.S. direction with fishing is a direct parallel to what happened in Canada with hunting: The negative economic impacts on hard working American families and small businesses are being ignored.
“In spite of what we hear daily in the press about the President’s concern for jobs and the economy and contrary to what he stated in the June order creating this process, we have seen no evidence from NOAA or the task force that recreational fishing and related jobs are receiving any priority.”
Consequently, unless anglers speak up and convince their Congressional representatives to stop this bureaucratic freight train, it appears that the task force will issue a final report for “marine spatial planning” by late March, with President Barack Obama then issuing an Executive Order to implement its recommendations — whatever they may be.
Led by NOAA’s Jane Lubchenco, the task force has shown no overt dislike of recreational angling, but its indifference to the economic, social and biological value of the sport has been deafening.
Additionally, Lubchenco and others in the administration have close ties to environmental groups who would like nothing better than to ban recreational angling. And evidence suggests that these organizations have been the engine behind the task force since before Obama issued a memo creating it last June.
Wild Thing's comment........
Give a man a fish, and you feed him today , and he’ll vote for Obama. Teach a man to fish and consider him an enemy of the state, and he has independence on further assistence. We all see where this government is headed.
There will be hundreds of thousands of jobs and tax revenue lost over this.
Note: A good many fishermen also own guns.
The socialists believe America will shut up and take it.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:55 AM | Comments (9)
Pelosi: "pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it"
Pelosi: "pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it"
In a remark at the 2010 Legislative Conference for National Association of Counties, Nancy Pelosi urged the passage of the health care bill saying: “But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy. "
Wild Thing's Comment........
In other words, just pass it ( ??) and THEN we'll open it up to see what's in it. Trust us! OMG Help us!
This infuriates me to no end! They want to pass 2700 pages of laws and regulations yet they don't want to even read it, much less understand what is in it. With the level of deafness in DC it will take a revolution to get their attention.
“But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy."
She's truly insane (as if we couldn't see it in her face)! I heard Rush talking about this yesterday. He was almost speechless, and with Rush that just doesn’t happen. Pelosi is insane. Dangerously insane.
These jackals won’t be satisfied until they’ve picked the corpse of America clean and her bones lie bleaching in the sun.
If the founding fathers were still around they would have thrown everyone of these jokers out of the country. And if our founding fathers were alive today there would be massive hangings for treason and sedition.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:50 AM | Comments (7)
National Worker ID For All,For Your Security ????
ID Card for Workers at Center of Immigration Plan
Lawmakers working to craft a new comprehensive immigration bill have settled on a way to prevent employers from hiring illegal immigrants: a national biometric identification card all American workers would eventually be required to obtain.
Under the potentially controversial plan still taking shape in the Senate, all legal U.S. workers, including citizens and immigrants, would be issued an ID card with embedded information, such as fingerprints, to tie the card to the worker.
The ID card plan is one of several steps advocates of an immigration overhaul are taking to address concerns that have defeated similar bills in the past.
The uphill effort to pass a bill is being led by Sens. Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.) and Lindsey Graham (R., S.C.), who plan to meet with President Barack Obama as soon as this week to update him on their work. An administration official said the White House had no position on the biometric card.
"It's the nub of solving the immigration dilemma politically speaking," Schumer said in an interview. The card, he said, would directly answer concerns that after legislation is signed, another wave of illegal immigrants would arrive. "If you say they can't get a job when they come here, you'll stop it."
The biggest objections to the biometric cards may come from privacy advocates, who fear they would become de facto national ID cards that enable the government to track citizens.
"It is fundamentally a massive invasion of people's privacy," said Chris Calabrese, legislative counsel for the American Civil Liberties Union. "We're not only talking about fingerprinting every American, treating ordinary Americans like criminals in order to work. We're also talking about a card that would quickly spread from work to voting to travel to pretty much every aspect of American life that requires identification."
Wild Thing's comment......
Lindsey Gramnesty’s idea!
All I have to say is oh hell no. Does ANYONE believe this is really about immigration? Immigration is just an excuse for more government control over the people.
So what about this...haha Instead of keeping criminals out, let’s open the borders and treat everyone like a criminal.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:49 AM | Comments (5)
Obama:" I will Pass Health Care even if it kills me"
In private pitches to Democrats, President Barack Obama says he will persuade Congress to pass his health care overhaul even if it kills him and even if he has to ask deeply distrustful lawmakers to trust him on a promise the White House doesn’t have the power to keep.
That, in a sometimes darkly joking way, is what the president is telling Democratic House members as he begins an all-out push to coax Congress into passing his proposals despite voters’ misgivings and Republicans’ dire warnings.
"He made the case, ‘Listen, we put in a very hard year working on health care reform and the time for action is now,’" said Rep. Ron Kind, D-Wis., one of several Democrats who met with Obama at the White House on Thursday.
Obama joked that the political battle has contributed to the recent rise in his cholesterol, Kind said, and the president noted how ironic it would be if health care drove him to his grave.
But Obama is anything but sickly these days, making health care pitches Monday in Philadelphia and Wednesday in St. Louis, and instructing aides to address every question or concern Democratic lawmakers possibly can raise.
Wild Thing's comment........
LOL hahahaha
"I will Pass Health Care even if it kills me"
Oh there is so much I would LOVE to say to that.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:48 AM | Comments (5)
Biden Condems Israel On HIs First Day There ~ Israel PLEASE Ignore Biden and Obama
Israel rebuffs Biden by announcing new settlement construction
Vice President Joe Biden condemned an Israeli plan to build hundreds of homes in disputed east Jerusalem on Tuesday — a disagreement that tarnished a high-profile visit that had been aimed at repairing ties with the Jewish state and kickstarting Mideast peace talks.
Hours after the arrival Tuesday of Vice President Joe Biden to help launch indirect Israeli-Palestinian peace talks, Israel announced the construction of 1,600 homes in a settlement block in mostly Arab East Jerusalem, an open rebuff that led Biden to issue a sharply worded condemnation.
"I condemn the decision by the government of Israel to advance planning for new housing units in east Jerusalem ," Biden said in a statement issued by the White House .
"The substance and timing of the announcement, particularly with the launching of proximity talks, is precisely the kind of step that undermines the trust we need right now and runs counter to the constructive discussions that I've had here in Israel ."
The announcement by the Israeli Interior Ministry came during Biden's first day in the region, the highest profile visit by an Obama administration official. It appeared to catch the administration off guard.President Barack Obama repeatedly had demanded a halt in settlement construction in order to revive the moribund peace negotiations.
Wild Thing's comment........
Please Israel... build more, many many many more of these settlements. I applaud Israel for sticking it in the eye of the terrorist coddler...and on the DAY he sends his #1 boob Biden over to talk.
I heard this yesterday on the radio: "“The Obama Administration these days provokes little confidence in its allies, and even less fear in its adversaries.”
Obama's Whitehouse = Washington branch of Hammas
God bless BiBi!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:47 AM | Comments (4)
Chief Justice Roberts on Obama's court criticism to joint session of Congress ~ " Very Troubling"
Some firm and unequivocal pushback today by Supreme Court Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. to President Obama's court criticism in January.
It is not at all unusual in American history for the executive branch of the federal government (the White House, under the control of either party) to disagree with the judicial branch (Supreme Court).
What is considerably more unusual is for the chief executive of the executive branch (Barack Obama) to look down on the members of said Supreme Court in public at a joint session of Congress and to their faces denounce their independent actions.
And then to receive a resounding ovation from fellow Democrats standing to applaud and cheer Obama as the surrounded justices sat mute, motionless and unable to respond.
That, of course, is what Obama did in his first State of the Union address Jan. 27, objecting to a court decision allowing corporations to donate political funds like individuals as a matter of free speech.
Speaking today at the University of Alabama law school in Tuscaloosa, Chief Justice Roberts called the president's actions "very troubling."
Speaking in response to a law student's question, Roberts said anyone could criticize the court and, indeed, our governmental system of separation of powers encourages such opinionated diversity. Then, the chief justice added:
I have no problems with that. On the other hand, there is the issue of the setting, the circumstances and the decorum.
The image of having the members of one branch of government standing up, literally surrounding the Supreme Court, cheering and hollering while the court — according to the requirements of protocol — has to sit there expressionless, I think is very troubling.
Justices are not required to attend the annual joint sessions but have traditionally done so as a sign of mutual respect for the president and legislative branch. In January, six justices attended, including Roberts. But it sounds now like that judicial thinking might be changing.
Roberts added: "I'm not sure why we're there."
Wild Thing's comment........
Well said by Chief Justice Roberts.
Obama has absolutely NO class at all. Past Presidents showed respect even if they disagreed with the Judges.
Obama delights in baiting anyone who he disagrees with and indirectly gives the green light for his team of hacks to do their dirty work. The White House has become an International embarrasment.
I am THRILLED that the Chief Justice and Alioto actually expressed displeasure with this despot.
It is so shocking and strange that a man who couldn’t pass the background check to be a janitor in the Supreme Court building is now POTUS.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:45 AM | Comments (8)
British Islamist Anjem Choudary: They Give US Money, But We Attack Their System
British Islamist Anjem Choudary: Freedom and Democracy Are Idols That Must Be Destroyed and Replaced with Obedience to Allah.
Wild Thing's comment........
This guy besides being scary in all his replies also makes excuses for living off a system he claims to despise.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:44 AM | Comments (3)
Dem Rep. Dennis Kucinich Says He will Vote "NO" on Obamacare
Ohio Democrat Rep. Dennis Kucinich saying in no uncertain terms that he will vote "No" when the Senate Health Care Bill comes up for a vote in the House of Representatives. Kucinich wants a "Public Option," and says the bill will only be a big giveaway to insurance companies. The Obama Administration had hoped to convince Kucinich to support the bill.
UPDATED 3/8: Rep. Michael Arcuri (D-N.Y.) moved from "no" to "undecided." He told local media outlets on March 2 and March 7 that he was voting against reform. But his spokesman told the Plum Line blog on March 8 that he’s undecided. Arcuri voted for the House bill.
--Rep. Dan Maffei (D-N.Y.) voted yes on the House bill, but told the Syracuse paper March 8 the he is undecided on the final bill.
--Rep Bill Owens (D-N.Y.) voted yes on the House bill, but told the Syracuse paper March 8 the he is undecided on the final bill.
--Democratic Rep. Dan Lipinski of Illinois voted for the House bill but the Weekly Standard reported March 8 that he would not back a final bill that doesn’t include Stupak’s abortion language.
Democratic Rep. James Oberstar of Minnesota voted for the House bill but the Weekly Standard reported March 8 that he would not back a final bill that doesn’t include Stupak’s abortion language.
--Retiring Rep. Brian Baird (D-Wash.), who voted against the House bill, told CNN March 7 that he’s now undecided, but still might vote against a health care bill -- even if it kills reform.
--Rep. Jason Altmire (D-Pa.), who voted “no” on the House bill, told “Fox News Sunday” on March 7 that he’s not leaning one way or the other though he sounded more “yes” than “no.”
--Rep. Dina Titus (D-Nev.), a “yes” vote on the House bill, told the AP March 4 that she’s undecided.
--Retiring Rep. Bart Gordon (D-Tenn.) voted against the House bill but said in a statement March 4 that the president’s proposal is “moving in a more fiscally responsible direction.”
--Rep. Artur Davis (D-Ala.) won't be changing his "no" vote, The Hill reported March 8.
--Rep. Mike Ross (D-Ark.) won’t be changing his “no” votes, The Daily Caller reported March 8.
--Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) told MSNBC March 8 that he will vote against reform because he doesn’t “see the Senate bill as the solution.”
--On the March 7 edition of “Fox News Sunday,” Rep. John Adler (D-N.J.), a House bill “no” vote, said Speaker Pelosi hasn’t been working him to support reform.
--Rep. Shelley Berkley (D-Nev.), a House bill “yes” vote, told the NYT March 4 that she’s “not inclined to support” the Senate bill.
--Rep. Nathan Deal (R-Ga.) announced March 4 that he won’t resign from the House as planned on March 8 in order to stay and fight health reform, keeping one more “no” vote in the House and forcing Dems to get 217 votes instead of 216.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Nothing in the United States Constitution empowers the Federal Government to become as involved in people lives as this bill would enable to happen. These mostly lawyers should ALL know that! The left has succeeded in dumbing down the populace to the point that such a Constitutional argument might as well be spoken in Martian.
And the left DISDAINS the concept of the Constitution - limiting their ability to meddle in people’s lives.
Like ElRushboo said, this is a psyops campaign straight form the Obama himself. Plant news stories of it's inevitability, how there is a tidal wave coming, how day after day votes are swinging his way. This is the crown jewel of socialism and the 5th colum and the statists know the stakes are this high. We have some Democrats who are having honey poured in their ears and being fed lies by the Whorehouse and the leadership and it's our job to "Shake them the hell out of it.";. Don't believe the news folks until the votes are cast, keep fighting, the MSM lies.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:40 AM | Comments (4)
March 09, 2010
Nut Case Like The Rest Of the Left Rep. Eric Massa (D-N.Y.)
Massa served under Clark and worked on Clark’s doomed presidential campaign. Clark provided the cash-strapped Massa critical PAC support, nutroots help, and funding for Massa’s congressional bid.
Gen. Clark, you may recall, was also the speech-stifling zealot who led the backdoor “Fairness Doctrine” drive to kick Rush Limbaugh off of Armed Forces Radio in 2007. The pretext for that censorship campaign was Harry Reid and the Left’s false claim that Rush had “smeared” American troops because he dared to mention the disturbing trend of phony, anti-war soldiers like the infamous Jesse MacBeth (see here and here for refresher courses on Winter Soldier Syndrome). You may remember that Rush turned the Democrats’ attack on its head and raised millions of dollars to benefit the Marine Corps Law Enforcement Foundation by auctioning off Reid’s bully letter.
Well, here’s another reminder that the relentlessly opportunistic Massa chimed in on the side of Clark, Reid, and the leftists providing cover for anti-war fraudsters like MacBeth and his ilk. In fact, he recorded a YouTube campaign spot attacking Rush that as of 11:40pm Eastern tonight, was still featured on his MassaforCongress channel:
H/T Michelle Malkin
MASSA 1:38:00 —
“You’re a pompous coward and it’s about time that someone called you out on it. And that someone is me. My name is Eric Massa. I’ll go on your show any day. And I’ll say it to your face and I’ll say it anywhere. You did your best to dodge military service while hundreds of thousands of Americans wore the uniform to give you the privilege of misusing the radio waves and spread propagandistic lies that are wholly inaccurate about our military service members. I know them personally. Many of them are deep and dear friends of mine. And I daresay, Mr. Limbaugh, if you asked any of them today, they’d much rather stand with those of us who stood with each other rather than with you.
I’m tired of your tactics..You might have a lot of weight to throw around, but it doesn’t carry a lot of weight with me. Rush Limbaugh, I’ll go on your show any day. My name is Eric Massa and you know where to find me.
Wild Thing's comment.......
This guy is nuts, I am so glad Michelle got this information. Rush was talking about it this morning on his show, how Massa said these horrible things about him ( Rush) in the past.
Update from John McCormack at Weekly Standard: “Reliable sources on Capitol Hill say the House ethics report on Eric Massa will be damning.”
Don't Embrace Eric Massa
Sources say the investigation into Massa will be damning.
Reliable sources on Capitol Hill say the House ethics report on Eric Massa will be damning. Obamacare opponents, like Glenn Beck, might want to think twice before indulging Massa and letting this Democratic creep become the posterboy of Obamacare opposition.
It was already self-evident that Eric Massa's story didn't add up. As Jonah Goldberg notes, it doesn't pass the smell test: If Massa admits he "tousled" the hair of a male staffer and told the staffer he ought to be "fracking" him, the whole story is probably much, much worse. And as Michelle Malkin says, "Don’t trust Democrat Rep. Eric Massa any further than you can throw him."
The Atlantic's Chris Good points out that Massa's timeline doesn't make any sense, either. When the story broke about Massa's ethics violations, it would neither have helped nor hurt Democrats to have him in office as a committed "no" vote:
When news broke last Wednesday that Massa would finish out his term without seeking reelection, that he faced these allegations, and that House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer knew about them, the number of votes needed to pass health care reform was 216.
The next day, that number changed: Thursday afternoon, Republican Rep. Nathan Deal (GA) announced he would postpone his own retirement and stay in Congress long enough to vote "no" on health care. At that point, with another sitting lawmaker available for a vote, the magic number increased to 217.
Only after that point did it become beneficial, in theory, for Democratic leaders to force Massa out. The next day, Friday, Massa said he would resign effective the following Monday (today), and the number went back down to 216, helping Democratic leaders.
So Massa's staffer brought the issue to the attention of Steny Hoyer weeks ago, and the story leaked at a time when it didn't help the Democrats' health care vote one way or the other to have him in office. And Massa has changed his story--at first he said he was retiring because of health reasons, and then he resigned because he said Rahm Emanuel was out to get him. If the ethics charges are trumped up, why didn't Massa stay in the House another month to vote against health care?
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:30 PM | Comments (10)
Obama LOCKING OUT the Public When He Speaks in St. Louis
Norman Rockwell's "Freedom of Speech" - Image Courtesy of Norman Rockwell Museum
Obama’s itinerary: Afternoon in St. Charles, evening at the Renaissance
Barack Obama will continue to pressure Congress to pass his health care reform package in a speech Wednesday at St. Charles High, the White House announced over the weekend.
Obama’s speech in St. Charles — his second trip to a suburban St. Louis high school within the last twelve months — is set to begin around 4 p.m. Unlike previous events here and around the country, the event is not being billed as a townhall forum — in other words, no questions please.
The event will be by “invitation only” — meaning the stands will likely be filled with guests of the school and local party officials.
Brace for rush hour highway closures as the president travels from St. Charles to downtown, where he will headline a 6 p.m. fundraiser for U.S. Sen. Claire McCaskill — a key ally on Capitol Hill — at the Renaissance Grand hotel.
Air Force One is schedule to leave the area later Wednesday night.
Wild Thing's comment.......
He is locking the doors on the public in St. Louis! Sheesh!
The facility where Obama will speak is tax payer supported. I see no reason why it is not open to the public. If he wants a private meeting than have it in a hotel. He is showing how afraid he is of getting any questions about his socialized medicine. He really is a dictator!
There are Tea Parties planned which is great, but they won't be able to attend, like they did last summer at the Townhall meetings. No publilc allowed, no questions allowed, not in Obama's America.
Did you know what inspired Rockwell to paint the illustration above?
The story behind the story? Rockwell's dear friend and next door neighbor in West Arlington, Vermont, James A. "Buddy" Edgerton, who along with co-author Nan O'Brien has recently written Buddy's memoirs, has the answer:
"Norman himself used to tell the story that one night in the darkness after midnight, he had bolted upright in bed and thought about my father - and he was so excited at the thought, he wanted to call his best friend, Mead Schaeffer, another Post illustrator who had moved with his wife, Elizabeth, to Arlington just a year before. And he would have called, Mead, too, except that he didn't want to disturb all the other folks along Mead's party line.
The thought that had energized him in the night was the image of seeing my father more than a year before, as my dad had stood up in the town meeting to debate whether or not the Arlington High School - the very school I would be attending in just a few short months - should be rebuilt after burning down. Norman, a relative newcomer to Arlington at the time, had attended the meeting because it would have an influence on the schooling of his own three sons, Jarvis (we called him Jerry), Tommy, and Peter. But now, in the middle of the night, with the issue of to build or not to build long gone, the memory of how everyone in that room had listened to my father, his passion, his eloquence, and his minority point of view with such respect and appreciation, struck the creative chord in Norman that set off a firestorm of inspiration. This was freedom of speech; and this was what America was all about...." Page 44, The Unknown Rockwell: A Portrait Of Two American Families.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 AM | Comments (3)
Rep. Eric Massa (D-N.Y.) ~ "Rahm is 'son of devil's spawn"
Massa: Rahm is 'son of devil's spawn'
Rep. Eric Massa (D-N.Y.) is taking some harsh parting shots at the White House on his way out of office.
Massa, who is stepping down amid allegations of sexual harrassment, said that Emanuel is a ruthless tactician who would “sell his mother” for a vote.
“Rahm Emanuel is son of the devil’s spawn,” Massa said in a radio interview. “He is an individual who would sell his mother to get a vote. He would strap his children to the front end of a steam locomotive.”
Massa also accused Democratic leaders of forcing him out of office because he had voted against healthcare reform.
“This administration and this House leadership has said, quote-unquote, they will stop at nothing to pass this healthcare bill,” he said. “And now they’ve gotten rid of me and it will pass. You connect the dots.”
In Hornell, New York, on a radio station, Washington Week in Review with Representative Eric Massa, Democrat, New York.
MASSA: Rahm Emanuel is son of the devil's spawn. He is an individual who would sell his mother to get a vote; he would strap his children to the front end of a steam locomotive. And if he doesn't like that he can come after me personally because -- let me tell you a story about Rahm Emanuel. I was in the congressional gym, and I went into the showers which, by the way, I for the life of me can't figure out why they took all the shower curtains off the shower stalls in the congressional shower. The last thing I want to look at is my fellow colleagues naked, but they don't have shower curtains down in the gym, and I'm sitting there showering naked as a jaybird and here comes Rahm Emanuel not even with a towel wrapped around his tush, poking his finger in my chest yelling at me because I wasn't going to vote for the president's budget. Do you know how awkward it is to have a political argument with a naked man?
MASSA: What the heck is he doing in the congressional gym? He goes there to intimidate members of Congress. We had words and he hates my guts. He's hated me since day one and now he wins. So he'll get rid of me and this bill will pass, and I don't know what we're going to do in this country.
MASSA: I've had union leaders tell me point-blank, "We are not going to contribute to your campaign unless you vote for this health care bill." Is that or is that not a bribe? It makes me weep when I realize our nation is being destroyed from within. But I will not go quietly into the evening. If you think that somehow they didn't come after me to get rid of me because my vote is the deciding vote in the health care bill then, ladies and gentlemen, you live today in a world that is so innocent as not to understand what is going on in Washington, DC.
MASSA: You cannot effectively govern this country without the consent of the governed. The entire nation has said: "Let's rewrite the health care bill, let's find what we can agree on." No, no, no, no. We're going to ram this down the throats of the American people and anyone who stands in the way of doing that is going to be smeared. And they're going to be kicked out of Congress. And we're going to have people like Steny Hoyer lying in the press. They are going to ram this bill down the throats of this country, and it is going to rip this nation politically to pieces, and it will be a generation before we recover.
Wild Thing's comment......
The Dictator Obama and his henchman Rahm are doing their own version of a purge to those that disagree with them. Imagine Rahm Emmanuel as heading Obama’s purges just like Lavrentiy Beria did for Stalin.And then Beria himself eventually was purged after he’d poisoned Stalin. There are some people walking this Earth who just seem to be void of a human soul. Rahm is one of them.
Obama is going to be suprised when his enemies come at him and from so many places.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (7)
Obama Goes To Philly To Push His Socialized Medicine and Tea Party Shows Up
Obama Goes to Philly…Tea Party Breaks Out!
Philadelphian Tea Party Patriots greeted Barack Obama when he Arrived at Arcadia University!
March 8, 2010 - Obama visits Arcadia University in Glenside to push his healthcare reform and is greeted by about 250 patriotic protesters.
FOX News reported:
Obama said there isn’t time to scrap the Democrats’ health reform plan and start over, as polls suggest many if not most Americans want. He said “we need to pass health reform…not next year…not five years from now…but now.”
GREAT sign at the Phily Tea Party.................
Here is a report from a blogger....Ruby Slippers blog....... that was there and also there are more photos.
Other signs read "ObamaCare Sick Joke" and "Hey Axelrod, We are not the Peanut Gallery.
The protest rally was not expected to start until 9 AM and featured guest speakers such as former Congressman Mike Fitzpatrick who is currently running for the GOP nomination in the PA8th Congressional District.
By the time we reached the door a man in a SEIU jacket was busy making calls to a group who had not shown up for the event. Could it be the Cadillac tax kept them away?
When I got just to the door a group of VIP Dems were ushered in just ahead of me. I of course set off the metal detector and then had to be wanded by security. Can it detect conservatives?
When we were through security, we were told to move to the floor beneath the podium. I had an unbelievable view of the stage. I must say that in person, Obama looks more like Fred Armisen than you would think. Here is Kelly's picture of the SEIU people directly in front of the President. The group was in a roped off area and they weren't all dressed in purple but they broke out in a chant together while we were waiting for the arrival of Obama. This was the only group that was able to shake hands with Obama at the conclusion as well.
A few interesting points. First, I overheard discussion that about 1200 of the 1700 tickets for the event were given out by the White House. That left 500 or so for the school and the community. The vast majority of the students there were there to see Obama and were just giddy. I had to laugh, however, when the President said he had to be honest the health care plan was not going to be free. You should have seen the students looking at each other. The room got quiet, which was notable since at most other times it was very loud and very hot. The audience had a fair share of people who were not in favor of the plan but as they spoke out they were drummed out by noise. There were a few rather large people with booming voices who seemed to be there specifically to be the Greek Chorus. This is notable when you are in the room but is not noticeable to any degree on television.
My first impression was how about mentioning that mandate to these kids who will likely be most affected by it. The President focused on telling them they could stay on their parents plan until they were 26. A Canadian gentleman noted how unlikely it would be they actually were going to be able to stay on their parents plan. He added that in Canada there had been a budget surplus until the extension of health care and now there are huge deficits. There were students there who will never hear of the mandate or know what this will do to their future until it hits them. I found that very sad and was glad my daughter was there along with Kelly and her conservative friends. Spread the news girls.
I was impressed with how smoothly the event went but overall felt it was much more staged than I had even anticipated. I was very glad I went, if only to see how it feels to be there. My son had wondered if Obama would win me over. Dear boy has a Reagan calendar in his bedroom. He need not worry. Those who were there were props and those who opposed health care were not persuaded.
Wild Thing's comment........
I love how we have these Tea Parties, they really are awesome.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:49 AM | Comments (2)
Custodian of U.S. Mosques Promotes Slaying Americans
This map can be found in the February 2005 issue of the National Geographic.
The yellow dots = 1 mosque.
The orange dots = 2 - 10 mosques.
The brown dots = 10+ mosques.
Custodian of U.S. mosques promotes slaying Americans
NAIT: 'It is the duty of Islam to fight him until he is killed'
The custodian of most of the major mosques in America acts as a front for the radical Muslim Brotherhood in America, and publishes and distributes Islamic literature that exhorts Muslims to "kill" any Westerners who get in the way of spreading Islam.
"No political system or material power should put hindrances in the way of preaching Islam. If someone does this, then it is the duty of Islam to fight him until either he is killed or until he declares his submission," asserts an Islamic publication distributed by the North American Islamic Trust.
NAIT holds title to more than 300 mosques in America – including the large Islamic center outside Washington where the Fort Hood terrorist and some of the 9/11 hijackers worshipped.
NAIT also owns and controls the mosque in Orange County, Calif., that converted al-Qaida spokesman Adam Gadahn to Islam.
Gadahn in a video released Sunday exhorted Muslims serving in the U.S. military to follow in the footsteps of accused Fort Hood terrorist Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan. He also called for attacks on mass transportation, along with assassinations or kidnappings of key figures in the government, industry and media.
The Justice Department recently blacklisted NAIT as an unindicted co-conspirator in a scheme to funnel millions of dollars to Palestinian terrorists.
NAIT Trustee Gaddoor Saidi was individually listed as an unindicted co-conspirator, as well, in the Holy Land Foundation case -- the largest terror finance trial in U.S. history, which ended in guilty verdicts on all 108 counts.
In addition, the government identified NAIT as a front for Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood in America. Hamas, which was designated a terrorist organization in 1995, has murdered 17 Americans and injured hundreds of other U.S. citizens.
Chicago-based NAIT also handles the finances for the Council on American-Islamic Relations, the Islamic Society of North America, the Muslim Students Association, and other Muslim Brotherhood front groups, which, shockingly, make up the Muslim establishment in America, according to the new book, "Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld That's Conspiring to Islamize America."
The Muslim groups have been vehemently protesting the FBI's use of undercover informants in mosques and its recent seizure of several mosques in America. Last year, a mosque leader in Detroit was fatally wounded in a shootout with FBI agents who sought his arrest on felony charges.
Through its subsidiary American Trust Publications, also headquartered in Chicago, NAIT publishes and distributes the pro-offensive-jihad book "Milestones," by the late Muslim Brotherhood leader Sayyid Qutb of Egypt, Osama bin Laden's spiritual father.
"Jihad in Islam is simply a name for striving to make this system of life dominant in the world," the NAIT tome asserts. "Wherever an Islamic community exists which is a concrete example of the Divinely ordained system of life, it has a God-given right to step forward and take control of the political authority so that it may establish the Divine system on earth."
"Milestones" preaches that Shariah law should be implemented "by force" if Western societies resist the barbaric Islamic code.
"Bringing about the enforcement of the Divine Law and the abolition of man-made laws cannot be achieved only through preaching," it says. "When obstacles and practical difficulties are put in its way, it has no recourse but to remove them by force."
"Islam has the right to take the initiative," the book claims. "It has the right to destroy all obstacles in the form of institutions and traditions. It is the duty of Islam to annihilate all such systems."
Chillingly, Qutb's strategy dovetails with one outlined in a U.S. Muslim Brotherhood manifesto recently declassified by the Justice Department.
It lists NAIT among Brotherhood, or "Ikhwan," front groups participating in a seditious conspiracy of "eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within" through a "grand jihad," with the ultimate goal of making Islam "victorious over all religions."
The secret manifesto was found in a terrorist suspect's home in Northern Virginia and entered as evidence in the Holy Land Foundation trial.
According to "Muslim Mafia," NAIT was founded in 1973 with massive funding from the Saudis. It was formed as an investment bank for the Muslim Brotherhood in North America, acquiring title to more than 300 mosques and Islamic schools in the U.S.
Current NAIT Chairman Muzammil Siddiqi appears in secret Brotherhood documents as a high-ranking member of its shura council in America, according to documents cited in "Muslim Mafia."
NAIT did not return phone calls seeking comment.
Wild Thing's comment........
Islam is the enemy of freedom and certainly of America and Americans.
Freedom House’s Center for Religious Freedom released a new report exposing the dissemination of hate propaganda in America by the government of Saudi Arabia.
The 89-page report, “Saudi Publications on Hate Ideology Fill American Mosques,” is based on a year-long study of over two hundred original documents, all disseminated, published or otherwise generated by the government of Saudi Arabia and collected from more than a dozen mosques in the United States...’
You can their shocking report HERE.
Saudi Publications on Hate Ideology Invade American Mosques
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:48 AM | Comments (3)
David Axelrod: "I don’t give a flying…"
Axelrod: ‘I don’t give a flying…’
David Axelrod, Obama’s image manager, says he doesn’t give a “flying fuck” what critics say about the White House and its failures but while Axelrod puts forward a defiant face, others say the level of concern is rising over the administration’s failure to stay on message.
“The Obama White House has lost the narrative in the way that the Obama campaign never did,” Brown University political scientist James Morone told The New York Times in a recent interview. “They essentially took the president’s great strength as a messenger and failed to use it smartly.”
Some inside the West Wing point the finger of blame at Axelrod, once hailed as Obama’s guru, a Democratic Karl Rove. Tensions have risen between Axelrod and chief of staff Rahm Emanuel although both deny it publicly.
The problems of the Obama administration highlight the dramatic differences between campaigning and governing and provide fodder to critics who say Obama was not ready for the top job in American politics.
Wild Thing's comment.......
What an upstanding group of people in OUR White House. I can hardly wait for them to get OUT!
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (3)
CNN Panel Responding to Obama's Criticism of the Media and His Constant Whine
'NEEDS TO TOUGHEN UP': CNN's Panel of Political Analysts Rip Obama for Coming 'Off Very Whiny'
CNN panel responding to Obama's criticism of the media.
Ed Rollins said, "I think this President comes off very whiny, and I think it's beneath him, and I think at the end of the day he needs to toughen up."
Wolf Blitzer said, "If there was ever a President who had favorable media attention over the past year or two, it was this President, he really did have a nice honeymoon as far as I can recall."
David Gergen agreed, "He had an extraordinary honeymoon as a candidate and the early days of his Presidency." Gergen added, "When you're President you don't whine about these things."
Wild Thing's comment........
In showbiz as it is in any vocation or career it is a good idea to remember those that helped you succeed. It should be a natural thing for a person to be grateful and appreciate others. Obama would not have won if it had not been for the media kissing up to him and in the most sickening way. More then we have ever seen as far as I remember.
Obama only USES people he has no soul, he does not care about anyone. He proves that in his attitude, his way he treats others, his disrespect for success and those that have attained the American dream with his hate for the rich and successful and in other ways he shows his feelings about anyone that is not HIM.
These people are idiots that backed him and pushed him on America. They do not love America and showed that in their not caring about Obama's friendships and associations. Their attacks on those of us that care about our Constitution, Obama's hidden past and birth certificate and so many things. Now they are seeing what it is like even if it is only a little when they are not in Obama's favor or are at the brunt of his whine.
It is sickening how Obama whines all the time and it sure as heck is not Presidential or what a leader would do.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:45 AM | Comments (2)
March 08, 2010
Victoria Jackson Does A Song About Obama ~ Good For Victoria
Former Saturday Night Live entertainer Victoria Jackson is a conservative. In the video she sings a song to Obama, "There's a Communist Living in the White House."
Wild Thing's comment......
LOL I know Victoria, she is a very nice person.We met many years ago and worked together twice. I got a kick out of how she did this. heh heh Good one Victoria.
Victoria is a comedian and an actress.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 AM | Comments (8)
Sheppard AFB Was Under Lock Down, Man With Gun Arrested
Sheppard AFB On Lock Down
Wichita Falls KS
Updated: Mar 08, 2010 12:42 AM EST Sheppard AFB Police have confirmed to Newschannel 6 that Sheppard Air Force Base is under lock down, and all incoming traffic is being halted.
Sheppard AFB Police have confirmed to Newschannel 6 that Sheppard Air Force Base is under lock down, and all entrances and exits have been sealed until further notice.
George Woodward, Sheppard's Public Information Officer, tells Newschannel 6 that police apprehended a man carrying a shotgun on base.
There were no shots fired or hostages taken, he said.
All airmen have been accounted for as Sheppard continues to operate under lock down until further notice.
Newschannel 6 will continue to monitor the situation. Stay tuned for updates throughout the night and tomorrow morning.
George Woodward, Sheppard’s Public Information Officer, tells Newschannel 6 that police apprehended a man carrying a shotgun on base.
There were no shots fired or hostages taken, he said.
All airmen have been accounted for as Sheppard continues to operate under lock down until further notice.
Gun scare at Sheppard Air Force Base
Officials at Sheppard Air Force Base say a man was arrested late Sunday night following reports of an armed man on base.
The public affairs office tells 7News officers located the man, who did have a gun, and took him into custody. Sheppard officials say contrary to rumors, no shots were fired and no hostages were taken. A lock down at the base was expected to be lifted shortly after midnight Sunday.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Not much info—but prayers up for the safety of our military.
Sheppard AFB is a technical training center. All Air Force Basic training is at Lackland, in San Antonio.
There is also this from last Friday on another Base. I have been to Nellis AFB many, many times.
Man Held After Bomb Threat at Nellis Air Force Base
The main gate at Nellis Air Force Base in Las Vegas was locked down on Friday afternoon after a man made a bomb threat, according to local reports.
Metro Police said the man had been taken into custody without incident and is now in the hands of federal officials, www.ktnv.com said.
The main gate remains closed while the investigation continues.
A spokesman at Nellis told Fox News the gate was closed because of what he described as a minor incident, although he did not have details.
He called the situation "routine" and said there was "no ongoing threat to the public."
The base's other gates remain open.
Traffic around the area was diverted after the incident at around 3 p.m.
Nellis is the location of the United States Air Force Warfare Center and is a major training location for both U.S. and foreign military aircrews.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM
Compilation of Some Explosions and JDAMs ~ Awesome!
Wild Thing's comment.......
Booom! Shaka laka, Boom! LOVE it!
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:49 AM | Comments (2)
U.S. Enriches Companies Defying Its Policy on Iran
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran, center, in Brazil last fall. The nations agreed to share technical expertise on energy projects.
Presently the United States is paying over $107 Billion to vendors companies that are breaking the Iranian sanctions.
U.S. Enriches Companies Defying Its Policy on Iran
The federal government has awarded more than $107 billion in contract payments, grants and other benefits over the past decade to foreign and multinational American companies while they were doing business in Iran, despite Washington’s efforts to discourage investment there, records show.
That includes nearly $15 billion paid to companies that defied American sanctions law by making large investments that helped Iran develop its vast oil and gas reserves.
For years, the United States has been pressing other nations to join its efforts to squeeze the Iranian economy, in hopes of reining in Tehran’s nuclear ambitions. Now, with the nuclear standoff hardening and Iran rebuffing American diplomatic outreach, the Obama administration is trying to win a tough new round of United Nations sanctions.
But a New York Times analysis of federal records, company reports and other documents shows that both the Obama and Bush administrations have sent mixed messages to the corporate world when it comes to doing business in Iran, rewarding companies whose commercial interests conflict with American security goals.
Many of those companies are enmeshed in the most vital elements of Iran’s economy. More than two-thirds of the government money went to companies doing business in Iran’s energy industry — a huge source of revenue for the Iranian government and a stronghold of the increasingly powerful Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, a primary focus of the Obama administration’s proposed sanctions because it oversees Iran’s nuclear and missile programs.
Other companies are involved in auto manufacturing and distribution, another important sector of the Iranian economy with links to the Revolutionary Guards. One supplied container ship motors to IRISL, a government-owned shipping line that was subsequently blacklisted by the United States for concealing military cargo.
In recent months, a number of companies have decided to pull out of Iran, because of a combination of pressure by the United States and other Western governments, “terrorism free” divestment campaigns by shareholders and the difficulty of doing business with Iran’s government. And several oil and gas companies are holding off on new investment, waiting to see what shape new sanctions may assume.
Continue HERE for othe rest of the article
Wild Thing's comment.......
The New York Times identified 74 companies that have done business both in Iran and with the United States government over the last decade. Out of the 74:
14 no longer do buisness in Iran
11 are in Iran but promise to pull out right after they finish this one last progect
49 are still getting money from the US and Iran
John Bolton, former United Nations ambassador in the Bush administration, said failing to enforce the law by punishing such companies both sent “a signal to the Iranians that we’re not serious” and undercut Washington’s credibility when it did threaten action.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:48 AM | Comments (5)
The Difference Between a Republican and a Democrat
Everett McKinley Dirksen, a Republican U.S. Congressman and Senator from Pekin, Illinois
This video was shot in Southern Illinois in 1967 or 1968 and features a young reporter (CP Harding) from WSIU Television (Southern Illinois University) asking Senator Dirksen just one question for a proposed children's news program.
Wild Thing's comment........
History repeats itself. People forget what liberals are and they vote them back in power.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (4)
Obama's Health Care Pitch to Democrats: Trust me
Obama's health care pitch to Democrats: Trust me
In private pitches to Democrats, President Barack Obama says he will persuade Congress to pass his health care overhaul even if it kills him and even if he has to ask deeply distrustful lawmakers to trust him on a promise the White House doesn't have the power to keep.
That, in a sometimes darkly joking way, is what the president is telling Democratic House members as he begins an all-out push to coax Congress into passing his proposals despite voters' misgivings and Republicans' dire warnings.
"He made the case, 'Listen, we put in a very hard year working on health care reform and the time for action is now,'" said Rep. Ron Kind, D-Wis., one of several Democrats who met with Obama at the White House on Thursday.
Obama joked that the political battle has contributed to the recent rise in his cholesterol, Kind said, and the president noted how ironic it would be if health care drove him to his grave.Some answers, however, rely more on faith than fact. Confronting party unrest on his left and right, Obama is calling for political courage, citing historic opportunities and essentially saying "trust me" in areas inherently murky, uncertain and out of his control. The process for getting health care legislation through Congress is tough enough already, and Republicans are determined to derail it.
Obama told House liberals last week that he understands their frustration in seeing priorities — such as allowing the government to sell insurance in competition with private companies — dropped from the revised legislation. He promised to work with them in the future to improve health care laws, said Rep. Barbara Lee, D-Calif., who leads the Congressional Black Caucus.
"He said, `This is the first step, a foundation that we can build upon,'" she said. "He made a commitment to work with us on all the issues that are outstanding, and there are many."
It's unclear whether Obama can keep such promises, especially with Republicans expecting to gain House and Senate seats this fall.
Obama is asking his party's House moderates to have a different kind of faith. The party's strategy calls for House Democrats, despite many misgivings, to go along with a health care bill the Senate passed in December. Obama would sign it into law, but senators would promise to make numerous changes demanded by House Democrats. Because Senate Democrats no longer have the numbers to stop GOP filibusters, the changes would have to be made under rules that require only simple majority votes.
Wild Thing's comment........
The socialist SOB is relentless.
Congress can either listen to the usurper or to their constituents. If they refuse to listen to their constituents, it will end badly for them and our country. The line has been drawn.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:45 AM | Comments (8)
March 07, 2010
Former Democrat Rep. Parker Griffith (R-AL) " we must STOP this Government take over of Health Care!"
Weekly Republican Address: Rep. Parker Griffith (R-AL)
Source: GOP,.gov.
Rep. Parker Griffith, a former democrat, urged Congress to reject Obama’s toxic health care plan today, “It’s not too late: we can, and we must, stop this government takeover of health care.”
“In the next 10 days, Democrats in Washington will try and jam through a massive government takeover of health care. It would raise taxes, slash Medicare benefits and destroy American jobs. It would put federal bureaucrats in charge of medical decisions that should be made by patients and doctors. And it must be stopped.”
The Dem-turned-GOP cited the health care debate as the reason for his switch in political parties.
Rep. Parker Griffith (Ala.) on Saturday stressed he joined the ranks of the Republicans last December because the Democratic Party had "lost its way" in the healthcare debate.
As congressional Democrats ready their final push on reform legislation, aiming to deliver a bill to the president's desk by the month's end, Griffith framed his defection in the GOP's weekly radio address as one motivated by his former party's pursuit of policies "dangerous for our country and out of step with our values."
"Given all that’s at stake, I realized that being a voice of dissent and a vote of conscience was not enough," Griffith said. "Shortly before Christmas, after much thought and prayer, I decided to align myself with House Republicans, who have stood on principle to fight this big-government agenda and offer better solutions to the challenges facing our country."
Griffith later described Senate Democrats' push to use reconciliation as a "toxic, controversial legislative scheme" that would allow party leaders "to make a few last-minute backroom deals and rely on only Democratic votes."
"Republicans understand that the right way to fix healtcare is by a step-by-step approach focused on lowering costs," the congressman said.
"My fellow Americans, it’s not too late: we can, and we must, stop this government takeover of healthcare," Griffith continued. "Make your voice heard now. America deserves better."
Wild Thing's comment........
I can just imagine how Obama hates this when a former dem speaks out against his obsession for control of we the people with his obamacare.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 AM | Comments (8)
An Open Letter From Michael Moore ~ Good Grief!
President Obama, Replace Rahm With Me: An Open Letter From Michael Moore
Dear President Obama,
I understand you may be looking to replace Rahm Emanuel as your chief of staff.
I would like to humbly offer myself, yours truly, as his replacement.
I will come to D.C. and clean up the mess that's been created around you. I will work for $1 a year. I will help the Dems on Capitol Hill find their spines and I will teach them how to nonviolently beat the Republicans to a pulp.
And I will help you get done what the American people sent you there to do. I don't need much, just a cot in the White House basement will do.
Now, don't get too giddy with excitement over my offer, because you and I are going to be up at 5 in the morning, seven days a week and I am going to get you pumped up for battle every single day (see photo). Each morning you and I will do 100 jumping jacks and you will repeat after me:
Then we will put on our jogging sweats and run up to Capitol Hill. We will take names, kick butts, and then take some more names. If we have to give a few noogies or half-nelson's, then so be it. In our pockets we will have a piece of paper to show the pansy Dems just how much they won by in 2008 -- and the poll results that show the majority of Americans oppose the Afghanistan and Iraq wars and want the bankers punished. Like drill sergeants, we will get right up in their faces and ask them, "WHAT PART OF THE PUBLIC MANDATE DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND, SOLDIER?!! DROP AND GIVE ME 50!"
I know this is the job Rahm Emanuel was supposed to be doing.
Now, don't get me wrong. I have always admired Rahm Emanuel (if you don't count his getting NAFTA pushed through Congress in the '90s which destroyed towns like Flint, Michigan. I know, picky-picky.). He is what we needed for a long time -- a no-apologies, take-no-prisoners fighting machine. Someone who is not afraid to get his hands dirty and pound the right wing into submission. Far from being the foul-mouthed bully he has been portrayed as, Rahm is the one who BEAT UP the bullies to protect us from them.
That's certainly what he did in 2006. After six long, miserable years of the middle-class getting slaughtered and the poor being flushed down the toilet, Rahm Emanuel took on the job of returning Congress to the Democrats. No one believed it could be done.
But he did it. Big time. He put the fear of God into the party of Rush and Newt. They had never been so scared. More importantly, though, he instilled a sense of hope in the Democrats that they could actually score the mother of all hat tricks in 2008 -- and with you, an African American no less, in the pole position!
It worked. The Darkness ended. The vast majority of the nation wept with joy on the night of the election (those who weren't weeping went out and bought a record number of guns and ammo). Unlike the last president, you didn't "win" by 537 votes in Florida (although Gore won the popular vote by a half-million), you beat McCain nationally by 9,522,083 votes! The House Democrats got a walloping 79-vote margin. The Senate Dems would caucus with a supermajority of 60 votes unheard of in over 30 years. The wars would now end. America would have universal health care. Wall Street and the banks would, at the very least, be reined in. Hardworking citizens would not be thrown out of their homes. It was supposed to be the dawning of a new age.
But the Republicans were not going to go quietly into the night. You see, instead of having just one Rahm Emanuel, they are ALL Rahm Emanuels. That's why they usually win. Unlike most Democrats, they are relentless and unstoppable. When they believe in something (which is usually themselves and the K Street job they hope to be rewarded with someday), they'll fight for it till the death. They are loyal to a fault to each other (they were never able to denounce Bush, even though they knew he was destroying the party). They dig their heels in deep no matter what. If you exiled them to a lone chunk of melting polar ice cap, they would keep insisting that it was just a normal "January thaw," even as the frigid Arctic waters rose above their God-fearing necks ("See what I mean -- this water is COLD! What 'global warming'?! Adam and Eve rode dinos...aagghh!!... gulp gulp gulp").
We thought we were all done with this craziness, but we were mistaken. Like a beast that you just can't cage, the Republicans convinced not only the media, but YOU and your fellow Dems, that 59 votes was a minority! Precious time was lost trying to reach a "consensus" and trying to be "bipartisan."
Well, you and the Democrats have been in charge now for over a year and not one banking regulation has been reinstated. We don't have universal health care. The war in Afghanistan has escalated. And tens of thousands of Americans continue to lose their jobs and be thrown out of their homes. For most of us, it's just simply no longer good enough that Bush is gone. Woo hoo. Bush is gone. Yippee. That hasn't created one new friggin' job.
You're such a good guy, Mr. President. You came to Washington with your hand extended to the Republicans and they just chopped it off. You wanted to be respectful and they decided that they were going to say "no" to everything you suggested. Yet, you kept on saying you still believed in bipartisanship.
Well, if you really want bipartisanship, just go ahead and let the Republicans win in November. Then you'll get all the bipartisanship you want.
Let me be clear about one thing: The Democrats on Election Day 2010 are going to get an ass-whoopin' of biblical proportions if things don't change right now. And after the new Republican majority takes over, they, along with a few conservative Democrats in Congress, will get to bipartisanly impeach you for being a socialist and a citizen of Kenya. How nice to see both sides of the aisle working together again!
And the brief window we had to fix this country will be gone.
Gone, baby, gone.
I don't know what your team has been up to, but they haven't served you well. And Rahm, poor Rahm, has turned into a fighter -- not of Republicans, but of the left. He called those of us who want universal health care "f***ing retarded." Look, I don't know if Rahm is the problem or if it's Gibbs or Axelrod or any of the other great people we owe a debt of thanks to for getting you elected. All I know is that whatever is fueling your White House it's now running on fumes. Time to shake things up! Time to bring me in to get you pumped up every morning! Go Barack! Yay Obama! Fight, Team, Fight!
I'm packed and ready to come to D.C. tomorrow. If it helps, you won't really be losing Rahm entirely because I'll be bringing his brother with me -- my agent, Ari Emanuel. Man, you should see HIM negotiate a deal! Have you ever wanted to see Mitch McConnell walking around Capitol Hill carrying his own head in his hands after it's just been handed to him by the infamous Ari? Oh, baby, it won't be pretty -- but boy will it be sweet!
What say you, Barack? Me and you against the world! Yes we can! It'll be fun -- and we may just get something done. Whaddaya got to lose? Hope?
Retardedly yours,
Michael Moore
P.S. Just to give you an idea of the new style I'll be bringing with me, when a cornhole like Sen. Ben Nelson tries to hold you up next time, this is what I will tell him in order to get his vote: "You've got exactly 30 seconds to rescind your demand or I will personally make sure that Nebraska doesn't get one more federal dollar for the rest of Obama's term. And then I will let everyone in your state know that you wear Sooner panties, backwards. NOW DROP AND GIVE ME 50!"
Wild Thing's comment........
The sad thing is, I wouldn’t put it past Obama to put him in his cabinet as yet another czar. Hambuger czar? And that would drive Obama's ratings down another 10 points, if he has that many left.
Let me be clear about one thing: The Democrats on Election Day 2010 are going to get an ass-whoopin' of biblical proportions if things don't change right now. And after the new Republican majority takes over, they, along with a few conservative Democrats in Congress, will get to bipartisanly impeach you for being a socialist and a citizen of Kenya. How nice to see both sides of the aisle working together again!
And the brief window we had to fix this country will be gone.
Gone, baby, gone.
......Thank you RAC for sending this to me.
RAC has a website that is awesome. 336th Assault Helicopter Company
13th Combat Aviation Battalion - 1st Aviation Brigade - Soc Trang, Republic of Vietnam
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:50 AM | Comments (11)
The LEFT Brings On Indoctrination and Brainwashing of Children
Remember this from last year.......
A public school teacher was around to indoctrinate – I mean, to um, teach one of the students in her class whose father is a soldier and deployed why it was wrong in the teachers opinion to vote for McCain instead of Obama.
Unforgivable to do this as a teacher to this child!!!
'Hate' laws could label 5-year-olds 'offenders'
Government procedures demand paperwork on playground spats
British Christian organization reports children as young as 5 years old soon could have their names added to "hate registers" of people accused of showing disrespect to homosexuality in violation of "hate crimes" laws.
According to the Christian Institute, a nondenominational charity committed to upholding the truths of the Bible, already a 10-year-old child was added to the registry after he called a friend a "gay boy."
The case was reported by the London Daily Mail, which said teachers are being ordered to write up even minor incidents as "serious bullying" and add them to a database that will follow a student through a school career.
The report confirmed that when small children use "homophobic" or racist words without knowing what they mean, they still must be written up.
The parents of the 10-year-old, Peter Drury, a student in Somerset, were told his name would be registered as an offender, according to the paper.
The report said an assessment from a civil liberties think tank estimated 40,000 children have such accusations, mostly involving alleged racism, added to their school records annually.
Further, government officials are considering rules that also would require education officials to report incidents to local authorities.
"This is totally appalling," Margaret Morrissey, founder of the campaign group Parents Outloud, told the London paper. "The use of such language is part of the learning process. Children need to learn where the boundaries lie. And I very much doubt they understand what they are saying."
Drury's mother, Penny Drury, 43, reported she was summoned to her son's elementary school recently when he was accused of using "homophobic" language, the newspaper said. She was informed he would be registered, his behavior watched and his records monitored.
"He must have picked up the word from somewhere and thought it to mean stupid," she said.
Parents and educators in the U.K. agree the slang use of the word "gay" for children means "inferior."
The Christian Institute reported Penny Drury commented, "He doesn't even understand about the birds and the bees, so how can he be homophobic?"
The government has explained its goals are to prevent "gender bullying."
Also there is the toward "hate crimes" plans in the United States similar to those in the U.K. The law ultimately was enacted under President Obama's direction last year.
A campaign recently was launched in Montgomery County, Md., to classify the speech of advocates for people who choose to leave the homosexual lifestyle as "hate speech," which then could be banned under Obama's law.
Hate speech is unwelcome in Montgomery County Public Schools," said an e-mail to the offices of Regina Griggs, national director of Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays & Gays, known as PFOX. "I would like to ask that you immediately cease distribution of your flyers at our public schools.
"We intend to pursue every method possible to protest your actions if you choose to continue," the message warned.
The conflict was sparked by competing flyers distributed to public school students, one from PFOX, which reaches out to all those leaving the homosexual lifestyle regardless of religious affiliation, and the other from the homosexual-rights group PFLAG, or Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays.
Richard Thompson, president of the Thomas More Law Center, said at the time the lawsuit over the "hate crimes" law was filed, "There is no legitimate law enforcement need for this federal law. Of the 1.38 million violent crimes reported in the U.S. by the FBI in 2008, only 243 were considered as motivated by the victim's sexual orientation. Moreover, [Attorney General] Eric Holder himself testified at a Senate hearing that the states are doing a fine job in this area."
He called it a "political payoff" to homosexual advocacy groups for support of Obama in the last presidential election.
"The sole purpose of this law is to criminalize the Bible and use the threat of federal prosecutions and long jail sentences to silence Christians from expressing their biblically-based religious belief that homosexual conduct is a sin. It elevates those persons who engage in deviant sexual behaviors, including pedophiles, to a special protected class of persons as a matter of federal law and policy," Thompson said at the time.
The Hate Crimes Act was dubbed by its critics as the "Pedophile Protection Act," after an amendment to explicitly prohibit pedophiles from being protected by the act was defeated by majority Democrats. During congressional debate, supporters argued that all "philias," or alternative sexual lifestyles, should be protected.
Obama boasted of the "hate crimes" bill when he signed it into law.
"After more than a decade, we've passed inclusive hate-crimes legislation to help protect our citizens from violence based on what they look like, who they love, how they pray or who they are," he said.
Wild Thing's comment........
Government schools are becoming more and more dangerous. The demonic insanity is growing and spreading.
I remember back when Obama signed the bill about this. I posted about it on here and we discussed it. How truly horrible it was. The Republicans fought it big time and the dems said they were more concerned for the rights of child molesters and rapists and would not listen to the Republicans about their reasoning at all. There were shockiing vidoes of Democrats saying how they were all for this horrible bill.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:49 AM | Comments (6)
What If.........
Wild Thing's comment........
LOL good one. heh heh
......Thank you RAC for sending this to me.
RAC has a website that is awesome. 336th Assault Helicopter Company
13th Combat Aviation Battalion - 1st Aviation Brigade - Soc Trang, Republic of Vietnam
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:48 AM | Comments (2)
The Rock ~ Alcatraz prison ~ To Go Solar ~ More Spending From Obama Stimulus Package
Alcatraz to go solar
The Rock is going solar. In its heyday, Alcatraz prison locked up mobsters such as Al Capone, "Machine Gun" Kelly and Alvin "Creepy" Karpis. Now, the famous penitentiary in San Francisco Bay will capture something new: the sun's rays.
On Friday, the National Park Service announced it will fund a project to put about 1,360 solar panels on the main prison and laundry building at Alcatraz Island. The panels, which are scheduled to be installed later this spring, will provide 40 percent to 60 percent of the electricity for the iconic island, reducing the need for two aging diesel generators that currently keep Alcatraz's lights on — yet also belch out heavy smog and cost $700,000 a year to fuel and maintain.
"The long-term goal is to create a fully sustainable island that uses 100 percent renewable energy," said Michael Feinstein, a spokesman for the Golden Gate National Recreation Area, which oversees Alcatraz.
"There are about 1 million visitors to Alcatraz a year, and we want to make it a showplace for green energy."The project will be funded through President Barack Obama's stimulus program. Last year, the National Park Service received $754 million in stimulus funding.
Wild Thing's comment........
Just thought you might like to know this. Now we can all sleep better at night knowing that our tax dollars will be spent by Obama to put solar at Alcatraz .
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:47 AM | Comments (4)
The Fairy Tale Of Borrowing And Spending By The Democrats
This is a chart outlining the experience of senior policy makers in past presidencies versus the current office:
When Hope Turns to Fear
This is a fairy tale of borrowing and spending with no provision for private-sector economic and income growth other than projecting it to grow 3 to 4 percent. In fact, the public serpents plan to lay 2 trillion dollars of new taxes on the private sector in the next 5 years. Small private businesses are the target of these new and economically-devastating new levies. That is no recipe for growth; it is a recipe for economic disaster. It is a perfect implementation of Saul Alinsky's "rules for radicals" and the cloward-piven.com strategy all rolled into one.
"The more corrupt the state, the more it legislates." - Tacitus
The architects of these policies are radical academics and they are CLUELESS as to the source of wealth because they have no experience in producing it. They are all academics where theoretical thought rules. Look at this SHOCKING glimpse at the naiveté of the crew currently RUNNING policy and government.
This about sums up the amount of REAL experience these LEADERS have: NONE. Their ability to solve REAL problems in the real world? NONE. Socialist progressive IDEALOGUES running an economy that must operate in the REAL world. They have never held a real job, never had to meet a payroll, never had to produce more than they consume and they have no ability to create policies which do so.
Norman Matoon Thomas (November 20, 1884 - December 19, 1968) was a leading American socialist, pacifist and six-time presidential candidate for the Socialist Party of America. As the Socialist Party Presidential candidate, he said this in a 1944 speech:
The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of "liberalism." they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened." He went on to say: "I no longer need to run as a presidential candidate for the Socialist Party. The Democratic Party has adopted our platform."
Recent surveys indicate as many as 30 percent of the public support socialism; they have to, they no longer believe they can support themselves, this is the front edge of the "something for nothings."
The constitution means nothing to progressive Marxists who are getting ready to implement their agenda "at the point of a gun," as Mao Tse-tung would say. When the economic collapse occurs they will be READY to go. The real terrorists are inside the beltway in Washington DC and they claim to represent you!
Wild Thing's comment........
This was taken from a very long article and really excellent.
.... Thank you Jim for sending this to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:45 AM | Comments (2)
Biden's lost cause ..... By Caroline B. Glick
An armed Israeli settler sits next to a poster depicting President Barack Obama wearing a traditional Arab headdress, as he waits for transport near the settlement of Ma'on, south of the West Bank city of Hebron - June 2009
Israeli women gesture to anti-Barack Obama posters calling him an anti-Semitic Jew hater.
Biden's lost cause
By Caroline B. Glick
US Vice President Joseph Biden's job is about to stop being easy. Indeed, it is about to become impossible.
On Monday Biden will arrive in Israel for a three-day visit. Biden, who will meet with Israel's leaders, will be the most senior official in the cavalcade of senior US officials that have descended on Israel in recent weeks. Biden will replace Senator John Kerry, the Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee who was here this week. Kerry himself replaced Adm. Michael Mullen, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff who was here two weeks ago.
In his press conference in Jerusalem on Monday, Kerry explained the purpose of these visits. As he put it, "…I am here and other people were here and Vice President Biden is coming shortly… to make sure we are all on the same page and that we are all clear about [Iran]."
Although Biden is just the latest senior US official to visit Israel to try to coerce the government not to prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear power, his visit is novel in one respect. In addition to his meetings with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and the rest of Israel's senior officials, Biden intends to make a case for the Obama administration's policies towards Iran, the Palestinians and Israel directly to the Israeli public. During his trip he will give what is being billed as a major policy speech at Tel Aviv University.
In light of the gaping disparity between the Obama administration's policies and those of the Israeli government, the apparent goal of Biden's address is to shore up the position of the Israeli Left as an alternative to Netanyahu. Apparently, the picture emerging from all of the senior US officials' meetings with Netanyahu is that Israel's leader still feels comfortable defying them. Presumably, they now believe that the only way to force him to toe their line is by making him believe that the price of defiance will be his premiership.
This of course is a difficult task. The Left after all was roundly defeated in last year's elections. Making it a credible alternative is no mean task.
The Israeli Left for its part is doing its best to tie its own fortunes to the administration. Opposition leader Tzipi Livni placed herself squarely in the Obama camp this week during her confrontation with Netanyahu at the Knesset. Belittling the results of last month's Gallup poll which showed that Israel enjoys the support of two-thirds of Americans, (and 80 percent of Republicans vs. 53 percent of Democrats), Livni blamed the premier for Israel's international standing. By not bowing to Obama's demands and ending all Jewish construction in Jerusalem and accepting the radical peace proposals she and former prime minister Ehud Olmert made to the Palestinians during their tenure in office, Livni claimed that Netanyahu is ruining Israel's diplomatic position in the US and throughout the world.
There is nothing new or surprising about Livni's use of the Obama administration's animosity towards the government as a means of positioning herself as an alternative to the government. And on the surface it makes sense for her to use it. After all, it was by building a partnership with the Clinton administration against Netanyahu the last time he was in power that the Israeli Left was able to bring down his government and win the 1999 elections.
The Left's hope of forming a coalition with Obama against Netanyahu was given its most explicit expression last July in an op-ed by Ha'aretz's editor-at-large Aluf Benn in the New York Times. After expressing his support for Obama's policies, Benn bemoaned the fact that due to Obama's low approval ratings among Israeli Jews, (at the time they stood at 6 percent and later plunged to 4 percent), it would be hard for him to convince the Israeli public to abandon its support for Netanyahu in favor of Obama's — that is the Israeli Left's — policies. To improve this dismal state of affairs, Benn suggested that Obama simply needs to make his case to the Israeli public, which "will surely listen," to him.
As far as Benn — and his fellow leftists were concerned — Obama's credibility problems redounded not to his policies, which the Left supports. Instead they owed to his failure to dazzle the Israeli people with the same rhetorical magic he used on the Arabs and the Europeans. It was Obama's tone, not his programs that needed to be improved.
In arguing thus, Benn, like Livni and their colleagues on the Left are acting on their memories of their glory days with the Clinton administration. As president, Bill Clinton was able to simultaneously embrace Yassir Arafat, and take down Netanyahu without anyone ever questioning his undying love for Israel and the Jews. And because of this, he became the hero of the Israeli Left which he swept back into power in 1999.
As the Left sees it, Clinton retained his reputation as the greatest friend Israel ever had in the White House, despite the fact that his policies were the most hostile policies the US had ever adopted towards Israel, because he knew how to charm the Israeli electorate. His frequent visits to Israel and his saccharine, lip-biting declarations of love for Rabin and Israel were all it took in their view to convince the public to reject the Right. If Obama would just repeat Clinton's practices, he too could bring down Netanyahu and convince the Israeli public to trust him.
When Benn's article was published his recommendation was shrugged off by the administration. So too, the White House rejected repeated requests from the local media for interviews with the President. Now however, with Obama's approval rates slipping and his Iran policy in tatters, the White House apparently decided that it needs to embark on a charm offensive in Israel to make Netanyahu more vulnerable to coercion.
Biden was selected as the man for the job because he is widely perceived as the most pro-Israel senior member of the administration. The fact that before becoming Vice President Biden had one of the most pro-Iran voting records in the Senate has done nothing to mitigate this perception. Indeed, despite the fact that Biden voted repeatedly against sanctions on Iran, claimed that Iran's quest for nuclear bombs was understandable and called for the US to sign a non-aggression pact with the mullocracy while threatening to move for George W. Bush's impeachment if he were to order a military strike against Iran's nuclear weapons programs, Biden continues to be viewed as a solid supporter of Israel.
And indeed, in line with this perception, he can be expected to declare his undying love for the Jewish state several times during his speech. Yet still, and sadly for the Israeli Left and for the Obama administration, his charm offensive will fail to get the girl. The most his visit is likely to yield is a momentary rise in support among Israelis that will quickly recede. And there are four reasons this is the case.
First, Obama himself is far weaker than Clinton was. His obsequious attempts to curry favor with the Arabs and Iran have been even more disturbing to Israelis than his refusal to visit the country. Moreover, unlike Clinton, who was popular with Israelis even before he was elected, Obama has never been popular in Israel. Part of this can perhaps be chalked up to timing. Clinton of course succeeded George H.W. Bush who was deeply unpopular in Israel. Obama replaced his son — who was regarded as a great friend of Israel.
Given Obama's weakness, it is hard to see how he can convince the Israeli public that he will be capable of protecting the country from a nuclear-armed Iran or that he can force the Palestinians and the Syrians to end their support of terror in the event of an Israeli withdrawal from Judea and Samaria or the Golan Heights.
Second, the Netanyahu Obama faces is not the Netanyahu Clinton faced in the 1990s. Today the premier leads a far broader coalition than he did in his previous government. It is also more stable. Labor Party chief Defense Minister Ehud Barak knows he cannot unseat Netanyahu. Indeed, he knows he can't even trust his party to continue supporting him if he leaves Netanyahu's government. As for opposition leader Tzipi Livni, the latest polls show her trailing far behind Netanyahu as the people's choice for prime minister. Her party's popularity rates are decreasing, Likud's are growing.
Third, there is the fact that today the Left does not control public opinion to the degree it did the last time Netanyahu was in power. During his first government, due in large part to the media's delegitimization of the Right in the wake of Rabin's assassination, the media was able to market the PLO as a credible peace partner for Israel. Yassir Arafat himself was portrayed by a popular television show as a sweet, peace loving sock puppet who only wanted to make peace with the craven, war mongering Netanyahu. Consequently it became socially unacceptable in polite circles for Israelis to admit that Arafat and the Palestinians were less than devoted to the notion of peaceful coexistence with Israel or that Netanyahu was right not to give up the store. So too, it was socially unacceptable in certain quarters to criticize Clinton who presented himself as Rabin's greatest friend. Today, people are far less embarrassed to make these claims.
This is the case of course, for the fourth reason that Biden will fail in his mission. In the 11 years since Netanyahu was forced from office, the Left's political platform has been discredited by events. Since 1999 the Palestinians — as well as the Lebanese — have demonstrated that the Left's appeasement policies are disastrous. The 1,500 Israelis who have been killed since then by the Palestinians and Hizbullah, the transformation of post-Israeli withdrawal southern Lebanon and Gaza into jihadist enclaves, the rise of Iran, and Fatah's open rejection of Israel's right to exist have all made the Left's policies unacceptable to a wide majority of Israelis.
The public's rejection of the Left's policies is so overwhelming that it has even rejected the Left's current central claim — namely that Israel will lose its Jewish majority if it abstains from surrendering Judea and Samaria. By a 53-28 percent margin, a Ha'aretz poll last month showed that Israelis do not believe that Israel's continued presence in the areas will lead to the destruction of Israel as a Jewish state.
What all of this shows of course is that it will take much more than a change in tone for the Obama administration to win over the Israeli public. Indeed, Obama's open hostility towards Netanyahu has probably been a significant factor in shoring up the public's approval of his performance in office.
The Israeli public is not interested in a change of tone — from Obama or from the Israeli Left. It is interested in a change of policy. Until it gets it, the public will in all likelihood remain loyal to Netanyahu.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Neither Biden nor Obama are friends of Israel. Obama has treated Israel in the worst way since he was elected. He favors the terrorists, and he also favors Iran over Israel. This will be a disaster for Israel for sure. I wish they would just tell Biden to, well you know, go to hell and Obama too.
The images I have at the top of this post are from last June (2009) and Israel has not changed their mind about Obama, if nothing else it feels even stronger about him. As they should he has been a traitor to Israel.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:40 AM | Comments (4)
March 06, 2010
Obama at the Bat
The Outlook wasn't brilliant for Leftyville that day:
The health care plan was muddled, with but one press conference more to play.
And then when the job approval numbers died, and personal popularity did the same,
A sickly silence fell upon the progressives in the game.
A straggling few got up to go in deep despair. The rest
Clung to that hope which springs eternal in the human breast;
They thought, if only Obama could get but a whack at that -
We'd put up even money, now, with Obama at the bat.
Then from 5,000 throats and more there rose a lusty yell;
It rumbled through the valley, it rattled in the dell;
It knocked upon the mountain and recoiled upon the flat,
For Obama, mighty Obama, was advancing to the bat.
There was ease in Obama's manner as he stepped into his place;
There was pride in Obama's bearing and a smile on Obama's face.
And when, responding to the cheers, he lightly doffed his hat,
No s tranger in the crowd could doubt 'twas Obama at the bat.
Ten thousand eyes were on him as he smeared his opponents with dirt;
Five thousand tongues applauded when he rolled the sleeves up on his shirt.
Then while a cringing reporter lobbed a question from his hip,
Defiance gleamed in Obama's eye, a sneer curled Obama's lip.
For when the stimulus bill came hurtling through the air,
Obama stood a-watching it in haughty grandeur there.
Right by the sturdy President the bill unheeded sped-
"That's just my style," said Obama. "Strike one," the people said.
With a smile of Christian charity great Obama's visage shone;
He stilled the rising tumult; he bade the game go on;
He signaled to the congress, and the cap and trade bill flew;
And Obama heartily supported it, and the people said, "Strike two."
"Soci alism" cried the maddened conservatives, and echo answered fraud;
But one scornful look from Obama and the audience was awed.
They saw his face grow stern and cold, they saw his muscles strain,
And they knew that Obama might get his way again.
The sneer is gone from Obama's lip, he rises to his station;
About to deliver a stirring press conference to a waiting nation.
And now the teleprompter is on, and now he unleashes his volley,
And now the lofty illusions are shattered by the force of his own folly.
Oh, somewhere in this favored land the sun is shining bright;
The band is playing somewhere, and somewhere hearts are light,
And somewhere men are laughing, and somewhere children shout;
But there is no joy in Leftyville - mighty Obama has struck out.
Wild Thing's comment.......
This is awesome!! I love it!
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 AM | Comments (4)
NRA News: UN Doomsday Treaty
NRA News' investigative reporter Ginny Simone takes a look at the global gun control goals of the United Nations. By pushing for a binding international treaty aimed at superseding the U.S. Constitution, the United Nations is committed to rendering Americans' Second Amendment rights to own a firearm meaningless. Simone interviews past and current U.N. officials and politicians and examines the debates at the United Nations Small Arms Summit to expose the international anti-gun agenda.
Wild Thing's comment........
Excellent video about this. I also like the way they list the countries involved in being anti-gun. It is a chilling video regarding the dangerous push for taking away an American's right to own a weapon.
Hamilton warned in the Federalist papers that the greatest threat to our liberties would not be an armed conflict but loss of freedom INCREMENTALLY - bit by bit, if the people lose their vigilence. Be Ever Vigilant!
......Thank you RAC for sending this to me.
RAC has a website that is awesome. 336th Assault Helicopter Company
13th Combat Aviation Battalion - 1st Aviation Brigade - Soc Trang, Republic of Vietnam
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:50 AM | Comments (7)
Details of “Einstein” Cyber Shield Disclosed by White House
Cybersecurity Chief Howard Schmidt Obama's Cyber CZAR and Obama
Details of “Einstein” Cyber Shield Disclosed by White House
The Obama administration lifted the veil Tuesday on a highly-secretive set of policies to defend the U.S. from cyber attacks.
It was an open secret that the National Security Agency was bolstering a Homeland Security program to detect and respond to cyber attacks on government systems, but a summary of that program declassified Tuesday provides more details of NSA’s role in a Homeland program known as Einstein.
The current version of the program is widely seen as providing meager protection against attack, but a new version being built will be more robust–largely because it’s rooted in NSA technology. The program is designed to look for indicators of cyber attacks by digging into all Internet communications, including the contents of emails, according to the declassified summary.
Homeland Security will then strip out identifying information and pass along data on new threats to NSA. It will also use threat information from NSA to better identify emerging cyber attacks.
NSA’s role is a careful balance because of the political battles that ensued over the agency’s role in domestic surveillance in the George W. Bush administration. Declassifying details of the NSA’s role, in a program initially developed during the Bush administration and continued in the Obama administration, will likely ignite new debates over privacy.
The White House’s new cyber-security chief, Howard Schmidt, announced the move to declassify the program in a speech at the RSA conference in San Francisco–his first major public address since assuming the post in January. He said addressing potential privacy concerns was one of the ten initial steps he planned to take. “We’re really paying attention, and we get it,” he said.
Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, who said that Einstein 3 could only be discussed in a classified setting, speaks at the RSA conference on Wednesday.
Feds weigh expansion of Internet monitoring
Homeland Security and the National Security Agency may be taking a closer look at Internet communications in the future.
The Department of Homeland Security's top cybersecurity official told CNET on Wednesday that the department may eventually extend its Einstein technology, which is designed to detect and prevent electronic attacks, to networks operated by the private sector. The technology was created for federal networks.
Greg Schaffer, assistant secretary for cybersecurity and communications, said in an interview that the department is evaluating whether Einstein "makes sense for expansion to critical infrastructure spaces" over time.
Not much is known about how Einstein works, and the House Intelligence Committee once charged that descriptions were overly "vague" because of "excessive classification." The White House did confirm this week that the latest version, called Einstein 3, involves attempting to thwart in-progress cyberattacks by sharing information with the National Security Agency.
Greater federal involvement in privately operated networks may spark privacy or surveillance concerns, not least because of the NSA's central involvement in the Bush administration's warrantless wiretapping scandal. Earlier reports have said that Einstein 3 has the ability to read the content of emails and other messages, and that AT&T has been asked to test the system. (The Obama administration says the "contents" of communications are not shared with the NSA.)
"I don't think you have to be Big Brother in order to provide a level of protection either for federal government systems or otherwise," Schaffer said. "As a practical matter, you're looking at data that's relevant to malicious activity, and that's the data that you're focused on. It's not necessary to go into a space where someone will say you're acting like Big Brother. It can be done without crossing over into a space that's problematic from a privacy perspective."
Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano stressed the need for more cooperation between the government and the private sector on cybersecurity, saying that "we need to have a system that works together."
During a House appropriations hearing on February 26, Napolitano refused to discuss Einstein 3 unless the hearing were closed to the public. "I don't want to comment publicly on Einstein 3, per se, here in an unclassified setting," she said. "What I would suggest, perhaps, is a classified briefing for members of the subcommittee who are interested."
Some privacy concerns about Einstein have popped up before. An American Bar Association panel said this about Einstein 3 in a September 2009 report: "Because government communications are commingled with the private communications of non-governmental actors who use the same system, great caution will be necessary to insure that privacy and civil liberties concerns are adequately considered."
Jacob Appelbaum, a security researcher and programmer for the Tor anonymity project, said that expanding Einstein 3 to the private sector would amount to a partial outsourcing of security. "It's clearly a win for people without the security know-how to protect their own networks," Appelbaum said. "It's also a clear loss of control. And anyone with access to that monitoring system, legitimate or otherwise, would be able to monitor amazing amounts of traffic."
Einstein grew out of a still-classified executive order, called National Security Presidential Directive 54, that President Bush signed in 2008.
While little information is available, former Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff once likened it to a new "Manhattan Project," and the Washington Post reported that the accompanying cybersecurity initiative represented the "single largest request for funds" in last year's classified intelligence budget. The Electronic Privacy Information Center has filed a lawsuit (PDF) to obtain the text of the order.
Wild Thing's comment.......
All of this about reading emails but they won't guard the borders????
...Disclosed by White House...
Anyone else think that if you were trying to protect the Country from threats it might not be a good idea to disclose what you're doing? Just the fact that we have such a program and some rough characteristics of it is valuable intel. That it is far enough along that the top suits feel safe in talking about it tells you something too.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:49 AM | Comments (3)
Pentagon Metro Shooter John Patrick Bedell Was a Registered Democrat
The press in the U.S. is already trotting out that Bedell was a Right-Wing extremist.
The the Christian Science Monitor calls the pot smoking, Bush-hating, Truther a right wing extremist.
John Patrick Bedell: Did right-wing extremism lead to shooting? Authorities have identified John Patrick Bedell as the gunman in the Pentagon shooting. He appears to have been a right-wing extremist with virulent antigovernment feelings.
Don’t buy the right-wing b.s. This guy was a nutter, no question, but he was a nutter of Truther persuasion. It’s the Democrats that embrace that conspiracy theory…them and the Ron Paul folks. ~ Wild Thing
The Pentagon shooter is linked to several gay rights groups along with PETA, NPR, various drug legalization orgs, Greenpeace and Al Franken.
There was a shooting just outside the Pentagon today, at a security checkpoint. Two cops were injured; breaking reports say the suspect, J. Patrick Bedell, has died.
The suspect, believed to be a U.S. citizen, walked up to a security checkpoint at the Pentagon in an apparent attempt to get inside the massively fortified Defense Department headquarters, at about 6:40 p.m. local time. “He just reached in his pocket, pulled out a gun and started shooting” at point-blank range, Keevill said. “He walked up very cool. He had no real emotion on his face.” The Pentagon officers returned fire with semiautomatic weapons.
And Internet research shows that the guy was a 9/11 Truther and an anti-Bush nut case.
Wild Thing's comment.......
The leftist ideology spawns murderous, psychotic behavior. But the media and press just love to go after right wingers immediately whenever something like this happens. Sheesh!
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:48 AM | Comments (16)
Neil Cavuto Blasts Obama's Transparency Claims ~ Good One Neil!!
Neil Cavuto blasting President Obama for repeatedly saying one thing, but doing another.
Cavuto said voters have "had it with phonies."
“You know what I think really turns off voters? Not lying politicians, but lying politicians who insist they’re not lying politicians."
Wild Thing's comment.......
I lke Neil Cavuto he is always good. I am so glad he said this.
I am sick of OBama doing this too and if Obama is questions and even when he is not, he talks down to everyone in every speech he makes.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:47 AM | Comments (3)
Obama's CZAR John Holdren During Cold War: Smack in the USSR
U.S. czar in Cold War: Smack in the USSR
Obama chief part of group whose founders allegedly helped Soviets build atomic bomb
John Holdren, President Obama's "science" czar, visited the Soviet Union during the Cold War as vice chairman of a group whose founder was accused of providing vital nuclear information that helped the Soviets build an atom bomb.
The original leaders of the group, the Federation of American Scientists, also served on the board of a magazine whose personnel were accused of passing crucial nuclear information to the Soviets. Holdren served on the board of directors of that magazine, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists.
Just after President Reagan's March 1983 "Star Wars" speech in which he proposed a missile-defense shield to protect the U.S. home front, a group of Soviet academicians sent a letter to the U.S. scientific community asking about the feasibility of such a shield.
The only group that responded directly to the Soviet scientists was the Federation of American Scientists, or FAS, leading to an invitation to visit from Evgeny Velikov, director of the Soviet Kurchatov Institute of Science.
Physicist David W. Hafemeister relates in his book, "Physics and Nuclear Arms Today," how he was part of the FAS delegation to the USSR along with Holdren, who at the time was a professor at the University of California at Berkeley.
The FAS is non-profit organization formed in 1945 by scientists from the Manhattan Project, which developed the first atomic bomb. The FAS has long petitioned for nuclear disarmament.
Scientist Leo Szilard, a member of the Manhattan Project, was a principal founder of the FAS. Szilard also was accused of providing vital information to the Soviets that helped them build an atomic bomb.
In 1994, Pavel Sudoplatov, a former major-general in Soviet intelligence, named Szilard as a key source of crucial atomic information to the Soviet Union.
"The most vital information for developing the first Soviet atomic bomb came from scientists engaged in the Manhattan Project to build the American atomic bomb – Robert Oppenheimer, Enrico Fermi and Leo Szilard," wrote Sudoplatov.
Founders of the FAS also were board members of the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, a journal that argued for the U.S. to hand its nuclear weapons to an international organization. It began publishing regularly in 1945.
Szilard founded the Bulletin along with Oppenheimer, who was long accused of spying for the Soviets and passing along vital nuclear secrets.
Sudoplatov wrote the Soviet Union "received reports on the progress of the Manhattan Project from Oppenheimer and his friends in oral form, through comments and asides, and from documents transferred through clandestine methods with their full knowledge that the information they were sharing would be passed on."
Indeed, Oppenheimer was accused in Senate hearings of bringing communists into the Manhattan Project. He brought his brother Frank and three former graduate students into the project, all of whom, according to Senate hearings, were well known to him to be "members of the Communist Party or closely associated with activities of the Communist Party."
Oppenheimer admitted he knew by August 1943 that two of the scientists working under him were Communist Party members. Three of five scientists under Oppenheimer's direct supervision were accused of leaking secret information about the atomic bomb to the Soviets.
On Oct. 25, 1945, Oppenheimer met with President Truman at the White House, urging him to surrender the U.S. nuclear monopoly to international control. Truman was outraged, reportedly telling Secretary of State Dean Acheson, "I don't want to see that son-of-a-b*tch in this office ever again."
Holdren worked alongside communist sympathizers
The New Zeal blog first reported Holdren worked on the Bulletin in 1984. At the time, communist and socialist sympathizers still occupied the magazine's masthead.
The Bulletin's board of directors in 1984, New Zeal reported, included:
* Board chairman Aaron Adler, who also served on the board of the Chicago Center for U.S./USSR Relations and Exchanges, alongside Larry McGurty of the Communist Party USA.
Adler was also a member of what New Zeal labels a Communist Party front, the Chicago Committee to Defend the Bill of Rights. He was also involved in a committee to celebrate the 100th birthday of Communist Party member Paul Robeson.
* Bernard Weissbourd, a former Manhattan Project scientist who later served on the transition oversight committee for incoming Chicago Mayor Harold Washington, who was active in Communist Party fronts.
Weissbourds' son, Robert M. Weissbourd, later served as chairman of the Obama for America Campaign Urban and Metropolitan Policy Committee and on the Obama Transition Housing and Urban Development Agency Review Team in 2008.
* Ruth Adams, Bulletin editor, who served in the 1960s on the Advisory Committee of the Hyde Park Community Peace Center. Other Center members included lifelong communist front activist Robert Havighurst, communist activist and radical Trotskyist Sydney Lens and Quentin Young, an avowed communist who has advised Obama on health care.
Surrender to planetary regime
Holdren, meanwhile, has been a longtime climate-change alarmist who has advocated ideas such as enforcing limits to world population growth.
Holdren's name was in the e-mails hacked from the Climatic Research Unit at East Anglia University in the U.K., which show that some climate researchers declined to share their data with fellow scientists, conspired to rig data and sought to keep researchers with dissenting views from publishing in leading scientific journals.
Wild Thing's comment.......
I don't think there is one person that Obama knows that is a good person in any way. Each one of them is so vile and upsetting to learn about. It just never ends with Obama and his associations. NEVER!
How the hell much are we supposed to take with this crap. I am so sick of this and I know it will not end till Obama is out of office. But the damage he and his ilk will do is shocking and scary beyond words.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:45 AM | Comments (6)
Harry Reid Said ONLY 36,000 People Lost Their Jobs Yesterday ~ Say What?
"Today is a big day in America. Only 36,000 people lost their jobs today, which is really good."
Democrat Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid taking to the Senate Floor to clarify his comments this morning on the U.S. Unemployment numbers.
Reid slammed those who criticized his use of the words, "only 36,000 people lost their jobs today," by saying his comments had been "mischaracterized."
Wild Thing's comment........
Reid is a a buffoon would think this is good news. What a jerk!
What an excellent winning campaign commercial this will make for his opposition.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:40 AM | Comments (4)
March 05, 2010
Dr. Charles Krauthammer: 'Next Time I Come Out Against ObamaCare I'm Going to Dig Out My White Coat'
“The next time I come out against ObamaCare I’m going to go to my attic, dig out the white coatand stethoscope which I still have from my medical days, I think it’s mothy, and I’m going to wear it on the air so that I will have the authority the way Obama draws the authority. It was one of the most absurd things the way the six doctors, nurses standing behind him as if somehow that makes what he says more authoritative.”
Wild Thing's comment.......
LMAO I love his humor.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 AM | Comments (9)
To Keep and Bear Arms
To Keep and Bear Arms
by Doctor Zero ( John Hayward)
Twenty-five years ago, a little after sunrise on a Monday morning, the front door of my house was kicked in by a man who had blown his mind with crack cocaine. He marched my family upstairs at gunpoint. When I reached the top of the stairs and turned around, he put the gun in my forehead and pulled the trigger.
I’ve always heard it was good to begin a composition with an arresting opening paragraph. That’s the catchiest one I can offer from an otherwise modest biography. I hope the rest of this essay lives up to the opening. I’ll do my best.
I don’t mind admitting this incident gave me a lifelong aversion to guns. I don’t have any objection to other law-abiding citizens bearing arms – in fact, I’m strongly in favor of it. It’s just not a right I have chosen to exercise, although I’m working on getting over it. I’m fascinated by the beauty and science of firearms. I rarely pass a gun magazine on the stands without flipping it open, and I love attending gun shows. My first close encounter with a gun was rather… intense, so I’m understandably nervous around them. I recently discovered I’m a remarkably good shot with a target rifle, after some friends invited me to shoot with them. I’ve decided twenty-five years is long enough to be uncomfortable around the reality of something I’ve always supported in theory.
The Second Amendment is once again in the news, as the Supreme Court considers a case that would invoke the Fourteenth Amendment to apply it to the states, striking down restrictive state and local gun-control laws… oh, wait. You’re probably wondering why I’m still here, having been shot in the head and all. Well, I got lucky. I was able to knock the gun out of the way just in time, and the bullet wound up in the wall, instead of my brain. I had managed to make a hasty call to the police as the door was being kicked in, and they arrived to find the perp and I wrestling for control of the weapon at the bottom of the stairs. No one died in my house that day.
I wish the Supreme Court would do more than rule the Second Amendment applies to the states. It’s long past time the last, ridiculous cobwebs of ambiguity were cleared away from the right to keep and bear arms. Gun control has been simmering on low heat for a while, after boiling over in the Nineties. We should clear it off the Constitutional stove altogether. We have better things to do than slip into another bitter, tedious argument about whether the government can interfere with our right, and duty, to defend ourselves.
The notion that citizens have no good reason to be armed, because the State can protect them from violent crime, is one of the most dangerous lies Big Government has fed its subjects. The government reduces crime through the police and court systems, but no matter how tirelessly the police work, there is very little chance they can actively defend you from assault. There aren’t enough of them, and there never could be. The very areas of privacy that allow us to relax with our friends and families will always be soft targets for criminals… unless we fortify them ourselves. The police arrived at my house several minutes too late to play a role in my attempted execution. They made excellent time – there happened to be a unit in the area. If things had gone a little different, they might have arrived just in time to avenge me.
Citizen access to firearms has reduced crime rates time and again, but this is more than a matter of practicality. It’s a question of principle. The people of an orderly nation surrender the business of vengeance to the government, replacing it with the rule of law. They cannot be expected to surrender the right of defense. The right to protect yourself, and your family, from injury and death is an essential part of your dignity as a free man or woman. Without the First Amendment, you are a slave. Without the Second, you are a child.
The Western nations which have abandoned this essential understanding of an individual’s right to self-defense have become rotting orphanages filled with dependent children. They’re not dealing very well with the invasion of a determined ideology that has complete confidence in its own righteousness, and few reservations about using violence to assert itself. Losing the dignity of self-defense is part of the degeneration from master of the State to its client. As this dignity fades, the people and their government speak less of responsibilities, and more of entitlements.
The Second Amendment is a concrete expression of the American birthright of independence. With the right of self-defense bargained away, our rights to speak and vote give us modest influence in a collective. The Founders wanted more, and better, for us.
Sometimes liberals sneer at the idea we might keep arms against government tyranny, because a bunch of pistol-packing Tea Party types have no chance of repeating the success of the Revolution against a modern military force. This completely misses the point. A disarmed populace has little choice but to obey orders. If the population is armed, a tyrant’s forces have to do more than just brandish their weapons… they’d have to start pulling triggers. Victory for a righteous populace would come in the military’s refusal to pull those triggers. Tyranny should never be easy. Of course, it should never come to that again, in the United States. As long as the population is armed, this is an understanding, and a duty… not an assumption.
The right to keep and bear arms is a crucial intersection of liberty and obligation. A gun owner is entrusted with the solemn duty to tend his weapons carefully and securely. In accepting this duty, we remove the destiny of our loved ones from the hands of madmen, and it is no longer measured by the distance of a friendly police car from our homes. It would be a mark of our maturity as a nation if we stopped telling ourselves that freedom can exist in the absence of responsibility… or danger. The shards of those illusions carry sharp edges, when they shatter.
The New York Times article about the case before the Supreme Court ends this way:
The Supreme Court’s conservative majority has made clear that it is very concerned about the right to bear arms. There is another right, however, that should not get lost: the right of people, through their elected representatives, to adopt carefully drawn laws that protect them against other people’s guns.
Carefully drawn laws will not protect you from other people’s guns. Believe me. None of the people carefully drawing those laws will rely upon them for their protection.
Wild Thing's comment........
Excellent write up.
The Second Amendment.........America's Original Homeland Security!
Government and liberty are natural adversaries. The founders of our nation understood this. With that understanding in mind they crafted a Constitution and a Bill of Rights designed to limit the power of government and guarantee the rights of the people. The rights that they intended to protect were those written about in the Declaration of Independence and other un-enumerated rights, e.g. the natural, inalienable rights of man.
Be Well ~ Be Armed ~ Be Safe ~ Molon Labe!
......Thank you RAC for sending this to me.
RAC has a website that is awesome. 336th Assault Helicopter Company
13th Combat Aviation Battalion - 1st Aviation Brigade - Soc Trang, Republic of Vietnam
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (6)
ObamaCare & Progressivism Seeks to Control You
Video with Betsy McCaughey
Obama's plan is an attempt to Redistribute Wealth and use Eugenics to Perfect American Society. They want to turn our Healthcare over to a Bureaucracy of Experts. Woodrow Wilson would be impressed.
Wild Thing's comment......
This is a good video about Obamacare and well done. Lots of information.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:49 AM | Comments (6)
Howard Dean: Health Bill Hangs Dem Incumbents and Obama Out to Dry in Elections
Howard Dean: Health bill hangs Dem incumbents and Obama out to dry in elections
Passing the healthcare proposals before Congress will “hang out to dry” every Democratic incumbent running for reelection this fall, Howard Dean said Thursday.
Dean, a physician by training who’s a former chairman of the Democratic National Committee (DNC), said that Democrats in Congress — and President Barack Obama — would do themselves more harm than good by passing the current healthcare bill.
“The plan, as it comes from the Senate, hangs out every Democrat who’s running for office to dry — including the president, in 2012, because it makes him defend a plan that isn’t in effect essentially yet,” Dean said during an appearance on the liberal Bill Press Radio Show.
Dean, who has clashed publicly with the White House over the healthcare proposals favored by the administration, said that by passing the bills under consideration, Democrats would essentially be conceding defeat to Republicans.
“It’s easy to campaign on repealing something if no one knows what the something is,” Dean said. “And fundamentally people don’t understand what the president’s healthcare plan is.”
“And if it passes next week and get’s signed into law the week after, we’re not going to be able to explain it to people over the din of Fox News and the Republicans,” the former Democratic party chairman added.
Dean said that the only solution to correct the bill was to offer a buy-in to Medicare for consumers, which had once been proposed in the Senate, but was ditched by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) as unable to win enough votes to pass.
"The president needs a win here," Dean said.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Political suicide is the price of admission to the Cult of Obama.
This obamacare is eally an excellent example of the suicidal fanaticism of the power-mad extreme left. Maybe from this, some liberals will learn that elections do have consequences.
“The president needs a win here,” Dean said.
Gee Howard, is that what this is about? Really? He may get it passed, but even then it won’t be a win.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:48 AM | Comments (4)
Rep. Bachmann Demands "Vote Buying" Probe Into Obama Judgeship Pick
Obama's Chicago-Style Politics: Selling Judgeships To Buy Health Care Votes
Minnesota GOP Rep. Michele Bachmann calling for an independent investigation into whether President Obama has nominated a U.S. Circuit Judge in order to gain the vote of a House Democrat for Health Care Reform.
Democrat Rep. Jim Matheson voted against the House Health Care Bill, but now says he is undecided on whether he will vote for the Senate Health Care Bill when it comes up in the House. It just so happens, his brother - Scott Matheson - has just been nominated by President Obama to the U.S. 10th Circuit Court of Appeals. Rep. Matheson denies any quid pro quo, and it is true that his brother's nomination is being supported by GOP Sen. Orrin Hatch.
But it is odd that the appointment comes just at this moment, when Matheson's vote could be crucial. Rep. Matheson voted against the House Health Care Bill twice. So, it will be interesting to see if he suddenly decides to have a change of heart and support ObamaCare now.
Wild Thing's comment........
Even IF this was a legitimate appointment, the timing is so suspicious that it warrants a good deal of attention.
But what happened was this. Obama has now bribed a member of Congress with a judgeship to the brother to a member of the House of Reps in hopes that he will vote “yes” on Obamacare during the now upcoming reconciliation phase of the bill.
Scott Matheson, brother of Congressman Jim Matheson (D, Utah), was suddenly nominated to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit today. Obidiently, Congressman Matheson went from a “no” vote on Obamacare to “undecided.”
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (4)
Democrat Rep. Bart Stupak he and eleven other House Democrats Will Be Voting NO On Obamacare
Democrat Rep. Bart Stupak talking to George Stephanopoulos on Good Morning America today, where he flatly said that he and eleven other House Democrats who voted for the House Health Care Bill will NOT vote for ObamaCare this time around if language is not changed that would allow use of Federal Funds for abortion. Stupak wants explicit language that would prohibit use of Federal Funds for Abortion.
The House bill only passed by three votes, so 12 Democrats changing their votes would really put passage in jeopardy.
Stupak is standing on principle, and he told a shocked Stephanopoulos that he is prepared to take responsibility for bringing Obama's effort down if the abortion language is not changed.
How would that be if Obama does not even get a chance to use Reconciliation in the Senate because he can't muster enough Democrats to approve it in the House?
Wild Thing's comment.......
They will tell them they will take it out and then put it back in before the Senate votes. Don’t be duped bluedogs if it is there it will stay in!
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:45 AM | Comments (3)
Obama Does A Video For HIs Organizing for America To BEG Them To Help Him Force Obamacare On USA
This was NOT posted at the White House website. Instead Obama had them post it at Organizing for America
They titled this "Final March For Reform"
In these next few days of decision, I need to enlist you once more, the special interest are marshaling their forces for one last fight to save the status quo, and we can't let that happen that's why I'm asking you to summon the energy, the commitment and the drive that has fueled this movement from day one, I need you to work the phones, walk the streets, talk to your neighbors, and debunk the myths about our plans in this final march for reform"
Wild Thing's comment.........
Obama little video to his robots, brainless followers.
What a bunch of BS and lies out of his truly ugly mouth. The most dangerous person to our country.......Barack Hussein Obama.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:40 AM | Comments (6)
March 04, 2010
Limbaugh: Hey, Obama. Why Don't You Shut The Hell Up And Stop Lecturing Us. ~ DITTO !
Limbaugh: Hey, Obama. Why Don't You Shut The Hell Up And Stop Lecturing Us.
Wild Thing's comment.......
God bless ElRushbo!
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:55 AM | Comments (5)
Awesome Rep. Mike Pence (R-IN) Discusses Obamacare With Megyn Kelly
Rep. Mike Pence (R-IN) Addresses the Obama's Latest Health Care Plan on Fox News’ “America Live” with Megyn Kelly
“The American people reject this approach because they know what they [the Democrats] are advancing is simply going to give the government more control over decisions that ought to be made between patients and doctors and families.”
U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, made the following remarks today, on FOXNEWS’ “America Live” with Megyn Kelly, in response to the president’s latest plan for a government takeover of health care:
Congressman Mike Pence: “Well, I think it has to be disappointing to millions of Americans. It seems like the president was at the health care summit last week but he had the sound down. And it seems like this president has been ignoring the overwhelming sentiment of a clear majority of the American people who have rejected a government takeover of healthcare.
“Anyone who tuned in today might have thought that the president would have scaled back. We heard talk about a smaller bill, we heard talk about maybe the Democrats taking a more incremental approach. But what we heard was the president today essentially doubling down on a government takeover of health care and in effect saying that this massive expansion of government, a trillion dollar expansion of government, would ‘give Americans more control.’ Well, I think the American people reject this approach because they know what they’re advancing is simply going to give the government more control over decisions that ought to be made between patients and doctors and families.
“I really do believe this hasn’t changed anything. It’s more of the same government takeover, with a few Republican ideas salted in. Of course the most troubling aspect here is the President of the United States openly advocating that the leadership of his party abuse the historic role of the Senate, the historic rules of the Senate, to overturn the will of the majority of the American people. That’s got to be frustrating to millions, and it’s certainly frustrating to those of us who will be in this fight on Capitol Hill.”
The use of reconciliation:
Host Megyn Kelly: “He’s [the president] making a reference to when the Democrats were in the minority and the Republicans used reconciliation to push through certain bills.”
Congressman Mike Pence: “It’s just not supportable from an historical standpoint. Even Robert Byrd has said openly that to use the reconciliation budget process in the Senate, in this way, would really be an abuse of the traditional roll of the Senate. But you know, I do think the big question coming out of this speech is: ‘What’s the hurry?’ The president says we have to bring it to a close; it’s time to make a decision. The issue of health care and health insurance, and the long-term cost of health care, is a profound issue that has enormous consequences not only to the federal budget, but to the most precious decisions of every American and every American family.”
Host Megyn Kelly: “He says the time for talk is over. He spoke to that in the remarks, saying that you guys on Capitol Hill have been debating this, he said, for decades and that the time for talk is over.”
Congressman Mike Pence: “He says this isn’t about politics. But why do we have to get it done in two weeks? I mean, if it’s not about politics, if they are not trying to force something through with enough time, as one member of the Senate said yesterday, to hope they can recover politically by election day, then what is the hurry?
“This is too important to rush. A majority of the American people want us to scrap the bill and start over. But what you heard the President of the United States say today is that because he can do it, he will do it. He’s going to drive a government takeover of health care through the Congress, and I just have to tell you, I think the America people, and Republicans in the Congress, have got another think coming for them. I think we are going to turn this thing back. I think the American people are going to be heard from, but it’s not going to be people clamoring for more government, more taxes, more mandates. It’s going to be Americans who are clamoring for freedom and for free market solutions.”
Does Speaker Pelosi have the votes:
Congressman Mike Pence: “She’s [Speaker Pelosi] a very good vote counter, but you know, the person they always leave out of the discussion here in Washington, D.C., Megyn, is the American people. The president said in his speech that politics intruded. Well, you know what? At the town halls in August all over this country, at the 9/12 March, it wasn’t politics that intruded – the American people intruded.
“The American people want legislation on health care that will lower the cost of health insurance, give people the chance to purchase health insurance across state lines, do medical malpractice reform, deal with pre-existing conditions. They don’t want a government takeover of health care. What the president is saying today, because he thinks he’s able to do it politically, is he’s going to override not the minority in Congress, but the express will of the majority of the American people to advance it. And I think he has another thing coming.”
The impact of using reconciliation:
Congressman Mike Pence: “I think that was one of the most amazing things about the speech, Megyn, the president referred to the fact they got 60 votes, as though Massachusetts never happened. They don’t have 60 votes now. The American people in the one election that they had a chance to be heard on the Senate in a dramatic way, the American people sent Senator Scott Brown to Washington, D.C. to be Senator number 41. It’s as though the president is simply ignoring the will of the American people. My answer is, he was right the first time.
“When you look at the history of major social legislation, whether it was the enactment of Social Security, whether it was the enactment of Medicare, those bills, although controversial and hotly debated, at the end of the day they passed with broad bipartisan support. And they did so largely because the United States Senate is that cooling saucer, under the Constitution of the United States, that requires that legislation achieve some measure of consensus and therefore, broad support among the American people. The very idea that the president is going to force through a trillion dollar government takeover of health care, on a pure party line vote, I think is going to be deeply offensive and deeply disappointing to millions of Americans.”
Wild Thing's comment........
Mike Pence is right, Obama wants this no matter what. He is not listenign to what we the people want at all.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:50 AM | Comments (7)
Congressmen Pry Loose Evidence of Obama's Illegal Cronyism
Lid blows off Obama's forgotten scandal
Congressmen pry loose evidence of president's illegal cronyism
An updated investigation report on the scandal known as "Walpingate" adds fuel to the suspicion that President Obama may have fired Gerald Walpin, an independent inspector general, as an illegal act of political cronyism and revenge.
"Throughout our investigation of Mr. Walpin's removal, the White House has repeatedly communicated that the president was not motivated by inappropriate political reasons," said Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., one of the authors of the updated report. "The fact is Gerald Walpin led an aggressive investigation of a political ally of President Obama that successfully recovered taxpayer dollars. While firing an investigator who uncovered the abuse of funds by a political ally might be considered an act of 'political courage' in Chicago politics, for most Americans it raises troubling questions."
White House fired Walpin shortly after the inspector general exposed sexual misconduct and gross misappropriation of federal funds by Sacramento Mayor Kevin Johnson, a prominent Barack Obama supporter.
Independent federal inspectors general, however, are supposed to be granted special protection from political interference or retaliation – thanks in part to a law co-sponsored by then-Sen. Barack Obama – to ensure they are free to investigate waste and fraud uninfluenced by political cronyism.
The firing led to an investigation by inspectors general advocate Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, and ranking member of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, Rep. Darrell Issa. Their initial 62-page report last November concluded that the administration did not adhere to the law governing inspectors general, that Obama's defense against charges of political retaliation was "unsupported and unpersuasive" and that the White House "orchestrated an after-the-fact smear campaign to justify" Walpin's termination.
The report also warned that it was necessarily incomplete because the White House had refused to surrender key documents and information needed to finish the investigation.
But Grassley and Issa persisted, eventually prying loose new documents that reflect only increased reason to suspect the White House isn't telling the whole truth.
Included in the new documentation is proof the acting U.S. attorney who filed a complaint leading to Walpin's termination was actively courting a presidential appointment at the time and exchanging friendly emails with Johnson's lawyers.
"Rather than diminishing the appearance that politics played a role in the removal of Gerald Walpin, these new documents reinforce that appearance," the updated report says. "The new documents make the president's initial explanation that he merely 'lost confidence' in the inspector general seems even less credible."
In 2008, Walpin was overseeing an investigation of St. HOPE Academy, a charter school founded and operated by Kevin Johnson, a former NBA star and self-described friend of Barack Obama. Walpin referred Johnson to the U.S. attorney's office for criminal and civil prosecution for "false and fraudulent conduct in connection with $845,018.75 in federal funds."
According to Walpin's referral, St. HOPE used members of AmeriCorps for political campaigning to re-elect Board of Education incumbents, and the hours spent on those elections were improperly recorded as AmeriCorps service hours.
"The money was given to St. HOPE to finance AmeriCorps members, who are basically volunteers that they call members, to do tutoring in schools among disadvantaged students," Walpin told Eric Hogue of Hogue News. "My investigation found they didn't use the AmeriCorps members for tutoring; they used them to drive Mr. Johnson around, to wash his car, to do all sorts of janitorial and administrative work [that] the money wasn't given to them for."
Johnson's eligibility to receive federal grants was consequently suspended on Sept. 24, 2008.
Despite Johnson's proven misconduct, the voters of Sacramento elected him mayor less than two months later. But when, in February 2009, Congress passed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, the city of Sacramento's eligibility to receive stimulus funds under ARRA was thought to be threatened by Johnson's suspension.
The U.S. attorney's office, headed by acting U.S. Attorney Lawrence Brown, negotiated a favorable settlement for Johnson that reinstated his eligibility to receive federal funds.
According to Grassley's and Issa's report, however, the settlement included "no meaningful guarantee" that the United States would ever actually collect any payments from St. HOPE, which was saddled with the bulk of the settlement.
In May, Walpin, who had been shut out of the settlement negotiations by Brown, complained to board that oversees AmeriCorps funding, prompting Brown to file a complaint against Walpin.
Three weeks later, Walpin received a phone call from the White House telling him to resign or be fired. Walpin refused the phone ultimatum and was fired 45 minutes later, despite a law requiring the president to give 30-days notice to Congress before removing an IG and to explain the reasons for doing so.
And while the firing alone was enough to trigger Grassley's demand for an investigation in June 2009, documents newly released have only cast the firing in an even more political light.
Specifically, new documents cited in the updated report from Issa and Grassley demonstrate:
* Brown, sometimes referred to in the press as a Republican critic of Walpin, actually left the GOP in 1988 and registered as a Democrat through 2007.
* Brown wrote a letter to Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., in the midst of the Johnson investigation, laying out his qualifications for and seeking a political appointment to the U.S. attorney position. The updated investigation report concludes, "It would be reasonable for an already skeptical public to wonder whether Brown excluded Inspector General Walpin from negotiations and settled the St. HOPE matter with Johnson in order to curry favor with the White House because Brown wanted the president to appoint him."
* Brown and Matthew Jacobs, Kevin Johnson's attorney, frequently exchanged informal emails deriding and scoffing over Walpin, emails the report states "do not suggest an appropriately arm's length negotiating relationship." Further, the report states, "Together with his efforts to obtain a political appointment from the president, Brown's communications with Johnson's attorney contribute to the appearance that Walpin's removal was more about his vigorous pursuit of the St. HOPE matter than about any other legitimate, unrelated factors."
* An internal memo that reveals that the White House considered issues in deciding to remove Walpin that it did not disclose in the official notice to Congress, including a complaint about Walpin's investigation of another Obama political ally in New York.
Grassley and Issa conclude, "None of the documents produced after the publication of our initial report undermine or conflict with the conclusions of the report. Arguably, some of the new documents could actually reinforce the public perception that the inspector general was removed for political reasons.
"In particular, the revelation that the acting U.S. attorney was seeking a presidential appointment at the time he filed a complaint against Walpin puts that complaint in a different light," they continue. "Moreover, the fact that the White House allowed the documents to be withheld for so long and that it required so much effort to finally obtain them also suggests a lack of transparency that is inconsistent with the goals repeatedly articulated by President Obama for a more open and accountable administration."
Wild Thing's comment.......
The first thing Dems do ...fire the competent.
This scandal was a far worse abuse of power than anything Nixon did in Watergate. But the press was silent, and obviously the Justice Department is not about to act.
Maybe after November something can be done about this. The Republicans should not let this slide if they ever get a chance to run the hearings.
Walpin should consider himself lucky he wasn’t taken out like Vince Foster.....Fosterized. I wouldn't be shocked if Obama ever had something that done, like all the dead surrounding Bill and Hilary Clinton. That list is in the 70's or 80 plus people dead that had dealings on all levels with the Clinton's and it includes secret service people as well. And remember Billy Dale being railroaded by the Clintons. Travelgate got a name and at least some publicity. This business is even worse, and it has hardly been noticed.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:48 AM | Comments (8)
US Backs Off Speedy Iran Sanctions Promised Israel
US backs off speedy Iran sanctions promised Israel
Washington eased the threat of harsh sanctions hanging over Iran's head over its nuclear program at the very moment that it was beginning to take effect and Tehran was showing signs of stress. Tuesday March 2, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told reporters on her plane to Buenos Aires:
"We are moving expeditiously and thoroughly in the Security Council, I can't give you an exact date, but I would assume some time in the next several months."
This abrupt reversal of US tactics on Iran's nuclear activities took place when Israeli defense minister Ehud Barak was hardly out the door from Washington after receiving assurances from administration officials that a new round of tough sanctions would be in place by the end of March, with or without the Security Council.
Clinton herself assured a Senate panel last week that stiff sanctions would be clamped down on Iran "in the next 30 to 60 days."
Clinton and defense secretary Robert Gates, when they talked to Barak last Thursday, Feb. 25, were so sure of that timeline that they fixed a date for the defense minister to return got Washington for the second time in a month after sanctions were in place.
Iranian sources add that the Islamic Republic's leaders were also convinced last week that the US and likeminded European governments had finally made up their minds to new sanctions in the space of a month. They read the reports leaked to the US media by administration sources about plans to freeze Iran's external banking connections and cripple Revolutionary Guards businesses, and heard that the White House and a number of staunch European Union governments was ready to go ahead and sidestep the slow-moving, hamstrung Security Council.
Tehran's anxiety brought Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad running to Damascus on Feb. 25 to pull his alliance together. Brandishing his fist, he warned that Iran would not knuckle under to sanctions and the Middle East stood at the threshold of a new war.
Iran's war preparations hinged on the assignment of operational tasks to its allies and proxies, including the leaders of eleven Palestinian terrorist organizations based in Syria and Lebanon, who were summoned to Tehran Saturday, Feb. 27. They were given their instructions and treated to the most vicious anti-Israel, anti-Semitic invective from Ahmadinejad heard anywhere since World War II.
In another threat, the deputy Revolutionary Guards commander Hossein Salami stressed Sunday, Feb. 28 that Iran controlled 50 percent of the world's fuel reserves and if sanctions were imposed, Europe would be very cold next winter.
The Obama administrations response to these threats has been to buckle.
Suddenly, Secretary Clinton announced sanctions would take a leisurely "several months," so easing Tehran's concerns and enabling its rulers to carry on its dash for a nuclear bomb, even after the new International Atomic Energy Agency director in Vienna Yukiya Amano noted that its peaceful nature could not be confirmed.
The American U-turn has left Israel high and dry with the Iranian nuclear threat looming ever closer.
To mark Washington's change of face, John Kerry, chairman of the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee landed in Jerusalem this week, to be followed March 8 by Vice President Joe Biden. They are on hand to bulldoze the Obama administration's bid to keep Israel in what Kerry called "alignment" with Washington on the Iranian nuclear threat. They will first have to explain to prime minister Netanyahu and Barak how their previous "alignment "on speedy sanctions suddenly broke down and no effective international action is any longer in play to delay Iran's ambitions.
‘Beware Sweet-Talking Biden,' Says Caroline Glick
Barack Obama is sending Vice President Joe Biden to Israel next week because the president is afraid that the lack of trust in him by the Israeli public “will negatively influence American Jews who support Obama,” journalist and think-tank researcher Caroline Glick told Israeli National News.
Biden is preceding his junket with talks with key American Jewish leaders, and he will deliver a speech next week to Tel Aviv University students and lecturers. Glick said he and Kerry want to make sure that Israel and the United States are on the same page concerning Iran, meaning that a military attack on the Islamic Republic's nuclear sites is not on the table at this time.
Biden's positions on Iran are even more troubling. Over the past decade, since Iran's ballistic missile program and its nuclear program came into full view, Biden has distinguished himself both for his refusal to support tough U.S. diplomatic moves against Iran…. In 1998, Biden was one of only four senators to vote against the Iran Missile Proliferation Sanctions Act, a bill that punished foreign companies and other entities that sent Iran sensitive missile technology or expertise.”
The vice president also “was one of just a handful of senators who voted against a Senate resolution calling on the State Department to classify Iran's Revolutionary Guards Corps a terrorist organization,” according to Glick.
Wild Thing's comment........
Not sure sweet talking is how I'd characterize The Biden.
Obama and Biden both are haters of Israel that's for sure.
I pray Israel and BiBi will do what they need to do and ignore Obama and band of treasonous jerks John Kerry and Biden.
....Thank you Darth for sending this to me.
U.S. Airforce
C-5 loadmaster
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (5)
Gore to Receive Honorary Doctorate from UT Knoxville
Gore to Receive Honorary Doctorate from UT Knoxville
The University of Tennessee
Former Vice President and Nobel Peace Prize winner Al Gore will be honored by the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, with only the third honorary degree granted by the campus. The degree was approved by the UT Board of Trustees at their meeting today.
Gore will receive the degree — an Honorary Doctor of Laws and Humane Letters in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology — at the spring commencement exercises of the College of Arts and Sciences on May 14. He will be the featured speaker at the ceremony, addressing graduates and their families along with the gathered faculty.
“Vice President Gore’s career has been marked by visionary leadership, and his work has quite literally changed our planet for the better,” said UT Knoxville Chancellor Jimmy G. Cheek. “He is among the most accomplished and respected Tennesseans in history, and it is fitting that he should be honored by the flagship education institution of his home state.”
Gore, whose career in public service and business has spanned four decades, is currently chairman of Current TV, an Emmy-award-winning, independently owned cable and satellite television nonfiction network for young people based on viewer-created content and citizen journalism. He also serves as chairman of Generation Investment Management, a firm that is focused on a new approach to sustainable investing.
Gore’s appreciation and personal interest in the institution of higher education is apparent as he serves as faculty member/visiting professor at various institutions across the country. A UT Knoxville faculty member holds the Nancy Gore Hunger Chair for Excellence in Environmental Studies, endowed by Gore to honor his late sister. Gore also is a distinguished member of the Howard H. Baker Jr. Center for Public Policy’s board of directors and honorary co-chair of the Tennessee 4-H Club Foundation Inc. with UT Extension.
Gore, a native of Carthage, Tenn.
Gore was the co-winner, with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, of the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize for informing the world of the dangers posed by climate change. He is the author of the best-selling books “Earth in the Balance” and “An Inconvenient Truth” and also is the subject of an Oscar-winning documentary.
In addition to his roles with Current TV and Generation Investment Management, Gore is a member of the board of directors of Apple Inc., a senior adviser to Google Inc., and a partner with the venture capital firm Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers. He is a visiting professor at Middle Tennessee State University in Murfreesboro, Tenn., and chairs the Alliance for Climate Protection, a nonprofit organization designed to help solve the climate crisis.
Gore will join entertainer and philanthropist Dolly Parton and former Sen. Howard H. Baker Jr. as the only recipients of honorary degrees from UT Knoxville.
Wild Thing's comment.......
GAG me with a spoon full of carbon credits. haha
LOL the State of Tenn. that didn’t want him for President. heh heh
It is amazing these institutions would want to be associated with this guy at all!
Hmmmmmm.....I wonder if he dropped some cash on the endowment in order to get his Honorary PHD? I would not put it past him.
I think the current absolute brainwashing of the public and the rabid media can be laid at his feet for his choice to rip the country apart when he lost the election. Since then, he's gone on to create a global warming ponzi scheme that makes Madoff look like a girl scout. I think all we needed to know about his character was revealed with his “no controlling authority” remark. Absolute sewage.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:45 AM | Comments (7)
Charles Krauthammer, Rep. Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell Speak Out About Obama's Health Care
Does a Spoon Full of Sugar Make Health Care Go Down?
David sounds off on the future of Obamacare.
Krauthammer: "This is a man who ran again as man who would clean up Washington, undue it's wicked ways, banish the lobbyists...And here he is proposing, demanding that the member of the House and the Senate ram through a procedure that it's inventor Robert Byrd has said it would be a violation of the spirit and intent of the law, budget reconciliation if it were to be rammed through this way, look I'm not disillusioned in Obama because I was never illusioned, and those who believed in him you know, yes we can means yes I can do anything I damn well please if I have the one vote majority"
Rep. Paul Ryan, (R-Wis.)
Senator Mitch McConnell right after Obama's speech
McConnell Responds: "The Only Thing That's Bipartisan About This Proposal is the Opposition To It"
McConnell: "It is abundantly clear that the President and the Democratic leadership are calling on their members to ignore the wishes of the American people...So this is really not an argument between Democrats and Republicans, this is an argument between Democrats and the American people..."Every Election this fall will be a Referendum on this issue"
Wild Thing's comment.........
I agree, this Obamacare is Obama vs, the American people. Our voice will ring out across this land in November loud and clear if not before.
Party of no? That is what Obama has accused Repubicans of being. I say NO Obama we are the party of HELL NO!
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:44 AM
Dictator Obama and The White Coats
It looks like he is saying......Caption it if you like .
Because only I can solve these healthcare problems...only I can save the healthcare industry and only I can manage what is best for the American people
The people with the jerk are:
Barbara Crane...President Barbara Crane, RN, of the National Federation of Nurses, a leading national labor union representing more than 70,000 nurses nationwide
Stephen Hanson...President of American Academy of Physician Assistants
Wild Thing's comment.......
I am getting really tired of seeing people standing behind the Obama as he speaks. That little trick is just about worn out.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:40 AM | Comments (4)
March 03, 2010
Sarah Palin on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno Last Night
She also did a stand up routine as seen in the second video above.
Following is the transcript of Sarah Pailn's monologue jokes during her comedy debut on "The Tonight Show With Jay Leno," March 2, 2010:
Hello. Thank you, Jay. Thank you. I'm so happy to get to be here. This is a thrill of a lifetime really. And Alaska, being so different from Los Angeles. Here when people have a frozen look on their face, I find out it's Botox.
It is so beautiful here, though, so warm and beautiful. Back home, ooh, it was freezing. It was 5 degrees below Congress' approval rating.
Shaun White on the show. Oh, what an amazing athlete. I watched him do a double McTwist 1260, and the only other people to do a double McTwist 1260 was last week: the White House on healthcare."
It's great to be on the same show as Shaun White. Last time I was this close to the Flying Tomato was when someone threw one at me at a book signing.
I watched the Winter Olympics: skiing, fighting on the ice, skating, bob sledding. In Alaska, that's our morning commute.
How about that amazing closing ceremony. It was beautiful. The minute I saw the giant moose, I remembered I hadn't cooked anything for the kids' dinner.
And that's because I've been really busy. I picked up a gig in Las Vegas at the Legends show, playing Tina Fey.
And next I get to headline. I'll be the speaker at the NRA convention. So be there, or else.
The truth is though I'm glad I'm not vice president. I'm glad because I would not know what to do with all that free time.
But Jay, thank you so much for inviting me. I saw where it's been a few weeks of unfair, non-stop criticism, people who don't know the real story. And I just say, Jay, welcome to my world."
LMAO on the other network Lettermen had Mitt Romney on his show. This will make you laugh.
“Now what about that Sarah Palin," says Letterman, who had to apologize for an off-color joke about the former Alaskan governor's daughter last year. "She’s not ready to be president, is she?” (LOUD groans from audience)
“She’s terrific,” Romney rapidly replies to derisive audience laughter. “She really is! She’s terrific. She’s got energy, passion – by the way, you know, be careful what you say about her.”
Letterman says he knows.
Romney adds with a smile, “She has a rifle, you know.” (Audience laughs)
Wild Thing's comment.......
Sarah was FABULOUS! Even did her own comedy routine which was hysterical! At one point she said "Oh, I like to get the Left all wee-wee'd up." LOL
Loved Palin saying the temps in Alaska are 5 degrees less thaan congresses approval rating! Ha!
I think Sarah was having a lot of fun...and rightfully so.
Leno treated her great. And of course Letterman is the jerk.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 AM | Comments (8)
Governor Rick Perry Wins the Texas Republican Primary
Governor Rick Perry won the Texas Republican primary.
Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison conceded the election at 9:30. Truther-Tea Party candidate Debra Medina took about one-fifth of the vote.
Gov. Perry beats Hutchison in Texas GOP primary
Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison conceded the Republican nomination for Texas governor to Gov. Rick Perry on Tuesday following a heated primary battle that highlighted the growing anti-Washington mood among voters in midterm elections.
Hutchison was once seen as the candidate who could deliver Perry’s first election loss in a lifetime of public office, but the governor, a darling of the social conservatives, forcefully painted the senator as too entrenched in Washington politics.
Speaking at his election night party in Driftwood after Hutchison conceded, Perry said he would unite a fractured Texas Republican Party in the November general election and stressed that Washington politics had no place in the Lone Star state.
“From Driftwood, Texas, to Washington, D.C. we are sending you a message tonight: Stop messing with Texas!” Perry said.
Perry, Texas’ longest-serving governor, had 51 percent of the vote compared to Hutchinson’s 31 percent, with nearly three-fourths of precincts reporting Tuesday night. About one in five voters cast ballots for a third candidate, Debra Medina, a GOP party activist who was backed by some in the state’s tea party movement.
Perry will face former Houston Mayor Bill White, who easily defeated Houston hair-care magnate Farouk Shami and five other Democrats to win his party's nomination for governor and immediately turned on Perry.
Wild Thing's comment.......
I am so glad, I did not want the others to win. This was a hard fought campaign.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (5)
Jim Bunning's Finest Hour
Jim Bunning's Finest Hour
Throughout his Hall of Fame baseball career, Jim Bunning was famous for the brush back pitch: a fastball inside to a batter crowding the plate. Now Mr. Bunning, a Republican from Kentucky who is retiring after this year, is throwing a political brush back in the Senate on behalf of fiscal responsibility.
And all hell has broken loose. Mr. Bunning has dared to put a hold on a $10 billion spending bill to extend jobless insurance and fund transportation projects. Mr. Bunning says he won't yield until the Senate finds a way to pay for the new spending with cuts somewhere else in the $3.5 trillion budget. For this perfectly reasonable stance, Mr. Bunning has become the Beltway and media villain of the hour. We'd call it his finest hour.
The Senate passed the extension of benefits tonight without the Pay-Go. Bunning and 18 Republicans opposed the bill.
Senate votes 78-19
The weak Republicans that voted with the democrats don’t want the GOP to be cast as the heartless taking away “temporary” unemployment benefits that have become enshrined permanently.
Bomb threats reported at Bunning’s Kentucky offices
Friday afternoon state police took a phone call from the FBI after a threat had been made at the William D. Gormam Educational Center in Hazard.
The center houses the offices of U.S. Senator Jim Bunning and Congressman Hal Rogers.
According to officials working the investigation, the threat was that an explosive device or devices had allegedly been placed at the educational center.
A threat had also been made at Senator Bunning’s Office in Louisville.
HERE is how the VOTE went last night:

Bunning posted his statement online after an agreement was reached today:
U.S. Senator Jim Bunning issued the following statement on the agreement reached today with Majority Leader Harry Reid to vote tonight on how to pay for extending Unemployment Insurance and other programs.
“I hope Senate Democrats tonight vote for their own pay-fors and show Americans that they are committed to fiscal discipline. I will be watching them closely and checking off the hypocrites one by one.”
Wild Thing's comment.......
Bunning demonstrated the conniving and corrupt nature of this administration .
Just two weeks ago democrats signed Pay-Go legislation. Two weeks later they broke that pledge.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:49 AM | Comments (5)
New Princeton Lecturer Van Jones Slammed Non-activist Students As 'worthless people'
Education to make students 'revolutionaries'
New Princeton lecturer Van Jones slammed non-activist students as 'worthless people'
Van Jones, Obama's former "green jobs" czar and a newly appointed Princeton lecturer, has a history of sparking protests against universities and previously slammed non-activist students as "worthless people" obtaining "worthless degrees," .
Jones also implied a university education must help students become "revolutionaries."
Jones resigned in September from his post as adviser to the White House Council on Environmental Quality after it was exposed he founded a communist revolutionary organization and signed a statement that accused the Bush administration of possible involvement in the 9/11 attacks. Jones also called for "resistance" against the U.S. Jones previously stated his advocacy for green jobs was part of a broader movement to destroy the U.S. capitalist system.
Princeton last week announced Jones has been appointed a visiting fellow in the Center for African American Studies and the Program in Science, Technology and Environmental Policy at the university's Wilson School.
Noliwe Rooks, associate director of the Center for African American Studies, told the Daily Princetonian Jones will also conduct research and host discussions on such subjects such as "the next phase of green jobs, environmental policy [and] environmental justice."
Jones explained in an official university statement he looks forward to "exploring solutions to our nation's toughest challenges with the students and scholars of Princeton."
"America is at a crossroads, facing economic and ecological crises," he said in the statement. "The next generation of job-creating, green solutions will be even more challenging to conceive. And they will be even more difficult to implement."
Jones, however, has previously led university protests and has made controversial remarks about college students.
Jones campus activism traces back to at least 1993, when he was a Yale law student. WND found a Boston Globe picture of Jones standing on the steps of a Harvard library with a caption reading he was on the seventh day of a hunger strike, urging Harvard students to protest against the Clinton administration's detention of 264 Haitian refugees with HIV at Guantanamo.
As the founder in 1999 of Bay Area Police Watch, which was accused of anti-police activities, Jones led multiple protests on California college campuses.
In April 1999, Jones helped lead more than 300 University of California-Berkeley students and community members in a protest vigil and hunger strike in support of the university's ethnic studies department, which was facing major budget cuts and the scaling back of courses.
Jones told the university's newspaper the vigil and attendant hunger strike was a critical point in the movement to defend what has been called the "systematic dismantling" of UC Berkeley's ethnic studies department.
"There are thousands of worthless people here signing off checks to the administration to get their worthless degrees," he said. "You have the sense to know that you've got to fight for what you (really want)."
"History has to be made by young people fighting for a new future," Jones continued. "You're living your history right here tonight."
Jones said budget and faculty cuts in the ethnic studies department signaled that the UC Berkeley administration is willing to do anything to "prevent you from becoming revolutionaries."
"What's at stake isn't a curriculum any more – it's a vision for a new generation," he said.
Jones in the 1990s was the leader and founder of a radical group, the communist revolutionary organization Standing Together to Organize a Revolutionary Movement, or STORM. The group's official manifesto, entitled "Reclaiming Revolution," boasted "we also saw our brand of Marxism as, in some ways, a reclamation."
STORM was founded in 1994 and disbanded in 2003.
"We agreed with Lenin's analysis of the state and the party," read STORM's manifesto. "And we found inspiration in the revolutionary strategies developed by Third World revolutionaries like Mao Zedong and Amilcar Cabral."
Wild Thing's comment......
Van Jones should be careful what he wishes for. He might actually get it.
Just what students need, more brain washing, turning out more Obama's and people like this Van Jones low life.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:48 AM | Comments (4)
Keep America Safe Ad Demanding AG Eric Holder Reveal the Identity of "The Al-Qaeda Seven"
This is the new hard-hitting ad by Keep America Safe, which urges Americans to call Attorney General Eric Holder's office and demand that he reveal the identity of what they call, "the Al-Qaeda Seven."
These are seven of the nine Justice Department employees hired by Holder who have represented terrorists in the past. Two of the nine have been revealed. But for some reason, Holder refuses to reveal who the other seven are.
The ad opens with an interesting clip of Holder in 2008 - before Obama was elected - saying that the time was drawing close when "an America run by progressives is about to happen. We are going to be looking for people who share our values."
Eric Holder phone number 202-514-2000
If you would like to call him and tell him advocates for terrorist detainees do not Keep America Safe.
Sen. Grassley (R-Iowa) On Al Qaeda Lawyers At DOJ
The most recent installment was a remarkable and belated five-page letter from Attorney General Eric Holder to Rep. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, acknowledging that at least nine attorneys in the U.S. Department of Justice represented terrorist detainees before joining the Obama administration.
Rep. Pete King (R, NY) Talks About Holder's Al Qaeda Nine
Wild Thing's comment........
Rep. King is right on. Holder and all his liberal commie defenders are traitors to this country. ... It breeds more hate and strengthens the recruiting arms of Al Qaeda.
DOJ: Department of Jihad! The Justice Department employs nine lawyers previously involved in the defense of terrorist detainees. This is a colossal conflict of interest. Just whose side are they on?
From the Mark Levin Show: We have a serious problem with our Justice system. Lawyers from the Justice Department are being recommended by Attorney General Holder and they don’t have America’s best interest in mind. If they did, why would they be weakening us in terms of national security and defense? They are setting policy on how we should fight and try terrorists. Mark also talks about how the ACLU is running the Department of Justice and hurting our society.
"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free." ~ President Ronald Reagan
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (3)
Senate Republican leader, Mitch McConnell of Kentucky Brushes Off White House Overture
McConnell Brushes Off White House Overture
In a reply to President Obama, the Senate Republican leader, Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, on Tuesday said that last week’s heath care summit “gave us an opportunity to show our constituents that there is a better way to proceed with the kind of reforms they truly want.”
Obama earlier in the day sent a letter to Congressional leaders in both parties saying that he was “exploring” ways to address four concerns raised by Republicans at last week’s forum.
But the main point of his message was that Democrats were prepared to push ahead with comprehensive legislation over the continuing objections of the Republicans.
Mr. McConnell in his reply said the forum was “productive” but also wrote, “It should be clear by now that most Americans oppose the massive health spending bills that Democrats in Washington have been attempting to push through Congress.”
The Republicans have insisted that the Democrats discard the bills adopted by the House and Senate late last year and instead start from scratch on a new proposal focused primarily on lowering health care costs.
McConnell expressed dismay that Mr. Obama seemed ready to move ahead, even if he incorporated some Republican suggestions.
“We were surprised and disappointed with your latest proposal to simply paper a few of these commonsense proposals over an unsalvageable bill,” he wrote to the president. “The American people are asking us for step-by-step reforms that target cost and expand access, not a couple of commonsense ideas layered over a rewrite of one-sixth of the economy, a massive expansion of the federal government’s role in their daily lives, and higher taxes and cuts to Medicare to pay for it.”
Here is McConnell's full letter:
Mr. President,
It was with this in mind that we were surprised and disappointed with your latest proposal to simply paper a few of these commonsense proposals over an unsalvageable bill. The American people are asking us for step-by-step reforms that target cost and expand access, not a couple of commonsense ideas layered over a rewrite of one-sixth of the economy, a massive expansion of the federal government’s role in their daily lives, and higher taxes and cuts to Medicare to pay for it. The virtue of the ideas we all agreed upon at the summit is that they would lower costs and expand access without requiring these things. That’s the kind of reform Americans will support.
We respectfully encourage you to consider a new approach to reform, one that does not cut Medicare to fund a trillion dollar takeover of the health care system or impose job-killing taxes in the middle of a recession. We encourage you to join with Democrats and Republicans in Congress in listening to what the American people have been telling us for more than a year now. Americans are telling us quite plainly that in order to reform health care, we should scrap the bills they have already rejected and start over with commonsense, step-by-step reforms we can all agree on.
We would also ask you to encourage Democrats in Congress to scrap something else; namely, their last-ditch plan to jam some version of their original bill through Congress and past the American people by way of the highly partisan process known as Reconciliation. It should be clear by now how Americans feel about forcing massive policy changes through Congress with a back room deal. The fact that Democrats in Congress still seem intent on this approach suggests that they are completely out of step with the public. Now is not the time to repeat the same mistakes that brought us here. It’s time to listen to the people, and start over with reforms that lower costs.
Mitch McConnell
Wild Thing's comment.......
Wild Thing's comment......
Mitch is a good man, he stood firm and kept his caucus unanimously opposed to Healthcare. With just a defection or two obama and Reid could have taken the ball and run with it and claimed a bi-partisan victory.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:45 AM | Comments (2)
Obama Eyes Easter Deadline For Obamacare
Obama eyes Easter deadline for health reform
Easter is turning into the new Christmas for Barack Obama’s signature healthcare reform. Late last year senators worked round-the-clock until Christmas eve to pass the $871bn 10-year bill before the president’s Yuletide deadline. But things went sour for the final stages of the bill when the Democrats lost their controlling Senate super-majority in January.
Now almost every Democrat is working on the assumption that the bill must be passed by March 26 – the start of the Easter recess in the House of Representatives. Failure to do so would risk a re-run of last August’s “town hall” rebellion against healthcare that almost sunk its prospects.
Many believe a repeat of that saga over Easter would be fatal.
“There’s a sense of urgency among Democrats that the healthcare bill has to be completed before the end of this month,” says Tom Daschle, the former Democratic Senate leader and Mr Obama’s original Washington mentor.
“I share the view that if this goes into the Easter recess, it could face very familiar problems.”
Non-partisan analysts agree. “Democrats don’t want to go back to their districts without healthcare in their pocket because they would face another onslaught from the Tea Party Movement,” says Bill Schneider at the Third Way centrist think-tank. “Furthermore, if Democrats had to stretch healthcare into April and May they would be eating into the calendar in a year that was supposed to be all about jobs.”
Nobody is more aware of the rapidly vanishing hourglass than Mr Obama, who will on Wednesday give a speech setting out the way forward for what he ardently hopes will be the home stretch for healthcare reform. White House officials say Mr Obama is unlikely to set a hard and fast deadline. The president has done so before without success.
But few doubt that the president, who may on Wednesday announce that he is borrowing one or two Republican ideas from last week’s bipartisan healthcare summit , will be straining every sinew to stave off a nightmare Easter recess. “We have finally reached the crunch time,” said a senior Democratic staffer on Capitol Hill. “It’s a cliché but it really is now or never.”
Most Democrats are under no illusions that enactment of healthcare reform before Easter would dramatically improve their dire-looking prospects in this November’s midterm congressional elections. According to polls, opponents of healthcare reform have what pollsters call “intensity” on their side. Most polls show that 35 per cent to 40 per cent of those opposed to the reform do so “very strongly”, whereas only a quarter of those in favour do so strongly.
Polls also show that Mr Obama would be punished even more if he failed to get healthcare reform through. “Most Americans believe politics is the enemy of problem-solving,” says Mr Schneider. “The president has to be able to show he can get things done.”
On Wednesday Mr Obama will outline the path ahead. By Easter it should be clear whether his presidency can rise again.
Wild Thing's comment......
So Obama the dictator will be talking AT us today and do his talking down to us once again.
They are not listening. They no longer have the consent of the governed.
I heard on TV that billionaire investor Warren Buffett advised President Barack Obama on Monday to scrap the health care bill and start over.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:40 AM | Comments (7)
March 02, 2010
GM To Recall 1.3 Million Compact Cars
GM To Recall 1.3 Million Compact Cars Automaker cites power steering motors that can fail in Chevys, Pontiacs
General Motors said tonight it will recall 1.3 million cars in North America to replace a power steering motor that could fail, following a federal probe launched in January.
GM said the recall would cover 2005-2010 Chevrolet Cobalts, 2007-10 Pontiac G5s and similar models sold in Canada and Mexico.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Agency in January had opened a probe of 905,000 Cobalts from the 2005 through 2009 model year following 1,132 complaints of power steering failures that could make the cars hard to control. The complaints included reports of 14 crashes and one injury.
"After our in-depth investigation, we found that this is a condition that takes time to develop. It tends to occur in older models out of warranty," said Jamie Hresko, GM vice president of quality, in a statement. “Recalling these vehicles is the right thing to do for our customers' peace of mind.
GM said even if the problem occurred, the vehicles are “safe to drive” but would require more steering effort under 15 m.p.h., with a chime and “Power Steering” warning light coming on.
The recall, the largest by GM in a number of years, comes as Congress scrutinizes the auto industry’s regulation by NHTSA following a string of Toyota recalls linked to sudden acceleration problems.
GM recalled 2.2 million vehicles in 2009, and its total number of vehicles recalled had been falling in recent years as the company said it was catching problems earlier in production.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Shouldn’t they call Obama since he is the highest ranking person involved with the owners of GM?
When there isn't the same treatment Obama’s thugs gave Toyota this will be the proof that they are abusing the government apparatus to promote Government Motors.
Knowing this and what is happening with Toyota:
"Toyota executives have been summoned to testify before congressional committees investigating the company's actions and whether the NHTSA did enough to make sure the Toyotas are safe."
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 AM | Comments (6)
GOP Rep.Steve King Compares Obama To Ahmadinejad ~ So True!
Iowa GOP Rep. Steve King speaking on the House Floor where he said he wishes President Obama would do for the Republican Party what he has done to Iranian thug Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: "Extend his hand."
King said, "We would extend our hand if he would've just unclenched his fist." But the President who is so willing to negotiate with thug regimes, is ready to just try and jam his Health Care Bill through Congress on a totally partisan basis.
Wild Thing's comment........
Thank you Steve King! He is awesome and he has spoken out before about Pelosi and other things as well.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (4)
Obama and White House To Push ACORN Pet Project
White House to push ACORN pet project
Critics warn plan will 'sneak socialism' into U.S., cause major economic loss
The White House is considering a new policy that would give an advantage in bids for billions in government contracts to companies that pay workers "living wages" and offer generous benefits.
WND has learned the "living wage" campaign has long been pushed by the radical Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, or ACORN, and was largely initiated on a local level in the 1990s with the help of a socialist party of which evidence suggests Barack Obama was a member.
Critics warn a living wage advantage for more than $500 billion in government contracts could harm small companies, with case studies showing cities that enacted similar policies in the 1990s faced major financial losses. Business groups who oppose the plan say also it would increase government procurement costs.
The Associated Press obtained documents outlining the White House plan. The documents reportedly show the government would examine the wages and benefits – such as health insurance, retirement benefits and paid leave – a firm pays its employees as a factor in the process of awarding government contracts. Another factor would be whether a contract bidder is a repeat violator of labor and employment laws.
A Labor Department compliance office would compile a score on contract bidders based on the criteria and then determine which companies would get government contracts.
Writing about a similar policy that was being considered in Chicago in 2003, Steven Malanga of the City Journal stated the movement "sneaks socialism into cities."
Malanga notes the living wage movement got its start in mid-1990s Baltimore, when a coalition of left-leaning church leaders, unionists and community activists largely led by ACORN began to push for a "social compact" that included a hike in the minimum wage to $6.10 – 43 percent above the federal minimum wage at the time – for service workers in hotels and other businesses in the city's redeveloped Inner Harbor, a prime tourist area.
Baltimore's then-mayor Kurt Schmoke eventually signed a compromise bill that guaranteed the new $6.10 minimum for workers at any companies contracting with the city. Supporters hailed the increase as a costless victory for low-income workers.
But Baltimore's economy soon crashed, with 58,000 jobs disappearing, even as the rest of Maryland added 120,000 jobs and other cities across the country prospered.
"The living wage bill was just one expression of a fiercely anti-business climate that helped precipitate Baltimore's economic collapse," wrote Malanga.
Another locale that enacted a living wage bill soon to see its economy burn was Milwaukee County in Wisconsin, which passed a law increasing the minimum wage only for city-contracted janitors and security guards to $6.25 an hour.
That law was urged on by ACORN and the socialist New Party, which was also instrumental in lobby efforts in Baltimore. The living wage campaign was a main platform of the New Party.
The New Party sought to elect members to public office with the aim of moving the Democratic Party far leftward to ultimately form a new political party with a socialist agenda.
The New Party, established in 1992, took advantage of what was known as electoral "fusion," which enabled candidates to run on two tickets simultaneously, attracting voters from both parties. But the New Party went defunct in 1998, one year after fusion was halted by the Supreme Court.
The New Party worked closely with ACORN to promote its candidates. ACORN, convicted in massive, nationwide voter fraud cases, was a point of controversy for Obama during his campaign for president.
In August, a former top member of the New Party recounted in a WND e-mail interview Obama's participation with his organization.
"A subcommittee met with (Obama) to interview him to see if his stand on the living wage and similar reforms was the same as ours," recalled Marxist activist Carl Davidson.
"We determined that our views on these overlapped, and we could endorse his campaign in the Democratic Party," Davidson said.
Davidson was a Chicago member and activist within the New Party. He told WND he handled some of the New Party member databases and attending most of the party's meetings.
Davidson is also a notorious far-left activist and former radical national leader in the anti-Vietnam War movement. He served as national secretary for the infamous Students of a Democratic Society anti-war group, from which the Weather Underground domestic terrorist organization later splintered.
Davidson remembers Obama attending a New Party meeting to thank attendees for voting for him.
Davidson said that to his knowledge Obama was not a member of the New Party "in any practical way" – using qualifying language.
Becoming a New Party member requires some effort on behalf of the politician. Candidates must be approved by the party's political committee and, once approved, must sign a contract mandating they will have a "visible and active relationship" with the party.
Asked whether Obama signed the New Party contract, Davidson replied there was "no need for him to do so."
"At the end of our session with him, we simply affirmed there was no need to do so, because on all the key points, the stand of his campaign and the New Party reform planks were practically the same," Davidson told WND.
Davidson denied the New Party was specifically a socialist party, claiming, "The vast majority of active members were low- and middle-income blacks in the inner city fighting for their immediate demands."
But the socialist-oriented goals of the New Party were enumerated on its old website.
Among the New Party's stated objectives were "full employment, a shorter work week and a guaranteed minimum income for all adults; a universal 'social wage' to include such basic benefits as health care, child care, vacation time and lifelong access to education and training; a systematic phase-in of comparable worth and like programs to ensure gender equity."
The New Party stated it also sought "the democratization of our banking and financial system – including popular election of those charged with public stewardship of our banking system, worker-owner control over their pension assets [and] community-controlled alternative financial institutions."
Many of the New Party's founding members were Democratic Socialists of America leaders and members of Committees of Correspondence, a breakaway of the Communist Party USA.
Obama attended several DSA events and meetings, including a DSA-sponsored town hall meeting Feb. 25, 1996, entitled "Employment and Survival in Urban America." He sought and received an endorsement from the DSA.
Asked by WND whether he thinks Obama has socialist leanings, Davidson stated, "The truth is that Obama was and is a liberal Democrat and an Alinskyist community organizer – which if you know much about Alinsky, is just militant liberalism."
"Obama was never a man of the left, either in his views or in being a member of an actual socialist organization," added Davidson.
While running for the Illinois state Senate in 1996 as a Democrat, Obama actively sought and received the endorsement of the New Party, according to confirmed reports during the 2008 presidential campaign.
Among New Party members was linguist and radical activist Noam Chomsky.
Obama listed as socialist party member
Obama's campaign in 2008 denied the then–presidential candidate was ever an actual member of the New Party.
But the New Zeal blog dug up print copies of the New Party News, the party's official newspaper, which show Obama posing with New Party leaders, listing him as a New Party member and printing quotes from him as a member.
The Party's spring 1996 newspaper boasted: "New Party members won three other primaries this Spring in Chicago: Barack Obama (State Senate), Michael Chandler (Democratic Party Committee) and Patricia Martin (Cook County Judiciary)."
The paper quoted Obama saying, "These victories prove that small 'd' democracy can work."
The newspaper lists other politicians it endorsed who were not members but specifies Obama as a New Party member.
New Ground, the newsletter of Chicago's Democratic Socialists of America, reported in its July/August 1996 edition that Obama attended a New Party membership meeting April 11, 1996, in which he expressed his gratitude for the group's support and "encouraged NPers (New Party members) to join in his task forces on voter education and voter registration."
Wild Thing's comment.......
Good Lord, what is it going to take to sink these freaks?
This is what Barack Obama has been working for for 15-20 years. This is the great 'redistribution' of hard working Americans money into the pockets of those who hardly work. And through one of the most corrupt organization ever existed - and even FUNDED by us. Socialism: using peoples money to enslave them.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:49 AM | Comments (3)
Billboard Politics" Now it’s personal … America’s coming for you, Congress!"
‘America’s Coming For You, Congress!’: Tea Party Activists Explain Billboard Politics
Florida Tea Party activist John Knapp said he recalled a billboard along I-75 in southern Georgia in 1978 that read, “We the farmers of south Georgia apologize to the rest of the nation for Jimmy Carter.”
The parallels between Jimmy Carter’s presidency and that of Barack Obama’s apparently can be seen along America’s highways as well as in their administrations’ policies.
Wild Thing's comment.........
God bless these men, and all people that love America.
Love their “GO SARAH” hand signs.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:48 AM | Comments (3)
The Fall of Barack Obama by Paul R. Hollrah
The Fall of Barack Obama
by Paul R. Hollrah
(Paul Hollrah is a senior fellow at Lincoln Heritage Institute)
In a January 20, 2010 editorial, the Editor in Chief of U.S. News & World Report, Mortimer Zuckerman, had this to say: "Obama's ability to connect with voters is what launched him. But what has surprised me is how he has failed to connect with the voters since he's been in office. He's had so much overexposure. You have to be selective. He was doing five Sunday shows. How many press conferences? And now people stop listening to him. He's lost his audience. He has not rallied public opinion. He has plunged in the polls more than any other public figure since we've been using polls. He's done everything wrong. Well, not everything, but the major things. I don't consider it a triumph. I consider it a disaster." And that's what his friends are saying about him.
As the naive president occupied the White House on January 20, 2009 it was predictable that his presidency would last a year, at most, because the things he promised and the things he stood for were so uniquely un-American. Looking back over his year in office, any reasonably precocious fourth grader could make a cogent argument in opposition to nearly everything he's done. In fact, his policies have been so extreme and so far outside the mainstream that he was destined to achieve the most spectacular fall from grace of any American president in history. It was easy to see him serving out the final three years of his term as a virtual exile in the White House. afraid to venture out among any but the most rabid partisans.
Seeing his most ambitious initiative, healthcare reform, die in the flames of the Massachusetts Massacre, Obama made a hastily-planned "sortie" to Ohio for yet another Bush-bashing, self-aggrandizing stump speech on job creation. It was vintage Obama. full of left wing hyperbole and planted questions from the Kool-Ade drinkers in the hand-picked audience. but there were just two things wrong with it: 1) Almost everything he said was either wrong or an outright lie, and 2) He is so overexposed that no one in the television audience really wanted to see him.
Obama Kool-Ade drinkers in the media, and elsewhere, like to describe Obama as a "very bright man, a true intellectual (compared to George W. Bush and Sarah Palin, of course)." If that is the case, why has he demonstrated such a great inability to learn from his failures? The strident words and the in-your-face attitude of his Ohio speech were proof that he has totally misread the meaning of the Scott Brown victory in Massachusetts . Whatever hopes and dreams he had for his time in the White House, whatever grandiose plans he had for transforming the United States from a constitutional republic with a free market economy into a socialist dictatorship with a centrally planned economy, were all lost on Tuesday, January 19, 2010 one day short of a full year in office. Yet, he appears to have learned nothing from the experience.
Comedian George Gobel once asked, rhetorically, "Did you ever get the feeling that the world was a tuxedo and you were a pair of brown shoes?" In the context of 21st century American politics, and assuming that he has any capacity at all for honest self-examination, Obama must be feeling today very much like a pair of brown shoes at a black tie soiree.
When a politically naïve and totally inexperienced young black man, with a glib tongue and an exceptional ability to read words convincingly from a teleprompter, announced that he was ready to serve as President of the United States, liberals and Democrats saw it as a perfect opportunity to expiate whatever white guilt they may have felt. which was apparently considerable among those on the political left. It didn't seem to bother them that, as one pundit has remarked, "every time he walks into a room he is the least experienced and the least qualified man in the room."
Nevertheless, his friends in the worldwide socialist movement and the international banking community figured out how to smuggle hundreds of millions of dollars in illegal campaign funds into the country, the black community rallied to his banner, and American liberals and the mainstream media jumped on board the bandwagon. Together, they made it happen for him. But now, just one year later, Obama appears
destined to become the unhappiest man in American politics. unhappier than even former Senator John Edwards, who runs a close second, and former president Bill Clinton.
Clinton will be the third unhappiest man because, after capturing the big prize, he frittered away whatever chance he had of ever being compared favorably with Franklin D. Roosevelt as one of the 20th century's greatest Democratic presidents. Not only was he a politician of unusual skill and insight, he was widely known as a policy "wonk" among policy wonks and he had the drive and the personal charm to be loved and respected around the world. Unfortunately, he was never able to put the public trust at the top of his priority list. Instead, he surrounded himself with a large cadre of trusted enablers who allowed him to conduct himself as if he were, not the President of the United States , but the class stud on an extended spring break in Acapulco .
Now that he's been out of office for nearly a decade and he's married to the current Secretary of State, he spends his days trying to find something useful to do without calling an undue amount of attention to himself. Having lied so shamelessly to the American people, having perjured himself in a court of law, having turned the Oval Office into a sexual playpen, and having suffered the humiliation of impeachment, he's smart enough to know that he has little reputation left to protect. So in order to protect whatever legacy remains, he walks a tightrope every day. and he has many more years to walk it without falling off.
Former Senator John Edwards is destined to be the second unhappiest man in American politics because he will be known forever as the most thoroughly despised scumbag in the political arena. A trial lawyer, Edwards amassed a $60 million fortune by winning large jury awards against doctors, hospitals, and corporations. His specialty was cases in which children were born with cerebral palsy, which he blamed on doctors who had waited too long to perform C-sections, a claim that doctors and medical researchers have described as "junk science."
Then, like Obama, he decided that his experience in the courtroom, his glib tongue, and his one term in the U.S. Senate qualified him to be President of the United States . He entered the 2004 Democratic presidential primaries, raising an incredible amount of money for a newcomer to elective office. most of it raised illegally by "bundlers" in plaintiffs' law firms across the country. He was unsuccessful in his quest for the Democratic nomination but was selected by his Senate colleague, John Kerry, as his running mate.
Two years later, in 2006, Edwards met a young blonde film producer, Rielle Hunter, and embarked on a love affair with her. On February 27, 2008, Hunter gave birth to a daughter, for whom Edwards has consistently denied paternity. until now.
Taking into account that all of this was happening while his wife was waging a long battle with breast cancer, Edwards now has the well-deserved reputation of being the sleaziest of the sleazy. He is so universally despised that, if he is on the lookout for a friend, he might as well resign himself to getting a dog. or moving in with O.J. Simpson. Terry Moran, host of ABC's This Week, put it all in perspective. He said, "What's interesting to note is that Edwards' latest admission (that he is the father of Hunter's child) came while he was in Haiti . As if the people of that sad place didn't have enough problems."
Clearly, the one thing Clinton and Edwards share that places them near the top of our list is their sexual peccadilloes, a shortcoming that Obama does not appear to share with them. at least from what we know so far. What we do know about Obama is that, since his teen years, he has been mentored by, gravitated toward, and surrounded by the most dangerous sort of America-hating socialists, communists, and Marxists. from Frank Marshall Davis and Saul Alinsky to Weather Underground terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn, to Rev. Jeremiah Wright, George Soros, and countless radical left college professors.
What destines Obama for the top spot on the list of unhappiest American politicians. aside from the failure of his economic recovery program, the failure of his radical cap-and-trade proposal, his failed attempt to give labor bosses unprecedented power to intimidate blue collar workers, and his ill-fated attempt at healthcare reform. is the fact that he carries on his shoulders the hopes and aspirations of every black child in America . It is unfortunate that, because he is so far outside the American mainstream, and because ! he carries so much hatred in his heart for the country he seeks to lead, his failures will be viewed by generations of black children, not as the failure of a black socialist attempting to bring down a constitutional republic, but simply as the failure of a black man.
A man can fail in the eyes of his countrymen and still be dearly loved by those closest to him. But in Obama's case, his wife and his two daughters will be there to suffer every agonizing step of his fall along with him. And for the rest of his life, each time he looks into their eyes, and into the eyes of black people everywhere, he will see the crushing disappointment that his ill-fated attempt at national transformation has caused them.
He will be the country's unhappiest man, living the rest of his life knowing that his daughters know that the whole world sees him as a failure. He is simply the wrong man, in the wrong job, in the wrong country, at the wrong time in history.
Wild Thing's comment.......
This is my favorite line in the story:
“every time he walks into a room he is the least experienced and the least qualified man in the room.”
It would be funny if it wasn’t so true. And to think that he has access to state secrets and nuclear weapons.
Excellent article.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (5)
Krauthammer: ObamaCare Doesn’t Help the Uninsured
Krauthammer: ObamaCare Doesn’t Help the Uninsured, But Un-Insures the Insured By Making the System Broke
Commenting on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s message to Democrats that they should be willing to sacrifice their jobs in order to get health care passed, political commentator Dr. Charles Krauthammer said that it’s easy for her and President Obama to give such a statement since the San Francisco congresswoman sits in a safe seat, and the president doesn’t face reelection for another couple of years.
Nevertheless, it is not Pelosi that wavering Democrats should be listening to for advice on whether to vote for the health care bill, Krauthammer advised, but billionaire investor Warren Buffett, “who said the bill is not a good one because it doesn’t contain costs.”
As Krauthammer noted, Buffett added that “we have an obligation to insure the uninsured.”
“However,” Krauthammer said, “if the system is insolvent and you don’t fix it, you’re not gonna help the uninsured. In fact, you’re gonna end up un-insuring the insuredbecause those who depend on Medicare and Medicaid are going to be left with a system that is broke.”
Wild Thing's comment.......
Thank you Charles Krauthammer!!!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:45 AM | Comments (2)
Texas Primary Today ~ God Bless Texas!
This is a big election year in Texas. Voters will cast ballots for all 32 U.S. representatives, governor, lieutenant governor, attorney general, comptroller, land commissioner, agriculture commissioner, railroad commissioner, three members of the Supreme Court, three members of the Court of Criminal Appeals, 16 state senators, all 150 state representatives, eight members of the State Board of Education, some Court of Appeals justices, district judges, family district judges, county judges, statutory county court judges and many county-level races.
Perry also promoted the Texas economy, with its low taxes and relatively low unemployment rate, as a model for other states. His appeal to pride in Texas has resonated with conservative voters, political scientists say.
“We’re adding to the state population by over 1,000 people per day,” the governor said to about 100 people packed into the Harris County Republican Party headquarters in Houston. “People are voting, and they’re voting with their feet and coming to Texas.”
Across town, at a downtown shopping mall, Ms. Hutchison shook hands with shoppers and passed out palm cards. Shifting her emphasis in the last days, she said Mr. Perry had divided the party with his appeals to the far right, losing support for Republicans in urban counties. She also bristled at his portrayal of her as a Washington insider.
This is Rick Perry's Facebook page
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:44 AM | Comments (2)
Left Group Goes After Rep. Michele Bachmann
Throughout Rep. Michele Bachmann's, R-Minn., two terms in the U.S. House of Representatives, she has been target of liberal scorn - from the great mind of MSNBC's Ed Schultz to the bomb-throwing commentator parading as a pseudo-investigative journalist known as Matt Taibbi. But this latest round of Michele Bachmann derangement syndrome actually required time and effort - a comic book dedicated to denigrating the representative from Minnesota's 6th Congressional district.
The comic book series is called "False Witness! The Michele Bachmann Story" and is up to its third issue. The first issue laid a foundation for future misogynistic exploits by the creators and the second issue took direct quotes from Bachmann to prove anecdotally she's a "right-wing lunatic."And in the latest installment, the creators wear their feelings on their sleeves about Bachmann's stand for traditional marriage instead of supporting a pro-homosexual agenda.
Eric Kleefeld of the left-wing news site Talking Points Memo reviewed the third issueand concluded this "art" made a "serious point" about Bachmann - not that she actually believes what she says, but instead she is just operating to advance her own political career.
Wild Thing's comment.......
The reason they hate her is that she is attractive , smart, unafraid, and a conservative. The left broils with hatred for anyone who takes a stand and happens to be a conservative believer as opposed to a progressive “believer”. If she was not effective no one would even know who Michelle Bachmann is. Historically, conservatives in the Bachmann position have been discredited and defeated with the cooperation of the mainstream media.
Another reason the left hates her imo. The Bachmanns have five children, Lucas, Harrison, Elisa, Caroline, and Sophia. In addition, the Bachmanns have opened their home to 23 foster children, which has inspired Congresswoman Bachmann to become one of Congress’ leading advocates for foster and adopted children.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:40 AM | Comments (5)
March 01, 2010
Soros Criticizes Obama's Bailouts
Soros Criticizes Obama's Bailouts
Billionaire investor George Soros, who helped U.S. President Barack Obama raise money for his presidential campaign in 2008, said Sunday he wasn't happy with Mr. Obama's handling of the financial crisis.
Mr. Soros said the government should have taken over U.S. banks instead of bailing them out, a move he suggested would have been more popular with Americans.
"The solution that he found to the financial crisis, which was to effectively bail out the banks and allow them to earn their way out of the hole, was, in my opinion, not the right solution," Mr. Soros said in an interview with CNN. "He should have compulsorily replaced the capital that was lost."
After taking office at the start of 2009, Mr. Obama stuck to plans implemented by his predecessor George W. Bush to rescue banks by buying toxic assets from them and injecting capital into struggling lenders. As the financial sector recovered, the Obama administration put banks through stress tests to determine how much new capital they would need to withstand a severe recession, but steered clear of nationalizing them.
Mr. Soros said China took a better approach to dealing with the financial crisis by forcing its banks to increase their minimum capital requirements. He suggested that Beijing has in recent years been more successful in its handling of economic policy than the U.S.
He said the "market fundamentalist" belief prevailing in the U.S. that markets correct their own excesses was wrong, and criticized former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan for taking that line. Mr. Soros — who as chairman of Soros Fund Management, said he manages about $27 billion in assets — cited his own investment decisions as an example.
"When I see a bubble, I buy that bubble, because that's how I make money," he said.
Soros said the U.S. and China needed to work closely to manage the global economy, calling recent signs of bilateral tension worrying.
Wild Thing's comment........
Uh oh, the boss isn’t happy. He’s your boy, George.
“When I see a bubble, I buy that bubble, because that’s how I make money,” he said.
I happened to catch that interview with him yesterday . It was chilling. But I also call BS on this from Soros. Obama is doing Soros' bidding here and around the world and I suspect all is going more or less according to plan. This is just for show.
If Soros is unhappy, it's with the Tea Party movement and the handful of conservatives going against him and he knows the tide is turning against him.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:55 AM | Comments (5)
Pelosi: Lawmakers Should Sacrifice Jobs for Health Care
Pelosi tells democrats to sacrifice their career for the unpopular health care bill.
“They know that it will take courage to pass health care. But why are we here? We’re not here just to self-perpetuate our service in Congress. We’re here to do the job for the American people to get them results that gets them not only health security but economic security because the health issue is an economic issue for America’s families.”
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi urged her colleagues to back a major overhaul of U.S. health care even if it threatens their political careers, a call to arms that underscores the issue’s massive role in this election year.
Lawmakers sometimes must enact policies that, even if unpopular at the moment, will help the public, Pelosi said in an interview being broadcast Sunday the ABC News program “This Week.”
“We’re not here just to self-perpetuate our service in Congress,” she said. “We’re here to do the job for the American people.”
It took courage for Congress to pass Social Security and Medicare, which eventually became highly popular, she said, “and many of the same forces that were at work decades ago are at work again against this bill.”
Her comments to ABC, in the interview released Sunday, seemed to acknowledge the widely held view that Democrats will lose House seats this fall -- maybe a lot. They now control the chamber 255 to 178, with two vacancies. Pelosi stopped well short of suggesting Democrats could lose their majority, but she called on members of her party to make a bold move on health care with no prospects of GOP help.
"Time is up," she said. "We really have to go forth."
Her comments somewhat echoed those of President Obama, who said at the end of last week's bipartisan health care summit that Congress should act on the issue and let voters render their verdicts. "That's what elections are for," he said.
Then she turns around and says Democrats Will Stay In Power In 2010
White House: Simple up-or-down vote on health care
Democrats called today to pass Obamacare and essentially nationalize one-sixth of the American economy with a simple up-or-down majority vote in the House and Senate.
The White House called for a “simple up-or-down” vote on health care legislation Sunday as Speaker Nancy Pelosi appealed to House Democrats to get behind President Barack Obama’s chief domestic priority even it if threatens their political careers.
In voicing support for a simple majority vote, White House health reform director Nancy-Ann DeParle signaled Obama’s intention to push the Democratic-crafted bill under Senate rules that would overcome GOP stalling tactics.
Republicans unanimously oppose the Democratic proposals. Without GOP support, Obama’s only chance of emerging with a policy and political victory is to bypass the bipartisanship he promoted during his televised seven-hour health care summit Thursday.
“We’re not talking about changing any rules here,” DeParle said. “All the president’s talking about is: Do we need to address this problem and does it make sense to have a simple, up-or-down vote on whether or not we want to fix these problems?”
DeParle was optimistic that the president would have the votes to pass the massive bill. But none of legislation’s advocates who spoke on Sunday indicated that those votes were in hand.
"I think we will get to that point where we will have the votes," predicted Sen. Robert Menendez, D-N.J., a member of the Senate Democratic leadership. "I believe that we will pass health care reform this spring."
In a sober call to arms, Pelosi said lawmakers sometimes must enact policies that, even if unpopular at the moment, will help the public. "We're not here just to self-perpetuate our service in Congress," she said. "We're here to do the job for the American people."
Pelosi said it took courage for Congress to pass Social Security and Medicare, which eventually became highly popular, "and many of the same forces that were at work decades ago are at work again against this bill."
It's unclear whether Pelosi's remarks will embolden or chill dozens of moderate House Democrats who face withering criticisms of the health care proposal in visits with constituents and in national polls. Republican lawmakers unanimously oppose the health care proposals, and many GOP strategists believe voters will turn against Democrats in the November elections.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Leaders lead. Ideologues push.
She truly lives w/a superior mindset - I KNOW what is best for the peons - much like hillary.
Interview her more! She is the most visible example of what Americans now are recognizing as an enemy of liberty!
Every time she opens her mouth, she alerts voters to the dangers of having arrogant tyrants in charge of their government.
She's an arrogant, power hungry mad woman whose primary concern is enacting onerous legislation that will expand the federal reach into our lives. And she's very much aware that she's representing the fringe.
Democrats would scream bloody murder if Republicans called for a simple up or down vote on abortion, affirmative action, etc., etc. And that is is exactly what the Pubbies should do now.
And there is also this:
Sen. Kent Conrad, who is Chairman of the Senate Budget Committee (which is responsible for reconciliation if they go that route) said the following:
“…reconciliation cannot be used to pass comprehensive health care reform. It won’t work. It won’t work because it was never designed for that kind of significant legislation. It was designed for deficit reduction… The major package of health care reform cannot move through the reconciliation process. It will not work… It will not work because of the Byrd rule which says anything that doesn’t score for budget purposes has to be eliminated. That would eliminate all the delivery system reform, all the insurance market reform, all of those things the experts tell us are really the most important parts of this bill. The only possible role that I can see for reconciliation would be make modest changes in the major package to improve affordability, to deal with what share of Medicaid expansion the federal government pays, those kinds of issues, which is the traditional role for reconciliation in health care.”
The interesting dynamic here is that this must pass the House first, but the House members are tired of sticking their necks out, just to be rebuked by the Senate.
This will not end well. The White House is still in denial.
Pray for America’s Freedom.
Here is a link for phone numbers of your Reps and Senators.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:50 AM | Comments (4)
Afghan: US Bomb Squad On The Frontlines Discuss Movie "The Hurt Locker"
U.S. Air Force Staff Sgt. Joshua Rickert, from San Antonio, Texas, member of an Explosive Ordnance Disposal unit, checks for concealed bombs in the Badula Qulp area, west of Lashkar Gah in Helmand province, southern Afghanistan, Tuesday, Feb. 23, 2010
Afghan: US bomb squad on the frontlines
BADULA QULP, Afghanistan
Staff. Sgt. Joshua Rickert hasn't just seen "The Hurt Locker," the award-winning film about an American bomb disposal squad in Iraq. He's living it - in Afghanistan.
Rickert and his team work for the Explosive Ordnance Disposal, or EOD, unit of the U.S. Air Force. Soldiers summon these men by radio when they find concealed bombs, a deadly threat to NATO forces fighting the Taliban. On Tuesday, Rickert's metal detector squealed when he ran it over a patch of earth at a chokepoint between two mud walls, a natural avenue where troops on patrol might choose to walk.
It was an IED, or improvised explosive device. Rickert saw parts of it poking above the soil.
"We're going to blow that right there," he said. Kneeling, Rickert laid down a brick of C4 explosive. He activated the one-minute fuse. Then he straightened up, weighed down by his flak jacket, helmet and other gear, and walked away - not hurrying, but fast enough.
Soldiers nearby stuck their fingers in their ears. The blast threw up black smoke. Rickert walked back to make sure the job was done.
The IED menace is constant. The Taliban hide crude bombs in culverts, doorways, walls, wherever they think Western troops will pass. Sometimes, soldiers clear an area, and insurgents go back and plant another bomb. Just about every U.S. soldier operating in support of a Marine offensive in the southern Afghan town of Marjah knows someone who was hit by an IED, often in a Stryker infantry vehicle. That someone got lucky, or was wounded, or died. A lot of soldiers were blown up themselves, recovered and went back to their unit.
Finding and destroying IEDs is, of course, slower and more nuanced than the high-octane version portrayed in the movie thriller directed by Kathryn Bigelow, which could make a run for the Oscars. In reality, Tuesday's operation in the village of Badula Qulp started well before the EOD team arrived at an area patrolled by a platoon of the 1st Battalion, 17th Infantry Regiment of the 5th Stryker Brigade.
Afghan soldiers, coordinating with the Americans, had persuaded civilians to tell them about the location of suspected bombs.
Platoon leader Sgt. 1st Class Natividad Ruiz of Fort Smith, Ark., checked out a cluster around a crop field enclosed by walls. His men blew one up as the EOD team arrived. Ruiz showed off a "trophy" - a "pressure plate" device consisting of two pieces of flexible wood wrapped in plastic to keep out debris. Once buried and stepped on, the wood pushes metal contacts together. This completes an electrical circuit that sets off the explosives, which are often fertilizer-based.
"We find them, we verify that they're there, and then we take care of it, whether these guys do it or we do it," Ruiz said. "These little ones, they're probably not going to kill you. You might have a little Superman leg or a Bat wing, but that's about it."
The insurgents, he said, know that wounding, rather than killing, a soldier can slow down the entire unit because of the rush to evacuate him for emergency treatment.
Ruiz said his men sometimes used grappling hooks to pull away brush around suspected bomb sites. He, too, has seen and liked "The Hurt Locker."
"We don't dress up in that big old suit," he says of the heavy bomb gear worn in the movie.
Rickert, of San Antonio, Texas, said his job was about teamwork, and that the movie's portrayal of "an EOD guy gone rogue" was inaccurate, though he acknowledged its entertainment value.
He recalled a scene in which the main character pulls up cords leading to a cluster of buried artillery shells. "I would walk away at that point," he said, adding that an accurate depiction of EOD men would show "six days of us doing nothing and 10 minutes of us working our ... off."
Another EOD man, Senior Airman Kyle Brown of Toledo, Ohio, felt the same way.
"Some of the things he does in the movie - quite out there," Brown said. "I wouldn't say we were that undisciplined. It makes us look like rebels in the military." The bomb disposal team rolled up to the scene Tuesday in what they called a Cougar, a vehicle that can withstand roadside bombs far better than a Stryker. They didn't use the Talon, a robot with treads and cameras that is operated with a joystick, because it wouldn't have been able to approach and examine the IEDs on the rough terrain.
Rickert recognized the signature of the bomb maker operating in the area by the type of batteries and other IED components. He showed a degree of respect for his unknown adversary, saying the bombs were well hidden.
"I take my time, go slow, and make sure I do everything for a reason," he said. And his career choice?
"I can't imagine doing anything else. It would be too boring."
'The Hurt Locker' sets off conflict within military
Many film critics — and awards voters — have praised "The Hurt Locker's" depiction of the U.S. military in Iraq, often singling out the bomb disposal drama for its authenticity. But as the film emerges as a favorite to win the best picture Oscar, a number of active soldiers and veterans are attacking the movie for the very things the film's supporters admire, saying "The Hurt Locker" portrays soldiers as renegades and that it fails to represent details about combat accurately.
The criticism, coming just before Oscar ballots are due Tuesday, highlights the delicate relationship between "The Hurt Locker" and the nation's armed forces.
Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates says the film is "authentic" and "very compelling" and has recommended it to his staff. But the government says it pulled its "Hurt Locker" production assistance at the last minute in 2007, saying that the film's makers were shooting scenes that weren't in the screenplay submitted to the Defense Department, including a sequence that the government believed showed troops unflatteringly. The film's producers dispute elements of the account.
While "The Hurt Locker" has numerous supporters within the military — including Purple Heart winner Drew Sloan, who participated in a "Hurt Locker" panel discussion in Hollywood with other veterans and the film's makers Wednesday night — the movie's detractors share a consistent complaint about its representation of the Army's Explosive Ordnance Disposal team as they attempt to disarm improvised explosive devices.
The film, directed by Kathryn Bigelow and written by journalist Mark Boal (who embedded with a bomb disposal team), stars Jeremy Renner as Staff Sgt. William James. Not deterred by protocol or his own safety, James is an adrenaline-addicted bomb defuser who occasionally puts his unit at risk, and at one point takes to the streets of Baghdad on a solo personal mission. Members of EOD teams in southern Iraq said in interviews arranged by the Army that "The Hurt Locker" is a good action movie if you know nothing about defusing roadside bombs or the military.
Sgt. Eric Gordon of San Pedro, Calif., an Air Force EOD technician on his second tour in Iraq, has watched the movie a few times with his friends. "I would watch it with other EOD people, and we would laugh," Gordon said.
He scoffed at a scene in which a bomb is defused with wire cutters. "It's similar to having a firefighter go into a building with a squirt bottle," Gordon said.
An EOD team leader in Maysan province, Staff Sgt. Jeremy D. Phillips, "My interest is bringing myself and my team members home alive, with all of our appendages in the right place," Phillips said.
While he was glad the film highlighted their trade, he disliked the celluloid treatment of EOD units.
"There is too much John Wayne and cowboy stuff. It is very loosely based on actual events," he said. "I'm honestly glad they are trying to convey to the public what we've been doing, and I wish maybe they had just done it with a little bit of a different spin on it," he said.
Others are more supportive.
Sloan, a former U.S. Army captain, said at the panel discussion that "The Hurt Locker" offered a perfect snapshot of modern conflict. "This is what's going on for the men and women who are fighting this war," he said.
Jim O'Neil, the executive director of the EOD Memorial, which honors those who perish defusing bombs, was equally enthusiastic about the film's accuracy. "It's not just a movie," he said at the panel discussion. "It's something that's actually occurring as we're sitting in these chairs."
Some recent veterans, however, did not share the sentiment.
"The depiction of our community in this film is disrespectful," said Paul Rieckhoff, the executive director and founder of the 150,000-member Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America. "We are not cowboys. We are not reckless. We are professionals. And a lot of the film would make you think the opposite."
"I didn't really care for it," said Brian Siefkes, who served in Iraq and plays an Army soldier in the upcoming movie "The Green Zone." "There were many moments where I felt they were trying to portray the actual life of EOD in Iraq but over-sensationalized it," he said.
Boal, who also produced "The Hurt Locker," said the film was not intended to be a documentary or a training film. "We certainly made creative choices for dramatic effect," he said. "But I hope the choices were made respectfully and conscientiously."
At one point, "The Hurt Locker" might have been made with government cooperation. But just 12 hours before Lt. Col. J. Todd Breasseale was to fly to Jordan to serve as the Army's technical adviser to "The Hurt Locker," he said in an interview that he heard there might be problems.
A Jordanian official told him that scenes were being shot that were not in the script that the Army had agreed to with Bigelow. Breasseale accused the producer of shooting a scene where in which soldiers act violently toward detainees. (The military does not provide help to films depicting violations of the laws of war, unless the script shows their consequences.) He also charged that the production had driven a Humvee into a Palestinian refugee camp in order to film angry crowd scenes.
"Nice working with you," Breasseale said he recalled telling a producer before the military decided to stop working with the production. "Kathryn has a lot of talent, but I cannot trust that your company will honor its contract to the soldiers and government of the U.S."
Breasseale said the filmmakers had been solicitous of the Army's opinion "trying to get the look and feel right" and they had been allowed to film at an Army logistics base in Kuwait.
Breasseale, who is now deployed, saw "The Hurt Locker" on a laptop in Afghanistan along with a soldier from one of the Army's EOD teams. He conceded it was a great story and a "spectacular looking movie. But if you're looking for realism and how military relationships really work, I believe she missed the mark," Breasseale said of Bigelow.
Others in the Pentagon's office overseeing work with Hollywood agree. "The filmmakers' interest in drama and excitement exceeded what we felt were reasonable realistic portrayals," said Philip M. Strub, the Pentagon's special assistant for entertainment media.
Boal said that while the production initially worked with the U.S. military, it parted ways when it became clear they would not approve "The Hurt Locker" script. He said they did not film on a base in Kuwait and never signed a contract.
"The Department of Defense did not support the movie. And my understanding is that they did not support 'Platoon' or 'The Deer Hunter,' Boal said of two of the most revered movies about the Vietnam War. "I am OK with that outcome because I didn't want to change the script to suit them."
The top Pentagon official, Gates, has a very positive view of the movie. "This is the first Iraq war movie that he has liked, or for that matter seen," said Pentagon press secretary Geoff Morrell. "In looking at all previous films he thought they had too much of a political agenda.
"He just thought it was a very compelling, and what he thought was authentic portrayal of what life is like for many of our troops in Iraq. Of the films that have been done about this war, that is the most authentic."
Wild Thing's comment........
We have not seen the movie yet so I have no opinion about it yet. But I do like to know what our troops have to say about it. It seems to be divided in approval. My main concern is does the film put down or slander our troops.
From the guys I know that have been there they have said this in their emails to me:
The clearing scene at the IED factory was worth the price of admission alone. But many parts I had to laugh at how wrong there were and incorrect. But I just accepted it was Hollywood version and they had to entertain as well as tell the story.
There were lots of technical mistakes, but hey that's showbiz right? Chrissie go see it. It is not that bad and has some good stuff in it. Just know it is not exactly how it is over here. Hey to Nick and hugs to you.
.... Thank you Jim for sending this to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:49 AM | Comments (2)
John McCain Bill Threatens Vitamins and Supplements!
Senator John McCain (R-Arizona) has introduced a new bill called The Dietary Supplement Safety Act (DSSA) of 2010 (S. 3002), that, if enacted, would severely curtail free access to dietary supplements. Cosponsored by Senator Byron Dorgan (D-North Dakota), the bill would essentially give the FDA full control over the supplement industry
New Bill Would Make Vitamins Too Costly for Your Health
Beware of McCain's Freedom-Destroying Dietary Supplement Regulatory Bill
Most are familiar with those commercials on television promoting prescription drugs that supposedly offer relief from a variety of ailments, if one would only pressure one’s doctor to obtain them. They have become a source of great entertainment and amusement to some, the kicker coming at the end of each commercial when the FDA-approved medication’s obligatory litany of warnings and dangerous side effects is recited: “Tell your doctor if....” and “Side effects may include.....” Some of the warnings are mild like diarrhea and constipation, some list serious effects like cancer or tuberculosis, and others admit that sometimes even death can result.
The point here is that these are all FDA-approved drugs being advertised and used extensively. Drugs that can cause serious diseases like lymphoma. Drugs that can kill. The FDA’s dismal safety record is well documented; even PBS ran a Frontline special that investigated and exposed the FDA’s unsafe drug record, the influence of Big Pharma inside the FDA, and lack of long-term testing and medical review of many, many dangerous drugs. The FDA seldom removes a drug from the market even after it proves to be harmful or deadly, however they do post quarterly reports with details of the latest potentially dangerous side effects of drugs currently under investigation.
Nonetheless, Senator John McCain (R-Ariz.) wants this same FDA, with its dismal safety record, to regulate dietary supplements. The Dietary Supplement Safety Act (DSSA), S. 3002 (text of this bill posted on Senator McCain's website), that McCain has introduced with one cosponsor, would repeal key provisions of the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA) to “more effectively regulate dietary supplements that may pose safety risks unknown to consumers.”
Under attack by the DSSA is the once-protected field of supplements, as they have always been considered food. Potencies would have to be reduced to comply with what appears to be a plan modeled after the European Food Safety Authority. A new list of “Accepted Dietary Ingredients” would be “prepared, published, and maintained by the Secretary,” in the future. That’s a bit like being handed a blank check and told to fill it out later as one wishes. It could certainly be used to severely limit access to, and even production of, hundreds of life-sustaining and essential mineral, herb, and vitamin products.
All ingredients contained in each supplement would have to be disclosed at the time the company registers all of its “manufactured, packaged, held, distributed, labeled or licensed,” products with the FDA. An onerous burden would be placed on the shoulders of suppliers and retailers of dietary supplements, as they would have to “obtain written evidence” from the seller that the product is registered as required by law, and keep that documentation on file. Monetary penalties for non-compliance “may, in addition to other penalties imposed in this section, be fined not more than twice the gross profits or other proceeds derived from the manufacture, packaging, holding, distribution, labeling, or license of such dietary supplement.” Those are very broad dictates and most likely subject to even broader interpretation.
The McCain bill would change existing mandatory serious adverse reporting regulations, requiring minor adverse effects to be reported as well so that the FDA could arbitrarily pull supplements off the shelves or reclassify them as drugs.
This immediate recall authority would be granted to the “Secretary upon determination,” that there is a “reasonable probability” that the product is “adulterated” or “misbranded.” Adulterated in this bill takes on a whole new expanded definition: “A dietary supplement which contains a new dietary ingredient shall be deemed adulterated under section 402(f) unless there is a history of use or other evidence of safety.” The development of new products that contain newly discovered nutritional components may be entirely quashed.
The hypocritical contrast between the regulation of drugs that can kill and the proposed hyper-regulation for food products -- vitamins, minerals, herbs -- is as plain as the nose on everyone's face.
A Pandora’s box of intended and unintended legal complications and government harassment of nutritional supplement manufacturers and sellers could very well be unleashed if this bill is passed. There are already existing laws on the books that protect consumers from misbranded, fraudulent, or contaminated products. Granting the FDA additional regulatory authority over nutritional supplements seems a bit suspicious, especially considering the influence the enormous pharmaceutical industry has wielded over the research, development, and approval process inside the FDA. Let’s face it, the FDA has been no friend and often has been positively antagonistic toward the nutritional supplement industry. Therefore one wouldn’t set the wolf to guarding the sheep without dire consequences.
In this perverted overly-regulated country, food is now toxic, and drugs and chemicals are safe for ingestion, no matter the harm that results.
This inversion should remind us that those who best have the consumers health and safety interests at heart are the consumers themselves. It is big government that has a proven track record of not protecting the public.
And it is big government that is seeking to take away yet another individual freedom, the right to choose one’s own treatment. (Where is the pro-choice crowd on this one; the ones that claim, “my body, my choice?”)
Contact your federal legislators and urge them not to cosponsor, support, or vote for such a power-grabbing, bill. Let them know Americans want unrestricted access to nutritional supplements, and the government out of their health choices.
Sen. McCain described his bill as a “no brainer.” For constitutionalists it’s a “no brainer” that it should be rejected for the dictatorial, power-grabbing, choice-limiting attack on the nutritional marketplace and individual freedoms that it is.
Fair and Equal Media Reporting?
How often do you see negative stories concerning nutritional supplements? It seems to be that, from time to time, the media takes a negative view of nutritional supplements, so, let's take a look at some cold hard facts.
According to the most recent information collected by the U.S. National Poison Data System (OMNS, January 19, 2010), there was not one death caused by a dietary supplement in 2008.
The new 174-page annual report of the American Association of Poison Control Centers, published in the journal Clinical Toxicology, shows zero deaths from multiple vitamins; zero deaths from any of the B vitamins; zero deaths from vitamins A, C, D, or E; and zero deaths from any other vitamin. Additionally, there were no deaths whatsoever from any amino acid or herbal product.
This means no deaths at all from black cohosh, echinacea, ginkgo biloba, ginseng, kava kava, St. John's wort, valerian, yohimbe, Asian medicines, ayurvedic medicines, or any other botanical. There were zero deaths from creatine, blue-green algae, glucosamine, chondroitin, melatonin, or any homeopathic remedies.
Furthermore, there were zero deaths in 2008 from any dietary mineral supplement. This means there were no fatalities from calcium, magnesium, chromium, zinc, colloidal silver, selenium, iron, or multi-mineral supplements. Two children died as a result of medical use of the antacid sodium bicarbonate. The other "Electrolyte and Mineral" category death was due to a man accidentally drinking sodium hydroxide, a highly toxic degreaser and drain-opener. No man, woman or child died from nutritional supplements. Period. 61 poison centers provide coast-to-coast data for the U.S. National Poison Data System (NPDS), which is then reviewed by 29 medical and clinical toxicologists. NPDS, the authors write, is "one of the few real-time national surveillance systems in existence, providing a model public health surveillance system for all types of exposures, public health event identification, resilience response and situational awareness tracking."
Over half of the U.S. population takes daily nutritional supplements. If each person took only one tablet a day, that would total 154,000,000 individual doses per day, for a total of over 56 billion doses annually. Since many people take more than just one vitamin or mineral tablet on a daily basis, actual consumption is considerably higher and the safety of nutritional supplements is all that more remarkable. If nutritional supplements are allegedly so "dangerous," as the FDA and news media so often claim, then where are the bodies? Those who wonder if the media are biased against vitamins may consider this: how many television stations, newspapers, magazines, and medical journals have reported that no one dies from nutritional supplements?
Wild Thing's comment.......
McCain bill threatens access to vitamins and supplements.
Herbal supplements are not classified as drugs but as dietary supplements. The main difference is that they do not have approved therapeutic claims unlike in the case of drugs. Moreover, dietary supplements could either contain vitamins, minerals, herbals, or amino acids, all aimed to add to or supplement the diet of an individual. They are not intended to be taken alone as a substitute to any food or medicine.
Damn you McCain!
This really ticks me off! John McCain in doing this, attempting to do this has now become even more of an enemy then he was before I saw this news.
I have been taking vitamins all, my life and even more as an adult. Adding in supplements and additional vitamins for the years. I get them from three main places and Richard who sent me this article has one of the places I get them from.
I can testify that taking vitamins and supplements DO make a difference, In energy, skin, strength, alertness, memory, and a persons immune system, plus just their general health is improved.
One time a doctor I was going to when I lived in Malibu, Calif. joked that he did not take vitamins and got a kick out of how I believe in vitamins and supplements. LOL I just smiled and said no problem you don't have to , but for myself I will always take them. One year later on my next physical when he was done, he said to come in his office and have a seat. I did and the first thing he did was he reached across his desk and put a package of daily vitamins in front of me. hahaha I asked him what was this? He said, " they are mine and as you know I had a heart attack and now I take vitamins every day. " I again smiled and said I am sorry you had a heart attack, but I am very glad to see you taking vitamins. They won't be 100 % why a person does not have a heart attack but they sure can help keep you healthier so that maybe you will have a chance and your heart will be healthier too.
McCain should know better then to do this idiotic BILL of his. He is not a well man and needs all the help he can get. To do this would make it very costly for people to buy necessary vitamins and supplements to keep healthy and stay fit and well. People that have surgery are often told to take certain vitamins to aid in healing and fight off side effects. I could go on for hours about how good they are but I won't. haha It is up to the individual imo and McCain the POS wants to mess with something that messes with anyone wanting to be as healthy as possible.
....Thank you Richard for sending this to me.
If anyone would like to contact Richard about his vitamins and supplements his email is.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:48 AM | Comments (6)
GOP Rep. Paul Ryan Asked If Obama and Pelosi Will Have Votes on Obamacare
GOP Rep. Paul Ryan yesterday on Fox News Sunday on Fox News Sunday where was asked point blank if Democrats have the votes in the House to pass Obama's new Health Care Reform Proposal. Ryan said, "They do not now have the votes." But Ryan added, "I wouldn't count her (Speaker Pelosi) out. She is very good at muscling votes." He said she is good at "making deals" to get votes at the last minute.
A White House Official said Sunday they will have the votes to pass it.
White House "Health Care Czar" told David Gregory "we will have the votes to pass this." She added that, "The President will keep fighting and the American people want to have this kind of health reform." Gregory then asked her if Obama has decided to use "reconciliation," she responded, "He's going to have more to say later this week about how he thinks is the best way to move forward."
Wild Thing's comment.......
I think Pelosi makes threats to people. Just a gut feeling, she may have someone else do the dirt work but there is just this feeling she pressures people in her party. Maybe things she knows about them who knows.
I really like Paul Ryan.
If you have the time here is more of the interview with Paul Ryan,
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:47 AM
Desperation Grows In Chile After 8.8 Magnitude
Death Toll is now 708. This is so horrible, so sad.
One of the world's most powerful earthquakes in a century battered Chile on Saturday.
Buildings caught fire, bridges collapsed and debris blocked streets across swathes of central Chile.
A 15-storey building collapsed in Concepcion, the closest major city to the epicenter, and overturned cars lay scattered below a fallen overpass in the capital Santiago. Telephone and power lines went down, making it difficult to assess the full extent of the damage and loss of life.
"It came in waves and lasted so long. Three minutes is an eternity. We kept worrying that it was getting stronger, like a terrifying Hollywood movie," said Santiago housewife Dolores Cuevas.
But it was the fifth-largest earthquake since 1900 and dealt a blow to the economy and infrastructure of the world's No. 1 copper producer and one of Latin America's most developed and stable countries.
"This will be a major blow to the country's infrastructure; there has been major damage to roads, airports, which are now suspended, ports and also in housing," Chilean President-elect Sebastian Pinera said.
The quake halted operations at two oil refineries and two major copper mines and the government said an estimated half a million homes were severely damaged.
President Michelle Bachelet said a huge wave hit the Juan Fernandez islands, an archipelago where Scottish sailor Alexander Selkirk was marooned in the 18th century, inspiring the novel Robinson Crusoe.
"There was a series of waves that got bigger and bigger, which gave people time to save themselves," pilot Fernando Avaria told TVN television by telephone from the main island. Three people were killed and four missing there, he said.
Chilean seaside resort of Pelluhue has been washed away; municipality had about 1,000 residents

Wild Thing's comment......
There are a lot more dead than being reported then first reported. The numbers grow as they find the missing people. Prayers for those that survived in Chile.
One news commentator said that Chile had high building standards because they were so earthquake-prone. That probably helped keep the damage down. Even so, an 8+ is going to do damage.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:45 AM | Comments (2)
Pelosi: GOP Orchestrated Some Tea Parties ~ LOL OH Really? Haha
The Republican Party is pulling the strings behind the tea parties but protesters still have some things in common with Democrats, according to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
The Republican Party directs a lot of what the tea party does, but not everybody in the tea party takes direction from the Republican Party. And so there was a lot of, shall we say, astroturf, as opposed to grassroots, Pelosi told ABCs Elizabeth Vargas Sunday.
We share some of the views of the tea partiers in terms of the role of special interest in Washington, D.C, Pelosi continued.
So, common ground with Nancy Pelosi and tea party movement? asked Vargas.
Well, no, there are some. There are some because they, again, some of it is orchestrated from the Republican headquarters. Some of it is hijacking the good intentions of lots of people who share some of our concerns that we have about the role of special interests and many tea partiers, not that I speak for them, share the view, whether its — and Democrats, Republicans and Independents share the view that the recent Supreme Court decision, which greatly empowers the special interests, is something that they oppose, explained Pelosi.
Wild Thing's comment........
She's drinking again......... The woman is crazier than I thought. Any real human with half a brain would have laughed in her face with these responses. I could never be a reporter.
She is also beginning to hear a faint rumble in the distance that is heralding the arrival of the avalanche that’s going to sweep her party of scum out of power.
She said the Dems are against Special Interets. LOL The Democrats are not against Special Interests. They are against Special Interests that dont share their goal of a tyranical Democrat Dictatorship.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:40 AM | Comments (2)