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November 30, 2008
Govt to Construct Obama Museum in Kogelo
Construction Of A Museum In Kogelo
The government will construct a museum in Kogelo, the ancestral home of US president elect Barrack Obama. Minister for tourism Najib Balala says the government has already set aside 5 million shillings for the commencement of the project.
Govt to construct museum in Kogelo
The government will construct a multi million shillings museum at the Nyang'oma Kogelo home of the United States of America president elect, and Barrack Obama's grand parents, tourism minister, Najib Balala has said.
Already, Balala said, his ministry had allocated five million shillings for the project, adding that more funds will be sourced from both the treasury and the private sector.
He was speaking at the Obama's home in Nyang'oma Kogelo, Siaya when he led a high powered delegation from the ministry of tourism to visit U.S. president elect's grand mother, Mama Sarah Obama.
Balala's entourage included the PS in the ministry Rebecca Nabutola, the managing director of the Kenya Tourism Board, Dr. Ongong'a Achieng and the director of tourism, Wanjiru Munene .
Balala said the government was keen on cashing in on the Obama victory to woo more tourists in Kenya adding that his ministry will liaise closely with the Obama family to develop an appropriate tourist attraction site.
The museum, said the Minister, will capture the history of the Late Barrack Obama senior, father to the president elect, history of the communities in Western region of the country and a reflection of the rest of the country.
The Minister said that his ministry was taking advantage of the interest that people both locally and abroad had in the village in which the world super power's president hails from to open up the Western tourism circuit.
Dubbed "The Obama Route", Balala said that this will stimulate tourist's interests in tourism potential sites such as Kakamega forest, Lake Victoria and numerous game reserves that have not been attracting tourists.
"The international interest that is developing because of Barrack Obama's victory in the United States presidential elections must be structured to take care of both the interest of the family, Kogelo community and the country at large" he said.
Balala said his ministry will soon launch an aggressive campaign in the United States to market the country.
Kenya tourism reportedly slumped by 30% following the post election violence .
In 2007, Kenya earned $620 million in the third quarter from tourists drawn to its white beaches and adventurous game parks.
Officials expect this year's total earnings will reach only $665 million, representing a 23 per cent decline in earnings.
Since Obama's election victory, Kogelo has revelled in immediate upgrades to electricity and roads, while Obama's grandmother has had tightened security at her home
And this..............
Also to be stored at the Museum are documentary explanation of the Obama family history and background that those featuring the Kogelo sub-clan as a whole..
Meanwhile A Spiritual leader from the West African state of Ghana last week quietly slipped into Kogelo Village the home of Barrack Obama’s paternal relatives. Peter Anamoh is the first foreign dignitary to pay the homage to the Obama family. The other celebrity is the populist Congolese musician Kanda Bongo Man who visited Mama Sarah Obama ‘s village home two weeks ago, after performing a concert in the heart of Kisumu City, which attracted c lose to 500,000 people.
The Ghanaian spiritual leader said he had traveled all the way from Accra Ghana to come and bless the Obama family. He is credited to have predicted Obama presidential ambition long before he even made his intention public four years ago.
Anamoh appealed to the Kenya government to establish an international conference centre at Kogelo alongside the Museum to serve as the last monument of the victory of the first African American to the presidency of the World most powerful nation on the earth.
Wild Thing's comment..........
OMG I found this while looking for a video on Kenya. LOL oh my gosh!!
"The CEO of World Net Daily has called on the President -elect to release a birth certificate listing the hospital and names of parents, the White House believes this would fully satisfy the Constitutional requirement don't you? "
"I have nothing to say on that Lester, I think we're going to leave it right there."
Look at this!!!!
Question about Obama's birth certificate avoided and then the press conference was shut down!!!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:55 AM | Comments (12)
Taj Mahal Hotel Owner:" We had warning"
Tata Group Chairman Ratan Tata, whose company owns the Taj hotel, discusses this week's attacks in Mumbai.
Taj Mahal hotel owner: We had warning
The Taj Mahal hotel in Mumbai, India, temporarily increased security after being warned of a possible terrorist attack, the chairman of the company that owns the hotel said Saturday.
But Tata Group Chairman Ratan Tata said those measures, which were eased shortly before this week's terror attacks, could not have prevented gunmen from entering the hotel.
"If I look at what we had ... it could not have stopped what took place," Tata said in an interview with CNN's Fareed Zakaria that will air Sunday.
"It's ironic that we did have such a warning, and we did have some measures," Tata said, without elaborating on the warning or when security measures were enacted. "People couldn't park their cars in the portico, where you had to go through a metal detector."
However, Tata said the attackers did not enter through the entrance that has a metal detector. Instead, they came in a back entrance, he said.
They knew what they were doing, and they did not go through the front. All of our arrangements are in the front," he said.
"They planned everything," he said of the attackers. "I believe the first thing they did, they shot a sniffer dog and his handler. They went through the kitchen."
The 105-year-old hotel was one of nine sites attacked by gunmen in a 60-hour wave of terror that killed at least 183 people and injured hundreds more before it ended in a standoff at the hotel Saturday morning.
Authorities carried out a room-by-room sweep in the 565-room Victorian building late Saturday to make sure that all guests had been evacuated and no gunmen remained inside.
A. Vaidyanathan, an economist who was a guest in the Taj when the attacks occurred, told The Hindu newspaper on Friday that he had noticed tight security at the hotel when he stayed there last month.
"First, when you enter the open parking, where the cars are parked, you had a very heavy metal frame; your baggage was searched," he said. "At the entrance of the foyer, there was another metal detector, and you were personally searched and so on."
However, for this latest trip, he said, he could walk right into the hotel without encountering the same measures.
Tata said the attacks revealed deficiencies in law enforcement, especially in the areas of crisis response and management.
"We were getting the cooperation that they could give us, but the infrastructure was woefully poor," he said,
As an example, Tata said it took three hours for firefighters to get water to the Taj after a blaze broke out in the oldest part of the building.
"We had people who died being shot through bulletproof vests," he added.
Tata said that not even the army or commandoes who ultimately took over the offensive were prepared for the level of organization and execution that the attackers seemed to have put into their plan.
"They seemed to know [the hotel] in the night or in the daytime," he said of the attackers. "They seemed to have planned their moves quite well, and there seem to have been a lot of pre-planning."
Wild Thing's comment...........
Very interesting and I wonder why they eased up on the security so soon. Maybe there are so many warnings that they don't take them as seriously.
For this owner to say they had a warning, I admire him for saying what he did. That takes courage epecially when so many lives were taken and the families left behind have this nightmare to live with.
We are so used to how Democrats never admiting to any wrong doing and never being punished. The democrat American way it seems.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:50 AM | Comments (8)
Marines Face 'profound' Differences In Afghanistan
Camp Pendleton's Maj. Gen. Thomas Waldhauser visits a market in Haditha, Iraq, earlier this month.
MILITARY: Marines face 'profound' differences in Afghanistan
With relative calm in Iraq, focus shifts to nation's other war
For U.S. Marines, America's war on terror is now in Afghanistan, where, a top general warns, there are "profound" political, military and cultural differences from Iraq.
Nearly six years after the invasion of Iraq, the Marines are now largely in a monitoring role in the Anbar province, all but declaring victory in the massive region once considered untamable.
By this time next year, Lt. Gen. Samuel Helland, commander of Marine Corps forces in the Middle East, predicted that as many as 15,000 of his troops could be in Afghanistan ---- 12,000 more than are there now.
By the middle of 2009, Maj. Gen. John Kelly, who has led Marines on the ground in Iraq since January, said he believes the number of Marines in Anbar can be cut from the current 23,000 to around 15,000 or slightly fewer.
Maj. Gen. John Kelly
"The Marines in Anbar have performed magnificently," Helland said last week aboard a military aircraft as he returned to his Camp Pendleton home after a two-week swing through Iraq, Afghanistan, Kuwait and Bahrain.
"What was once a volatile, brutal environment is now changing, as Iraqis are determined to defeat their enemies and bring stability to the country," he said.
While Iraq is a largely literate and modern society with oil revenue to fund its treasury, Afghanistan is one of the poorest countries in the world, with few paved roads.
The opium poppy is its greatest cash crop.
As the Marine Corps plans to draw down its forces in Iraq and move thousands more troops 1,200 miles to the east in Afghanistan if President-elect Barack Obama and Pentagon officials give the go-ahead, Helland was clear in a recent message that the differences between the two countries are stark.
"This is not Iraq," he wrote in a message to Col. Duffy White, who has taken command of the approximately 2,100 Marines now in Afghanistan. "Your units will have a large proportion of Iraq veterans who accomplished great things in the Anbar province.
"That said, remember that Afghanistan is not Iraq. The political, military and cultural differences are profound. Your unit must quickly adjust to working in a coalition environment. Once a mistake is made, the excuse that 'this is how we did it in Iraq' will not suffice," Helland wrote.
Shortly after the 2001 invasion of Afghanistan and toppling of the ultrafundamentalist Taliban from the government in Kabul, the Marines left that country largely to Army and NATO forces.
Their responsibility was Anbar, the expansive region of Iraq that borders Syria, Jordan and Saudi Arabia.
Home to a majority Sunni population, the border saw thousands of foreign al-Qaida fighters cross into the region to join the home-grown insurgency.
But when the insurgency began killing Iraqis as part of an intimidation campaign, Sunni leaders and tribal sheiks turned and sided with U.S. forces and the protection and financial resources to be had.
The result is that Anbar is now one of the calmest regions of Iraq, military officials say, leading to one general's declaration earlier this month that the work today is far more about politics than combat.
In Iraq
Kelly is succinct in his appraisal as he prepares to return to Camp Pendleton in February.
"The war here is over," he said.
The future security for the rest of Iraq is now almost solely dependent on the Iraqi government and its ability to bring rival political and sectarian factions together and prevent internal strife, the two-star general said during an interview at his new office at Al Asad Airbase in Iraq.
His former headquarters in the city of Fallujah was turned over to the Iraqi army four weeks ago.
In Anbar, the remaining threat is "very, very manageable," he said, adding that use of lethal force is now at a minimum.
"The biggest arrow in my quiver is influence," Kelly said.
Helland said the next six to 12 months, and the decisions made by Obama when he takes office, will go a long way toward charting the Marine Corps' future in Iraq and its pressing desire to increase its forces in Afghanistan.
"I see the Marine Corps continuing to move into a strictly overwatch role in Anbar," Helland said, adding that the redistribution of troops will depend on conditions on the ground.
"The country has to continue to come together and have confidence in the credibility of its army and its police forces," he said.
"It's certainly a different place than it has been, and we have to be able to take the training wheels off sooner rather than later."
Grunts such as Sgt. Juan Mendez, a 27-year-old Chicago native on his sixth deployment, said the years spent combating insurgents and training the Iraqi army have paid off.
"I think the fact that most of the guys haven't fired their weapons once during this deployment shows that all of our good hard work has accomplished what needed to be done here," the mobile security unit section leader said during an interview at Camp Ripper, the Marine encampment at Al Asad.
For the Marines, it's clear their new focus in "the long war" against extremists is shifting from Iraq to the mountains and deserts of Afghanistan.
In Afghanistan
During an address to troops at Camp Bastion in Afghanistan's Helmand province this month, Helland made his prediction that up to 15,000 Marines could be fighting the Taliban next spring.
"What the commandant would like to do, quite frankly, is move the Marines out of Iraq," Helland said. "We want to grow our footprint and crush the enemies in Afghanistan."
Defense Secretary Robert Gates recently said he would like to see three additional brigade combat teams ---- at least 12,000 troops ---- sent to Afghanistan well before the country's September elections.
Over the last 18 months, the U.S. and NATO countries have increased their troop count in Afghanistan by 20,000, and commanders have asked for an additional 20,000, including 3,000 as soon as possible to bolster training of fledgling police forces.
During his visit, Helland took part in several closed-door meetings with commanders as the Marine Corps plans for the troop build-up they expect Obama will order after taking office.
Marine units from Twentynine Palms and North Carolina that have been in Afghanistan since the spring are being replaced this month.
Unlike Iraq, Afghanistan is landlocked, a unique challenge for Marines who rely on ships to transport their vehicles and major weapon systems.
"Infrastructure is a very, very big challenge," Helland said.
That's evident in part by the fact that decades-old Russian transport planes are now providing much of the heavy-lift capability, under a contract with the U.S.
The planes are among the few in the world that can hold the large, anti-mine vehicles that have stemmed the rate of fatalities from roadside bombs in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The freshly deployed Marines that arrived in Afghanistan this month include a helicopter attack squadron from Miramar Marine Corps Air Station.
Commanders say they expect the Taliban, which has traditionally retreated during the cold months, to continue a pace of attacks that has been the highest since the 2001 invasion.
"The campaign will go on through the winter," Helland said. "For the Taliban, it's fast becoming a fight for survival."
That said, Helland emphasized that Afghanistan presents a host of challenges different from Iraq, including brutally cold temperatures.
"The climate is different, the terrain is different and the human terrain is different," he said.
In his message to his new commander on the ground in Afghanistan, Helland also warned Col. White about civilian killings.
"Escalation of force must be applied judiciously," he wrote. "There is a low tolerance for collateral damage in Afghanistan."
Anbar took years, hundreds of millions of dollars and the lives of hundreds of locally based Marines and sailors to tame.
The same steadfastness is paramount for what has been called the nation's "other war," Helland said.
"Afghanistan will require the same amount of patience," said the three-star general, who also heads Camp Pendleton's 40,000-member I Marine Expeditionary Force. "It will take time."
How much time is unclear, and few are willing to put a number on how many years it will take to defeat the Taliban.
There's a saying in Afghanistan that provides a warning for Americans hoping for a quick resolution: "We have the watches; the Taliban has the time."
Wild Thing's comment............
I am so glad to read this, it is perfect timing since the post I did about the traitor Murtha and what he plans to try to insist on regarding Afghanistan and our military. It is almost as though the word is out about Murtha and his future trip and they want to make it very clear to Murtha and his ilk not to mess with the military, with the Marines, Army all of them. They are doing what needs to be done, they know the difference in the two countries and are letting him ( Murtha) know to stay out of it.
I might be wrong but this is my take on this article.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:48 AM | Comments (4)
A Toast To Marines
And this is another one that was made for the Marine Corps 230th Birthday. It is exceptional .
Wild Thing's comment.......
This is a great video tribute to the Marines.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:47 AM | Comments (4)
Mumbai Attacks: 300 Feared Dead
The only terrorist captured alive after the Mumbai massacre has given police the first full account of the extraordinary events that led to it – revealing he was ordered to ‘kill until the last breath’.
Azam Amir Kasab, from Pakistan, said the attacks were meticulously planned six months ago and were intended to kill 5,000 people.
He revealed that the ten terrorists, who were highly trained in marine assault and crept into the city by boat, had planned to blow up the Taj Mahal Palace hotel after first executing British and American tourists and then taking hostages. As it is, their deadly attacks have left close to 200 confirmed dead, with the toll expected to rise to nearly 300 once the hotel has been fully searched by security forces.
And as Indian commandos ended the bloody 59-hour siege at the Taj yesterday by killing the last three Islamic gunmen, baby-faced Kasab was dispassionately detailing the background to the mayhem. He described how its mastermind briefed the group to ‘target whites, preferably Americans and British’.Some of the militants, including Kasab, posed as students during a visit to Mumbai a month ago, filming the ‘strike locations’ and familiarising themselves with the city’s roads.
Mumbai attacks: 300 feared dead as full horror of the terrorist attacks emerges
The death toll in the Mumbai terror attack is expected to soar to nearly 300, Indian officials said, as details emerged of the highly-organised terror plot.
Piles of bodies were found yesterday after commandos stormed the Taj Mahal Palace hotel, the last of three buildings that terrorists had occupied in the city. Three terrorists were killed in the battle.
The end to four days of carnage came as tensions grew between India and Pakistan over the atrocity.
It is believed that just 10 highly-trained terrorists took part in the attack. Nine were killed and one suspect is under arrest.
British and Indian authorities were yesterday playing down reports that some of the attackers were British, although this had not been comprehensively ruled out.
The Sunday Telegraph was given the details of a secret interrogation report based on an interview with the surviving terrorist. The 19-year-old suspect, who lived near the Pakistani city of Multan, is said to have joined Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), the Islamist fundamentalist group, a year ago.
He is alleged to have confessed that he received weapons instruction at a training camp in Pakistan-administered Kashmir. The plot is said to have been planned from there. A group then made a reconnaissance of Bombay earlier this year.
India believes a Pakistani merchant ship was used to transport some, or all, of the terrorists before they seized control of a fishing trawler to reach Mumbai (Bombay). The final leg of their journey was completed in inflatable boats.
Pakistan called an emergency cabinet meeting after announcing that it would not send the country's secret service chief to New Delhi. The Indian government had demanded the head of the ISI travel in person to respond to questions.
Meanwhile, the former head of Britain's SAS has revealed that Britain is not adequately prepared for a Mumbai-style terror attack. He said hundreds of civilians would have been massacred if such an assault was carried out in this country.
A final death toll will not emerge until the end of operations to ensure the hotel rooms and corridors are cleared of booby traps. However, S Jadhav, from Mumbai's disaster management unit, predicted the figure would approach 300.
More than 600 people escaped from the Taj Mahal Palace hotel, the Oberoi-Trident hotel and Nariman House, which were held by the attackers.
Lashkar-e-Taiba, the Islamist fundamentalist group, is being widely blamed for the atrocity. Indian investigators claim to have obtained significant leads to synchronised strikes by gunmen from the testimony of the surviving terrorist.
It is believed he and the other terrorists were instructed at the terror camp in Pakistan on how to maximise the number of casualties during an attack, using machine guns, hand grenades and other weapons.
Television pictures of a satellite telephone captured from a terrorist appeared to show a constant stream of calls to Pakistan during the operation. Officials also said they had traced the group's route from recorded GPS co-ordinates on the devices.
All the dead terrorists, as well as the captured alleged gunman, appear to have been born in Pakistan. The group also sent eight operatives on a reconnaissance mission to Mumbai earlier this year, Indian officials have claimed.
Wild Thing's comment..........
They had primary “diversionary” attack targets, they killed pedestrians and then ran to their primary targets in buildings, to kill more people and take hostages. From what I have seen in photos and in articles they did like a buddy system, one firing and giving time for the other terrorist to reload. Then a main group of them locked down the hotel.
The article in this post says they planed this for 6 months.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:45 AM | Comments (1)
November 29, 2008
TRAITOR Rep. John Murtha: Fund diplomacy, not AFRICOM
Murtha: Fund diplomacy, not AFRICOM
By Steve Mraz, Stars and Stripes
Mideast edition, Saturday, November 29, 2008
More money should go to the U.S. State Department for U.S. efforts in Africa rather than to the military’s U.S. Africa Command, said Rep. John Murtha, D-Pa.
The chairman of the House of Representatives’ defense appropriations subcommittee made his comments Thursday at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center after visiting wounded troops and having Thanksgiving dinner with top U.S. military leaders in Europe.
“They should use diplomacy in Africa rather than military,” Murtha said. “We can’t win these wars militarily. Nobody wants us over there. I think Liberia wants us. Nobody else."
“You can’t just throw money at it, and you can’t win it militarily. It has to be done diplomatically. So I’ve been trying to shift money and convince the people that make the decision on where the money goes that more money should go to the State Department for those kind of things.”
President Bush requested $389 million for AFRICOM for fiscal 2009. Earlier this year during the budgetary process, the subcommittee Murtha chairs recommended providing AFRICOM only $80.6 million in funding for fiscal 2009. In the end, AFRICOM’s budget was approved at $266 million.
Vince Crawley, a spokesman for AFRICOM, noted that Defense Secretary Robert Gates has already spoken about the need for the State Department to get a bigger share of the funding.
However, “It would be inappropriate for us to comment on what members of Congress are saying,” Crawley said Friday.
AFRICOM, which stood up Oct. 1 in Stuttgart, as a unified combatant command, brings all Defense Department programs on the continent under one umbrella.
Missions range from anti-terrorism programs in the Horn of Africa to maritime security initiatives and military-to-military training exercises in numerous countries.
In July, Refugees International released a report called U.S. Civil-Military Imbalance for Global Engagement: Lessons from the Operational Level in Africa, detailing policy and funding disparities between the Defense Department and the State Department. The report argues that the Pentagon controls an increasing share of foreign aid that used to be directed by civilian agencies and that priorities on the African continent do not reflect need.
Murtha, a retired Marine colonel, was at Landstuhl during a stopover on the way to Afghanistan “to find out what the problems are there.” Murtha is well-known for accusing Marines of “cold-blooded murder and war crimes” for the deaths of Iraqi civilians in 2005 in Haditha.
Four enlisted Marines were charged for their roles in the deaths, and four officers were charged in relation to the investigation. One officer was acquitted and charges have since been dropped against everyone else except a staff sergeant, who is suing Murtha for defamation, according to the Associated Press.
“Haditha’s an entirely different situation,” Murtha said. “I have the highest regard for the troops in the field, but in this case, these people didn’t die of a heart attack. They didn’t die of natural causes. (The Marines) used excessive force, obviously. And I point out to the troops: Look, in a guerrilla war you can’t just go in and knock down doors. We’ve changed that completely.”
While Murtha agrees with President-elect Barack Obama’s plans to withdraw U.S. troops from Iraq over the next 16 months, he is “very nervous” about a troop surge in Afghanistan.
Obama has said he would send two or three more brigades to Afghanistan in 2009. Last week, Gates said he supported a troop buildup in Afghanistan that’s been estimated at more than 20,000 American troops over the next 12 to 18 months, according to the Washington Post.
“I’ve warned the Obama people, and I’ve also warned my leadership on the Democrat side in the House,” Murtha said. “Let’s not be pushing ourselves into Afghanistan. Let’s see what the plan is. What is the plan? How are we going to solve this problem now? … I’m going to come back and report to them what I think should be done.”
Wild Thing's comment.......
Murtha is a POS and he thinks he is all three branches of the government.
“Haditha’s an entirely different situation,” Murtha said. “I have the highest regard for the troops in the field, but in this case, these people didn’t die of a heart attack. They didn’t die of natural causes. (The Marines) used excessive force, obviously."
I want to say he's unbelievable but at this point nothing the senile old fool says surprises me. Seven out of eight Haditha Marines have been exonerated by IO's or a courts-martial panel but that doesn't seem to be good enough for Murtha.
"I’m going to come back and report to them what I think should be done.”
We have a very competent SECDEF and military commanders!
I defy him to get on the www.africom.mil website and say his stupidity there so as to allow General Ward the opportunity to have dialog with him that will be on the record. Murtha wont...he’s too busy with accusing his own constituency of being idiots and his total LIES about Marines being murderers.
Example of Rep. Murtha's blatant disregard for House rules:
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:55 AM | Comments (13)
Shoppers Stampede and Trample Worker at Long Island Wal-Mart

Worker dies at Long Island Wal-Mart after being trampled in Black Friday stampede
Wal-Mart worker died early Friday after an "out-of-control" mob of frenzied shoppers smashed through the Long Island store's front doors and trampled him, police said.
The Black Friday stampede plunged the Valley Stream outlet into chaos, knocking several employees to the ground and sending others scurrying atop vending machines to avoid the horde.
When the madness ended, 34-year-old Jdimytai Damour was dead and four shoppers, including a woman eight months pregnant, were injured.
He was bum-rushed by 200 people," said Wal-Mart worker Jimmy Overby, 43.
"They took the doors off the hinges. He was trampled and killed in front of me.
"They took me down, too ... I didn't know if I was going to live through it. I literally had to fight people off my back," Overby said.
Damour, a temporary maintenance worker from Jamaica, Queens, was gasping for air as shoppers continued to surge into the store after its 5 a.m. opening, witnesses said.
Even officers who arrived to perform CPR on the trampled worker were stepped on by wild-eyed shoppers streaming inside, a cop at the scene said.
"They pushed him down and walked all over him," Damour's sobbing sister, Danielle, 41, said. "How could these people do that?
"He was such a young man with a good heart, full of life. He didn't deserve that."
Damour's sister said doctors told the family he died of a heart attack.
His cousin, Ernst Damour, called the circumstances "completely unacceptable."
"His body was a stepping bag with so much disregard for human life," Ernst Damour, 37, said. "There has to be some accountability."
Roughly 2,000 people gathered outside the Wal-Mart's doors in the predawn darkness.
Chanting "push the doors in," the crowd pressed against the glass as the clock ticked down to the 5 a.m. opening.
Sensing catastrophe, nervous employees formed a human chain inside the entrance to slow down the mass of shoppers.
It didn't work.
The mob barreled in and overwhelmed workers.
"They were jumping over the barricades and breaking down the door," said Pat Alexander, 53, of Crown Heights, Brooklyn. "Everyone was screaming. You just had to keep walking on your toes to keep from falling over."
After the throng toppled Damour, his fellow employees had to fight through the crowd to help him, police said.
Witness Kimberly Cribbs said shoppers acted like "savages."
"When they were saying they had to leave, that an employee got killed, people were yelling, 'I've been on line since Friday morning!'" Cribbs said. "They kept shopping."
From The New York Times
and Newsday
Wal-Mart Employee Trampled to Death
By 4:55, with no police officers in sight, the crowd of more than 2,000 had become a rabble, and could be held back no longer. Fists banged and shoulders pressed on the sliding-glass double doors, which bowed in with the weight of the assault. Six to 10 workers inside tried to push back, but it was hopeless.
The person who was trampled to death was Jdimytai Damour, a temporary worker from Queens.
Suddenly, witnesses and the police said, the doors shattered, and the shrieking mob surged through in a blind rush for holiday bargains. One worker, Jdimytai Damour, 34, was thrown back onto the black linoleum tiles and trampled in the stampede that streamed over and around him. Others who had stood alongside Mr. Damour trying to hold the doors were also hurled back and run over, witnesses said.
Mr. Damour, who lived in Queens, went into the store sometime during the night to stock shelves and perform maintenance work.
On Friday night, Mr. Damour’s father, Ogera Charles, 67, said his son had spent Thursday evening having Thanksgiving dinner at a half sister’s house in Queens before going directly to work. Mr. Charles said his son, known as Jimmy, was raised in Queens by his mother and worked at various stores in the area after graduating from high school. His family roots are in Haiti, and he had a brother and four sisters.
Myrthil, who is Jean's son, said Damour was a big man and had no apparent health problems. Damour did construction work for a time and installed fences, he said.
Damour loved poetry, and he was a fan of the late novelist Donald Goines, the friend said.
Wild Thing's comment.........
I never have shopped on the Friday after Thanksgiving, I can't stand mobs. There are just too many facotrs that make it hard to control a mob.
In these photos at the Wal-Mart in Long Island, we see the spirit of the season brought on by Obama supporters.
At the link for the article, I was glancingi through the comments that were made,l some that showed there is still humanity in this world but other comments by horrible peoople pushing their I hate whitie agenda as well as hate for Bush and their admiration for Obama.
Here is one example:
BDS to the max:
“Hey rodent424, this aint WalMarts fault; it aint nobodys fault cept BUSH! He made this bad eonomy that made folks have to skrimp and hunt for cheap stuff cause they aint got no money on account of BUSH giving it to all his fatcat buddys like HALLIBERTON and FANNE MAY and his big banker buddys. Now there aint no money left for the little guys so he’s got to go to WALMART when they gots stuff on sale so they can have a Christmas. BUSH need to resign NOW and let B.O. take over so we dont have no more mess like this of today.”
These are angry people, one would think they would be so happy since they won the election. happy that it is the Christmas season and be able to control themselves. But their anger is not going away just because Obama won, nope!
Thoughts of this being a rehearsal for the upcoming Inauguration.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:50 AM | Comments (22)
In Country With Our Troops In Afghanistan
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:48 AM
Don Rickles on Letterman
Rickles makes fun of Obama. Crowd did not like it. Libs can't laugh at anything. This is from November 11th.
That crowd is so uptight and politically correct. Shows how far we have fallen as a nation. Years ago the crowd would be rolling in laughter. Today everyone is so afraid of insulting this group or that group. Rickles is an equal opportunity offender and a national treasure.
The late night commedians have commented about ‘who will we talk about now’....they KNOW they won’t criticize Obama. But really, what are they going to do......keep kicking Bush for four more years? And a lot of that fear they have comes from the racist Michelle and Barack Obama playing the race card their entire election.
LOL.....“These are new jokes, I’m trying out in front of a bad crowd.”
Don Rickles on Dean Martin Roasts Reagan
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:47 AM | Comments (2)
Barack Obama Commemorative Plate
Wild Thing's comment.......
The ad is so corny I was sure it had to be a fake ad, a joke. But it is for real, here is the website.
Also one of my cousins said she saw the ad on TV and almost threw up. I don't blame her. haha
I told her I thought I would wait for the Velvet painting version, and she screamed into the phone. hahaahha
I am so inspired I can hardly stand it! Everyone will be getting this for Christmas ( only kidding). heh heh
I showed this to Nicholas LOL.....here is his comment......
"I only have one thing to say,.....PULL! "
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:45 AM | Comments (19)
November 28, 2008
Obama and His Endless News Conferences
The President-Elect, Talking Turkey
By Dana Milbank
Thursday, November 27
President-elect Obama had nearly finished his third news conference in as many days yesterday when he decided to favor his audience with one more tasty morsel of information about the just-announced members of his economic team.
"I want you to know that both Paul and Austan have special turkey-cooking recipes, if anybody out here needs some advice on how to make the ideal turkey," Obama offered.
Let's leave aside the question of whether credible cooking advice could come from Carter Fed Chairman Paul Volcker or University of Chicago economist Austan Goolsbee. Let's also look beyond the question of whether, at a time when the economy has gone afoul, we want it run by people who specialize in making "the ideal turkey."
The real news is that Obama had clearly run out of things to say.
It is a case of being careful of what one asks for. When Obama went to ground for about 10 days, making no public announcements and furtively slipping in and out of the gym, pundits wondered what had become of the "transparent transition" he promised. But Obama buried that complaint this week with an extraordinary blitz:
His second, third and fourth news conferences set a new record for a modern president-elect, and he still has nearly two months to go.
But Obama is not in charge yet -- a point he makes with such regularity it seems to have become a tic. And so, after he makes the day's personnel announcements, voices concern about the economy and speaks vaguely about his plans, there isn't much left to say.
In an interview with ABC News's Barbara Walters broadcast Wednesday night, Obama found himself talking about giving up his BlackBerry ("This is a problem") and his daughters' chores:
Michelle Obama: "They're gonna need to be able to make their beds and . . ."
Walters: "Really?"
Michelle Obama: "They do that now."
Walters: "In the White House they're gonna have to make the beds and clean up their rooms?"
Barack Obama: "Doing that since they were 4 years old."
Michelle Obama: "That's gonna be one of my goals. Don't make their beds. Make mine." (Laughs)
Barack Obama: (Laughs).
At yesterday's news conference, the president-elect discussed his shopping plans in response to a query from the New York Daily News's Tom DeFrank.
"Well, we are going to do some Christmas shopping," he said. "And Malia and Sasha have already put their list together. It's mostly for Santa. They send their letter every year. But -- but we may do some extra shopping as well."
At Tuesday's news conference in Chicago, Obama found himself discussing a reporter's headgear:
Obama: "I didn't recognize you because you don't have the floppy hat that you had during the campaign."
Reporter (picking up hat): "I actually do."
Obama: "There it is. Man, that's what I'm talking about."
The overexposure of the president-elect seems designed to reinforce two points.
First: He plans to hit the ground running. "We need people who are going to be able to hit the ground running," he said yesterday. This was the same wording he used on Tuesday, his strategist David Axelrod used Monday, his adviser Valerie Jarrett used on Nov. 12, his transition chief John Podesta used on Nov. 11, and Obama used back on Nov. 8.
Second point: that "there is only one president at a time," as Obama put it yesterday. And Tuesday. And Nov. 18. And Nov. 8. And Nov. 7. Axelrod, Goolsbee and Jarrett have dutifully echoed the point on the airwaves.
That's technically true -- but the actual president seems to have no interest in making news of any sort. Yesterday, he ventured into the Rose Garden to deliver the news that he was pardoning two turkeys, Pumpkin and Pecan. "Pumpkin and Pecan have an exciting trip ahead of them: Later today, they will fly to Disneyland aboard 'Turkey One,' " the commander in chief announced, before turning wistful. "This is my final Thanksgiving as the president. Over the past eight years, I have been given many reasons to be thankful."
With that act to follow, Obama can't be surprised that people are treating him as if he's already the president. At yesterday's session in Chicago, CNN's Ed Henry gave him the business, demanding to know why he had tapped so many former Clinton aides and even a Bush man, the Pentagon's Robert Gates.
"Paul Volcker has been around a long time," Henry pointed out. "You talked about [how] John McCain was going to come back to Washington if he won and would just move people into different chairs. We got Tom Daschle, Hillary Clinton, Bob Gates --"
Henry didn't even get to mention Rahm Emanuel, John Podesta, Greg Craig, Ron Klain, Eric Holder, Bill Richardson and the rest before Obama cut him off.
"First of all, that's not the topic," Obama instructed Henry. "We're not talking about my Cabinet, because I haven't made those appointments yet."
Wild Thing's comment.........
LMAO I love how this article is written..... they are seeing what a bore and egomaniac Obama is.
"The real news is that Obama had clearly run out of things to say."
Oh my, Obama is not even the president yet and his libtard media has grown bored with him.
"First of all, that's not the topic," Obama instructed Henry.
Wonder how long until the press gets tired of Obama thinking that because he's in charge he can speak to them with such impunity.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:55 AM | Comments (16)
Russia to Obama: Normalize Iran Ties
Russia to Obama: Normalize Iran ties source
Russia says it is in contact with the Obama administration in a bid to convince it to normalize ties with Iran and solve the nuclear issue.
Moscow hopes that “the new administration understands that there is no alternative to the political process and dialogue at all levels,” Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov told Bloomberg on Wednesday.
He said US President-elect Barack Obama would have to normalize ties with Iran to reach a solution to the nuclear dispute.
“We are doing it bypassing the Bush administration and reach Obama's team] through our embassy in Washington D.C. and our contacts with people who are around Barack Obama,” Ryabkov added.
The Russian official stated that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's letter to Obama was a sign of Iran's intentions that could open a new chapter in Tehran-Washington relations.
Russia has repeatedly voiced support for a diplomatic solution to Iran's nuclear issue.
additional source Bloomberg.com
Russia Has Contacted Obama Aides to Pursue Iran Nuclear Deal
Bypassing the outgoing Bush administration, Russian officials have approached aides to Obama, 47. The president- elect takes office Jan. 20. “We are doing it through our embassy in Washington D.C. and our contacts with people who are around Barack Obama,” said Ryabkov.
The Bush administration refused to hold high-level talks with Iranian leaders until they agree to suspend uranium enrichment.
A letter of congratulations from Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to Obama was a “welcome sign” of Iran’s intentions to turn a new page in its relations with the U.S, Ryabkov said.
Wild Thing's comment........
Russiai sure loves to stirring the pot.
Medvedev also announced in a speech in Lima, Peru, that the Obama administration may renounce the US Missile Defense.
Article HERE.....Medvedev Sees Possible Compromise With Obama on Missile Defense
I guess we didn't know we actually elected Medvedev as US president -- I doubt Obama will stand up to him.
There is an excellent analysis by John Bolton:
“If President-elect Obama carries through on where I think his real instincts lie on missile defense, which is not to continue it, I think in Moscow they will read that as responding to the threat and indeed the intimidation reflected in Medvedev’s speeches. “
Foreign Policy Challenges for the New Administration by John Bolton November 24, 2008
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:50 AM | Comments (12)
A Special Video " To My Parents" from Operation Mom
This was made by the children of Vietnam Veterans and it is something very special. -- Wild Thing
....Thank you Mark for sending this video to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:47 AM | Comments (10)
Russian President Visits Cold War Ally Cuba
Russian president visits Cold War ally Cuba
Russia's president visited old Cold War ally Cuba on Thursday after meeting with his nation's new friends in Latin America in a tour aimed at reviving relationships that have frayed since the Soviet Union's collapse.
Dmitry Medvedev arrived in Havana from Venezuela, where he met with socialist President Hugo Chavez and agreed to help the oil-rich South American country start a nuclear energy program.
Russian officials deny that Medvedev's trip to Latin America — traditionally considered in the U.S. sphere of influence — is meant to provoke the United States, but the voyage included meetings with Washington's staunchest opponents in the region.
In Havana, Medvedev was greeted by Cuban Foreign Minister Felipe Perez Roque and Ricardo Cabrisas, the island's chief of foreign trade and investment. He was immediately sped away in a limousine without addressing reporters.
Medvedev later met with President Raul Castro, who was especially friendly with the Russians during the Soviet years.
Earlier Thursday, Medvedev and Chavez toured a Russian destroyer docked in a Venezuelan port, one of two large Russian warships that arrived this week for training exercises in the first deployment of its kind in the Caribbean since the Cold War.
Chavez saluted the captain, and while touring the vessel joked to reporters from the deck: "We're going to Cuba!"
The warships will hold joint exercises with Venezuela's navy next week. ....
Wednesday's accords included a pledge of cooperation on peaceful nuclear energy.
Moscow plans to develop a nuclear cooperation program with Venezuela by the end of next year, said Sergei Kiriyenko, head of the Russian Federal Atomic Energy Agency.
Cuba is the last stop on a four-nation tour, which also included visits to Peru and Brazil and talks in Caracas with Bolivia's Evo Morales and Nicaragua's Daniel Ortega.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Aw, look at the cute picture of Che in the background. How adorable.....not.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:45 AM | Comments (8)
November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving To All, and a BIG Thank You To Our Troops and Veterans
Thank you and thank you to all our Troops and to all of you Veterans. And I would also like to thank those of you that have loved ones serving now, sons, daughters, husbands and wives. You are serving too in such a special way. You are all in my thoughts and prayers every single day.
Wild Thing
C.J. Chivers and Staff Sgt. Gerald R. White. Chivers, formerly a Marine infantry officer, is a foreign correspondent for the Times. White is a dad, a soldier and a veteran three times over.
Both spent Thanksgiving in Afghanistan, and the former told the story of the latter today:
After all the turkey had been eaten, a huge soldier appeared for dinner. He was 6 feet 3 inches tall and weighed 260 pounds.
He introduced himself: Staff Sgt. Gerald R. White, 29, of Sistersville, W.Va. He was an artilleryman serving his third combat tour, this one as a noncommissioned officer who coordinates and directs fire from artillery, mortars and helicopter gunships.
As he prepared to fill his plate with the leftovers, the setting sun illuminated a fresh purple scar on the back of his neck.
Then came his story. He was wounded when a three-vehicle patrol was ambushed on Sept. 15 in Jalrez.
His vehicle was struck by a rocket-propelled grenade; shrapnel tore open his buttocks and his neck. The ambush blossomed. More and more of the rockets flew toward the broken vehicles and wounded soldiers, he said. Machine gun fire smacked their windows and doors.
Rockets struck the second vehicle’s turret alone three times, he said. Ten other soldiers had been wounded by the time reinforcements arrived and pushed the Taliban off.
Sgt. White spent four weeks recuperating at Bagram Air Base, north of Kabul. He returned to his tiny base without having been home to see his wife and three children, who are at Fort Bragg, in North Carolina.
Now he pulled something from his left breast pocket. It was a miniature metal placard of a Purple Heart. “I will never quit,” its engraving read.
Many of the soldiers here Thursday said that Thanksgiving meant football and beer. Sgt. White, scarred and as large as a fullback, spoke of his children, ages 11, 5 and 3.
“My little one, he’s my hero,” he said. “He was on his deathbed. He was born six weeks premature, and he had internal bleeding. He took three blood transfusions, but by the time he was 9 months old, he was fine.”
“His name is Gerald,” he said. “Gerald Jr.”
He added: “I’m proud of all three of them. I wish I could be there today. It’s a special moment. But I’ll make it up to them once I get home.”
After eating, Sgt. White returned to his post. A Polish patrol was heading north up Highway 1. Intelligence reports said that the Taliban’s spotters on the highway were organizing an ambush.
He paced beside the radios as darkness fell, listening for the Poles, ready to call down fire.
Some fun with our awesome troops!

Thank you Glenn M. Cassel AMH1(AW) USN RET for the photos of our troops.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:55 AM | Comments (12)
Strikers Prepare for Thanksgiving in Northeastern Baghdad
Pfc. Katty Marie Le Blanc, a native of Boston, and Spc. Reuben Jones, a native of Gainesville, Fla., both of whom serve as cooks with the Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 3rd Special Troops Battalion, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, Multi-National Division – Baghdad, display eight of the turkeys that will be used for the brigade's Thanksgiving dinner throughout the Adhamiyah and Sadr City Districts of Baghdad.
Strikers Prepare for Thanksgiving in Northeastern Baghdad
By Scott Flenner
3rd Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division
Soldiers from the 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, Multi-National Division – Baghdad, will enjoy a feast of fresh turkey with all the fixings this Thanksgiving holiday.
Three months ago, food service technicians and officers began planning for this celebration to ensure that every Soldier operating in their area was provided with a traditional Thanksgiving meal Nov. 27 – they have succeeded.
Warrant Officer Darryl Goddard, a food service officer with 3rd BCT, 4th Inf. Div., who has been planning the Thanksgiving dinner at Forward Operating Base War Eagle, is ready for the challenge of feeding the more than 300 Soldiers there.
“I am ensuring that Soldiers at FOB War Eagle and 4th Inf. Div. are supported with a little taste of home … and I am working diligently to ensure they get the necessary feeling of home here in Iraq while in Iraq,” said the Norfolk, Va., native.
That taste of home includes more than 800 pounds of fresh turkey, which will be prepared and fixed at the larger dining facilities and then pushed out to the smaller combat outposts and joint security stations.
“Every Soldier will get a good Thanksgiving dinner based upon patrol schedule,” said Command Sgt. Maj. Daniel Dailey, a Palmerton, Pa., native, who serves as the senior enlisted leader for the 3rd BCT, 4th Inf. Div. “It will be a continuous operation throughout the day.”
But turkey is not the only traditional food being served to the troops this holiday season. Sweet potato pie, apple cobbler and Baskin Robin’s ice cream are just a few other treats to accompany the feast.
“I feel that it is important from a biblical standpoint and a moral standpoint for Soldiers on the battlefield be able to be comfortable and enjoy the Thanksgiving tradition that has been going on for centuries,” said Goddard.
Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates expressed his gratitude to the nation's service members and their families in his annual Thanksgiving Day message.
Here is the text of the secretary's message:
"In this season of hope, I want to say how uplifting it has been to get to know so many Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines during the last 24 months.
"Many of you are far from home, and I'm sure there's no place you would rather be than with your loved ones. But know that they, and all Americans, are free and secure because of what the men and women of the U.S. military are doing all over the world – from Fort Lewis to Fort Drum, from Korea to Kosovo, from Bagram to Baghdad.
"The holidays are a time to reflect on the kind of nation we are: a nation whose character and decency are embodied in our armed forces. Those who risk life and limb every time they set foot "outside the wire." The medical personnel, engineers, and civil affairs teams who improve the lives of thousands. And all are volunteers.
"To the families of our forces: thank you for sharing your loved ones to defend us all. To our troops: we admire your selflessness and pray for your success and safe return home. And to all: happy holidays."
Robert M. Gates
Secretary of Defense
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:50 AM | Comments (8)
Kabul 'bomb Attack' on US Embassy
A suicide car bomber targeting an American convoy exploded outside the US Embassy in Kabu
KABUL, Afghanistan
A homicide car bomber targeting an American convoy exploded about 200 yards outside the U.S. Embassy in Kabul on Thursday, killing at least four Afghan bystanders as people entered the compound for a Thanksgiving Day race.
Four Afghans at least 18 more people were wounded in the 8:30 a.m. attack, said Abdullah Fahim, a health ministry spokesman.
Police officer Abdul Manan said the explosion was set off by a suicide bomber in a Toyota Corolla.
No U.S. Embassy personnel were killed or injured in the blast, an Embassy statement said.
The blast happened on the last day of a visit by a United Nation's Security Council delegation. The U.N. had warned its staff in Afghanistan of possible terrorist attacks coinciding with the visit.
The U.S. Embassy was hosting a Thanksgiving Day fun run beginning at 9 a.m., so Americans and other Westerners were entering the embassy compound when the bomb went off, sending some participants sprinting for the embassy gates.
"I was about 30 or 40 yards inside the gate. There was a large explosion. I felt the shock wave, though it wasn't all that strong," said Danny Cutherell, a 26-year-old aid worker from Virginia. "We were about 200 yards from the blast when it went off, but we were behind the embassy wall and that protected us."
Cutherell said about 20 participants in the run had been locked inside a room with double-locking doors at the embassy's security checkpoint and that guards would neither let them in or out. "We're here for a while," he said.
"It was a bit shocking but it's also not that shocking because it is Thanksgiving and we had heard there was going to be tightened security today," Cutherell said. "It's just scary to be that close to it."
Insurgents attacks in Kabul have been rare this year, although they have launched a few spectacular assaults, including one targeting the Indian Embassy on July 7 that killed 60 people and left over 140 others wounded.
Wild Thing's comment......
God bless and protect our awesome troops.
It seems the terrorists are putting the world on notice in the "CHANGE YOU CAN BELIEVE IN".
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:48 AM | Comments (6)
Put Your Hand Up If You’re British or American
Foreign guests react after being rescued from the Taj Hotel in Mumbai
Put your hand up if you’re British or American
GUNMEN who killed more than 80 people in Mumbai last night ordered hotel guests: “Put your hand up if you’re British or American.” Frightened hostages were marched off — and their fate was unclear. Local reports said they could include up to 40 British and other foreigners.
Late last night police were said to be storming two luxury hotels, one of which was ablaze.
The Oberoi and Taj Mahal Palace hotels were among at least SEVEN locations attacked simultaneously as maniacs with machine guns and bombs staged massacres that rocked the teeming Indian city.
At least 900 were wounded as the wild-eyed terrorists, thought to be Islamic fanatics, opened fire and lobbed grenades indiscriminately.
A rail station, restaurant and police HQ were also hit, along with a hospital where 58 perished.
The Foreign Office was frantically trying to find out if Britons were among the latest victims.
Anyone concerned about friends or relatives should call the Foreign Office on 0207 0080000
At the Oberoi, Brit Alex Chamberlain — who works for the Indian Premier League cricket website — told how he managed to slip away as up to 40 guests were herded up 18 flights of stairs at gunpoint.
He said: “They told everybody to put their hands up if there were any British or Americans.
“My friend said to me, don’t be a hero, don’t say you are British.
“I am sure that is what this is all about. They were talking about British and Americans specifically.
“There was an Italian guy. They said, ‘Where are you from?’. He said he was from Italy and they said ‘fine’ and they left him alone.
“I thought, ‘Fine, they’re going to shoot me if they ask me anything — and thank God they didn’t.”
Fellow Brit Rakesh Patel confirmed: “They wanted anyone with British or American passports.”
Later an explosion was reported after commandos were said to have stormed in.
At the Taj Mahal Palace, British Euro MP Sajjad Karim told how he fled as gunmen burst in.
Holed up in its basement with other survivors, the Tory’s voice shook with fear as he said via mobile phone: “A gunman just stood there spraying bullets around, right next to me.
“I managed to turn away and I ran into the hotel kitchen and then we were shunted into a restaurant in the basement. We are now in the dark in this room and we’ve barricaded all the doors. It’s really bad.”
He told of seeing “several people go down” as the gunmen opened up.
A guest at a wedding reception said: “Everyone — the bride, the groom, everyone — just ran.”
One hotel guest said a stairway was full of bodies.
Amid the mayhem, police and paramedics used anything they could lay their hands on to transport the injured.
Some were wheeled to safety on the hotel’s golden luggage carts.
Later, fires burned in the top floors as police reportedly tried to overpower gunmen.
Screaming people were seen hanging out of windows of lower floors as firefighters tried to reach them with ladders and cherry-pickers.
The hotel was used by the England cricket team just two weeks ago — and they were due to stay there again for next month’s Second Test.
Last night there were fears the Test may be called off.
Plans by Middlesex County Cricket Club to fly out today for the inaugural Twenty20 Champions League were scrapped.
The bloodbaths began at 10.33pm local time. Gunmen in jeans and carrying rucksacks fired AK47s and threw grenades at the crowded CST railway terminus — killing ten.
At the police HQ, a frantic cop yelled down the phone: “We are under fire, there is shooting at the gate.” The chief of the anti-terror squad was among three top cops reported killed.
Three more people died when a taxi was blown up near the airport.
Another target was the city’s famous Cafe Leopold — a mecca for tourists.
It was left pitted with bullet holes — with pools of blood on the floor where diners had fled leaving behind their shoes.
Journalist Sourav Mishra was wounded in the shoulder as he ate there with friends. Last night he was having to share a hospital bed with THREE other injured patients. He said: “I heard gunshots — something hit me. I ran away and fell on the road.”
Hospital officials said a Japanese man had died there and nine Europeans had been admitted, three of them in critical condition with gunshots.
An Indian government spokesman said four suspects had been killed in two incidents when they tried to flee in cars.
He added another more died at the Taj Mahal Palace Hotel and nine more were arrested.
Mumbai has frequently been targeted by Islamic extremists, including a series of bombings in July 2007 that killed 187 people.
A group calling itself the “Deccan Mujahedeen” last night boasted its members had staged the attacks.
Police said: “The encounters are still going on and we are trying to overpower them.”
Wild Thing's comment.........
Even though these attacks happened far away, they were attacks on America and Engliand.
We need to being to exploit their every weakness and we all know what their weaknesses are but are reluctant to exploit them as we must follow PC guidelines even when fighting wars.
For starters, don’t give terrorists in prison Korans and all the Islamic comforts of home.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:47 AM | Comments (8)
Minneapolis Somali Community Reacts To Terrorist Reports
Minneapolis Somali Community Reacts To Terrorist Reports
The Somali community in the Metro has become fearful after reports that one of their own was a suicidal bomber.
Federal sources say Shirwa Ahmed blew himself up in a suicide bombing in northern Somali last month. They also believe he was a recruiter in the Twin Cities for a terrorist network.
Government sources believe that as many as 40 young men who knew Ahmed, recently left Minnesota without telling their families.
5 EYEWITNESS NEWS talked to Ahmed's family. They said they have not heard from him in weeks.
The report was the talk of this busy Somali market on Wednesday.
In south Minneapolis, many in the Somali community have been fearful to go on camera to talk about the reports. Off camera, people told 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS they were concerned about how the community as a whole will be perceived after the incident.
"The bottom line is there are people who are recruiting here, kids who are being brainwashed to go back there and blow themselves up," explained Omar Jamal with the Somali Justice Advocacy Center.
Sources believe there is a strong network of recruiters working the Twin Cities, trying to convince young Somalis to surrender themselves for the cause of terrorism.
CIA Director Michael Hayden acknowledges a growing tie between Al Qaeda and Somali terrorist groups. Federal investigators believe these missing men are training for terrorist attacks overseas, but can't be sure they won't return the Twin Cities someday to carry out an attack.
Wild Thing's comment.......
So those 40 went back to Somali, good and don't come back to America.
" Off camera, people told 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS they were concerned about how the community as a whole will be perceived after the incident. "
Yes that's right, worry only about your neighbors being nice to you instead of the lives that were taken by terrorists. Ever think of speaking out against terrorism instead of the don't pick on me BS!
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:45 AM | Comments (4)
'We want all Mujahideen released' ~ Says Terrorist Inside Oberoi Hotel
Co-ordinated attacks
'We want all Mujahideen released': Terrorist inside Oberoi
MUMBAI: A militant holed up inside Mumbai's Oberoi Hotel told a news channel on Thursday that seven attackers were holding hostages inside the luxury establishment.
"There are seven of us inside hotel Oberoi," the man identified as Sahadullah told the channel. "We want all Mujahideens held in India released and only after that we will release the people."
"Release all the Mujahideens, and Muslims living in India should not be troubled," he said.
Fresh firing erupted early on Thursday in Taj hotel as commandoes moved in to flush out terrorists holding some foreigners hostage after a night of terror targeting ten places in Mumbai.
Army commandoes moved into the luxury Oberoi and the Taj Mahal hotels to flush out terrorists holed up hours after an unspecified number of heavily armed gunmen went on a rampage in ten places in South Mumbai killing 80 persons and taking some foreigners hostage.
Fire and smoke was seen billowing from the hotel as firemen struggled hard to rescue over 100 people still trapped inside.
Five suspected terrorists were killed in two separate incidents overnight including two during a gun battle in the country's iconic landmark Taj hotel, police said.
Maharashtra deputy chief minister R R Patil said nine suspected terrorists have been arrested. Schools and colleges were ordered to be closed.
Chief Minister Vilasrao Deshmukh said five police officers including Anti Terrorism Squad chief Hemant Karkare were killed in one of the worst terror strikes in the country's financial capital that in all claimed the lives of at least 11 police personnel.
"The operation (by security forces) is still going on," he said. Besides army commandoes, naval commandos and Rapid Action force personnel joined in the operations to rescue those stranded in the two hotels. Five columns of Army and 200 NSG commandoes have been rushed. Two sten guns have been recovered by police so far, he added.
Deshmukh said it was not immediately known how many terrorists were involved in the audacious attack in ten places that shook the western metropolis. The chief minister said the Taj and Oberoi are not in control yet. He said there are no terrorists in Cama hospital which was also targeted by gunmen.
Police reported that some hostages were still being held at the Taj Mahal and Oberoi with eyewitnesses saying the gunmen had targeted foreigners after they kept shouting: "Who has US or UK passports?" Several guests were also stuck.
Fire was still raging in the old wing of Taj hotel several hours after it was rocked by five to six blasts and enormous clouds of black smoke rose from the century-old edifice on Mumbai's waterfront.
Wild Thing's comment........
Execute ALL in Gitmo. Nuke Mecca and Medina. These Muslimes are trying to kill the civilised world by a thousand cuts.
Every mosque or school that produced those men should be razed with napalm and every dime that is in their bank accounts paid to the surviving family members.
Every apologist should be jailed and we should CONTINUE the policy of actively seeking every person that's been educated or trained at their facilities.
OK Your move, punk!
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:44 AM | Comments (8)
President Bush Visiting Troops At Fort Campbell, Ky
The President told the troops, “We are blessed to have defenders of such character and courage.” “I’m grateful to the families who serve by your side. And I will always be thankful for the honor of having served as the Commander-in-Chief.”
“Over the past seven years, folks from this base have done exactly what they were trained to do.” “You have taken the battle of the terrorists overseas so we do not have to face them here in the United States. You have helped counter the hateful ideology of tyranny and terror with a more hopeful vision of justice and liberty. You’re part of the great ideological struggle of our time. With the soldiers of Fort Campbell out front, the forces of freedom and liberty will prevail.”
“In Iraq, Afghanistan, and beyond, our men and women in uniform have done everything we have asked of them and more,” said the President. “You’ve earned the thanks of every American.”
“I’m honored to be with the Screaming Eagles of the 101st Airborne; the Night Stalkers of the 160th; the Green Berets of the 5th Special Forces Group, all members of the Fort Campbell community. You are part of the finest military in the world. I have one word for you: Hooah!”
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:40 AM | Comments (4)
November 26, 2008
British and Americans Targeted in Co-Ordinated Bombay Attacks ( info. and Photos )
Remains of a taxi after terror attack at western express highway near domestic airport in Mumbai
A policeman walks with an elderly man after shootings by unidentified assailants at a railway station in Mumbai
Police officers at the scene of a restaurant attack in Mumbai, India in this image made from television, Wednesday, Nov. 26, 2008. Gunmen targeted luxury hotels, a popular tourist attraction and a crowded train station in at least seven attacks in India's financial capital Wednesday, wounding 25 people, police and witnesses said. A.N Roy police commissioner of Maharashtra state, of which Mumbai is the capital, said several people had been wounded in the attacks and police were battling the gunmen. 'The terrorists have used automatic weapons and in some places grenades have been lobbed,' said Roy. Gunmen opened fire on two of the city's best known Luxury hotels, the Taj Mahal and the Oberoi. They also attacked the crowded Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus station in southern Mumbai and Leopold's restaurant, a Mumbai landmark. It was not immediately clear what the motive was for the attacks.
(AP Photo/NDTV)
Wild Thing's comment........
Here is a link to the Oberoi, Mumbai Hotel webstie.
Terror attacks in Mumbai; 80 dead, over 250 injured
MUMBAI: Terror struck the country's financial capital late on Wednesday night as coordinate serial explosions and indiscriminate firing rocked eight areas across Mumbai including the crowded CST railway station, two five star hotels--Oberoi and Taj.
At least 80 people were dead and 250 injured in the terror attacks, hospital sources said.
Two terrorists were still inside the Oberoi Hotel and commando operation was on.
Terrorists hijacked white police jeep near Metro cinema in South Mumbai .
Firing was also reported near Maharashtra state assembly building in South Mumbai.
Armed with AK-47 rifles and grenades, a couple of terrorists entered the passenger hall of CST and opened fire and threw grenades, Mumbai General Railway Police Commissioner A K Sharma said.
The terror strike which began at 10:33 PM at Chhatrapathi Shivaji Terminus(CST), formerly known as the Victoria Terminus(VT), claimed 10 lives in the premises of the station alone, police said.
Three persons were killed in a bomb explosion in a taxi on Mazegaon dockyard road and an equal number were gunned down at Taj Hotel. The victims in the hotel were its employees.
The lobby of the Oberoi hotel was on fire and the hotel evacuated, eyewitnesses said.
Maharashtra DGP A N Roy said tonight's attack in "at least seven places" is a "terror strike."
Sharma said 30 persons were injured in the CST incident. Commandoes were rushed to the CST which wore a deserted look and train services suspended.
Maharashtra Chief Minister Vilasrao Deshmukh is cutting his Kerala visit and returning to Mumbai. He described the situation in Mumbai as "very serious".
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has condemned terror attacks in Mumbai and assured Maharashtra government of all assistance.
The NSG commandos were on standby and national disaster response force unit is being rushed to Mumbai, the Ministry of Home Affairs officials said.
Some people were injured in the firing in Oberoi hotel, and taken to a nearby hospital in police vans and ambulance. Firing was also reported in Taj hotel.
Firing was reported at Colaba, Nariman Point and near Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminal, formerly Victoria Terminus and it was still continuing.
Firing was also reported at Cama Hospital in south Mumbai, police said, adding that a blast was reported in a taxi under a flyover in suburban Vile Parle. A bomb went off in a taxi in Mazegaon dockyard road.
SRPF personnel then entered the iconic BMC building -- just opposite CST -- to take aim at the assailants, BMC commissioner Jairaj Phatak said. "We fear some of the assailants are still inside the station and we want to catch them if they come out," a police official said.
Vikhroli police station senior inspector Habib Ansari was on his way to work from his Colaba home when he saw two armed men, with sophisticated weaponry, trying to run into bylanes near the Gateway of India.
"I rushed back to Colaba and all policemen, including GRP and RPF personnel, were called up," he added.
Bhisham Mansukhani, a journalist, was attending a wedding reception at the Taj's Crystal Room. "I was inside the bar when glass shards almost hit my eye," he said. "More than 200 people were escorted inside Chambers, a business centre inside the hotel," he added.
A taxi filled with ammunition was found in the suburbs of Mumbai, India, IBN reported Nov. 26, adding that attacks could spread to the city’s western suburbs. A boat filled with ammunition and explosives was found near the Gateway in Mumbai; the explosives used in the Mumbai attacks reportedly came in via the sea, IBN reported.
From TimesOnline(UK):
Rhys Blakely in Bombay
Gunmen stalked a hotel in Bombay looking for British and US passport holders during co-ordinated attacks across the city that have left at least 18 dead.
A series of shootings and bomb blasts at luxury hotels and bars in the south of the city hit at least nine locations. Security sources said “a major terror attack” was unfolding.
Shootings were reported in the lobby of the five-star Taj Mahal Palace hotel in the Colaba area of south Bombay and at the nearby Leopolds bar, a popular destination with western backpackers. Witnesses described pools of blood and bullet scarred walls at both locations.
“Speaking via mobile phone, he said: “I was in the lobby of the hotel when gunmen came in and people started running … A gunman just stood there spraying bullets around, right next to me.”
A witness at the hotel told a local television station: “They wanted anyone with British or American passports.
"They wanted foreigners.”
It was feared that the death toll could rise significantly. The Times of India reported that more than 80 people had lost their lives.
Nearby, witnesses described a “high intensity” bomb blast at the Oberoi hotel, also in the south of the city, a regular meeting place for businessmen and wealthy tourists. Paramilitary forces were readying to storm the tower-block building, one of Bombay’s best-known landmarks as smoke continued to pour from the hotel lobby amid fears that hostages were being held by gunmen inside.
Wild Thing's comment.........
The attacks were targeting British and American Nationals. The man on TV in India said the places that were chosen by the terrorists are places that are frequented by Britich and Americans.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:47 PM | Comments (9)
Why the Barack Obama Birth Certificate Issue Is Legitimate
Why the Barack Obama Birth Certificate Issue Is Legitimate
Joe the Farmer
(The pen name Joe the Farmer pays tribute to Joe the Plumber, who had the audacity to ask a question.)
Does this Barack Obama birth certificate issue bug you because, although improbable, it's possible that he's not a natural born citizen, isn't eligible to be President under the Constitution, and this issue could be bigger than Watergate -- or any other "gate" in history?
Are you afraid that if you were even to raise the subject with your friends that they will think you wear a tinfoil hat, because Factcheck.org, the final arbiter of truth in the universe, said so?
Are you with the news media, and after spending so much money to get Barack Obama elected, you'd hate to ruin your investment?
Are you a talk radio host who thinks that if you say the burden of proof needed to demonstrate one is eligible to be Commander in Chief should be at least as high as, oh, say, the level to be eligible for Hawaiian homestead status (see 1.F. below), that you'd be forced to give equal time to someone who disagrees?
Are you a conservative, libertarian, or any conscientious constitutionalist from any ideological side of life, who's convinced something's not right, but you're afraid your reputation might be tarnished because, after all, this could be one big Saul-Alinsky-style set-up, and the joke would be on you?
Fear not! Joe the Farmer has prepared an outline showing that no matter how this issue is ultimately resolved, you have legitimate concerns, and that Barack Obama should, simply out of respect for the nation he was elected to lead, disclose the sealed vault copy of his birth certificate.
Given the circumstances, if Barack Obama respected this nation, he would prove it by the simplest and easiest of gestures - unless, of course, all this talk about change and hope was just a bunch of bull, and he's just "another politician." Here's the outline:
1. Under Hawaiian law, it is possible (both legally and illegally) for a person to have been born out of state, yet have a birth certificate on file in the Department of Health.
A. From Hawaii's official Department of Health, Vital Records webpage: "Amended certificates of birth may be prepared and filed with the Department of Health, as provided by law, for 1) a person born in Hawaii who already has a birth certificate filed with the Department of Health or 2) a person born in a foreign country" (applies to adopted children).
B. A parent may register an in-state birth in lieu of certification by a hospital of birth under HRS 338-5
C. Hawaiian law expressly provides for registration of out-of-state births under HRS 338-17.8. A foreign birth presumably would have been recorded by the American consular of the country of birth, and presumably that would be reflected on the Hawaiian birth certificate.
D. Hawaiian law, however, expressly acknowledges that its system is subject to error. See, for example, HRS 338-17
E. Hawaiian law expressly provides for verification in lieu of certified copy of a birth certificate under HRS 338-14.3.
F. Even the Hawaii Department of Home Lands does not accept a certified copy of a birth certificate as conclusive evidence for its homestead program. From its web site: "In order to process your application, DHHL utilizes information that is found only on the original Certificate of Live Birth, which is either black or green. This is a more complete record of your birth than the Certification of Live Birth (a computer-generated printout). Submitting the original Certificate of Live Birth will save you time and money since the computer-generated Certification requires additional verification by DHHL."
2. Contrary to what you may have read, no document made available to the public, nor any statement by Hawaiian officials, evidences conclusively that Obama was born in Hawaii.
A. Associated Press reported about a statement of Hawaii Health Department Director Dr. Fukino, "State declares Obama birth certificate genuine."
B. That October 31, 2008 statement says that Dr. Fukino "ha[s] personally seen and verified that the Hawai'i State Department of Health has Sen. Obama's original birth certificate on record in accordance with state policies and procedures." That statement does not, however, verify that Obama was born in Hawaii, and as explained above, under Hawaiian policies and procedures it is quite possible that Hawaii may have a birth record of a person not born in Hawaii. Unlikely, but possible.
C. The document that the Obama campaign released to the public is a certified copy of Obama's birth record, which is not the best evidence since, even under Hawaiian law, the original vault copy is the better evidence. Presumably, the vault record would show whether his birth was registered by a hospital in Hawaii.
D. Without accusing anyone of any wrongdoing, we nevertheless know that some people have gone to great lengths, even in violation of laws, rules and procedures, to confer the many benefits of United States citizenship on themselves and their children. Given the structure of the Hawaiian law, the fact that a parent may register a birth, and the limited but inherent potential for human error within the system, it is possible that a parent of a child born out-of-state could have registered that birth to confer the benefits of U.S. citizenship, or simply to avoid bureaucratic hassles at that time or later in the child's life.
1. We don't know whether the standards of registration by the Department of Health were more or less stringent in 1961 (the year of Obama's birth) than they are today. However, especially with post-9/11 scrutiny, we do know that there have been instances of fraudulent registrations of foreign births as American births.
2. From a 2004 Department of Justice news release about multiple New Jersey vital statistics employees engaged in schemes to issue birth certificates to foreign-born individuals: "An individual who paid Anderson and her co-conspirators for the service of creating the false birth records could then go to Office of Vital Statistics to receive a birth certificate . . . As part of the investigation, federal agents executed a search warrant of the HCOVS on Feb. 18, 2004, which resulted in the seizure of hundreds of suspect Certificates of Live Birth which falsely indicated that the named individuals were born in Jersey City, when in fact, they were born outside the United States and were in the United States illegally . . . Bhutta purchased from Goswamy false birth certificates for himself and his three foreign-born children."
3. Even before 9/11, government officials acknowledged the "ease" of obtaining birth certificates fraudulently. From 1999 testimony by one Social Security Administration official: "Furthermore, the identity data contained in Social Security records are only as reliable as the evidence on which the data are based. The documents that a card applicant must present to establish age, identity, and citizenship, usually a birth certificate and immigration documents-are relatively easy to alter, counterfeit, or obtain fraudulently."
3. It has been reported that the Kenyan government has sealed Obama's records. If he were born in Kenya, as has been rumored even recently, the Kenyan government would certainly have many incentives to keep that undisclosed. Objectively, of course, those records may prove nothing. Obama's refusal to release records at many levels here in the United States, though, merely fuels speculation.
4. Obama has refused to disclose the vault copy of his Hawaiian birth certificate. This raises the question whether he himself has established that he is eligible to be President. To date, no state or federal election official, nor any government authority, has verified that he ever established conclusively that he meets the eligibility standard under the Constitution. If the burden of proof were on him, perhaps as it should be for the highest office of any individual in America, the more-than-dozen lawsuits challenging his eligibility would be unnecessary.
A. Had he disclosed his vault copy in the Berg v. Obama lawsuit (which was the first lawsuit filed on the question of his eligibility to be President), and it was established he was born in Hawaii, that would have constituted res judicata, and acted to stop other similar lawsuits being filed. Without res judicata (meaning, the matter is adjudged and settled conclusively) he or government officials will need to defend other lawsuits, and valuable court resources will be expended. Strategically from a legal standpoint, therefore, his refusal to disclose doesn't make sense. Weighing factors such as costs, resources and complexity of disclosing versus not disclosing, he must have reason of considerable downside in disclosing, or upside in not disclosing. There may be other reasons, but one could speculate that he hasn't disclosed because:
1. He was not born in Hawaii, and may not be eligible to be President;
2. He was born in Hawaii, but facts that may be derived from his vault copy birth certificate are inconsistent with the life story he has told (and sold);
3. He was born in Hawaii, and his refusal to provide the best evidence that he is a natural born citizen is a means by which to draw criticism of him in order to make him appear to be a "victim." This would energize his supporters. This would also make other charges about him seem suspect, including his concealment about ties to Bill Ayers and others of some infamy. Such a clever yet distasteful tactic would seem to be a Machiavelli- and Saul-Alinsky-style way to manipulate public opinion. But while this tactic may energize his supporters, it would convince those who believe him to be a manipulator that he's not only just that, but a real pro at it. This would indeed be the basest reason of all, and would have repercussions about his trustworthiness (both here and abroad), which Americans know, is a characteristic sorely lacking in its leaders.
B. His motion to dismiss the Berg case for lack of standing could be viewed as contemptuous of the Constitution. See, "Who Enforces the Constitution's Natural Born Citizen Clause?" Are we to expect yet another White House that hides behind lawyers, and expects Americans to swallow half-truths on a just-trust-me basis?
C. This issue poses the potential for a constitutional crisis unlike anything this country has seen. Disclosure at this stage, however, could even result in criminal sanctions. See, "Obama Must Stand Up Now Or Step Down." Thus, he has motive not to disclose if he were ineligible.
The question not being asked by the holders of power, who dismiss this as a rightwing conspiracy, is what's the downside of disclosing? This is a legitimate issue of inquiry because Barack Obama has turned it into one. The growing number of people who demand an answer in conformance with the Constitution are doing their work; the people's watchdogs aren't.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 PM | Comments (7)
HUGE Wrong ~ Vietnam Vet Branded a "Panhandler"
This photo was taken a few years ago of his encounter with a 9/11 Truther: ( H/T Michelle Malkin )
Vietnam vet branded “panhandler” for handing out memorial poppies
From Michelle Malkin blog
Big John is a Vietnam veteran and VFW leader who works tirelessly on charitable efforts for our troops. Last year, my family and I attended his Thanksgiving feast for wounded vets at the VFW in Arlington, VA. John’s got a heart of gold and an infectious, can-do attitude.
Now, he’s in trouble. Some petty bureaucrats have branded him a “panhandler” and repeatedly threatened him with arrest for handing out “Buddy Poppies” on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. The Rutherford Institute has come to his aid:
"A local veteran is speaking out after police threatened to arrest him for distributing ‘Buddy Poppies’ or memorial flowers at the National Mall in Washington D.C. Now the Charlottesville-based Rutherford Institute has stepped in and filed a first amendment lawsuit against the National Park Police.Now the Charlottesville-based Rutherford Institute has stepped in and filed a first amendment lawsuit against the National Park Police.
John Miska enjoys volunteering and spends most of time helping injured veterans and distributing ‘Buddy Poppies.’
“They’re handed out as a remembrance of veterans sacrifice. The poppies are red representing the blood the soldiers shed and it’s a reminder and it gives people pause to think,” said John Miska, Veteran.
Recently the National Park Police threatened to arrest Miska for handing out his Poppies on the National Mall in Washington D.C.
“People see me standing there and they approach me and ask may I have a Poppy and I give them a Poppy. If people are moved to offer a donation we accept the donations,” said Miska.
According to president of the Rutherford Institute Miska hasn’t done anything wrong, he has only expressed his first amendment rights.
“People occasionally give him money. There’s a statute it’s a D.C. law that says you can’t aggressively solicit money, but he doesn’t do any of that. We feel it’s a violation of the first amendment of the United States Constitution which guarantees you the right to assemble or guarantees you the right to free speech to hand out Buddy Poppies,” said John Whitehead, President, Rutherford Institute.
Miska says this experience isn’t going to stop him from his mission and that it will only encourage him to do more.
“I took an oath to the constitution to preserve protect and defend and I feel if you don’t stand up for you rights you will lose those rights,” said Miska.
CBS19 has tried contacting the U.S. Park Police, but they have not returned the phone call.
The Rutherford Institute is waiting on the government to answer the complaint. What happens next will depend on the U.S. Attorney General’s response."
He let me know he’s working on a Christmas party at Walter Reed for 300 wounded soldiers and their families and asked me to spread the word. Any cash donations or gifts would be most welcome.
"We will accept Christmas cards to hand out as well over the Holidays. They must be unsealed so they may be inspected. If someone wants to send a specific gift we will hand out tickets and draw by number to hand out gifts that we receive. They must be unwrapped and in original factory packaging. If someone wants to send wrapping paper and tape along with a note or card we will include that with gift. A suggestion would be a gift card to a major store, restaurant or gas station with a Christmas card.
Donations may be sent to
VFW Post 8208
PO Box 653
Ruckersville VA 22923
Place a memo note that donation is Christmas fund.
" We are a 501c19 Veterans Service Organization for tax purposes and will provide IRS donation letters upon request for tax returns."
Wild Thing's comment...........
God bless Big John for his service and for all he has done to help our troops and Veterans since.
This is so horirble!!! Veterans do this all over our country, I always see them outside a store and buy a poppy from them to wear. It is something I always look forward to.
....Thank you Mark for the heads up about this.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 AM | Comments (13)
Pittsburgh City Councilwoman Tonya Payne Against The Constitution
Council passes controversial bill on stolen guns
Pittsburgh City Council gave its first approval today to legislation requiring that anyone report a lost or stolen firearm report that within 24 hours or potentially face a $500 fine.
The 6-1 vote, with two abstentions, sets up a final vote likely next week, which would send the legislation to Mayor Luke Ravenstahl for his signature or veto, and then potentially to the courts, where similar measures have been challenged.
"Who really cares about it being unconstitutional?" said Councilwoman Tonya Payne, a supporter. "This is what's right to do, and if this means that we have to go out and have a court battle, then that's fine ... We have plenty of dead bodies coming up in our streets every single day, and that is unacceptable."
The lone no vote was by Councilman Ricky Burgess, who argued that it would be a "false cure" that would be "particularly cruel" to his violence-plagued northeastern Pittsburgh district.
"This legislation will not strike a blow to straw purchasers," he said. "This ordinance will not be enforced, no loopholes will be closed and no lives will be saved, because no municipality can legally regulate firearms of any kind, at any time, for any reason."
Advocates appearing before council today argued that people called straw purchasers frequently buy guns, then sell them to criminals who could not pass the required background checks. When the guns are used in crimes and traced back to the straw purchaser, he or she just claims the weapon was lost or stolen. Unless that can be disproved, the straw purchaser is off the hook.
"It's a loophole that allows illegal gun traffickers to simply state that a weapon was stolen," said Councilman William Peduto, one of three authors of the bill along with Council President Doug Shields and Councilman Bruce Kraus.
Councilmen Dan Deasy and Patrick Dowd abstained.
Mr. Dowd said that in passing the measure council is "not really effectively changing the situation on the ground," and is inviting a lawsuit.
Philadelphia has sought to enforce similar legislation, but the effort has been tied up in litigation. Legally, the question is whether the state ban on local laws on "the transfer, ownership, transportation or possession" of guns extends to the reporting of lost or stolen firearms.
The Commonwealth Court threw out Philadelphia's measure, and other gun control rules there. The matter is heading for the state Supreme Court.
Wild Thing's comment.......
So to this woman Tonya Payne says the Constitution doesn’t matter, if it stands in the way of the socialist agenda. Here is a title for this idiot, domestic enemy of the state Tonya Payne. And she IS a domestic enemy and should be treated as such.
Wear it, own it and never forget it Payne the pian!! Liberals sure are tryants!!
She sure looks a lot like Cynthia McKinney, another Obama brain nut case.
What is truly amazing about 'ends justifies the means' liberals is that IT NEVER DOES! She's willing to ignore the constitution for something that isn't even going to do what she hopes it will! She really believes that this is going to somehow end: "plenty of dead bodies coming up in our streets every single day, and that is unacceptable." The two things have nothing to do with each other; this legislation is not going to stop dead bodies coming up in our streets! The Loon's premise is flawed. She's willing to throw the constitution out for some pie in the sky wishing game. Every last liberal is an idiot.
......Thank you RAC for sending this to me.
RAC has a website that is awesome. 336th Assault Helicopter Company
13th Combat Aviation Battalion - 1st Aviation Brigade - Soc Trang, Republic of Vietnam
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:50 AM | Comments (13)
Just Asking
Rathergate II: Certification of Live Birth a clear forgery
The media bought it. The voters bought it. And now some in Congress are resisting the idea of congressional hearings because they believe that Barack Obama's "birth certificate" has been posted online.
Not so.
What was posted was not a birth certificate, but something that resembles a "Certification of Live Birth" or COLB, which, even if authentic, does not prove "natural born" U.S. citizenship. You see, in Hawaii, a Certification of Live Birth is issued within a year of a child's birth to those who register a birth abroad or one that takes place outside a hospital.
It's Rathergate all over again with more amiss than a 1970s Selectric typewriter. But before I tell you what the experts found, let me ask you a few questions:
1. If you were a natural born American citizen and had it within your means to quiet all the lawsuits and questions with proof, would you do it?
2. If you were a natural born American citizen, would you spend thousands of dollars to fight the legal cases against you, or would you simply answer the legitimate question of whether you meet the constitutional requirements for office?
3. If you were a natural born American citizen, would you forge a document called a "Certification of Live Birth" and tell the public it was a real "birth certificate"?
If someone were to violate the law by manufacturing a forgery in order trick the public, would that be enough evidence for members of Congress to conduct hearings and for a court to issue an order for the critical records, including the original long-form birth certificate (signed by the doctor) to ensure that the U.S. constitutional requirements for office were not violated? After all, Congress is sworn to uphold and defend that Constitution, and the justices on the U.S. Supreme Court are "guardians" of the Constitution. That's their job, isn't it?
Ron Polarik, who holds a Ph.D. in Instructional Media and specializes in computer graphics with over 20 years experience with computers, printers and typewriters, has come forth with more definitive evidence than the word processor that tried to simulate a 1970s Selectric typewriter.
Polarik has submitted a signed affidavit and has now released his findings on video at www.ObamaForgery.com with his identity masked and voice altered to guard against the carrying out of threats, which he has already received.
The Summary: The Certificate of Live Birth documents posted on Mr. Obama's website www.fightthesmears.com, Daily Kos (a pro-Obama blog) and factcheck.org, (a pro-Obama political research group), were found to be altered and forged.
* The problem of the pixels: When you have a green patterned document such as this, there should be a lot of green pixels from the background showing up between the letters that appear on the certification. But in this case, instead of green pixels, there are white and grey pixels between the letters, which result when you replace existing text with other text.
* There is no second fold line. The pictures show two folds – necessary to fit any COLB into an envelope for mailing, but the document itself shows only one fold. This is another indication of document alteration.
* There's a blurred border. The border has a lower resolution than the rest of the document, which is another indication that it has been altered.
* The border is one that is used in 2007 COLBs. As a security measure, Hawaii changes their borders every year. This is when the Obama campaign claims the certificate was obtained. That is fine except for the problem that …
* The seal and signature stamp are from a 2008 COLB. As revealed by a process called edging, the Hawaiian seal and signature stamp on the back of the document are revealed to be from the wrong year!
Like with Rathergate, when you're creating documents, make sure you use only a typewriter that was invented at the time you report the document was manufactured. When posting a "Certification of Live Birth," make sure you "borrow" only from documents used in the same year!
But beyond the birth certificate issue, there's the matter that Obama traveled to Indonesia, Pakistan, Southern India and Kenya in 1981.
He said he went to Indonesia to see his mother. This seemed plausible, except for the fact that his mother returned to Hawaii in August of 1980 to file for a divorce from her second husband, Lolo Soetoro. Unless she went back to pal around with the man she divorced, she wasn't there at the time of Obama's visit.
There's another problem.
No record of Obama holding an American passport prior to the one he received once becoming a U.S. senator has been found. If he traveled to Pakistan with an American passport, he wouldn't have been allowed in – since Pakistan was in turmoil in 1981 and under martial law. It was also on the State Department's travel ban list for U.S. citizens.
If he couldn't get into Pakistan with a U.S. passport, perhaps he went there with an Indonesian passport. But the only way you can get one of those is if you are an Indonesian citizen.
That's quite possible since under Indonesian law, when a male acknowledges a child as his son, it deems the son – in this case Obama – to be an Indonesian state citizen, which was also recorded by Obama's school record.
So, if he didn't go to Indonesia in 1981 to visit mom (who had returned to Hawaii by then), might it have something to do with the fact that Indonesian passports expire every five years and it was time for renewal?
Why does that matter?
To read the rest of the article ....PLEASE CLICK HERE.......
Wild Thing's comment......
In his book Obama said he had a copy of his birth certificate and he kept it in a box along with some other memories of his father so why doesn’t he just produce that one and laugh at those of us who are asking to see it?
This has to do with our Constitution so until it is answered and not with more lies from Obama. It really is as simple as that and only gets complicated with the lies from Barack Hussein O..
Watch how Obama inserts himself everyday since the popular vote.
He had a press conference yesterday and plans one today under the guise of his “economic plan.” This is all staging to him.
His continued “campaign promises” make the news everyday. There are at least 2-3 press releases per day. They say nothing but he is in our face.
My gut feeling is he is not eligible to become President under the constitution but he is trying to distract the media and the public into already accepting him as President
.....Thank you Mark for the article.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:48 AM | Comments (6)
In Country With ‘Ace High’ Soldiers
Heavy machine guns with barrels unearthed during a cache sweep in Dhabtiya, a village northwest of Baghdad lie in line during an inventory of the items Nov. 23. Soldiers from Troop A "Ace High," 2nd Squadron, 14th Cavalry Regiment "Strykehorse," 2nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team "Warrior," 25th Infantry Division, Multi-National Division-Baghdad, conducted a cache sweep along the Grand Canal and seized 11 cache's over the two-day period.
‘Ace High’ Soldiers Strike Gold During Cache Sweep
By Sgt. 1st Class Brian Addis
2nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team,
25th Infantry Division
Soldiers from Troop A “Ace High,” 2nd Squadron, 14th Cavalry Regiment “Strykehorse,” 2nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team “Warrior,” 25th Infantry Division, Multi-National Division-Baghdad, conducted a cache sweep in Dhabtiya, a village northwest of Baghdad, Nov. 24-25.
The two-day operation resulted in eleven cache finds.
Platoons from Ace High Troop, with the help of approximately 50 Sons of Iraq (Abna al Iraq) and Iraqi army soldiers conducted a deliberate east-to-west search along the north side of the Grand Canal Nov. 24. The search initially turned up an unknown type rocket and a 60mm mortar. An ensuing search resulted in four additional separate caches. The cache find was expected, but the size and contents of some of these caches were surprising.
“The size of the heavy weapons caches was not what we had expected,” said Capt. Matt Clark, commander, Ace High Troop, who is a native of Tucson, Ariz. “The discovery of the SA-13 missile [Strella] pod was definitely not something we had envisioned in the beginning.”
The first cache consisted of two AK-47s with magazines, an FAL rifle with magazines, three DSHKA barrels, a hand grenade, 100 meters of time fuse, a SA7 anti-aircraft missile, 120 links of 7.62mm rounds, a .30-caliber machine gun, four Italian anti-tank mines and a 120mm mortar tube.
The second cache consisted of four 155mm artillery rounds, five 130mm rockets with serviceable warheads and two 130mm rocket warheads. The third cache contained a 155mm artillery round and three 105mm projectiles.
The items found in the fourth cache were unserviceable due to corrosion and was much older than the other three. Items found were a flare pistol, four mortar bipods, five .50-caliber machine gun receivers, 10 12.7mm HMG receivers, 30 HMG barrels of various types and calibers with one being unknown, and a light machine gun receiver.
“I believe these caches were the property of al Qaida in Iraq cell that had a large influence in the area historically.” Clark said.
Once all items were inventoried, EOD was called to the site and all unexploded ordnance/explosive cache items were reduced on site. All other serviceable and unserviceable weapons were turned over to the Iraqi army.
The second day of “Operation Gold Digger” began at approximately 10 a.m. Nov. 25 with Soldiers from Ace High Troop once again patrolling the flat lands of Dhabtiya along the Grand Canal. The sweep would complete the north side of the canal and push the search 200-300 meters south of the canal as well. The Soldiers discovered almost twice the number of caches than the previous day as seven caches were unearthed, inventoried and destroyed. Amongst the items found were 27 82mm mortars, five heavy machine guns, four 120mm mortars and six anti-aircraft guns.
The combined efforts of Iraqi security and coalition forces during the two-day event culminated in a successful reduction and erosion of enemy capabilities.
“The Iraqi army and Sons of Iraq were able to work together and contribute a great deal, which is beneficial in the progress towards a safer and more secure area,” Clark said. “General intelligence allowed us to focus the time and man power effectively and the success of the operation was a direct result of that.”
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:47 AM | Comments (7)
Curry Treat For Jailed Muslims
Whitemoor Prison, Cambridgeshire is a maximum security prison
MUSLIM prisoners at a top security jail were bought £3,500 worth of takeaway curries, it emerged last night.
Prison officers drove 40 miles to a restaurant after inmates moaned jail meals were not tasty enough.
And the curries were not checked for smuggled weapons on the way into prison in case they got COLD, sources said.
More than 150 prisoners and 50 staff tucked into the beef madras and lamb rogan josh meals worth £18 each from the Roti Food Bar in Peterborough, Cambs. They were to celebrate Eid — the end of the Ramadan month of fasting.
A non-Muslim ex-inmate at Whitemoor jail said: “They tried to do the curries in-house but the prison chefs couldn’t meet the budget of £1.80 per prisoner — and the Muslim inmates complained that it tasted rubbish.
“The smell of it wafting was torture for the rest of us.”
A third of the jail’s 458 inmates are Muslim — the highest level in the country. Yesterday prison bosses denied claims Al-Qaeda prisoners had “hijacked” the jail.
Tory MP Malcolm Moss, who visited recently, said: “They are a law unto themselves. There is a fear in the prison about what al-Qaeda can do.
“There are threats made to people to make them convert.” Governor Steve Rodford denied Mr Moss’s claims.
Last night Justice Security Jack Straw launched a probe into the curry scandal.
A prison service spokesman said: “One of the key challenges at Whitemoor is improving cultural understanding between staff and prisoners.”
Wardens at Whitemoor Prison living in fear of Muslim inmates
Wardens at a jail that houses some of our most dangerous prisoners are living in fear of Muslim inmates, says a leaked government report.
Muslims make up one in four of the 500-strong population at top security Whitemoor Prison - and they make some staff "anxious and apprehensive".
It means warders fight shy of challenging bad behaviour by prisoners in case they spark unrest.
The internal Prison Service review adds: "This leads to a general feeling of lack of control and shifting the power dynamic towards prisoners.
"Staff appeared reluctant to challenge inappropriate behaviour, in particular among black and minority ethnic prisoners, for fear of doing the wrong thing. There is a danger of this leading to hostility and Islamophobia if it is not addressed."
The report also highlights fears of a loss of discipline among staff and claims long-serving prison officers thought that standards had fallen.
Wild Thing's comment........
I sure hope we do not follow in the UK's footsteps with our prisons. When a person gives in to these Muslims it never gets better it just keeps getting worse and their demands just continue.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:45 AM | Comments (6)
Distinguished Service Cross Recipient Chooses a Third Iraq Deployment
Sgt. 1st Class Timothy Nein, 39, with the Kentucky National Guard's 223rd Military Police Company, at Camp Taji, Iraq, on Oct. 18, 2008. Nein was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross for his actions as a squad leader with the 617th Military Police Company during an ambush on March 20, 2005, during his second deployment. He is now serving on his third deployment. "I probably didn't have to be here this time, but I don't think that I would have missed it," Nein said. "We're helping transform the Iraqi police to be a more relevant force and a professional force."
Distinguished Service Cross Recipient Chooses a Third Iraq Deployment
By Army Staff Sgt. Jim Greenhill
He served in Iraq twice before. He was awarded a Distinguished Service Cross for his actions as a squad leader here. He didn’t have to come back.
But Sgt. 1st Class Timothy Nein is back, on his third deployment in Iraq, his fourth overseas this decade. The first was in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2001.
Only the Medal of Honor trumps the DSC among awards for valor in battle. Nein was the first Guard member to receive the award and only the fourth service member during the Operation Iraqi Freedom.
The DSC was an upgrade from the Silver Star Medal that Nein was originally awarded for his actions as a squad leader with the Kentucky National Guard’s 617th Military Police Company during a March 20, 2005, ambush.
Nein and the National Guard’s Sgt. Leigh Ann Hester – the first woman awarded the Silver Star for direct combat action against an enemy – led a counterattack that saw 27 insurgents killed, seven captured and no deaths in their unit. Two Soldiers were wounded.
Nein still leads in Iraq, where he’s now serving with the Kentucky National Guard’s 223rd Military Police Company.
Five years of change
"I probably didn't have to be here this time, but I don't think that I would have missed it," Nein said. “I feel honored to be a part of this.”
This time, he is a platoon sergeant providing escorts for the 18th Military Police Brigade’s Iraqi Police Transitional Team.
Nein has seen five years of change firsthand. He first deployed here with the initial liberation force in 2003. He was back in 2005.
“I’ve seen a huge difference from 2005 to where we are now,” he said. “I can remember thinking in 2005, looking back at 2003, how much different it was.
“I can’t believe we’ve come as far as we have as far as getting their economy going. The violence is down greatly. It’s unbelievable how much different it is. They have come in five years in the democracy that they have what took us 232 years to get to.
“That’s what I don’t think people see – the great life that we live in the United States.
People look at that and think that it’s always been that way. It wasn’t. Forty, 50 years ago we were still fighting the civil rights movement. We have fought for 232 years to get to where we’re at. Yet in five years [Iraqis] have gone from a dictatorship to the ability to vote for who they want.”
Nein said the National Guard has played an essential role in Iraq’s transformation. One example is his own unit’s mission. “We’re helping transform the Iraqi police to be a more relevant force and a more professional force,” he said. “We’re out there every day evaluating their leaders, evaluating their recruits, evaluating their police stations to make sure that they’re up to par so that we can hand this mission over to them and they can take control.”
From Clark County, Ind., Nein enlisted in the National Guard in 1996. “I wanted to give something back to the people that have given me so much,” he said.
He has strong feelings about the Guard. “It’s one of the best assets the United States Army has,” he said. “It’s a relevant and ready force. We have gone in the last five years from a great force to an outstanding force. We can pick up and be anywhere in the world and accomplish a mission just like any other unit in the United States and perform to the equivalent level. I can’t say enough about the Guard.”
Despite Nein’s intense Guard pride, he sees all servicemembers here as a joint team. “I don’t see National Guard,” he said. “I don’t see Reserve Soldiers, and I don’t see active-duty Soldiers, because we’re all doing the same mission and we’re keeping up the great professionalism … meeting every bit of the same standards across the board.”
But Nein said the National Guard is unique because the Citizen-Soldier or -Airman who balances family, a civilian career and the Guard is unique.
“We’ve got Soldiers that just aren’t Soldiers – this isn’t all they’ve ever done,” Nein said. “We might have guys that have been in the National Guard for 20 years and have three and four deployments and have a lot of world experience, but they also have other careers that they’re able to expand on in the Guard.”
Nein sees the benefit of those civilian-acquired skills in his own unit. “I’ve got guys that are in law enforcement. I’ve got welders. I’ve got college students.”
Nein’s unit includes some stop-loss Soldiers. “They didn’t complain one bit,” he said. “They said, ‘This is my job, and this is what I’m going to go do.’ And that’s the heart of a U.S. Soldier, and that’s the heart of the United States citizen.”
When Nein looks at his own unit, he sees a microcosm of the Guard, a mosaic built from different life experiences and shared Soldier skills that gives the unit an ability to adapt to change.
“I see the best of the best,” he said. “I see the typical U.S. citizen who stands up to come here and leaves – just like with an active duty Soldier – their homeland to come and make a better place in the world without a complaint.”
Before this latest deployment, Nein took a leave of absence from the paper products company where he’s worked two decades to go full time with the Guard as a training NCO.
Continuous improvement
Here on the ground, after-action reviews are a key part of how Nein leads, seeking ways for himself and his Soldiers to improve. “Even if it’s just a standard escort mission that we do a thousand times while we’re here, every day’s going to be different, and every day we’ve got to try and make it better, and that’s how I look at every mission,” he said.
Out on escort missions, Nein thinks like his enemy. “I’m looking for how, if I was a bad guy, how I would kill me, the entire time out there,” he said. “I’m looking for where I would put an improvised explosive device; where I would set up an ambush; how I would do it if I was the bad guy.”
He passes that mentality along to his Soldiers as they scan for threats. “Don’t look at the actual object,” he tells them, referring to IED placement. “Look past it. Look at how you would set it up in the area – and you’ll see it way before you would ever if you were just looking for an inanimate object.”
He hopes other Soldiers will look at the day his unit was ambushed for lessons. “What did we do right?” he said. “Why were we able to survive something that we shouldn’t have been able to survive?
“I didn’t make up any of the tactics that we used. We took everything that the Army taught and that Soldiers before me had used and we developed it and we implemented it from Day 1. Anytime that a technique, tactic and procedure could have been better, we worked on it.
“It’s not what I did that made the day go right. It’s what the people before me did, that taught me and mentored me on battle tactics and TTPs and just doing the right thing each and every day. Because if you do that – the right training, the right leadership and the right equipment – there’s nothing that we can’t accomplish.”
Nein has been married for 19 years. The couple has two children.
“If it wasn’t for a good support channel, as far as my family being able to support me to allow me to go do these things, then I wouldn’t be able to do it,” Nein said. “My ability to do my job and not worry about what’s going on at home is because I have a great family and a great wife.”
March 20, 2005, might have ended differently for Nein and his squad, who were outnumbered five to one. Every day he serves here, Nein still faces risk.
“This is my job,” he said. “This is what I chose to do, and it’s what I’ll continue to strive to do. I love what I do.”
Wild Thing's comment.........
Thank you Sgt. 1st Class Timothy Nein I hope and pray you know how much your service means to all of us.
My Favorite quote - Wild Thing
""Freedom! No word was ever spoken that held out greater hope, demanded greater sacrifice, needed more to be nurtured, blessed more the giver, cursed more its destroyer, or came closer to being God's will on earth. And I think that's worth fighting for." General Omar Bradley
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:40 AM | Comments (6)
November 25, 2008
Government to Unveil Consumer Credit Facility,This Is Insane!
Government to Unveil Consumer Credit Facility
Washington--The government is working on a new loan facility to help companies that issue credit cards, make student loans and finance car purchases.
The Treasury Department and the Federal Reserve will unveil the program Tuesday, according to people familar with the plan. They spoke on condition of anonymity because a formal announcement has yet to be made.
Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson has said he plans to use a "relatively modest share" of the $700 billion financial bailout money to pay for the new program.
It's the latest effort by the government to break through a dangerous credit clog that has badly hurt the economy.
And there is also this............
Fed throws fresh lifeline to U.S. financial system (800 Bln)
The Federal Reserve threw a massive life-line to consumers on Tuesday with two new programs aimed at making it easier for them to obtain loans for homes, cars and on credit cards.
Under the new mortgage program, the Fed will buy up to $100 billion of debt issued by government-sponsored mortgage enterprises Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and the Federal Home Loan Banks. It will also buy up to $500 billion of mortgage securities backed by Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and Ginnie Mae.
The central bank also launched a $200 billion facility to support consumer finance, including student, auto, and credit card loans and loans backed by the federal Small Business Administration. This will lend to investors who hold securities backed by this debt.
The launch of the two programs lifted investor spirits and drove up the blue chip Dow Jones industrial average more than 100 points, or about 1.3 percent, within minutes of its open.
"One of the big problems we have is that there has been a lack of demand for debt. You have seen the market for securitized debt such as credit cards or student loans dry up completely," said Scott Brown, chief economist at Raymond James & Associates in St. Petersburg, Florida.
"Here is the Fed taking a bunch of debt out of the market," he said. "It should help unblock the credit markets."
The new mortgage-support facility was intended to strike at the collapsed housing market, the core of the United States' economic woes.
"This action is being taken to reduce the cost and increase the availability of credit for the purchase of houses, which in turn should support housing markets and foster improved financial conditions more generally," the Fed said.
Wild Thing's comment.......
More control of private sector at our fingertips.
The government causes the problem, and then more government is proposed to “fix” it.
Wow. How much more money is going to be thrown at all these problems? You can’t stop a train wreck by throwing money at the tracks. Steps such as these will only slow down and lengthen the inevitable crunch.
Great, now instead of just issuing mortgages to people who can’t afford it and backed by the taxpayers they want to issue credit cards to the same people.
Barney Franks is probably drooling over the idea of taxpayer backed credit cards for losers.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 PM | Comments (7)
Marine Makes Insurgents Pay the Price
A Marine sniper attached to Task Force 2d Battalion, 7th Marine Regiment, Special Purpose Marine Air Ground Task Force Afghanistan, fires at targets on a range on Camp Barber, Afghanistan. The marksmanship skills of the Marines proved far superior during the Battle of Shewan, enabling the Marines to reduce the enemy force that was more than eight times the size of their own. (Photo by Sgt. Steven R. Cushman.)
Smoke billows from a 500-pound bomb dropped during the intense battle for the city of Shewan. During the battle, Marine snipers attached to Task Force 2d Battalion, 7th Marine Regiment, Special Purpose Marine Air Ground Task Force Afghanistan, killed more than 50 insurgents and wounded several more. (Photo by Sgt. Steven R. Cushman.)
Marine Makes Insurgents Pay the Price
Marine Corps News
Cpl. James M. Mercure
In the city of Shewan, approximately 250 insurgents ambushed 30 Marines and paid a heavy price for it.
Shewan has historically been a safe haven for insurgents, who used to plan and stage attacks against Coalition Forces in the Bala Baluk district.
The city is home to several major insurgent leaders. Reports indicate that more than 250 full time fighters reside in the city and in the surrounding villages.
Shewan had been a thorn in the side of Task Force 2d Battalion, 7th Marine Regiment, Special Purpose Marine Air Ground Task Force Afghanistan throughout the Marines’ deployment here in support of Operation Enduring Freedom, because it controls an important supply route into the Bala Baluk district. Opening the route was key to continuing combat operations in the area.
“The day started out with a 10-kilometer patrol with elements mounted and dismounted, so by the time we got to Shewan, we were pretty beat,” said a designated marksman who requested to remain unidentified. “Our vehicles came under a barrage of enemy RPGs (rocket propelled grenades) and machine gun fire. One of our ‘humvees’ was disabled from RPG fire, and the Marines inside dismounted and laid down suppression fire so they could evacuate a Marine who was knocked unconscious from the blast.”
The vicious attack that left the humvee destroyed and several of the Marines pinned down in the kill zone sparked an intense eight-hour battle as the platoon desperately fought to recover their comrades. After recovering the Marines trapped in the kill zone, another platoon sergeant personally led numerous attacks on enemy fortified positions while the platoon fought house to house and trench to trench in order to clear through the enemy ambush site.
“The biggest thing to take from that day is what Marines can accomplish when they’re given the opportunity to fight,” the sniper said. “A small group of Marines met a numerically superior force and embarrassed them in their own backyard. The insurgents told the townspeople that they were stronger than the Americans, and that day we showed them they were wrong.”
During the battle, the designated marksman single handedly thwarted a company-sized enemy RPG and machinegun ambush by reportedly killing 20 enemy fighters with his devastatingly accurate precision fire. He selflessly exposed himself time and again to intense enemy fire during a critical point in the eight-hour battle for Shewan in order to kill any enemy combatants who attempted to engage or maneuver on the Marines in the kill zone. What made his actions even more impressive was the fact that he didn’t miss any shots, despite the enemies’ rounds impacting within a foot of his fighting position.
“I was in my own little world,” the young corporal said. “I wasn’t even aware of a lot of the rounds impacting near my position, because I was concentrating so hard on making sure my rounds were on target.”
After calling for close-air support, the small group of Marines pushed forward and broke the enemies’ spirit as many of them dropped their weapons and fled the battlefield. At the end of the battle, the Marines had reduced an enemy stronghold, killed more than 50 insurgents and wounded several more.
“I didn’t realize how many bad guys there were until we had broken through the enemies’ lines and forced them to retreat. It was roughly 250 insurgents against 30 of us,” the corporal said. “It was a good day for the Marine Corps. We killed a lot of bad guys, and none of our guys were seriously injured.”
Wild Thing's comment.........
During the battle, the designated marksman single handedly thwarted a company-sized enemy RPG and machinegun ambush by reportedly killing 20 enemy fighters with his devastatingly accurate precision fire.
Aimed precise shots beat a company of rag heads with RPGs.
In the city of Shewan, approximately 250 insurgents ambushed 30 Marines and paid a heavy price for it.
250 terrorists vs. 30 Marines? The terrorists were outnumbered. HOO RAH!
“The biggest thing to take from that day is what Marines can accomplish when they’re given the opportunity to fight,” the sniper said.
Let’s hope “Great Leader” doesn’t take those opportunities away from our Forces. Or else, they might have opportunities to fight over HERE in a few years!
Semper Fi Marine!
......Thank you RAC for sending this to me.
RAC has a website that is awesome. 336th Assault Helicopter Company
13th Combat Aviation Battalion - 1st Aviation Brigade - Soc Trang, Republic of Vietnam
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:55 AM | Comments (8)
Men Like This Gave Us FREEDOM for America
As I came out of the supermarket that sunny day, pushing my cart of groceries towards my car, I saw an old man with the hood of his car up and a lady sitting inside the car, with the door open.
The old man was looking at the engine. I put my groceries away in my car and continued to watch the old gentleman from about twenty five feet away.
I saw a young man in his early twenties with a grocery bag in his arm, walking towards the old man. The old gentleman saw him coming too and took a few steps towards him. I saw the old gentleman point to his open hood and say something.
The young man put his grocery bag into what looked like a brand new Cadillac Escalade and then turn back to the old man and I heard him yell at the old gentleman saying, "You shouldn't even be allowed to drive a car at your age." And then with a wave of his hand, he got in his car and peeled rubber out of the parking lot.
I saw the old gentleman pull out his handkerchief and mop his brow as he went back to his car and again looked at the engine. He then went to his wife and spoke with her and appeared to tell her it would be okay. I had seen enough and I approached the old man. He saw me coming and stood straight and as I got near him I said, "Looks like you're having a problem."
He smiled sheepishly and quietly nodded his head. I looked under the hood myself and knew that whatever the problem was, it was beyond me. Looking around I saw a gas station up the road and told the old man that I would be right back. I drove to the station and went inside and saw three attendants working on cars. I approached one of them and related the problem the old man had with his car and offered to pay them if they could follow me back down and help him.
The old man had pushed the heavy car under the shade of a tree and appeared to be comforting his wife. When he saw us he straightened up and thanked me for my help. As the mechanics diagnosed the problem (overheated engine) I spoke with the old gentleman.
When I shook hands with him earlier he had noticed my Marine Corps ring and had commented about it, telling me that he had been a Marine too. I nodded and asked the usual question, "What outfit did you serve with?"
He had mentioned that he served with the first Marine Division at Tarawa, Saipan, Iwo Jima and Guadalcanal. He had hit all the big ones and retired from the Corps after the war was over. As we talked we heard the car engine come on and saw the mechanics lower the hood. They came over to us as the old man reached for his wallet, but was stopped by me and I told him I would just put the bill on my AAA card.
He still reached for the wallet and handed me a card that I assumed had his name and address on it and I stuck it in my pocket. We all shook hands all round again and I said my goodbye's to his wife.
I then told the two mechanics that I would follow them back up to the station. Once at the station I told them that they had interrupted their own jobs to come along with me and help the old man. I said I wanted to pay for the help, but they refused to charge me. One of them pulled out a card from his pocket looking exactly like the card the old man had given to me. Both of the men told me then, that they were Marine Corps Reserves. Once again we shook hands all around and as I was leaving, one of them told me I should look at the card the old man had given to me. I said I would and drove off.
For some reason I had gone about two blocks when I pulled over and took the card out of my pocket and looked at it for a long, long time. The name of the old gentleman was on the card in golden leaf and under his name........ "Congressional Medal of Honor Society."
I sat there motionless looking at the card and reading it over and over. I looked up from the card and smiled to no one but myself and marveled that on this day, four Marines had all come together, because one of us needed help. He was an old man all right, but it felt good to have stood next to greatness and courage and an honor to have been in his presence.
God Bless America, our Veterans and Troops.
Wild Thing's comment........
When I read this I cried, it is such a special story about America's Heroes!!!!
Thank you to all our Veterans and our troops today.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:50 AM | Comments (17)
B.Hussein Obama Never Without His Stupid "Office of the President Elect" Sign & His $700B Stimulus Package
According to Fox's Cavuto, Obama -- standing behind his psychotic "Office of the President Elect" sign -- is ready to promise a delay on the insane tax hike on "The Rich" IF Congress will quickly approve an additional $700B - $1T "stimulus package" to be aimed at causes and business of which he personally approves.
Monday: President-elect Barack Obama introduces members of his economic team, including Timothy Geithner and Christina Romer (AP Photo).
Is it just me or is it weird how Barack Hussein Obama has a thing for signs announcing who he is.
Another photo...........Monday: President-elect Barack Obama introduces members of his economic team, including Timothy Geithner and Christina Romer (AP Photo).
close up of Obama and his sign
Obama Proposes Big Stimulus Package, Tax Increases on Wealthy
President-elect Barack Obama unveiled key elements of his blueprint for turning around the economy -- and the team tasked with making it work -- including a massive stimulus package and tax cuts for a "vast majority" of Americans paid for by the nation's "wealthiest."
Against a backdrop of increasing calls for him to establish a viable economic rescue plan well before he takes office on Jan. 20, Obama said reforms in Washington will be needed to create a "sustainable economy," including larger contributions from taxpayers earning more than $250,000 per year.
"We've got to restore some balance to our tax code and the Bush tax cuts were disproportionately targeted to the very wealthiest Americans -- those who were making more than a quarter million dollars a year can afford to pay a little more," the president-elect said.
"And it is important if we're going to help pay for some of these expenditures that are absolutely necessary to get our economy back on track that those who are in a position to pay a little more do so. Whether that's done through repeal or whether that's done because the Bush tax cuts are not renewed is something that my economic team will be providing me a recommendation on," he said.
Some economists have endorsed spending up to $600 billion to revive the economy. Sen. Charles Schumer, a New York Democrat, and former labor Secretary Robert Reich, a member of Obama's economic advisory board, both suggested $500 billion to $700 billion.
Obama said his economic team's first job will be to work with Congress to pass an economic stimulus package.
"Not only do I want the stimulus package to deal with the immediate crisis, I want it also to lay the groundwork for long-term sustained economic growth," he said.
Wild Thing's comment........
I really resent this guy being allowed to proceed as if he is now the president. He is not the president until after inauguration. We have a president and his name is not Obama!!!
And the RIDICULOUS seal , that his psychotic "Office of the President Elect" sign he has to have in front of him when he speaks is INSANE! And his freaking office of the President elect he has to remind of us, say to us every time he opens his mouth. I swear I never heard anyone else do this before.
The arrogance of this man makes me despise him even more than I thought possible.
And when the heck does all this money stuff stop! Every day we hear about another amount again in the hundreds of billions they need.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:49 AM | Comments (12)
Claremont,CA. Parents Clash Over Kindergarten Thanksgiving Costumes
Claremont parents clash over kindergarten Thanksgiving costumes
Some say having students dress up as pilgrims and Native Americans is 'demeaning.' Their opponents say they are elitists injecting politics into a simple children's celebration.
For decades, Claremont kindergartners have celebrated Thanksgiving by dressing up as pilgrims and Native Americans and sharing a feast. But on Tuesday, when the youngsters meet for their turkey and songs, they won't be wearing their hand-made bonnets, headdresses and fringed vests.
Parents in this quiet university town are sharply divided over what these construction-paper symbols represent: A simple child's depiction of the traditional (if not wholly accurate) tale of two factions setting aside their differences to give thanks over a shared meal? Or a cartoonish stereotype that would never be allowed of other racial, ethnic or religious groups?
"It's demeaning," Michelle Raheja, the mother of a kindergartner at Condit Elementary School, wrote to her daughter's teacher. "I'm sure you can appreciate the inappropriateness of asking children to dress up like slaves (and kind slave masters), or Jews (and friendly Nazis), or members of any other racial minority group who has struggled in our nation's history."
Raheja, whose mother is a Seneca, wrote the letter upon hearing of a four-decade district tradition, where kindergartners at Condit and Mountain View elementary schools take annual turns dressing up and visiting the other school for a Thanksgiving feast. This year, the Mountain View children would have dressed as Native Americans and walked to Condit, whose students would have dressed as Pilgrims.
Raheja, an English professor at UC Riverside who specializes in Native American literature, said she met with teachers and administrators in hopes that the district could hold a public forum to discuss alternatives that celebrate thankfulness without "dehumanizing" her daughter's ancestry.
"There is nothing to be served by dressing up as a racist stereotype," she said.
Last week, rumors began to circulate on both campuses that the district was planning to cancel the event, and infuriated parents argued over the matter at a heated school board meeting Thursday. District Supt. David Cash announced at the end of the meeting that the two schools had tentatively decided to hold the event without the costumes, and sent a memo to parents Friday confirming the decision.
Cash and the principals of Condit and Mountain View did not respond to interview requests.
But many parents, who are convinced the decision was made before the board meeting, accused administrators of bowing to political correctness.
Kathleen Lucas, a Condit parent who is of Choctaw heritage, said her son -- now a first-grader -- still wears the vest and feathered headband he made last year to celebrate the holiday.
"My son was so proud," she said. "In his eyes, he thinks that's what it looks like to be Indian."
Among the costume supporters, there is a vein of suspicion that casts Raheja and others opposed to the costumes as agenda-driven elitists. Of the handful of others who spoke with Raheja against the costumes at the board meeting, one teaches at the University of Redlands, one is an instructor at Riverside Community College, and one is a former Pitzer College professor.
Raheja is "using those children as a political platform for herself and her ideas," Constance Garabedian said as her 5-year-old Mountain View kindergartner happily practiced a song about Native Americans in the background. "I'm not a professor and I'm not a historian, but I can put the dots together."
The debate is far from over. Some parents plan to send their children to school in costume Tuesday -- doubting that administrators will force them to take them off. The following day, some plan to keep their children home, costing the district attendance funds to punish them for modifying the event.
"She's not going to tell us what we can and cannot wear," said Dena Murphy, whose 5-year-old son attends Mountain View. "We're tired of [district officials] cowing down to people. It's not right."
But others hoped that tempers would calm over the long holiday weekend, and the community could come together to have a fruitful discussion about Thanksgiving and its meaning.
"Its always a good thing to think about, critically, how we teach kids, even from very young ages, the message we want them to learn, and the respect for the diversity of the American experiences," said Jennifer Tilton, an assistant professor of race and ethnic studies at the University of Redlands and a Claremont parent who opposes the costumes.
Wild Thing's comment.......
We are a Nation that is imploding and with all this PC bull, it is destroying our history, our heroes and who they have been and our future!!!
Now LOOK at this, the GOOD Parents are fighting back and remember too this is in Californina. Yes there are a lot of conservatives there just outnumered is the problem. But this is a GREAT example of how fighting back makes a difference and how we should never have apathy.
source is The Claremont Insider
Dena Murphy, a Mountain View parent, just gave an update on "The John and Ken Show" (KFI radio, 64.0). The parents at both Mountain View and Condit were hopping mad at the school board wimps. (The School District said the feast could go on, but not with the costumes).
Happily, the 98% of parents - at both schools - who support the kids in costume are staging a protest tomorrow. Yep, they're sending their kids to school in their costumes no matter how much the school board objects. Wait, it gets better...and then they're KEEPING THEM HOME FROM SCHOOL on Wednesday, so those schools won't get a dime of "attendance money" from the state for that day.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:48 AM | Comments (13)
Bush Pardons 14 and Commutes 2 Prison Sentences
Bush pardons 14 and commutes 2 prison sentences
President George W. Bush has granted pardons to 14 individuals and commuted the prison sentences of two others convicted of misdeeds ranging from drug offenses to tax evasion, from wildlife violations to bank embezzlement, The Associated Press learned Monday.
The new round of White House pardons are Bush's first since March and come less than two months before he will end his presidency. The crimes committed by those on the list also include offenses involving hazardous waste, food stamps, and the theft of government property.
Bush has been stingy during his time in office about handing out such reprieves.
Including these actions, he has granted a total of 171 and eight commutations. That's less than half as many as Presidents Clinton or Reagan issued during their time in office. Both were two-term presidents.
On the latest pardon list were:
_Leslie Owen Collier of Charleston, Mo. She was convicted for unauthorized use of a pesticide and violating the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act.
_Milton Kirk Cordes of Rapid City, S.D. Cordes was convicted of conspiracy to violate the Lacey Act, which prohibits importation into the country of wildlife taken in violation of conservation laws.
_Richard Micheal Culpepper of Mahomet, Ill., who was convicted of making false statements to the federal government.
_Brenda Jean Dolenz-Helmer of Fort Worth, Texas, for reporting or helping cover up a crime.
_Andrew Foster Harley of Falls Church, Va. Harley was convicted of wrongful use and distribution of marijuana and cocaine.
_Obie Gene Helton of Rossville, Ga., whose offense was unauthorized acquisition of food stamps.
_Carey C. Hice Sr. of Travelers Rest, S.C., who was convicted of income tax evasion.
_Geneva Yvonne Hogg of Jacksonville, Fla., convicted of bank embezzlement.
_William Hoyle McCright Jr. of Midland, Texas, who was sentenced for making false entries, books, reports or statements to a bank.
_Paul Julian McCurdy of Sulphur, Okla., who was sentenced for misapplication of bank funds.
_Robert Earl Mohon Jr. of Grant, Ala., who was convicted of conspiracy to distribute marijuana.
_Ronald Alan Mohrhoff of Los Angeles, who was convicted for unlawful use of a telephone in a narcotics felony.
_Daniel Figh Pue III of Conroe, Texas, convicted of illegal treatment, storage and disposal of a hazardous waste without a permit.
_Orion Lynn Vick of White Hall, Ark., who was convicted of aiding and abetting the theft of government property.
Bush also commuted the prison sentences of John Edward Forte of North Brunswick, N.J., and James Russell Harris of Detroit, Mich. Both were convicted of cocaine offenses.
Under the Constitution, the president's power to issue pardons is absolute and cannot be overruled.
Some high-profile individuals, such as Michael Milken, are seeking a pardon on securities fraud charges. Two politicians convicted of public corruption — former Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham, R-Calif., and four-term Democratic Louisiana Gov. Edwin W. Edwards — are asking Bush to shorten their prison terms.
One hot topic of discussion related to pardons is whether Bush might decide to issue pre-emptive pardons before he leaves office to government employees who authorized or engaged in harsh interrogations of suspected terrorists in the wake of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. Some constitutional scholars and human rights groups want the incoming administration of President-elect Barack Obama to investigate possible war crimes.
If Bush were to pardon anyone involved, it would provide protection against criminal charges, particularly for people who were following orders or trying to protect the nation with their actions. But it would also be highly controversial.
At the same time, Obama advisers say there is little — if any — chance that his administration would bring criminal charges.
Wild Thing's comment.........
I don't see Compean & Ramos, the Border Patrol Agents on the list. I don't know if this is just part of the list he will pardon. But I am not getting a good feeling from this at all. It sure looks like Bush will not be letting Compean & Ramos go. Bush an dhis buddy Sutton favoring the criminal, drug pusher illegal over two good men, it is maddness.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:47 AM | Comments (6)
Alan Colmes to Depart Top Rated Hannity & Colmes
photo taken of Alan Colmes and Sean Hannity at FOX anniversary bash.
FOX News Channel’s (FNC) Alan Colmes will relinquish his role as co-host of Hannity & Colmes at the end of the year.
In announcing his decision, Colmes said, “I approached Bill Shine (FNC’s Senior Vice President of Programming) earlier this year about wanting to move on after 12 years to develop new and challenging ways to contribute to the growth of the network. Although it’s bittersweet to leave one of the longest marriages on cable news, I’m proud that both Sean (Hannity) and I remained unharmed after sitting side by side, night after night for so many years.”
Colmes will continue to have a presence on FNC as he will serve as a liberal commentator on a variety of FOX News programming, including Foxnews.com’s The Strategy Room and continue hosting his radio program, The Alan Colmes Show on FOX Talk, a division of FOX News Radio. He will also begin developing a weekend program.
Shine said, “We’re very sorry to see Alan reach this decision but we understand his desire to seek other creative challenges in his career. We value his incredible hard work in making Hannity & Colmes the most successful debate program on cable news and we’re going to miss him on the show. Thankfully, he will begin developing a weekend pilot for us.”
Wild Thing's comment.......
They should just let Hannity have his own show. He could just have various guest hosts each weak, there are plenty to pick from.
LOL Maybe Alan knew he was not up to defending Obama for 4 years against Hannity or Ann Coulter when she comes on the show. heh heh
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:45 AM | Comments (6)
November 24, 2008
Annual Event ~ UN and Palestinian People To Mourn 60 Years of Israel’s Existence
UN to Mourn 60 Years of Israel’s Existence
by Anne Bayefsky
Eye on the U.N.
This Monday, November 24th, the UN will commemorate its annual International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People with a film depicting Jews as Nazi-equivalents and a public exhibit mourning the sixty years of Israel’s existence.
“The event is an annual reminder that the UN’s real agenda is to delegitimize the birth - and the perseverance - of the state of Israel,” said Anne Bayefsky, Editor of EYEontheUN.org.
Monday’s observance marks November 29, 1947 - the day that the UN voted to establish a Jewish and an Arab state in Palestine - a decision accepted by the Jews and rejected by the Arabs.
This year’s observance is being held a week early due to scheduling conflicts.
As in years past, there will be a formal meeting Monday morning of the Committee on the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People, a film, an afternoon meeting of the General Assembly on the “Question of Palestine,” and the opening of a public exhibit in the entrance to the UN’s New York headquarters.
Former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan referred to November 29th as “a day of mourning and a day of grief,” and the usual procedure is for UN member state after UN member state to use the opportunity to grieve for the suffering of the Palestinian people at Israeli hands.
The General Assembly is scheduled to adopt another six resolutions condemning only Israel for violations of human rights.
The total number of resolutions criticizing Israel expected to be adopted at this fall’s General Assembly is 20, as compared to only four resolutions critical of human rights records in any of the remaining 191 UN member nations.
The 2008 installment of what is in essence a repeat of the “Zionism = Racism” allegation, will be the public showing of the film “La Terre Parle Arabe” or “The Land Speaks Arabic.” The film draws parallels between the Nazis’ final solution and the alleged Zionist design for Palestinians. It is commonly billed with these words: “…the late-19th century Zionists…drew up plans, put them into practice, then…used… force, often brutal.”
Here is some of the script for the UN public’s edification:
“Christians and Muslims alike…unite in their hatred of Zionism…I preferred to die as a martyr rather than be governed by the Jews …We were against the Jews…The number of Jews increased constantly…The children cried …The Hagana had no mercy, no pity. Zionists! They were Zionists!… The Jews were shooting at us, they were facing us…The Jews yelled “turn around you bastards, you dogs.” They machine gunned us…They started killing people who were asleep…[We]…found a poor woman…pregnant. They had killed her and the baby came out of the womb. They started slaughtering them until morning.”
The exhibit to be opened at 6 p.m. on Monday in the UN lobby - the public entrance through which school children from across the United States and tourists from around the world pass every day - is entitled “The Palestinians: 60 years of struggle and enduring hope.” Bayefsky comments:
“The “sixty years” of struggle is telling. It puts a lie to the alleged root cause of the Arab-Israeli conflict as an “occupation” that began with the 1967 war. The real complaint is the alleged wrong of the creation of the State of Israel itself.” She adds: “The carefully selected word “struggle” also speaks volumes. What the UN glorifies as a struggle is a series of wars launched by Arabs to annihilate the state of Israel beginning in 1948, and the ongoing “struggle” of Palestinian and other Arab terrorists dedicated to the same end.”
Past UN Palestinian Solidarity Day observances have included:
1. The display of a map in Arabic with the State of Israel missing altogether
2. Flying only the flags of “Palestine” and the United Nations, and omitting the flag of the UN member state of Israel
3. Opening the day with a moment of silence commemorating the death, among others, of suicide bombers or “all those who have given their lives for the cause of the Palestinian people…”
4. Exhibits promoting terrorism and the alleged right of return while criticizing a host of non-violent efforts by Israel to prevent terrorism from checkpoints to a security fence - all of which are invariably presented as evil steps taken in a vacuum.
“Anyone hoping to see an Israeli flag flown in addition to a Palestinian one in celebration of the UN partition plan that approved a two-state solution, should not hold their breath,” said Anne Bayefsky, Editor of EYEontheUN.org. She continued, “the UN tradition of mourning the creation of the state of Israel continues.”
Wild Thing's comment........
This is so sick, I didn't know about this and I sure as heck did not know it was a freaking annual event.
The second our country allowed for the UN to be on our soil was the day our country began to sell out to EVIL!!!
Looko at this it was mentioned in the article and I found in in Google.
This is the prominent UN public display which was used to mark the commemoration of "International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People" on November 29, 2005. The Palestinian flag is on one side. The UN flag is on the other side. A map without the UN member state of Israel stands between them.
This map was prominently displayed by the UN on November 29, 2005 at a public gathering at UN Headquarters, in the presence of all top three UN officials, the Secretary General, and the Presidents of the UN Security Council and the General Assembly. It purports to be a "map of Palestine." Israel, a UN member state for 56 years, is not on the map. Even the UN General Assembly partition lines of November 29, 1947 marking a Jewish and Arab state, which pre-date this 1948 map, do not appear.
As the "map of Palestine" without the state of Israel stands in the background, Secretary-General Kofi Annan addresses the public meeting at UN Headquarters. The anniversary of the UN partition vote that survivors of the concentration camps celebrated, has been described by Secretary-General Annan as "a day of mourning and a day of grief." Palestinians, and Arab citizens more generally, refer to it as part of "Al-Nakba," meaning the "catastrophe" of the creation of the state of Israel.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:55 AM | Comments (14)
Obama Calls On His Internet Campaign Army to March Again
Obama calls on his Internet campaign army to march again
President-elect Barack Obama's 3 million campaign volunteers got re-enlistment notices this week.
Campaign manager David Plouffe, in a mass e-mail sent Wednesday to former workers, asked how much time they can spare for four missions integral to Obama's effort to transform his victory into a broader political movement.
The volunteers' options are, Plouffe wrote:
* Campaign for progressive state and local candidates
* Undertake grassroots local efforts to advance Obama's agenda
* Train others in Obama's organizing techniques
* Focus on local political issues.
"Obama's building a political machine," said Stephen Hess, a presidential scholar at the Brookings Institution, a center-left Washington research group.
"These people have just opened up a new world for politics," added Hess, the author of "What Do We Do Now?: A Workbook for the President-Elect."
Pre-Internet presidents, he said, lacked the ability to communicate in real time with masses of their volunteers. In addition, the social networks such as MySpace and Facebook that link Obama's army together didn't exist.
The net effect was that pre-Obama political machines grew out of local politics and remained rooted there. Statewide or presidential candidates relied largely on local leaders' support.
Not so Obama, who, at least for now, has the allegiance of thousands of volunteers in most if not all congressional districts.
"Your hard work built this movement," Plouffe wrote them. "Now it's up to you to decide how we move forward."
His four-page questionnaire also asks respondents to name their top-priority issues out of 27 listed. The options included environment and global warming, civil rights and voting rights, war in Iraq, jobs and trade, or divisive politics and partisanship.
Plouffe also invited volunteers to identify their proudest campaign accomplishment and, separately, to name a fellow volunteer or field organizer who inspired them.
In the hallmark of a campaign that ran on small donations, volunteers are once again invited to make a financial contribution. This time it's to the Obama-Biden transition effort.
Wild Thing's comment..........
This calling a campaign a movement all comes from Obama and I see the word "movement" continues on. This scares the hell out of me, it is chilling.
Never have I heard a politician refer to his primary, campaign or his getting elected as a movement. Not in the United States of America anyway. Sure we have heard it used in third world counties but NOT HERE!
Obama is mobilizing his brain dead, America haters. He has plans that are huge for our country and not good ones. IMO Obama wants to keep these people revved up and hard at work for him for several reasons.
Here are some of the reasons I can think of:
1. the backlash he has received from his own campaign for picking Hillary Clinton. And his followers too, have been getting upset and reacting on their blogs about the other picks Obama has made as well, They feel he has gone more with the traditional democrats and Hillary was for some of them a big mistake. I have not been there but I got an email from someone that checks out DU ( democrat underground) and KOS and they have been getting restless and ticked off about these choices.
2. the Birth Certificate still unresolved and a slight chance it will not go well for him he needs to have his HO-bama army in place to fight back even in the streets if necessary.
These people are brainwashed, even if presented with facts they will not believe the truth.
One thing the left has all over those of us on the right is they never stop, they never quit or rest or take a break. Bush has been President for 8 years and not one day has gone by that democrats have not been slandering, attacking and putting him down. I watch the political talk shows on TV every night and weekends and this attacking of Bush and Republican is consistent and no let up.
Here is an example of just the other day.... On Fox News Watch they were talking about Obama and the democrat woman, I forget her name she said.. " well it will be nice to have a President that can read and write." SHEESH , that is what I mean!! There was no call for that at all. She USED the moment and seized it to slander Bush with a total LIE. And some brain dead idiot sitting at home nodded in agreement and then he/ she felt oh so smart on how they just knew Bush was stupid. ( when Bush is not stupid, he is not a conservative, but he sure as heck is not stupid).
Then we have the Republicans that come on these shows and they refer to the democrats as " My Friend", " he is a friend of mine but I disagree with Sen. so and so " or, " We have been friends for years but on this I have to disagree with Congressmen dip shit...". The weakness of those on our side is pathetic. This kissing up before disagreeing has got to stop for one thing. Grow a pair and fight back or just make an announcement that you have decided to hand over our country to the left while you stand by and watch. OR move out of the way and let those of us tell the left off, let us tell them what we think of them in no uncertain terms, we know the cost of what made our country great even if the Republican. leaders do not!!!!!!!!
And in to this between ACORN, Project Vote, Joe the Plumber investigations of critics, lies and slander galore about Gov. Sarah Palin, campaign finance fraud, voter intimidation, out-of-staters bussed in, vote finding in trunks of cars, and voter intention procedures, friendly Democratic judges, corrupt local officials, biased bureaucrats, flash mobs, a compliant MSM, the Fairness Doctrine, US attorneys, and the Attorney General how exactly could anyone win an election against this? These people do not play by the rules.
Now, on the positive side! LOL Yep you knew I would not just stop on a negative, no way. Not with the glass half full! This is the never give up side here at Theodore's World, it is how I feel. See writing a rant can and does take that Obama chill right off! Yes sir it does!
Instead of chilling it is challenging. Obama did not win by a landslide, nope. And the ones with the brains are on our side certainly NOT on his. At least if looking at the majority of those who voted for this POS.
And for everyone of Obama supporters that got the email about this, there is an opponent who is not going to join in. So there count of 3 million is not accurate. A lot of us signed up for both Hillary and Obama's websites just to be able to get their stupid emails during the campaign. LOL And you know what ??? They are still coming in from both Hillary and Obama.
Obama has a lot of people with their hand out. Remember the woman who believed Obama was going to pay her mortgage and said Obama was going to fill her gas tank? LMAO Hello......yabba, dabba ....do!
We have time and it will take time. What sickens me is how we have such weak Republicans in office. I used to think John Boehner was good, and he can be but it seems only every 500 years haha. sheesh. He is more of a rino then a conservative which imo means he is a waste of time.
Thinking in terms only of who I would want in our Foxhole and the life of America depends on it. Hand picked conservatives for sure, kind of like how the men were hand picked for " Dirty Dozen" only ours are not nuts. LOL
Mick Pence is awesome ...so far.... and there are a few others. Sad I have to use the word few but we have to be tuff as nails on who is worth an effort to cheer on. The GOP has become Dem lite so this fighting back when we begin will have to be done by we the people.
Rush Limbaugh said on his show, "that the strategy will take some time to develop, but he’ll begin naming names in the process, i.e. targets.".
I am not afraid of the terrorists, maybe that is weird but they just don't scare me they just tick me off. After all, legally we can shoot a terrorist, we can't shoot a democrat.
The Democrats are what scare me, they are destroying our country and doing it in a way that it might be impossible to fix. I pray that is not true, but it seems like it from what I have seen. So strategy when it happens will have to be well thought out and you know what? Love is a passion just like hate. And we all have LOVE for our country on our side. The democrats only have hate and ugliness. They feed on lies and we feed on truth. Lies are like Chinese food they have to keep coming up with their lies or the masses lose interest and they are hungry for more. Example are the stupid gossip papers at the grocery store.
This is war with the enemy within and it has to be won by conservatives and I believe it will be.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:50 AM | Comments (18)
Surprise! CAIR officials slapped with subpoenas
Nihad Awad, Executive Director of CAIR, was served a summons at the CAIR 14th Annual Banquet - onstage - by Dave Gaubatz. The dinner is ongoing and viewers here will be able to see the Youtube video which was edited and uploaded to Youtube immediately after the dessert course.
The keynote speaker is America’s first Muslim member of Congress, Rep. Keith Ellison.
Surprise! CAIR officials slapped with subpoenas
Terror-linked Muslim lobby's dinner turns into public relations nightmare
WASHINGTON – When the Council on American-Islamic Relations held its 14th Annual Banquet at the Marriott Crystal Gateway Hotel tonight, it was planning to raise funds and honor some of its supporters, but instead several top officials of the Muslim lobby group were served with subpoenas for various civil and criminal offenses.
The dramatic surprise, caught on video, was a result of the research work of the Mapping Sharia Project, headed by Dave Gaubatz. He personally served CAIR Director Nihad Awad at the banquet tonight while North Carolina state Sen. Larry Shaw, D-N.C., a CAIR national board member, was addressing the festivities.
Four CAIR clients have filed a federal civil complaint alleging criminal fraud and racketeering against CAIR, a self-described public interest civil rights law firm. The lawsuit also names CAIR's national leadership as individual defendants.
The lawsuit, filed in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia, alleges that Morris Days, the "resident attorney" and "manager for civil rights" at the now defunct CAIR MD/VA chapter in Herndon, Va., was in fact not an attorney and that he failed to provide legal services for clients who came to CAIR for assistance and who had paid for CAIR legal services.
While attorney David Yerushalmi represents the four plaintiffs in this particular lawsuit, two of whom are African-American Muslims, the complaint alleges that, according to CAIR internal documents, there were hundreds of victims of fraud scheme by CAIR and Days.
According to the complaint, CAIR failed to conduct a background check on Days prior to hiring him and when the group discovered the fraud, it set about a cover-up.
The suit charges CAIR officials purposefully concealed the truth about Days from their clients, law enforcement, the Virginia and D.C. state bar associations and the media. When CAIR got irate calls from clients about Days' failure to provide competent legal services, CAIR is charged with fraudulently deceiving clients about Days' relationship to CAIR, concealing the fact that CAIR had fired him for criminal fraud.
"The evidence has long suggested that CAIR is a criminal organization set up by the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas to further its aims of stealth Jihad in the U.S.,
" Yerushalmi said referring to the fact that CAIR has been named by the federal government as an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation terror financing trial. "But our investigation and this complaint makes clear that CAIR’s criminal activities know no bounds."
Yerushalmi alleges CAIR has engaged in a massive cover-up of a criminal fraud in which hundreds of CAIR clients have been victimized.
"The fact that CAIR has victimized Muslims and non-Muslims alike demonstrates that CAIR is only looking out for CAIR and its ongoing effort to bilk donors out of millions of dollars of charitable donations thinking they are supporting a legitimate organization," he said.
It is a very long article and you can read the complete article at wnd.....JUST CLICK HERE.
Wild Thing's comment.........
I LOVE it, finally! CAIR is on the side of terrorists, it's a front group for terrorist jihadis, and this is such great news what has just happened.
No surprise to see where MUSLIM Rep. Keith Ellison was there as the keynopte speaker. He is NO friend of our country.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:45 AM | Comments (2)
November 23, 2008
John Kerry "crushed" Over Cabinet Snub
5 on the outs in Cabinet shuffle
The new administration still has some major posts to fill, including heads for the departments of Defense, Housing and Urban Development, Transportation, Labor and Energy, not to mention the Environmental Protection Agency. But a number of the biggest prizes seem to have already been won, and a handful of serious contenders already been passed over in the speed-dating game that is the Obama transition.
~ snipet~
John Kerry Massachusetts senator and former Democratic presidential nominee was a passionate, articulate and early supporter of Obama, a fixture on both conference calls and the Sunday talk show circuit. Kerry’s people say he never had any expectations of being named secretary of State but other Democrats say he made no secret of his Foggy Bottom aspirations.
“He’s crushed,” said one Senate aide. Kerry would have been a fine pick, sources say, but Obama apparently had his eye on Hillary Clinton since the early fall."
He does get an impressive consolation prize: the chairmanship of the Foreign Relations Committee vacated by Joe Biden.
Wild Thing's comment..........
LOL Kerry, is that the guy that said he was in Vietnam? Now Kerry knows how his medals felt, when he tossed them over the fence. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!
He is crushed??? Oh noooooooo Does this mean he has to be given another purple heart?
Yo Kerry, H0-bama is elected now and really your services aren’t needed anymore. See you all in 4 years. Looks like Obama made a whole bunch of promises to everyone who now are finding out they’ve been had.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:55 AM | Comments (18)
Iran Said to Have Nuclear Fuel for One Weapon
Iran Said to Have Nuclear Fuel for One Weapon
NY Times....for complete article
Iran has now produced roughly enough nuclear material to make, with added purification, a single atom bomb, according to nuclear experts analyzing the latest report from global atomic inspectors.
The figures detailing Iran’s progress were contained in a routine update on Wednesday from the International Atomic Energy Agency, which has been conducting inspections of the country’s main nuclear plant at Natanz. The report concluded that as of early this month, Iran had made 630 kilograms, or about 1,390 pounds, of low-enriched uranium.
Several experts said that was enough for a bomb, but they cautioned that the milestone was mostly symbolic, because Iran would have to take additional steps. Not only would it have to breach its international agreements and kick out the inspectors, but it would also have to further purify the fuel and put it into a warhead design — a technical advance that Western experts are unsure Iran has yet achieved.
“They clearly have enough material for a bomb,” said Richard L. Garwin, a top nuclear physicist who helped invent the hydrogen bomb and has advised Washington for decades. “They know how to do the enrichment. Whether they know how to design a bomb, well, that’s another matter.”
Wild Thing's comment.....
No problem, Barack will hold an unconditional meeting with them and they’ll hand it over. It’s easy! I know ‘cause “the One” told me so.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:50 AM | Comments (12)
Rev.James David Manning To Obama
Produce the Dog Gone Birth Certificate
Rev.James David Manning tells people to support Alan Keyes and others who are demanding to see if Barack Hussein Obama is eligible to be President. Message was preached on Saturday, 15 November 2008.
Wild Thing's comment........
Remember this guy? I posted one of his videos another time during the Primary, he is hilarious but he also makes his point as he speaks.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:47 AM | Comments (12)
Kid Rock "Warrior" Music Video For The National Guard
Musician Kid Rock new music video for the National Guard entitled "Warrior," which is being played in movie theaters all around the country. The video features an appearance by race car driver Dale Earnhardt Jr., singing by Kid Rock and images of the National Guard.
Kid Rock said the question is not why he does it, “but how can you not?”
He said that every second with the troops is overwhelming. “They give their best every day, … and we absolutely must give them our best,” he said.
"Being with the troops puts life in perspective, the rocker said, adding that he is proud of what the servicemembers do and wants to pay them back for their sacrifices. “The whole experience has been incredible,” he said. “I’ll do it to the day I die, so long as I am needed.”
Lyrics to Warrior:
So Dont Tell Me Who's Wrong And Right When Liberty Starts Slipping Away
And If You Aint Gonna Fight Get Out Of The Way
Cuz Freedom Is So Free When You Breathe Red White And Blue I'm Givin' All Of Myself Cuz Thats What I Do
And They Call Me Warrior
They Call Me Loyalty
They Call Me Ready To Provide Relief And Help I Wherever You Need Me To Be
I'm an American Warrior
Citizen Soldier
I'm an American Warrior
Citizen Soldier
Ahhhhh Yeahhhhh
Citizen Soldier
I'd Never Leave Another Behind I Will Never Accept Defeat I'm A Soldier In War Civilian In Peace Cuz Freedom Is So Free When You Breathe Red White And Blue I'm Givin' All Of Myself How Bout You
And They Call Me Warrior
They Call Me Loyalty
And They Call Me Ready To Deploy, Engage And Destroy, Wherever You Need Me To Be
I'm An American Warrior Citizen Soldier
I'm An American Warrior Citizen Soldier
Warrior Citizen Soldier
Warrior Citizen Soldier
Ohhhhhhh Yeahhhhhh
Wild Thing's comment........
This is great and I love how much Kid Rock supports our troops. He has been to see them several times.
... Thank you John for sending this to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:45 AM | Comments (2)
November 22, 2008
Ambassador Peter Ogego, Kenya’s ambassador to DC Discusses Obama
The ambassador of Kenya says that obama was born in Kenya and that his birth place has become a national shrine.
You can also to the original recording .................Listen to the recording here
The quote is around 12:35, so if you don’t have time to listen to the whole thing, you can jump ahead.
"We recently called the Kenyan Embassy and learned some pretty interesting things about our President elect, Barack Obama . THIS CALL IS 100% REAL!"
The transcript reads:
Radio Jockey: President elect Obama's birth place over in Kenya -- is that going to be a national spot where he was born
Ambassador: its already an attraction. his paternal grandmother is still alive
Radio Jockey: his birth place...they'll put up a marker there
Ambassdor: its already well known.
A few articles coming in about Obama's birth certificate:
Obama’s Birth Certificate Challenger Keeps Going
Forbes.com for completel article
You've got to hand it to Philip J. Berg: he doesn't give up easily. You might recall that Philadelphia attorney Berg tried, and failed, to halt the presidential election of Barack Obama on the grounds that he is not a native-born citizen. Game over, right? Wrong.
~ snipet ~
Berg responds that nowhere does the press release say this original certificate is actually American. Instead, he says, the certificate in Hawaii's vaults is from Kenya.
Hawaii's answer to this will surely fuel more fires. "Unfortunately the way state laws are written we are not allowed to confirm vital information and vital records," said Janice Okubo, a spokeswoman for Hawaii's department of health. "I cannot confirm individual information because that is against the law."
Wild Thing's comment.........
Kenyan Ambassador to DC, plainly admits Obama was born in Kenya and that the location of his birth is "already an attraction" and that a monument may be built there by the government.
And it is good to see Forbes picking up on this now too.
I have heard on various radio shows that Obama has spent at least $200,000 then I also heard it was $800,000 in legal fees to avoid producing the birth certificate. So not sure which amount is correct. Maybe it was the first amount which I heard a few months ago and the lastest amount is what it has grown to in trying to fend off the lawsuits.
Friday night on FOX, Geraldine Ferraro said on Fox that “hopefully” Obama will be officially president in a short period of time. Odd wording.
Why is it so important for him to lie to the world? What exactly is his agenda? Is all this pre-planned to further rip this country in half with him gaining 50 to 80 million followers from multiple countries and come out as a dominate Muslim dictator? Far fetched? Maybe and maybe not, one thing for sure we have him in other lies he has told, and on this one it has to do with our Constitution and it is extremely important to know.
If the Constitution of the US is not worth defending , then nothing is. If we wish to preserve the republic, than we had best let the chips fall, and then sort them out as to who would be President etc.
All this drama has come about because this lying crypto-marxist thug from the most corrupt environs of leftist Chicago sewer politics has ascended to POTUS-elect status with the willing aquiescence of the MSM. The MSM was hell-bent on concealing this usurper’s background because they wanted him to be elected.
I expect no less then Obama to follow the rules, to obey what our Constitution has set up for rules of running for President.
The arrogance and effrontery of this lying bastard is breathtaking. The founders knew that they were not natural born citizens, so they had to include language in Art II Sec 1 that exempted THEM. Does this fraud think that he is better than Washington, Madison, Adams, and Jefferson in that sense? Apparently he does, and with the acquiesence of enough people, he will suceed in usurping and corrupting the Executive Branch of government. This situation presents the very real posssibility of impelling this great nation beyond a constitutional crisis toward a civil war.
Something to consider as well, the implications of a man who would undertake these devious machinations to knowingly assume an office that he has no constitutional claim to, and than to see this same counterfeit president elect take an oath to defend that constitution. I believe that such a man would be willing to impose ANY sort or despotism or tyranny upon us to retain power.
And one more thing to share with you. I called a Constitutional lawyer on Friday and asked about this. I took some notes and will put them here.
The Founders of this nation, who wrote it’s constitution and led the revolution, were also dual citizens. They acknowledged that they were inelegible to run for president because of that BRITISH citizenship, and lack of natural born status. So they created the clause 5 of Article II, sec I that grandfathered them in. But note the portion that says, it applies to CITIZENS (formerly British and not natural born) “at the time of the adoption of this constitution”. That means that no one alive can claim this exemption.
From the moment of his birth, Hussein had an actionable claim of citizenship against the British government passed onto him thru his father as a kenyan citizen. Consider this from Obama’s own website:
“When Barack Obama Jr. was born on Aug. 4,1961, in Honolulu, Kenya was a British colony, still part of the United Kingdom’s dwindling empire. As a Kenyan native, Barack Obama Sr. was a British subject whose citizenship status was governed by The British Nationality Act of 1948. That same act governed the status of Obama Sr.‘s children.
Since Sen. Obama has neither renounced his U.S. citizenship nor sworn an oath of allegiance to Kenya, his Kenyan citizenship automatically expired on Aug. 4,1982.”
He has admitted to the dual citizenship status that the founders had.
The Framers wanted to make themselves eligible to be President, but they didn’t want future generations to be Governed by a Commander In Chief who had split loyalty to another Country. The Framers were comfortable making an exception for themselves. They did, after all, create the Constitution. But they were not comfortable with the possibility of future generations of Presidents being born under the jurisdiction of Foreign Powers, especially Great Britain and its monarchy, who the Framers and Colonists fought so hard in the American Revolution to be free of.
Due to the circumstances of his birh, Hussein is FOREVER ineligible without a constitutional amendment.
The fact that he never acted upon his Brit citizenship and let it expire is irrelevant.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 AM | Comments (21)
Duties of the Secretary of State
There are some things that will be frightening to have her in charge of, and there are some perks in the duties that she will take full advantage of.
Bureau of Public Affairs
Washington, DC
January 22, 2001
Under the Constitution, the President of the United States determines U.S. foreign policy. The Secretary of State, appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate, is the President’s chief foreign affairs adviser. The Secretary carries out the President’s foreign policies through the State Department and the Foreign Service of the United States.
Created in 1789 by the Congress as the successor to the Department of Foreign Affairs, the Department of State is the senior executive Department of the U.S. Government. The Secretary of State’s duties relating to foreign affairs have not changed significantly since then, but they have become far more complex as international commitments multiplied. These duties—the activities and responsibilities of the State Department—include the following:
* Serves as the President’s principal adviser on U.S. foreign policy;
* Conducts negotiations relating to U.S. foreign affairs;
* Grants and issues passports to American citizens and exequaturs to foreign consuls in the United States;
* Advises the President on the appointment of U.S. ambassadors, ministers, consuls, and other diplomatic representatives;
* Advises the President regarding the acceptance, recall, and dismissal of the representatives of foreign governments;
* Personally participates in or directs U.S. representatives to international conferences, organizations, and agencies;
* Negotiates, interprets, and terminates treaties and agreements;
* Ensures the protection of the U.S. Government to American citizens, property, and interests in foreign countries;
* Supervises the administration of U.S. immigration laws abroad;
* Provides information to American citizens regarding the political, economic, social, cultural, and humanitarian conditions in foreign countries;
* Informs the Congress and American citizens on the conduct of U.S. foreign relations;
* Promotes beneficial economic intercourse between the United States and other countries;
* Administers the Department of State;
* Supervises the Foreign Service of the United States.
In addition, the Secretary of State retains domestic responsibilities that Congress entrusted to the State Department in 1789. These include the custody of the Great Seal of the United States, the preparation of certain presidential proclamations, the publication of treaties and international acts as well as the official record of the foreign relations of the United States, and the custody of certain original treaties and international agreements. The Secretary also serves as the channel of communication between the Federal Government and the States on the extradition of fugitives to or from foreign countries.
Wild Thing's comment.........
I had never actually read what all the duties are, besides the obvious ones. I thought I would share it with all of you as well.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (11)
Hempstead school To Be Renamed Barack Obama Elementary School
This photo was taken when Obama had to show up to listen to General Petraeus on his report about how the war was going. I find it disgusting beyond belief, how little respect he shows to General Petraeus . I will never forget this pos look of his, never! -- Wild Thing
LI school renamed for Barack Obama
At a meeting Thursday night, the five-member Hempstead school board voted unanimously to rename one of its schools Barack Obama Elementary School, said Superintendent Joseph Laria.
The change was effective immediately, although the district does not have a new sign yet. The school, formerly called Ludlum Elementary School, is on William Street in Hempstead.
School staff and students, who participated in mock presidential and vice presidential debates before the Nov. 4 election, initiated the request to rename the school, Laria said.
The move could herald a name wave -- schools, streets, parks, people -- following Obama's historic rise to the presidency.
The five-member board passed the resolution unanimously:
"Whereas ... the students did a wonderful job of carrying out their tasks and demonstrating their patriotism at an early age ...now be it resolved that the (board members) proudly rename the Ludlum Elementary School as the Barack Obama Elementary School."
The new name will appear on a sign in front of the building and on stationery, "hopefully before Christmas," at a cost of several thousand dollars to the district, Laria said.
The change will be formalized at a ceremony sometime in December. School officials are hoping Gov. David Paterson can attend. The state's first black governor graduated from Hempstead High School.
The prime minister of the Caribbean nation of Antigua and Barbuda has said he's taking measures to have Boggy Peak renamed Mount Obama. In Portland, Ore., students want to rename Clark K-8 At Binnsmead school. Elsewhere on Long Island, the Clear Stream Avenue School in Valley Stream will consider a renaming resolution in December. And parents already have been naming newborns Barack.
In Opa-locka, Florida, the city council is considering naming a street after Obama, as well, the Miami Herald reports.
Wild Thing's comment........
Somewhere in Kenya a village is missing an idiot. waaaa can't we send him back to his relatives??!!
This is really getting out of control. I posted about the Metro cards yesterday, he had his own stupid seal during the election trying to Play a President on TV as they say in the movies, and his plane on his trip Obama tour with no flag only his ugly seal on it.
I mean good grief couldn’t they wait until he actually had ACHIEVED something?
Will they fly a flag with 57 stars?
....Thank you Les for the article.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:48 AM | Comments (12)
Victory In Iraq Day Celebration
A special thank you to all our military for your many sacrifices you have made and continue to make. You are all in our thoughts and prayers every day.
This is just a small tribute and thank you to all of you as we look at some of the past images of Operation Iraqi Freedom and celebrate Victory In Iraq Day because of YOU! The following images are all things I have saved along the say over the years of Operation Iraqi Freedom. You can also note the dates on many of the write ups as well. -- Wild Thing and all of Team Theodore
Sending in the REAL Inspectors
Baghdad or Bust
Remember Baghdad Bob? LMAO
The troops who drove full speed straight to the heart of the matter in one of the most amazing combat movements in history. Rock of the Marne. 3rd ID
3rd Infantry Division advance into southern Iraq
On March 19, 2003, President Bush announced orders to begin the operation to free the Iraqi people from the tyrannical ruler, Saddam Hussein. The next day elements of the 3rd ID (Mechanized) moved to the Iraqi border. By April 3, the 3rd Infantry Division entered Saddam International Airport and by the next day it was renamed the Baghdad International Airport. On April 5, the 3rd ID stunned the world with television images of tanks and Bradley Fighting Vehicles storming the streets of Baghdad in a probing action known as the first of two "Thunder Runs." The second Thunder Run moved the 2nd Brigade Combat Team into the government center of Baghdad. A decision to stay inside the city created a need for fuel and supplies. Division logistic personnel mounted an effort to resupply the 2nd BCT in the hostile streets of Baghdad as they held the foothold on the banks of the Tigris River, reminiscent of the Division's historic stand at the Marne River during World War I. As the 3rd ID expanded and tightened control of Baghdad and the 1st Marine Expeditionary Unit choked off Iraqi resistance on the east side of the city, Iraqi resistance crumbled. The division returned to Ft. Stewart in August 2003 and by 2004 was selected as the first division in the Army to be organized under the new modular system. In January 2005, the division returned to Iraq and led U.S. and coalition forces in Baghdad. The 1st and 3rd Brigades of the division supported the 42nd Division in Northern Iraq. The hard work created conditions for a secure Iraqi election and transfer of power to the first democratically elected national government in Iraq. The Division served with its coalition partners during Operation Iraqi Freedom III for a year before returning to Georgia in January 2006.
F-15E Strike Eagle carrying some serious ordinance
March21, 2003
A U.S. marine standing on his military vehicule drives past a portrait of Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein in Safwan, southern Iraq, Friday, March 21, 2003. Allied troops were advancing through the deserts of southern Iraq Friday after launching the war's ground assault, meeting resistance from Iraqi forces in some areas and soldiers surrendering in others.
Marine heroes crossing the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ)
A Marine of the U.S. Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) Fox Company 'Raiders' removes a portrait of Iraqi's President Saddam Hussein at the entrance to Iraq's main port of Umm Qasr on March 21, 2003. US and British ground forces launched assaults into Iraq in a bid to topple Saddam Hussein.
A Marine of the U.S. Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) Fox Company 'Raiders' replaces the Iraqi flag at the entrance to Iraq's main port of Umm Qasr on March 21, 2003 with the Stars and Stripes and the flag of the Marine Corps. U.S. Marines briefly raised the Stars and Stripes flag over the new port area of Umm Qasr on Friday after facing tougher than expected resistance in and around the southern Iraq port. Some time later, Marines returned and removed the Stars and Stripes. No reason was given for the decision, but Washington has consistently stressed that invading U.S. forces want toliberate Iraq, not occupy it.
A U.S. B-52 bomber named Iron Butterfly taxis to the runway before take-off from Royal Air Force (RAF) Fairford in Gloucestershire, March 21, 2003. The bombers took off from western England
To Baghdad
Polish special forces and U.S. Navy Seals pose for pictures under a portrait of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein in the port of Umm-Qasr in southern Iraq after arriving to hand over to U.S. control some captured Iraqis on March 23, 2003. Some U.S. soldiers are missing in the fighting in Iraq and possibly being held as prisoners, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said Sunday. REUTERS/Desmond Boylan
In Karbala, mail call, with a hero on break enjoying perfumed personal mail
This has awesome photography of our troops fighting the terrorists!
It is called " Bombs Over Baghdad! "
United States Marines CH-53E Sea Stallion helicopters land at a forward area refueling point in southern Iraq to fill up their tanks before continuing missions Friday, March 28, 2003. After several days of suspended dust and sandstorms which halted most helicopter missions, clear skies on Friday allowed the aircrafts to return to the skies. (AP Photo/Julie Jacobson)
Marine in sand storm
Marines sleeping in mud
1stLt Alison, Capts Heather and Waynetta, and Senior Airman Lyndi
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:45 AM | Comments (10)
November 21, 2008
Obama Stuck on Clinton Regime
A few more of Barack Hussein Obama's appointments more from the Clinton clan or the dixie mafia protected bunch. --- Wild Thing
The New York Times reports that Sen. Hillary Clinton has accepted an offer from President-elect Barack Obama to become the next secretary of state
Sen. Hillary Clinton has accepted the position of secretary of state in the Obama administration, FOX News has confirmed.
The formal announcement is expected after Thanksgiving.
** The New York Times is reporting that Sen. Hillary Clinton has decided to quit her Senate seat and accept the post of Secretary of State, according to two Clinton confidants.
** Obama will roll out his economic team on Monday and will personally announce that N.Y. Federal Reserve President Tim Geithner will replace Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson Jr. and New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson will be his new Secretary of Commerce.
Obama reportedly will hold a question-and-answer session at the announcement Monday in an effort to reassure markets.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Here comes the world tour of Ol’ the Pantsuit! Hillary is now 4th in line behind Obama, Biden, and Pelosi. Now that is scary too.
Let's see, Chinagate, Travel Gate, Bimbo Gate, File Gate and oh let's not forget the other thing too, the dead bodies that total something like over 80 of them.....Arkanside.
Obama must be taking advice from Don Corleone: Keep your friends close. Keep your enemies closer.
1984 meets 1993.
Bubba for 4 more years! This is hilarious! I have to laugh at this whole thing. It is scary as heck but it is also very funny. At least right now we can laugh about it. We have a breather before the monster Obama takes his oath.
And what is that we hear off from afar.... is that the sound of laughter?
- Putin
This is just weird on all fronts. It makes no sense for either side. It will be fun to watch. With Hillary traveling a lot, Bill will be free to date again.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:27 PM | Comments (10)
Clinton Secretary of State Nomination to Come After Thanksgiving
Clinton Secretary Nomination to Come After Thanksgiving
Will President-elect Obama nominate Hillary Clinton as secretary of state? Sources say yes, and soon, barring any unforeseen problems.
WASHINGTON -- The rumors are starting to sound like reality. President-elect Barack Obama is poised to nominate Hillary Clinton as secretary of state after Thanksgiving, sources in Obama's transition team say.
One week after the former primary rivals met secretly to discuss the idea of Clinton becoming the nation's top diplomat, the two sides were moving quickly toward making it a reality, barring any unforeseen problems.
One transition aide told The Associated Press that the two camps have worked out financial disclosure issues involving Clinton's husband, former President Bill Clinton, and the complicated international funding of his foundation that operates in 27 countries. The aide said Obama and Hillary Clinton have had substantive conversations about the secretary of state job.
A transition aide confirmed those details to FOX News.
Clinton has been mulling the post for several days, but the transition aide's comments suggested that Obama's team does not feel she is inclined to turn it down.
Some Democrats and government insiders have questioned whether Clinton is too independent and politically ambitious to be an effective secretary of state. But Obama is said to admire her talents and experience, as do many other Democrats.
Clinton would have to surrender her New York Senate seat, which she has held for eight years, to take the job.
Clinton spokesman Philippe Reines would not comment Thursday night, except to say that anything about Cabinet appointments is for Obama's transition team to address.
Obama on track to name Clinton as top diplomat
Thu Nov 20, 10:41 PM EST
U.S. President-elect Barack Obama is on track to nominate his former rival, New York Democratic Sen. Hillary Clinton as secretary of state after the November 27 Thanksgiving holiday, a Democratic official said.
Clinton moved closer to taking the job after her husband, former President Bill Clinton, offered to allow ethics reviews of future business and charitable activities should she be picked by Obama as the country's top diplomat.
Bill Clinton and the Obama team have also worked out financial disclosure issues involving the former president, the official said.
Wild Thing's comment......
Remember how she and Bill had those FBI files on anyone they felt was an enemy? I wonder if she will do the same thing with Foreign leaders.
hmmmm so after Thanksgiving. I guess that would be enough time for ole Bill and Hillary to hide as much of the bad stuff on them as possible.
This is so weird because they really do hate each other. Bill said " Obama can kiss my ass" when he was asked to come back from France I think it was to campaign for Obama. haha
I wonder if the Clinton's have something on Obama that we have not heard about yet. They are so good at leaking information when it helps them.
This is all just so weird.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 AM | Comments (12)
RINO Rep. Joe Knollenberg R-Mich 'It is not your money'
Rep. Joe Knollenberg, R-Mich
A Republican congressman seeking a $25 billion bailout of the troubled U.S. auto industry made a stunning statement about taxpayer funds to benefit Detroit, claiming, "It is not your money."
Rep. Joe Knollenberg, R-Mich., made the remark during a discussion with Fox News anchor Neil Cavuto yesterday as the pair debated sending billions of federal dollars to prop up the Big Three carmakers.
Cavuto asked Knollenberg: "When the housing industry CEOs come to you and say, 'You know, if we go under and all the ancillary businesses – the dishwasher manufacturers, the washer-and-dryer manufacturers, the Lowe's and the Home Depots that vastly depend on our being alive and vibrant – if we go under, there's hell to pay. And then the textile manufacturer comes to you and says, 'If we go down, there's hell to pay.' And on and on and on we go. Where do you draw the line with our money?"
"It is not your money," said Knollenberg.
Cavuto screamed back, "It is! It is taxpayers money!"
Knollenberg claimed dealers are not selling cars right now because "there's no credit to get."
He explained, "If we could just remove that problem, and this is what we're trying to do, then we'd be in the position to sell cars."
Cavuto fired back: "There's nothing in the $25 billion or $50 billion that will open up credit for folks to buy cars that in good times and bad, they had not wanted to get from these guys."
Knollenberg explained, "The purpose of the $25 billion is to give them some money for the time being to make sure they stay alive, that they stay in place."
He claimed there would be a massive negative ripple effect through the economy if even one of the major automakers is allowed to fail.
Cavuto closed the discussion by saying, "Congressman, there's a line of people behind them who are going to make a similar argument. I hope you're ready for it."
Knollenberg held his seat for 16 years in the House of Representatives, but was just defeated this month by Democrat Gary Peters, who will be the first Democrat to hold that district since 1893.
Today on the CBS "Early Show," Sen. Richard Shelby, R-Ala. said automakers should file for bankruptcy and fire their management.
"I don't believe that they have immediate plans to change their model, which is a model of failure," Shelby said.
He argued against any bailout, saying, "It will just prolong the agony. These companies are failures now, unless we get rid of the management."
The full extent of Knollenberg's appearance can be seen here.
Wild Thing's comment.........
He was just replaced by a Democrat from a district the Republicans had held since forever. He has probably been a RHINO for years.
Since 2005, I have felt more and more like I was living in the twilight zone. The country at this stage bears little resemblence to the one I grew up in.
Good for Cavuto is not one to back down!! I like him and he has a good show.
This is why the Republicans took a whoopin on election day. Big buisness, globalist, elites just dripping with arrogance.
Not that the Democrats are any better, they are the TRUE enemy within, and keep touting mantras that appeal to the gimmiewannagottahave crowd.
....Thank you Mark for sending me this article.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:50 AM | Comments (10)
Judge Orders Release of 5 Terror Suspects at Gitmo
Judge orders release of 5 terror suspects at Gitmo
A federal judge on Thursday ordered the release of five Algerians held at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and the continued detention of a sixth in a major blow to the Bush administration's strategy to keep terror suspects locked up without charges.
In the first case of its kind, U.S. District Judge Richard J. Leon said the government's evidence linking the five Algerians to al-Qaida was not credible as it came from a single, unidentified source. Therefore, he said, the five could not be held indefinitely as enemy combatants, and should be released immediately.
"To allow enemy combatancy to rest on so thin a reed would be inconsistent with this court's obligation," Leon told the crowded courtroom.
As a result, he said, "the court must and will grant their petitions and order their release."
As for the sixth Algerian, Belkacem Bensayah, Leon said there was enough reason to believe he was close to an al-Qaida operative and had sought to help others travel to Afghanistan to join the terrorists' fight against the United States and its allies.
Leon also urged senior Justice Department leaders and high-level officials at other government agencies involved in the case not to appeal his ruling. The Justice Department said later Thursday it had not decided whether it would.
Leon said the five Algerians already have been improperly held for seven years and deserve to go home. He said an appeal could delay their release for up to another two years.
"This is a unique case," Leon said, trying to assuage any Justice Department fears that hundreds of other detainees also could be released based on his ruling. "Few if any others will be factually like it. Nobody should be lulled into a false sense that all of the ... cases will look like this one."
One of the men to be released is Lakhdar Boumediene, whose landmark Supreme Court case last summer gave the Guantanamo detainees the right to challenge their imprisonment.
The Algerians' attorneys said they would appeal Bensayah's detention but hugged each other and colleagues in congratulations after Leon's ruling.
"It's a relief," said attorney Robert C. Kirsch.
The Bosnian government already has agreed to take back the detainees, all of whom immigrated there from Algeria before they were captured in 2001.
Justice spokesman Peter Carr said the department is pleased Bensayah will remain at Guantanamo but "we are of course disappointed by, and disagree with, the court's decision that we did not carry our burden of proof with respect to the other detainees."
Leon was appointed by President George W. Bush and has been sympathetic to the argument that the president has broad authority during wartime. In 2005, Leon ruled that this same group of detainees had no right to challenge their detention in civilian courts.
Thursday's ruling is the first since the Supreme Court cleared the way last June for civilian courts to hear challenges by terror suspects being held indefinitely without charges.
It largely hinged on Leon's definition of an enemy combatant, which he said included al-Qaida or Taliban supporters who directly assisted in hostile acts against the U.S. or its allies.
Much of the evidence against the Algerians is classified and could not be discussed during the two open court hearings in the seven-day trial — or even with the detainees themselves.
The detainees listened to Thursday's ruling through a translated telephone conference call, but could not be heard during the nearly one-hour hearing.
The government initially detained Boumediene and the other Algerians on suspicion of plotting to bomb the U.S. Embassy in Sarajevo in October 2001. They were transferred to Guantanamo in January 2002.
The Justice Department last month backed off the embassy bombing accusations, but said the six men were caught and detained before they could join terrorists' global jihad. The Justice Department said it needed to be proactive against threats, especially in the months after the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks on New York and Washington.
The detainee's lawyers denied the men ever planned to join the battlefield. Even if they had, the lawyers argued, they did not fit Leon's definition of an enemy combatant because they never joined the terrorist fighters.
The cases of more than 200 additional Guantanamo detainees are still pending, many in front of other judges in Washington's federal courthouse.
Wild Thing's comment........
Kill the enemy before lawyers can get involved. It is the only way to be sure!! When they release them our military could always release them from a C-130 at 8,000 feet.
Well what we have here are 5 new candidates for Obama's ccabinet.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:48 AM | Comments (7)
See If It Flies
The Obama example
Next time you move to another state and need a new driver's license, try this: Refuse to produce the birth certificate or any other personal information required by the department of motor vehicles. Just explain that a facsimile of the required document is posted on your website and give the clerk the domain name.
Tell them: "I'm following the example of President-elect Barack Obama. If he didn't need to produce a birth certificate to establish his eligibility to be president of the United States, why would you require me to produce one to get a lousy driver's license?"
See if it flies.
Your new employer requests a Social Security number he can provide the Internal Revenue Service so the federal government can be sure to grab its share of your money before you ever get a chance to touch it or see it, let alone spend it. Just explain that it would be an invasion of your privacy to give it to the company for identification purposes because your Social Security number was never intended for that purpose by act of Congress.
Tell them: "I'm following the example of President-elect Barack Obama. If he didn't need to produce a birth certificate to establish his eligibility to be president of the United States, surely you cannot require me to produce a Social Security card to be employed."
See if you get that job.
Better yet, all you illegal aliens out there, apply for any high-security government job. When the agency asks you to prove your citizenship, take the Obama position.
Tell them: "I'm following the example of President-elect Barack Obama. If he didn't need to produce a birth certificate to any controlling legal authority to establish his eligibility to assume the highest office in the land, how dare you ask me to prove my eligibility for this lousy job?"
I don't see how it can fail. Do you?
These are some of the thoughts going through my mind as I sit in bemusement at the prospect of the swearing in and inauguration of the next president two months from now – when a president-elect (assuming the Electoral College gives him the same kind of free pass election authorities and my colleagues in the "watchdog press" have given him to date) takes over the leadership of the executive branch of government.
There's just two months left before we witness one of the gravest attacks ever on the literal meaning of the U.S. Constitution.
Isn't it fitting that a so-called "constitutional scholar" – a former law professor – will be the one to deliver this fateful blow?
At that point, those who subscribe to the theory that we have a "living Constitution," one that means different things to different people at different times in history, will have experienced their crowning achievement – the induction of a president whose very eligibility for the office is questioned by millions of Americans who are told they don't have any standing in courts to demand actual proof.
There are only three plausible explanations, I have been able to come up with, as to why Barack Obama steadfastly refuses to produce the portion of his alleged Hawaiian birth certificate that actually shows where he was born and when:
* He doesn't want to do so because he deliberately seeks to undermine the specific constitutional requirement.
* He has something else to hide that would be revealed by making this document public – perhaps.
* He can't because it would show conclusively he was not born in a Hawaiian hospital.
Can anyone think of another reason?
I've put that challenge out there for millions of readers and not one has provided another possibility.
Yet, here we are – and here we go.
Personally, I think Barack Obama can establish his eligibility to be president. At the end of the day, I think we'll learn the truth. But, in the meantime, the man likely to become the next president is sure providing a lousy example of openness, leadership and citizenship for the rest of us.
Wild Thing's comment.........
Original birth certificate ——————————————Unavailable
Obama/Dunham marriage license -—————————Unavailable
Soetoro/Dunham marriage license ————————— Unavailable
Soetoro adoption records-————————————— Unavailable
Dept.of Education Hawaii Kindergarten Records-——- Unavailable
Punahou School records-——————————————Unavailable
Occidental College records —————————————Unavailable
Passport (Pakistan) -———————————————— Unavailable
Columbia College ——————————————————Unavailable
Columbia thesis ———————————————————Unavailable
(Topic: Nuclear Disarmament, written during Cold War ’83)
Harvard College records -————————————-——Unavailable
Harvard Law Review articles ————————————— Unavailable
(Evidence that one may have been written, yet it is unsigned)
Baptism certificate ——————————————————Unavailable
Medical records -———————————————————Unavailable
Illinois State Senate records -—————————————None
Illinois State Senate schedule —————————————Lost
Law practice client list ———————————————— Not released
University of Chicago scholarly articles –——————-— None on file
Indonesian Besuki School Application————————-—*Located
(Enrolled with name Barry Soetoro-faith “Islam”
Selective Service Registration- -— -*Released, but under investigation as fraudulent
Oddly enough, the suppressed document that bothers me most (with the exception of the Birth Certificate) is the Department of Education State of Hawaii school records. They are the 2nd record of contact with authorities that would have provided not only Date & Place of Birth, but also a legitimate birth name and record of vaccination that identified where he was raised. No one enrolls in school in Hawaii without a vaccination record, yet he is identified in a class photograph while the records are non-existent.
...Thank you Mark for this article.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:47 AM | Comments (10)
Obama's Mug on D.C. Subway Cards for Inauguration
Obama's Mug on D.C. Subway Cards for Inauguration
The subway system in Washington, D.C., is making fare cards featuring President-elect Barack Obama's image to commemorate his inauguration as the 44th president.
SmarTrip cards with Obama's smiling face will be available in January, Metro spokesman Stephen Taubenkibel told DCist. Regular fare cards marking the Jan. 20 inauguration will be available in late December.
Images of the Obama card were shown at a recent Metro Board of Directors meeting. See the mock-up below, first posted on DCist.
Wild Thing's comment.........
More worship of Barack Hussein Obama. This kind of thing is sickening to say the least.
So let's see after the terrorist lover is sworn in is he also going to have the White House gardners trim the bushes around the property in shapes of his face including the ears? Like the aniamal structures at Disneyland?
His ego may not even fit in the Oval office.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:45 AM | Comments (5)
Pentagon Hit by Unprecedented Cyber Attack
Pentagon Hit by Unprecedented Cyber Attack
The Pentagon has suffered from a cyber attack so alarming that it has taken the unprecedented step of banning the use of external hardware devices, such as flash drives and DVD's, FOX News has learned.
The attack came in the form of a global virus or worm that is spreading rapidly throughout a number of military networks.
"We have detected a global virus for which there has been alerts, and we have seen some of this on our networks," a Pentagon official told FOX News. "We are now taking steps to mitigate the virus."
The official could not reveal the source of the attack because that information remains classified.
"Daily there are millions of scans of the GIG, but for security reasons we don't discuss the number of actual intrusions or attempts, or discuss specific measures commanders in the field may be taking to protect and defend our networks," the department said in an official statement.
Military computers are often referred to as part of the Global Information Grid, or GIG, a system composed of 17 million computers, many of which house classified or sensitive information.
FOX News obtained a copy of one memo sent out last week to an Army division within the Pentagon warning of the cyber attack.
"Due to the presence of commercial malware, CDR USSTRATCOM has banned the use of removable media (thumb drives, CDRs/DVDRs, floppy disks) on all DoD networks and computers effective immediately."
And there was this September, 2007
China’s cyber army is preparing to march on America, says Pentagon
Chinese military hackers have prepared a detailed plan to disable America’s aircraft battle carrier fleet with a devastating cyber attack, according to a Pentagon report obtained by The Times.
The blueprint for such an assault, drawn up by two hackers working for the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), is part of an aggressive push by Beijing to achieve “electronic dominance” over each of its global rivals by 2050, particularly the US, Britain, Russia and South Korea.
China’s ambitions extend to crippling an enemy’s financial, military and communications capabilities early in a conflict, according to military documents and generals’ speeches that are being analysed by US intelligence officials. Describing what is in effect a new arms race, a Pentagon assessment states that China’s military regards offensive computer operations as “critical to seize the initiative” in the first stage of a war.
The plan to cripple the US aircraft carrier battle groups was authored by two PLA air force officials, Sun Yiming and Yang Liping. It also emerged this week that the Chinese military hacked into the US Defence Secretary’s computer system in June; have regularly penetrated computers in at least 10 Whitehall departments, including military files, and infiltrated German government systems this year.
Cyber attacks by China have become so frequent and aggressive that President Bush, without referring directly to Beijing, said this week that “a lot of our systems are vulnerable to attack”. He indicated that he would raise the subject with Hu Jintao, the Chinese President, when they met in Sydney at the Apec summit. Mr Hu denied that China was responsible for the attack on Robert Gates, the US Defence Secretary.
Larry M. Wortzel, the author of the US Army War College report, said: “The thing that should give us pause is that in many Chinese military manuals they identify the US as the country they are most likely to go to war with. They are moving very rapidly to master this new form of warfare.” The two PLA hackers produced a “virtual guidebook for electronic warfare and jamming” after studying dozens of US and Nato manuals on military tactics, according to the document.
The Pentagon logged more than 79,000 attempted intrusions in 2005. About 1,300 were successful, including the penetration of computers linked to the Army’s 101st and 82nd Airborne Divisions and the 4th Infantry Division. In August and September of that year Chinese hackers penetrated US State Department computers in several parts of the world. Hundreds of computers had to be replaced or taken offline for months. Chinese hackers also disrupted the US Naval War College’s network in November, forcing the college to shut down its computer systems for several weeks. The Pentagon uses more than 5 million computers on 100,000 networks in 65 countries.
Wild Thing's comment........
I am not an expert with computers, but this kind of thing happening is not good!!! It could be the Chinese, Russians, or Iranians, or a combination of 2 or 3 of them.
Maybe Obama can sit down and talk to these guys. I'm sure when he explains how troublesome it is, they'll mend their errant ways. ( sure that should do it)
While I was working on this post I just saw this:
US panel warns of Chinese espionage
Washington - AP...for complete article
China has accelerated computer espionage attacks on the U.S. government, defense contractors and American businesses, a congressional advisory panel said Thursday.
The U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission also said in its annual report to lawmakers that aggressive Chinese space programs are allowing Beijing to more effectively target U.S. military forces.
"China is stealing vast amounts of sensitive information from U.S. computer networks," said Larry Wortzel, chairman of the commission set up by Congress in 2000 to advise, investigate and report on U.S.-China issues.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:40 AM | Comments (4)
November 20, 2008
Ramos, Compean Commutation under Review by U.S. Pardon Attorney
Ramos, Compean Commutation under Review by U.S. Pardon Attorney
In the waning days of the Bush administration, the Department of Justice (DOJ) is mulling whether to recommend a commutation for the two former Border Patrol agents jailed for more than a decade each for shooting a Mexican drug smuggler in the buttocks.
The case is now before the DOJ’s Pardon Attorney Donald Rodgers. The Office of Pardon Attorney works in consultation with the attorney general’s office to assist the president, who has sole power of clemency in federal cases under the Constitution.
Ultimately, it is the president’s call regardless of what the Office of Pardon Attorney recommends.
Last week, a federal judge in Texas left intact the 11-year sentence for Ignacio Ramos and 12-year sentence for Jose Compean in the shooting case of Mexican drug smuggler Osvaldo Aldrete-Davila, who was later convicted on a separate drug smuggling crime.
The two former Border Patrol agents were convicted in early March 2006 for the discharge of a firearm in the commission of a violent crime, violation of civil rights, assault charges, and on charges of tampering with evidence.
The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals last summer reversed the convictions for evidence tampering, but that did not affect the sentence, because the offense of discharging a weapon during a crime carries a mandatory minimum sentence of 10 years. The two agents began serving their sentences in January 2007.
Both the House and Senate have held hearings investigating the prosecution of the agents, and numerous members of Congress have called on President George W. Bush to either pardon the two men or commute their sentences. Given the time served, attorneys are requesting commutation.
“I’m asking for a commutation, because he has already served the sentence on all counts of conviction except for the gun count,” Ramos’s attorney David Botsford told CNSNews.com.
Botsford refuted media reports that the commutation requests were denied.
“They suspended the processing of the commutation petition because of the re-sentencing,” he said. “I don’t think that was necessarily appropriate, but I notified them (the Office of Pardon Attorney) as soon as the re-sentencing was over, asking them to reinstate the commutation process. It’s my understanding they’re going to do that.”
Tara Setmayer, spokesman for Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Calif.), one of the most outspoken advocates for freeing the agents, also confirmed Tuesday that the Office of Pardon Attorney was reviewing the case.
Botsford said he does not know how long the process will take, or even if it will be decided while Bush is still president.
“It should be pretty simple,” Botsford said. “I don’t have the faintest idea how long it’s going to take for them to process.”
A Justice Department spokesperson did not respond to an inquiry from CNSNews.com as this story went to press Tuesday evening.
Meanwhile, the White House declined to comment on the matter.
“We never comment on pardons or people who are eligible to apply for a pardon,” White House Press Secretary Dana Perino told CNSNews.com during the White House press briefing. “That goes to the Office of Pardon Attorney at the Department of Justice, and we don’t comment on those deliberations.”
Wild Thing's comment..........
I hope and pray that before Bush leaves office these men will be out of jail and not only that but I would love an apology from Bush and Sutton and anyone else that did this horrible thing to these two Border Agents Ramos and Compean.
The reality is no apology but maybe the other part of my wish miight happen.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 AM | Comments (17)
Supremes To Review Barack's Citizenship
Supremes to review Barack's citizenship
Case challenging his name on ballot set for 'conference'
By Bob Unruh
A case that challenges President-elect Barack Obama's name on the 2008 election ballot citing questions over his citizenship has been scheduled for a "conference" at the U.S. Supreme Court.
Conferences are private meetings of the justices at which they review cases and decide which ones to accept for formal review. This case is set for a conference Dec. 5, just 10 days before the Electoral College is scheduled to meet to make formal the election of Obama as the nation's next president.
The Supreme Court's website listed the date for the case brought by Leo C. Donofrio against Nina Wells, the secretary of state in New Jersey, over not only Obama's name on the 2008 election ballot but those of two others, Sen. John McCain and Roger Calero.
The case, unsuccessful at the state level, had been submitted to Justice David Souter, who rejected it. The case then was resubmitted to Justice Clarence Thomas. The next line on the court's docket says: "DISTRIBUTED for Conference of December 5, 2008."
If four of the nine justices vote to hear the case in full, oral argument may be scheduled.
The action questions whether any of the three candidates is qualified under the U.S. Constitution's requirement that a president be a "natural-born citizen."
According to America's Right blogger Jeff Schreiber, there also was a development in a second case presented to the Supreme Court on the same issue.
His report said the Federal Election Commission now has waived its right to respond to a complaint brought by attorney Philip Berg.
There are a number of reasons why the respondents here would choose not to respond. First, because the court only grants between 70 and 120 of the 8,000 or so petitions it receives every year, perhaps they just liked their odds of Berg's petition getting denied. Second, because they have made arguments as to Berg's lack of standing several times at the district court level and beyond, perhaps they felt as though any arguments had already been made and were available on the record. Or, perhaps the waiver shows that the FEC and other respondents do not take seriously the allegations put forth by Berg, and did not wish to legitimize the claims with a response," the blogger speculated.
"Another thing which is not completely clear is whether the FEC is filing for itself or on behalf of all respondents," he added.
"If it were just the FEC filing the waiver, I must say that I'm surprised," Berg told America's Right. "I'm surprised because I think they should take the position that the Supreme Court should grant standing to us. I think they have a responsibility not only to Phil Berg, but to all citizens of this country, to put forth a sense of balance which otherwise doesn't seem to exist.
"However, if this was filed by the FEC on behalf of the DNC and Barack Obama too, it reeks of collusion," he said, noting that the attorney from the Solicitor General's office should be representing federal respondents and not the DNC or Obama.
But he noted that "questions surrounding this aspect of Obama's candidacy are seemingly beginning to see the light of day."
Wild Thing's comment........
What a soap opera this is, and I don't watch soap opera's. LOL Maybe this is why, it takes forever to see things happen.
What I don't understand is what Obama has to hide. If he has nothing to hide why didn't he produce his real birth certificate when he was asked?
Here is what bothers me about all of this. There is nothing new in the fact that democrats lie, it is their natural state of being. So for Obama to lie about is birth certificate is just another lie.
BUT we are a nation of laws and a fantastic Constitution that has held our Nation to a standard that makes us different then other countries. I respect our Constitution and I DEMAND that our elected officials uphold it as well. No one should be above the law and sure as heck no one should be above our Constitution!!
Our country has given in to political correctness little by little since I was in highschool. Inch by inch one word, one phrase at a time. Maybe it did not hurt at first, but it certainly has in the last 10 plus years. People have been sued because they were not PC, sued because their ads they ran were not PC. Sued because someone was offended by some innocent word or wording that was just fine for over 200 years but not anymore.
So if Obama is not legal to run for President, there should not be any exceptions made. If there is even a gray area about his birth, once again imo there should not be any exceptions made.
If our country has such little regard for our Constitution to let him get away with this if it is true. Then we will fall faster as a nation then anything else. It will mean nothing to have a Constitution and it can also be used against all of us on other things as well that are protecting us as citizens. And this happening to our Constitution will be a lot more then taking it away from us inch by inch, it will be in one massive swoop.
I have no idea if it is true or not about his birth certificate. The questions are valid and from what I have seen I question it as well. There is also something else that adds in here for me. The way Obama spoke in that 2001 video where he spoke at length about the Constitution.....our Constitution. He almost hates it, and that was extremely alarming. Does he hate it so much because he knows what it also says about someone running for President? Or only about the things he spoke about in the interview.
Time will tell.
If they decide to look at all of this and they find out he is not a citizen. They can just tell him he is President over the 7 extra States he counted that time.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:50 AM | Comments (19)
4 Million May Try To Attend Mall For Inauguration
Can Mall Be Filled For an Inauguration? 4 Million May Try It.
By Nikita Stewart and Michael E. Ruane
Washington Post Staff Writers
District and federal officials are preparing for as many as 4 million people for the inauguration of President-elect Barack Obama, a crowd that would be three or four times larger than previous big events on the Mall.
Only a fraction of those people will be close enough to get a good look at the action. But officials are planning extra JumboTrons at the Mall and along the inaugural parade route so that spectators can feel a part of the historic day.
"The Mall actually may be the best seat in the house. . . . It'll kind of be like the world's biggest stage and auditorium on January 20th," said Mayor Adrian M. Fenty (D), adding that the crowd projections have emerged in briefings conducted by federal and local officials.All plans are pending approval of the Presidential Inaugural Committee, to be set up by Obama, which determines the size and nature of the inaugural festivities, Fenty said. But District officials have met several times with the Secret Service and other agencies.
The Secret Service is taking the lead in overseeing security and other logistics. Even for a city that has hosted vast throngs for marches, protests, celebrations, funerals and inaugurations, this will be an unprecedented test of planning and resources. The question arises: Can the city handle it? Can millions of people fit downtown?
For example, Fenty said, officials expect people to camp overnight, starting Jan. 19, to get as close as possible to the swearing-in viewing area and parade route.
The next several weeks will be spent figuring out how to change the comprehensive playbook that has been used in the past.
"We have a great blueprint from years past, and we will follow that," the mayor said. "But we will start to make exceptions and deviations because, by everyone's estimation, we will have crowds that will be two, three, maybe even four times as large as the largest inaugural. . . . One of the biggest exceptions would be to open up the Mall."
Officials are talking about opening large sections of the Mall east of the Washington Monument, a space normally used for staging the many components of the inaugural parade, Fenty said. That would make the Mall a viewing area that experts said could accommodate several million people -- significantly more than in the past. Officials have not said where the parade groups will gather instead.
The changes would not affect the 240,000 people who will get free tickets in the space closest to the swearing-in ceremony.
The mayor said visitors will have a difficult choice between getting the best possible views of the swearing-in or the parade.
"The parade route will be completely filled way before the inaugural speech even happens," said Fenty, who was a D.C. Council member in 2005, the most recent inauguration. "That's something people will have to think about, whether they want to see the parade firsthand or see the inaugural swearing-in and speech. You can't do both."
Obama is known for choosing venues where he can address huge crowds. In August in Denver, he accepted the Democratic Party's nomination with a speech before 84,000 at Invesco Field. On election night, about 200,000 jammed Chicago's Grant Park for his victory speech.
"The word we're getting from them, nothing formal yet, is that they want to open this up to as many people as possible," Fenty said. "We will follow their lead."
The fact that Jan. 20, a federal holiday in the Washington area, falls the day after the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday means that the crowd's arrival might be spread over a four-day weekend. At the same time, the crowd will be packed with out-of-towners and many people attending their first inauguration, creating the potential for confusion.
Those who dare to drive downtown on Inauguration Day will face a monumental parking challenge.
The security zone, which has not been determined, could eat up much of the parking downtown, said Andrew Blair, vice president and secretary of the Washington Parking Association and president of Colonial Parking. The industry is preparing for caravans of buses, he said, adding that the Colonial-run parking lot at Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Stadium will have well over 800 buses.
For those who are making their plans ahead of time, there are 95,000 hotel rooms in the metropolitan area, tourism officials say, in addition to the thousands of basements, spare rooms and sublet homes and apartments that will be available for inauguration-goers. The city is accustomed to hosting 15 million visitors annually.
Security, emergency and logistical crews will be bolstered by about 5,000 members of the military and 4,000 additional officers from 93 law enforcement agencies across the country, officials have said.
Presidential inaugurations aren't just logistical challenges. They shape the start of an administration and provide a chance for the District to shine before a worldwide audience. A major mishap could tarnish the image of the city, the mayor and the organizers, and much is riding on success.
"This is a once-in-a-lifetime" experience, Fenty said.
And there is also this................
Soaring costs for inauguration could break the bank for D.C.
Soaring costs expected to accompany huge crowds in town for the Jan. 20 inauguration of Barack Obama could stick cash-strapped Washington, D.C., with a record-breaking bill for services.
Security and capacity measures recommended by the District’s congressional delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton and others will almost certainly surpass the $15 million the federal government gives to the District each year to defray the cost of events, Norton said.
Wild Thing's comment........
If 4 million fill the Mall there won't be any room for Obama's brain dead to faint.
I would hate to go to something lilke this. Huge crowds can be very scary and there is no way to control a situation if something happens.
The photo above is the only one I could find but I am wondering how elaborate Obama will make it or will he do it in the traditional way. I hope he does NOT OBAMATIZE it!!!!
And as far as the cost, they should tell Obama to pay for anything above the normal cost for this with all the illegal money that was donated to his campaign. Problem solved.
....Thank you Les for sending me this article.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:48 AM | Comments (8)
Victory In Iraq Day! Declared To Be November 22, 2008
We won. The Iraq War is over. I declare November 22, 2008 to be "Victory in Iraq Day." (Hereafter known as "VI Day.") What more indication do you need? An announcement from the outgoing Bush administration? It's not gonna happen. An announcement from the incoming Obama administration? That's really not gonna happen. A declaration of victory by the media? Please. Don't make me laugh. A concession of surrender by what few remaining insurgents remain in hiding? Forget about it. The moment has come to acknowledge the obvious. To overtly declare a fact that has already been true for quite some time now. And since there will never be a ticker-tape parade down Fifth Avenue in New York for our troops, it's up to us, the people, to arrange a virtual ticker-tape parade. An online victory celebration. Saturday, November 22, 2008 is the day of that celebration: Victory in Iraq Day. On the political front in Iraq, victory has broken out as well. On Sunday, November 16, Iraq's cabinet approved a security agreement with the U.S. which top analysts and pundits are saying is the closest we'll ever get to a bureaucratic declaration of victory and of the war's end. Hugh Hewitt, for example, says:
Who gets to decide when it's over? Indeed, everywhere you look, someone has highlighted yet another detail which, cumulatively, demonstrate that "peace has broken out all over" Iraq. Each person has their own criteria as to when the war was won: Some say we won the war long ago when we defeated the Iraqi Army in three weeks. Some say we won when the Iraqi government tried and executed Saddam Hussein. Some say we won when Iraqis voted democratically to elect their own leaders. Some say we won when we established control over the entirety of the country last year, eliminating the last remaining insurgent strongholds. Some say we won six months ago when the last remaining organized resistance evaporated. On the other hand, there are those who are saying (in response to this essay) that we have not reached that magical benchmark. The Iraqi parliament may have passed the security agreement solidifying Iraq's post-war stability, but some people say we should wait until the U.S. Senate approves it before we declare victory. Others say that the war won't be won until casualty levels literally drop to zero. Other say we haven't won until all troops are gone from the country. Others wait in vain for an official announcement. There is no consensus. And there never will be. Still, the cut-off point between "war" and "not war" has to be drawn somewhere, and if we don't draw the line ourselves, I guarantee it will NEVER be drawn. Because the Left and the media want to make sure that even ten years from now, when perhaps one US soldier is killed per year in an otherwise completely stable Iraq, that still won't qualify as "victory." Because their overarching goal is to to make sure that the war goes down in history as a defeat, no matter what. My opinion is: This is as good a time to declare victory as we're ever going to get. All signs point to "Yes." If you don't agree, that's perfectly fine, you can ignore this essay. But if you think this is long overdue, then climb on board.
If we won, why are there troops still in Iraq? Does our victory mean that I advocate the immediate withdrawal of all troops from Iraq? No. Wars may be won but postwar occupations generally don't end crisply and cleanly like that. Troops often stay around to rebuild or to maintain the peace for years, even decades. Hell, the United States still has several military bases and many troops "occupying" Japan and Germany who have been there continuously since the end of World War II in 1945. We have two major Air Bases in Korea leftover from the Korean War. The Guantanamo Bay Naval Base in Cuba is a remnant of the Spanish-American War and has been there for over a century; the U.S. military also "occupied" the Philippines at Subic Bay for nearly a hundred years as a result of the Spanish-American War. More recently we continue to have a presence in Bosnia at Tuzla Air Base as a consequence of our role in the Bosnian War of the 1990s. What all this means is that it is standard practice in the aftermath of nearly every overseas war in which the U.S. participates for us to keep some troops there on a permanent or semi-permanent basis.
If the Iraq War is over, why do we still occasionally hear reports of violence or casualties? A common misperception of warfare is that when a war is "won," all fighting immediately stops, and that all members of the losing side passively lay down their arms and surrender. While that does happen on occasion, much more frequently the fighting continues as a low-level guerrilla war or insurgency for years afterwards by the diminishing die-hard loyalists of the losing side. Even wars with crushing conclusive victories and official declarations of surrender saw continued fighting long after those wars were officially "over." After World War II, which was won as conclusively as any war was ever won, some Germans refused to acknowledge defeat and continued to operate as guerrilla assassins and saboteurs.
But where's the official announcement? The only reason that the war has not been declared "over" is that the media, which was generally opposed to the war and opposed to any of President Bush's policies, doesn't want to give him and his supporters the satisfaction of having been right. The media wants U.S. troops to return home, but only on condition that they do so with their tails between their legs in defeat -- not as victorious liberators, which would invalidate five years of subtle and not-so-subtle anti-war propaganda on the part of the left-leaning media. The Bush administration for its part has not declared victory for two probable reasons: first, because they fear that by so doing they would only increase the call by the media and liberal Democrats to "bring the troops home now"; and also by so doing they might invite some last-ditch spectacular terror attack by the few remaining jihadists in order to embarrass the administration. And the incoming Obama administration will certainly never announce victory, since Obama spent over a year campaigning for the Democratic primary as the anti-war candidate. So both sides refuse to say the war is over. Even though it is, in fact, over. It is up to the American people to declare victory. Which is exactly what we are doing right now. There never will be an "official" announcement from the government or the media, so you can stop waiting for it. This is the official announcement.
Join the VI Day movement! Zombie Time website has all the information and logos as well. Do you agree with the concept behind VI Day? Then post a VI Day entry on your blog. Once you've posted it, email Zombie Time the link! And I will post a link back to your blog here on this page. Make sure to make at least two different postings: Make one now to announce your support of VI Day and to spread the word ahead of time; and make another one on November 22 itself, to celebrate!
I love this and I agree, it is time. Our troops are awesome and the changes in Iraq have been so obvious to all of us that have been paying attention., to all of you that come to this blog and are Team Theodore. The media of course would get a full body rash if they had to tell about our troops in a positive way. And in the end they will get no credit for having any support for the support of our troops, NEVER EVER! God bless our warriors and a big thank you to each person that has served and continues to serve. Here is a little story I want to share with you, something our troops have made possiible for the Iraqi people. It is from CAMP VICTORY, Iraq They walked in the fields of Iraq, talked to its farmers and people, learned their stories, their struggles, their hope. Team Borlaug, the agricultural assessment team from Texas A&M University, visited the farmlands of southern Iraq for six months; now, members can look back at their accomplishments. Blaze Currie, of Wellman, Texas, the team’s youth program development expert, talked about a farmer in Karbala province who had a plot of land behind his house set aside for farming. Currie and the other members of Team Borlaug could talk for hours about these experiences. The team had up to 14 members, and their mission for the past six months was to work with coalition forces and Iraqi farmers. Agriculture makes up nearly 75 percent of Iraq’s economy. Of course, Iraq isn’t just 7,000 miles from Team Borlaug’s home in Texas , war-torn and hot 132 degrees. It’s also a military battle space but less then every before. The team adjusted to new lingo and worked with Soldiers who had trained for war but have been a large source to the people of Iraq in their agricultural and economic struggles. A wonderful soldier, he is an artillery sergeant who made tea for local sheikhs invited on base as guests. Team Borlaug gives credit for their success to Soldiers like this one, and to those who escorted them throughout Iraq while they conducted their assessment. When talking about what they learned, they will share their memories; but when talking about their accomplishments, they will point back to civil affair teams, PRTs and coalition forces dedicated to improving this country. Above all, they point to the Iraqi people.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:47 AM
| Comments (5)
Zombie Time is promoting Saturday, November 22, 2008 as "Victory in Iraq Day!"
By every measure, The United States and coalition forces have conclusively defeated all enemies in Iraq, pacified the country, deposed the previous regime, successfully helped to establish a new functioning democratic government, and suppressed any lingering insurgencies. The war has come to an end. And we won.
Some Quotes:"THE WAR IS OVER AND WE WON:" Michael Yon just phoned from Baghdad, and reports that things are much better than he had expected, and he had expected things to be good. "There's nothing going on. I'm with the 10th Mountain Division, and about half of the guys I'm with haven't fired their weapons on this tour and they've been here eight months. And the place we're at, South Baghdad, used to be one of the worst places in Iraq. And now there's nothing going on. I've been walking my feet off and haven't seen anything."
"The Battle For Iraq Has Been Won. Will The President-elect Preserve The Victory?
Yesterday's vote by the Iraqi cabinet to approve a status of forces agreement confirms what most reasonable people had concluded this summer --that the battle for Iraq is over and the country is stable and secure even though its enemies remain in small enclaves within the country and across the border in Iran. It has taken five years and come at a high cost in American lives lost and in thousands of wounded soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines.
It is, however, a crucial victory in the war against Islamist extremism and for stability in the Middle East. "
Wild Thing's comment......
We have watched how they have rebuilt so many things in Iraq, how schools that never existed are open and running smoothly, how water is running in places it never was available before to citizens that had to travel many miles to even get a their water. The list goes on and on the things our military has accompolished in Iraq. “He said he couldn’t plant it this year, but he would next year,” Currie said of the farmer. “And our simple question that we asked a lot of times was, ‘Why didn’t you plant it last year?’ His answer was, ‘Well, I had to flood it first to get rid of all the mines.’ … That, to me, symbolizes the concept of agriculture in this nation to develop economic stability.”
“He was a big, buffed up dude that I mean, was just pretty rugged … and this big old dude that was stocky and looked like he could manhandle about anybody … [was] leaning over making chai. And I said, ‘Why are you making chai?’ And he had the funniest look and he said, ‘Well, why wouldn’t I? They make chai for us, don’t they? … This is as commonplace as putting ammo in my clip. I gotta’ make chai whenever they come.’
“I’ll never forget that,” Currie said. “That was the epitome of something I didn’t expect a Soldier to be doing – a great service to be doing in Iraq – but they were doing it.”
“I learned the people of Iraq want the same thing for themselves and their families that we want for ours. They want peace. They want freedom. They want hope,” Briers said.
....Thank you Les for telling me about this.
In Country With Our Troops ~ Thank you!
Story by Sgt. Bill Addison
Photos by Maj. Jon Powers
JASG-C Public Affairs
The Joint Area Support Group- Central (JASG-C), took ownership of the International Zone’s (IZ) largest Forward Operating Base (FOB) from the Headquarter and Headquarters Company, 2nd Brigade Special Troops Battalion, 2nd
Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division, under the watch of Maj. Michael Bobinis Oct. 27.
The transfer of authority marked an important step in streamlining overall ownership of the IZ under the JASG-C, which is made up of New Jersey Army National Guard Soldiers from the 50th Infantry Brigade Combat Team.
Bobinis recognized the daunting task ahead.
“We found out our five guys are replacing about 40 guys, so now we have a challenge ahead of us,” said Bobinis, a native of Bethlehem, Pa. With that challenge ahead of them, Bobinis and his team remain confident in their mission. The key, according to him, is teamwork. “We call it Team Prosperity. We want people to be proud to be part of Prosperity,” said Bobinis.
Part of his team is 1st. Sgt. Edward Santiago, noncommissioned officer in charge (NCOIC) of the mayor’s cell. Santiago’s typical answer to the everyday challenges: “Too easy.” Does the mailroom need a Conex?
“Your tent is flooding and you need gravel? “Too easy.” Does a vendor need a tree branch cut down? “Too easy.” As a matter of fact, that turned into a big event. “There was a tree branch that people kept banging their head on, we went and cut it down for them. That gave us instant credibility with the people, and it’s spreading around the FOB. All it took was cutting down a tree branch.” Santiago, a New Jersey
Approximately 20 Iraqi children and their parents from outside Baghdad’s International Zone (IZ) enjoyed a day of
games and activities at the IZ’s Forward Operating Base Freedom Oct. 24, courtesy of the Joint Area Support Group- Central (JASG-C). Activities ranged from horseshoes with Sgt. 1st Class Robert Stephenson, to egg
tossing with Spc. Hyacinthe Luna, to swimming with Air Force 1st Lt. Jaimie Howard
IA Soldiers from 4th Bn., 31st IA Bde., 8th IA Div. salute for the Iraqi and U.S. National Anthems during the graduation ceremony of the Lionclaw Academy on FOB Kalsu Nov. 15.
FOB KALSU– Thirty-one Iraqi Army Soldiers graduated from the last class of the Vanguard Brigade’s route clearance course at Forward Operating Base Kalsu Nov. 15. The Lionclaw Route Clearance Academy, which began its first class July 20, taught four iterations of the course to Soldiers in the 31st Brigade, 8th IA Division.
“Today we stand here and celebrate the fourth graduation, and we’re celebrating for two reasons,” said Brig. Gen. Abdul Amir, 31st Bde. commander. “The first reason is because of you, the heroes who have graduated as a road clearance platoon, and the second reason is because now we have finished training four road clearance platoons. Now, we have one road clearance platoon in each battalion … so now we have more military fighting ability.”
Wild Thing's comment........
More news that the left hates to see and the media turns a blind eye to.
God bless our troops. What a great idea about the games for the children to play. The photos show how much they loved it.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:45 AM | Comments (2)
President Bush and Laura At The National Museum of Am. History
The National Museum of American History was recently put through a two-year, $85 million renovation. After the ceremony five people were sworn in as new citizens of the United States.
President George W. Bush smiles as he arrives to make remarks during the reopening ceremony for the National Museum of American History in Washington, Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2008.
President Bush:
"Thank you. Laura and I are thrilled to be here. We are honored you would invite us to reopen one of the country's great civic institutions -- the Smithsonian's Museum of American History. This building is home to many of our national treasures. It is a reminder of our country's proud heritage. And today we're witnessing the beginning of an exciting new era in its history. And I would urge all our citizens who come to Washington, D.C.: Come to this fantastic place of learning."
"There have been hours in our nation's history when that promise of freedom looked uncertain. One of them took place 145 years ago today, when President Abraham Lincoln arrived in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, to dedicate a cemetery at one of the Civil War's bloodiest battlefields. By that day, the war had raged for more than two and a half years, and claimed hundreds of thousands of casualties. Many were convinced that a peace that preserved slavery would be better than a war that was pitting brother against brother. President Lincoln understood that liberty is a gift given by the Almighty -- and that peace must not be purchased with injustice. "
President Bush:
"The items on display here are as diverse as our nation. Visitors can see George Washington's military uniform, one of Thomas Edison's early lightbulbs, the desk on which Thomas Jefferson drafted the Declaration of Independence -- even Muhammad Ali's boxing gloves, which he modestly predicted would become the most famous thing in this building. "(Laughter from audience.)
President George W. Bush is silhouetted against an American flag exhibit Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2008, during his visit with Mrs. Laura Bush to the National Museum of American History in Washington, D.C. White House photo by Eric Draper
President Bush:
"Another item on display here is one of our nation's proudest symbols of patriotism. The icon's fame dates to the war of 1812. In that conflict, the British Navy bombarded Baltimore's Fort McHenry with rockets and mortar fire. And as the battle raged, a young American was detained on a ship in Baltimore Harbor, unable to join the fight. The next morning, he was anxious to see whether his country had resisted the invasion. He discovered the answer when he saw the stars and stripes of the United States waving defiantly above Fort McHenry. "
"That young American, of course, was Francis Scott Key. He referred to the moment he saw the flag as an "hour of deliverance and joyful triumph." He recorded those emotions in a poem called "The Star-Spangled Banner." Today, nearly two centuries after they were composed, his words are written on the heart of every American -- and written into our law as our country's national anthem. And the flag that inspired them is preserved here, thanks to the generosity of some fine citizens, to remind us of the sacrifices that have been made to ensure our freedom. "
President George W. Bush and First Lady Laura Bush join five new American citizens in pledging allegiance to the U.S. flag following their citizenship ceremony at the reopened National Museum of American History in Washington November 19, 2008. [Note that everyone is facing the flag except for the fellow in the brown suit--he seems more interested in the President, lol
"Throughout our history, these ideals have called out to those beyond our shores. They have beckoned those who love liberty from every nation. They have made countless generations of men and women across the world long for the pride that comes with calling yourself an American citizen. Today, I'm delighted to congratulate five of you who will be taking your oath of citizenship in just a few moments. Though you are originally from France, Germany, Guyana, Lebanon, and Peru, today you're becoming members of the American family. We welcome you with open arms. I will be proud to call you fellow citizen."
"The Museum of American History is a wonderful place to begin your journey as an American. These halls reflect both the duties and privileges of citizenship. They remind us that America's highest ideals have always required brave defenders. They remind us that our liberty is a precious gift from God. Thank you for having Laura and me here. May God continue to bless the United States of America. " (Applause.)
Wild Thing's comment.......
Everything has added significance now that we know there are only a few weeks left before Number 44 takes office.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:40 AM | Comments (4)
November 19, 2008
Full Page Ad Hits Washington Times Weekly
Full Page Ad hits Washington Times Weekly
This ad ran on page 5 of the November 17th, 2008 edition of the Washington Times National Weekly
To read it better the FULL PAGE AD CLICK HERE ...it is pdf file and well worth seeing!!!!
Berg issues three challenges in ad on page 5:
1) Was Barack Obama born in Kenya?
2) Is he really a citizen of Indonesia?
3) Does the Constitution still matter?
Wild Thing's comment........
I tired to put it together in Photo shop. It is a huge ad so I was able to do it in 4 pieces. The print is still small in some areas, but the PDF file of the ad, the link above makes it easier to read.
This is not going to go away and if Obama cared one portion for the rule of law, for our Constitution and our great country he would do what needs to be done.
Of course we already found out Obama mocks our Constitution, and would love to get rid of it by the things he said in 2001.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 AM | Comments (13)
Interviews With Obama Voters ~ Shocking Stupidity! God Help Us!
How Obama Got Elected... Interviews With Obama Voters
On Election day twelve Obama voters were interviewed extensively right after they voted to learn how the news media impacted their knowledge of what occurred during the campaign. These voters were chosen for their apparent intelligence/verbal abilities and willingness to express their opinions to a large audience.
Also at Pat Dollard’s site and read this: "I Am A Student Of History"
Wild Thing's comment...........
The majority chose evil in this last election and ignorance is no excuse ! There were plenty of ways a person could get information and be informed.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:50 AM | Comments (10)
It’s The 7th Annual National Ammo Day!
It’s National Ammo Day!
"A well-regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed."
Second Amendment
* Number of firearms in America: 228,000,000360
* Number of firearm owning households: At least 50,600,000361
* Projected firearm owning households in America: 60-85 million
* Number of guns used in crimes: 450,000362
* Percentage of guns used in crimes: 0.09%
Over 50 million law-abiding, gun owning households committed NO crime today… but collectively, we stop 2.5 million crimes per year… 6,849 a day!
Fact: Every day, 550 rapes, 1,100 murders, and 5,200 other violent crimes are prevented just by showing a gun. In less than 0.9% of the time is the gun ever actually fired.
Keep up the good work and keep your ammo supply stocked!
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:48 AM | Comments (12)
FOX Gives In To Pressure From the Left and Obama Say No More to E.D.Hill
This was the show where she made the fist bump question and got in trouble for it. SHEESH nothing was wrong with what E.E. Hill said.
And then this..................
Fox News' E.D. Hill Apologizes for "Terrorist Fist Jab"
E.D. Hill To Leave Fox News Channel
TVNewser has learned veteran Fox News Channel anchor E.D. Hill will not be renewed when her current contract expires. Hill, who has been with Fox News for more than 10 years, will continue with the network for the next few months until her current deal expires.
SVP of Programming Bill Shine tells TVNewser that he "chose not to renew E.D.'s latest contract" but noted that "Hill has been a valued contributor to the success of FNC over the years, and we wish her all the best."
Hill has been without a regular Fox News program since June 16, when America's Pulse was replaced by two hours of Live Desk. Ten days earlier Hill used the term terrorist fist jab when promoting an upcoming body language segment that was going to look into the primary night fist bump shared by Barack and Michelle Obama.
For most of her nearly 11 years at FNC Hill anchored Fox & Friends. In 2006 she moved to a late morning program then to the afternoons where, in the months leading up to the election, she'd been filling in on America's Election HQ.
Wild Thing's comment.........
OK so the very obvious question is, of all the tremendous amount of attacks on Gov. Sarah Palin will those at CNN and MSNBC and yes even a few at FOX be told to leave as well???? I mean fair is fari right? And besides E.D.Hill did NOT attack Barack Hussein Obama and his wife.
The left has called Bush a Nazi, Hitler, threatened his lilfe at the democrat websites and blogs and forums. Even the leftie protesters have had big signs and t-shirts calling Bush names. Lies about our troops and telling them to kill their Officers and yet how many of any of those people have been punished.
Almost every person on CNN and MSNBC have lied about Sarah Palin, promoted the lies about her, about her baby, her sex life, her work, her intellligence, her home, where Russia is located, her hunting, her pro life stance, her children, her daughter that is pregnant, her son in the service ............... non stop attacks 24/7 from the very day Palin was announced to be the VP candidate.
This really ticks me off this double standard!!
And SHAME ON FOX for being weak, kissing up to the pressure from the left and NOT taking a stand for their reporters!
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:47 AM | Comments (10)
Somali Pirates Try To Hijack British Ship After Demanding 10M For Captured Saudi Tanker
Somali pirates try to hijack British ship after demanding £10m ransom for captured Saudi supertanker
Somali pirates who captured a Saudi supertanker have narrowly failed in hijacking a British tanker.
The British tanker Trafalgar was suddenly surrounded in the Gulf of Aden by at least eight speedboats.
It was rescued when the German frigate Karlsruhe on patrol 12 miles away sent a helicopter to scare off the pirates who fled at high speed.
The latest audacious attack by Somali pirates comes as they are expected to a record ransom of more than $10million for the release of the Saudi oil supertanker hijacked off the Kenyan coast.
Negotiations over the Sirius Star, packed with two million barrels of crude oil worth $100million (£67m) - enough to supply the whole of France for a day - were said still not to have opened formally.
But officials involved in the release of previous ships claimed that 'electronic monitoring' showed the Somali pirates 'were talking' of at least $10million (£6.7m).
The biggest ship ever hijacked and her crew of 25, including two Britons - a senior officer and the chief engineer - has been anchored off the Somali coast near a pirate stronghold. All the crew are safe, the ship's operator Vela International said.
Meanwhile the Indian navy has said that one of its warships in the Gulf of Aden has destroyed a ship belonging to pirates operating in the area.
The INS Tabar opened fire on a pirate 'mother ship' after it came under attack, according to the Government.
Two more vessels, a Hong Kong cargo ship and a fishing boat, were seized in the Gulf of Aden.
The Delight, a Hong Kong-flagged ship, loaded with wheat bound for Iran, was captured off the Yemen coast, the latest raid in the Horn of Africa's perilous waters.
In Bahrain, a U.S. Navy spokeswoman said the Hong Kong-registered ship belonged to Iran's state shipping lines.
The other vessel, a fishing boat registered in Kiribati, was carrying a crew of 12, the International Maritime Bureau said. Its owners lost contact with the IMB this morning.
Pirates in the area have now attacked more than 90 vessels this year and successfully made more than £60 million from ransom demands.
The Sirius Star joins at least 14 other ships which Somali pirates are currently holding to ransom, along with more than 260 crew members.
The captive ships range from the Ukrainian Faina, laden with guns, ammunition and 32 battle tanks, to bulk carriers, tankers, ocean-going tugs and gleaming luxury yachts.
Although the lives of crew are at risk when the ships are stormed, or when commandos attempt armed rescues, the main objective of the pirates is to extort large amounts of cash from the ship owners, who are insured against this eventuality.
Article continues HERE.
Wild Thing's comment........
I didn't know the pirates had attacked 80 vessels this year. These pirates are terrorists and I wish they could just fire on them, forget taking prisoners and never pay them money.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:45 AM | Comments (9)
November 18, 2008
Clinton Part deux or....Barack Hussein Obama to Pick Eric Holder As AG
Barack Hussein Obama to Pick Eric Holder As AG
President-elect Barack Obama's aides have privately asked senators whether Washington attorney Eric Holder would be confirmed as the next attorney general, according to a person involved in the talks.
The talks suggest that Obama is deeply interested in Holder, who served as the No. 2 official in the Justice Department under President Clinton.
In the past week, Obama aides have asked Senate Republicans whether they would support Holder. In particular, the aides questioned whether Holder's confirmation would be delayed because of his involvement in the 2001 pardon of fugitive Marc Rich by President Bill Clinton
Newsweek, quoting unidentified legal sources close to the presidential transition team, reported Tuesday that Obama offered Holder the job and he accepted. Newsweek said Holder still has to undergo a formal "vetting" review by the Obama transition team before the selection is final.
One person involved in the talks told The Associated Press that the Obama team has received some assurances that, while the Rich pardon would certainly come up during hearings, the nomination likely wouldn't be held up over that. The person spoke on condition of anonymity to describe the private conversations.
On the last day of Clinton's term, Holder was asked whether the president should pardon Rich, a wealthy commodities dealer who had been spent years running from tax charges. Holder said he was "neutral, leaning towards favorable" on the pardon. Clinton later cited that as among the factors that persuaded him to issue the pardon.
Holder has publicly apologized for what he said was a snap decision that he should have paid more attention to. Had he taken more time to review the case, he would have advised against a pardon, he said.
A former U.S. attorney, Holder is among Washington's most prominent defense attorneys. He would be the first black attorney general in U.S. history.
Eric Holder, as deputy attorney general under President Clinton, Mr. Holder reviewed the last-minute pardon of fugitive financier Marc Rich.
Charged with 51 counts of fraud, tax evasion and illegally trading with Iran, Mr. Rich fled to Switzerland in 1983 but won a pardon from Mr. Clinton in 2001. The decision prompted a congressional investigation because Mr. Rich's wife was a major Democratic donor and prosecutors said they were never consulted.
Indicted by then-U.S. Attorney Rudolph W. Giuliani, Mr. Rich failed to return to the U.S. following the indictment and was on the FBI's Most Wanted list for several years. Mr. Holder had given a "neutral, leaning towards favorable" opinion of the pardon that led directly to the pardoning of Mr. Rich on Mr. Clinton's last day in office.
When Will Obama Stop Ignoring The Controversial Record Of His Senior Adviser?
PDF file and research Paid for by the Republican National Committee.
Obama's Senior Adviser And VP Vetter, Eric Holder, Served As Deputy Attorney General When The Clinton Administration Pardoned Two Members Of The Weather Underground:
-- The Clinton Administration Commuted The Sentence Of Two Members Of The Weather Underground While Holder Was Deputy Attorney General. "While most of the attention at the time was focused on the Rich pardon, and the contributions Rich's ex-wife Denise made to the Clinton library and campaigns, there was also extensive criticism of the commuted sentences of two convicted members of the domestic terror group, the Weather Underground, Susan Rosenberg and Linda Sue Evans." (Avni Patel and Brian Ross, "Obama's VP Screener Missed Problems With Controversial Clinton Pardons," abcnews.go.com, 6/20/08)
-- Obama: "By Senator Clinton's own vetting standards, I don't think she'd make it since President Clinton pardoned or commuted the sentences of two members of the Weather Underground, which I think is a slightly more significant act than me serving on a board with someone for actions that he did 40 years ago." (Avni Patel and Brian Ross, "Obama's VP Screener Missed Problems With Controversial Clinton Pardons," abcnews.go.com, 6/20/08)
Holder Has Been Involved In Numerous Controversial Actions, Including The Commutation Of The Sentences Of Two Members Of The Weather Underground And The Seizure Of Elian Gonzalez:
Then-Deputy Attorney General Eric Holder Was Involved In The Seizure Of Elian Gonzalez And His Return To Cuba. "At issue ... legal advisor Eric Holder, a member of Obama's vice-presidential search committee who was deputy attorney general when the 6-year-old boy was seized by federal agents and returned to Cuba." (Beth Reinhard, "Elian Saga Might Hound Obama Visit," The Miami Herald, 6/19/08)
-- Holder Defended The Right Of The Federal Government To Seize Gonzalez By Force. "The Justice Department yesterday warned the Miami relatives of Elian Gonzalez that force could be used 'if it becomes necessary' to return the boy to his father. 'We have that power,' said Deputy Attorney General Eric Holder. 'The father and son need to be together. It is not only a matter of federal law and immigration law, it is simply the right thing to do.' Holder said U.S. marshals would be prepared to seize the boy only as a last resort, and he described a series of escalated steps over the next few days to keep pressure on Elian's Miami relatives to make a peaceful transfer of custody." (Richard Sisk, "Gov't Says Force An Option Reunite Father, Son," [New York] Daily News, 4/7/00)
-- Holder Also Defended The Use Of Guns In The Raid. "Mr. Holder said his agents were heavily armed when they entered the house because they had 'intelligence that the possibility existed there were guns in the house. We had to make sure our people were protected and they were in a position to protect people within the house. I don't know if there were any guns in the house. I don't know if they found any guns. We had to deal, however, with the intelligence we had that we got from local sources and make sure everybody was adequately protected.' Apparently no guns were found." (Jerry Seper and Clarence Williams, "Holder Defends Sudden Raid For Elian," The Washington Times, 4/24/00)
Holder Played A Major Role In The Decision To Grant Clemency To 16 Former Members Of The Puerto Rican Terrorist Group The Armed Forces Of National Liberation (FALN).
"Holder, a Barbadian immigrant's son who grew up in Queens and received his law degree from Columbia, has played major roles in the probe of Democratic funny-money in the 1996 elections, the Sexgate scandal and the recommendation to President Clinton on whether to free FALN terrorists from jail. A list of FALN documents withheld from Congress shows that many memos on the FALN clemency decision went directly to Holder, while Reno's role was minimal." (Brian Blomquist, "Ailing Reno Yielding Reins Of Justice," New York Post, 12/15/99)
-- Although The FBI Opposed Clemency, Holder Supported Clemency For The FALN Members. "Although The New York Times reported that the FBI, Bureau of Prisons and U.S. state attorneys opposed clemency, Deputy Attorney General Eric Holder, the Justice Department official most involved with this issue, reportedly supported clemency. 'Eric Holder told me he was recommending that,' a high-ranking official said. Ruff also supported clemency, sources said. Holder declined to comment." (Edward Lewine, "How Bill Chose Clemency," [New York] Daily News, 9/5/99)
Holder Played A "Key Role" In The Pardoning Of Marc Rich.
"Now Obama needs to turn his attention to another member of that committee - Eric Holder, a former No. 2 in the Clinton Justice Department who played a key role in processing the infamous last-minute pardon of the notorious tax-cheat fugitive Marc Rich." (Editorial, "Obama's Bus," New York Post, 6/12/08)
-- Holder Reviewed The Pardon Of "Fugitive Financier" Rich. "The criticism Thursday centered on Obama adviser Eric H. Holder Jr., who is scrutinizing candidates to be the Democratic presumptive presidential nominee's running mate. As deputy attorney general under President Clinton, Mr. Holder reviewedt the last-minute pardon of fugitive financier Marc Rich." (Jim McElhatton, "GOP Hits Another Obama Adviser," The Washington Times, 6/13/08)
-- Holder "Waved Through" Rich's Pardon In The Final Days Of The Clinton Administration. "As Bill Clinton's deputy attorney general, he was the gatekeeper for presidential pardons. Most famously, he waved through the pardon for fugitive financier Marc Rich in the waning days of the Clinton White House." (Jonathan Weisman, "Next On The GOP List: Eric Holder," The Washington Post's "The Trail" Blog, blog.washingtonpost.com, 6/12/08)
-- "In 2002, A Congressional Committee Reported That Holder Was A 'Willing Participant In The Plan To Keep The Justice Department From Knowing About And Opposing' The Rich Pardon." (Dick Morris and Eileen McGann, Op-Ed, "Obama's VP Search Mistake," New York Post, 6/5/08)
-- "Neither Clinton Nor Holder Ever Consulted With The Pardon Attorney." (Dick Morris and Eileen McGann, Op-Ed, "Obama's VP Search Mistake," New York Post, 6/5/08)
In 2002, Eric Holder Lobbied On Behalf Of Global Crossing After The Company Had Accumulated Nearly $12 Million In Debt.
"Smelling blood in the water, Republicans now plan to pounce on another member of Obama's veep- selection committee, former Deputy Attorney General Eric Holder, for his lobbying on behalf of telecom giant Global Crossing. Holder lobbied for the company, which underwent one of the largest bankruptcies in American history after racking up nearly $12 million in debt, as it emerged from bankruptcy in 2002, Senate lobbying disclosure documents reveal." (Charles Hurt and Geoff Earle, "O's Veep Hunter Quits," New York Post, 6/12/08)
Wild Thing's comment........
Obama's " change" in picking people in his administration is a re-hiring of Clintonistas people. haha OH my gosh!!!!!
But..but...but....what about Janet Reno.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 PM | Comments (8)
Retired General Cautions Obama on Iraq Tactics
Retired General Cautions Obama on Iraq Tactics
By: Dave Eberhart
U.S. leaders have reversed the Iraq situation from being a “bloody disaster” into one of increasing stability, and President-elect Barack Obama must take care not to squander those gains, says retired Army Gen. Barry R. McCaffrey.
McCaffrey also excoriates what he describes as the “misjudgments and denial” of Department of Defense leaders during the first years of the war, which he said burned through $750 billion and resulted in death or injury to 36,000 U.S. troops.
“The genius of the leadership team of Ambassador Ryan Crocker, General Dave Petraeus, and Secretary of Defense Bob Gates has turned around the situation [in Iraq] from a bloody disaster under the leadership of Secretary [Donald] Rumsfeld to a growing situation of security,” McCaffrey wrote in the far-ranging “after action” report he filed recently with the Department of Social Sciences at the United States Military Academy.
Newsmax obtained a copy of the report, in which the adjunct professor at the academy expressed hope that the Obama administration will be cautious in evaluating military options during the next six months.
“The available U.S. Army and Marine combat forces are insufficient to support continued robust presence in Iraq while also rapidly reinforcing our presence in the Hindu Kush [Afghanistan] with mountain infantry capable units,” wrote McCaffrey, who is an adjunct professor at the academy and a military analyst for NBC and MSNBC.
“The likely strategic outcome will be a more rapid forced drawdown than desirable in Iraq in order to enhance combat power for Afghanistan,” he wrote. “It will be a tricky balance — but in my judgment, we will pull this off successfully. Iraq will stabilize with the rapidly increasing power of the Iraqi Security Forces, while we reinforce the inadequate NATO combat power in Afghanistan.”
Developments during the weekend may have provided the Obama administration with breathing room, if they succeed in preventing the U.S. from being forced out of of Iraq after the U.N. resolution authorizing its presence expires at the end of this year.
On Sunday, Iraq’s Cabinet approved a security pact with the United States that would allow U.S. forces to stay in Iraq for three years after the U.N. mandate expires. The agreement is subject to the approval of Iraq’s 275-member Parliament, but no vote has been scheduled, according to an Associated Press report.
The agreement would provide for U.S. forces to leave Iraq by the end of 2011 and give Iraq the right to try U.S. soldiers and defense contractors accused of serious crimes committed off-duty and off-base. It also would prohibit the U.S. from using Iraqi territory to attack Iraq's neighbors, such as Syria and Iran.
If the agreement failed to move through the Parliament, McCaffrey said it would be “a shameful outcome, which would return our U.S. military units to their base areas and begin a unilateral withdrawal and the cessation of formal U.S. support for the Iraqi government.”
McCaffrey, who based his after report on fact-finding trips to the Middle East, wrote that he believes the U.S. “is now clearly in the end game in Iraq to successfully achieve what should be our principle objectives.” Among those objectives, he listed:
Withdrawing the majority of U.S. ground combat forces in Iraq in the next 36 months.
Leaving behind a functioning government and security forces.
Fostering the end of civil war among various factions.
Helping create an Iraqi nation at peace with its neighbors.
It would be devastating if the new administration rushed a withdrawal, he wrote, noting his concerns about Iraq’s lack of preparedness.
Wild Thing's comment......
I sure hope Obama listens to all the Generals, and especially General Dave Petraeus, and military about the war. He has his mind made up and has only shown that he will follow his own agenda so we will have to wait and see what he does. But if he does anything that makes it even more dangerous for our troops I hope and pray he gets it back at him10 fold.
General McCaffrey more than paid his dues, leaving his his lower arm was essentially amputated by a .50 bullet. It was reattached, but he never regained its use in SEA, and was a key factor in the rout of Saddam’s “vaunted” Republican Guard armored forces commanding the 24th ID (Mechanized) in the Kuwait and Iraq desert in February 1991. He led his people farther and faster than any unit in US history. His is a voice of influence.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 AM | Comments (13)
Zell Miller Backs Chambliss in Ga.
Sen. Saxby Chambliss, who faces a runoff election against Democrat Jim Martin in Georgia, warns that Senate Democrats will promote an “out-of-control left-wing agenda” if they gain a 60-vote, filibuster-proof majority.
Zell Miller Backs Chambliss in Ga.
Former Democratic Senator and Georgia Governor Zell Miller has endorsed Republican incumbent Sen. Saxby Chambliss in the upcoming runoff election in Georgia against Democratic challenger Jim Martin.
Mindful that Democrats could have 59 Senate seats by that time, one short of a filibuster-proof majority, Miller told the gathering that Saxby “could well be the last man standing [against] a far-left liberal agenda sailing through the U.S. Senate, an agenda that Jim Martin just can’t wait to help move on.”
Miller said when he was governor, “I proposed a $100 million tax cut for Georgia. Guess who [was] the very first state legislator [who] popped up and said, this is wrong, we’ve got too many unmet needs to do it? You guessed it. His name was Jim Martin.
“Unmet needs. I think the greatest unmet need is getting that money back to the taxpayers.
“I have served with both these men in this race. And there is no question in my mind or in my heart which one is the best prepared to serve our country and serve our state. And that is our senior Senator, Saxby Chambliss.”
In 2004, Miller delivered the keynote speech at the GOP convention, and he backed President George W. Bush over John Kerry in the general election.
Miller did not run for re-election and left the Senate in 2005.
In the RNSC ad, he alludes to President-elect Barack Obama’s likely economic policies and declares: “I don’t like this spread the wealth. To steal from Peter to pay Paul even if it gets Paul to vote for you, is wrong, wrong, wrong.”
Wild Thing's comment.......
Zell Miller is so good, I never will forget his speech at the GOP convention.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:50 AM | Comments (9)
Operation Project Valour-IT
Every year I pick a different branch of the service, since all were represented in my family and we have to pick only one. I wish we could do all of them but it is a competition between the service branches competition to see who can raise the most for the Soldier’s Angels project to get adaptive laptops to wounded warriors. -- Wild Thing
The Valour-IT Veterans Day fundraiser, a friendly competition among blogs, will run through
November 27, 2008 (Thanksgiving).
Project Valour-IT, in memory of SFC William V. Ziegenfuss (Captain Chuck Ziegenfuss' father), provides voice-controlled software and laptop computers to wounded Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines recovering from hand and arm injuries or amputations at major military medical centers. Operating laptops by speaking into a microphone, our wounded heroes are able to send and receive messages from friends and loved ones, surf the 'Net, and communicate with buddies still in the field without having to press a key or move a mouse.
Just click the button for the branch you prefer or join me in clicking the one for the ARMY.
The snail mail address for those who'd rather donate that way . Be sure to put which branch ( ARMY, NAVY, AIR FORCE, MARINES, COAST GUARD) on the check. - Thank you Wild Thing
Soldiers' Angels
Project Valour-IT Fund - ARMY TEAM
1792 E. Washington Blvd
Pasadena, Ca 91104
All funds received go directly to our wounded troops; 100% of your donation to Project Valour-IT will be used to purchase laptops and other technology that will support recovery and provide independence and freedom to wounded Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:48 AM | Comments (2)
Arizona Muslims Draw FBI Scrutiny
Arizona Muslims draw FBI scrutiny
Muslim leaders in Arizona have drawn increased scrutiny from federal officials in the past year because of a string of suspicious incidents, officials say.
Although no one in the state has been accused of supporting terrorists, one Mesa, Ariz., man was charged with lying to the FBI during the terror financing investigation into a Muslim charity accused of funneling money to the Palestinian group Hamas, The Arizona Republic reported Sunday.
Also drawing attention to Arizona Muslims was a target-shooting episode in Phoenix that involved a large group of Muslim men and boys firing hundreds of rounds from AK-47s and other guns. Then there was the removal in 2006 of six Arizona-bound imams from a jetliner after passengers and crew complained of their behavior.
The FBI is monitoring the family and community ties among residents involved in incidents, said John Lewis, who runs the FBI's Arizona office.
"All of these things come on our scope," he said.
Islamic leaders say that while they understand the scrutiny following the incidents, they say it as another sign that Muslims in general are unjustly falling under suspicion because of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.
"Whoever did Sept. 11, go after them and see who they are," said Marwan Sadeddin, one of the Arizona imams who sued US Airways after being removed from a jetliner in Minneapolis.
THIS is the article that was referred to.....Ariz. Muslim leaders face increased FBI scrutiny
Wild Thing's comment.......
“Whoever did Sept. 11, go after them and see who they are,”
They’re you, buddy, they’re YOU.
Good now please check the other States before January 20, 2009. Thank you ever so!
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:47 AM | Comments (6)
Democrat and Secret Ballots In Lieberman Vote
Secret Ballots, Blatant Irony (Senate Dems to use secret ballot for Lieberman's fate!)
Senator Says Secret-Ballot in Private Meeting to Determine Whether Democrats Punish Lieberman
Senate Democrats will vote by secret ballot on Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman ’s fate this week, according to North Dakota Sen. Byron L. Dorgan .
The caucus is due to meet Tuesday to decide whether Lieberman, a Democrat-turned-independent from Connecticut, should be punished for his aggressive support of Sen. John McCain , R-Ariz., for president.
And this..........
Obama has informed party officials that he wants Joe Lieberman to continue caucusing with the Democrats in the 111th Congress.
Obama's decision could tie the hands of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, who has been negotiating to remove Lieberman as chair of the Homeland Security and Government Reform committee while keeping him within the caucus. Lieberman has insisted that he will split from the Democrats if his homeland security position is stripped.
Aides to the president-elect did not return requests for comment. Senate officials were unclear whether Obama would be comfortable with Lieberman maintaining his current committee post.
Fellow Connecticut Senate Chris Dodd, who has spoken out in favor of Lieberman remaining in the party, explained as much to reporters on Friday:
"What does Barack Obama want?... He's talked about reconciliation, healing, bringing people together. I don't think he'd necessarily want to spend the first month of this president-elect period, this transition period, talking about a Senate seat, particularly if someone is willing to come forward and is willing to be a member of your family in the caucus in that sense."
A Democrat close to Lieberman, meanwhile, said he thought that keeping Lieberman in the fold "would be a good move for Obama as a way to make real his promise of new politics, a less partisan Washington and more unity. He would do so at some risk. Obviously there is a liberal wing of the party that wants Joe punished... "
Wild Thing's comment........
I doubt many will vote against Lieberman, they want 60 bodies in thier count so I would think they will give him a pass for his support of McCain.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:45 AM | Comments (11)
Animal Friendship Between Different Species
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:40 AM | Comments (2)
November 17, 2008
The Enemy Within
The enemy within
By Hilmar von Campe
Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, in the presence of officials of the "peace quartet," told BBC Nov. 9, according to Guysen International News, that he is convinced President-elect Obama is "determined to push talks between Israelis and Palestinians, and bring Islam and the West closer together."
This is unreal if not ridiculous.
The Arabs are not interested in getting closer to the West, to Israel or to peace; they want more power.
What Blair thinks is peace for them is just a steppingstone to their real purpose – the liquidation of the state of Israel. Western leaders, including President Bush, are denying in their policies and with their words the Judeo-Christian roots of Western Civilization and therewith are also denying their own personal and political reality. This is the reason why they are unaware of the real motives of our enemies.
The enemies within have the same motivation as the enemies outside: power.
They are being helped by millions of people who have no bigger purpose than themselves. Hitler fooled millions of Germans who adored him but had no clue what he had in mind. Once in power, he immediately began to secure his position. He eliminated all opposition and produced jobs for 6 million people. The Olympic Games 1936 were a big boost for him. They silenced the military resistance against Hitler that would not have found any backing by the German people.
Republican Rep. Paul Broun from Georgia warns of an Obama dictatorship. "We must not be lulled into complacency," he stated Monday, as reported by Ben Evans and published by Associated Press. "You have to remember that Adolf Hitler was elected in a democratic Germany." Broun is alarmed by Obama's intention to establish a civil security force to impose a Marxist or fascist dictatorship. He referred to a speech Obama had given in July in Colorado in which he proposed the creation of such a national security force that should be as strong as the armed forces and report to him. "That's exactly what Hitler did in Nazi Germany, and it's exactly what the Soviet Union did, creating a national security force that answers to him," commented Broun.
However, he makes clear that he does not compare Obama with Hitler. "What I am saying is there is the potential," he said. I am not that positive. I wonder whether he has heard about the existence of National Guards. Hitler created the Storm Troopers, S.A., and the Schutzstaffel (protective squad), or S.S. Both had the task to silence the opposition.
The real question is whether Obama and his radical national and international friends and teachers are also enemies within.
There was no serious investigation of quite a number of doubtful issues, including his birth certificate. He is getting endorsed by terrorists and communists.
"We were in contact with a number of Obama's aides through the Internet, and later met with some of them in Gaza," Ahmed Yousef, Hamas' chief political adviser, told the leading Al-Hayat Arabic language newspaper, according to a WorldNetDaily report of Nov. 11. The terrorist group was asked to keep the contacts secret. An old saying advises me and I follow its line: "Tell me who your friends are and I will tell you who you are." America is in mortal danger.
The United States has enemies within and outside.
Since the death of Stalin, the Communist International and the Socialist International have developed a strategy to take over whole nations from within and without war. They work hand in glove with our enemies within, not necessarily by links and organizations. What connects them is godlessness, their immorality, especially hatred and greed.
One can find big business or one's own politicians as destructive as trained communists, like General Electric, which owns NBC and other media corporations sharing the responsibility for a global smear campaign against the John McCain/Sarah Palin ticket in favor of Obama.
The comments about America – based on a completely distorted view – that we receive from our European and Latin America friends are nearly unbelievable in their negativism.
The preparation behind doors for the North American Community by hundreds of bureaucrats paid with taxpayers' money but against the wishes of those taxpayers and a large majority of the American people is closer to fascism than to our Founding Fathers and our Constitution.
Obama's views, that America after World War II has similarity to Nazi Germany because the Supreme Court has not established wealth distribution as a constitutional guideline have no basis. He stated to the present generation of Americans, "You've got the doctrines of Nazism that we are fighting against, that start looking uncomfortably similar to what's going on back here at home."
That, of course, is complete nonsense. The word "Nazism" was invented by the Soviets to get the word "Socialist" out of sight. Obama knows nothing about Germany. The national Socialists, called Nazis, come from the same Marxist/Socialist/Communist tree as he himself.
His approach to the subject is the same as the one the Communists used when they took over the religious Theology of Liberation in Latin America and transformed it into a subversive political movement. It is being done by replacing moral and spiritual concepts with economic criteria.
I discussed the matter with the founder of this theology, the Roman Catholic priest Gustavo Gutierrez in Lima, Peru, and others decades ago. From Latin America this theology, now a subversive ideological action program, came to the United States with the new name "Black Power and Black Theology" and therewith to Obama's ideological mentor, the "Reverend" Dr. Jeremiah Wright Jr. Wright is a hate-filled communist, and so are his pupils.
Obama apparently wants to give our Constitution the same treatment, destroying the spirit and the letter of our Constitution and with it our sovereignty. He hopes to link the Constitution to the Nazis and integrate the USA into the Socialist World Order promoted by the United Nations. The U.N., part of the outside enemies but financed by us, at this moment is trying to get a law through Congress that would give it the right to tax the American people.
Our freedom is a moral and not an economic issue. The ideological battle between freedom and slavery is a moral one and not an economic one. It means changing the motives of us and of our leaders. New men, new women and new children will lead to a new nation. That nation should lead the world.
Socialist Hitler was installed into power by the then German president, famous Field Marshall Paul von Hindenburg. That made it easy for him to get the military leaders out of the way and in control of the armed forces – the only force in the country that could have spoiled his plans.
Obama also was endorsed by famous Gen. Colin Powell with a well-calculated timing shortly before the election. It was a signal to the military that it was OK to vote for Obama.
Germany at the beginning of the '30s was in deep economic trouble with about 6 million unemployed. Hitler became the savior for millions of miserable people who adored the likeable deceiver but did not have the slightest idea what he was up to. The same is true for America now in the worst economic and financial crisis ever. Obama appears as a savior without people analyzing his character and record. His team pushes the point that character is not important but issues are. That, of course, is complete nonsense. Character determines how an issue is treated.
Both men were or are not what they pretended to be. Both men used the catastrophic national economy to blame others for having created the desolate state of the country as a road to power.
Richard D. Lamm, former governor of Colorado, described "a secret plan to destroy America."
In a speech to a stunned audience in Washington at a conference about immigration reform in 2004, he described how an enemy within could destroy his own country:
1. Make America a bilingual-bicultural country.
2. Invent multiculturalism and encourage immigrants to maintain their own culture.
3. Make the United States a "Hispanic Quebec." Celebrate diversity rather than unity.
4. Make our fastest-growing demographic group the least educated.
5. Get big foundations and big business to give these efforts lots of money.
6. Establish dual citizenship and promote divided loyalties.
7. Place these entire subjects off-limits, make it taboo to talk about them. Use words like "racist" and "xenophobe." Make it impossible to enforce our immigration laws.
Enemies within are more dangerous than terrorists. People and nations living in moral defeat are blind and therefore cannot detect them and believe their lies. To use other people's money to bribe your own potential voters makes matters worse.
For America, a moral cleanup is essential to overcome the enormous problems we are facing and achieve victory in the global ideological war, which is either freedom or slavery. Moral change in people and nations, all beginning with themselves, is the only way to sanity. God must be in the center of American society.
Wild Thing's comment.............
On Friday I posted this.......Ex-Hitler youth's warning to America about the book Hilmar von Campe wrote.
This is additional information from the book.
The Liberals won’t see it until it’s too late.
American’s have something that Nazi Germany did not. A constitution and the precedent set by wonderful men in the 1770’s.
I mostly believe that even still, true American men and women in whom the American spirit still lives will take only so much. Americans are descendants of people that threw off the yoke of tyranny. Europeans are from those that embraced it.
This is a picture and book of a woman that was a dear friend of my parents and myself. I was a child when I met her the first time, and she was staying at our home on her visit. I would sit for hours and hear the stories she told us about the war. She was a special person and since I was taught very young that the older, the much older generation have so much to offer in experiences and knowledge I think it also caused me to listen a little harder and know that those conversations were very special. As special as Corrie was.
Children today seldom get this kind of thing. The schools discourage Veterans from coming to schools and sharing. History books are re-written to such a disgusting and unforgivable way that there is so much left out or lied about. Students are told to answer how the teachers agenda is instead of what actual history tells us is true. Just so they can get a passing grade.
I have had to learn much in these last two years with this election. I knew the left hated Bush, hated pro lifers, but I never knew how literally stupid so many on the left were. Stupid by choice but also from ignorance of not being taught the truth. Then they grow up and don't care, it is more important to have a cell phone and be texting friends or any of the things distracting from real conversations around a dinner table at night or sitting with older relatives and just listening to what they talk about in their experiences and wonderful things about our country. It is so sad but it is a sadness that is costing us too.
Costing us to be over run by people that don't care or fall for the " feeling" of chanting the words Yes we can, and Change. But if asked they don't have a clue what change is meant.
Anyway, this is Corrie and as she was a hero in her own way by what she did in her life so are thousands of others in our country. Men and women, young and old that are going to make a difference. We may not even know their names now, but we will, they will stand out with what is to come, if the things projected to happen do.
America has heroes serving our country right now as well, that 10 years ago even they did not know they were going to be making the huge difference they are making in this world.
We do have an enemy within, and it has been there long before this last election. And when it shows it's face with billl's being passed, and changes to our country taking place, I want to remember those that made a differnence some in a quiet way and some right out there on the field of life fighting back for something bigger then they were and for something to make it better for those to come.
I just wish with all my heart that those millions of people that voted for the democrats on all levels and in all the variouis offices, I wish they loved America the way we all do. If they did the enemy within would get kicked right off the planet!!!
....Thank you Mark, for sending the link and this article to me.
......Thank you RAC for sending this graphic to me.
RAC has a website that is awesome. 336th Assault Helicopter Company
13th Combat Aviation Battalion - 1st Aviation Brigade - Soc Trang, Republic of Vietnam
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 AM | Comments (20)
Did Obama,the Next CIC Falsify Selective Service Registration?
EXCLUSIVE: Did Next Commander-in-Chief Falsify Selective Service Registration? Never Actually Register? Obama's Draft Registration Raises Serious Questions
By Debbie Schlussel
**** Copyright 2008, Must Cite Debbie Schlussel and link to DebbieSchlussel.com ****
Did President-elect Barack Hussein Obama commit a federal crime in September of this year? Or did he never actually register and, instead, did friends of his in the Chicago federal records center, which maintains the official copy of his alleged Selective Service registration commit the crime for him?
It's either one or the other, as indicated by the release of Barack Obama's official Selective Service registration for the draft. A friend of mine, who is a retired federal agent, spent almost a year trying to obtain this document through a Freedom of Information Act request, and, after much stonewalling, finally received it and released it to me.
But the release of Obama's draft registration and an accompanying document, posted below, raises more questions than it answers. And it shows many signs of fraud, not to mention putting the lie to Obama's claim that he registered for the draft in June 1979, before it was required by law.
"* Obama's Selective Service Registration Form is Apparently 1990 Form Altered to Appear Like 1980 Form"
The official campaign for President may be over. But Barack Obama's Selective Service registration card and accompanying documents show that questions about him are not only NOT over, but if the signature on the document is in fact his, our next Commander-in-Chief may have committed a federal crime in 2008, well within the statute of limitations on the matter. If it is not his, then it's proof positive that our next Commander-in-Chief never registered with the Selective Service as required by law. By law, he was required to register and was legally able to do so until the age of 26.
But the Selective Service System registration ("SSS Form 1") and accompanying computer print-out ("SSS Print-out), below, released by the Selective Service show the following oddities and irregularities, all of which indicate the document was created in 2008 and backdated:
* Document Location Number Indicates Obama Selective Service Form was Created in 2008
First, there is the Document Location Number (DLN) on the form. In the upper right hand corner of the Selective Service form SSS Form 1, there is the standard Bates-stamped DLN, in this case "0897080632," which I've labeled as "A" on both the SSS Form and the computer printout document. On the form, it reflects a 2008 creation, but on the printout, an extra eight was added in front of the number to make it look like it is from 1980, when it was actually created in 2008.
As the retired federal agent notes:
Having worked for the Federal Government for several decades, I know that the standardization of DLNs have the first two digits of the DLN representing the year of issue. That would mean that this DLN was issued in 2008. The DLN on the computer screen printout is the exact same number, except an 8 has been added to make it look like it is from 1980 and give it a 1980 DLN number. And 1980 is the year Senator/President Elect Obama is said to have timely registered. So, why does the machine-stamped DLN reflect this year (2008) and the DLN in the database (which was manually input) reflect a "corrected" DLN year of 1980? Were all the DLNs issued in 1980 erroneously marked with a 2008 DLN year or does the Selective Service use a different DLN system then the rest of the Federal Government? Or was the SSS Form 1 actually processed in 2008 and not 1980? It's quite a "coincidence" . . . that is, if you believe in coincidences, especially in this case.
Far more likely is that someone made up a fake Selective Service registration to cover Obama's lack of having done so, and that the person stamping the form forgot (or was unable to) change the year to "80" instead of the current "08". They either forgot to fake the DLN number or couldn't do so.
And guess where the Selective Service registrations are marked and recorded? Lucky for Obama, it's his native Chicago. From an article entitled, "Post Office Registration Process", on the Selective Service website:
When a young man reaches 18 he can go to any of the 35,000 post offices nationwide to register with Selective Service. There he completes a simple registration card and mails it to the Selective Service System. This begins a multi-step process which results in the man's registration.
Each week approximately 6,000 completed registration cards are sent to the Selective Service System's Data Management System (DMC) near Chicago, Ill. At the DMC these cards are grouped into manageable quantities. Each card is then microfilmed and stamped with a sequential document locator number. The processed microfilm is reviewed to account for all documents and to ensure that the film quality is within strict standards. After microfilming, the cards are keyed and then verified by a different data transcriber.
The Document Locator Number (DLN) is an automatic function (Selective Service record-keeping, specifically the DLN is described on pages 7-8 of this Federal Register document), with the first two digits comprising the year, and it was not changed to "08" in error. So if the form was filed and processed in 1980, how did it get a 2008 DLN?!
* Obama's Selective Service Registration Form is Apparently 1990 Form Altered to Appear Like 1980 Form
On the SSS Form 1, in the lower left hand corner is the form number (SSS Form 1) and the month and year version of the form, labeled as "B". On this particular Form 1, it clearly shows the month as "FEB" (February), and the year is either "80" or "90". The retired federal agent investigated further:
Magnification of the form both physically (with a 10x glass) or with different image software does not reflect a clear cut result of either a "80" or a "90".
But, checking the history of SSS Form 1 (see http://www.reginfo.gov/public/do/PRAViewICR?ref_nbr=198002-3240-001# ), it's apparent that in February 1980, the Selective Service agency withdrew a "Request for a new OMB control number" for SSS Form 1 (see also, here)--meaning the agency canceled its previous request for a new form, and one was never issued in "FEB 1980".
Since under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980, Pub. L. No. 96-511, 94 Stat. 2812 (Dec. 11, 1980), codified in part at Subchapter I of Chapter 35 of Title 44 a federal agency can not use a form not approved by OMB (Office of Management and Budget), it's nearly impossible for Senator/President-Elect Obama's SSS Form 1 to be dated "Feb 1980." And since that makes it almost certainly dated "Feb 1990," then how could Barack Obama sign it and the postal clerk stamp it almost ten (10) years before its issue?! Simply not possible.
The lower right hand corner reflects that the Obama SSS form 1 was approved by OMB with an approval number of 19??0002, labeled as "C". The double question marks (??) reflect digits that are not completely clear.
* Barack Obama's Signature is Dated After Postal Stamp Certifying His Signature
Barack H. Obama signed the SSS Form 1's "Today's date" as July 30, 1980, labeled "D". But the Postal Stamp reflects the PREVIOUS day's date of July 29, 1980, labeled "E". Yes, Obama could have mistakenly written the wrong date, but it is rare and much more unlikely for someone to put a future date than a past date.
(Also note how Barry made such a "cute" peace sign with the "b" inside the "O" of his signature. )
* Postal Stamp is Incorrect, Discontinued in 1970
Then, there is the question as to whether the Postal Stamp is real. The "postmark" stamp--labeled "E"--is hard to read, but it is clear that at the bottom is "USPO" which stands typically for United States Post Office. However, current "postmark" validator, registry, or round dater stamps (item 570 per the Postal Operations Manual) shows "USPS" for United States Postal Service. The change from Post Office to Postal Service occurred on August 12, 1970, when President Nixon signed into law the most comprehensive postal legislation since the founding of the Republic--Public Law 91-375. The new Postal Service officially began operations on July 1, 1971.
Why was an old, obsolete postmark round dater stamp used almost ten (10) years after the fact to validate a legal document . . . that just happened to be Barack Obama's suspicious Selective Service registration form?
* Form Shows Barack Obama didn't have ID
The SSS Form 1 states "NO ID", labeled "F". Since that's the case, then how did the Hawaiian postal clerk know that the submitter was really Barack H. Obama, who may have been on summer break from attending Occidental College in California. How would they determine whether the registrant was truly registering and not a relative, friend, or other imposter?
* The Selective Service Data Mgt. Center Stonewalled for Almost a Year on Obama Registration, Until Right Before the Election.
The retired federal agent who FOIA'd Barack Obama's Selective Service Registration Form notes:
Early this year, when I first started questioning whether Obama registered I was told: Sir: There may be an error in his file or many other reasons why his registration cannot be confirmed on-line. However, I did confirm with our Data Management Center that he is, indeed, registered with the Selective Service System, in compliance with Federal law. Sincerely, Janice L. Hughes/SSS
Then, they suddenly found the record on September 9, 2008 (prior to my October 13, 2008 request), and stated that his record was filed on September 4, 1980. Did they temporarily change the date on the computer database?
On the previous FOIA response, they stated that it was filed on September 4, 1980. In my second request I mentioned that Obama could not have filed it in Hawaii on September 4, 1980 as he was attending Occidental College in California, the classes of which commenced August 24, 1980.
* Other Questions: Missing Selective Service Number, FOIA Response Dated Prior to FOIA Request, Missing Printout Page
Where is Obama's Selective Service number (61-1125539-1) on the card?
And the retired federal agent notes that the Selective Service Data Management Center prepared its response to his FOIA request prior to the request having been made:
The last transaction date is 09/04/80 [DS: labeled "G"], but the date of the printout is 09/09/08 [DS: labeled "H"]. My FOIA was dated October 13 so why did they prepare the printout BEFORE I submitted my FOIA? I gave them no "heads up" that I was sending it. In fact it was not mailed until late October--around the 25th. Also, notice the printout was page 1 of 2 [DS: labeled "I"].
Hmmm . . . where is the other page, and what's on it?
A lot of questions here. And a lot of huge hints that this government-released, official Barack Obama Selective Service registration was faked. Either he signed the fake backdated document, or someone else faked his signature and he never registered for the draft (and lied about it).
Which is it?
It's incredible that our impending Commander-in-Chief either didn't register for the draft or did so belatedly and fraudulently.
The documents indicate it's one or the other.
Wild Thing's comment.........
Debbie did a ton of work on this. For more of her updates just go to her blog HERE.
Between this and his birth certificate, I was thinking of how the media and Obama's camp investigated Joe the Plumber and Sarah Palin. Hoe back when Bush was running opposite Al Gore how the left was taking Bush apart piece by piece. A d then yesterday the post on here about the job application to work for Obama and the 9 pages of questions. I have to say that not only does the left live by a double standard but they cross the line in making things one way for them and one way for the entire rest of the world ............ and worse yet ........they GET AWAY WITH IT!!!
....Thank you Jim Warren for sending this link and write up to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (13)
America's Terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn Good Grief!
Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn describe their night celebrating Obama’s victory in Grant Park:
BILL AYERS: It was an extraordinary feeling. I’ve been in a lot of large crowds in my life, but I’ve never been in one that didn’t either have an edge of anger or a lot of drunkenness or kind of performance. This was all unity, all love. And what people were celebrating was this milestone, which was sweet and exciting and important. But they were also celebrating—there was—you could kind of cut the relief in people’s feelings with a knife. I mean, it was the sense that we were going to leave behind the era of 9/11 and the era of fear and war without end and repression and constitutional shredding and scapegoating of gay and lesbian people, on and on. And there we were, millions, in the park, representing everybody, hugging, dancing, carrying on right in the spot, forty years ago, where many of us were beaten and dragged to jail. It was an extraordinary feeling.
I don’t think at this moment we should be getting into at all the business of trying to read the mind of the President-elect and see where we, you know, might do this or that. The question is, as Bernadine is saying, how do we build the movement on the ground that demands peace, that demands justice? This is always the question. It’s happening—the question is being raised in a new context. So how do—you know, I often think, thinking historically, Lyndon Johnson wasn’t the civil rights movement, but he was an effective politician who passed civil rights legislation. FDR wasn’t a labor leader. Lincoln didn’t belong to an abolitionist party. They all responded to something going on on the ground. And in a lot of ways, we have to get beyond—progressive people have to get beyond the idea that we’re waiting for a savior. We’re not waiting for a savior. We need to transform ourselves, transform our movements, reach out to one another and build an irresistible social force for change.
BERNADINE DOHRN: I want to add one word about the election last week, because I’m not done with savoring it and being struck by the uniqueness of the moment. One of the things, I’ve been using the word “jubilant” to describe the feeling in Grant Park and in Harlem and in Soweto and in Indonesia and in, you know, India. It was a global celebration of an election. And it was somber at the same time that it was ecstatic. I think people felt that way when they were home with their kids or taking care of their elderly parents or whether they wanted to go out to some public place and just be part of the phenomena.
And it does represent two important things, at least. One of them, it seems to me, is a pretty decisive rejection of the politics of fear, whether it’s fear that there’s some secret cell of domestic terrorists from the ’60s hanging around or fear that our major primary approach to the world and to raising our children should be one of fear. Obviously, life is—includes tragedy and pain and suffering, and that will come along, but approaching the world as five percent of the world’s people now seems possible, adjusting how the United States thinks of itself in the world. That’s, to me, an enormous thing.
Secondly, you want to recognize here that the famous and much talked-about Bradley Effect, the notion that white people cannot leave behind some of the trappings of white supremacy and racism that have been the ugly river beneath all US discourse, is really important. I was struck when you were playing those tapes that the real coded message underneath those tapes that used Bill as a fear proxy is that you don’t know who Barack Obama really is. There was some notion of him being unknowable, exotic, strange, foreign, deceitful. And, you know, strangely enough, we feel like if all they could come up with was that he knew us casually, the guy is pretty clean, is pretty extraordinary. He’s been vetted and vetted and vetted, and there was nothing there to throw at him, except this question of maybe an African American man is not knowable to white people. And it’s worth—we don’t—neither Bill or I think that we’re in a post-racial world, but it is worth noting that that was rejected by almost all sectors of the population, including independent voters.
Wild Thing's comment.........
Don't you just love othat word Progressive?? NOT. Well it is so wonderful how ole Bill and his wife are out of the Obama closet now that the election is over. sheesh.
Here is a question...... with the way DNA can be done now, I wonder if there is a way to finally put these two in prison for good.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:48 AM | Comments (5)
Barack Obama Addresses Planned Parenthood
Obama & Abortion / The Freedom of Choice Act / His Intentions Revealed / Pro-Life Video
And this is his entire speech , 28 minutes. This is a good video to show people that are doubters as to what Obama plans to do regarding abortions and the FOCA. He also speaks about Judges and how important it is to have the kind that agree with him about abortion.
Obama is a total activist for abortions at at stage and with no permission from the parents.
Barack Obama Addresses Planned Parenthood
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (4)
Orwell's Children
Orwell's Children
By Bruce Walker
It has been sixty years since George Orwell wrote his chilling dystopian classic, 1984, and it has been thirty years since we saw the creepiest example of educated and free people willingly walking into a living dystopia.
November 18, 1978, three decades ago, 918 people drank Kool-Aid laced with cyanide. Jim Jones, the communist leader of Jonestown, Guyana, had become "Big Brother." Soviet and Communist Chinese propaganda films and condemnations of capitalist and imperialist America blared continually to the subjects of this island of Leftist Hell.
Jonestown ended in mass suicide, but the real horror was that ordinary people, Americans like you and I, had become so decoupled from reality and morality that they could be led to surrender everything, even their lives, intoxicated only with the venom of modern Leftism. These were Orwell's Children.
We are drifting into the sort of horrific future he described. Too many of us for comfort or solace have become just like the denizens of Jonestown: Orwell's children -- a new generation of creature enraged into constant militancy against eternal enemies, oblivious to the notion of a Blessed Creator, melded into the consciousness of the party hive, divorced from history, hypnotized by images, inoculated against reason, stripped of family, and existing only to serve the cause.
Orwell did not write his book in a vacuum. 1984 describes the Soviet Union (the book describes Stalinist Russia so well so that subjects of that evil empire wondered when Orwell had lived there, though he had just described what he saw from the outside.) 1984 also describes Nazism and every other odious totalitarianism, which its secret police and propaganda machine and atomized subjects. But Orwell was very much also writing about the democratic western nations. His book was a warning of what could happen here. Oceania, the only totalitarian superstate actually descried in 1984, was largely America and the British Empire.
There were specific elements necessary for nations with a heritage of freedom to slide into the most absolute and abject slavery. These elements existed in Nazi Germany, they existed in Soviet Russia, and they exist in our free democracies today.
What are the characteristics of the Orwellian state?
Start with God. He must go. The great Russian novelists knew this: "Without God, everything is permitted." In Oceania, God simply does not exist. The Nazis bragged that they would raise a generation "...without ever having heard of the Sermon on the Mount or the Golden Rule, to say nothing of the Ten Commandments." The Soviet persecuted anyone who followed the God of Jews and Christians.
God is hounded in our world today. A generation of Orwell's Children are growing up without thinking about God at all or thinking that God is a silly idea cherished by sillier old fogies.
Truth must go too. Nazis embraced the "Big Lie." Soviets denied that honesty, per se, mattered. In Orwell's Oceania, the Inner Party members learn to even lie to themselves and to hold utterly contradictory beliefs at the same time. Truth and honesty have little meaning to Orwell's Children in our world. All truth is relative, all honesty a sham.
Language must be brought to heel. The Nazis did this by inventing meaningless words like "Aryan science." Marxism foisted upon us words like "capitalism," which means nothing at all but which has so infected our minds that we reflexively use this silly nonsense word instead of freedom. Politically correct language is rampant. We come to view words like "discriminate" as inherently evil, and other words like "viable fetal mass" have replaced the reality of murdered babies.
Image and symbols replace words. Hitler, whose disciples seldom recalled what Hitler said, always recalled the raw imagery of their leader. Stalin's portrait was as inescapable in the Soviet Union as the portrait of Big Brother in Oceania. We live in a word of symbols and images. Conservatives succeed in books and talk radio, media that deal in words. Orwell's Children live in the realm of symbols and images.
Immutable oppressors are the final nasty element in dystopia. Hitler blamed Jews for everything. Stalin blamed kulaks and his enemies in the party for everything. Subjects of Orwell's Oceania saw Emmanuel Goldstein as the eternal, immutable enemy of the party. Today there is a drearily predictable list of oppressors. Christians, men, white people, the "rich" (whatever that is supposed to mean), America, and Israel are oppressors and nothing can ever change that.
Orwell even told us, by name, the professionals who would lead us into the nightmare of 1984: "sociologists," "teachers," "bureaucrats," "journalists," "professional politicians," "scientists," "trade union organizers," "publicity experts," and "technicians." (The term "community organizer" was unknown to him.) Those who enslave were those who taught students, who created the news, who sat in the halls of government power, and who defined official "truth" (at least truth de jour.)
Orwell's Children live among us now, not in tiny numbers in weird Marxist cults like Jim Jones' People Temple, but as leaders of Congress, as the establishment of academia, as the producers of news and entertainment, as the administrators of public schools...
Education, science, technological gadgetry, good medical care - all of this can not stop us from sliding into a massive Jonestown, a realized Oceania, a place marked by Dante's grim caution "Abandon hope, all you who enter here."
We are all anchored in belief, but it is what we believe that matters. We can believe in the lies of Big Brother, which change each day with the needs of the party or we can believe in the truth of a living God. We can become the children of Orwell or the special creatures of God. Everything -- our nation, our world, our families, our communities -- flows from that choice.
Wild Thing's comment........
This is a great and really interesting article, and break down on "Orwell children" so to speak.
How often do we hear in the media where they will not say the word God. They say higher being or some other stupid use of words that imo take away the respect for God. I don't want allah, some stupid cult rock the followers of Islam worship. I don't want a higher being, if I wanted that I would look to Nicholas. heh heh He is awesome. (hmmmmm ...thinking here, I should show him I said that he will smile).
I want my God to be God. And for those Jewish friends of mine G-d to be G-d.
I am so grateful, every day I pray and say thanks for those of all of you in my life, my online family that I know you all and who do I thank????? I thank God not some higher being.
Jim Jones called himself “socialist” in the last will and testament tape made as the Kool Aid was passed. He followed Marx and Lenin and had nothing to with religion in general or Christianity in particular. Her makes it clear on that tape. He hijacked a Christian church to build a Communist commune.
And about education, the Founders believed in promoting education, BUT there's a huge difference between promoting public education and socialized education.
.....Thank you James R McKenna for sending this to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:45 AM | Comments (10)
Give Thanks To A Recovering American Soldier - CORRECTION
Now is the time we can send Christmas/Hannukah/holiday greeting cards to the troops .
When you are making out your Christmas card list this year......this is an important announcement.
There is an email going around and so many of us thought it was correct. It is not. I just heard from Walter Reed and they want to let us all know about sending Christmas and holiday cards and what to do. There are changes that were not in the email.
VERY Important!!
Walter Reed Army Medical Center officials want to remind those individuals who want to show their appreciation through holiday cards addressed to 'Any Wounded Soldier' or 'A Recovering American Soldier' that Walter Reed cannot accept these !!!!!
This decision was made to ensure the safety and well being of patients and staff at medical centers throughout the Department of Defense. In addition, the U.S. Postal Service is no longer accepting "Any Service Member" or "A Recovering American Soldier" cards/mail.
As Walter Reed continues to enhance the medical care and processes for our returning service members, it must also must keep our patients and staff members safe while following Department of Defense policy. The outpouring of encouragement from the general public, corporate America and civic groups throughout the past year has been incredible. Our Warriors in Transition are amazed at the thanks and support they receive from their countrymen.
For the 2008 holiday season, the Red Cross is sponsoring a "Holiday Mail for Heroes" program to distribute holiday cards to service members, a program that encompasses not just troops who are recovering in military hospitals but also service members stationed throughout the U.S. and abroad, as well as veterans and their families:
The American Red Cross will sponsor a national "Holiday Mail for Heroes" campaign to receive and distribute holiday cards to service members and veterans both in the US and aboard. Holiday Mail for Heroes, which begins on Nov. 11, Veteran's Day, is a follow-up to the successful 2007 effort that resulted in the collection and distribution of over 600,000 cards to hospitalized service members. This year's program will expand its reach to not only wounded servicemembers but also veterans and their families. The goal is to collect and distribute 1 million pieces of holiday mail.
"As we enter this holiday season — a time to celebrate with family and friends — it's important to remember the thousands of men and women who serve our nation in harm's way and those who are recovering in military and veterans hospitals," said Army Col. Norvell V. Coots, commander, Walter Reed Health Care System. "The Holiday Mail for Heroes program is a wonderful outreach effort and a great way to acknowledge the sacrifices of our men and women in uniform."
Please send cards to this address, following the guidelines listed below:
Holiday Mail for Heroes
PO Box 5456
Capitol Heights, MD 20791-5456
Please note that the referenced guidelines are important — many contributors have been disappointed in the past to find that they missed the mailing deadline or sent gifts and other types of materials that could not be delivered:
* All cards must be postmarked no later than Wednesday, December 10, 2008. Cards sent after this date will be returned to sender.
* Please ensure that all cards are signed.
* Please send cards as opposed to long letters which delay a quick review process.
* Please do not include email or home addresses on the cards, as the program is not meant to foster pen pal relationships.
* Please do not include inserts of any kind, including photos, as these items will be removed during the reviewing process.
* Participants should limit the number of cards they submit to 25 from any one person or 50 from any one class or group.
Also please note that the "Holiday Mail for Heroes" program is for the delivery of holiday cards only.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:40 AM | Comments (2)
November 16, 2008
Obama Wants Applicants' Web-Posting Past and Do You Have a Gun?
Obama Wants Applicants' Web-Posting Past
Questionnaire Asks Job Applicants To Document Blog Posts, Comments, Facebook Profiles And More
If you want a job in an Obama administration, be prepared to disclose every blog post or comment you've ever written.
A ...nine-page questionnaire ......(pdf file) requires applicants to list -- and if possible, provide copies of -- all "posts or comments on blogs or other Web sites" they have ever made. Also required are "aliases" or nicknames used on those sites.
Translated into English, this means that President-elect Obama wants to know far more about you than his predecessors did. That requirement would force applicants to disclose information about Facebook and MySpace pages, profiles posted on dating Web sites, and even what was posted on Web sites like CNET and YouTube that allow readers to append comments.
Note that question doesn't only ask for potentially embarrassing or incendiary posts. It wants a list of "each" one.
It also asks for the URLs of "any Web sites that feature you in either a personal or professional capacity," and suggests MySpace and Facebook by name as examples. Dating sites like Match.com would be included, too.
Perhaps this won't be a problem for older Democrats vying for senior positions like treasury secretary or attorney general. But for today's Facebook-and-YouTube generation, requesting a list (and, "if readily available," a copy) of all Web site posts and comments the applicant ever made is not a trivial task to complete -- and means that the Obama administration may not be quite as tech-savvy as its reputation would indicate.
These and other questions seem to represent Obama's plan to avoid the the Lani Guinier Effect. President Clinton appointed Guinier as assistant attorney general, and then was forced to withdraw her nomination in the face of severe criticism. Clinton claimed at the time that he had not read her writings favoring racial quotas.
Clinton also was forced to withdraw the nominations of Zoe Baird and Judge Kimba Wood for attorney general because of questions about whether they paid employment taxes for their nannies. President George W. Bush had the same problem with former New York Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik, appointed to be Homeland Security secretary.
Obama's questionnaire seeks to remedy that problem. It asks four questions about domestic help, including housekeepers, babysitters, nannies, and gardeners. It asks about child support payments, information about enemies that may "criticize" your nomination, tax returns, loans, jobs held abroad, and so on.
One question asks: "Do you or any members of your immediate family own a gun? If so, provide complete ownership and registration information."
That's raised eyebrows among gun owners -- and drawn fire from the National Rifle Association's Institute for Legislative Action--because there is no general federal requirement that guns be registered. Under federal law, it's possible to be given a firearm by a family member or purchase one from a private party without your name being included in a federal database. (Laws in a handful of states, including California, are more restrictive.)
In a 1996 survey sent to state politicians, Obama said he supports a law banning the "possession" of handguns. He also indicated he supported Washington, D.C.'s gun ban, which was overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court. His campaign Web site said the Second Amendment protects an individual right and noted that "millions of hunters and shooters own and use guns every year," but did not mention firearms used for self-defense.
Wild Thing's comment...........
Well shoot, there goes my future job. LMAO Hey Barack, you show me yours and I'lll show you mine. hahaahaha Oh my gawd!
1984 has nothing on Barack Hussein Obama's 2008/2009.
Did anyone else here that????? Free speech flying out the window.
Applicants being vetted more thoroughly than Obama was. LOL What a fraud he is, what a liar, racist, terrorist lover,power hungry, limp wristed jerk.
Here is one for HO-bama
[ ] YES [ ] NO
Were you born in Kenya?
To this day we know basically nothing about Obama. Yet the SOB wants the most intimate details of others' lives.
Funny what he demands of others yet refuses to provide himself.
Remarks of Senator Barack Obama on the Confirmation of Judge John Roberts
"Let me also say that I remain distressed that the White House during this confirmation process, which overall went smoothly, failed to provide critical documents as part of the record that could have provided us with a better basis to make our judgment with respect to the nomination. This White House continues to stymie efforts on the part of the Senate to do its job. I hope with the next nominee who comes up for the Supreme Court that the White House recognizes that in fact it is its duty not just to the Senate but to the American people to make sure we can thoroughly and adequately evaluate the record of every single nominee who comes before us."
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 AM | Comments (17)
'Constitutional Crisis' Looming Over Obama's Birth Location
'Constitutional crisis' looming over Obama's birth location
Alan Keyes lawsuit warns America may see 'usurper' in Oval Office
The California secretary of state should refuse to allow the state's 55 Electoral College votes to be cast in the 2008 presidential election until President-elect Barack Obama verifies his eligibility to hold the office, alleges a California court petition filed on behalf of former presidential candidate Alan Keyes and others.
The legal action today is just the latest is a series of challenges, some of which have gone as high as the U.S. Supreme Court, over the issue of Obama's status as a "natural-born citizen," a requirement set by the U.S. Constitution.
WND senior reporter Jerome Corsi even traveled to Kenya and Hawaii prior to the election to investigate issues surrounding Obama's birth. But his research and discoveries only raised more questions.
The biggest question is why Obama, if a Hawaii birth certificate exists, simply hasn't ordered it made available to settle the rumors.
The governor's office in Hawaii said there is a valid certificate but rejected requests for access and left ambiguous its origin: Does the certificate on file with the Department of Health indicate a Hawaii birth or was it generated after the Obama family registered a Kenyan birth in Hawaii?
Obama's half-sister, Maya Soetoro, has named two different Hawaii hospitals where Obama could have been born, while a video posted on YouTube features Obama's Kenyan grandmother Sarah claiming to have witnessed Obama's birth in Kenya.
The California action was filed by Gary Kreep of the United States Justice Foundation on behalf of Alan Keyes, the presidential candidate of the American Independent Party, along with Wiley S. Drake and Markham Robinson, both California electors.
"Should Senator Obama be discovered, after he takes office, to be ineligible for the Office of President of the United States of America and, thereby, his election declared void, Petitioners, as well as other Americans, will suffer irreparable harm in that (a) usurper will be sitting as the President of the United States, and none of the treaties, laws, or executive orders signed by him will be valid or legal," the action challenges.
The petition is a request for the Superior Court of California in Sacramento County to issue a peremptory writ barring Secretary of State Debra Bowen "from both certifying to the governor the names of the California Electors, and from transmitting to each presidential Elector a Certificate of Election, until such documentary proof is produced and verified showing that Senator Obama is a 'natural born' citizen of the United States and does not hold citizenship of Indonesia, Kenya or Great Britain."
It continues with a request for a writ barring California's electors from signing the Certificate of Vote until documentary proof is produced.
The popular vote Nov. 4 favored Obama over Sen. John McCain by several percentage points. But because of the distribution of the votes, Obama is projected to take the Electoral College vote, when it is held in December, by a 2-to-1 margin.
Named as defendants in the action are Bowen, Obama, vice president elect Joe Biden and the long list of California party electors.
Citing the constitutional requirement that a president be a "natural born" citizen, the case discusses other state and federal court cases regarding "aspects of lost or dual citizenship concerning Senator Obama. Those challenges, in and of themselves, demonstrate Petitioners' argument that reasonable doubt exists as to the eligibility of the Democratic Party’s nominee for President," the case said.
"There is a reasonable and common expectation by the voters that to qualify for the ballot, the individuals running for office must meet minimum qualifications as outlined in the federal and state Constitutions and statutes, and that compliance with those minimum qualifications has been confirmed by the officials overseeing the election process," the complaint said, when in fact the only documentation currently required is a signed statement from the candidate attesting to those qualifications.
"Since [the Secretary of State] has, as its core, the mission of certifying and establishing the validity of the election process, this writ seeks a Court Order barring SOS from certifying the California Electors until documentary proof that Senator Obama is a 'natural born' citizen of the United States of America is received by her," the document said.
"This proof could include items such as his original birth certificate, showing the name of the hospital and the name and the signature of the doctor, all of his passports with immigration stamps, and verification from the governments where the candidate has resided, verifying that he did not, and does not, hold citizenship of these countries, and any other documents that certify an individual’s citizenship and/or qualification for office.
"To this date, in this regard, SOS has not carried out that fundamental duty."
The case said a simple attestation from the candidate or his party isn't sufficient.
"Historically, California Secretaries of State have exercised their due diligence by reviewing necessary background documents, verifying that the candidates that were submitted by the respective political parties as eligible for the ballot were indeed eligible. In 1968, the Peace and Freedom Party submitted the name of Eldridge Cleaver as a qualified candidate for President of the United States. The then SOS, Mr. Frank Jordan, found that, according to Mr. Cleaver's birth certificate, he was only 34 years old, one year shy of the 35 years of age needed to be on the ballot as a candidate for President. Using his administrative powers, Mr. Jordan removed Mr. Cleaver from the ballot. Mr. Cleaver unsuccessfully challenged this decision to the Supreme Court of the State of California, and, later, to the Supreme Court of the United States."
Similarly, in 1984, the Peace and Freedom Party candidate Larry Holmes was removed from the ballot.
The "certificate of live birth" posted by the Obama campaign cannot be viewed as authoritative, the case alleges.
"Hawaii Revised Statute 338-178 allows registration of birth in Hawaii for a child that was born outside of Hawaii to parents who, for a year preceding the child’s birth, claimed Hawaii as their place of residence," the document said. "The only way to know where Senator Obama was actually born is to view Senator Obama's original birth certificate from 1961 that shows the name of the hospital and the name and signature of the doctor that delivered him."
The case also raises the circumstances of Obama's time during his youth in Indonesia, where he was listed as having Indonesian citizenship. Indonesia does not allow dual citizenship, raising the possibility of Obama's mother having given up his U.S. citizenship.
Any subsequent U.S. citizenship then, the case claims, would be "naturalized," not "natural-born."
"Based on all of the above, it is the duty of the SOS to obtain proper documentation of Senator Obama's citizenship to confirm his eligibility for the office or the President of the United States," the case said.
Wild Thing's comment........
Alan Keyes fights like a crazed Tasmanian Devil, which is why he's a really lousy campaigner, and other things of course as well, but the guy knows the law and constitution very very well.
Disregarding the Constitution will cause the collapse of rule by law. If the president doesn't follow the Constitution none of us do either.
This is very serious and might well trigger a revolution or massive civil unrest.
From what I have heard on the radio, if Barack Hussein Obama is found ineligible to be President he is also ineligible to appoint a VP Candidate. The whole Presidential ticket on the Democrat side would be null and void. McCain would be President and Palin would be VP.
The nomination was pretty much a done deal by the time this issue got any legs even in conservative circles. Let's face it: At first glance, this whole issue looks like something from a movie script, way far-fetched. But I have come to believe that he is definitely not a natural-born citizen, and quite possibly not a citizen at all. I think we citizens just assume that there's someone somewhere in our great big government verifying the pesky little details like this, but if that's the case, who is it? And what did Obama present? Why on Earth would he refuse and fight and obfuscate if he could merely produce valid documentation of his birth and be done with it? Answer: He would.
I believe this has exposed a gaping hole in our election system, a system that assumes no one would be so audacious as to try to pull off such a thing. But look at what he's already pulled off. This man was just elected to president, and there's no way he'd qualify for a low-level security clearance. I personally think that's another gaping hole in the system. It should not be possible to rise to president when you've spent your adult life hanging out with terrorists, plain and simple.
Obama made it clear he wanted to take power immediately after the election. He has now created "The Office of the President-Elect". While previous candidates who won the popular vote were incumbent Presidents, Obama has a different take on the matter.
If he gets away with this it will mean that Article II, Section I of The United States Constitution means nothing, that is scary!!!!!
Article II, Section I of the United States Constitution, states, in pertinent part, as follows:
"No Person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States at the time of the adoption of this constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President;"
Particularly telling is the fact that not one single person has come forward, not a doctor, not a nurse, not a hospital administrator, nor anyone else, to state that he or she was present during this birth, except for Obama's paternal grandmother, who affirmed that she "was in the delivery room in Kenya when he was born Aug. 4, 1961.”
Additionally, when Mr. Berg served subpoenas on the hospitals mentioned above, Senator Obama refused to sign a consent form that would allow the hospitals to release any of his information. Instead, Senator Obama has hired three law firms to defend himself, and has challenged the action by Mr. Berg on a technicality, claiming that an ordinary citizen does not have standing to bring the suit.
If he was born in Hawaii, there are four (4) other obstacles to Senator Obama’s eligibility. In and about 1967, Senator Obama moved to Indonesia, took the last name of his stepfather, Soetoro, and went by the name Barry Soetoro. In original legal action filed by Mr. Berg, he presented Senator Obama’s school registration, showing him registered as Barry Soetoro, Citizenship-Indonesian, Religion Islam, signed by L. Soetoro. From 1945, Indonesia has not allowed dual citizenship and, therefore, Ms. Dunham-Obama-Soetoro, Senator Obama’s mother, had to relinquish her son’s U.S. citizenship in order to obtain Indonesian citizenship for him, which would make him ineligible to become a United States President.
Additionally, the United States could not allow dual citizenship with Indonesia at that time, as Indonesia did not allow dual citizenship, and it was prohibited by the Hague Convention of 1930, as interfering with the internal affairs of another sovereign Country. 81. In addition, upon return to the United States in and around 1971-1972, Senator Obama would have been required to go to the then current immigration procedures to regain his U.S. citizenship.
There is no record of him ever doing that. Even if he had done so, he would be considered a naturalized citizen and not a “natural born” citizen.
Additionally, assuming Senator Obama was born in what is now Kenya, at the time of Senator Obama’s birth in 1961, (now) Kenya was the British Protectorate of Zanzibar and Senator Obama was automatically accorded a form of British citizenship under Section 32(1) of the British Nationality Act of 1948, effective date January 28, 1949, based on his father’s citizenship.
Finally, in 1981, Senator Obama traveled to Pakistan, when there was a ban for U.S. citizens to travel to Pakistan. The only logical possibility for him to do so was by using one of his other passports: Indonesian, Kenyan, or British.
Based on all of the above, it is the duty of the SOS to obtain proper documentation of Senator Obama’s citizenship to confirm his eligibility for the office of the President of the United States.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (26)
American Troops in Afghanistan Through the Eyes of a French OMLT Infantryman
American troops in Afghanistan through the eyes of a French OMLT infantryman
The US often hears echoes of worldwide hostility against the application of its foreign policy, but seldom are they reached by the voices of those who experience first hand how close we are to the USA. In spite of contextual political differences and conflicting interests that generate friction, we do share the same fundamental values - and when push comes to shove that is what really counts.
Through the eyes of that French OMLT (Operational Mentoring Liaison Teams) infantryman you can see how strong the bond is on the ground. In contrast with the Americans, the French soldiers don’t seem to write much online - or maybe the proportion is the same but we just have less people deployed. Whatever the reason, this is a rare and moving testimony which is why I decided to translate it into English, so that American people can catch a glimpse of the way European soldiers see them. Not much high philosophy here, just the first hand impressions of a soldier in contact - but that only makes it more authentic.
Here is the original French article, and here is the translation : Translation done by to Jean-Marc Liotier.
“We have shared our daily life with two US units for quite a while - they are the first and fourth companies of a prestigious infantry battalion whose name I will withhold for the sake of military secrecy. To the common man it is a unit just like any other. But we live with them and got to know them, and we henceforth know that we have the honor to live with one of the most renowned units of the US Army - one that the movies brought to the public as series showing “ordinary soldiers thrust into extraordinary events”. Who are they, those soldiers from abroad, how is their daily life, and what support do they bring to the men of our OMLT every day ? Few of them belong to the Easy Company, the one the TV series focuses on. This one nowadays is named Echo Company, and it has become the support company.
They have a terribly strong American accent - from our point of view the language they speak is not even English. How many times did I have to write down what I wanted to say rather than waste precious minutes trying various pronunciations of a seemingly common word? Whatever state they are from, no two accents are alike and they even admit that in some crisis situations they have difficulties understanding each other.
Heavily built, fed at the earliest age with Gatorade, proteins and creatine - they are all heads and shoulders taller than us and their muscles remind us of Rambo. Our frames are amusingly skinny to them - we are wimps, even the strongest of us - and because of that they often mistake us for Afghans.
Here we discover America as it is often depicted : their values are taken to their paroxysm, often amplified by promiscuity and the loneliness of this outpost in the middle of that Afghan valley. Honor, motherland - everything here reminds of that : the American flag floating in the wind above the outpost, just like the one on the post parcels. Even if recruits often originate from the hearth of American cities and gang territory, no one here has any goal other than to hold high and proud the star spangled banner. Each man knows he can count on the support of a whole people who provides them through the mail all that an American could miss in such a remote front-line location : books, chewing gums, razorblades, Gatorade, toothpaste etc. in such way that every man is aware of how much the American people backs him in his difficult mission. And that is a first shock to our preconceptions : the American soldier is no individualist. The team, the group, the combat team are the focus of all his attention.
And they are impressive warriors ! We have not come across bad ones, as strange at it may seem to you when you know how critical French people can be. Even if some of them are a bit on the heavy side, all of them provide us everyday with lessons in infantry know-how. Beyond the wearing of a combat kit that never seem to discomfort them (helmet strap, helmet, combat goggles, rifles etc.) the long hours of watch at the outpost never seem to annoy them in the slightest. On the one square meter wooden tower above the perimeter wall they stand the five consecutive hours in full battle rattle and night vision goggles on top, their sight unmoving in the directions of likely danger. No distractions, no pauses, they are like statues nights and days. At night, all movements are performed in the dark - only a handful of subdued red lights indicate the occasional presence of a soldier on the move. Same with the vehicles whose lights are covered - everything happens in pitch dark even filling the fuel tanks with the Japy pump.
And combat ? If you have seen Rambo you have seen it all - always coming to the rescue when one of our teams gets in trouble, and always in the shortest delay. That is one of their tricks : they switch from T-shirt and sandals to combat ready in three minutes. Arriving in contact with the ennemy, the way they fight is simple and disconcerting : they just charge ! They disembark and assault in stride, they bomb first and ask questions later - which cuts any pussyfooting short.
We seldom hear any harsh word, and from 5 AM onwards the camp chores are performed in beautiful order and always with excellent spirit. A passing American helicopter stops near a stranded vehicle just to check that everything is alright; an American combat team will rush to support ours before even knowing how dangerous the mission is - from what we have been given to witness, the American soldier is a beautiful and worthy heir to those who liberated France and Europe.
To those who bestow us with the honor of sharing their combat outposts and who everyday give proof of their military excellence, to those who pay the daily tribute of America’s army’s deployment on Afghan soil, to those we owned this article, ourselves hoping that we will always remain worthy of them and to always continue hearing them say that we are all the same band of brothers”.
Wild Thing's comment........
Oh my gosh I love this write up, what a GREAT write up, awesome. I am so proud of our troops.
A big thank you to the French troops too!!
The photo at the top of the post can be found HERE if you would like to see more photos. They have put a lot of photos there.
....Thank you Tom for sending this to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:48 AM | Comments (4)
Prayers For All The Victims Of The Fires In Southern California
Press Conference.
I know what it feels like to have our home surrounded with fomaes 100 plus feet high, choppers overhead and having to leave our home with only our animlas and a few items. It is like being in hell on earth.
Special prayers for all our friends in California that are a part of Theodore's World. Fires are located in several areas in the State. And prayers for the firefighters they are heroes.
To all those in SCal, especially those either in the path of these fires or with family & friends in harm's way, may God Bless you, Protect you & Comfort you!
Sylmar, Granada Hills, Porter Ranch, San Fernando Valley, Yorba Linda and Anaheim hills , Corona, and other areas.
The wind is 70 miles an hour at times.
The Santa Ana winds these past few days made it extremely dry hazardous conditions. The fire is creating tornado like conditions.
125 strike teams are there.
6 fixed wings
6 heavy helicopters
6 medium helicopters
According to Ken Vecchiarelli the Director Yorba Linda Water District, the Hidden Hills area of Yorba Linda has lost its water. The water pump station burned and is no longer functional. Trying to bring a replacement pump up from Laguna Hills canyon. Absolutely unbelievable and uncontrollable.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (5)
Obama Wants Israel Back to 1967 Borders
Obama Wants Israel Back to 1967 Borders
President-elect Barack Obama intends to pursue a Mideast peace policy that calls on Israel to revert to its pre-1967 borders in return for official diplomatic recognition by the Arab world.
A senior Obama adviser told the London Times that Obama will throw his support behind a 2002 Saudi peace initiative that also has been endorsed by Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, the Arab League, and Israeli President Shimon Peres.
Under the plan:
* Israel would be able to veto the return of Arab refugees expelled in 1948.
* Israel would restore the Golan Heights to Syria.
* Palestinians would be allowed to establish a state capital in east Jerusalem.
According to the senior adviser, Obama has said privately that Israel would be "crazy" to reject such a plan, since it would "give them peace with the Muslim world."
And this.......
“Obama’s Fictitious Pro-Isreal Team”
“...Let's revisit Chief-of-Staff Rahm Emmanuel for a minute. In the early 90’s he was on of the people who helped financially put together Bill Clinton's campaign. He gained tremendous influence in the White House from a group in Israel known as “Peace Now”. In other words, far leftists. They were the ones who engineered the Oslo process, and he (Emmanuel) personally was the one who orchestrated the Rabin-Arafat handshake on the White House lawn in 1993.
Wild Thing's comment...........
Israel National News suggests that if you like the Oslo process (which instead of granting Israel land for peace has left Israel in pieces), then Rahm Emmanuel is your man...”
Obama sure plans to throw Israel under the bus. The whole thing is a bad deal. Giving back the Golan heights is suicide.
....Thank you Mark for sending this article to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:45 AM | Comments (11)
November 15, 2008
Obama Not Attending Funeral Of Grandmother In Hawaii
Barack Obama's late grandmother remembered
November 14th, 2008
11:59 p.m.
Madelyn Dunham, the late grandmother of President-elect Barack Obama, has been remembered as a strong, vibrant and dedicated woman.
About 150 friends, former co-workers and others paid their respects Friday at a 45-minute ceremony at the National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific in Honolulu.
Obama and his family did not attend.
Dunham was one of the first female vice presidents at the Bank of Hawaii. Former bank chairman Howard Stephenson says she trained most of the real estate professionals in Hawaii during her two-plus decades at the bank.
Dunham died Nov. 2, two days before Obama won the presidency. She and her late husband, Stanley, raised him from 1971 until he left Hawaii in 1979.
President-elect Barack Obama will visit Hawai'i in December to honor his grandmother "Toot," who died two nights before the election, and to relax with his family before he takes the reins of the federal government in January.
It is not uncommon for funerals to be held more than a week after the death of a Hawai'i resident because of the time it takes for loved ones to fly to the Islands, said Jerry Andrade, funeral home manager of Borthwick Mortuary, which is handling Dunham's arrangements.
Wild Thing's comment........
OK this is how cold Obama is. Ice in his veins cold. The women that made him what he is today … and he didn’t have the courtesy to attend her funeral. I guess he only went to Hawaiii to do some things about his birth certificate and then just said hi to make it look like he went there to see his grandmother under the bus. Remember how Michelle and the little girls never went to see her either, not on any of the two trips he made there during the campaign. They went off to shop or whatever instead, even though the whole family had gone to Hawaii.
Well this leaves one grandmother left for Obama. The Kenyan grandma says she witnessed his birth... in Kenya.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:55 AM | Comments (24)
Obama Names Valerie Jarrett White House Senior Adviser
From an interview on Meet the Press on November 9, 2008.
Valerie Jarrett, Co-Chair of the Obama transition team states:
"Important for President-elect Obama to 'begin to rule' on day one."
Obama Names Valerie Jarrett White House Senior Adviser
President-elect Barack Obama is naming his longtime friend and supporter Valerie Jarrett to be his White House senior adviser.
Jarrett, who hired Michelle Obama for a job in the Chicago mayor's office years ago, is one of the president-elect's closest friends and advisers. Her name has been floated for several top administration jobs. But Obama settled on the senior adviser role, said a person close to the president-elect and willing to speak only on background because the decision has not been officially announced.
A White House senior adviser can handle a range of duties. President George W. Bush's top political aide Karl Rove held the title in the current administration.
Jarrett has a background in real estate and politics in Chicago.
And this from my post on October 28th, 2008
“The ties between Dohrn and Barack and Michelle Obama may run deep. From 1984-1988, Dohrn worked at Sidley & Austin, a law firm, which is also where Obama and his wife Michelle worked and met. “For three years after law school, Michelle worked as an associate in the area of marketing and intellectual property at Chicago law firm Sidley and Austin, where she met Barack Obama,” the official Obama campaign website reports. But it says nothing about meeting or knowing Dohrn.”
Valerie Jarrett, was Michele Obama’s boss. She is now Obama’s chief advisor and he does not make any major decisions without talking to her first. Where was Jarrett born? Ready for this? Shiraz, Iran!
Valerie Bowman Jarrett (born 1956) is a Chicago lawyer, businesswoman, and civic leader. She is a senior advisor to 2008 Democratic U.S. Presidential candidate Barack Obama.
Valerie Bowman was born in 1956 in Shiraz, Iran, about 570 miles south of Tehran. Her parents moved to Shiraz, known for its poets, wine and flowers, as part of a program that sent American doctors and agricultural experts to developing countries to help jump-start their health and farming efforts. Her father was on the staff of the brand new Nemazee Hospital, where Jarrett was born. "Every memory from Iran is a very happy memory,"
And there is also this..................
Obama Advisor Valerie Jarrett Linked to Real Estate Scandals
Judicial Watch, the public interest group that investigates and prosecutes government corruption, announced today that it has obtained documents linking Valerie Jarrett, an advisor to Barack Obama and the co-chairman of the President-Elect's transition team, to a series of real estate scandals, including several housing projects operated by convicted felon and Obama fundraiser/friend Antoin "Tony" Rezko.
According to the documents obtained by Judicial Watch from the Illinois Secretary of State, Valerie Jarrett served as a board member for several organizations that provided funding and support for Chicago housing projects operated by real estate developers and Obama financial backers Rezko and Allison Davis. (Davis is also Obama's former boss.) Jarrett was a member of the Board of Directors for the Woodlawn Preservation and Investment Corporation along with several Davis and Rezko associates, as well as the Fund for Community Redevelopment and Revitalization, an organization that worked with Rezko and Davis.
(According to press reports, housing projects operated by Davis and Rezko have been substandard and beset with code violations. The Chicago Sun Times reported that one Rezko-managed housing project was "riddled with problems -- including squalid living conditions...lack of heat, squatters and drug dealers.")
As Chief Executive Officer of the Habitat Company Jarrett also managed a controversial housing project located in Obama's former state senate district called Grove Parc Plaza. According to the Boston Globe the housing complex was considered "uninhabitable by unfixed problems, such as collapsed roofs and fire damage...In 2006, federal inspectors graded the condition of the complex an 11 on a 100-point scale -- a score so bad the buildings now face demolition." Ms. Jarrett refused to comment to the Globe on the conditions of the complex.
"Like Barack Obama, Valerie Jarrett is a product of the corrupt Chicago political machine. And it is no stretch to say that she was a slumlord," said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. "We have real concerns about Jarrett's ethics. Washington already has plenty of corruption. We don't need to import more of it from Chicago."
Characterized as "the other side of Barack Obama's brain" by CBS News, Jarrett first met the Obamas seventeen years ago when she offered Michelle Obama a job. While speculation has arisen that Jarrett could take Obama's place in the U.S. Senate, the New York Times reported that it is more likely she will become a senior White House adviser, thus continuing her long record of being an important influence and mentor to Barack and Michelle Obama.
Wild Thing's comment..........
Good grief, does Obama know anyone that is normal????
So from some of the other names I am hearing he is picking for different jobs, what Obama means by change is to hire most of Bill and Hillary's past Clinton cabinet.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:50 AM | Comments (20)
OOPS! Taliban Kidnap One of Their Own, The Creator Of Jihadist Website
Khadija Abdul Qahaar was known as Beverly Giesbrecht before her conversion to Islam post 9/11.
The Taliban Kidnap One of Their Own
by Bill Roggio
As the security situation in Pakistan's Northwest Frontier Province continues to deteriorate, the Taliban are threatening to take control of Peshawar, the provincial capital. As the Taliban grow bolder, they have begun to target foreigners of all stripes. Even one of their own.
Today, two reporters, one from Newsweek, were shot in western Peshawar after they dodged a kidnapping attempt. Yesterday, the Taliban successfully kidnapped an Iranian consular official, in the same region. Two days prior, a U.S. aid worker and his driver were killed in another kidnapping attempt.
But the most curious kidnapping that occurred in Pakistan’s northwest has gone largely unreported. The Taliban kidnapped a Canadian journalist named Beverly Giesbrecht. CTV described Giesbrecht as "a Web magazine publisher in British Columbia who adopted the name Khadija Abdul Qahaar after converting to Islam after 9/11."
What magazine does Giesbrecht/Qahaar write for? None other than Jihad Unspun, a pro-al Qaeda, pro-Taliban, pro-jihadi rag that describes terrorists as "Mujahideen" and Western forces as "Occupiers." Jihad Unspun routinely posts translations of terrorist leaders.
Here's how Giesbrecht/Qahaar "reflects" on the anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks (read the whole thing, it is much worse than this):
"This year, the seventh anniversary of the attacks on America fall within this blessed month of Ramadan providing us with a special opportunity to give thought to our current condition. Since America unleashed its hellfire on Afghanistan following the 2001 attacks, Muslims around the world have been killed, injured, detained, humiliated and demonized in a ceaseless war that America has loosely termed a "war on terror” but that has no specific definition or end."
Giesbrecht/Qahaar recently joined the Taliban in the Mohmand so she could "eat breath and sleep with the Taliban in order to show the true face of those America’s calls 'terrorists.'" She describes bombings in the region as follows:
"Over the next nine days, there were many other bomb blasts including attacks at the main bus terminal that killed dozens. For the record, while the Taliban were quickly blamed, neither the attacks on the power grids nor the bus terminal were Taliban operations. The power grid blasts were part of an ongoing royalty dispute with local villagers and the bus attack appears to be the work of foreign forces as the Taliban do not attack civilian targets."
Of course, the Taliban never kill civilians.
So how does CTV describe Jihad Unspun to its readers? CTV clearly never went to the website. Instead they relied on a "friend" of Giesbrecht/Qahaar, who called it "an alternative source of news on the Islamic world."
If alternative means pro-al Qaeda, then yes, that is correct. Shame on CTV for not telling its readers what kind of "publication" the kidnapped "journalist" runs.
Wild Thing's comment..........
This woman is obviously insane, crazy to the max. I do soooo hope she enjoys her membership to the Taliban. In fact she can stay there for the rest of her life however short that will be. I would rather have her belong to them then to be in our country.
Bye Bye
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:47 AM | Comments (9)
Good Grief!!! Coming To A State Near You Soon!
Prop. 8 protests could become national movement
Outrage and anguish over the passage of Proposition 8 has spurred massive street protests throughout California, and leaders of the gay and lesbian community believe the backlash could spark an unprecedented nationwide push for gay rights.
Today, same-sex marriage supporters have planned simultaneous protests throughout California and in all 50 states, as well as cities in Canada, England and Australia.
The backlash after Tuesday's vote has been enormous and wide-reaching. People and businesses have become targets of blacklists and boycotts.
People around the country were watching this very closely," said Kellan Baker, a Washington, D.C., resident who is organizing today's protest there. "For Californians to go to the ballot box to strip people of civil rights they had been enjoying is, I guess, the last straw."
The boycotts and blacklists are affecting not only the political faces behind the Prop. 8 campaign, but also individual supporters.
Phillip Fletcher, a Palo Alto dentist who donated $1,000 to the campaign, is featured prominently on a Web site listing donors targeted for boycott. He said two of his patients already have left over the donation.
Wild Thing's comment...........
LOL sorry about the photo, I just could not resist. hahahahaha
We had this on our ballot too and Florida big time does not want gay marriage. I was so glad. At least one thing good happened from this last election.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:45 AM | Comments (18)
Congratulations General Ann E. Dunwoody!
Dunwoody Becomes First Female Four-Star General
Call it breaking the brass ceiling. Ann E. Dunwoody, after 33 years in the Army, ascended Friday to a peak never before reached by a woman in the U.S. military: four-star general.
At an emotional promotion ceremony, Dunwoody looked back on her years in uniform, said it was a credit to the Army—and a great surprise to her—that she would make history in a male-dominated military.
"Thirty-three years after I took the oath as a second lieutenant, I have to tell you this is not exactly how I envisioned my life unfolding," she told a standing-room-only auditorium. "Even as a young kid, all I ever wanted to do was teach physical education and raise a family.
"It was clear to me that my Army experience was just going to be a two-year detour en route to my fitness profession," she added. "So when asked, `Ann, did you ever think you were going to be a general officer, to say nothing about a four-star?' I say, `Not in my wildest dreams.'
"There is no one more surprised than I—except, of course, my husband. You know what they say, `Behind every successful woman there is an astonished man.' "
Dunwoody hails from a family of military men dating back to the 1800s. Her father, 89-year-old Hal Dunwoody—a decorated veteran of World War II, the Korean War and Vietnam—was in the audience, along with the service chiefs of the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines, plus the Joint Chiefs chairman, Adm. Mike Mullen.
Dunwoody, whose husband, Craig Brotchie, served for 26 years in the Air Force, choked up at times during a speech in which she said she only recently realized how much her accomplishment means to others.
"This promotion has taken me back in time like no other event in my entire life," she said. "And I didn't appreciate the enormity of the events until tidal waves of cards, letters, and e-mails started coming my way.
"And I've heard from men and women, from every branch of service, from every region of our country, and every corner of the world. I've heard from moms and dads who see this promotion as a beacon of home for their own daughters and after affirmation that anything is possible through hard work and commitment.
"And I've heard from women veterans of all wars, many who just wanted to say congratulations; some who just wanted to say thanks; and still other who just wanted to say they were so happy this day had finally come."
Later Friday, at Fort Belvoir, Va.—her birthplace—Dunwoody was being sworn in as commander of the Army Materiel Command, responsible for equipping, outfitting and arming all soldiers. Just five months ago, she became the first female deputy commander there.
Dunwoody, 55, has made it clear that she feels no need for special acclaim for her historic achievement.
"The recognition makes her a little bit uncomfortable from the standpoint of the gender aspect—that we're making a big deal (that) she is the first female general officer," Bryan Whitman, a Pentagon spokesman, said Thursday in announcing that Defense Secretary Robert Gates would attend her promotion ceremony.
When she was nominated by President George W. Bush in June for promotion to four-star rank, Dunwoody issued a statement saying she was humbled.
"I grew up in a family that didn't know what glass ceilings were," she said. "This nomination only reaffirms what I have known to be true about the military throughout my career—that the doors continue to open for men and women in uniform."
Her nomination was confirmed by the Senate in July.
There are 21 female general officers in the Army—all but four at the one-star rank of brigadier. It was not until 1970 that the Army had its first one-star: Anna Mae Hays, chief of the Army Nurse Corps.
Women now make up about 14 percent of the active-duty Army and are allowed to serve in a wide variety of assignments. They are still excluded from units designed primarily to engage in direct combat, such as infantry and tank units, but their opportunities have expanded over the past two decades.
Dunwoody received her Army commission after graduating from the State University of New York in 1975.
Her first assignment was to Fort Sill, as supply platoon leader in June 1976, and she remained at Sill in various positions until she was sent to quartermaster officer school at Fort Lee, Va., in July 1980.
She later served in Germany and Saudi Arabia.
After graduating from the Command and General Staff College in 1987, she was assigned to Fort Bragg, N.C., where she became the 82nd Airborne Division's first female battalion commander.
She has numerous decorations, including the Distinguished Service Medal and Defense Superior Service Medal.
Wild Thing's comment........
Heh heh wouldn't it just really tick off the Taliban if a woman was in charge of their whipping? hahahaha
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:40 AM | Comments (10)
November 14, 2008
Gov. Palin’s Speech & Press Conference, Republican Governors Conference
Introduced by RGA Chairman Gov. Rick Perry of Texas
Gov. Palin’s Speech & Press Conference, Republican Governors Conference
Part 1 of 3
Part 2 of 3
Part 3 of 3
And there is also this...........
CNN Lou Dobbs Tonight Transcript
November 13, 2008
Well in Miami today Governor Palin and 15 other Republican governors met to heal wounds and demonstrate party unity and find some sort of direction, but the big draw for more than 100 reporters there, something Governor Palin never did during the campaign, she held a formal press conference. Take a listen to how she responded to a question about her celebrity.
GOV. SARAH PALIN (R), ALASKA: I don’t know if it’s political celebrity, but I want to put to good use my experience that I have as the governor of an energy-producing state to help our nation become energy-independent. And you know we’re going to focus here on what we can do as a team of Republican governors together.
Wild Thing's comment..........
I really like hearing her speak. She never speaks in circles like so many politicians do and she answers questions direct and clear.
Thank you Sarah!
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:07 PM | Comments (10)
Obama Camp: Lawsuits by citizens are 'garbage'
Everybody in Kenya seems to know something about Barack Obama, that Americans don't know! Hear what they have to say about Barack Obama's religion and where he was actually born. I guarantee you'll find it interesting whichever political side you may be on. Remember that the United States Constitution requires that a President must be a "natural born" citizen of the United States - born to American parents on American soil.
Obama camp: Lawsuits by citizens are 'garbage'
Legal challenges spring up across U.S., demand proof of eligibility for office
More than a half-dozen legal challenges have been filed in federal and state courts demanding President-elect Barack Obama's decertification from ballots or seeking to halt elector meetings, claiming he has failed to prove his U.S. citizenship status.
An Obama campaign spokeswoman told WND the complaints are unfounded.
"All I can tell you is that it is just pure garbage," she said. "There have been several lawsuits, but they have been dismissed."
Some of the cases across the U.S:
David M. Neal of Turtlecreek Township, Ohio, filed suit in Warren Common Pleas Court in October to force Ohio Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner to request documents from the Federal Elections Commission, the Democratic National Committee, the Ohio Democratic Party and Obama to show the presidential candidate was born in Hawaii, the Cincinnati Enquirer reported.
Connecticut resident Cort Wrotnowski challenged the authenticity of Obama's birth certificate on Oct. 31, and asked the court to order Secretary of State Susan Bysiewicz to verify Obama's citizenship before allowing the candidate to appear on the state ballot. State Supreme Court Chief Justice Chase T. Rogers threw out the case for lack of jurisdiction within a half hour of reviewing it.
"I have not seen the ruling yet," Wrotnowski told WND. "So, in reality, the case was not heard on its merits. … Currently, we are assembling information for another and better try."
Steven Marquis of Fall City, Wash., filed suit Oct. 9 in Washington State Superior Court, calling for Secretary of State Sam Reed to determine whether Obama is a citizen before Election Day. Marquis released a statement saying the state has the authority to "prevent the wholesale disenfranchisement of voters" who might have otherwise had the opportunity to choose a qualified candidate should records show Obama is not a natural-born U.S. citizen.
Marquis said Obama's Hawaii birth certificate isn't evidence that the president-elect is a natural-born citizen because it doesn't reveal the hospital where Obama was born, a doctor's name or the baby's footprint, the Associated Press reported.
New Jersey
In Leo C. Donofrio v. Nina Mitchell Wells, Secretary of State of the State of New Jersey, retired attorney and New Jersey resident Leo. C. Donofrio asked the U.S. Supreme Court for an emergency stay on Nov. 3 prohibiting three candidates from appearing on New Jersey's ballots: Republican candidate John McCain, Democratic candidate Barack Obama and Socialist Worker's Party candidate Roger Calero.
Donofrio claimed the candidates are not "natural born citizens" as enumerated in Article 2, Section 1, of the Constitution of the United States, which states, "No person except a natural born citizen of the United States, at the time of adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President."
He wrote, Obama is not eligible for the presidency "even if it were proved he was born in Hawaii, since … Senator Obama's father was born in Kenya and therefore, having been born with split and competing loyalties, candidate Obama is not a 'natural born citizen' …"
"Republican candidate John McCain was born in Panama," the request states. "Socialist Workers Party candidate Roger Calero was born in Nicaragua. And the birthplace of Democratic candidate Barack Obama has not been verified by Respondent."
Donofrio said Panama has never been considered U.S. soil, and that McCain is merely a citizen at birth by statute, and not a "natural born citizen."
With three ineligible presidential candidates on ballots, Donofrio warned, New Jersey voters will "witness firsthand the fraud their electoral process has become."
Justice David Souter denied Donofrio's application on Nov. 6. However, his case is still pending as an emergency stay application. Donofrio is resubmitting his request for an emergency stay of the national election results and Electoral College meeting to Justice Clarence Thomas.
A Pennsylvania Democrat and attorney Philip J. Berg filed suit in U.S. District Court three months ago claiming Obama is not a natural-born U.S. citizen.
Berg claimed that by failing to respond Obama has legally "admitted" to the lawsuit's accusations, including the charge that the Democratic candidate was born in Mombosa, Kenya.
U.S. District Judge R. Barclay Surrick dismissed Berg's argument on Oct, 24, ruling that he lacked standing to bring the case. He said Berg's allegations were "too vague and too attenuated."
"This is a question of who has standing to uphold our Constitution," Berg told Jeff Schreiber of America's Right blog. "If I don't have standing, if you don't have standing, if your neighbor doesn't have standing to question the eligibility of an individual to be president of the United States – the commander in chief, the most powerful person in the world – then who does?"
Berg filed a writ of certiorari in the U.S. Supreme Court on Oct.30, to force Obama to produce his birth certificate. Justice David Souter rejected an emergency appeal on Nov. 3, for the court to halt the tabulation of the 2008 presidential election results until Obama documented his eligibility to run for office. However, Souter set a schedule for a response from Obama, the DNC and all co-defendants on or before Dec. 1.
"I look forward to receiving Defendant Obama's response to the Writ and am hopeful the U.S. Supreme Court will review Berg v. Obama," Berg wrote in a Nov. 7 statement. "I believe Mr. Obama is not a consitutionally-qualified natural-born citizen and is ineligible to assume the office of the President of the United States."
Rev. Tom Terry of Atlanta, Ga., appealed to the Georgia Supreme Court the day before the election to determine authenticity of Obama's original birth certificate and his qualifications to be president.
"I bear no personal ill will against Barack Obama," Terry, an independent, said in a statement. "In fact, his election solely on the basis as the first African-American president-elect is a very positive thing for our nation. However, as an American, I have very grave concerns about Mr. Obama's possible divided loyalties since he has strenuously and vigorously fought every request and every legal effort to force him to release his original birth certificate for public review and scrutiny. I think that is significant."
On Oct. 17, Andy Martin filed a writ of mandamus in Hawaii's Supreme Court to compel Gov. Linda Lingle to release a certified copy of Obama's vital statistics record. His request to expedite the circuit court was denied on Oct. 22.
Martin now has a pending case seeking access to Obama's original 1961 typewritten birth certificate. The circuit court hearing is set to begin Nov. 18
The saga continues …
Several unconfirmed reports also indicate that citizens of Utah, Wyoming, Florida, New York, North Carolina, Texas, California and Virginia have also filed lawsuits or requested court orders to verify Obama's citizenship status.
As reported earlier, WND senior investigative reporter Jerome Corsi traveled both to Kenya and Hawaii to investigate issues surrounding Obama's birth.
But his discoveries only raised more questions.
The governor's office in Hawaii said he had a valid certificate but rejected requests for access and left ambiguous its origin – leaving some to wonder if the certificate on file with the Department of Health indicates a Hawaiian birth or whether it was generated after the Obama family registered a Kenyan birth in Hawaii.
The Obama campaign posted a certification of live birth, a document stating the baby was born on Aug. 4, 1961. However, according to the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands, there is a difference between the two documents. A certification of live birth is not an authentication of Hawaiian birth, and critics say the procedure could have allowed Obama's mother to have the baby elsewhere, return to the U.S. and obtain the document in Hawaii.
Further adding to complications, Obama's half-sister, Maya Soetoro, has named two different Hawaii hospitals where Obama could have been born. In a November 2004 interview with the Rainbow Newsletter, Maya told reporters her half-brother Sen. Barack Obama was born on Aug. 4, 1961, at Queens Medical Center in Honolulu; then in February 2008, Maya told reporters for the Honolulu Star-Bulletin that Obama was at the Kapiolani Medical Center for Women and Children.
Wild Thing's comment...........
I just don't get it, this is such an easy thing to stop, to answer and put a halt to these questions. Because of that fact the only position I can take is that it is a lie. Obama lies about all of this birth certificate stuff by his failure on purpose to do what is being asked and expected of him.
Because there is a double standard and democrats get away with their crimes, and their lies proof of Obama's birth will probably not be answered till he is out of office or maybe never.
The REAL " garbage" is any “public servant” who refuses to provide documentary evidence of his/her eligibility for office.
....Thank you Mark for this article.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 PM | Comments (13)
Obama's FRIEND Terrorirst William Ayers on ABC's Good Morning America (video)
"I never hurt or killed anyone," Ayers said.
"The content of the Vietnam protest is that there were despicable acts going on, but the despicable were being done by our goverment... I never hurt anyone," Ayers said. "Frankly, I dont think we did enough, just as today I dont' think we've done enough to stop these wars"
Tell that to the families of:
SFPD Patrolman Brian McDonnell
Nyak Police Officer Edward O'Grady
Nyak Police Officer Waverly Brown
Brinks Armored Car Guard Peter Paige
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:22 PM | Comments (5)
Lawsuit Filed In Defence of Marine Vet’s Anti-Islam Decals
The car and decals the United States Military won't allow Jesse Nieto, a 25-year Marine veteran whose son Marc was killed by jihadists on the USS Cole in 2000,
Lawsuit filed in defence of Marine vet’s anti-Islam decals
Ann Arbor
A Marine veteran whose anti-terrorist and anti-Islam vehicle decals hindered him in visiting the grave of his fallen son at Arlington National Cemetery has filed a federal lawsuit challenging the military order which rebuked his display of the decals.
Jesse Nieto, a 25-year Marine veteran, served two combat tours in Vietnam. His youngest son, Marc, was one of the seventeen sailors killed in the terrorist bombing of the U.S.S. Cole in October of 2000.
Since 1994 Nieto has been a civilian employee at the Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune in North Carolina. In 2001 he began displaying various decals on his vehicle expressing sentiments such as “Remember the Cole, 12 Oct 2000,” “Islam=Terrorism” and “We Died, They Rejoiced.”
On July 31, 2008, two military police officers ticketed Nieto for displaying “offensive material.”
After Nieto refused to remove all allegedly offending decals from his vehicle, the Base Magistrate issued a written order ordering Nieto to remove his vehicle from the base until all decals were removed. The order banned his vehicle from all other federal installations, and reportedly prevented him from driving onto the grounds of Arlington National Cemetery.
The Ann Arbor-based Thomas More Law Center filed a federal civil rights lawsuit this week on Nieto’s behalf against the Camp Lejeune Commanding Officer and the Base Magistrate in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of North Carolina. The lawsuit claims that the military’s ban on Nieto’s vehicle decals violates his constitutional rights to freedom of speech and the equal protection of the law.
“The banning of these decals is political correctness run amuck in the military,” charged Richard Thompson, President and Chief Counsel of the Thomas More Law Center. “Our troops are being killed by Islamic terrorists, 9/11 was caused by Islamic terrorists, these terrorists want to destroy America, the Islamic countries persecute Christians, and now the military is victimizing a father whose son was killed by Islamic terrorists while serving our nation.”
Thompson speculated that the Marine command would have to eliminate the Marine’s Hymn because “the phrase ‘to the shores of Tripoli’ celebrates the Marine victory over Islamic forces in the Barbary Coast War and the Battle of Derne.”
The lawsuit alleges that military officials engaged in viewpoint discrimination prohibited by the First Amendment and violated the Fifth Amendment’s equal protection guarantee by allowing some messages to be displayed but prohibiting others.
Further, the suit charges that the military’s ban on “offensive” speech is impermissible because there are no objective standards guiding government officials’ decisions, thus granting them “unbridled discretion” to determine the acceptability or the unacceptability of speech, a statement from the Thomas More Law Center reports.
Wild Thing's comment..........
Un-effing-believable !
To quote Martin Sheen, about the same hypocrisy he talked about in Apocalypse Now after the gunboat crew machine-gunned the sampan and he shot the only survivor.
"We'd cut them in half with a machine gun and give them a bandaid."
And this one from Col. Kurtz's take on things would also be appropriate:
"We train young men to drop fire on people, but we don't let them write 'F#CK' on the side of their airplane -- because it's OBSCENE!"
Scene HERE if anyone wants to see it.
Our troops are over in Iraq and Afghanistan fighting for their lives against Islamic terrorists and our base commanders are ticketing our veterans for having anti-Islamist bumper stickers on their cars?
It's insane.
......Thank you RAC for sending this to me.
RAC has a website that is awesome. 336th Assault Helicopter Company
13th Combat Aviation Battalion - 1st Aviation Brigade - Soc Trang, Republic of Vietnam
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 AM | Comments (13)
Democrats Can't Do An Honest Election If Their Life Depended On It!
Minnesota Ripe for Election Fraud
Minnesota is becoming to 2008 politics what Florida was in 2000 or Washington State in 2004 -- a real mess. The outcome will determine whether Democrats get 58 members of the U.S. Senate, giving them an effective filibuster-proof vote on many issues.
When voters woke up on Wednesday morning after the election, Senator Norm Coleman led Al Franken by what seemed like a relatively comfortable 725 votes. By Wednesday night, that lead had shrunk to 477. By Thursday night, it was down to 336. By Friday, it was 239. Late Sunday night, the difference had gone down to just 221 -- a total change over 4 days of 504 votes.
Amazingly, this all has occurred even though there hasn’t even yet been a recount. Just local election officials correcting claimed typos in how the numbers were reported. Counties will certify their results today, and their final results will be sent to the secretary of state by Friday. The actual recount won’t even start until November 19.
Correcting these typos was claimed to add 435 votes to Franken and take 69 votes from Coleman.Corrections were posted in other races, but they were only a fraction of those for the Senate. The Senate gains for Franken were 2.5 times the gain for Obama in the presidential race count, 2.9 times the total gain that Democrats got across all Minnesota congressional races, and 5 times the net loss that Democrats suffered for all state House races.
Virtually all of Franken’s new votes came from just three out of 4130 precincts, and almost half the gain (246 votes) occurred in one precinct -- Two Harbors, a small town north of Duluth along Lake Superior -- aheavily Democratic precinct where Obama received 64 percent of the vote. None of the other races had any changes in their vote totals in that precinct.
To put this change in perspective, that single precinct’s corrections accounted for a significantly larger net swing in votes between the parties than occurred for all the precincts in the entire state for the presidential, congressional, or state house races.
Wild Thing's comment.........
Label this one magical votes, 35 of the votes appeared from a trunk of a car belonging to one of the officials. sheesh. The woman that put them there said she forgot about them. Sure I really want to believe that. LOL Good grief!!
They will recount and recount until Franken gets ahead, then stop.
Then a liberal judge will approve it.
Coleman, the winner, will end up being history.
They are stealing this election in broad daylight before our very eyes and we are supposed to sit on our hands and do nothing? Where is Pawlenty? Where is the RNC? Where is the Republican Senate Campaign Committee?
Somebody on the GOP side needs to stand up and fight this larceny.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (28)
Such A HUGE Difference in President Bush and Barack Hussein Obama NOT President....Yet
President Bush speaking at United Nations High-Level Debate of Interfaith Dialogue at the United Nations Headquarters.
President Bush yesterday at the UN said: “One of my core beliefs is that there is an Almighty God -- and that every man, woman, and child on the face of this Earth bears His image. Many years ago, faith changed my life. Faith has sustained me through the challenges and the joys of my Presidency. And faith will guide me for the rest of my days.”
Children wave as they watch US President George W. Bush depart via helicopter from the South Lawn of the White House
President George W. Bush waves to children on the WH lawn as he leaves the White House in Washington
President Bush and First Lady Laura Bush arrive at JFK airport in New York Tuesday, Nov. 13, 2008, to attend a mini summit at the United Nations. The President awarded the Lifetime Presidential Volunteer Service Award to Jane Cosco right, of Montvale, N.J., for her work sending goody bags prepared by junior high school students to first responders and troops stationed in Iraq prepared by students. The program called Operation Goody Bag operates at Brook Middle School in Paramus, N.J.
Wild Thing's comment........
That is so neat the Operation Goody Bag. I love it. Those children are adoable and they will have such a special memory of getting to see President Bush. I like how he gets animated in his face when he is waving at them. It is a feel good kind of thing.
Note the difference in how Barack Hussein Obama answers a 7 Year Old Girl at one of his rallies.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:48 AM | Comments (8)
Ex-Hitler youth's warning to America
Ex-Hitler youth's warning to America
Because it has abandoned moral absolutes and its historic Christian faith, the U.S. is moving closer to a Nazi-style totalitarianism, warns a former German member of the Hitler Youth in a new book.
"Every day brings this nation closer to a Nazi-style totalitarian abyss," writes Hilmar von Campe, now a U.S. citizen, and author of "Defeating the Totalitarian Lie: A Former Hitler Youth Warns America."
Von Campe has founded the national Institute for Truth and Freedom to fight for a return to constitutional government in the U.S. – a key, he believes, to keeping America free.
"I lived the Nazi nightmare, and, as the old saying goes, 'A man with an experience is never at the mercy of a man with an argument,'" writes von Campe. "Everything I write is based on my personal experience in Nazi Germany. There is nothing theoretical about my description of what happens when a nation throws God out of government and society, and Christians become religious bystanders. I don't want to see a repetition. The role of God in human society is the decisive issue for this generation. My writing is part of my life of restitution for the crimes of a godless government, of the evil of which I was a part."
Von Campe grew up under the Nazis, served in the Hitler Youth and fought against the Red Army in the Yugoslavian theater as a tank gunner in the German army. He was captured at the end of the war and escaped five months later from a prisoner of war camp in Communist Yugoslavia.
"It took me a long time to understand and define the nature of National Socialism," says von Campe. "And, unfortunately, their philosophy continues to flourish under different labels remaining a menace to America and free human society."
He writes: "The most painful part of defining National Socialism was to recognize my own moral responsibility for the Nazi disaster and their crimes against humanity. It boiled down to accepting the truth that 'as I am, so is my nation,' and realizing that if every German was like me, it was no wonder that the nation became a cesspool of gangsters. This realization is as valid today for any person in any nation as it was then, and it is true for America and every American now."
Von Campe's message is that political freedom and democratic rules alone are not sufficient to govern humanity justly.
"Democratic procedures can be subverted and dishonest politicians are like sand in the gearbox, abundant, everywhere and destructive," he writes. "What I see in America today is people painting their cabins while the ship goes down. Today in America we are witnessing a repeat performance of the tragedy of 1933 when an entire nation let itself be led like a lamb to the Socialist slaughterhouse. This time, the end of freedom is inevitable unless America rises to her mission and destiny."
Von Campe says he sees spiritual parallels among Americans and his childhood Germany.
"The silence from our pulpits regarding the moral collapse of American society from within is not very different from the silence that echoed from the pulpits in Germany toward Nazi policies," he explains. "Our family lived through the Nazi years in Germany, an experience typical of millions of Europeans regardless of what side they were on. We paid a high price for the moral perversions of a German government, which excluded God and His Commandments from their policies. America must not continue following the same path to destruction, but instead heed the lessons of history and the warning I am giving."
Specifically, von Campe warns Americans their political leaders are on the wrong footing, "denying our cultural and traditional roots based on our unique Constitution and Christian orientation as a nation. Christians don't understand their mission."
Wild Thing's comment...........
Excellent article about this book written by someone that has experienced the reality of what could happen here.
Churchill: " we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall never surrender".
I think it is important for all of us to be as informed as possible.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (8)
US Cracks Down On Islamic Charity That Helps Bankroll Hamas
"US cracks down on Islamic charity"
by Jeannine Aversa
The Bush administration acted Wednesday against an Islamic charity suspected of helping to bankroll Hamas, the militant Palestinian group that the United States considers an international terrorist organization.
The Treasury Department's action against the Union of Good means that any bank accounts or other financial assets belonging to the charity found in the United States will be frozen. Americans also are barred from making donations to the group, which the U.S. government alleged was created by leaders of Hamas to transfer money to Hamas....
The department alleged that the Union of Good "acts as a broker for Hamas" by facilitating money transfers among a web of charitable organizations — some of which the United States has already put on its blacklist of terrorist financiers — and Hamas-controlled organizations in the West Bank and Gaza.
"Some of the funds transferred by the Union of Good have compensated Hamas terrorists by providing payments to the families of suicide bombers," Treasury alleged.
The Union of Good facilitates "the transfer of tens of millions of dollars a year to Hamas-managed associations in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip," the department said.
Wild Thing's comment........
Thank you President Bush, we are going to miss how you do things like this.
Oh how I wish we had someone next that will have the same mentality about Islam and keep going after these charities that fund the hamas and other terrorists groups.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:45 AM | Comments (12)
November 13, 2008
Ayers: Obama was 'family friend'
In a new afterword to his memoir, 1960s radical William Ayers writes that the campaign controversy over their relationship was an effort by Obama's political enemies to "deepen a dishonest narrative" about the candidate.
(Chris Sweda/Sun-Times)
New afterword to 2001 book, Ayers describes Barack Obama as 'family friend'
In a new afterword to his 2001 book, Bill Ayers, former leader of the 1960s radical group Weather Underground, describes President-elect Barack Obama as a “family friend” and denies he wished his group had set off more bombs in the 1960s.
Ayers, a professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago, adds few new details about his relationship with Obama in the afterword to Fugitive Days: Memoirs of an Anti-War Activist. The book is being reissued this month.
“We had served together on the board of a foundation, knew one another as neighbors and family friends, held an initial fund-raiser at my house, where I’d made a small donation to his earliest political campaign,” he writes.
But right-wing commentators tried to use those connections to smear Obama, he says.
“Obama’s political rivals and enemies apparently saw an opportunity to deepen a dishonest narrative about him, that he is somehow un-American, alien, linked to radical ideas, a closet terrorist, a sympathizer with extremism,” Ayers wrote.
Obama described their relationship:
Obama said Ayers is "a guy who lives in my neighborhood" and not someone who has endorsed him or talked to him regularly.
"And the notion that somehow as a consequence of me knowing somebody who engaged in detestable acts 40 years ago when I was 8 years old, somehow reflects on me and my values, doesn't make much sense," Obama said.
He has also said that Ayers is “not somebody who I exchange ideas with on a regular basis.”
Ayers wrote the new afterword on July 8, 2008, a day when he writes he saw a 1960s-style bumper sticker “all tie-dyed and psychedelic,” and heard “Give Peace a Chance” on the radio. He begins the afterword with a quote from Bob Marley’s “Redemption Song”: “Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery; none but ourselves can free our minds.’’
It’s “d]eja vu all over again,” Ayers writes.
Ayers is scheduled to appear for a live interview Friday on ABC's “Good Morning America.’’
Wild Thing's comment........
Rocks just keep getting moved and Obama's friends crawl out from under them.
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:55 PM | Comments (5)
Tolerance Fails T-shirt Test
As the media keeps gushing on about how America has finally adopted tolerance as the great virtue, and that we're all united now, let's consider the Brave Catherine Vogt Experiment.
Catherine Vogt, 14, is an Illinois 8th grader, the daughter of a liberal mom and a conservative dad. She wanted to conduct an experiment in political tolerance and diversity of opinion at her school in the liberal suburb of Oak Park.
She noticed that fellow students at Gwendolyn Brooks Middle School overwhelmingly supported Barack Obama for president. His campaign kept preaching "inclusion," and she decided to see how included she could be.
So just before the election, Catherine consulted with her history teacher, then bravely wore a unique T-shirt to school and recorded the comments of teachers and students in her journal. The T-shirt bore the simple yet quite subversive words drawn with a red marker:
"McCain Girl."
"I was just really curious how they'd react to something that different, because a lot of people at my school wore Obama shirts and they are big Obama supporters," Catherine told us. "I just really wanted to see what their reaction would be."
Immediately, Catherine learned she was stupid for wearing a shirt with Republican John McCain's name. Not merely stupid. Very stupid.
"People were upset. But they started saying things, calling me very stupid, telling me my shirt was stupid and I shouldn't be wearing it," Catherine said.
Then it got worse.
"One person told me to go die. It was a lot of dying. A lot of comments about how I should be killed," Catherine said, of the tolerance in Oak Park.
But students weren't the only ones surprised that she wore a shirt supporting McCain.
"In one class, I had one teacher say she will not judge me for my choice, but that she was surprised that I supported McCain," Catherine said.
If Catherine was shocked by such passive-aggressive threats from instructors, just wait until she goes to college.
"Later, that teacher found out about the experiment and said she was embarrassed because she knew I was writing down what she said," Catherine said.
One student suggested that she be put up on a cross for her political beliefs.
"He said, 'You should be crucifixed.' It was kind of funny because, I was like, don't you mean 'crucified?' " Catherine said.
Other entries in her notebook involved suggestions by classmates that she be "burned with her shirt on" for "being a filthy-rich Republican."
Some said that because she supported McCain, by extension she supported a plan by deranged skinheads to kill Obama before the election. And I thought such politicized logic was confined to American newsrooms. Yet Catherine refused to argue with her peers. She didn't want to jeopardize her experiment.
"I couldn't show people really what it was for. I really kind of wanted to laugh because they had no idea what I was doing," she said.
Only a few times did anyone say anything remotely positive about her McCain shirt. One girl pulled her aside in a corner, out of earshot of other students, and whispered, "I really like your shirt."
That's when you know America is truly supportive of diversity of opinion, when children must whisper for fear of being ostracized, heckled and crucifixed.
The next day, in part 2 of The Brave Catherine Vogt Experiment, she wore another T-shirt, this one with "Obama Girl" written in blue. And an amazing thing happened.
Catherine wasn't very stupid anymore. She grew brains.
"People liked my shirt. They said things like my brain had come back, and I had put the right shirt on today," Catherine said.
Some students accused her of playing both sides.
"A lot of people liked it. But some people told me I was a flip-flopper," she said. "They said, 'You can't make up your mind. You can't wear a McCain shirt one day and an Obama shirt the next day.' "
But she sure did, and she turned her journal into a report for her history teacher, earning Catherine extra credit. We asked the teacher, Norma Cassin-Pountney, whether it was ironic that Catherine would be subject to such intolerance from pro-Obama supporters in a community that prides itself on its liberal outlook.
"That's what we discussed," Cassin-Pountney said about the debate in the classroom when the experiment was revealed. "I said, here you are, promoting this person [Obama] that believes we are all equal and included, and look what you've done? The students were kind of like, 'Oh, yeah.' I think they got it."
Catherine never told us which candidate she would have voted for if she weren't an 8th grader. But she said she learned what it was like to be in the minority.
"Just being on the outside, how it felt, it was not fun at all," she said.
Don't ever feel as if you must conform, Catherine. Being on the outside isn't so bad. Trust me.
Wild Thing's comment.........
This girl obviously gets her intellect from her father.
Tolerance to liberals means you have to agree with them. This little girl learned all about the great lie of liberalism and how it works. She is impressive and she did all of this on her own.
......Thank you RAC for sending this to me.
RAC has a website that is awesome. 336th Assault Helicopter Company
13th Combat Aviation Battalion - 1st Aviation Brigade - Soc Trang, Republic of Vietnam
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:47 PM | Comments (6)
Thug Barack Hussein Obama to President Bush: Time to tell all
President-elect Obama to President Bush: Time to tell all
Time to open the books, George.
President-elect Barack Obama's transition team is moving full speed ahead - and starting Monday, will demand access and details from what many regard as the most secretive White House ever.
"By the end of the week, we'll announce agency review teams that will complete a thorough review of more than 100 departments, agencies and commissions of the United States government, as well as of the White House," Obama transition boss John Podesta declared Tuesday.
He also said the members of those teams would all be announced online soon.
"This is part of our commitment to make this the most open and transparent transition in history," Podesta said.
Podesta, a former Clinton White House chief of staff, said the goal was to give incoming honchos the details they need to start making "strategic" decisions even before the inauguration and then to launch "signature policy initiatives" soon thereafter.
Wild Thing's comment........
Bush is being open and gracious and willing...and this kind of crap is uncalled for.
Remember how the Clinton's treated President Bush. They would not even let him in the White House until the court rulled on the election and then the Clinton's also stole furniture and trashed the White House. They also took all the 'W' key's off all the computers.
Un-freakng-believable. This from a man who has sanitized/sealed/hidden every single record of his life. Barrack Hussein Obama is the most secretive man to win the position of the Presidency, and the devious media covered his tail, or let him get by without pressing him.
How about Obama's foreign donations and campaign audit and his birth certificate and his medical report on his health exam and his papers and a full campaign audit , and his college records.
Obama and his people are all thugs, ruthless and classless.
Also everything Obama learns between now and his swearing in isn’t covered by an oath of allegiance to the United States and the Constitution, as far as I know. He has NOT taken the oath yet. Of course he hates the Constitution and scoffs at it, but even so he is NOT President yet. Meanwhile Obama is in NO position to demand anything. He should be forced to wait until after January 20th.
Bush should tell him to shut up and learn to wait.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:50 AM | Comments (13)
Another Look At Michelle Obama's Dress Choice ~ Coincidence ?
Wild Thing's comment............
LOL that first one is so perfect. I sure hope Michelle Obama gets someone to pick out her clothes, at least we should be able to expect her to dress like the First Lady should. That dress she wore on such an important even as her husbands acceptance speech for being President elect was awful .
Under normal conditions I could care less what a person wears, Heck I go barefoot all the time when I am at home. But as First Lady, this is a whole different ballgame. She represents our country to the entire world.
I love the snow toon too, the way they pick on everything said as being racists it fits.
......Thank you RAC for sending these to me.
RAC has a website that is awesome. 336th Assault Helicopter Company
13th Combat Aviation Battalion - 1st Aviation Brigade - Soc Trang, Republic of Vietnam
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (11)
Sarah Palin Saved GOP From Landslide Defeat
Sarah Palin saved GOP from landslide defeat
by Dick Morris
As Richard Nixon wrote, “history is written by liberals,” but the story of the 2008 campaign is too important to cede to them the analysis of what happened. A close analysis of the returns indicates several key realities:
a) Sarah Palin made a vast difference in McCain’s favor. Compared to 2004, McCain lost 11 points among white men, according to the Fox News exit poll, but only four points among white women. Obama’s underperformance among white women, evident throughout the fall, may be chalked up, in large part, to the influence of Sarah Palin. She provided a rallying point for women who saw their political agenda in terms larger than abortion. She addressed the question of what it is like to be a working mother in today’s economy and society and resonated with tens of millions of white women who have not responded to the more traditional, and liberal, advocates for their gender.
b) Turnout did not increase substantially. Despite predictions (by me and others) of a vastly greater voter turnout, it didn’t happen. About 127 million people voted in 2008, compared to 122 million in 2004. By contrast, turnout rose by almost 20 million between 2000 and 2004. The emphasis on early voting and the heavy participation in primaries indicated the likelihood of a huge increase in turnout, but, on Election Day, the turnout was modest.
c) The black vote made a huge difference; but young people did not. Obama, as expected, generated a big increase in African-American voter turnout. Fox News’s exit polls estimate that blacks constituted 13 percent of the turnout in 2008, compared with 11 percent in 2004 and 10 percent in 2000. But voters under 30 years of age were still the same 11 percent of the vote that they were in 2004. The surge of young voters, which was supposed to animate Obama’s rise, failed to happen.
d) The turnout efforts of groups like ACORN made a huge difference. Ultimately, it was the difference in voter turnout among Republicans and Democrats that, in addition to the higher black vote, elected Obama. According to Curtis Gans of American University, Republican turnout dropped from 30 percent in 2004 to 28.7 percent of the electorate in 2008, while the Democratic proportion of voters rose from 28.7 percent to 31.3 percent. Much of this increase came from newly registered voters, many as a result of ACORN’s efforts. Voter registration rose by 6 million in 2008, which may have accounted for virtually all the increase in turnout.
The message for conservatives is clear:
The focus of Democrats on grassroots activism, begun in 1998 by MoveOn.org, was crucial to the Obama election. Instead of relying on the Republican Party to carry the message to the electorate, conservatives must organize their own grassroots movements — like GOPtrust.com — and boost turnout and enthusiasm among those who share their worldview. The backbreaking tasks of registering voters and getting out the vote are key to winning elections in the post-media era. Online networking and building of cyber-roots organizations is the way to go in competing in the new politics we face today.
Will the Republican Party get its act together to compete?
Who knows. Will conservatives take matters into their own hands and build the kind of organization and Internet base that the liberals have over the past 15 years? They better. Unless we want to witness a fundamental change in our laws, society and culture, conservatives had better get busy and emulate their leftist brethren in building organizations to tap into their base. In the ’80s, groups like the National Rifle Association and the Moral Majority filled this need. Today, new groups must move to the fore to fill the void. And they better do it fast!
Wild Thing's comment............
Excellent article and Sarah Palin sure did keep us from a horrible landslide, the liberals and the RINOs recognize this, hate her for it, and are doing all in their power to keep her from moving forward with the conservative base of the party towards 2012.
But it's not going to work!!
We need to keep writing to our Sen. and Rep.'s and keep after them and keep soldiering on. While standing up in any way we can ourselves over these next four years .
We lost, America lost but one thing that did come out of this that is good is we got to know Gov. Sarah Palin and she got to know that we voted for the ticket because she was on it.
...Thank you Mark for this article.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:48 AM | Comments (14)
Royal Navy In Firefight With Somali Pirates
HMS Cumberland has a Royal Marine unit on board to engage in 'non-compliant boardings'
The Royal Navy described the boarding as 'compliant'
Royal Navy in firefight with Somali pirates
Pirates caught redhanded by one of Her Majesty’s warships after trying to hijack a cargo ship off Somalia made the grave mistake of opening fire on two Royal Navy assault craft packed with commandos armed with machineguns and SA80 rifles.
In the ensuing gunfight, two Somali pirates in a Yemeni-registered fishing dhow were killed, and a third pirate, believed to be a Yemeni, suffered injuries and subsequently died. It was the first time the Royal Navy had been engaged in a fatal shoot-out on the high seas in living memory.
By the time the Royal Marines boarded the pirates’ vessel, the enemy had lost the will to fight and surrendered quietly. The Royal Navy described the boarding as “compliant”.
The dramatic confrontation, the latest in a series of piracy incidents in the Gulf of Aden in recent months, took place 60 miles south of the Yemeni coast and involved the Royal Navy Type 22 frigate, HMS Cumberland, which has a Royal Marine unit on board, on short-notice standby to engage in “non-compliant boardings”.
HMS Cumberland, on anti-piracy patrol as part of a Nato maritime force, detected the dhow which was towing a skiff, and identified it as a vessel which had been involved in an attack on the Danish-registered MV Powerful earlier yesterday. The pirates had opened fire on the cargo boat with assault rifles.
Under rules of engagement which allows the Royal Navy to intervene when pirates are positively identified, the commandos were dispatched from the frigate in rigid-raider craft and sped towards the pirates’ dhow. The Ministry of Defence said the Marines circled the pirates’ boat to try and persuade them to stop.
As they approached, however, several of the pirates, a mixed crew of Somalis and Yemenis, swung their assault rifles in their direction and opened fire. The MoD said the Royal Marines returned fire “in self defence”, and then boarded the dhow — a stolen Yemeni-registered fishing vessel.
The commandos found guns and other “paraphernalia” on board the dhow and a handful of terrified pirates. The MoD said it was unclear whether the Yemeni who died had been shot by the Marines or was wounded from a previous incident involving the pirates.
The gun battle was in stark contrast to the Royal Navy’s last encounter with a boatful of armed men - when crew members of HMS Cornwall, also a Type 22 frigate, patrolling in the Gulf in rigid raiders, were surrounded by heavily armed Iranian Revolutionary Guards in March last year. Eight sailors, including a woman, Leading Seaman Faye Turney, and seven Marines were taken hostage without a shot being fired, and detained for 13 days. The Commons Defence Committee described the incident as “a national embarrassment”.
Yesterday’s battle signalled a new policy of maximum robustness for the Royal Navy on the high seas. Captain Mike Davis-Marks, a senior spokesman for the Navy, said: “This is bound to have an impact on pirates who for the last two years have been getting away with seizing vessels and receiving large ransoms. Now suddenly there’s the threat of death and this may force them to think again, but they are determined people, so we’ll have to see.”
Wild Thing's comment.........
Brits in action good for them. The Barbary Pirates ( Islamic terrorists) are back and I am glad the pirates are being stopped.
It was the first time the Royal Navy had been engaged in a fatal shoot-out on the high seas in living memory.
What about the sinking of the Bismark and every bit of World War II?
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (4)
Yuri Bezmenov Tried To Warn The U. S.
Over twenty years ago Yuri Bezmenov gave this interview to C. Edward Griffin regarding the dangers of communism as it related to America's vulnerability. He was a journalist in Soviet Russia and his father was in the military. He idenitifies for us the four stages that are taken to move a country and it's citizens into death throws of a communist state.
1. Demoralization (the breakup of a moral society)
2. Destabilization
3. Crisis ....economic would be one
4. Nationalization
This video is well worth the time spent to view it. Let's hope we have some leaders left in our country who will put a stop to this.
The last four minutes plus, beginning at the twelve minute mark, sounds as if he could be reading from the headlines of today.
The closet communists are making big moves and their leader hasn’t even taken office yet.
I think Reagan did a great deal to slow this down.
There are 9 parts to this video and it is a must watch:
Part 5, Yuri Bezmenov talks about some of the useful idiots, American reporters, who bought into the Soviet myth and claimed to be sovietologists.
It’s great to see that Kennedy was included in this group. He characetrizes him as, “He was narrow minded egocentral idiot.”
Wild Thing's comment...........
These video's are informative and I learned a lot watching them. I recommend them highly. It takes some time, but I would not ask that time back that I spent learning from them.
Many would say we are doomed, but I also know the human spirit and as Americans we have something no other country in my opinion has ever had........ being AMERICAN.
We are not European, not Canadian, and it does make a difference. For such a young country we have been the leader in the world, the one that has given the most, fought for others the most and been counted on more then any other Nation. THAT counts for a lot in my book and the reason for all of that is because we are Americans. Because of the kind of people that have served our country, and being American had something to do with that. The pride in the red, white and blue it is there in our hearts.
The foreign and defense policies of Ronald Reagan resulted in the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the freeing of approximately 122 million people in Eastern Europe.
Nearly 23 million Taiwanese would be denied freedom if not for American protection. More than 48 million South Koreans would be living under a dictatorship if not for American protection.
With the USA leading the way and our allies joining us we removed the Iraqi dictator Hussein, who was responsible for the murders of hundreds of thousands of people in the Middle East. And we have also removed the terrorist Taliban government in Afghanistan.
American action in Central America, Grenada,and Haiti has kept millions of people out of totalitarian regimes. Of course, all of this has cost every American taxpayer big. And thousands of American military have lost their lives protecting people overseas.
The truth is that the USA has freed more human beings in 230 years than the rest of the world combined. France has freed almost no one. Ditto Canada.
America has a provable history of freeing oppressed people all over the world in fighting evil dictators.
Now for the first time we very well might have an evil dictator of our own in Barack Hussein Obama. Time will tell how much of his agenda he will accomplish. Time will also tell how far into socialism and communism we will sink.
But let's not forget we are AMERICANS and we fight back, we know what Freedom is more then any other country in the world. Hell we invented our kind of freedom, our kind of country, capitalism and the American Dream. There is no European dream, no French dream or Canadian dream, NO it is the American dream. And right now we are entering a nightmare but if we hammer away at people that lean left, talk to them, teach them, and also fight back in the ways we are so good at, we can save our country.
I still believe America is greater than anything this pretender can unleash in the four year’s he’s got. If nothing else, his doddering will reignite a fighting spirit of conservatism and basic values that this nation attained greatness with.
We have a pedigree born of blood and guts.
I firmly believe ‘the one’ will ultimately be his own worst enemy and his arrogance will undo him.
You can compare our current situation to that of other nations when they fell to dictators, but they weren't America. There has never been a country such as ours, nor was there ever a people like ours, so we simply can't be compared to other nations.
Freedom can never be complacent
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:45 AM | Comments (4)
November 12, 2008
Untrustworthy Barack Hussein Obama Blabbermouth-elect!!
Tue Nov 11 2008 09:28:10 ET
Just hours after President Bush and President-elect Obama met in the Oval Office of the White House, details of their confidential conversation began leaking out to the press, igniting anger from the president, sources claim.
"Senator Obama would be wise to keep close counsel," a top Bush source warned.
"BUSH AND OBAMA AT ODDS OVER AID FOR AUTO INDUSTRY," splashed the NEW YORK TIMES in an exclusive Monday evening, quoting "people familiar with the discussion."
The two met at the White House in private, without staff.
"Bush indicated at the meeting that he might support some aid and a broader economic stimulus package if Obama and congressional Democrats dropped their opposition to a free-trade agreement with Colombia," claimed the TIMES.
The ASSOCIATED PRESS quickly followed with details of the conversation, citing "aides who described the discussion on grounds of anonymity, citing the private nature of the meeting."
Bush advisers view the leaks as an effort to undermine the president's remaining days in office.
"Senator Obama may not be familiar with a long-standing tradition of presidents holding their private conversations, private," a senior adviser explained to the DRUDGE REPORT.
Wild Thing's comment.........
Barack Hussein Obama is an enemy of the United States! No doubt about it! Here was President Bush a President that has been attacked for 8 years but the left. Yes we did not like some things he did but we did not attack him, we bawled him out and sent emails about it, we fought back about the amnesty etc. Big difference in what we did and what the left has done, with their calling President Bush a Nazi, saying he should be killed and so many other horrible things the left has done and said these last 8 years.
Add in to that the way Obama campaigned against Bush these last 2 years, attacking him with the aid of the media at his side at every word spoken. Every debate every ad that was run!
And Bush met with him because that is what is done and he knew all these things Obama had said and done so it had to be darn hard to do for George and Laura.
Then Obama does this crap????????? What a POS Obama is and he better learn fast he cannot blame his team for these things, he is their captain and it he can stop this stat if he wanted to. Plus there were ONLY TWO people in the room, Bush and Obama so how the heck more obvious does it need to be that Obama is the freaken LEAK.
I hope the world leaders remember this and tell Obama NO private talks, no private information will pass between us you jerk.
Over the years it has been my privilege to know a lot of Veterans. They have shared with me and there is no way it would even cross my mind to share what they tell me to anyone EVER! Things about war and you know just personal stuff about serving etc. Their trust means more to me that they felt and knew they could trust me.
What Obama has done imo would have to do with National Security. If he shows he cannot be trusted with information and we already know he could never ever pass a security clearance what is left............ NOTHING , he is a NOTHING as man or a human being.
I sure hope our military is taking note about this too. Keeping secrets, having a confidence in their CIC is important to say the least. Imagine Obama meeting with our military and being told the most top secret of all things and then later that day it shows up in AP or Reuters God forbid!
And what the heck is THIS about???? Good grief! What the heck are they planning to do, create an attack? sheesh
Colin Powell - Crisis on January 21 or 22
Joe Biden, remember his major Gaffee threat " generated crisis" International Crisis...................
What the heck is going on!
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 AM | Comments (22)
Rahm Emanuel Interviewed About The Mandatory Civil Service Plan
Rahm Emanuel, Obama's Chief of Staff on Mandatory Civiil Service Plan
Wild Thing's comment.......
Wait till the lazy, do nothing democrats find out this might be a real thing and they have to get out of bed everyday to work for big brother. We already know what is wrong with this but the left is ignoring this stuff .....till they find out it means it is for them too.
Emmanuel used the wording in an interview “Diversity in Strength” and says everyone should be required to perform “Citizen Service” to give Americans a “common experience”. And all along I thought being an American IS a common experience. Not buying what your selling Rahm.
The Constitution is not for it:
Thirteenth Amendment:
Section 1.
Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (14)
President Bush and Laura and Vice President Cheney on Veterans Day
"Members of the Intrepid Museum and Foundation Board of Trustees, Wounded Warriors -- you know, oftentimes they ask me, what are you going to miss about the presidency? And first reaction is, I say, no traffic jams in New York. The truth of the matter is, I will miss being the Commander-in-Chief of such a fabulous group of men and women -- those who wear the uniform of the United States military." -- President George W. Bush
Vice President Cheney places a wreath in front of the Tomb of the Unknowns on Veterans Day at Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, Virginia, November 11, 2008.
US Vice President Dick Cheney speaks as actress Bo Derek, the mistress of ceremonies, looks on during Veterans Day ceremonies at Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, Virginia.
President George W. Bush, joined by former astronauts Edwin 'Buzz' Aldrin, left, and Scott Carpenter, stand together during a moment of silence after tossing a memorial wreath Tuesday, Nov. 11, 2008 from the deck of the USS Intrepid into the Hudson River, during a Veteran's Day tribute in New York. White House photo by Chris Greenberg
President Bush talks with wounded Marine Lance Corp. Matt Bradford during the rededication ceremony of the Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum in New York, Tuesday, Nov. 11, 2008. In January of 2007, Bush watched the multiple amputee Marine climb a rock wall and plant the Marine Corp flag at the top during a visit to the Center for the Intrepid in San Antonio.
President Bush receives a standing ovation after being acknowledged that that there have been no terrorist attacks in the U.S. in seven years,
Vice President Dick Cheney greets members of the Virginia Military Institute, regimental staff, from left, Becky Harris and Holly Giacolone as part of Military Appreciation Day at the college in Lexington, Va., Saturday, Nov. 8, 2008.
Wild Thing's comment........
I thought it would be nice to see one last time President Bush and Vice President Cheney on Veterans Day with our military. Especially since the next 4 years will have a CIC that has no clue about allegiance to our country the greatest country in the entire world. He snubbed our Flag, our Anthem and could not even put his hand on his heart. It means nothing to him. He will never convince me he cares about our troops, if he does show up to be with them it is only a photo op to him and nothing more.
I love the photo of Bo with Cheney too. She is such a nice person and I have met her several times when we lived in Calif.. She is a Republican and supported Bush and also Sarah Palin.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:48 AM | Comments (14)
Hamas: We Met Obama Advisers
Hamas: We met Obama advisers
Terrorist group says campaign asked it to keep contact secret until after election
JERUSALEM – Hamas held a meeting in the Gaza Strip several months ago with aides to President-elect Barack Obama, but the terror group was asked to keep the contacts secret until after last week's elections, according to a senior Hamas official.
Ahmed Yousef, Hamas' chief political adviser in Gaza, told the leading Al-Hayat Arabic-language newspaper Hamas has maintained regular communication with Obama aides that even continued during the past week.
"We were in contact with a number of Obama's aides through the Internet, and later met with some of them in Gaza, but they advised us not to come out with any statements, as they may have a negative effect on his election campaign and be used by Republican candidate John McCain (to attack Obama)," Yousuf told Al-Hayat.
Yousuf said Hamas's contact with Obama's advisers was ongoing, adding that relations were maintained after Obama's electoral victory last Tuesday.
Obama's senior foreign policy adviser, Denis McDonough, told the Jerusalem Post today, "This assertion is just plain false."
Yousef gave WND a series of recent interviews in which he praised Obama as the leading candidate. Last week, he called Obama's win a "historic victory" for the world....
Last week, Yousef told WND of Obama's win: "This is a historic day, a turning point. I think this is the very first time in history that one country's election concerned everyone everywhere all over [the] world. Everybody is looking forward to Obama's change, for a change in the U.S. policy, particularly in the Israeli-Palestinian equation, which is the mother of all conflicts."
Yousef said he believes an Obama administration will be more willing to engage in dialogue with Hamas.
Wild Thing's comment......
"Obama's senior foreign policy adviser, Denis McDonough, told the Jerusalem Post today, "This assertion is just plain false."
Let's see we have a choice here. Do we believe Obama's camp or the Hamas.....hmmmmmmm
I will pick to believe the liars in Hamas, they don’t have to spend time trying to fool the American electorate, so I’ll believe them before Obamuhammed abu al-Baracki.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (6)
Obama Sends Man Linked With Terror Group AND George Soros to Deal With Egypt/Syria
News services in Israel are on fire with talk that Barack Obama has just sent a supporter of the terror group Hamas as his envoy to Syria and Egypt to relay news of his policies to come............
Obama Sends Man Linked With Terror Group AND George Soros to Deal With Egypt/Syria
News services in Israel are on fire with talk that Barack Obama has just sent a supporter of the terror group Hamas as his envoy to Syria and Egypt to relay news of his policies to come.
Last September Israel’s suspicions were heated up about “former” Obama advisor Robert Malley being sent to Syria with a George Soros funded group. It was then claimed by Egyptian sources that Malley was still working as an advance man for Obama which angered Israelis because six months earlier Malley announced that he had held “regular meetings” with Hamas.
At that time, Malley’s comment caused the Obama camp to hurriedly distance the candidate from any connection with Malley. But, with the election over, it seems that Obama’s claims that Malley didn’t really work for him are not quite true. It also seems that we already have the very first example of Obama sticking his finger in the eye of our allies in Israel. Naturally, the U.S. press is not reporting this news.
In September of this year, Robert Malley caused consternation among people that stand against the terror group Hamas when he went to Syria to work for a group called the International Crisis Group — a George Soros funded NGO also chaired by other doyens the far left. Some thought that he was secretly there as an Obama advance man, but there is no real proof that he was there in that capacity at that time so the story died down.
As mentioned, back in May Malley reported that he held “regular meetings” with the Palestinian terror group Hamas causing Israelis quite a lot of heartburn. To appease Israel’s supporters in the U.S. at that time, the Obama camp threw Malley under the bus.
Ben LaBolt, a spokesman for Mr Obama, responded swiftly: “Rob Malley has, like hundreds of other experts, provided informal advice to the campaign in the past. He has no formal role in the campaign and he will not play any role in the future.”
Yet, despite claims that Malley would not have a “role in the future,” now word has emerged that Malley was just sent to Egypt and Syria this week as an envoy for Barack Obama causing at least one harshly worded report in Israel to claim that Obama “lied” about Malley earlier this year.
Report: Obama Sends Advisor Malley to Cozy Up to Egypt and Syria
According to a report on Middle East Newsline, President-elect Barack Obama has dispatched his "senior foreign policy adviser", Robert Malley to Egypt and Syria to outline Obama's policy on the Middle East.
Malley reportedly relayed a promise from Obama that the United States would seek to enhance relations with Cairo and reconcile differences with Damascus.
"The tenor of the messages was that the Obama administration would take into greater account Egyptian and Syrian interests," an aide to Malley was quoted as saying. The aide said Obama plans to launch a U.S. diplomatic initiative toward Syria. Malley met both Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and Syrian strongman Bashar al-Assad "to explain Obama's agenda for the Middle East."
Malley was an advisor to President Bill Clinton and played an active role in the Camp David summit with Ehud Barak and Yasser Arafat. He later published an article in which he laid some of the blame for the failure of those talks on Israel's doorstep.
International Crisis Group
In May 2008, Malley said in an interview that he had been in regular contact with Hamas, as part of his work for a conflict resolution think-tank called the International Crisis Group. This aroused ire and concern in pro-Israel circles, and prompted a spokesman for Obama to say that “Rob Malley has, like hundreds of other experts, provided informal advice to the campaign in the past. He has no formal role in the campaign and he will not play any role in the future.”
One of the sponsors of the International Crisis Group is billionaire George Soros, who sits on its board and its executive committee. Other members of the board include former United States National Security Advisor to President Jimmy Carter, Zbigniew Brzezinski, and former general Wesley Clark, who called US support for Israel during the Second Lebanon War a "serious mistake" and said that "New York money people" - a phrase interpreted by many as a reference to Jews - were pushing the United States towards a confrontation with Iran.
Wild Thing's comment........
I wonder if people have a clue what they have done voting for Obama. Are they all wanting America to be socialist, communist and friends to terrorists? Don't they realize the evil they unleashed????
"Bueller.... Bueller...."
I cannot believe they love America at all if they voted for Obama.
And also Obama is NOT President YET! Isn't it traitorous to do these things before he has been sworn in as President. Damn I choke, cough, gag, when I have to type the word President in the same sentence with the O's name.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:45 AM | Comments (6)
A Question From The Masses To Their Leader
Wild Thing's comment...........
This sure says what they are waiting for. LOL I love the last line...." what do we need jobs for?" That nails it in the attitude of so many that voted for their Messiah of O.
......Thank you RAC for sending this to me.
RAC has a website that is awesome. 336th Assault Helicopter Company
13th Combat Aviation Battalion - 1st Aviation Brigade - Soc Trang, Republic of Vietnam
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:44 AM | Comments (4)
The American Humanist Association Hate God!
Group's new Christmas message: Be good, not godly
You better watch out. There is a new combatant in the Christmas wars.
Ads proclaiming, "Why believe in a god? Just be good for goodness' sake," will appear on Washington buses starting next week and running through December.
The American Humanist Association unveiled the provocative $40,000 holiday ad campaign Tuesday.
In lifting lyrics from "Santa Claus is Coming to Town," the Washington-based group is wading into what has become a perennial debate over commercialism, religion in the public square and the meaning of Christmas.
"We are trying to reach our audience, and sometimes in order to reach an audience, everybody has to hear you," said Fred Edwords, spokesman for the humanist group.
"Our reason for doing it during the holidays is there are an awful lot of agnostics, atheists and other types of nontheists who feel a little alone during the holidays because of its association with traditional religion."
To that end, the ads and posters will include a link to a Web site that will seek to connect and organize like-minded thinkers in the D.C. area, Edwords said.
Edwords said the purpose isn't to argue that God doesn't exist or change minds about a deity, although "we are trying to plant a seed of rational thought and critical thinking and questioning in people's minds."
The group defines humanism as "a progressive philosophy of life that, without theism, affirms our responsibility to lead ethical lives of value to self and humanity."
It's the ultimate grinch to say there is no God at a time when millions of people around the world celebrate the birth of Christ," said Mathew Staver, the group's chairman and dean of the Liberty University School of Law. "Certainly, they have the right to believe what they want, but this is insulting."
Wild Thing's comment.........
Christmas is a Christian Holiday, if a person does not believe in God that is their choice. But to take Christ out of Christmas, to take God out of Christmas is outrageous!!!!
The group defines humanism as "a progressive philosophy of life that, without theism, affirms our responsibility to lead ethical lives of value to self and humanity."
See the word "progressive"...every time we see that word it is communisim ! Just like the left and their use of the word progressive. They can take their " progressive " and their Humanist and go live in a communist country if they are so uncomfortable with Christ in Christmas.
....Thank you Lynn for sending this to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:43 AM | Comments (12)
Team Sarah Defends Gov. Sarah Palin
"Team Sarah" Defend Palin Against Attacks
Marjorie Dannenfelser on Bill O'Reilly, hosted by Laura Ingraham.
Marjorie Dannenfelser is president of the Susan B. Anthony List, a nationwide network of pro-life Americans dedicated to advancing pro-life women in the political process. The organization is based in Arlington, Va. She is co-founder of Team Sarah, a national grassroots effort in support of Gov. Sarah Palin.
Wild Thing's comment.........
This group Team Sarah is huge and they are all supportive of Sarah. I thrilled that this group got started. It will be good too for Sarah as well as she knows about it and approves. They are not giving up just because the election is over. I was so glad to see that. This way we have a head start for whatever Sarah decides to do and along the way can give support as well.
....Thank you John for sending this to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:40 AM | Comments (4)
November 11, 2008
Veterans Day ~ You Live In Our Hearts Every Day
Every day we are grateful and want to honor those all who have served in America’s Armed Forces. Today has been set aside for a special thank you!! It was originally known as Armistice Day because the armistice or temporary cessation of hostilities for World War I took effect on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month. - Wild Thing
To protect the Nation they love, our veterans stepped forward when America needed them most. In conflicts around the world, their sacrifice and resolve helped destroy the enemies of freedom and saved millions from oppression. In answering history's call with honor, decency, and resolve, our veterans have shown the power of liberty and earned the respect and admiration of a grateful Nation.
All of America's veterans have placed our Nation's security before their own lives, creating a debt that we can never fully repay. Our veterans represent the best of America, and they deserve the best America can give them.
As we recall the service of our Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines, and Coast Guardsmen, we are reminded that the defense of freedom comes with great loss and sacrifice. This Veterans Day, we give thanks to those who have served freedom's cause; we salute the members of our Armed Forces who are confronting our adversaries abroad; and we honor the men and women who left America's shores but did not live to be thanked as veterans. They will always be remembered by our country.
To the corpsmen, the doctors and nurses so very brave to do what they do.
To the pilots and crews, the crew chief, mechanics and base engineers. the missileers, submariners , the reservists, the National Guard , the paratroopers, the cavalry, the Special Forces, the SEALS, the UDT, the EOD, the Delta Force, the Air Commandos, the Marine Recon, the Rangers , the cooks and truck drivers and the fuelers and the boiler tenders and the boatswain mates, quartermasters, the gunner's mates and the stewards and the laundrymen, the clerk-typists , DI's, the guards, the MPs, the Shore Patrol ............so many all a part of making our military the best.
If I left anyone out I am so sorry. We owe our Veterans so much, we owe them everything. And damn to hell anyone that does not appreciate our Military, our Veterans, and our troops today.
God bless them all and may they always know the pride we have for each one of them.
Thank you Veterans one and all!!
Wild Thing
A Pittance of Time
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 AM | Comments (21)
President Bush and Laura Meet With Arrogant Barack Hussein Obama and His Wife Michelle
Bush: “Allow Ayers, Farrakhan or Jesse Jackson in this office, and I will personally come back from Texas and put my foot - this foot right here - in your a$$.”
S O B A (sick of bama
What can I say, this is so sad and scary.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:50 AM | Comments (13)
Rep. Paul Broun of Georgia Warns of Obama Dictatorship
Georgia congressman warns of Obama dictatorship
A Republican congressman from Georgia said Monday he fears that President-elect Obama will establish a Gestapo-like security force to impose a Marxist or fascist dictatorship.
"It may sound a bit crazy and off base, but the thing is, he's the one who proposed this national security force," said of Obama in an interview Monday with The Associated Press. "I'm just trying to bring attention to the fact that we may — may not, I hope not — but we may have a problem with that type of philosophy of radical socialism or Marxism."
Broun cited a July speech by Obama that has circulated on the Internet in which the then-Democratic presidential candidate called for a civilian force to take some of the national security burden off the military.
"That's exactly what Hitler did in Nazi Germany and it's exactly what the Soviet Union did," Broun said. "When he's proposing to have a national security force that's answering to him, that is as strong as the U.S. military, he's showing me signs of being Marxist."
Obama's comments about a national security force came during a speech in Colorado about building a new civil service corps. Among other things, he called for expanding the nation's foreign service and doubling the size of the Peace Corps "to renew our diplomacy."
"We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set," Obama said in July. "We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded."
Broun said he also believes Obama likely will move to ban gun ownership if he does build a national police force.
Obama has said he respects the Second Amendment right to bear arms and favors "common sense" gun laws. Gun rights advocates interpret that as meaning he'll at least enact curbs on ownership of assault weapons and concealed weapons. As an Illinois state lawmaker, Obama supported a ban on semiautomatic weapons and tighter restrictions on firearms generally.
"We can't be lulled into complacency," Broun said. "You have to remember that Adolf Hitler was elected in a democratic Germany. I'm not comparing him to Adolf Hitler. What I'm saying is there is the potential."
Obama's transition office did not respond immediately to Broun's remarks.
Wild Thing's comment................
“It may sound a bit crazy and off base, but the thing is, he’s the one who proposed this national security force,” Rep. Paul Broun said of Obama in an interview Monday with The Associated Press. “I’m just trying to bring attention to the fact that we may — may not, I hope not — but we may have a problem with that type of philosophy of radical socialism or Marxism.”
Good for Rep. Broun!
I looked him up and here is what it says about Rep. Broun:
Paul served in the military as a jet engine mechanic in the U. S. Marine Corps Reserves and later received a commission as a medical officer in the U. S. Navy.
Paul Broun participates in many diverse organizations and activities ranging from politics and religion to cooking and sports. Some of these are: the NRA, Gideons International, Rotary International, Trout Unlimited, Gun Owners of America and University of Georgia President’s Club. He was the founding President of the Georgia Republican Assembly, and President of the Georgia Sport Shooting Association (the NRA state affiliate). Paul is an avid outdoorsman, having a passion for conservation, hunting, fishing, and Second Amendment rights.
Founding president of the Georgia Republican Assembly. Life Member of the NRA and President of its state affiliate, the Georgia Sport Shooting Association. Member, Gun Owners of America.
Nor does Dr. Broun’s campaign platform suggest good news for liberals:
Restore Constitutional Government
End the Federal Income Tax & Abolish the IRS
Secure our borders. Stop the Invasion of Illegal Aliens.
Support our Troops. Win the War on Terrorists.
Protect Private Property Rights
Stop the ACLU and Activist Federal Judges from Destroying America’s Heritage of Religious Freedom and Religious Expression
....Thank you Lynn for sending this to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:48 AM | Comments (22)
Coming Out From Under Their Rocks ~ Pfleger,Wright, Ayers and Farrakhan
Pfleger and Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan broke out this weekend
Ayers goes to hear Wright speak
Jeremiah Wright spoke to a black student group at Northwestern last night, and Bill Ayers showed up. This past Spring, Northwestern rescinded its offer of an honorary degree to Wright.
Rev. Jeremiah Wright had offered the audience nothing more than a slight slouch and the occasional grin, but his very presence was enough to garner him two long, roaring standing ovations by the time he walked up to the Cahn Auditorium podium on Friday to deliver his keynote address.
“FMO unashamedly and unapologetically stands in support of Rev. Wright,” For Members Only Coordinator Zachary Parker had told a loudly cheering crowd. Parker was referring to Northwestern’s decision to rescind their offer of an honorary degree to Wright after his sermons made national headlines because of his ties to presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama.
But once Wright took to the stage and the crowd members found their seats, President-elect Obama’s former pastor delivered the keynote address for the “State of the Black Union” in a markedly softer and more humorous tone than the students who had spoken before him at the event, sponsored by FMO, the black student group.
Donning a brown and black African-pattern vest and carrying a black binder to the podium, Wright offered up “just some points of clarification” about the forces that had thrust him into the national spotlight. His “God damn America” sermon? A white professor at Harvard said a similar thing in 1901. The first ever election of a black President? “Incredibly powerful” and “awesomely inspiring.” Unfair treatment from the media? “Ray Charles can see that.”
During the question and answer session, after many students in the crowd had filed out, Wright was asked how he felt after Northwestern rescinded his honorary degree.
“It was like the straw on the camel’s back at the end of a very terrible week” in which the media, and “Hannity and Colmes,” kept airing on television the now-famous clips of his sermons.
But Wright said he did take solace in making university history. In “150 years, this university has never rescinded an honorary degree from anybody but me.”
By 7:30 p.m., with the late arrival of Rev. Wright , the empty seats filled up with people , mostly students.
One of the arrivals was William Ayers, the former Weather Underground radical, whose ties to Sen. Obama also made headlines during the presidential campaign.
Wild Thing's comment........
They can come out now. The Messiah has been elected.
I am curious who Obama will have on his inaugural invite list.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:47 AM | Comments (15)
Gov. Sarah Palin Visted and Interviewed by Greta Van Susteren
Greta interviews Sarah Palin part 1
Greta interviews Sarah Palin part 2
Greta interviews Sarah Palin part 3
Greta interviews Sarah Palin part 4
"I borrowed the Governor’s jacket, boots and pants to go on the snow machine with Todd"
Wild Thing's comment.........
I am so impressed with her in this interview. And it sounds like Palin might be open to 2012. As far as I am concerned she is the frontrunner and we have four years to get support for her run against Obama.
Also while watching the interview I think I heard in the background the moaning and groaning of the left wishing Sarah Palin was not so fantasitc. heh heh Yes lots of moaning and groaning from the left and the rino's too.
Sarah is very smart and I think people underestimate her at their peril.
And Team Sarah is up to 55,000 members and growing. What is also great there they have other groups within the main group. That makes it reallly cool too. One for those that listen to Rush and support Sarah Palin and many of the States are also repsented as well as causes too. Also the membership is both men and women.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:45 AM | Comments (22)
Gov. Sarah Palin To Attend Governors’ Meeting
Palin Is Center Stage at Governors’ Meeting
Gov. Sarah Palin is headed out of state again, this time to Miami.
She'll be the shiniest star at Thursday and Friday's annual Republican Governors Association meeting.
Palin will hold a press conference Thursday at the convention and then will appear on a panel titled "Looking Toward the Future."
The panel's conservative luminaries (and Palin is the only woman on the panel, and as far as I can tell, the only female speaker at the event) will include retired U.S. Army Gen. Tommy Franks, Rep. Mike Pence, R-Indiana, New York Times columnist William Kristol, Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty and South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford, Gov. Bobby Jindal of Louisiana, Gov. Tim Pawlenty of Minnesota and Gov. Charlie Crist of Florida.
91 percent of Republicans have a favorable view of Palin.
64 percent of Republicans say Palin is their top choice for the GOP 2012 presidential nominee.
Wild Thing's comment......
This is great, this is saying to her distractors " I am not going anywhere and you have not gotten to me with your attacks.".
God bless you Sarah.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:40 AM | Comments (8)
November 10, 2008
"Agenda" Disappears From Obama Web Site
Agenda disappears from Obama Web site
Over the weekend President-elect Barack Obama scrubbed Change.gov, his transition Web site, deleting most of what had been a massive agenda copied directly from his campaign Web site.
Gone are the promises on how an Obama administration would handle 25 different agenda items - everything from Iraq and immigration to taxes and urban policy - all items laid out on his campaign Web site, www.BarackObama.com.
Instead, the official agenda on Change.gov has been boiled down to one vague paragraph proclaiming a plan “to revive the economy, to fix our health care, education, and social security systems, to define a clear path to energy independence, to end the war in Iraq responsibly and finish our mission in Afghanistan, and to work with our allies to prevent Iran from developing a nuclear weapon, among many other domestic and foreign policy objectives.”
“We are currently retooling the Web site,” said Obama spokesman Nick Shapiro.
The site went active on Wednesday and was available to the public Thursday. The agenda items, which were active for at least part of the weekend, appear to have been deleted by late Saturday.
And this ................
Obama Requires Community Service And Removes His Agenda From Website After Scrutiny”
"We finally had a glimpse of what the President-Elect wanted to accomplish, and now that glimpse is gone as soon as we started scrutinizing the specifics…."
There has been many arguments this past week over whether the president elect, Obama, will require students to do community service. Some are saying this is slave labor, some say because college discounts will be given it is worth it, some are saying it is for the better of the Country.
This has obviously been changed due to public scrutiny, something presidents get a lot of. Obama will have plenty of time to get used to it before he is sworn in. Due to this scrutiny he took down his whole agenda section of the site…let’s see what he replaces it with. We finally had a glimpse of what the President-Elect wanted to accomplish, and now that glimpse is gone as soon as we started scrutinizing the specifics….
I do not like this ending as much as you do, but the story has not yet been finished. Obama has the next move. In the meantime, what do you think about Obama’s “change” and his plan? Is this forced labor, or is this better the American youth and Country? Does this say anything about Obama’s character and his ability to deal with criticism? How will this affect his presidency?
Wild Thing's comment..........
In the old USSR they used to just airbrush people out of pictures like they never existed.
Obama wants this information to disappear, but from WHOM?
This is telling us a lot as to what kind of President he will be too. Secrets and more secrets to happen in his regime.
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:17 PM | Comments (6)
Semper Fi - Happy 233rd Birthday USMC
The Few, The Proud, The United States 233rd Marine Corps Birthday
A Birthday Message From The Commandant Of The Marine Corps
During the summer of 1982, in the wake of a presidential directive, Marines went ashore at Beirut, Lebanon. Fifteen months later, on 23 October 1983, extremists struck the first major blow against American forces—starting this long war on terrorism. On that Sunday morning, a suicide bomber drove an explosive-laden truck into the headquarters of Battalion Landing Team 1/8, destroying the building and killing 241 Marines and corpsmen.
Extremists have attacked our Nation, at home and abroad, numerous times since that fateful day in Beirut. Their aim has always been the same—to kill as many innocent Americans as possible. The attacks of 11 September 2001 changed our Nation forever, and our President has resolved that this Nation will not stand idle while murderous terrorists plan their next strike. Marines will continue to take the fight to the enemy—hitting them on their own turf, crushing them when they show themselves, and finding them where they hide.
Only a few Americans choose the dangerous, but necessary, work of fighting our Nation’s enemies. When our chapter of history is written, it will be a saga of a selfless generation of Marines who were willing to stand up and fight for our Nation; to defend those who could not defend themselves; to thrive on the hardship and sacrifice expected of an elite warrior class; to march to the sound of the guns; and to ably shoulder the legacy of those Marines who have gone before.
On our 233rd birthday, first remember those who have served and those “angels” who have fallen—our reputation was built on their sacrifices. Remember our families; they are the unsung heroes whose support and dedication allow us to answer our Nation’s call. Finally, to all Marines and Sailors, know that I am proud of you and what you do. Your successes on the battlefield have only added to our illustrious history. Lieutenant General Victor H. “Brute” Krulak said it best when he wrote, “… the United States does not need a Marine Corps … the United States wants a Marine Corps.” Your actions, in Iraq and Afghanistan and across the globe, are at the core of why America loves her Marines.
Happy Birthday, Marines!
Semper Fidelis,
James T. Conway
General, U.S. Marine Corps
"We're surrounded? Good, now we can kill the bastards in any direction."
~ Colonel Lewis B. "Chesty" Puller; Korean War
Only seven chaplains have ever been awarded the Medal of Honor. Father Capodanno earned his on Sept. 4th 1967 while serving as the battalion chaplain for 3rd Bn. 5th Marines during Operation Swift in Quang Tin province Viet Nam.
Vincent Capodanno was born on February 13, 1929 in Richmond County NY, and grew up in a large Italian-American family on Staten Island. Graduating from Fordham University in 1949 he joined the Maryknoll Seminary in May of that year and was ordained a priest in June of 1948. He was a missionary in Taiwan and Hong Kong until 1965 when he saw the Viet Nam War heating up. Realizing the need for chaplains he joined the Navy and was commissioned a Lieutenant in the US Navy Reserves on December 28, 1965, arriving in Viet Nam in April of 1966.
He was assigned to the 7th Marines for his first tour, but when it was over he extended another 6 months and was assigned as the Battalion Chaplain for 3/5. During his tour Father Capodanno quickly earned a reputation as an infantryman’s chaplain. He was always in the field and would learn from the battalion intelligence officers which unit was likely to see the heaviest contact and make sure he was with them, often times incurring the wrath of the Battalion HQ staff who were very protective of him.
Father Capodanno regularly would share his salary, cigarettes, and rations and could always be counted on for a cold soda. He ensured that Marines who were forgotten when Christmas rolled around always received a gift through a relentless campaign he waged through friends back in the world. And when the hippie peace movement began to take a toll on the Marines morale, he reminded them of the nobility of their cause and of the evilness of the communist aggression they were fighting against. It was not long before Father Capodanno’s tireless efforts on behalf of his Marines earned him the nick name “The Grunt Padre”. On the night of September 3rd “The Grunt Padre” told Pete Morales, a Marine with H&S 3/5 that he was getting short, but that he intended on extending another 6 months. He said he loved his Marines and wanted stay where he was needed so much.
On September 4th 1967 the 3rd Battalion became heavily engaged with NVA forces outside the hamlet of Chau Lam. M Company was loading up on the choppers and everyone knew that there was a heavy fight going on. Ducking the Battalion HQ staff, Father Vincent grabbed his gear and rushed towards the waiting CH46’s. Doc Dave Magnenat, a corpsman with 3/5 saw him and for some reason he never understood asked him if he had forgotten a bible he had promised him. The priest said that he had indeed forgotten, ran back to his hooch and retrieved one for him. The doc tucked the bible away and wished the Father luck as he ran off to catch the last of the choppers heading into a Labor Day fight that would kill 15 Marines and wound 31 others that day alone.
3/5 soon became engaged with 2500 NVA soldiers, outnumbered 5 to 1. Every Marine that was there said that SWIFT was one of the toughest operations they had ever been in. It was in the middle of this fight that Father Vincent Capodanno would prove his love and devotion to his flock.
With the battle at it’s height Father Capodanno was constantly on the front line, tending to the wounded and ministering to the dying. When reports came in that the 2nd Platoon was about to be overrun, he left the relative safety of the company command post and ran across an open area raked with enemy fire to get to the beleaguered platoon. Disregarding the heavy enemy machine gun, automatic weapon and mortar fire he moved about the field administering the last rites and providing first aid to the wounded. When his right hand was partially severed by an enemy round he refused to be removed from the field. Moving from wounded to dead to wounded, he used his left hand to support his shattered right as he gave absolution to the wounded and dying.
Chaplains are easily identifiable on the battlefield, but mortar rounds are indiscriminate in their destruction. When a round landed close by, his arms and legs were peppered with painful shrapnel. He still refused medevac and instead with calm vigor he directed corpsmen to wounded men and continued ministering to his Marines, providing encouragement through his own valiant example.
Then he saw Doc Leal, a corpsmen who was treating a wounded Marine, go down. Despite his own wounds, he moved quickly, placing his self between the wounded corpsman and the line of enemy fire. Father Capodanno administered the Sacrament of the Sick to the wounded Marine while Doc Leal worked to save his life.
Fifteen yards away the same NVA gunner who had felled the corpsman lined his sights on Father Capodanno’s back. At fifteen yards he could not miss.
27 rounds tore through Father Vincent’s back, neck and head. The Grunt Padre fell dead along side the corpsman who was killed in the same burst of fire. They were both killed together, Father Capodanno giving the last rites to the wounded Marine, while Doc Leal worked to patch him up.
Jim Hamfeldt, a Marine there that day, says he wishes he could have taken those bullets instead. “But I would have had to stand in line for the chance because so many guys would have done the same thing”.
Father Vincent Capodanno, Lt., USNR CHC, was awarded the Medal of Honor posthumously on January 7th 1969.
On May 21, 2006 the Vatican declared him a Servant of God, the first step towards canonization as a Saint.
Doc Magnenat still has the bible Father Vincent gave him before he boarded the chopper that bore him to his death. “I’ve used it a lot over the years. For the remainder of my military service it was the last thing into my sea bag and the first thing out. Wherever I went it had a place of honor and has always been available for anyone to read who desired to do so.”
Father Capodanno is buried in St. Peter’s Cemetery, Staten Island, New York.
Wild Thing's comment......
Thank you to all who have served in the Marine Corps. To my Uncle Steve, Uncle Hank, Uncle Peter and my cousin James. They are no longer with us but they serve now in the Marines in Heaven.
I was thinking since this election how days like this and Veterans Day are so close to my soul and how much we need to hold tight to these days when we celebrate the various branches and their birthdays; and to all our awesome Veterans.
Our country has been so blessed with Heroes and men and women that served our country.
Thank you Mark USMC for the story about Grunt Padre, Navy Lt. Vincent Capodanno.
Thank you SSGT Steve USMC, for the Message From The Commandant of othe Marine Corps James T. Conway.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 AM | Comments (22)
A Special Thank You For Veterans Day Weekend
We Know You're Out There Kory Brunson Band
"History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid" - General Dwight D. Eisenhower.
"A society that does not have the will to let its warriors die fighting will not long survive. A civilization that values its very being less than the dignity of its sworn enemies should be morally prepared to fail."-Sergeant David Goldich, USMC.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Today we begin to celebrate Veterans Day which is tomorrow, November 11th. Not a day goes by we are not aware of the sacrifices our Veterans and our troops today have made for us and for our country.
When duty summoned in our nation's time of need, men and women answered the call. They risked their lives for people they never met, do not know our names and yet they have fought for us to be safe and to be able to live in the land of the free. They fought for other countries too, fought communism and terrorists and so many enemies in so many lands.
This is for those that came back, and those that gave their all too. We will never forget you, we breath the air of Freedom because of each one of you Veterans, and because of each one too that never made it back or others that gave their all.
You all are America's best, our Heroes and I am so glad we have this special time set aside for the Parades,music and poems to thank you.
Tomorrow we will celebrate the offical day for Veterans Day.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (11)
Obama Holiday? Anyone Else Want One? LOL
Planning under way for Obama holiday
Plans are being made to promote a national holiday for Barack Obama, who will become the nation's 44th president when he takes the oath of office Jan. 20.
"Yes We Can" planning rallies will be at 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. every Tuesday at the downtown McDonald's restaurant, 1100 Kansas Ave., until Jan. 13. The goals are to secure a national holiday in Obama's honor, to organize celebrations around his inauguration and to celebrate the 200th birthday of President Abraham Lincoln, who was born on Feb. 12 1809.
At 7:30 a.m. on Inauguration Day, Obama Cake will be served at the downtown McDonald's, and a celebration is scheduled for 8 p.m. to midnight Jan. 20 at the Ramada Hotel and Convention Center, 420 S.E. 6th.
And there is also this...............
Kenya declares holiday for Obama
Kenya has declared Thursday a public holiday to celebrate the election of Barack Obama to the US presidency.
"We the Kenyan people are immensely proud of your Kenyan roots," President Mwai Kibaki said.
African leaders from South Africa to Somalia have sent their congratulations to the US president-elect.
Nelson Mandela, South Africa's first black president, welcomed Mr Obama's victory as a sign of hope for everyone.
South African Archbishop Desmond Tutu said it showed "that for people of colour, the sky is the limit".
Wild Thing's comment.......
OK since they are handing out Holiday's who wants one?
I love the fall and winter so any day during those months we can have a Wild Thing holiday. No one has to work and everyone that I like gets paid double what they would make that day. Plus you get a bonus check too for just being YOU! And your gas tank can be filled for free, yep no cost to you at all. And your house payment or rent for the month will be paid if you honor the special holiday.
Also eat any food you like and there are no calories. heh heh Now this is fun, and makes as much sense as giving Obama a holiday.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:48 AM | Comments (18)
Just A Reminder Tonight....Gov. Sarah Palin Interview by Greta Van Susteren
Time: 10 p.m. EST when Gov. Sarah Palin sits down with Greta for her first post-election interview — only on 'On the Record'.
by Greta Van Susteren
We just left Governor Palin’s house….it was an interesting afternoon with the Governor and her family. Our goal was to find out a bit more about the Governor — we have seen her on the trail but that is not the most natural way to get to know someone. We talked about many things - family, campaign, energy, women, Senator Clinton, moose, snow machines (and yes, I went for a 75 mph ride on the ice with Todd and then I drove it myself on the ice), the day she got the call from Senator McCain…governing Alaska, and much more….) Governor Palin made moose chili for everyone and Piper was helping serve the food. Tune in Monday night to On The Record…..
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (6)
Obama To Use Executive Orders For Immediate Impact
Obama to use executive orders for immediate impact
Washington ...for complete article
President-elect Obama plans to use his executive powers to make an immediate impact when he takes office, perhaps reversing Bush administration policies on stem cell research and domestic drilling for oil and natural gas.
John Podesta, Obama's transition chief, said Sunday Obama is reviewing President Bush's executive orders on those issues and others as he works to undo policies enacted during eight years of Republican rule. He said the president can use such orders to move quickly on his own.
"There's a lot that the president can do using his executive authority without waiting for congressional action, and I think we'll see the president do that," Podesta said. "I think that he feels like he has a real mandate for change. We need to get off the course that the Bush administration has set."
Wild Thing's comment........
"Stroke of the pen. Law of the Land. Kinda cool."
Paul Begala, former Clinton advisor, The New York Times, July 5, 1998
Bush has issued a total of 274 Executive Orders todate in his 2 terms to this point:
- 165 in his first 4 term,
- 109 in his second so far.
Executive Orders Issued by President George W. Bush
Clinton issued a total of 364 in his two terms:
- 200 in his first 4 years
- 164 in his second 4 yrs.
I bet we see Obama try to ‘out-do’ Clinton in this area.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:45 AM | Comments (2)
Obama NOT President Yet and Making Problems With Other Countries
Polish President Lech Kaczynski and President-elect Barack Obama had different interpretations of a telephone conversation Friday over U.S.
Obama, Polish president at odds on call
President-elect Barack Obama's private conversation with Poland's president created an international disagreement Saturday, with President Lech Kaczynski saying Mr. Obama promised to continue a missile-defense system and the transition office saying the Democrat made no such commitment.
President Bush's White House declined to weigh in on the Friday phone call between the Polish leader and Mr. Obama, who will take office Jan. 20.
Mr. Obama has spoken with at least 15 world leaders including Mr. Kaczynski and Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk.
Mr. Kaczynski issued a statement in the Polish-language section of his Web site saying the U.S. president-elect "emphasized the importance of the strategic partnership of Poland and the United States and expressed hope in the continuation of political and military cooperation between our countries. He also said that the missile-defense project would continue."
Obama senior foreign policy adviser Denis McDonough released a statement once the news came from Poland.
"President-elect had a good conversation with the Polish president and the Polish prime minister about the important U.S.-Poland alliance," Mr. McDonough said. "President Kaczynski raised missile defense but President-elect Obama made no commitment on it. His position is as it was throughout the campaign — that he supports deploying a missile-defense system when the technology is proved to be workable."
Politico.com reported Saturday night that Obama advisers Susan Rice and Tony Lake e-mailed "Obama foreign policy experts" with details on the transition and a warning they should not "under any circumstances speak to the press, any foreign officials, or embassies on behalf of the transition or President-elect Obama."
"We cannot emphasize enough the importance of this request. It would be highly damaging for foreign governments or media to receive information that they believe falsely to represent the views of the president-elect," they wrote in an e-mail dated Nov. 7.
Wild Thing's comment.........
LOL he has yet to take office and he is ticking off a leader of a foreign country. Then his team sends out a memo about not spilling the beans to the media. The media that has been 95% of the reason Obama got elected President. hahaha Just too funny!!!
World leaders and allies take note. Hussein is a liar!
Obama has no nexecutive and foreign policy experience. Obama’s message to Poland: We’re cozying up to the Bear now. You’re toast.
We are going to be the laughingstock of the world when Obambi takes over. Can’t wait to see what happens when someone kicks sand in pussy boy’s face. Who’s he going to go whine too? The newspapers?
"President Bush's White House declined to weigh in on the Friday phone call between the Polish leader and Mr. Obama, "
George Bush to Obama.......“No 3:00 a.m. phone calls, please, Barack.”
Bush is not stupid, he knows the world that has been doing their worship of Obama the messiah will soon find out he is just s liar, and two faced.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:40 AM | Comments (9)
November 09, 2008
Looking Further At Barack Hussein Obama's New Website
Checking out Barack Hussein Obama's new website
I mentioned yesterday there is NO American Flag at his website. That alone for someone that is going to be President is disgusting enough for me to fire his ass and impeach the jerk.
Here are some things from his site and some of my notes among them.
Directly from Fuhrer Obama's official website:
Address Gun Violence in Cities: As president, Barack Obama would repeal the Tiahrt Amendment, which restricts the ability of local law enforcement to access important gun trace information, and give police officers across the nation the tools they need to solve gun crimes and fight the illegal arms trade. Obama and Biden also favor commonsense measures that respect the Second Amendment rights of gun owners, while keeping guns away from children and from criminals who shouldn't have them. They support closing the gun show loophole and making guns in this country childproof. They also support making the expired federal Assault Weapons Ban permanent, as such weapons belong on foreign battlefields and not on our streets.
Require 100 Hours of Service in College: Obama and Biden will establish a new American Opportunity Tax Credit that is worth $4,000 a year in exchange for 100 hours of public service a year.
That sounds like the equivalent of $40 and hour to me.
Under the section protecting America - “The first responsibility of any president is to protect the American people. Yet, seven years after the 9/11 attacks, we are not as safe as we can and should be.”
No mention that Bush has prevented another attack on the homeland and our interests abroad.
Under the guise of “volunteerism” ..........(this is a partial list)
The Obama Administration will:
- expand AmeriCorps from 75,000 slots today to 250,000
- double the Peace Corps to 16,000 by 2011
- create a new Classroom Corps
- create a new Health Corps
- create a Clean Energy Corps
- create a Veterans Corps
- call on citizens of all ages to serve America
- require 50 hours of community service in middle school and high school every year
- require 100 hours of community service in college every year
- encourage retiring Americans to serve by improving programs available for individuals over age 55
- promote youth programs such as Youth Build and Head Start
- create a program to directly engage disadvantaged youth in energy efficiency opportunities
- ensure that low-income Americans have transportation access to jobs
- create a prison-to-work incentive program and reduce barriers to employment
- raise the minimum wage to $9.50 an hour by 2011
- provide all low and middle-income workers a $500 Making Work Pay tax credit
- expand the highly-successful Nurse-Family Partnership to all 570,000 low-income, first-time mothers each year
- support guaranteeing workers seven paid sick days per year
- create an Affordable Housing Trust Fund to develop affordable housing in mixed-income neighborhoods
- create 20 Promise Neighborhoods in areas that have high levels of poverty and crime and low levels of student academic achievement in cities across the nation
- set up an America’s Voice Initiative to send Americans who are fluent speakers of local languages to expand our public diplomacy
Wild Thing's comment.......
57 million people voted to be Governed.
63 million people voted to be Ruled.
The other day Rush Limbaugh said that if at all possible to rent a movie called " The Lives of Others". Rush said the movie shows what we can expect with an Obama win.
I looked it up and here is what it says about it.
At once a political thriller and human drama, THE LIVES OF OTHERS begins in East Berlin in 1984, five years before Glasnost and the fall of the Berlin Wall and ultimately takes us to 1991, in what is now the reunited Germany.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 AM | Comments (26)
Obama and Rahm Emanuel Plans For "civilian security force"
Obama's chief of staff choice favors compulsory universal service
Rep. Rahm Emanuel of Illinois, President-Elect Barack Obama's choice for chief of staff in his incoming administration, is co-author of a book, "The Plan: Big Ideas for America,", that calls for, among other things, compulsory service for all Americans ages 18 to 25
Emanuel and co-author Bruce Reed insist "this is not a draft," but go on to write of young men and women, "the nation will enlist them for three months of civilian service." They also warn, "[s]ome Republicans will squeal about individual freedom," ruling out any likelihood that they would let people opt out of universal citizen service.
From his book " The Plan"
"It's time for a real Patriot Act that brings out the patriot in all of us. We propose universal civilian service for every young American. Under this plan, All Americans between the ages of eighteen and twenty-five will be asked to serve their country by going through three months of basic training, civil defense preparation and community service. ...
Here's how it would work. Young people will know that between the ages of eighteen and twenty-five, the nation will enlist them for three months of civilian service. They'll be asked to report for three months of basic civil defense training in their state or community, where they will learn what to do in the event of biochemical, nuclear or conventional attack; how to assist others in an evacuation; how to respond when a levee breaks or we're hit by a natural disaster. These young people will be available to address their communities' most pressing needs."
And this.....................
Plan leaked for 'civilian security force'?
Before blogs caught it, Obama site told of requiring students to serve
The official website of President-Elect Barack Obama, Change.gov, originally announced that Obama would "require" all middle school through college students to participate in community service programs; but after a flurry of blogs protested children being drafted into Obama's proposed youth corps, the website's wording was softened.
Originally, under the tab "America Serves" Change.gov read, "President-Elect Obama will expand national service programs like AmeriCorps and Peace Corps and will create a new Classroom Corps to help teachers in under served schools, as well as a new Health Corps, Clean Energy Corps, and Veterans Corps.
"Obama will call on citizens of all ages to serve America, by developing a plan to require 50 hours of community service in middle school and high school and 100 hours of community service in college every year," the site announced.
The language of requiring students to serve and the creation of a "Classroom Corps" sparked a surge of criticism from bloggers for bringing back memories of the much-publicized video of marching Obama youth and Obama's "civilian national security force," which the candidate said in July would be just as powerful and well-funded as the U.S. military.
Some blogger comments that have been made:
Gateway Pundit called Obama's plan the "creation of his Marxist youth corps,"
DBKP commented, "'Choosing' to serve should be approved by parents – not required by the government. No amount of good intentions can sugar-coat words like 'mandatory,' 'compulsory' or 'required.'"
Following the furor raised by bloggers, however, the website's wording was changed.
The word "require" was stricken from the website yesterday, replaced with the phrase "setting a goal" and now also listing tax credits toward college tuition.
The original wording is captured below:
The current website's content now reads:
The new wording is consistent with Obama's campaign website, which also described the college tuition tax credit and detailed "enabling" Americans to serve, rather than "requiring" them to serve.
Elsewhere on the Change.gov site, however, it still describes the plan under the heading, "Require 100 hours of service in college."
Obama's selection of an advocate for mandatory civil service, Rahm Emanuel, as his chief of staff has further worried bloggers that Obama's plans may be more "requirement" than "encouragement."
In his book, "The Plan: Big Ideas for America," Emanuel writes: "It's time for a real Patriot Act that brings out the patriot in all of us. We propose universal civilian service for every young American. Under this plan, all Americans between the ages of 18 and 25 will be asked to serve their country by going through three months of basic training, civil defense preparation and community service."
Obama has also yet to clarify what he meant during his July "Call to Service" speech in Colorado Springs, in which he insisted the U.S. "cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we've set" and needs a "civilian national security force."
Joseph Farah, founder and editor of WND, used his daily column first to raise the issue and then to elevate it with a call to all reporters to start asking questions about it.
"If we're going to create some kind of national police force as big, powerful and well-funded as our combined U.S. military forces, isn't this rather a big deal?" Farah wrote. "I thought Democrats generally believed the U.S. spent too much on the military. How is it possible their candidate is seeking to create some kind of massive but secret national police force that will be even bigger than the Army, Navy, Marines and Air Force put together?
"Is Obama serious about creating some kind of domestic security force bigger and more expensive than that? If not, why did he say it? What did he mean?" Farah wrote.
Wild Thing's comment..........
As Mark called him Adolf D'ohbama.
What was that Clinton quote, “Stroke of a pen, law of the land, pretty cool.”?
What will they call Comrade O's Youth Guard's??? The Obama Guard?
With Israel it is completely different. It is not only service to their country but their actual military. Israel has compulsory military service. The know their very survival as a people and a nation depends on it. However, the exception being that Israel is protecting itself from external forces, Obama may be shielding himself from critics.
....Thank you Mark for sending these articles to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:50 AM | Comments (24)
Wright’s Chickens Coming Home To Roost
At least five people were arrested across the city after Barack Obama's rally in Grant Park, including a woman who slapped a Chicago police officer, saying police couldn't arrest her anymore,
Elsewhere in city, gunfire, and a cop gets slapped
Not everyone behaved themselves when celebrating U.S. President-elect Barack Obama’s historic win Tuesday night.
Some fired gunshots, a felon accused cops of arresting him “because a black man won for president” and a teenager standing with throngs of passionate revelers used the opportunity to slap a police officer, Cook County prosecutors said.
“White bitches. F--- McCain. You white police can’t do nothing,” 19-year-old Celita Hart taunted officers as she stood with a throng of Obama supporters in the 6900 block of South Western Avenue, Assistant State’s Attorney Lorraine Scaduto said in a court Wednesday.
At some point, authorities said, Hart left the crowd, which had been chanting “Obama, Obama,” walked up to a squad car, and smacked a male officer in the face.
Hart was one of a half-dozen charged in Election Night-related arrests. A slew of others facing weapon and reckless discharge violations appeared in central bond court.
None of the incidents occurred in Grant Park, where Obama addressed a giddy crowd of 240,000 late Tuesday.
West Sider Narada Thomas, 23, told police he shot a .22-caliber revolver in the air to “celebrate Obama becoming president,” Scaduto said. And 37-year-old Andre Murph, of Aurora, shot a 9mm into the ground several times in the 700 block of West 60th Place to express his joy, Scaduto said.
“It was an exciting night,” Murph’s attorney James E. Thompson shrugged before Judge Israel Desierto.
While Kenneth Smith, a 24-year- old felon, never stated why he fired three rounds at his residence, in the 6700 block of South Ada Street, he complained that officers only arrested him “because a black man won for president,” Scaduto said.
Peer pressure seemed to get the better of 54-year-old Joseph Morgan, who allegedly was caught holding a .22-caliber gun in the air on his back porch in the 5700 block of South Lowe Avenue.
His excuse, according to prosecutors?
“Everybody else is shooting their guns, I figured, ‘Why not?’ ”
Wild Thing's comment.........
Well I can sure thnk of other ways to celebrate then shooting guns off in the air like they do in third world countries. OH now wait a minute that is what these people celbrating want the USA to become, I guess they are practicing.
Let's take all of us on here and all of them. Which group respect our laws, our police and know how dangerous it is to shoot a gun off into the air. Yes dumb question we all know the answer. But these people now think they have the go ahead to do what they want. Having Obama as President in thie rminds gives them authority a right in some sick way to talk any way they want to the police or anyone else.
Scray stuff.
......Thank you RAC for sending this to me.
RAC has a website that is awesome. 336th Assault Helicopter Company
13th Combat Aviation Battalion - 1st Aviation Brigade - Soc Trang, Republic of Vietnam
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:47 AM | Comments (6)
President-Elect D’oh-bama
LOL this is good. Michelle Malkin came up with a good name for Obama.
After he just had to attack Nancy Reagan in his very first speech with the Media.
Obama was asked at his press conference today if he’d spoken to all the “living” presidents.
“I have spoken to all of them who are living,” he responded. “I didn’t want to get into a Nancy Reagan thing about doing any séances.”
President-Elect D’oh-bama
....Thank you Mark for telling me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:45 AM | Comments (4)
November 08, 2008
Sarah Palin TV ad by the Our Country Deserves Better Committee
Wild Thing's comment...........
When I watched Obama's acceptance speech, it was bland, unexciting, nothing that would make a person proud of being an American or proud of America. It was as horrible and he is.
What a difference in Obama speaking and even a short video of Sarah Palin in one of her speeches.
There is no way a leftie can make others feel the Anthem in their hearts and the allegiance in their souls to our country like a Conservative.
...Thank you Mark for sending this.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:12 PM | Comments (3)
Rev. Jeremiah Wright Says Media Exploited Him
More Video of Obama's Pastor Jeremiah Wright
Obama's former pastor says media exploited him
Barack Obama's former pastor complained Thursday that the media used him as a "weapon of mass destruction" in an attempt to derail Obama's campaign for the presidency.
Speaking at a forum about race and religion, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright accused the media of taking out of context videos that showed him cursing the government and accusing it of conspiring against blacks from the pulpit of the Chicago church where Obama had worshipped for 20 years.
The videos, which included Wright thundering "God damn America!", dominated cable television for weeks. The public outrage that followed caused the president-elect to sever ties with his longtime spiritual leader.
Wright told an audience of about 200 people at the forum that he was trying to convey the anger and desire for vengeance that people felt after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. He said the media failed to mention that he was a proud Christian who was raised in a Christian home.
"Their intention was to use me as a weapon of mass destruction, to tear down that man's integrity," said Wright, former pastor of Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago.
Wild Thing's comment.......
LOL well he did as he was told by Obama and waited till after the election. Will be have a weekend at the White House now?
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 AM | Comments (16)
McCain's Staff Give Up During Campaign and Now Attack Palin
Over Before It Began
By George Neumayr
According to Newsweek, "On the Sunday night before the last debate, McCain's core group of advisers -- Steve Schmidt, Rick Davis, adman Fred Davis, strategist Greg Strimple, pollster Bill McInturff and strategy director Sarah Simmons -- met to decide whether to tell McCain that the race was effectively over, that he no longer had a chance to win. The consensus in the room was no, not yet, not while he still had 'a pulse.'
This spirit of defeat explains why McCain staffers spent the last week or so of the campaign leaking against Sarah Palin. By the end of the race, the choicest pieces of inside-the-beltway elitism were coming not from Barack Obama but from McCain's own staffers. Palin and family, the staffers let it be known, were clinging to their God, guns, and newfound Neiman Marcus items.
"Wasilla hillbillies looting Neiman Marcus from coast to coast." That is the description Newsweek received from an "angry aide."
That the staffers had given up by October also explains why the most potent attack on Obama came not from the campaign but from pure happenstance outside it: Joe the plumber's accidental meeting with Obama.
McCain acted like that was the first time he had ever heard Obama's thoughts on economic redistribution. Had the campaign exhausted its opposition research budget at Neiman Marcus? To anyone even remotely paying attention, Obama's understanding of taxation as tool of economic redistribution was clear long before Joe the plumber arrived on the scene. Obama had used the word redistribution repeatedly in his writings and speeches.
McCain's last-minute reliance on the gimmick of Joe the plumber made it easy for the media to dismiss his charge of "socialism" against Obama as feeble name-calling. Many months early, the McCain campaign could have been developing that case, and it wouldn't have taken much effort: Obama had let slip socialist, even Marxian, assumptions in his thinking several times, from his Marxian description of religion as an opiate for the masses to his bald calls for "confiscating" the profits of oil companies to his open class warfare.
By the end of the race, the McCain campaign seemed to depend on the latest Drudge Report links for the few talking points it could rouse itself to make. Obama's casual comment about bankrupting the coal industry had been gathering dust for months, only becoming an issue via Drudge at the last moment.
Even when the campaign occasionally stumbled down a promising avenue of attack, it would stop and dart down a new cul-de-sac. Take the ad it ran early on about Obama's work with Planned Parenthood to spread sex-ed propaganda in elementary schools. That ad hit its target squarely enough to generate days of grousing from Joe Biden and, in a rare moment of irritation, Barack Obama. Obama's surrogates in the press also spent days frowning over the ad, another measure of its effectiveness. But where was the follow-up?
The McCain campaign could have rolled out a series of such ads. Instead, social conservatism was henceforth treated by the McCain campaign as a no-go area. For example, the day after the Connecticut Supreme Court imposed gay marriage on the people there, McCain said nothing about the decision. Not a word as far as I could tell was even spoken during the campaign about Obama's de facto support for gay marriage.
Meanwhile, Obama was running ad after ad about his belief in "parental responsibility," crafting an unchallenged image of himself as a centrist. Accidentally, Obama ended up doing more to pass the traditional marriage initiative Proposition 8 in California than McCain: the high turnout of blacks to vote for Obama meant they also voted on Proposition 8, which they supported overwhelmingly.
That McCain lost while traditional marriage amendments across the country, no thanks to him, won is a fitting final note to the haplessness of his campaign.
Wild Thing's comment........
These people that worked on McCain's campaign should be banned from ever again being able to work in politics for one thing. I am so furious about what is happening!!!!!
Nothing would surprise me about McCain.
The main thing I get from this is how awful the campaign workers are, how they threw Palin to the wolves and are bashing her thinking somehow they can look good ...BUT it is totally working the opposite.
Last night on FOX they were saying ( FINALLY ) how horrible the people are that are leaking the lies about Sarah. Finally and maybe after getting enough emails from all of us they are getting smart and realizing it is from McCain's camp and the leaks are lies.
We have had enough of this!!!
McCain could not have had a single chance of a win if it had not been for Sarah. She made the touchdowns, she hit the homeruns and she carried the ball from day one. And God bless her.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (20)
Greta Van Susteren Interview Of Gov.Sarah Palin Monday Night
Monday, November 10th
Time: 10 p.m. EST when Gov. Sarah Palin sits down with Greta for her first post-election interview — only on 'On the Record'.
Fox News host Greta Van Susteren has landed the first post-election interview with Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, the network announced today.
The host of "On the Record" is flying Saturday to Alaska, where she'll interview the onetime Republican vice presidential candidate on Sunday and Monday.
The taped interview will air on her program Monday evening on Greta Van Susteren's show on FOX.
Wild Thing's comment......
I am so glad Greta got the interview. Greta behaves as a real journalist and has always treated her with respect.
From what I have seen so far she has yet to do any slant or slander like so many do. She has shown Sarah respect.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:48 AM | Comments (12)
November 8th, 1965 ~ 173rd Airborne Brigade
173rd Airborne Brigade. 48 American soldiers lost their lives that day
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (8)
Gov. Sarah Palin Talks to Media at Her Office in Alaska
Gov. Sarah Palin Talks to Media at Her Office in Alaska - Video 11/7/08
Wild Thing's comment.......
The reporters don't realize something, Sarah has such class and she really leaves them in the dust by the way she answers them. It is not obvious and loud like how Hillary would do screaming and a shrill voice. Sarah does it looking them in the eyes and just being Sarah. I am so proud of her. Thank you Gov. Palin for showing the world why you are so much better then all those attacking you, I know it is hard and you are a winner in every way.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:45 AM | Comments (8)
Obamanation News
* Barack Hussein Obama's NEW website
No American Flag anywhere on his site. Nope no way, so I ask myself why would there be he does not LOVE America, he only wants to USE America to do his agenda.
Uh-Uh-Uh-Uh-Uh.........Help us!!!!!
* Obama makes joke at Nancy Reagan's expense
In his first interview since winning the election, Politico reports on the following "Obama was asked at his press conference today if he'd spoken to all the "living" presidents.
"I have spoken to all of them who are living," he responded. "I didn’t want to get into a Nancy Reagan thing about doing any séances."
* Obama apologizes to Nancy Reagan for 'careless' joke
President-elect Barack Obama called Nancy Reagan this afternoon to apologize for a joke about her having held "séances" in the White House, an Obama aide said.
“President-elect Barack Obama called Nancy Reagan today to apologize for the careless and off handed remark he made during today’s press conference," said transition spokeswoman Stephanie Cutter.
* Farrakhan plans Sunday speech on Obama
CHICAGO - Nation of Islam Minister Louis Farrakhan plans to deliver a weekend address on President-elect Barack Obama. The speech titled "America's New Beginning: President-elect Barack Obama" will be delivered Sunday morning at Mosque Maryam (MEHR'-ee-am) on Chicago's South Side.
* Obama, Pelosi May Be On Different Pages
By Neil Cavuto
Obama promises there's more stimulus to come.
I think he was talking about when he becomes president. At the rate Nancy Pelosi’s going, there won't be much more stimulus to be had by the time he is.
Here’s the deal:
Nancy Pelosi’s the deal. She's the speaker now. Mr. Obama won't be president for more than 70 days "from" now. So while he galvanizes the press. She's galvanizing the gavel. And swinging down on one ambitious rescue after another.
Another 25 billion bucks for the auto guys.
300 billion bucks ostensibly for the rest of us guys.
Part of another stimulus package.
Another round of mortgage relief.
Another swing at credit card relief.
A lot of relief.
But no relief in the staggering costs to pay for it all.
Maybe the President-elect is OK with all this...maybe supports all this...or maybe he's wondering why she's going steroid-stimulus nuts with all this. Or maybe...Just maybe...There's some weird political kabuki theater going on with all this.
An early test of wills not between the parties...but between the two central power figures in this party. Which, if true, will mean no party for Barack Obama. He's looking forward to his big day in January. Little did he figure he'd be fighting turf battles this early...
In November.
* Obama's aunt moves to Cleveland, mulls options in deportation fight
Obama's aunt is in hiding with relatives in Cleveland and mulling her options to fight a deportation order, according to her immigration lawyer. Margaret W. Wong, a lawyer in Cleveland, issued a statement saying Zeituni Onyango did not wish to comment further. The 56-year-old half-sister of Obama's late father had said she would speak to a reporter after the election, but instead declined to comment and fled her apartment in the Boston Housing Authority for Ohio. "Her wish is for this matter to remain private," Wong said in a statement. "She is in Cleveland with close family members.
An immigration judge denied Onyango's application for political asylum and ordered her deported four years ago. But since then she has been living in federal and state-funded public housing in Boston.
Wild Thing's comment........
Obama's Aunt, obviously she committed massive fraud and disregarded federal laws. Yo Obama when you get your idiot illegal family members to go back home we can talk about not using your middle name....well maybe...maybe not. I swear OBama's family tree is a freakin clown car!!!!
It must be genetic.
And the deal with Nancy Pelosi will turn out to be The Chicago THUG family vs. The California family.LOL
Anyway, that is all the news that we wish we didn't have going on in our country. ( deep sigh)
I guess ole Farrakhan willl gush all over Obama in his speech. YUK!
......Thank you RAC for sending this graphic to me.
RAC has a website that is awesome. 336th Assault Helicopter Company
13th Combat Aviation Battalion - 1st Aviation Brigade - Soc Trang, Republic of Vietnam
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:44 AM | Comments (22)
Cat vs. The Printer
Wild Thing's comment.......
LOL this is great, I love kitties. hahaha
I had one once that would play pool. She would lay on the pool table we used to have and use her back legs to kick the balls into the pockets across the table. She was really good at it too. hahaa
......Thank you RAC for sending this to me.
RAC has a website that is awesome. 336th Assault Helicopter Company
13th Combat Aviation Battalion - 1st Aviation Brigade - Soc Trang, Republic of Vietnam
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:42 AM | Comments (4)
Leaker Of Palin Attacks ~ Nicolle Wallace In Her Full Rino Glory
Read this little gem below said by contemptible Nicole Wallace trashing conservative critics of McCain as “crazies.
From February 13, 2008
CBS Political Analyst: McCain Critics are Conservative ‘Crazies’
By Kyle Drennen
On Wednesday’s CBS "Early Show," co-host Harry Smith discussed the ‘Potomac Primaries’ with Democratic Strategist Dee Dee Myers and Republican CBS Political Analyst Nicolle Wallace, a former Bush Administration Communications Director, who said of John McCain’s conservative critics:
"The more that we see kind of the crazies like Ann Coulter out attacking John McCain, the better Republicans feel about their chances in the general election."
This attack upon conservatives critical of McCain, who include Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, Laura Ingraham, and others, was prompted by Harry Smith asking about Mike Huckabee’s continued support in the race:
Wild Thing's comment......
Before she was on the McCain campaign staff, Nicolle Wallace was a "CBS Political Analyst" who said that Katie Couric was one of her most admired people in the world...... meanwhile she sneered at conservative critics of McCain during primary season last February as "crazies like Ann Coulter"..........
OOOH, Nicolle Wallace, and now you are (allegedly) trying to destroy Sarah Palin???!!!?? You are going to be persona non grata for any future Republican campaign that wants to get anything more than the RINO vote.
McCain endorses attacking Palin by his refusal to come out and refute it !
Sarah is an awesome lady and she took a bashing from the libtards that no one should have to take all of this from the rino's like Wallace and others. And then spread so joyously by the likes of Cameron and others in the media.
And also this.....................
Rush Limbaugh
Rushbo said on his show he was going to declare war on two enemies: Barack Obama and the Republican party. GOOD and I agree!
"Ladies and gentlemen, it is worse than I thought," Limbaugh told listeners. "What the Republican party, led by disgruntled and failed McCain staffers, is trying to do to Sarah Palin, is unconscionable ... There are country-club, blue-blood ... Republicans who want nothing to do with a firebrand conservative [who] can fire up people." He added: "We're going to be taking on two things here [over] the next four years: Obama, and our own party establishment."
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:40 AM | Comments (12)
November 07, 2008
Newt Considers a Run for RNC Chairman
Newt Gingrich Slams Reporter Ron Allen About Sarah Palin. Checkmate!!!!
Newt Considers a Run for RNC Chairman
The word among GOP insiders here in Georgia is that Newt Gingrich is considering throwing his name in the hat to be the next Chairman for the RNC.
As Georgia Republican Leadership meet today to plan for the expected run-off of Saxby Chambliss against Jim Martin, my sources tell me Gingrich is having meetings to discuss his own race.
Newt is best known for leading the charge for the Contract with America. It is this famed Contract that has been credited for the Republican take-over of the US House and Senate in 1994. It is also well believed among traditional Republicans that it has been the abandonment of this contract by elected Republicans that has lead to their downfall.
Since his retirement from elected office, Gingrich has stayed involved in the political grind on many different levels. Newt has released several books, founded American Solutions, and has acted as a political analyst appearing on numerous political programs and radio talk shows.
The Republican base in Newt's home state of Georgia still hail him as a hero and hold him in high regard much like national Republicans do Ronald Reagan. Considering the obvious divide among Republican voters, Newt Gingrich just may be the leader they need to help them once again unite. Gingrich has a proven record of understanding the will of the American people and his experience as a leader is a proven matter of record.
Wild Thing's comment.......
We need a conservativee for RNC Chairman. I am so sick of the weak people that have been Chairman and it is killing our party. Also he has been a defender of Sarah all along too.
RNC Chairman is the ideal spot for the architect of the Contract with America. This might be a good idea.
He went rino on the global warming in that ad with Pelosi, and I heard Rush lay into him about it on Rush's show months ago. Thank God for Rush. Maybe it sunk it, maybe that even if he is into this global warming bs, at least don't do stupid kiss up ads with the enemy. Just keep your mouth shut and hug a tree in your yard. LOL
Other then that , that I can think of right now. Newt has been the most consistent conservative messenger in America since Reagan. He may stray off the rightwing reservation from time to time. Newt was a back-bench bomb thrower in Congress for years, until he finally put together a solid coalition of conservatives, advancing the Contract With America and getting the GOP elected to majority of control of the House for the first time in 40 years.
He also loves our Constitution.
And oh there is this too, he is clean and articulate. Sorry I could not resist that one. heh heh
What to all of you think? He used to be really good, if he’s the merciless, smart-strategizing, take-no-prisoners Newt of old and not the new version with the global warming stuff etc.
If you want to let him know how you feel about this, good or bad.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 AM | Comments (18)
Marines Missing From Vietnam War Are Identified
LCpl Kurt E La Plant Lenexa, KS
LCpl Luis F Palacios Los Angeles CA
Pfc Jose R Sanchez Brooklyn NY
LCpl Ralph L Harper Indianapolis IN
A grateful nation loves you all, brave Marines.
Marines Missing From Vietnam War Are Identified
The Department of Defense POW/Missing Personnel Office (DPMO) announced today that the remains of four U.S. servicemen, missing from the Vietnam War, have been identified and will be returned to their families for burial with full military honors.
They are Lance Cpl. Kurt E. La Plant, of Lenexa, Kan., and Lance Cpl. Luis F. Palacios, of Los Angeles, Calif. Remains that could not be individually identified are included in a group. Among the group remains are Lance Cpl. Ralph L. Harper, of Indianapolis, Ind., and Pfc. Jose R. Sanchez, of Brooklyn, N.Y. All men were U.S. Marine Corps. Palacios will be buried Friday in Bellflower, Calif., and the other Marines will be buried as a group in the spring in Arlington National Cemetery near Washington, D.C.
On June 6, 1968, these men were aboard a CH-46A Sea Knight helicopter that was attempting an emergency extraction of elements of the 1st Battalion, 4th Regiment, 3rd Marine Division then engaged against hostile forces in the mountains southwest of Khe Sanh, Quang Tri Province, South Vietnam. The helicopter was struck by enemy ground fire and crashed, killing 12 of the 23 crewmen and passengers on board. All but four of the men who died were subsequently recovered and identified.
Between 1993 and 2005, joint U.S./Socialist Republic of Vietnam (S.R.V.) teams, led by the Joint POW/MIA Accounting Command (JPAC), investigated the incident in Quang Tri Province, interviewed witnesses and surveyed the crash site three times. The team found a U.S. military boot fragment and wreckage consistent with that of a CH-46 helicopter.
In 2006, a team began excavating the site and recovered human remains and non-biological material evidence including La Plant’s identification tag. While at the site, a Vietnamese citizen turned over to the team human remains the he claimed to have found amid the wreckage. In 2007, another team completed the excavation and recovered additional human remains, life support material and aircraft wreckage.
Among other forensic identification tools and circumstantial evidence, scientists from JPAC and the Armed Forces DNA Identification Laboratory also used mitochondrial DNA and dental comparisons in the identification of the remains.
Wild Thing's comment..........
After the week we've all had.............this just really got to me. Sitting here in tears.
God bless our warriors. You are home, now. May they finally rest in peace. These brave marines gave their lives trying to save others, the last full measure of devotion. May the Lord bless their ultimate gift and embrace them in His loving arms. These brave Marines and their families will be in my prayers tonight.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:50 AM | Comments (5)
Super Rino Nicole Wallace and Anyone Else Bashing Gov. Sarah Palin
McCain Aides Blame Palin, Not Themselves
John McCain took full responsibility for the GOP loss Tuesday night, but there was plenty of grumbling by his top aides Wednesday morning that vice presidential pick Sarah Palin caused his defeat.
Liberal bloggers seized on the raw feelings about Palin among McCain campaign insiders.
Cityfile New York reported that Palin wanted very much to speak during McCain’s concession speech Tuesday night, but staffers shot down her request.
So bitter are some members of McCain’s inner circle that they are trying to get even with Palin and ruin her chances for salvaging her political future.
~ snipet ~
From the minute Palin joined the campaign, she energized a Republican base that was dissatisfied by McCain. She became an overnight fundraising sensation and drew record crowds to Republican events.
It was reported that, when McCain needed to draw a large crowd, he would make sure Palin was with him.
After a pathetic campaign without focus or toughness against the Democratic opponent, it seems natural that top McCain aides would turn their fury on conservative Palin, considered the country's most popular governor.
After joining the ticket, Palin had catapulted McCain ahead of Obama in the polls by mid-September. Palin played a large role in his success. Soon, the mainstream media targeted her with a withering series of attack articles. The AP alone often posted two or three negative Palin stories a day.
~ snipet ~
Despite the multiple fumbles, McCain aides remain fixated on Palin's wardrobe. One upset aide characterized the spree as “Wasilla hillbillies looting Neiman Marcus from coast to coast,” adding that the truth will come out eventually when the Republican Party audits its books.
Reports first surfaced in late October that certain McCain insiders were poised to sacrifice Palin in the event of a McCain loss.
“These people are going to try and shred her after the campaign to divert blame from themselves,” a McCain insider told Politico, referring to McCain's chief strategist, Steve Schmidt, and to Nicolle Wallace, a former Bush aide who took a lead role in Palin’s campaign.
“A number of Governor Palin’s staff have not had her best interests at heart, and they have not had the campaign's best interests at heart,” the McCain insider said.
Nicole's Knifework
Wow -that is some savage cutting & gutting that Nicole Wallace has just performed upon Sarah Palin. Nicole & I crossed swords once, during the Harriet Miers nomination battle. Watching what Nicole can do when she is seriously annoyed, I am grateful that I got away from that fight with nothing worse than a few bumps and bruises .
That said: Some of these stories do not ring quite true to me, especially the story about Palin allegedly not realizing that Africa was a continent rather than a country. Apparently she did not grasp that "South Africa" was not the same thing as "southern Africa." But there a lot of possible innocent explanations for a mistake like that.
Larger point: Would it not better serve the cause of understanding for Nicole Wallace to give an on-camera interview to Carl Cameron and state these points in her own voice - and allow viewers to asses their credibility? Wallace's fingerprints are all over these leaks anyway, so it's not as if she has any anonymity to lose.
And this..............
A Palin aide said: "Governor Palin was not directing staffers to put anything on their personal credit cards, and anything that staffers put on their credit cards has been reimbursed, like an expense. Nasty and false accusations following a defeat say more about the person who made them than they do about Governor Palin."
Here’s a quick petition Michelle MalkinI created where you can sign and leave your comments.
And this in case you want to use it too.
Office of the Chairman
Mike Duncan, RNC Chairman
Phone: 202-863-8700
Fax: 202-863-8820
Email: Chairman@gop.com
And there is this as well. OPERATION LEPER at Redstate blog
Wild Thing's comment..............
This kind of thing makes my heart hurt. I just don't understand people like this. And so the only thing I can see as the reason is they are for sure not conservatives, and more then likely jealous of the love and attention and reaction that Sarah Palin received. This Nicole Wallace is the leak she is behind the whole thing with the help of others.
Don't you just love how these trahsy reports say.... " sources and my sources tell me" and never name names. Great reporting....NOT!
And I am so sick of these rino's these closet Democrats in our party. Including those at the top of the rung of our party. PLEASE GET RID OF ALL OF THEM!!!!!!!!! Let's start from scratch!
McCain was sure quick to criticize someone who used Barack Hussein Obama's middle name. Why doesn't he make a statement in support of his own running mate??? What a jerk!
Nicole Wallace is jealous, and missing a soul.
They are making a HUGE mistake going after Sarah, and there will be repercussions count on it.
Get these petty backbiting self absorbed short sighted elitists OFF the front pages and OUT of my party! Get rid of the rinos! The closet Democrats and we might have a chance to take our country back. Get rid of the likes of Nicole Wallace and her ilk. We need to stop making excuses for these low life's in our party and those that run our party. If we go any further to the left it will be the same as the old Democrat party.
We have a very good chance to win again and not only President but also have conservatives in power. To be in the majority in the House and Senate. I believe that, and we just can't give up. And meanwhile we can purge these jerks out of here. This is dead on serious, it is a take no prisoner time and we owe it to our Veterans and our troops and the future of this Nation is at stake.
There will be days of anger, tears and frustration as welll there should be, we have an enemy that is going to be P...P....P..... I can't say it with his name. He is going to be Number 44. But we will also have laughs to at how his people get upset with him as they already are and will in the future too.
From Rush Limbaugh's show::
They (including McCain) are trying to destroy Palin so conservatives don’t retake the party, we (conservatives) we’re played, the war now is not with Obama, it’s a war in the Party, moderates/rhinos vs conservatives, and Palin is the enemy, they are afraid of her. Basically, staffers are doing this for two reasons:
1) They are not conservatives
2) They need to blame somebody because they were behind the massive loss and want to get jobs in the future.
The attacks on Palin are even worse than he suspected, who is to gain he says? The moderates, they are trying to ruin her 2012 run trying to make her out to be fool, petty, ignorant hick. And all this is coming from our own Party.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
UPDATE November 7, 2008 afternooon
Washington – Today Team Sarah commented on the explosion of post-election attacks on Alaska Governor Sarah Palin:
“I have news for everyone – the campaign is over. Unfortunately, the hateful campaigning against Governor Sarah Palin continues on, perpetuated by those threatened by her meteoric rise,” said Team Sarah Co-Founder Jane Abraham. “Despite the unfounded vitriol and criticism, Governor Palin’s success will endure. Sarah Palin’s success story is just beginning and it will take more than some baseless remarks from a few malcontents to stop her rise in American politics. Governor Palin will continue to influence American politics: her reputation as a fighter against corruption, an expert on energy, and a voice for modern American women balancing work and family cannot and will not be ignored.”
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:48 AM | Comments (21)
“We are going to lick them out of their boots!” ~ Sheridan
by Bill Whittle
As Civil War battles went, it was a small and insignificant affair. But in terms of story – and especially, in terms of lessons – it’s one of my favorites.
The war had not yet fully turned in October of 1864. And even though Stonewall Jackson had been dead for well over a year – killed by mistake by his own men at the Battle of Chancellorsville -- the Shenandoah Valley still belonged if not to Jackson then to Jackson’s ghost, for it was there that he and his “foot cavalry” had won their eternal place in Valhalla. Jackson’s tactical brilliance and the endless series of Union routs still hung like clouds of gunpowder in the valleys and hollows of the Shenandoah.
And so it came a no surprise to either the Union or the Confederate soldiers on the banks of Cedar Creek to see, once again, a blue rout – men throwing down rifles and knapsacks and running for their lives, dodging perhaps the few hissing musket balls fired at their backs but completely unable to escape the jeering and the insults and that high, horrible Rebel yell, as that pack of feral wolves descended on their camps, drank their coffee, ate their rations and sat going through their personal effects, admiring photos and reading letters from their sweethearts. Not a loss, but a rout. Another rout. The latest in an ongoing series of routs without end, or so it must have seemed.
The Union general was a young man, new to his command, and who in point of fact had been back in Washington during the defeat. But as he rode toward the sound of the guns that morning, curiosity turned to apprehension, and apprehension to something worse, as he crossed Mill Creek and came upon a low hill, to see before him “the appalling spectacle of a panic-stricken Army.”
Phillip Sheridan was his name, described by Shelby Foote as a man with the face of a Mongol Warlord and a hair so short and dense it made his head look like a bullet with a coat of black paint.
Sheridan’s first instinct was to form a straggler line and prepare for the final Rebel assault. But the Rebels were too busy celebrating. And after he caught his breath, Little Phil noticed something surprising: not a broken and routed army, fleeing for their lives, but small groups of men boiling fresh coffee, speaking to one another calmly and cheering him as he rode by.
One of his aides described him at that moment: “As he galloped on, his features grew gradually set, as those carved in stone, and the same dull red glint I had seen in his piercing eyes when, on other occasions, the battle was going against us, was there now.”
You bet it was.
The closer Sheridan came to the battle, the more cheerful and animated his defeated men became. Encountering a small group of them, Little Phil would stand in the saddle, and give a jaunty salute – as if to congratulate them on a great victory, rather than another humiliating defeat.
The result was electric, if not universal. Amid the cheering, one infantry colonel – whose descendents perhaps would go on to become campaign advisors – stood in Sheridan’s path and begged him not to go on.
“The army’s whipped!” he cried.
“You are, but the army isn’t,” growled Sheridan, who then put the spurs to a horse who’s back was taller than he was and rode to the scene of the disaster, shouting, “About face, boys! We are going back to our camps! We are going to lick them out of their boots!”
His men were not beaten. They just needed leadership.
“We are going to get a twist on those fellows, men!” he shouted, pounding down the pike. “We are going to lick them out of their boots!”
And that’s what he did, too. He and his routed army went back to that field and licked those Rebels right out of their boots.
“Run!” he shouted, standing in the stirrups. “Go after them! We’ve got the God-damnedest twist on them you ever saw!”
Battles don’t always go that way. But sometimes they do. It depends on whether the individual soldier still has any fight in him.
It has been a source of delight for me these past few days to see nothing but evidence of this, all across our defeated lines. Nowhere have I heard a shred of defeatism or despair. On the contrary. In point of fact, the magnanimity and graciousness I have seen in defeat in so many places on the right tells me that this is a eager and seasoned army, one able to look defeat in the face and own up to the errors in tactics and strategy that got us there. And nowhere do I see a call to abandon our core principles and sue for terms, but rather that our loss was caused precisely by our abandonment of the issues we which hold dear and which have served us so well on battlefields past.
So consider this, my fellows in arms:
On Tuesday, the Left – armed with the most attractive, eloquent, young, hip and charismatic candidate I have seen with my adult eyes, a candidate shielded by a media so overtly that it can never be such a shield again, who appeared after eight years of a historically unpopular President, in the midst of two undefended wars and at the time of the worst financial crisis since the Depression and whose praises were sung by every movie, television and musical icon without pause or challenge for 20 months… who ran against the oldest nominee in the country’s history, against a campaign rent with internal disarray and determined not to attack in the one area where attack could have succeeded and who was out-spent no less than seven-to-one in a cycle where not a single debate question was unfavorable to his opponent – that historic victory, that perfect storm of opportunity…
Yielded a result of 53%
Folks, we are going to lick these people out of their boots.
There is much to do. That a man with such overt Marxist ideas and such a history of association with virulent anti-Americans can be elected President should make it crystal clear to each of us just how far we have let fall the moral tone of this Republic. The great lesson from Ronald Reagan was simply that we can and must gently educate as well as campaign, and explain our ideas with smiles on our faces and real joy in our hearts, for unlike the far-left radical who gained the Presidency on Tuesday, we start with 150 million of the most free and intelligent and hard-working people in the history of the Earth at our backs, with a philosophy that -- unlike theirs, which has resulted in 100 million dead in unmarked graves -- has liberated and enriched more people and created more joy than any nation or combination of nations in our history.
How can we lose this greater fight, my friends? How can we lose, unless we give up?
Wild Thing's comment........
A Cedar Creek Conservative? You bet I am. This is excellent, I hope you have time to read it. It will make you feel better and see how different we are too compared to the left when they do not win. We don't give up, we get mad, shocked too, but there is still that what can we do now to win again, to protect our country, to fight back for the Red, White and Blue.
And you know what my wonderful friends? We have the heroes on our side, all those who know the taste of Freedom like none other, our Veterans and troops today.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:45 AM | Comments (16)
November 06, 2008
Obama Win Causes Obsessive Supporters To Realize How Empty Their Lives Are
Obama Win Causes Obsessive Supporters To Realize How Empty Their Lives Are
The Onion
Wild Thing's comment......
LOL this is good! Should we feel sorry for the withdrawal that thousands of Obama supporters are suffering today?? nah!
They all voted to destroy our country let them suffer, get bored, cry and pound sand.
......Thank you RAC for sending this to me.
RAC has a website that is awesome. 336th Assault Helicopter Company
13th Combat Aviation Battalion - 1st Aviation Brigade - Soc Trang, Republic of Vietnam
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:27 PM | Comments (13)
Concern That Natives Will Get Restless Obama Aides Tamp Down Expectations
Obama Aides Tamp Down Expectations
President-elect Barack Obama has begun an effort to tamp down what his aides fear are unusually high expectations among his supporters, and will remind Americans regularly throughout the transition that the nation’s challenges are substantial and will take time to address.
Mr. Obama’s advisers said they were startled, if gratified, by the jubilation that greeted the news of Mr. Obama’s victory in much of the United States and abroad. But while the energy of his supporters could be a tremendous political asset as Mr. Obama works to enact his agenda after taking office in January, his aides said they were looking to temper hopes that he would be able to solve the nation’s problems or fully reverse Bush administration policies quickly and easily, especially given the prospect of a deep and long-lasting recession.
“We have talked about this,” said Robert Gibbs, a senior adviser to Mr. Obama. “It’s important that everybody understands that this is not going to happen overnight. There has to be a realistic expectation of what can happen and how quickly.”
Joel Benenson, Mr. Obama’s campaign pollster, said he thought that the public appreciated the problems that the president-elect was facing and would judge him against that backdrop.
“I don’t think they view him as a miracle worker who in two months is going to solve an economic crisis,” Mr. Benenson said. “It is a matter of being straightforward with people about what we are going to achieve and how fast it’s going to take.”
Mr. Obama will hit that theme at a news conference he is expected to hold over the coming days, and in most of his public appearances from here on out, aides said.
They said they would discourage the traditional yardstick for measuring the accomplishments of a new president — the first 100 days. Mr. Obama told an interviewer toward the end of his campaign that it was more appropriate to talk about the first 1,000 days.
Mr. Gibbs said one of the main challenges for Mr. Obama was tamping down expectations a bit without making anyone think he was moving away from the promises of his campaign.
Wild Thing's comment......
From the New York Times, heh heh now that is something.
But, but that woman said Obama was going to pay for her has and mortage. She heard him say it, ah-huh she really did. The thing is we can multiply her by millions of his followers.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:27 PM | Comments (11)
Obama campaign workers angry over unpaid wages
Obama campaign workers angry over unpaid wages
Lines were long and tempers flared Wednesday not to vote but to get paid for canvassing for Barack Obama. Several hundred people are still waiting to get their pay for last-minute campaigning. Police were called to the Obama campaign office on North Meridian Street downtown to control the crowd.
The line was long and the crowd was angry at times.
"I want my money today! It's my money. I want it right now!" yelled one former campaign worker.
A former spokesman for the Obama campaign said 375 people were hired as part of the Vote Corps program and said people signed up to work three-hour shifts at a time. Three hours of canvassing got workers a $30 pre-paid Visa card.
The workers showed up to get their cards Wednesday morning at 10:00 am.
"There was a note on the door saying 1:00 pm and then at 1:20 pm everybody was like why is nobody here. They just got here and they're trying to get it organized," said Heather Richards, a former campaign worker.
The large gathering of around 375 people prompted police to call in extra officers and set up temporary barricades. The barricades helped keep the crowd from spilling out onto Meridian Street. Police say the several hundred people in line were for the most part orderly.
"No arrests. Some of the people were upset at first because the line wasn't moving as fast as they thought it should. But we really haven't had any problems," said Major Darryl Pierce, Metro Police.
Eventually people did start getting paid, but some said they were missing hours and told to fill in paperwork making their claim and that eventually they would get a check in the mail.
"Still that's not right. I'm disappointed. I'm glad for the president, but I'm disappointed in this system," said Diane Jefferson, temporary campaign worker.
"It should have been $480. It's $230," said Imani Sankofa.
"They gave us $10 an hour. So we added it. I added up all the hours so it was supposed to be at least $120. All I get is $90," said Charles Martin.
"I worked nine hours a day for 4 days and got paid half of what I should have earned," said Randall Waldon.
Some people weren't satisfied with filling out a claim form for money they felt was still due to them.
"They say that they gonna call you or they going to mail it to you, but I don't know. We'll see what happens," said Antron Grose.
"Talking about they'll mail it to us. I ain't worried about that, man. They're not going to mail nothin'," said Martin.
Wild Thing's comment..........
But didn't they get the memo that Obama wants to spread their money around?
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:08 PM | Comments (9)
Theodore's World Thank You To Gov. Sarah Palin
Palin says “If I cost McCain even one vote - I’m sorry”
I sent Gov. Sarah Palin a hand written letter from Team Theodore.
Sarah, you are the reason why we campaigned for McCain. You have nothing to apologize for. You are beautiful inside and out and owe no one an apology. YOU carried McCain to the finish line, and you took beatings for him. YOU did not cost him any votes. Sarah, remember this. Last night McCain got the most applause when he talked about you. You did more to energize McCain's campaign then any other person on the face of the earth.
Sarah, my blog is almost entirely Veterans, Vietnam Vets and some from the Gulf War. Others at my blog have family members serving now in our military just as you do. Each one loving our country and knowing how important it is to keep it the land of the free. Each one of these heroes, our Veterans deserve an America that they served and fought for. It is a sad day for us the outcome of this election, but not because of you. You had us all holding our head high and with pride in our country. We all voted for you Sarah.
You are the future of this country. It was an honor to vote for you.
Sarah, keep shining and come back and lead the way to victory for the new, revitalized conservative movement in the future, you betcha!!!
Sarah please do not disappear from our radar because America does LOVE YOU!
With gratitude and heart felt thanks,
Chrissie and all at Theodore's World
If anyone would like to write to Sarah or email her, here are all the various addresses etc.
Correspondence such as letters, packages, and paperwork should be addressed to the Juneau Governor's Office.
Juneau Office
Alaska State Capitol Building
Third Floor P.O. Box 110001
Juneau, AK 99811-0001
Phone (907) 465-3500
Fax (907) 465-3532
State Info (907) 465-2111
Alaska State Capitol Building
Juneau Governor’s Office
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 AM | Comments (27)
Man With The Worst Temper Rahm Emanuel is Chief of Staff
Obama picks Clinton alum Emanuel chief of WH staff
Obama pivoted quickly to begin filling out his new administration on Wednesday, selecting hard-charging Illinois Rep. Rahm Emanuel as White House chief of staff while aides stepped up the pace of transition work that had been cloaked in pre-election secrecy.
In offering the post of White House chief of staff to Emanuel, Obama turned to a fellow Chicago politician with a far different style from his own, a man known for his bluntness as well as his single-minded determination.
Emanuel was a political and policy aide in Bill Clinton's White House. Leaving that, he turned to investment banking, then won a Chicago-area House seat six years ago. In Congress, he moved quickly into the leadership. As chairman of the Democratic campaign committee in 2006, he played an instrumental role in restoring his party to power after 12 years in the minority.
Wild Thing's comment........
Obama wants a thug and leg breaker as Chief of Staff. The Daley Machine comes to Washington. So much for Obama's " CHANGE" . This is not change, it is the same ole stuff from the dem party.
They are going to self-destruct. They are setting up a fascist government and will be destroyed by their own overreaching criminality. This is a big mistake. You don’t appoint a knife-man as your Chief of Staff. That position requires a lot of different things. A knife-man in that position will end up being hated by his own side more than the opposition. He controls access to the President and has to have some level of diplomacy and tact . He will be making enemies before too long of even the press, now that part will be a good thing. I am thinking that maybe, just maybe, tha nastier they are the better it is for us, in the long run.
OH an one other thing. I remember once Bill Clinton said If the Republicans would have swung hard right on Conservative principles they would have locked the house and senate for a decade... amazing how every Dem can see it but our own GOP/RNC can't.
Here are some notes on this jerk Emanuel:
In a world where congressmen refer to each other as "my distinguished colleague," Emanuel, 46, is sometimes unable to get through a single sentence without several obscenities. His politics are centrist, but his style is extremist. The top of his right middle finger was severed when he was a teenager, adding to his aura of toughness--especially when he extends that middle finger, which he does with some regularity.--Chicago Trib.
This is from Rolling Stone.com
The Enforcer
He's got this big old pair of brass balls, and you can just hear 'em clanking when he walks down the halls of Congress," says Paul Begala, who served with Emanuel on Clinton's staff.
There's the story about the time he sent a rotting fish to a pollster who had angered him.
....the night after Clinton was elected, Emanuel was so angry at the president's enemies that he stood up at a celebratory dinner with colleagues from the campaign, grabbed a steak knife and began rattling off a list of betrayers, shouting "Dead! . . . Dead! . . . Dead!" and plunging the knife into the table after every name. "When he was done, the table looked like a lunar landscape," one campaign veteran recalls. "It was like something out of The Godfather. But that's Rahm for you."
And this.........
Heard Rove talking to Neil Cavuto about this appointment. According to Rove, Emanuel is a real nasty guy who, as a top advisor to Bill Clinton, would regularly get in the face of Republicans in Congress over their votes on legislation. According to Rove, this wasn’t the job of the President’s advisor, but rather the party chief (Whip?) Rove said there is no love lost between Emanuel and Hillary Clinton, because Emanual forced Hillary’s health care plan to take a back seat to other pressing issues more expedient to Bill’s political future. Rove also said that during last night’s speech, Obama made the claim that he wanted bi-partisanship, but with this appointment, he appears to be going in exactly the opposite direction, because Emanuel is a very partisan person.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:54 AM | Comments (8)
In Country With Our Warriors
A stack of captured AK- 47s and other enemy weapons that were turned in to Taji National Supply Depot
Operation Sabre Pursuit in Diyala nets several cache finds
DIYALA PROVINCE, Iraq – Iraqi Army and Multi-National Division – North Soldiers discovered several weapons
caches near Hamud, in the eastern Diyala Province, during operations in support of Operation Sabre Pursuit.
Iraqi Soldiers with the 18th Bde, 5th IA Div, and 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment Soldiers, unearthed 12 caches.
The caches included 60 mm mortar rounds with a mortar tube, a rocket propelled grenade launcher with various
grenades and several AK-47 rifles. Since the start of Operation Sabre Pursuit in the eastern Diyala
Province, IA Soldiers with the 5th IA Div. and MND-N Soldiers have discovered multiple small caches and disposed of six improvised explosive devices.
“The operation started south of Balad Rooz to deny the area as a safe haven to criminals in the Diyala and Baghdad provinces and to pursue them where ever they may go,” said Lt. Col. Paul T. Calvert, a 3rd ACR squadron commander. “Operations will continue to press forward until the objective has been accomplished.”
U.S. Army Sgt. 1st Class Don Spillers, from MNSTC-I J4, opens a case of captured enemy weapons that were turned in by Coalition forces.
TAJI, Iraq
Since the invasion of Iraq in 2003, Iraqi Security Forces and Coalition forces have captured tens of thousands of enemy weapons and stored them at the Taji National Supply Depot here. In May a group of Soldiers from Multi-National Security Transition Command-Iraq started sorting and inventorying them so that they can either be refurbished and issued to the Iraqi military and police or properly demilitarized so they cannot be used by insurgents in the future.
“We estimate we have about 80,000 small arms,” said U.S. Air Force Capt. Amy Estes, officer in charge of the captured enemy weapons program. “We have counted more than 12,000 so far out of two warehouses and 45 shipping containers.”
The majority of the captured weapons are various makes and models of the Russian-designed AK-47. These rifles were made in China, Russia, Rumania, Bulgaria, East Germany, Iraq and several other countries. There are thousandsof machine guns including RPKs and RPDs—similar to the AK, but with a longer barrel and bipod, chambered for the same 7.62x39 ammunition—and several variations of PKs, belt-fed machine guns chambered for the more powerful 7.62x54R round.
The variety of captured firearms reaches back to the 19th century and has representatives from almost every armsproducing nation on earth. There are bolt-action Mausers, Enfields, Springfields and Moisin-Nagants; guns from the first and second world wars when British and German forces enlisted the aid of Iraq and neighboring states during battles in the Middle East and northern Africa. There were sporting rifles and shotguns from Austria, Belgium, France, Italy, Spain and the United States.
There are a host of submachine guns and assault rifles from Italy, Germany, England, Egypt, and everywhere else guns have been made. Among them are even Iraqi versions of famous guns like the Tariq 9mm pistol which is a licensed copy of the Italian Beretta model 951, and several copies of the German G-3 automatic rifle that had no makers’ marks and Arabic serial numbers.
Some of the weapons had been modified, others were just broken. There were sawed-off shotguns, many AK-47s with no butt stock, several SKS rifles that had been cut down into pistols, and what appeared to be a 1938 Mauser with a home-made silencer welded onto the barrel. Many were chrome or nickel plated and had various decorative embellishments.
Hundreds of captured handguns-many dating back to the early 1900s. The modern 9 mm pistols will be refurbished
and issued to the Iraqi Security Forces.
A turret gunner scans his sector as the MNSTC-I Rough Riders drive from Baghdad to Taji.
Wild Thing's comment........
Our troops are working so hard, I am so proud of them. I wish we could tell each one of them how much they mean to us and to our country.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (6)
Family of Obama Planning a Trip To White House?
Sarah Hussein Obama (C), grandmother to U.S. President-elect Senator Barack Obama (D-IL) listens to his uncle Said Obama and his stepsister Aoko Auma before addressing a news conference at her home in Nyangoma Kogelo village, 430km (267 miles) west of Kenya's capital Nairobi, November 5, 2008.
Sarah, the step-grandmother of U.S. President elect Barack Obama, center, reacts as she gives a news conference after his victory in the U.S. election, at the family's homestead in Kogelo village, Kenya, Wednesday, Nov. 5, 2008.
Barack Obama's Kenyan relatives erupted in cheers Wednesday, singing "We are going to the White House!" as Obama swept to victory as America's first black president.
Wild Thing's comment.........
They better keep that Sarah Hussein Obama smiling, she looks very mean otherwise. Yikes! I guess we will see in January if these relatives of Obama will be on the guest list or not. He sure did not want them around at the DNC convention did he.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:48 AM | Comments (21)
Gulf Hails 'Muslim-linked' Obama
Gulf hails 'Muslim-linked' Obama
Published Date: November 06, 2008
Arabs in the oil-rich Gulf yesterday hailed Barack Obama's election victory with hopes his perceived Muslim links could alter US policy toward Arab and Muslim issues and that he will pull out troops of Iraq.
"I believe that his father is Muslim. Surely that will make a difference. There must be a change in policy towards Arabs and Muslims," said Saudi tourist Abdul Ilah Al-Bakri as he wandered in a Dubai mall for early morning shopping just after Obama was declared president-elect. "God willing, he will be better, especially that he said he wants to withdraw US troops from Iraq," Bakri said.
Saudi businessman Ali Al-Harithi hailed the US democracy which brought a man with a Muslim father to the White House. "This confirms that the United States and its people are not racist. The American people chose Obama, who is African (by origin) and whose father is Muslim, to voice rejection of policies of the conservatives in the outgoing administration," he said. "It also sends a message to (Islamic) fundamentalists in the Arab and Muslim worlds that our clash with America has no racial or religious dimensions," Harithi added.
In a message of congratulations, Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas urged Obama to accelerate efforts to reach an Israeli-Palestinian peace agreement. Abbas "hopes he will speed up efforts to achieve peace, particularly since a resolution of the Palestinian problem and the Israeli-Arab conflict is key to world peace," his spokesman Nabil Abu Rudeina said.
Jordan's King Abdullah II, a key US ally in the troubled Middle East, sent Obama a cable congratulating him and said he looked forward to cooperation with Washington to "resolve the Palestinian-Israeli conflict in line with a two-state solution." Egypt's President Hosni Mubarak, whose country is also a staunch US ally, said in a message that he too hoped Obama would work toward a just peace settlement in the Middle East.
The Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas, which rules the Gaza Strip, urged the Democratic Obama to learn from the "mistakes" of previous US administrations in dealing with Muslim and Arab countries. Spokesman Fawzi Barhum accused the Bush's Republican administration of having "destroyed Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon and Palestine".
The Iraqi government said it will cooperate with Obama "to achieve the joint interest of the two sides, preserve the security and stability of Iraq, maintain full sovereignty of Iraq and protect the interests of its people." But Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari ruled out a US policy of "quick disengagement," dispelling hopes of many Iraqis of a rapid US troop withdrawal. "There won't be quick disengagement here. A great deal is at stake," Zebari told AFP. "We don't think there will be change in policy overn ight.
Obama has promised to withdraw US forces from Iraq over 16 months from his inauguration in January. Many Iraqis urged the president-elect to make good on his promise and ensure the rapid withdrawal of the 145,000-strong American force from Iraq. The movement of Iraq's anti-American cleric Moqtada Al-Sadr also welcomed Obama's triumph.
"We consider his victory as a wish of the American public to withdraw forces from Iraq," spokesman Sheikh Saleh Al-Obeidi said.
Kuwait's Foreign Minister Sheikh Mohammed Al-Sabah said he hoped Obama would "find a solution to the world's oldest political problem, that of the Palestinian people". On Iran, he underlined the hopes of the US-allied Arab monarchies in the oil-rich Gulf for a peaceful settlement to the nuclear issue through the United Nations.
Lebanon's parliament speaker Nahih Berri praised America's "great democracy". "Now it is up to the young president to bring about change starting with the Middle East crisis and by addressing the injustice done to the people of the region, notably the Palestinians," Berri said.
The initial mood on the Arab street was optimistic. "It's historic. We didn't think there would be a black American president so soon, especially after Bush's eight years," said Cairo saleswoman Suzie Ahmed. Hossam Bahgat, an Egyptian rights activist, said: "The campaign itself did a lot to repair the damage done to the image of the United States over the past eight years. So there is a strange sense of accomplishment, but also of course the nervousness of expecting big disappointments when it comes to our region," he told Reuters. "I'm worried he might need to prove that he is a strong president or ... that he puts America's interests first.
Wild Thing's comment.........
Commander in Sheik's roundup of his Muslim supporters. OK so much for the freakin Arab roll call. Obama brings new meaning to the book written awhile back called " Tea with Terrorists".
All posts about directlly about Obama will be filed in the Sidebar on the right under Number 44.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (8)
Obama Celebrations Of Couse Include The Hammer and Sickle People
Watch Closely..........
Wild Thing's comment.........
This is not surprising at all, it should be expected. It is only a shock because it is happening in our country. But we need to keep in mind the low caliber of individuals that voted for Obama will include all kinds of this kind of thing.
These people do not love America and never will. They will not be in power long especially with this kind of thing happening. ACORN did their job well, stolen votes and we know it.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:45 AM | Comments (8)
November 05, 2008
Obama Elected He will Be Number 44
Obama - elected
Murtha - elected
Kerry - elected
Wild Thing's comment...........
I have gone through all the emotions. I cried, then got mad, then cried again (a girl thing) then got mad once again. I wore myself out doing all of that, then I sat here and just sat, starring at my screen. I don't know how long, at least well over an hour. I started to think of how hard everyone worked, of our troops, how much Sarah lit up the audiences and the campaign with fire and passion and conservative views on things so dear to all of us. How even McCain toward the end started to speak about Pelosi, Reid and Barney Frank being corrupt. And going after Obama about the 2001 video and what he said about the Constitution and spread the wealth around.
Between each thought I kept going back to our troops, and to our Veterans. More then anyone else in our country they deserve the best we can give them for a President, for a Commander in Chief. Someone who will look them square in the eyes and tell them he is grateful for all their scarifies and service to our country and mean it, not just empty words. I thought of President Bush and how he had genuinely had tears in his eyes when he visited our wounded troops. How Bush even with his mistakes does love America and is glad to be an American. How I miss Ronald Reagan and what it felt like when he was President.
I thought of what changes would come first, how quickly will they happen. There is no answer to this, it will just have to be something I live through and see what the challenges will be that we have to face.
McCain/ Palin had to run against three things. The left's hatred for President Bush and any Republican running with an R by their name. Secondly Obama and his campaign machine backed by numerous questionable sources. And third the Media working as a HUGE part of the Obama campaign. If McCain and Palin had won it would have been a hell of a lot more historical then what Obama pulled off being the first half black man to become President.
There is something else to think about too, those we know that have someone serving our country. First there is Sarah and Todd's son, and John and Cindy's two sons, then Lynn has relatives and Yankeemom and John also has I believe a son in law serving, Rhod has 3 sons, you all know on here and others. All having concerns too about Obama being the CIC.
We have tuff things coming up with Obama, the Fairness Doctrine, the Judges picked, the National Civilian Army, our National Security and Israel, the war, our troops so many things. Obama proposes a trillion dollars of NEW socialist programs paid for through punitive taxes on the very people and businesses that drive our economy and provide jobs for America's workers.
The people have spoken and they want Communism.
We did not win, America did not win, but I also prayed, God knows how hard everyone worked on this election to get McCain/Palin a win too. Could it be this election results purpose is to bring about an uprising of conservatism across our land after 4 years like this nation has never seen? We do have a ton of rino's to purge, a GOP that has for sure lost it's way. Sarah Palin is in the wings and we must remember that. There will be ways of letting her know we support her I am sure during these next 4 years. There is also Mike Pence and some others, good strong conservatives that must be just as upset as we all are.
We are conservatives, we are warriors, and America itself has not let us down. The voters have and their stupidity and their vote for Obama.
We just have to see what we can do to fight back. And keep supporting the conservatives we do have like Sarah and the others.
This wasn’t an election, it was an IQ test for the U.S.; and sadly we just failed. Here’s what happens when you dumb down America and media outlets shift from being news reporters to Democratic activists. This Socialist/Marxist is going to do so much damage in the next 4 years to this country. The reason why we lost is because the electorate doesn’t realize the danger socialism poses. Our public education system and our liberal university professors have successfully indoctrinated our populace to see socialism, not as evil, but utopian. They’ve taught us the evils of capitalism and the arrogance of America.
Our country has been dipping its toes in the frigid pond of socialism for many years, testing those waters, flirting with them by those on the left. Now it’s going to jump into that pond stark naked. It will learn its lesson once those freezing waters hit. I don't think a lot of those who voted for Obama will like it one bit.
Obama is the tip of the spear of the world wide communist movement, which I believe is the politicall manifestation of Satan himself. I will never accept a guy who hung out with terrorists planning for the deaths of millions of Americans. This guy isn’t even eligible for a security clearance.
More then anything we must never give up. I love America so much.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:07 AM | Comments (60)
November 04, 2008
Thank You Sen. McCain for Making Sure About Military Vote!
A judge has ordered that all military absentee ballots must be counted in Virginia -- so long as they are postmarked by today. This could, potentially, lead to the election not being decided tonight. It's a long-shot, but so was the hanging-chad stuff...
Here's the statement from the McCain camp:
“We are pleased that the judge has ruled to preserve the ballots cast by our men and women in uniform currently serving overseas. This will help to ensure that local election officials do not destroy or dispose of these ballots before the court has had an opportunity to rule on our complaint. The McCain-Palin campaign strongly believes that no military ballot should be discarded as a result of a failure on the part of several counties and independent cities to mail ballots to service members in a timely manner. We believe without exception that the servicemen and women on the front lines protecting our freedoms deserve every opportunity to make sure their vote counts.” –Gail Gitcho, McCain-Palin spokesman
This was what McCain has done about the Militiary vote:
McCain campaign sues over overseas military ballots
Hampton Roads
The McCain suit, meanwhile, seeks an injunction to extend the date by which federal write-in absentee ballots must be received to be counted. The current deadline is today, but the suit seeks to have the date changed to Nov. 14.
"Because many counties in Virginia failed to mail absentee ballots in time to our men and women in uniform stationed overseas, service members are being disenfranchised because they are unable to return their ballots before the November 4 deadline," campaign spokeswoman Gail Gitcho said in a written statement about the suit, which is scheduled to be heard in Williams' courtroom at 1:30 p.m. today.
Chesapeake, Suffolk and Virginia Beach are among the localities cited in the lawsuit as those that mailed absentee ballots overseas in late September. The suit argues that service members didn't have enough time to cast their votes and return them stateside.
Estimates range between federal agencies, but systemic impediments to overseas voting are seen as a hindrance that keeps service members stationed abroad from voting with the same success rate as the domestic population.
This is the second recent flap over federal absentee ballots; an earlier dispute was resolved last week when state election officials allowed about 100 ballots to be counted that otherwise would have been disqualified under state law.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:55 PM | Comments (9)
Philadelphia Man says on live TV that he is voting more than once! CNN Says OK
Philadelphia Man says on live TV that he is voting more than once! And CNN says " Against the law but that's OK!"
CNN-Philly Man says he is voted a couple of times
Wild Thing's comment......
Oh my gawd. And the CNN guy said it is against the law but that is OK. Wouldn't that make the CNN guy also breaking the law in an indirect way ot something??
These posts about voting will be filed in the sidebar under Vote Day.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:40 PM | Comments (6)
Gov. Sarah Palin Speaks from Alaska
We love you Sarah!!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:55 PM | Comments (2)
Report from N.H.
It is being reported that the NH GOP has gone to court to stop possible voter fraud. It seems that Republican poll watchers are being kept up to 40 feet away (can't read or hear stuff from that distance) from the Registration areas at the poll locations - THIS IS ILLEGAL!
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:28 PM | Comments (2)
Voting Intimidation By Black Panthers
I will be doing posts throughout the day about the voting.
Rush Limbaugh on Black Panthers Story
A self-identified as a Pennsylvania student, confronts the Black Panthers who were guarding the doors of a Philly polling station.
"Who are you with?" the man asks the two men dressed in Black Panther gear standing outside the doors of 1221 Fairmount Ave.
"Uh, security," one of the Black Panthers replies. He tells the cameraman he"wonders why everybody is coming up taking pictures."
"I think you might be a little bit intimidating that you have a stick in your hand," the student said. "You have a nightstick in your hand."
"You have a camera phone!" the Panther tells him.
"A camera phone is not a weapon," the camera man answers.
More on the Black Panthers in PA
by: Amanda Carpenter
Two Black Panthers were allegedly blocking persons from entering a Philadelphia polling station and one of them was using a nightstick to intimidate potential voters according to one eye witness.
” I walked up to the door, two gentlemen in Black Panther guard, one brandishing a nightstick, standing in front of the door,” an unnamed bystander told Fox News this morning for an on-air report. “They closed ranks as I walked up. I am a veteran, that does not scare me. I went inside and found [indiscernible] watchers, they said they had been here for an hour — I went inside and found poll-watchers, they said that they had said not to let people outside because black people are going to win no matter what. At that point, I spoke to him, we would not get into a fistfight, I said, and I called the police.”
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:55 PM | Comments (13)
A Vote and Pray For Our Country
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America. He shall hold his Office during the Term of four Years, and, together with the Vice President, chosen for the same Term, be elected, as follows:
Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector.
The Electors shall meet in their respective States, and vote by Ballot for two Persons, of whom one at least shall not be an Inhabitant of the same State with themselves. And they shall make a List of all the Persons voted for, and of the Number of Votes for each; which List they shall sign and certify, and transmit sealed to the Seat of the Government of the United States, directed to the President of the Senate. The President of the Senate shall, in the Presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the Certificates, and the Votes shall then be counted.
The Person having the greatest Number of Votes shall be the President, if such Number be a Majority of the whole Number of Electors appointed; and if there be more than one who have such Majority, and have an equal Number of Votes, then the House of Representatives shall immediately chose by Ballot one of them for President; and if no Person have a Majority, then from the five highest on the List the said House shall in like Manner chose the President.
But in choosing the President, the Votes shall be taken by States, the Representation from each State having one Vote; A quorum for this purpose shall consist of a Member or Members from two thirds of the States, and a Majority of all the States shall be necessary to a Choice. In every Case, after the Choice of the President, the Person having the greatest Number of Votes of the Electors shall be the Vice President. But if there should remain two or more who have equal Votes, the Senate shall chose from them by Ballot the Vice President.
The Congress may determine the Time of choosing the Electors, and the Day on which they shall give their Votes; which Day shall be the same throughout the United States.
No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.
In Case of the Removal of the President from Office, or of his Death, Resignation, or Inability to discharge the Powers and Duties of the said Office, the Same shall devolve on the Vice President, and the Congress may by Law provide for the Case of Removal, Death, Resignation or Inability, both of the President and Vice President, declaring what Officer shall then act as President, and such Officer shall act accordingly, until the Disability be removed, or a President shall be elected.
The President shall, at stated Times, receive for his Services, a Compensation, which shall neither be increased nor diminished during the Period for which he shall have been elected, and he shall not receive within that Period any other Emolument from the United States, or any of them.
Before he enter on the Execution of his Office, he shall take the following Oath or Affirmation:--"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."
Wild Thing's comment..........
My thoughts and prayers are constantly on those serving our country during this crucial election.
Think of their amazing accomplishments since 9/11 and to this day they continue VOLUNTEERING, leaving many of us speechless, there are no words sufficient to describe such dedication and love of country.
And the wounded soldiers that we know who say, “I’d go back in a heartbeat if they would let me...”. They wish nothing more than to be part of a successful campaign that they were not able to complete.
Our troops deserve the best Commander In Chief and that would be Sen. John McCain. There just is no way that Barack Hussein Obama would be a good CIC, he has no respect for our military and it goes down hill from there in how and what he would do to our military and to our land of the free because of the VERY Brave!
America has been greatly blessed by God and has stood as the greatest country in the history of the world for over 200 years. America has many foreign and domestic enemies that are seeking her destruction. I pray all of the enemy’s attempts to steal this election fail.
Our Founding Fathers were acutely aware of the importance of elections. They believed that the faith and character of every individual elected to office was vital to the future health of our nation, and they valued the privilege of representative government under the guidance of Almighty God.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 AM | Comments (18)
Obama Added To Mount Rushmore ~ LOL
After a feverish night of chiseling by hippies chanting "Yes We Can," a new addition to a national landmark.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:50 AM | Comments (7)
No NO NOoooooo Obama!
"He hasn't done anything yet"...Michelle Obama
Barack Hussein Obama and his Secrets
Obama will not release his donation list.... McCain has.
He got the Governor of Hawaii to Seal his Birth Certificate.
University of Chicago has blocked records that show relationships with William Ayers.
Now, the LA Times has a speech he gave at a dinner honoring Rushid Khalidi.. the co-founder of the Arab American Action Network that mourns the existence of Israel. Turns out, William Ayers was at that dinner too!
Occidental College records - Not released
Columbia College records - Not released
Columbia Thesis paper - 'not available'
Harvard College records - Not released
Selective Service Registration - Not released
Medical records -- Not released
Illinois State Senate schedule - 'not available'
Law practice client list - Not released
Certified Copy of original Birth certificate - Not released
Embossed, signed paper Certification of Live Birth - Not released
Harvard Law Review articles published - None
University of Chicago scholarly articles - None
Your Record of baptism - Not released or 'not available'
Your Illinois State Senate records- 'not available'
"Just some guy that lives in my neighborhood.."
William Ayers, Bernadine Dohrn, Obama, Rezko, and Louis Farrakhan all live within a 3 block radius.......... Cozy...Chicago is a very, very, very big city.
Khalidi and his family also lived in the same neighborhood before he transferred to New York. The Obamas attended the wedding of Khalidi's daughter..as did Ayers and wife.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:47 AM | Comments (4)
Former Sec. of State, Lawrence Eagleburger:"If Obama elcected God Help us"
Fmr. Sec. of State Lawrence Eagleburger: Obama is a Con Man
Fmr. Sec. of State Lawrence Eagleburger: Obama is a con man and a swindler trying to buy the election with untraceable money or steal it through groups like ACORN.
Sunday 11/2/08
Former Secretary of State, Lawrence Eagleburger: “Obama Is A Charlatan .. If he’s elected, God help us.”
Wild Thing's comment........
Yes if he is elected God help us and America!
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:45 AM | Comments (6)
November 03, 2008
McCain's Computer
Barack Obama has put out an ad that simply reminded us John McCain cannot use a computer.
Well guess what ...
Barack has never landed a jet plane on an aircraft carrier at night.
Wild Thing's comment........
LOL ....... I love this! What nerve Obama has to attack McCain on that ad he had awhile back about McCain and his computer. Obama really is not too bright.
....Thank you Mark for sending this.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:27 PM | Comments (14)
Obama Gives McCain The Finger
And then back in April day after losing his Pennsylvania debate with Hillary, Obama in his oh so delicate manner of his, flips Hillary the bird.
And this one...............it was the second time he did it to Hillary.
Wild Thing's comment.........
You know I think everyone has done this, but to do it as a Presidential candidate toward the opposing candidate is just wrong in so many ways. What is Obama going to do when he would have to deal with leaders of other countries and they do not agree. Give THEM the FINGER? OH that will be great. Bring THE HOOD to our White House is what he will do.
I am so disgusting with this communist jerk.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:04 PM | Comments (15)
Coal Official Calls Obama Comments 'unbelievable'
Coal official calls Obama comments 'unbelievable'
At least one state coal industry leader said he was shocked by comments Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama made earlier this year concerning his plan to aggressively charge polluters for carbon and greenhouse gas emissions.
"What I've said is that we would put a cap and trade system in place that is as aggressive, if not more aggressive, than anybody else's out there," Obama said in a Jan. 17 interview with the San Francisco Chronicle that was made public today first on the Web site newsbusters.org, which calls itself "the leader in documenting, exposing and neutralizing liberal media bias." The story later was linked on The Drudge Report.
"I was the first to call for a 100 percent auction on the cap and trade system, which means that every unit of carbon or greenhouse gases emitted would be charged to the polluter," Obama continued. "That will create a market in which whatever technologies are out there that are being presented, whatever power plants that are being built, that they would have to meet the rigors of that market and the ratcheted down caps that are being placed, imposed every year.
"So if somebody wants to build a coal-powered plant, they can; it's just that it will bankrupt them because they're going to be charged a huge sum for all that greenhouse gas that's being emitted."
Calls and e-mails to West Virginia Obama campaign officials seeking comment for this story were not returned as of Sunday evening.
According to the West Virginia Office of Miners' Health, Safety and Training, the coal industry provides about 40,000 direct jobs in the state, including those for miners, mine contractors, coal preparation plant employees and mine supply company workers.
West Virginia is the second largest coal-producing state in the country behind Wyoming and accounts for about 15 percent of all coal production in the United States. The Mountain State leads the nation in underground coal production and leads the nation in coal exports with over 50 million tons shipped to 23 countries. West Virginia accounts for about half of U.S. coal exports.
In addition, the coal industry pays about $70 million in property taxes in the state annually, and the Coal Severance Tax adds about $214 million into West Virginia's economy. The coal industry payroll in the state is nearly $2 billion per year, and coal is responsible for more than $3.5 billion annually in the gross state product.
"The only thing I've said with respect to coal, I haven't been some coal booster," Obama said in the San Francisco Chronicle interview. "What I have said is that for us to take coal off the table as an ideological matter as opposed to saying if technology allows us to use coal in a clean way, we should pursue it."
The senior vice president of the West Virginia Coal Association called Obama's comments "unbelievable."
"His comments are unfortunate," Chris Hamilton said Sunday, "and really reflect a very uninformed voice and perspective to coal specifically and energy generally."
Hamilton noted other times Obama and vice presidential candidate Joe Biden have made seemingly anti-coal statements.
"In Ohio recently, when Joe Biden said 'not here' about building coal-fired power plants -- this is exactly what will happen," Hamilton said. "Financing won't be directed here. It will all go aboard for plants elsewhere in the world. The United Sates is importing more coal today from Indonesia, South Africa and Colombia than we ever have.
"If we're going to create a situation where coal-fired power plants are at that much of a disadvantage, there will be new ones built. But as Biden said, just not here."
Republican presidential candidate John McCain's state director said Obama's statements are troubling, especially for West Virginians.
"I think this clearly shows the attitude the Obama-Biden ticket has toward coal," Ben Beakes said Sunday. "Rhetoric is cheap, but behind closed doors what they tell their supporters - that's what we have to take as gospel.
"They're definitely not friends of coal."
Beakes noted other examples of Obama and Biden making seemingly anti-coal statements, such as in February when Obama said he'd like to tax "dirty energy" such as coal and natural gas.
"And their cohorts in Congress make similar statements," Beakes said. "(Senate Majority Leader) Harry Reid (D-Nevada) said this summer that 'coal makes us sick.'
"This is an attitude and view that, to me, shows their hatred of coal. And therefore, their view would cost West Virginians thousands upon thousands of jobs."
Beakes touted McCain's view toward coal.
"John McCain has embraced coal," Beakes said. "He doesn't agree with everything in the coal industry, but his view of coal is positive. He will make it part of his energy policy. He's met with leaders in the coal industry and let them know that. He's sought advice from coal industry leaders.
"McCain understands that coal supports about 49 percent of our electricity in this country. He'll continue to make coal important. He wants to reduce our foreign dependency on oil."
Hamilton also said the Obama campaign needs to find varied sources for coal and energy advice.
"If they're victorious Tuesday, they'd better go to someone other than Al Gore on energy and environmental matters," he said. "They've tipped the balance way -- unnecessarily so -- toward protecting the environment."
Please also note this.....................
Here is what Obama said about nuclear energy.
His preconditions make it impossible to expand nuclear energy at this time.
On nuclear power, Sen. Obama says he's open to expanding nuclear energy, which now provides 20% of the nation's electricity, as part of an effort to increase power sources that emit little or no carbon dioxide. But he also has said there is no future for expanded nuclear energy until the U.S. comes up with a safe, long-term solution for disposing of nuclear waste. He opposes the Bush administration's plan for storing waste at Yucca Mountain in Nevada.
Wild Thing's comment..........
Obama should not be allowed any where near the White House. Obama is a blithering Marxist fool.
Glenn Beck’s from Pennsylvania he will not like this one bit either.
Pray for McCain/Palin and Our Troops
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 AM | Comments (21)
Gov.Sarah Palin Slamming Obama's Plan to Bankrupting the Coal Industry! Yeah Sarah!
Barack Obama stated his intention to bankrupt the coal industry in an interview with the San Francisco Chronicle. That would throw countless people out of work, devastate the economy of many coal producing states, and send electricity prices skyrocketing for everyone. Sarah Palin opposes Barack's bankrupt plan and pledges to fight with everything she has for working Americans!
Palin told supporters to listen to the audiotape. “You’re going to hear Sen. Obama talk about bankrupting the coal industry,” she said. The Alaska governor also pointed to comments that Democratic vice-presidential candidate Joe Biden made to an environmental activist, promising no more coal-fired power plants in America. Biden was videotaped, likely without his knowledge.
“In an Obama-Biden administration, there would be no use for coal at all, from Wyoming to Colorado, to West Virginia and Ohio,” Palin said.
"He said that, sure, if the industry wants to build coal-fired power plants, then they can go ahead and try, he says, but they can do it only in a way that will bankrupt the coal industry, and he's comfortable letting that happen,” Palin said. “And you got to listen to the tape.”
"Why is the audiotape just now surfacing?” Palin asked, leading someone in the crowd to shout, “Liberal media!”
“This interview was given to San Francisco folks many, many months ago,” Palin said. “You should have known about this, so that you would have better decision-making information as you go into the voting booth.”
Wild Thing's comment.........
OMG this is GREAT, she is She's telling them to listen to the tape!!!! I love it!
Don't you just love the take no prisoners attitude! OH yesssss!!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:50 AM | Comments (11)
"The MAC is BACK!" ~ McCain Holds Midnight Rally At University of Miami
McCain Electrifies Post-Midnight Miami Rally
Actor Kelsey Grammar and his wife Mrs. Kelsey Grammer (Camille Donatacci, a former Playboy model).
are also on stage with them.Crowd is going wild!
For the late hour almost 1 in the morning the crowd is going nuts!
John McCain is finishing out the weekend with a "Midnight Rally" at the University of Miami. At the rally at the BankUnited Center, McCain will get a final energetic boost from a huge crowd of several thousand supporters.
"McCain has a proven record," Sylvia Millor exclaimed.
McCain supporters waited anxiously for the Senator, talking about their votes. "We're fighting two wars and we need someone with experience. And Obama, he's not experienced," said Steve Jansen.
For other supporters, Obama's pro-choice stance on abortion was enough to decide their vote. "When a person will allow the slaughter of babies, why should you think he will protect you or keep his promises to you?" Carol Thompson asked.
And this was posted on HillBuzz Sunday night:
"Harriet and Betty Jean are back from the airport. They were turned down at the rally for McCain because there wasn't room. So they high tailed it to the airport with their signs in the hope they could see him. They saw McCain's car drive onto the tarmac and were despondent when the car headed away from them. Then, the car abruptly turned around and John McCain leapt out of the car and he ran over to the group with a huge smile on his face. Cindy and Joe Lieberman quickly followed. Betty Jean said McCain was quicker than the Secret Service who had to run to keep up with him. McCain thanked them enthusiastically and hugged Betty Jean. It made her day."
And this from notes from a friend that was also there:
"It holds 8,000 and it is full, packed. Amazing enthusiasm down the stretch. McCain must be so tired. But he doesn't act like it. His voice is going a little he sounds a little horse, but he is bright eyed and so is Cindy she was here too. Srah has given McCain an energy, this is just so thrilling to able to go to one of the rallies. place is absolutely rocking...McCain is on fire at 1 AM. McCain has stamina...unreal...the Cuban-American population is erupting every 45 seconds. They booed loudly when John McCain said that Obama would sit down with Hugo Chavez and the Castro bros."
Wild Thing's comment..........
I am so glad McCain and Sarah jumped on this about coal. It is down to the wire and if this had been brought up months ago it would have given Obama lots of time to come up with excuse after excuse. Now he can't do that, oh he can make a statement but nothing like he could have done if this had come up say 3 months ago.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:48 AM | Comments (7)
Intimidation by ObamaNation
Intimidation by ObamaNation
by Mark Hillman
Barack Obama says Republicans "are going to try to make you afraid of me." Well, it's hard to imagine how the GOP could conjure up a more fearsome specter of an Obama presidency than the one created by the tactics of his own campaign.
Responding to those who dare commit blasphemy against The One, Obama's campaign has unleashed lawsuits and urged prosecution by no less than the Justice Department, enlisted elected officials to threaten and intimidate his foes, and deployed its vast internet e-mail list to silence bloggers and radio talk shows.
In Missouri, Obama allies, from a U.S. Senator to a local sheriff, threatened criminal proceedings against television stations that air anti-Obama commercials. Such "police state tactics" prompted Gov. Matt Blunt to charge Obama's campaign with "abusing the justice system and offices of public trust to silence political criticism."
ObamaNation used the same strategy against the National Rifle Association when its political fund released ads to educate gun owners about Obama's hostile record. Bob Bauer, attorney for the Obama campaign, urged cable and television stations in Pennsylvania to "immediately cease" airing the NRA's ads, because the campaign determined they were "false, misleading and deceptive."
Similarly, Bauer pressured the U.S. Justice Department to prosecute the non-profit American Issues Project and one of its donors over an advertising campaign that exposed Obama's alliances with domestic terrorist-turned-university professor William Ayers who has reflected, "I don't regret setting bombs...I feel we didn't do enough."
The Obama campaign also dispatched its thought police to silence the free speech rights of opponents on radio and internet.
First aimed at internet blogs supporting Hillary Clinton, Obama supporters swamp certain unfriendly blogs with "spam" complaints. When those complaints reach a threshold, Google's Blogger platform renders the blog inoperable. Bloggers must then wait for Google to make an individual determination whether or not each accused blog is legitimate.
A more sinister intimidation befell journalists probing Obama's background in Chicago politics, as well as radio stations that provided a platform for those reports. The Chicago Tribune reported that Obama's campaign used its database "listing contact information for millions of people" not only for raising money but "to beat back media messages it does not like."
Milt Rosenberg, a longtime talk show host on Chicago's WGN radio interviewed two prominent Obama critics, author David Freddoso and professor Stanley Kurtz. Freddoso's The Case Against Barack Obama is a best-seller that unflatteringly examines Obama's career, while Kurtz fought the University of Illinois to gain access to files documenting activities involving Obama and Ayers.
In both cases, Rosenberg specifically invited Obama's campaign to participate. Obama's camp not only refused, but it dispatched an e-mail alert instructing compliant Obamabots to bombard the radio switchboard and e-mail in order to fill the lines with scripted callers and block out other voices.
Even liberal commentator Andrew Sullivan called the Obama tactics "a disgraceful attempt to intimidate journalists trying to get at the facts."
If other slimy strategies fail, Obama critics are subjected to the nuclear option ‹ the race card ‹ often by a reliably hypersensitive, sycophantic media.
Associated Press "analyst" Douglass Daniel tied himself in knots explaining how Sarah Palin's comment about Obama "palling around" with terrorists ‹ again referring to Ayers and his wife, both of whom are white ‹ "carried a racially tinged subtext."
Remember, too, the supposed racial overtones ascribed to McCain's ad comparing the accomplishment-free Obama to similarly-credentialed starlets Paris Hilton and Britney Spears ‹ again, both white.
Mentioning Obama's accounts of his own use of marijuana or cocaine is off limits because that's racist, too. And, of course, to vote for someone other than Obama is the telltale sign of racism.
If this is the treatment Obama's critics receive now when he's merely a freshman senator from Illinois there's plenty to fear from an Obama presidency.
Wild Thing's comment..........
In addition to what the article listed, Obama's zealots have also been known to hack into Sarah Palin's private email and threaten a Jewish group with tax trouble unless they disinvited her from their protest rally against Ahmadinejad at the UN.
Then there is Joe the Plumber, that not only made us sick and outraged it also made many democrats mad as well.
Imagine this man with control of the ENTIRE executive branch of the most powerful country in the world: That includes the Justice Department (FBI, U.S. Attorneys, etc.) the IRS, the military, the National Guards of the 57 ( Obama's count of how many States we have) states, and all the rest!
Remember how Obama treated Joe Lieberman on the floor of the Senate?
......during a Senate vote Wednesday, Obama dragged Lieberman by the hand to a far corner of the Senate chamber and engaged in what appeared to reporters in the gallery as an intense, three-minute conversation. While it was unclear what the two were discussing, the body language suggested that Obama was trying to convince Lieberman of something and his stance appeared slightly intimidating. Using forceful, but not angry, hand gestures, Obama literally backed up Lieberman against the wall, leaned in very close at times, and appeared to be trying to dominate the conversation, as the two talked over each other in a few instances.
It’s positively terrifying.
Continued prayers that Obama does not win.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:47 AM | Comments (11)
“Bearack Obama”
Animals that were formerly self-sufficient are now showing signs of belonging to the Democratic Party.. as they have apparently learned to just sit and wait for the government to step in and provide for their care and sustenance.
Wild Thing's comment........
LOL I love this bear and he must have hit his head or something and then became a democrat. hahaha Most of the bears I klnow are all conservative.
......Thank you RAC for sending this to me.
RAC has a website that is awesome. 336th Assault Helicopter Company
13th Combat Aviation Battalion - 1st Aviation Brigade - Soc Trang, Republic of Vietnam
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:45 AM | Comments (3)
Sean Hannity Talks About Obama's Plan For Coal Industry
With Obama's plan about the Coal Industry he plans to put over 100K+ people out of work and raise the cost of living for all of us.
Video is of Sean Hannity speaking about this last night.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:40 AM
November 02, 2008
Communist Obama Tells SF Chronicle He Will Bankrupt Coal Industry
Obama Tells SF Chronicle He Will Bankrupt Coal Industry
Imagine if John McCain had whispered somewhere that he was willing to bankrupt a major industry? Would this declaration not immediately be front page news? Well, Barack Obama actually flat out told the San Francisco Chronicle (SF Gate) that he was willing to see the coal industry go bankrupt in a January 17, 2008 interview. The result? Nothing. This audio interview has been hidden from the public...until now. Here is the transcript of Obama's statement about bankrupting the coal industry (emphasis mine):
Let me sort of describe my overall policy.
What I've said is that we would put a cap and trade system in place that is as aggressive, if not more aggressive, than anybody else's out there.
I was the first to call for a 100% auction on the cap and trade system, which means that every unit of carbon or greenhouse gases emitted would be charged to the polluter. That will create a market in which whatever technologies are out there that are being presented, whatever power plants that are being built, that they would have to meet the rigors of that market and the ratcheted down caps that are being placed, imposed every year.
So if somebody wants to build a coal-powered plant, they can; it's just that it will bankrupt them because they're going to be charged a huge sum for all that greenhouse gas that's being emitted.
Obama/Joe Biden "No Coal Plants Here in America"
Wild Thing's comment.........
I have sooo had it with this POS Barack Hussein Obama.
McCain plans to build at least 40 Nuclear power plants. Obamas against that too.
B.Hussein Obama will BANKRUPT the COAL INDUSTRY, but the Marine Industry, Automobile Industry, the RV industry, the retail industry, the online retail industry and 100% of the other industry segments. It also effects the railroad industry...they are the main haulers of coal!...Ripple effect...drip, drip!!!
phone: (703) 418-2008
United Mine Workers site is against McCain.
Please e-mail this story to anyone you know who lives in a coal-producing state (especially Penn., Ohio, Virginia...).
Less than 48 hours!!! One final push to save the U.S.A.!
....Thank you Les for sending this to me.
Also at these Blogs:
* Boudica Blog ( this is Bob's blog)
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:14 PM | Comments (5)
Obama: Spike Energy Costs To Make People Go 'green'
Obama: Spike energy costs to make people go 'green'
2007 interview: Proposes government create 'price signals' to control behavior
By Drew Zahn
JOHNSTON, Iowa – In a recently publicized video from the Democratic primaries, Sen. Barack Obama said the government should drive energy bills up through "price signals" in order to force Americans into more environmentally friendly choices.
In the Nov. 9, 2007, interview on Iowa Public Television's "Iowa Press," Obama said Americans like driving SUVs and leaving the lights on, but since "it is undisputable that the climate is getting warmer," consumers would have to change their habits.
When asked what would make consumers change, Obama said government-created "price signals" would make people more mindful of energy costs and compel them to start changing light bulbs and turning off light switches.
Associated Press reporter Mike Glover asked, "How do you convince people to change their lifestyle, to live differently?"
Obama's answer, viewable in the video below, was, "I think it is important for us to send some price signals to change behavior. You know, if electricity goes up, people start becoming more mindful of their electricity bill."
When Des Moines Register reporter David Yepsen asked Obama what part of his campaign Americans may not like to hear, the candidate returned to the theme of price signals.
"Number one, we're going to have to start doing a better job of conserving on energy," Obama said. "Americans like to drive their big SUVs. They like to leave all the lights on in their house. We're going to have to change our habits."
He then clarified how the government could implement the kind price signals that change consumer habits.
"We're going to have to cap the emission of greenhouse gases," Obama said. "That means that power plants are going to have to adjust how they generate power. They will pass on those costs to consumers. … A lot of us who can afford it are going to have to pay more per unit of electricity, and that means we're going to have to change our light bulbs, we're going to have to shut the lights off in our houses."
Wild Thing's comment..........
Sorry but WTF??!!
Barack Hussein Obama literally will destroy our economy, our industries just to make our country into HIS WAY OR NO WAY.
Please God this man cannot become President!!!!!!!!!
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 PM | Comments (4)
Obama: 'We Will Change The World'
Make a Donation of $30 or More and Receive Your 'Change the World' T-shirt
When you look back on this week years from now, you'll tell your friends and family that this was the moment you helped make history.
Show that you stepped up during this historic moment.
Make a donation of $30 or more and receive a special edition Obama-Biden T-shirt.
Barack Obama has promised to "change the world" if he is elected US President. Skip related content
At a rally in Henderson, Nevada, he warned his supporters against complacency.
"At this defining moment in history, you can give the country the change we need," he said.
Sky News' Michelle Clifford, who was at the rally, said Mr Obama was trying to leave nothing to chance.
"He'll be using every ounce of his resources to get the vote out," she said.
Communist Party USA (CPUSA) 2008 Electoral Policy
The Communist Party USA views the 2008 elections as a tremendous opportunity to defeat the policies of the right-wing Republicans and to move our country in a new progressive direction.
The record turnout in the Democratic Presidential primary races shows that millions of voters, including millions of new voters, are using this election to bring about real change. We wholeheartedly agree with them.
CPUSA endorsing the Obamamessiah for President — shocker — even though he isn’t quite the perfect little Communist.
Here is the page at their website that states this below:
"Barack Obama is not a left candidate. This fact has seemingly surprised a number of progressive people who are bemoaning Obama’s “shift to the center.”
But they will not dampen the wide and deep enthusiasm for blocking a third Bush term represented by John McCain, or for bringing Obama by landslide into the White House with a large Democratic congressional majority.
A broad multiclass, multiracial movement is converging around Obama’s “Hope, change and unity” campaign because they see in it the thrilling opportunity to end 30 years of ultra-right rule and move our nation forward with a broadly progressive agenda.
Wild Thing's comment.........
Obama also said this the other day, that we were only five days away from fundamentally and drastically changing this nation.
He means it.
There was an article that was written in September. I just saw it and wanted to point this out. Important read below.
But let us now forget one thing, he has NOT won this battle, and we are a mighty force!!
Barack Obama and Michelle's Boot Camps For Radicals
Barack Obama was a founding member of the board of Public Allies in 1992, resigning before his wife became executive director of the Chicago chapter of Public Allies in 1993. Obama plans to use the nonprofit group, which he features on his campaign Web site, as the model for a national service corps. He calls his Orwellian program, "Universal Voluntary Public Service."
Big Brother had nothing on the Obamas. They plan to herd American youth into government-funded reeducation camps where they'll be brainwashed into thinking America is a racist, oppressive place in need of "social change."
The pitch Public Allies makes on its Web site doesn't seem all that radical. It promises to place young adults (18-30) in paid one-year "community leadership" positions with nonprofit or government agencies. They'll also be required to attend weekly training workshops and three retreats.
In exchange, they'll get a monthly stipend of up to $1,800, plus paid health and child care. They also get a post-service education award of $4,725 that can be used to pay off past student loans or fund future education.
But its real mission is to radicalize American youth and use them to bring about "social change" through threats, pressure, tension and confrontation — the tactics used by the father of community organizing, Saul "The Red" Alinsky.
"Our alumni are more than twice as likely as 18-34 year olds to . . . engage in protest activities," Public Allies boasts in a document found with its tax filings. It has already deployed an army of 2,200 community organizers like Obama to agitate for "justice" and "equality" in his hometown of Chicago and other U.S. cities, including Cincinnati, Los Angeles, Milwaukee, New York, Phoenix, Pittsburgh and Washington. "I get to practice being an activist," and get paid for it, gushed Cincinnati recruit Amy Vincent.
The Obamas discourage work in the private sector. "Don't go into corporate America," Michelle has exhorted youth. "Work for the community. Be social workers." Shun the "money culture," Barack added. "Individual salvation depends on collective salvation."
"If you commit to serving your community," he pledged in his Denver acceptance speech, "we will make sure you can afford a college education." So, go through government to go to college, and then go back into government.
Not all the recruits appreciate the PC indoctrination. "It was too touchy-feely," said Nelly Nieblas, 29, of the 2005 Los Angeles class. "It's a lot of talk about race, a lot of talk about sexism, a lot of talk about homophobia, talk about -isms and phobias."
One of those -isms is "heterosexism," which a Public Allies training seminar in Chicago describes as a negative byproduct of "capitalism, white supremacy, patriarchy and male-dominated privilege."
The government now funds about half of Public Allies' expenses through Clinton's AmeriCorps. Obama wants to fully fund it and expand it into a national program that some see costing $500 billion. "We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded" as the military, he said.
The gall of it: The Obamas want to create a boot camp for radicals who hate the military — and stick American taxpayers with the bill.
....Thank you Jack for sending this to me.
Jack has a wonderful blog......... Conservative Insurgent
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 AM | Comments (10)
The War on America
The War on America
by Medal of Honor recipient Colonel Bud Day
My Dear Fellow Americans:
For the last few weeks, the “Liberal’s War on America” has gone badly.
* MoveOn, the New York Times, and Senators who accused Gen. Petraeus of being a traitor and a liar have been exposed and repudiated;
* The media’s attempted flim-flam to portray Iran’s Terrorist Dictator as a “Statesman,” tripped on Columbia University’s red carpet;
* The brave combat Marines whom Congressman Murtha and the press eagerly charged with “cold-blooded murders” in Iraq are being found innocent, acquitted one by one.
The “War” is not going well … the “War On America,” that is.
Those who claim they “Support the Troops” are finally being unmasked, shown for being the cowards they are. But, it won’t be long before they regroup, begin their own “Surge” in this decades-long “War On America.” We won’t stand by quietly when they do; nor, should you.
My fellow POWs and I have long known the contempt the extreme Left has for our military. We felt the crush of rifle butts in our faces, beatings and unspeakable torture in the Hanoi Hilton Prison when we refused to kowtow to American traitors who traveled to these countries for propaganda “photo-ops” with our Communist jailors.
The so-called “anti-war movement,” lead by the likes of Lt. John Kerry and his mentor, Sen. Ted Kennedy, also said they “supported the troops”. What they didn’t say is whose “troops.”
We knew the answer then, we were witnesses and victims. It’s the same today. They “support” America’s enemies, any Communist Regime, Dictator or Terrorists that vow to kill and maim American soldiers and innocent civilians.
American soldiers in Vietnam were falsely accused of being a “barbarian horde,” “rapists,” “murderers,” “drug addicts” and “baby killers.”
Today, their sons, daughters and grandchildren serving in uniform stand accused of being “terrorists,” “Nazis,” “cold-blooded murderers,” people who wantonly conduct “air raids on villages” bombing and killing civilians.
Every one of those spurious accusations were spewed from the Halls of Congress, most often by the same men and women who voted to send America’s youth to war, only to denounce, vilify and abandon them later, when the opportunity for personal, political advantage presented itself.
When I and my fellow veterans — POWs, Soldiers, Airmen, Marines and Navy Swift Boat combat veterans alike — attempted to warn America about one of the most notorious turncoats from the Vietnam era, we were initially ignored by the mainstream media.
When the press and TV networks could no longer cover-up for John Kerry’s very public treasonous conduct, we were accused of being “serial liars,” shouted down by Leftist political campaign operatives disguised as “journalists.” All the while the networks kept the film evidence of Lt. Kerry’s betrayal under lock and key, where it remains hidden from the American public even today.
The recent treatment accorded Gen. Petraeus by the same radicals in Congress and the media was strikingly similar to our experiences in 2004. Before he uttered a single word, this highly decorated combat veteran, a man of great honor who has risked his life many times in the defense of our country, stood accused, disparaged and berated by a pack of power-hungry shirkers and slackers unworthy to polish his combat medals.
Veterans who attempted to expose Sen. Kerry in 2004 were treated no better. But, Kerry and his band of Leftist comrades had something special in store for me and my fellow POWs and their wives. We were sued repeatedly for three long years, forced to spend $1 million just to defend ourselves in several frivolous lawsuits.
What did we do to cause such a prolonged, vindictive assault? We told the truth no Mainstream Media news operation wanted the American public to know, then or now.
Dozens of my fellow POWs and their wives participated in a documentary, “Stolen Honor: Wounds that Never Heal.” In that film we said Kerry and his anti-war followers were liars and frauds working on behalf of our brutal Communists captors. Their collaboration with the enemy prolonged our captivity and the Vietnam War itself by years. Their vicious lies accusing us and all U.S. servicemen of being “war criminals” put our lives and the lives of Americans still fighting on the battlefield in grave danger.
Worse of all, Kerry’s self-aggrandizing, false accusations against American soldiers who had born the brunt of the bleeding and dying in Vietnam, spawned the myths our young men and women in Iraq today are forced to defend against, even as they fight for their lives on the battlefield each and every day.
You can draw a straight line from the deceitful Leftist tactics used to bring America’s defeat and dishonor in Vietnam to Iraq today.
America’s military didn’t lose the Vietnam War. Congress declared defeat, voted to abandon South Vietnam nearly two years after our last combat troops left. That sell-out, not only of our South Vietnam ally, but the nearly 60,000 Americans who gave their lives on the battlefield, ignited a genocidal holocaust throughout Southeast Asia that can still only be measured in the millions, an estimated three to five million innocent civilians brutally murdered.
We cannot let that happen again. We will not let that happen. You can stand shoulder to shoulder with us to prevent that from happening.
Three years ago, I and my fellow POWs and Vietnam combat veterans created a non-profit organization, ” The Vietnam Veterans Legacy Foundation”. Our mission was simple, to set the record straight about the Vietnam War and those who served and fought there. Little did we know then we’d be slapped with multiple lawsuits for daring to uncover the layer upon layer of lies that constitute the false Vietnam History.
Nor, could we know then the Left’s plans to use the same Vietnam blueprint for defeat in Iraq. Little wonder Kerry and his followers wanted to sue us into silence! But, we prevailed. We successfully defended against each of those lawsuits, all have now been withdrawn. And, we will not remain silent any longer.
Our research into the Vietnam War, most especially, those individuals and organizations responsible for creating the completely false history of Vietnam, is voluminous, factual and compelling. We have amassed a virtual library of records, documents and eyewitness testimony that proves, conclusively, the popular history of Vietnam is pure bunk, propaganda.
Once we get the truth out to the American people, there will be winners. Those winners will be every man and woman who has served in our Armed Forces. To them and their families, this is a war we cannot lose.
The “War On America” is just heating up again. What we do now will dictate America’s future, whether it is one of victory over terrorism, or, decades more of defeat, humiliation in a lost, but noble cause.
God Bless You and America,
Col. Bud Day
Wild Thing's comment........
This is such a great letter. I agree the War on America is heating up and the enemy within has been repeating theiri same attempts to do what they have done in the past. And now we the added factor of what Obama will bring to this war on America.
The “War On America” is just heating up again. What we do now will dictate America’s future, whether it is one of victory over terrorism, or, decades more of defeat, humiliation in a lost, but noble cause."
He is right, what we do now will decide things for our country for many years.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:50 AM | Comments (11)
Al-Qaida Sites Show Support For Barack Hussein Obama
Al-Qaida sites show support for Obama
Monitor says terrorists wants Democrat to pull troops so they can 'claim victory'
The call this week by an al-Qaida leader for Allah to "humiliate" President Bush and the Republican Party in Tuesday's election was not the first tacit endorsement of Democrat Barack Obama by the terrorist network.
A contributor to a major al-Qaida website last week said the terrorist group will "let the Democrats win the presidential elections, and Obama will take it," according to Joseph Shahda, an Arabic translator who monitors radical Islamic websites.
Obama's "goal is to withdraw from Iraq" over a period of time, but "he will be forced to withdraw his forces from Iraq at a much earlier time," said the Oct. 23 post, written under the name "Wissam" on the Al-Hesbah website.
They called for launching a "crushing strike" after the election.
Shahda explained that all al-Qaida press releases, videos, audios and speeches are first posted on the terrorist forums.
Shahda said al-Qaida will let Democrats win, there have been previous comments on al-Qaida-linked Internet forums speaking in favor of Obama that the media has not covered.
Wild Thing's comment.........
We knew this already but now we have it in print. The terrorists know McCain would go after them and Obama would not. Just as Bill Clinton did nothing really after the first attack on the World Trade Center during his Presidency.
How could Obama go after people that he has so much in common with. Haters of America, haters of our military, wants to weaken the United States, wants to destroy our Consitution, and the list goes on. Yes they have a lot in common.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 AM | Comments (8)
We the People ~ "Stand up, Stand Up Fight"
We didn't land on the moon because someone did it for us.
American atheletes win gold medals because of hard work, not because the government has had them training since childhood.
We didn't let evil take over the world in World War II.
America is a great country based on hard work and principles laid out by our founding fathers.
It's time to Stand up and Fight for them. We the People have a choice.
The day we lose our will to fight is the day we lose our FREEDOOM!
True Americans respond across the greatest country in the world, the United States of America!
Let's look at some of US, we the people, you and I in spirit, we are many, and strong and determined. We know what our freedom has cost and the sacrifices so many gave to bring us our freedom and to keep us free. -- Wild Thing .....Photos are from various rallies.
Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin, center, poses for a group photo with fire fighters from Engine Company 10, Ladder Company 10 at their firehouse next to the World Trade Center site, Thursday, Sept. 25, 2008 in New York.
Country singer Aaron Tippin performs before a rally for Republican vice presidential candidate Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, Saturday, Oct. 25, 2008, in Des Moines, Iowa.
Singer Lee Greenwood
Mike Ditka introduces Gov. Sarah Palin at Rally in PA.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:45 AM | Comments (12)
November 01, 2008
The Washington Times reported Friday that they were notified of the Obama campaign’s decision Thursday evening — even though the paper has covered Obama from the start.
"This feels like the journalistic equivalent of redistributing the wealth, we spent hundreds of thousands of dollars covering Senator Obama’s campaign, traveling on his plane, and taking our turn in the reporter’s pool, only to have our seat given away to someone else in the last days of the campaign,” said Washington Times Executive Editor John Solomon.
“I hope the candidate that promises to unite America isn’t using a litmus test to determine who gets to cover his campaign.”
The Obama campaign has decided to heave out three newspapers from its plane for the final days of its blitz across battleground states — and all three endorsed Sen. John McCain for president!
The NY POST, WASHINGTON TIMES and DALLAS MORNING NEWS have all been told to vamoose by Sunday to make room for network bigwigs — and possibly for the inclusion of reporters from two black magazines, ESSENCE and JET, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned.
Despite pleas from top editors of the three newspapers that have covered the campaign for months at extraordinary cost, the Obama campaign says their reporters — and possibly others — will have to vacate their coveted seats so more power players can document the final days of Sen. Barack Obama’s historic campaign to become the first black American president.
After a week of quiet but desperate behind-the-scenes negotiations, the reporters of the three papers heard last night that they were definitely off for the final swing. They are already planning how to cover the final days by flying commercial or driving from event to event.
Wild Thing's comment.........
These three newspapers did not endorse Obama, they endorsed McCain/Palin.
The Truth Squad in MO. and PA.
Florida TV station was banned
PA TV station was banned
Joe the Plumber was investigated
The ‘Change’ is starting. All the people on the left that support FREEDOM OF SPEECH better wake and see what is going on. When Obama doesn’t like what is being said about him he freezes them out in all directions. He has 90% of the media on his side but that is still not good enough.
Obama and his Gestapo and it all began during the Primary stealing votes from Hillary with the help of the DNC and has not stopped since.
They said on FOX that the three replacing these newspapers listed in the article will be BET ( Black Entertainment Television), Essence ( Black magazine) and Ebony ( another black magazine).
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 AM | Comments (20)
Obama's New Attack on Those Who Don't Want Higher Taxes: ‘Selfishness’
Obama's New Attack on Those Who Don't Want Higher Taxes: ‘Selfishness’
On the stump this week, Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., has pushed back against Sen. John McCain's description of his tax policies.
"The reason that we want to do this, change our tax code, is not because I have anything against the rich," Obama said in Sarasota, Fla., yesterday. "I love rich people! I want all of you to be rich. Go for it. That’s the American dream, that’s the American way, that’s terrific.
"The point is, though, that -- and it’s not just charity, it’s not just that I want to help the middle class and working people who are trying to get in the middle class -- it’s that when we actually make sure that everybody’s got a shot – when young people can all go to college, when everybody’s got decent health care, when everybody’s got a little more money at the end of the month – then guess what? Everybody starts spending that money, they decide maybe I can afford a new car, maybe I can afford a computer for my child. They can buy the products and services that businesses are selling and everybody is better off. All boats rise. That’s what happened in the 1990s, that’s what we need to restore. And that’s what I’m gonna do as president of the United States of America.
"John McCain and Sarah Palin they call this socialistic," Obama continued. "You know I don’t know when, when they decided they wanted to make a virtue out of selfishness."
Wild Thing's comment.........
He won't produce his birth certificate, he cries and whines when anyone asks him tuff questions. He can't handle any kind of person or comment that disagrees with him so much that he has not only one webpage for what he calls attacks, but also another page for his followers to turn people in that say or do things from McCain/Palin campaign that make phone calls or send out mailers telling the truth about Obama.
He has never served in our military and made any kind of sacrifices like all of those who serve in our military do.
His relatives keep popping up in places that show all of us Obama could care less about any of them except for his terrorist cousin he flew to see and help with his campaign on our tax dollars.
AND HE CALLS John AND Sarah SELFISH????? Or anyone that does not like his plan and disagree with him.
HERE is what UNselfish is Barack Hussein Obama!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:50 AM | Comments (12)
Supreme Court Asked To Halt Tuesday's Vote
Supremes asked to halt Tuesday's vote
Constitutional crisis feared over Obama's 'qualifications'
The U.S. Supreme Court is being asked to help the nation avoid a constitutional crisis by halting Tuesday's election until Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama documents his eligibility to run for the top office in the nation.
Democratic attorney Philip Berg had filed a lawsuit alleging Obama is ineligible to be president because of possible birth in Kenya, but as WND reported, a federal judge dismissed the complaint claiming Berg lacks standing to bring the action.
The 34-page memorandum that accompanied the court order from Judge R. Barclay Surrick concluded ordinary citizens can't sue to ensure that a presidential candidate actually meets the constitutional requirements of the office.
Instead, Surrick said Congress could determine "that citizens, voters, or party members should police the Constitution's eligibility requirements for the Presidency," but that it would take new laws to grant individual citizens that ability.
"Until that time," Surrick says, "voters do not have standing to bring the sort of challenge that Plaintiff attempts to bring."
In a statement today, Berg said he is applying to Justice David Souter for an "Immediate Injunction to Stay the Presidential Election of November 4, 2008."
"I am hopeful that the U.S. Supreme Court will grant the injunction pending a review of this case to avoid a constitutional crisis by insisting that Obama produce certified documentation that he is or is not a "natural born" citizen and if he cannot produce documentation that Obama be removed from the ballot for president," Berg said.
"We must legally prevent Obama, the unqualified candidate, from taking the office of the presidency of the United States," Berg said.
Wild Thing's comment...........
I would hate to get stuck with Obama and then find out yet another truth about him. The Supreme Court could make it where his birth certificate question has to be answered.
Obama is the one that has made this a big deal by his actions and not doing what he was supposed to do.
The thing is he has got to be an American running for President as it says in the US Constitution. We have the right to know if he is an imposter or not.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:48 AM | Comments (10)
Actress Maria Conchita Alonso Endorses McCain
Today the McCain-Palin campaign announced the endorsement of Maria Conchita Alonso, a Latin American actress who has starred in television and film for three decades. Alonso, who was born in Cuba and raised in Venezuela, recently appeared on CSI: Miami and Desperate Housewives and starred alongside Arnold Schwarzenegger in The Running Man.
"As a Latina and a new American citizen, I believe in this country and its people, and I believe that we need more than just 'change.' We need a leader who can bring about the right kind of change, and John McCain has the experience and judgment necessary to lead us in these uncertain times," Alonso said. "I grew up in Cuba and Venezuela, and I am appalled that Barack Obama apparently wants to emulate the "spread the wealth" economic policies of those countries and negotiate with their leaders. For me the choice is clear, and I believe it is my duty to share my views even though it might not make me popular in Hollywood."
After a successful career in Venezuela as a beauty queen, telenovela star, film actress and singer, Alonso emigrated to the United States from Caracas, Venezuela in 1982. She has appeared in dozens of films and television shows since then and was the first South American star to star on Broadway.
Wild Thing's comment..........
Maria has lived where spread the wealth has been in effect and she knows it does not work. She has been on FOX several times in the past talking about how horrible Hugo Chavez is and also telling off Sean Penn and others how wrong they are do make friends and side with Hugo Chavez.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:47 AM | Comments (8)
Obama The Redistributor, and Plans for Driver's Licenses and Social Security for Illegals
These New TV Ads are coming to us from The National Republican Trust a politixal action committee.
They plan on puting out a lot of ads this weekend on the TV.
The National Republican Trust Political Action Committee (NRT PAC) was formed as an independent organization to help promote American values and support federal candidates for Congress, Senate and the Presidency who share those values.
The NRT is committed to continuing the legacy of Ronald Reagan. As such, the NRT PAC promotes a political vision that includes several core ideas:
* Government is best when it is limited.
* The free enterprise system and entrepreneurship are the cornerstones of America's economic strength.
* Taxes are a necessary evil and should be reduced.
* Our national security protects our economic and political freedoms.
* A strong national defense is the best way to avoid war and deter aggression.
* The American civilization finds its foundation in strong moral and family values.
* Supporters of NRT come from all walks of life. They share one common belief, that America has been a great nation because of her people and their enduring values.
The Staff of The National Republican Trust
Scott Wheeler Executive Director
Scott Wheeler is a former television producer and investigative journalist. As a writer he has focused on domestic and international security issues. Mr. Wheeler has produced seventeen television documentaries and consulted on more than a dozen others. For the past eight years Mr. Wheeler has been on the forefront of the most crucial issues facing national security - from the war zones in Yugoslavia, to the drug fields of South America and following the trails of international arms smugglers to Canada, Europe and the Middle East. Mr. Wheeler is a veteran of the U.S. Army infantry.
Peter Leitner Treasurer
Dr. Leitner formerly worked in the Office of the Secretary of Defense starting with Casper Weinberger up until his retirement under current secretary Robert Gates. He was also a founding professor at the National Center for Biodefense at George Mason University in Fairfax, Va. Dr. Leitner brings 31 years of experience as a high-ranking federal official in a number of national security positions, particularly in the field of technology controls, nonproliferation, biodefense and counterterrorism. He has testified before the U.S. Congress numerous times and holds a doctorate from the University of Southern California and four master's degrees.
Barack Obama: The Redistributor
Obama will spend Trillions of our tax dollars and spread the wealth around!
Obama's Plan: Driver's Licenses for Illegals
Obama Wants Social Security for Illegals
Wild Thing's comment...........
"Always remember that you are Americans, and it is your birthright to dream great dreams in this sweet and blessed land, truly the greatest, freest, strongest nation on Earth." — Ronald Reagan
Welcome to America the land of opportunity er ah handouts. Well Obama is NOT gonig to get his chance to do this becauae with the help of lots of prayer and everyone voting this will never happen.
America has made a call out to all of us, and we will answer with a resounding NO, America is NOT for sale!!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:45 AM | Comments (6)
Obama Late To Hearings ~ What an Irresponsible Jerk!!
Wild Thing's comment.........
This is a good example of how he disrespects others, there have been many and this is yet another one. On every level this Obama person is NOT qualified to be President of our country.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:40 AM | Comments (6)