Theodore's World: Palestinian Terrorist Group Uses Children On The Front Lines

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January 11, 2008

Palestinian Terrorist Group Uses Children On The Front Lines

Palestinian terrorist group uses children on the front lines

Wild Thing's comment........

The enemy comes in all sizes, shapes, sexes and ages. Some brain washed, all are dedicated, and all mean death to Jews and Christians. All of us on here know about Islam, we do not hide our heads in the sand, or pretend these subhumans can be dealt with using meetings and Pelosi diplomacy. Their cult teaches them it is ok to lie so any agreements made such as what Bush and Condi are attempting to do is useless.

We saw what happened with Gaza, Gush Katif , when the terrorists cheered how they had won and then proceeded to destroy the farms and beauty the Jews had worked so hard to create.

It has been said, "As Israel goes so goes the world".

This is my page at my website on Israel.

Posted by Wild Thing at January 11, 2008 02:40 AM


Hey W... call these children your 'Road map to peace speed bumps!'

Posted by: darthcrUSAderworldtour07 at January 11, 2008 06:04 AM

How sad. Using children. Children need to be in school, playing tag and jumping rope and climbing on jungle gyms, not performing on the front lines with a weapon.
Please, Palestine, please, let your children be children.
They don't have the mental faculties yet to know what they are doing. Their brains haven't matured yet.
God weeps for the children and so do I.

Posted by: Lynn at January 11, 2008 08:23 AM

Using children on the front lines, not as a last resort, but for the simple shock value. Knowing the Israelis would be reluctant to shoot/kill a child, even if the child is shooting at them. THEN raising a mighty stink when the child IS shot/killed.

I think, at long last, we have a definition of "obscenity".

Posted by: Rick at January 11, 2008 08:27 AM

This brainwashing and use of children by Arab and Muslim terrorists and culture, particularly the Palestinian savages, has been going on for a long time. The UN through UNRWA has for many decades supported, encouraged, and protected the extreme conditions that foster this level of human depravity that uses children to fight battles for cowardly adults and to perpetuate their hatred.

The following video provides a glimpse into the depth of the problem including it's reach into America. Click on the (more) link under About This Video for a full narrative on it.

THE NEW BARBARIANS: Training Children to Kill

Let's not forget that these are the same people that George Bush, the UN, the EU, and Russia (Middle East Quartet) wants to reward with a Palestinian State.

Posted by: Les at January 11, 2008 07:43 PM

Darth, I can't imagine how awful a person has to be to do to children what these terrorists teach their children.

Posted by: Wild Thing at January 12, 2008 12:31 AM

Lynn, yesss, there is no way they can tell us they love their children, no way, when they use them like they do and fill them with such hate.Their young minds absorbing it all and wanting to much to please.

Posted by: Wild Thing at January 12, 2008 12:33 AM

Rick I agree it is obscene, truly horribly obscene.

Posted by: Wild Thing at January 12, 2008 12:34 AM

Les how horrible what a nightmare, thanks for the link and information.

Posted by: Wild Thing at January 12, 2008 12:37 AM