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November 30, 2009
4 Police Officers Murdered in Deadly Ambush Near McChord Air Force Base in Tacoma
Four Lakewood (WA) police officers shot and killed in 'ambush'
PARKLAND, Wash. - Four Lakewood Police officers were shot and killed Sunday morning in what authorities called a targeted ambush at a coffee shop.
Pierce County Sheriff's spokesman Ed Troyer says the officers - four male and one female - were in full uniform and wearing bulletproof vests, sitting in Forza coffee shop near 116th Street and Steele Street on the east side of the Air Force base at about 8:30 a.m.
Troyer says the officers were preparing for their shift when a suspect or suspects "walked in with a handgun, opened fire multiple times and then fled the scene," said Troyer.
Troyer called it an "ambush."
"They had marked police cars, marked uniforms, there were other people inside the facility, they weren't shot, wounded or hurt or even aimed at, just the police officers were," said Troyer.
It wasn't clear whether the officers even had time to draw their weapons to return fire, Troyer said.
"This was more of an execution. Walk in with the specific mindset to shoot police officers," Troyer said.
With no known suspects, there was no indication of any connection with the Halloween night shooting of a Seattle police officer. The suspect in that shooting remains hospitalized.
"We won't know if it's a copycat effect or what it was until we get the case solved," Troyer said. "We don't even have a suspect ID right now."
Troyer would not release the names of the victims in Sunday's shooting. He said Lakewood has a small police force and the deaths represent a loss of 10 percent to 15 percent of the department.
Troyer estimates a couple hundred officers from the Washington State Patrol and multiple surrounding police agencies in the area are at the scene, with some coming on their own time.
"We have no motive at all," Troyer said. "I don't think when we find out what it is, it will be anything that makes any sense or be worth it."
Two employees and a few other customers were in the shop during the attack. All are being interviewed by the Pierce County Sheriff's investigators.
"Some are in shock. They are very upset," Troyer said. "They are the ones who are going to put together for us how this happened."
The Forza Coffee Shop, part of a popular local chain, is on a side street near McChord Air Force Base in Tacoma. The shop is in a small retail center alongside two restaurants, a cigar store and a nail salon.
Brad Carpenter, founder and owner of Forza Coffee, said his staff was OK and being interviewed by police, and that his main concern was with the families of the police officers.
"I'm a retired police officer, so this really hits close to home for me," he said.
Roads are blocked around the scene. Dave Gabrielson, a clerk at Foot Mart about a block away from the coffee shop, told the News Tribune that all was quiet when he opened the store at 8 a.m.
About 30 minutes later, "All of a sudden a million cops were zooming up and down the road," he said.
Pierce County Sheriff Paul Pastor said "this is an example of the danger that police officers and deputy sheriffs and state troopers face every day."
"The person or people who did this not only harmed us they harmed the good that we can do in the community. They harmed the good that we work to do every day in the community," he said.
"This is an example of the cost that is sometimes paid by people who believe in duty and obligation and sacrifice and people who do that on behalf of the community."
"We've lost people that we care about, we've lost people I'm sure the good people in the community care about as well," said Pastor.
Washington Gov. Chris Gregoire said she was "shocked and horrified" by the killings.
"Our police put their lives on the line every day, and tragedies like this remind us of the risks they continually take to keep our communities safe," she said in a written statement. "My heart goes out to the family, friends and co-workers of these officers, as well as the entire law enforcement community."
Troyer said there were several active scenes that officers were working. A white pick-up truck was impounded from a parking lot at one scene and a person was taken into custody at another.
He said they are looking to see if there is any surveillance cameras that may have caught the suspect on video.
Troyer said the suspect is a black male, 5-foot-7 to 6 feet tall, 20s to 30s, scruffy appearance, wearing a black coat with a gray sweatshirt underneath, and blue jeans.
A $10,000 reward is being offered for information. Tips can be called in to (253) 591-5959 or 866-977-2362.
Violent felon granted clemency by Huckabee now sought in Lakewood, WA police ambush
A deadly ambush at a coffee shop near Tacoma, Washington on Sunday morning left four police officers dead. A vigil attended by an estimated 700 mourners and well-wishers was held Sunday night for the fallen at Champion’s Center church in Tacoma.
The man being sought by police was granted clemency by former GOP Arkansas Mike Huckabee despite his violent history and vehement protestations from prosecutors and victims’ family members.
He was most recently in jail for alleged second-degree rape of a child.
This isn’t Huckabee’s first Horton moment.
Maurice Clemmons, the 37-year-old Tacoma man being sought for questioning in the killing of four Lakewood police officers this morning, has a long criminal record punctuated by violence, erratic behavior and concerns about his mental health.
Nine years ago, then-Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee granted clemency to Clemmons, commuting his lengthy prison sentence over the protestations of prosecutors.
Maurice Clemmons, man wanted for questioning, has long criminal history
Maurice Clemmons, the 37-year-old Tacoma man being sought for questioning in the killing of four Lakewood police officers this morning, has a long criminal record punctuated by violence, erratic behavior and concerns about his mental health.
Nine years ago, then-Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee granted clemency to Clemmons, commuting his lengthy prison sentence over the protestations of prosecutors.
"This is the day I've been dreading for a long time," Larry Jegley, prosecuting attorney for Arkansas' Pulaski County said Sunday night when informed that Clemmons was being sought in connection to the killings.
Clemmons' criminal history includes at least five felony convictions in Arkansas and at least eight felony charges in Washington. The record also stands out for the number of times he has been released from custody despite questions about the danger he posed.
Clemmons had been in jail in Pierce County for the past several months on a pending charge of second-degree rape of a child.
He was released from custody just six days ago, even though he was wanted on a fugitive warrant out of Arkansas and was staring at eight felony charges in all out of Washington state.
Brian D. Wurts, President
Lakewood Police Independent Guild"
Police surround Seattle home where person of interest in police shooting may be hiding
A SWAT team and police negotiators have surrounded a home in Seattle's Leschi neighborhood where the man sought for questioning in the Lakewood police shooting might be hiding.
Shortly after 12 a.m. today, a King County sheriff's armored vehicle was brought to the home, which was bathed in bright lights. Police began using loudspeakers, asking whoever was inside to call 911.
Police yelled over the loudspeakers, "Mr. Clemmons we want to minimize the situation."
Police responded to the home at East Yesler Way and 32nd Avenue South around 8:44 p.m. A woman who was leaving the home was stopped by officers and told them Maurice Clemmons was on the property and bleeding, according to a law enforcement source.
The woman told police that someone had dropped Clemmons off at a home, on East Superior Street.
"Whether he's in there or not is yet to be determined," said Ed Troyer, Pierce County sheriff's spokesman. "We have multiple operations going on ... We've found evidence of him at other locations and we have several operations going on."
Tacoma Fire Department raised their Ladders as the Motorcade arrived at the Pierce County Medical Examiners Office. Crowds gathered to show their support, American Flags held high and lined both sides of the street. It was quiet, an eerie silence, and tears fell as the motorcade passed.
Mike Huckabee's Statement Regarding Washington State Slayings
"The senseless and savage execution of police officers in Washington State has saddened the nation, and early reports indicate that a person of interest is a repeat offender who once lived in Arkansas and was wanted on outstanding warrants here and Washington State. The murder of any individual is profound tragedy, but the murder of a police officer is the worst of all murders in that it is an assault on every citizen and the laws we live within.
Should he be found to be responsible for this horrible tragedy, it will be the result of a series of failures in the criminal justice system in both Arkansas and Washington State. He was recommended for and received a commutation of his original sentence from 1990, making him parole eligible and was paroled by the parole board once they determined he met the conditions at that time. He was arrested later for parole violation and taken back to prison to serve his full term, but prosecutors dropped the charges that would have held him. It appears that he has continued to have a string of criminal and psychotic behavior but was not kept incarcerated by either state. This is a horrible and tragic event and if found and convicted the offender should be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law. Our thoughts and prayers are and should be with the families of those honorable, brave, and heroic police officers."
Wild Thing's comment..........
Prayers for the officers and their loved ones. Nine children between the four cops. This is so sad.
This is so horrible. They said there were other people in the place but Clemmons only fired at the police officers and no one else.
Regarding Huckabee's statement, I'd like to feel the sincerity here, but given his record on clemency while he was Governor of Arkansas, I see this as no more than a swan-song for a has-been politician. I must have missed the mea culpa. have used at least an “I regret...” in there somewhere. He can’t even admit to making the decision to grant clemency, in fact he’s lying by omission when he claims the parole board released him. That the judge and prosecutor was against the release obviously didn’t sway Huckabee’s opinion. The parole board was forced to vote on parole, triggered by Huckabee’s clemency request. While they hold some blame for approving the request, Huckabee got the entire ball rolling.
That he refuses to admit to his part shows how little ethics means to Huckabee. But we all saw during last years campaign for President how he whined and constantly blamed Romney etc. for picking on him. Again I am NOT impressed with this man Huckabee at all.
As I am posting this it is around 4:30 a.m. Monday morning, the police are still looking for the Clemmons. Pray they find him soon.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:35 AM | Comments (12)
Switzerland Says NO To Muslims! Three Cheers For the Swiss!
A pedestrian walks past a display advertising the initiative against the construction of new minarets in Switzerland, in Geneva Photo: REUTERS
This is a POWERFUL picture! No way we could do something like that over here. ~ Wild Thing
Switzerland appears to have backed minaret ban
Voters in Switzerland appeared to have backed a call to ban minarets from mosques, according to early exit poll results.
Thirty minutes after the referendum finished at midday, Swiss television reported: “The initiative would appear to be accepted. There is a positive trend. It’s a huge surprise.”
According to the respected gfs.bern polling institute an estimated 59 per cent of voters backed the ban. A majority of cantons were also in support of the initiative.
“A majority have voted for a nationwide ban on the construction of minarets,” said the institute’s director Claude Longchamp, speaking on Swiss Radio DRS.
For the Swiss constitution to be changed, the majority of the electorate and a majority of the cantons are required to vote ‘yes’.
A survey two weeks ago showed 53 per cent said they would reject it. Both the government and parliament had rejected the initiative.
Commentators had said the country risked international pariah status and a backlash across the Muslim world if a ’yes’ vote was achieved.
If the exit polls prove correct it will be a huge shock and Switzerland risks international pariah status and a backlash across the Muslim world.
Sunday's vote was forced by members of the far-right Swiss People's party (SVP) which has provoked a national debate over immigration with powerful billboard images.
The stark "stop" posters depicting a Muslim woman in a burka against the backdrop of a Swiss flag studded with missile shaped black minarets have been banned in many towns.
Hanspeter Rentsch, an executive director at the watch company Swatch, has warned that the referendum, and the poster propaganda, could damage Switzerland in the eyes of the world.
"The 'Swiss' brand must continue to represent values such as openness, pluralism and freedom of religion. Under no circumstances must it be connected with hatred, animosity towards foreigners and narrow-mindedness," he said.
Campaigners demanded the referendum to halt "political Islamisation" by amending the Swiss constitution to add a clause stating "the construction of minarets is prohibited".
Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf, the Swiss justice minister, has suggested that a vote for a ban could fuel Islamist radicalism and violent protests, such as those that greeted Danish cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed in 2006.
"This is not an appropriate instrument for combating religious extremism. It risks the opposite, of serving the cause of fanatics," she said.
But Oskar Freysinger, an SVP MP, compares warnings of anger in the Muslim world to the arguments used by "appeasers" of Adolf Hitler and the Nazis.
"It is what Chamberlain thought in Munich in 1938. If these are the consequences, it is the proof that what we are doing to defend ourselves is legitimate," he said.
The vote is required because campaigners got over 100,000 signatures on a petition against minarets triggering a vote under the Swiss constitution.
The campaign followed a row over a minaret in the tiny town of Langenthal, in the Bern canton of Switzerland.
Earlier this year Langenthal's 750 Muslims asked for planning permission to add a minaret, 30 feet high, to their mosque in a town with 11 churches and 14,500 inhabitants.
The reaction to the apparently harmless request has polarised Switzerland and crossed borders to feed into British, French, Dutch and Austrian fears over Islam and national identity.
"This minaret is a symbol of conquest and power which marks the will to introduce Sharia law as has happened in some other European cities. We will not accept that," said Ulrich Schueler, an SVP politician and leader of the "stop" minaret campaign.
Muslims have rejected the argument that a minaret symbolises Muslim power. Mutalip Karaademi, leader of Langenthal's Muslim community and of Albanian origin, accused Mr Schueler of telling "dirty lies".
"A minaret is a symbol nothing more. It s nice to see a house of god with a minaret or a church steeple or cupolas on a synagogue," he said.
"They call us terrorists. They call us Taliban, so many labels all wrong. They insult us. We love this country, almost more than our own. Our children were born here."
Wild Thing's comment.......
My family is from Switzerland so this makes me very happy.
First notice how the writer of the article is a TOTAL liberal and against the ban. heh heh
A tall minaret is a sign of domination of the surrounding area, proclaiming that all land within sight of the minaret is Islamic land.
This is one Kalyan Minaret is in Bukhara,Uzbekistan Throughout the eight centuries of its existence, it served a watchtower and lighthouse for trade caravans, the guard-post for observers to notify the city of approaching danger remains in place.
It also makes a great observation point and firing position over the surrounding neighborhood, which might have been its original point.
"a backlash across the Muslim world if a ’yes’ vote was achieved"
Hello, the Swiss are armed, including machine guns, and also in the Army there (from the age of 14 till senior citizen). The Swiss still require national miliary service . They require you to maintain arms in your home as long as you’re in the army, which is more or less all able bodied males. After retirement, you’re given the option of retaining the weapon. The Swiss maintained huge fighting complexes hewn deep into the rock guarding critical roads throughout the country. If you look carefully at the mountain sides as you drive around Switzerland you can see just make out the camouflaged positions that are there. Many are no longer in use however. Plus the mines under the roads. I would think twice about reacting if I was a Muslim.
This is huge. This is great, it's wonderful. . It’s not just a slapdown of muzzies. It’s a slapdown of tearfilled liberal kiss up people to Islam and Muslims. I am soooo glad they ignored the un-patriotic businesses like Swatch, who advocated for the minarets for "diversity" sake.
The Dutch have Geert Wilders and yes he too is not supported a hundred percent by everyone, but the ones that love their country do support him, and in Italy there is backlash also.
"They call us terrorists. They call us Taliban, so many labels all wrong. They insult us. We love this country, almost more than our own. Our children were born here."
And there it is. They ( the MUSLIMS in Switzerland) admit they haven't assimilated but have kept themselves apart. Which country would they defend? Not Switzerland. A very telling, and probably unintended admission there. So, Switzerland is not their country, and they do not love Switzerland as much as they love their own country, whichever country that might be. So then get the heck out and go back to your Muzzie land.
"This minaret is a symbol of conquest and power which marks the will to introduce Sharia law as has happened in some other European cities. We will not accept that," said Ulrich Schueler, an SVP politician and leader of the "stop" minaret campaign.
VERY True and this ban is a good start!
The Swiss are one of the few peoples that actually get to VOTE on just about everything. And whatever the voters say, that’s the law. I wish we did that here, if we did can you imagine how socialized medicine would be voted down big time and so many other things.
Switzerland has never seen itself as an immigrant nation. To that end the country makes it very difficult to become a Swiss citizen. Part of the process includes being accepted, by vote, by the majority of a canton’s (more or less equivalent to our counties) voters.
There are all sorts of subtle and not so subtle biases toward foreigners at every level of Swiss society. Everything from wages, supervisory positions and housing are affected. I am not surprised that the Swiss voted to ban minerets. It remains, at it’s heart, a fairly conservative nation despite its embracing national health care and a few other socialist trappings.
The world has got to stop thinking of Islam as a religion, it is their law and they live under it no matter what country they live in. Also Islam is a law which they look to enforce onto others. Friends of mine in the UK have told me about how how areas have been taken over, people have been killed because they were white or Christian, or even of they got lost in their area. Churches have been attacked and burned. Pubs have been forced to close or been attacked, firebombed.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:50 AM | Comments (8)
Climate Change Data Dumped ~ CLIMATEGATE
Climate change data dumped
SCIENTISTS at the University of East Anglia (UEA) have admitted throwing away much of the raw temperature data on which their predictions of global warming are based.
It means that other academics are not able to check basic calculations said to show a long-term rise in temperature over the past 150 years.
The UEA’s Climatic Research Unit (CRU) was forced to reveal the loss following requests for the data under Freedom of Information legislation.
The data were gathered from weather stations around the world and then adjusted to take account of variables in the way they were collected. The revised figures were kept, but the originals — stored on paper and magnetic tape — were dumped to save space when the CRU moved to a new building.
The admission follows the leaking of a thousand private emails sent and received by Professor Phil Jones, the CRU’s director. In them he discusses thwarting climate sceptics seeking access to such data.
In a statement on its website, the CRU said: “We do not hold the original raw data but only the value-added (quality controlled and homogenised) data.”
The CRU is the world’s leading centre for reconstructing past climate and temperatures. Climate change sceptics have long been keen to examine exactly how its data were compiled.
That is now impossible.
Roger Pielke, professor of environmental studies at Colorado University, discovered data had been lost when he asked for original records. “The CRU is basically saying, ‘Trust us’. So much for settling questions and resolving debates with science,” he said.
"Hide The Decline - Climategate"
Have to play this again. hahahahaha
Wild Thing's comment..........
Hmmmmmm how convenient. These guys aren’t just hucksters, they’re outright criminals.
Just a new twist on an old excuse:
“The dumpster ate my homework.”
In the world of real science, if the data doesn’t exist the conclusions are invalid. Real scientists would only use readily available data, and where it doesn’t exist— everything that occurs after that is rendered useless. Especially given the recent revelations, one wonders if the data ever really existed (in which case it should exist somewhere other than CRU), or whether they manufactured it and lost the information on how they did it.
In a statement on its website, the CRU said: “We do not hold the original raw data but only the value-added (quality controlled and homogenised) data.”
What the heck are they thinking. You call this science?
Science calls for replicating data to check accuracy. No data replication, no accuracy.
This has nothing to do with science, and everything to do with POLITICAL POWER and money making scams to Al Gore and others.
Dumping the data is unforgivable, but hiding that it was dumped, and pretending that loss of the original data is unimportant and the massaged data has higher intrinsic value is even worse.
No data, no argument for global warming.
Goodbye global warming.
Back to Drill baby drill. YESSSSS PLEASE Dear God!
The “believers” (obamabots and gorebots) still believe. They’ve all had teleprompters installed in their brain and they simply say whatever pops up then have this blank stare.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:49 AM | Comments (5)
Tax and Spend Obama ~ Are The Idiot Obama Voters Happy Now?!
Energy costs being bumped $2,000 per household
Researcher says tax could be biggest levy ever in the U.S.
The vice president for an energy research center says the administration of President Obama is working now on what could end up being the biggest levy ever in the history of the United States, a tax expected to cost $2,000 per household.
"The cost of all energy will go up, consumers and businesses and everyone who drives a car, heats their home, goes to a job that uses energy, will pay more, either through the loss of their job or the actual cost of electricity by almost $2,000 a year," said Dan Kish, the senior vice president for policy at the Institute for Energy Research.
Kish, who has more than 25 years experience on congressional committees. ( interviewed by Greg Corombos of Radio America/WND, and the audio of the exchange is at this LINK )
Kish, who has worked as chief of staff for Republicans on the House Resources Committee, said the budget plan in Congress has "room" for the president's request for about $650 billion over the next 10 years in energy taxes, although he said the administration has been flexible on that figure, estimating that it could go as high as $1.9 trillion.
"We might as well call it a tax," he said.
Wild Thing's comment......
Something has got to happen. This spending and taxiing OMG!
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:48 AM | Comments (4)
"Travesty" by Charlie Daniels
I keep wondering how long the American people will continue to be blinded by the arrogance and dangerous incompetence of the Obama Administration. It's as if they have set out to destroy America and everything we stand for.
Attorney General Eric Holder has announced that some of the terrorists responsible for the attacks on 9/11, including mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, will actually be brought to New York and given a civil trial, which is tantamount to insanity.
The implications of such a trial are so far reaching and potentially catastrophic as to be absolutely terrifying.
These will be nothing more than show trials with headline seeking defense lawyers given access to the CIA's innermost secrets and practices. Names will be named, methods will be exposed, intelligence networks destroyed and the result will be to render the CIA basically impotent and I guess that's what holder and Obama want.
If you believe what the liberal media puts out about the CIA, you would think they're only a bumbling bunch of jaded cloak and dagger has-beens who can't find their posterior with both hands.
Actually, the CIA is made up of the best and the brightest, dedicated people who stick their necks out in defense of this nation only to have it cut off by the Obama Administration.
What this is going to do to the morale and recruitment prospects of the CIA is immeasurable, will take decades to repair and in the meantime America will be more vulnerable than ever.
And is Obama so busy bowing to kings and emperors that he doesn't realize that the streets of New York could once again run red with the blood of innocent men, women and children if suicide bombers decide to intimidate the juries by blowing themselves up on the crowded streets of New York?
Think about this people, Obama is going to destroy America's premiere intelligence gathering agency, expose the people of New York to more terror bombings and send a message to the rest of the world that he is weak and soft on terror and more interested in pursuing his own ultra-liberal political agenda than he is in protecting the country he is sworn to protect.
How many foreign intelligence agencies do you think will be willing to share intelligence with America, knowing that a reckless and unrestrained attorney general and a weak and incompetent president are willing to expose them to the world.
Holder is no stranger to terrorist trials; his former law firm has defended a dozen or so Gitmo detainees, even while he was a senior partner.
And since we are granting constitutional rights to enemy combatants, it is possible that they can claim any information that was obtained through water boarding was coerced, and is inadmissible in court -since this administration has said that enhanced interrogation techniques are torture- and a jury might actually let them walk.
Now that's a terrifying thought.
These trials will corrode the infrastructure of America's ability to protect us, and further demonstrate to the rest of the world just what an unrealistic world the Obama Administration lives in.
Obama's vacillation on sending troops to Afghanistan shows the terrorist community that he is completely lost and in way over his head.
He has this flower child attitude that if we'll just be nice to the terrorist scum of this world they'll reciprocate by not destroying our country a piece at the time.
That is an incredibly dangerous mentality.
The Obama presidency will leave deep scars on this nation. He is destroying the economy. He is trying to destroy the best health care delivery system on the planet, he is destroying the intelligence infrastructure, he refuses to support the troops in Afghanistan, and he is going to bring Islamic fanatics to a prison in our homeland.
I've said this before and I'll say it again. I just don't know if America can survive an Obama presidency.
What do you think?
Pray for our troops, and for our country.
God Bless America,
Charlie Daniels
Wild Thing's comment........
Another good one from Charlie Daniels.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:45 AM | Comments (9)
November 29, 2009
Breathtaking Spy Plane Footage
Please amazing video of the SR-71 Blackbird as it goes 13 miles up.
Isn’t it amazing the technology that comes from a nation that supports a free enterprise system of advancement, and whats hated by Obama and those who seek to destroy it.
The music is called "Flight" performed by Ty Unwin especially for this show.
The view from a U-2 cruising at 70,000ft as the sky above turns black and the curvature of the Earth is visible.
Despite first flying over 50 years ago, the U-2 continues to serve in the USAF, having outlasted its Mach 3 replacement, the SR-71 (also from Lockheed).
The only people to have gone gone higher on any sort of regular basis were SR-71 pilots. Astronautics have, of course, gone higher still, but certainly not on a regular basis.
And this below is the training for the flight.
Also features some extra scenes and alternative commentary from the flight itself .
The civilian in the plane is James May, he is is best known as co-presenter of the motoring programme Top Gear alongside Jeremy Clarkson and Richard Hammond. He also writes a weekly column for The Daily Telegraph's motoring section.
He currently lives in Hammersmith, London with his girlfriend Sarah Frater, and with his cat Fusker.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 AM | Comments (10)
Mental State Cited in 9/11 Case By America Hating Defense Lawyer
Mental State Cited in 9/11 Case
Military lawyers for Ramzi Binalshibh, an accused organizer of the 9/11 plot, and Mustafa al-Hawsawi, the conspiracy's alleged paymaster, say their clients have mental disorders that make them unfit for trial, likely caused or exacerbated by years of harsh confinement in Central Intelligence Agency custody.
The issue already has arisen in military-commission proceedings at the military's detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. According to an August ruling by a military judge, prosecutors have made an "apparent concession" that Mr. Binalshibh "suffers from a delusional disorder-persecutory type" disorder. Mr. Binalshibh has been prescribed "a variety of psychotropic medications used to treat schizophrenia and/or bipolar disorder, including Haldol, Abilify, risperidone and Ativan," according to commission records.
In October 2008, a military medical board reported Mr. Binalshibh may suffer from "severe mental disease" that could "impair his ability to conduct or cooperate intelligently in his defense."
A military attorney for Mr. Hawsawi, Lt. Cmdr. Gretchen Sosbee, said the military judge ordered a mental evaluation of her client, but its results haven't yet been entered into the record.
It long has been unconstitutional to prosecute people who are unable to understand proceedings against them or assist in their defense, whether in federal court, court-martial or military commission.
Cmdr. Lachelier ( Binalshibh's attorney) cited Bush administration memorandums endorsing the use of sleep deprivation, solitary confinement and other harsh techniques intended to induce a prisoner's cooperation.
Military records cited by the defense say Mr. Binalshibh "was seen 'acting out' in various manners, including breaking cameras placed in his cell" and covering cameras "with toilet paper...and with feces." At a June 2008 hearing, Mr. Binalshibh said "we're still in the black site" -- the term for CIA secret prisons. Mr. Binalshibh said he couldn't sleep because, among other reasons, his bunk is "always shaking automatically."
For a penal lawyer, the most important thing is to personalize, to humanize a client hated by everyone," Lachelier said. Pointing to her client's legal troubles -- he has been treated with psychotropic drugs at Guantanamo -- she hopes to convince a jury of angry New Yorkers to "not exaggerate his role" in the plot that led to the September 11 attacks.
Cmdr. Lachelier also protested the April 2009 Gitmo visits of Miss USA and Miss Universe saying their comments about the conditions at Gitmo "...made Guantánamo sound like a vacation land. And it devalues what the clients go through, how they live."
Cmdr. Lachelier also has no problem revealing classified information:
A reference to harsh treatment at CIA prisons brought out Guantanamo’s censors Thursday as an official of the war crimes court abruptly cut the sound to prevent spectators from hearing classified information. Cmdr. Suzanne Lachelier, a lawyer appointed by the Pentagon to defend 9/11 suspect Ramzi bin al Shibh, began discussing the prisoner’s treatment before he was taken to Guantanamo in September 2006 when the censor hit the switch.
Guantanamo defense lawyers, heroes for our time ~ What the hell! Can you believe this title??? ~ Wild Thing
The 700-odd lawyers defending the suspected foreign terrorists held by the United States at Guantanamo Bay say they share a common mission — to make amends for the US government’s actions in its “war on terror”.
It's perfectly patriotic," said US Navy Commander Suzanne Lachelier, pictured in 2008, a military attorney appointed to represent one of the accused September 11 plotters. She is one of only a handful of Americans who work to defend those who committed the horrific attacks in 2001 that killed nearly 3,000 people in the United States. "
“I couldn’t be on the side of the prosecution,” agreed Commander Suzanne Lachelier, a US Navy lawyer appointed to defend one of five men accused of participating in the September 11 attacks in 2001."
Nasty Legal Spat Among 9/11 Lawyers
A nasty spat has broken out among defense lawyers over an issue that is likely to be front and center in the upcoming 9/11 trial in New York: who actually speaks for the defendants?
New York defense lawyer Scott Fenstermaker has made big headlines in recent days after telling The New York Times that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (KSM) and four accused 9/11 co-conspirators intend to plead not guilty in their upcoming trial so they can use the courtroom as a forum to attack U.S. foreign policy. (Fenstermaker is the lawyer for one of the defendants, Ali Abd al-Aziz Ali, KSM's nephew, in a civil case challenging his detention.)
The comments kicked off a storm of controversy because they seemed to bolster complaints by conservative critics that the 9/11 defendants will use Attorney General Eric Holder's decision to try them in federal court as an opportunity to preach jihad.
But the U.S. military lawyers appointed to represent the other four 9/11 defendants tell NEWSWEEK that Fenstermaker hasn't met with their clients, has no authority to speak for them, and has no insight into what they might do at the trial.
Given that there's "not any way that he's been in communication with Mr. Mohammed, I can't see how he can be speaking for him," said Army Lt. Col. Michael Acuff, the military lawyer appointed to represent KSM.
U.S. Navy Cmdr. Suzanne Lachelier, the military lawyer for accused co-conspirator Ramzi bin al-Shibh, said she was so upset about Fenstermaker's public comments and TV appearances that she called him on his cell phone this week and warned him that he could be hit with a complaint to his state bar association.
"My client is represented," Lachelier said she told Fenstermaker, adding that "you are just as aware as I am of the professional risks of speaking for a client you don't represent." Fenstermaker's response, according to Lachelier, was: "OK, OK, thanks" and then to hang up. "He was a little shocked," she said. (She also sent Fenstermaker a letter warning him that his public comments may run afoul of New York bar rules.)
The spat between Fenstermaker and the defense lawyers underscores an issue that could be highly contentious early next year when the 9/11 defendants are expected to be flown to New York to stand trial.
In the military commission case against them—which is essentially now defunct as a result of Holder's decision—all five of the defendants have at various times said they did not want to be represented by their military lawyers or any other lawyers. KSM has said he wouldn't accept any attorney who is "not governed by Sharia" (Islamic law). He and the others have also used the proceeding to attack the U.S. government and celebrate the 9/11 attacks.
A letter signed by KSM and two other of the defendants in September 2009 denounced Guantánamo as the "island of oppression, torture, and terror" and expressed greetings to Osama bin Laden and his deputy Ayman al-Zawahiri "on the occasion of the anniversary of eight years past on the most noble victory known to history over the forces of oppression and tyranny in the Washington and Manhattan attack."
Wild Thing's comment..........
Let's see then this will be the defense of these terrorists mentioned in this article.........
My client has this unusual mental disorder that makes him want to fly planes into buildings, your honor.
Cmdr. Suzanne Lachelier is HORRIBLE. Why or why is she allowed to even be in our military. GRRRRRRRRR
KSM ( Khalid Sheikh Mohammed a) and these other terrorists that did 9-11 will be given rights of Americans... now the CIA is to blame for their mental state.... they get outta jail free and become “wards” of the government, but at their free will cuzz they sued the Amwrican Govt for damages
parody of KSM singing “New York, New York”
(by Paul Shanklin on Rush Limbaugh’s show)...probably is about as
accurate predictor of what’s going to happen.
KSM (and his buds) will get acquitted. And KSM will end up driving a cab in New York, New York.
KSM is not stupid, he is killer, a terrorist but stupid ??? Nope.
Read this if you get a chance....
Khalid Sheikh Mohammed at Global Security org Military
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:50 AM | Comments (6)
Likudniks Blast 'enemy of the Jews' Obama ~ They Are Correct!
Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu arrives to a news conference in his office in Jerusalem November 25, 2009. Israel announced on Wednesday a plan to limit settlement construction for 10 months in a bid to revive peace negotiations with the Palestinians who said the partial moratorium did not meet their terms for talks.
Likudniks blast 'enemy of the Jews' Obama over settlement freeze
Member of Netanyahu's party: Obama regime is 'worst ever' for Israel; Vice PM cancels lecture after rightist protest.
Rank-and-file Likudniks and lawmakers in the ruling Likud party lambasted the Obama administration at a gathering on Saturday, in response to Israel's decision to temporarily freeze construction in West Bank settlements.
MK Dani Danon organized the meeting after Culture and Sports Minister Limor Livnat (Likud) launched a verbal attack over the matter on U.S. President Barack Obama's administration, which she branded "terrible."
While Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu immediately distanced himself from her comments, the activists at Saturday's conference leveled further criticism at Obama over the moratorium, which Israel undertook to carry out in the wake of tremendous U.S. pressure.
"The Obama administration is an enemy of the Jews and the worst regime there ever was for the State of Israel," said Yossi Naim, the head of the Beit Aryeh regional council, at the Ra'ana meeting. "I announce to Obama: You won't be able to stop us."
The mayor of the West Bank settlement of Ariel, Ron Nahman, called Netanyahu's announcement of the settlement freeze a disgrace.
Directing his comments to Livnat, he said: "I am proud and happy that you said what you said, because you had the public courage to say what most of the public feels ever since Obama came to power."
Nahman repeatedly referred to the U.S. leader as "Hussein Obama," omitting his first name.
Bibi's bad week ...for complete article
By Caroline B. Glick
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu weakened Israel this week. And he did so for no good reason.
Thursday's headlines told the tale. The day after Netanyahu bowed to US pressure and announced a total freeze on Jewish construction in Judea and Samaria for ten months, Yediot Ahronot reported that the Obama administration now wants Israel to release a thousand Fatah terrorists from prison.
The Americans also want Israel to allow US-trained, terror supporting Fatah paramilitary forces to deploy in areas that are currently under Israeli military control. Moreover, the Americans are demanding that Israel surrender land in the strategically crucial Jordan Valley to Fatah.
And these are just American preconditions for starting negotiations with the Palestinians. According to Yediot, if those talks ever begin, the White House will demand that Israel accept a Palestinian state in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and Gaza and agree to ethically cleanse all the areas of Jews.
So far from winning American support or at least causing the White House to ease its bullying, US President Barack Obama sees Netanyahu's decision to implement a militarily irrational, bigoted policy of prohibiting Jews from building in Israel's heartland as a drop in the bucket.
~snipet ~
And sure enough, moments after Netanyahu's speech, former senator George Mitchell stood before the cameras in Washington and said that his move is too little to impress the likes of Mitchell and Obama.
Netanyahu's willingness to release murderers from prison also signs the death warrants of countless Israelis.
Even if the current negotiations end in failure, Netanyahu this week made clear that he is willing to conduct a massive release of terrorists in exchange for Israeli hostages. The message has been received by our enemies and they will make us pay for it with interest.
This is the depressing message that Netanyahu and his merry band of ministers have communicated to the world this week. In the hopes of appeasing the unappeasable Obama administration, the government has adopted Obama's anti-Semitic policies against Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria. To win points with the imbecilic, unaccountable and irresponsible local media, Netanyahu has jeopardized the lives of untold numbers of Israelis by expressing his willingness to free hundreds of terrorist murderers from prison. And to placate the pro-Hizbullah UN, Israel has decided it is willing to further strengthen Hizbullah.
The mind reels at the thought of what next week may bring.
Wild Thing's comment........
The Israeli Right is furious over Netanyahu's betrayal of his voters. It makes my heart hurt to know BiBi did this. He did NOT have to . So what if Obama has been putting pressure on him. Obama is a Muslim and hates Jews. Obama hates America and Israel.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:49 AM | Comments (8)
Entrepreneurs from Muslim World Sought for Washington Summit By Obama
In his June "A New Beginning" speech in Cairo, President Obama announced that the U.S. will host a Summit on Entrepreneurship to identify how we can deepen ties between business leaders, foundations, and social entrepreneurs in the United States and Muslim-majority countries (MMC), including their minority populations, and Muslim communities around the world.
Entrepreneurs from Muslim World Sought for Washington Summit
The 2010 summit follows up on President Obama’s pledge in Cairo to find ways to deepen ties between the U.S. and the Muslim world.
By Stephen Kaufman Staff Writer
Approximately 150 entrepreneurs from Muslim-majority countries and Muslim communities around the world will be invited to a two-day summit in Washington in spring 2010 to meet with their peers and U.S. officials to explore areas of partnership and ways to drive economic and social innovation.
Deputy Secretary of Commerce Dennis Hightower told reporters at Washington’s Foreign Press Center November 23 that the Presidential Summit on Entrepreneurship is a “direct follow-up” from President Obama's June 4 commitment in Cairo to “identify how we can deepen ties between the business leaders, foundations and social entrepreneurs in the U.S. and Muslim communities around the world.”
The 150 delegates can be nominated “by businesses, governments, academic institutions, [and] social entrepreneurship institutions” throughout the world’s Muslim communities and Muslim-majority countries. “Or you can self-nominate,” Hightower said. Non-Muslims in Muslim-majority countries are also encouraged to apply.
The Obama administration views the summit as “an unprecedented historical opportunity both to support and highlight the leaders and drivers of economic and social innovation” and to “really craft a new model for a new basis for relationships based on mutual respect and partnership around common challenges,” Hightower said.
The goal is to enhance partnerships that would “link capital, business development, [and] market access,” enabling entrepreneurs to build “high-growth and high-impact ventures,” as well as continue to look at ways to sustain the existing U.S. focus on other types of partnership programs.
Hightower reflected on his career in which he opened businesses in Kuwait, Kuala Lumpur, Johor Bahru, Istanbul, Saudi Arabia, Dubai, and elsewhere in the Middle East region.
The underlying rationale driving his ventures was determined by “what is going to be mutually beneficial” in terms of job creation in those countries along with what would be good for a U.S. company. Both benefits, he said are “equally compelling.”
“The unifying theme of how we are more alike is certainly at the core of why this makes sense now,” Hightower said. At the end of the day, “good business is good business.”
U.S. embassies and consulates in the countries where the delegates will likely be coming from have been told about the summit and will be processing the visas and other paperwork necessary for the 150 participants to come to Washington.
Along with the Department of Commerce and its Office of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, the State Department and the U.S. Agency for International Development will be playing key roles in implementing the summit.
There is a broad and diverse platform from which to get “the best possible range of participation,” Hightower said. “You just never know where the next best or good idea is going to come from.”
More information, including a link to a nomination form that can be submitted online, can be found at the summit’s Web site. The deadline for nominations is November 30.
White House Announces Global Technology and Innovation Fund
During his speech in Cairo on June 4, the President announced that the United States would "launch a new fund to support technological development in Muslim-majority countries." As the latest step in delivering on this commitment, the Overseas Private Investment Corporation announced this week a call for proposals for a Global Technology and Innovation Fund. This fund will help catalyze and facilitate private sector investments that promote access to and growth of technology in OPIC-eligible countries throughout Asia, the Middle East, and Africa. OPIC will provide financing ranging between $25 million and $150 million in total capital for each selected fund.
The Global Technology and Innovation Fund is part of an on-going U.S. government effort to expand partnerships that advance economic opportunity and job creation - including in Muslim-majority countries. Specifically, the sectors of interest for prospective funds may address issues that can have a transformational impact in these regions such as technology, education, telecom, media, business services and financial technology and clean-tech.
More information is available at: http://www.opic.gov/investment-funds/calls-for-proposals/global-technology-innovation-fund/.
Wild Thing's comment..........
We don’t want deeper ties! MULLAH OBAMA!
I wonder if OBama is praying 5 times a day in the Rose Garden.
sheesh! And what are these people entrepreneurs with? Business? No! Inventions ? No!
Bombing and IED's and beheadings yes.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:48 AM | Comments (5)
Sgt. Josh Revak Singing "Empty Boots," His Self Penned Memorial to Fallen Soldiers
Josh Revak had finished his five-year service — 22 of those months in Iraq —with the 1st Brigade, 37th Armor Regiment
I served in the active army from Jan 30, 2002 until Jul 1 2007. During my first deployment in November 2003, my friend Tim Hayslett was killed. All I could do was write a song for him. When the Command Sergeant Major heard the song, he asked us to play at the memorial. The soldiers grieved more then they had in the past memorials, as we made it very personal. We agreed to play every memorial service after that. Unfortunately, the memorial almost always was honoring a friend of mine. I would write a song for each memorial and play during the ceremony.
After I had written for several memorials and had been wounded myself, I learned that my friend and guitar teacher, Aaron Jagger, was killed. He had played at all those memorial services with me. The pain of losing him left me crushed. I recorded the album In the Hours of Darkness in memory of him. It is what he would have wanted me to do. I was awarded two Purple Hearts from wounds received in Ramadi, Iraq on June 26, 2006. All together, I spent 22 months in Iraq. Since the military, I have settled down in Ham Lake, Minnesota with my wife and daughter, and we have a child on the way. I am still recovering from wounds received in combat.
Song Description
The song “Empty Boots” was written after I had already been wounded and was recovering in Germany. Andrew Daul, a really good friend of mine, was killed. I had attended one too many memorial services, and was haunted by the memories of several friends’ empty boots, helmets, dog tags and rifles--displayed as the last reminders of their voices and faces. The song derived from these haunting feelings. I recorded the song in Nashville, using the Grand Ole Opry band as the studio musicians and featuring Gene Chrisman on drums. Gene has a musical track record that is truly one of a kind: he has played with Elvis, Jerry Lee Louis, and the Highwaymen, just to name a few.
Wild Thing's comment......
Here is his MySpace Page
God bless you Josh and thank you!
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:47 AM | Comments (6)
In Only A Few Weeks Another Obama Gitmo Official Resigns
Another Obama Gitmo Official Resigns: Who is Accountable Now?
by Warner Todd Huston
Earlier this month Obama fired Greg Craig, his main counsel on matters concerning the Guantanamo Bay Facility. And this week Obama sheds another one of his GITMO team with the resignation of Deputy Assistant Secretary for Defense for Detainee Policy, Phillip Carter.
It appears that Obama’s GITMO team is being systematically eliminated. One has to ask, why? The only real answer has to be that Obama is setting up some plausible deniability by firing or forcing the resignation of officials involved with GITMO policy. Once enough of these people are gone, Obama can look wide-eyed to the public and claim that he was badly served by his GITMO advisers and, therefore, it isn’t his fault.
Unfortunately for Obama the failure is not with the staff but with the chief himself, Obama.
Obama has allowed Attny Gen. Holder to reveal his utter ignorance by pushing for civilian trials of some GITMO detainees while at the same time arbitrarily denying such a privilege to others. Obama has also backed this plan despite that there is no precedent in American history for such trials.
And now the officials in charge of these decisions are being let go with no replacements announced, leaving mounting questions about just what the administrations policies are and who is responsible for carrying them out.
With Carter so unexpectedly gone, many questions remain unanswered about Obama’s detainee policy. Now, there is no one to answer these questions. By what legal authority does the administration hold some 75 detainees without civilian trials? On the other hand, what is the legal authority that some are getting civilian trials? How will these detainees that are getting civilian trials be secured and where?
In any case, it seems pretty obvious that Obama is getting rid of as many people on his GITMO policy team as possible so that he can claim that his failures are not his fault but are the failures of the departing team members. But will the American people buy this deception?
Wild Thing's comment............
His “my dog ate my homework” excuses for personal and policy failures are so transparent .
This whole mess is coming right from the top....OBAMA. He can fire all the officials he wants over this, and blow all the smokescreens and make all the excuses he wants. He owns this stupid decision. He'll look like a fool trying to blame someone else.
The opinion speculated about in th ewrite up is they were fired, that might be true, even if the indivuduals gave some other reason. It has to do with Obama and those he picked earlier after all I would not trust any of them.
Greg Craig resigned Nov. 13 and now the second one Cater.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:45 AM | Comments (4)
University Outlines 're-education' For Those Who Hold 'wrong' views
Teaching plan: America 'an oppressive hellhole'
University outlines 're-education' for those who hold 'wrong' views
A program proposed at the University of Minnesota would result in required examinations of teacher candidates on "white privilege" as well as "remedial re-education" for those who hold the "wrong" views, according to the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education.
The organization, which promotes civil liberties on the campuses of America's colleges and universities, has dispatched a letter to University of Minnesota President Robert Bruininks asking him to intervene to prevent the adoption of policies proposed in his College of Education and Human Development.
"The university's general counsel should be asked to comment as soon as possible," said the letter from Adam Kissel, an officer with The FIRE. "If the Race, Culture, Class, and Gender Task Group achieves its stated goals, the result will be political and ideological screening of applicants, remedial re-education for those with the 'wrong' views and values, [and] withholding of degrees from those upon whom the university's political reeducation efforts proved ineffective."
By any "non-totalitarian" standards, he wrote, the the plans being made so far by the school are "severely unjust and impermissibly intrude into matters of individual conscience."
Kissel wrote that it appears that the university "intends to redesign its admissions process so that it screens out people with the 'wrong' beliefs and values – those who either do not have sufficient 'cultural competence' or those who the college judges will not be able to be converted to the 'correct' beliefs and values even after remedial re-education."
"These intentions violate the freedom of conscience of the university's students. As a public university bound by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, the university is both legally and morally obligated to uphold this fundamental right," he wrote.
WND messages left with the university requesting comment did not generate a response today.
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Among the issues discussed in the plans are requirements that teachers would be able to instruct students on the "myth of meritocracy" in the United States, "the history of demands for assimilation to white, middle-class, Christian meanings and values," and the "history of white racism."
The demands appear to be similar to those promoted earlier at the University of Delaware.
As WND reported, the Delaware university's office of residential life was caught requiring students to participant in a program that taught "all whites are racist."
School officials immediately defended the teaching, but in the face of a backlash from alumni and publicity about its work, the school decided to drop the curriculum, although some factions later suggested its revival.
FIRE, which challenged the Delaware plan, later produced a video explaining how the institution of the university pushed for the teachings, was caught and later backed off:
Minneapolis Star-Tribune columnist Katherine Kersten said the developing Minnesota plan would require teachers to "embrace – and be prepared to teach our state's kids – the task force's own vision of America as an oppressive hellhole: racist, sexist and homophobic."
She said the plan from the university's Teacher Education Redesign Initiative – a multiyear project to change the way future teachers are trained – "is premised, in part, on the conviction that Minnesota teachers' lack of 'cultural competence' contributes to the poor academic performance of the state's minority students."
"The first step toward 'cultural competence,' says the task group, is for future teachers to recognize – and confess – their own bigotry. Anyone familiar with the reeducation camps of China's Cultural Revolution will recognize the modus operandi," she said.
"What if some aspiring teachers resist this effort at thought control and object to parroting back an ideological line as a condition of future employment?" she posed. "The task group has Orwellian plans for such rebels: The U, it says, must 'develop clear steps and procedures for working with non-performing students, including a remediation plan.'"
"Here's the kicker," Fire said in its report. "The college even realizes that its efforts to impose such a severe ideological litmus test may be unconstitutional."
Wild Thing's comment.........
We need McCarthy style purges of Communism from Science, Academia and the Media. And we cannot do that, the same as we cannot put a bullet through the head of every Muslim. Both are the only apparent solutions to these abysmal problems, but in a free state, we cannot exercise such jurisprudence. Only total revolution could enact these measures. Cleaning the red jihadists out of our universities will be a Herculean task. One way to reduce, if not eliminate, the presence of the left in universities and colleges is to cut off Federal funding to those institutions.
Much of what constitutes teacher education is pure indoctrination. They fill students heads full of toxic mush and turn them loose on the world. There is also the cost in statist indoctrination, killed off critical reasoning skills, and spread of marxist groupthink.
Conservatives I know on here and offline, raise responsible citizens. It’s just getting all the rest of the country’s parents on board that is impossible.
The university system turns out tens of thousands of indoctrinated leftists every year. That is why an environmentalist whacko like Gore, a traitor like Kerry, and an Anti American like Obama are not laughed out of politics.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:44 AM | Comments (8)
November 28, 2009
Terrorists Attack Russian Train Dozens Dead and More Injured
A train traveling from Moscow to St. Petersburg derailed late Friday, killing at least 39 people and injuring many more, emergency officials said.
Russian investigators have confirmed that the derailment of a passenger train which killed dozens of people was caused by a “terrorist attack” The train was carrying over 630 passengers and 20 railway personnel.
Passengers said they heard a loud bang before the derailment.
Witnesses told Channel One state television a bomb blast may have been the cause — which, if true, would make it Russia’s deadliest terrorist strike outside the volatile North Caucasus region in years.
“It was immensely scary. I think it was an act of terrorism because there was a bang,” said passenger Vitaly Rafikov. He was unhurt in the accident and helped with the rescue, hauling victims from the wreckage and lighting fires for warmth.
Reports on the death toll varied.
Health Minister Tatyana Golikova said at least 26 people were killed, 18 were missing and nearly 100 were injured and hospitalized in the derailment. The Prosecutor General’s office said the death toll had risen to 30, with 60 others in the hospital.
Derailment of express train rekindles Russian fears
Russian media were already reporting the theory of a terrorist attack - later confirmed by investigators - hours after news broke that the Nevsky Express had derailed.
The name of the train and the time of the incident would strike a chilling chord with those in Russia who remember an actual bomb attack on 13 August 2007.
That evening, at about 2130 local time, a device laid on the rails in Novgorod region blew up the Neva Express, travelling from Moscow to Russia’s second city, St Petersburg.
The explosion derailed the train and some 30 people were injured.
Now, at 2137 local time on 27 November, something happened to derail the Neva Express yet again, this time with major loss of life.
Fox News just reported that they’ve found ‘a bomb crater and explosive residues’ at the scene....
"We have the blast remains; a crater. There is little doubt this is terrorism," a source in Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin's office told Fox News.
Wild Thing's comment.......
I am sorry for any innocent lives on that train.
The entire world has gotten less secure since the Obummer administration took over.
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:30 PM | Comments (3)
Skeet Shooting in a Tank ~ LOL
A commercial for Carlton Dry Beer where a few friends go skeet shooting in a tank.
Wild Thing's comment..........
LOL this is so funny.
....Thank you Jack for sending this to me.
Army Combat Engineers
Jack's blog is Conservative Insurgent
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:55 AM | Comments (4)
Obama Considering To Allow U.S. Soldiers to Be Tried At Hague
Obama and anyone that thinks it is ok to go after our troops in any way should be ..........well use your imaginaton and think of the worst punishment possible........the WORST!
Prosecuting American 'War Crimes' The International Criminal Court claims jurisdiction over U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan. The ICC’s chief prosecutor, though, has no intention of waiting for Washington to submit to the court’s authority. Luis Moreno Ocampo says he already has jurisdiction—at least with respect to Afghanistan. Because Kabul in 2003 ratified the Rome Statute—the ICC’s founding treaty—all soldiers on Afghan territory, even those from nontreaty countries, fall under the ICC’s oversight, Mr. Ocampo told me. And the chief prosecutor says he is already conducting a “preliminary examination” into whether NATO troops, including American soldiers, fighting the Taliban may have to be put in the dock. It was clear who the targets of these particular inquiries are but the chief prosecutor shied away from spelling it out. The fact that he avoided a straightforward "I am looking into possible war crimes committed by American soldiers" showed that Mr. Ocampo is aware of the enormity of crossing this legal and political bridge. Mr. Ocampo remained tight-lipped about the specifics of his preliminary examination. Asked whether waterboarding—a practice that simulates drowning without causing lasting physical harm—is a form of torture produced a telling "no comment." Yet if the Obama administration considers this practice torture, one has to wonder if the ICC's chief prosecutor would give it his stamp of approval. There is also the issue of whether Predator strikes of unmanned drones targeting terrorist leaders in Afghanistan and Pakistan—as carried out in the very first week of the Obama presidency—are part of the bombings he's looking into. Mr. Ocampo chuckled and answered evasively. Continue HERE for the rest of the article
Wild Thing's comment............. If Obama allows this happen even once, or signs the treaty, it is high treason and he must be quickly removed from office. Turning over American soldiers over to a foreign entity to be tried is a bright red line, which must not be crossed. This just keeps getting worse and worse! You can’t fight a war this way and expect to win!!!!!!!! Obama did say he does not seek Victory in war.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:50 AM
| Comments (13)
TARP, recovery and now … this! Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama signed a combined nearly $1.5 trillion in federal spending in the attempt to correct the nation's economic tailspin, but with unemployment soaring over 10 percent, Congress is gearing up to pass yet another economic "stimulus" package, perhaps as soon as January. The Los Angeles Times reports that President Obama and fellow Democrats in particular are in process of assembling a new jobs package that would devote unspecified billions of dollars to projects meant to put people back on payrolls in 2010. The House version of "stimulus 3.0" may even be pushed through as quickly as next month. The Times cites Democratic House members disappointed that Obama's $787 billion American Recovery and Reinvestment Act wasn't larger and pledging to press for a new, substantial spending plan to address unemployment. Rep. John Carter, R-Texas, however, believes that more government spending will do nothing to solve unemployment. Reports over the success of the last stimulus package are widely mixed, with the White House claiming the spending has created or saved over 640,000 jobs. At the same time, the Government Accountability Office has already discounted tens of thousands of those jobs and found "a range of significant reporting and processing problems that need to be addressed." Regardless of how miscalculated the 640,000 number may be, the Bureau of Labor Statistics counts 16 million people, or 10.2 percent of the workforce, unemployed in October, a rise of 3.49 million jobs lost since Obama took office in January. ~snipet~ Political columnist and former presidential appointee Armstrong Williams, however, disagrees:
Nancy Pelosi told leftist supporters today that the the reason Americans are mad about their record spending is that “they’re not getting anything for it.” And, that’s why she wants a new Stimulus Bill!!!! Building the case for a brand new jobs-creation bill, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says most Americans would not mind inflating the already-gaping deficit in exchange for more jobs. The California Democrat said on a conference call Tuesday that Americans could “absorb” the hit to the federal budget, and she argued that their biggest complaint is not that the deficit is big — it’s that they’re not seeing any benefit in return for increasing the U.S. debt load. Despite the $787 billion stimulus package passed in February, unemployment climbed to 10.2 percent in October. While critics cite the jobless rate as a sign that the stimulus has failed, Pelosi argues that the federal government is just not trying hard enough.
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton expressed “great regret” in August that the U.S. is not a signatory to the International Criminal Court (ICC). This has fueled speculation that the Obama administration may reverse another Bush policy and sign up for what could lead to the trial of Americans for war crimes in The Hague.“We have to check if crimes against humanity, war crimes or genocide have been committed in Afghanistan,” Mr. Ocampo told me. “There are serious allegations against the Taliban and al Qaeda and serious allegations about warlords, even against some who are connected with members of the government.” Taking up his inquiry of Allied soldiers, he added, “there are different reports about problems with bombings and there are also allegations about torture.”
Asked repeatedly whether the examination of bombings and torture allegations refers to NATO and U.S. soldiers, Mr. Ocampo finally stated that “we are investigating whoever commits war crimes, including the group you mentioned.”
"We have people around the world concerned about this," he said, and when pressed, added, "Whatever the gravest war crimes are that have been committed, we have to check."
TARP, recovery and now … this!
Congress scrambles to write economic 'jobs stimulus' 3.0"I hope we don't play around the edges with this and we do what will work. Invest the money now," said Rep. Barbara Lee, D-Calif. "We have to create jobs, and we have to create them right away."
"There is no doubt that the original stimulus failed to create jobs, and has in fact probably cost additional jobs and prolonged the recession," he said. "To create jobs we need to lower the tax burden to stimulate investment, which is the exact opposite of what the Democrats did earlier this year and now contemplate again."
"A second stimulus package … sorry … 'jobs initiative' … is the Democrats' attempt to give the appearance that their plan is working," Williams writes. "They know that if the levee cracks before the 2010 midterms, they will be swept out of office, just like the 1994 U.S. midterm elections. Calling a second stimulus package a 'jobs initiative' doesn't change the fact that the administration's response to the unemployment crisis has been an economic bust. It's hard to see how more of the same will change that."
“We have to shed any weakness that anybody may have about not wanting to be confrontational on this subject for fear that we’d be labeled not sensitive to the deficit,” Pelosi said, in a recording posted by Think Progress.
"The American people have an anger about the growth of the deficit because they're not getting anything for it. ... If somebody has the idea that the percentage of GDP of what our national debt is will go up a bit, but they will now -- and their neighbors and their children -- will have jobs, I think they could absorb that, and then we ride it out and bring money in," she said.
"But I think if anybody is asking the public, 'Would you rather have a job or the percentage of GDP of our national debt would go up a little bit?' I think that everybody wants a job."
House Democrats are not calling the expected jobs proposal a "stimulus," though it would probably include similar measures like infrastructure spending.
Wild Thing's comment........
STOP!!!! What’s the definition of insanity?
The democrat’s view of how to run an economy is diametrically opposed to reality. They are destined for failure because they are self deluded and ignore how things really work.
We The People must clean this sewer that is the US Congress out in 2010 and 2012. Send them home in disgrace and end their political careers forever. Never elect any of them to any office not even dog catcher.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:49 AM | Comments (8)
Obama and Eric Holder Say Acorn Can Be Paid for Pre-Ban Contracts
Justice Department Says Acorn Can Be Paid for Pre-Ban Contracts (ACORN will be paid with taxpayer funds)
The Justice Department has concluded that the Obama administration can lawfully pay the community group Acorn for services provided under contracts signed before Congress banned the government from providing funds to the group.
The department’s conclusion, laid out in a recently disclosed five-page memorandum from David Barron, the acting assistant attorney general for the Office of Legal Counsel, adds a new wrinkle to a sharp political debate over the antipoverty group’s activities and recent efforts to distance the government from it.
Since 1994, Acorn, which stands for the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, has received about $53 million in federal aid, much of it grants from the Department of Housing and Urban Development for providing various services related to affordable housing.
But the group has become a prime target for conservative critics, and on Oct. 1, President Obama signed into law a spending bill that included a provision that said no taxpayer funds — including funds authorized by previous legislation — could be “provided to” the group or its affiliates.
Wild Thing's comment.........
Shameless. This is like a mob boss telling store owners they have to divvy up for the bag man every week.
Par for the course for Eric Holder, Barack Hussein Obama, and their scumbag racist thugs.
ACORN is a criminal enterprise, and Obama and his thugs are criminals for participating in this unholy attack on justice, the law, and truth.
Obama and the Justice Dept. are arguing that some existing contracts entered into the executive branch officials–which haven’t been disclosed to the public–supercede the Congressional legislation. But only Congress can dictate how funds are spent.
.....Thank you Chief.
Chief Petty Officer
BM-0164-Assault Boat Coxswain
Vietnam 1964- 1970
1970-1988 US Coast Guard
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:48 AM | Comments (4)
Australia Home Grown Terror
Wild Thing's comment...........
This sure could happen here in America if it isn't already.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:47 AM | Comments (4)
School Children Join Together To Thank Our Veterans
No it's not another school singing the praises of "Dear Leader", its an elementary school singing the praises of our Vets.
Thank a veteran for sacrificing to preserve freedom. Thanks is owed every day to those who served and sacrificed. Those who left the comforts of their daily lives with family and friends to join in protecting our freedoms deserve our appreciation and gratitude.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:45 AM | Comments (4)
November 27, 2009
'Cap and Trade Is Dead' ~ Oklahoma Sen. Jim Inhofe
'Cap and Trade Is Dead'
The recently disclosed emails and documents from University of East Anglia's Climate Research Unit compromise the integrity of the United Nations' global warming reports.
So declares Oklahoma Sen. Jim Inhofe, taking a few minutes away from a Thanksgiving retreat with his family. "Ninety-five percent of the nails were in the coffin prior to this week. Now they are all in."
If any politician might be qualified to offer last rites, it would be Mr. Inhofe. The top Republican on the Environment and Public Works Committee has spent the past decade in the thick of Washington's climate fight. He's seen the back of three cap-and-trade bills, rode herd on an overweening Environmental Protection Agency, and steadfastly insisted that global researchers were "cooking" the science behind man-made global warming.
This week he's looking prescient. The more than 3,000 emails and documents from the University of East Anglia's Climate Research Unit (CRU) that have found their way to the Internet have blown the lid off the "science" of manmade global warming. CRU is a nerve center for many of those researchers who have authored the United Nations' global warming reports and fueled the political movement to regulate carbon.
Their correspondence show a claque of scientists massaging data to make it fit their theories, squelching scientists who disagreed, punishing academic journals that didn't toe the apocalyptic line, and hiding their work from public view.
"It's no use pretending that this isn't a major blow," glumly wrote George Monbiot, a U.K. writer who has been among the fiercest warming alarmists. The documents "could scarcely be more damaging." And that's from a believer.
This scandal has real implications. Mr. Inhofe notes that international and U.S. efforts to regulate carbon were already on the ropes. The growing fear of Democrats and environmentalists is that the CRU uproar will prove a tipping point, and mark a permanent end to those ambitions.
Internationally, world leaders finally acknowledged that the recession has sapped them of their political power to impose devastating new carbon-restrictions. China and India are clear they won't join the West in an economic suicide pact. Next month's summit in Copenhagen is a bust. Instead of producing legally binding agreements, it will be dogged by queries about the legitimacy of the scientists who wrote the reports that form its basis.
The next opportunity to get international agreement is in Mexico City, 2010—a U.S. election year. Democrats were already publicly acknowledging there will be no domestic climate legislation in 2009 and privately acknowledging their great unease at passing a huge energy tax on Americans headed for a midterm vote.
Add to that the CRU scandal, which pivots the focus to potential fraud. Republicans are launching investigations, and the pressure is building on Democrats to hold hearings, since climate scientists were funded with U.S. taxpayer dollars. Mr. Inhofe's office this week sent letters to federal agencies and outside scientists warning them not to delete their own CRU-related emails and documents, which may also be subject to Freedom of Information requests.
Polls show a public already losing belief in the theory of man-made global warming, and skeptics are now on the offense. The Competitive Enterprise Institute's Myron Ebell argues this scandal gives added cover to Blue Dogs and other Democrats who were already reluctant to buck the public's will and vote for climate legislation. And with Republicans set to pick up seats, Mr. Ebell adds, "By 2011 there will hopefully be even fewer members who support this. We may be close to having it permanently stymied." Continued U.S. failure to act makes an international agreement to replace Kyoto (which expires in 2012) a harder sell.
There's still the EPA, which is preparing an "endangerment finding" that would allow it to regulate carbon on the grounds it is a danger to public health. It is here the emails might have the most direct effect. The agency has said repeatedly that it based its finding on the U.N. science—which is now at issue. The scandal puts new pressure on the EPA to accede to growing demands to make public the scientific basis of its actions.
Mr. Inhofe goes so far as to suggest that the agency might not now issue the finding. "The president knows how punitive this will be; he's never wanted to do it through [the EPA] because that's all on him." The EPA was already out on a legal limb with its finding, and Mr. Inhofe argues that if it does go ahead, the CRU disclosure guarantees court limbo. "The way the far left used to stop us is to file lawsuits and stall and stall. We'll do the same thing."
Still, if this Democratic Washington has demonstrated anything, it's that ideology often trumps common sense. Egged on by the left, dug in to their position, Democrats might plow ahead. They'd be better off acknowledging that the only "consensus" right now is that the world needs to start over on climate "science."
Wild Thing's comment..........
This is encouraging! God bless Inhofe! Sen Inhofe has been fighting this for a long time. I can remember in 2004 he was calling global warming junk science and he never backed off. That is what it takes to win — keep on fighting.
Good, the story and the White House connection is starting to eat at the edges of the MSM.
It's just that in the light of the scandal, I have no idea why the conference in Copenhagen is still being held. At the very least, it should be postponed until the significance of the scientific fraud can be sorted out. Nonetheless, the lib politicians are pressing forward.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 AM | Comments (10)
Obama Demanding Release of Additional 1,000 Terrorists
While American families have gathered yesterday for the Thanksgiving holiday, President Obama schemed to release more hardened terrorists on an unsuspecting world. Obama demanding release of additional 1,000 terrorists
Arutz Sheva ( see article below) is reporting that President Obama is demanding that in connection with the terrorists for Gilad trade, which is being made with Hamas, Israel release an additional 1,000 terrorists as a 'gesture' to 'moderate' 'Palestinian'
Lieberman: Barghouti Will Not be Released
Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman said he could “guarantee” that arch-terrorist Marwan Barghouti would not be released from prison in any deal to exchange terrorists for kidnapped IDF soldier Gilad Shalit.
“We have no intention to free the head of the murderers, a person who has been sentenced to four life terms in prison. There are red lines, and this is one of them,” Lieberman said.
In response to U.S. demands that Israel free an additional 1,000-some terrorists as a “gesture” to Palestinian Authority chief Mahmoud Abbas, Lieberman said that previous releases of Fatah terrorists “have not proven themselves. The Olmert administration did this several times and it did not work, and we do not plan to allow it to happen,” Lieberman said.
And here we go:
Israel has granted pardon to 92 wanted members of the al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades, Fatah's military wing. Some were awarded full pardon while others were granted partial pardon. The most prominent member on the list is a commander in the al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades in the territories. 908 more to go, if Obama gets his way.
Wild Thing's comment.........
With this Muslim terror apologist in chief it is going to effect our country and Israel and the rest of the world as well.
I am really tired of being forced to live in Obama’s alternate universe.
Obama demands, Obama orders, blah, blah, blah.
Hold your ground, Israel, and tell Obama to go suck on a light post.
Yes the terrorists are so warm and fuzzy and they should all go free. sheesh. Obama! This is not appeasement. Appeasement is something you do with an enemy to try to convince them not to hurt you. This is aiding and abetting an ally, plain and simple. (And no, Israel is not obama’s ally.)
And this from yesterday as well and these happen a lot in Israel:
November 26, 2009
YNET news
Two Israelis, a 49-year-old man and a 52-year-old woman sustained injuries Thursday afternoon after being stabbed by a terrorist near a "Paz" gas station in the West Bank town of Kiryat Arba.
The terrorist, who was armed with a knife and axe, was shot by an IDF soldier a short while later and was critically wounded.
November 26,2009
Large bomb seized near Egyptian border; terrorist escapes
IDF reservists spot man approaching border with rucksack, order him to stop; terrorist gets rid of 15-kilogram bomb, flees scene
"Palestinian terror organizations operating in Gaza, as well as groups affiliated with global jihad will continue trying to establish terror infrastructures with the aim of launching attacks by way of the Egyptian border," an IDF official told Ynet in response to the incident.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (5)
Have You Forgotten? by Darryl Worley
Wild Thing's comment..........
I wish a song like this would get through Obama and Eric Holders skull but it won't. They don't love our country no matter what is said to them.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:49 AM
Gold-Star Father David Jeffers to VILE N.D. Senator Kent Conrad: "I'm staying."
David Jeffers and his son Sergeant Eddie Jeffers
Gold-Star father David Jeffers to ND Senator Kent Conrad: "I'm staying."
Senator Conrad's insulting defense of trying KSM in New York
by David Jeffers
Democrat Senator from North Dakota, Kent Conrad, while defending the Obama Administration's decision to try al Qaeda terrorists in civilian courts, said:
"If people don't believe in our system, maybe they ought to go somewhere else."
Really Senator Conrad? Would you like to retract that statement?
I am a Gold-Star Father, meaning my son Sergeant Eddie Jeffers was killed in Iraq. I am opposed to terrorists being tried in civilian courts. Did I mention that I am a 22 year Army veteran? Is it okay with you if invoke my free speech rights?
How about Debra Burlingame? Her brother, Charles "Chic" Burlingame III, was piloting the plane that terrorists slammed into the Pentagon. Ms. Burlingame is opposed to terrorists being tried in civilian courts. Does she need to go somewhere else?
Time and space does not allow listing the names of family members who lost loved ones on 9/11 and those who subsequently joined the military to find this terrorist scourge, some giving "the last full measure." Do all of these patriotic Americans need to go somewhere else?
Perhaps it is Senator Conrad who needs to go somewhere else? I'm not asking North Dakotans to send Senator Conrad out of the country, just back to Bismarck.
As for me, I'm staying.
Wild Thing's comment.......
This is truly low. Despicable!
Well said, Mr. Jeffers!
If you would like to you can send a note to Mr. Jeffers at American Thinker HERE. He is reading them all.
Read what his son Sergeant Eddie Jeffers wrote in 2007 before he was killed.
Sgt. Eddie Jeffers, USA (Iraq)
Hope Rides Alone
February 1, 2007
I stare out into the darkness from my post, and I watch the city burn to the ground. I smell the familiar smells, I walk through the familiar rubble, and I look at the frightened faces that watch me pass down the streets of their neighborhoods. My nerves hardly rest; my hands are steady on a device that has been given to me from my government for the purpose of taking the lives of others.
I sweat, and I am tired. My back aches from the loads I carry. Young American boys look to me to direct them in a manner that will someday allow them to see their families again...and yet, I too, am just a boy....my age not but a few years more than that of the ones I lead. I am stressed, I am scared, and I am paranoid...because death is everywhere. It waits for me, it calls to me from around street corners and windows, and it is always there.
There are the demons that follow me, and tempt me into thoughts and actions that are not my own...but that are necessary for survival. I've made compromises with my humanity. And I am not alone in this. Miles from me are my brethren in this world, who walk in the same streets...who feel the same things, whether they admit to it or not.
And to think, I volunteered for this...
And I am ignorant to the rest of the world...or so I thought.
But even thousands of miles away, in Ramadi, Iraq, the cries and screams and complaints of the ungrateful reach me. In a year, I will be thrust back into society from a life and mentality that doesn't fit your average man. And then, I will be alone. And then, I will walk down the streets of America, and see the yellow ribbon stickers on the cars of the same people who compare our President to Hitler.
I will watch the television and watch the Cindy Sheehans, and the Al Frankens, and the rest of the ignorant sheep of America spout off their mouths about a subject they know nothing about. It is their right, however, and it is a right that is defended by hundreds of thousands of boys and girls scattered across the world, far from home. I use the word boys and girls, because that's what they are. In the Army, the average age of the infantryman is nineteen years old. The average rank of soldiers killed in action is Private First Class.
People like Cindy Sheehan are ignorant. Not just to this war, but to the results of their idiotic ramblings, or at least I hope they are. They don't realize its effects on this war. In this war, there are no Geneva Conventions, no cease fires. Medics and Chaplains are not spared from the enemy's brutality because it's against the rules. I can only imagine the horrors a military Chaplain would experience at the hands of the enemy. The enemy slinks in the shadows and fights a coward’s war against us. It is effective though, as many men and women have died since the start of this war. And the memory of their service to America is tainted by the inconsiderate remarks on our nation's news outlets. And every day, the enemy changes...only now, the enemy is becoming something new. The enemy is transitioning from the Muslim extremists to Americans. The enemy is becoming the very people whom we defend with our lives. And they do not realize it. But in denouncing our actions, denouncing our leaders, denouncing the war we live and fight, they are isolating the military from society...and they are becoming our enemy.
Democrats and peace activists like to toss the word "quagmire" around and compare this war to Vietnam. In a way they are right, this war is becoming like Vietnam. Not the actual war, but in the isolation of country and military. America is not a nation at war; they are a nation with its military at war. Like it or not, we are here, some of us for our second, or third times; some even for their fourth and so on. Americans are so concerned now with politics, that it is interfering with our war.
Terrorists cut the heads off of American citizens on the internet...and there is no outrage, but an American soldier kills an Iraqi in the midst of battle, and there are investigations, and sometimes soldiers are even jailed...for doing their job.
It is absolutely sickening to me to think our country has come to this. Why are we so obsessed with the bad news? Why will people stop at nothing to be against this war, no matter how much evidence of the good we've done is thrown in their face? When is the last time CNN or MSNBC or CBS reported the opening of schools and hospitals in Iraq? Or the leaders of terror cells being detained or killed? It's all happening, but people will not let up their hatred of President Bush. They will ignore the good news, because it just might show people that Bush was right.
America has lost its will to fight. It has lost its will to defend what is right and just in the world. The crazy thing of it all is that the American people have not even been asked to sacrifice a single thing. It’s not like World War II, where people rationed food and turned in cars to be made into metal for tanks. The American people have not been asked to sacrifice anything. Unless you are in the military or the family member of a servicemember, its life as usual...the war doesn't affect you.
But it affects us. And when it is over and the troops come home and they try to piece together what's left of them after their service...where will the detractors be then? Where will the Cindy Sheehans be to comfort and talk to soldiers and help them sort out the last couple years of their lives, most of which have been spent dodging death and wading through the deaths of their friends? They will be where they always are, somewhere far away, where the horrors of the world can't touch them. Somewhere where they can complain about things they will never experience in their lifetime; things that the young men and women of America have willingly taken upon their shoulders.
We are the hope of the Iraqi people. They want what everyone else wants in life: safety, security, somewhere to call home. They want a country that is safe to raise their children in. Not a place where their children will be abducted, raped and murdered if they do not comply with the terrorists demands. They want to live on, rebuild and prosper. And America has given them the opportunity, but only if we stay true to the cause and see it to its end. But the country must unite in this endeavor...we cannot place the burden on our military alone. We must all stand up and fight, whether in uniform or not. And supporting us is more than sticking yellow ribbon stickers on your cars. It's supporting our President, our troops and our cause.
Right now, the burden is all on the American soldiers. Right now, hope rides alone. But it can change, it must change. Because there is only failure and darkness ahead for us as a country, as a people, if it doesn't.
Let's stop all the political nonsense, let's stop all the bickering, let's stop all the bad news and let's stand and fight!
Isn't that what America is about anyway?
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (7)
Navy Seals Charged For Fat Lip On Terrorist
Navy SEALS May Go to Prison for Giving a Fat Lip to Islamic Terrorist
by Jim O'Neil
Jim O'Neil was born in June of 1951 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Jim O’Neill proudly served in the U.S. Navy from 1970-1974 in both UDT-21 (Underwater Demolition Team) and SEAL Team Two.
On March 31, 2004, a small convoy guarded by four American civilian contractors was ambushed at Fallujah, Iraq, and the guards were killed. The bodies of the four Blackwater security guards were burnt, hacked, and two of the mutilated bodies were hung for display on a bridge over the Euphrates river.
The San Francisco Chronicle reported that in ” a macabre and murderous town fete, locals cheered as one corpse was attached to a car tow rope and pulled triumphantly up and down the main road….”
The article noted that “In terms of its sheer bestial violence, the attack on the Blackwater operatives was unprecedented….”
The ambush, and desecration of the bodies were all videotaped by Islamic extremists, and subsequently disseminated world-wide as anti-American propaganda.
This incident, believed to have been planned by Ahmed Hashim Abed, is widely held to have led directly to the first Battle of Fallujuh, that began four days after the guards were murdered.
All four of the American guards worked for Blackwater, out of Moyock, N.C. Blackwater (now called Xe—pronounced “zi”) was founded in 1997 by former Navy SEALs, Eric Prince, and Al Clark, (Clark later left to start Special Tactical Services).
One of the murdered guards, Scott Helvenston, was also a former SEAL.
In 2007, the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, headed by Henry Waxman (D-CA), laid all of the blame for the slaughter at Blackwater’s doorstep. Their report does not mention Islam, terrorists, Muslim extremists, war, radicals, insurgents, or atrocity.
Reading the House report, one could be excused for thinking that the Blackwater operatives ambushed themselves.
This past September, the purported leader of the Fallujah ambush—“one of the most wanted terrorists in Iraq”— was captured by Navy SEALs.
Ahmed Hashim Abed, code named “Objective Amber,” was briefly held at Camp Baharia (Dreamland), a Marine base adjacent to the main compound of Camp Fallujah, located about 2 miles southwest of the city. (Source)
Ahmed Abed alleges that while under the watch of Navy SEALs, he was punched, and suffered a bloody lip. Three SEALs are now facing court-martial charges.
A court-martial is defined as “a military court to try members of the armed services who are accused of serious breaches of martial (military) law.”
The three SEALs have turned down the opportunity for a captain’s mast (also known as an admiral’s mast, or flag mast), which is not a trial, but a non-judicial discipline hearing.
Perhaps they are curious about the Pentagon’s pusillanimous pandering to political correctness. Or perhaps they would like to see real proof of their CIC’s citizenship.
Whatever their reasons, I salute their bravery, and service to our country—as I’m sure all patriotic Americans do as well.
Wild Thing's comment.......
How are we to fight the broader war of Islamo-terrorism if we are so blind to see the restraints within our midst? It is the political correctness straight jacket of the Left (and their political dupes) that has infected this nation's ability to survive. It has caused the Twin Towers destruction and the Fort Hood massacre. These terrorists are being treated with kid gloves on the battlefield at the sacrifice of our fighting heroes. It has infused itself into the military culture like a cancer. Political correctness has allowed our precious heroes to fight with both hands tied behind their backs. Every human rights group in the world follows them around looking for the one bullet shot that looks like a war crime. Every action is weighed and scrutinized as we force our fighting heroes to measure their actions for possible war crimes prosecution. May God help us!
This political correctness is costing us more than the Fort Hood massacre. It is influencing the way we wage this war against Islamic terrorist who want to kill every American they can.
And every time Obama opens his mouth, the entire world is aghast at the dismal leadership we have placed in the position of Commander in Chief.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:45 AM | Comments (6)
The Fightin' Side of Me
Wild Thing's comment.........
I love this, it is great!
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:44 AM | Comments (2)
Some Thing's Never Change.........
You say you're frustrated with the Democrats - and you think this is a new trend sweeping the country ?
Read on...
And this guy died over a hundred years ago!! Some things never change....
Wild Thing's comment.........
LOL good one!!! Very clever idea to do something like this. And to think it was such a long time ago. hahahhaa
.....Thank you Chief.
Chief Petty Officer
BM-0164-Assault Boat Coxswain
Vietnam 1964- 1970
1970-1988 US Coast Guard
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:40 AM | Comments (2)
November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving To All My Wonderful Friends and Our Troops
Thank you all for being not only a part of Theodore's World blog but also a very important
part of my life. Your kindness, help, input, the articles and other things you send to me, and support
and friendship has meant more to me then
I can ever repay.
As we spend this holiday with our family & friends we send special thanks to our
men & women in the armed forces, past & present for the freedoms we enjoy due to your
service & sacrifice! ~ Wild Thing
When the "Greatest Generation" passed through North Platte, Nebraska during WWII, they got a hug and a handshake, homemade cakes and cookies, and a moment of respite and prayer provided by thousands of volunteers from the surrounding communities.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 AM | Comments (12)
A Must See Video ~ Ed Begley Jr. Gets Heated TRYING To Defend Global Warming Baloney! LMAO
Wild Thing's comment........
As more and more people become aware of the extent of the fraud, the Chicken Littles will become more and more hysterical, because the gravy train is approaching the end of the line.
Funny stuff - Begley keeps saying that peer-reviewed studies will ferret out any cooked books. Uh ... if this weren’t so serious it would be comical. Ah Heck it is funny and we deserve a good laugh for now after all this time telling others it is a lie.
Begley doesn't realize that the emails say they didn't want ANYONE looking at the books in the first place.
I am impressed with the way Stuart Varney handled the interview....Mr Varney draws no quarter!
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (6)
Obama Greets MUSLIM Pilgrims
Obama greets muslim pilgrims
Obama continued his outreach to the world's Muslims today, sending greetings to pilgrims to Mecca.
He also noted that his administration is assisting Saudi authorities in preventing the spread of swine flu.
"Michelle and I would like to send our best wishes to all those performing Hajj this year, and to Muslims in America and around the world who are celebrating Eid-ul-Adha. The rituals of Hajj and Eid-ul-Adha both serve as reminders of the shared Abrahamic roots of three of the world’s major religions," Obama said in a statement.
"During Hajj, the world’s largest and most diverse gathering, three million Muslims from all walks of life – including thousands of American Muslims – will stand in prayer on Mount Arafat. The following day, Muslims around the world will celebrate Eid-ul-Adha and distribute food to the less fortunate to commemorate Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his son out of obedience to God," the president added in the statement, translated on the White House website into Arabic, Persian, Dari, Urdu, Pashto, Russian, and French.
"This year, I am pleased that the Department of Health and Human Services has partnered with the Saudi Health Ministry to prevent and limit the spread of H1N1 during Hajj. Cooperating on combating H1N1 is one of the ways we are implementing my administration's commitment to partnership in areas of mutual interest.
"On behalf of the American people, we would like to extend our greetings during this Hajj season.."
President Bush when he was President and his surprise visit to see the troops in Baghdad.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Okay everyone, guy has got to go.
How about the Thanksgiving pilgrims, and their giving thanks to God for His blessings?
Obama ignores most things Christian, but doesn’t miss a Muslim “shout out”. He was too busy for the National Prayer Breakfast with Christian leaders, but made time for a Rammadan prayer with Muslims.
Did he include a shout out to his grandma-ma? Saudi Arabia: Obama's Grandmother in Mecca for Hajj Ceremony
Mecca, 25 Nov. (AKI) - The grandmother of US president Barack Obama has arrived in Saudi Arabia for the 'Hajj' or Islamic pilgrimage to the holy cities of Mecca and Medina, a Saudi daily said on Wednesday. Sarah Obama, 87, is being accompanied by a nephew and Obama's cousin, Omran.
On Wednesday Sarah Obama was in the valley of Mina with an African delegation, according to the Saudi daily Okaz.
Obama, the mother of the American president's father, lives in a village in Kenya and is one of the many guests of Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz al-Saud.
About two million Muslims converge on Mecca each year for the Hajj pilgrimage but Saudi officials were expecting fewer pilgrims this year due to the threat of the H1N1 virus known as swine flu.
Crowds of pilgrims have been converging on the holy city of Mecca in recent days, and started the Hajj rites on Wednesday.
At the weekend, Saudi health authorities said that four people attending the Hajj had died from the H1N1 virus but sought to play down the risk.
The Hajj is one of the five pillars of Islam. It is an obligation for all able-bodied Muslims to attend at least once during their lives, provided they can afford it.
BUT..........oh wait this gets even better!!!! sheesh!
Last year ......
AP, March 5, 2008:
"In the world of today, children have different religions from their parents," she said. She, too, is a Christian.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:49 AM | Comments (6)
William Shatner Running For President: His Views & Guns
Wild Thing's comment..........
LMAO I LOVE this!!!!
......Thank you RAC for sending this to me.
RAC has a website that is awesome. 336th Assault Helicopter Company
13th Combat Aviation Battalion - 1st Aviation Brigade - Soc Trang, Republic of Vietnam
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:48 AM | Comments (5)
Obama Insults Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh
President Obama welcomed Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to the White House with words that have inspired snickers in New Delhi:
"Yours is the first official state visit of my presidency, its fitting that you and India be so recognised," 48-year-old Obama told the 77-year-old Indian leader.
The general reaction in India has been: Who the heck does this guy think he is? Note to the Great Diplomat: When you do a head of state an honor, you don't remind him, in public, of the fact that you have done him an honor, particularly in self-aggrandizing terms of this sort.
I cannot imagine Dr. Singh responding to Obama: "I am the first state visitor of your presidency, and it is fitting that you and the United States be so recognized. Especially considering that I have the guts to stand up to the Chinese from time to time, while you're basically groveling and praying that they don't decide to divest their dollar holdings. Did I mention our 7 percent economic growth, compared to your ... 3 percent, 3.5? Now, what did you want to talk about?"
Wild Thing's comment.........
I am so embarrassed by this "man". So I guess Obama thinks we should feel 'honored' just to share the same Universe with the One.
The first state dinner have been for England but Obama did not want to do it for him.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (6)
Global Warming er ah Climate Change The FRAUD and HOAX Perpetrated On a Global Scale
The face in the video belongs to Dr. Michael Mann
The BBC was sent the Climategate files a month ago but refused to cover the story.
Climate change scandal deepens as BBC expert claims he was sent 'cover-up' emails a month before
they went public
The controversy surrounding the global warming scandal today deepened after a BBC
correspondent admitted he was sent the leaked emails more than a month before they were made
Paul Hudson, weather presenter and climate change expert, claims the documents allegedly sent
between some of the world’s leading scientists are of a direct result of an article he wrote.
In his BBC blog two days ago, Hudson said:
‘I was forwarded the chain of emails on the 12th October, which are comments from some of the world’s leading climate scientists written as a direct result of my article “Whatever Happened To Global Warming”.’
That essay, written last month, argued that for the last 11 years there had not been an increase in
global temperatures.
It also presented the arguments of sceptics who believe natural cycles control temperature and the c
ounter-arguments of those who think it’s man’s actions which are warming the planet.
The leaked files – which show 4,000 documents which have allegedly been sent by scientists over
the past 13 years – were apparently taken from servers at the University of East Anglia’s Climate
Research Unit, which is a world-renowned centre focused on studying climate change.
The BBC's amazing U-turn on climate change
I think the BBC wanted to slip this one out quietly, but a Matt Drudge link put paid to that. The climate
change correspondent of BBC News has admitted that global warming stopped in 1998 – and he r
eports that leading scientists believe that the earth’s cooling-off may last for decades.
“Whatever happened to global warming?” is the title of an article by Paul Hudson that represents a clear departure from the BBC’s fanatical espousal of climate change orthodoxy. The climate change campaigners will go nuts, particularly in the run-up to Copenhagen. So, I suspect, will devout believers inside the BBC. Hudson’s story was not placed very prominently by his colleagues – but a link right at the top of Drudge will have delivered at least a million page views, possibly many more.
For complete article PLEASE CLICK HERE - Thank you.
Wild Thing's comment......
Remember when the global socialists changed the name of their scam from “global warming”
to “climate change”. LOL What liars they all are and we knew it too.
Will someone let Lindsey Graham and Newt, Nancy Pelosi and all the others know. hahahaha
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:45 AM | Comments (4)
November 25, 2009
Heroes Our Navy SEALs Face Assault Charges for Supposedly Giving Most-Wanted Terrorist A "fat lip"
Navy SEALs Face Assault Charges for Capturing Most-Wanted Terrorist
Navy SEALs have secretly captured one of the most wanted terrorists in Iraq — the alleged mastermind of the murder and mutilation of four Blackwater USA security guards in Fallujah in 2004. And three of the SEALs who captured him are now facing criminal charges, sources told FoxNews.com.
The three, all members of the Navy's elite commando unit, have refused non-judicial punishment — called an admiral's mast — and have requested a trial by court-martial.
Ahmed Hashim Abed, whom the military code-named "Objective Amber," told investigators he was punched by his captors — and he had the bloody lip to prove it.
Now, instead of being lauded for bringing to justice a high-value target, three of the SEAL commandos, all enlisted, face assault charges and have retained lawyers.
Matthew McCabe, a Special Operations Petty Officer Second Class (SO-2), is facing three charges: dereliction of performance of duty for willfully failing to safeguard a detainee, making a false official statement, and assault.
Petty Officer Jonathan Keefe, SO-2, is facing charges of dereliction of performance of duty and making a false official statement.
Petty Officer Julio Huertas, SO-1, faces those same charges and an additional charge of impediment of an investigation.
The three SEALs will be arraigned separately on Dec. 7. Another three SEALs — two officers and an enlisted sailor — have been identified by investigators as witnesses but have not been charged.
FoxNews.com obtained the official handwritten statement from one of the three witnesses given on Sept. 3, hours after Abed was captured and still being held at the SEAL base at Camp Baharia. He was later taken to a cell in the U.S.-operated Green Zone in Baghdad.
The SEAL told investigators he had showered after the mission, gone to the kitchen and then decided to look in on the detainee.
"I gave the detainee a glance over and then left," the SEAL wrote. "I did not notice anything wrong with the detainee and he appeared in good health."
Lt. Col. Holly Silkman, spokeswoman for the special operations component of U.S. Central Command, confirmed Tuesday to FoxNews.com that three SEALs have been charged in connection with the capture of a detainee. She said their court martial is scheduled for January.
United States Central Command declined to discuss the detainee, but a legal source told FoxNews.com that the detainee was turned over to Iraqi authorities, to whom he made the abuse complaints. He was then returned to American custody. The SEAL leader reported the charge up the chain of command, and an investigation ensued.
The source said intelligence briefings provided to the SEALs stated that "Objective Amber" planned the 2004 Fallujah ambush, and "they had been tracking this guy for some time."
The Fallujah atrocity came to symbolize the brutality of the enemy in Iraq and the degree to which a homegrown insurgency was extending its grip over Iraq.
The four Blackwater agents were transporting supplies for a catering company when they were ambushed and killed by gunfire and grenades. Insurgents burned the bodies and dragged them through the city. They hanged two of the bodies on a bridge over the Euphrates River for the world press to photograph.
Intelligence sources identified Abed as the ringleader, but he had evaded capture until September.
The military is sensitive to charges of detainee abuse highlighted in the Abu Ghraib prison scandal. The Navy charged four SEALs with abuse in 2004 in connection with detainee treatment.
Wild Thing's commenrt........
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot !!
This is beyond belief. Our heroes being treated this way. This is more than the senses can comprehend. Insanity reigns!!!!!! What the hell are we doing to the men and women who risk their lives for us?
The Holder/Obama destruction agenda for America and our military, and the treachery of these democrats now ruling America is beyond tolerable.
Ahmed Hashim Abed, whom the military code-named "Objective Amber," told investigators he was punched by his captors — and he had the bloody lip to prove it.
The man tortured, killed and mutilated the bodies of four Americans and then hung the remains on a bridge for animals (regular animals and human ones) to desecrate and he's upset that he was punched in the mouth.
Anyone in military service should just shoot the terrorist bastards on sight — anything else and you risk your career, or risk having them tried and released where they return to terrorism.
We need to take back our country and we need to do it now before it is too late.
CIC obama has said he would side with the MUSLIMS if the “political winds turn ugly.” How effing ugly does it have to get before Americans say NO MORE!?!?!
Dear God ..end this madness ! And protect our brave troops, suffering under the most despicable CIC in our history.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 AM | Comments (14)
Sen. James Inhofe Announces Climategate Investigation Ini The HOAX of Global Warming
The publication of more than 1,000 private e-mails that climate change skeptics say proves the threat is exaggerated has prompted one key Republican senator to call for an investigation into their research.
In an interview with The Washington Times on Monday, Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.) announced he would probe whether the U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) "cooked the science to make this thing look as if the science was settled, when all the time of course we knew it was not."
"This thing is serious, you think about the literally millions of dollars that have been thrown away on some of this stuff that they came out with," Inhofe, the ranking member of the Environment and Public Works Committee, said during the interview.
He added that it was "interesting" that the e-mails surfaced only weeks before an important climate change summit would bring world leaders to Copenhagen.
Fueling Inhofe's concerns is last week's news that a blogger hacked into the University of East Anglia's Climate Research Unit (Cru) and published about 1,000 e-mails and more than 3,000 private documents relating to climate change.
Some of those communications disparaged climate change skeptics and their views, while others contained conversations about how to best portray climate change research.
Hiding evidence of global cooling
Scientific progress depends on accurate and complete data. It also relies on replication. The past couple of days have uncovered some shocking revelations about the baloney practices that pass as sound science about climate change.
It was announced Thursday afternoon that computer hackers had obtained 160 megabytes of e-mails from the Climate Research Unit (CRU) at the University of East Anglia (UEA) in England. Those e-mails involved communication among many scientific researchers and policy advocates with similar ideological positions all across the world. Those purported authorities were brazenly discussing the destruction and hiding of data that did not support global-warming claims.
ClimateGate Heats Up Global Warming Debate before Copenhagen
1,000 emails and more than 3,000 other documents from the Climate Research Unit at East Anglia University in the United Kingdom publicly revealed by a hacker, or allegedly an inside whistleblower, are rekindling the flame to the global warming debate just weeks before the Copenhagen Climate Change Conference where the United States will propose an emissions reduction target. A sample of what the emails exposed, which date back 13 years, includes:
“The fact is that we can’t account for the lack of warming at the moment and it is a travesty that we can’t.”
“I’ve just completed Mike’s Nature trick of adding in the real temps to each series for the last 20 years (i.e., from 1981 onwards) and from 1961 for Keith’s to hide the decline.”
“I can’t see either of these papers being in the next IPCC report,” Jones writes. “Kevin and I will keep them out somehow — even if we have to redefine what the peer-review literature is!”
Some have argued the quotes have been taken out of context while others say the context is clear as day. Other information was erased completely to prevent it from being obtained under the Freedom of Information Act. And others believe “that this is not a scandal so much as a window on real scientists working on a politicized issue.”
More recently, it was the Environmental Protection Agency’s suppression of three of its employees. First, the EPA suppressed an internal report from one of the agency’s own, 35-year analyst Alan Carlin - a scientist who specializes in climate change. His report warned that the science of climate change was dubious and that we shouldn’t pass laws that will raise energy prices, hurt American families and hobble the nation’s economy without a full understanding of climate change. Later, the EPA suppressed a video entitled, “The Huge Mistake” by Laurie Williams and Allan Zabel, two lawyers currently working at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) – a video that says cap and trade will not work.
It will be interesting to see how ClimateGate plays out, but Superfreakonomics author Stephen Dubner sums up the current state of things:
“If you are a fan of science, this is a pretty grim day. If you are a fierce partisan on either side of the global-warming issue, you are either gnashing your teeth or clicking your heels. If you are a government official heading to Copenhagen soon for the climate summit, you are probably wondering what the hell you’re supposed to think now.”
RUSH Limbaugh discussed it on his show yesterday:
RUSH: Do you know that the Fox News Channel is the only television outlet to report on ClimateGate? The rest of the media is totally ignoring it. The news keeps breaking on this, on the hoax of man-made global warming.
This whole hoax has been fully exposed. These people were hiding data. They were hiding data from a Freedom of Information request. There are e-mails from the guy that ran the place, this university in England, to all of his contributors and all the members of his committee: "Don't release any information. I'll delete it rather than release it, if I have to." They made up numbers. They totally ignored numbers that disproved global cooling. This is a giant, giant, giant scam. It deserves a huge investigation. And Obama, if he was worth his salt, would be the first one demanding it because this has been allowed to hijack an international agenda that is oriented toward further fleecing of the United States.
We know that the lead place, this Climate Research Unit at East Anglia University -- which is the number one advisor and communicator with the IPCC, which is the UN's climate-control crowd.
We know that data was made up to advance the notion that man is causing the climate to warm. We know that data was purposely left out that hides the fact that the earth is cooling. Even on this bunch's website, they cannot hide the fact that temperatures have not increased the last ten years, and they've had to come up with some of the most irrational, illogical explanations for it. "Well, it's the ocean currents out there. It could be El Nino or La Nina. A lot of stuff is going on," but they specifically ignore anything related to the sun! And without the sun, there's nothing. How you can ignore the sun in the whole concept of warming is idiocy. But the point is this: We have now the facts. I don't care how it happened, whistle-blower or a hacker.
Remember, all of this information was subject to Freedom of Information requests, and they were deleting information that would harm them. They were deleting information and fighting the release. So it's a hoax.
The Indian prime minister is talking about moving fast on Copenhagen. Copenhagen is where they hope to come up with the next Kyoto treaty to punish the leading energy producers and the leading economies of the world. Copenhagen ought to be discredited! It ought to be canceled. There's no reason for it. There's no reason for anybody to advance any piece of legislation aimed at reversing something that is not happening.
What does it take for people to understand it is a hoax?
But if you live in The Universe of Lies, the last thing that you are governed by is the truth. The last thing you are governed by is reality. The only thing that matters to you is the advancement of your political agenda. And you tell yourself in The Universe of Lies that your agenda is so important the world will not survive without it and therefore you could lie, cheat, steal, destroy whoever you have to to get your agenda done -- because your opponents are eeevil, and in fighting eeevil, anything goes. There are no rules when you're in a fight with the Devil. And that is why in The Universe of Lies in this country, those of us who live in The Universe of Reality are the true enemy. We are the real enemy.
It's not Hugo Chavez, it's not Russia, it's not Iran, it's not Al-Qaeda, it's not Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. We are the enemy because we stand not only in the way of their agenda, but we also expose them daily for what they are: Frauds in the media, in academia, in science, and in government. In the old days before there was a New Media, whatever the government did was considered pure. The media was considered pure. Science was considered pure. Academia was considered pure. Now millions of Americans have had their suspicions of decades confirmed that all of these institutions are frauds, that they put forth a face and an image that hides their truth because it must.
"We found this nugget among the more than 3,000 emails and documents released last week after CRU's servers were hacked and messages among some of the world's most influential climatologists were published on the Internet. The 'two MMs' are almost certainly Stephen McIntyre and Ross McKitrick, two Canadians who have devoted years to seeking the raw data and codes used in climate graphs and models, then fact-checking the published conclusions -- a painstaking task that strikes us as a public and scientific service. Mr. Jones did not return requests for comment and the university said it could not confirm that all the e-mails were authentic, though it acknowledged its servers were hacked. Yet even a partial review of the e-mails is highly illuminating."
The Journal goes on to provide more information and excerpts from the e-mails. They conclude thus: "For the record, when we've asked Mr. Mann in the past about the charge that he and his colleagues suppress opposing views, he has said he 'won't dignify that question with a response.' Regarding our most recent queries about the hacked emails, he says he 'did not manipulate any data in any conceivable way,' but he otherwise refuses to answer specific questions. For the record, too, our purpose isn't to gainsay the probity of Mr. Mann's work, much less his right to remain silent.
"However, we do now have hundreds of emails that give every appearance of testifying to concerted and coordinated efforts by leading climatologists to fit the data to their conclusions while attempting to silence and discredit their critics.
Dig Through Them Here: Alleged CRU E-mails
RUSH: The president of the United States has just said in an internationally televised press conference that he is going to continue seeking a resolution to a problem that doesn't exist. There is no man-made global warming. But it doesn't matter because he exists in the Universe of Lies. And man-made global warming is only a means to an end to him. It is simply a way to once again chip away at the size of this country and the wealth of this country and to make sure that he is able to enact legislation that will allow him to raise everyone's taxes so that he can begin even more redistribution of wealth.
Algore's books, his movies, his Photoshopped pictures of the earth? All lies. They're not real and based on a hoax -- and they did not get "scammed." Everybody involved knows it's a hoax. They are knowingly perpetrating it. Gore knows it, Phil Jones knows it, Michael Mann knows it, anybody involved in this knows they are perpetrating a hoax. Nobody got "fooled" here. None of the leaders, anyway. You might have had some rogue little scientist out there who got confused about it. But real scientists, the ones who should be respected are the ones who questioned this. That's what real scientists used to do. But we have political scientists masquerading as science scientists, advancing an agenda that they know is a lie, just like the people behind this health care bill know that everything they're saying about it is not true.
It will not "lower costs;" it will not "improve access;" it will not "improve quality." It will raise taxes! It will force you to give up freedom and put you in jail if you resist. Nothing is real about health care. Nothing is real in the cap-and-trade legislation. Nothing is real about the stimulus package. Nothing is real about the TARP bailout. All of it is fraudulent. It's all a hoax perpetrated by the left knowing full well it's a hoax, dressed up as something "compassionate" and an "emergency" required to save something, either jobs or the entire financial system of the world or whatever other threat will wipe us all out tomorrow if we don't act tonight. It's all a hoax! Everything the Democrat Party is behind today is a fraud and a lie aimed at separating you from three things: Your freedom, your property and your money.
They will not allow that to happen, and a lot of these e-mails are about this guy, McIntyre -- and a buddy of his named McKitrick -- about keeping this information from everybody even if they have to delete it. Meanwhile, the Kyoto protocol and the upcoming meeting in Copenhagen is about carbon trade emissions, cap and tax, get-rid-of-your-SUV, everything! Incandescent lightbulbs being replaced by compact fluorescent! Everything about the environment has been a total fraud and a fake. You do not need to give up your SUV. You do not need to start running around getting washing machines that front load that stink up your house. You don't have to get rid of your incandescent lightbulbs. You do not have to run around and drive a hybrid to save the earth because there's nothing you can do to save it if it's in trouble, which it's not. We had a call and the guy may be right: This may be as big as proving that the earth was round when the "consensus" of scientists said it was flat. Hell, there still is a Flat Earth Society out there.
Cap and Trade FREAK Barack Obama sought Tuesday to boost hopes of a landmark deal at the Copenhagen climate summit, as a new report showed the crisis facing the planet is deeper than previously thought.
Obama said the world was "one step closer to a successful outcome in Copenhagen," as he hosted key developing nation India at the White House a week after returning from top global polluter China.
"It's also essential that all countries do what is necessary to reach a strong operational agreement that will confront the threat of climate change while serving as a stepping-stone to a legally binding treaty," he added at a joint news conference with Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.
Obama’s Science Czar John Holdren involved in unwinding “Climategate” scandal
Lift up a rock and another snake comes slithering out from the ongoing University of East Anglia Climate Research Unit (CRU) scandal, now riding as “Climategate”.
Obama Science Czar John Holdren is directly involved in CRU’s unfolding Climategate scandal. In fact, according to files released by a CEU hacker or whistleblower, Holdren is involved in what Canada Free Press (CFP) columnist Canadian climatologist Dr. Tim Ball terms “a truculent and nasty manner that provides a brief demonstration of his lack of understanding, commitment on faith and willingness to ridicule and bully people”.
“The files contain so much material that it is going to take some time t o put it all in context,” says Ball. “However, enough is already known to underscore their explosive nature. It is already clear the entire claims and positions of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) are based on falsified manipulated material and is therefore completely compromised.
“The fallout will be extensive as material continues to emerge. Reputations of the scientists involved are already destroyed, however fringe players will continue to be identified and their reputations destroyed or sullied.”
While the mainstream media is bending into pretzels to keep the scandal under the rug, Climategate is already the biggest scientific scandal in history because of the global policy implications.
A throwback to the intro of the television series Dragnet, “Ladies and Gentlemen: “The story you are about to hear is true, only the names have been changed to protect the innocent”, the innocent in Climategate have already been thrown to the ravening wolves.
“There is a multitude of small but frightening stories in the massive files,” Ball writes. “For example I’ve known solar physicists Sallie Baliunas and Willie Soon for a long time. I’ve published articles with Willie and enjoyed extensive communication. I was on advisory committees with them when Sallie suddenly and politely withdrew from the fray. I don’t know if the following events were contributing factors but it is likely.
“Baliunas and Soon were authors of excellent work confirming the existence of the Medieval Warm Period (MWP) from a multitude of sources. Their work challenged attempts to get rid of the MWP because it contradicted the claim by the proponents of anthropogenic global warming (AGW). Several scientists challenged the claim that the latter part of the 20th century was the warmest ever. They knew the claim was false, many warmer periods occurred in the past. Michael Mann ‘got rid’ of the MWP with his production of the hockey stick, but Soon and Baliunas were problematic. What better than have a powerful academic destroy their credibility for you? Sadly, there are always people who will do the dirty work.”
Indeed, Holdren’s emails show how sincere scientists would be made into raw “entertainment”.
For the rest of the article and Holdren's email you can click HERE.
Wild Thing's comment........
Oh how I wish we had more Conservatives in Congress right now. As it is, we will have a hard time getting anything done to stop this FRAUD!
We also have proof now why Gore does not allow debate about his Global warming BS.
Obama and this Administration and the words traitor and treason go side by side. And Obama and the MSM want to ignore ClimateGate so they can push Global Communism forward.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (8)
A Romantic Getaway For You
We board our luxury cruise ships in Djibouti on the Gulf of Aden near the entrance to the Red Sea, and disembark in Mombasa , Kenyaseven adrenaline-charged days later. Reservations start at only $5,200 per-person (double occupancy, inside room) and $6,900 (verandah complete with bench rest).
That's because you are welcome to bring your own arsenal with you. If you don't have your own weapons, you can rent them from our onboard
Master Gunsmith. Enjoy reloading parties every afternoon with skeet and marksmanship competitions every night!
But the best fun of all, of course, is..........
The object of our cruise is to sail up and down the Somali Coast waiting to get hijacked by pirates!

Per Day
On a budget? Rent a full-auto scope-mounted AK-47 for only $9/day with 7.62 ball ammo at $12 per 100 rounds:
Per Day
Rent a full auto M-16 for only $25/day with ammo attractively priced at $16 per 100 rounds of 5.56 armor-piercing:
Per Day
Hello! Nothing gets a pirate's attention like a Barrett M-107 50-cal sniper rifle; only $59/day with 25 rounds of armor-piercing ammo affordably priced at only $29.95.
Per Day
Want to make a real impact? Rent an RPG for only $175/day with three fragmentation rounds included! A true favorite among pirates, rent one today and show you care!
Twin mounted mini-guns are available for rental at only $450.00 per 30 seconds of sustained fire!
Additional Cruise Line Services
* Need a spotter? Our professional crew members can double as spotters for only $30/hour.
(spotting scope included, but gratuities are not)
* Also included: Free complimentary night vision equipment - and throughout the night, coffee, pastries and snacks are always available on the main deck from 7pm until 6am
* Our deluxe package comes complete with gourmet meals and all rooms offer a mini-bar
We guarantee you will experience at least two hijacking attempts by pirates or you'll receive an instant $1,000 refund upon arrival in Mombasa ..
How can we make that guarantee? We operate at 5 knots just beyond 12 nautical miles off the coast of Somalia , thus in international waters where pirates have no rights whatever. In fact, we make three passes through the area's most treacherous waters to ensure maximum visibility by Somali "mother ships."
We repeat this for five days, making three complete passes past the entire Somali Coast . At night, the boat is fully lit and bottle rockets are shot every five minutes with loud disco music directionally beamed shore side to attract maximum attention.
Reserve now and be automatically entered to win a 5 minute time slot on the Captain's own Twin Browning 50 Caliber M2HB installation!
"I haven't had this much fun since flying choppers in ' Nam . Don't worry about getting shot by pirates... they never even got close to the ship with the crap they shoot and their lousy aim... Come on board and bag your own clutch of genuine Somali pirates!" -- Mike W., Savannah , GA
"Holy crap! I mean literally, I crapped myself! This gun shook the deck like thunder, and I was laughing so hard I just had to release it. AWESOME!-- Jim W., Tampa , FL

Wild Thing's comment........
......Thank you RAC for sending this to me.
RAC has a website that is awesome. 336th Assault Helicopter Company
13th Combat Aviation Battalion - 1st Aviation Brigade - Soc Trang, Republic of Vietnam
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (4)
ObamaCare's Winners and Losers
ObamaCare's winners and losers
November 24, 2009
After the Senate voted Saturday night to proceed with debate on health reform, Majority Leader Harry Reid declared the public the winner. In truth, more Americans will be losers than winners.
Both Senate and House bills strip nearly half a trillion dollars from Medicare, robbing seniors to expand Medicaid. The Senate bill also spends billions on drug treatment, sex education, translators and romance and relationship lessons (p. 612) that could be used to treat heart disease, cancer and stroke -- the diseases that kill most of us.
The middle class: The bills require nearly everyone to enroll in a "qualified" plan, either by getting it at work or purchasing it. The government will decide what benefits are covered and how much you'll be legally required to pay. There will be no subsidies for a single person earning more than $44,000. A family of four earning $96,000 can expect to pay 19 percent of pretax income on premiums, copays and deductibles, according to the Congressional Budget Office. Medicare's chief actuary, Richard Foster, predicts that even though penalties can be as high as thousands of dollars per adult in the House bill, 18 million people will choose the penalty over paying the costlier premiums. In the Senate version, where penalties are lower ($750 per adult), even more families are likely to pay the penalty and end up with no insurance.
People with high-deductible plans: Unless you're under age 30, you'll be legally required to switch from your catastrophic plan to the government-designed comprehensive plan (Senate bill, p. 114).
People with "Cadillac" plans: Generous health plans get slapped with a 40 percent excise tax (Senate, p. 1,980), similar to the "sin taxes" government uses to discourage smoking and boozing. This is pushing equality to an extreme. Since when is good health care a sin?
And the "Cadillac" tax is designed to hit far less generous plans after a few years.
Women -- and men: Last week, the US Preventive Services Task Force recommended that women forego mammograms between the age of 40 and 50, settle for mammograms every two years thereafter and stop altogether after 74 -- a huge departure from current practice. The Task Force says its guideline will be 81 percent as effective in saving lives and should be good enough. This is the same task force empowered by the Senate bill to determine preventive care in your benefit package (p. 17). James Thrall, a Harvard Medical School professor, says, "I fear we are entering an era of deliberate decisions where we choose to trade people's lives for money."
Seniors and baby boomers: Both Senate and House bills slash funding for Medicare, mainly by reducing payments to hospitals and other institutions to care for patients.
Foster, the Medicare actuary, warns that institutions "for whom Medicare constitutes a substantive portion of their business could find it difficult to remain profitable and might end their participation in the program (possibly jeopardizing access to care for beneficiaries)." Where will they go when their local hospital, home-health agency or nursing home stops taking Medicare?
Despite many claims by the president that Medicare benefits won't be reduced, Sec. 4105 empowers the government to modify or eliminate preventive-care services for seniors based on what the stingy US Preventive Services Task Force recommends (p. 1,189).
Literally half a page later, the bill expands access to preventive care for adults in Medicaid, including diagnostic and screening tests. The agenda couldn't be clearer.
Those newly eligible for Medicaid: Both the Senate and House bills reduce the number of uninsured primarily by enrolling them in Medicaid. That's different from making private health insurance affordable.
The bills ease Medicaid income restrictions, make uninsured newborns automatically eligible and add groups previously ineligible, such as homeless adults without children (Senate, p. 396-455). The House bill adds 21 million people to Medicaid, about 60 percent of all those newly insured. The Senate bill adds 15 million and includes enrollment-simplification and outreach provisions (p.445-51).
Patients with pre-existing conditions: The bills require insurers to take all comers, regardless of their health. That makes it necessary to force everyone to buy insurance, because otherwise the healthy would refuse to share the cost of treating the sick. The wiser alternative is what the Senate bill does temporarily: create high-risk pools, with government funding, to make health insurance accessible and affordable for people with pre-existing conditions (p. 41-47).
Community groups seeking government money: Slipped into the Senate bill's 2,074 pages are programs that transfer taxpayer money to "community-based organizations."
For example, "community transformation grants" can fund infrastructure improvements as well as activities that promote wellness or "reduce racial and ethnic disparities, including social, economic and geographic determinants of health." Almost anything qualifies, and there's only one prohibition: "A grantee shall not use funds . . . to create video games or to carry out any other activities that may lead to higher rates of obesity or inactivity" (p. 1209).
Adding to the dishonesty, these programs aren't included in the current CBO estimates of the bill's cost (CBO letter to Sen. Harry Reid, Nov. 18, p. 13).
Low-income recent immigrants: The Senate bill appears to make legal immigrants who've not been in the United States long enough to qualify for Medicaid immediately eligible for subsidies for private plans (p. 246). How fair is it to make seniors, who have paid into the system all their lives, sacrifice so anyone can come to America and get a health plan on the taxpayers' tab?
Though bill proponents claim the legislation will make insurance affordable, in fact it shifts billions of dollars from caring for the elderly to funding a new social agenda.
Wild Thing's comment........
But....but Harry Reid said it was FREE Health Care! What a joke!
That has got to be some way to fight this thing.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:45 AM | Comments (2)
Gary Sinise Does Special Thanksgiving Concert For Our Troops In Afghanistan

Marines from Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, from left, LCpl. Brian Challans, of Shakopee, Minnesota, LCpl Alexander Harris, of Wichita, Kansas, Swanson and Cpl. David Roby, of London, Ohio, dance with actress Kristy Swanson atop an MRAP during a USO concert featuring Gary Sinese and The Lt. Dan Band at Camp Leatherneck in the Helmand province in Afghanistan, Tuesday, November 24, 2009.
Actor Gary Sinese eats with Camp Lejeune Marines Cpl Aaron Beiston, of Camden, New Jersey and (at right) PFC Matthew Phillips, of Larned, Kansas at Camp Leatherneck.
Celebrities thank troops at Thanksgiving concert
by Capt. David Faggard
455th Air Expeditionary Wing Public Affairs
Gary Sinise and the Lieutenant Dan Band made their first appearance in Afghanistan performing for hundreds of Airmen, Soldiers, Sailors and Coast Guard members Nov. 23 here.
This visit is one in a long line of entertainment and celebrity visits to boost morale of servicemembers who are away from home and their loved ones during the holidays, said Col. Edward Shock, the Armed Forces Entertainment director.
That sentiment of thanking the troops during the holidays was echoed by the visitors.
"We understand and appreciate your sacrifice. We do not take you for granted," Mr. Sinise told the crowd. "We're grateful for you and your service and the sacrifice of your loved ones back home. Your families sacrifice so much, so often and we know they miss you. Thank you."
Mr. Sinise also visited a remote Army outpost near the Pakistan border where he met with Soldiers and distributed humanitarian supplies to more than 50 Afghan children. While Mr. Sinise visited the remote outpost, other actors visited the Craig Joint Theater Hospital at Bagram Airfield to meet the staff and visit with patients. Comedian Kevin Farley, actress Kristy Swanson and television personality LeeAnn Tweeden visited troops. The visit was a partnership between AFE, the USO and American Airlines. The Lieutenant Dan Band has traveled all over the world playing popular music and visiting servicemembers and families, including Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, the Korean Demilitarized Zone and many other remote military bases. The band name was chosen because Mr. Sinise was constantly recognized by a character he played in the movie "Forrest Gump" called Lieutenant Dan. Wild Thing's comment.......... Gary is great! God bless him and our awesome troops!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:40 AM
| Comments (2)
LOL this song parody New York, New York is one of the best Paul Shanklin parodies yet!
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 AM
| Comments (7)
"You all have a first-rate facility," said actor Mykelti Williamson, also known as Bubba from the "Forrest Gump" movie. "You're using equipment and techniques that we're not even seeing in the states.
"I am so grateful for their sacrifice," he continued. "I pray to God daily for the men and women who go through there."
"I think it's really good they're here supporting the troops," said Staff Sgt. Henrie Young, from the 455th Air Expeditionary Wing Safety Office before a thunderous applause from a cover of Neil Young's "Teenage Wasteland."
November 24, 2009
Khalid Sheikh Mohammed Loves New York ~ song parody
Song Parody of the Terrorists' New AnthemRUSH Limbaugh : " EIB Network: Khalid Sheikh Mohammed's New York, New York. That's another brilliant piece by "white comedian" Paul Shanklin. "
Wild Thing's comment.......
Obama and Democrats Intend to Ram Socialized Medicine Through BUT Voters Say NO!
Health Care Reform
Support for Health Care Plan Falls to New Low
Just 38% of voters now favor the health care plan proposed by President Obama and congressional Democrats. That’s the lowest level of support measured for the plan in nearly two dozen tracking polls conducted since June.
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 56% now oppose the plan.
Half the survey was conducted before the Senate voted late Saturday to begin debate on its version of the legislation. Support for the plan was slightly lower in the half of the survey conducted after the Senate vote.
Prior to this, support for the plan had never fallen below 41%. Last week, support for the plan was at 47%. Two weeks ago, the effort was supported by 45% of voters.
Wild Thing's comment..........
How can the Nation survive with these insane liberals. This health plan will destroy America. It is that simple. Damn are they dumb not to see the cost to their own pockets and freedom. Guess they want a civil war.
Most people have no idea what the plan even is. They watch Entertainment Tonight not FOX or listen to talk radio or even make an attempt to read and learn.
....Thank you Richard for sending this to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:50 AM | Comments (6)
Lawyer: 9/11 Defendants Will Tell Jury 'Why They Did It' and Say They Are Not Guilty
9/11 Terrorist Defendants To Plead Not Guilty At Trial
Lawyer: 9/11 Defendants Will Tell Jury 'Why They Did It'
The five men facing trial in the Sept. 11 attacks will plead not guilty so that they can air their criticisms of U.S. foreign policy, the lawyer for one of the defendants said Sunday.
Scott Fenstermaker, the lawyer for accused terrorist Ali Abd al-Aziz Ali, said the men would not deny their role in the 2001 attacks but "would explain what happened and why they did it."
The U.S. Justice Department announced earlier this month that Ali and four other men accused of murdering nearly 3,000 people in the nation's deadliest terrorist attack will face a civilian federal trial just blocks from the World Trade Center site.
Ali, also known as Ammar al-Baluchi, is a nephew of professed 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.
Mohammed, Ali and the others will explain "their assessment of American foreign policy," Fenstermaker said.
"Their assessment is negative," he said.
Fenstermaker met with Ali last week at the U.S. prison at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba. He has not spoken with the others but said the men have discussed the trial among themselves.
Fenstermaker was first quoted in The New York Times in Sunday's editions.
Critics of Attorney General Eric Holder's decision to try the men in a New York City civilian courthourse have warned that the trial would provide the defendants with a propaganda platform.
Dean Boyd, a spokesman for the Department of Justice, said Sunday that while the men may attempt to use the trial to express their views, "we have full confidence in the ability of the courts and in particular the federal judge who may preside over the trial to ensure that the proceeding is conducted appropriately and with minimal disrupton, as federal courts have done in the past."
The terrorist’s lawyers already told reporters that Obama and Holder’s gaffes may affect the trial.
Lawyers Say Obama, Holder Gaffes Could Influence 9/11 Trial
Remarks by the US president and Eric Holder, the Attorney General, forecasting a conviction for the Khalid Sheikh Mohammed could create unnecessary delays in the trial, analysts said.
Defence lawyers were sure to apply to have the charges dismissed after Mr Obama made an overarching effort to reassure Americans that the decision to put Mohammed on trial at a federal court in New York was sound.
"I don't think it will be offensive at all when he's convicted and when the death penalty is applied to him," the president said in an NBC interview on his tour of Asia, which ended late on Thursday.
Seeming to realise the potential for trouble in his answer, the president - a lawyer and former law professor - added: "What I said was, people will not be offended if that's the outcome. I'm not pre-judging, I'm not going to be in that courtroom, that's the job of prosecutors, the judge and the jury."
Testifying before Congress, Mr Holder said "failure was not an option" for prosecutors. "These are cases that have to be won," he said. Mohammed will be put on trial with four alleged co-conspirators in the suicide plane hijackings that claimed nearly 3,000 lives
"The pieces of the bodies of infidels were flying like dust particles. If you would have seen it with your own eyes, you would have been very pleased, and your heart would have been filled with joy." "The Most Wanted Man in the World" Time magazine profile (16 September 2001)
Wild Thing's comment........
I guess the terrorists will appeal to the hearts of their peers (muslims) on the jury.
Since this is Obama’s decision his deplorable decision “abilities” need to also go on trial.
Obama does not want a military tribunal. Obama by his decision to make this a civilian trial in New York has chosen to make public sensitive intelligence gathering information and have those procedures and information broadcast to the world. Obama does not support America’s safety. He behaves like a foreign enemy of the internaltional war on terror.
And remember that Holder is investigating the CIA interrogators as well.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:49 AM | Comments (6)
Todd Beamers Father, David Beamer Criticizes New York 9/11 Tria
Mr. Beamer is the father of Todd Beamer, who died on United Airlines Flight 93 on 9/11.
9/11 SCOTT "Let's Roll" BEAMER's Dad called for "Regime Change USA-2010/2012"
David Beamer discusses the Obama administration's decision to try 9/11 conspirators in federal criminal court in New York City. From FOX News.
Here is David Beamer's editorial published in WSJ last Friday
Eric Holder’s Baffling KSM Decision (by 9/11 family member David Beamer)
On Wednesday, the Senate Judiciary Committee met to question Attorney General Eric Holder about his decision to prosecute Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four others in criminal courts rather than military tribunals. As the father of Todd Beamer, who died on United Airlines Flight 93, I was able to attend that hearing. What transpired caused me great concern and shook my confidence in our current administration.
The committee, chaired by Sen. Patrick Leahy (D., Vt.), displayed the division in our country not only visually—the Democrats were seated on the left and the Republicans on the right—but in every aspect of the proceedings. I expected that some members would agree with Mr. Holder and that others would have challenging questions about his decision. What I did not anticipate was the level of partisanship showed by the majority party. It seemed clear to me and other family members of victims that party loyalty is trumping concern for America's security interests.
In his opening remarks, Attorney General Holder acknowledged that these defendants could have been brought to trial in civilian court or before military tribunals. But he made the argument that trying them in our criminal courts would restore the integrity of our judicial system. He assured us that the trials would be quick, that the safety of New Yorkers would be paramount, that classified information would not be revealed, that the evidence was overwhelming, and that justice would be served.
Then he said that the USS Cole attackers would be tried in military courts since they attacked our military. So how does Mr. Holder categorize the Pentagon? Inexplicably, he offered up the body count of 9/11, the fact that civilian deaths outnumbered military ones, as a rationale for his decision.
Then the Republican members proceeded to ask Mr. Holder thoughtful questions. Some examples:
How can we be assured that these enemies will be found guilty? Given that criminal courts are now the presumed venue for those captured on the battlefield, will soldiers need to read them their rights at the time of capture? Since you wish to make exceptions on a case-by-case basis to the presumed civil venue, don't all those captured need to be read their rights and have the opportunity to remain silent? Won't this venue expose intelligence to our enemies? Can our classified information really be secured? Can we in fact predict how the judge will rule? If these people are brought into the country will they get additional rights under immigration law? What if they claim asylum?
The attorney general seemed bewildered in the face of these inquiries. Recurring themes in his responses included "I think," and "I can't imagine," and "I am not an expert in immigration."
Has our attorney general not considered these issues, or imagined the possible unintended consequences that will arise from his historic decision? It certainly seemed that way. If he had, he would have had better answers.
A second shocker: Mr. Holder said that he and his boss had not spoken in person about this decision. This matter only involves upholding the constitutional rights of Americans, establishing a precedent with battlefield impact, and the safety and security of our citizens in a time of war. What are the criteria to make something a priority with President Barack Obama? How can it be that this matter didn't make the cut?
The Democrats used much of their questioning time to heap praise upon Mr. Holder. They all repeated the same trope: We'll show the world that America can conduct these trials openly in criminal courts. And we'll be successful, even as we convey rights to the defendants that are not warranted.
Since when has "show the world" been a primary objective?
No thoughtful questions from the majority party regarding this decision were forthcoming. Their questions mostly addressed other matters. They discussed overcrowding in our prisons (too many drug criminals being sentenced), asked why none of the $500 million in appropriations have helped the rape-kit processing backlog, and inquired about when recommendations for additional staff would be presented for confirmation. Their lack of attention to the pressing matter at hand suggested apathy.
Sen. Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.) did ask a question about how much the trials will cost. Clearly there will be expense incurred if this does go to trial in New York City. The early, and by no means complete, estimate is that it will cost $75 million for the first year. Mr. Schumer did not express any concern about the costs involved but only asked the attorney general for assurance that all would be covered by federal funds. This question was promptly and explicitly answered in the affirmative by Mr. Holder. After all, this is a rather modest amount by Washington standards.
Our enemies must be thrilled. We are willingly handing them an opportunity to inflict economic harm on New York City, keep their cause in the headlines, gather new intelligence, create new terror strategies, stimulate recruiting, celebrate new-found rights, and foist a fresh round of pain and suffering upon their victims.
This decision is September 11, the sequel. It is my hope that Mr. Holder will reconsider.
A final observation: During the proceedings a young lady, dutifully attentive, sat with a stack of paper about 15 inches high on her lap. The papers contained names, single spaced, of some 100,000 people who signed a letter in opposition to this decision. This young woman, Jill Regan, lost her dad, Donald J. Regan, FDNY of the Bronx, who died trying to save others on 9/11. Sen. Jeff Sessions (R., Al.) asked that those names be entered into the record at the end of the session. It was agreed, but by that time the chairmen and most of the Democrats were already gone. I grieved for her—and for all of us—anew.
Wild Thing's comment.......
David Beamer was so good on FOX yesterday, he speaks from the heart.
Thank you, Mr. Beamer, for your courage and your keen perceptions. You are right on the money. Prayers always for you, your family and the United States of America. We have a war on our hands, on many fronts now.
Obama and Holder, and the entire Obama administration from the top down, are hostile to the United States.
There is no good outcome from this decision; not for the country, not for the victims or their families, and certainly not for our men in uniform.
This is no longer about possibilities we hope and pray to avoid. It is here. It is now. This is the real deal.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:48 AM | Comments (8)
CZAR Cass Sunstein Wants To Censor the TRUTH About Obama
Cass Sunstein: Censor Hannity, right-wing rumors
Cites websites for 'absurd' reports of Obama's ties to Ayers
By Aaron Klein
Websites should be obliged to remove "false rumors" while libel laws should be altered to make it easier to sue for spreading such "rumors," argued Cass Sunstein, Obama's regulatory czar.
In his recently released book, "On Rumors," Sunstein specifically cited as a primary example of "absurd" and "hateful" remarks, reports by "right-wing websites" alleging an association between President Obama and Weatherman terrorist Bill Ayers.
He also singled out radio talker Sean Hannity for "attacking" Obama regarding the president's "alleged associations."
Ayers became a name in last year's presidential campaign when it was disclosed the radical worked closely with Obama for years. Obama also was said to have launched his political career at a 1995 fundraiser in Ayers' apartment.
As WND reported, Obama and Ayers sat together on the board of a Chicago nonprofit, the Woods Fund. Ayers also was a founder of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, where Obama was appointed as its first chairman in 1995.
Ayers reportedly was involved in hiring Obama for the CAC – a job the future president later touted as qualifying him to run for public office.
WND columnist Jack Cashill has produced a series of persuasive arguments that it was Ayers who ghostwrote Obama's award-winning autobiography "Dreams from My Father."
However, such reports were characterized by Sunstein as "absurd" charges for which corrective measures can be taken.
Sunstein's book – reviewed by WND – was released in September, after he was already installed as the administrator of the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs.
"In the era of the Internet, it has become easy to spread false or misleading rumors about almost anyone," Sunstein writes.
"Some right-wing websites liked to make absurd and hateful remarks about the alleged relationship between Barack Obama and the former radical Bill Ayers; one of the websites' goals was undoubtedly to attract more viewers," he writes.
Sunstein continues: "On the Internet as well as on talk radio, altruistic propagators are easy to find; they play an especially large role in the political domain. When Sean Hannity, the television talk show host, attacked Barack Obama because of his alleged associations, one of his goals might have been to promote values and causes that he cherishes."
Sunstein presents multiple new measures he argues can be used to stop the spread of "rumors."
He contends "freedom usually works, but in some contexts, it is an incomplete corrective."
Sunstein proposes the imposition of a "chilling effect" on "damaging rumors" – or the use of strong "corrective" measures to deter future rumormongers.
For websites, Sunstein suggests a "right to notice and take down" in which "those who run websites would be obliged to take down falsehoods upon notice."
Sunstein also argues for the "right to demand a retraction after a clear demonstration that a statement is both false and damaging." But he does not explain which agency would determine whether any statement is false and damaging.
Sunstein further pushes for "deterrence" through making libel lawsuits easier to bring.
Sunstein drafted 'New Deal Fairness Doctrine'
Sunstein's proposals outlined in his book "On Rumors" were not the first of his writings to recommend regulating talk radio or the news media.
WND previously reported Sunstein drew up a "First Amendment New Deal" – a new "Fairness Doctrine" that would include the establishment of a panel of "nonpartisan experts" to ensure "diversity of view" on the airwaves.
Sunstein compared the need for the government to regulate broadcasting to the moral obligation of the U.S. to impose new rules that outlawed segregation.
Sunstein's radical proposal, set forth in his 1993 book "The Partial Constitution," received no news media attention and scant scrutiny until the WND report.
In the book, Sunstein outwardly favors and promotes the "Fairness Doctrine," the abolished FCC policy that required holders of broadcast licenses to present controversial issues of public importance in a manner the government deemed "equitable and balanced."
Sunstein introduces what he terms his "First Amendment New Deal" to regulate broadcasting in the U.S.
His proposal, which focuses largely on television, includes a government requirement that "purely commercial stations provide financial subsidies to public television or to commercial stations that agree to provide less profitable but high-quality programming."
Sunstein wrote it is "worthwhile to consider more dramatic approaches as well."
He proposes "compulsory public-affairs programming, right of reply, content review by nonpartisan experts or guidelines to encourage attention to public issues and diversity of view."
The Obama czar argues his regulation proposals for broadcasting are actually presented within the spirit of the Constitution.
"It seems quite possible that a law that contained regulatory remedies would promote rather than undermine the 'freedom of speech,'" he writes.
Sunstein compares the need for the government to regulate broadcasting to the moral obligation of the government stepping in to end segregation.
Writes Sunstein: "The idea that government should be neutral among all forms of speech seems right in the abstract, but as frequently applied it is no more plausible than the idea that it should be neutral between the associational interests of blacks and those of whites under conditions of segregation."
Sunstein contends the landmark case that brought about the Fairness Doctrine, Red Lion Broadcasting Co. v. Federal Communications Commission, "stresses not the autonomy of broadcasters (made possible only by current ownership rights), but instead the need to promote democratic self-government by ensuring that people are presented with a broad range of views about public issues."
He continues: "In a market system, this goal may be compromised. It is hardly clear that 'the freedom of speech' is promoted by a regime in which people are permitted to speak only if other people are willing to pay enough to allow them to be heard."
In his book, Sunstein slams the U.S. courts' unwillingness to "require something like a Fairness Doctrine" to be a result of "the judiciary's lack of democratic pedigree, lack of fact-finding powers and limited remedial authority."
He clarifies he is not arguing the government should be free to regulate broadcasting however it chooses.
"Regulation designed to eliminate a particular viewpoint would of course be out of bounds. All viewpoint discrimination would be banned," Sunstein writes.
But, he says, "at the very least, regulative 'fairness doctrines' would raise no real doubts" constitutionally.
April 14, 2009
The Obama Administration Is Criminalizing Dissent? Intimidating Its Ideological Opponents? You Must Be Joking
by Andrew C. McCarthy
I’m still digging out of my various pre-election hate mail piles — you know, “How could say Obama is a socialist who will redistribute wealth just because he used to be a member of a socialist party and criticized the Warren Court for failing to order the redistribution of wealth?”; “How could you say Obama is a Left-wing radical rather than a centrist moderate just because he made common cause with Bill Ayers, Bernadine Dohrn, Mike Klonsky, Jeremiah Wright, Frank Marshall Davis, et al?”; “How could you say Obama would be an extremist on abortion and other life issues just because he supported infanticide as a Chicago legislator?”; “How could you say Obama would be anti-Israel in his governance and appointments just because he pals around with Rashid Khalidi?”; “How could you say an Obama administration would turn TARP into a Big Government slush fund just because he managed the Chicago Annenberg Challenge as a Big Lefty slush fund?”; “How could you say Obama will be soft on Iran just because Obama is soft on Iran?”; etc. But I note that I got plenty for this one, too:
Obama’s Assault on the First Amendment
I’ll be blunt: Sen. Obama and his supporters despise free expression, the bedrock of American self-determinism and hence American democracy. What’s more, like garden-variety despots, they see law not as a means of ensuring liberty but as a tool to intimidate and quell dissent...........
In St. Louis, local law-enforcement authorities, dominated by Democrat-party activists, [are] threatening libel prosecutions against Obama’s political opposition. County Circuit Attorney Bob McCulloch and City Circuit Attorney Jennifer Joyce, abetted by a local sheriff and encouraged by the Obama campaign, warned that members of the public who dared speak out against Obama during the campaign’s crucial final weeks would face criminal libel charges — if, in the judgment of these conflicted officials, such criticism of their champion was “false.”
The chill wind was bracing. The Taliban could not better rig matters. The Prophet of Change is only to be admired, not questioned. In the stretch run of an American election, there is to be no examination of a candidate for the world’s most powerful office — whether about his radical record, the fringe Leftism that lies beneath his thin, centrist veneer, his enabling of infanticide, his history of race-conscious politics, his proposals for unprecedented confiscation and distribution of private property (including a massive transfer of American wealth to third-world dictators through international bureaucrats), his ruinous economic policies that have helped leave Illinois a financial wreck, his place at the vortex of the credit market implosion that has put the U.S. economy on the brink of meltdown, his aggressive push for American withdrawal and defeat in Iraq, his easy gravitation to America-hating activists, be they preachers like Jeremiah Wright, terrorists like Bill Ayers, or Communists like Frank Marshall Davis. Comment on any of this and risk indictment or, at the very least, government harassment and exorbitant legal fees.
Wild Thing's comment........
Obama and this guy are pure evil. They revel in such destruction of decent people and freedom.
I can’t belive I am alive to see this stuff...it’s like one of those terrible sci-fi thriller that is set in the very disant future...only it’s not.
Hey piece of work Cass, “False rumors?” You mean like global warming?
I believe this guy knows exactly what he’s doing. It’s called dictatorship. Absolute and total control over the masses.
I’m not going to let the Obama Administration tell me what I can post on the internet. They have no right to declare a statement a “rumor”, and ban it.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:47 AM | Comments (6)
William Shatner on Gun Control ~ LOL
Wild Thing's comment.......
LMAO I know I have posted this before but I LOVE it so much and it just feels good. heh heh
......Thank you SSGT Steve
SSgt Steve
1st MarDiv, H Co., 2nd Bn, 5th Marine Regiment
2/5 Marines, Motto: "Retreat, Hell"
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:45 AM | Comments (1)
Houston, Hope and Change has Landed; and It’s Manchurian by Colonel Bob Pappas, USMC, Retired
Houston, Hope and Change has Landed; and It’s Manchurian
by Colonel Bob Pappas, USMC, Retired
In 1776 Americans fought for independence from Great Britain, then again in 1812 to maintain that hard won independence and freedom. When the Confederacy broke away from the Union a devastating civil war erupted and at the end American slaves were freed in a crimson tide of blood, and expenditure of vast treasure. There were other wars, but that was the last direct challenge to freedom until the advent of the Soviet Union. From that time forward to today, there has been a constant struggle on the part of freedom loving people to maintain freedom in the face of diverse efforts by Marxists and other evil forces to undermine it around the world, and in particular, in the United States.
Upon each challenge Americans have united and prevailed, that is, until Islamic terrorists attacked the United States. At first Americans were united even against that evil, but it wasn’t long before the self loathers began a campaign to place the blame on the US rather than the ones who carried out the attack. With the passage of time, and consistent with their fundamentally hate-America attitude, the political left comprised of loony liberals and ideological Marxists turned their backs on freedom. They choose rather to tacitly support the enemy in the interest of advancing their radical leftist agenda for America. In Constitutional terms they are guilty of treason. (Nowadays one probably wonders what that, the “Constitution,” is.)
The Christian nature of mainstream American people in general gave rise to liberal politicians whose objectives were at first well intentioned and supported by the Christian ethic of charity and benevolence. Marxists, seeing an opportunity to take advantage of those traits began to infiltrate politics on both sides of the political divide for the purpose of gaining political control. Various pieces of legislation were enacted “for the people” but whose underlying intention was to expand the scope and power of politicians, in particular “liberal” (read, ideological socialist/Marxist) politicians. For too long Americans allowed the Federal Government to dominate issues and the economy; and although most politicians claimed to be against expansion of the authority of government, nearly all of them have been complicit in its expansion.
Then, the confluence of war, economic and government corruption, the economic crash of 2008, the precipitous decline of Christian ethos, the rise of America loathing politicians and the otherwise empty suited expert in teleprompter reading, glib tongue of a philosophical Marxist came together, and the “Manchurian Candidate” managed to eke out an election victory. Playing a salient role in that process was the full force of the major media that long before had been infiltrated and are now dominated by socialist/Marxist thought. The media combined forces with a major segment of the historically “left” entertainment industry and billionaire George Soros, Hungarian immigrant whose life goal has been to destroy free market America, worked together to become the infrastructure and provide resources as a virtual extension of the “Manchurian Candidate’s” election campaign.
Republican careerist politicians, more interested in their own political careers than doing what was right, played directly into Democrat hands often by being more liberal than were Democrats. (A recent example is Dede Scozzafava, of New York’s 23rd Congressional District, a so called, “Republican” who uniformly supports Obama’s policies.) In the 2008 elections voters shifted from liberal Republicans to Conservative (Blue Dog) Democrats. Unfortunately that gave ideological Marxist Democrats control over both Houses of Congress. Meanwhile conservatives, who comprise the majority in the Country were left without representation or leadership; and, the loony tunes with the Republican Party and the whackos in the media wonder why Sarah Palin has such appeal.
Realizing they could have their way (in every context) with the American people, latter day Marxists-in-Democrat clothing worked feverously with the newly elected “Manchurian,” (or is it “Indonesian,” or is it “Kenyan,”) oh, yes, “the first Pacific” President to enact legislation that was advertised to stimulate the economy but will have the effect of creating disastrous double digit inflation thereby squeezing middle Americans the more.
When asked, Obama said, “I want to spread the wealth around.” His methodology however, is aimed at destroying the strongest economy the world has ever known. Obama and his team are working overtime to replace the free market economy with virtual serfdom of which one more example is “Government run Health Care” legislation. This albatross is being railroaded through the Congress despite the wishes of the American people.
Does Obama care? Yes, of course he cares! It is his objective to “totally change America.” On top of the trillion dollar deficits he has already amassed, this would-be Messiah-of-the-poor is piling on additional trillions of future debt from which he intends for Americans to never recover; and, absent sending Obama and his “merry” Marxists packing he would succeed!
However, conservatives are the majority in this country and will not forget during the next election.
Hope and change? What Obama is rendering is Hope only for those who wish for bad things to happen to the US; and if fully consummated would be disastrous Change; but worse, evil will have triumphed without a shot being fired.
If conservatives feel uncomfortable now, wait until he tries to cram “Cap and Trade” and Amnesty for illegal immigrants down Americans’ throats! This present direction is the path to the ultimate tyranny of the minority!
The solution is in part to vote the Marxists Democrat-idiots and RINOs out; and, replace them with patriotic, conservative, nationalist Americans!
Semper Fidelis
Wild Thing's comment.........
Thank you Col. Pappas, another great write up. I am so glad he writes these, we are fortunate.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:40 AM | Comments (2)
November 23, 2009
Traitor and Treasonous Pro-Islam Obama Stabs Marines, Their Families in Back Regarding the Beirut Bombing
Terrorist attack on US marines in Lebanon
My dear friend at Bare Naked Islam has a post about Obama that is so horrible. Once again he is showing what an evil vile person he is and how he hates our country and our troops. ~ Wild Thing
Obama and his pro-Islamic Department of Justice (DOJ), have stabbed the families of the Beirut bombing victims in the back. Just like he did the families of the 911 victims, when he had the DOJ fill a brief to shield the Saudi Royal Family from any 911 lawsuits. Any questions where his loyalties lie?
OBAMA has his administration are going to court to try to block payments from Iranian assets that lawyers for the dead Marines’ families want seized as restitution for the terrorist attack on the Marine barracks in Beirut in 1983. Obama is contending that ‘it would jeopardize sensitive negotiations with Iran over its nuclear program and establish a potentially damaging precedent.’
Adding insult to infamy, 26 years after attack on Marine barracks in Beirut, families stymied again in bid for restitution, this time by Barack HUSSEIN Obama.
On Veterans Day, Christine Devlin stood in the cold in Westwood for the unveiling of a new memorial to local soldiers lost overseas, including her son Michael, one of the 241 servicemen killed in the bombing of the US Marine barracks in Lebanon in 1983.
Devlin is among 30 Massachusetts relatives of victims of the Beirut attack who have been fighting for more than a decade to get compensation for what many consider the first major terrorist attack against the United States. After a federal judge ruled in 2007 that Iran was liable for $2.65 billion in damages to be shared by 150 families seeking restitution, they believed they were on the cusp of victory.
But now, the Obama administration is going to court to try to block payments from Iranian assets that the families’ lawyers want seized, contending that it would jeopardize sensitive negotiations with Iran over its nuclear program and establish a potentially damaging precedent.
In a little-noticed filing in federal court, the Justice Department is arguing that giving the money to the victims “can have significant, detrimental impact on our foreign relations, as well as the reciprocal treatment of the United States and its extensive overseas property holdings.’’
The Obama administration’s position is a blow to those like Devlin, who is still waiting for some measure of justice for her son, who was 21 when Hezbollah terrorists rammed a suicide truck bomb into the peacekeepers’ headquarters.
“It is offensive that our government - the government that [the Marines] were fighting for, who sent them there - are against us collecting from Iran,’’ Devlin said in an interview this week. “I felt justice was going to be served, but so far it hasn’t.’’
“We can’t go on with our lives,’’ said Marlys Lemnah, 62, of St. Albans, Vt., whose husband, Richard, a Marine sergeant nearing his 20-year retirement, was killed in Beirut. “It’s not about the money. We need something tangible: responsibility and accountability. We will fight until we have no more fight left.’’
The lawsuit, specialists say, also demonstrates the enormous difficulty for terrorism victims in general to collect damages. Despite a host of court rulings in its favor and legislation passed by Congress to make it possible to sue foreign governments that sponsor terrorism, the executive branch has long resisted such payments, arguing that seizing the assets of another country could restrict the president’s ability to conduct diplomacy. There are also significant legal disagreements over what kind of assets can be seized.
Two branches are supporting [the families’] position and the executive branch is directly trying to undermine them. Even the courts have grown frustrated. Royce C. Lamberth, chief judge of the US District Court in Washington who ruled in favor of the Beirut families, wrote in a Sept. 30 opinion that “these case have consumed substantial judicial resources while achieving few tangible results for the victims.’’ READ MORE: BOSTON GLOBE
Wild Thing's comment........
This makes my blood boil!
Not a day passes that the muslim usurper doesn't do something disgusting beyond belief. Obama wants the love and respect of that bloody fascist jihadi dictatorship and doesn’t give a damn about the people in his own country.
Obama is the most dangerous person in and to our country. Much more then any terrorist!!!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:55 AM | Comments (9)
'SNL' Skit Scorches Obama Policies
'SNL' scorches Obama policies
NBC comedy show ruthless in satire of president's plans
Saturday Night Live" opened its show last night with a comedy sketch that scorched President Obama over his economic policies including health care, "Cash for Clunkers" and borrowing billions of dollars from China.
The NBC program featured comic Fred Armisen portraying the commander in chief at a news conference with Chinese President Hu Jintao, played by Will Forte, who spoke through an interpreter, comic Nasim Pedrad.
Jintao began by asking Obama about the success of his economic stimulus.
"I'm curious. How many jobs has it created?" asked the Chinese leader.
"None," answered Obama. "But our health-care reform plan, we're confident, is going to lead to enormous savings."
How exactly is extending health-care coverage to 30 million people going to save you money?" Jintao asked.
"I don't know," admitted Obama.
The foreign leader also ridiculed Obama's "Cash for Clunkers" car-incentive program, and issued a warning about the money the U.S. owes to China: "Just so there is no misunderstanding, you are not allowed to pay us back in clunkers."
"I assure you. You're going to get your money," stressed Obama.
Sensing he was being lied to, Jintao through his interpreter asked a similar question three times, including: "Do I look like Mrs. Obama? Then why are you trying to do sex to me like I was Mrs. Obama? Just do it. Get it over with."
Wild Thing's comment........
I have heard Rush say many times that when SNL and others start mocking and making fun of a politician, that politician is pretty much finished.
Dear God, let it be so.
Hats off to Saturday Night Live for their hilarious Obama skit.
Obama is at 48% at Gallup.com as of today.
Palin is at 51% at Rasmussen.com
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:50 AM | Comments (4)
Anti-Obama Billboard Stirs Controversy
Anti-Obama billboard stirs controversy
Call it Freedom of Speech. A billboard recently erected in Wheat Ridge compares President Barack Obama to a terrorist and questions his U.S. citizenship.
The billboard, located at 4855 Miller Road, shows two cartoonish images of Obama wearing a Muslim turban and reads "PRESIDENT or JIHAD?"
It also says "BIRTH CERTIFICATE - PROVE IT!" alluding to the conspiracy theory which claims Barack Obama was born in Kenya rather than Hawaii, which would disqualify him for the office of President.
The words "WAKE UP AMERICA! REMEMBER FT. HOOD!" appear on the bottom of the billboard.
The sign belongs to a car dealership.
"Since Fort Hood, I've had it," owner Phil West told FOX 31 News Friday. "You can't suggest things. You can't profile. You gotta call a spade a spade."
"Everything I have read about Mr. Obama points right to the fact that he is a Muslim. And that is the agenda of what Muslim is all about. It's about anti-American, it's about anti-Christianity," West said.
The Anti-Defamation League condemned the sign, as did AM760 radio host David Sirota, who discussed the sign and interviewed West on his program Friday morning.
"It's out of control," Sirota said. "This conservative hatred of Barack Obama is out of contol, and this brings together all those strands of it: the racism, the anti-Muslim fervor. It's one thing to criticise the president on health care, or Wall Street reform, or immigration. But this is outrageous. And I think it's a fair question to ask why these questions about religion and ancestry are being directed so viciously at the first African-American President of the United States."
While the ADL issued a statement calling the billboard an exploitation of the Ft. Hood shootings that is "divisive and offensive, and perpetuates hateful and harmful stereotypes about Muslims", prominent conservatives have been silent thus far.
"That could suggest that conservative leaders are afraid to confront the extreme fringe of their base," Sirota said. "Or it suggests they actually condone this message. Either way, it's disturbing."
Sirota is an unabashed liberal, but not all self-identified conservatives who drove past the sign Friday disagree with him.
"I'm not concerned with that at all," said Linda Alexander, of Golden, in regard to the dispute over President Obama's American citizenship. "He was elected, he's the president -- that's it, as far as I'm concerned. Some people just can't accept that, obviously."
But Keith Walters, another passing driver, saw nothing wrong with the billboard.
"I can't honestly say he's a Jihadist, but there's a lot of things that are questionable," Walters said. "The whole birth certificate controversy. From what I've read, there's no proof Obama isn't a Muslim. And I don't believe there's any racism [in the billboard]. I think that should be a question asked to any president who -- they have some questionable backgrounds."
Supporters of the birth certificate theory, known as 'Birthers,' believe the Certification of Live Birth produced by the state of Hawaii is a forgery.
Wild Thing's comment..........
I am all for them putting more of these up all across our country.
" the ADL issued a statement calling the billboard an exploitation of the Ft. Hood shootings that is "divisive and offensive, and perpetuates hateful and harmful stereotypes about Muslims"
Shame on the ADL!!!!! We are sick of being PC too along with everything else!!!
I say yessss NEVER Forget Fort Hood, "WAKE UP AMERICA! REMEMBER FT. HOOD!" Obama with his putting more and more Muslims in his administration for one thing. The terrorist that killed our troops at Ft. Hood worked for Obama.
•Agree (1211 responses)
•Disagree (211 responses)
•Don't Care (65 responses)
1487 total responses"
(Results not scientific)
FOX31 KDVR.com on Facebook
Here is the POLL it where it asks for a vote.
....Thank you JohnE PFC U.S. Army for sending this to me.
Soldier/Generator Mechanic
Companies: 288TH Q.M. Co
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:49 AM | Comments (12)
Checking in With Our Troops In Afghanistan
Along Afghanistans porous border with Pakistan, the U.S. Army is focused on reaching out to Afghan villagers and building local institutions. Immense Mountains and abject poverty stand out as obstacles to success, but it is the human terrain that presents the greatest challenge.
In this mini-documentary, Lt. Jake Kerr Combat Platoon out of a remote outpost in the Dangam District of eastern Afghanistans Kunar province,
More news of our troops..............
An army soldier keeps position on a hilltop post in Mamond assisting the aerial assault by fighter jets. – Photo by AP.
KHAR: At least 18 militants were killed and eight others wounded in air raids and clashes with troops in Mamond and Khar tehsils of Bajaur tribal region on Sunday.
Two soldiers were injured.
Officials said that jets bombed militants’ hideouts in Spery, Kherkai and Sewai areas of Mamond tehsil.
Local people said that in two hours of bombing, five militants, including two foreigners, were killed and four others were injured.
Security forces fought pitched battle with militants in Khar, thwarting their plan to attack security posts in Lowi Sam, Enzari and Rashakai.
An official said that about 40 to 60 militants were to take part in the attack. He said 11 militants, including their leader named Rafiullah, were killed. Security forces brought the body of Rafiullah to a camp.
Militants have stepped up attacks on security forces in Mamond and other areas in Bajaur.
The house of a militant was destroyed in Terkhu area. Local people said that two militants hiding in the house were killed.
AH-1 Cobra helicopters patrol over Afghanistan assisting ground units with intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:48 AM | Comments (1)
Palin Book Tour Draws Massive Michigan Crowd Including NBC's Andrea Mitchell Trying To Ask Questions
Sarah Palin Book Signing in Grand Rapids, MI
Sarah Palin at a book signing where she was asked some questions by NBC's Andrea Mitchell.
Andrea Mitchell was in the crowd of people and was being held back by police, but she still was able to ask a couple of questions. Later Andrea Mitchell had to acknowledged that there were 1500 people VERY early in line. Waiting outside the mall until they were allowed inside.
Palin book tour draws massive Michigan crowd
A crowd estimated at more than 1,500 already had lined up by mid-morning at a Grand Rapids, Mich., bookstore in advance of a 6 p.m. book signing by 2008 Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin, whose book "Going Rogue" has already become a runaway bestseller -- one day after its release.
Die-hard fans of the former Alaska governor traveled from all over the state and began setting up outside a Barnes & Noble store in the city's Woodland Mall at around 9 p.m. last night, hunkering down in 30-degree overnight temperatures to camp out nearly a day ahead of Mrs. Palin's arrival.
The book store, located in the city's Kentwood area, had braced for massive crowds and handed out wristbands starting at 7 a.m. Wednesday on a first-come basis today for those hoping to see Mrs. Palin, who is slated to arrive by tour bus later this evening for a three-hour signing. Her book has sparked much interest and heavy dissection by media and political types as they feast on details from Mrs. Palin's early life and her personal account of her role in the 2008 presidential election.
Barnes & Noble spokeswoman Maddie Hjulstrom said the store has given out a limited number of wristbands based on how many books they think Mrs. Palin can reasonably sign, but said they have also created a standby line for those hoping that she will stay on and continue to sign for overflow fans, who she said are energized by her appearance.
"She has had a good history in Grand Rapids and the town is very excited to have her and to have this as the start of her book tour, " Ms. Hjulstrom said.
Wild Thing's comment..........
LOL the most powerful woman in America being a Conservative..it just kills them on the left. heh heh
Sometimes there is news that just makes one feel good. This is one little item that makes up for the deep disgust and sadness at the moronic attacks on Sarah Palin.
Go Sarah! Your energetic supporters love you!
I will never forget the look on Mitchell's face when she announced Sarah was the VP choice. I am no doctor, but I stayed at a Holiday Inn express last night, and if that wasn't the look of discomfort from some sort of "personal exam" I don't know what is.
Andrea Mitchell knows in her heart and soul this is the real deal, and it kills her.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:47 AM | Comments (6)
11 Congress Members Want to Pass a Tax to "Share the Sacrifice" of War
Below two items written by Robert Stokely proud dad SGT Mike Stokely KIA
11 Congress Members Who Want to Pass a Tax to "Share the Sacrifice" of War
By Robert Stokely
I am sorry but right now I am somewhat having one of those anger induced bladder discharge moments. And sorry if this is not very well proof read - I tried, but it made me more angry each time I thought about this legislation. But read on if you like.
First, read this, article where: House Appropriations Committee Chairman Dave Obey, and Representative John Murtha, who chairs that panel's defense subcommittee; and House Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank set forth that "The only people who've paid any price for our military involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan are our military families: and state "... We believe that if this war is to be fought, it's only fair that everyone share the burden."
Then read this pdf document and pay real close attention to the definition of who is "family" when it comes to who would be exempted from paying this Share the Sacrifice tax to support the War on Terror - it actually winds up excluding most of the family of the fallen, or in some cases could result in a non-family member who receives the death gratuity to be given preferential tax treatment as "family" while none of the fallen's family would be exempted.
SGT Mike Stokely was killed in action fighting the War on Terror and his death was and continues to be devastating to our family. The familial and emotional cost can only be measured by a lifetime of love lost. But in the aftermath of that lifetime of love lost, our family has also suffered direct and significant financial impact. This impact will affect our family prosperity for a lifetime to come. I estimate the costs to date and the future costs to exceed $50,000.00. Some have a perception that families like us got a large check from the American Government because Mike died in the War on Terror. However we didn't because Mike Stokely did what any good husband would do, he took care of his wife by naming her the beneficiary of his death gratuity and group life.
The Stokely family in Sharpsburg Georgia - me, my wife, and Mike's brother and sister work hard for what we achieve in life and we pay the prevailing tax rate on our earnings. We don't get any exemptions for the costs that we continue to incur because of and only because Mike as KIA in the War on Terror. And we are not looking for one either.
Rep. Obey, Murtha, Frank and other Congress members who want to pass the "Share The Sacrifice Act of 2010" claim it exempts the families of the fallen. Well the truth of the matter is it only exempts the person(s) who received the death gratuity (which is the single lump sum payment the government makes - $100,000 - to the named beneficiary of a fallen soldier and which can be, as it is in some cases, made to a non-family member). Thus, this Share the Sacrifice tax will be a new tax for most of the family of the fallen, including Mike Stokely's family.
Sadly, these Congress members also have another agenda other than to "Share the Sacrifice". This is a Health Care Reform Tax as well, as it seeks to shift costs of the War on Terror that "devours money need to fix the health care system."
To Rep. Obey, Murtha, Frank and others who think the Stokely's and others like us should pay the war tax surcharge and thus "SHARE THE SACRIFICE: given you crafted legislation that sets forth the premise we have not Shared the Sacrifice, please tell me how much you think is our fair share of the sacrifice in the War on Terror?
Robert Stokely
proud dad SGT Mike Stokely
KIA 16 AUG 05
15 miles south of Baghdad near Yusufiyah / IED
2nd Platoon, E Troop 108th CAV 48h Brigaded GA NATL GUARD
This was also written by Robert Stokely father of SGT Mike Stokely in December of 2005
Came across your blog this morning, and thought I'd share my thoughts as the dad of an American Soldier killed in action four months ago. My son was standing cover flank for two buddies checking out a suspicous location in the roadway while on patrol at 2:20 A.M. 16 Aug when an IED exploded. He was the only one killed. Two soldiers suffered serious injuries and are now home on permanent medical leave, but both will live normal lives after they finish med rehab and surgery.
Life is hard when you lose a child; you have children and you think of them burying you and not the other way around. But war brings a nw perspective to the parent child relationship, for the parent is put in a position that they are unable to fulfill a basic parental instinct - protect your child. Losing a child, especially in war and especially with media attention focused on your loss, is difficult. I find myself counting time in weeks - every Monday at 6:20 p.m., I silently remember, maybe with a tear, that X weeks ago Mike died at what was 2:20 a.m. his time on Tuesday; then as the evening goes on, I think, Mike was dead X hours at this time; I then awake on what is my Tuesday mornng, and at 7:00 a.m., I remember the call to my home and the voice saying "Mr. Stokely, this is Maj. Hulsey - please come to the door, you dog won't let us up the driveway and we need to speak to you" and then remembering my fast gait to the driveway and asking, before they can say anything "is my boy dead" and the the words they spoke, with humble sadness in the eyes of Maj. Hulsey and the Chaplin that was with him "we regret to inform you...." But the pain,while there, is more manageable. I think it must be like the rigors and harshness of war - it is always the same, you just adjust.
No pity for me is needed, for as a friend said to me, I am lucky to have a son who has brought such honor to his father and the entire family. My son was a man who had a heart that cared deeply for others, and they likewise cared for him. In all of this, so many stories of his simple kindness have been shared with us and touched us. My favorite is the one where he and his buddies had been on continuous duty for several days (their normal day was 22 hours long). He and one of his fellow soldiers had to pull guard duty after being on missions for that continuous period without any sleep. He told his buddy to take a nap and he would stand watch and then they would swap out. For the next six hours, he let his buddy sleep while he stood the whole watch.
We miss him so much. We hurt inside. But we burst with pride in our son and brother. His memory will not fade nor will our love for him. When Mike was just becoming a teenager, I tried to imagine what he would be one day. I often told people I wasn't sure where life would take him, but I knew he would do something different and be very well known in his chosen field. I never dreamed he would become an American Hero who would serve his country so well.
For whatever reason, the last few days what Cindy Sheehan said "Casey didn't die for a just cause" has been on my mind. Maybe it is because some people have felt comfortable enough four months out to ask me how I felt about Mike's death and whether I thought the cause was "just" enough to justify his sacrifice.
My response is that Mike didn't die for a "just cause", he died JUST BECAUSE - just because he loved his country enough to want to serve it since the time he was in middle school; just because he loved his family enough to want to protect them; just because he loved his friends enough that he would rather fight a war "there" than here; just because he believed in our order of government whereby the civilian government rules and the military obeys, and when the President, with lawful authority, calls upon soldiers to go and fight, he believed it was not only his duty, but his honor to go; just because he wouldn't let his fellow soldiers - his guys - go it alone; and just because he wanted to do for others - the Iraqi people - what he would do for his own country.
A good friend of our family, Charles Carmical, wrote these words in tribute to Mike - “Would I lay down my life for a country to defend? I willing would if it housed my family and friends."
Mike Stokely didn't die for a just cause, he died for a lot of just causes, including the ones I set out above. I wish I were fit to tie his shoe laces but I am fortunate enough to have a son who believed in God, family, duty, honor and country and who certainly turned out to be the better of the two of us.
Want to do something?
Contact your Represenative here:
Contact the miscreants here:
Wild Thing's comment..........
These people in Congress are so horrible.
Murtha’s planning to kill two birds with one stone. Get a tax increase passed to recruit more antiwar liberals to “cut and run” plus he’ll have more money available for his grubby hands.
We are already paying for the war with taxes.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:45 AM | Comments (6)
Liz Cheney Talks About Afghanistan, and Sarah Palin
Liz Cheney on "This Week" saying that the lack of a decision on Afghanistan is "completely inexcusable."
Liz Cheney said "I think it's just completely inexcusable that we've now had month after month of photo-op out of the White House and no decision." She said "the President is very fond of saying, "before I commit troops I'm going to think very carefully about it," somebody in the White House needs to remind him he's already committed troops. We've got American men and women in Afghanistan today."
Wild Thing's comment.......
Liz Cheney just completely overwhelmed the panel.
Whenever she spoke the rest were absolutely quiet and appeared rather spell bound.
She has the same charismatic,yet brilliant delivery of Sarah Palin and both today command huge audiences and always deliver for freedom and democracy.
Liz Cheney never fails to impress with her knowledge and ability to easily and intelligently converse on all subjects.
Especially national security.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:44 AM | Comments (6)
Socialist Democrat Sen Michael Bennet: 'I'll Risk My Job For Health Reform'
Democratic Sen. Michael Bennet on CNN saying that he will support the Health Care Bill even if it means that he will lose his re-election bid next year.
Sen. Michael Bennet (D-Colo.) said Sunday that he will vote for landmark health care reform legislation even if it means he will be defeated at the polls next November.
"If you get to the final point and you are a critical vote for health care reform, and every piece of evidence tells you, if you support that bill, you will lose your job, would you cast the vote and lose your job? " CNN's John King asked Bennet on the "State of the Union" program.
"Yes," said Bennet, a former Denver public schools chief who was appointed to the Senate by Colorado's governor when President Barack Obama tapped Ken Salazar to be interior secretary.
King warned Bennet that the video of his vow would be sequestered in the event he is voted out next year.
"All right. That tape will be held -- I hate to tell you that, but that tape will be held right now," the CNN host said.
Wild Thing's comment............
A kamikaze Senator.
Bennett reminds me of an Al Qaeda or Taliban moron. Always ready to blow himself up “for the good of the cause.” He’s one sick puppy.
In other words: To hell with what my constituents want. This is our grand chance to turn the USA in to a Socialist country and I'm not going to let this chance slip me by!
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:40 AM | Comments (6)
November 22, 2009
U.S. Senate Voted 60-69 to Invoke Cloture On Socialized Medicine and Reid Says it Is FREE!
The U.S. Senate tonight voted 60-39 to invoke Cloture on the Senate Health Care Bill, meaning it now will move to the floor of the Senate for Debate.
It does NOT mean the bill has passed the Senate. It will now move to an amendment phase, and before moving to a vote on final passage, the bill would have to pass another 60 vote threshold cloture vote to close debate / amendments and move to a final vote.
The vote was was 60-39.
It was a straight party line vote. Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins voted with the GOP.
Democrats united Saturday night to push historic health care legislation past a key Senate hurdle over the opposition of Republicans eager to inflict a punishing defeat on President Barack Obama. There was not a vote to spare.
The 60-39 vote cleared the way for a bruising, full-scale debate beginning after Thanksgiving on the legislation, which is designed to extend coverage to roughly 31 million who lack it, crack down on insurance company practices that deny or dilute benefits and curtail the growth of spending on medical care nationally.
The spectator galleries were full for the unusual Saturday night showdown, and applause broke out briefly when the vote was announced. In a measure of the significance of the moment, senators sat quietly in their seats, standing only when they were called upon to vote.
In the final minutes of a daylong session, Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., accused Republicans of trying to stifle a historic debate the nation needed.
“Imagine if, instead of debating whether to abolish slavery, instead of debating whether giving women and minorities the right to vote, those who disagreed had muted discussion and killed any vote,” he said.
The Republican leader, Sen. Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, said the vote was anything but procedural — casting it as a referendum on the bill itself, which he said would raise taxes, cut Medicare and create a “massive and unsustainable debt.”
Wild Thing's comment..........
Most Americans clearly do not want this bill. Nancy Pelosi and the House Dems don’t care. Harry Reid and the Senate Demos don’t care. They and Barack Hussein Obama have in 10 months sent America trillions into debt. Their “cap and tax” will kill even more jobs. They have seized control of banks and companies. And now they are pulling off a “healthcare coup” to take over the most intimate parts of our lives and add even more trillions in debt. This is a war on the American people.
What is it that they did in 1863? They shed their blood both on distant lands and in their own front yards. From the Wilderness of Chancellorsville to the Round Tops of Gettysburg to the aptly named River of Death in Chickamauga, they bled so they would be in bondage to no one but their Savior. Some blood poured through Blue wool, some through Butternut and Grey...ALL for the reason of ending bondage, whether it be their own or that of a fellow human being. I tell you now...both North and South, both East and West...we are ALL in bondage once more. Enslaved by a tyranny unseen but in dusty volumes recollecting centuries of old. It is ever apparent that out own volume of history is opened, eager to be filled with the tales of those brave enough to put God and country before self.
"Already the hour is late. Government has laid its hand on health, housing, farming, industry, commerce, education, and to an ever-increasing degree interferes with the people's right to know. ... We approach the point of no return when government becomes so huge and entrenched that we fear the consequences of upheaval and just go along with it." — Ronald Reagan
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 AM | Comments (17)
Democrats Worry About Getting Re-Elected BUT Go Ahead and Vote for Destroying America
Democrats worry about damage from Obama agenda - I changed the title of this to be more of what is happening. LOL But we can still hope they might worry a little. ~ Wild Thing
'Initiatives in Washington come with steep political price tag'
Democrats are starting to worry that President Obama's "charge-and-spend" debt, new "cap-and-trade" tax and "apologize to the world" agendas are going to hurt them when they run for re-election, leaving the WorldNetDaily Freedom Index ticking up to 53.2 on a 100-point scale, despite a month of relatively few major controversies.
"What I think is going on here is that Democrats are growing slightly more concerned that the Democratic initiatives in Washington may come with a steep political price tag outside the beltway," said Fritz Wenzel of Wenzel Strategies.
"This is especially true after the Democratic election losses in deep blue New Jersey and in swing state Virginia," he continued.
"Those losses in the gubernatorial races represent a shocking reversal from 12 months ago, when Obama easily won both states in the presidential race, and discontent over Democratic efforts in Washington clearly played a part," he said.
The other major factor, I think, was the terrible economy, and voters clearly deciding it made sense to blame the Democrats for not fixing things."
The monthly freedom index for November was only 53.2, up just a fraction from last month's 52.2, the lowest figure ever for the measurement. The index is an assessment of how Americans feel about a basketful of liberties.
The index was 57.6 in June, 53.2 in July, 54.2 in August and 56.4 in September before plunging in October.
Among the issues in Washington now are the Democrats' plan to increase the government's role in health care, "cap-and-trade" taxes on energy use and Obama's repeated apologies to the world for the United States. The president stirred controversy over the weekend when he bowed to the Japanese emperor, as he bowed to the Saudi king in April.
The poll was conducted Nov. 13-16 using an automated telephone technology calling a random sampling of listed telephone numbers nationwide. The survey included 29 questions and carries a 95 percent confidence interval. It included 806 adult respondents and carries a margin of error of plus or minus 3.4 percentage points.
The report showed Democrats "made more significant moves to positions that reflected more skepticism about the freedoms Americans enjoy. For instance, while 46 percent said last month that they believed freedoms had increased greatly under President Obama, just 39 percent said the same this month."
"And, while 61 percent of Democrats said last month that they felt there was a great deal of freedom for Americans to choose a form of religious worship without fear of penalty or retribution, just 47 percent said the same thing this month."
The index is based on a repeating series of 10 questions that measure aspects of freedom, including freedom of speech, religion, assembly and association.
"There is no question that this has been a tumultuous year for the relationship between the U.S. government and its citizens, but it hit something of a comparative calm spot during the last month, as there were really only two flash points that would have been on the minds of likely voters nationwide as they participated in this survey: the U.S. House of Representatives passage of a massive overhaul of the nation's health-care system, and the horrendous shootings at Fort Hood in Texas," said Wenzel.
"Democratic leaders on Capitol Hill have done an effective job at masking important details of the health reform measure," he reported. "Those details will eventually come out, probably sometime next year if the bill manages to become law. If they are as poorly received as one might expect, look for Republicans to clean up at the ballot box next fall."
Wild Thing's comment..........
Worried?? So they continue their higher taxes march towards socialized health care.
They should be worried, I hope they worry a lot more every day and see that their vote for health care for one thing willl be the death of them in politics! . I hope they lose BIG time!
Democrats worry about damage from Obama agenda
Complete nonsense! They don't give a single flying fig what the outcome is as long as they bring this nation down.
Until they reject a part of the agenda they are the Obama agenda!
The Democratic Party has declared war on the American citizens and the American way of life. It is time for American citizens to return the favor and declare war on the Democratic Party. The Dem party is on the way OUT.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:50 AM | Comments (5)
Terrified and Dangerous Obama Seeks To Attack and Rebut Private Citizen Sarah Palin
President seeks $500,000 for ads to rebut Palin
Another e-mail from info@barackobama.com hit my inbox yesterday. The subject: Sarah Palin.
It begins: "Right now, Sarah Palin is on a highly publicized, nationwide book tour, attacking President Obama and his plan for health reform at every turn."
The mail goes on to say "It's dangerous. Remember, this is the person who coined the term "Death Panels" -- and opened the flood gates for months of false attacks by special interests and partisan extremists."
"Whatever lie comes next will be widely covered by the media, then constantly echoed by right-wing attack groups and others who are trying to defeat reform."
"So we're setting a big goal: $500,000 in the next week to help push back against Sarah Palin and her allies.....We need to be prepared. And we're counting on you help. Can you chip in $5?"
So it has come to this: a sitting president soliciting donations for counter-attack ads on a former VP nominee hockey mom that most of the mainstream media rediculed in the last election. If her claims are so outrageous, why bother spending the money to respond? Maybe because a lot of people are listening to her, and many of them might just agree with what she is saying.
Organizing for America, a fundraising arm of the DNC, sent an email to supporters today in an attempt to raise $500,000 off her assertion this fall that Democratic health care bills would create panels of government bureaucrats to decide end-of-life care.
The email asks Obama supporters to donate $5 to “help push back against Sarah Palin and her allies.”
Here’s the full email:
Right now, Sarah Palin is on a highly publicized, nationwide book tour, attacking President Obama and his plan for health reform at every turn.
It's dangerous. Remember, this is the person who coined the term "Death Panels" -- and opened the flood gates for months of false attacks by special interests and partisan extremists.
Whatever lie comes next will be widely covered by the media, then constantly echoed by right-wing attack groups and others who are trying to defeat reform.
As we approach the final sprint on health reform, we can't afford more deception and delay. We need to be ready for anything -- and have the resources to respond with ads, events, and calls to Congress when the attacks come.
So we're setting a big goal: $500,000 in the next week to help push back against Sarah Palin and her allies. Please chip in $5 to help reach our goal.
Earlier this month, Palin publicly said that she hopes health reform will be "dead on arrival." And since then, she's been working fiercely toward that goal.
On Tuesday, Palin went on Rush Limbaugh's radio show where she outrageously -- and falsely -- suggested that Americans could "face jail time as punishment" if they don't buy insurance.
Palin has many more interviews scheduled on Hannity and other conservative shows in the next few weeks, with more platforms to go after the President. As soon as she does, the rest of our opponents will likely parrot those attacks.
We need to be prepared. And we're counting on you help. Can you chip in $5?
Mitch Stewart
Organizing for America
Wild Thing's comment............
So a sitting president is campaigning against a private citizen.
Dictator Obama must raise the money. Without it, he can’t go up against her on his own. He has to buy off the media and politicians. One of the worst Presidents this country has ever had.
He can spend time on responding to a book tour, but sits there like jelly on a bun concerning troop deployments.
He is the 3M(Muslim-Marxist-Mulatto)POTUS!
Three months ( something like 84 days ) , since he was asked by the General for more troops and still DITHERING!
This just goes to show:
1. Ovomit is absolutely scared stiff of Sarah Palin
2. Ovomit will spare no legal or illegal means to attempt to destroy anyone not brainwashed by his continuous BS
3. Ovomit is nothing more than a street thug
4. Ovomit is the most classless son of a bitch who ever sat in the oval office
5. Ovomit loathes real Americans and thinks he's royalty
I think it is important to rembember the other high-profile thug arm of Obama politics:
Andy Stern, president of SEIU, visits the president 22 times that we know of......His Purple Shirts have so far beaten down a Town Hall protester in St. Louis resulting in a trip to the hospital, shoved and pushed other Town Hall protesters around, and has been observed stuffing the seats of Town Hall meetings so that the local constituency were shut out of the meetings and couldn't challenge the Socialized Health Care bill with their locally elected politician.
I hope she has strong security.....I really do. I fear for her safety with those rabid left-wing radical hate groups, or from this administration itself.
6. The Demoncratic Party has sunken to the likes of Stalin, Hitler and their all-time favorite Marxist - Fidel Castro
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:48 AM | Comments (11)
Burkha Barbie: The iconic doll wearing traditional Islamic dress!
Burkha Barbie: The iconic doll wearing traditional Islamic dress
It's Barbie in a burkha: World-famous doll gets a makeover to go under the hammer for 50th anniversary
Associated Newspapers Ltd Daily Mail
One of the world's most famous children's toys, Barbie, has been given a makeover - wearing a burkha.
Wearing the traditional Islamic dress, the iconic doll is going undercover for a charity auction in connection with Sotheby's for Save The Children. (Ed. Note: You have got to be kidding me. The way the Muslims treat their kids? Don't even get me started." More than 500 Barbies went on show yesterday at the Salone dei Cinquecento, in Florence, Italy.
Rosie Shannon, from Save the Children, said all the proceeds from the auction will go to the charity. She said: 'We are delighted Sotheby's and the designer chose to auction the burka Barbie dolls for our charity.'
The money will go towards the Rewrite the Future campaign which helps millions of children around the world effected by conflict. The company director of Laird Assessors from The Wirral, Cheshire, said: 'Bring it on Burkha Barbie, I think this is a great idea. I think this is really important for girls, wherever they are from they should have the opportunity to play with a Barbie that they feel represents them."
Wild Thing's comment.........
Wearing the traditional Islamic dress, the iconic doll is going undercover for a charity auction in connection with Sotheby's for Save The Children.
Yeah, that make sense (not). The way to save the children is to rid the world of Islam.
Does the Ken doll come bearded, with a crazed look in his eyes, equipped with a koran, AK-47 and decapitating knife kit? Just wondering.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:47 AM | Comments (9)
Glenn Beck Speech at the Villages in Florida
Glenn Beck rally: The Villages retirement community in Florida, November 21, 2009
Mid Term Elections: "If you're in there, you are part of the problem, look out brother because you ain't gonna have a job next year.
Health Care Reform: "Destroy the economy, destroy the country, if it passes we will fundamentally transform America and it will not survive, I don't know how long it will take, but it will not survive"
Afghanistan: "Our country asked these people to serve, they are in harms way, it is immoral to ask people to serve, then not give them everything that they asked for, give them what they asked for to complete the job or pull them home.
Glenn Beck announces educational conventions
During a massive rally here that capped off a whirlwind three-day book tour, Fox News television host Glenn Beck, fast becoming one of the right’s most visible icons, addressed an adoring crowd and lay the seedlings for a burgeoning grassroots conservative political movement.
Beck’s speech, delivered in 45 minutes under gathering clouds in the downtown square of this retirement community, was much-anticipated for its promised reveal of “a plan” the television personality had been heavily promoting on his weekly show, his web page, and in media interviews leading up to Saturday’s rally.
These conventions, Beck told the crowd of thousands, would serve to register new voters and educate people on issues touching on energy, health care, foreign policy and social issues.
“You’re going to learn about history, finance, community organizing,” he said, to cheers. “If you want to be a politician, we’re going to teach you how to be a politician.”
Beck said he wants to develop “a 100-year plan for America” and told the crowd, “You will change the course of history.”
Following the rally, Beck held a book-signing to promote his current book, “Arguing with Idiots: How to Stop Small Minds and Big Government,” a New York Times bestseller.
Addressing a crowd that held signs blaring such messages as “I Want My America Back!”, “Danger: Right-Wing Extremist” and “Glenn Beck for President,” Beck painted a doomsday scenario describing the nation as stuck in “troubled, troubled times” and urged Americans to reverse the “corruption” in government today.
“Everything is upside down right now,” he said. “I’d like to name us all, the Constitution Czar.”
In his remarks, the television host and former radio disc jockey mixed in details of his own roughshod past with a spiritual sounding call in which he called for Americans to rediscover their faith, start living within their means, and to “question with boldness” everything.
He said he’s assembled “a team of advisors” to consult him on matters dealing with the most pressing issues of the day and urged them to embrace a community-building process to attempt to get others on board.
“Two can play at that game,” he said knowingly, more than once, as the crowd cheered.
Wild Thing's comment.........
I applaud Glenn's efforts and the turn out for his appearances has been large.
I hope his rallies and speeches will get conservatives to see they have to get out an vote and work to support conservatives running for office. Apathy has been like some horrible disease in our country and too many let others do the work for them . Too many don't even know what bills are being passed nor have they cared.
To be honest I am not sure if Glenn is wanting a third party thing happening or what, but I ONLY care about conservatives to be strong and get more Republicans that ARE conservatives elected.
The Republican Party was always awesome when lead and filled with conservatives and we stuck to our base and vaues for America. Over the years the disappointed lefties I think have joined the Republican party and brought with them their VERY liberal agenda. Vote out the rino's and lefties that have joined .
.... Thank you Jim for sending this to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:40 AM | Comments (7)
November 21, 2009
Religious leaders vow civil disobedience
Religious leaders vow civil disobedience
More than 150 leaders across a spectrum of conservative Christianity on Friday released a 4,700-word document vowing civil disobedience if they are forced to take part in "anti-life acts" or bless gay marriages.
Called the "Manhattan Declaration," the six-page, single-spaced document was drafted by Prison Fellowship founder Charles Colson, an evangelical, and Princeton University professor Robert P. George, a Roman Catholic, and included a bevy of Catholic, Anglican and Orthodox bishops, archbishops and cardinals as signatories along with dozens of clergy and laity.
Archbishop of Washington Donald W. Wuerl is one of the signatories.
"Throughout the centuries, Christianity has taught that civil disobedience is not only permitted, but sometimes required," says the document which cited civil rights icon Martin Luther King and his willingness to go to jail for his beliefs.
"Because we honor justice and the common good," it states, "we will not comply with any edict that purports to compel our institutions to participate in abortions, embryo-destructive research, assisted suicide or euthanasia or any other anti-life act; nor will we bend to any rule purporting to force us to bless immoral sexual partnerships, treat them as marriages or the equivalent, or refrain from proclaiming the truth, as we know it, about morality and immorality and marriage and the family."
When pressed to say what sorts of civil disobedience the writers were proposing, its originators were vague on the details at Friday's news conference during which the document was released.
Wild Thing's comment........
I have a question. Where have they been. It has been months of Townhalls, Tea Parties even the doctors and nurses joined in awhile back and just NOW these religilous leaders are getting in the act. I am glad but the thing is they sure waited long enough.
IMO and I am dead on serious about this. This health care bill should have every living being in our country ticked off and mad as hell IF THEY LOVE AMERICA.
Our grievances today against the Marxist government in Washington are at least as great as those of the American Colonists against the Tyranny of England.
I sure do love all of you here at Theodore's World. You all love America soooooo much. You are all so awesome!!!!!
Inhofe calls Democrat Healthcare Maneuver "Beyond Deceptive" This is from yesterday but he is good.
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:25 PM | Comments (5)
Full List of Tax Hikes In Senate Democrat Health Bill
Senate Democrats will only deliberate 10 hourson today SATURDAY before they vote to nationalize one-sixth of the US economy.
The bill will nationalize the nation’s health care industry, increase costs, ration care, tax cosmetic surgery, cut Medicare, charge a monthly abortion fee, and take away your freedom.
Support for this disastrous bill is down to 40% with 52% opposing.
Please take time to call your US Senator even today it is not too late to call,
HERE is the PHONE list
Check out the .......Full List of Tax Hikes In Senate Democrat Health Bill
Individual Mandate Tax (Page 324/Sec. 1501/$8 bil): Starting in 2014, anyone not buying “qualifying” health insurance must pay an income surtax according to the following schedule (capped at 8 percent of income):
Check out this important piece, at ATR.org.
Individual Mandate Tax (Page 324/Sec. 1501/$8 bil)
Employer Mandate Tax (Page 348/Sec. 1513/$28 bil)
Excise Tax on Comprehensive Health Insurance Plans (Page 1979/Sec. 9001/$149.1 bil)
Employer Reporting of Insurance on W-2 (Page 1996/Sec. 9002/Min$)
Medicine Cabinet Tax (Page 1997/Sec. 9003/$5 bil)
HSA Withdrawal Tax Hike (Page 1998/Sec. 9004/$1.3 bil)
FSA Cap (Page 1999/Sec. 9005/$14.6 bil)
Corporate 1099-MISC Information Reporting (Page 1999/Sec. 9006/$17.1 bil)
Excise Tax on Charitable Hospitals (page 2001/Sec. 9007/Min$)
Tax on Innovator Drug Companies (Page 2010/Sec. 9008/ $22.2 bil)
Tax of Medical Device Manufacturers (Page 2020/Sec. 9009/$19.3 bil)
Tax on Health Insurers (Page 2026/Sec. 9010/$60.4 bil)
Eliminate tax deduction for employer-provided retirement Rx drug coverage in coordination with Medicare Part D (Page 2034/Sec. 9012/$5.4 bil)
Raise “Haircut” for Medical Itemized Deduction from 7.5% to 10% of AGI (Page 2034/Sec. 9013/$15.2 bil)
$500,000 Annual Executive Compensation Limit for Health Insurance Executives (Page 2035/Sec. 9014/$0.6 bil)
Hike in Medicare Payroll Tax (Page 2040/Sec. 9015/$53.8 bil)
Blue Cross/Blue Shield Tax Hike (Page 2044/Sec. 9016/$0.4 bil)
Tax on Cosmetic Medical Procedures (Page 2045/Sec. 9017/$5.8 bil)
Exemptions for religious objectors, undocumented immigrants, prisoners, those earning less than the poverty line, members of Indian tribes, and hardship cases
Henry Waxman says to just get the bill in place...Which is exactly what Democrats plan to do
"I think we are going to get a bill passed. It may not be everything that I'd want, but if we get it in place we can build on it later and we could start down the road to making sure that we have a system that makes sense."
Listen to this, Waxman admits that Health Care should be done now because next year is an election year...
"We'll work out our differences, but what we need is the Senate to act. And I hope they will do that very soon because we must get this job done, as far as I'm concerned, by the end of the year. Certainly we could go into next year, but there are going to be so many other pressures next year, especially with the elections looming that this is our opportunity. With a new President who has put this issue high on the agenda there is only a limited time to act. When the Clinton Administration tried to do it they pushed it off into the second year and the closer it got to the election the special interests were able to bring it down."
Wild Thing's comment........
Any idea what "religious objectors” means in the list of exemptions at the top of the document? It seems rather out of place. Unless they mean maybe people that are Christian Scientists????
We need more taxing like we need more islamofacists.
Heck couple this with the 460 billion in medicare cuts and it becomes quite clear what the Rats plans are....
Insidious as it sounds....
They plan on killing off all of the elederly so that there will be a huge transfer of wealth from the baby boomer generation to generation X on this wealth they will be able to collect death tax which in turn will increase revenue to the govt.
We are living in very strange and scary times indeed.
These power hungry bastards, especially ones like Snowe, Hatch, Collins and the rest have been playing both sides of the coin with their “good friends on the other side of the aisle” have now secured the imperial political class. Take a long look around you because these times will most likely be the last days of the American Middle class for a long, long time.
Obama isn’t stupid...he’s busy implementing his agenda. It’s an agenda that is so radical & horrendous that most don’t want to believe it could be the case. No American wants to believe that they are being “governed” by one who is singularly devoted to destroying the nation and spreading chaos throughout the earth.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:55 AM | Comments (11)
Senate Health Bill Debate Scheduled for TODAY; Vote on Cloture Expected at 8 PM ET
It appears the fate of the Senate Health Care Bill is now in the hands of two Democrat senators - Blanche Lincoln of Arkansas, and Mary Landrieu of Louisiana.
Sen. Ben Nelson of Nebraska has announced he will vote for cloture tomorrow, which would open the way for the bill to be taken up on the Senate Floor and receive an up or down vote. If Democrats can cobble together the 60 votes needed to invoke Cloture tomorrow, they will then only need 50 votes (plus VP Joe Biden) to gain final passage of the bill. Fifty votes would appear to be a sure thing with the huge majority the Democrats have.
That means the Cloture vote tomorrow is the key vote. Some Democrats - like Ben Nelson - will likely vote for Cloture tomorrow under the guise of wanting to have a "free and open debate / vote" on the bill, and then vote against final passage to cover themselves, knowing there will be at least 50 votes to pass it.
Above is a Radio Ad from the Eagle Forum that are seeking to get citizens to put pressure on Lincoln to vote against Cloture tomorrow.
NOTE: Independent Joe Lieberman has said he WILL vote for Cloture tomorrow to begin debate on final passage of the bill. He has said he will consider filibustering the final bill to prevent a vote on final passage if it has a Public Option. But the reality is, if the Democrats get 60 votes tomorrow for Cloture, it is over. They will have 50 votes to pass the bill later.
UPDATE 9:33 PM CT: Politico reported last night that Landrieu says she is "leaning towards" voting for Cloture tomorrow. Reid put $100 million in this bill for Louisiana, and it appears it has done what it was intended to do. That leaves Lincoln of Arkansas, and she has said she will consider carefully what Bill Clinton thinks. He urged passage of the bill. It looks like it is going to happen.
South Carolina Republican Senator Jim DeMint notes that a vote by Democrats to proceed to debate is a vote on the substance of the health care bill itself.
Senator Kyle said IF they get this vote on Sat....it will mean the Healthcare bill has a 97% of passing.
Senate Democrat leader Harry Reid remained “confident” the 2,074-page, US $2.5 trillion health care overhaul will pass.
“The finish line is in sight,” Reid told reporters.
Reid’s Government-Run Health Plan Requires a Monthly Abortion Fee
The left's ultimate dream, forcing all Americans to participate in the slaughter of the unborn (even though a CNN poll found 61% oppose tax-payer funded abortions)
Just like the original 2,032-page, government-run health care plan from Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA), Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s (D-NV) massive, 2,074-page bill would levy a new “abortion premium” fee on Americans in the government-run plan.
Beginning on line 7, p. 118, section 1303 under “Voluntary Choice of Coverage of Abortion Services” the Health and Human Services Secretary is given the authority to determine when abortion is allowed under the government-run health plan. Leader Reid’s plan also requires that at least one insurance plan offered in the Exchange covers abortions (line 13, p. 120).
What is even more alarming is that a monthly abortion premium will be charged of all enrollees in the government-run health plan. It’s right there beginning on line 11, page 122, section 1303, under “Actuarial Value of Optional Service Coverage.” The premium will be paid into a U.S. Treasury account – and these federal funds will be used to pay for the abortion services.
Section 1303(a)(2)(C) describes the process in which the Health Benefits Commissioner is to assess the monthly premiums that will be used to pay for elective abortions under the government-run health plan and for those who are given an affordability credit to purchase insurance coverage that includes abortion through the Exchange. The Commissioner must charge at a minimum $1 per enrollee per month.
We need to flood their offices with calls and emails to vote NO on Cloture!!
Mary Landrieu of Louisiana, Ben Nelson of Nebraska and Blanche Lincoln of Arkansas -- have yet to commit to allowing debate to begin. Reid met privately with the three before releasing his bill Wednesday, and Nelson later issued a statement strongly suggesting he would support fellow Democrats on the procedural vote.
If they do get the 60 votes for cloture then it is all but a done deal as they will only then need 51 votes to pass the bill in the full senate something that is much easier considering the dems majority in the Senate!
Contact Senator Nelson’s office to voice your opposition to this bill.
US Capitol Switchboard Toll-free Numbers
Mary Landrieu of Louisiana Democrat
Washington, DC Office
328 Hart Senate Building
United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510
Voice: (202)224-5824
Fax:(202) 224-9735
Olympia J. Snowe "Republican" Senator Maine
Washington D. C. Office
Mailing Address:
154 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: (202) 224-5344
Toll Free: (800) 432-1599
Fax: (202) 224-1946
Senator Blanche L. Lincoln Arkansas Democrat
Washington D.C. Office
355 Dirksen Senate Building
Washington, DC 20510-0404
Phone: (202)224-4843
Fax: (202)228-1371
Senator Nelson (D) Nebraska Democrat
7602 Pacific St.
Ste 205
Omaha, NE 68114
Tel: (402) 391-3411
Fax: (402) 391-4725
Washington, D.C.
720 Hart Senate Office Building
United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510
Tel: (202) 224-6551
Fax: (202) 228-0012
You have to use the Senators web site email form at http://bennelson.senate.gov/contact/email.cfm
Wild Thing's comment........
Under Senate rules, 60 votes are needed on a "cloture" motion to move a bill forward. Right now, Democrats have 60 votes and Republicans have 40 votes. Democrat Senators Ben Nelson (D-NE) and Blanche Lincoln (D-AR) are key votes to defeating the cloture motion to proceed to consideration of the health care bill. Both are running for reelection in 2010 and both Senators need to know that a "Yes" vote on the cloture motion to proceed will mean the end of their political careers.
And the taxes start right away. As in as soon as it is passed into law. Hopefully they have 41 votes to stop this bill from passing.
.....Thank you Richard
for sending this to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:50 AM | Comments (6)
US Army Unit to Return to Region of Deadly Battle
Army unit to return to region of deadly battle
The 2nd Battalion, 503rd Infantry Regiment is heading back to the same region where it took part in the Army’s deadliest battle in Afghanistan.
While the rest of the 173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team is heading to Logar and Wardak provinces for its upcoming deployment, the 2-503rd will be assigned to the 4th Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, said Maj. Thomas Gilleran, 173rd public affairs officer.
The 4th Brigade Combat Team is serving in Kunar province, the same region where the 2-503rd served in 2007-2008.
During its 14-month tour, "The Rock," as the unit is known, engaged in hundreds of contacts with enemy forces, including the battle of Wanat, in which hundreds of insurgents attacked a small, remote Army outpost. In the hours-long battle, nine 2-503rd soldiers were killed and more than two dozen were wounded.
The region is still volatile.
Since the beginning of October, 12 soldiers assigned to the 4th Brigade Combat Team have died, including eight who were killed Oct. 3 in Kamdesh district in an attack similar to the one at Wanat.
Kamdesh is in Nuristan province and northeast of Wanat. Kamdesh is one of a collection of isolated valleys near northeastern Afghanistan’s border with Pakistan where U.S. troops have faced fierce resistance in recent years. Military and outside analysts have described the insurgency in northeast Afghanistan as a hybrid of local, tribally based fighters loosely allied with the Taliban and other insurgent networks. The military initially ascribed the Kamdesh attack to tribal militias but later blamed the Taliban.
Battalion leaders confirmed the 2-503rd’s upcoming assignment.
More than 3,000 troops based in Germany and Italy are taking part in the 173rd’s upcoming deployment, which was first announced in July.
Gilleran said Friday that advance elements from the brigade are already in the country and he expected the unit would take control of its area of operations from the 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division "in the near future."
"We will have pieces of the brigade continue to deploy over the next few weeks," he said.
Wardak and Logar provinces are directly south of the provinces of Parwan, the home of Bagram Air Field, and Kabul, the country’s capital.
South of Kabul, Logar province has long been the heart of insurgent activity targeting the capital city.
Desert conditions and rocky, mountainous terrain embrace lush green valleys where fruit orchards and wheat fields feed the capital. But a scarcity of water and the terrorizing reign of the Taliban have left the villagers poor, scared and often unwilling to side with an absentee government.
In some parts of the province, 3rd Brigade Combat Team soldiers have been training a ragtag Afghan police force, while others are pushing out on patrols to villages, getting to know friendly faces, and often, trying to win over ambivalent, or even hostile, villagers.
It’s the 173rd’s third deployment to Afghanistan since 2005.
"Hopefully, we will set the conditions ... so that we as a brigade will no longer have to go back (to Afghanistan)," Gilleran said.
Wild Thing's comment..........
The long history of this unit in particularly Vietnam are a testament to those who serve and have served in it.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:48 AM | Comments (4)
Dangerous Obama May Put Americans Under World Judges' Power
Obama may put Americans under world judges' power
International Criminal Court issues are focus of delegation to The Hague
Obama has dispatched a delegation this week to The Hague to explore issues involving the United States' possible participation in the International Criminal Court, an organization critics charge could be used to prosecute Americans under international legal standards for actions that are not crimes in the U.S.
Andy Laney of the U.S. State Department confirmed the delegation is comprised of members of the State Department as well as the Defense Department. He said they were dispatched on a week-long trip because of U.S. concerns over how "aggression" is defined internationally.
"There is an inter-agency party, half from the State Department, half from the Defense Department, there to engage other delegations on matters of U.S. interest and specifically over our concerns on the definition of the crime of aggression," he said.
Critics, however, warn that they believe former U.S. war crimes prosecutor Ambassador Stephen Rapp is on a trip that involves more than just the definition of a word.
"The Obama administration would like the U.S. to be a party to the court," said Brett Schaefer, an international regulatory expert with the Heritage Foundation.
The Obama administration would like to establish closer ties with the ICC if it turns out the U. S. can join the court. The objective here is to address the major objections to the U. S. joining the court," he said.
White House officials declined to comment.
The court was introduced to the U.S. when President Bill Clinton signed the Rome Statute in 1998. But President George W. Bush pulled the U. S. out in 2003 over concerns that the ICC might prosecute American soldiers for war crime charges coming from the U. S. campaigns in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The concern was that the ICC doesn't recognize many of the U.S. Constitution's provisions protecting defendants in criminal trials, such as the right to a trial by jury and protections against double jeopardy.
"The meeting at The Hague is also in preparation for the Rome Statute's review in May of 2010," Schaefer said. "Mr. Rapp is there to find out if (the 108) member states are interested in amending the document to address U.S. concerns. Ambassador Rapp is there to learn how substantial the barriers to the U.S. joining the court actually are."
Laney admitted it was a change in U.S. direction that prompted the trip.
"The decision to send Ambassador Rapp reflects the commitment of this administration to engage the international community on issues that affect our foreign policy interests," Laney said.
"Ambassador Rapp says he wants the U. S. to join the ICC. Since coming into office, President Obama says he wants the U. S. to join and Secretary of State Clinton says it's unfortunate that the U. S. is not a part of the ICC," Schaefer said.
"The previous administration in its early years sought to amend the treaty to alleviate U. S. concerns ... the treaty would intrude on U. S. policy and its obligations overseas," Schaefer said. "That effort failed. So, the Bush Administration in 2003 sent a letter to the Secretary General of the U. N. saying it no longer considered itself bound to the jurisdiction of the ICC."
Schaefer said the process as it now is set up presents dangers.
"Israel took action in Gaza earlier this year to attack Hamas and knock out the Hamas rocket launchers in the Gaza Strip," he said. "Israel took enormous cautionary measures to prevent civilian casualties. Even though Israel and the Palestinian Authority are not signatory members of the ICC, the ICC is still investigating the Israeli military to see if they can prosecute members of the Israeli Army for war crimes."
Mathew Staver, lead attorney for Liberty Counsel and dean of Liberty University Law School, said U.S. membership in the ICC would be a mistake.
"This administration is globalist and transnationalist and wants to bring this country into the global system. The U.S. stands to have its citizens being prosecuted by the international court in The Hague and have its citizens come under the world court's jurisdiction," he said.
Schaefer confirmed Staver's fears.
"Supposing the U. S. engages in a military action and that action results in civilian casualties. We do an investigation of the matter and find no guilty party. If we are a member of the court, if we are a party to the Rome Statute, the ICC at that point has the opportunity to second-guess us," he said. "They may be able to use evidence and they may be able to pursue routes of trial that would not be portable in the U. S. because of the different standards established in the U. S. legal system and the rules set forth in the Rome Statute."
His warning is that the ICC could, "in essence … come and prosecute U.S. citizens, U.S. soldiers, U.S. officials for actions the U.S. deems entirely lawful."
He believes the Obama White House will begin the push for ratification after the May 2010 review of the treaty.
"After the May review is when I believe the administration will seek to go to Congress to make the changes in our system necessary that will allow us to participate in the ICC," he said.
Staver said Americans should be worried.
"Everything anyone has ever heard about the globalist system is being promoted by this administration," he said. "President Obama definitely wants the U. S. to be a part of a transnational, global system."
Wild Thing's comment..........
Another day and another opportunity for dangerous obama to further dismantle the sovereignty of the United States.
Obama is the one that is guilty of treason.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:47 AM | Comments (6)
With Obama As President ~ Americans Expect Islamic Terror Strike Within 6 Months
Americans expect Islamic terror strike within 6 months
Survey shows 65% confirm attack somewhat or very likely
Two-thirds of Americans expect an Islamic suicide bomb attack on American soil within six months, according to a new poll that also shows Republicans are significantly more concerned than Democrats.
Fritz Wenzel of Wenzel Strategies said one of the most shocking findings of his recent polling on the subject was that 65 percent are expecting an attack within six months.
"Some of the communication between Fort Hood shooter Hasan and al-Qaida figures included discussion of such attacks inside the United States, and it has been a common form of violence in the Middle East for years," he said. "Now, Americans appear resigned to the fact that these attacks will soon come to our shores."
He asked a series of questions in a WorldNetDaily/Wenzel Strategies survey regarding the recent Fort Hood attack, allegedly carried out by Muslim Maj. Nidal Hasan. The survey, Nov. 13-16, used an automated telephone technology calling a random sampling of listed telephone numbers nationwide. The survey has 95 percent confidence interval. It included 806 adult respondents and carries a margin of error of plus or minus 3.4 percentage points.
"More than one-third of respondents – 36 percent – said they think it is 'very likely' that such an attack will take place in the next six months, while another 29 percent said it is 'somewhat likely,'" he reported.
Wenzel said there is "a huge partisan split on this, as 84 percent of Republicans said they think it is likely … while just 47 percent of Democrats felt the same way."
The survey also revealed a plurality of Americans believe the Fort Hood attack was an act of Islamic terrorism.
The survey asked: "Do you think that the killings at Fort Hood were an act of terrorism by a calculated Islamic terrorist or an act of a mentally deranged man?"
Forty-nine percent identified the deaths of 13 adults and one unborn child and the dozens more injured as Islamic terrorism, including 65 percent of Republicans and 31 percent of Democrats. More than half of the independents agreed with the GOP.
About one-third of the respondents said the attack was the act of a deranged man.
The survey also asked what Americans believe should be done with the estimated 15,000 Muslims in the U.S. military following the attack. Forty-eight percent said the military needs to do much better – and more – screening of Muslims. The military also should follow up on potential threats, they agreed.
"This is a reasonable response, given that the shooter had reportedly reached out to al-Qaida figures in a string of e-mail communications and had contact with radical imams before the shootings, and that military leaders were apparently aware of his communications but did nothing," Wenzel's analysis concluded.
"That just 14 percent said Muslims should be expelled from the U.S. military shows some tolerance and a trust that Army leaders probably know the right action to take in such situations, but that they somehow failed to take proper action," he wrote.
Another 11 percent said Muslims serving in the U.S. military should be allowed to claim status as conscientious objectors to avoid deployment to war zones when the U.S. is fighting against Islamic enemies.
"Democrats were twice as likely as Republicans to say that the military should respond to the shootings by instituting widespread Muslim sensitivity training, but even at that, just 11 percent of Democrats thought that was the best response," Wenzel said.
However, only 9 percent of Americans believe the terror attack will result in the end of political correctness in the military, despite "strong evidence" it contributed significantly. Other respondents were divided over the question.
"This probably reflects a doubt that the wave of political correctness that has washed over U.S. institutions can be reversed by one incident, heinous as it was. Even after the attacks of September 11, 2001, there was a pocket of resistance to some reforms, including the Patriot Act, designed to better protect Americans, but the Hasan shootings were an utterly predictable disaster waiting to happen, and the fact that so few think action can be taken to prevent repeated attacks in the future is disappointing and shows a recognition that our societal structures are growing ever weaker," Wenzel noted.
Fifty-five percent of the respondents blamed Hasan for the massacre; with 10 percent blaming President Obama, 13 percent Army leaders, 13 percent Islam and another 9 percent unsure.
Wild Thing's comment.........
The title could easily read........Americans expect follow up to Ft Hood Islamic terror strike within 6 months
Regarding the terrorist attack at Fort Hood were lectured not to judge the terrorist! Obama made NO ONE feel secure, if anything, we now see we are on our own. If the MILITARY can’t be safe, we are sitting ducks.
I think those who foolishly thought that electing a ‘former’ muslim who would sweet talk the other muslims into loving us and not wanting to kill us are starting to wake up.
Obama and his administration has sent a message to the death cult world that it is willing to submit to them, and that they are welcome.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:45 AM | Comments (5)
November 20, 2009
TV Ratings Hannity 's Interview of Sarah Palin Zooms Ahead!
Hannity's one hour interview of Sarah Palin... Thursday night 4 million plus..also beats O'Reilly. GOOD!
Source for these two graphics
Democrats viewing.............
From Drudge: CABLE NEWS RACE NOV. 18, 2009
FOXNEWS BECK 2,512,000
FOXNEWS SHEP 1,980,000
CNN HN GRACE 1,036,000
CNN KING 835,000
MSNBC HARDBALL ....Chris Matthews 625,000
CNN COOPER 611,000
Sarah Palin’s appearance on The Oprah Winfrey Show on Monday rocketed the show to its best numbers in two years, averaging an 8.7 rating/13 share, according to Nielsen.
Sarah's Book:
A HarperCollins insider told The Daily Beast that the book sold a staggering 300,000 copies on the first day alone, which was Tuesday. “Sales are phenomenal, and we are convinced that the book will continue to sell phenomenally for some time to come,” says the insider.
DALLAS: Sarah Palin Booksigning Event SOLD OUT!!
SOLD OUT 2 weeks before the event....Dec. 4th.
eBay even has bids going for tickets.....Check it out.
1.5 million were ordered on Amazon.com alone before her book ever came out. That doesn’t count preoreders on Barnes&Noble.com. then add in all that were orderd from other sources.
FOX News poll tonight. Sarah Palin’s favorable rating is now at 47%
Barack Obama’s job approval rating is now at 46%
FOX News reported:
As Sarah Palin blankets the media on a whirlwind book promotion tour, the former vice-presidential contender is clearly back on America’s radar screen. Despite being characterized by many as a divisive force in her party and the nation, Americans are much more likely to give Palin a positive rating (47 percent favorable) than another prominent female leader — Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (28 percent favorable). Moreover, about six in 10 Americans (61 percent) think Palin has been treated unfairly by the press, according to the latest Fox News poll
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 AM | Comments (6)
The WORST CIC Obama Tells Troops: "You guys make a pretty good photo op"
Yes, that's what the commander-in-chief said to his troops today in South Korea.
No Afghan decision before Thanksgiving
Obama will not announce his decision on sending more troops to Afghanistan before the Thanksgiving holiday, senior aides said Thursday.
The news came as the president greeted 1,500 troops at Osan Air Base in South Korea, just before boarding Air Force One and heading back to Washington after an eight-day trip to Asia.
Obama said in interviews Wednesday that he would reveal his decision within the next several weeks. On Thursday, aides clarified that there would be no announcement before Thanksgiving.
Obama did not mention the looming decision in his remarks to U.S. troops, referring to the Afghan conflict only by thanking South Korea for its efforts and expressing gratitude to the American military personnel who have served there.
But he did discuss the region in his meeting with South Korean President Lee Myung-bak, whose government is sending 150 civilian aid workers to Afghanistan.
Obama arrived on the base 3:19 p.m. local time (1 a.m. Eastern Standard Time) and received a rousing welcome from 1,500 troops in camouflage uniforms, many holding cameras or pointing cellphones to snap pictures.
"You guys make a pretty good photo op," the president said.
Standing on a riser wearing a blue suit and red tie, with a cluster of troops and a large American flag behind him, Obama expressed "the gratitude of the American public" and said his meetings in four countries over eight days in Asia will help deliver a "safer, more prosperous world for all of us."
He got a huge cheer when he told them he was increasing military pay. "That's what you call an applause line," he said, before boarding his jet and taking off at 4:11 p.m.
Wild Thing's comment.......
What an arrogant horrible person. Gawd I despise this ‘man’. I utterly despise him. He is a self-absorbed marxist thug liar. He is doing his damndest to destroy what is left our values and our economy.
"received a rousing welcome from 1,500 troops in camouflage uniforms, many holding cameras or pointing cell phones to snap pictures."
How on earth did they find 1500 Democrats in the military?
Obama arrived on the base 3:19 p.m. local time (...snip...)
"That's what you call an applause line," he said, before boarding his jet and taking off at 4:11 p.m.
And he spent a whopping 52 minutes with the troops.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:50 AM | Comments (17)
Obama gets a Nobel Peace Prize for nothing; Now, a tae kwan do black belt after 0 kicks
Obama doing his martial arts moves ~ OMG help us all! Hey Obama, you just broke your 4th metacarpal and/or sprained your wrist. Of course, this assumes you have enough power to actually break a bone in your hand.
This jackass is an embarrassment to himself, but he’s so in love with himself that he can’t tell when he should be ashamed. ~ Wild Thing
First, Obama gets a Nobel Peace Prize for nothing; Now, a tae kwan do black belt after 0 kicks
by Andrew Malcolm
Even President Obama himself during his just-concluded trip to Asia admitted that he was surprised to receive the Nobel Peace Prize earlier this year without actually producing any peace.
In fact, the rookie American president ordered his own troop surge, boosting U.S. troops fighting in Afghanistan to 68,000. Now, the Democrat may be preparing to send more. And a Gallup Poll showed 61% of Americans didn't think he deserved the prize either.
Anyway, there he was in Seoul, the last stop of his journey.
And out of the Seoul sky, President Lee Myung-bak hands over to the American leader a tae kwon do outfit. And then Lee, who practices tae kwon do himself, presents Obama with a coveted black belt.
After zero long years of study.
What would Chuck Norris do? Probably bow. But never as low as Obama bowed for Japan's emperor last weekend in Tokyo.
Wild Thing's comment.............
Affirmative action in all it’s glory.
The pathetic thing is that "Ears" probably thinks this means something!
We now have at least two obvious cases of 0bama getting some award or achievement for no effort or merit on his part.
It puts people in the mindset of “what else has he gained that he didn’t earn?”
You don’t turn the Queen Mary of public opinion on a dime, and little nudges like this actually HELP.
I can see Putin saying “I’m LMAO” & sending Bozo a challenge for a match.
The belt he was given should have been the “Take One’s Dough” belt, not tae kwon do.
Still no Heisman trophy ... at least not yet.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:49 AM | Comments (6)
Pressure Builds From BOTH Parties On Geithner to Resign
In a heated exchange during a hearing of the Joint Economic Committee of Congress, Rep. Kevin Brady, Republican of Texas and the top House Republican on the panel, said Geithner had failed as the Obama administration's point-man on the economy. "Will you step down from your post,?" Brady asked. Geithner replied that he served at the pleasure of President Barack Obama. Geithner said he agreed "with almost nothing" that Brady had said.
Geithner Gets Testy With Congressman!!!
Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX) calls on Tax Cheat Obama Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner to step down today during a House hearing.
Geithner supported the disastrous financial decisions that saw the national deficit triple in one year under Barack Obama:
Republican Brady blasted Geithner:
Echoing Democrat's Comments, Two Republicans Call for Geithner to Go
Geithner Pushes Back, Blames Bush Administration for Problems
It’s been a year since the President was elected,” the panel’s ranking Republican, Rep. Kevin Brady of Texas, said at a hearing this morning featuring Geithner. “It’s appropriate for the American people to assess how well the administration’s economic policies are working. They are not. They have failed.”
“Unemployment has skyrocketed far past the White House’s projections and promises. America continues to shed jobs: more than 2.8 million since the stimulus was enacted,” Brady said. “We’ve had a series of embarrassing investigations about all the wild stimulus claims, the latest fake jobs from fake Congressional districts… You are the point man on the economy,” Brady said to Geithner. “The buck, in effect, stops with you.”
Democrat Rep. Peter DeFazio of Oregon called for Geithner to step down yesterday.
Rep. Peter DeFazio called for the firing of President Barack Obama's top two economic aides on Wednesday, accusing them of pursuing a recovery plan skewed too heavily in Wall Street's favor.
The Oregon Democrat told MSNBC's Ed Schultz that he was dismayed with the administration's lack of focus on job creation. He said it was time to dismiss both White House economic adviser Larry Summers and Treasury Secretary "Timmy Geithner."
"We think it is time, maybe, that we turn our focus to Main Street -- we reclaim some of the unspent [TARP] funds, we reclaim some of the funds that are being paid back, which will not be paid back in full, and we use it to put people back to work. Rebuilding America's infrastructure is a tried and true way to put people back to work," said DeFazio.
"Unfortunately, the President has an adviser from Wall Street, Larry Summers, and a Treasury Secretary from Wall Street, Timmy Geithner, who don't like that idea," he added. "They want to keep the TARP money either to continue to bail out Wall Street...or to pay down the deficit. That's absurd."
Asked specifically whether Geithner should stay in his job, DeFazio replied: "No.
"Especially if you look back at the AIG scandal," he said, "and Goldman and others who got their bets paid off in full...with taxpayer money through AIG. We channeled the money through them. Geithner would not answer my question when I said, 'Were those naked credit default swaps by Goldman or were they a counterparty?' He would not answer that question."
DeFazio said that there is a growing consensus among the Congressional Progressive Caucus that Geithner needs to be removed. He added that some lawmakers were "considering questions regarding him and other economic advisers" -- though a petition calling for the Treasury Secretary's removal had not been drafted, he said.
"[Obama] is being failed by his economic team," DeFazio concluded. "We may have to sacrifice just two more jobs to get millions back for Americans."
Neither the White House or the Treasury Department immediately returned a request for comment.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Turbo Tax Timmy Geithner, a man who never should have had the job .
I am so glad it is coming to him form both sides.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:48 AM | Comments (7)
Excused Horrors – by Walter Williams
Excused Horrors
by Walter Williams
Last Tuesday, I had the pleasurable task of being Master of Ceremonies for the Atlas Economic Research Foundation dinner in Washington, D.C., that celebrated the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. Founded in 1981, the Atlas Foundation assists the formation of free market think tanks around the world to spread the ideas of personal liberty, private property rights and limited government. So far, they have been successful in at least 70 countries. Attending the two-day celebration were think-tank representatives from many of these countries, including those from Croatia, Venezuela, Zimbabwe, Cote d'Ivoire, Kenya, Mozambique, South Korea, Russia and Brazil.
Alan Kors, University of Pennsylvania history professor, gave the evening's keynote address. What he revealed about the dereliction and character weakness of academics, intellectuals, media elites and politicians is by no means complimentary, but worse than that, dangerous. Professor Kors said that over the years, he has frequently asked students how many deaths were caused by Joseph Stalin and Mao Tsetung and their successors. Routinely, they gave numbers in the thousands. Kors says that's equivalent to saying the Nazis are responsible for the deaths of just a few hundred Jews. But here's the record: Nazis were responsible for the deaths of 20 million of their own people and those in nations they conquered. Between 1917 and 1983, Stalin and his successors murdered, or were otherwise responsible for the deaths of, 62 million of their own people. Between 1949 and 1987, Mao Tsetung and his successors were responsible for the deaths of 76 million Chinese.
Professor Kors asks why are the horrors of Nazism so well known and widely condemned, but not those of socialism and communism? For decades after World War II, people have hunted down and sought punishment for Nazi murderers. How much hunting down and seeking punishment for Stalinist and Maoist murderers? In Europe, especially Germany, hoisting the swastika-emblazoned Nazi flag is a crime. It's acceptable to hoist and march under a flag emblazoned with the former USSR's hammer and sickle. Even in the U.S., it's acceptable to praise mass murderers, as Anita Dunn, President Obama's communications director, did in a commencement address for St. Andrews Episcopal High School at Washington National Cathedral where she said Mao Tsetung was one of her heroes. Whether it's the academic community, the media elite or politicians, there is a great tolerance for the ideas of socialism -- a system that has caused more deaths and human misery than all other systems combined.
Academics, media elites and leftist politicians both in the U.S. and Europe protested the actions and military buildup of President Ronald Reagan and Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher that led to the fall of the Berlin Wall and ultimately the breakup of the Soviet Union. Recall the leftist hissy fit when Ronald Reagan called the Soviet Union the evil empire and predicted that communism would wind up on the trash heap of history.
Professor Alan Kors did not say this but the reason why the world's leftists give the world's most horrible murderers a pass is because they sympathize with their socioeconomic goals, which include government ownership and/or control over the means of production. In the U.S., the call is for government control, through regulations, as opposed to ownership. Unfortunately, it matters little whether there is a Democratically or Republican-controlled Congress and White House; the march toward greater government control continues. It just happens at a quicker pace with Democrats in charge.
You say, "Come on, Williams, there will never be the kind of socialist oppression seen elsewhere here!" You might be right because Americans have become very compliant with unconstitutional and immoral congressional edicts. But what do you think would happen if some Americans began to rise up and heed Thomas Jefferson's admonition "Whensoever the General Government assumes undelegated powers, its acts are unauthoritative, void, and of no force." and decided to disobey unconstitutional congressional edicts?
Wild Thing's comment........
“...the reason why the world’s leftists give the world’s most horrible murderers a pass is because they sympathize with their socioeconomic goals, which include government ownership and/or control over the means of production.”
Absolutely correct. Brilliant.
And also the Left gives Islam a pass for similar reasons.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:47 AM | Comments (3)
Sen. Joe Lieberman At Senate Probing Fort Hood Shooting Questions Need To Be Answered
Senate Probing Fort Hood Shooting
Sen. Joe Lieberman today at the first Senate hearing on the Fort Hood Terror Attack laying out some of the key questions that need to be answered.
Lieberman said there needs to be a thorough investigation on what was known by officials in the Army, the Department of Defense, and elsewhere about Nidal Malik Hasan's radical beliefs and tendencies. Lieberman seems determined to see that this is not just swept under the rug.
Lieberman may subpoena officials over shooting spree at Fort Hood
Sen. Joe Lieberman said Wednesday he would hold a hearing this week on the Fort Hood shooting and may use his subpoena power to force government officials to testify.
The chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee is moving ahead with the Thursday hearing despite the Obama administration’s request to delay congressional inquiries until the federal investigation is complete.
Sen. Lieberman (I-Conn.) said he feels compelled to probe the Nov. 5 shootings that killed 13 people at the Texas army base. Lieberman and Sen. Susan Collins of Maine, the committee’s ranking Republican, said they want answers to why the Army failed to identify potential signs that might have prevented the crimes. The committee has repeatedly held similar hearings in the past without jeopardizing criminal investigations, the two lawmakers said.
An Army major, Nidal Malik Hasan, has been charged with 13 counts of murder in the Nov. 5 incident. President Barack Obama has asked for a report by Nov. 30 after it was revealed that a federal joint task force had scrutinized Hasan in December 2008.
Lieberman did not mention issuing subpoenas to compel government witnesses, but told The Hill afterwards that he won’t rule it out.
“I hope we don’t get to that,” he said. “It’s a power that it’s important that we have, but you never want to have to use it. I’m just assuming we’re going to work out a cooperative understanding with the administration.
“Basically what we’re looking for is access to people involved in this, to interview them as part of our need to understand what happened…. This is a classic legislative-executive moment, and that’s why we’ve got to be very persistent here. And we will be.”
Lieberman’s disagreement with the Obama administration creates an awkward situation for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), who allowed Lieberman to keep his chairmanship earlier this year. Democrats had been angry with Lieberman for bucking the party and supporting Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) for president last year. This month the Connecticut Independent rankled many members of his former party when he announced he would not support ending debate on the Democratic healthcare bill if it includes a public insurance option, which it does.
Reid spokesman Jim Manley on Wednesday said Reid had no regrets about letting Lieberman keep his gavel.
Army and FBI officials briefed lawmakers on Tuesday on the shootings, hoping to avoid a widening gap between Congress and the White House.
Obama warned Congress on Saturday not to turn the shooting into “political theater,” prompting the Senate Armed Services Committee to cancel a scheduled closed-door hearing with Secretary of the Army John McHugh and Army Chief of Staff George Casey.
Lieberman said he is in ongoing talks with administration officials over a path forward, and insisted several times Wednesday that his committee’s inquiry would look at the system that allowed the crime to occur and not the actual crime. The senator said he did not see a need to interview witnesses of the shootings, for example.
Also Wednesday, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) sent a letter to the White House to ask that his committee receive a copy of the federal report once it is submitted to Obama on Nov. 30. Leahy’s committee oversees the Justice Department and the FBI, which is assisting the Army in the inquiry.
“Consistent with my responsibilities as the Chairman of the U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary, and my constitutional obligation to conduct rigorous congressional oversight, I request that the results of the internal investigations by the FBI and the Army be transmitted to the Committee on the Judiciary,” Leahy wrote. “I appreciate that the Department of the Army and the FBI are engaged in an ongoing investigation of this case, and I do not wish to interfere with that process.”
Wild Thing's comment.......
I give Joe credit on this one for having kahunas. GOOD for him. Plus it will shame any rino or Republican to take a hard stand too, or it should anyway.
Sadly, as Gen. Casey said the other day....""Our diversity, not only in our Army, but in our country, is a strength. And as horrific as this tragedy was, if our diversity becomes a casualty, I think that’s worse!"".
I want to start hearing the word, “Traitor” and “Treason” in some of these hearings... There is NO reason I can think of why this man’s actions AREN’T being considered as such! And, the fact that this guy was on OBAMA’s Homeland Security Advisory Panel needs to be investigated thoroughly. How a JIHADIST infiltrated one of the TOP levels of our government (the Executive Branch) needs to be investigated as well...
Obama may SAY this is “playing politics” but he is wrong - WAY WRONG. This is a WAR, and this man is a TRAITOR and he was ADVISING our PRESIDENT ON how to deal with the threat of domestic terrorism, and domestic policy on terrorism itself! Obama is PROTECTING this man — PROTECTING a TRAITOR appointed to an Executive branch panel for God sakes!!! [This really reminds me of Obama defending his friend against the “racist cops”... He is doing everything he can to avoid this man being labeled what he is — and Islamic Jihadist and a TRAITOR!
I’d LOVE to see Obama subpoenaed to find out WHO choose this man to be on that panel, and just how well Obama himself knew this man! Obama really loves hanging with terrorists, doesn’t he???
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:45 AM | Comments (2)
Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.): 'I'm getting tired of saving Obama's can'
Far left Democrat John Conyers, husband of convicted felon Monica Conyers, told reporters today that, “I’m getting tired of saving Obama’s can.”
The Hill reported:
President Barack Obama is “bowing down” to Republicans and corporate interests on health reform, Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.) said Thursday.
Conyers, the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee and a longtime advocate of single-payer healthcare, blasted the president for a perceived weakness in leadership on health reform.
“I’m getting tired of saving Obama’s can in the White House,” Conyers said on the liberal Bill Press radio show. “He only won by five votes in the House, and this bill wasn’t even anything to write home about.”
“The only way he could have got it through was that progressives held their nose,” Conyers added.
The veteran Michigan Democrat had teamed with Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) to push single-payer options in the health reform bill, a battle which Conyers said was far from over.
But he castigated Obama for trying to reach out to conservatives and other adversaries on health reform, accusing the president of doing a "disservice" to what he'd once stood for.
"Holding hands out and beer on Friday nights in the White House and bowing down to every nutty, right-wing proposal about healthcare and saying on occasion the public option isn't all that important is doing a disservice to the Barack Obama that I first met, who was an ardent single-payer enthusiast himself," he said.
Wild Thing's comment..........
In other words, liberals hate the current health care bills in Congress because they don't nationalize health care fast enough for them.
LOL oh pleassssseee!
Obama doesn’t need anyone’s help being a hard left, socialist communist Marxist vile person.
"...and this bill wasn't even anything to write home about."
Gee whiz, John, to hear Nancy talk about it the House bill was the finest political document to have been penned since the Magna Carta. And oh by the way...heh heh ...Speaking of cans, Rep. Conyers, how’s your wife doing in the can?
Democrat Cognitive Dissonance alert.
"He only won by five votes in the House, and this bill wasn't even anything to write home about."
This is telling. This bill - if signed into law - would cause severe damage to this nation and still it is not good enough for these socialist bastards. They want everyone grovelling at their feet and working in the rice paddies.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:44 AM | Comments (1)
Obama's Failure, Netanyahu's Opportunity by Caroline Glick
Obama's failure, Netanyahu's opportunity
by Caroline Glick
Once again, US President Barack Obama has demonstrated his intention of "putting light" between America and Israel. His hostility toward Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu during the latter's visit to Washington this week was breathtaking.
It isn't every day that you can see an American president leaving the prime minister of an allied government twisting in the wind for weeks before deciding to grant him an audience at the White House.
It isn't every day that a visiting leader from a strategically vital US ally is brought into the White House in an unmarked van in the middle of the night rather than greeted like a friend at the front door; is forbidden to have his picture taken with the president; is forced to leave the White House alone, through a side exit; and is ordered to keep the contents of his meeting with the president secret.
Ahead of Obama's meeting with Netanyahu, The Wall Street Journal reported that Obama was effectively attempting to blackmail the Israeli premier by conditioning the meeting on Netanyahu's willingness to make tangible concessions to the Palestinians during his speech before the General Assembly of the Jewish Federations of North America.
Although the report was denied by the Obama administration, if it was true, such a move by the White House would be without precedent in the history of US relations with Israel. And if untrue, the very fact that the story rings true is indicative of the wretched state of US relations with Israel since Obama entered office.
Obama's hostility was evident as well during his meeting with 50 Jewish leaders at the White House this week. In an obvious bid to split American Jewry away from Israel, Obama refused to discuss Israel or Iran with the concerned American Jewish leaders. As far as Obama was concerned, all they deserved from him was a primer on the brilliance of his economic policies and the worthiness of his plan to socialize the American healthcare industry. His foreign policy is none of their business.
Obama's meeting with American Jewish leaders was supposed to be a consolation prize for American Jews after Obama canceled his first public address to American Jews since taking office. The White House claimed that he canceled the speech because his visit to the Fort Hood memorial service made it impossible for him to attend. But then the conference was a three-day affair. The organizers would probably have been happy to reschedule.
Instead, as Iran races to the nuclear finish line, America's Jewish leaders were forced to sit through White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emmanuel's kitschy Borscht Belt schmooze about his bar mitzva.
The ironic thing about Obama's nastiness toward Netanyahu and his arrogant treatment of the American Jewish community is that while it has made him the first US president to have no credibility among Israelis and has caused a 14 percent drop in his support among American Jews, it has failed utterly to earn him the trust of the Muslim world.
Today the Fatah movement is in disarray. Last week its leader, Mahmoud Abbas, announced his intention to retire and has placed the blame for his decision on the Obama administration as well as on Israel. Key Palestinian spokesmen like Saeb Erekat have declared the death of the peace process and called for the renewal of the jihad against Israel.
As for the larger Muslim world, a report this week in The New York Times stated that the US's key Arab allies, Egypt and Saudi Arabia, have been perilously weakened since Obama took office. Their diminished influence has been accompanied by the rapid rise of Iran and Syria. Both of these rogue states have been on the receiving end of continuous wooing by Obama administration officials who seem ready to do just about anything to appease them.
In the meantime, Iran's Hizbullah proxy in Lebanon has again managed to regain control over Lebanon's government, despite its defeat in June's parliamentary election. Making full use of the fact that it fields the most powerful army in the country and owing as well to the US's decision to abandon the pro-Western March 14 movement in favor of an approach that makes no distinction between America's friends and foes in Lebanon, Hizbullah strong-armed its way back to the driver's seat in the new Lebanese government.
AS FOR Hizbullah's Iranian bosses, far from convincing them to moderate their policies, the Obama administration's efforts to appease the ayatollahs have emboldened Iran's theocratic leaders to adopt ever-more radical positions against the US. As senior US officials try to make light of the fact that in the past week Iran has thrice rejected their latest offer to have the US, Russia and France enrich uranium for them, the Iranians announced that they will try three hapless American hikers for espionage. The three young Americans were abducted by Iranian security forces along the Iran-Iraq border in Kurdistan four months ago.
The fact that Obama's policies have all failed so spectacularly presents a unique opportunity for Israel to move its policies in a bold new direction. Many commentators and policy-makers have claimed that it falls on Israel to help Obama succeed where he has failed. In their view, Israel must go out of its way to establish a Palestinian state during Obama's term of office or accept the blame for any renewal of the Palestinian terror war against it. Such voices - most strongly represented this week by French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner and New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman - have tried to blame the failure of Obama's attempt to reinstate negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians on Israel's alleged intransigence.
In response to these allegations, this week Netanyahu expressed profound and urgent interest in holding negotiations with Abbas. This move was ill-advised. Although it is true that by proclaiming his devotion to the so-called peace process, Netanyahu was able to deflect some of the White House's attacks against him, the short-term advantage it brought him this week in Washington is eclipsed by the long-term damage such an approach causes the country. In the long-run, Israel is harmed when its leaders promote the fiction that it is possible to reach an accord with the Palestinians that will bring about the formal and peaceful establishment of a Palestinian state.
As Netanyahu prepared to fly off to Washington, Abbas made clear that he will not make any concessions to Israel for peace. Together with his fellow Fatah members, Abbas made clear that like Hamas, Fatah does not recognize Israel's right to exist, does not support peaceful coexistence with Israel, and shares Hamas's dedication to continued war against Israel.
For their part, pro-Palestinian lobbyists Robert Malley and Hussein Agha are now arguing that the two-state solution has failed and that the time has come for a one-state solution in which Israel ceases to exist as a Jewish state by accepting the Palestinians as full citizens in one binational state.
The Israeli Left, as well as the State Department and several European governments, has now embraced the unelected Palestinian Prime Minister Salaam Fayad's plan to unilaterally declare Palestinian independence in Judea, Samaria, Gaza and Jerusalem in two years. The aim of the Fayad plan is to coerce Israel into abandoning all the lands it took control over during the Six Day War, by implicitly threatening to deploy international forces throughout "Palestine" that will be charged with "protecting" the new Palestinian state from the IDF.
BOTH THE Fayad-plan supporters and the one-state solution crowd believe that their plans can indirectly advance the so-called peace process. In their view, frightened of both a unilateral Palestinian declaration of independence and of a binational state, Netanyahu will abandon his demand for a demilitarized Palestinian state and for defensible borders for Israel and voluntarily withdraw the IDF and the 250,000 Jewish residents of Judea and Samaria to within the 1949 armistice lines. But the fact is that there is no reason for Netanyahu to fear their plans. Indeed it is high time for Israel to call their bluffs.
The shocking truth is that the demographic threat is an empty threat. The demographic doomsday scenarios for Israel are all based on falsified Palestinian census data from 1997 that inflated the number of Palestinians in Israel, Judea, Samaria and Gaza by 50%. As the independent American-Israel Demographic Research Group demonstrated in early 2005, Israel has no reason to be concerned that by maintaining its control over Judea and Samaria, it will become a majority Arab state. Today, the combined population of Israel and Judea and Samaria leaves Jews with a two-thirds majority. With Jewish immigration and fertility rates rising, negative Arab immigration rates, and decreasing Arab fertility rates, the long-term projections for Israel's demographic viability are all positive.
As Netanyahu knows, there is consensus support among Israelis for his plan to ensure that the country retains defensible borders in perpetuity. This involves establishing permanent Israeli control over the Jordan Valley and the large Jewish population blocs in Judea and Samaria. In light of the well-recognized failure of the two-state solution, Hamas's takeover of Gaza and the disintegration of Fatah accompanied by the shattering of the myth of Fatah moderation, Israel should strike out on a new course and work toward the integration of Judea and Samaria, including its Palestinian population, into Israeli society. In the first instance, this will require the implementation of Israeli law in the Jordan Valley and the large settlement blocs.
Replacing the military government in these areas with Israel's more liberal legal code will also advance Netanyahu's economic peace plan, which envisions expanding the Palestinian economy in Judea and Samaria by among other things reintegrating it into Israel's booming economy. This plan would reward political moderation while marginalizing terrorists in Palestinian society. In so doing, it will advance the cause of peaceful coexistence over the long-term far better than the failed two-state solution. Far from engendering peace, the two-state paradigm empowered the most corrupt and violent actors in Palestinian society, at the expense of its most productive and moderate citizens.
Obama's disgraceful treatment of Israel and, for that matter, his atrocious treatment of the majority of America's allies in the Middle East and throughout the world, has strengthened the hands of America's worst enemies and made the world a much more dangerous place. But his obvious failures provide Israel with an opportunity to take control of events and change the situation for the betterment of Israel and the Palestinians alike.
Applying Israeli law to the Jordan Valley and the major Israeli population blocs in Judea and Samaria will probably not win Netanyahu many friends in the Obama White House. But if we learned anything from Obama's insulting treatment of Netanyahu and American Jews this week, we learned that regardless of what Israel does, the Obama administration has no interest in being his friend.
Wild Thing's comment.........
We need to for Israel even more, these are going to be hard years.
Obama is an enemy of both Israel and of the United States.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:40 AM | Comments (3)
November 19, 2009
Obama The Muslim in D.C. Trying to Protect His Muslim Brother Nidal Malik Hasan Held Behind Bars
Following Levin, Reyes Postpones House Intel Committee Briefing on Fort Hood
Chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Silvestre Reyes (D-TX) issued the following statement regarding the postponement of a full Committee briefing on information related to the Fort Hood shooting: Here's the full text:
"Due to the high visibility of the issues surrounding the tragic event at Fort Hood, the President has instructed the National Security Council to assume control of all informational briefings. The NSC has directed that the leadership, as well as the chairmen and ranking minority members of the relevant congressional committees receive briefings first.
"I have been told that the Director of National Intelligence is still committed to providing the full membership a briefing on the activities within the jurisdiction of this Committee. I believe that this will occur, and I will push to schedule a briefing before the end of this week."
Just yesterday, Sen. Carl Levin (D-Mich.) postponed the Senate Armed Services Committee’s scheduled briefing on Fort Hood in accordance with President Obama’s request for Congress to await the results of military and law enforcement inquiries.
Fort Hood attack likely Islamist terrorism, Cornyn and Lieberman say
Senator Cornyn joins Senator Lieberman in calling Ft. Hood attack terrorism.
Sen. John Cornyn of Texas is joining Senate Homeland Security Committee Chairman Joe Lieberman, I-Conn., in publicly declaring that the attack on Fort Hood is likely an act of Islamist terrorism.
Cornyn wrote a letter to President Barack Obama today urging the White House not to let "political correctness" get in the way of investigating the Nov. 5 massacre that left 13 people dead and more than 30 wounded. "As more and more facts surrounding the Fort Hood attack surface, it looks increasingly probable that the alleged attacker, Major Nidal Hasan, heeded these terrorist calls to violence, compelled by a fanatical religious ideology. If Islamist terrorism was the driving force behind the senseless violence at Fort Hood, as it seems to be, this attack must serve as a call to action for the federal government," Cornyn wrote.
"Evidence indicating that terrorist activity may be in the offing must always be run to ground; federal agencies must follow every lead and look into every possible threat, regardless of whose particular sensitivities might be offended in the process," he continued.
"We must never allow the safety of those who defend our freedom to be made a secondary priority to political correctness."
~ snipet ~
Lieberman’s committee is planning a hearing on the Fort Hood mass shooting on Thursday. His repeated assertions that the attack by accused gunman Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan is likely an act of terrorism has been repeatedly criticized by Democrats.
White House won't provide witnesses for Fort Hood hearing
Obama stonewalls. Lieberman rebuffed.: White House won't provide witnesses for Ft Hood hearing.
The first public congressional hearing on the Fort Hood attack will not include testimony from any current federal law enforcement, military or intelligence officials because the Obama administration "declined to provide any" such witnesses, according to a Senate committee source.
~ snipet ~
But the list does not include anyone actively involved in investigating the Fort Hood attack, or anyone who might have been responsible for decisions made by various government agencies before the attack about whether to investigate the shooting suspect, Nidal Hasan. The Senate committee source said HSGAC Chairman Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) had hoped to have witnesses from the FBI and the U.S. Army, but was rebuffed in his requests.
Separately, a closed-door Senate Armed Services Committee briefing on the status of the Fort Hood investigation has been postponed, after initially being scheduled for Monday afternoon.
Army chief forming panel to examine career of Ft. Hood Terrorist
Gen. George W. Casey Jr., the Army's chief of staff, is forming a panel to look closely at the military career of Maj. Nidal M. Hasan, the man accused in the Ft Hood shootings and probe whether warning signs were missed, a senior Army official said Monday.
~ snipet ~
"Casey is looking at a panel that will look longitudinally across Hasan's entire career to figure out how did this happen.
CAIR: Too soon for Ft. Hood ‘rush to judgment’
.....CAIR is a front group for the muslim terrorists. They should be rounded up and deported. ~ Wild Thing
Council for American-Islamic Relations national communications director Ibrahim Hooper said Sunday that the U.S. still isn't clear if the shootings at Fort Hood were an act of terrorism.
"To call it an act of terror is to jump to conclusions, to rush to judgment," Hooper said in an appearance on TV One’s "Washington Watch."
"Why can't the killer at Fort Hood just be a crazy guy? Don't take it out on American Muslims because you're upset about another issue," he said in response to questions the shooting has raised about American Muslims in the U.S. Army.
Appearing Sunday on ABC’s “This Week,” former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani offered such a judgment, saying the Obama administration has been “very slow to react to the whole situation with Major Hasan, which was clearly a terrorist act in the name of Islamic terrorism.”
“I would want to see the facts develop,” Giuliani said. “I think the administration has been very slow to come to the conclusion that Major Hasan was an Islamic extremist terrorist. I mean, the reality is, he announced "Allah akbar" when he shot and killed those people. He was communicating with a cleric who was encouraging terrorism. And now it turns out he has -- he even has business cards saying 'solder of Allah.'"
Wild Thing's comment.......
This move stinks to high heaven! Obama wants to control the spin put on the updates that go out. Hasan was part of Obama's transition team as well. I posted about that before.
Obama and Erick Holder assign the 9/11 plotters to the civilian courts when it was, in his eyes, politically convenient to do so. Then he assigns the Intelligence arm of the government to a crime Obama really doesn't want the world to see as a national security issue.
I feel a sense of utter shock and sadness for our service people who were under this terrorist’s psychiatric care.
And now we are finding out he was pushing to charge his “patients” with war crimes.
Can you imagine??!! Can you imagine working through mental anguish under the wolf terrorist invited in by a PC program of “inclusion”???!!
Can you imagine pledging your life to uphold the Constitution then watch who is elected President and then have a Psychiatrist tell you that what you are trained to do is now a “war crime”.
I hope some guardian angels were watching over the people who were funneled to this evil man. I hope that they could see the devil even in their need for healing and fight off the torture.
Prayers and support for all those who have been horribly damaged by this madness we call “tolerance” and other doubleplusungood terms.
Obama: "We are 5 days from FUNDAMENTALly transforming America"
Barack Obama at the University of Missouri in Columbia on Thursday, October 30th, 5 days before the election.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:55 AM | Comments (13)
Lindsey Graham Questions Eric Holder Avout Trial To Be in New York
Senator Lindsey Graham Asks Eric Holder Questions About The Trial In New York
Graham: "Under domestic criminal law, the moment the person is in the hands of the United States government they're entitled to be told they have a right to a lawyer and can remain silent, and if we go down that road, we are gonna make this country less safe"
Here's a little reminder of Eric Holder who was Deputy Attorney General under Janet Reno in 1999 answering questions about the clemency of the 16 FALN terrorists before the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Notice the LACK of concern Eric Holder has for this woman that lost her son on Flight 93 on 9-11.~ Wild Thing
"I am afraid that the theatrics are gonna take over at this point and I very much regret that"
" I take great exception to the decision to give short shrift to the military commissions and to put the five most heinous criminals and war criminals into court in New York City, an emotional Alice Hoagland, whose son Mark Bingham died on hijacked United Flight 93, told Holder. It will give these ugly people, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and Ramzi Binalshibh especially, very eloquent access to all the media sources in the United States."
Wild Thing's comment........
I an NO fan of Graham but I have to say that this is outstanding how he questinos Holder about the trial for Khalid Shaikh Mohammed.
Perhaps Lindsey got wind of Palin’s remark she gave TWS in their interview?....lol
“As for Lindsey, individually, I really like him,” she says. “His constituents may want to send him a message to say ‘shore it up’ and come back to some more commonsense, conservative ideals.”
Either way....attacking Holder now is paramount to preventing this tragedy part deux.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:50 AM | Comments (4)
Sarah Palin Interview on Hannity
Here is complete video of Gov. Sarah Palin's interview tonight with Sean Hannity. She was on for the full hour:
Sarah Palin interview on Hannity Pt 4 of 6
Sarah Palin interview on Hannity Pt 5 of 6
Sarah Palin interview on Hannity Pt 6 of 6
Palin on Nidal Hasan: "Profile Away"
by Associate editor Matthew Continetti
I spoke to Governor Palin by phone this afternoon. Lots of interesting material, but to me the most interesting takeaways were the following:
1) I asked about Palin's upcoming visit to Ft. Hood. "We had planned on that before the tragedy struck," she said. She commented on the trail of evidence linking the alleged Ft. Hood shooter, Maj. Nidal Hasan, to militant Islam. "There were such clear, obvious, massive warning signs that were missed," she said. "This terrorist, even having business cards" that identified him as an "SoA" or soldier of Allah. Palin blamed a culture of political correctness and other decisions that "prevented -- I'm going to say it -- profiling" of someone with Hasan's extremist ideology. "I say, profile away," Palin said. Such political correctness, she continued, "could be our downfall." If the upcoming investigations into the attack reveal bad decision-making on the part of senior officials, Palin continued, those officials ought to be fired.
Palin visits Ft. Hood on December 4. She plans to donate all the royalties from her book-signing there to the families of the victims.
2) I also asked Governor Palin about Attorney General Holder's decision to try September 11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohamed in federal court in New York City.
"Does KSM deserve constitutional rights?" I asked.
Palin's response: "Not no, but hell no."
And she went on: "That was an atrocious decision," she said. "And it makes a mockery of our judicial system." She focused in particular on the fear that "war criminals" like KSM and his accomplices will use the trial as a "platform" to denigrate America.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Sarah is the America I grew up in.
I love how she answers questions in a direct, look you in the eye, straight forward way. So many politicians will never answer and when they do it is a half hour later and water down.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:49 AM | Comments (6)
Bernard Harding WWII bomber pilot
Members of Harding's family accompanied him on yesterday's flight, including his wife, Ruth, 84. He sat near the cockpit, she sat in the rear.
When the 10 planes in his squadron were shot down on that day in July 1944, Harding and his crew had to bail out after the engines caught fire and they lost the controls. He was the last one to parachute out and landed in an open field.
Harding -- a first lieutenant in the 8th Air Force's 492nd Bomb Group -- recalled the moment when three German farmers approached him armed with pitchforks and a rifle.
"I didn't even get my parachute off by the time the farmers were around me," he said. "I had a .45-caliber pistol, but I was so afraid if they took that they might use it on me, but they didn't." The farmers hauled him to the cellar of a farmhouse where two other airmen were being held captive. German soldiers arrived soon after and brought him to a POW camp, where he remained for 10 months.
Harding later learned that of the 102 men in his squadron, 57 were killed.
While in the cellar, Harding said he thought he better bury his wings so that the Germans wouldn't know he was the man piloting the bomber.
When he returned to the Germany this month, Harding faced a very different reception.
"The German people just welcomed us with open arms," he said.
Harding recalled one older man who approached him and asked whether he could give him a hug.
"I said, 'You may.'" Then Harding told him, "I'm glad we're both on the same side now."
Yesterday's flight triggered many memories, and while some were painful, Harding was glad he had climbed aboard.
"Hey, it was fun. It was worth it. That's history there," he said.
Bernard Harding WWII bomber pilot
Bernard Harding, 90, a World War II pilot from New Hampshire who went on a quest to find his buried pilot's wings in Germany 65 years after his B-24 bomber was shot down, died yesterday.
Mr. Harding's wife, Ruth Harding, confirmed he died at his home in Milford, N.H. He had prostate cancer.
Mr. Harding never found his wings during his September trip to Germany but was given a bracelet belonging to another American airman shot down to return to his family.
Mr. Harding was a 25-year-old first lieutenant on a mission to bomb Bernburgh, Germany, when his B-24 was shot down on the way back to his base in England. Fighters crippled his plane, forcing him and his crew to bail out.
Mr. Harding had parachuted into a freshly cut wheat field, barely missing a barbed-wire fence. Three farmers, two with pitchforks and one with a gun, captured him and took him into a cellar in a village southwest of Berlin. Fearing reprisals for being a bomber pilot, Mr. Harding buried his pilot's wings in the cellar floor.
Mr. Harding returned to the village two months ago to search for the wings. He did not find them, but a resident gave him a silver bracelet recovered from the body of Jack H. Glenn on the same day Mr. Harding's plane was shot down. The bracelet was later returned to Glenn's family in Anchorage, Alaska.
Coming full circle: WWII pilot's bracelet returned
ANCHORAGE, Alaska — Jack Harold Glenn was a World War II fighter pilot who was killed during a firefight as he flew a mission over Germany in 1944, his body coming to rest in a field in a rural village.
The silver bracelet Glenn was wearing was given to a 16-year-old boy who helped retrieve his body. He held onto the bracelet ever since, a remembrance of the fallen American airman.
Sixty-five years later, the bracelet is returning to Glenn’s sister in Alaska thanks to an enterprising World War II veteran who uncovered the relic on a recent trip to the German village.
Helen Glenn Foreman of Anchorage says she will receive her brother’s bracelet in a week or so and plans to send it to a museum in Matagorda County, Texas, where Glenn grew up.
“Anything that’s gone to the museum may inspire or make people grateful or add to history,” Foreman said Wednesday. “I think we’re all better people if we know and appreciate history.”
Foreman heard of the bracelet for the first time last week from family and friends of 90-year-old Bernerd Harding, a New Hampshire man who traveled this month to Klein Quenstedt, Germany, a village southwest of Berlin, on a quest to find his pilot’s wings.
His B-24 bomber was shot down the same day as Glenn’s. Harding bailed out and was captured and held in a farmhouse. Fearing he’d be beaten or shot because he was a pilot, Harding dug a shallow hole in the dirt basement and buried his wings.
He didn’t find the wings on the trip but he was handed the bracelet by Heinz Kruse.
On July 7, 1944, Kruse was planting potatoes in a field owned by his father when an American B-24 bomber appeared overhead. German fighters were close behind, raking the bomber with machine gun fire.
“It broke apart in the air, and fell to the ground,” Kruse said.
Kruse, then 16, rushed home. At midday, an adult told him to help a schoolmate driving a horse-pulled wagon retrieve the body of a dead American airman that had landed in a field outside the town.
As they loaded the body onto the cart, the boys noticed the soldier was wearing the silver bracelet. They presented the bracelet to the mayor, who wrote down the name, Jack H. Glenn, and gave the bracelet back to Kruse.
“He said, ‘You can keep it as a remembrance,”’ Kruse said.
For 65 years, that’s what Kruse did.
“It was always a souvenir ... it was certainly a grave incident in my life story,” said Kruse, now 81 and still living in Klein Quenstedt. “That’s why I kept it.”
When he saw Harding, he decided to see if the bracelet could be returned to Glenn’s family.
The only living member of his immediate family is his sister Helen, older by 17 months. She was 22 when Glenn was reported missing in action.
She was already married, waiting in Seattle to join her husband in Alaska. He got a job at Elmendorf Air Force Base in Anchorage, but Helen as a dependent was not allowed to follow until she got her own Alaska job in military personnel.
She remembers she had not worried about her brother.
“We don’t worry,” she said simply. “As I said to somebody else, we’re Christian and we trust in the Lord, and he was doing good work.”
A few weeks later, she learned Jack had died.
“My family was told my brother’s chute didn’t open,” she said.
In his short life, Jack had been a quiet, industrious boy, Foreman said with a sister’s pride.
Their father operated a second-hand store that was the drop-off point for the Houston Post and other newspapers. Helen made morning deliveries, Jack made afternoon deliveries. When he was just 15, he began working on seismograph crews in the emerging oil industry, she said. After high school, where he was salutatorian, he worked at a pharmacy until he had enough money to enroll at Texas A&M. He finished one semester when he got his draft notice.
Glenn’s body stayed at a U.S. cemetery in Belgium. Foreman keeps a picture of Jack and his grave marker on her wall. Foremen remembers a letter he wrote after she married, and his wishes for her to have a happy life.
“He to me is what every parent of a son would want,” Foreman said. “You can’t say a man is sweet, but he was genuine.”
The bracelet wasn’t Kruse’s last brush with the war.
In January 1945, he was drafted into the German army. Just four months later, his unit was overtaken by the Russian Army in Pritzwalk, northwest of Berlin. He was sent to a Russian prisoner of war camp.
In July 1949 he was released and returned to Klein Quenstedt, where he went back to work as a farmer.
Kruse said he never thought to return the bracelet or contact any living family Glenn might have, in part because for so long Klein Quenstedt was part of East Germany, cut off from the broader world by the Iron Curtain.
“And now, I’m so old that I don’t have such grand ambitions anymore,” he said.
Kruse does not speak English. The language barrier meant he and Harding, the American pilot, couldn’t talk directly about a day in their youth that affected them both so deeply, but he felt that Harding appreciated the gesture.
“He was deeply moved,” Kruse said.
The bracelet gives Glenn’s friends another chance to honor him.
Wild Thing's comment........
Rest in peace Lieutenant Harding. What a marvelous story this is.
We are saying goodbye to so many of the WW11 generation. It is sad, I wish they could always be here.
.... Thank you Jim for sending this to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:48 AM | Comments (4)
Pastor Manning Visited By Secret Service, Expects To Be Arrested
Pastor Manning Visited By Secret Service, Expects To Be Arrested
Pastor James David Manning, one of President Obama's most vocal and outspoken critics, has just released a video in which he claims that on the afternoon of November 16th, 2009, while at his ATLAH World Missionary Church, he was visited by two CIA agents. Manning says the agents claimed that they were from Homeland Security and were accompanied by two NYPD Detectives.
Pastor Manning also said he expects to be arrested within the next few days and charged with "the threat against the life of a U.S. President", and he believes that this arrest is imminent.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Thank you CB for telling me about this.
The long-legged mack daddy has sent his goons to shake down the Reverend. Do they seriously think Rev Manning is a security threat ? This is intimidation from Rahm Emanuel, pure and simple. He says in the video it is about the birth certificate.
Rev Manning is correct. When and if Obama is found to be unqualified to be President, everything he has signed is null and void. Obama IS not constitutionally qualified to be in our White House. It sickens me that this is not the top issue being talked about! Rev. Manning is right! And also he has never threatened Obama's life. Dr. Manning is a true Patriot that speaks without FEAR!
Pastor Manning holds all the aces in this high stakes poker game.
The Constitution says that no one can be President unless they are a natural born citizen. Just waving a phony computer printout around in a criminal case is hardly sufficient to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Obama is a natural born citizen. Additionally, the defendant has the right to force the government to produce witnesses who possess relevant information on the critical NBC element such as the vital records custodians in Honolulu. Perjury is the penalty for false testimony.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:47 AM | Comments (7)
Obama Told Russian Leader ~ " US Constitution Is Dead"

Barack Obama meets with Russia's President Dmitry Medvedev on the sidelines of the APEC summit in Singapore, Sunday, Nov. 15, 2009. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)
November 17, 2009
One of the saddest Kremlin reports we’ve ever read stated that during President Obama’s meeting with President Medvedev at the Asia-Pacific summit of APEC Nations in Singapore, the American leader when asked his thoughts on Prime Minister Putin’s warning that the United States should cease its march towards socialism replied, “It doesn’t matter since for all intent and purposes the US Constitution is dead”.
In his speech to the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, this past winter Putin had warned Obama of the dangers of socialism by saying, “In the 20th century, the Soviet Union made the state’s role absolute, in the long run, this made the Soviet economy totally uncompetitive. This lesson cost us dearly. I am sure nobody wants to see it repeated.”
Putin further cautioned Obama against using military Keynesianism to lift its economy out of recession, saying, “In the longer run, militarization won’t solve the problem but will rather quell it temporarily. What it will do is squeeze huge financial and other resources from the economy instead of finding better and wiser uses for them.”
Unfortunately for the American people, Obama has not only failed to heed Putin’s warning, he has embarked upon an unprecedented mission since taking office of subverting the United States, and its people, by literally bowing down before the leaders of a Globalist elite intent upon the destruction of our present World so as to remake it in an image more befitting the ancient era of omnipotent Kings who ruled over their subjects with iron fists and tolerated no dissent whatsoever.
In Obama’s bowing down before the brutal Saudi Arabian King with the “beaming” Jewish French President Nicolas Sarkozy looking on [photo top left], to be followed this past week by his bowing down before the Japanese Emperor whose people consider him to be a “god”, the American people have been given the clearest example possible that the World they once knew is totally gone.
And to this “New World” these American people are entering they haven’t the slightest clue about the horrors they are about to face, a fact made more cruel because of their propaganda media organs all being a part of the greater plot to see these once great people, and their Nation, completely destroyed and sacrificed upon the alter for an elite class of rulers who include the CEO of the Goldman Sachs banking giant Goldman Sachs (who have engineered every major market manipulation since the Great Depression - and are about to do it again) who this past week in London said, and I quote exactly, that they are “doing God's work” by their making hundreds of billions in profits off the backs of the American people who are losing their jobs and homes by the tens-of-millions.
For those American people believing that Obama is going to protect them against monsters such as this they should think again too, because the fact that he, Obama, is President of the United States at all is due to his being placed in power over them by Goldman Sachs in the first place, who by all accounts “own Obama, lock, stock and barrel.”
So, if the American people are no longer being protected or told the truth by either their leaders or their propaganda news media, who is this battle being left to? Simple, those of us who have dared to stand up against this tyranny of lies and destruction and SHOUT as loud as we can of the dangers coming so that they can protect themselves.
But we can’t do this without you, and whether you realize it or not, you need us now more than you have ever needed us before.
Unfortunately for us, and those like us, this is an expensive battle and those we are opposed to are relentlessly ruthless is silencing us and keeping you from knowing the truth about what is happening now, what has happened in the past, and what is going to happen in the future.
Only you can decide what you are going to be told, to whom you are going to listen to….isn’t it time that you stopped listening to lies? If so, than ACT to protect those few of us left still willing and able to tell the truth before you no longer have any choices left.
Without your support we cannot survive into next week, let alone next month, please don’t let this happen because when you turn away from us you are turning your back on the truth.
If every one of you reading these words gave just $50.00 we would be able to survive for an entire year. But because so few of you do we have to continually ask for your support. And when you will finally wake up to the reality that you are a combatant in a real life and death war, and your enemy is your own government and press, you had better hope that we, and other like us, are still around otherwise you’ll be totally uninformed and unprotected. Just like the people in Ukraine, who without our reports, and others using our reports to further inform these people, would have no idea about what is happening to them.
And make no mistake about this, what is happening in the Ukraine IS GOING TO HAPPEN TO YOU, the only question you have to answer is how much you trust your own government and press to warn you ahead of time?
Wild Thing's comment........
We have heard him attack our Constitution before in his 2001 interview. He does not only disagree with it, he hates it. This is so sick ! To have a President of our country feel like this about our Constitution. It IS our country and he hates both.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:40 AM | Comments (6)
November 18, 2009
12 Brave Men and Women Needed For Trial of Evil 9/11 Mastermind Khalid Shaikh Mohammed
Charles Krauthammer On Why Terror Trials In Civilian Courts Is A Terrible Idea
12 brave men and women needed for trial of evil 9/11 mastermind Khalid Shaikh Mohammed
BY Elizabeth Hays
Wanted: 12 New Yorkers willing to put their lives on hold - and maybe on the line - to try the mastermind behind the biggest crime in U.S. history.
The jury ultimately chosen to hear the case against confessed 9/11 mastermind Khalid Shaikh Mohammed will face months of heart-wrenching testimony amid air-tight security.
In the 2006 trial of Sept. 11 plotter Zacarias Moussaoui in Virginia, jurors were picked up and dropped off at constantly changing rendezvous spots far from the courthouse and whisked inside as snipers and a wall of blazers stood by.
It was part of an elaborate security system set up to protect the jurors from reprisals or tampering and keep their identities secret, even from the judge.
"To this day I wouldn't be able to tell you who any of the jurors were," said Moussaoui's lawyer, Edward MacMahon, adding that graphic testimony about the thousands of victims killed in the attacks also took a toll on jurors. "I've read that some of the jurors felt it was like going to 10 funerals a day."
Anonymous Juror 526 from the Moussaoui trial, the lone dissenter against the death penalty, wrote afterward that the trial was "emotionally overwhelming."
"Most of us shared in the nightmares described by so many family members," he wrote in a letter posted on the Families of Sept. 11 Web site. He said he and other jurors suffered migraines, anxiety and insomnia. "The centerpiece of our jury room table was a bowl of Tylenol."
Legal experts said it is too soon to know the precise details of Mohammed's trial in Manhattan, which is still months away.
Court officials will certainly go to great lengths to protect jurors' identities.
"If they use anonymity for mid-level coke dealers they're certainly going to use it here," said lawyer Ron Kuby, who defended Sheik Omar Abdel-Rahman.
Christopher Lofting, 73, jury foreman in the July 2001 trial of convicted terrorist Mokhtar Haouari in Manhattan, said the high-stakes trial will certainly trigger an avalanche of excuses from potential jurors terrified of being picked.
"In my case they had a hell of a time getting together a jury that wanted to play and this was all pre-9/11," he said. "Getting the jury together this time is going to be hell on wheels."
Despite the challenges, experts said the trial will give jurors a chance to be part of history.
"It'll be a front row seat to the largest criminal case in American history," Kuby said. "They will definitely have something to tell their grandchildren about."
Wild Thing's comment........
VERY scary indeed to be picked to be on the jury.l would not do it.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:55 AM | Comments (17)
Jane Fonda's Friend Jodie Evans Met With Taliban ~ Code Pink Gives Terrorists Direct Line to Obama
Jane Fonda: Obama Funder Jodie Evans Met With Taliban; Code Pink Gives Terrorists Direct Line to Obama
Top Obama donor and fundraiser Jodie Evans met with the Taliban in Afghanistan on a recent trip there, according to a report by Jane Fonda of a discussion she had with Evans last month. The meeting with the Taliban took place just weeks before Evans was videotaped directly handing to President Barack Obama a package of information about her trip to Afghanistan at a high dollar fundraiser in San Francisco.
The meeting with the Taliban was kept secret by Evans and her group Code Pink in reports she and the group posted from Kabul and in interviews with the media and bloggers about the trip. Fonda, a close friend of Evans, let the secret meeting slip in an account of her dinner with Evans at a fundraiser for the Armand Hammer Museum in Los Angeles:
Last Saturday, My dear friends Jodie Evans and Max Palevsky, invited Richard and me to join them at their table at a fundraiser at the Armand Hammer Museum in Westwood. It was a good evening for lots of reasons. I had never been to the museum and definitely want to go back. Clearly it is a courageous place, very cutting edge. Then, too, I saw lots of friends I hadn’t seen in a long time and I sat next to Jodie who told me a little about her recent trip to Afghanistan with an American delegation that included a retired colonel, and member the State Department (Army Reserves Col. (Ret.) and ex-diplomat Ann Wright). While there, she met with people ranging from the brother of President Karzai, Afghan members of Parliament, activists, to warlords and members of the Taliban (emphasis added.) Jodie is co-founder of the peace organization, Code Pink, and always willing to go to any lengths to try and find out what’s really going on. Bottom line: everyone she met with wants the U.S. Military out of their country. They feel our presence there has brought more violence rather than security. Please read a short article she wrote about the trip which is on the Women’s Media Center website.
There is precedent to suspect that Evans is acting as a conduit for the Taliban to Obama. In June, her fellow Code Pink co-founder Medea Benjamin hand carried a letter out of Gaza from the terrorist group Hamas addressed to Obama.
Over the seven years of its existence, Code Pink has acted as propaganda shills for the anti-American governments of Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Venezuela’s President Hugo Chavez, Bolivia’s President Evo Morales, Cuba’s Castro brothers and Iraq under Saddam Hussein, as well as Middle Eastern terrorist groups.
Fonda has her own history of working with America’s enemies. During the Vietnam war she visited North Vietnam in 1972 and was photographed manning an anti-aircraft battery used to shoot down American planes. Fonda also recorded propaganda radio broadcasts for the North Vietnamese communists
In 2007 Code Pink brought Fonda out of protest retirement at a so-called antiwar demonstration held at the Navy Memorial in Washington, D.C.
What was in the package that Evans gave Obama at the San Francisco fundraiser? She describes what she gave Obama in an article at the Huffington Post:
…we were careful to make the package very user and security friendly. It was filled with photos, quotes, thousands of signatures (on a petition against more troops for Afghanistan), a copy of Rethink Afghanistan and our 25-minute interview with Afghan MP Dr. Roshanak Wardak from Wardak Province, who is adamant that the U.S. should not send new troops and rather, must leave.
Evans notes that she gave a similar package to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi who was also at the fundraiser being held in her city.
No mention is made by Evans on whether she relayed oral or written messages from the Taliban to Obama. However, it is a strong possibility given Fonda’s revelation and Code Pink’s history.
Code Pink’s image as kooky but well-meaning women committed to peace is belied by their words and actions. At home they work to undermine morale in our soldiers, their families and the American public. Abroad they work with terrorist enemies of the United States.
And one of Code Pink’s co-founders, Jodie Evans, works with President Obama. Is anyone in our nation’s capital paying attention?
Wild Thing's comment.......
So Obama gets his news from terrorists, next he will be bowing to them.
A hand-delivered package, though, will be off-record. They probably have other channels that are more watched, monitored, and regulated. So, Obama has a Code Pinko carrying on now not-so-secret talks with the Taliban and being a envoy between them. He’s completely not involving the CIA or any intelligence agency.
John Kerry did this same thing during Vietnam. He should have been executed for it. Ditto for Jane and this Jodie Evans and all the other leaders of Code Pink. If it wasn't called treason when code pink went to Fallujah and Ramadi in 2003 and gave aid and comfort to the enemy. And if it wasn't called treason when jane fonda went to N. Vietnam and gave aid and comfort to the enemy. When will giving aid and comfort to the enemy ever be called treason, and dealt with accordingly?
And we all know what a scum a total scum communist Hanoi Jane is.
"..Jodie Evans is a radical activist and Democratic fundraiser best known as the co-founder -- along with Diane Wilson, Global Exchange's Medea Benjamin, and a Wiccan calling herself Starhawk -- of Code Pink for Peace. Evans also works closely with Leslie Cagan, the pro-Castro leader of United For Peace and Justice..."
Code Pink’s “Sugar Mommy” – Jodie Evans
"..Ms. Evans is a very rich and powerful woman, thanks largely to her divorce settlement from the billionaire capitalist Max Palevsky in "common property" California..."
These women can all join the John Kerry Traitors to America and our troops Club.
"...at a fundraiser for the Armand Hammer Museum in Los Angeles..."
Now there's an interesting connection. Look that one up. Armand was the son of one of America's earliest Communists - Julius Hammer. Despite being one of America's richest men at the time, old Julius was also a close confidant of none other than Lenin himself.
Julius's next best friend was an itinerant backwoods tent-revival preacher from Tennessee whom Julius' money and influence made into a US Senator. His name was Albert Gore, the father of our own dear frog-boiling, global warming "Chicken Little" - Albert J. (for "Julius" after his father's political/financial patron) Gore "Jr".
Armand Hammer simply followed in his daddy's footsteps and used their family fortune to promote "Socialist" (just a cowardly euphemism for Communist) causes around the world including the "Armand Hammer World College" in Montezuma, NM. Hammer was just another dirty Communist bastard. It doesn't surprise me in the least that Jane Fonda would be raising money for his "library", or that the Code Pinkos are involved.
The biggest terrorist attack on American soil since 9-11, the Fort Hood Massacre, happens on Obama's watch.
Soros’ people , Barack Hussein Obama, Ms. Fonda and Ms. Evans do not like the United States, have never liked the United States, and will not be happy until it is turned into a little Marxist dictatorship. They also never met an enemy of the United States they didn’t like.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (9)
Stimulus Money Going to Districts That Do NOT Exist
John Stossel breaks down the ins and outs of the changes in government job creation numbers.
“Stimulus” Money Going to 10 Ohio Congressional Districts That Don’t Exist
by Kevin Boland
A lot has been made of the non-existent congressional district in Arizona that the White House claimed received “stimulus” money. So today, we went to Recovery.gov to find out how the state of Ohio - a state with 18 congressional districts - fared. Guess what we found: TEN congressional districts in the Buckeye State that DO NOT exist received stimulus money. Take a look below:
In fact, Ohio has never had more than 24 Members of Congress.
Not soon after the “stimulus” was signed into law in February of this year, stories about “stimulus” funds going to to Wisconsin for a bridge to Rusty’s Backwater Saloon; to North Carolina where “stimulus” funds were reportedly used by one town to hire a new worker whose job is to apply for more “stimulus” funds from Washington; to pay for bonuses for AIG executives, a turtle crossing in northern Florida, install skylights in Montana’s state-run liquor warehouse - and on and on and on.
House Republican Leader John Boehner said in a statement to the Cleveland Plain Dealer today:
"Not only has the ’stimulus’ not produced jobs the Administration promised, but now we learn that the Administration’s reports intended to track the effectiveness of government spending are riddled with errors and gross inaccuracies. How many more mistakes have been made? How are Ohioans supposed to take the Administration seriously on the economy when its own Web site credits jobs saved or created in districts that don’t even exist?"
The latest example - claiming credit for creating jobs in Ohio Congressional districts that don’t even exist - is just one more sign the “stimulus” isn’t working.
Jobs 'Saved or Created' in Congressional Districts That Don't Exist
Here's a stimulus success story: In Arizona's 15th congressional district, 30 jobs have been saved or created with just $761,420 in federal stimulus spending. At least that's what the Web site set up by the Obama administration to track the $787 billion stimulus says.
There's one problem, though: There is no 15th congressional district in Arizona; the state has only eight districts.
And ABC News has found many more entries for projects like this in places that are incorrectly identified.
Late Monday, officials with the Recovery Board created to track the stimulus spending, said the mistakes in crediting nonexistent congressional districts were caused by human error.
"We report what the recipients submit to us," said Ed Pound, Communications Director for the Board.
Pound told ABC News the board receives declarations from the recipients - state governments, federal agencies and universities - of stimulus money about what program is being funded.
"Some recipients clearly don't know what congressional district they live in, so they appear to be just throwing in any number. We expected all along that recipients would make mistakes on their congressional districts, on jobs numbers, on award amounts, and so on. Human beings make mistakes," Pound said.
The issue has raised hackles on Capitol Hill.
Rep. David Obey, D-Wisc, who chairs the powerful House appropriations Committee, issued a paper statement demanding that the recovery.gov Web site be updated.
"The inaccuracies on recovery.gov that have come to light are outrageous and the Administration owes itself, the Congress, and every American a commitment to work night and day to correct the ludicrous mistakes."
Wild Thing's comment..........
Hmmmm ....Maybe those districts are actually in Obama's States 51 through 57 they he spoke about.
Can you imagine if the Bush White House deliberately manipulated government data to support their policy agenda.
This is outrageous.
Wait until there are healthcare claims paid on members who don’t exist. By the millions.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:49 AM | Comments (8)
An 'Angel of Bataan' Dies at 95
An Owensboro, Ky., native and one of the "Angels of Bataan" died Nov. 13. Mary Josephine Oberst, 95, had been living at the Nazareth Home of Louisville. She was one of the more than 60 Army and Navy nurses dubbed "Angels of Bataan" when they were prisoners of war for 33 months in the Philippines during World War II. As of September 2007, she was one of only two living "Angels." The Messenger-Inquirer profiled Oberst in December 1994 -- a few months before the 50th anniversary of the rescue of the "Angels of Bataan" by American troops. Oberst enlisted in the Army after graduating from nursing school at Louisville's old St. Joseph Infirmary in 1936. She arrived in the Philippines in the summer of 1941. On Dec. 10, 1941, the Japanese invaded the Philippines. Less than two weeks later, Gen. Douglas MacArthur ordered American forces to withdraw to Bataan Peninsula. The nurses went into the jungles wearing white hospital uniforms, Oberst told the Messenger-Inquirer. They eventually got a shipment of khaki mechanic uniforms that were more durable. The Japanese siege of Bataan lasted 90 days. Food supplies dwindled. Field hospitals meant for 1,000 men were soon handling three times that many. On April 9, 1942, the 75,000 American and Filipino troops surrendered. Within two months, 21,000 of them would be dead. The "Angels" and 3,000 men escaped to Corregidor -- a two-square-mile island in Manila Bay. On May 6, Corregidor also fell to the Japanese. The nurses were eventually moved to Santo Tomas, a Jesuit University in Manila that had been turned into an internment camp for more than 3,000 American and Filipino prisoners of war. On Feb. 3, 1945, American troops freed the prisoners. After the war, she served as assistant director of nursing at St. Mary's Hospital School of Nursing in Evansville until health problems that began in the prison camp forced an early retirement in 1963.
Wild Thing's comment......... Rest in Peace Mary Jo. She was a real American hero. Tom
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:48 AM
| Comments (9)
JIHAD AND THE SCANDAL OF “BRAIN-DEAD” DIVERSITY by Mark Steyn Shortly after 9/11, there was a lot of talk about how no one would ever hijack an American airliner ever again – not because of new security arrangements but because an alert citizenry was on the case: We were hip to their jive. The point appeared to be proved three months later on a US-bound Air France flight. The “Shoebomber” attempted to light his footwear, and the flight attendants and passengers pounced. As the more boorish commentators could not resist pointing out, even the French guys walloped him. But the years go by, and the mood shifts. You didn’t have to be “alert” to spot Major Nidal Hasan. He’d spent most of the last half-decade walking around with a big neon sign on his head saying “JIHADIST. STAND WELL BACK”. But we (that’s to say, almost all of us; and certainly almost anyone who matters in national security and the broader political culture) are now reflexively conditioned to ignore the flashing neon sign. Like those apocryphal Victorian ladies discreetly draping the lasciviously curved legs of their pianos, if a glimpse of hard unpleasant reality peeps through we simply veil it in another layer of fluffy illusions. Two joint terrorism task forces became aware almost a year ago that Major Hasan was in regular email contact with Anwar al-Awlaqi, the American-born but now Yemeni-based cleric who served as imam to three of the 9/11 hijackers and supports all-out holy war against the United States. But the expert analysts in the Pentagon determined that this lively correspondence was consistent with Major Hasan’s “research interests”, so there was no need to worry. That’s America: Technologically superior, money no object (not one but two “joint terrorism task forces” stumbled across him). Yet no action was taken. On the other hand, who needs surveillance operations and intelligence budgets? Major Hasan was entirely upfront about who he was. He put it on his business card: “SOA.” As in “Soldier of Allah” – which seems a tad ungrateful to the American taxpayers who ponied up half a million bucks or thereabouts in elite medical school education to train him to be a Soldier of Uncle Sam. In a series of meetings during 2008, officials from both Walter Reed and the Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences considered the question of whether then Captain Hasan was psychotic. But, according to at least one bigwig at Walter Reed, members of the policy committee wondered “how would it look if we kick out one of the few Muslim residents”. So he got promoted to Major and shipped to Fort Hood. And 13 men and women and an unborn baby are dead. Well, like they say, it’s easy to be wise after the event. I’m not so sure. These days, it’s easier to be even more stupid after the event. “Apparently he tried to contact al Qaeda,” mused MSNBC’s Chris Matthews. “That’s not a crime to call up al Qaeda, is it? Is it? I mean, where do you stop the guy?” Interesting question: Where do you draw the line? The truth is we’re not prepared to draw a line even after he’s gone ahead and committed mass murder. “What happened at Fort Hood was a tragedy,” said General Casey, the US Army’s Chief of Staff, “but I believe it would be an even greater tragedy if our diversity becomes a casualty here.” A “greater tragedy” than 14 dead and dozens of wounded? Translating from the original brain-addled multicult-speak, the Army Chief of Staff is saying that the same fatuous prostration before marshmallow illusions that led to the “tragedy” must remain in place. If it leads to occasional mass murder, well, hopefully it can be held to what cynical British civil servants used to call, during the Northern Irish “Troubles”, “an acceptable level of violence”. Fourteen dead is evidently acceptable. A hundred and forty? Fourteen hundred? I guess we’ll find out. “Diversity” is one of those words designed to absolve you of the need to think. Likewise, a belief in “multiculturalism” doesn’t require you to know anything at all about other cultures, just to feel generally warm and fluffy about them. Heading out from my hotel room the other day, I caught a glimpse of that 7-Eleven video showing Major Hasan wearing “Muslim” garb to buy a coffee on the morning of his murderous rampage. And it wasn’t until I was in the taxi cab that something odd struck me: He was an American of Arab descent. But he was wearing Pakistani dress – that’s to say, a “Punjabi suit”, as they call it in Britain, or the “shalwar kameez”, to give it its South Asian name. For all the hundreds of talking heads droning on about “diversity” across the TV networks, it was only Tarek Fatah, writing in The Ottawa Citizen, who pointed out that no Arab males wear this get-up – with one exception: Those Arab men who got the jihad fever and went to Afghanistan to sign on with the Taliban and al-Qaeda. In other words, Major Hasan’s outfit symbolized the embrace of an explicit political identity entirely unconnected with his ethnic heritage. Mr Fatah would seem to be a genuine “multiculturalist”: that’s to say, he’s attuned to often very subtle “diversities” between cultures. Whereas the professional multiculturalist sees the 7-Eleven video and coos, “Aw, look. He’s wearing … well, something exotic and colorful, let’s not get hung up on details. Celebrate diversity, right? Can we get him in the front row for the group shot? We may be eligible for a grant.” The brain-addled “diversity” of General Casey will get some of us killed, and keep all of us cowed. In the days since the killings, the news reports have seemed increasingly like a satirical novel the author’s not quite deft enough to pull off, with bizarre new Catch 22s multiplying like the windmills of your mind: If you’re openly in favor of pouring boiling oil down the throats of infidels, then the Pentagon will put down your emails to foreign jihadists as mere confirmation of your long established “research interests”. If you’re psychotic, the Army will make you a psychiatrist for fear of provoking you. If you gun down a bunch of people, within an hour the FBI will state clearly that we can all relax, there’s no terrorism angle, because, in our over-credentialized society, it doesn’t count unless you’re found to be carrying Permit #57982BQ3a from the relevant State Board of Jihadist Licensing. Ezra Levant, my comrade in a long battle to restore freedom of speech to Canada, likes to say that the Danish cartoons crisis may one day be seen as a more critical event than 9/11. Not, obviously, in the comparative death tolls but in what each revealed about the state of western civilization. After 9/11, we fought back, hit hard, rolled up the Afghan camps; after the cartoons, we weaseled and equivocated and appeased and signaled that we were willing to trade core western values for a quiet life. Watching the decadence and denial on display this last week, I think in years to come Fort Hood will be seen in a similar light. What happened is not a “tragedy” but a national scandal, already fading from view.
Wild Thing's comment........ The truth is we’re not prepared to draw a line even after he’s gone ahead and committed mass murder. Steyn again relates to his audience the perfect observance. One is a native Indian from the Sarcee Reserve; another is a cowboy on his way to Lethbridge for a livestock auction. The third passenger is a fundamentalist Arab student, newly arrived at the University of Calgary from the Middle East . Their discussion drifts to their diverse cultures. Soon, the two Albertans learn that the Arab is a devout, radical Muslim and the conversation falls into an uneasy lull. The cowboy leans back in his chair, crosses his boots on a magazine table and tips his big sweat-stained hat forward over his face. The wind outside is blowing tumble weeds around, and the old windsock is flapping, but still no plane comes. To break the silence, the Indian clears his throat and softly speaks: “At one time here, my people were many, but sadly, now we are few.” The Muslim student raises an eyebrow and leans forward:”Once my people were few, he sneers, “and now we are many. Why do you suppose that is?” The Alberta cowboy shifts his toothpick to one side of his mouth and from the darkness beneath his Stetson says in a smooth drawl, “That’s ‘cause we ain’t played Cowboys and Muslims yet .. . . but I do believe it’s a-comin’..”
United States Army
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM
| Comments (5)
An 'Angel of Bataan' Dies at 95"We were out in the open," Oberst told the Messenger-Inquirer. "There were no buildings. At first, supplies were plentiful. But the Japanese kept pushing us back."
"There was one corned beef sandwich, morning and evening," Oberst told the Messenger-Inquirer.
"You never readjust," Oberst said of the prison experience. "It changes you. You are never the same. Other people haven't been there. They can't know what it was like. You're thankful for fresh air, food, clothing, the little things. And you're so much more generous after having been deprived."
Mary Josephine Oberst belongs to many Right-To-Life organizations as well as Veteran and POW organizations. Military service awards include the Bronze Star Medal, Distinguished Unit Emblem w/2 OLCs, American Defence Service Medal w/Foreign Service Clasp, Philippine Defense Ribbon, Philippine Liberation Ribbon w/BS, WWIIVM, APCM w/2 Bronze Battle Stars.
....Thank you Tom for sending this to me.
US Army Aviation
Vietnam 1966-68
US Army Special Forces
Jihad and the Scandal of " Brain-Dead" Diversity by Mark Steyn
Diversity, coupled with "political correctness", will be the impetus that kills America. Steyn nails it, again. ““Diversity” is one of those words designed to absolve you of the need to think.
Three strangers strike up a conversation in the airport passenger lounge in Calgary , Alberta , while awaiting their respective flights. ....Thank you Jack for sending this to me.
Army Combat Engineers
Quang Tri & Chu Lai '68 -'69
Jack's blog is Conservative Insurgent
Ronald Reagan Speech - 1964 Republican National Convention
Wild Thing's comment...........
I long to see such greatness in a leader again. I really miss President Reagan.
Great line from Reagan...
"We're at war with the most dangerous enemy that has ever faced mankind...and it's been said that if we lose this war, and in so doing, lose this way of freedom of ours, history will record with the greatest astonishment that those who have the most to lose did the least to prevent it from happening."
Today that enemy is two-fold. Terrorism and liberalism. The time of "doing nothing" is over. Conservatives need to fight back, and hard.
Interestingi how something said over 44 years ago can be so revelant today. This speech is one for the ages. And the battle he asked us to join, is not yet over. God bless Ronald Reagan.
And in it we find wisdom from the past:
” Admittedly there is a risk in any course we follow other than this, but every lesson in history tells us that the greater risk lies in appeasement, and this is the specter our well-meaning liberal friends refuse to face—that their policy of accommodation is appeasement, and it gives no choice between peace and war, only between fight and surrender. If we continue to accommodate, continue to back and retreat, eventually we have to face the final demand—the ultimatum. And what then? When Nikita Khrushchev has told his people he knows what our answer will be? He has told them that we are retreating under the pressure of the Cold War, and someday when the time comes to deliver the ultimatum, our surrender will be voluntary because by that time we will have weakened from within spiritually, morally, and economically. He believes this because from our side he has heard voices pleading for “peace at any price” or “better Red than dead,” or as one commentator put it, he would rather “live on his knees than die on his feet.” And therein lies the road to war, because those voices don’t speak for the rest of us. You and I know and do not believe that life is so dear and peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery. If nothing in life is worth dying for, when did this begin—just in the face of this enemy? Or should Moses have told the children of Israel to live in slavery under the pharaohs? Should Christ have refused the cross? Should the patriots at Concord Bridge have thrown down their guns and refused to fire the shot heard ‘round the world? The martyrs of history were not fools, and our honored dead who gave their lives to stop the advance of the Nazis didn’t die in vain. Where, then, is the road to peace? Well, it’s a simple answer after all.
You and I have the courage to say to our enemies, “There is a price we will not pay.” There is a point beyond which they must not advance. This is the meaning in the phrase of Barry Goldwater’s “peace through strength.” Winston Churchill said that “the destiny of man is not measured by material computation. When great forces are on the move in the world, we learn we are spirits—not animals.” And he said, “There is something going on in time and space, and beyond time and space, which, whether we like it or not, spells duty.”
You and I have a rendezvous with destiny. We will preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on Earth, or we will sentence them to take the last step into a thousand years of darkness.
We will keep in mind and remember that Barry Goldwater has faith in us. He has faith that you and I have the ability and the dignity and the right to make our own decisions and determine our own destiny.
Thank you very much. “
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:45 AM | Comments (1)
November 17, 2009
Rush Limbaugh Interview With Sarah Palin as She Hits A Grand Slam
Rush Interviews Gov Palin pt 1 Nov 17
Rush Interviews Gov Palin pt 2 Nov 17
This is rough transcript
RUSH: We are going to open this hour with a rare personal interview, a rare guest. It doesn’t happen much on this program, but we are happy to have with us former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, whose book, Going Rogue, hits the shelves today and it’s already headed for I think a record in sales. Governor Palin, thanks for making time. It’s great to talk to you again. We spoke last Thursday in an interview for the Limbaugh Letter, but it’s great to have you here on the radio.
GOV. PALIN: Hey, thank you so much, and dittos from an Alaskan.
RUSH: Where are you, by the way? Where are we speaking to you from?
GOV. PALIN: In a hotel room in New York City. I’m going to do a couple of interviews after that and then head to Grand Rapids for the kickoff of the book tour.
RUSH: This is going to be exciting. Are you looking forward to that?
GOV. PALIN: I am so looking forward to this. I cannot wait to meet some of these good Americans all across this country. It’s going to be a blast.
RUSH: They can’t wait to meet you, judging by the reception you got during the campaign. Now, ladies and gentlemen, Governor Palin, when we spoke last Thursday I spoke to her a lot about the things in her book regarding the campaign. That stuff you’ll read in the Limbaugh Letter, and I predicted to Governor Palin then that much of her book would be ignored in light of the dirt that she was supposedly dishing from the campaign. So Governor Palin what I’d like to do here is go some different directions from what we did in the newsletter interview and start with the economy. We have 10.2% unemployment. We see no end in sight. The administration and others are suggesting next year could be just as bad with unemployment going up to 11%. What would you do differently than is being done now?
GOV. PALIN: It’s over 10%, and in fact it could be closer to 17 or 18 when you consider those who have kind of given up and not applying for unemployment benefits. So it’s bad, it’s really bad and then of course Fed Chair Bernanke announced that there are still weak job prospects for the very short term and probably long term, and that’s an uncomfortable place for our country to be. What we need to do is shift gears and really head in another direction because what we’re doing right now with the fed, it’s not working. We need to cut taxes on the job creators. This is all about jobs, creating jobs. We have to ramp up industry here in America, and of course reduce the federal debt, quit piling on and growing more. But those common sense solutions there, especially with the cutting taxes on the job creators, that’s not even being discussed. In fact, increased taxes is the direction it sounds like Obama wants to go.
RUSH: You mean that you don’t even hear it being discussed on the Republican side or within the administration?
GOV. PALIN: Within the administration, and as it is discussed on the Republican side, Republicans need to be bolder about it. Independents need to be bolder about that solution that has got to be considered and plugged in. This is the only solution that will be successful. We need to rehash some history that proves its success. Let’s go back to what Reagan did in the early eighties and stay committed to those common sense free market principles that worked. He faced a tougher recession than what we’re facing today. He cut those taxes, ramped up industry, and we pulled out of that recession. We need to revisit that.
RUSH: Why do you think this administration is ignoring that blueprint? What is their ultimate objective here? They’re sitting in the middle of abject failure of their number one stated goal, and that’s job creation. So what are they really trying to do here do you think?
GOV. PALIN: Well, you wonder, you wonder because history proves what will work and you wonder if they’re realizing that and if it’s just perhaps a stubbornness at this point that they are so committed to going down this road of growing government and interjecting the feds’ control in the private sector more and more which will prove to be more failure. I don’t know if it’s obstinate thinking that they’re engaged in right now or if they truly just do not believe what the free market, free enterprise economic solutions are that built up this country.
RUSH: Do you think this is going to be a major issue in the congressional elections in 2010, and if so, how would you advise Republicans to pursue it?
GOV. PALIN: It better be a major issue, absolutely. Of course, national security will be, too, and hopefully we’ll talk a little bit about some of the decisions being made in that arena that cause so many of us concern but, yeah, the economy, that’s what it’s going to be because it’s all about jobs, it’s all about Americans who are hurting right now and what those solutions are that are so obvious, so common sense that need to be plugged in. And those are Republican, they’re common sense conservative principles that we just need to apply.
RUSH: New York 23 is being portrayed as a race in which you and I, because we supposedly went up there, handpicked Doug Hoffman, he supposedly lost, even though that race, they still haven’t finished counting the votes. It’s two weeks! This is not Chicago. They haven’t finished counting the votes. He says he wishes he could un-concede now. But they’re trying to diminish conservatism, and I think in the process intimidate the Republican Party from going in that direction. What’s your read on New York 23?
GOV. PALIN: I think this is exciting. It’s encouraging. No matter the outcome even with his recount of some of those, well, uncounted ballots, it’s exciting that the race is going to be even closer, and it’s a clearer and clearer picture that what Americans are seeking, even in a district there in New York, they are seeking common sense, conservative solutions to all the challenges that we’re facing. I’m glad to see this.
RUSH: So the positive thing there is that the Republican Party was rebuffed in nominating essentially a RINO, a liberal?
GOV. PALIN: Well, I think what you saw there is — and of course it’s not just the Republican machine, it’s the Democrat machine, too. You know, if you’re not the anointed one within the machine, sometimes you have a much tougher row to hoe and that’s what Hoffman faced. He was the underdog. I think great timing for him, though, to stand strong on his conservative credentials and essentially come out of nowhere and prove that an American without that resume, without that machine backing can truly make a difference in an election like this.
RUSH: Well, now, you used the term, “If you’re not the anointed one by the party machine, you’re the underdog and you have a tough row to hoe.” Based on things that I read, the Republican establishment would not anoint you to be a nominee of their party should you choose to go that way. I’m not asking you the question because I know you’re not going to answer and give away what your plans are in 2012.
GOV. PALIN: (chuckles)
RUSH: Do you consider yourself one of these unanointed ones within your own party?
GOV. PALIN: Well, to some in both parties, politics is more of a business. It’s not so much a commitment to an agenda or a person or values or issues. It’s more of a business — and, no, I’m not a part of that. So if they’re going to keep using that way of thinking in their decisions on who they anoint, who they will support or not then, no. I’ll never be a part of that. But hopefully we’re going to see a shift with independents, with the Republican Party and the Democrat Party, and we’re going to get back to what the issues are, what really matters, and then hopefully we’re going to go from there, which will be much fairer to the electorate.
RUSH: All right, independents, slash, third party. A lot of people — mistakenly, in my view — are looking at New York 23 as evidence that, see, a third party could actually do well. But that’s not a good example because there was no primary there. As you said, the party bosses chose Dede Scozzafava on the Republican side and a Democrat. Had there been a primary, New York 23 would not have been constituted as it was. So what are your thoughts now on the viability of a third party if the Republican Party can’t be brought around?
GOV. PALIN: You know, to be brutally honest, I think that it’s a bit naive when you talk about the pragmatism that has to be applied in America’s political system. And we are a two-party system. Ideally, sure, a third party or an independent party would be able to soar and thrive and put candidates forth and have them elected, but I don’t think America is ready for that. I think that it is... Granted it’s quite conventional and traditional, but in a good way that we have our two parties, and I think that that’s what will remain. And I say that, though, acknowledging that I’m not an obsessive panther, I understand why people — good people like my own husband — refuse to register in a party. Todd’s not a Republican and yet he’s got more common sense conservatism than a whole lot of Republicans that I know because he is one who sees the idiosyncrasies of the characters within the machine and it frustrates him along with a whole lot of other Americans who choose to be independent. But in answer to your question, I don’t think that the third party movement will be what’s necessary to usher in some common-sense conservative ideals.
RUSH: Now, you mentioned independents. We need to get independents. Independents right now are abandoning the Democrat Party. They did so in New Jersey. They did so in Virginia. And the White House pretty much proves this because the White House was out prior to the election saying, “Ah, Republican Party identification in polls is as low as it’s ever been.” Therefore, for Republicans to win these races there had to be independents moving in their direction. Now, I know you’re not in politics now but you have political experience. I’m not in politics. I’ve never gone out and gotten votes. I’ve always been curious about the professional politicians’ insistence that we go out and “get independents.” Sure you want to shore up the base. But these magical, whatever it is, 20% of people that are not identified or do not self-identify themselves with either party, what’s the way to get them?
GOV. PALIN: I think just naturally independents are going to gravitate towards that Republican agenda and Republican platform because the planks in our platform are the strongest to build a healthy America. We’re all about cutting taxes and shrinking government and respecting the inherent rights of the individual and strengthening families and respecting life and equality. You have to shake your head and say, “Who wouldn’t embrace that? Who wouldn’t want to come on over?” They don’t have to necessarily be registered within the Republican Party in order to hook up with us and join us with that agenda standing on those planks. In Alaska, about 70% of Alaskans are independent. So that’s my base. That’s where I am from and that’s been my training ground, is just implementing common-sense conservative solutions. Independents appreciate that. You’re going to see more and more of that attraction to the GOP by these independents as the days go on.
RUSH: If the GOP articulates what you just articulated. I’ve always believed the way to get them... Reagan got them by just being who he was, articulating conservatism. Conservatism is nothing different than the founding principles of the country. Therefore, the key to getting independents is Republicans who can articulate those beliefs.
GOV. PALIN: You know another key to this, too, is to not hesitate duking it out within the party. This is what I appreciate about the Republican Party. We have contested, aggressive, competitive primaries. We’re not like this herd mentality like a punch of sheep — with the fighting instincts of sheep, as Horowitz would say — like some in the Democrat Party; where, heaven forbid, you take a stand and you oppose somebody within your own party because it’s the right thing to do. I appreciate that in the Republican Party. Some on the other side say — you know, they’re observing what goes on in the GOP and say — “That’s infighting, and they can’t get along, and there’s no consensus there.” No. This is healthy debate, good competition that makes candidates work harder. It makes for a better product, if you will, at the end of the day. I appreciate that about our party.
RUSH: We are talking to Governor Sarah Palin. We take a brief prosperity time-out. We’ll be back and continue with Governor Palin right after this.
RUSH: And we’re back. Our remaining moments are former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, starting her book tour today. Let’s talk about your book tour, your career in general, Governor Palin. Who are you trying to reach, and for what purpose, with the book and your book tour? What’s your goal here?
GOV. PALIN: I’m not trying to reach the liberal elites in this country, and it’s a good thing I’m not trying to, because I’m not succeeding there. Just everyday, hardworking Americans who want government back on their side and I want to help them have their voice be heard. And the book is all about that, and the book is about my record and my accomplishments as a mayor and as a governor that kind of lay the foundation for Americans to see where it was that I was and how I got to where I am. It was just a lot of hard work and it was a lot of very common sense measures that I undertook politically and practically speaking, and the book is about that, and hopefully people will read it and enjoy it and learn something from it.
RUSH: What’s our biggest energy challenge as a country? Do you believe at all or some or a lot in the modern-day go-green movement of solar and wind and all of these nefarious things that really don’t produce anything yet?
GOV. PALIN: I think there’s a lot of snake oil science involved in that and somebody’s making a whole lot of money off people’s fears that the world is... It’s kind of tough to figure out what the shady science right now, what are we supposed to be doing right now with our climate. Are we warming or are we cooling? I don’t think Americans are even told anymore if it’s global warming or just climate change. And I don’t attribute all the changes to man’s activities. I think that this is, in a lot of respects, cyclical and the earth does cool and it warms. And our greatest challenge with energy is that we’re not tapping it to the abundant domestic supplies that God created right underfoot on American soil and under our waters. It’s ridiculous that we are circulating hundreds of billions of dollars a year in foreign countries, asking them to ramp up production so that we can purchase it from them — especially from the regimes that can control us via energy, using it as a weapon against us, potentially. It’s nonsense that this administration and past administrations haven’t really understood yet that inherent link between energy and security. I think more and more Americans are waking up to the fact, though, and we will hopefully see changes there soon.
RUSH: Vice President Biden chided you, saying, “It’s a little bit more complicated,” Governor Palin, than “Drill, Baby, Drill,” which is one of your chapter titles. What’s complicated about drilling for oil?
GOV. PALIN: Exactly. What is complicated about tapping into abundant, safe domestic supplies that could provide stability for our country and security for our country? I know Alaska has billions of barrels of oil underfoot, and we have the natural gas that’s waiting to be tapped, too; and other states do, too. It’s not that complicated. It’s political, and that’s what is the shame is in this, is that for political reasons we’re not allowing to tap these domestic supplies.
RUSH: What are your thoughts on the congressional health care reform bills going through the House and the Senate?
GOV. PALIN: Well, we don’t really know, do we, what’s in that Senate version, the Senate consideration? It will be soon but we have no idea of costs. We don’t know how many will be insured. We’re waiting to hear that. We don’t know if the tax funding of abortions will be in this new version that’s sitting over on the Senate side. We don’t know if those who choose not to purchase this government-mandated level of coverage will face jail time as punishment. There are so many questions unanswered. I don’t like the idea, in general, of the federal government thinking it needs to take over health care — which essentially this is — and control one-sixth of our economy. Not when there are common-sense solutions to meeting health care challenges in our country, like allowing the intra- and interstate competition with insurers, tort reform, cutting down on the waste and fraud that the Obama administration insists if we just did that we’ll pay for this one-point-some trillion-dollar health care reform package. So lots of common sense solutions that need to be plugged in before ever considering federal government taking it over.
RUSH: You mentioned earlier you wanted to talk about national security, that you hoped it came up. Well, here it is: What do we face? What are our threats, and are we prepared, or not?
GOV. PALIN: Well, I think domestically a threat that we’re facing right now is the dithering and hesitation in sending a message to the terrorists that we’re going to claim what Ronald Reagan claimed. Our motto is going to be: “We win, you lose.” The way that we do that is allow McChrystal to have the reinforcements that he’s asking for in Afghanistan. That sends that message to the terrorists over there that we’re going to end this thing with our victory. We need to start facing Iran with tougher and tougher sanctions that need to be considered. We need to work our allies with the Iranian issues, like Britain and France and not allow access to favorable international monetary deals. That’s a great threat that I think would kind of shake up Ahmadinejad and get him to listen. We need to look at halting Iran’s imports of refined petroleum products. They’re quite reliant on imported gasoline, and we need to use that hammer to wake up the leadership there, too. Those are two big challenges that we have right now, domestically and in naming those two countries, Afghanistan and Iran. Two big challenges there, too.
RUSH: Thirty seconds: Immigration. Can you do it in 30 seconds before we have to go?
GOV. PALIN: I can’t do it in 30 seconds but just know that... You know, let me put it simply: Illegal immigrants are called “illegal” for a reason. We need to crack down on this. We need to listen to the border states where the governors there have some solutions and we need to get serious about that.
RUSH: Governor Palin, thanks very much. It’s been a pleasure. It’s been fun. Thanks for last week as well and good luck on what I know is going to be a life-changing book and book tour.
GOV. PALIN: Hey, thank you. Keep up the good work.
RUSH: Thank you.
GOV. PALIN: And all the best to all your listeners.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Sarah Palin: “We have to crack down on illegal immigration; it’s called illegal for a reason.”
She doesn’t have an albatross around her neck anymore. This is fantastic.
It was an AWESOME interview. That is why the media keeps on bringing up the McCain campaign and soap opera crap like Levi. They don’t want Sarah to talk about the issues because they KNOW she is smart. The more people hear her speak out about the issues, the more people will realize that she is intelligent. That is why the media is propping up Levi every damn minute, to counter her popularity. They don’t want her to gain momentum so they bring their useful idiot out.
Sarah will very soon hit the 1 million mark for number of fans on her Facebook page
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:20 PM | Comments (5)
Sarah Palin and Barbara Walters Also Part of Oprah Interview
Sarah Palin to Barbara Walters: Barack Obama 'incorrect, disingenuous' on death panels; tea party movement is 'beautiful'
Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin turns more political in her interview with ABC's Barbara Walters.
Their chat starts on Tuesday's "Good Morning America."
Palin's first interview to promote her book, "Going Rogue," aired today on "The Oprah Winfrey Show."
Palin has blasted President Barack Obama's push for health-care reform by saying the changes would open decisions on the elderly and disabled to "death panels." Obama has blasted that criticism as "a lie, plain and simple."
Palin notes that the words "death panels" are not found "in any of those thousands of pages of different variations of the health-care bill." Yet Palin adds that the president is "incorrect, and he is disingenuous."
The woman who was John McCain's running mate last year hails the tea party movement. She says that the McCain campaign was wrong to support the first bailout package.
"That very first bailout, yes. Now we have learned, too, it didn't fulfill the promises that were made by Congress, and by the White House, that bailing out these businesses that were 'too big to fail,' " Palin said. "That did not put our economy back on the right track. So we learn from our mistakes. The tea party movement, beautiful. It energizes our country. More power to these people who are showing up there."
Palin tells ABC that running for president in 2012 isn't on her radar screen -- a statement she made to Winfrey, too.
But when you consider some of the ordinary turning into extraordinary events that have happened in my life, I am not one to predict what will happen in a few years," Palin said.
"My ambition if you will, my desire, is to help our country in whatever role that may be, and I cannot predict what that will be, what doors would be open in the year 2012," she said.
Will she play a major role? "If people will have me, I will," she said.
Sarah Palin On Being Interviewed By "The Perky One"
In her interview with Oprah Winfrey which was broadcast on "The Oprah Show" Monday, Sarah Palin refers to Katie Couric as "The Perky One":
Oprah: ...been in a situation where you leave and you say "I wish I had said something different." So when you finished that interview did you think, "I wish I had just named some magazines?"
Sarah: Absolutely! Then we probably wouldn't be talking about it today.
Oprah: So you are saying now that the reason why you had the responses to Katie Couric is because you were annoyed with her?
Sarah: Well, I was annoyed with where we were, what we were doing at the time, and all these segments too. We had just come off the most amazing rally, working the rope line for I don't know how long, these energized awesome people, and I'm pumped up, over the top pumped up with energy, and I'm so happy and running back stage. And my friend Betsy opens the curtain for me and there's the perky one again, with the microphone and the cameras rolling, and I'm like, hey, you know, give me a couple of minutes to gather...
Oprah: Perky meaning Katie.
Palin: With all due respect, yeah.
Oprah: You're pretty perky too.
Sarah: I talk a lot about the Katie Couric interview in the book because I want the transcript, too, to speak for itself, to show that she asked me twelve different times my position on abortion and the morning after pill. She did not want, I guess, to hear my first candid, truthful response about being pro life and wanting to usher in a culture of life and empower women to know that they are strong enough and smart enough to have that child. I gave my answer and she asked it again.
A video clip of this segment of the interview is here, courtesy of "Real Clear Politics. The Oprah Show's recap of the full interview is here.
NewsBusters.org, Sarah Plain had said that some of her annoyance with Couric stemmed from what she perceived as an elist attitude on Couric's part:
"Well, and, obviously, I have, of course, all my life I'm a lover of books and magazines and newspapers," Palin said. "By the time she asked me that question, even though it was kind of early on in the interview, I was already so annoyed, and it was very unprofessional of me to wear that annoyance on my sleeve, but it was like ... ‘Are are you kidding me? Are you really asking me?' To me, it was in the context of, ‘Do you read? How do you stay informed, you're way up there?' It seemed like she was discovering this nomadic tribe, a member of a tribe from some Neanderthal cave in Alaska, asking me, ‘How do you stay in touch with the real world?'"
She said she thought Couric was indicative of the state of journalism today and the fundamental problems with it.
"That's how I took the question, so I kind of-- well, didn't kind of, I did. I rolled my eyes and was annoyed with the question and thought, ‘You know, I think that this is a problem with the state of journalism today, is no matter what I say to her, it will probably be twisted, perceived as a bit negative.'"
Wild Thing's comment.......
I am looking forward to Rush's talk with Sarah today on his show.
Posted by Wild Thing at 11:50 AM | Comments (2)
ABC and CNN Reporters in China
CNN's Emily Chang reports on the Chinese popular reaction to Obama's impending visit.
CNN reporter detained in Shanghai over Obama-Mao T-shirt
A CNN correspondent said Monday she was detained byChinese security guards in Shanghai for two hours for displaying a T-shirt on camera depicting US President Barack Obama as Mao Zedong.
Emily Chang, a Beijing-based correspondent for the US television network, said in a blog post on CNN.com that she hunted down the shirt after hearing they had been banned amid fears they "may offend the American president."
The shirt shows Obama, who is making his first visit to China as president, in a Red Army uniform staring into the distance in a pose made famous by the former Chinese leader.
The front of the shirt says "Serve the People" in Chinese, Chang said. "Oba-Mao" is written on the back in English.
Chang said she held the shirt up to the camera while filming a story in a Shanghai market.
"Two security guards happened to pass by at the moment I announced to the camera: 'This is the T-shirt everybody is talking about,'" she said.
"And that was it. They scrambled towards us and tried to pry the shirt out of my hands," Chang said. "I didn't give in.
"There was a bit of yelling and quite a scuffle," she said, adding that CNN "had everything on tape."
"We ended up being detained for two hours in the cold, maze of a market," she said. "A crowd gathered round. More security and then police showed up.
"They wanted our press cards, our passports, but most of all, they wanted the shirt," she said. "Finally, they let us go. Phew!"
Chang refused to surrender the offending shirt and joked that a number of jealous White House and CNN colleagues had tried to "bribe" her for it.
Jake Tapper gets visit by Chinese official while interviewing a student at Shanghai Town Hall, the official "commanded" them to stop the interview
Jake Tapper: "Afterwards we talked to a few students...that is until a government official commanded us to stop"
Tapper: "Why?"
Official: "No why...my boss called us to stop ok"
Wild Thing's comment.........
Why would Ubama , the Kenyan communist, be offended by an Ubama-Mao t-shirt? He likes people like Mao.
It might offend him??? OH OK
“Obama Mao Mao Mao
Obama Mao Mao Mao
Obama Mao Mao Mao
Obama Mao Mao Mao...”
Take THAT ObamaMao!
Offended him!!!???
Obama probably would have bowed down to the t-shirt.
And the other story,....Jack Tapper is a good guy, he does very fair reporting so I feel bad for him, he just wanted to ask some questions of the students. Just goes to show, Obama Town Halls are the same wherever you go. LOL , I love the girls comment about him being nervous... Obama without a teleprompter!! Of course he is nervous! He couldn’t use his pacifier during the questions.
So much for those that say China is no longer Communist .
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:50 AM | Comments (7)
Retirees and Vets Allowed to Salute Flag
Retirees and Vets Allowed to Salute Flag
Traditionally, members of the nation's veterans service organizations render the hand-salute during the national anthem and at events involving the national flag while wearing their organization's official head-gear.
The National Defense Authorization Act of 2008 contained an amendment to allow un-uniformed servicemembers, military retirees, and veterans to render a hand salute during the hoisting, lowering, or passing of the U.S. flag.
A later amendment further authorized hand-salutes during the national anthem by veterans and out-of-uniform military personnel. This was included in the Defense Authorization Act of 2009, which Former President Bush signed on Oct. 14, 2008.
Wild Thing's comment........
I love seeing people saluting proudly at baseball games, parades, and formal events.
This is interesting to me, I didn't know they had this for our Veterans.
....Thank you Tom for sending this to me.
US Army Aviation
Vietnam 1966-68
US Army Special Forces
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:49 AM | Comments (6)
Obama Green-lights Arab Land Grab
Obama admits he is a MUSLIM!
Obama green-lights Arab land grab
But Israel threatens retaliation if U.N. approves Palestinian state
A top Palestinian Authority official told WND that the PA reached an understanding with the Obama administration regarding a Palestinian threat to unilaterally ask the United Nations to recognize a Palestinian state outside of negotiations with Israel.
Ahmed Qurei, former PA prime minister and member of the Palestinian Liberation Organization executive committee, said in an interview that the PA "reached an understanding with important elements within the administration" to possibly bring to the U.N. Security Council a resolution to unilaterally create a Palestinian state.
Asked to which "elements" he was referring, Qurei would only say they were from the Obama administration.
A top PA negotiator, speaking on condition of anonymity, named the U.S. ambassador to the U.N., Susan Rice, and National Security Council member Samantha Power as among the Obama administration officials who were involved with the Palestinians' U.N. threat.
Despite widespread assumptions the U.S. would veto any such U.N. Security Council resolution, the PA negotiator said that in initial discussions, the Obama administration did not threaten to veto their conceptual unilateral resolution.
"The U.S. told us that they prefer a negotiated settlement with Israel, but if we (Palestinians) insist on a resolution, the Americans will not necessarily reject it," the PA negotiator said.
"The U.S. has a history of never before vetoing any U.N. move to create a new state," the negotiator pointed out.
Chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat said yesterday the Palestinians had decided to turn to the U.N. Security Council to unilaterally declare a Palestinian state in the Gaza Strip, West Bank and eastern Jerusalem.
Separately, the negotiator, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said that the Obama administration is "totally on board" with a plan by Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad to create a state on the pre-1967 borders within two years.
According to a top PA official, the Obama administration has largely adopted the positions of the Palestinian West Bank leadership to create a Palestinian state within two years based on the pre-1967 borders, meaning Israel would retreat from most of the West Bank and eastern sections of Jerusalem.
The PA negotiator WND spoke with yesterday said that his authority's primary goal now is to secure a letter of support from the Obama administration affirming the U.S. commitment to a pre-1967 Palestinian state within two years.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu yesterday hit back at the PA plan to unilaterally declare a state, warning such a move will be met by "one-sided Israeli measures." He did not elaborate.
"There is no substitute for negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority and any unilateral attempts outside that framework will unravel the existing agreements between us and could entail unilateral steps by Israel," Netanyahu told a high-level gathering of Israeli and American policy makers at the Saban Forum in Jerusalem.
Netanyahu stressed that in order to achieve peace, "negotiations must resume immediately." He affirmed Israel was prepared to begin talks "with a generous spirit."
"I want to stress that we are willing to take steps that will help in advancing the peace process, but it must begin, there is no reason to waste time," said the Israeli leader.
While negotiations were not easy, Netanyahu said, "there is no other way to bring about change."
The official claimed the Obama administration was ready to ultimately consider "sanctions" against Israel if the Netanyahu government rejected negotiations leading to a Palestinian state. The official refused to clarify which sanctions he was referring to or whether he was specifically told by the U.S. government it would consider sanctions.
The PA official claimed Obama can make a "headache" for Netanyahu if the Israeli leader does not conduct negotiations leading within two years to a Palestinian state.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Netanyahu should tell Obama to bug off.
Israel needs to recognize that they can no longer count on the US ( hell—even we can’t), and that they are nothing but pawns for Obama.
If Israel allows Obama to lead them, they will not have peace, but they won’t care........... because they will be dead.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:48 AM | Comments (3)
Obama Will NOT Salute......AGAIN!
Wild Thing's comment......
I really believe he is not failing to remember to salute the flag of the US.He’s doing it on purpose. I am not sure if this was at Fort Hood Memorial or on Veterans Day at the Ceremony in Arlington National Cemetry. I have seen it posted as both.
Notice how everyone else is saluting or has their hand over their heart......except of course rk Obama.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:47 AM | Comments (7)
More of Obama Disrespect For Our Flag But Chech This Out....
Obama putting his hand over his heart during the playing of the Russian national anthem, during his visit to Moscow.
Wild Thing's comment......
He also did so for the Saudi anthem when he was in Riyadh. BUT not for America.,...nope.
......Thank you SSGT Steve
SSgt Steve
1st MarDiv, H Co., 2nd Bn, 5th Marine Regiment
2/5 Marines, Motto: "Retreat, Hell"
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:45 AM | Comments (4)
November 16, 2009
Japan expert to ABC :Yes, Obama’s bow made him look like an idiot
Japan expert to ABC : Yes, Obama’s bow made him look like an idiot
According to ABC's Jack Tapper’s source, at least one Japanese paper isn’t running the photo out of embarrassment. This tool actually groveled himself into a minor international incident.
Jack Tapper
“Kyodo News is running his appropriate and reciprocated nod and shake with the Empress, certainly to show the president as dignified, and not in the form of a first year English teacher trying to impress with Karate Kid-level knowledge of Japanese customs.
“The bow as he performed did not just display weakness in Red State terms, but evoked weakness in Japanese terms….The last thing the Japanese want or need is a weak looking American president and, again, in all ways, he unintentionally played that part.
Wild Thing's comment........
The teleprompter made him do it.
He is a total embarrassment around the world!!!
LMAO oh look....... as of 9:30 p.m. Eastern last night on Google Japan Search (news and blog reference) search function, one gets a whopping 4,410 pages, references and what not to the exact phrase "Obama Bow To The Emperor Was Inappropriate"
HERE IS THE LINK so you can see it.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 AM | Comments (13)
U.S.A. Hater ~ Obama in His Speech Trashes Pres. Bush and America
Trying to reassure allies and rivals, President Barack Obama billed himself Saturday as "America’s first Pacific president," promising the nations of Asia "a new era of engagement with the world based on mutual interests and mutual respect."
Turning tough, Obama also said that the U.S. "will not be cowed by threats" from North Korea, which he said for decades "has chosen a path of confrontation and provocation, including the pursuit of nuclear weapons."
In a slap at President George W. Bush, Obama spoke of the importance of "multilateral organizations [that] can advance the security and prosperity of this region."
"I know that the United States has been disengaged from these organizations in recent years. So let me be clear: those days have passed,” Obama said during the first major address of a four-country Far East swing, which will continue from Japan to Singapore, China and South Korea. “As an Asia Pacific nation, the United States expects to be involved in the discussions that shape the future of this region, and to participate fully in appropriate organizations as they are established and evolve," Obama said.
Wild Thing's comment..........
What on Earth is a Pacific President?
If it’s one that engages with nations in and around the Pacific Ocean - well, America has been heavily engaged with friends and allies around the Pacific for a long time.
Maybe he meant to say....PATHETIC president, or PATHOLOGICAL president , Treasonous-American president instead.
Obama should remember that it was the Bush administration that “caught” the North Korean Nuke program....after Madeline was rendered harmless after drinking and dancing with N.Korea's president.
Obama will learn one day that just because he says a thing doesn’t make it reality.
Obama is in fact coasting on Bush's Pacific-Asian policy. He hasn't accomplished, or even proposed, one single new or expanded policy. But his utter lack of result, and effort, doesn't stop him from grandly spewing "just words" as though he's already worked wonders. Is he angling for another "Do Nothing" Nobel Prize? In truth he's only regressed American-Pacific Rim relations. Where he hasn't merely walked in Bush's footsteps (i.e. voted "present") he's dropped the ball (and then wee-wee'd on the ball). For example, WHAT ABOUT THE SOUTH KOREAN FREE TRADE AGREEMENT Bush set up for you, Dumbass?
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:50 AM | Comments (10)
Obama Fails as CIC and Plummeting Military Morale
German Defence Minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg, wearing body armour, disembarks from a plane on arrival in Kabul November 12, 2009, as he makes a surprise visit to Afghanistan to meet with military commanders and to inspect German Army, Bundeswehr, troops stationed there. Reuters
NO OBAMA VISIT to the TROOPS! ~ Wild Thing
Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd lays a wreath in observance of Remembrance Day during a service held at Camp Holland near Tarin Kowt November 11, 2009. Rudd was in Afghanistan to mark Remembrance Day with the Australian troops. afpak-fun-05g-ure taken on November 11. Reuters
NO OBAMA VISIT to the TROOPS! ~ Wild Thing
Obama and Plummeting Military Morale
New Army surveys, reports the Wall Street Journal, show that morale has fallen sharply among soldiers fighting the Taliban in Afghanistan and confirm an unusually high suicide in their ranks.
Perhaps this has something to do with doubts about their commander-in-chief's commitment to win this war by standing staunchly with them in spirit and providing the necessary troop levels and other resources. With fatalities and injuries surging among them, the president's prolonged and frazzled indecision on how to wage this struggle must leave these soldiers with a sense of being cast adrift in limbo, if not hell itself. Having first, very belatedly, consulted directly on strategy with the man in charge of the war, General Stanley McChrystal, President Obama then proceeded for months to pore over, appear to accept, throw out, and then start all over examining, various options.
In an act of deep interpersonal significance, as Claudia Rosett observes, the president has not bothered to pay a visit to Afghanistan to bolster morale. Yet, to buck up his foreign policy credentials, he managed to make a campaign stop there while running for president. Once elected, he found time to extend a friendly hand to Muslims in Cairo, lobby for Chicago's Olympics bid, vacation in Martha's Vineyard, and have a "date night" in New York City with his wife. Soon he'll be off to Oslo to accept a Nobel Peace Prize, which he has done nothing yet to deserve, in Afghanistan, at home, or elsewhere in the world.
It could also have not done much to fortify our soldiers to learn of the president's obfuscations and omissions in his recent Fort Hood tribute to their slaughtered 13 comrades. He could not bring himself, as Michael Goodwin and others noted, to call the massacre what it clearly was: treason and terrorism, visited by an Army officer on his defenseless comrades. While failing to acknowledge that Nidal Malik Hasan had shouted, "Al lahu akbar" (God is great) as he fired his weapons, the president also commented, "No just and loving God looks upon them with favor." The president declared the nation to be "in a time of war," but then downgraded the killings to the level of a mere "tragedy." He alluded to 9/11, warning that "the same extremists who killed nearly 3,000 Americans continue to endanger America," but neglected to say that the same militant Islamism led to the recent slaughter. He was silent about the shooter's contacts with al Qaeda, but stated, "No faith justifies these murderous and craven acts."
Rosett urges the president to betake himself without further delay to Afghanistan and deliver "a soaring speech" to our troops, such as to "display for their benefit and the world's, that as commander-in-chief of these men and women who are risking their lives under his command, he is not AWOL."
But one wonders just how soaring such a message could possibly be, coming from one who cannot muster the leadership to decide how, and indeed if at all, to proceed on their battleground. So geared to mollify his leftist political base has this president's every action seemed so far in his tenure that our courageous soldiers have every reason to fear themselves but chess pieces in his long game of political calculation.
Can the hearts of our troops yet be touched by a commander-in-chief who has for so long failed to show his face, and left them alone, on the battleground? By now they, like many among us, must acknowledge that this is the same commander-in-chief who, during his bid for the presidency cynically - then, too, for rank political reasons -- trumpeted the war in Afghanistan to be the most "necessary" one in the fight against terrorism.
But, above all, the drag that this president exerts on our soldiers comes from his unwillingness even forthrightly to name the enemy with whom they are locked in deadly combat.
If President Obama's lack of leadership and alienation from our troops continue, he may go down in history as America's great demoralizer-in-chief. But, vastly more momentous than his place in history, his failure to lead this nation, and the world, during these hazardous times may well precipitate a series of crises that will plague us for generations.
Wild Thing's comment.............
DAMN obama!
This makes me sick to see this happening to our troops.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:49 AM | Comments (13)
Doug Hoffman: ACORN and the Unions Will Not Have Their Way!
Doug Hoffman: ACORN and the Unions Will Not Have Their Way!
Our Campaign Is Not Over Yet!
So many people have written hoping we continue the fight, count every ballot and make sure no one steals this election. Acorn and the unions did their best to try and say that the conservative movement was a sham. Rest assured they will not succeed. On Election Night the information we received was far different from what we received this week. They will not silence our voice that easily!
There is also the fact that NY is using the Sequoia Voting Systems machines. Princeton University (http://citp.princeton.edu/voting/advantage/) cited them as having been susceptible to voter fraud in the past. There's a reason why the State of California BANNED them. Yet we must now prepare for this possibility as well.
We are working to get the message out that this election is far from over! Our campaign and the New York Conservative Party is watching this recount and preparing for our next course of action. On Friday Doug appeared on Cavuto on FoxNews and will appear on Glen Beck's radio show on Monday. It is a call-to-arms for conservatives. Help however you can; post blogs, comment on websites and donate to help us mount a challenge if need be!
NY - Despite the fact that Bill Owens has already been sworn-in and has voted on crucial legislation in the House of Representatives, he may not have actually won the NY-23 Congressional Special Election.
Several errors were made during the initial vote counts. Over 2,000 votes for contender Doug Hoffman were not counted in the preliminary results, narrowing the current vote gap to less than 3,000 votes between Democrat Bill Owens and Conservative Doug Hoffman.
The errors were discovered during the standard vote recanvas that has been underway since November 4th. The largest error occurred in Oswego County where the vote recanvas found a discrepancy of more than 1,200 votes in Doug Hoffman's favor. Another error, in Jefferson County contributed an additional 700 votes in Hoffman's favor during the recount.
The election was close enough even on election night that the New York State Board of Elections was unable to present a "clear decision" in the race according to John Conklin, Communications Director for the department. He said that the Board sent a letter to the Clerk of the House of Representatives in Washington indicating that they could not yet determine a winner and could therefore not certify the election until after the recanvas and absentee ballot count. Those final numbers will not be available until at least mid-December.
Nancy Pelosi was only able to legally swear-in Bill Owens because Doug Hoffman had conceded the election, indicating that he did not contest the initial, and now shown erroneous, results, something he may not have done if he had been aware of how close the election was.
Mr. Hoffman told the Gouverneur Times that he felt at the time that he "was being a good sport" in doing so. With 93% of the polls in and counted and a margin of over 5,000 votes in favor of Owens, he felt he had lost the election. He now says that "while hindsight is 20/20, if I had known it was that close, I probably would have waited."
Bill Owens was sworn in 2 days later and proceeded to vote in favor of Pelosi's health care bill the following day. While Mr. Hoffman feels that deliberately contesting the results of the election to prevent Owens' deciding vote in the Health Care bill would "not have been very sportsmanlike," and that he, personally, would not like to see a politician manipulate events in that manner, he also indicated that the good of the American people and the citizens of the 23rd district would have weighed in on that decision as well.
As it stands now, Bill Owens may be in Washington and voting the Pelosi Party line but when the vote is certified he may be ousted. The state Board of Elections indicated that "...all ballots will be counted, and if the result changes, Owens will have to be removed." Concession speech or not, if the voters in the 23rd District elected Doug Hoffman and not Bill Owens, then Hoffman will be the Representative.
There are currently over 10,000 uncounted absentee ballots, many of which were in the military where a strongly conservative bias exists. Given the narrow margin of Owens' lead at this time, it's entirely possible that this race could still swing for Hoffman.
Sources indicate that the Democrats would not have had the votes to pass the Health bill if Owens had not been sworn-in and pledged his support for it. Several other Representatives have indicated that they would not have cast their votes in favor of the bill if they were not certain that it had the votes to win.
Wild Thing's comment........
This should be a warning to conservatives... do NOT concede too soon!
The winner is whomever received the most amount of votes, and this race hasn’t been certified since the votes haven’t all been counted.
Oh man, wouldn’t this be amazing? That would be great is Hoffman does win and they oust Owens.
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot? Fight it out to the last dang vote is counted. Democraps would never concede anything in a sportsmanlike fashion. They lie and cheat their way to victory. Hoffman should hang in there and retake that seat. See if THEY will be sportsmanlike.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:48 AM | Comments (6)
New WH Counsel Hired to Erase Tracks Between ACORN and Obama
New WH Counsel Hired to Erase Tracks Between ACORN and Obama
Newly appointed White House counsel Bob Bauer is “perfectly positioned to be tasked with erasing the tracks between Obama and ACORN,” one Republican lawmaker charged Friday.
The lawyer’s hiring, announced this morning shortly after Greg Craig officially resigned the post, was also an attempt by the White House to deflect any fallout that may arise from an ACORN investigation currently underway in Louisiana, Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) added in a statement.
“Bob Bauer has a public record of defending Barack Obama’s relationship with ACORN, the congressman told supporters. “Bauer’s hiring appears to be a tactical maneuver to strategically defend the White House exactly one week after Louisiana Attorney General Buddy Caldwell raided ACORN’s national headquarters in New Orleans and seized paper records and computer hard drives that may lead to the White House.”
However, the link between Bauer, the president and ACORN’s Louisiana office is long, winding and confusing, at best.
According to Rep. Steve King, Bauer — who worked for Obama during his 2008 presidential campaign — was they key player in a politicized fight between the campaign and President George W. Bush’s Justice Department over an investigation of suspected ACORN voting fraud.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Bauer was the one of the plumbers assigned to expunge Obama’s birth cert. and school transcripts. From one of my past posts about the Birth Ceetificate, Bauer was paid by the Dems already $1.4 million to handle the birth certficate issue.
Good for Rep. King for bringing this up, the more I hear from Rep. Steve King, the more I like him. Steve King has been on fire lately! I hope he keeps calling it like it is.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:47 AM | Comments (9)
Lieutenant Colonel Allen B West (US Army, Ret) Statement on Fort Hood Shooting ~ A MUST READ!!!
*** This is a must read! Awesome! ***
Lieutenant Colonel Allen B West (US Army, Ret) Statement on Fort Hood Shooting.
His website
Last Thursday, 13 American Soldiers were killed and another 30 wounded at a horrific mass shooting at US Army installation, Ft Hood Texas. As I watched in horror and then anger I recalled my two years of final service in the Army as a Battalion Commander at Ft Hood.
My wife and two daughters were stunned at the incident having lived on the post in family housing.
A military installation, whether it is Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine, or Coast Guard, is supposed to be a safe sanctuary for our warriors and their families. It is intended to provide a home whereby our “Band of Brothers and Sisters” can find solace and bond beyond just the foxhole but as family units.
A military installation is supposed to be a place where our warriors train for war, to serve and protect our nation.
On Thursday, 5 November 2009 Ft Hood became a part of the battlefield in the war against Islamic totalitarianism and state sponsored terrorism.
There may be those who feel threatened by my words and would even recommend they not be uttered. To those individuals I say step aside because now is not the time for cowardice. Our country has become so paralyzed by political correctness that we have allowed a vile and determined enemy to breach what should be the safest place in America, an Army post.
We have become so politically correct that our media is more concerned about the pre-shooting stress on the shooter, Major Nidal Malik Hasan. The misplaced benevolence intending to portray him as a victim is despicable. The fact that there are some who have now created an entire new classification called, “pre-virtual vicarious Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)” is unconscionable.
This is not a “man caused disaster”. It is what it is: an Islamic jihadist attack.
We have seen this before in March 2003 when a SGT Hasan of the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) threw hand grenades and opened fire into his Commanding Officer’s tent in Kuwait. We have seen the foiled attempt of Albanian Muslims who sought to attack Ft Dix, NJ. Recently we saw a young convert to Islam named Carlos Bledsoe travel to Yemen, receive terrorist training, and return to gun down two US soldiers at a Little Rock, Arkansas Army recruiting station.
We thwarted another Islamic terrorist plot in North Carolina which had US Marine Corps Base, Quantico as a target.
What have we seen done with all these prevalent trends? Nothing.
What we see are leaders paralyzed and refusing to confront the issue, Islamic terrorist infiltration into America, and possibly further into our Armed Services. Instead we have a multiculturalism and diversity syndrome on steroids.
Major Hasan should have never been transferred to Ft Hood. Moreover, he should have been administratively discharged from the Army. His previous statements, poor evaluation reports, and the fact that the FBI had him under investigation for jihadist website posting should have been sufficient proof.
However, what we have is a typical liberal approach to find a victim, not the 13 and 30 but rather the poor shooter. A shooter who we hear was a great American, who loved the Army and serving his nation, and CAIR stating that his actions had nothing to do with religious belief.
We know that Major Hasan deliberately planned this episode; he did give away his possessions. He stood atop a table in the confined space of the Soldier Readiness Center shouting “Allahu Akhbar,” the same chant as the 9-11 terrorists and those we fight against overseas in the Iraq and Afghanistan theaters of operation.
No one in leadership seems willing to sound the alarm for the American people. Our Congress should suspend further action on the preposterous and unconstitutional healthcare bill and resolve the issue of “protecting the American people”.
The recent incidents in Dearborn Michigan, Boston Massachusetts, Dallas Texas, and Chicago Illinois should bear witness to the fact that we have an Islamic terrorism issue in America. And don’t have CAIR call me and try to issue a vanilla press statement: they are terrorist apologists, not a civil rights organization.
We have Saudi Arabia funding close to 80% of the mosques in the United States, one right here in South Florida, Pompano Beach.. Are we building churches and synagogues in Saudi Arabia? Of course not. Because they aren’t allowed by the Saudi government.
So much for peaceful coexistence.
Saudi Arabia is sponsoring radical Imams who enter into our prisons and convert young men into a virulent ideology….one resulting in four individuals wanting to destroy synagogues in New York with plastic explosives. Thank God the explosives were dummy. They are sponsoring textbooks which present Islamic centric revisionist history in our schools.
We must recognize that there is an urgent need to separate the theo-political radical Islamic ideology out of our American society. We must begin to demand surveillance of suspected Imams and mosques that are spreading hate and preaching the overthrow of our Constitutional Republic……that speech is not protected under First Amendment, it is sedition and if done by an American treason.
I make no apologies for these words, and anyone angered by them, please, go to Ft Hood and look into the eyes of the real victims. The tragedy at Ft Hood Texas did not have to happen. Consider now the feelings of those there and on every military installation in the world. Consider the feelings of the Warriors deployed into combat zones who now are concerned that their loved ones at home are in a combat zone.
Ft Hood suffered an Islamic jihadist attack, stop the denial and realize a simple point.
The reality of your enemy must become your own.
Steadfast and Loyal,
Lieutenant Colonel Allen B West (US Army, Ret)
Wild Thing's comment........
Lieutenant Colonel Allen B West is always so good. He also has an awesome story.
This is excellent what he has written about Fort Hood.
I have never seen Col. West get a single thing wrong.
He is exactly what we hope for in an American soldier. Too bad Gen. Casey has gone the PC route.
Lt. Col. West is running for Congress in Florida.
He is what we need not only in our military but in government to fight back against the destruction of our country.
Lt. Col. West studies and understands the principles and ideas upon which this nation was founded. Further, he can articulate them and defend them.
This is his Facebook
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:45 AM | Comments (5)
Obama Will Remove Abortion Funding Ban From Health Care Bill
Obama Will Remove Abortion Funding Ban From Health Care Bill, Advisor Says
by Steven Ertelt
Top Obama advisor David Axelrod on Sunday confirmed what pro-life advocates already suspected would happen. He said President Barack Obama will work with congressional Democrats to remove the abortion funding ban the House approved in its version of the government-run health care bill.
Axelrod says that, because the Stupak amendment allegedly goes beyond the status quo under the Hyde amendment (which bans abortion funding under Medicaid), Obama will make sure the amendment is yanked during the conference committee.
That’s the part of the legislative process that will occur if and when the Senate approves its own health care bill, which will likely start debate with abortion funding.
"The president has said repeatedly, and he said in his speech to Congress, that he doesn't believe that this bill should change the status quo as it relates to the issue of abortion," Axelrod said today on CNN's State of the Union program.
"This shouldn't be a debate about abortion. And he's going to work with Senate and the House to try and ensure that at the end of the day, the status quo is not changed," he added. "I believe that there are discussions ongoing to how to adjust it accordingly."
Axelrod said that an agreement with ruling Democrats in Congress to remove the ban on taxpayer funding of abortions "can and will be worked through before it reaches his desk."
Axelrod's comments come after Obama's own remarks which made it appear he would favor removing or weakening the Stupak amendment.
"I laid out a very simple principle, which is this is a health care bill, not an abortion bill," Obama told ABC News last week. "And we're not looking to change what is the principle that has been in place for a very long time, which is federal dollars are not used to subsidize abortions."
Obama appeared to side with abortion advocates who claim the Stupak amendment in the health care bill somehow changes the current status quo on government abortion funding.
“There needs to be some more work before we get to the point where we're not changing the status quo” on abortion, Obama added. “And that’s the goal.”
Obama also sided with pro-abortion groups in saying he wanted to make sure “we're not restricting women’s insurance choices,” because he had promised that “if you're happy and satisfied with the insurance that you have, it’s not going to change.”
Douglas Johnson, legislative director for the National Right to Life Committee, chided Obama for his comments.
"The only thing that will prevent the health care bill from being 'an abortion bill' is precisely the Stupak-Pitts Amendment, as the House of Representatives recognized by a 46-vote margin," he said.
"The phoniness of Obama's claim that he has been trying to preserve the 'status quo' on abortion policy should be evident to any observer by now. In reality, the White House and top Democratic congressional leaders have been working hard to create a national federal government health plan that would fund abortion on demand, just as Obama promised Planned Parenthood," Johnson added.
Wild Thing's comment......
Barack Obama voted 4 times to support infanticide. That is one subject he did not vote "present" on.
A much easier decision for Obama then supporting our troops in Afghanistan, thus he made it quickly.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:40 AM | Comments (2)
November 15, 2009
Apache Takes Out IED Emplacement Team With A Hellfire Missile In Iraq
AH-64 Gunship Takes Out IED Emplacement Team With A Hellfire Missile In Iraq.
Checking in with our troops and various images from AFGHANISTAN
Staff Sgt. Steven Dubois of Remus, MI and the U.S. Army First Battalion, 26th Infantry loads a rifle magazine with ammunition at firebase Restrepo. Dubois' tattoo reads "For The Fallen" and lists the names of 17 of his friends who have died in combat during his tours to Iraq and Afghanistan.
Why Winning Matters
by Chuck Holton Boots on the Ground
I don't claim to be an expert on the war in Afghanistan. But for the last month or so, I've had the privilege of living with a bunch of people to whom I would give that classification - men and women who are in the war zone, putting their lives on the line every day.
And from my conversations with these experts, I've come to the conclusion that there are three main reasons why winning in Afghanistan is vital to our nation and to all those who claim the Christian faith. (Let me be clear that I don't count those two groups as one and the same, but neither are they mutually exclusive.)
Two of the reasons we need to win are practical, and one is philosophical.
1. The Taliban
If the world body were to abandon Afghanistan tomorrow, the country would revert to Taliban rule in very short order. This isn't because the Afghan people necessarily desire to live under extreme Sharia law. But without anyone to protect them from the Taliban, these brutal extremists will have free reign over much of the country, with the Panjshir valley a notable exception.
The opium trade would flourish, giving the Taliban millions in cash with which to extend their military reign of terror, and America's enemies like Al Qaeda would have won a vital strategic location from which to plot and execute attacks on our interests around the globe.
2. Opium
Ninety percent of the world's illegal opium comes from Afghanistan. Not only does every kilo of heroin produced there materially benefit those who have sworn to destroy us, every kilo actually DOES possibly destroy some small part of Western civilization by ruining lives that might otherwise be productive.
We need to be in Afghanistan for the same reason we need to be in Colombia - and have been for more than two decades. Heroin is an insidious weapon that poisons free societies. We need to be investing heavily in countering this threat around the world - not just in Afghanistan, but especially there.
3. Freedom
For some people in America, saying "we're over there fighting for freedom" has become a worn-out phrase since 9/11. But from a Christian standpoint, consider this: There isn't a single established Christian church in Afghanistan today. About 99 percent of all Afghans are Muslim.
And they should have every right to BE Muslim if that is what they choose, but that's the point - there is no choice in Afghanistan today. If an Afghan wants to be Buddhist, or gnostic, or Christian, or anything other than Muslim, he either hides his beliefs or potentially forfeits his life.
The last time I checked, our Declaration of Independence still reads,
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness...
I see nothing in this assertion that excludes men who don't happen to be Americans. I'm not saying this war is some kind of religious crusade to spread Christendom to the uttermost parts of the earth - but I'm saying America was founded on the belief that every man deserves the right to control his own destiny. And that's not a right enjoyed by most Afghans today.
Why does this matter to our national security? America has always stood as a beacon of hope for the opressed around the world. It is this fact that has made our nation great - we stand for liberty. Many countries enjoy bountiful natural resources. Many cultures embody a strong work ethic. These traits don't set the United States apart - liberty does.
Once that light begins to fade - so too will America.

A U.S. Army Pilot flying a UH-61 Blackhawk helicopter, drops ammunition and water to U.S. Soldiers, from Charlie Company, 2nd Battalion, 12th Infantry Regiment, 4th Infantry Division, following a three hour gun battle, in Waterpur Valley, at Kunar province, Afghanistan, Nov. 3, 2009. (U.S. Army Sgt. Matthew Moeller/Released
U.S. Marines with 2nd Battalion, 8th Marine Regiment and Afghan soldiers wait to leave Patrol Base Hasan Abad ,in the Garmsir district of Helmand province, Afghanistan
US Army (USA) Soldiers assigned to 3rd Battalion, 187th Infantry Regiment, 3rd Brigade, 101st Airborne Division (Assault), prepare to search a taxi truck, loaded with civilians, at a vehicle check point located near the village of Sulamain Khel, Afghanistan. USA Soldiers are operating 18-miles from the Afghanistan and Pakistan border
Spc. Matthew King of Lompoc, California reads a card from his mother during a rare mail call in Forward Operating Base Zerok in Paktika province, Afghanistan. Conditions are harsh for the soldiers of the 3-509 US Army's 25th Infantry Division and their Afghan Army counterparts at the Zerok field base near the border with Pakistan. The troops stationed at the base frequently patrol the adjacent mountains on foot and endure frequent attacks by militants, as well as living without showers or laundry for months.
U.S. Army Soldiers awake, in their hasty fighting position, after a night patrol in the mountains, near Sar Howza, in Paktika province, Afghanistan, Sept. 2009. The Soldiers are deployed with Bulldog Troop, 1st Squadron, 40th Cavalry Regiment. (U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Andrew Smith/Released
OJ Bailey II, SFC, USASF (Retired)
VP Marketing and Military Liaison
Tactical Operational Products
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Blade Length: 4 1/2"
Thickness: 3/16"
Handle: Micarta
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Sheath: Kydex
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 AM | Comments (9)
Obama to Meet with Myanmar Rulers ( Tyrants )
Obama to Meet with Myanmar Rulers
Visit marks major change in U.S. policy
President Obama on Sunday will become the first American president in more than 40 years to attend a meeting with the repressive rulers of Myanmar, marking a dramatic shift in the U.S. approach to bringing change to a regime that responds brutally to dissent, locks up journalists and political opponents, and has kept itself largely walled off from the Western world.
Formerly known as Burma, Myanmar has for years played the role of skunk in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, known as ASEAN, repeatedly preventing the group from attracting participation from the United States. But Mr. Obama came to office promising to extend an open hand to rogue states in the hopes of changing the dynamics.
"The policies of the international community have not in two decades produced positive results," said Jeffrey Bader, a special assistant to the president for national security. "One definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over and expect a different outcome. Twenty years is long enough." Now comes the meeting in Singapore, which the U.S. has touted as the most dramatic display of its change in policy.
The meeting could produce some jarring imagery for Mr. Obama, who during a debate with then-presidential rival Mrs. Clinton, said he would be willing to meet - without precondition - with the leaders of Iran, Syria, Venezuela, Cuba and North Korea. "I would," he responded. Mrs. Clinton said she would not. "I don't want to be used for propaganda purposes," she said.
Wild Thing's comment.........
Obama is without question the worst human being ever to be President. He obviously feels more at home and at ease with these types of people.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (5)
Kruathammer Discusses Giving Khalid Shaikh Mohammed Rights of An American Citizen
This is all show and it's gonna be a show trial which the terrorists will conduct against us, against the Bush Adm. and the methods, secondly, it's gonna be the second half of the terror attack, the first half is you attack and you kill, you become notorious and you cause pain and sensation. Then a decade later you appear at the scene of the crime and you have the biggest forum in the world to explain and proclaim the ideology behind it, this is a travesty.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Krauthammer knows his stuff. Nice to see that he’s not taking the politically correct route.
He eviscerates President Obama's and AG Eric Holder's decision to give the terrorists responsible for 9-11 the same rights as American citizens.
“I’m not sure that FDR, or Lincoln, or any of our war presidents, or Johnson, or Kennedy would take a combatant and give him the constitutional rights of an American citizen and give him a trial in civilian court. That doesn’t happen.”
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:49 AM | Comments (5)
September 10? It’s Worse Than That by Andrew c. McCarthy
September 10? It’s Worse Than That
by Andrew c. McCarthy
‘September 10 America.” The phrase signifies a reprise of the “terrorism is just a crime” mindset that reigned in the years before the 9/11 attacks. Like other observers, I’ve groused in recent months that we are back to that self-destructive ethos. I was wrong. If the Fort Hood atrocity tells us anything, it is that things are much worse than they were before 9/11.
For one thing, 9/11 has happened. Before it did, perhaps we had an excuse. But we’ve experienced the wages of consciously avoiding Islamism. To have retreated into puerile fantasies about a religion of peace is, at this juncture, unfathomable.
Fathom it, though, we must. In 2008, I wrote a book called Willful Blindness to describe government’s stubborn refusal to deal with the nature and magnitude of jihadism when it first emerged as a domestic threat in the early Nineties. For a long time, I’d resisted writing about the experience of prosecuting Muslim terrorists. I’m very proud of what we did, but the story is a painful one of warning signs missed and lives lost. Having lived it, I wasn’t anxious to relive it.
Yet, more than a decade after Muslim terrorists declared war on the United States by bombing the World Trade Center, we were still making the same errors, with wishful thinking about Islam still substituting for sober analysis. It seemed important to go back to the beginning, to explore why jihadism is a profound threat, why we’ve underestimated it, and why it is so perilous to treat a national-security challenge as if it were a mere legal problem. In a display of my own wishful thinking
Wrong again.
The word incomprehensible does not do justice to the FBI’s conclusion that jihadist saboteur Nidal Hasan’s numerous communications with jihadist imam Anwar al-Awlaki were either (a) not significant enough to warrant further investigation or (b) significant but immune from further investigation on First Amendment grounds.
The first possibility would not pass the laugh test if this were a laughing matter. Anonymous government officials have suggested that the substance of the conversations was innocuous. That remains to be seen — we can’t know until we learn exactly what was said, how it was acted on, who else may have been in the loop, and so on. But even if you buy the innocent-substance theory (I don’t), the occurrence of the communications — between an Islamist infiltrator in our armed forces and a known al-Qaeda recruiter who ministered to some of the 9/11 hijackers — could not be more significant. The mere circumstances were more than enough to turn up the investigative heat.
That’s so palpable that we must worry that about the second possibility: That the FBI and the Justice Department have convinced themselves that the Constitution really is a suicide pact — that a mainstream construction of Islam, calling for our demise as a free people, is somehow insulated from inquiry because we don’t want to confront the stubborn fact that Islamist terror is instigated by Islamic doctrine.
Journalism in the last week has been a feast of fables about Islam, libels about military culture, and gut-wrenching accounts of sorrow and heroism. But the most disturbing thing I’ve read is Ron Kessler’s Newsmax column. It addressed little not already known about the mass murder, but Ron has singularly good sources in the FBI. He provides a window into Bureau thinking that makes the mind reel.
Besides grossly low-balling the number of U.S. mosques that propagate Islamist ideology — the Feebs say it’s about 10 percent of 2,000 mosques; it’s actually about six to eight times that amount — a top FBI counterterrorism official told Kessler:
Those who actively support extremist causes, say America is evil and deserves what it gets, and celebrate the death of soldiers, know they may come to our attention. So they don’t do it as openly now . . . . There was much more of that [before 9/11] because all of it was considered by Justice Department guidelines to be purely protected speech. We do not have incitement laws in America, but once an imam facilitates someone else taking action, he has crossed the line into material support and becomes our business.
Where to begin? Almost 17 years ago, after the Trade Center was bombed, the Justice Department did not believe a Muslim cleric had to “cross the line into material support” before he became the FBI’s business. Indeed, there were no “material support” laws until 1996. In 1995, as detailed in Willful Blindness, I led the team that convicted Omar Abdel Rahman, the “Blind Sheikh.” In essence, we prosecuted him for inciting terrorism — the thing the senior official tells Kessler isn’t a crime. Specifically, the Blind Sheikh was convicted of (among other things) soliciting an attack against a U.S. military installation (like Hasan just committed) and soliciting the murder of Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak.
Solicitation is still a federal crime — and there’s no requirement that the incitement actually lead to a terrorist act. Moreover, even before anyone in America ever heard of al-Qaeda — even before there was a 9/11, or bombings of Khobar Towers, the U.S. embassies in eastern Africa, and the U.S.S. Cole — some of us realized that terrorists fueled by viscerally anti-American Islamist ideology, were at war with the United States. And guess what? There’s a statute for that, too: The Civil War–era seditious-conspiracy law makes the waging of such a terror campaign a 20-year felony. And there’s no carve-out for imams.
How was the Blind Sheikh convicted? By presenting to the jury his fiery sermons and private meetings with the faithful, often in mosques where he urged barbarous strikes against America, swaddled in accurate quotations of the Koran and other Muslim scripture. Of course, he claimed that such exhortations were protected speech. That is, he made exactly the same arguments the Islamist Left has spent the last eight years beating into the country, including into the Justice Department and the FBI. But back in 1995, those arguments were seen for the nonsense that they were.
There is no bar to the use of speech as evidence. The First Amendment generally prohibits the criminalization of speech itself — i.e., the act of communicating. But settled law holds that when prosecutors use your speech to prove crimes, there is no First Amendment violation. When the mafia boss tells the button-man “Whack him!” he doesn't get to lodge a First Amendment objection to the introduction of that statement at his murder trial. He’s not being tried for saying “Whack him!” He’s being tried for murder. The statement is evidence.
Nor does the principle change just because the speech happens to implicate religion. In America, you can believe whatever you want, but your actions must be lawful. Not surprisingly, the Blind Sheikh contended that his incitements to terror were beyond prosecution because he was practicing his religion: Specifically, he claimed he had simply been performing the traditional role of an Islamic cleric called on to determine whether proposed courses of conduct (in this instance, mass-murder plots) were permissible under Islamic law. Fourteen years ago, that contention was properly seen as frivolous. In America, we are not under sharia law — not yet. There is no religious exception for violent acts, conspiracies, and incitements to violence that violate American law.
So what has happened? Why did we know these rudimentary, commonsense principles in the Nineties but not now? Because incitement explodes the government’s “religion of peace” narrative. The incitement to Islamist terror is Islamic scripture. The Blind Shiekh was not a hypnotist or a particularly compelling speaker. His authority over terrorist organizations was rooted exclusively in his acknowledged mastery of sharia. Islamic scripture was the source of his power over Muslims.
To concede this would be to concede the obvious but unspeakable fact that there is a nexus between Islam and terror. That would harpoon the lovey-dovey dream that Islam and Western democracy are perfectly compatible. It would upset Muslims — especially the well-organized, deep-pocketed Islamic grievance industry. Today’s hip, progressive FBI, like Gen. George Casey’s modern, slavishly “diverse” military, doesn’t want to upset Muslims. Besides souring State Department cocktail parties and drying up funding for presidential libraries, upsetting Muslims would put a damper on our government’s lavish “Islamic outreach” efforts. These initiatives are premised on the delusion that we’ll stop more terror by having unindicted co-conspirators like CAIR teach Islamic “sensitivity” to our agents than by turning our agents loose to investigate CAIR and its ilk.
So the FBI ignores the significance of a terrorist cleric’s influence over an unabashed Islamist in our midst. After all, their contacts seemed to be religious in nature. We’re told, moreover, that we can’t do anything about the anti-American vitriol oozing out of Islamist mosques under the guidance of our friends the Saudis. After all, the vitriol hasn’t yet “crossed the line into material support.” By the time it does, you might have 13 corpses to tend to, but at least there will be lots to talk about at the next outreach conference — or the next time the attorney general decides to speak at a CAIR-fest.
The post-9/11 era was supposed to be about knocking down walls that obstructed effective counterterrorism. But behold the new wall, more insidious than its suicidal Nineties forerunner: the arbitrary barrier separating terrorism from “protected” incitement — the cagey, generalized, non-specific jihadist rhetoric that is the Islamist cleric’s stock-in-trade. Aside from not being required by law, this new wall will usually mean you can't go after the worst actors (the Islamic authorities and the terrorists they inspire) until after an attack has happened and Americans have been killed.
In other words, be prepared for more Fort Hoods. We’re not in September 10 America. We’ve managed to land in a much more dangerous place.
Wild Thing's comment.......
WOW! Excellent article!
Interesting remark made at the end of this piece about Eric Holder having spoken at the CAIR conference.
Can’t help but wonder if his decision to try Khalid Sheik Muhammad in civil court wasn’t the handiwork of CAIR . These are truly sickening times.
Islam should not be allowed in the United States. It advocates the violent overthrow of the government.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:48 AM | Comments (4)
Obama Welcomes Chi-Coms Rise
Obama: US will not 'contain' China
Barack Obama says the US “does not seek to contain” China’s rise as a big player on the world stage.
"The rise of a strong, prosperous China can be a source of strength for the community of nations," Mr Obama said in a speech in Japan's capital, Tokyo.
Better US ties with Beijing do not mean a weakening of relations with US allies in the region, he said.
Describing himself as the first "Pacific" US president, he said the US was committed to the area's security.
Mr Obama is now in Singapore, where he is to attend an Asia-Pacific economic summit.
His trade representative Ron Kirk, who is already at the Apec meeting, says the US wants barriers to trade and investment removed to promote an open global trade system.
Mr Obama will round off his week-long Asian tour with stops in China and South Korea.
North Korea talks
Mr Obama told the gathering in Tokyo that Washington's commitment to the region's security was "unshakeable", despite its commitments in Iraq and Afghanistan. He said the US would pursue "pragmatic co-operation" with Beijing on issues of mutual concern.
He also warned that he would not waver from raising human rights concerns with Beijing, but did not mention specific concerns, such as Tibet.
The US president called for more assistance from China to thwart the ambitions of North Korea, and warned there would be tough, unified action by the US and its Asian partners if Pyongyang failed to abandon its nuclear weapons programme.
Mr Obama again called on North Korea to return to six-party talks on the issue, adding the US would not be "cowed" by Pyongyang's nuclear threats.
He also called on Asian leaders to pursue balanced economic growth.
'Sustained growth'
On the issue of economic co-operation, Mr Obama challenged Asian countries to break their dependence on exports to the US and to pursue "balanced" and sustainable economic growth.
"We must strengthen our economic recovery, and pursue growth that is both balanced and sustained," he said. "We simply cannot return to the same cycles of boom and bust that led us into a global recession."
He said the US would pursue a new economic strategy that would mean "saving more and spending less".
He urged Asian leaders to break their dependence on exports to the US market and to open up their markets to speed up a global economic recovery.
Mr Obama arrived in Tokyo on Friday and met Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama.
The two leaders agreed on the need to renew their countries' strained alliance and pledged to work quickly to resolve a dispute over the US military base in Okinawa.
China is rounding up political dissidents ahead of President Obama’s trip to the communist nation this week.
China has detained several dissidents and campaigners ahead of US President Barack Obama’s much-anticipated first visit to the country, their relatives and close contacts told AFP Saturday.
Obama arrives in Shanghai on Sunday and moves onto Beijing the next day for a four-day maiden presidential trip during which he has been urged to raise human rights with the Asian giant’s top leadership.
But as the visit drew close, the head of an activist group for parents whose children were sickened by tainted milk in China had been detained, his wife told AFP.
” “Zhao Lianhai was criminally detained for ‘provoking an incident’,” Li Xuemei said in a text, without giving further details.
According to activist group Human Rights in China, Zhao was handcuffed and taken away late Friday night by police officers who searched his house and took away computers, a video recorder, a camera and an address book. i was criminally detained for ‘provoking an incident’,” Li Xuemei said in a text, without giving further details.
According to activist group Human Rights in China, Zhao was handcuffed and taken away late Friday night by police officers who searched his house and took away computers, a video recorder, a camera and an address book.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Obama is welcoming anything and everything that weakens or threatens our country. He loves communist and dictator countries.
So much for our friendship with Taiwan.
America can no longer "contain" China's rise to economic prominence. China owns hundreds and hundreds of billions of US $$. In effect, we've sold a great deal of ourselves to the Chi-coms.
Until this tide is reversed....until we buy back our own debt....until we begin to manufacture the items we require here in the US....we face death by drowning. And the water is up to our necks now.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (8)
Khalid Sheikh Mohammed Proud of His Terrorist Acts
What they make Daniel Pearl say and also KSM’s confession to the kidnap and beheading.
KHALID SHEIKH MOHAMMED, al Qaeda mastermind of 9/11, divulged information –he did ithis only after he had been waterboarded – that allowed the U.S. government to stop a planned terrorist attack on Los Angeles.
Khalid Sheikh Mohammed proudly confessed to a U.S. military tribunal that he “decapitated with my blessed right hand the head of the American Jew, Daniel Pearl,” more than five years after the American reporter’s execution was shown in a video, according to a transcript released by the Pentagon.
President Bush admitted that he personally authorized the waterboarding of 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.
He said he personally asked what tools were available to use on him, and sought legal approval for waterboarding him:
Wild Thing's comment......
Thank you President Bush!
This is their way to attack the Bush administration without, they think, getting their hands dirty.
It could jeopardize counterterror programs and thereby endanger Americans. On Fox and Friends Friday morning that said that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and the other 4 will be on American soil, they get full Constitutional rights. They will whine about how tortured they were..waterboarding, etc.
And in a trial the bad guy is supposed to be judged by their piers.Now how th eheck does this work with these terrorists? Do they bring in Taliban or al-quada to sit in the jury to be his piers? How stupid is that!
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:45 AM | Comments (4)
Muslims Take Over Paris Street
Muslims takeover a city street, while dropping to pray in front of dozens of storefronts. Even directing traffic with their own self appointed policeman. The Muslims do not have legal authorization to take over the streets for prayer, or to act as police and direct traffic.
Wild Thing's comment.......
With Obama this kind of thing could one day be happening here in our country. And in some cities like Dearborne it is not that far off that it could happen.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:40 AM | Comments (3)
November 14, 2009
Rush to Interview Sarah Palin on Tuesday's Program at 1PM ET
On Friday's show Rush said is he interviewed Sarah Palin yesterday for an upcoming issue of The Limbaugh Letter. He said Sarah will also be on the cover- that’s a first!
Sarah will be on Rush’s show LIVE at the top of the second hour Tuesday, November 17.
That would be at 1 PM Eastern.
Yesterday afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, I interviewed Governor Palin for the upcoming issue of the Limbaugh Letter. It will be our cover story.
She will be the cover story, she's the interview, and she will be here live on the radio next Tuesday, the day her book is released, at the top of the second hour. I talked to her yesterday, I've got the book, I have it right over there and I've had a chance, I just got it a couple days ago, three days ago, and I've had a chance to go through it, and I made a prediction to her when I talked to her yesterday. I said, "You've got enough in here that people who get hold of this, like the AP or any of the State-Controlled Media, they're gonna focus on the soap opera aspects of your book, and they're going to ignore what is truly one of the most substantive policy books I've read."
This woman, Governor Palin, clearly is jazzed by policy, particularly environmental policy and energy policy, as well as taxes and so forth. I talked to her about the future of the Republican Party, what she thought about New York-23, how she deals with the character assassination, not just of herself, but of her entire family. It was fascinating, and we'll do it again on Tuesday afternoon at one o'clock eastern time. She sent out a message here on Facebook: "'Keep Your Powder Dry' -- As you probably have heard, the AP snagged a copy of my memoir, Going Rogue, before its Tuesday release. And as is expected, the AP and a number of subsequent media outlets are erroneously reporting the contents of the book. Keep your powder dry, read the book, and enjoy it! Lots of great stories about my family, Alaska, and the incredible honor it was to run alongside Senator John McCain. We can't wait to hit the road and meet so many on the book tour! See you in Michigan first." That's Sarah Palin's post -- her reacting.
One of the things the AP is focusing on is nonsense. I should have printed out the AP story. I didn't do it. Rather than try to paraphrase it I'll find it during the break. (interruption) Well, not going after her son-in-law? You mean this Levi? He's not her son-in-law, but no, she doesn't mention him. She doesn't mention him in the book. Nobody can stop talking about this guy, this Levi Johnston, but she doesn't mention him in the book. She's pretty open and honest about being locked up and confined and not allowed to be herself by certain people in the McCain campaign, Nicolle Wallace who set her up with the Katie Couric interview. You know, I told you that I had some friends in town last week and I blew my stack again when one of them started asking me questions about Sarah Palin based on media reports. This guy brought up the Palin-Katie Couric interview and that's when I started throwing the napkin. I said, "Don't you know what happened there?"
Nicolle Wallace, who used to work at CBS, pushed that interview on Couric to help Couric. Couric's numbers were in the tank, and she told Palin some things that were not true, and most of that interview ended up on the cutting room floor. The substance of the interview, it was a total setup, a total setup. "Well, why didn't she know that?" She was on a leash. When you read this book, you'll find that they dressed her. She wanted to wear her clothes. They started this whole controversy about paying for the clothes, were they donated, this kind of thing. They would not let her mention, they wouldn't let her give a shout-out to George Bush during the campaign for keeping the country safe after 9/11. They wouldn't let her make a concession speech alongside McCain the night that he gave what many thought was his best speech of the campaign.
There are many other instances of stuff inside the campaign that I think will help people understand what the real problem or series of problems was. I mean she really dishes it out at Steve Schmidt, who was the campaign manager. They wouldn't let her go back and talk to the press on the campaign plane. I woulda gone nuts had I been in that position, that muzzled and that directed. But, you know, she's not hard on McCain. She talks about it was an honor serving with him as his vice presidential nominee. Anyway, you'll learn all of this when you read the book, it's going to come out to Tuesday. It's going to set sales records, it already has. One-and-a-half million printing is what's the original, and it's going to go higher than that.
Fantastic!!!! Thank you Rush and Sarah!!! And here is Ann Coulter on "The Early Show" talking about Sarah Palin and her new book. Ann Coulter said Palin is "an authentic American, the way most members of the media are not." She also said Palin is "a very powerful voice for Conservatism" and "has a lot of appeal out in America."
Wild Thing's comment.......
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 AM | Comments (4)
Obama Will Send 9-11 Mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammad and Four Other Gitmo Detainees to NY for Civilian Court
The Obama Administration will send 9-11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammad and four other Gitmo detainees to New York to face trial in a civilian court.
In the biggest trial for the age of terrorism, the professed 9/11 mastermind and four alleged henchmen will be hauled before a civilian court on American soil, barely a thousand yards from the site of the World Trade Center's twin towers they are accused of destroying.
Attorney General Eric Holder announced the decision Friday to bring Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four others detained at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to trial at a lower Manhattan courthouse.
It's a risky move. Trying the men in civilian court will bar evidence obtained under duress and complicate a case where anything short of slam-dunk convictions will empower President Barack Obama's critics.
Lawyers for the accused will almost certainly try to have charges thrown out based on the rough treatment of the detainees at the hands of U.S. interrogators, including the repeated waterboarding, or simulated drowning, of Mohammed.
"We have a president who doesn't know we're at war," said Debra Burlingame, whose brother, Charles Burlingame, had been the pilot of the hijacked plane that crashed into the Pentagon. She said she was sickened by "the prospect of these barbarians being turned into victims by their attorneys."
The New York case may also force the court system to confront a host of difficult legal issues surrounding counter-terrorism programs begun after the 2001 attacks, including the harsh interrogation techniques once used on some of the suspects while in CIA custody. The most severe method — waterboarding, or simulated drowning — was used on Mohammed 183 times in 2003, before the practice was banned.
Wild Thing's comment..........
I remember a member of Al Qaeda saying ‘we will use your system against you’.
Obama is doing just that. How much more evidence do people need this usurper is out to destroy our Republic.
This is going to be a trial of the Bush Administration, the CIA , FBI and our troops too. This will lay our entire intelligence services wide open in discovery.
Fox this morning they said the terrorists can be released on a technicality. Boehner said Americans should fear that is even a possiblity .
I spoke with our nephew that is a firefighter in New York. He lost 11 of his fellow fighters on 9-11 including 2 Chiefs. We knew them too, they came to visit us . He said he and his other firemen are as furious as can be about this like we are.
On our own soil, and will now be tried in a courtroom down the street from the World Trade Center and these terrorists will have civilian court?????? OMG!
In an appearance on Fox News Channel this afternoon, former Mayor Rudy Giuliani said the move was irresponsible.
“It’s not inconceivable that the case could be thrown out,” he said.
Giuliani, who was mayor on 9/11, said he disagrees with Bloomberg.
“These are war criminals. This was an act of war. An act of terror,” he said. “They should be tried in a military tribunal.”
In a statement, Mayor Bloomberg said he supports the move.
“I support the Obama administration’s decision to prosecute 9/11 terrorists here in New York. It is fitting that 9/11 suspects face justice near the World Trade Center site where so many New Yorkers were murdered,” he said.
One week ago, Dems blocked DeMint Amendment to extend ban on GITMO detainees being brought to U.S. soil .
Demint statement on bringing terrorists into American courtrooms:
DeMint senate.gov"This senseless decision puts more Americans at risk for future terrorist attacks and is completely unnecessary. Americans have already invested hundreds of millions of dollars in Guantanamo Bay where these violent radicals can be detained and safely tried by military commissions away from our communities.
Why would our President send terrorist masterminds away from an island fortress off our shores to trials in American courtrooms that will now become targets for enemy combatants? Further, by trying these terrorists in open courts, the same people that murdered thousands of our countrymen will now have access to highly classified intelligence that could further risk our security. The President’s decision is naive and reckless."
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:50 AM | Comments (8)
Soldier ReUnited With His Dog
His dog's name is Gracie.
Wild Thing's comment........
This is such a feel good video. I love it!!!!
.....Thank you Rhod for sending this to me.
Vietnam War Veteran
25th Inf Div 66 and 67
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:47 AM | Comments (3)
Obama's Asia Agenda and His American Apology and Submission Tour
This video was made before he left but it shows the places he will be going. I thought you might like to see it.
Chinese greet 'Oba Mao' with flaming statue, fakes
BEIJING (AP) - The Chinese have learned English from his speeches and celebrated the way he rolls up his sleeves. Now President Barack Obama is finally coming, and he's being greeted with "Oba Mao" T-shirts and a statue of him that bursts into flames.
Sunday's arrival of a U.S. president admired for his charisma is already a source of profit and brief fame for some Chinese.
Strangest is the burning Obama, tucked away in a Beijing warehouse. Artist Liu Bolin hopes Obama can take time from his visit to drop by.
"He's so hot right now, so I wanted to translate that through my work," said Liu, who was inspired by the idea of the first black U.S. president.
The bronze Obama bust is modeled on Time magazine's "Man of the Year" cover and is speckled with holes for gas that ignites every couple of minutes.
It's a positive work, Liu said.
"Yes, setting something on fire can have negative connotations, but this piece represents energy and life that Obama has given to the world," said the 38-year-old, who made a similar piece for former revolutionary leader Mao Zedong.
"We're eager to see what he can do for China and U.S. relations."
One Beijing shop owner wanted to see what Obama could do for sales. Liu Mingjie created "Oba Mao" T-shirts, with the president wearing the uniform of the Red Guards, who caused chaos during the Cultural Revolution in the 1960s.
"It's just kind of avant garde," Liu said of the images, saying they were no longer political, just fashion.
He sold hundreds of the shirts, to both foreigners and Chinese, until authorities told shops selling the shirts to stop.
"They're not allowed to sell these things because there are images of Obama wearing the uniform of the Red Army," a woman answering the phone at the Dongcheng district Administration for Commerce and Industry said Thursday.
Other inspired salesmen have used Obama for product "endorsements." One was for a knockoff handheld called the BlockBerry. Although the photo of the president showed his American flag lapel pin on backward.
Obama will have no trouble being recognized in China. He's been the top-ranked foreigner in searches on Baidu, China's leading search engine—No. 22 as of Thursday morning.
But it will take more than making United States history and winning a Nobel Peace Prize to make him a superstar.
"He's special for the Americans, but definitely not for the Chinese," said Shen Dingli, director of the Center for American Studies at Fudan University in Shanghai. "On the contrary, we are always influenced by the tone of government-monitored media."
That media, so far, has not played up Obama's visit with the breathlessness of U.S. media—or of Chinese media whenever President Hu Jintao leaves the country.
"He's coming?" asked one clerk at a state-run Xinhua Bookstore, which displayed biographies of Obama and his wife, Michelle, as well as collections of his speeches.
At newsstands in the past week, Obama could be found on the cover of just one magazine: Men's Health.
At Beijing's epicenter of kitsch, the Silk Street market, shop girls giggled at requests for Obama products.
"Obama! She wants Obama!"
"I'm Chinese, I only pay attention to Chinese."
"I don't know him."
"No one have," a young man in a T-shirt stall said in English, before switching to Chinese. "Mao sells better."
Barack Obama bows as he is greeted by Japanese Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko as he arrives at the Imperial Palace in Tokyo, Saturday, Nov. 14, 2009
Full text: Barack Obama’s speech in Tokyo
It is wonderful to be back in Japan. When I was a young boy, my mother brought me to Kamakura, where I looked up at that centuries-old symbol of peace and tranquility – the great bronze Amida Buddha. As a child, I was more focused on the matcha ice cream. But I have never forgotten the warmth and hospitality that the Japanese people showed a young American far from home.
I feel that same spirit on this visit. In the gracious welcome of Prime Minister Hatoyama. In the honor of meeting with Their Imperial Majesties, the Emperor and Empress on the 20th anniversary of his accession to the Chrysanthemum Throne. In the hospitality shown by the Japanese people. And of course, I could not come here without sending greetings and my gratitude to the citizens of Obama, Japan.
I am beginning my journey here for a simple reason. Since taking office, I have worked to renew American leadership and pursue a new era of engagement with the world based on mutual interests and mutual respect.
The rest of his self serving BS speech HERE
Wild Thing's comment.......
Oba-Mao says it all.
A Japanese reporter put him on the spot by asking him if he wanted to visit Hiroshima and Nagasaki while in office, and asked him if he thought the dropping of the bombs "was the right decision."
Obama said he would find it "meaningful" to visit Hiroshima and Nagasaki, but that he has no immediate travel plans. The reporter tried to ask the "was it right" question again, and instead Obama brushed it off and answered a question about North Korea instead.
Regarding his speech in Japan. This speech is amazing. It is all about Obama, how wonderful he is, and how terrible has been the U.S. until he showed up.
And what the heck is this ......obama japan???? Well there is town named Obama in Japan. Of course the Doofus in Chief had to stick that in a speech.
The photo of him in Japan is a weird picture. The problem is that Akahito is NOT bowing back even a little as is the custom in Japan.Nor is the Empress. They do not respect Obama enough to bow even a little.This is done with feeling in Japan, and is spontaneous.It is a thing involving a type of perception very different to Westernern cultural ettiquette. A genuine bow can actually be felt in the heart. And Akihito knows this bow is all show.No heart. That is likely why he does not return Obama's bow, even a little.Nor does the Empress. Obama , intent on being the skillful inter cultural president, shows here that he knows nothing of Japanese culture.Before one bows there is a brief glance at the eyes of the person to whom one bows, a spark. This is what Obama is missing, or they both would be bowing back.
Obama should have bowed before he shook hands, in the proper way, with his hands on his upper thigh, and he should not have bowed so deeply, because he is not a Japanese subject... a slow respectful bow of 45 to 50 degrees would have been required in his case, if Obama knew the correct protocol, which he obviously does not. So it is a false submissive bow of a man who has little honor in the way of Japanese thinking. A man who wants something. A man not to be trusted.
Obama did not fool the Imperial couple even one little bit, and they are strained to remain polite, humoring Obama as it were. Patronizing conduct gets one no where fast in Japan. Generally Japanese folks know a genuine bow from a false one by the way it feels, a form of perception which few Westerners experience, but still some do.
Obama has idiots for protocol officers, or alteratively, he did not listen to what they had to say about it.
Obama would have been much better off simply shaking hands, instead of this empty, false bow, completely off in its lack of genuiness. The bow of a snake.
Here is a photo of a REAL President, President Ronald Reagan.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:45 AM | Comments (6)
U.S. Rep. Peter Roskam Delivers Health Care Bill to Library
Congressman Roskam delivering the almost 2,000 page health care bill to the Wheaton Public Library.
Roskam, R-6th District, of Wheaton, accompanied by his wife Elizabeth and staff, dropped it on the desk of the library's reference counter and told a library employee that he wanted the library to have a physical copy of the bill because it could crash computers when downloaded.
"Two thousand pages, it’s almost twice as long as the previous bill, HR 3200, that had been introduced in July and got a pretty bad reception from the public,” Roskam said in an interview immediately after he delivered the bill.
While the delivery of the bill was a planned event to which media was invited, Roskam said his interest was that the public has access to it.
“Who knows what's in this thing?” he said.
Sarah Meisels, library director, said the bill will be made available to anyone interested in looking at it.
“It’s at the reference desk. But who’s gonna read over 1,000 pages, and if they do, who’s gonna understand it?” Meisels said.
She said the bill is also available for people to photocopy.
Roskam said the bill, with a price tag of nearly $900 billion, cuts to Medicaid, potential to raise taxes on small businesses, and mandate that American citizens purchase a government-approved insurance policy, will have an impact on every one of his constituents.
Roskam said he has not yet read the bill and will require help from his staff to do so before the bill is voted on later this week.
“You don’t read legislation like a novel, though, you’ve got to break it down,” he said.
Shannon O'Brien, spokeswoman for U.S. Rep. Bill Foster, D-14th District, of Geneva — whose district borders the western edge of Wheaton — said Foster is nearly halfway through the bill.
“The congressman is actually reading the legislation right now,” O'Brien said. “... (Foster has) said the devil is in the details and he wanted to analyze it before he made a decision (on whether he supports the bill).”
Wild Thing's comment.......
This is a great idea. He at least is trying to make it so people can read the monster of a bill.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:44 AM | Comments (1)
Ayers, Dorhn Accuse Hillary of 'white supremacy'
Ayers, Dohrn accuse Hillary of 'white supremacy'
Hillary Clinton's 2008 campaign for the Democrat nomination deliberately appealed to white supremacy, fear and anxiety, charged longtime Barack Obama colleague and Weatherman terrorist William Ayers and wife, Bernardine Dohrn.
In a co-authored article in the socialist Monthly Review magazine, the two radicals argued last year's national elections had "racist" undertones and that President Obama's ascent to power can be used to "build a new society."
"Hillary Clinton flagrantly appealed to white voters' identity as 'workers' or 'women' – offering white people any reason to vote against Obama without saying he's black – and followed the ancient and dismal road of racial discourse that appeals to white supremacy, fear and anxiety," wrote Ayers and Dorhn.
The two referenced a New York Times opinion piece by feminist activist Gloria Steinem, "Women are Never Front-Runners," written on the eve of the New Hampshire primary. Steinem argued the gender barrier had not yet been broken and asked, "Why is the sex barrier not taken as seriously as the racial one?"
Ayers and Dohrn charged Steinem had asserted a "superior victim status on the part of white, powerful women."
The duo went on to claim the 2008 presidential elections had racist undertones.
"The invisible race talk was about 'blue collar' or 'working class' or 'mainstream' or 'small town' or 'hockey mom' or 'Joe the plumber,' but we were meant to think 'white,'" they wrote.
Continued Ayers and Dohrn: "All the talk of Senator Barack Obama's exotic background, all the references to him as 'unknown, 'untested,' a 'stranger,' or a 'symbolic candidate,' or 'alien,' a 'wildcard,' or an 'elitist.' ... The discourse was all about race, us and them, understood by everyone in the United States even when the words African American, black or white are not spoken."
The couple, however, took pride in Obama's win.
They said Obama's presidency "calls for us to have to agitate for democracy and egalitarianism, press harder for human rights, link the demands that animate us, and learn to build a new society through our collective self-transformations and our limited everyday struggles.
"We must seek ways to live sustainably; to stop the addiction to consumption and development and military power; to become real actors and authentic subjects in our own history," they wrote.
The two added, "Now their experience can be put to use mobilizing those same people to insist on the changes they imagined."
Ayers became a name in last year's presidential campaign when it was disclosed the radical worked closely with Obama for years.
Ayers, and his wife, Dohrn, were two of the main founders of the Weather Underground, which bombed the New York City Police headquarters in 1970, the Capitol in 1971 and the Pentagon in 1972. The group was responsible for some 30 bombings aimed at destroying the defense and security infrastructures of the U.S.
Characterizing Weathermen as "an American Red Army," Ayers summed up the organization's ideology: "Kill all the rich people. Break up their cars and apartments. Bring the revolution home, Kill your parents."
"Everything was absolutely ideal on the day I bombed the Pentagon," Ayers recalled in his 2001 memoir, "Fugitive Days." "The sky was blue. The birds were singing. And the bastards were finally going to get what was coming to them."
Ayers brandished his unrepentant radicalism for years to come, as evidenced by his now notorious 2001 interview with the New York Times, published one day after the 9/11 attacks, in which he stated, "I don't regret setting bombs. I feel we didn't do enough."
Ayers posed for a photograph accompanying the New York Times piece that showed him stepping on an American flag. He said of the U.S.: "What a country. It makes me want to puke."
Ayers and Dohrn helped launch Obama's political career with a fundraiser in their home. WND columnist Jack Cashill has produced a series of persuasive arguments that it was Ayers who ghostwrote Obama's award-winning autobiography, "Dreams from My Father."
Wild Thing's comment..........
Is this the beginning of a subversive attempt to get Hillary booted out of her Secretary of State job?
I’m still amazed that a man running running for President could be good friends with Communist terrorist leaders like Ayers and Dohrn, people directly linked to the deaths of soldiers and police officers, could have a professional and political relationship with them...and could get away with it and have the media sweep it under the rug and pretend it was no big deal.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:40 AM | Comments (4)
November 13, 2009
President George W. Bush’s Speech At Southern Methodist University In Texas
George W. Bush’s Full Speech At Southern Methodist University In Texas
First Video Is A Clip Of George W. Bush Joking About Life After The White House.
The Second Video Is The Full 23 Minute Speech.
Wild Thing's comment.......
I can’t process this.....where are the teleprompters....heh heh
It is sooooo refreshing to hear him speak and NOT ONE apology for America!!!!! Classy, honest, and loved his country. More than anyone can say about Obama the ghetto marxist America and Constitution hater fool we have in office today.
And Laura looked so classy, as usual. A real First Lady.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:55 AM | Comments (5)
Barack Obama Demands Exit Strategy in Afghanistan
Barack Obama has demanded the inclusion of an exit plan in the new US strategy for Afghanistan.
White House officials said that in a meeting with Pentagon chiefs Mr Obama had made clear he wants his decision on troop reinforcements to offer a strong suggestion of when and how responsibility for security would be turned over to the Afghans.
After two months of discussions with his advisers he rejected all four options they had touted on the number of troops to be sent, in a surprise move that risked provoking further allegations of “dithering”.
While he is still expected to announce that he is sending reinforcements, Mr Obama insisted that a broad framework for handing over control of security to the Afghan army is written in, as he sought to warn Afghan leaders - and reassure the US public - that the mission is not "open-ended".
Robert Gibbs, the White House spokesman, said on board Air Force One, said: “The president believes that we have been there for eight years, and we're not going to be there forever. And it's important to fully examine not just how we're going to get folks in but how we're going to get folks out.”
The move followed a forceful intervention about the troop build-up from General Karl Eikenberry, the US ambassador to Kabul.
In two classified cables and comments he made to Mr Obama by video link late on Wednesday, he came out firmly against bolstering the American presence unless President Hamid Karzai seriously addresses corruption, and argued that more US troops would only make the Afghans more dependent.
As the US commander in Afghanistan in 2006 and 2007, Gen Eikenberry’s views will carry extra weight, as well as annoying his successor, Gen Stanley McChrystal, who has requested a “surge” of up
Tensions between the White House and the Pentagon over the deployment have already bubbled to the surface. Senior presidential advisers have accused generals of leaking the misinformation that Mr Obama has all but decided to dispatch more than 34,000 additional troops, in a bid to force his decision. There are currently 68,000 US military personnel in Afghanistan.
Wild Thing's comment........
I sure wish Osama would give us HIS an exit strategy from OUR White House and go and get lost!
I guess the troops will have to wait an added 2 months for Obama to get his exist strategy as well. It has taken him this long to decide he does not know what the heck to do yet.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:50 AM | Comments (11)
USNA Subbed Mids To Look More Diverse
USNA subbed mids to look more diverse
By Philip Ewing
Staff writer
Naval Academy leaders removed two midshipmen from a color guard that performed at the World Series last week because they were white men, and replaced them with a non-white man and a white woman so the academy could present a more “diverse” profile, according to several sources, a move that has reportedly angered mids and alumni.
As it turned out, the color guard still ended up all white because the male replacement forgot parts of his uniform.
Two white, male members of the color guard learned Oct. 28 they were being replaced with a white woman, Midshipman 2nd Class Hannah Allaire, and a non-white man, Midshipman 2nd Class Zishan Hameed, on orders of the school’s administration, according to an internal e-mail message provided to Navy Times by an academy professor. With a national television audience, Naval Academy leadership worried the color guard it planned to send wasn’t diverse enough, the e-mail said.
However, after the color guard arrived in New York for the game Oct. 29, Hameed, whose family is from Pakistan, realized he had left his dress shoes and cover in Annapolis. Midshipman 1st Class Aaron Stroud regained his place and served as a rifleman for the presentation of the colors. Allaire carried the other rifle and the four original members marched with the flags.
Naval Academy spokesman Cmdr. Joe Carpenter responded to questions about the midshipmen replacements in a written statement Thursday after the color guard story was first reported on the blog “CDR Salamander.”
Carpenter quoted a statement from Naval Academy Commandant Capt. Matt Klunder, who said he wanted to respond to questions about why some of the members of the color guard weren’t able to march at the World Series.
Academy officials actually sent an eight-person color guard to the baseball game, Klunder said, but the full squad couldn’t perform after Hameed forgot part of his uniform, because color guards need an even number of members. So it wasn’t that the academy administration yanked members of the color guard because they were white men, it’s that Hameed’s “uniform inventory problem,” as Klunder called it, meant that only six mids could march, instead of eight.
But a Naval Academy press release on the morning of the game said six mids were presenting the colors at the World Series, and identified them all by name. Stroud and the other white male mid who had been cut went to the game, according to the e-mail obtained by Navy Times — fortunate, because Stroud was needed to take Hameed’s place — but they never expected to be able to march that night.
Carpenter said the initial press release included only six names because the public affairs office didn’t know who else would be joining the World Series color guard. When it learned the names of the other two, the public affairs staff decided it would be too late to put out an updated announcement, he said.
The administration’s decision upset many of the mids, according to the e-mail. But after Klunder heard complaints about the situation from alumni and family members, the brigade’s company commanders were ordered to tell their midshipmen they were forbidden from discussing the color guard story with people outside the Yard, according to a source familiar with the situation who was not authorized to discuss it.
The source said current midshipmen and alumni were frustrated that one of them was denied the chance to march at the World Series, despite having earned it, and that the administration was trying to squelch discussion of it.
Carpenter said he didn’t know who told the midshipmen not to talk about the situation.
The Naval Academy color guard, which is a voluntary extracurricular group, has 28 total members from all four classes.
Naval Academy Changed Color Guard to Appear More Diverse at World Series
Naval Academy leaders are under fire after altering the composition of the military color guard at a World Series game last month so the group wouldn't be made up only of white men.
Capt. Matthew Klunder, commandant of midshipmen, disputed that version of events. He said he considered replacing two members but decided to add two extra people instead, expanding the group from six to eight members.
Only six people ended up participating in the Game 2 routine at Yankee Stadium, Klunder said, because one of the two additions — Midshipman 2nd Class Zishan Hameed — forgot parts of his uniform. The color guard performs in even numbers, he said.
Color guard members were upset by the decision to change the makeup of the group .
Wild Thing's comment..........
This news item has been a hot topic on USNA Grad sites and is just what it seems. The fact that one of the “replacements” forgot his hat and shoes makes it even more illustrative of the kind of things that are going on at USNA and in the military.
At least this event didn’t get anyone killed, but the PC bent of our military leaders(who are no leaders) inspired by their political bosses is going to be the death of our great military.
Diversity isn’t a strength, character and performance are strenghts.
I really hate to see this kind of thing happening. The military more then anything else needs to be free of this kind of thing. Men and women that serve have their lives at risk and they don't need this put into the mix.
How about individual qualifications instead of quotas? PC and diversity seems to rule everything in this country.
The P.C. crap invades the military mostly from the Congress and the Administration and it is imo part of the reason we have 13 dead soldiers at Fort Hood.
As Nick ( Angry Old Salt) said about this story :
"internally the Navy I know and love wants to treat everyone the same regardless of race, creed, color, or national origin - it is Congress and Big Navy though that decided that equality isn't enough.But this is about PC crap and it is an enemy of our military in all branches."
......Thank you RAC for sending this to me.
RAC has a website that is awesome. 336th Assault Helicopter Company
13th Combat Aviation Battalion - 1st Aviation Brigade - Soc Trang, Republic of Vietnam
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:49 AM | Comments (7)
CAIR Speaker to Muslims: OK to Attack Fort Bragg
CAIR speaker to Muslims: OK to attack Fort Bragg
Exhorts Islamic faithful to target planes carrying '82nd Airborne'
A Council on American-Islamic Relations adviser and regular speaker at its events has suggested Islamic law permits Muslims to attack C-130 military transport planes carrying the 82nd Airborne out of Fort Bragg, N.C., according to a stunning new book exposing Washington-based CAIR's inner workings.
Radical Islamic cleric Zaid Shakir, a frequent guest speaker at CAIR events, tells his Muslim audiences: "Jihad is physically fighting the enemies of Islam to protect and advance the religion of Islam. This is jihad."
Acceptable targets of jihad, he says, include U.S. military aircraft.
"Islam doesn't permit us to hijack airplanes filled with civilian people," Shakir once told a Muslim audience. However, "If you hijack an airplane filled with the 82nd Airborne, that's something else."
The 82nd Airborne Division's elite paratroopers fly out of Fort Bragg, N.C., which is part of North Carolina state Sen. Larry Shaw's district. Shaw is CAIR's new chairman.
The recording of the lecture, which Shakir gave earlier this decade to a Muslim audience in the San Francisco Bay area, was obtained by the authors of the bestselling "Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld That's Conspiring to Islamize America."
The bombshell revelation comes in the wake of the worst military massacre at a domestic U.S. military base in American history, and the worst Islamic terrorist attack on U.S. soil since 9/11.
Last week, Army Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan allegedly gunned down in cold blood more than 50 of his fellow soldiers preparing to deploy to Iraq and Afghanistan from Fort Hood, Texas. Eyewitnesses say before opening fire, Hasan jumped up on a desk and screamed, "Allahu akbar!" like the 9/11 hijackers. The suspect fatally shot 13, including a security guard. The death toll is actually 14 when a slain unborn child is counted.
Imam Shakir also gives his blessing to the use of bombs as a weapon of jihad, as long as the explosives hit "select" targets and are not indiscriminate in their destruction. Civilians can be a legitimate target, he says, if "there's a benefit in that," according to "Muslim Mafia," co-authored by former federal agent P. David Gaubatz and investigative journalist Paul Sperry, author of "Infiltration."
Even "old elderly men" and "women who are conscripted" – including Israeli and American women in uniform – are eligible enemy combatants in jihad. "This is Shariah," Shakir asserts in a CD recording of one of his lectures in 2001, which the authors obtained from a radical mosque bookstore in Brooklyn, N.Y.
Shakir, a black convert, has been portrayed as a moderate in the mainstream media, including the New York Times, which recently ran a positive profile of him. His pro-jihad statements revealed in "Muslim Mafia" have not been previously reported. CAIR has sued and obtained a temporary restraining order to censor the book's documentary evidence detailing CAIR's support of terrorism and obstruction of FBI investigations.
Longtime CAIR advisory board member and chief fundraiser Siraj Wahhaj echoes his friend Shakir's interpretation of jihad.
"If we go to war, brothers and sisters – and one day we will, believe me – that's why you're commanded [to fight in] jihad," the imam has told his flock in Brooklyn. "When Allah demands us to fight, we're not stopping and nobody's stopping us."
World Trade Center bombing
CAIR has invited Shakir back to speak at its events even after the FBI questioned him about a copy of one of his incendiary pamphlets found in the apartment of a suspect in the first World Trade Center bombing. The pro-jihad pamphlet lauded the "armed struggle" that brought about the rule of the Taliban in Afghanistan, where U.S. troops are dying in record numbers from Taliban and al-Qaida ambushes.
Shakir, who recently confided to the New York Times that he'd like to see the U.S. "become a Muslim country" ruled by Islamic law, is a regular speaker at CAIR as well as Islamic Society of North America events. (Federal prosecutors say CAIR and ISNA are fronts for the terrorist group Hamas and its parent the radical Muslim Brotherhood, and the sister organizations were recently listed as unindicted terrorist co-conspirators in the largest terror finance case in U.S. history.) Recently, Shakir helped host workshops and delivered keynote speeches at banquets held at CAIR chapters in Chicago, Orlando and San Diego, among others.
Shakir holds little, if any, respect for law enforcement, particularly the FBI, according to "Muslim Mafia." He constantly belittles the bureau in speeches to Muslims, even warning them that the FBI frames Muslims for terrorism – terrorist acts that he contends the FBI secretly commits.
"The World Trade Center bombing of course was aided and abetted by our good friends at the FBI," the imam has claimed, in just one of the many wild-eyed conspiracy theories he peddles.
The American Muslim cleric also preaches treason against the United States, according to the book, which hit No. 5 on Amazon.com's non-fiction best-seller list the day after it was released last month. It currently ranks No. 1 in books on terrorism and Islam.
Shakir advises the Muslim community in America to wage a cultural jihad now, and a violent jihad later – once the proper "infrastructure" is in place.
He says Muslims should respect American democracy insofar as it can be exploited to help the Brotherhood one day assume power here.
And the only thing that could stop the Islamization of America, he notes, is if its people rose up and denied the subversive movement the unbridled freedom it's heretofore enjoyed.
However, if Americans were to do that, Muslims would then be obligated, he says, to exercise their supposedly "divine legal right" to rise up and wage violent jihad, reveals the book "Muslim Mafia."
"What a great victory it will be for Islam to have this country in the fold and ranks of the Muslims," sermonized Shakir, who continues to be a marquee speaker at CAIR functions.
For now, he said, following the radical Muslim Brotherhood playbook, Muslims must continue to "create a state within a state."
From the article above.......Note the name Siraj Wahhaj
Longtime CAIR advisory board member and chief fundraiser Siraj Wahhaj echoes his friend Shakir's interpretation of jihad.
Look at this........................
Mayor Bloomberg invites an Imam who was an unindicted co-conspirator in the 1993 WTC bombing.
There's uproar across the area Thursday over Mayor Michael Bloomberg's decision to invite a controversial Brooklyn imam – who as an unindicted co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing – to City Hall for a Muslim community meeting. Siraj Wahhaj was a character witness for the blind sheik convicted of trying to blow up city landmarks. He was named an unindicted co-conspirator in the 1993 WTC bombing, and has called the FBI and the CIA the "real terrorists." "
"They're trying to be politically correct, but these people are terrorists. They support and finance terrorism, and there's no reason for him to be in on any meeting." On Thursday, there was plenty of damage control from the Bloomberg camp. "In the case of this particular imam, I think if I had recognized the background I wouldn't have invited him," Bloomberg said.
Wild Thing's comment...........
Arrest him.
Right now.
Cripes, if I was to say “Hey, let’s go down to US bank tomorrow and get a couple grand”, and if anyone was to take me seriously, which they obviously shouldn’t because I’m trying to make a point, but if anyone did, then there is no reason I should not expect to get tear gassed soon.
Looky here...
CAIR Elects N.C. State Senator Larry Shaw as Board Chair
CAIR Chairman Sen. Shaw’s statement: “We look forward to partnering with the Obama administration to help defend civil liberties and to project to the world the best of our nation’s universal, constitutional and pluralistic values of freedom and justice.”
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:48 AM | Comments (7)
Gov. Rick Perry says Obama Taking U.S. Toward Socialism
I am sorry but the audio on this is very low so if you turn up your volume it is perfect. ~ Wild Thing
Texas Gov. Rick Perry saying the Obama Administrations is "hell-bent on taking America towards a socialist country.”
Perry told an audience that Obama's Administration is seeking to "punish" the state of Texas by trucking illegal aliens caught along the border in California and Arizona to the small town of Presidio, Texas (pop. 4600) and "turning them loose" to the tune of 92 per day. The program is called the "Alien Transfer and Exit Program." Perry said that in a year's time, that is 28,000 people. Faced with the desert in Mexico or settling in Texas, they are returning to Texas.
Perry said it is time to "stand up" to Obama and urged "Tea Parties" that are "twice as big" as the ones that have already been held.
Perry also said ObamaCare and the Cap and Trade legislation will devastate the economy.
Perry was speaking to the Midland County Republican Women's Conference.
Wild Thing's comment.........
Good for Gov. Perry. I wish all the gov's would be like this and say what it is that Obama is doing to our country.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:47 AM | Comments (3)
More Obama LIES~ He Says He "Created or Saved One Million Jobs"
US unemployment at a record 10.2% President Obama now claims, “We have saved or created one million jobs.”
Obama’s failed policies have seen unemployment rise to a 26 year high.
The US unemployment rate shot up to 10.2 percent in October as another 190,000 jobs were shed, the government said Friday in a report showing narrowing job losses.
Barack Obama and the democratic Congress have nearly doubled the US umemployment rate in less than one year.
Obama is also responsible for the triple deficit this year
Record-High Deficit May Dash Big Plans
The Washington Post reported: The federal budget deficit soared to a record $1.4 trillion in the fiscal year that ended in September, a chasm of red ink unequaled in the postwar era that threatens to complicate the most ambitious goals of the Obama administration, including plans for fresh spending to create jobs and spur economic recovery.
Wild Thing's comment......
He never runs out of lies.
He announced a jobs summet for December. Nothing new. Clinton and Carter did that all the time. It is a gigantic sham and waste of time.
He didn't take any questions. I did hear a reporter yell out something about Afghanistan, but he didn't flinch and walked out.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:45 AM | Comments (4)
Rush Limbaugh Talks About Obama To Purge GOP Civil Servants
Obama and the socializing of America…
The Obama Administration’s Office of Personnel Management (OPM) intends to purge the federal government of Republican civil servants to purify the federal bureaucracy.
RUSH: Yesterday on this program, in reporting the absolute collapse of the energy sector in energy colossus Venezuela I said to you people that I keep an eye on Venezuela because that’s where we’re headed. Get this. The Obama administration intends to purge Republicans from the civil service retroactive to five years ago starting in the year 2010. I found this at RedState.com: comes word that the federal government’s Office of Personnel Management (OPM) intends to purge the federal government of Republican civil servants all in the name of purifying the federal bureaucracy.” I’ve got the copy of the Office of Personnel Management memo right here in my formerly nicotine-stained fingers. I will explain how this works later on in the program, but I just wanted to get this out there.
Here’s the relevant paragraph from here John Berry, who is the director of the Office of Personnel Management:
Here’s the relevant paragraph from here John Berry, who is the director of the Office of Personnel Management:
“Beginning January 1, 2010, agencies must seek prior approval from OPM before they can appoint a current or recent political appointee to a competitive or non-political excepted service position at any level under the provisions of title 5, United States Code. OPM will review these proposed appointments to ensure they comply with merit system principles and applicable civil service laws. I have delegated decision making authority over these matters to career Senior Executives at OPM to avoid any hint of political influence.”
“The memorandum goes on to apply this change to civil servants who were political appointees in the last five years, in effect freezing these employees out of other positions, denying them promotions, and forcing them out of their jobs.” This is what Marxists do. This is a purge. This is typical of Marxist regimes, totalitarian regimes. I’ll tell you what. I hope the next Republican administration learns this lesson, because there are going to be thousands of Maoists sleazing their way into the bureaucracy after whatever number of years that Obama is in the White House. The bureaucracy is being polluted with these people. And just as the Democrats and Obama are going to purge all Republicans from the civil service, you know, some people might say, “Well, you have a class-action suit on this.”
Wild Thing's comment.......
He’s running the country like a third world despot. The rule of law means nothing to him. 2010 cannot come fast enough.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:44 AM | Comments (3)
HBO's "The Pacific" Trailer #2
HBO has just released a new trailer for the 10-part miniseries, which will chronicle the action in the Pacific Theater of the war as experienced by three Marines, Robert Leckie (James Badge Dale), John Basilone (Jon Seda) and Eugene Sledge (Joe Mazzello).
"The Pacific" is kind of a companion piece to HBO's fantastic 2001 miniseries "Band of Brothers" (and comes from the same exec producers -- Tom Hanks, Gary Goetzman and Steven Spielberg), but based on the trailer below it won't look or feel quite the same. Even leaving out the obvious fact that the fighting in the Pacific was vastly different from that in Europe, it appears that we'll see a little more of the homefront and the soldiers' return after the war.
Wild Thing's comment.......
I have posted before about this and I am so glad they have another trailer. I am looking forward to seeing The Pacific when it airs on HBO.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:40 AM
November 12, 2009
MUSLIM Nidal Hasan Charged With 13 Counts of Premeditated Murder in Fort Hood Massacre
Fort Hood Terrorist Charged With Premeditated Murder
Hasan Charged With 13 Counts of Premeditated Murder in Fort Hood Massacre
Army psychiatrist Major Nidal Hasan was charged Thursday with 13 counts of premeditated murder in last week's Fort Hood mass shootings.
The Army Criminal Investigation Command formally announced the charges against Hasan at Fort Hood Wednesday afternoon.
"We are aggressively following every possible lead," said Chris Grey with the Army's Criminal Investigation Command, adding that additional charges are possible.
Hasan will be tried in the military's court-martial system. Prosecutors will likely seek the death penalty, the maximum sentence he faces. The minimum is life in prison.
Executions of military defendants are very rare.
Officials told The Associated Press before the news conference that it had not been decided whether to charge Hasan with a 14th count of murder related to the death of the unborn child of a pregnant shooting victim. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak about the case publicly.
John Galligan, Hasan's civilian attorney, said his military co-counsel told him that charges were being read to Hasan in the hospital without his lawyers present.
"I don't like it. I feel like I'm being left out of the loop," Galligan said. "I guess it's 13 charges, but I don't like to have to guess in this situation."
The American-born military psychiatrist survived the rampage and is being guarded at a hospital in San Antonio. He has been talking to investigators.
Hasan is accused of firing about 100 rounds at unsuspecting fellow soldiers filling out deployment paperwork before civilian police officers shot him and stopped the attack.
The massacre killed 13 people and left about 30 others wounded. It has been classified as the worst mass shooting on an American military base.
Hasan Charged With 13 Counts of Murder in Ft. Hood Attack
Military prosecutors have charged Maj. Nadil Malik Hasan with 13 counts of premeditated murder in last week’s shooting rampage at Fort Hood, Tex., a spokesman for the Army criminal investigation division said Thursday.
Major Hasan, 39, an Army psychiatrist, is accused of opening fire with two handguns in a Soldier Medical Readiness Center, where troops receive medical attention before being deployed or after returning from overseas.
Of the 13 people who were killed, , four were officers, 8 were enlisted soldiers and one was a civilian. Major Hasan was eventually subdued by civilian police.
The 13 charges against Major Hasan are “initial charges,” said the Army spokesman, Chris Grey, “and additional charges may be preferred in the future, subject to the ongoing criminal investigation.”
“It is important to remember that the preferral of charges is the first step in the court-martial process,” Mr. Grey said, “and that a charge is merely an accusation. The accused is presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty.”
Col. John P. Galligan, a retired Army officer, who is representing Major Hasan, has questioned whether the suspect will be able to get a fair trial at Fort Hood. ~ ~~~ what the heck??? this General must be a PC freak or something??? ~ Wild Thing
For now, Mr. Grey added, “Major Hasan is currently under pretrial restriction while receiving medical care.”
Wild Thing's comment........
Army Press Conference: Nidal Malik Hasan Charged With 13 Counts Of Murder
But not an act of terror and war???? Murder is a civil crime...War and Terror of the 9/11 type.
An enemy combatant in a US military uniform....just shoot him and be done with it.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:20 PM | Comments (7)
Traitor and Obama Groupie Gen. Powell to President Obama on Af-Pak Strategy: "Take Your Time"
Gen. Powell to President Obama on Af-Pak Strategy: "Take Your Time"
Jack Tapper
November 11, 2009 3:01 PM
In an interview with Roland Martin on the Tom Joyner Morning Show this morning, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Colin Powell revealed that he recently advised President Obama to take his time in devising his strategy for Afghanistan and Pakistan.
"This is a very difficult one for him," Powell said. "And it isn't just a one-time decision. This is the decision that will have consequences for the better part of his administration. So Mr. President, don't get pushed by the left to do nothing; don't get pushed by the right to do everything. You take your time and you figure it out. You're the commander-in-chief and this is what you were elected for."
Powell said he had "advised him is to not be rushed into a decision because this one is the decision that will have consequences for years to come."
"If you decide to send more troops or that's what you feel it is necessary, make sure you have a good understanding of what those troops are going to be doing and some assurance that the additional troops will be successful," Powell says he told the president. "You can't guarantee success in a very complex theater like Afghanistan and increasingly with the Pakistan problem next door, but you have to have some sense of what these additional troops will be able to do.
"And secondly, take your time," Powell said, "and third, you've got to ensure that you're putting this commitment on a solid base, and the base is a little soft right now. We've got a president in Afghanistan that had a rough election; a lot of corruption associated with the election; a lot of corruption in the government. And he has been told -- Mr. Karzai has been told, and I know him very well -- he's been told he's got to do something about this; he's got to do something about the drug problem, and he's got to start pulling the Afghan people together. And so the president has to measure that; what kind of base is he putting this new strategy on because it isn't just what we do; what do the Afghans do. And as I said a moment ago, it's made particularly difficult because of the unstable situation along the Pakistan border and in Pakistan."
Wild Thing's comment........
"This is a very difficult one for him," Powell said
For God's sake...HE'S THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES!! It's ALWAYS a difficult time. Presidents make tough decisions EVERY DAY
Advice from the affirmative action General to the affirmative action President.
The only thing Powell ever did right was shutting up and letting Norman Schwarzkopf plan and run the first Gulf War.
Men and women continue to put themselves in harm’s way and dips$$t Colonectomy says “Take your time”?!
Moral courage is a 10 second decision. 10 months is rushing it for boy wonder.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:55 AM | Comments (11)
Obama and Pelosi Think It's Fair For People To Go To Jail For Not Buying Into Socialized Medicine
Komo 4 News (ABC Seattle) Reporter Shomari Stone Asks House Speaker Nanci Pelosi about the following:
KOMO News reporter Shomari Stone: Do you think it’s fair to send people to jail who don’t buy health insurance?
Pelosi: …The legislation is very fair in this respect.
According to Committee On Ways & Means Republicans Ranking Member, Dave Camp, "the non-partisan Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) confirming that the failure to comply with the individual mandate to buy health insurance contained in the Pelosi health care bill (H.R. 3962, as amended) could land people in jail. The JCT letter makes clear that Americans who do not maintain acceptable health insurance coverage and who choose not to pay the bills new individual mandate tax (generally 2.5% of income), are subject to numerous civil and criminal penalties, including criminal fines of up to $250,000 and imprisonment of up to five years."
Pelosi confronted on Health Care being a jobs killer and will drive us back into more recession
Camera is unsteady in this video.
Journalist Scott St. Clair - The Piper - asks Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi about the negative impact her health care bill will have on jobs and the economy. 10.2 percent unemployment, a $1.2 to 1.5 trillion cost, unfavorable polling numbers, and experts predicting it will kill jobs and may drive us back into a deep recession. Her answer? Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah - a stump speech with something about it being "the fault of the previous administration."
Interview with the President: Jail Time for Those without Health Care Insurance?
Political Punch
Jack Tapper
Obama said that penalties are appropriate for people who try to “free ride” the health care system but stopped short of endorsing the threat of jail time for those who refuse to pay a fine for not having insurance.
“What I think is appropriate is that in the same way that everybody has to get auto insurance and if you don't, you're subject to some penalty, that in this situation, if you have the ability to buy insurance, it's affordable and you choose not to do so, forcing you and me and everybody else to subsidize you, you know, there's a thousand dollar hidden tax that families all across America are -- are burdened by because of the fact that people don't have health insurance, you know, there's nothing wrong with a penalty.”
Under the House bill those who can afford to buy insurance and don’t’ pay a fine. If the refuse to pay that fine there’s a threat – as with a lot of tax fines – of jail time. The Senate removed that provision in the Senate Finance Committee.
Mr. Obama said penalties have to be high enough for people to not game the system, but it’s also important to not be “so punitive” that people who are having a hard time find themselves suddenly worse off, thus why hardship exemptions have been built in the legislation.
“I think the general broad principle is simply that people who are paying for their health insurance aren't subsidizing folks who simply choose not to until they get sick and then suddenly they expect free health insurance. That's -- that's basic concept of responsibility that I think most Americans abide by,” Mr. Obama said, “penalties are appropriate for people who try to free ride the system and force others to pay for their health insurance.”
The President said that he didn’t think the question over the appropriateness of possible jail time is the “biggest question” the House and Senate are facing right now.
Wild Thing's comment........
Are you kidding me?!
This so-called smart man, a supposed “Constitutional scholar”, uses the simpleton’s analogy that the requirement for auto-insurance is the “same” as government requiring everyone to purchase health insurance. Last I checked, no human being was ever born with a motorized vehicle attached to his backside. Also, last I checked, Americans are born with certain inalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
How does making it a requirement to purchase something as a requisite to life, in order to be free from penalization (liberty), in any way, shape or form in-line with “truths” of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America?
Obama’s argument doesn’t wash.
The government (state of CA) mandates me to have auto insurance to protect OTHER drivers, vehicles and property due to accidents caused by ME. That’s why I’m required to carry liability insurance but collision (coverage for my vehicle damage caused by me) is optional.
If I don’t have health insurance, I’m not hurting anyone else if I get sick.
You only have to acquire car insurance if you are CHOOSING to buy a car. If I don't own a car the government doesn't make me buy auto insurance. Same thing for homeowners...How many homeless people does the government force to buy homeowners insurance??
LOL Oh my gosh look at this. .............. Nancy Pelosi wants to give us their socialized medicine as a Christmas present..................I guess we were really, really, bad this year! Hey Nancy, take me off your Christmas list. I don’t want your stinking health care plan. Nancy better stay away from our chimney.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:50 AM | Comments (13)
Prof. Lionel McIntyre Busted in Columbia Gal 'punch' Over Argument About Race
Prof busted in Columbia gal 'punch'
A prominent Columbia architecture professor punched a female university employee in the face at a Harlem bar during a heated argument about race relations, cops said yesterday.
Police busted Lionel McIntyre, 59, for assault yesterday after his bruised victim, Camille Davis, filed charges.
McIntyre and Davis, who works as a production manager in the school's theater department, are both regulars at Toast, a popular university bar on Broadway and 125th Street, sources said.
The professor, who is black, had been engaged in a fiery discussion about "white privilege" with Davis, who is white, and another male regular, who is also white, Friday night at 10:30 when fists started flying, patrons said.
McIntyre, who is known as "Mac" at the bar, shoved Davis, and when the other patron and a bar employee tried to break it up, the prof slugged Davis in the face, witnesses said.
"The punch was so loud, the kitchen workers in the back heard it over all the noise," bar back Richie Velez, 28, told The Post. "I was on my way over when he punched Camille and she fell on top of me."
The other patron involved in the dispute said McIntyre then took a swing at him after he yelled, "You don't hit a woman!"
"He knocked the glasses right off my face," said the man, who would only give his first name as "Shannon." "The punch came out of nowhere. Mac was talking to us about white privilege and what I was doing about it -- apparently I wasn't doing enough."
McIntyre had squabbled with Davis several weeks earlier over issues involving race, witnesses said. As soon as the professor threw the punch Friday, server Rob Dalton and another employee tossed him out.
"It was a real sucker punch," Dalton said. "Camille's a great lady, always nice to everybody, and doesn't deserve anything like this."
Davis was spotted wearing sunglasses yesterday to conceal the black eye. Reached at her Columbia office, she declined to comment on the alleged attack.
McIntyre was released without bail at his arraignment last night.
"It was a very unfortunate event," he said afterwards. "I didn't mean for it to explode the way it did."
Wild Thing's comment.........
Since the topic of conversation was race, and in fact the castigating of one entire racial group, doesn’t this become, by definition, a ‘hate crime’?
If a white professor had gotten into an argument with a black man (or woman), telling the black person that he or she ‘wasn’t doing enough’ about levels of, oh, say, black illegitimacy, black crime, rampant abuse of affirmative action, reverse discrimination, professional victimhood, generational welfare, etc. etc. etc. and then slugged the black person, this would be trumpeted all over the MSM.
Instead the media will just say he was celebrating diversity his way.
......Thank you RAC for sending this to me.
RAC has a website that is awesome. 336th Assault Helicopter Company
13th Combat Aviation Battalion - 1st Aviation Brigade - Soc Trang, Republic of Vietnam
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:49 AM | Comments (14)
Anchor Lou Dobbs Departs CNN
New York
CNN's Lou Dobbs stepped down from his controversial role as an advocacy anchor at the network at the end of his show Wednesday night after announcing plans to seek a more activist role.
"Over the past six months, it has become increasingly clear that strong winds of change have begun buffeting this country and affecting all of us, and some leaders in media, politics and business have been urging me to go beyond the role here at CNN and to engage in constructive problem-solving as well as to contribute positively to a better understanding of the great issues of our day and to continue to do so in the most honest and direct language possible," Dobbs said during his 7 p.m. broadcast.
Dobbs, 64, said he had discussed the issue with CNN President Jonathan Klein, who had agreed to a release from his contract "that will enable me to pursue new opportunities."
In a written statement, Klein called Dobbs "a valued founding member of the CNN family."
"For decades, Lou fearlessly and tirelessly pursued some of the most important and complex stories of our time, often well ahead of the pack," Klein said. "All of us will miss his appetite for big ideas, the megawatt smile and larger-than-life presence he brought to our newsroom, and we're grateful to have known and worked with him over the years.
"With characteristic forthrightness, Lou has now decided to carry the banner of advocacy journalism elsewhere. We respect his decision and wish him, Debi [Dobbs' wife], and his family the very best."
Dobbs, who is the last of the 29-year-old network's original anchors, said he was considering "a number of options and directions."
He cited the growth of the middle class, the creation of jobs, health care, immigration policy, the environment, climate change and the U.S. military involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan as "the major issues of our time."
But, he said, "Each of those issues is, in my opinion, informed by our capacity to demonstrate strong resilience of our now weakened capitalist economy and demonstrate the political will to overcome the lack of true representation in Washington, D.C. I believe these to be profoundly, critically important issues and I will continue to strive to deal honestly and straightforwardly with those issues in the future." Read Dobbs' full statement about his departure from CNN
Those issues, he added, are defined in the public arena "by partisanship and ideology rather than by rigorous, empirical forethought, analysis and discussion," and he vowed to work to change that.
In an e-mail to CNN staff members, Klein described the parting as "extremely amicable," and said Dobbs' replacement would be announced soon.
Dobbs was with Cable News Network from its initial broadcasts in 1980, acting as chief economics correspondent and host of the business program "Moneyline."
His no-holds-barred, sometimes acerbic style brought him a loyal following, but also attracted controversy both to him and to the network, especially over the subject of illegal immigrants.
Dobbs will continue as anchor of The Lou Dobbs Show, a daily radio show that began in March 2008 and is distributed to more than 160 stations nationwide by United Stations Radio Networks Inc.
Wild Thing's comment.......
He did a lot to get the word out about the illegals and several other things as well. I would like it if FOX News would sign him up. They could get rid of Geraldo or Shep Smith.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:48 AM | Comments (5)
Desperate To Pass Socialized Medicine Obama Supporters Use the RINO Cao In New Ad
Congressman Joseph Cao is the subject of a new TV and internet commercial in the debate over health care reform.
"Congressman Joseph Cao knows it's time to reform health care," the spot says. "Thank Congressman Cao for knowing it's time to stand up to the insurance companies and fight for us."
The advertisement was produced by a group who supports President Obama's plan, following Cao's vote as the only Republican to vote in favor of the the measure in the House of Representatives.
The 220-215 vote cleared the way for the Senate to begin a long-delayed debate on the issue. Americans United for Change Acting Executive Director Tom McMahon released a statement that pointed out Cao's vote.
"Struggling Louisiana families are closer than ever to having access to the quality, affordable health care they deserve thanks in no small part to Congressman Joseph Cao.," McMahon wrote. "Congressman Cao stood up to the big insurance and stood alongside the AARP, the American Medical Association and the clear majority of the American people." McMahon says Cao was right to break party ranks.
Wild Thing's comment.........
He not only gave them his freaking vote, he opened the door to what the left wanted so much. A Republican vote so they can push this and say it is BOTH parties that wanted the socialized medicine. Too many people will not know he was the only one with an R with his name. They don't pay attention to what is happening.
GRRRRRR this makes me sick! Get rid of RINO"s !!!!!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:47 AM | Comments (3)
" Remember Me" ~ A VERY Special Video
Music is "Pacific Wind" by Ryan Farish
The video was put together by a young lady of 15 years named Lizzie Palmer.
God Bless Lizzie for stepping up to the plate and using her talents to support our soldiers in such a dramatic way. Would that there were 1,000 more just like her. She's done more to help win the war on the homefront--where it is currently being lost--than all the chicken-necked RINOs in Congress put together.
Wild Thing's comment..........
I have posted this before, last year. But I really believe it is something that should be seen more often.
It truly is an awesome video.
......Thank you RAC for sending this to me.
RAC has a website that is awesome. 336th Assault Helicopter Company
13th Combat Aviation Battalion - 1st Aviation Brigade - Soc Trang, Republic of Vietnam
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:45 AM | Comments (2)
2nd Amendment Concerns Over Obama's Nominee
Obama to attack guns as public-health threat?
2nd Amendment advocates worry over opinions of OSHA nominee
Second Amendment advocates are expressing alarm that the most significant attack on gun rights across the United States in years soon could come in the form of a workplace "safety" regulation under President Obama's nominee to run the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration.
Obama has nominated David Michaels, a George Washington University professor and the chief of the Project on Scientific Knowledge and Public Policy, which reportedly partially is funded by George Soros.
"The controversial OSHA nominee and left-leaning public health advocate also seems to have strong views on firearms," wrote Walter Olson at Overlawyered.com.
"That's by no means irrelevant to the agenda of an agency like OSHA, because once you start viewing private gun ownership as a public health menace, it begins to seem logical to use the powers of government to urge or even require employers to forbid workers from possessing guns on company premises, up to and including parking lots, ostensibly for the protection of co-workers."
Michaels, who although he would have to be approved by the U.S. Senate, comes with views that concern Second Amendment advocates.
In his 2007 writing to laud the ability of the federal government to respond by creating new laws to ban activities or behaviors.
"When the toll of preventable and pointless deaths or injuries from any single event or related events becomes so great, or particular aspects of the story bring it to the public's attention, our nation invariably demands more and stronger regulation, not less," Michaels wrote at the time.
"In the U.S., we see an average of one gun-related homicide every 45 minutes, or 32 each day," he wrote. "These are usually treated as isolated incidents, until a horrific event like the Virginia Tech massacre reawakens the public and strengthens public health advocates who are attempting to prevent gun violence."
OSHA is an agency that already has a well-earned reputation for abusing its authority and reaching beyond its stated purpose. Add one zealot and it easily becomes an oppressive entity with immense power over all American businesses, large and small. At a time in which America's businesses desperately need the freedom to responsibly pursue earning profits and put workers back on the payroll, the chemical potency of combining Obama's left-wing agenda with an anti-business zealot manager at OSHA could prove toxic," Myrick wrote.
The first vote on Michaels' nomination already was canceled by the Senate Committee on Health, Labor, Education and Pensions.
At the Examiner, gun rights writer David Codrea warned that some "public health" excuse could be used for imposing draconian restrictions on gun owners.
He cited the comment from a director of the CDC's National Center for Injury Control and Prevention that, "We need to revolutionize the way we look at guns, like what we did with cigarettes. Now it [sic] is dirty, deadly, and banned."
"Does anyone doubt that Michaels will bring a similarly creative agenda to apply through regulatory measures under the guise of 'occupational safety and health?'" he asked.
The National Gun Rights organization called him an "anti-gunner."
Columnist Dave Kopel at the Independence Institute in Colorado said, "Plenty of Obama's administration appointees have a longer record of anti-gun activism than David Michaels, but perhaps none of them have the ability to make such a dramatic, instant change in the lives of law-abiding gun owners.
"By its own fiat, OSHA could outlaw the possession of firearms in every workplace and every employee parking lot in the United States," he wrote.
"That David Michaels is anti-gun is undisputed," he continued.
"The Supremacy Clause of the U.S. Constitution means that a valid federal law or regulation wins in any conflict with a state law. Many states have laws that protect the rights of employees to store lawful firearms in parking lots at work. If an OSHA regulation prohibiting such storage existed, the federal regulation would trump state law," he said.
"Under Michaels, OSHA could write a regulation stating that it is illegal for any business to allow guns in the workplace or in parking lots. No handgun could be locked in the trunk of a car, even if the owner has a Right-to-Carry license. No rifle could be stored in the car, even if there’s no ammunition around and the gun will be dropped off at the gunsmith after work," he said.
Obama's attorney general, Eric Holder, had supported Washington, D.C.'s ban on handguns before it was overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court. And since Obama has been in office, he's already advocated for a treaty that would require a federal license for hunters to reload their ammunition, has expressed a desire to ban "assault" weapons, has seen a plan to require handgun owners to submit to mental health evaluations and sparked a rush on ammunition purchases with his history of anti-gun positions.
Wild Thing's comment.........
I could be wrong, but I think if Obama makes a move on guns, we will have Congress for the next 20 years if he tries that. Gun control is a totally lost issue for the Dems, as the country is now something like two to one against it as a ‘cure’ for crime. MUCH HIGHER than the polling has ever shown.
Plus there are a lot of Democrats that own guns, for protection and also for hunting.
Obama is a threat to all of our freedoms!
....Thank you JohnE PFC U.S. Army for sending this to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:44 AM | Comments (3)
The LEFT Reacts To Joe Lieberman's Promise To Join Filibuster About Health Care Bill
Hartford (WTNH) - Protesters who are miffed about Joe Lieberman's stance against the current health care reform package held demonstrations today at his offices in Washington, D.C. and Hartford.
30 people showed up to Lieberman's Hartford office this morning. An aide to Lieberman came out to listen to what they had to say.
Police arrested four of the protestors in Hartford and charged them with disorderly conduct.
The group claims that Sen. Lieberman has excepted over $2 million in contributions from the health care industry since 1989.
The event in Hartford was coordinated with another demonstration at Sen. Lieberman's Washington, D.C. office. Six protestors were arrested there for unlawful entry. Kevin Zeese, an organizer with Mobilization for Health Care for All , says the demonstrators urged Lieberman to stop accepting money from health insurance companies.
He says the protesters threw mock dollar bills printed with Lieberman's face from the seventh-floor balcony.
Sen. Lieberman has said that he will likely vote against a health care bill that includes a public option.
In a historical vote this past weekend, the U.S. House of Representatives passed health care legislation. Read a summary . The bill now goes to U.S. Senate where Lieberman will play a key role in whether or not it passes.
The event in Hartford was coordinated with another demonstration at Sen. Lieberman's Washington, D.C. office. Six protesters were arrested there for unlawful entry.
Kevin Zeese, an organizer with Mobilization for Health Care for All , says the demonstrators urged Lieberman to stop accepting money from health insurance companies. He says the protesters threw mock dollar bills printed with Lieberman's face from the seventh-floor balcony.
"Everybody has a right to express their point of view, I much prefer to have a dialog, of course. But, I think, some of these folks come in to get arrested, that's their right too," Lieberman said.
4 arrested at Lieberman's office
Protesters who are miffed about Joe Lieberman's stance against the current health care reform package held demonstrations today at his offices in Washington, D.C. and Hartford.
Wild Thing's comment........
BIG difference, the TEA protest in Hartford this summer. 5000+ people showed up. No arrests, no incidents, no disrutions, no disorderly conduct. And no littering.
The left want socialism so badly and even worse for America. Why or why do they live here if they hate what America has been all this time. Get the F out!
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:40 AM | Comments (1)
November 11, 2009
Veteran's Day and Always ~ To Our Heroes

The poem in Flanders Field........ There is a very interesting story that goes along with this poem.
Poppies are a strange flower. The ground can be ripe with other flowers all around and the poppy seeds will lie there dormant for years unless the ground is disturbed then they will sprout.
This takes place in Belgium, Flanders is a good portion of Belgium and in 1915 a huge battle was taking place. Known as the Ypres (EE-Pres) Salient. It lasted for about a month. When done, The Allies began digging the graves, thus disturbing the ground and when the internment was finished. Poppies sprouted everywhere, more than had ever been seen before, Thousands and thousands of Blood red Poppies.
Major John McCrae of the 4th Candian Division was inspired to write his poem. He wrote it but soon discovered, for some reason unknown, he didn't like it and threw it away. A Canadian Sergent Major, who saw him writing and after McCrae had finished, read it and remarked how perfectly the poem described what had happened and what the place looked like now. Saw McCrae throw it away, picked it up and sent it to the Spectator in London for publication, the Spectator rejected it out of hand and sent it back, but somehow another paper got hold of it up and published it. In the process they misspelled McCrae's name McCree and promoted him to Leutenant Colonel. And it was published.
Wild Thing's comment.........
We will never forget who kept us safe in the past and who is keeping us safe today.
To protect the Nation they love, our veterans stepped forward when America needed them most. In conflicts around the world, their sacrifice and resolve helped destroy the enemies of freedom and saved millions from oppression. In answering history's call with honor, decency, and resolve, our veterans have shown the power of liberty and earned the respect and admiration of a grateful Nation.
All of America's veterans have placed our Nation's security before their own lives, creating a debt that we can never fully repay. Our veterans represent the best of America, and they deserve the best America can give them.
As we recall the service of our Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines, and Coast Guardsmen, we are reminded that the defense of freedom comes with great loss and sacrifice. This Veterans Day, we give thanks to those who have served freedom's cause; we salute the members of our Armed Forces who are confronting our adversaries abroad; and we honor the men and women who left America's shores but did not live to be thanked as veterans. They will always be remembered by our country.
To the corpsmen, the doctors and nurses so very brave to do what they do.
To the pilots and crews, the crew chief, mechanics and base engineers. the missileers, submariners , the reservists, the National Guard , the paratroopers, the cavalry, the Special Forces, the SEALS, the UDT, the EOD, the Delta Force, the Air Commandos, the Marine Recon, the Rangers , the cooks and truck drivers and the fuelers and the boiler tenders and the boatswain mates, quartermasters, the gunner's mates and the stewards and the laundrymen, the clerk-typists , DI's, the guards, the MPs, the Shore Patrol ............so many all a part of making our military the best.
If I left anyone out I am so sorry. We owe our Veterans so much, we owe them everything. And damn to hell anyone that does not appreciate our Military, our Veterans, and our troops today.
God bless them all and may they always know the pride we have for each one of them.
Thank you Veterans one and all!!
For those who have fallen :
"They shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old,
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn,
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them."
....Thank you Mark for sending this about the poem Flanders Field to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Please Note............
SAMS Club to give away Hugo Canes to Veterans on Veterans Day!
On Veterans Day, November 11, 2009, Sam’s Club® locations nationwide will be giving away 25,000 Hugo® canes free of charge to United States Military Veterans in need of mobility assistance.
We salute our veterans for all the incredible contributions made to our country. To all who have served... Thank You!
Limited quantities per club, available only while supplies last. Sam’s Club® Membership is not required. Proof of military service may be required.
......Thank you SSGT Steve
SSgt Steve
1st MarDiv, H Co., 2nd Bn, 5th Marine Regiment
2/5 Marines, Motto: "Retreat, Hell"
VN 66-67
"A Pittance of Time" by Terry Kelly
On November 11, 1999 Terry Kelly was in a Shoppers Drug Mart store in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. At 10:55 AM an announcement came over the store's PA asking customers who would still be on the premises at 11:00 AM to give two minutes of silence in respect to the veterans who have sacrificed so much for us.
Terry was impressed with the store's leadership role in adopting the Legion's "two minutes of silence" initiative. He felt that the store's contribution of educating the public to the importance of remembering was commendable.
When eleven o'clock arrived on that day, an announcement was again made asking for the "two minutes of silence" to commence. All customers, with the exception of a man who was accompanied by his young child, showed their respect.
Terry's anger towards the father for trying to engage the store's clerk in conversation and for setting a bad example for his child was later channeled into a beautiful piece of work called, "A Pittance of Time". Terry later recorded "A Pittance of Time".
...... Thank you Richard for sending this to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:55 AM | Comments (10)
FOX Sports NFL Crew Broadcasts From Afghanistan
The Fox NFL Sunday team exits a Charleston Air Force Base C-17 Globemaster III at Bagram Air Base, Afghanistan
The friendly crowd was fired up today as the FOX Sports NFL crew broadcast their Sunday show in Afghanistan.
This was great.
The crew decided to air their show from Afghanistan in honor of Veterans Day.
Terry Bradshaw operates an explosive ordnance disposal robot at Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan
FOX Sports NFL Crew Broadcasts From Afghanistan
C-17 Aircrew Scores Touchdown in Mission With NFL Greats
Story by Tech. Sgt. Joseph Kapinos
The lone figure was crouched in his uniform, scanning the field from under his helmet for his intended receivers. But this was no stadium; it was a C-17 Globemaster III flying over the harsh and dangerous terrain that is Afghanistan. And there was no football, but rather, 18 much-needed bundles of food, water and supplies for troops at a forward operating base. The quarterback, in this case a loadmaster, found his targets. Touchdown!
Former Pittsburgh Steelers QB Terry Bradshaw would be proud.
And he was; he was there.
Mr. Bradshaw and the rest of the team from "Fox NFL Sunday" is touring installations throughout Southwest Asia as part of an event with Armed Forces Entertainment. During the visit, they'll meet with deployed troops and sign autographs. The trip concludes with a two-hour broadcast of "Fox NFL Sunday" from Afghanistan, November 8th.
Visiting the Airmen, Soldiers, Sailors and Marines are:
- Terry Bradshaw, Pittsburgh Steelers QB, 1970-1983
- Jimmy Johnson, Dallas Cowboys, Miami Dolphins coach, 1989-1999
- Howie Long, Oakland Raiders, Los Angeles Raiders defensive end, 1981-1993
- Michael Strahan, New York Giants defensive end, 1993-2007
- Curt Menefee, sportscaster
- Jay Glazer, sportswriter
To get to Afghanistan, the NFL legends tagged along on an airdrop mission. For the aircrew, it was the chance of a lifetime to meet several NFL legends, but also an opportunity to showcase the efforts of the Air Force supporting the joint fight.
"Terry Bradshaw is a hero of mine and to be able to show him what the Air Force does is really awesome," said Staff Sgt. Matthew Gaffney, an instructor loadmaster with the 816th Expeditionary Airlift Squadron. "It's great to show them how we can take pretty much anything and drop it wherever we want."
According to Mr. Long, seeing the mission up close and personal brought a new sense of appreciation for today's military, something every American should be reminded of, he said.
"When you're on a trip like this, you truly get to see how remarkable this generation of Americans is," Mr. Long said.
Toward the end of the mission, the aircrew presented an American flag, along with a certificate, to the football legends to thank them for visiting the Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines.
The visit is a first for the Air Force. In December 2000, "Fox NFL Sunday" broadcast two shows from the flight deck of the USS Harry S. Truman, during a patrol in the Mediterranean Sea.
Armed Forces Entertainment is the lead Department of Defense agency for bringing entertainment to servicemembers overseas.
Senior Airman Nikita Canalin gives Howie Long, "Fox NFL Sunday" show host, a haircut while visiting the Airmen at Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan. The "Fox NFL Sunday" team of Curt Menefee, Terry Bradshaw, Howie Long, Michael Strahan, Jimmy Johnson and Jay Glazer is scheduled to broadcast live Nov. 8, 2009, from here. The team will do the special just three days before Veterans Day as a tribute to America's service men and women (U.S. Air Force photo/2nd Lt. Holly Hess)
Wild Thing's comment......
Excellent, brilliant, wonderful idea!!!
Thanks to Fox NFL for visiting our men and women that are serving this great nation.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:50 AM | Comments (4)
Vietnam Veteran Gilberto Telles ~ Thank you
Marine who served in Vietnam War
Gilberto Telles, 70, is a former member of the 19th Rifle Company, a homegrown Marine reserve unit formed in 1953. Its members include combat veterans who served in World War II, Korea and Vietnam. The company, now Delta Battery, 2nd Battalion, 14th Marines, still is sending troops to war.
Telles, a Vietnam War veteran and El Paso native, is a member of the Lipan Apache Tribe of Texas. He will be honored for his military service Tuesday during a local celebration of the Marine Corps' 234th birthday.
Q When did your military career begin?
A I joined in 1956. My goal was to go to college. There weren't that many things to take advantage of, ways to get ahead. In 1974, I was medically retired (from the Marines). ... I got my bachelor's degree in education from (the University of Texas at El Paso), and I taught school for 22 years for the Ysleta Independent School District.
Q When and where did you serve in Vietnam?
A I wound up doing two tours, from 1963 to 1964, and from 1966 to 1967. On the first tour I was an adviser, training the South Vietnamese how to defend themselves. ... When I went back, we operated in (a river delta just south of the demilitarized zone that split North and South Vietnam). I was on a recon patrol. I am part Apache. That's why I wound up as a scout.
Q You were conducting missions around Khe Sanh, Vietnam, before the brutal 77-day battle erupted. What happened there?
A Khe Sanh was a place you didn't want to be. ... (Military officials) knew something was going on there but they didn't think it was worth it for the North Vietnamese army to attack. We were sent out to bring back proof that there was nothing going on, but the opposite happened. ... We fought for about four days, throwing grenades down the trails to keep them away. Eventually they brought in the mortars. I picked up a (wounded) guy and put him on the chopper. ... A chopper would land and sometimes you would have to run to try to get on it before they zeroed in on you. I was wounded on the 26th of April (in 1967). There were only eight of us on the recon team. We were taking mortar fire and I was shot through the legs. There we were in the middle of it.
Q How badly were you injured?
A I was 1/30th of a second away from being on the other side. But I survived, and here I am. Of the eight-man team, only four came out walking. It was pretty harrowing.
Q Is it true your wife knew you were in trouble the day you were wounded?
A One thing about native people, we can perceive things just by the attitude. ... I was unconscious and I could travel anywhere. I came over here and she heard me.
Q How is your health?
A I was diagnosed with myeloma, bone cancer. It was caused by Agent Orange. Some of us are still paying for that war. Liberty is not free. ... I'm in remission right now.
Q Why is Veterans Day important? Some say we are recognizing the nation's heroes.
A I am not a hero. I was getting paid for that. I was a Marine doing my job. The ones who are the heroes are the ones who didn't come back.
Wild Thing's comment.........
Another example of heroes among us. We will never forget the service of so many.
Thank you Gilberto Telles! Welcome Home.
.... Thank you Jim for sending this to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:49 AM | Comments (2)
No Decision on Troop Increase
Foxnews: "I wanna bring you a bit of Breaking News courtesy of Major Garrett, he is now reporting in terms of a decision on whether to deploy more troops to Afghanistan...Major has said that the White House press secretary Robert Gibbs has said this morning that the President has actually not yet made a decision at this point, there are some reports out there (that would be CBSNEWS that hit the Drudgereport yesterday at 5:00p.m.)from other media outlets that he was very close to or had made a decision and it would be in the neighborhood of 30K, Major is saying that he is being told that the President HAS NOT made a decision, any announcement will not come until after the President returns from a trip to Asia...He does not return to the United States until the 20th of November"
Barack Obama will likely hold off deciding his strategy and troop strength levels until December, according to a New York Times report on his upcoming meeting Wednesday with his national security advisers.
This would make four months since Obama's hand-picked Afghan General Stanley McChrystal made an urgent request in August for 40,000 to 80,000 reinforcements, warning the war would be lost within twelve months without them.
Obama recently asked for new troop level options and for reports on the provincial Afghan governments.
Obama has made numerous excuses for delaying his decision, most prominent of them the election controversy over Hamid Karzai's reelection as Afghanistan's president. The election was resolved last week. Obama's latest excuses were his Asia trip this week and a Nato meeting on the 23rd, until the Times article raised a new excuse--the Thanksgiving holiday at the end of November:
Officials said that no decision was expected from Mr. Obama on Wednesday, but that he would mull over the discussions at the meeting during a trip to Asia that begins Thursday. Mr. Obama is not due back in Washington until next Thursday. Officials said that it was possible that he could announce his decision in the three days before Thanksgiving, which is on Nov. 26, but that an announcement in the first week of December seemed more likely.
Wild Thing's comment.........
God help our troops, please. Their commander-in-chief won't.
Obama took the 3 am phone call; rolled over, said wake me at noon. Obama thinks he can get away with voting “present” on the Afghanistan War - troop request.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:48 AM | Comments (5)
Lt. Col. Ralph Peters On FOX Speaks Out About Obama's Speech At Fort Hood
FOX News analyst and Retired Lt. Col. Ralph Peters was offended at the speech today by President Obama at Fort Hood.
Peters was not too happy with the president’s speech at the memorial:
“The speech was clearly written by someone who didn’t serve in the military… No, it wasn’t hard to comprehend and it’s not now. It was the act of an Islamic terrorist who gunned down 55 people, 54 people, because he believed he was doing the will of Allah in accordance with the Koran.”
Fox News' Lt. Col. Ralph Peters tells Bill O'Reilly that while he was "moved" by President Obama's service for the Fort Hood victims - even though he admitted that it appeared to be "boilerplate" and "clearly written by speechwriters that never served in the military" - he's "offended" that Obama said it was "hard to comprehend" that it was "an act of an Islamic terrorist."
"It's clear that the problem is Islam." He's also baffled that there was no reference to "terrorism" in the speech, and doesn't think Obama has the guts to admit that it was "an act of terrorism."
Peters also took a parting shot at General George Casey, who said the Fort Hood attack was "a kick in the gut." "Good God, he needs to stop talking about diversity" and "spend more time thinking about the soldiers that died or were wounded at Fort Hood... At some point, you just need to knock off the B.S."
Obama said US soldier killer Nidal Hasan may have “cracked” because of stress.
ABC News and FOX Nation reported:
From Good Morning America Interview of Obama yesterday Nov. 10, 2009
Well, look, we — we have seen, in the past, rampages of this sort. And in a country of 300 million people, there are going to be acts of violence that are inexplicable. Even within the extraordinary military that we have — and I think everybody understands how outstanding the young men and women in uniform are under the most severe stress — there are going to be instances in which an individual cracks. I think the questions that we’re asking now and we don’t have yet complete answers to is, is this an individual who’s acting in this way or is it some larger set of actors? You know, what are the motivations? Those are all questions that I think we have to ask ourselves. Until we have these answers buttoned down, I’d rather not comment on it.
Wild Thing's comment.......
LTC Peters consistently delivers the straight talk while the politically correct wussies refuse to face facts.
This Administration will do anything to avoid letting this be called terrorism lest they admit that we are not as safe under their control as we were under GWB for the last 7 years since 9-11.
Obama was speaking as if it were an auto accident that killed these individuals!!
......Thank you SSGT Steve
SSgt Steve
1st MarDiv, H Co., 2nd Bn, 5th Marine Regiment
2/5 Marines, Motto: "Retreat, Hell"
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:47 AM | Comments (6)
What's behind America's politically correct 'love' of Islam?
What's behind America's politically correct 'love' of Islam?
The second they heard about the Fort Hood massacre, millions of thinking Americans wondered in their gut: "Oh God, is this another crazy Muslim terrorist carrying out a one-man jihad, as has happened so many times before?"
Then, when the alleged perpetrator's name and religion were made public (Nidal Malik Hasan, a lifelong Muslim) along with eyewitness reports he had shouted the obligatory pre-terror-attack proclamation, "Allahu akbar" ("Allah is greatest") before commencing his orgy of slaughter, their suspicions were confirmed: This was surely a major attack on the American homeland by a Muslim terrorist.
Further evidence quickly rolled in: Hasan had reportedly refused to fight fellow Muslims, called the war on terror a "war on Islam," told a co-worker Muslims had a right to rise up and attack Americans, and reportedly had posted online his astoundingly twisted belief that an Islamic suicide bomber was morally equivalent to a soldier throwing himself on a grenade to save the lives of his comrades.
In other words, although the Army had many warnings Hasan was a certifiable, America-hating, jihadist "ticking time bomb" waiting to go off, it did nothing to avert last week's terror attack. Why?
And why, after the truth about Hasan became undeniable following his mass slaughter, does the government, as well as its mouthpiece the establishment press, agonize in their usual pathetic manner over what could possibly have motivated the Army psychiatrist to coldly, methodically murder 13 and wound 38 others?
* Shortly after the attack, right on schedule, the FBI announced it wasn't terror-related.
* Time magazine moronically blamed posttraumatic stress disorder – even though Hasan has never been deployed in a war zone.
* The shooter's relatives insisted he had been the victim of religious harassment because of his faith, which must have made him snap.
* According to the Washington Post, the problem was that Hasan was lonely. That's right, the newspaper's report, titled "The lonely life of alleged Fort Hood shooter," was subtitled: "'He was mistreated. He didn't have nobody. He was all alone,' says neighbor."
* Meanwhile, President Obama warned Americans against "jumping to conclusions" about what might have motivated the shooter.
Why, after a Muslim commits a terrorist act, do authorities always announce almost instantaneously – before they could possibly know – that the attack was not terror-related?
Why do the news media always torture themselves and their readers with the most wildly improbable explanations in their attempts to avoid the obvious truth?
Before we answer these questions, lest you think I overstate the case, take a quick trip with me down jihad memory lane.
* Remember the beltway snipers? In October 2002, Muslim convert John Muhammad along with 17-year-old Lee Boyd "John" Malvo paralyzed the Washington metropolitan area for three bloody weeks, killing 10 and critically injuring three others. But after their capture, most in the media were loath to focus seriously on Islamic jihad as a motive, despite the fact that Muhammad had praised the Sept. 11 hijackers and had threatened to commit major terrorist acts within the U.S.
Like alcoholics uncomfortable with facing the painful truth, the media retreated into comfortable denial. Their standard analysis of what made Muhammad tick included anything and everything except jihad. Thus, the Los Angeles Times offered up no less than six possible motives for Muhammad's killing spree, according to Daniel Pipes, an expert on militant Islam. They included "his 'stormy relationship' with his family, his 'stark realization' of loss and regret, his perceived sense of abuse as an American Muslim post-9/11, his desire to 'exert control' over others, his relationship with Malvo, and his trying to make a quick buck," said Pipes – "but did not mention jihad."
"Likewise," he adds, "a Boston Globe article found 'there must have been something in his social interaction – in his marriage or his military career – that pulled the trigger.'"
This see-no-jihad, hear-no-jihad, speak-no-jihad mindset has become standard operating procedure for the establishment press.
* On July 4, 2002, a cab driver named Hesham Hadayet walked into the Los Angeles International Airport and shot two people to death before being shot and killed by a security guard. Despite the fact that Hadayet was Egyptian and that he had chosen the Israeli El Al ticket counter as the site for venting his rage, any suggestion that Hadayet was carrying out his own personal jihad was immediately dismissed.
"Investigators … believe that Hadayet was simply an overstressed man who snapped," reported the Los Angeles Times. "He was known as a quiet, observant Muslim," added the Times, which explained away the killer's virulent anti-Semitism by saying, "While Hadayet occasionally mentioned a hatred for Israel, [one former employee] saw it more as a cultural perspective on Mideast politics than an emotion that would fuel violence."
* One of the worst air disasters in modern history, Egypt Air Flight 990 crashed into the Atlantic shortly after takeoff from New York in October 1999, killing 217.
Two and a half years later, the National Transportation Safety Board finally reached the same conclusion that virtually everyone else had immediately after the crash – that the plane's Egyptian copilot, Gameel El-Batouty, had cut power to the engines and intentionally sent the plane plummeting into the ocean, killing all aboard.
But the government panel declined to suggest a motive, except to speculate that El-Batouty might have "committed suicide."
Suicide? Pardon my French, but I think "mass murder" or "terrorism" would much better describe the wanton annihilation of hundreds of innocent people. Yet, despite the fact the copilot had calmly repeated over and over the Arabic phrase "Tawkalt" ("I rely on Allah") for almost a minute and a half during his deed – and that such behavior, according to the report, "is not consistent with the reaction that would be expected from a pilot who is encountering an unexpected or uncommanded flight condition" – federal investigators steered clear of suggesting jihad as a motive.
* The U.S. government, not wanting to offend Muslim sensitivities, rarely mentions "Muslim" or "Islamic" when describing Islamic terrorism. For example, when a massive jihad plot to blow up 10 airliners over the Atlantic and kill thousands was foiled in 2006, then–Homeland Security chief Michael Chertoff briefed his agency using only the word "extremists" to describe the plotters – no mention of Islam. All of the two dozen would-be terrorists were Muslims.
* This syndrome has just gotten worse since the ascension to the presidency of Barack Obama, who takes every opportunity to criticize America and fawn over Islam – even calling America "one of the largest Muslim countries in the world" and bowing obsequiously before the Muslim king of Saudi Arabia.
So, why do we have this stubborn inability to come to grips with Islam?
First, as is appallingly obvious, we're afraid to criticize Islam openly, for fear of having our head cut off or having a fatwa put out on us like the director of the new "2012" film, or we're afraid of being sued by some of the very litigious Islamic organizations like CAIR, or we're afraid of being called a racist, extremist, hater or "Islamophobe" thanks to the tyranny of political correctness, or we're afraid of offending those in power and thereby risking our position, stature or other advantage. This reaction, while perhaps selfish and cowardly, is more-or-less conscious and strategic.
However, for some it goes much deeper: Being intimidated by Islam (or by anything, for that matter) actually causes some of us to mysteriously grow sympathetic toward it, to defend it, to side with it, even to convert to it. This unconscious shift in attitude, in response to fear of being hurt, is called the Stockholm syndrome, named after the 1973 Swedish bank robbery during which the four terrorized hostages sided with their criminal captors while disparaging the police risking their lives trying to save them.
"Political correctness" – which is basically a low-grade Stockholm syndrome playing out on a broad societal stage – is actually a subtle form of brainwashing. Even establishment mouthpiece Newsweek, in its famous Dec. 24, 1990, cover story on the then-new phenomenon of political correctness on college campuses (titled "Thought Police") conceded this truth when it reported: "PC is, strictly speaking, a totalitarian philosophy."
Bottom line: We're intimidated, bullied, threatened, terrorized – and so we capitulate, not just in word and deed, but in thought.
Here is video of Ann Coulter on with Bill O'Reilly tonight where she discussed the reaction to the murder of abortion-doctor George Tiller as compared to the reaction to the terror attack against American soldiers at Fort Hood by Nidal Malik Hasan.
Coulter pointed out that the media reaction to Tiller's killing was immediate and labeled the killer a religious fanatic. But when all evidence points to Hasan's Islamic Jihadist beliefs as the source of his action, President Obama and others are doing everything they can to simply make this a "crime" rather than a terrorist act based on his Islamic religious beliefs.
Ann Coulter said the Mainstream Media has embarrassed itself with their coverage of the Fort Hood story. She said their coverage has been "stunning," with most of the relevant facts coming out via the British press rather than from U.S. sources
Wild Thing's comment........
Also Democrats will be on their side simply because America is the enemy in the eyes of the Democrats. Look how many on the left LOVE Mao and other people like that. People that you and I would never say we respect.
The FBI is trying to cover their tails!
Same with liberalism vs. Conservatism. Too many Conservatives fear getting into a knock-down drag-out with liberals over ideology, yet that's just how liberals like to operate. They know that by being forceful and unafraid of ridicule they can get their point across better than their meek counterparts do.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:45 AM | Comments (6)
November 10, 2009
It is the Proud, Pro-Military, Pro-Freedom American that is Hated and Discriminated NOT the Muslims
It is not Muslims, but the proud, pro-military, pro-freedom American that is hated and discriminated against....
In article after article the 'Muslims are hated and discriminated against' theme is repeated. What I have yet to read is the idea that it is the proud, pro-military, pro-freedom American that is hated and discriminated against. Every single member of this 'group' is hated by millions. This doesn't hold true for any other 'group' of people. I'm not saying other groups aren't being discriminated against, just that not everyone hates all Italians, blacks, whites, gays, women, Catholics, Jews. But this pro-freedom group is hated by entire governments, peoples, activists, faiths, etc.
Code Pink isn't spitting on Muslims, they're spitting on our soldiers and anyone that dares to defend them. The ObamaMedia isn't going on long tirades about the disgust they feel towards Muslims, no their tirades are directed towrd the TEA partiers. Our own Government isn't singaling out Muslims or Mosques, they are calling out FOX News, RUSH, Palin, Tea Partiers, and anyone who dares state a loyalty to freedom.
I believe that the only group of people really being discriminated against (en masse) is the proud, pro-military, pro-freedom American. Hell, every radicalized Muslim in the world hates every single one of them.
I for one am very proud to be a part of this group, and I will not apologize for it. No amount of hatred that is spewed towards me, and others like me, will stop us from defending the thing we love - America.
Weasel Zippers Blog
Wild Thing's comment........
I stand with Momma in what she said. Thank you so much.
......Thank you RAC for sending this to me.
RAC has a website that is awesome. 336th Assault Helicopter Company
13th Combat Aviation Battalion - 1st Aviation Brigade - Soc Trang, Republic of Vietnam
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 AM | Comments (5)
Fort Hood Shooter Tied to Mosque of 9/11 Hijackers
Alleged Fort Hood Shooter Tied to Mosque of 9/11 Hijackers
The family of the alleged Fort Hood shooter held his mother's funeral at the same Virginia mosque that two Sept. 11 hijackers attended in 2001, at a time when a radical imam preached there.
The family of Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, the Army psychiatrist who killed 13 and wounded 29 at the Texas military base, held his mother's funeral at the Dar al Hijrah Islamic Center in Falls Church, Va., on May 31, 2001, according to her obituary in the Roanoke Times newspaper.
In 2001, Anwar Aulaqi was an imam, or spiritual leader, at the Washington-area mosque. Aulaqi told the FBI in 2001 that, before he moved to Virginia in early 2001, he met with 9/11 hijacker Nawaf al-Hazmi several times in San Diego. Al-Hazmi was at the time living with Khalid al-Mihdhar, another hijacker. Al-Hazmi and another hijacker, Hani Hanjour, attended the Dar al Hijrah mosque in Virginia in early April 2001.
In his FBI interview, Aulaqi denied ever meeting with al-Hazmi and Hanjour while in Virginia.
Aulaqi, a native-born U.S. citizen, left the United States in 2002, eventually traveling to Yemen. He was investigated by the FBI in 1999 and 2000 after it was learned that he may have been contacted by a possible procurement agent for Osama bin Laden. During this investigation, the FBI learned that Aulaqi knew people involved in raising money for Hamas, a Palestinian group on the U.S. State Department's terrorist list.
Warning Signs From Fort Hood Shooter, Former Classmate Says
The warning signs were all there: the justification of homicide bombings; the spewing of anti-American hatred; the efforts to reach Al Qaeda .
"There were definitely clear indications that Hasan's loyalties were not with America," Lt. Col. Val Finnell, Hasan's classmate at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences in Bethesda, Md., told FoxNews.com in an exclusive interview. He and Hasan were students in the school's public health master's degree program from 2007-2008.
"There were all sorts of ... comments made throughout the year that made me question his loyalty to the United States, but nothing was done," said Finnell, who recalled one class during which Hasan gave a presentation justifying homicide bombings.
"The issue here is that there's a political correctness climate in the military. They don't want to say anything because it would be considered questioning somebody's religious belief, or they're afraid of an equal opportunity lawsuit.
"I want to be clear that this wasn't about anyone questioning his religious views. It is different when you are a civilian than when you are a military officer," said Finnell, who is a physician at the Los Angeles Air Force Base.
"When you are in the military and you start making comments that are seditious, when you say you believe something other than your oath of office — someone needed to say why is this guy saying this stuff.
"He was a lightning rod. He made his views known and he was very vocal, he had extremely radical jihadist views," Finnell said. "When you're a military officer you take an oath to defend against all enemies foreign and domestic.
"They should've confronted him — our professors, officers — but they were too concerned about being politically correct."
Finnell said the warning signs were clear to many, not just classmates. Faculty members, including many high-ranking military officers, witnessed firsthand his anti-Americanism, he said.
Finnell recalled Hasan telling his classmates and professors, "I'm a Muslim first and I hold the Shariah, the Islamic Law, before the United States Constitution."
He recalled one time when his classmates were giving presentations in an environmental health class on topics like soil and water contamination and the effects of mold. When it was Hasan's turn, he said, he got up in front of the class and began to speak about his chosen topic, "Is the War on Terror a war on Islam?"
Finnell says he raised his hand. "I asked the professor, "What does this topic have to do with environmental health?"
"When he was challenged on his views, Hasan became visibly upset. He became sweaty, he was emotional."
But despite questioning from the other students, Finnell said, the professor allowed Hasan to continue. He said Hasan's anti-American vitriol continued for two years as he worked toward his degree in public health.
There were even more warning signs that might have alerted the Army in recent months:
— In the days and weeks before the shooting, Hasan voiced his objections to Muslims fighting the war on terror to members of his mosque, the Islamic Community of Greater Killeen. Congregants at the mosque said he voiced his objections to Muslims serving in the U.S. military and to his impending deployment to Afghanistan.
— Over the summer, Hasan's comments led Osman Danquah, co-founder of the mosque, to recommend that it deny Hasan's request to become a lay Muslim leader at Fort Hood, the Associated Press reported.
— In the months before Thursday's shooting Hasan tried reaching out to people associated with Al Qaeda — and did so under the watchful eye of at least one U.S. intelligence agency. An intelligence official told FOXNews.com that "Hasan was on our radar for months."
On Sunday Sen. Joe Lieberman announced his intention to lead a congressional investigation into the Fort Hood murders, saying there were "strong warning signs" that Hasan was an "Islamic extremist."
"The U.S. Army has to have zero tolerance. He should have been gone," said Lieberman, who is chairman of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs.
In interviews Sunday, Army Chief of Staff Gen. George Casey stressed that it was too early in the investigation to know whether these warnings signs could have spared the lives of the 13 killed, dismissing earlier reports about such signs as "speculation" based on anecdotes. "I don't want to say that we missed it," he said.
Finnell said that once Hasan was identified as the suspect in Thursday's massacre, he reached out to the Army to tell them about his experiences with Hasan.
This time, he said, "They listened."
Wild Thing's comment.........
WTH are the using the word " Alleged " for!!??????
This incident will create more unrest in the military if they continue to whitewash it. And what the hell must this man have been saying to the combat veteran soldiers he was supposed to be “counseling”?
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:50 AM | Comments (5)
A Tribute To The United States Marine Corps ~ Happy 234th Birthday
Nov.10, 1775 – Nov.10, 2009
The Commandant of the Marine Corps, General James T. Conway delivers the 234th Marine Corps Birthday message. " Carrying On A Legacy Of Valor "
It honors all Marines past and present. A special tribute to today's Heroes, Cpl Jonathan T. Yale, 2nd Battalion, 8th Marines and LCpl Jordan C. Haerter, 1st Battalion, 9th Marines. These fine Marines were KIA 22 April, 2008. Their heroic actions that day, saved the lives of over 50 Iraqis and Marines. They were both posthumously presented the Navy Cross for Extraordinary Heroism on February 20th, 2009. The Navy Cross is our nations second highest award for valor in combat. Jonathan was 21 years old, Jordan was 19 years old.
Authorized by an Act of Congress dated Nov.10,1775, the U.S. Marine Corps has served as an integral arm of the Department of the Navy since the Revolutionary War. From its legendary founding at Tun Tavern in Philadelphia, the Marine Corps has won reknown as America’s "Soldiers of the Sea".

"Retreat Hell! We've Just got here!" Attributed by MajGen Ben Fuller to Col Frederick M. "Dopey" Wise, CO 2d Bn., 5th Marines, 2dDiv, AEF in France, on being informed that the French troops were retreating and being advised to do likewise, Wise reportedly erupted with an expletive.
"Come on, you sons of bitches! Do you want to live forever?" GySgt. Daniel J. "Dan" Daly, USMC near Lucy-`le-Bocage as he led the 5th Marines' attack into Belleau Wood, 6 June 1918
"I have only two men out of my company and 20 out of some other company. We need support, but it is almost suicide to try to get it here as we are swept by machine gun fire and a constant barrage is on us. I have no one on my left and only a few on my right. I will hold." 1stLt. Clifton B. Cates, USMC in Belleau Wood, 19 July 1918
"The deadliest weapon in the world is a Marine and his rifle."
Gen. John J. "Black Jack" Pershing, U.S. Army, Commander of American Forces in World War I
"What shall I say of the gallantry with which these Marines have fought! Of the slopes of Hill 142; of the Mares Farm; of the Bois de Belleau and the Village of Bouresches stained with their blood, and not only taken away from the Germans in the full tide of their advance against the French, but held by my boys against counter attacks day after day and night after night. I cannot write of their splendid gallantry without tears coming to my eyes." MajGen James G. Harbord, USA, in his book, "Leaves from a War Diary"
In the Mexican-American War (1846-1848), the Marines made their famed assault on Chapultepec Palace in Mexico City, which would be later celebrated by the phrase "From The Halls of Montezuma" in the Marines' hymn.
During World War I veteran Marines served a central role in the late American entry into the conflict.The Fifth and Sixth Marine Regiments fought their way to everlasting glory at Belleau Wood, creating the Marines' reputation in modern history. While its previous expeditionary experiences had not earned it much acclaim in the Western world, the Marines' ferocity and toughness in France earned them the respect of the Germans, who rated them of stormtrooper quality. The Corps had entered the war with 511 officers and 13,214 enlisted personnel, and by 11 November 1918 had reached a strength of 2,400 officers and 70,000 men.
In World War II, the Marines played a central role in the Pacific War, executing a series of daring amphibious landings on such islands as Guadalcanal, Bougainville, Tarawa, Guam, Tinian, Saipan, Peleliu, Iwo Jima, and Okinawa.
"Casualties many; Percentage of dead not known; Combat efficiency; we are winning." Colonel David M. Shoup, USMC, Tarawa, 21 November 1943.
During the battle of Iwo Jima, photographer Joe Rosenthal took the famous photograph of five Marines and one Navy Corpsman raising the American flag on Mt. Suribachi. Secretary of the Navy James Forrestal, having come ashore earlier that day, said of the flag raising, "...the raising of that flag on Suribachi means a Marine Corps for the next five hundred years." The acts of the Marines during the war added to their already significant popular reputation. By war's end, the Corps expanded from two brigades to six divisions, five air wings, and supporting troops, totaling about 485,000 Marines. In addition, 20 defense battalions and a parachute battalion were set raised.[37] Nearly 87,000 Marines were casualties during World War II (including nearly 20,000 killed), and 82 were awarded the Medal of Honor.
"By their victory, the 3rd, 4th and 5th Marine Divisions and other units of the Fifth Amphibious Corps have made an accounting to their country which only history will be able to value fully. Among the Americans who served on Iwo Island, uncommon valor was a common virtue."
Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, U.S. Navy
The Korean War (1950-1953) saw the hastily formed Provisional Marine Brigade holding the defensive line at the Pusan Perimeter. To execute a flanking maneuver, General Douglas MacArthur called on Marine air and ground forces to make an amphibious landing at Inchon. The successful landing resulted in the collapse of North Korean lines and the pursuit of North Korean forces north near the Yalu River until the entrance of the People's Republic of China into the war. Chinese troops surrounded, surprised and overwhelmed the overextended and outnumbered American forces. X Corps, which included the 1st Marine Division and the Army's 7th Infantry Division, regrouped and inflicted heavy casualties during their fighting withdrawal to the coast, now known as the Battle of Chosin Reservoir.
"Don't you forget that you’re Marines - First Marines! Not all the communists in hell can overrun you!" Col Lewis B. "Chesty" Puller, rallying his 1st Marines near Chosin Reservoir, Korea, December 1950
Marines would continue a battle of attrition around the 38th Parallel until the 1953 armistice. The Korean War saw the Corps expand from 75,000 regulars to a force of 261,000 Marines, mostly reservists. 30,544 Marines were killed or wounded during the war and 42 were awarded the Medal of Honor.
The Marine Corps served an important role in the Vietnam War taking part in such battles as Da Nang, the Relief of Hue City, and the Battle of Khe Sanh. Individuals from the USMC operated in the Northern I Corps Regions of South Vietnam. While there, they were constantly engaged in a guerrilla war against the National Front for the Liberation of South Vietnam (NLF) and an intermittent conventional war against the North Vietnamese Army (NVA). Portions of the Corps were responsible for the less-known Combined Action Program (CAP) that implemented unconventional techniques for counter-insurgency and worked as military advisors to the Republic of Vietnam Marine Corps. Marines were withdrawn in 1971, and returned briefly in 1975 to evacuate Saigon and attempt a rescue of the crew of the Mayagüez.
The Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in August 1990 led to the largest movement of Marine forces since World War II. Between August 1990 and January 1991, 24 infantry battalions, 40 squadrons (more than 92,000 Marines) deployed to the Persian Gulf as part of Operation Desert Shield. The air campaign of Operation Desert Storm began Jan. 16, 1991, followed by the main overland attack Feb. 24 when the 1st and 2nd Marine Divisions breached the Iraqi defense lines and stormed into occupied Kuwait. Meanwhile, the threat from the sea in the form of Marine Expeditionary Brigades held 50,000 Iraqis in check along the Kuwait coast. By the morning of Feb. 28, 100 hours after the ground war began, the Iraqi army was no longer a threat.
"I can't say enough about the two Marine divisions. If I use words like 'brilliant', it would really be an under description of the absolutely superb job that they did in breaching the so-called 'impenetrable barrier'. It was a classic - absolutely classic- military breaching of a very very tough minefield, barbed wire, fire trenches-type barrier." Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf, U. S. Army Commander, Operation Desert Storm, February 1991
Today's Marines remain a vital link in America's fighting forces on land, at sea and in the air. They pride themselves on professionalism, brotherhood, esprit de corps and being "First To Fight". They serve with distinction on the ground and in the air above Iraq and Afghanistan.
"These are my recruits. I will train them to the best of my ability. I will develop them into smartly disciplined, physically fit, basically trained Marines, thoroughly indoctrinated in love of Corps and country. I will demand of them, and demonstrate by my own example, the highest standards of personal conduct, morality, and professional skill."
"Drill Instructor’s Creed" as it appeared in the Parris Island "Boot" newspaper, Aug. 31, 1956
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:49 AM | Comments (12)
Call This Horror By Its Name: Islamist Terror by Ralph Peters
Fox News Analyst: Fort Hood Suspect 'A Protected Species'
Call this horror by its name: Islamist terror
On Thursday afternoon, a radicalized Muslim US Army officer shouting, "Allahu akbar!" ("God is great!") committed the worst act of terror on American soil since 9/11. And no one wants to call it an act of terror or associate it with Islam.
What cowards we are. Political correctness killed those patriotic Americans at Fort Hood as surely as the Islamist gunman did. And the media treat it like a case of nondenominational shoplifting.
This was a terrorist act. When an extremist plans and executes a murderous plot against our unarmed soldiers to protest our efforts to counter Islamist fanatics, it's an act of terror. Period.
When the terrorist posts anti-American hate speech on the Web; apparently praises suicide bombers and uses his own name; loudly criticizes US policies; argues (as a psychiatrist, no less) with his military patients over the worth of their sacrifices; refuses, in the name of Islam, to be photographed with female colleagues; lists his nationality as "Palestinian" in a Muslim spouse-matching program and parades around central Texas in a fundamentalist playsuit -- well, it only seems fair to call this terrorist an "Islamist terrorist."
But the president won't. Despite his promise to get to all the facts. Because there's no such thing as "Islamist terrorism" in ObamaWorld.
And the Army won't. Because its senior leaders are so sick with political correctness that pandering to America haters is safer than calling terrorism "terrorism." And the media won't. Because they have more interest in the shooter than in our troops -- despite their crocodile tears.
Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan planned this terrorist attack and executed it in cold blood. The resulting massacre was the first tragedy. The second was that he wasn't killed on the spot.
Hasan survived. Now the rest of us will have to foot his massive medical bills. Activist lawyers will get involved, claiming "harassment" drove him temporarily insane. There'll be no end of trial delays. At best, taxpayer dollars will fund his prison lifestyle for decades to come, since our politically correct Army leadership wouldn't dare pursue or carry out the death penalty. Maj. Hasan will be a hero to Islamist terrorists abroad and their sympathizers here. While US Muslim organizations decry his acts publicly, Hasan will be praised privately. And he'll have the last laugh. But Hasan isn't the sole guilty party. The US Army's unforgivable political correctness is also to blame for the casualties at Fort Hood.
Given the myriad warning signs, it's appalling that no action was taken against a man apparently known to praise suicide bombers and openly damn US policy. But no officer in his chain of command, either at Walter Reed Army Medical Center or at Fort Hood, had the guts to take meaningful action against a dysfunctional soldier and an incompetent doctor.
Had Hasan been a Lutheran or a Methodist, he would've been gone with the simoom. But officers fear charges of discrimination when faced with misconduct among protected minorities. Now 12 soldiers and a security guard lie dead. At least 38 people were wounded, 28 of them seriously. If heads don't roll in this maggot's chain of command, the Army will have shamed itself beyond moral redemption.
There's another important issue, too. How could the Army allow an obviously incompetent and dysfunctional psychiatrist to treat our troubled soldiers returning from war? An Islamist wacko is counseled for arguing with veterans who've been assigned to his care? And he's not removed from duty? What planet does the Army live on? For the first time since I joined the Army in 1976, I'm ashamed of its dereliction of duty. The chain of command protected a budding terrorist who was waving one red flag after another. Because it was safer for careers than doing something about him.
Get ready for the apologias. We've already heard from the terrorist's family that "he's a good American." In their world, maybe he is.
But when do we, the American public, knock off the PC nonsense? A disgruntled Muslim soldier murdered his officers way back in 2003, in Kuwait, on the eve of Operation Iraqi Freedom. Recently? An American mullah shoots it out with the feds in Detroit. A Muslim fanatic attacks an Arkansas recruiting station. A Muslim media owner, after playing the peace card, beheads his wife. A Muslim father runs over his daughter because she's becoming too Westernized.
Muslim terrorist wannabes are busted again and again. And we're assured that "Islam's a religion of peace."
I guarantee you that the Obama administration's nonresponse to the Fort Hood attack will mock the memory of our dead.
Wild Thing's comment.........
Good article by Ralph Peters.
If Obama continues to refuse to recognize this for what it was, it's a open door for more to come. Why WOULDN'T more terrorists strike if all they have to do is position themselves and kill. Our country is doomed if everyone insists on burying their heads in the sand. How pathetic.
......Thank you SSGT Steve
SSgt Steve
1st MarDiv, H Co., 2nd Bn, 5th Marine Regiment
2/5 Marines, Motto: "Retreat, Hell"
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:48 AM | Comments (4)
Supreme Court Refuses to Block DC Sniper's Tuesday Execution ~ GOOD!
The U.S. Supreme Court refused to block Tuesday's scheduled execution of sniper John Allen Muhammad. Muhammad is scheduled to die by injection at a Virginia prison for the slaying of Dean Harold Meyers during a three-week massacre in 2002.
Supreme Court refuses to block DC sniper's Tuesday execution
The U.S. Supreme Court has refused to block Tuesday’s scheduled execution of sniper mastermind John Allen Muhammad.
The Court did not comment Monday on why it refused to consider his appeal.
Muhammad is scheduled to die by injection at a Virginia prison for the slaying of Dean Harold Meyers at a gas station during a three-week spree in October 2002 across Maryland, Virginia and Washington, D.C.
Muhammad and his teenage accomplice, Lee Boyd Malvo, were also suspected of fatal shootings in other states, including Louisiana, Alabama and Arizona. Malvo is serving a life sentence in prison.
Muhammad still has a clemency petition before Virginia Gov. Timothy M. Kaine.
Muhammad's attorney, Jonathan Sheldon, says "Virginia will execute a severely mentally ill man who also suffered from Gulf War Syndrome the day before Veterans Day."
Wild Thing's comment........
I love good news!! I wish they would hang him or something more painful then just being put to sleep.
....Thank you Darth for sending this to me.
U.S. Airforce
C-5 loadmaster
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:47 AM | Comments (2)
Shooter Exposes Hole in U.S. Terror Strategy by Mark Steyn
Shooter exposes hole in U.S. terror strategy
By Mark Steyn
Thirteen dead and 28 wounded would be a bad day for the U.S. military in Afghanistan and a great victory for the Taliban. When it happens in Texas, in the heart of the biggest military base in the nation, at a processing center for soldiers either returning from or deploying to combat overseas, it is not merely a "tragedy" (as too many people called it) but a glimpse of a potentially fatal flaw at the heart of what we have called, since 9/11, the "war on terror." Brave soldiers trained to hunt down and kill America's enemy abroad were killed in the safety and security of home by, in essence, the same enemy — a man who believes in and supports everything the enemy does.
And he's a U.S. Army major.
And his superior officers and other authorities knew about his beliefs but seemed to think it was just a bit of harmless multicultural diversity — as if believing that "the Muslims should stand up and fight against the aggressor" (i.e., his fellow American soldiers) and writing Internet paeans to the "noble" "heroism" of suicide bombers and, indeed, objectively supporting the other side in an active war is to be regarded as just some kind of alternative lifestyle that adds to the general vibrancy of the base.
When it emerged early Thursday afternoon that the shooter was Nidal Malik Hasan, there appeared shortly thereafter on Twitter a flurry of posts with the striking formulation: "Please judge Maj. Malik Nadal [sic]by his actions and not by his name."
Concerned tweeters can relax: There was never really any danger of that — and not just in the sense that the New York Times' first report on Maj. Hasan never mentioned the words "Muslim" or "Islam," or that ABC's Martha Raddatz's only observation on his name was that "as for the suspect, Nadal Hasan, as one officer's wife told me, 'I wish his name was Smith.'"
What a strange reaction. I suppose what she means is that, if his name were Smith, we could all retreat back into the same comforting illusions that allowed the bureaucracy to advance Nidal Malik Hasan to major and into the heart of Fort Hood while ignoring everything that mattered about the essence of this man.
Since 9/11, we have, as the Twitterers, recommend, judged people by their actions — flying planes into skyscrapers, blowing themselves up in Bali nightclubs or London Tube trains, planting IEDs by the roadside in Baghdad or Tikrit. And on the whole we're effective at responding with action of our own.
But we're scrupulously nonjudgmental about the ideology that drives a man to fly into a building or self-detonate on the subway, and thus we have a hole at the heart of our strategy. We use rhetorical conveniences like "radical Islam" or, if that seems a wee bit Islamophobic, just plain old "radical extremism." But we never make any effort to delineate the line which separates "radical Islam" from nonradical Islam. Indeed, we go to great lengths to make it even fuzzier. And somewhere in that woozy blur the pathologies of a Nidal Malik Hasan incubate. An Army psychiatrist, Maj. Hasan is an American, born and raised, who graduated from Virginia Tech and then received his doctorate from the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences in Bethesda, Md. But he opposed America's actions in the Middle East and Afghanistan and made approving remarks about jihadists on U.S. soil. "You need to lock it up, Major," said his superior officer, Col. Terry Lee.
But he didn't really need to "lock it up" at all. He could pretty much say anything he liked, and if any "red flags" were raised they were quickly mothballed. Lots of people are "anti-war." Some of them are objectively on the other side — that's to say, they encourage and support attacks on American troops and civilians. But not many of those in that latter category are U.S. Army majors. Or so one would hope.
Yet why be surprised? Azad Ali, a man who approvingly quotes such observations as "If I saw an American or British man wearing a soldier's uniform inside Iraq I would kill him because that is my obligation" is an adviser to Britain's Crown Prosecution Service (the equivalent of U.S. attorneys). In Toronto this week, the brave ex-Muslim Nonie Darwish mentioned that, on flying from the U.S. to Canada, she was questioned at length about the purpose of her visit by an apparently Muslim border official. When she revealed that she was giving a speech about Islamic law, he rebuked her: "We are not to question Shariah."
That's the guy manning the airport security desk.
In the New York Times, Maria Newman touched on Hasan's faith only obliquely: "He was single, according to the records, and he listed no religious preference." Thank goodness for that, eh? A neighbor in Texas says the major had "Allah" and "another word" pinned up in Arabic on his door. "Akbar" maybe? On Thursday morning he is said to have passed out copies of the Quran to his neighbors. He shouted in Arabic as he fired.
But don't worry: As the FBI spokesman assured us in nothing flat, there's no terrorism angle.
That's true, in a very narrow sense: Maj. Hasan is not a card-carrying member of the Texas branch of al-Qaida reporting to a control officer in Yemen or Waziristan. If he were, things would be a lot easier. But the same pathologies that drive al-Qaida beat within Maj. Hasan, too, and in the end his Islamic impulses trumped his expensive Western education, his psychiatric training, his military discipline — his entire American identity.
What happened to those men and women at Fort Hood had a horrible symbolism: Members of the best-trained, best-equipped fighting force on the planet gunned down by a guy who said a few goofy things no one took seriously. And that's the problem: America has the best troops and fiercest firepower, but no strategy for throttling the ideology that drives the enemy — in Afghanistan and in Texas.
Wild Thing's comment..........
Steyn is one of the great ones.
The Ft. Hood massacre was indeed terrorism, born by a Muslim. Regardless of what Obama may say, this was indeed a Muslim terrorist who shot over 40 people. He knew exactly what he was doing, and I’m sure has no remorse.
Those soldiers were killed or maimed and injured precisely because of their roles as defenders of US freedoms and upholders of the US Constitution.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:44 AM | Comments (2)
Marines Leading the Way with Project Valour IT
One of the traditions we keep to in the Corps is the Commandant's Birthday message - it is played at every Marine Corps Ball and at any place where Marines gather all over the world. This is last year's message from the Commandant and Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps. It makes the point that Marines have been at the forefront of the war on terror for over a quarter of a century:
The Marine team is within sight of our 35K goal, but we need your help to get there! I can't think of a better way to celebrate the birth of our Corps than to boost the Marine team to its first victory ever.
Valour IT provides adaptive technology to help severely wounded vets recover faster, establish a support system, and regain their independence. Since the program began, every single dollar raised by Valour IT has been used to provide:
· 4,100+ voice activated laptops
· over 30 Wii systems
· and nearly 100 handheld GPS devices to wounded vets at:
Balboa Naval Hospital
Naval Hospital, Camp Pendleton
Brooke Army Medical Center
Robert E. Bush Naval Hospital
Madigan RMC
Walter Reed AMC
National Naval MC (Bethesda)
and VA centers nationwide.
This is an inspiring story of injured Marine Cpl. Aaron Mankin and his wife and fellow Marine Diana Mankin. Read the whole thing. And watch the video from Maryann at Soldiers Angels Germany:
Support the men and women in uniform who support America and the cause of freedom around the world. And please say a special prayer for those at our awesome UA Army Base too at Fort Hood!! ~ Wild Thing
The men and women of the United States military have given their all to defend the values we Americans hold dear. For the price of a few sixpacks of beer or some dip and chips, you can tell them that you honor their sacrifices and their service.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:40 AM | Comments (2)
November 09, 2009
Napolitano Warns Against Anti-Muslim Backlash ~ Total BS From Janet Napolitano
Napolitano Warns Against Anti-Muslim Backlash
Homeland Security secretary reassures Arab world that U.S. authorities were taking measures to quell anti-Islam sentiments after Fort Hood rampage.
ABU DHABI, United Arab Emirates
U.S. Homeland Security officials are working with groups around United States to head off any possible anti-Muslim backlash following the shootings at Fort Hood in Texas, the agency's chief said Sunday.
The comments by Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano also appeared part of efforts to reassure the Arab world that U.S. authorities were taking measures to quell anti-Islam sentiments after last week's rampage by an American-born Muslim serving as U.S. Army psychiatrist.
"This was a terrible tragedy for all involved," Napolitano told reporters in the United Arab Emirates' capital Abu Dhabi. "Obviously, we object to -- and do not believe -- that anti-Muslim sentiment should emanate from this."
Napolitano said her agency is working with state and local groups to try to deflect any anti-Muslim anger after the Thursday attacks by Army Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, a Muslim who reportedly expressed growing dismay over the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The shootings left 13 people dead and 29 wounded.
"This was an individual who does not, obviously, represent the Muslim faith," she said after meeting with a group of women university students.
Napolitano also planned talks with Emirates security officials, but gave no further details. Cooperation on security issues have been stepped up in recent years after airlines began direct flights between the UAE and the United States.
Last week, Napolitano was in Europe for meetings with political leaders and security officials.
Senator Joe Lieberman [I-CT] tells Chris Wallace of FOX News Sunday that he is going to begin a congressional investigation into what happened at Fort Hood.
Lieberman says that there are concerns that the shooting rampage suspect Major Nidal Malik Hasan had become an Islamist extremist, and that Hasan's actions may be properly classified as the worst terrorist attack on American soil since September 11, 2001.
Wild Thing's comment.........
So a terrorist kills unarmed men and women on US soil, and as a result HS says they are working to protect Muslims?
Well, Barack Hussein Obama did vow to protect them at all costs.
Being as the terrorist sat on one of her own freaking panels with Homeland Security ...words fail to express my disgust with her. This official Jihad Denial is getting downright kooky. This government is like a Fellini Circus.
They are more concerned about anti-Muslim backlash than what happened and information that is TRUE about the man that did this yessss TERRORIST ATTACK Janet!
“Janet Napolitano says her agency is working with groups across the United States to try to deflect any backlash against American Muslims”
Can there be any doubt that Obama and the Democrats are working to sabotage our country? Jihadists have infiltrated our military and are involved in a program of murdering Americans every chance they get. Our tax dollars are being used to protect these Jihadists and make sure no one interferes with their mission.
Islam has declared WAR on the West, you shiite-for-brains idiot.
Attempting to mitigate our people's RIGHT to defend themselves, or to fight back in every way against this aggressor, is TREASON.
Of course, there will be a backlash, you dolt. And what NERVE she has to "Warn" us! ???? Sheesh! Is that a threat Janet? A threat we are not to say it was a terrorist act? TUFF! This was an attack on a military instalation with civilian colateral damage. Islam is a repellent totalitarian system (not a religion) with the stated goal of using violence to subjugate and forcibly convert non-adherents. Resistance to this anti-Western system must be commensurate with the threat, which is total.
Arif Alikhan (muslim) Asst. Secretary of Dept. of Homeland Security for the Office of Policy Development.
Kareem Shora (muslim) Dept. of Homeland Security, Advisory Council. Is also the National Executive Director of the American Arab Anti-discrimination Committee.
Dalia Mogahed (muslim) on the Advisory Council on Faithbased and Neighborhood Partnerships. Is also the Executive Director of the Gallup Center for Muslim Studies. She has said it is her job to convey to Obama (pees be upon him) what it is that muslims want.
Nidal Hasan (muslim) was on the Homeland Security Policy Institute Presidential Transition Task Force.
This does not make my homeland feel more secure. There is more concern about protecting the muslims against Americans than there is about protecting Americans against the muslims. Something is very wrong with that.
Just one more thing! Notice the difference in the freaking PC America with the left ruling over us, yes ruling, and how if this attack had happened in Israel there would be NONE of this BS about was it a terrorist attack or not.
We need to have that same mentality here. Call it what it is and fight back!
Remember Obama said this -- "In the wake of 9/11, my meetings with Arab and Pakistani Americans have a more urgent quality, for the stories of detentions and FBI questioning and hard stares from neighbors have shaken their sense of security and belonging. I will stand with them should the political winds shift in an ugly direction."
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:55 AM | Comments (21)
Fort Hood shootings: FBI Given Gunman's Name Six Months Ago
Fort Hood shootings: FBI given gunman's name six months ago
The US Army major who killed 13 people in a shooting spree at America's biggest military base had come to the attention of the FBI six months earlier over possible links to extremist comments posted on the internet.
Major Nidal Malik Hasan, a devout Muslim who was trying to buy his way out of the Army, was suspected of being the author of postings which compared suicide bombers to heroic soldiers who throw themselves onto grenades to save others.
It also emerged that Hasan, 39, had described the US Army as "the aggressor" in Iraq and Afghanistan and was resisting a planned deployment to Afghanistan, raising questions over whether the military missed warning signs which might have prevented the massacre.
Six months ago the FBI was alerted to postings by a blogger called Nidal Hasan on the Scribd website. The author wrote about a US soldier who had died smothering a grenade blast, saying: "Scholars have paralled (sic) this to suicide bombers whose intention, by sacrificing their lives, is to help save Muslims by killing enemy soldiers.
"If one suicide bomber can kill 100 enemy soldiers because they were caught off guard that would be considered a strategic victory."
Law enforcement sources said that before the shooting no formal investigation had been launched into the internet postings and Hasan had not been confirmed as the author, but his apartment in Killeen, Texas, has now been searched and his computer seized.
"This is going to be a long and convoluted and messy investigation," the source said.
The gunman, a psychiatrist at the Darnall Army Medical Center on the base, whose job is to help soldiers deal with combat stress, was said by his family to be "mortified" at the prospect of being sent to Afghanistan, which they said would have been his "worst nightmare".
A neighbour who lived in the same apartment block as Hasan said he had told her he was due to leave for Afghanistan yesterday, just 24 hours after the shooting.
Patricia Villa said Hasan had given her frozen food, T-shirts, shelves, an air mattress, briefcases and a new copy of the Koran, and offered her $60 to clean his flat after he left. Investigators have not given details of whether Hasan had been due to leave so soon, or whether he was putting his affairs in order knowing he was about to go on the rampage.
Hasan, who prayed every day at his local mosque, had begun Thursday, as he did every day, by visiting a 7-eleven convenience store on the base to buy groceries. A CCTV image from the store showed him at 6.20am local time wearing a long white dishdasha and skull cap, the traditional Arab dress he often wore when off-duty.
"He looked normal," said the owner of the store. "He came in and bought coffee and hash browns."
Around 300 soldiers had assembled at the Soldier Readiness Center on the base, where they were to have inoculations before being sent to Afghanistan, when Hasan, dressed in his military uniform, entered at 1.30pm and opened fire at close range with two privately-owned handguns.
None of the soldiers were armed and some barricaded themselves into rooms off the main hall of the building while Hasan repeatedly reloaded his weapons and fired indiscriminately for 10 minutes, killing 12 soldiers and a civilian.
Survivors described how Hasan had "a very calm and measured approach" as he fired scores of rounds. Lt Gen Bob Cone, the base commander, said one soldier had told him "I made the mistake of moving and I was shot again". Others "would scramble to the ground and help each other out", he added.
Officer Munley and a colleague were on the scene three minutes after the first shots were fired, but it took several more minutes before they could stop Hasan as he carried on firing.
Once the gunman had been brought down, soldiers rushed to treat their comrades by ripping up their uniforms into makeshift bandages.
The dead included Private Michael Pearson, 21, from Chicago. His mother Sheryll said: "His father is still in shock and very angry. We're all very angry."
Captain Reis Ritz, 30, a physician working in the emergency room at Fort Hood when the dead and dying came in, said: "It was just unreal. When I heard there was a shooting I thought initially it might be a drill. But when I saw the wounds and the number coming in I realised what was happening.
"There were gunshot wounds to the chest and abdomens. They seemed like random shots all over the place. Some of the guys were unconscious, others were talking when they came in but we had to put them under," he told the Daily Telegraph.
"I was trying to resuscitate people, clearing airways, replacing blood, inserting chest tubes. It was frantic, chaotic but controlled. We are a close community and we wanted to do our best for these guys."
Wild Thing's comment......
The buck stops at Obama's desk! But oh that's right, how could I forget. Obama's homeland security document said right wingers and those who’d ALREADY BEEN DEPLOYED were the threats to national security.
This POS should have received military courts-martial, dishonorable discharge and put on a terror watch list.
The message to the entire jihad world is this:
You can be an active-duty member of the US military and publicly post anti-American Muslim jihad rhetoric and...attend enemy insurgent training bases in your 7th century uniform and...even be reported as a threat and the “authorities,” civilian and military, WON’T DARE TOUCH YOU.
Barack HUSSEIN Obama!!!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:50 AM | Comments (12)
Veterinarian Loans and Biofuels Part Of Healthcare Now
Veterinarian Loans and Biofuels Are Apparently Part Of Healthcare Now
That 2,000+ page piece of legislation that was approved yesterday by House democrats is not only a takeover of the health care industry. It’s also full of goodies like a $283 million gift to veterinarians.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Remember the Republican Contract with America? Well this is the DemocRATS Contract On America!
Declaration of Independance : “That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (2)
Dictator Obama's Lies About His Power Grab Health Care Bill
"This legislation is fully paid for and will bring down our long-term Federal deficit" - LIAR Obama
"The Affordable Health Care for America Act is a piece of legislation that will provide security and stability for Americans who have insurance, quality affordable options for those who don't, and bring down the cost of Health Care for families, businesses and our Government while strengthening the financial health of Medicare. It is legislation that is fully paid for and will bring down our long term Federal deficit. Given the heated and often misleading rhetoric that surrounded this legislation, I know this was a courageous vote for many members of Congress"
Total LIES are in BOLD.
28 out of 52 congressional members of the "blue dog coalition" supported the Pelosi/Obama bill which will raise our taxes, destroy Capitalism, give the government more control of our lives, is in complete violation of the Constitution, will raise costs, and add trillions to the deficit. It will force us onto government run health care, will guarantee people something they have no right to, will instate death panels, will force jail time if you want freedom, and is the end of America as we know it.
Also, 14 of these "lap dogs" who voted for the Pelosi/Obama care freedom destruction bill of 2009, reside in Republican districts.
Wild Thing's comment..........
So Obama is like a slave owner and we will be HIS slaves if this passes in the Senate. He and those that voted for this bill hate America and the Liberty and Freedom our country has stood for.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (4)
NRA Backs Law Against Adoption Agencies' Gun Questions
NRA Backs Law Against Adoption Agencies' Gun Questions
By: Rick Pedraza Article Font Size
Adoption agencies are violating gun owners' rights by asking prospective parents whether they keep guns and ammunition in the home, according to a Florida state legislator trying to ban the practice.
And the National Rifle Association backs the law Republican Sen. Thad Altman has introduced in the Florida Legislature that would make it unlawful for an adoption agency to ask gun ownership questions, according to a report in the Miami Herald. Such questions violate privacy rights, the proposal contends.
Altman became involved in the issue after two constituents in his congressional district complained when they tried to adopt a child.
“An adoption agency has no right to subvert the privacy rights of gun owners,'' Marion Hammer, a lobbyist for the NRA, told The Herald.
Hammer noted that requiring individuals to register guns is illegal in Florida; therefore, requiring couples to disclose whether they own firearms before adopting a child should be, too.
Liz Bruner, a spokeswoman for the Children's Home Society, said Florida’s privatized child-welfare system asks about gun ownership because the state’s Department of Children & Families requires it in its role overseeing the adoption process.
“We're trying to get an updated form to use, but there's a gray area over what [form] we can use,” Bruner said.
A spokesperson for Florida's DCF reported that some forms used in the state's adoption process include the gun ownership question, while other forms don’t, depending on which subcontractor handling the adoption process is involved.
NRA critics, including Democratic Sen. Nan Rich, contend the gun ownership question on adoption forms is valid and doesn’t agree that adoption agencies should be banned from asking the question. “Parents frequently ask if other parents have guns in the home before their kids play there, so why can't an adoption agency just ask?” Rich told The Herald.
Wild Thing's comment..........
"Hammer noted that requiring individuals to register guns is illegal in Florida"
I never knew this, every time we have bought a gun at the gun store we always had to register them. Maybe they mean from gun shows or from private citizens.
And the other thing about having to ask about guns by an adoption agency. I grew up with guns in the home and from a young age was taught about them.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:40 AM | Comments (6)
November 08, 2009
8th of November ~ Raise a glass to the Sky Soldiers of the 173rd Airborne
The poster represents an original painting by Craig Bone, renowned wildlife artist, comemorating the 173rd Airborne's heroic battle . Hill 65, 8th Of November, 1965 ......Sacrifice and Valor
On the 8th of November in 1965, one of the toughest Airborne battles was fought in the jungles of Viet
At about 0600 on the morning of 8 November C Company began a move northwest toward Hill 65, while B Company moved northeast toward Hill 78. Shortly before 0800, C Company was engaged by a sizable enemy force well dug in to the southern face of Hill 65. At 0845, B Company was directed to wheel in place and proceed toward Hill 65 with the intention of relieving C Company.
B Company reached the foot of Hill 65 at about 0930 and moved up the hill. It became obvious that there was a very large enemy force in place on the hill,C Company was getting hammered, and by chance, B Company was forcing the enemy's right flank.
Under pressure from B Company's flanking attack the enemy force—most of a Viet Cong regiment—moved to the northwest, whereupon the B Company commander called in air and artillery fires on the retreating troops. B Company halted in place in an effort to locate and consolidate with C Company's platoons, managing to establish a coherent defensive line running around the hilltop from southeast to northwest, but with little cover on the southern side.
Meanwhile, the VC commander realized that his best chance was to close with the US soldiers so that the 173rd's air and artillery fire could not be effectively employed. He attempted to out-flank the US position atop the hill from both the east and the southwest, moving his troops closer to the Americans. The result was shoulder-to-shoulder attacks up the hillside, hand-to-hand fighting, and isolation of parts of B and C Companies but the Americans held against two such attacks. Although the fighting continued after the second massed attack, it reduced in intensity as the VC commander again attempted to disengage and withdraw. By late afternoon it seemed that contact had been broken off, allowing the two companies to prepare a night defensive position while collecting their dead and wounded in the center of the position. Although a few of the most seriously wounded were extracted by USAF helicopters using Stokes litters, the triple-canopy jungle prevented the majority from being evacuated until the morning of 9 November.
The result of the battle was heavy losses on both sides—48 Paratroopers dead, many more wounded, and 403 dead VC troops.
Said goodbye to his mamma
As he left South Dakota
To fight for the Red, White, and Blue.
He was nineteen and green with a new M-16
Just doing what he had to do.
He was dropped in the jungle
Where the choppers would rumble
With the smell of napalm in the air.
And the sergeant said, "Look up ahead"
Like a dark, evil cloud
1,200 came down
on him and 29 more.
They fought for their lives
But most of them died
In the 173rd Airborne.
On the 8th of November,
The angels were crying
As they carried his brothers away.
With the fire raining down
And the Hell all around
There were few men left standing that day.
Saw the eagle fly,
Through a clear, blue sky
1965, the 8th of November.
Now he's fifty-eight
And his ponytail's grey
But the battle still plays in his head.
He limps when he walks,
But he's strong when he talks
About the shrapnel they left in his leg.
He puts on a grey suit
Over his Airborne tattoo
And He ties it on one time a year
And remembers the fallen,
As he orders a tall one
And swallows it down with his tears.
Saw the eagle fly,
Through a clear, blue sky
The 8th of November
The 8th of November
He said goodbye to his mamma
As he left South Dakota
To fight for the Red, White, and Blue.
He was nineteen and green with a new M-16
Just doing what he had to do.
Fort Bragg's Airborne and Special Operations Museum exhibit honors 173rd Airborne Brigade
Jun 10, 2009
FORT BRAGG, N.C. - An exhibit honoring the service of the Soldiers of the 173rd Airborne Brigade was unveiled May 19 at the Airborne and Special Operations Museum on Bragg Boulevard.
The exhibit, called 173rd Sky Soldiers: The Legend Continues, highlights the airborne brigade's history and Operation Hump, one of its most famous battles.
According to the exhibit, in 1965, the Sky Soldiers entered Vietnam to restore security against Viet Cong forces.
On Nov. 8, a day-long battled ensued that cost the lives of 48 Americans.
The story of retired Army Master Sgt. Niles Harris, a Soldier who participated in that battle, was captured in the song, "8th of November," according to an ASOM press release. Country musicians, Big & Rich, recorded the song and a custom-built chopper paid for by them and given to Harris was on display at the museum.
Also displayed was an original 10 feet by 18 feet painting by artist Craig Bone.
"Because of the impact of the painting, coupled with the touching story in the song, we decided to weave an exhibit around the painting," said Mary Dennings, curator of collections at ASOM.
After hearing Harris' story, Bone said he was inspired and told the audience at the exhibit's unveiling, "I'm trying to show the American people the best light of the American Soldier. I tried to capture Nov. 8 into one painting."
2nd Lt. Gus Vendetti who served with the 173rd and spent three tours in Vietnam also attendedthe unveiling of the exhibit.
"These are my brothers and they were a very special unit. Anybody who has ever been a part of it ... you can't forget it," Vendetti said.
Retired Army Sgt. Maj. Arthur Huff also served with the 173rd in Vietnam and says the unit still is very special to him.
"Every day I wake up, I wear the 173rd patch. I have a T-shirt or a jacket on," said the 77-year-old Huff, of Fayetteville.
Barry Porter facilitated the showing of Bone's painting with the exhibit, said ASOM executive director, Paul Galloway.
Porter serves as regional executive director of the Triangle Area Chapter, American Red Cross, which held a benefit concert in November 2008 that showcased the painting.
The painting is on loan and will return to the National Veterans Freedom Park in Cary, N.C. Porter said.
"To be a part of this exhibit by adding this painting and bringing attention is a great celebration," he said.
Soldiers of the 173rd have answered the nation's call to sacrifice, said Col. Mark Stammer, commander of 1st Brigade, 82nd Airborne Division and a former 173rd combat veteran who was the guest speaker at the unveiling.
Stammer said it was an honor and a privilege to have served in such a storied organization.
"I've been all over the world," Huff said. "I'm thrilled to be a member of the 173rd Sky Soldier.
The exhibit, 173rd Sky Soldiers: The Legend Continues, will run through Veteran's Day, said Galloway.
Wild Thing's comment.......
To those who served in the 173rd Airborne and to all our Veterans, please accept my thanks for your service and sacrifice. All, charge glasses, raise a toast. God bless the Sky Soldiers.
The “Sky Soldiers” in Vietnam received 13 Medals of Honor, 32 Distinguished Service Crosses, 1,736 Silver Stars and over 6,000 Purple Hearts. They have over 1,790 names carved on the Vietnam Memorial Wall.
They were deactivated in 1972 and reactivated in 2000 and in 2003 secured Bashur in northern Iraq, after receiving orders for same only 12 days previously.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 AM | Comments (4)
ObamaCare Passes 220-215 in the House ~ Just 5 Votes
ObamaCare Passes 220-215 in the US House of Reps. -- Dems Hold Victory Press Conference
Democrats hold celebratory press conference following their passage of the unpopular-with-the-American-public ObamaCare health care reform bill.
Virtually every major opinion poll currently out shows either a plurality or a majority of the public is opposed to the proposed legislation.
This reality explains why the vote was so close and also is a likely harbinger for Democratic electoral challenges in 2010 as members who voted for the bill are held to account by disgruntled constituents more concerned with jobs than health care.
Only 1 Republican voted for the bill, while 39 Democrats voted against it. The Republican was Anh Joseph Cao of Louisiana's 2nd district.
Speculation is already rampant that Cao will face electoral repercussions from conservatives for his vote.
U.S. Senator Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.), chairman of the Senate Republican Conference, released the following statement regarding the passage of a 2,000-page health care bill in the House of Representatives:
“This 2,000-page bill goes in exactly the wrong direction: it means higher premiums, higher taxes, Medicare cuts, more debt & huge new health-care costs for state taxpayers. Instead we should start over and go step by step. Specifically, we could start with small business health care plans that would lower premiums, cover up to 1 million new small business employees, and reduce spending on Medicaid.”
Obama Acknowledged Today That He and Bill Owens Pulled a Health Care Fast One on the Voters in NY-23
The New York Times is reporting that in his pep talk to the Democrats in Congress this morning, President Obama acknowledged that he and newly elected NY-23 Democratic Congressman Bill Owens have pulled a fast one on the voters in that district.
The Times reported the President's comments about Bill Owens today in the context of the overall pending Health Care bill vote:
The president also singled out Representative Bill Owens, the newly-elected Democrat from a historically Republican district in New York, who was sworn into office just on Friday. Mr. Obama noted that Mr. Owens would support the health care bill even though it might not be popular at home.
“Think about Bill Owens,” Mr. Obama said. “He could have dodged it. But he didn’t. And guess what? Bill is sitting right here."
From the start of his campaign on August 10 until an election eve debate on October 30, Owens adamantly opposed the type of public option that is contained in HR 3962, the Pelosi bill the House is voting on later today.
GOP Rep. Kevin Brady showing a chart they created to visualize the Pelosi Health Care Bill about to be passed by the House of Representatives.
We developed this chart based on Nancy Pelosi’s new health care plan….The new chart shows more than 90 of these new mandates, commissions and agencies. The true number is well over 100, we simply ran out of space.
In terms of sheer bureaucracy, if the IRS and Medicare had a baby, it would look like this. And the question is how is that going to make our health care more affordable?
Wild Thing's comment......
Ok let's look at what happened:
1. The bill passed 220 - 215, hardly a screaming mandate.
2. The Senate has to act on it, and they are not going to act until after the first of the year, if they act at all. The best thing for the Senate is to delay it, because once this garbage hits 2010, it is an election year, and NO ONE will want this hung around their neck.
3. This thing CANNOT get through the Senate if, in fact, Lieberman is going to join the Republican filibuster. No Republican, even Snowe and Collins will vote for cloture, so this thing dies in the filibuster in the senate (Probably comes up well short of cloture because Byrd has indicated he would filibuster as well if he can be present to vote). What this means is that there is only, at best, 58 votes for cloture, this thing never gets off the ground in the Senate. Look at history, look at cap and trade, this passed the house by an almost identical margin and has languished in the Senate, and will likely not get out.
4. Reid is in the fight of his life to keep his seat. He really does not want to see this SOB pass. Nancy Pelosi is safe, but Reid is not.
The House is the place where emotion can surge and all sorts of crazy stuff can happen, but the Senate is the "cooling plate" of the legislative process. I think that the Senate will not be able to bust through a bipartisan filibuster. Now the news media will paint this as a great victory, but this is far from over.
TWO big Obama states just threw democrats out on their butts and almost a 3rd with Hoffman almost a win too, everyone will remember that who has to vote for this freaking thing. Keep praying, turn your attention to the Senate and melt their phone lines.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:50 AM | Comments (9)
"But Sunday’s Coming" by Sarah Palin
The Pelosi Bill Was Rammed Through on Saturday, But Sunday’s Coming
Sarah Palin posted the following on her Facebook Page
by Sarah Palin
We’ve got to hold on to hope, and we’ve got to fight hard because Congressional action tonight just put America on a path toward an unrecognizable country.
The same government leaders that got us into the mortgage business and the car business are now getting us into the healthcare business.
Despite Americans’ decisive message last Tuesday that they reject the troubling path this country has been taking, Speaker Pelosi has broken her own promises of transparency to ram a health “care” bill through the House of Representatives just before midnight. Why did she push the 2,000 page bill this weekend? Was she perhaps afraid to give her peers and the constituents for whom she works the chance to actually read this monstrous bill carefully, if at all? Was she concerned that Americans might really digest the details of a bill that the Wall Street Journal has called “the worst piece of post-New Deal legislation ever introduced”?
This out-of-control bureaucratic mess will be disastrous for our economy, our small businesses, and our personal liberty. It will slam businesses at a time when we are at double-digit unemployment rates – the highest we’ve seen in a quarter of a century. This massive new bureaucracy will cost us and our children money we don’t have. It will rob Americans of more of our freedom and further hamper the free market.
Make no mistake: we’re on course to have government commandeer one-sixth of our economy. The people who gave us Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac now want to run our health care. Think about that.
All of us who value the sanctity of life are grateful for the success of the pro-life majority in the House this evening in its battle against federal funding of abortion in this bill, but it’s ironic because we were promised that abortion wasn’t covered in the bill to begin with. Our healthy distrust of these government leaders made us look deeper into the bill because unfortunately we knew better than to trust what they were saying. The victory tonight to amend the bill and eliminate that federal funding for abortion was great – because abortion is not health care. Now we can only hope that Rep. Stupak’s amendment will hold in the final bill, though the Democratic leadership has already refused to promise that it won’t be scrapped later.
We had been told there were no “death panels” in the bill either. But look closely at the provision mandating bureaucratic panels that will be calling the shots regarding who will receive government health care.
Look closely at provisions addressing illegal aliens’ health care coverage too.
Those of us who love freedom and believe in open and transparent government can only be dismayed by midnight action on a Saturday. Speaker Pelosi’s promise that Americans would have 72 hours to read the final bill before the vote was just another one of the D.C. establishment’s too-common political ploys. It’s broken promises like this that turn people off to politics and leave them disillusioned about the future of their country.
But despite this late-night maneuvering, many of us were paying close attention tonight. We’ll keep paying close attention. We need to let our legislators in Washington know that they still represent us, and that the majority of Americans are not in favor of the “reform” they are pushing. After all, this is still a country “of the people, by the people, and for the people.” We will make our voices heard. It’s on to the Senate now. Our legislators can listen now, or they can hear us in 2010. It’s their choice.
- Sarah Palin
Wild Thing's comment........
God Bless you Sarah and we will continue to FIGHT for our country.
"Sunday’s Coming"...... It is a reference to a very famous sermon by a black preacher. He said it many times during the sermon. It is in reference to Friday the day that Jesus died but Sunday the day that He rose from the dead is coming. It's saying that it might be seem dark and horribly foreboding right now but a Sunday is coming by the grace of Almighty God.
Our forefathers risked their lives, their family and their fortunes to give us the republic. This sermon below is well worth listening to. He is great and does remind us all that.......... like Sarah says......Sunday is coming.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:49 AM | Comments (4)
Semper Fi Join Me In Project Valour-IT ~ Marine Team!
By Cordell Keith Haugen
He was sitting on a park bench, hunched and looking low. It was hard to imagine how he'd looked so long ago. His beard was long and shaggy now; his sparse hair white as snow but his steel gray eyes were piercing and I turned away to go.
He looked lonely and forgotten and maybe homeless too. Like life had dealt him a bad hand maybe quite a few. He was probably abandoned by those who didn't care I wondered what had happened. What drove him to despair.
He said, "Son, I'm a Leatherneck, of wars before your time." His eyes grew still more piercing as he looked deep into mine. "Your uniform says you're a Devil Dog, the man I've waited for. And there's something I want to tell you -- things I've never said before."
The tattoos on his weathered arm read "Mom" and "Semper Fi." "Let's sing our hymn together, son, once more before I die." As we sang of Montezuma's halls and the shores of Tripoli, the old man stood straight and tall and he looked down at me.
"Bury me at Arlington; put an EGA upon my chest. Tell all the world I died for them that I was one of the best. I was with the Fifth on Iwo and I fought in Korea too. During that ugly war in Vietnam, I stood proud, and cheered for you.
"Get me a straight edge razor, lad and give me a good clean shave. I want to look my very best as I go to my grave. Cut my hair; shine my boots; let me borrow your best blues. You have them back after I'm gone and all my medals too.
"I don't want no flowers, an American flag will do. My life was lived and given for the Red and White and Blue. Whisper 'Semper Fi' my boy, so loud that all will hear. Fire them rifles in the air; they're music to my ear."
As he told me his last wishes. I saw him standing tall. I could see the ribbons on his chest, in the dim light of the Mall. And as he closed his steel gray eyes, I thought about the Corps. He'd lived the life of a real Marine, who could ask for anything more?
"Whisper 'Semper Fi,' my lad," his voice lingered in my mind I thought about all my buddies, those I'd left behind. Today, I'd met a real Marine, a hero through and through.
Forgotten by his country, but not by me and you.
Project Valour-IT helps provide voice-controlled/adaptive laptop computers and other technology to support Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines recovering from hand wounds and other severe injuries. Items supplied include:
*Voice-controlled Laptops – Operated by speaking into a microphone or using other adaptive technologies, they allow the wounded to maintain connections with the rest of the world during recovery.
*Wii Video Game Systems – Whole-body game systems increase motivation and speed recovery when used under the guidance of physical therapists in therapy sessions (donated only to medical facilities).
*Personal GPS – Handheld GPS devices build self-confidence and independence by compensating for short-term memory loss and organizational challenges related to severe TBI and severe PTSD.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:48 AM | Comments (3)
Muslim "Radicals" Call Hasan 'Officer and a Gentleman'
New York (CNN) -- Outside a Manhattan mosque where the imam preaches against terrorism, the brothers of the "Revolution Muslim" are spreading a different message.
Protected by the Constitution of the country they detest, radical Muslim converts like Yousef al-Khattab and Younes Abdullah Mohammed preach that the killing of U.S. troops overseas is justified. In their thinking, so were the September 11, 2001, attacks on the United States -- and so are attacks on almost any American.
"Americans will always be a target -- and a legitimate target -- until America changes its nature in the international arena," Mohammed said in an interview to air on tonight's "AC 360."
Al-Khattab and Mohammed consider al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden their model.
"I love him like I can't begin to tell you, because he doesn't seem to have done anything wrong from the sharia," al-Khattab said, referring to Islamic law. "If you're asking me if I love him as a Muslim, I love him more than I love myself."
They hand out fliers outside the gleaming 96th Street mosque, where up to 4,000 people visit every day.
Muslim radicals call Hasan 'Officer and a Gentleman'
By Bob Unruh
A website run by radical Muslims today honored Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, the man accused of killing 13 people at Fort Hood in Texas, as an "Officer and a Gentleman," saying his actions should not be denounced.
The massacre yesterday, which also left more than two dozen injured, was called a "pre-emptive attack" by supporters of the Revolution Muslim website.
Hasan, a Muslim psychiatrist who reportedly had been disciplined for pushing Islam on his patients at one point in his career, had given away his furniture and handed out Qurans before going to the military base and firing on soldiers at a processing center where soldiers prepared to deploy.
Why the left loves tyrants, terrorists – $4.95 today only! Save $21 on Jamie Glazov's acclaimed exposé 'United in Hate'
There were multiple reports he had objected to being placed in the position of possibly having to fight fellow Muslims by his scheduled deployment to the Middle East.
"Get Well Soon Major Nidal We Love You," said the website run by radicals who follow an imam once jailed in Britain. "Major Nidal Hasan M.D. An officer and a gentleman was injured while partaking in a pre-emptive attack."
The website lists as its imam Sheik Abdullah el-Faisal, who in February 2003 was sentenced to nine years in jail, reduced to seven on appeal, after being convicted of soliciting murder and inciting racial hatred in England.
According to reports in the London Guardian at the time, hundreds attended his lectures, possibly including James Ujaama, a U.S. citizen accused of trying to help the Taliban in Afghanistan; Richard Reid, who attempted to detonate a bomb in his shoe while crossing the Atlantic in a jetliner; and Zacharias Moussaoui, jailed for the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks on the U.S.
The reports said el-Faisal, who later was released and returned to his home in Jamaica, suggested Muslims attend training camps to gain the skills to wage jihad on the West.
He was recorded praising Osama bin Laden and saying, "You have to learn how to shoot and fly planes and drive tanks."
El-Faisal also said chemical weapons should be utilized to "exterminate non-believers" and said Muslim mothers should buy toy guns for their children to providing training opportunities.
"We do NOT denounce this officer's actions, we do however apologize for the following acts committed by our country," the U.S.-based website's supporters said. They listed: "Bay of Tonkin, The East Timor Massacre by USA Supported Suharto, 1902 Samar Massacre in the Philippines by the USMC, 1,000,000 Dead Iraqis, Afghani & Pakistanis Killed by the USA, Starvation of Africa & Rape of it's (sic) Resources by the USA, Support of the Brutal 'Israeli' Occupation Entity, Etc. Etc."
"Every day is Fort Hood for the world community due to USA policies and their tyrant totalitarian puppet regimes," the activists proclaimed. "Rest assure (sic) the slain terrorists at Fort Hood are in the eternal hellfire and it is not to (sic) late for YOU to change your policies," they said.
The website's mission statement states, "Revolution Muslim is a message and movement grounded in the sayings, deeds, actions and understanding of Ahlus Sunnah wal jama'ah (The collective body of those Muslims that adhere to the ways of the Prophet (SAWS) and the first four generations of Muslims)."
It continues, "We pray that we may witness the dismantlement of western, secular dominance across the world as we hold it to be pagan and idolatrous in the majority of its presumptions. We seek a resurrection of the just example set forth by centuries of Islamic rule throughout the ages and we hold it to be self evident for the objective soul and mind that Allah is One and that Muhammad ibn Abdullah is His Prophet and that the religion offers the solution to all of the world’s ills and afflictions."
The base commander said soldiers reported they heard Hasan shout "Allahu Akbar," or "Allah is the greatest," while he was shooting.
The site is disdainful of other Islamic organizations, citing a condemnation from the Islamic Society of North America regarding the shootings.
"ISNA - The house dog, barks once more to please its kafir Masters," Revolution Muslim wrote.
Hasan was born and raised in Virginia, but has family outside of Jerusalem. He enlisted and obtained his education from the military. He spent most of his career at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington until he was sent to Fort Hood this year, from where he apparently was to be deployed.
Wild Thing's comment........
Hasan was a part of Obama’s Muslim Outreach Program. He even advised Obama on Homeland Security.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:47 AM | Comments (5)
Military Releases Names of Dead and Wounded in Fort Hood Shooting~ We will never forget !
At an Army press conference at Fort Hood, the names of the 13 victims from the shooting rampage were read out loud. A spokesperson said these were more than names, they were heroes.
The fatal victims of the Ft. Hood shooting, as released by the Department of Defense on Saturday:
Lt. Col. Juanita Warman, 55, Havre de Grace, MD
Maj. Libardo Caraveo, 52, Woodbridge, VA
Cpt. John P. Gaffaney, 54, San Diego, CA
Cpt. Russell Seager, 41, Racine, WI
Staff Sgt. Justin Decrow, 32, Plymouth, IN
Sgt. Amy Krueger, 29, Kiel, WI
Spc. Jason Hunt, 22, Tillman, OK
Spc. Frederick Greene, 29, Mountain City, TN
PFC Aaron Nemelka, 19, West Jordan, UT
PFC Michael Pearson, 22, Bolingbrook, IL
PFC Kham Xiong, 23, St. Paul, MN
Pvt. Francheska Velez, 21, Chicago, IL
Michael G. Cahill, Cameron, TX [civilian]
Day is done,
gone the sun,
from the lakes
from the hills
from the sky,
all is well,
safely, rest,
God is near.
Fading light,
Dims the sight,
And a star gems the sky
Gleaming bright,
From afar,
Drawing, near,
Falls the night.
Thanks and praise,
For our days,
Neath the sun
Neath the stars
Neath the sky,
As we go,
This, we, know,
God is near.
Anysoldier.com compiled a list of wounded from various news reports as follows
Sgt. Patrick Blue III, 23, of Belcourt, N.D., was hit in the side by bullet fragments during the attack
Amber Bahr, 19, of Random Lake, Wis., was shot in the stomach.
Keara Bono Torkelson, 21, of Ostego, Mo., was shot in the back left shoulder.
Alan Carroll, 20, of Bridgewater, N.J., was shot three times.
Reservist Dorothy “Dorrie” Carskadon of Rockford, Ill., was critically injured.
Staff Sgt. Joy Clark, 27, of Des Moines suffered a gunshot wound
Spc. Matthew Cook, 30, of Binghamton, N.Y., was shot in the abdomen
Staff Sgt. Chad Davis of Eufaula, Ala., was wounded.(?? one of ours? attempting to find out...)
Pvt. Joey Foster, 21, of Ogden, Utah, was shot in the hip
Cpl. Nathan Hewitt, 26, of West Lafayette, Ind.
Pvt. Najee Hull, 21, of Chicago was shot three times, once in the leg and twice in the back.
Justin Johnson, 21, of Punta Gorda, Fla., was shot in the chest and leg.
Staff. Sgt. Alonzo Lunsford, of Richmond County, N.C., was shot multiple times.
Shawn Manning, 33, formerly of Redman, Ore., was shot six times
Army 2nd Lt. Brandy Mason, of Monessen, was wounded.
Reserve Spc. Grant Moxon, 23, of Lodi, Wis., was shot in the leg.
Sgt. Kimberly Munley, 34, of Killeen is the Fort Hood civilian police officer who was shot multiple times by the suspect.
Sgt. John Pagel, 28, of North Freedom, Wis., who was shot in the arm and chest.
Chief Warrant Officer Chris Royal, 38, of Eclectic, Ala., was shot three times.
Maj. Randy Royer of Dothan, Ala., was shot.
Pvt. Raymondo “Ray” Saucedo, 26, of Greenville, Mich., had a bullet graze his arm.
George Stratton III, 18, of Post Falls, Idaho, was shot in the shoulder.
Patrick Zeigler, 28, of Orange County, Fla., was critically wounded
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:45 AM | Comments (5)
Obama and His White House WARN Democratic consultant After Appearing on FOX News
Democratic consultant says he got a warning from White House after appearing on Fox News Political consultants are a staple of cable television talk shows, analyzing current events based on their own experiences working on campaigns or in government. In urging Democratic consultants to spurn Fox, White House officials might be trying to isolate the network and make it appear more partisan. A boycott by Democratic strategists could also help drive the White House narrative that Fox is a fundamentally different creature than the other TV news networks. For their part, White House officials appear on Fox News -- but sporadically and with "eyes wide open," as one aide put it. David Plouffe, the president's campaign manager and author of a new campaign book, "The Audacity to Win," was scheduled to appear on Fox's "On the Record" with Greta Van Susteren Thursday night as he promotes his book. His appearance, preempted by the breaking news of the shootings at Ft. Hood, Texas, has been rescheduled for Monday. White House Communications Director Anita Dunn said Thursday night that she had checked with colleagues who "deal with TV issues" and they had not told people to avoid Fox. On the contrary, they had urged people to appear on the network, Dunn wrote in an e-mail. But Patrick Caddell, a Fox News contributor and a former pollster for President Carter, said he has spoken to Democratic consultants who have been told by the White House to avoid appearances on Fox. He declined to give their names.
'We better not see you on again,' the strategist says he was told by a White House official. Obama aides have taken an aggressive stance against the network and may be seeking to isolate it.
Reporting from Washington - At least one Democratic political strategist has gotten a blunt warning from the White House to never appear on Fox News Channel, an outlet that presidential aides have depicted as not so much a news-gathering operation as a political opponent bent on damaging the Obama administration.One Democratic strategist said that shortly after an appearance on Fox, he got a phone call from a White House official telling him not to be a guest on the show again. The call had an intimidating tone, he said.
The message was, " 'We better not see you on again,' " said the strategist, who spoke on condition of anonymity so as not to run afoul of the White House. An implicit suggestion, he said, was that "clients might stop using you if you continue."
Caddell said he had not gotten that message himself from the White House. "They know better than to tell me anything like that," he said.
Caddell added: "I have heard that they've done that to others in not-too-subtle ways. I find it appalling. When the White House gets in the business of suppressing dissent and comment, particularly from its own party, it hurts itself."
The White House has taken an aggressive stance toward Fox. When President Obama appeared on five separate talk shows one Sunday in September, he avoided Fox.
"It would be foolish for us to just treat it like it's CNN, ABC, NBC and CBS," said a White House aide. "That doesn't make any sense. That would be like saying we're going to do [interviews] with the newsmagazines and we're going to do Time, Newsweek and the [conservative] National Review."
The aide spoke on condition of anonymity in order to talk more openly about the White House's thinking.
Last month, Dunn told CNN that Fox was, in effect, an "arm" of the Republican Party. Dunn said in an appearance on the rival cable network: "Let's not pretend they're a news network the way CNN is."
As the dust-up played out, Fox's senior vice president of news, Michael Clemente, countered: "Surprisingly, the White House continues to declare war on a news organization instead of focusing on the critical issues that Americans are concerned about like jobs, healthcare and two wars."
Wild Thing's comment...........
Obama and the Democrats want total power, to enslave this nation to his will, and they will stop at nothing to do it.
The left elected Barrack Chavez.
Pat Caddel is a fair man. He is what a Democrat used to be. And according to the article, there is more than one.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:44 AM | Comments (3)
The One Republican Vote For Socialized Medicine Was Rep. Anh (Joseph) Cao of Louisiana
One Republican voted for Pelosicare: GOP Rep. Anh (Joseph) Cao of Louisiana. And from the time he was elected, Cao has backed the S-CHIP expansion, the $108 billion IMF bailout, and the omni-waste spending bill. And he voted to rebuke GOP Rep. Joe Wilson for calling out President Obama on his health care lies.
His remarks:
"Louisiana Congressman Anh “Joseph” Cao on Sunday morning released a statement after he voted as the only Republican in favor of the Democratic health care reform bill.
The health care reform bill, dubbed the “Affordable Health Care for America Act” (H.R. 3962), passed the U.S. House of Representatives in a 220 – 215 vote.
“Tonight, I voted to keep taxpayer dollars from funding abortion and to deliver access to affordable health care to the people of Louisiana,” Cao said in a statement released by his office. “I read the versions of the House [health reform] bill. I listened to the countless stories of Orleans and Jefferson Parish citizens whose health care costs are exploding – if they are able to obtain health care at all. Louisianans needs real options for primary care, for mental health care, and for expanded health care for seniors and children.”
Cao wrote he obtained commitment from President Obama that he would work together to address the health care issues of Louisiana, including the FMAP crisis and community disaster loan forgiveness, as well as issues related to Charity and Methodist Hospitals. “I call on all my constituents to support me as I work with him on these issues.”
A little more about him, from March 4th.
On Tuesday, in front of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus, Rep. Joseph Cao, the first Vietnamese-American elected to Congress, admitted to being a closet case. A “closet Democrat” that is. His exact words were:
A He says “Don’t tell the Republicans, but I might be a closet Democrat,” said Cao to a round of laughter.”
Wild Thing's comment.......
I don’t care if the entire district is liberal democrats. He has an (R) by his name and voted with the (D)s. We do not gain anything by having a republican voting with the democrats on this issue. He is still a traitor to this country as are the other 219 who voted for the bill.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:40 AM | Comments (10)
November 07, 2009
George W. Bush Only CIC For Troops ~ Obama MIA and Off to Camp David
Obama's Saturday Schedule
11:25AM THE PRESIDENT addresses the House Democratic Caucus - Cannon House Office Building
2:30PM THE PRESIDENT makes a statement to the press on Health Care - Rose Garden
2:45PM THE PRESIDENT and THE FIRST LADY depart The White House en route Camp David - South Lawn
Meanwhile a real President has visited the wounded at Fort Hood. The only way Obama would visit them is if he could get a photo-op out of it for political points. ~ Wild Thing
George W. Bush Visits Fort Hood, Wounded SoldiersFORT HOOD, Texas
Former President George W. Bush and his wife, Laura, visited wounded soldiers and their families near the site of the worst mass shooting on an Army post in the United States.
The Bushes made their private visit to Fort Hood's Darnall Army Medical Center on Friday night. Bush spokesman David Sherzer said in an e-mail that the couple thanked Fort Hood's military leaders and hospital staff for the "amazing care they are providing."
Wild Thing's comment.......
He did his job for the day. He went over to capitol hill and twisted some arms - Chicago style. Now he needs to rest. POS
Dead American Soldiers at the hands of Islamists just isn’t important enough to the King.
Just announced he’ll be performing Tuesday at the memorial service at Fort Hood. Maybe he’ll open his remarks by reciting the Muslim call to prayer in perfect Arabic.
God bless George W. Bush for being the only Commander in Chief our troops have right now. A REAL president and first lady!!! GWB truly loved and respected his troops. This (private) visit is no surprise.
Private to President Obama is the 'SECRETS' he keeps from the American people about his real plans covering them with double-talk, sleight-of-hand and reinventing the meaning of words to suit his purpose.
Obama has access to Air Force One, can be anywhere in the country in minutes, so he has absolutely NO EXCUSES.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:25 PM | Comments (1)
Military HATER Obama Visit Ft. Hood? NO Way! Instead He Pushs his Socialized Medicine with Pelosi
Republican Chairman Pete Sessions Speaks About The 5,000,000 Jobs Lost From This Bill
Obama for health care votes
Barack Obama is traveling to Capitol Hill on Saturday to try to close the sale on his signature health care overhaul, facing a make-or-break vote in the House certain to be seen as a test of his presidency.
Obama scheduled a late-morning visit with House Democrats convening a rare Saturday session on legislation to remake the U.S. health care system, extending coverage to tens of millions now uninsured and banning insurance company practices such as denial of coverage based on pre-existing medical problems.
Late Friday, House Democrats cleared an abortion-related impasse blocking a vote and officials expressed optimism they had finally lined up the support needed to pass Obama’s signature issue.
Under the arrangement, Democratic Reps. Bart Stupak of Michigan, Brad Ellsworth of Indiana and other abortion opponents were promised an opportunity to insert tougher restrictions into the legislation during debate on the House floor.
The leadership’s hope is that no matter how that vote turns out, Democrats on both sides of the abortion divide will then unite to give the health care bill a majority over unanimous Republican opposition.
“We wish to maintain current law, which says no public funding for abortion,” Stupak said. “We are not writing a new federal abortion policy.”
The GOP Health Care Plan: "I Object!" - Feat. Rep. Tom Price (R-GA)
As Democrats try to expand access to quality health care coverage, House Republicans routinely object.
Wild Thing's comment.......
I have been watching between C-Pan and FOX news. The Republicans have been giving some great speechs why NOT to do this.
Obama pushes for this crap but can’t find time to visit the wounder at Ft Hood. Obama is not at Fort Hood today thanking our wounded - the wounded are not Muslims. He is in congress trying to get his civilian takeover law passed. And the Democrats are helping Muslim Obama destroy what is left of our civil rights.
Whopper Lie Obama today ..so far......Paraphrasing, he said that by passing the HealthCare reform bill would actually reduce the national deficit. One of the lessons we learned from Obama's speech is that it's perfectly acceptable to lie, but it's a great big no-no to call the liar a liar such as when Joe Wilson said YOU LIE.
I know I have posted this before but.... Please Let your REPRESENTATIVE know you opposition to this bill: HR 3962
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:27 PM | Comments (8)
Thank you Sgt Kim Munley ~ American Hero!!!!
Sgt Kim Munley has been hailed a heroine after taking on the lone gunman who went on a shooting spree at a huge military base in Texas, killing 13 people and wounding 30 others.
Texas police officer is a hero for shooting Fort Hood killer Nidan Hasan 4 times during his killing rampage.
A police officer who intervened to stop a shooting spree at America’s biggest military base was hailed today a heroine as she received treatment for the wounds received in a shoot-out with the gunman.
Major Nidal Hasan, an army psychiatrist due to be posted to Afghanistan, shot dead 13 people and wounded 30 others after opening fire with two handguns at Fort Hood yesterday afternoon.
But the death toll from the rampage could have been far worse had it not been for the actions of Sergeant Kimberly Munley, a civilian police officer stationed at the base who was the first on the scene as Major Hasan picked off his victims.
Sergeant Munley managed to hit Major Hasan four times but was herself hit by a bullet that passed through both her legs, according to witnesses.
Fort Hood shooting: Kim Munley hailed for bravery in shooting Hasan
Mrs Munley was one of the "first responders" who returned fire after army psychiatrist Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan went on the rampage at the sprawling Fort Hood base in Texas.
She shot Hasan four times but was herself wounded in the gun battle. Her condition is now stable, according to military officials.
"They both exchanged fire and both were wounded," said Col John Rossi during a press conference at the giant base. "Her efforts were superb." The colonel also praised "the heroic efforts of our great soldiers at the scene".
The police officer has been praised for her bravery and for preventing what could have been an even worse massacre.
Hasan, who was about to be posted to Afghanistan, was found alive and taken under armed guard to a nearby hospital.
He was in a serious but stable condition and not in imminent danger of dying. He was unconscious and on a ventilator.
Mrs Munley is married to Matthew Munley, a staff seargeant who has done two tours of Iraq, and they have a three-year-old daughter Jayden.
The family home, on a street near Fort Hood, has many empty homes because those who live there have been deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan.
Her brother-in-law Bryan Munley said: “There’s nothing that stands in her way. It completely makes sense that she did what she did. Without her, there would have been a lot more people killed. She is definitely a tough woman.”
Neighbours recalled that she thwarted burglars who tried to break into her house last year, telling them: “If you come in I’m going to shoot.”
Erin Houston said: “I just felt more protected knowing she was on my street.”
Her father Dennis Barbour and stepmother Wanda Barbour run a fishing tackle shop in Carolina Beach, North Carolina.
Wild Thing's comment........
Thank you Sgt. Kim Munley, for saving more lives at Fort Hood, being courageous enough to incapacitate the perpetrator Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, while being wounded. Our entire and very grateful nation is extremely proud of you, Sergeant Munley.
You Muslim's a woman shot your unclean brother like the rodent he is!
Bush would have already hailed her as a hero … Obama is to busy saying I, I, I to acknowledge anyone else as a possible spotlight center.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 AM | Comments (10)
Fort Hood Survivors and More On TERRORIST Nidal Malik Hasan
The 13 people killed when an Army psychiatrist allegedly opened fire on fellow soldiers at Fort Hood, Texas, included a pregnant woman who was preparing to return home and a newlywed who had served in Iraq.
Fort Worth soldier was hero in Fort Hood rampage
Pfc. Marquest Smith, a former Fort Worth resident who joined the Army just over a year ago, was in a small cubicle inside the Soldier Readiness Center when he heard popping sounds. A bullet tore through the cubicle wall and lodged in the heel of his boot.
Within 15 minutes, the 21-year-old soldier was rushing through the chaos in the huge processing center to pull four wounded victims to safety and help take them to the hospital. The gunman fired toward him from across the room as Smith was fleeing the building.
Other tales of heroism spread throughout this grief-stricken base Friday as it struggled with the aftermath of the worst attack ever at a U.S. military installation. Army Chief of Staff Gen. George W. Casey, who arrived at Fort Hood with new Army Secretary John McHugh, called it "a kick in the gut."***
Eight of the wounded were treated and released, and of the 30 originally hospitalized, 23 — including the alleged gunman — remained in hospitals late Friday. Thirteen flag-draped coffins were placed aboard a C-17 and flown to a military installation in Dover, Del., for final funeral preparations.
McHugh, who succeeded Pete Geren of Fort Worth as army secretary Sept. 21, told reporters that the FBI and Defense Department are conducting a joint investigation into Army psychiatrist Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, who was felled in an exchange of gunfire with a civilian policewoman.***
Hasan, who sustained at least four gunshot wounds, was taken to Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antonio at mid-afternoon, the Army said Friday night.***
Col. John Rossi, at mid-evening Friday, said Hasan apparently fired more than 100 rounds of ammunition from his two handguns, a 5.7 mm semiautomatic and an older model Smith & Wesson .357-caliber revolver.
Bernie Goldberg saying that if Fort Hood shooter Nidal Malik Hasan was a "White Male Christian" instead of a Muslim, his religion would be the top story in the mainstream media. But because he is Muslim, most of the mainstream media refuse to even consider that his Islamic beliefs are central to his commit a terrorist act.
Shooter advised Obama transition
Fort Hood triggerman aided team on Homeland Security task force
Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, the alleged shooter in yesterday's massacre at Fort Hood, played a homeland security advisory role in President Barack Obama's transition into the White House, according to a key university policy institute document.
The Homeland Security Policy Institute at George Washington University published a document May 19, entitled "Thinking Anew – Security Priorities for the Next Administration: Proceedings Report of the HSPI Presidential Transition Task Force, April 2008 – January 2009," in which Hasan of the Uniformed Services University School of Medicine is listed on page 29 of the document as a Task Force Event Participant.
Hasan received his medical degree from the military's Uniformed Services University School in Bethesda, Md., in 2001.
Noting that the Obama administration transition was proceeding, the GWU Homeland Security Policy Institute report described on the first page the role of the Presidential Transition Task Force as including "representatives from past Administrations, State government, Fortune 500 companies, academia, research institutions and non-governmental organizations with global reach."
While the GWU task force participants included several members of government, including representatives of the Department of Justice and the U.S Department of Homeland Security, there is no indication in the document that the group played any formal role in the official Obama transition, other than to serve in a university-based advisory capacity.
Daniel Kaniewski, deputy director of the Homeland Security Policy Institute at George Washington University affirmed to WND in a telephone interview this morning that the Nidal Hasan listed as attending the meetings of the HSPI Presidential Transition Task Force was the same person as the alleged shooter in the Fort Hood massacre.
Kaniewski said Hasan attended the meetings in his capacity as a member of the faculty of the Uniformed Services University School of Medicine, not as a member of the HSPI Presidential Task Force.
Kaniewski believed Hasan applied on the institute's website to attend the meeting and was accepted because of his professional credentials.
Kaniewski could not tell WND whether or not Hasan made comments from the audience that influenced the task force recommendations or not.
He further confirmed Hasan had attended several meetings held by the Homeland Security Policy Institute at George Washington University and that the institute is currently searching conference records to see if it is possible to determine what additional institute conferences he attended.
Obama didn't wait long after Tuesday's devastating elections to give critics another reason to question his leadership, but this time the subject matter was more grim than a pair of governorships.
After news broke out of the shooting at the Fort Hood Army post in Texas, the nation watched in horror as the toll of dead and injured climbed. The White House was notified immediately and by late afternoon, word went out that the president would speak about the incident prior to a previously scheduled appearance. At about 5 p.m., cable stations went to the president. The situation called for not only his trademark eloquence, but also grace and perspective.
But instead of a somber chief executive offering reassuring words and expressions of sympathy and compassion, viewers saw a wildly disconnected and inappropriately light president making introductory remarks. At the event, a Tribal Nations Conference hosted by the Department of Interior's Bureau of Indian affairs, the president thanked various staffers and offered a "shout-out" to "Dr. Joe Medicine Crow -- that Congressional Medal of Honor winner." Three minutes in, the president spoke about the shooting, in measured and appropriate terms. Who is advising him?
Anyone at home aware of the major news story of the previous hours had to have been stunned. An incident like this requires a scrapping of the early light banter. The president should apologize for the tone of his remarks, explain what has happened, express sympathy for those slain and appeal for calm and patience until all the facts are in. That's the least that should occur.
Indeed, an argument could be made that Obama should have canceled the Indian event, out of respect for people having been murdered at an Army post a few hours before. That would have prevented any sort of jarring emotional switch at the event.
Did the president's team not realize what sort of image they were presenting to the country at this moment? The disconnect between what Americans at home knew had been going on -- and the initial words coming out of their president's mouth was jolting, if not disturbing.
It must have been disappointing for many politically aware Democrats, still reeling from the election two days before. The New Jersey gubernatorial vote had already demonstrated that the president and his political team couldn't produce a winning outcome in a state very friendly to Democrats (and where the president won by 15 points one year ago). And now this? Congressional Democrats must wonder if a White House that has burdened them with a too-heavy policy agenda over the last year has a strong enough political operation to help push that agenda through.
If the president's communications apparatus can't inform -- and protect -- their boss during tense moments when the country needs to see a focused commander-in-chief and a compassionate head of state, it has disastrous consequences for that president's party and supporters.
All the president's men (and women) fell down on the job Thursday. And Democrats across the country have real reason to panic.
Wild Thing's comment........
Amazing ithat a Chiacgo nbc wrote the article about Obama. Good for them. I posted this video the other day and we all commented on it. But this article is good and really points out what a total FAILURE Obama and how he could care less. He should not even need a team of people to tell him to "act" sorry or sad or outraged. Damn HIM!
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (9)
Obama and Pelsoi's DESTROY America Health Care Bill
Rep. Steve King (R-IA): Again Saturday Health Care Rally At The Capitol
I REALLY Like this guy King. ~ Wild Thing
House Democrats clear impasse on health bill
House Democrats acknowledged they don’t yet have the votes to pass a sweeping overhaul of the nation’s health care system, and signaled they may push back the vote until Sunday or early next week.
Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md., told reporters in a conference call Friday that the make-or-break vote on President Barack Obama’s top priority that had been set for Saturday could face delay.
The apparent problem: Democrats have yet to resolve intraparty disputes over abortion funding and illegal immigrants’ access to health care.
What the Pelosi Health-Care Bill Really Says
Taken from .....
The health bill that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is bringing to a vote (H.R. 3962) is 1,990 pages. Here are some of the details you need to know.
What the government will require you to do:
•Sec. 202 (p. 91-92) of the bill requires you to enroll in a "qualified plan." If you get your insurance at work, your employer will have a "grace period" to switch you to a "qualified plan," meaning a plan designed by the Secretary of Health and Human Services. If you buy your own insurance, there's no grace period. You'll have to enroll in a qualified plan as soon as any term in your contract changes, such as the co-pay, deductible or benefit.
•Sec. 224 (p. 118) provides that 18 months after the bill becomes law, the Secretary of Health and Human Services will decide what a "qualified plan" covers and how much you'll be legally required to pay for it. That's like a banker telling you to sign the loan agreement now, then filling in the interest rate and repayment terms 18 months later.
On Nov. 2, the Congressional Budget Office estimated what the plans will likely cost. An individual earning $44,000 before taxes who purchases his own insurance will have to pay a $5,300 premium and an estimated $2,000 in out-of-pocket expenses, for a total of $7,300 a year, which is 17% of his pre-tax income. A family earning $102,100 a year before taxes will have to pay a $15,000 premium plus an estimated $5,300 out-of-pocket, for a $20,300 total, or 20% of its pre-tax income. Individuals and families earning less than these amounts will be eligible for subsidies paid directly to their insurer.
• Sec. 303 (pp. 167-168) makes it clear that, although the "qualified plan" is not yet designed, it will be of the "one size fits all" variety. The bill claims to offer choice—basic, enhanced and premium levels—but the benefits are the same. Only the co-pays and deductibles differ. You will have to enroll in the same plan, whether the government is paying for it or you and your employer are footing the bill.
• Sec. 59b (pp. 297-299) says that when you file your taxes, you must include proof that you are in a qualified plan. If not, you will be fined thousands of dollars. Illegal immigrants are exempt from this requirement.
• Sec. 412 (p. 272) says that employers must provide a "qualified plan" for their employees and pay 72.5% of the cost, and a smaller share of family coverage, or incur an 8% payroll tax. Small businesses, with payrolls from $500,000 to $750,000, are fined less.
Eviscerating Medicare
In addition to reducing future Medicare funding by an estimated $500 billion, the bill fundamentally changes how Medicare pays doctors and hospitals, permitting the government to dictate treatment decisions.
• Sec. 1302 (pp. 672-692) moves Medicare from a fee-for-service payment system, in which patients choose which doctors to see and doctors are paid for each service they provide, toward what's called a "medical home."
The medical home is this decade's version of HMO-restrictions on care. A primary-care provider manages access to costly specialists and diagnostic tests for a flat monthly fee. The bill specifies that patients may have to settle for a nurse practitioner rather than a physician as the primary-care provider. Medical homes begin with demonstration projects, but the HHS secretary is authorized to "disseminate this approach rapidly on a national basis."
A December 2008 Congressional Budget Office report noted that "medical homes" were likely to resemble the unpopular gatekeepers of 20 years ago if cost control was a priority.
• Sec. 1114 (pp. 391-393) replaces physicians with physician assistants in overseeing care for hospice patients.
• Secs. 1158-1160 (pp. 499-520) initiates programs to reduce payments for patient care to what it costs in the lowest cost regions of the country. This will reduce payments for care (and by implication the standard of care) for hospital patients in higher cost areas such as New York and Florida.
• Sec. 1161 (pp. 520-545) cuts payments to Medicare Advantage plans (used by 20% of seniors). Advantage plans have warned this will result in reductions in optional benefits such as vision and dental care.
• Sec. 1402 (p. 756) says that the results of comparative effectiveness research conducted by the government will be delivered to doctors electronically to guide their use of "medical items and services."
Questionable Priorities:
While the bill will slash Medicare funding, it will also direct billions of dollars to numerous inner-city social work and diversity programs with vague standards of accountability.
• Sec. 399V (p. 1422) provides for grants to community "entities" with no required qualifications except having "documented community activity and experience with community healthcare workers" to "educate, guide, and provide experiential learning opportunities" aimed at drug abuse, poor nutrition, smoking and obesity. "Each community health worker program receiving funds under the grant will provide services in the cultural context most appropriate for the individual served by the program."
These programs will "enhance the capacity of individuals to utilize health services and health related social services under Federal, State and local programs by assisting individuals in establishing eligibility . . . and in receiving services and other benefits" including transportation and translation services.
• Sec. 222 (p. 617) provides reimbursement for culturally and linguistically appropriate services. This program will train health-care workers to inform Medicare beneficiaries of their "right" to have an interpreter at all times and with no co-pays for language services.
• Secs. 2521 and 2533 (pp. 1379 and 1437) establishes racial and ethnic preferences in awarding grants for training nurses and creating secondary-school health science programs. For example, grants for nursing schools should "give preference to programs that provide for improving the diversity of new nurse graduates to reflect changes in the demographics of the patient population." And secondary-school grants should go to schools "graduating students from disadvantaged backgrounds including racial and ethnic minorities."
• Sec. 305 (p. 189) Provides for automatic Medicaid enrollment of newborns who do not otherwise have insurance.
• Secs. 1158-1160 (pp. 499-520) initiates programs to reduce payments for patient care to what it costs in the lowest cost regions of the country."
On Nov. 2, the Congressional Budget Office estimated what the plans will likely cost. An individual earning $44,000 before taxes who purchases his own insurance will have to pay a $5,300 premium and an estimated $2,000 in out-of-pocket expenses, for a total of $7,300 a year, which is 17% of his pre-tax income. A family earning $102,100 a year before taxes will have to pay a $15,000 premium plus an estimated $5,300 out-of-pocket, for a $20,300 total, or 20% of its pre-tax income. Individuals and families earning less than these amounts will be eligible for
• Sec. 303 (pp. 167-168) makes it clear that, although the “qualified plan” is not yet designed, it will be of the “one size fits all” variety. The bill claims to offer choice—basic, enhanced and premium levels—but the benefits are the same. Only the co-pays and deductibles differ. You will have to enroll in the same plan, whether the government is paying for it or you and your employer are footing the bill.
• Sec. 59b (pp. 297-299) says that when you file your taxes, you must include proof that you are in a qualified plan. If not, you will be fined thousands of dollars. Illegal immigrants are exempt from this requirement.
• Sec. 412 (p. 272) says that employers must provide a “qualified plan” for their employees and pay 72.5% of the cost, and a smaller share of family coverage, or incur an 8% payroll tax. Small businesses, with payrolls from $500,000 to $750,000, are fined less.
• Sec. 1302 (pp. 672-692) moves Medicare from a fee-for-service payment system, in which patients choose which doctors to see and doctors are paid for each service they provide, toward what’s called a “medical home.”
A December 2008 Congressional Budget Office report noted that “medical homes” were likely to resemble the unpopular gatekeepers of 20 years ago if cost control was a priority.
• Sec. 1114 (pp. 391-393) replaces physicians with physician assistants in overseeing care for hospice patients.
• Secs. 1158-1160 (pp. 499-520) initiates programs to reduce payments for patient care to what it costs in the lowest cost regions of the country. This will reduce payments for care (and by implication the standard of care) for hospital patients in higher cost areas such as New York and Florida.
• Sec. 1161 (pp. 520-545) cuts payments to Medicare Advantage plans (used by 20% of seniors). Advantage plans have warned this will result in reductions in optional benefits such as vision and dental care.
• Sec. 1402 (p. 756) says that the results of comparative effectiveness research conducted by the government will be delivered to doctors electronically to guide their use of “medical items and services.”
• Sec. 399V (p. 1422) provides for grants to community “entities” with no required qualifications except having “documented community activity and experience with community healthcare workers” to “educate, guide, and provide experiential learning opportunities” aimed at drug abuse, poor nutrition, smoking and obesity. “Each community health worker program receiving funds under the grant will provide services in the cultural context most appropriate for the individual served by the program.”
• Sec. 222 (p. 617) provides reimbursement for culturally and linguistically appropriate services. This program will train health-care workers to inform Medicare beneficiaries of their “right” to have an interpreter at all times and with no co-pays for language services.
• Secs. 2521 and 2533 (pp. 1379 and 1437) establishes racial and ethnic preferences in awarding grants for training nurses and creating secondary-school health science programs. For example, grants for nursing schools should “give preference to programs that provide for improving the diversity of new nurse graduates to reflect changes in the demographics of the patient population.” And secondary-school grants should go to schools “graduating students from disadvantaged backgrounds including racial and ethnic minorities.”
• Sec. 305 (p. 189) Provides for automatic Medicaid enrollment of newborns who do not otherwise have insurance.
For the text of the bill with page numbers, see www.defendyourhealthcare.us
Ms. McCaughey is chairman of the Committee to Reduce Infection Deaths and a former Lt. Governor of New York state.
AMA's Endorsement of House Health Care Bill Sparks Internal Uprising
Some AMA members are outraged that the group's trustees made the endorsement without the formal approval of the organization's House of Delegates.
The American Medical Association's much-touted endorsement of the House health care reform bill has triggered a revolt among some members who want the endorsement withdrawn.
Some members are outraged that the group's trustees made the endorsement without the formal approval of the organization's House of Delegates.
On Monday, delegates will vote on a resolution offered by some members that, if approved, will withdraw the AMA’s endorsement of the bill.
President Obama cited the endorsement of the influential AMA, along with AARP's, in a surprise appearance Thursday in the White House briefing room as he attempted to beat back criticism that the bill would gut Medicare.
"They're endorsing this bill because they know it will strengthen Medicare, not jeopardize it," he told reporters. "They know it will protect the benefits our seniors receive, not cut them."
"So I want everyone to remember that the next time you hear the same tired arguments to the contrary from insurance companies and their lobbyists and remember this endorsement the next time you see a bunch of misleading ads on television," he added.
Committee Confirms: Comply With Pelosi-Care Or Go To jail
Today, Ranking Member of the House Ways and Means Committee Dave Camp (R-MI) released a letter from the non-partisan Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) confirming that the failure to comply with the individual mandate to buy health insurance contained in the Pelosi health care bill (H.R. 3962, as amended) could land people in jail. The JCT letter makes clear that Americans who do not maintain “acceptable health insurance coverage” and who choose not to pay the bill’s new individual mandate tax (generally 2.5% of income), are subject to numerous civil and criminal penalties, including criminal fines of up to $250,000 and imprisonment of up to five years.
n response to the JCT letter, Camp said: “This is the ultimate example of the Democrats’ command-and-control style of governing – buy what we tell you or go to jail. It is outrageous and it should be stopped immediately.”
Key excerpts from the JCT letter appear below:
“H.R. 3962 provides that an individual (or a husband and wife in the case of a joint return) who does not, at any time during the taxable year, maintain acceptable health insurance coverage for himself or herself and each of his or her qualifying children is subject to an additional tax.” [page 1]
“If the government determines that the taxpayer’s unpaid tax liability results from willful behavior, the following penalties could apply…” [page 2]
“Criminal penalties
Prosecution is authorized under the Code for a variety of offenses. Depending on the level of the noncompliance, the following penalties could apply to an individual:
• Section 7203 – misdemeanor willful failure to pay is punishable by a fine of up to $25,000 and/or imprisonment of up to one year.
• Section 7201 – felony willful evasion is punishable by a fine of up to $250,000 and/or imprisonment of up to five years.” [page 3]
When confronted with this same issue during its consideration of a similar individual mandate tax, the Senate Finance Committee worked on a bipartisan basis to include language in its bill that shielded Americans from civil and criminal penalties. The Pelosi bill, however, contains no similar language protecting American citizens from civil and criminal tax penalties that could include a $250,000 fine and five years in jail.
“The Senate Finance Committee had the good sense to eliminate the extreme penalty of incarceration. Speaker Pelosi’s decision to leave in the jail time provision is a threat to every family who cannot afford the $15,000 premium her plan creates. Fortunately, Republicans have an alternative that will lower health insurance costs without raising taxes or cutting Medicare,” said Camp.
According to the Congressional Budget Office the lowest cost family non-group plan under the Speaker’s bill would cost $15,000 in 2016.
Wild Thing's comment.......... This Bill is soooo SICK! WTH???? PELOSI: Buy a $15,000 Policy or Go to Jail; Failure to Comply, 5 Years in Prison... They throw around the American peoples money like it’s monopoly money.I feel like I live in a COMMUNIST country. The idiots in the Congress have no conception of the firestorm they will unleash. Obama and the US Congress has declared war against the American people. I am absolutely furious over this and it hasn’t even passed yet. Just the fact that they are considering passing this crap is unbelievable. We’ve written, called, rallied and yelled from the top of our lungs that we don’t want this. The power-hungry crooks aren’t listening and don't even care. This is the government our forefathers warned us about. Doing this post, I sat here and cried, just for a little bit because I love America so much and to see this happening, that it might happen breaks my heart. Then I felt sick totally sick to my stomach. We can fight. Remember our forfathers were fighting the British Empire. The Democrats for this are hardly even close to a viable adversary. Americans love peace and family and the wonderful system and country GOD has given us. UPDATE:....This below MIGHT mean they still do not have the votes. Just got this writing in an e from Rep. Marsha Blackburn: As I write this, Members are being informed that the health care debate is likely to extend through the weekend. A final vote may not come until Tuesday. The Rules Committee, the body that decides what amendments will and not be considered on H.R. 3962 is meeting now. I am waiting my turn to offer a series of amendments that would make H.R. 3962 a better bill. Perhaps the most important amendment prevents unfunded mandates from being passed on to the states. This bill expands Medicaid to 150% of the Federal Poverty Level and then sticks Tennessee with part of the bill in the out years. That means that Tennessee would have to find another $1.4 billion by 2019. That's money we just don't have. I have listed my other amendments at the end of this note. This morning I was on C-Span's Washington Journal. The host asked me if I agreed with Leader Boehner's assessment that this health care bill is a threat to our freedom. As I answered on C-Span: "I think people are looking at what has transpired since the first of the year, the philosophical change where there is more government control of most sectors , whether it is investment banking, whether it is consumer credit, whether it is auto manufacturing, student loans, health care. They’re looking at what is happening with energy, when we talk about having cap and tax. They’re looking at what is happening with communication, with what I call 'fairness doctrine for the Internet' They call it net neutrality. It’s not very neutral. People are growing deeply concerned about the shifting of philosophy in this government.” Yesterday, dozens of Tennesseans were in Washington to express their outrage at this bill. I was inspired by their sacrifice. They know, as do I, that there is a better way, and there are far better bills to fix health care in this country. My Best, Mark
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM
| Comments (4)
Jihad at Fort Hood by Robert Spencer Yet there was, and what’s more, Major Hasan’s motive was perfectly clear — but it was one that the forces of political correctness and the Islamic advocacy groups in the United States have been working for years to obscure. So it is that now that another major jihad terror attack has taken place on American soil, authorities and the mainstream media are at a loss to explain why it happened – and the abundant evidence that it was a jihad attack is ignored. *** He is a graduate of Virginia Tech and has a doctorate in psychiatry from the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences. While there, NPR reports, Hasan was “put on probation early in his postgraduate work” and was “disciplined for proselytizing about his Muslim faith with patients and colleagues.” *** While at Walter Reed, he was a “very devout” member of and daily visitor to the Muslim Community Center in Silver Spring. Faizul Khan, a former imam at the Center, expressed puzzlement over Hasan’s murders: “To know something like this happened, I don’t know what got into his mind. There was nothing extremist in his questions. He never showed any frustration….He never showed any remorse or wish for vengeance on anybody.” So he identified himself as Palestinian and was a devout Muslim – so what? These things, of course, have no significance if one assumes that Islam is a Religion of Peace and that when a devout Muslim reads the Koran’s many injunctions to wage war against unbelievers, he knows that they have no force or applicability for today’s world. Unfortunately, all too many Muslims around the world demonstrate in both their words and their deeds that they take such injunctions quite seriously. And Nidal Hasan gave some indications that he may have been among them. *** On May 20, 2009, a man giving his name as “NidalHasan” posted this defense of suicide bombing (all spelling and grammar as it is in the original): *** Of course, it may not be the same Nidal Hasan. But there is more. One of his former colleagues, Col. Terry Lee, recalled Hasan saying statements to the effect of “Muslims have the right to rise up against the U.S. military”; “Muslims have a right to stand up against the aggressors”; and even speaking favorably about people who “strap bombs on themselves and go into Times Square.” Maybe he just snapped, perhaps under the pressure of his imminent deployment to Iraq. But it’s noteworthy that if he did, he snapped in exactly the same way that several other Muslims in the U.S. military have snapped in the past. In April 2005, a Muslim serving in the U.S. Army, Hasan Akbar, was convicted of murder for killing two American soldiers and wounding fourteen in a grenade attack in Kuwait. AP reported: “Prosecutors say Akbar told investigators he launched the attack because he was concerned U.S. troops would kill fellow Muslims in Iraq. They said he coolly carried out the attack to achieve ‘maximum carnage’ on his comrades in the 101st Airborne Division.” And Hasan’s murderous rampage resembles one that five Muslim men in New Jersey tried to carry out at Fort Dix in New Jersey in 2007, when they plotted to enter the U.S. Army base and murder as many soldiers as they could. That was a jihad plot. One of the plotters, Serdar Tatar, told an FBI informant late in 2006: “I’m gonna do it….It doesn’t matter to me, whether I get locked up, arrested, or get taken away, it doesn’t matter. Or I die, doesn’t matter, I’m doing it in the name of Allah.” Another plotter, Mohamad Shnewer, was caught on tape saying, “They are the ones, we are going to put bullets in their heads, Allah willing.” Nidal Hasan’s statements about Muslims rising up against the U.S. military aren’t too far from that, albeit less graphic. The effect of ignoring or downplaying the role that Islamic beliefs and assumptions may have played in his murders only ensures that – once again – nothing will be done to prevent the eventual advent of the next Nidal Hasan. Wild Thing's comment......... When other people snap on the eve of deployment, they go to Canada. Normal people who disagree with a deployment resign and accept prosecution. Or get a lawyer and try to find some loophole. They don’t slaughter their countrymen. The shocking thing about this case is that he made his beliefs known on several occasions and no one did anything about it. It didn’t occur to anyone that a major who sided with the enemy ought to be booted out of the Army altogether. Mark
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:45 AM
| Comments (2)
Muslim in Sheep's Clothing by Col Pappas Those watching events at Fort Hood have come face to face with the reality of Islamic jihad in America. No doubt excuses will explode with every possible defense of the indefensible, they tell us that Hasan was a patriotic American who because of harassment by some in the Army was forced to kill a dozen unsuspecting soldiers; and was therefore justified in his evil behavior. Those idiots are as evil and full of hatred as “terrorist” Hasan is. Patriotic?! Barbra Streisand! About as patriotic as Jane Fonda and John Kerry.
"Islamic jihad in America."......that is exactly what it was at Fort Hood. There should be more people forinstance in the media saying this.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:40 AM
| Comments (2)
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Jihad at Fort Hood – by Robert Spencer
Major Nidal Malik Hasan, a U.S. Army psychiatrist, murdered twelve people and wounded twenty-one inside Fort Hood in Texas yesterday, while, according to eyewitnesses, “shouting something in Arabic while he was shooting.” Investigators are scratching their heads and expressing puzzlement about why he did it. According to NPR, “the motive behind the shootings was not immediately clear, officials said.” The Washington Post agreed: “The motive remains unclear, although some sources reported the suspect is opposed to U.S. involvement in Afghanistan and Iraq and upset about an imminent deployment.” The Huffington Post spun faster, asserting that “there is no concrete reporting as to whether Nidal Malik Hasan was in fact a Muslim or an Arab.”
*** Nidal Malik Hasan was born in Virginia but didn’t think of himself as an American: on a form he filled out at the Muslim Community Center in Silver Spring, Maryland, he gave his nationality not as “American” but as “Palestinian.” A mosque official found that curious, saying: “I don’t know why he listed Palestinian. He was not born in Palestine.”"There was a grenade thrown amongs a group of American soldiers. One of the soldiers, feeling that it was to late for everyone to flee jumped on the grave with the intention of saving his comrades. Indeed he saved them. He inentionally took his life (suicide) for a noble cause i.e. saving the lives of his soldier. To say that this soldier committed suicide is inappropriate. Its more appropriate to say he is a brave hero that sacrificed his life for a more noble cause. Scholars have paralled this to suicide bombers whose intention, by sacrificing their lives, is to help save Muslims by killing enemy soldiers. If one suicide bomber can kill 100 enemy soldiers because they were caught off guard that would be considered a strategic victory. Their intention is not to die because of some despair. The same can be said for the Kamikazees in Japan. They died (via crashing their planes into ships) to kill the enemies for the homeland. You can call them crazy i you want but their act was not one of suicide that is despised by Islam. So the scholars main point is that “IT SEEMS AS THOUGH YOUR INTENTION IS THE MAIN ISSUE” and Allah (SWT) knows best."
Like the video says with Fred Thompson. PC is destroying everything and has no place in our military.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Muslim in Sheep's Clothing by Col Pappas
It should come as no surprise that arguments of that ilk will emanate from the political left. All the while Obama tries to spin it as GW Bush's fault, notwithstanding it was likely his “dithering” about Afghanistan that pushed Hasan over the top, one way or the other.
If memory serves one correctly, and it should, Obama apologized to the world for America's vigorous defense of itself. In that context, Hasan's expectations were evidently elevated to unrealistic heights and he subsequently felt betrayed that Muslim apologist and sympathizer Obama had not followed through on timely delivery of his oft stated pledge to immediately withdraw U.S. forces from the Republic of Iraq, to ostensibly focus on the “overseas contingency operation” in Afghanistan. A major but never mentioned issue for Islamists is the presence of foreign infidels in their “holy” lands. It was for that reason that the late (in my opinion) Osama bin Laden and his “friendly” band of jihadists opened the “holy” war against the “infidel,” “the great Satan” in the first place. Hasan is merely one of Osama’s mindless lemmings, and Obama a sympathizer, given Obama’s naturally spoken, “Muslim faith.”
Obama's “dithering” as it has been put, should come as no surprise given that he is likely stalling until after he receives the award of the Nobel Peace Prize to announce his decision, which incidentally may or may not be to increase force levels in Afghanistan. Consider this: how would it come across for Obama to commit additional forces to Afghanistan shortly before or at the same time he steps up to ‘kiss the rings” of the blithering idiots who awarded him the Prize?
In baseball parlance, Hasan’s was American jihadists' “strike one” in the “Ubeturass,” World Series
Semper Fidelis
Wild Thing's comment......
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
November 06, 2009
Ft. Hood Primary Shooter ( JIHAD ) Major Malik Nadal Hasan Is Still Alive
Fort Hood Press Conference -- Primary Shooter Major Malik Nadal Hasan Is Still Alive -- FOX News
The gunman, first said to have been killed, was wounded but alive in a hospital under military guard, said Lt. Gen. Bob Cone at Fort Hood. He was shot four times, and was on a ventilator and unconscious, according to military officials. "I would say his death is not imminent," Cone said.
The man was identified as Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, a 39-year-old from Virginia.
The suspected shooter, Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, was on a ventilator and unconscious in a hospital after being shot four times during the shootings at the Army's sprawling Fort Hood, post officials said. In the early chaos after the shootings, authorities believed they had killed him, only to discover later that he had survived.
Information on Fort Hood Terrorist Malik Nadal Hasan
Military officials say the suspected shooter is not dead, as was originally reported. He is alive, and has been treated for his wounds.
Military officials say the suspected shooter at Fort Hood was a psychiatrist at Walter Reed Army Medical Center for six years before being transferred to the Texas base in July.
The officials had access to Maj. Malik Nadal Hasan's military record. They said he received a poor performance evaluation while at Walter Reed.
The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because military records are confidential.
Federal law enforcement officials say the Hasan came to their attention at least six months ago because of Internet postings that discussed suicide bombings and other threats.
The Virginia-born soldier was single with no children. He was 39 years old.
He is a graduate of Virginia Tech University, where he was a member of the ROTC and earned a bachelor's degree in biochemistry in 1997. He received his medical degree from the military's Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences in Bethesda, Md., in 2001. At Walter Reed, he did his internship, residency and a fellowship.
Colleague Terry Lee on Fort Hood Shooter Malik Nadal Hasan -- He Wanted Muslims to "Stand Up"
Below is complete video of the Press Conference, including the questions from the media:
MUSLIM DENIAL......again ! ~ Wild Thing
Al Siddiq, president of the Islamic Center of Waco, followed the unfolding news of the Fort Hood tragedy anxiously, as a veteran of the U.S. Army himself, as a friend of some Muslim soldiers currently stationed at the Central Texas post and as a Muslim who has become wary of backlash.
Siddiq said the Muslim Islamic community is very concerned that the shooter on Fort Hood was a Muslim because Muslims tend to get all thrown into the same category. Since 9/11, Siddiq said, when an individual Muslim acts stupid, it affects the entire Islamic community. The concern is backlash against other Muslims, he said.
“We’ve been very fortunate in Waco,” Siddiq said. “But there’s always a backlash.” Siddiq said he had a great experience in the U.S. Army, both in Korea and stationed at Fort Campbell.
“That’s what hurts me the most,” he said. “The Army has accommodated Muslims. Not any other Army can offer what the U.S. Army offers.”
Siddiq said what he has heard is that the Fort Hood shooter may be a convert to Islam. He said he thinks the problem some converts have is not based on the Islam religion, but on the resentment toward the U.S. government that they bring to their faith.
Malik attended prayer services nearly every day in Silver Spring for several years. Six months ago Hasan came to the attention of the FBI because of Internet postings that discussed suicide bombings.
After lauding a Muslim U.S. Army soldier who killed comrades in Kuwait in 2003, Hasan wrote in an online posting, “If one suicide bomber can kill 100 enemy soldiers … that would be considered a strategic victory.”
At Fort Hood, Hasan exhibited a troubled state of mind. Retired Col. Terry Lee, who worked with Hasan at the psych ward at Fort Hood, told Fox News that about six months ago he heard Hasan say, "Maybe the Muslims should rise up and fight against the aggressor," in Iraq and Afghanistan -- referring to the U.S. Army
Authorities said the gunman was shot but was not killed. Two other soldiers suspected in what appears to be the worst mass shooting at a U.S. military base were also apprehended, officials said.
Tom Hunt, himself a former Army sergeant who was stationed at Fort Hood, said his son called about an hour after the shooting to tell him he was safe.
James Hunt, 27, serving with the 510th Combat Engineers, was with his platoon at the base’s Soldier Readiness Center where soldiers who are about to be deployed undergo medical screening. He is scheduled to deploy to Afghanistan in January.
But because James had broken his foot several weeks ago, he was sent outside and told to get some extra paperwork that would clear him for deployment. James was waiting in the parking lot of the center when the shooting started, his father said.
“Everybody started running and shouting, and he saw the wounded come out,” Tom Hunt said. “He didn’t hear the shooting, but he said it was ‘a bloody mess.’”
Hunt said his son told him he loaded up many of the wounded and drove them to the hospital. The wounded relayed what they saw inside when the shooting happened.
“They were telling him that one guy was shouting something in Arabic while he was shooting,” Tom Hunt said. “He couldn’t say much more than that.”
Wild Thing's comment.......
This is an outrage against our Servicemen on OUR soil.....this person is a terrorist.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:55 AM | Comments (20)
Barbara Boxer ( D-Calif) Passes Climate Bill Without GOP
Senator Jim Inhofe (R-OK) discussed the outrageous move by the democrats
Senator Barbara Boxer Breaks Senate Committee Rules. The liberal California senator passed the dem’s cap-&-tax legislation out of committee without a single GOP member in attendance. This is against the rules and the first time it has ever happened.
The Senate Environment and Public Works Committee approved climate change legislation Thursday with no Republicans voting for the bill or even participating in the process.
With Republican boycotting the proceedings, Committee Chairman Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) relied on a little used interpretation of committee rules to move the legislation. Traditionally, two minority members are required to conduct committee business.
Boxer said that she passed the bill “in full accordance with long-standing committee and Senate rules.”
“This is not a procedure we wanted; it’s a procedure that’s available to us,” said Boxer. “The majority has to be able to do its work…otherwise the whole Senate could come to a screeching halt.”
Republicans called Boxer’s move the “nuclear option,” warning that it violated decades of committee precedent.
“I am here to appeal to you and the members of the committee,” Sen. Jim Inhofe, the top Republican on the committee, said in a brief statement. “In the history of this committee, we have not been able to find a time when the bill has been marked up without minority.”
Eleven Democrats voted for the bill, enough to give the legislation a majority of the 19 members on the committee.
Montana Sen. Max Baucus was the only Democratic to vote against the bill, citing concerns about the agriculture provisions included in the legislation.
But Baucus vowed to use his post as chairman of the Senate Finance Committee to pass a climate bill.
“I’m going to work to get climate change legislation that gets 60 votes through the U.S. Senate and signed into law,” he said.
Republicans asked Boxer to delay the hearing by several weeks to allow the Environmental Protection Agency to conduct an additional study on the economic ramifications of the bill.
Boxer and committee Democrats dismissed the request as a delay tactic, saying that the agency had already completed sufficient analysis of the bill. On Tuesday, a top EPA official came to a hearing to answer questions from committee members. No Republicans attended.
“The absence of the Republicans during the EPA’s presentation was a clear message that their criticism of the EPA analysis was not a substantive one,” said Boxer.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Rep. Barbara Boxer, chairman of the Senate Environment & Public Works Committee, moved quickly to pass the bill, which for the first time would set mandatory limits on heat-trapping gases, without any of the seven GOP senators on the panel present.
So much for bipartisanship! The rino's and left have put tyrants in charge of our gov't. The communists takeover of America is still going on full force. Some day the public will realize that the Democratic Party is really the communists party and they have been taken in.
Cap and Trade, AND Health Care are only about P-O-W-E-R for the Left. America IS the most powerful Nation on this Earth, and IS therefore their most important target to control. They must be defeated, and their aggressive organization rendered useless.
America is a country where the politicians might want to rethink doing things like this. There are over 200,000,000 firearms in this country. The last year has seen ammunition and weapons flying off the shelf.
The line is getting crossed and they ought to start looking in history books at what happens to fascist dictators when the people get enough fill.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:50 AM | Comments (10)
Yesterday's Rally of 20,000 Washington DC. Against the Health Care Bill of Speaker Pelosi
20,000 to 40,000 people Against the Health Care Bill of Speaker Pelosi. November 5, 2009. View from atop the Dome
Republicans Rally Resistance to Health Care Bill, as House Vote Nears
Republicans host a rally against Democrats' health care reform, calling on those who attend to track down their elected representatives in Congress and put pressure on them to think twice about voting for the more than $1 trillion health care overhaul.
As a crowd of protesters shouted "kill the bill," House Republicans on Thursday rallied opposition against the Democrats' health care legislation, decrying the bill on the steps of Congress in a last-ditch bid to derail or at least delay the legislation heading toward a possible vote Saturday.Thousands of protesters arrived by bus for the rally, which the GOP is calling an emergency "House Call." The event drew the conservative "tea party" activists but unlike past rallies was officially sanctioned by House Republicans.
Republicans want those who attend to track down their elected representatives in Congress and put pressure on them to think twice about voting for the more than $1 trillion health care overhaul pushed by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
"They're going to listen," said Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., who originally called for the rally. "The biggest voice in the United States is your voice."
Voight: "His agenda is not for the poor it is for his political gain, the lies and propaganda are all very blatant as shown to us by those who exposed ACORN which is as corrupt as all the President's Czars, and Obama is to deny his connection to ACORN claiming no awareness of ACORN's support from all our tax dollars, this country is showing signs of his failed stimulus programs.
His only success in his one year term as President is taking America apart piece by piece. Could it be he has had 20 years of subconsious programming by Reverend Wright to damn America?
Mark Levin Speech At Health Care Tea Party Washington D.C.
"You see that building, you own that building...they are taking a wrecking ball to this magnificent society and that's just the first 9 months"
Wild Thing's comment.......
Fantastic! That was a great turnout, for something during the week and only planned for ONE week. wow!
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:49 AM | Comments (4)
Clinic Cat MAX On Orders to Luke Air Force Base
Max, a 21-pound gray tabby cat, is on official Army orders to the Luke Air Force Base Veterinary Clinic in Glendale, Ariz. Not only does he increase the morale of the staff and visitors to the clinic, he also officially provides "Fat Cat Security and Pest Control" as stated in his orders
Clinic cat on orders to Luke Air Force Base
56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs
During the past ten years, the Luke Air Force Base Veterinary Clinic has seen six civilian and military veterinarians come and go, as well as countless veterinary technicians and other workers. But there has been one constant, and his name is Max.
Max, a 21-pound gray tabby cat, was brought into the vet clinic in July of 1999 after he was discovered in a gutter.
"He was a six-week-old kitten when he arrived," said Joan Seifert, 56th Force Support Squadron veterinary clinic office clerk. "Nobody called and said they were missing a kitten, so he hung out here and we decided to make him our clinic cat. We got him neutered and declawed in the front, and he has been living here for the past ten years."
When Max first started his duties as clinic cat, he would roam the office all day, interacting with pets and their owners. He even helped the staff with some of their more difficult patients.
"We had a chihuahua in here one day, and we were trying to get him into a cardboard carrier," Ms. Seifert said. "Every time we tried to put him in the box, the chihuahua would try to bite us. Max must have heard us struggling, so he came running around the corner and batted the chihuahua in the face. The dog was so baffled, we were able to close the carrier."
Max isn't concerned with size, either. Big or small, he takes on all comers.
"Earlier this year, I was outside just before the sun came up," Ms. Seifert recalled. "I was looking for Max and started to walk out toward the parking lot when I saw what I thought was a dog trotting toward me. All of a sudden, as the 'dog' got close, I saw it was a coyote. I started backing up toward the door. By that time, Max had spotted the coyote. He let out a shriek, puffed up and took off after him. I screamed, 'No, Max, no!,' but he just took off after it and came in a few minutes later looking like, 'It's ok, I took care of it.'"
But, Max is just doing his job. He is on official Army orders to Luke to provide "fat cat security and pest control." He also searches out lizards, spiders or any other pests that are brave enough to roam in or around the clinic.
"He is on a calorie-controlled diet, but he supplements it pretty good with all the lizards he catches and eats," Ms. Seifert said.
Though Max is a perfect bodyguard and exterminator at the clinic, he also plays an important role in base public relations. At least once a week, an Airman, family member or civilian will come to the clinic asking if the staff still has "that big cat."
"We had a colonel from the Aerospace Medical Squadron call up and ask if Max was available because he wanted to bring his family over to see him," Ms. Seifert said. "I told him I would check his schedule and of course Max was free. The colonel brought his family over to see him."
The vet staff also recalled a little girl who lived on base. Her family didn't have pets, so her father would bring her to the clinic to play with Max. Other Luke members bring their cameras and snap photos of him.
"He plays into it when he knows he is getting attention or when people come and take photos," said Michaela Debelius, 56th FSS veterinary technician. "He loves it."
Debelius' husband, Staff Sgt. Ralph Debelius, 56th Equipment Maintenance Squadron Air Ground Equipment mobility manager, visits Max every day.
"I am a big cat person and he increases my morale on a daily basis," Sergeant Debelius said. "He is really friendly, and he has this kind of feisty attitude. He has a lot of personality and is great for a good laugh."
Max's charm isn't reserved only for humans, either. He's also made friends with a few of the military working dogs who are housed right next to the kennel. When one of them, Kisma, comes over for an appointment, Max will jump up on the table right beside him and cuddle up.
Kisma's handler, Senior Airman Steven Bruner, 56th Security Forces Squadron MWD handler, says he has never seen anything like it before.
"They told me before I came over here for the first time, that Kisma was pretty friendly with the cat," he said. "I was surprised."
Max has grown and changed with the clinic over the years. Now, instead of roaming the clinic freely, Max has a large, fenced area in the back of the building where he can hang out.
"If we have him out on a clinic day, when customers start to come in I say 'OK Max, come on in the back,' and he comes," Seifert said. "Cats are trainable. It takes a lot of patience and they have to want to do it, but he listens better than a lot of people's dogs do."
Max would be offended if he knew he was compared to a dog, but he does seem quite canine-like as he sits at the front door of the clinic waiting to be let in.
"He sits there and meows until you let him in," Mrs. Debelius said. "And he meets us every day at the door to say good morning."
And ready to protect the clinic's staff from coyotes and lizards alike.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Love this story. The Vet we go to for Sebastian and Missy has his cat at work each day. There are also a lot of soldiers and Air Force from McDill Air Force Base here that go to the Vet we go to.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:48 AM | Comments (4)
Make Mine Freedom
This 1948 Cold War-era cartoon uses humor to tout the dangers of Communism and the benefits of capitalism.
Wild Thing's comment........
Cartoonists wouldn't be allowed to make a cartoon lilke this today. That is so sad too. America has changed so much. I wonder if somehow we can one day go back to the NON PC world we all grew up in.
Great cartoon ! I agree, make mine FREEDOM too.
.... Thank you Jim for sending this to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:47 AM | Comments (2)
Afghanistan ~ The Soldiers Speak
From The Washington Times
Special forces for special Afghan rescues
Dangerous missions to save severely wounded
KANDAHAR, Afghanistan | A cool wind rushed through the open back doors of the Black Hawk, rattling the ventilators, IV tubes and defibrillators as the rescue helicopter banked sharply and rose into the sky.
It was headed for a site on Kandahar's Highway 1, dubbed "Death Highway" by coalition troops, where a powerful improvised explosive device had just struck a U.S. convoy.
The mission - to pick up the dead and wounded - was all too familiar for the members of the Air Force's 55th Expeditionary Rescue Squadron, better known as the Guardian Angels, based at Kandahar Air Field.
"This is the toughest thing we do, but we bring everyone home and we leave no one behind," said Capt. Steve Colletti, director of operations, before donning his gear and boarding the HH 60G Pave Hawk, a modified Black Hawk helicopter.
"Every time we pick up injured troops, it hits us deep in the heart," he said. "We've become the 911 response for southern Afghanistan - whether that's our troops or Afghan citizens."
The past week has brought plenty of heartache for the medical combat specialists, considered the "special forces" of the Air Force. A day earlier, they had spent an afternoon airlifting 17 severely wounded members of the 5th Stryker Brigade Combat Team to the trauma center at Kandahar Air Field. One American and one Afghan soldier were killed in that IED attack.
For the nearly 68,000 already here, the debate is not academic.
It "was a pretty bad day," said Maj. Ben Conde, from Denver, who flew the missions to rescue the 17 injured troops and bring home the two killed in action. "It was a day we never wish would happen again."
"These aren't numbers, these are our family, our brothers, sisters, husbands, wives and children," said Pararescueman Vincent Eckert, from Tucson, Ariz. "We've kind of become a jack of all trades. These are the things we do so that others may live. We're not bomb droppers - our mission is to save lives."
The members of the squadron are called pararescuemen or parajumpers - PJs. All are trained trauma medical technicians who can perform battlefield surgery - including amputations - under enemy fire.
If necessary, the PJs parachute to their victims. Trained to work in almost any weather, they are physically fit enough to perform rescues deep underwater or high in the mountains.
During the Vietnam War, PJs recovered downed pilots in enemy territory and developed a tradition of getting two green feet tattooed on their bodies, representing the mark the helicopters leave on the ground.
In Afghanistan, the group rescues troops, brings sick Afghans from remote locations to big field hospitals and helps others in need of medical treatment.
On Saturday, members of one unit lingered after finishing a shift. Some worked out in a makeshift outdoor gym, while a second shift prepared for the long night ahead.
Staff Sgt. Matthew Schollard, 28, a pararescueman from Tuscon, played his guitar and joked with his buddy, Staff Sgt. Scott Dowd, 27, also a pararescueman from Tuscon.
Only 45 minutes after the second shift arrived, pagers went off.
Immediately the flight engineers, gunners and medics grabbed their M-4 carbines and medical gear and rushed to two helicopters.
On one Black Hawk, Capt. Colletti sat on one side and Senior Airman Lucas Ferrari sat across from him. They clutched their weapons closely to their chests and flung their feet out through the open doors as they watched the ground below, flying over Kandahar's mountains and above the red desert that would lead them to the casualties.
Kandahar city disappeared in the distance.
A billowing cloud of pink smoke rose into the sky from a road near a small farming compound.
Capt. Colletti and Airman Ferrari pointed below and put their thumbs up.
"We're here," Capt. Colletti wrote down on his notepad, which he kept in his ballistic vest. He pointed his weapon down toward the fields where insurgents were still firing on the Army convoy as the rescuers arrived.
The Black Hawk circled strategically, banking sharply, with the wreckage below framed through the open door. Smoke billowed from the site of the explosion.
The rescuers jumped off the second helicopter before it landed on a ravine, kicking up dust and dry grass.
Senior Master Sgt. David Swan, 42, from Corning, N.Y., and Staff Sgt. Joshua Keyes, 30, of Alturas, Calif., rushed to a wounded soldier without hesitation. The soldier, nestled in the litter, was stabilized on the helicopter by the medical team.
The helicopters flew back to Kandahar Air Field's trauma hospital.
The soldier, although severely wounded, survived. The Washington Times is withholding his name until his relatives can be notified.
A second flight was even more difficult. The rescue unit was flying back to retrieve the remains of a dead soldier, whose name The Times is also withholding.
The squadron placed the young man's remains in a small black bag, carried the bag on board the chopper and draped it with a U.S. flag, then lifted off from the highway where he had taken his last breath. There was silence on the flight back.
From the sky, the villages and farmland looked benign, even beautiful. Some Pashtun villagers circled the area where the convoy was struck. A small group cheered as the body was loaded onto the craft. Others watched silently.
"It never gets easy," said Master Sgt. Swan, after the group had returned back to base. "This past month has been hard on our troops. We do our job and we never leave anyone - not anyone behind."
Wild Thing's comment.......
I don't understand how Obama and those like him can sleep at night, knowing their indecision is costing the lives of our warriors our heroes. There must be a special place in hell for people like that.
Prayers for the friends and families of the fallen and wounded.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:45 AM | Comments (2)
A Warning To All Americans by Naval Aviator, Commander Jerry Wilson
From Naval Aviator, Commander Jerry Wilson
We lived in California during the winters of 2007 and 2008. We became addicted to Fox News and watched O'Reilly and Hannity and Colmes every night. When we got back home, we upgraded our cable to get Fox. I watched the Presidential campaign very closely. Initially because I thought the Democrats would nominate Hillary Clinton and then in astonishment when they chose an even more hard-left candidate. All of last year I told everyone I could that Obama was not a Democrat, he was a Marxist. He is far to the left of any European leader and even our far left party, the NDP.
I read Saul Alinsky when I was in University. I studied him and his writing carefully. When Bill Ayers and his idiot wife were bombing and killing people at random in the Weather Underground. Weather Underground and the Black Panthers were closely allied. I read David Horowitz's account of changing from a Marxist to a conservative after seeing that the government was afraid to prosecute members of the Panthers for murdering his personal assistant. He suddenly understood the evil that Marxism really was.
After the student radicals failed in creating a Marxist revolution in the United States by violent means, they embraced Alinsky. You would be wise to read "Rules for Radicals" because it outlines how Hillary and Obama planned to get into power, and what they intended to do when they got it.
Socialism is not the correct descriptor for what Obama and the Democrats are doing. They are going to be much more far reaching than anything Sweden has ever been able to do. Obama is following Alinsky's plans, those set out in "Rules for Radicals" and his other writing. The Democrats are attempting to create one party rule in the U.S. and in achieving that, will create crisis after crisis by their own actions and use those crisis to nationalize the means of production in the U.S. You are in the middle of a communist revolution and few in the U.S. . can actually see it for what it truly is.
The U..S. is now on the path of financial destruction. The Constitution has been shredded and individual human rights are being trampled. In less than 8 months Obama has used a recession to take over the two largest industries in the U.S. He will debase the Dollar and is on the road to creating an incredible energy shortage that will allow him and Congress to take over the energy industry.
But by and large I think that by the 2010 elections, the Democrats will have gerrymandered electoral districts to the point that it will be impossible for them to lose control of both houses of Congress. The incredible increase in the money supply is going to create Zimbabwe and Venezuela style inflation, and with it, controls on the currency and the amount of money that can be taken out of the country.
I love America , I cannot believe how the ignorance of the American public has created a situation whereby they are going to lose their Republic and slip into an age of repression and tyranny.
I may be nuts, but so far I have been 100% in my predictions of what Obama was going to do, because I merely had to look at "Rules for Radicals" to see what was coming next.
I read Glenn Beck's book, "Common Sense" and in it re-read Thomas Paines pamphlet with the same name. I recommend the book.
When the storm finally hits (and it will), those of you who supported the Obama administration will be affected as well. It won't just be us gun owners or Flat-Taxers, or Pro-Lifers that get hit. You'll be right there next to us.
You all thought the Conservatives were nut cases. You know, all of us who believe in God, small government, the Second Amendment, etc. You thought you could just go back to sleep after the election was over. In your world, America will continue as before. You'll still have the same rights, the same nice house, the same big screen television. After all, your high school football team won and the other team lost - go team! Even if you have bothered to look up from the daily grind since Nov 4th, you dismissed everything that has occurred as "politics as usual-the same old stuff".
In the end, it'll all be OK won't it? Not this time.
There are a growing number of citizens in the US that are ready to fight to shut down the government's grab of personal freedom, it's blatant abuse of the constitution, and it's attempt to replace the American way of life with socialism. You have to listen carefully to hear them, but they are there. I won't start that fight, but when it goes down I will join it.
As for you, why, you'll be shocked because you didn't see it coming. And eventually you'll be saddened when you see that we have truly lost the way of life with which you grew up. You'll be saddened that your children and grandchildren live in a socialist, government-controlled gulag where their every movement from cradle to grave is tracked by the government. But most of all, you'll be saddened by the death of friends and relatives who are brave enough to fight and die for something they believe in.
You know, McCain wasn't much of a candidate. I'll give you that. He was the lesser of two evils for most of us. I don't blame you for not voting for him since, at the time, you didn't know what we all know now. But at least John McCain was an American. He was a supporter of the American way of life and he understood that you can't negotiate with terrorists. He understood and appreciated the sacrifice made by my father and other members of the Greatest Generation.
Mark my words friends. All across America groups are forming. They are forming out of anger and out of desperation at the thought of losing America .
They're not militia groups, terrorists as the Department of Homeland security would have you believe; they are Americans, loyal to the constitution. They are mothers and fathers and grandparents. They belong to groups like the Minutemen Civil Defense Corps, the Peaceful Resistance, the Constitution Party, the Young Conservatives, the 9/12 Project, and Grassfire. Right now they are fragmented, each focused on their own cause.
But sometime in the next two years, our government is going to do something really stupid and these groups will come together. Watch for it, wait for it-get ready. It will happen.
When that event happens, whatever "it" is, our great country is going to plunge into chaos for a while.. I pray to God that we make it through that time and emerge a stronger, smarter country.
Naval Aviator, Commander
Jerry Wilson
Live Free or Die Fighting
Wild Thing's comment.......
We saw it so clearly that we couldn't believe that the rest of America couldn't see it too. And still there are so many blind to what is going on . don't understand is why people couldn't see it in these people before they voted for him and his buddies?? It was so evident that it was like a red flag waving before a bull.
Obama's every action has been to destroy the free market and republican principles of this nation. His every foreign policy move has weakened us.
It is his intent...it is all part of his fundamental change. He is a marxist ideologue and he, his adherants, and his handlers mean to destroy American as we have known it.
....Thank you Horace for sending this to me.
Horace Smith, Pvt. E-1, USAR
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:40 AM | Comments (3)
November 05, 2009
Deadly Mass Shooting At Fort Hood Army Base In Texas
At least 7 are dead and 30 were injured after 3 gunmen opened fire on a crowd at Fort Hood in Texas.
Reuters reported:
At least seven people were killed and 12 wounded in a shooting at the Fort Hood, Texas, U.S. Army base Thursday, local media reported.
One gunman was in custody and another was on the loose at the military base, one of the largest military installations in the world, local media reported. There could be a third shooter involved, MSNBC reported.
Via FOX News– The FBI says terrorism was not involved. The shootings began about 1:30 p.m. Thursday at a personnel and medical processing center at Ft. Hood. 6 of the 7 victims were military.
The base is still on lockdown.
Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX) reports on MSNBC that there may be 30 wounded.
McClatchey reports that the shooters used M-16 rifles.
KCEN-TV in Waco
KCEN-TV reports that about '500 military personnel are moving sacross the base' in order to secure it. Two suspects now in custody.
KWTX-TV and CNN reporting nine dead.
KCEN-TV is now reporting that there are two additional areas reporting shots fired. This is unconfirmed.
Reporting - 12 dead and 31 wounded.
SNIPPET: “KILLEEN, Texas - Officials at the Fort Hood Army Base in Killeen say 12 people are dead and about 30 are wounded in a mass shooting on the Fort property.
According to officials, a soldier carrying two handguns opened fire at about 1:30 p.m. Thursday at the Soldier Readiness Center at the post in Killeen, Texas.
“It would be an environment that would be very susceptible to casualties or injuries,” Killeen City Manager Connie Green said.
Officials said the gunman was shot and killed after quick response from security officers.
At least two other soldiers were taken into custody.
Army personnel said a civilian police officer was among the deceased. At least six of the wounded were military.
“We’re praying that those who are injured … are not seriously injured,” Green said.
The Fort Hood public affairs spokesman said the Army has set up a special operations center to handle the response.
The official base Web site posted a message that it is on lock down and in an emergency situation. It also urged people to stay indoors.
Nine schools on the base — seven elementary and two middle — are included in the lock down.
Military Major Malik Hassan, a convert to Islam, originally from Virginia, is the Prime Suspect and now dead, killed by two PD Ofc
The shooter was killed and two other suspects, who are also soldiers, have been apprehended, Lt. Gen. Robert W. Cone said.
The general said there were "eyewitness accounts of more than one shooter," and the others were tracked to an adjacent facility.
Cone said that a gunman entered a facility known as the Soldier Readiness Facility, where soldiers who are preparing to deploy go for last minute medical check ups and dental treatment. Sources told ABC News that the soldiers gathered there were getting ready to deploy to Iraq.
The gunman used two handguns, Cone said. He wasn't sure if the shooter reloaded the weapons during the attack.
"The gunman opened fire and essentially due to the quick respond of the police forces was killed," said Cone.
The shooter was killed by civilian law enforcement and one police officer died in the shootout, Cone said.
The gunman's suspected accomplices were taken into custody in an adjacent facility known as the old SportsDome Complex.
OMG...OMG....Fort Barack Obama Gives "Shout-Out" Before He Comments on Shooting -- FOX News
Wild Thing's comment......
Prayers for the victims and their families. I will update as things come on the news.
I am not positive , but I think this is the Facebook for the shooter that was shot.
He is convert no less; the most dangerous type of jihadi. In a sane version of America, all madrassas and mosques would be shut down immediately !! And also when anyone in our military converts to Islam they should be kicked OUT asap!!!!!! Isalm is not religion, it is a LAW they follow, it is dangerous to our troops and to all of us. This was a TERRORIST ATTACK! Like the Muslim convert grenade thrower in Kuwait. He didn’t want to fight against his Muslim brethren.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 PM | Comments (21)
Kerry and Graham Whip Up Compromise on Global Warming / Cap and Trade
Kerry and Graham whip up compromise on global warming
Even as a Senate global-warming bill remained in limbo with Democrats refusing to delay a committee vote until an economic analysis was completed, hopes rose for a potential bipartisan compromise.
The Senate, meanwhile, appears to be moving away from the bill, authored by Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., and Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., which would require a 20 percent reduction in carbon emissions by 2020 and would have the government sell the right to emit carbon dioxide.
Even as Boxer conducted an unusual one-sided hearing on her bill in the Environment and Public Works Committee, Kerry, Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C. and Sen. Joe Lieberman, I-Conn., held a news conference to announce they are working on a compromise that might attract GOP votes and has earned a tentative endorsement from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.
Boxer supports this separate effort and made note of it during the hearing. She said the chamber's endorsement was "a game changer."
Kerry, Lieberman and Graham released few details about the new bill, but said it would include a cap and trade proposal. They said it would also address increasing nuclear energy, more drilling and clean coal technology, all initiatives that are high on the wish list of Republicans willing to work on a climate change compromise.
Kerry said he and Graham have already had meetings about the new proposal with White House officials, including Interior Secretary Ken Salazar.
The compromise effort increases the chances that a global warming bill could pass the Senate sometime in the next year or two, as the original Kerry-Boxer bill had little GOP support and lots of moderate Democratic opposition.
Boxer, meanwhile, plans to push forward Thursday on the original bill, despite a letter sent late Wednesday from moderate Republicans, including Graham, asking the EPA for an in-depth analysis before proceeding.
Republicans said if Boxer proceeded to vote on amendments or on passing the bill out of committee this week, it would violate rules requiring at least two Republican senators to be present and would kill any chance of bipartisan compromise on climate change legislation.
"Choosing to set aside the committee's longstanding rules would jeopardize our ability to work together on other issues,' " The committee's top Republican, James Inhofe, R-Okla, warned Boxer, before walking out.
Boxer allowed Democratic members to speak Wednesday, and she and other lawmakers interviewed Democratic committee staff about the bill. She said Republicans are simply trying to stall climate change legislation and should be satisfied with information on the bill the EPA has already provided.
"We are here to fill the record with why we feel it is so important to move forward," said Boxer. "And why the Republican reason for not showing up is totally without merit."
Lindsey Graham warns GOP against going too far right
The morning after Republicans lost an upstate New York House seat, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) warned that conservative activists will bring destruction to the Republican Party if they drive out moderate candidates across the country.
“To those people who are pursuing purity, you’ll become a club not a party,” Graham told POLITICO in the Capitol Wednesday. “Those people who are trying to embrace conservatism in a thoughtful way that fits the region and the state and the district are going to do well. Conservativism is an asset. Blind ideology is not.”
Graham, who has sparred with his party’s right wing on issues ranging from climate change to Guantanamo Bay to Sonia Sotomayor’s Supreme Court nomination, warned that those concerned about the state of the GOP should help find candidates who are electable — not ones who adhere to a particular type of ideology. And he said that both the GOP nominee, Dede Scozzafava and the conservative party candidate Doug Hoffman were both out of the mainstream of the upstate New York district – which lead to the victory of Democrat Bill Owens Tuesday night.
“If your goal is to make everybody just like you in terms of ideology, that’s a self-centered approach to politics,” Graham said.
Wild Thing's comment......
I am so sick of these turncoat mole politicians with an R beside their name voting for the liberal bills giving the Dems their precious “bipartisan”.
He’s been in DC since 1995.
Hey Twinkle Toes........YOU and your ilk are whats wrong with the Republican Party! Conservatives will make it their life’s work to unseat you in the next election!
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 AM | Comments (9)
Newt Gingrich on Hoffman, Scozzafava, and NY-23
Newt Gingrich on Sean Hannity's show "explaining" why he endorsed Scozzafava and saying that he "deeply regrets" she was chosen by the 11 local county chairs.
When asked what he would say to Conservatives that are angry at him Newt answered "they have every right to be angry, I don't blame them," he went on to say "I think she was the wrong nominee and I think it was a terrible position."
Wild Thing's comment........
LOL Newt won't say HE himself was wrong. He didn't actually admit to a mistake of himself. I heard him say that the Liberal woman was picked by a panel of 11 Republicans on the local level and he, being an outsider, felt that he should not go against their wishes. In other words, he would not stand on the right thing to do but stand on party lines. Big mistake Newt.
He is going to learn another lesson too. We remember all the things he has done to hurt Conservatives.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:50 AM | Comments (10)
Project Valour-IT Marines Making a Difference!
Marine Corps Field Artillery ..... Camp Lejeune, North Carolina
Project Valour-IT helps provide voice-controlled/adaptive laptop computers and other technology to support Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines recovering from hand wounds and other severe injuries. Items supplied include:
*Voice-controlled Laptops – Operated by speaking into a microphone or using other adaptive technologies, they allow the wounded to maintain connections with the rest of the world during recovery.
*Wii Video Game Systems – Whole-body game systems increase motivation and speed recovery when used under the guidance of physical therapists in therapy sessions (donated only to medical facilities).
*Personal GPS – Handheld GPS devices build self-confidence and independence by compensating for short-term memory loss and organizational challenges related to severe TBI and severe PTSD.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:47 AM | Comments (2)
Proclaim Liberty - Ring the Liberty Bell!
The Nation’s only traveling working Liberty Bell carries on in the tradition of the original sacred icon of 1753.
The purpose of this traveling replica Liberty Bell is to carry on the work of America’s most recognizable icon. This is a working Bell, traveling throughout the land, ringing for Liberty and tolling to honor Our American Heroes.Today, the need to motivate men to rise to protect our inalienable freedoms is equally urgent. Sustaining this great nation requires the same dedication of sacrifice. The original Liberty Bell cracked because of the demands of Liberty – another Bell has come to ring the sound of freedom. This exact replica Liberty Bell is carrying on the task and duties of Liberty today. This Bell tolls today for FREEDOM.
It is important to never forget the high price of Liberty and those patriots who have given their lives to protect it.
Wild Thing"s comment.........
Awesome tribute to our warriors and to our freedom and liberty.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:45 AM | Comments (5)
Rep. John Yarmuth (D-KY) Admits Pelosi Health Care Bill Will RAISE Taxes
Yarmuth (D-KY) saying, “Yeah – everyone knows healthcare costs are going to go up. We never said they weren’t. We’re just trying to make them go up SLOWER.”
Rep. John Yarmuth (D-KY) admitted to Fox News today that Speaker Pelosi's government takeover of health care won't lower costs for families and small businesses, saying, "Nobody ever believes we can actually bring costs down..." Speaker Pelosi has claimed that her bill which radically increases government spending and imposes crippling tax hikes on families and small businesses is focused on "lowering health care costs for all of us."
Kentucky Congressman John Yarmuth (D) was just on Fox News. In an exchange with Trace Gallagher he admitted that the Democrats never intended for the healthcare legislation to cut cost. Here are the quotes:
Trace: "But I thought the idea was to lower cost."
Yarmuth: "Nobody ever said we were ever going to bring the cost down."
Later in the exchange:
Yarmuth: "Nobody ever believed we could actually bring cost down."
Wild Thing's comment......
LOL oh dear, Obama and Pelosi and the rest of the enemy within are not going to like this Democrat saying that about Taxes. hahahaha The enemy within has been saying no new taxes for this, but all of you know that isi not true. Your all awesome I love all your input on things, thank you so much.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:40 AM | Comments (5)
November 04, 2009
CIC Obama Offers Taliban 6 Provinces for 8 Bases ~ Taliban Says NO
Mullah Zaeef, a former envoy to Pakistan, reportedly represented the Taliban side in the recent talks.
When Obama stated that he was going to reach out to the Islamic world, he was not kidding. The weakness of Obama has lead to the Taliban getting stronger. He has even given the Taliban the OK to participate in the future political landscape of Afghanistan. Apparently none of this was enough though, and now Obama is willing to share power in Afghanistan with the Taliban .
US Offers Taliban 6 Provinces for 8 Bases
By Aamir Latif
The emboldened Taliban movement in Afghanistan turned down an American offer of power-sharing in exchange for accepting the presence of foreign troops, Afghan government sources confirmed.
"US negotiators had offered the Taliban leadership through Mullah Wakil Ahmed Mutawakkil (former Taliban foreign minister) that if they accept the presence of NATO troops in Afghanistan, they would be given the governorship of six provinces in the south and northeast," a senior Afghan Foreign Ministry official told IslamOnline.net requesting anonymity for not being authorized to talk about the sensitive issue with the media.
He said the talks, brokered by Saudi Arabia and Turkey, continued for weeks at different locations including the Afghan capital Kabul.
Saudi Arabia, along with Pakistan and the United Arab Emirates, were the only states to recognize the Taliban regime which ruled Afghanistan from 1996 to 2001.
Turkish Prime Minister Reccap Erodgan has reportedly been active in brokering talks between the two sides.
His emissaries are in contact with Hizb-e-Islami (of former prime minister Gulbadin Hikmatyar) too because he is an important factor in northeastern Afghanistan."
A Taliban spokesman admitted indirect talks with the US.
"Yes, there were some indirect talks, but they did not work," Yousaf Ahmedi, the Taliban spokesman in southern Afghanistan, told IOL from an unknown location via satellite phone.
"There are some people who are conveying each others’ (Taliban and US) messages. But there were no direct talks between us and America," he explained.
Afghan and Taliban sources said Mutawakkil and Mullah Mohammad Zaeef, a former envoy to Pakistan who had taken part in previous talks, represented the Taliban side in the recent talks.
The US Embassy in Kabul denied any such talks.
"No, we are not holding any talks with Taliban," embassy spokeswoman Cathaline Haydan told IOL from Kabul.
Asked whether the US has offered any power-sharing formula to Taliban, she said she was not aware of any such offer.
"I don't know about any specific talks and the case you are reporting is not true."
Provinces for Bases
Source say that for the first time the American negotiators did not insist on the "minus-Mullah Omer" formula, which had been the main hurdle in previous talks between the two sides.
The Americans reportedly offered Taliban a form of power-sharing in return for accepting the presence of foreign troops.
"America wants 8 army and air force bases in different parts of Afghanistan in order to tackle the possible regrouping of Al-Qaeda network," the senior official said.
He named the possible hosts of the bases as Mazar-e-Sharif and Badakshan in north, Kandahar in south, Kabul, Herat in west, Jalalabad in northeast and Ghazni and Faryab in central Afghanistan.
In exchange, the US offered Taliban the governorship of the southern provinces of Kandahar, Zabul, Hilmand and Orazgan as well as the northeastern provinces of Nooristan and Kunar.
These provinces are the epicenter of resistance against the US-led foreign forces and are considered the strongholds of Taliban.
Orazgan and Hilmand are the home provinces of Taliban Supreme Commander Mullah Omer and Afghan President Hamid Karzai.
"But Taliban did not agree on that," said the senior official.
"Their demand was that America must give a deadline for its pull out if it wants negotiations to go on."
Wild Thing's comment.......
President of the United States begging the Taliban thugs for a deal!! We shouldn't be offering the Taliban anything other than bullets lubed with pork lard?
And there are Afghans who have risked their lives, and their families lives, to support us. Obama sold them out too along with our troops. Good luck getting any more support from them.
How about we exchange Obama for our troops and let Obama stay over there with his favorite terrorists the Taliban. He would fit right in and wouldn't even have to learn their language.
The Taliban would be crazy to accept this proposal. If they wait, they can have it all. If they wait long enough Obama will give them all they want over there and heck over here too. The Taliban already said no. They are ruthless but not stupid.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 AM | Comments (11)
Election Results
Republican Chris Christie took an early lead in a tight New Jersey governor's race against Democratic incumbent Jon Corzine, with an Associated Press exit poll showing independent voters strongly favoring the GOP candidate.
With 44 percent of precincts reporting Tuesday night, Christie had 49 percent of the vote and Corzine about 44. Independent candidate Chris Daggett, originally feared as a potential spoiler, had about 5 percent.
Republicans surged to victory in governor’s races in Virginia and New Jersey on Tuesday, wresting control from Democrats in both states as independents who swept Barack Obama to a historic 2008 victory broke big for the GOP. It was a troubling sign for the president and his party heading into an important midterm election year.
Conservative Republican Bob McDonnell’s victory in the Virginia governor’s race over Democrat R. Creigh Deeds and moderate Republican Chris Christie’s ouster of unpopular New Jersey Gov. Jon Corzine was a double-barreled triumph for a party looking to rebuild after being booted from power in national elections in 2006 and 2008.
The outcomes were sure to feed discussion about the state of the electorate, the status of the diverse coalition that sent Obama to the White House and the limits of the president’s influence—on the party’s base of support and on moderate current lawmakers he needs to advance his legislative priorities.
His signature issue of health care reform was dealt a blow hours before polls closed when Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid signaled that Congress may not complete health care legislation this year, missing Obama’s deadline and pushing debate into a congressional election year.
Republican Gov.-elect Bob McDonnell’s victory in Virginia over Democrat R. Creigh Deeds was a triumph for a GOP looking to rebuild after being booted from power in national elections in 2006 and 2008. It also was a setback for the White House in a swing state that was a crucial part of Obama’s electoral landslide just a year ago. The president had personally campaigned for Deeds.
Bob McDonnell Virginia Governor's Race Victory Speech
Republican Bob McDonnell easily won the Virginia governor's race Tuesday as independent voters who helped deliver the state to President Barack Obama handed the party a victory. McDonnell will be the state's first GOP governor in eight years.
Foxnews Projects Democrat Bill Owens Wins NY 23
Wild Thing's comment.......
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:50 AM | Comments (8)
Our Awesome Marines and Vaklour IT....Come and Meet Lava from "From Baghdad With Love"
When Marines enter an abandoned house in Fallujah, Iraq, and hear a suspicious noise, they clench their weapons, edge around the corner, and prepare to open fire.
What they find during the U.S. led attack on the "most dangerous city on Earth," however, is not an insurgent bent on revenge, but a tiny puppy left behind when most of the city's population fled before the bombing. Despite military law that forbids the keeping of pets, the Marines de-flea the pup with kerosene, de-worm him with chewing tobacco, and fill him up on Meals Ready to Eat.
Thus begins the dramatic rescue attempt of a dog named Lava and Lava's rescue of at least one Marine, Lieutenant Colonel Jay Kopelman, from the emotional ravages of war.
From Marines to war-time journalists to endangered Iraqi citizens, From Baghdad, With Love tells an unforgettable true story of an unlikely band of heroes who learn unexpected lessons about life, death, and war from a mangy little flea-ridden refugee.
The book "From Baghdad With Love" is a wonderful book.
Special Thanks to Maj. Mike Corrado who wrote this awesome song that perfectly describes why our Marines serve. So many people have asked us why the Marines do what they do...here you are.
Make a donation PLEASE CLICK HERE
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:49 AM | Comments (6)
List of Where SOME of the Money Went In Obama's February Stimulus Bill ~ Good Grief!
After a flurry of stimulus spending, questionable projects pile up
Sources: Office of the Senate Minority Leader, Office of Sen. Tom Coburn
By: Susan Ferrechio
The $787 billion stimulus bill was passed in February and was promised as a job saver and economy booster. Here is where some of the money went:
- $300,000 for a GPS-equipped helicopter to hunt for radioactive rabbit droppings at the Hanford nuclear reservation in Washington state.
- $30 million for a spring training baseball complex for the Arizona Diamondbacks and Colorado Rockies.
- $11 million for Microsoft to build a bridge connecting its two headquarter campuses in Redmond, Wash., which are separated by a highway.
- $430,000 to repair a bridge in Iowa County, Wis., that carries 10 or fewer cars per day.
- $800,000 for the John Murtha Airport in Johnstown, Pa., serving about 20 passengers per day, to build a backup runway.
- $219,000 for Syracuse University to study the sex lives of freshmen women.
- $2.3 million for the U.S. Forest Service to rear large numbers of arthropods, including the Asian longhorned beetle, the nun moth and the woolly adelgid.
- $3.4 million for a 13-foot tunnel for turtles and other wildlife attempting to cross U.S. 27 in Lake Jackson, Fla.
- $1.15 million to install a guardrail for a persistently dry lake bed in Guymon, Okla.
- $9.38 million to renovate a century-old train depot in Lancaster County, Pa., that has not been used for three decades.
- $2.5 million in stimulus checks sent to the deceased.
- $6 million for a snow-making facility in Duluth, Minn.
- $173,834 to weatherize eight pickup trucks in Madison County, Ill.
- $20,000 for a fish sperm freezer at the Gavins Point National Fish Hatchery in South Dakota.
- $380,000 to spay and neuter pets in Wichita, Kan.
- $300 apiece for thousands of signs at road construction sites across the country announcing that the projects are funded by stimulus money.
- $1.5 million for a fence to block would-be jumpers from leaping off the All-American Bridge in Akron, Ohio.
- $1 million to study the health effects of environmentally friendly public housing on 300 people in Chicago.
- $356,000 for Indiana University to study childhood comprehension of foreign accents compared with native speech.
- $983,952 for street beautification in Ann Arbor, Mich., including decorative lighting, trees, benches and bike paths.
- $148,438 for Washington State University to analyze the use of marijuana in conjunction with medications like morphine.
- $462,000 to purchase 22 concrete toilets for use in the Mark Twain National Forest in Missouri
- $3.1 million to transform a canal barge into a floating museum that will travel the Erie Canal in New York state.
- $1.3 million on government arts jobs in Maine, including $30,000 for basket makers, $20,000 for storytelling and $12,500 for a music festival.
- $71,000 for a hybrid car to be used by student drivers in Colchester, Vt., as well as a plug-in hybrid for town workers decked out with a sign touting the vehicle's energy efficiency.
- $1 million for Portland, Ore., to replace 100 aging bike lockers and build a garage that would house 250 bicycles
Wild Thing's comment......
ALL of them are insane, I only highlighted a few of them. LOL
There is only one item on that list worth funding. The US Forest Service Asian Longhorn Beetle study.
That beetle has the potential to devastate US forests, which would have a major impact on the US economy. There is no effective way to kill the beetle.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:48 AM | Comments (8)
Rep. Michele Bachmann, Mark Levin Thursday at High Noon, East Steps of Capitol
Washington News Observer sat down with Rep. Michele Bachmann to discuss the latest twist and turns in the health care debate. Rep. Bachmann has taken the lead in calling for citizens concerned about a government take over of health care to rally at the U.S. Capitol on Thursday, November 5th and make “house calls” on their members of Congress. Info on that event can be found .....HERE....Renew America!
Talk radio host and best selling author Mark Levin will join with Michelle Bachmann on the Capital Steps on Thursday at noon. Concerned Americans will join the top conservatives to protest the Pelosi nationalized health care disaster.
From the Representative Bachmann’s website:
Bachmann Calls on the American People to Bring the Town Hall To Washington “This is the deciding moment and the people need to make sure their representatives know where they stand.”
Washington, D.C.
WHAT: Health Care “House Call” on Washington Press Conference
WHO: Republican Members of Congress Americans concerned about our health care future Other Guests – TBA
WHEN: Thursday, November 5, 2009 from 12:00-1
WHERE: East Front Steps of the U.S. Capitol (House Side)
Congresswoman Michele Bachmann released the following statement as the House of Representatives approaches a vote on the Democrats’ health care reform proposal:
“The American people spoke loud and clear at town hall meetings all across the country throughout August. But, it would appear that Congress didn’t hear a word they had to say. The Democrats’ latest health care proposal unveiled late last week may be packaged a little differently, but it’s the same old bad bill as before.
“This bill is a trillion-dollar, budget-busting, government takeover of our health care system. It will put bureaucrats between people and their health care. It will lead to rationed care, hurting the most vulnerable amongst us first. It will break the bank, leaving our children to pay the bill with diminished freedoms and dwindling prosperity.
“The American people need to stand up again and make sure that Congress hears them this time. Speaker Pelosi is putting her bill on fast track to a vote – and it remains to be seen if the House will even get a chance to vote on the commonsense Republican alternatives. The people need to make a House Call on Washington this week and tell their Representatives to vote no to a government take-over of one-fifth of our economy. This is gangster government at its worst.
“I urge all Americans to come to Washington this Thursday. Come and meet up with your Representative and tell them that you want to control your health care.”
Bachmann believes this is one of the last chances to stop Pelosi’s push to bring Socialized Medicine to America:
“The American people need to stand up again and make sure that Congress hears them this time. Speaker Pelosi is putting her bill on fast track to a vote – and it remains to be seen if the House will even get a chance to vote on the commonsense Republican alternatives. The people need to make a House Call on Washington this week and tell their Representatives to vote no to a government take-over of one-fifth of our economy. This is gangster government at its worst.”
Wild Thing's comment..........
Actor Jon Voight will also be giving a speech at the rally. He is a Troop loving patriot and a strong Conservative. Great to see he's going to be there too.
.... Thank you Jim for sending this to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:47 AM | Comments (3)
In Country With the Our US Army and US Air Force
U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Stephen Barnes continues with his mission even thought the crotch of his pants were ripped off during a dismounted patrol across the Tangi Valley in the Wardak Province of Afghanistan Aug. 29, 2009. Barnes is a squad leader assigned to 1st Platoon, Apache Company, 2nd Battalion, 87th Infantry Regiment, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division. (U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Teddy Wade /Photo Released) 10/29/2009
U.S Army Spc. David Oliver, of Alpha Company, 1st Battalion, 4th Infantry Regiment, is enjoys his last cigarette before going out on a mission at Forward Operating Base Lane in Zabul province, Afghanistan, Oct. 11, 2009. The 1st Battalion, 4th Infantry Regiment, U.S. Army Europe is deployed throughout southern Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. (U.S. Army photo by Spc. Tia P. Sokimson/Released) 10/30/2009
U.S. Air Force explosive ordnance and disposal technicians, and U.S. Army Sgt. Zachary Cleland, a combat engineer assigned to Alpha Company, Brigade Special Troops Battalion, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division, talk after finding an improvised explosive device during a patrol in the streets of the Tangi Valley in the Wardak Province of Afghanistan, Aug. 28, 2009. (U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Teddy Wade / Released) 10/29/2009
An Mi-35 Hind helicopter fires its 12.9mm gatling gun during a training sortie over southern Afghanistan . U.S. Airmen with the 438th Air Expeditionary Training Group use the helicopter to train Afghan aviators while deployed to Kandahar Air Field. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Angelita Lawrence/Released)
[The Gatling gun, lower left pointing upward, is inactive here.]
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:45 AM | Comments (7)
North Houston Tea Party HUGE Turnout TEA Party at the Sam Houston Race Track
Houston Tea Party rally draws more than 10,000
More than 10,000 people turned out Monday night for a North Houston Tea Party Patriots gathering to protest proposed health care reform and what they called big government spending and overzealous government leadership, according to preliminary attendance figures.
Under clear skies and a perfect moon, crowds packed the field at the Sam Houston Race Park and cheered loudly as speakers called for the people to take control of the American government. Wearing slogans that said “Don't Tread on Me” and T-shirts stating, “I am a Tea Party Patriot — I will defend our Constitution,” those attending the event enthusiastically showed support for more constraints on the government and more personal freedom.
“This isn't about ‘I can't stand Barack Obama' — this is about ‘I can't stand a government that will tread on me,' ” said Houston radio talk show host and TV anchor Joe “Pags” Pagliarulo to a rousing burst of applause from the audience.
“Taxes are going up because we have to pay for health care for people who are here illegally,” Pagliarulo said. “We have to pay for health care for people who don't want health care ... We've got a government that's run amok — we've got a government that doesn't care about you or me. It cares about power, it cares about control.”
More than 10,000 people gathered at Sam Houston Race Park Monday night to make a political statement. Organizers believe it was the largest tea party in Houston.
Joe Pags was the MC. He did a fine job through out the entire event.
Apostle Claver gave the Invocation. It was really awesome! Later on, Claver came out and gave a talk that only he can do; He spoke and it was just magical. He mentioned at the end that he would like to see a TEA Party on MLK day because, MLK was Conservative.
If you have not seen Apostle Claver speak in public, seek him out! Really! You will not be sorry.
A taped message from Glenn Beck was played. It was somewhat of a pep talk.
Outlaw Dave came up next. That guy really believes in the 2nd Amendment.
Walton or Johnson (I’m not sure which one) was next. The guy that did speak said he was “the radical one”.
Lord Monckton, the Keynote Speaker, was next. Lord Monckton is a fascinating guy. He speaks out against Manmade Global Warming because not only is the science faulty (his opinion), but because it will take our freedom away. He also spoke about how the President will be signing the Copenhagen Treaty in December and that will give a good bit of our freedoms away.
The last speaker was Mattress Mack. He spoke about the recent fire at his business, Gallery Furniture, and how the brave firefighters were there to help everyone and put out the fire. He gave that as an example of good government. But then he got up the next day and started rebuilding. Of course he did not get nor ask for a government bailout. He did have an interesting twist on things: He believes that unless we are able to work and have the fruits of our own labor, we are not truly free.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Bravo Houston!
....Thank you Horace for sending this to me.
Horace Smith, Pvt. E-1, USAR
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:40 AM | Comments (2)
November 03, 2009
He's Baaaaak...........Rev. Wright
September 17 OF THIS YEAR, “praising Marxism and discussing his ties to communists in El Salvador and Nicaragua and the Libyan government.”
Rev. Wright: U.S. 'land of greed and home of slave'
Celebrates 60th anniversary of Marxist publication
By Jerome R. Corsi
A new video has surfaced of Rev. Jeremiah Wright's speech at the 60th anniversary celebration of the independent socialist magazine, the Monthly Review, in which his antagonism for the United States is on display.
In the New York City speech Sept. 17, 2009, Wright, President Barack Obama's pastor for about 20 years, once again reveals his disdain and lack of respect for the United States of America as he identified his belief in black-liberation theology with the Marxist ideology that is central to the Monthly Review.
Calling the United States, "the land of the greed and the home of the slave," Wright's antipathy to the United States was clear from how he described his personal history.
"My background consists of childhood experiences in racist America; teenage years in a segregated country that has never apologized for slavery; college years which were molded in the cauldron of the sit-ins in Richmond, Va., the capital of the Confederacy; six years in the military which showed me the inside and the underside of the beast Martin Luther King called 'the Number One purveyor of violence on the planet,'" Wright said as began to explain his "social location" to the audience.
Citing the importance of Karl Marx and the Marxist ideology to his own intellectual history, Wright stressed the importance of his exposure to revolutionary socialist political parties in Latin America, including the FMLN in El Salvador and Sandinistas in Nicaragua, as well as a 1984 trip with Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan to visit Muammar Gadhafi in Libya.
"If I help a homeless child, they will call me a saint," he explained, "but if I ask why there are homeless, they will call me a socialist. That's what Martin Luther King said he was. I will be proud to be called a socialist because I want to know why in this country there are homeless."
Wright maintained racism was built into the Constitution in that Africans were defined as "property, not people" and said it was an environment in which "property trumped people."
He also called for a "New World Socialist Order" in which the U.S. legal system would be reconstituted in favor of the poor.
Wild Thing's comment...........
LOL Well ok Rev. Wright, but don't stay away for so long this time. We missed you.....NOT. hahhaa
Honestly I hope he does stay around and speak at alot of places and then visit the White House and be very obviously in public view. He is such a great "thing" for our side the more he talks.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 AM | Comments (9)
Election Day " Bring It On" ~ William Shatner
Wild Thing's comment............
LMAO I love this.And it is perfect to show for today with the election happening. Here we have the heh heh perfect candidate.
......Thank you SSGT Steve
SSgt Steve
1st MarDiv, H Co., 2nd Bn, 5th Marine Regiment
2/5 Marines, Motto: "Retreat, Hell"
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (7)
Hoffman and Christie and Others Election Day
Robert Gibbs Downplays Tuesday's Election Results
Sean Hannity interviewing NY Congressional Candidate Doug Hoffman along with Fred and Jeri Thompson.
ACORN Aims to Tip New Jersey Election in Corzine's Favor
Fearing a potentially devastating Democratic loss, the highly controversial Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) group and its affiliated organizations are gearing up to tip the scales and re-elect embattled incumbent in the hard-fought New Jersey gubernatorial race, sources tell Newsmax.
"Acorn is heavily involved in Gov. Jon Corzine's get-out-the-vote operation, but is maintaining a low profile at the insistence of the Corzine campaign," Matthew Vadum, senior editor of the conservative Capitol Research Center think tank, tells Newsmax. "If Corzine manages to win reelection, he doesn't want the victory tainted by his close association with Acorn."
Wall Street Journal columnist and author John Fund wrote Tuesday that "Plenty of reasons exist for suspecting absentee fraud may play a significant role in tomorrow's Garden State contests."
According to Fund, Acorn-linked groups from neighboring Pennsylvania and New York "appear to have moved into the state."
Fund also reports that the state's Democratic Party is pressuring county clerks around the Garden State to downplay signature checks on absentee ballots. Without such checking, it is very difficult to detect absentee vote fraud.
A search of the Acorn.org Web site shows that the organization has a heavy presence in New Jersey. It maintains offices in Jersey City, Trenton, Paterson, and Newark.
The group could play an important role in voter turnout, which many pundits predict will determine whether Corzine or his Republican challenger, Chris Christie, emerges victorious.
The latest Quinnipiac poll shows Christie clinging to a narrow 42 percent to 40 percent lead over Corzine, with independent Christopher Daggett garnering 12 percent. Among those Daggett voters who say they may change their minds, Christie is preferred 39 percent to 29 percent.
While those trends would appear to favor Christie, Republicans haven't forgotten the prolonged Minnesota recount battle that ended with Democrat Al Franken being awarded the victory over GOP incumbent Sen. Norm Coleman. The bitter lesson drawn by many Republicans: Once officials in a heavily Democratic state declare a race close enough for a recount, all bets are off.
"If there is a recount," Fund writes, "you can bet disputes about absentee ballots will loom large. Moreover, if serious allegations of fraud emerge, you can also expect less-than-vigorous investigation by the Obama Justice Department -- which showed just how seriously it takes such allegations when it walked away from an open-and-shut voter intimidation case against the New Black Panther Party in Philadelphia earlier this year."
Absentee ballots become critical in every recount, and New Jersey officials are reporting an marked increase in requests for absentee ballots.
"There has been a reported surge in absentee balloting, which might be suspicious but isn't necessarily proof of anything," Vadum tells Newsmax.
Fund reports that state officials received "a flood" of over 180,000 requests for absentee ballots.
"On some 3,000 forms the signature doesn't match the one on file with county clerks," Fund adds. "Yet citing concerns that voters would be disenfranchised, Democratic Party lawyer Paul Josephson wrote New Jersey's secretary of state asking her 'to instruct County Clerks not to deny applications on the basis of signature comparison alone.'"
Fund reports voter-fraud allegations have marred several New Jersey elections in recent years.
N.J. Democrats Paying for Daggett Robocalls
Sources tell Save Jersey that Democrat State Chairman Joe Cryan is refusing to deny NJSDC involvement in a Pro-Daggett, Anti-Christie robocall.
The first clue was that the number used to make the robocalls had also been used for robocalls for Maryland Democrat Governor candidate Martin O’Malley in 2006. Of course, the Daggett campaign could have just hired a Democrat firm to make the calls, Today, however, we have definitive proof that the New Jersey Democratic State Committee is paying for ads attacking GOP candidate Chris Christie and promoting Independent candidate Chris Daggett.
Wild Thing's comment.........
ACORN is just begging for it.....They will rue the day.
You just have to laugh. Corzine is afraid ACORN will “taint” his victory. Corzine is as toxic as a cesspool himself with regards to all sorts of public, political and private corruption, and he is worried about ACORN’s newly won bad rep as vote fraudsters. Unbelievable!
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:49 AM | Comments (5)
Let Your Voice Be Heard: A Message From Congressman Mike Pence
AWESOME! Congressman Mike Pence released the following video, urging all Americans to rise up and let their voices be heard in regard to the Pelosi health care plan.
Here’s the transcript–
“As President Ronald Reagan said: ‘Since the American founding, we have been a people with a government, not the other way around.’”
“Now comes the Pelosi plan for a government takeover of health care. It is a freight train of runaway spending, bloated bureaucracy, mandates and higher taxes.
“If the liberals in Washington have their way, they will forever change the relationship between the government and ‘we the people.’
“If the Pelosi plan for a government takeover of health care passes, we will each become dependent on the political class in Washington for the provision of services of the most urgent and personal nature.
“Illness, our own, or more importantly the illness of a parent, or a spouse, or a child, has the capacity to suspend our priorities.
“What was important before the crisis grows dim in the harsh light of disease affecting a loved one.
“The Pelosi health care plan targets us when we are most vulnerable.
“The Pelosi health care plan makes us dependent on the state at the most urgent moment in the life of our family.
“Their hope: that little by little, we’ll yield our freedoms and our resources to the ever-growing appetite of the federal government.
“After years of runaway federal spending, borrowing, bailouts and takeovers, it’s easy to give way to despair; but I assure you: there is a remnant that still cherishes freedom, personal responsibility and limited government all across this land.
“I have seen it in the faces of ordinary Americans who have traveled to rallies, town halls and tea parties. I have read it in my mail. I have heard it from friends and neighbors who have lost their jobs but not lost their faith in America.
“The time has come for those who still cherish our ideals—the ideals of our founding: life, liberty and the pursuit of the American dream—to arise.
“Wherever you are, whoever you are, let your voice be heard.
“Republicans in Congress who are standing in the gap, cannot do this alone.
“I often tell my colleagues that a minority in Congress plus the American people equals a majority.
“‘We the people’ have the power to stop out-of-control spending at the federal level.
“‘We the people’ have to power to stop the Pelosi health care plan, in its effort to take over one-sixth of the American economy.
“And ‘we the people’ have the ability to protect the finest health care system this world has ever known and demand real health care reform that will reduce the cost of health care without growing government.
“I appeal to you not as Republicans or Democrats, liberals or conservatives, but as Americans.
“You cherish freedom, you fear the crushing weight of big government and debt that Congress and this Administration are leaving to our posterity, and you still believe that the strength of this nation is in the character and courage and ingenuity of the American people, and not the politicians and the bureaucrats.
“This is your moment, now is your time, let your voice be heard.”
Wild Thing's comment..........
Pence is someone Conservatives should be keeping an eye on...he’s making many good waves
I have forwarded this video to others as well.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:48 AM | Comments (1)
Sarah Palin Response to Vice President Biden's Comments
Palin's Latest Facebook Note
As the vice president knows, I have always advocated an all-of-the-above approach to American energy independence. Among other things, my alternative energy goal for Alaska sits at 50 percent because Alaska reached more than 20 percent during my term in office. The Obama-Biden administration, on the other hand, recently announced a renewable goal of only 25 percent. However, domestic drilling should remain a top priority in order to meet America’s consumption and security needs.
The vice president’s extreme opposition to domestic energy development goes all the way back to 1973 when he opposed the Alaska pipeline bill. As Ann Coulter pointed out, “Biden cast one of only five votes against the pipeline that has produced more than 15 billion barrels of oil, supplied nearly 20 percent of this nation’s oil, created tens of thousands of jobs, added hundreds of billions of dollars to the U.S. economy and reduced money transfers to the nation’s enemies by about the same amount.”
This nonsensical opposition to American domestic energy development continues to this day. Apparently the Obama-Biden administration only approves of offshore drilling in Brazil, where it will provide security and jobs for Brazilians. This election is about American security and American jobs.
There’s one way to tell Vice President Biden that we’re tired of folks in Washington distorting our message and hampering our nation’s progress: Hoffman, Baby, Hoffman!
- Sarah Palin
Wild Thing's comment.......
Game, set, and match: Palin.
LOL Good one Sarah!!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (8)
Dinner at Eight But Who Is Knocking On The White House Door To Get In......
The White House has been barraged with requests to release the names of its visitors.
Some of the Names you can find on the list are Bill Ayers 2x, George Soros 4x, Michael Moore 8X, the head of the ACORN affiliated Union the SEIU Andrew Stern 20x,Jeremiah Wright, GE/NBC head Jeff Immelt 5x, Jesse Jackson 6x, John Edwards2x, Al Sharpton 2x, and of course television goddess Oprah Winfrey.
Surprise! Guess who visited White House
By Aaron Klein
Malik Zulu Shabazz, national chairman of the radical New Black Panther Party, refused to confirm or deny to WND whether he visited the White House since President Obama took office, despite his name appearing on a recent administration disclosure.
Shabazz's namesake was among the 110 names and 481 visits released by the White House on Friday as part of the Obama administration's so-called volunteer disclosure policy. The names were just a fraction of the hundreds of thousands of visitors who have gone through the White House's doors since January.
Among the famous names that stood out on the brief list were Shabazz, Jeremiah Wright and William Ayers.
The White House blog claimed all three names were "false positives" – names that make you think of a well-known person, but are actually someone else.
Added the official blog: "In September, requests were submitted for the names of some famous or controversial figures (for example Michael Jordan, William Ayers, Michael Moore, Jeremiah Wright, Robert Kelly, and Malik Shabazz). The well-known individuals with those names never actually came to the White House. Nevertheless, we were asked for those names, and so we have included records for those individuals who were here and share the same names."
Other famous names confirmed to have visited the White House include Oprah Winfrey and George Soros.
Asked by WND to confirm or deny he had visited the White House, Shabazz replied by e-mail "no comment on that one."
There is no known record of Shabazz visiting the White House.
WND previously broke the story that Shabazz's New Black Panther Party, or NBPP, endorsed Obama on its own page of the presidential candidate's official site, which allowed registered users to post their own blogs.
The NBPP labeled itself on Obama's site as representing "freedom, justice and peace for all of mankind." It linked to the official NBPP website, which contains what can be arguably regarded as hate material.
Shabazz's NBPP is a controversial black extremist party whose leaders are notorious for their racist statements and for leading anti-white activism. Shabazz has given scores of speeches condemning "white men" and Jews.
His NBPP's official platform stated, "White man has kept us deaf, dumb and blind," referred to the "white racist government of America," demanded black people be exempt from military service and used the word Jew repeatedly in quotation marks.
Shabazz has led racially divisive protests and conferences, such as the 1998 Million Youth March, in which a few thousand Harlem youths reportedly were called upon to scuffle with police officers and speakers demanded the extermination of whites in South Africa.
The NBPP chairman was quoted at a May 2007 protest against the 400-year celebration of the settlement of Jamestown, Va., stating, "When the white man came here, you should have left him to die."
He claimed Jews engaged in an "African holocaust," and he has promoted the anti-Semitic urban legend that 4,000 Israelis fled the World Trade Center just prior to the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.
When Shabazz was denied entry to Canada last May while trying to speak at a black action event, he blamed Jewish groups and claimed Canada "is run from Israel."
Canadian officials justified the action, stating he has an "anti-Semitic" and "anti-police" record, but some reports blamed what was termed a minor criminal history for the decision to deny him entry.
He similarly blamed Jews for then–New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani's initial decision, later rescinded, against granting a permit for the Million Youth March.
In a 1993 speech condemned by the U.S. Congress and Senate, late NBPP chairman Khallid Abdul Muhammad, lionized on the NBPP site, referred to Jews as "bloodsuckers," labeled the pope a "no-good cracker" and advocated the murder of white South Africans who would not leave the nation subsequent to a 24-hour warning.
All NBPP members must memorize the group's rules, such as that no party member "can have a weapon in his possession while drunk or loaded off narcotics or weed," and no member "will commit any crimes against other party members or black people at all."
The deceased chairman of the NBPP, Khallid Abdul Muhammad, is a former Nation of Islam leader who was once considered Louis Farrakhan's most trusted adviser. Muhammad gave speeches referring to the "white man" as the devil and claiming that "there is a little bit of Hitler in all white people."
White House Visitor Log Lists Stars and C.E.O.’s
Wild Thing's comment.......
Now we must be fair to Soros, after all Soros should be allowed to visit whenever he wants he bought and paid for the the last election. heh heh Pay to play, the Chicago way.
Just imagine the wants requesting to be invited and maybe even to stay in the Lincoln Bedroom. I will always remember the very long list the Clinton's had for the Lincoln Bedroom when they were er ah in charge. It was more like a drive in motel the amount of people that stayed there.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:46 AM | Comments (4)
The Price of Pelosi Bill is Now Up to $1.2 Trillion and Threatens U.S. Medical Education System
The Price of Pelosi Bill is Now Up to $1.2 Trillion
The health care bill headed for a vote in the House this week costs $1.2 trillion or more over a decade, according to numerous Democratic officials and figures contained in an analysis by congressional budget experts, far higher than the $900 billion cited by President Obama as a price tag for his reform plan.
While the Congressional Budget Office has put the cost of expanding coverage in the legislation at roughly $1 trillion, Democrats added billions more on higher spending for public health, a reinsurance program to hold down retiree health costs, payments for preventive services and more.
Many of the additions are designed to improve benefits or ease access to coverage in government programs. The officials who provided overall cost estimates did so on condition of anonymity, saying they were not authorized to discuss them.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has referred repeatedly to the bill's net cost of $894 billion over a decade for coverage.
Asked about the higher estimate, Pelosi spokesman Brendan Daly said the measure not only insures 36 million more Americans, it provides critical health insurance reform in a way that is fiscally sound.
"It will not add one dime to the deficit. In fact, the CBO said last week that it will reduce the deficit both in the first 10 years and in the second 10 years," Daly said.
Republicans put the cost of the bill at nearly $1.3 trillion.
"Our goal is to make it as difficult as possible for" Democrats to pass it, House Republican leader John Boehner, R-Ohio, said at a news conference. "We believe it is the wrong prescription."
One day after announcing Republicans would have an alternative measure, Boehner offered few details. He said it would omit one of the central provisions in Democratic bills — a ban on the insurance industry's practice of denying coverage on the basis of pre-existing medical conditions. Instead, he said the Republicans would encourage creation of insurance pools for high-risk individuals and take other steps to ease their access to coverage.
Rep. Mike Pence, R-Ind., the third-ranking leader, said that Democrats looked at their bill as a way to advance universal coverage. In contrast, he said, Republicans "believe the real issue back home is cost" of insurance, and said their alternative would be designed to tackle it.
In House bill, tax hits rich
The typical family would be spared higher taxes from the House Democratic plan to overhaul health care, and their low-income neighbors could come out ahead.
Their wealthy counterparts, however, face big tax increases that could eventually hit future generations of taxpayers who are less wealthy.
The bill is funded largely from a 5.4% tax on individuals making more than $500,000 a year and couples making more than $1 million, starting in 2011. The tax increase would hit only 0.3% of tax filers, raising $460.5 billion over the next 10 years, according to congressional estimates.
But unlike other income tax rates, the new tax would not be indexed for inflation. As incomes rise over time because of inflation, more families — and more small business owners — would be hit by the tax.
"Twenty years from now, we're going to see more and more small businesses ensnared into paying higher taxes," said Rep. Dave Camp of Michigan, the top Republican on the tax-writing House Ways and Means Committee.
The tax would hit only 1.2% of taxpayers who claim business income on their returns, according to the estimates by the nonpartisan Joint Committee on Taxation. But that percentage would grow as business owners' nominal incomes rise with inflation.
In 2011, a family of four with an income of $800,000 a year would get a $24,000 tax increase, when the new tax is combined with an increase in the top two tax brackets proposed by President Obama and other scheduled tax changes, according to an analysis by Deloitte Tax. That's a 12.5% increase in federal income taxes.
A family of four making $5 million a year would see a $434,500 tax increase, about a 32% increase, according to the analysis.
"These are very big numbers and very high effective tax rates," said Clint Stretch, a tax policy expert at Deloitte Tax.
The new health care tax would come on top of other tax increases for the wealthy proposed by Obama. The top marginal income tax rate now is 35%, on income above $372,950. Obama wants to boost the top rate to 39.6% in 2011 by allowing some of the tax cuts enacted under former President George W. Bush to expire.
House Democrats said they are proud that they found a way to finance the health care package largely from a tax on the wealthy. There is, however, little appetite for a millionaire's tax in the Senate, where some hope to eventually use tax increases on the wealthy to help close the growing federal budget deficit. Also, some tax experts think it is a mistake to tap only rich people to pay for services used by all.
"If health care is a benefit that is worth having, then it's worth paying for," said William Gale, who was an adviser to President George H. W. Bush's Council of Economic Advisers and is now co-director of the Tax Policy Center. "This gives the impression that it's only worth having if someone else pays for it."
Obama promised during the presidential campaign that he would not increase taxes on couples making less than $250,000. However, the health care bill would impose new taxes on people who don't buy qualified health insurance, including those making less than $250,000 a year.
Under the bill, individuals are required to obtain health insurance coverage or pay penalties, which are described as taxes in the legislation. The penalty would be equal to the cost of an average insurance plan or a 2.5% tax on incomes above the standard threshold for filing a tax return, whichever is less. There would be waivers for financial hardships.
To help afford insurance, families with incomes up to four times the federal poverty level would qualify for subsidies. The poverty level for a family of four is $22,050 this year.
Republicans argue that the penalties violate Obama's tax pledge, and they liken the millionaire's tax to the Alternative Minimum Tax, which Congress enacted in 1969 to ensure that wealthy Americans cannot use loopholes to avoid paying any income taxes.
The AMT was never indexed for inflation, so Congress must enact a fix each year to spare about 25 million middle-income families from being hit with big tax increases.
"They're going down the same road by not indexing this tax," said the Republican lawmaker Camp.
Obamacare Threatens U.S. Medical Education System
The federal government will expand its role in training new doctors and nurses under the Democrats' healthcare reform proposals to the point that one prominent surgeon is warning of a federal "takeover" of medical education.
The HR 3962 reform bill that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi unveiled last week would provide billions in medical-education grants.
Some of those grants would help future doctors and nurses pay for their degrees in return for their participation in specific disciplines or programs.
Other grants would pay organizations to create educational and training programs under the auspices of the Department of Health and Human Services.
Democrats say the programs are a necessary aspect of bringing another 36 million individuals into the U.S. healthcare system.
The Association of American Medical Programs projects a shortage of between 124,000 and 159,000 physicians by 2025. Reform will aggravate that shortfall by an additional 25 percent, the association states.
"There is mounting evidence that a physician workforce shortage exists in primary care as well as in a number of other specialties," according to the association's report.
Opponents of healthcare reform warn that universal coverage under these circumstances can only lead to one thing: rationing of healthcare.
Fox News contributor and Newsmax pundit Dick Morris, for example, writes: "Because there will not be enough doctors, nurses, and medical equipment for the massive influx of patients under the Obama plan, there will be rationing, more draconian year after year."
Spending federal dollars to bolster training and education, and directing it toward fields in short supply, would seem one way to address that problem. But some medical experts see a darker intent behind the extensive, medical-education provisions in the reform bills that are now under consideration in the House and Senate.
Dr. Russell Blaylock, a board-certified neurosurgeon and author who is editor of the Blaylock Wellness Report published by Newsmax Media Inc., warns that reform proposals portend a "takeover of the entire medical-education system."
Blaylock told Newsmax he foresees the day when medical schools "will have to get federal approval, that they will appoint professors and set curriculum for the schools and they will direct residence and intern-training programs and set curriculum for these training programs."
He added, "Now, that means. . . federalization of medical education in the United States, which is the open door for federal medical license."
Among provisions in the House bill that suggest a bulked-up federal role in medical education:
Increased federal involvement in medical education indicates that proponents of reform "are lying," and intend to socialize the healthcare sector, Blaylock told Newsmax. Healthcare accounts for approximately one-sixth of the nation's economy.
"If you look at the history of the socialization of medicine in every country in the world it all started the same way," he said. "It's piecemeal, where there's a group of people who are not covered, and all we are trying to do is cover them. Well, then there is another group that needs to be covered, so now we cover them. And then you say, 'Well, if those two groups are getting it, why should we do it for everybody else.'"
North Carolina Rep. Virginia Foxx speaking from the House Floor today, where she said her constituents tell her they "fear" what is happening in America today - fear the loss of freedom and what the future holds. Rep. Foxx said they should be afraid. In fact, Foxx said:
“I believe we have more to fear from the potential of that bill passing than we do from any terrorist right now in any country."
Saying the Democrats' Health Care Bill, which she said is a "tax increase bill masquerading as a Health Care Bill."
Wild Thing's comment.........
And that’s in addition to all the costs they are pushing out to the States, Individuals, health care providers, and pharmaceuticals.
On the second article, I get the Blaylock Wellness Report that Dr. Baylock does and it is awesome. It always has tons of good infomration on supplements and vitamins and how to stay healthy and good thing to do to make ones heart healthy.
Can you imagine too not enough doctors and nurses etc. once this all goes into effect. Very scary.
Fox News contributor and Newsmax pundit Dick Morris, for example, writes: "Because there will not be enough doctors, nurses, and medical equipment for the massive influx of patients under the Obama plan, there will be rationing, more draconian year after year."
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:45 AM | Comments (4)
November 02, 2009
Halloween at the White House
President Obama Comes as Himself to White House Halloween Party

White House spokesman Robert Gibbs suited up as Darth Vader from the movie "Star Wars."
Wild Thing's comment......
And to think we have 3 more Halloween’s to go...now that’s a scary thought..
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:55 AM | Comments (14)
Former GOP Candidate Scozzafava Officially Supports DEM Owens After Talks With Chuck Shhumer
Scozzafava Endorses Democrat After Dropping Out of N.Y. Congressional Race
Republican Dede Scozzafava endorsed her former Democratic opponent Sunday in the race for an upstate New York congressional seat, one day after Scozzafava dropped out of the contest.
Scozzafava dropped out after Conservative Party candidate Dough Hoffman experienced a late-in-the-game surge. But on Sunday, Scozzafava backed Democrat Bill Owens -- the announcement was made in a statement send out by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.
"I am supporting Bill Owens for Congress and urge you to do the same," she said. "In Bill Owens, I see a sense of duty and integrity that will guide him beyond political partisanship. He will be an independent voice devoted to doing what is right for New York. Bill understands this district and its people, and when he represents us in Congress he will put our interests first."
Scozzafava was criticized by members of her party for being too moderate on social issues. However, it's unclear how much of an impact her endorsement will have as there were mixed messages coming out of the GOP -- a spokesman for the National Republican Congressional Committee said Saturday that Scozzafava was releasing her supporters to vote for Hoffman.
A changed race
Owens is best-equipped to represent NNY
Dierdre K. Scozzafava's decision to suspend her campaign for the 23rd Congressional District seat is a shocking development in what had already been an extraordinary race.
In her statement Saturday morning, the assemblywoman explained the reasons behind her decision: "It is increasingly clear that pressure is mounting on many of my supporters to shift their support. Consequently, I hereby release those individuals who have endorsed and supported my campaign to transfer their support as they see fit to do so."
During the day Saturday, she began to quietly and thoughtfully encourage her supporters to vote for Democrat William L. Owens.
Ms. Scozzafava finished a distant third in the latest Siena Research Institute poll with 20 percent support of likely voters. Her opponents, Mr. Owens and Conservative Douglas L. Hoffman, garnered 36 percent and 35 percent respectively.
Dede Scazzafava officially endorsed democrat Bill Owens today after she held discussions with democratic New York Senator Charles Schumer.
Lifelong Republican throws support to former Democratic rival
The Watertown Daily News reported:
Sen. Charles E. Schumer, D-N.Y., was among those who urged Dierdre K. Scozzafava to endorse Democratic congressional candidate William L. Owens, the senator’s spokesman said Saturday.
The spokesman, Maxwell Young, said the senator called a number of north country political leaders after Ms. Scozzafava suspended her campaign and had more than one conversation with the Republican candidate ahead of her announcement. He said the senator also called other Democratic leaders about the situation, including White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel.
Mr. Owens said he was “honored” by the endorsement.
“Over the course of her career, Dede has always committed to serving the people of Upstate New York before serving a partisan agenda,” he said in a statement. “Now more than ever we need bipartisan solutions to help bring jobs to Upstate New York to get our economy back on track and move our country forward. Those are the kinds of priorities I will fight for in Congress because that’s the kind of leadership Upstate New York needs right now.”
Those in the camp of the Conservative candidate Douglas L. Hoffman called Ms. Scozzafava a turncoat.
“This afternoon Dede Scozzafava betrayed the GOP,“ Senior Communications Advisor Rob Ryan said in a statement. “She endorsed a Pelosi Democrat who will spend more, tax more, and push the liberal agenda that is dragging down this nation
Wild Thing's comment.......
The GOP needs to stop backing and financing RINO's. This is what moderate and liberal republicans do. They would rather see democrats win than any hated conservative. The GOP is just going to have to step back and get out of our way...let us pick the candidates. Scozzafava was fully endorsed by the RINO Chairman of the RNC, Michael Steele, and by his fellow RINO Newt Gingrich as well.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:50 AM | Comments (8)
'Personhood' Movement Explodes in 32 States
'Personhood' movement explodes in 32 states
Pro-lifers: Wildfire effort could be death blow to abortion in Obamacare
A pro-life movement seeking to guarantee basic human rights to unborn babies is exploding in 32 states – and leaders say it could be just the key to nullifying abortion provisions in President Obama's health-care "reform."
While abortion was not specifically mentioned in earlier bills under consideration, H.R.3962, unveiled by Nancy Pelosi this week, does in fact state abortion is to be covered. Concerns are mounting that whatever the final form of the legislation, the procedure will become more accessible, requiring health insurance companies to fund abortions.
Gualberto Garcia Jones is director of Personhood Colorado and a legal analyst for Personhood USA, a grassroots Christian organization that seeks to legally define every unborn baby as a "person" protected by God-given and constitutionally protected rights, including the right to life. His organization was set up to support personhood efforts across America through legislation and constitutional amendments.
"We're trying to end abortion right now," Garcia Jones told WND. "All of our laws that we're promoting are direct challenges to Roe v. Wade. If we can get a challenge up to the Supreme Court, then that's the ideal thing. That's what we're trying to do."
The personhood approach within the pro-life movement was sparked by a statement in the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision that opened the doors for legal abortion in the U.S.
Justice Harry Blackmun wrote in the majority opinion for Roe v. Wade, "The appellee and certain amici [pro-lifers] argue that the fetus is a 'person' within the language and meaning of the Fourteenth Amendment. In support of this, they outline at length and in detail the well-known facts of fetal development. If this suggestion of personhood is established, the appellant's case, of course, collapses, for the fetus' right to life would then be guaranteed specifically by the [14th] Amendment."
According to the movement, if every unborn baby is defined as a person, each baby will be legally guaranteed the same right to life as all Americans.
"We believe – and a lot of the justices on the Supreme Court agree with us – that there is no right to privacy that would allow abortion," Garcia Jones said. "Since it's not mentioned directly in the 14th Amendment, we could use the 10th Amendment and the states' rights to police themselves and to pass laws regulating morality and health and safety to regulate abortion so it's not permitted. Basically it would be treated the same way as a homicide, where a state can regulate how they punish it and how they try to prevent it, but they could never allow it."
He continued, "We believe respect for life is in the Constitution, so therefore a state could never say you can kill a person."
Garcia Jones said the personhood movement is a timely approach considering the widespread success of the tea party movement, the states' rights movement and voter frustration with what they consider overreaching policies by the federal government.
He said citizens in 32 states are now acting to find sponsors for personhood statutes or constitutional amendments to include them on 2010 ballots.
"It's taken off so much that we're having trouble keeping up with it," he said. "Colorado, Montana, Missouri, Mississippi and California are all in the process of getting signatures."
The Los Angeles Times reported Sept. 28 that while personhood measures failed in Montana and North Dakota legislatures earlier this year, "the close votes alarmed supporters of legal abortion."
According to WND columnist Jill Stanek, pro-life legislators in Alaska, Arkansas, Hawaii, Indiana, Louisiana and Texas have also signaled their intent to introduce personhood statutes.
A national pro-life group is warning members of Congress that a vote in favor of the 1,990-page House healthcare bill is a vote to establish a federal government program that will fund abortion-on-demand with taxpayer dollars.
Page 110 the Affordable Health Care for America Act, authorizes a new government health insurance program to pay for all elective abortions.
Douglas Johnson, legislative director for the National Right to Life Committee, says: "This is a federal agency, a federal program, [and] of course it's going to spend federal funds -- that's the only kind of funds it's got. So all of these assurances that some prominent Democrats, including President Obama, have given that there won't be federal funding for abortions, that's not what's in the bill."
Mr. Johnson maintains that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-California) wants to ram the bill through Congress without the House Members having the opportunity to vote on a single amendment.
Wild Thing's comment........
This is so horrible, that they would force all of us to pay for abortions in this anti-life healh care of Obama's. I sure hope the group mentioned in the article can stop it. I bet a lot of people don't even know it is in the bill.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:49 AM | Comments (6)
Rush Limbaugh Complete Interview with Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday
Axelrod fires back at Limbaugh.
White House senior adviser David Axelrod shot back on Sunday to scathing criticism by conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh. “It is a surreal day when you are getting lectures on humility by Rush Limbaugh,” Axelrod said on CBS’s "Face The Nation."
“He is an entertainer. The president has to run the country.”Limbaugh called Obama “immature, inexperienced,” “narcissistic,” and “a child,” on "Fox News Sunday."He also accused President Barack Obama of “destroying” the economy, pursuing an “unconstitutional” health care reform plan, and “not caring” about the war in Afghanistan, in the Fox interview.“It’s no surprise that Rush Limbaugh espouses the views that he espouses,” said Axelrod. “He’s marketing the outrageous and he does very well with it.”
Here is complete video of Rush Limbaugh's extensive interview yesterday with Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday:
Wild Thing's comment........
That was a great interview with Rush.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:48 AM | Comments (3)
Is Barack Obama Anti-American?
Is Barack Obama Anti-American?
Everything has a fundamental essence, a quality that makes it uniquely itself. Take an orange, for example. It's not only a citrus fruit -- it's an orange-colored citrus fruit. Horticulturists can alter its size, its texture, its sweetness, and even (to a limited extent) its color, but as long as its color is orange, the fruit remains "an orange" because that color is its definition. Change the color, however, and suddenly you have the un-orange, the anti-orange. You have something completely different that no longer contains the essence of the original fruit. Lose the essence and you lose the orange.
America has an essence too, and that essence is liberty. Since its inception, America has been defined by liberty -- both the liberty of the individual and the liberty of the nation. As the Declaration of Independence more elegantly states, "Goverments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed." If we, the people make a social compact by which we consent to be governed, it means that government is our servant, not our master. Lincoln understood that ours is a nation boasting a "government of the people, by the people[, and] for the people."
This uniquely American precept, one that sees the power of government flowing from the people rather than controlling the people, ideally results in a situation in which citizens are subject to minimal government constraints. As the Founders envisioned American government, the state exists to optimize individual freedoms, not to control the individual.
To this end, once the Founders delineated our government's structure in the Constitution -- a structure that grants the government only specifically enumerated powers and ensures that no single branch of the government can become dominant -- the Founders immediately turned their attention to the individual freedoms enshrined in the Bill of Rights. Each of these rights is intended to optimize the citizen's power against his (or her) own government.
The First Amendment espouses the purest statement of individual rights ever set to paper and imposed against a government: American citizens can practice their religion without government interference, speak freely without government censorship, read papers untouched by government control, and gather openly and loudly to make their political views known.
Unlike citizens at all other times and in all other places, Americans can protect these broad rights with firepower, because the Second Amendment grants them the right to bear arms on their own soil, a right entirely separate from the military's obligation to protect American citizens from foreign enemies. Given that the Second Amendment was ratified on the heels of a successful revolution, the Founders manifestly intended that Americans, protected by the military abroad, were free to protect themselves from their own government at home. (To appreciate this right fully, remember that one of the first things the Nazis did was to make private arms illegal, especially for Jews.)
In the Fourth Amendment, the Founders protected American citizens from government overreach that extends into the home. This was the first time in history that a government promised its people that they did not need to fear that their own government would seize their persons, despoil their homes, or steal their property.
If the government does engage in a reasonable search and seizure, the Fifth Amendment promises that the citizens swept in the government net will be given a fair trial. Further, when the Founders stated that the government cannot force people to testify against themselves, they put a definitive end to the practice of torture, once a staple of judicial systems the world over (and one still routinely practiced in totalitarian theocracies such as Iran).
Read the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution and you will see that the American system is structured so that government is subordinate to the people, not vice-versa. The government's sole purpose is to provide a functioning framework within which American citizens can act freely to exercise their "unalienable Rights ... among these ... Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."
Liberty also extends to the nation as a whole. Both the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution are replete with examples of the Founders' absolute obsession with a free-standing national sovereignty. Indeed, the entire point of the Declaration of Independence is to establish America as a nation second to none.
The Founders, wise in the ways of man, were also aware that foreign powers can gain control, not only through aggressive acts, but also through apparent acts of friendship. Presidents who might develop overly friendly relationships with foreign leaders may not unilaterally enter into treaties unless a two-thirds (or super-) majority of the Senate ratifies the treaty. Likewise, without Congress's explicit permission, no government official may be flattered into acts contrary to American interests by accepting "any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince or foreign State."
Despite blunders of enormous magnitude (e.g., slavery, the treatment of Native Americans, and the imprisonment of American Japanese), Americans have for the most part taken their freedoms with the utmost seriousness. We have not allowed ourselves to be ruled by tyrannies, dictators or bureaucracies. We like our taxes low and our freedoms high. We tore ourselves asunder to wipe away slavery's stain. In the past ninety or so years, when we've fought wars, we haven't attempted to conquer other people. Instead, since 1917, we've shed our American blood to free others from their domestic tyrannies.
As to this last point -- namely, America's willingness to strive for freedom on behalf of other nations -- those on the Left who sneer at our "imperialist ventures" are implicitly siding with Hitler, with the North Koreans, with the Communist North Vietnamese, and with Saddam Hussein (mass murderer of his own people). While ordinary Americans have died so that others on foreign shores can live free, the Left lauds those who would deny their own citizens (or the citizens of conquered nations) the same freedoms we unthinkingly enjoy.
Our American essence, therefore, can be defined as follows: American individuals are free from control by, and fear of, their own government, and the American nation is free from control by other nations.
Barack Obama stands out as the first American president whose every instinct is contrary to America's essence. At home, every single one of his initiatives is directed at increasing government control in every area, with a corresponding decrease in individual liberty. Here's an incomplete bullet-point list of his anti-liberty goals on the home front:
•He wants to deny individuals access to the marketplace --where they can make their own decisions about their own health care -- and instead put the government entirely in charge.
•He's willing to give government control over American businesses (e.g., the bank takeovers and Government Motors).
•His administration, while on record as opposing the Fairness Doctrine, is aggressively exploring a backdoor regulatory scheme that would have precisely the same practical effect as the Fairness Doctrine: it would impose government restrictions on content, rather than allowing the market (that means us, the consumers) to control content.
•His FCC wants to control the internet, a humming beehive of free speech (much of it critical of Obama).
•As his loud battles with Rush Limbaugh and Fox News illustrate, he desires a single-party press, not a free one.
•He believes that now that he is in power, the opposition should shut up and "get out of the way," a notion that runs directly counter to the First Amendment.
•Although he's mostly erased the record that once existed in cyberspace, his dream is to create a civilian national security force, subordinate to the administration, which would be larger than the American military. The military, please note, is controlled by the Constitution and has traditionally existed separate from, but subordinate to, the rest of the American government.
•He wants to take away the right to bear arms. He'll pay lip service to supporting the Second Amendment, but his fundamental goal is to use government to remove arms from individuals.
•In a stunning blow to the freedom of born alive infants, he is one of a handful of politicians nationwide who believes it is appropriate to leave such infants to die alone and untended. With few exceptions, even those whose politics are entirely colored by a pro-choice viewpoint couldn't swallow this approach.
•Without money, people have no choices. The more money the government siphons to itself, the fewer choices we as individuals have. Although he dresses it as fairness (it's "fair" for the "lucky" to pay substantially more), Obama believes that it's government's role to "spread the wealth." That may be "fair," but it's not consistent with liberty, hard work, and individual choices.
Of course, not all of these Obama dreams will become reality. His health care initiative is struggling, he's trying to flush his civilian security force theory down the memory hole, he's humiliated himself in his battles with Limbaugh and Fox, and he's generally doing a fancy dance by which he tries to hide his authoritarian impulses (as, for example, his attack on the Second Amendment). But those practical realities don't matter. This post isn't about what Obama will actually do. It's about what he wants to do, what his desires are vis à vis the American people -- and it's very clear that his desires are antithetical to the American essence. He wants to limit or destroy individual liberties.
When it comes to America's role abroad, Obama's impulses are also all antithetical to liberty and American independence. Again, here is an incomplete list of examples of Barack Obama's innate preference for tyranny over liberty:
•Through selective punishments and rewards, he has turned against the only democratic nation in the Middle East (that would be Israel) in favor of the bloodied tyrannical theocracies on her borders.
•By reversing his pledge to keep a missile defense system in place in Poland and the Czech Republic, he has favored Iran's Muslim tyranny over these democratic nations only so recently freed from Communism.
•Figuratively and literally, he bows to dictators (Saudis, Venezuelans, Russians, Iranians, Cubans, etc.). In other words, contrary to America's hundred-year history of siding with the people against their tyrants, he sides with the tyrants against their people.
•In Honduras, he has sided with the delusional Manuel Zelaya against the people and their Constitution.
•In Iran, when the people took to the streets against a corrupt dictatorship, through his silence and muted statements, he effectively sided with the megalomaniac theocracy and against the people.
•In his much-heralded speech to the Muslim world, in addition to grounding Israel's right to exist solely on a Holocaust the Muslim world denies, he repeatedly and noisily trumpeted the right of Muslim men to control Muslim women, a trope he reiterated in subsequent speeches.
•In his global speeches, he assures tyrannies the world over that America is abandoning her century-old role as the world's policeman against megalomaniacs and tyrants. They are freed from any constraint.
•By joining the farce that is the U.N. Human Rights Council, he is lending America's imprimatur to the most violently anti-Semitic, authoritarian, dictatorial, anti-American political body in the world.
•Through his waffling in Afghanistan, both in terms of ideology (why are we fighting?) and practical matters (troops! we need troops!), he is emboldening Al Qaeda and the Taliban, while simultaneously painting targets on the backs of our armed forces.
•As part of his belief in the increasingly discredited notion of climate change, he stands ready to cede American sovereignty to a U.N. body that can control American wealth distribution and police the American body politic.
With the exception of the last item, and unlike the list regarding Obama's domestic goals, the above bullet-points are not made up of things Obama merely wishes he can do. They are composed of things Obama has already done. He has subordinated America and her values to some of the worst actors on the globe.
America is no longer the symbol of liberty around the world. She's just another nation -- and worse, one whose leader, by temperament and political belief, has more reverence for dictatorships than democracies. In other words, when Obama deals with the world outside America, he again denies America's essence, which has so long marked her as the symbol of and standard-bearer for freedom.
Just as an orange deprived of its color becomes the anti-orange, it's reasonable to state that because the overwhelming number of Barack Obama's desires and actions are antithetical to America's essence, he is in fact anti-American. He's not merely making little changes around the edges, smoothing away rough spots, augmenting existing traits, or getting rid of a few ugly cankers. Instead, both at home and abroad, Barack Obama is trying to destroy America's essence, that commitment to liberty that makes her unique in this world, and that makes her uniquely American.
Wild Thing's comment.....
Excellent analysis !!!
This is DEFINITELY NOT Obama's America. Obama sees the government as the all powerful, all controlling center of people's lives, with his royal self as the center of the government.
......Thank you RAC for sending this to me.
RAC has a website that is awesome. 336th Assault Helicopter Company
13th Combat Aviation Battalion - 1st Aviation Brigade - Soc Trang, Republic of Vietnam
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:47 AM | Comments (3)
The Warrior Song
No matter what branch of the United States Armed Forces you serve under or have served under, this song is dedicated to you.
Wild Thing's comment.........
Love it, it is so great to see people making things like this video. And doing songs like this.
.....Thank you BobF, for sending this to me.
1973 - 1999
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:46 AM
So Proud of the Marines Team for Valour IT
In November 2004, while Second Falluja was raging, I went to Walter Reed Army Medical Center to meet some local boys who were recovering from wounds suffered earlier that year in Iraq. Army and Marines. They were inspiring. They did not inspire pity, rather a sense of awe.
WASHINGTON D.C. - It could be an upscale gym anywhere, full of purposeful activity. The good-natured but harsh ribbing among the men working out is relentless.
“Hey, how long has that guy been here?” says one kid, who is practicing with his new titanium alloy leg. He is talking about a man who is working his stump on a leg-press machine.
“About five months,” another man tells him.
“He’s been here three months longer than me, and he can’t walk yet? I can walk already!” the first amputee gloats.
“Hey! He’s above-the-knee! You’re below-the-knee!”
A cellphone rings, and someone says, “I think that’s yours,” to a man who is working his stomach muscles.
“Yeah, let it ring. I don’t feel like getting up right now,” says the man, who is missing both legs.
This is Walter Reed Army Medical Center, where the human cost of America’s war in Iraq is seen in naked stumps and scars. The 46 soldiers hospitalized here are among the more than 8,000 war wounded.
What does it mean to be a Marine when you are one of the maimed at Walter Reed on Veterans Day?
“Everything,” Cpl. Peter Bagarella, 21, of Falmouth said simply.
Theirs is the story of service and sacrifice behind the statistics.
“This place is awesome. They gave me my eyes back,” said Bagarella. A remotely detonated bomb blinded him and vaporized his left leg in a palm grove in Haditha on Aug. 12. As the Iraqi ambushers opened up with machine guns and the Marines returned fire, Bagarella screamed, “Oh God! Oh God!” and used his thumbs to count his fingers. He asked the medics, “What’s gone? What’s gone on my body?”
Army PFC Paul Skarinka’s shattered left leg is caged in a cumbersome brace, with metal pins screwed through the flesh into his calf bone.
“I’m one of those people who likes to be in the middle of things,” said Skarinka, 24, of Whitman. “I knew I could end up being deployed. I had no problem with that.”
He has fond memories of Baghdad - visits with local elders, giving kids candy and being asked to stay for dinner at wedding parties.
Then in late August, they moved into Sadr City against rogue cleric Moqtada al-Sadr’s Mahdi Army.
“After evening prayers is when they would come out,” Skarinka said. In the early morning hours of Sept. 13, the night’s business was mostly done when an RPG came screaming up the alley.
“It looked like an oversized bottle rocket flying at us,” he said. It hit as he dove for cover. “There was debris around me. My ears were ringing. I thought, `This is OK.’ It was kind of normal. It was when I tried to get up that I realized something was wrong.” He couldn’t move his left leg or arm. He felt the blood pouring out of his side.
“I was thinking, `I’ve got to get out of here. I’m still in the kill zone. I’m not dying in this crappy alley in Sadr City.”
Someone dragged him out by his flak vest and threw him on the back of a Humvee. As a former medic, he knew the dryness in his mouth was a sign of massive blood loss. He wondered whether he was going to make it.
Skarinka probably always will walk with a limp and never have full use of his left hand.
“I don’t regret it one bit, what happened to me in Sadr City,” he said. “I signed up for this. I knew the risk. Luck wasn’t on my side.”
For Cpl. Matthew Boisvert, 21, of Tyngsboro, his missing right leg and damaged right arm are obstacles he must conquer to convince a Marine Corps Medical Board to let him go back for a third time.
“I loved it,” Boisvert said. “We enjoyed it.”
He described the transcendental experience of battle, of becoming almost mentally detached from one’s body, watching oneself and one’s friends do unimaginable things. “There is nothing in civilian life like the camaraderie you experience over there. I played sports all my life. You get an adrenaline rush playing sports, but it’s nothing like the rush you get in combat.”
His platoon fought in the initial invasion of March 2003, and went back into the bitter streetfighting of Fallujah a year later.
“It didn’t have that warm and fuzzy feeling the second time,” Boisvert said. But the war-hardened Marines went into battle with the spirit of athletes, a practiced team eager to perform again. They ribbed each other mercilessly when a flesh wound forced one or another temporarily out of the fight. The loss of friends killed in action solidified their already intense bond. Then a bomb placed in an orange traffic cone ripped Boisvert’s body apart on Aug. 17. He admits a sense of guilt that he is here, with his friends once again fiercely engaged in Fallujah.
There is another kind of camaraderie here at Walter Reed, he said.
“It helps to have people with the same injuries around,” Boisvert said.”You’ll be all pissed off because you lost your leg. Then, you see a guy who’s lost two legs. That guy’s worse off than me. I have no right to be pissed off.”
I heard some time ago that Skarinka was back home in Whitman after multiple surgeries, a father, an on-call firefighter working on becoming an EMT again, and that Boisvert was attending UMass Lowell. No word on Bagarella. All of them, as Boisvert indicated in subsequent news reports, no doubt experiencing the rollercoaster ride of adjustment to civilian life, difficult enough coming out of combat, exponentially more so with the physical and psychological challenges of severe injury.
Every cent raised for Project Valour-IT goes directly to the purchase and shipment of laptops and other technology for severely wounded service members. As of October 2009, Valour-IT has distributed over 4100 laptops to severely wounded Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines across the country, and is now expanding its mission to include other technology that supports physical and psychological recovery.
Just to make sure folks understand what Valor IT does, it’s not just laptops as nice gifts to wounded warriors.
It’s laptops with the necessary additions in software and hardware, such as pointers and such, for warriors that have lost those parts of their bodies necessary to use regular laptops or computers or phones or do letter writing.
Lost or damaged hands, lost eyesight, lost jaws/tongues/vocal cords, paralysis, etc. That’s the warriors getting laptops from Valor IT. Men and women who wouldn’t be able to communicate with the outside world, either at all, or with any privacy as they talked with friends and family. That’s who Valor IT supports and assists.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:45 AM | Comments (2)
November 01, 2009
Sharpton's Ex & Daughter Cuffed After Beating A Pair of Harlem Cops
Kathy Jordan and her now ex-husband, the Reverend Al Sharpton
Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/ny_crime/2009/10/31/2009-10-31_al_sharptons_exwife_and_daughter_get_disorderly_conduct_tickets_after_speeding_a.html#ixzz0VZXFoZTC
Sharpton's ex & kid cuffed in 'cop rage'
The rabble-rousing Rev should give his daughter a sermon about road rage.
The Rev. Al Sharpton’s ex-wife and daughter were arrested last night after berating a pair of Harlem cops who pulled them over for running a red light in the wrong lane to get around their slow-moving, unmarked cruiser, sources told The Post.
Kathy Jordan, 53, and her daughter, Dominique Sharpton, 23, were handcuffed and hauled to a precinct, where the raging reverend’s daughter tried to no avail to get off the hook because of her family ties, the sources said.
They were issued desk appearance tickets before being set free.
The road rage incident began around 7:30 p.m. on West 110th Street and Eighth Avenue as Dominique became frustrated as she drove behind the crawling police vehicle, the sources said.
Sharpton honked her horn and tailgated the vehicle from the NYPD’s Housing Bureau before finally losing her cool.
She furiously swerved across the double yellow line and sped through a red light to get past the cop car.
The officers pulled her over, and both she and her mother became belligerent and argumentative, the sources said.
They were both slapped in handcuffs and thrown in the cruiser.
Dominique Sharpton was charged with resisting arrest, and issued summonses for crossing a double yellow line and running a light.
Jordan was charged with resisting arrest and obstructing governmental administration, police said.
Sources added that Dominique Sharpton dropped her dad’s famous name at the stationhouse before being released.
An attorney for Al Sharpton said called the arrests and desk appearance tickets "highly questionable and unusual," and said the civil-rights leader would look into the case.
"How what was apparently a minor traffic dispute ended up with two arrests with desk appearance tickets is highly questionable and unusual. We will pursue all answers in this matter," said the attorney, Michael A. Hardy.
"Reverend Sharpton has been made aware of the details of the matter and will aggressively support his daughter and her mother, despite their announced change of marital status in 2003. He has instructed his attorneys to seek answers and justice in this matter."
Both Jordan and her oldest daughter live in Brooklyn. Someone who answered the door at their home refused comment and asked a reporter to "leave the premises. We don’t talk to the press here."
Jordan — a former backup singer for James Brown — was married to the longtime civil rights activist Sharpton for 23 years before they announced their split in 2004.
The pair, which would have celebrated their wedding anniversary yesterday, has one other daughter, Ashley.
Dominique Sharpton works for her father’s National Action Network.
She was recently named the interim director of membership, according to the organization’s Web site, which said she "brings a host of experience in entertainment, business management and years of seeing and working with her internationally-known father, Rev. Sharpton, to her new position."
She is also the production events director and a "working actress," according to her Twitter page.
She told Amsterdam News in a 2008 interview that following in her father’s footsteps was, "not something I really planned on doing, but I know it’s something I have to do. Being his eldest daughter, it’s my responsibility."
Wild Thing's comment.......
Don’t you know who we are? .....LOL hahaha "Don'choo know who I izzz?!?"
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (11)
Pelosi Health Care Bill Blow a Kiss At Trial Lawyers
Bachman also announced that if this bill passes the Obama Administration will have taken over 48% of the private economy this year.
Rep. Michelle Bachman is calling all Americans to join her on the steps of the Capital Building in Washington DC on Thursday November 5th to stop “the Crown Jewel of Socialism” – the democrat’s bill to take over the US health care industry.
Pelosi Health Care Bill Blow a Kiss At Trial Lawyers
The health care bill recently unveiled by Speaker Nancy Pelosi is over 1,900 pages for a reason. It is much easier to dispense goodies to favored interest groups if they are surrounded by a lot of legislative legalese. For example, check out this juicy morsel to the trial lawyers (page 1431-1433 of the bill):
Section 2531, entitled “Medical Liability Alternatives,” establishes an incentive program for states to adopt and implement alternatives to medical liability litigation. [But]…… a state is not eligible for the incentive payments if that state puts a law on the books that limits attorneys’ fees or imposes caps on damages.
So, you can’t try to seek alternatives to lawsuits if you’ve actually done something to implement alternatives to lawsuits. Brilliant! The trial lawyers must be very happy today!
While there is debate over the details, it is clear that medical malpractive lawsuits have some impact on driving health care costs higher. There are likely a number of procedures that are done simply as a defense against future possible litigation. Recall this from the Washington Post:
“Lawmakers could save as much as $54 billion over the next decade by imposing an array of new limits on medical malpractice lawsuits, congressional budget analysts said today — a substantial sum that could help cover the cost of President Obama’s overhaul of the nation’s health system. New research shows that legal reforms would not only lower malpractice insurance premiums for medical providers, but would also spur providers to save money by ordering fewer tests and procedures aimed primarily at defending their decisions in court, Douglas Elmendorf, director of the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, wrote in a letter to Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah).”
Stay tuned. There are certainly many more terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad provisions in this massive bill.
Wild Thing's comment.......
What this article says and all the other things show us why Pelosi insisted on closed doors being required to write the provisions.
Nancy Pelosi, YOU LIE. You do NOT oversee the most ethical Congress in history. Resign NOW, lying crooked witch.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (7)
Liz Cheney Speaks Out On Obama's Dover Photo-Op
Here’s the partial transcript:
There’s lying. There’s a pattern here… This White House needs to understand… every single day you ask them to serve without the resources they ask for without the reinforcements they need they are in more danger. I believe there is dithering going on and there is waffling…
(On the president’s photo-op at Dover) But I think that what President Bush used to do is do it without the cameras. And I don’t understand sort of showing up with the White House Press Pool with photographers and asking family members if you can take pictures. That’s really hard for me to get my head around. I think its an honorable and important thing for us to pay tribute. There’s no greater sacrifice people make to the nation. It was a surpsising way for the president to choose to do this. I’d like to add the most important way for the president to pay tribute to those who sacrifice is to back them up.
Obama: Saluting for the Cameras
Presidents engage in all kinds of ceremonial events. Every Thanksgiving, they “pardon” a turkey so it doesn’t end up on the White House menu. They make sure they are photographed with the winning teams of various sporting series. Every Easter they can be found at the White House Egg Roll accompanied, I have always suspected, by a Secret Service agent in a large bunny costume.
The other evening, shortly after midnight, President Obama made sure to be photographed standing in line with military personnel and some civilians in attendance as the dead, including three drug enforcement agents, from Afghanistan were returned home at Dover Air Force base. Our military casualties are received in a solemn ceremony few except those in attendance ever witness.
Presidents have never participated in this ceremony. The caskets are a too vivid reminder that part of their job is to send troops in harm’s way. President Bush preferred to meet with the families of fallen heroes.
~snipet ~
President Obama wasn’t there to honor those fallen soldiers or marines. He was there to be seen saluting.
Obama was there because, during the campaign he had used the war in Afghanistan as a way to criticize former President Bush’s decision to depose Iraq’s dictator only to find himself in unforeseen and ill-considered circumstances that required years and a change of strategy to redeem.
The strategy concerning Afghanistan was handed to him by the existing Bush administration in a report prepared for his assumption of the office. His hand-picked general in the field says we will lose without increasing present troop strength.
Obama’s presence that evening was about perceptions and imagery. It was his way of trying to influence public opinion about his failure to act.
Increasingly, questions are being raised about his campaign statements and presumably his commitment to pursue the Taliban and al Qaeda in a vigorous fashion. The enemy knows it and it too is doing what it can to influence public opinion; they have stepped up the killing of American troops.
Frankly, knowing that he had never worn the uniform of his nation, it bothered me that he would stand there in the dark giving a salute. The closest he ever got to wearing a uniform and saluting in his past was when he was in the Boy Scouts—the Indonesian Boy Scouts.
There is something coldly calculating about using the returning battle dead to try to bolster an image of patriotism and commitment to military action, but that is what this President is all about, the image of things, statements about things in which he does not believe and intends to “transform.”
Wild Thing's comment........
I posted about othis the other day, but I wanted to post about what Liz Cheney had to say and also the article by the Canada Free Press. It is so horrid to have Obama as CIC and when other countries are even disgusted with him as well as all of us are, it is even worse.
Thank you Liz Cheney and thank you to the Canada Free Press.
....Thank you Jack for sending this to me.
Army Combat Engineers
Jack's blog is Conservative Insurgent
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:49 AM | Comments (5)
F18 Air Strike and a Walk Through Abandoned Taliban Training Camp
F/A-18 Hornet catches jihadist firing rockets at US base in Iraq, uses its M61 Vulcan gatling gun to turn them into pieces and spread them across the desert.
Anyone want to move in??? LOL NO thanks!
The Pakistani military has taken members of the media on a tour of what it says is an abandoned Taliban training camp in the volatile Swat valley.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:48 AM | Comments (4)
Scozzafava Halts Camapign ~ GOOD Let real Conservatives rebuild the GOP!!
Scozzafava suspends NY 23 campaign
Republican Dede Scozzafava has suspended her bid in next Tuesday’s NY 23 special election, a huge development that dramatically shakes up the race. She did not endorse either of her two opponents -- Conservative party candidate Doug Hoffman or Democrat Bill Owens.
The decision to suspend her campaign is a boost for Hoffman, who already had the support of 50 percent of GOP voters, according to a newly-released Siena poll, and is now well-positioned to win over the 25 percent of Republicans who had been sticking with Scozzafava.
Scozzafava has “probably made her last campaign appearance between now and Election Day,” spokesman Matt Burns told POLITICO. “She’s releasing her support to the two other candidates."
"I had a discussion with her last night, and we made the decision after I spoke with her. We talked about it, what this came down to was spending. It came down to the ability to defend herself from the get-go. And that’s the reality. She was unable to define herself where the people didn’t know her."
Scozzafava's statement:
Dear Friends and Supporters:
Throughout the course of my campaign for Congress, I have made the people of the 23rd District and the issues that affect them the focal point of my campaign. As a life long resident of this District, I care deeply and passionately about its people and our way of life. Whether as a candidate for Congress, a State Assemblywoman or a small town Mayor, I have always sought to act with the best interest of our District and its residents in mind—and today I again seek to act for the good of our community.
The opportunity to run as the Republican and Independence Party candidate to represent the 23rd District has been and remains one of the greatest honors of my life. During the past several months, as I’ve traveled the district, meeting and talking with voters about the issues that matter most to them, I’ve been overwhelmed by the amount of support I’ve received as I sought to serve as their voice in Washington. However, as Winston Churchill once said, Democracy can be a fickle employer, and the road to public office is not always a smooth one.
In recent days, polls have indicated that my chances of winning this election are not as strong as we would like them to be. The reality that I’ve come to accept is that in today’s political arena, you must be able to back up your message with money—and as I’ve been outspent on both sides, I’ve been unable to effectively address many of the charges that have been made about my record. But as I’ve said from the start of this campaign, this election is not about me, it’s about the people of this District. And, as always, today I will do what I believe serves their interests best.
It is increasingly clear that pressure is mounting on many of my supporters to shift their support. Consequently, I hereby release those individuals who have endorsed and supported my campaign to transfer their support as they see fit to do so. I am and have always been a proud Republican. It is my hope that with my actions today, my Party will emerge stronger and our District and our nation can take an important step towards restoring the enduring strength and economic prosperity that has defined us for generations.
On Election Day my name will appear on the ballot, but victory is unlikely. To those who support me – and to those who choose not to – I offer my sincerest thanks.
Gingrich endorses Hoffman
October 31st, 2009 01:04 PM ET
From CNN Political Editor Mark Preston
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, who came under fire from some conservatives for endorsing Dede Scozzafava in next week's special Congressional election in New York, is now backing Conservative Party candidate Doug Hoffman.
Gingrich made the announcement via Twitter shortly after the Republican Party nominee Scozzafava announced she was releasing supporters from their commitment to back her.
"Scozzafava dropping out leaves hoffman as only anti-tax anti-pelosi vote in ny 23 Every voter opposed to tax increases support doug hoffman," Gingrich wrote on Twitter. (Tweet shown as it appeared)
Palin Backs 3rd-Party Candidate in N.Y. House Race
Sarah Palin has endorsed a third-party candidate over the GOP-backed contender in New York's congressional special election, saying her own party has abandoned its core values.
The former Alaska governor, who was Arizona Sen. John McCain's running-mate last year, said Thursday she was backing Conservative Party candidate Doug Hoffman over Republican Assemblywoman Dierdre Scozzafava in the 23rd Congressional District race.
Palin said Hoffman, a businessman, stands for Republican principles – smaller government, lower taxes and a commitment to individual liberty – and that Scozzafava is more aligned with Democrats.
The offseason race to replace former Rep. John McHugh, whom President Barack Obama named as his Army secretary, has drawn national attention to a growing splinter between Republican moderates and conservatives who say they want the party to return its core values.
"The Republican Party today has decided to choose a candidate who more than blurs the lines, and there is no real difference between the Democrat and the Republican in this race," Palin said in a post on her Facebook page Thursday night.
Hoffman has been labeled a spoiler by some, but he's looking more like a contender lately, with support from prominent Republicans, including former U.S. Sen. Fred Thompson, former House Majority Leader Dick Armey and former presidential candidate Steve Forbes, who endorsed Hoffman on Friday.
"The other candidates in this race are far too similar in their records and stated support for much of the Democrats' agenda in Washington," Forbes said.
Wild Thing's comment.......
I am soooo glad the RINO stopped her campaign.
Scozzafava OUT! Grassroots conservatives - 1; Beltway Republicans - 0
She still didn’t endorse Hoffman. But that just shows everyone how truly wrong she was and how much a RINO she is to the core.
Regarding Newt....Too late Newt. You had a clear choice, and you made the wrong one. Hey Newt, you bashed Sarah and others who backed Hoffman, now you turn around and support Hoffman..you sir are a sleaze bag.
Jim DeMint is also supporting Hoffman.
Here is what Palin said on FaceBook:
I want to personally thank Republican Dede Scozzafava for acting so selflessly today in the NY District 23 race. Now it's time to cross the finish line with Doug Hoffman so that he can get to work for District 23 and the rest of America.
With Congress poised to overhaul one-sixth of our economy with so-called health care “reform” (which is really a government takeover of health care) and with plans to enact a cap-and-tax bill just as our economy struggles to recover, Doug Hoffman will be a voice for fiscal responsibility and common sense in Washington.
We need candidates like Doug now more than ever. In these final days of the campaign, it's vital that Doug continue to receive the enthusiastic support of those who want to bring common sense to Washington. Let’s help make it happen! You can help Doug by visiting his official website today and offering your support: https://www.doughoffmanforcongress.com/donate3.html
- Sarah Palin
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (4)
Obama Loving His Koran and Islam
Obama admits that he is a Muslim. Obama bowing before a Muslim king. Obama talking about his Muslim family. Obama quoting from the Koran. Obama defending Islam. Obama visiting a Mosque. And many more clips of Obama and his Muslim connections.
Wild Thing's comment........
To express his love and admiration for Islam, Obama NEEDS no teleprompter. For this, he speaks from the heart, with nary a stutter or stumble.
But for nearly every other aspect of his public appearences, he is tongue-tied if the teleprompter stops rolling, or if he picks up the script for the OTHER person on the podium, he delivers THAT with striking clarity and conviction. Only later, when someone analyzes what he had said, do the inconsistencies become apparent.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (3)