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October 31, 2007
3rd annual Valour-IT Fundraiser
All of us here at Theodore's World support our troops. Each branch of the service is represented in my family, and I am so very proud of each one that served. It is very hard to pick just one so I went with the Marines since we have been proudly honored with the name Team Theodore by LPCL Alex who is in Iraq on his 2nd Tour. I have not heard from him in awhile so extra prayers he is doing ok and just really busy killing the bad guys. God be with you Alex.
3rd annual Valour-IT Fundraiser
Project Valour-IT, in memory of SFC William V. Ziegenfuss, helps provide voice-controlled and adaptive laptop computers to wounded Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines recovering from hand wounds and other severe injuries at major military medical centers. Operating laptops by speaking into a microphone or using other adaptive technologies, our wounded heroes are able to send and receive messages from friends and loved ones, surf the ‘Net, and communicate with buddies still in the field. The experience of MAJ Charles “Chuck” Ziegenfuss, a partner in the project who suffered serious hand wounds while serving in Iraq, illustrates how important these laptops can be to a wounded service member’s recovery.
WHAT: Friendly fundraising competition for Valour-IT.
WHEN: October 29th through Veterans Day, November 11th .
WHERE: Based in the blogosphere, spreading everywhere else.
WHY: Because giving wounded warriors with hand and arm injuries access to a computer supports their healing and puts them back in touch with the world.
HOW: Blogger teams will be divided along military branches, with civilians "up for grabs."
The various teams are below:
Marines will be led by Holly Aho
Air Force will be led by Mrs. Greyhawk at Mudville Gazette
Navy will be led by Chaotic Synaptic Activity.
Army led by Matt and Jim of Blackfive
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:40 PM | Comments (4)
New Congress At War Over Everything
New Congress at war over everything
In a closed-door meeting before the last vote on the children’s health care bill, House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer appealed for the support of about 30 wavering Republican lawmakers. What he got instead was a tongue-lashing, participants said.
The GOP lawmakers, all of whom had expressed interest in a bipartisan deal on the SCHIP legislation, were furious that the Democratic leader from Maryland had not reached out to them in a more serious way early on. They also criticized him and Democratic Caucus Chairman Rahm Emanuel of Illinois for failing to stop his allies outside Congress from running attack ads in their districts, while they were discussing a bipartisan deal.
The result was a predictable one for this bitterly divided Congress. The House vote for a second SCHIP bill was a healthy majority, but not the two-thirds needed to override another veto vowed by President Bush. Only one Republican switched his vote — to oppose the measure.
Democrats accused Republicans of hurting kids. Republicans howled about a heavy-handed, uncompromising Democratic majority. And another chance at bipartisan consensus slipped away.
“They spent $1.5 million through their various shill outreach groups attacking me and a handful of my colleagues,” Rep. Ric Keller (R-Fla.) said before the Hoyer meeting, “but they did not spend five minutes to approach me to ask for my vote.”
This us-against-them mentality has been an ongoing storyline of the new Democratic-controlled Congress. On the big items — Iraq, health care and spending — party leaders have shunned compromise.
Wild Thing's comment........
For the Demorats, bipartisan consensus means "My way or the highway." Even if you do it their way, you still get bashed. I doubt if the Republican leadership have learned their lesson yet, but it looks as if a few rank-and-file congressman have. Thanks heavens for small favors.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (14)
Four-legged Soldiers Keep Their Noses To The Ground
By Spc. Ben Hutto
3rd Brigade Combat Team Public Affairs
The German shepherd trots from rock to rock, ears pricked upward and nose pointed towards the earth, intent on his mission.
Several feet away, his handler, Sgt. Richard Miller, from Floresville, Texas, a military policeman with the 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division, silently watches as the dog gets closer to the C4 explosive he has hidden under some rubble.
The specialized off-leash search dog looks back at his handler and sits down beside the hidden explosive.
"Good boy," Miller says, walking toward Gabriel. "Good job, Gabe."
The dog's tail swings back and forth as his trainer approaches. His mission accomplished, the dog eagerly awaits his reward.
Miller focuses the dog on the explosive while he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a worn-out orange cong. He tosses it in front of the dog and watches as he snatches it up and runs back to his handler.
The next few moments are filled with praise as Miller tosses the cong and Gabriel retrieves it.
"That's the whole reason the dog does what he does," explains Sgt. Timothy Kinsey, from Pueblo, Colo., a military policeman with the 3rd Brigade Combat Team. "We work to get paid. The dogs work for their reward. Gabriel is very focused on his reward. He'll do anything for those congs."
The 3rd BCT has three working dogs and they've been extremely busy since their arrival at Forward Operating Base Hammer.
"They are doing a good job," said Sgt. 1st Class Tommy Jamison, from Elmira, Ore., the provost sergeant for the 3rd BCT. "I've had to learn about them, but they have been great assets."
Jamison explained that the battalions in the 3rd BCT had to learn how to use the dogs on combat missions.
"They were skeptical at first," Jamison said. "The Soldiers had their TTPs (techniques, tactics, and procedures) and those needed to be changed to accommodate the dogs, so that caused some friction. It was hard to explain to leaders that the dogs needed air conditioned vehicles and tents to rest, but once they saw the benefits, everyone accommodated them."
Kinsey explained that there are limits to what the dogs can do.
"Some Soldiers have a hard time understanding that the dogs have the mentality of a four year old," Kinsey said. "When a dog is tired, they are tired. I can't tell them to suck it up and drive on. They love what they do, but they have limits."
The dog's sense of smell makes them perfect for detecting hidden contraband that Soldiers can overlook.
Miller explained that a dog can register and discern 10,000 - 40,000 scents at one time.
"The best way I can explain it is that if you were to walk into a fast food place you would smell the meat cooking on the grill and the mop bucket they are using to clean up a spill," Miller said. "A dog will smell the fat in the burger charring, the meat cooking, the sesame seeds on the buns, the pickle juice, the type of perfume the cashier is wearing and a thousand different other scents all at the same time."
That sense of smell allows dogs like Gabriel and Jim to smell a coil of detonation cord under a pile of rubble from 10 feet away.
"It takes a lot of luck and good information for the dogs to be effective," Miller said. "We have to be in an area where there is something. Sometimes things can be buried too deep or they have been moved, but the dogs are very accurate if something is there."
The accuracy of the dog's ability can be directly attributed to the training that the handlers give them on a daily basis.
"Every day is a training day," Miller said. "We conduct training as often as possible. It keeps the dogs sharp and helps us maintain our rapport with them."
That rapport is critical out in the field.
"The main thing between a trainer and a dog is their rapport," Kinsey said. "We have to notice the dog's behavior and make decisions based on that. A dog's normal temperature is between 101 and 103 degrees. If its body temperature gets up to 106, the dog starts shutting down and begins to die. Out here in the desert, that is a big risk we have to monitor."
Miller throws Gabriel's cong around a few more times before calling an end to the training session. The handler roughly shakes the dog and encourages him.
"Normally, specialized off-leash search dogs stay with the same handler their entire military career so we should be together a while," Miller said.
The 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division, from Fort Benning, Ga., has been deployed in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom since March.
Wild Thing's comment........
I love reading about the dogs that help our soldiers. I love the team work and the bonding that goes on.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (7)
Non-English Speakers Charge Bias in Prescription Labeling
Non-English Speakers Charge Bias in Prescription Labeling NYT
Pharmacies across the city routinely fail to help non-English speakers understand their prescriptions, raising the chances that customers could harm themselves by taking medicines incorrectly, immigrant advocacy groups charge in a discrimination complaint that they plan to file today with the New York attorney general’s office.
The complaint names 16 pharmacies in Brooklyn, Queens and Long Island, most of them operated by chains. It argues that federal civil rights law and state health regulations require pharmacies to provide linguistic help to guarantee that people who speak little or no English receive equal access to health care. That assistance should include interpreters at pharmacies and written translations of medication instructions, the advocates say.
Nisha Agarwal, a lawyer for one of the groups filing the complaint, said the attorney general’s office had already issued subpoenas to several pharmacies listed in an earlier version of the complaint filed in July. The new version names more pharmacies, and an accompanying report includes more examples of comprehension problems non-English speakers have had.
“The idea is that people should not be placed in danger by not understanding their medication regimen,” said Andrew Friedman, an executive director of Make the Road New York, one of the groups filing the complaint, along with New York Lawyers for the Public Interest and the New York Immigration Coalition.
Jeffrey Lerner, a spokesman for the attorney general’s office, said only, “We have an ongoing investigation.”
The pharmacies named include six operated by Rite Aid, three CVS stores, three Duane Reade stores, a Walgreens and a Wal-Mart. CVS said it was cooperating with the attorney general. The other companies declined to comment on the pending legal matter, but said they were trying to provide good service for diverse populations.
Tiffani Bruce, a spokeswoman for Walgreens, said the chain provided medication labels in 14 languages and kept a nationwide database of its pharmacists who speak other languages, enabling a pharmacist to call a colleague who can talk to a customer.
CVS said it provided telephone interpreters in 150 languages, and Rite Aid said it tried to hire bilingual pharmacists and provided labels in 12 languages.
The advocacy groups provided The New York Times with a copy of the complaint and the accompanying report.
The report chronicles the stories of more than a dozen New Yorkers who said they struggled to understand their prescriptions at local pharmacies. Reyita Rivera, 47, for example, who speaks and reads only Spanish, said she could not understand the printed instructions that came with her antidepressant medication, and ended up taking too much. She said she had to be admitted to a Queens hospital after the medication caused a racing heartbeat.
“That experience scared me a lot. I felt very bad — I thought I was just going crazy,” Mrs. Rivera, a Dominican immigrant, said in an interview, speaking through an interpreter.
She said she could not communicate with the staff at her pharmacy in Ridgewood, Queens, and received no printed explanation of the medication in Spanish.
Wild Thing's comment........
What has happened to people wanting to learn English? My grandparents, Nick's parents and others that came to our country many of them had to learn English, and wanted to. Nick's Dad even had some funny stories about when he was trying to learn the English. There was a wonderful pride in being an American and a strong desire to want to better oneself and be a part of their new homeland.
It's so easy for politicians and "activists" to mandate that businesses do XYZ, but where is the money coming from? If pharmacies operating in areas requiring translators charge more, get ready for the next story saying that Pharmacies are gouging immigrants.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (13)
** What is your Halloween Name? ** ~ LOL
You can get your Halloween name here
Mine is:
Necrotic Obsession
LOL whatever that means. hahahahaa
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:40 AM | Comments (5)
October 30, 2007
Shiver Me Timbers Matey!
U.S. destroyer pursuing hijacked ship in Somali waters, military says
A U.S. destroyer has entered Somali territorial waters in pursuit of a Japanese-owned ship loaded with benzene that was hijacked by pirates over the weekend, military officials said Monday.
The guided-missile destroyer USS Arleigh Burke entered Somali waters with the permission of the troubled transitional government in Mogadishu, U.S. officials said. In recent years, warships have stayed outside the 12-mile limit when chasing pirates.
The ongoing operation was confirmed to CNN by two military officials familiar with the details.
Gunmen aboard two skiffs hijacked the Panamanian-flagged Golden Mori off the Socotra archipelago, near the Horn of Africa, said Andrew Mwangura, a spokesman for Kenya's Seafarers' Assistance Programme.
The Golden Mori radioed for help Sunday night. The Burke's sister ship, the USS Porter, opened fire and sank the pirate skiffs tied to its stern before the Burke took over shadowing the hijacked vessel.
When the shots were fired, it was not known the ship was filled with highly flammable benzene. U.S. military officials indicate there is a great deal of concern about the cargo because it is so sensitive.
Benzene, which U.S. authorities have declared a known human carcinogen, is used as a solvent and to make plastics and synthetic fabrics.
U.S. and NATO warships have been patrolling off the Horn of Africa for several years in an effort to crack down on piracy off Somalia, where a U.N.-backed transitional government is struggling to restore order after 15 years of near-anarchy.
In June, the destroyer USS Carter Hall fired warning shots in an attempt to stop a hijacked Danish cargo ship off Somalia, but the American vessel had to turn away when the pirated ship entered Somali waters.
In May, a U.S. Navy advisory warned merchant ships to stay at least 200 miles off the Somali coast. But the U.S. Maritime Administration said pirates sometimes issue false distress calls to lure ships closer to shore.
The pirates are often armed with automatic rifles and shoulder-fired rockets, according to a recent warning from the agency.
"To date, vessels that increase speed and take evasive maneuvers avoid boarding, while those that slow down are boarded, taken to the Somali coastline and released after successful ransom payment, often after protracted negotiations of as much as 11 weeks," it advised.
The agency issued a new warning to sailors in the Gulf of Aden, between Somalia and Yemen, after Sunday's hijacking was reported.
Wild Thing's comment........
Time for the Hippies to make new signs I guess.
I'm sure of one thing, our Navy will kick your a## if you fight them on the water, under the water or over the water.
Also I saw this.............
Pirate attacks increase worldwide
Pirate attacks worldwide jumped 14 percent in the first nine months of 2007, with the biggest increases off the poorly policed waters of Somalia and Nigeria
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (6)
Last One Martyred Is A Rotten Egg!
Iranian general warns of Gulf suicide bombings
A top general in Iran’s Revolutionary Guards on Monday warned that the Basij militia were ready ‘if necessary’ to carry out suicide operations in the Gulf, amid rising tensions with the United States, the Fars news agency reported.
‘If necessary we will take advantage of the element of martyrdom-seeking,’ said Brigadier General Ali Fahdavi, deputy head of the Revolutionary Guards’ naval forces.
‘This spirit is prevailing now throughout the Revolutionary Guards,’ he added. The Basij militia is part of the Guards’ military apparatus.
‘They have taken an example from Shahid (martyr) Fahmideh,’ Fahdavi said,referring to 13-year-old Iranian Hossein Fahmideh who became a national hero after blowing himself up under an Iraqi tank in the 1980-1988 war.
‘The scene of the Persian Gulf and strategic Strait of Hormuz is such that even a small operation can have a big impact,’ he added.
Wild Thing's comment........
Isn’t this latest threat, warning whatever like warning that the sun will rise in the east tomorrow? Yup, thought so.
The more terrorists who blow themselves up, the less we have to deal with,praying here they do it alone or among other suicide bombers.
"top general in Iran’s Revolutionary Guards warns "
Oh yeah, go back to the sand box and play while I load my Uzi.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (5)
Harry Reid Pretending To Care About Veterans
Senate Democratic Leaders Call On President To End Delay, Nominate New Secretary Of Veterans Affairs
Washington, DC—As Veterans’ Day approaches, Senate Democratic leaders today issued the following letter to President Bush, urging him to quickly nominate a new Secretary of Veterans Affairs. With the military and VA stretched thin by the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and in light of mismanagement of veterans’ health care at facilities like Walter Reed, our veterans deserve able, permanent leadership.
Below is the text of the letter:
The Honorable George W. Bush
President of the United States
The White House
Washington, DC 20515
Dear Mr. President:
We are writing to express our serious concerns about the extended delay in nominating a qualified individual to serve as Secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).
Secretary Nicholson tendered his resignation in mid-July and left his post at the end of September. As a result, the federal agency to which millions of veterans look for medical care, benefits and other services is now without a leader confirmed by the Senate.
It is important to note that when Attorney General Alberto Gonzales announced his resignation on August 27, 2007, the White House named Judge Michael Mukasey as the nominee less than three weeks later. Our veterans, and the men and women who work at the Department of Veterans Affairs, are equally deserving of stable, permanent leadership and we are writing to urge you to immediately nominate a new Secretary of Veterans Affairs with a proven record of being an honest and independent advocate for veterans.
The absence of permanent, decisive leadership at the VA comes at a time when the agency needs strong, stable direction the most. From the enormous task of streamlining and improving the military and veterans disability systems, to implementing a joint electronic medical record, to caring for the large number of returning veterans with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), the VA needs strong leadership to make the monumental changes to the VA system that our veterans deserve.
As you know, the VA system was stretched beyond capacity even before the current military action in Iraq and Afghanistan. Recently, serious questions have been raised about the manner in which the VA screens, hires and monitors physicians and other health care professionals who work at VA facilities. Long-term resolution of such issues cry out for strong leadership. It seems unconscionable that you would allow an agency that is so critical to the men and women who have put their lives on the line for this nation to go without a permanent leader.
While we feel you have an obligation to act quickly to name someone to this important post, you also have an opportunity to nominate someone with the judgment, experience and stature to move beyond the problems and scandals that have plagued the VA and restore confidence in this essential agency.
Much has been said over the last six years about honoring the service and the sacrifice of our men and women in uniform. But what matters to those who are fighting these wars is not the talk, but the actions we take. The lack of a qualified VA nominee more than three months after the resignation of the previous Secretary signals to our troops fighting today, to the veterans of wars past, and to the entire nation, that the Department of Veterans Affairs is not a priority for your administration.
We implore you to quickly nominate a Secretary who is a strong and independent advocate for veterans, so that we are truly able “To care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow, and his orphan.”
Senator Harry Reid
Majority Leader
Senator Richard Durbi
Assistant Majority Leader
Senator Charles Schumer
Vice Chairman
Democratic Conference
Senator Patty Murray
Democratic Conference
Wild Thing's comment........
TRANSLATION of Reids letter:
“Please, oh please, send us another nominee so that we can have hearings and sanctimoniously attack you through him!”
This is just another democrat ploy to to make us think they support our Troops and Veterans. How about drive them all NUTZ and name Gen Stormin Normin Schwartzkopf. LOL The RatZ would absolutely go insane.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (6)
Flag-folding Recitation Banned At Vets Cemeteries Nationwide
The recitation of the 13 folds of the U.S. flag can no longer be made at national cemeteries. Veterans and honor detail volunteers, such as Bobby Castillo, 85, left, and Rees Lloyd, 59, are furious.
After complaint in Riverside, flag-folding recitation banned at veterans cemeteries nationwide
Press Enterprise.com
Through thousands of military burials, Memorial Honor Detail volunteers at Riverside National Cemetery have folded the American flag 13 times and recited the significance of every fold to survivors of those being laid to rest.
The first fold, a narrator tells relatives, represents life, the second a belief in eternal life.
The 11th fold celebrates Jewish war veterans and "glorifies the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob."
A single complaint lodged against the words for the 11th fold recently prompted the National Cemetery Administration to ban the entire recital at all 125 national cemeteries.
A spokesman in Washington said the complaint originated from someone who witnessed the ceremony at Riverside National but would provide no other details and declined to release the directive banning the flag-folding recital, saying it was "an internal working document not meant for public distribution."
Veterans are furious. Story continues below Joe Vargo / The Press-Enterprise The recitation of the 13 folds of the U.S. flag can no longer be made at national cemeteries. Veterans and honor detail volunteers, such as Bobby Castillo, 85, left, and Rees Lloyd, 59, are furious.
"That the actions of one disgruntled, whining, narcissistic and intolerant individual is preventing veterans from getting the honors they deserve is truly an outrage," said Rees Lloyd, 59, a Vietnam-era veteran and Memorial Honor Detail volunteer. "This is another attempt by secularist fanatics to cleanse any reference to God."
World War II Navy sailor Bobby Castillo, 85, another member of Memorial Honor Detail 12, called the federal decision "a slap in the face to every veteran."
"When we got back from the war, we didn't ask for a whole lot," said Castillo, who was wounded in 1944 as he supported the Allied landings in France. "We just want to give our veterans the respect they deserve. No one has ever complained to us about it. I just don't understand."
The pair, part of a team that has performed military honors at more than 1,400 services, said they were preparing to read the flag-folding remarks when workers in a staff car came up to them and stopped them.
Charlie Waters, parliamentarian for the American Legion of California, said he's advising memorial honor details to ignore the edict, even if it means being kicked out of cemeteries.
"This is nuts," Waters, a Korean War veteran, said in a telephone interview from Fresno. "There are 26 million veterans in this country and they're not going to take us all to prison."
Washington's Explanation
Mike Nacincik, the spokesman for the National Cemetery Administration, said the new policy, which was outlined in a Sept. 27 memo, is aimed at creating uniform services throughout the military graveyard system.
He said the 13-fold recital is not part of the U.S. Flag Code and is not government approved. After the complaint made its way through government channels, Steve Muro, director of field operations, wrote the new policy.
Nacincik said that while the flag-folding narrative includes references to God that the government does not endorse, the main reason for the new rules is uniformity.
"We are looking at consistency," Nacincik said. "We think that's important."
As for comments that the edict is an attack on religious beliefs, Nacincik said, "People are going to have their own views on that."
He said the flag-folding narrative can be read but only if families make arrangements on their own and do not use cemetery workers, which include volunteers. The U.S. government owns Riverside National, the most active national cemetery in the country with more than 8,000 burials of veterans and immediate family members each year.
A Jewish Perspective
Rabbi Yitzhak Miller, of Riverside's Temple Beth El, said he understands the government's decision to ban the recitation but believes it is a quick solution to a complex issue.
"It is a perfect example of government choosing to ignore religion in order to avoid offending some religions," Miller said. "To me, ignoring religion in general is just as problematic as endorsing any one religion."
Miller said the 11th fold, and the 12th fold, which refers to the Christian Trinity -- "God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost -- amounts to an endorsement of Judaism and Christianity. He said he would like to see a reference to "God as we understand God" mentioned in the ritual but without endorsing any specific tradition.
"To acknowledge those two without acknowledging others denigrates the patriotic men and women of other faiths who serve our country," he said.
Family Wishes
Lloyd and Castillo said they always speak to families before providing military honors to their loved ones. Honors include a rifle salute, the playing of taps and the folding of the flag. Some families don't want any honors; others decline specific parts of the ceremony. Those wishes are paramount and are always respected.
Lloyd said the 16 members of the Memorial Honor Detail he serves on have distributed hundreds of copies of the script they recite while folding the flag. They've received dozens of letters thanking them, and several mention in particular the flag-folding recitation. But now presenting families that memento isn't allowed under the directive.
Lloyd, a member of the state American Legion, said he knows Riverside National Cemetery workers are just obeying orders. The real battle is with Washington.
"We're going to fight this tooth and nail, hammer and boot," he said
Wild Thing's comment........
This is appalling. It’s such a beautiful ceremony, too.
I bet the jerk that bitched was not a member of the immediate family. God bless them in this fight against the enemy within. The ultimate sacrifice of a soldier for his country deserves the highest honor and humility by us all. That it is not enough to compensate for what that individual has done for God and country.
And I WANT A NAME, A FACE, I want to know who the person was that complained. When something is changed like this, I DEMAND we have information on this jerk. Why protect this asswipe! GRRRRRRRRRRRRR Since WHEN is the voice of ONE more important than the voices of the Many?
Flag folds
These meanings, not part of the U.S. Flag Code, have been ascribed to the 13 folds of American flags at veterans burial services:
1. Symbol of life.
2. Symbol of our belief in the eternal life.
3. In honor and remembrance of the veteran departing our ranks who gave a portion of life for the defense of our country to attain a peace throughout the world.
4. Represents our weaker nature, for as American citizens trusting in God, it is to Him we turn in times of peace as well as in times of war for His divine guidance.
5. A tribute to our country, for in the words of Stephen Decatur, "Our country, in dealing with other countries, may she always be right; but it is still our country, right or wrong."
6. Represents where our hearts lie. It is with our heart that we pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
7. A tribute to our armed forces.
8. A tribute to the one who entered in to the valley of the shadow of death, that we might see the light of day, and to honor mother, for whom it flies on Mother's Day.
9. A tribute to womanhood.
10. A tribute to father.
11. In the eyes of a Hebrew citizen, represents the lower portion of the seal of King David and King Solomon, and glorifies, in their eyes, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
12. In the eyes of a Christian citizen, represents an emblem of eternity and glorifies, in their eyes, God the Father, the Son, and Holy Ghost.
13. When the flag is completely folded, the stars are uppermost, reminding us of our national motto, "In God We Trust."
.....Thank you Jack for sending this to me. Conservative Insurgent is Jack's wonderful blog.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:40 AM | Comments (8)
October 29, 2007
Iraqi Army in Besmaya Collected a Donation For The San Diego, Ca. Fire Victims
By U.S. Army Sgt 1st Class Charlene Sipperly, Multi-National Security Transition Command - Iraq Public Affairs
Members of the Iraqi Army in Besmaya collected a donation for the San Diego, Calif., fire victims Thursday night at the Besmaya Range Complex in a moving ceremony to support Besmaya's San Diego residents.
Iraqi Army Col. Abbass, the commander of the complex, presented a gift of $1,000 to U.S. Army Col. Darel Maxfield, Besmaya Range Complex officer in charge, Multi-National Security Transition Command Iraq, to send to the fire victims in California.
The money was collected from Iraqi officers and enlisted soldiers in Besmaya. In a speech given during the presentation, Col. Abbass stated that he and the Iraqi soldiers were connected with the American people in many ways, and they will not forget the help that the American government has given the Iraqi people. Abbass was honored to participate by sending a simple fund of $1,000 to the American people in San Diego, to lower the suffering felt by the tragedy.
Wild Thing's comment........
Our soldiers are not only fighting the enemy, but when we see things like this happening it shows how much impact our awesome troops are on the people in Iraq as well.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (8)
Sox Sweep Rocs in World Series
Congratulations to the Red Sox and their fans.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM
Anti-War Protest in Boston
What the heck????
Attending the protest were truthers, socialists,communists, Ron Paul people, Hotel Workers, code pink, Islamists, A.N.S.W.E.R., National Lawyers Club, Kucinich people and others.
You know the low life's that occupy our country unfortunately. I wish for a world where these kind of people did not exist.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (8)
Clinton Statue To Be Larger Than Life ~ UGH
Clinton statue to be larger than life
Hillary Clinton isn’t the only one who thinks Bill Clinton has a “bigger-than-life” presence. So does Conway artist Finton Shaw: He’s creating a 91⁄2 to 10-foot sculpture of the former president.
According to Shaw, “Everybody that sees it says, ‘You’re doing the Man?’
“I say, ‘Well, who’s the Man?’
“They say, ‘Well, Bill Clinton.’”
Shaw started on the sculpture, made from nonshrink grout, about two weeks ago and already has completed the head. It’s unmistakably Clinton.
Wild Thing's comment........
LOL oh my gosh, we just can rid ourselves of these Clinton's. I have never understood what women saw in him for one thing. And why people think he was such a great President is something I will never agree to. Not even if hell freezes over, NO WAY.
"made from nonshrink grout"
LMAO well Bill Clinton might like that it suits him. grout? hahhaha I'm telling you a person just just can't make this stuff up.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:44 AM | Comments (8)
Ali Khamenei Inspects Foot-Drills Toward USA and Israel
Iranian Leader Ali Khamenei Inspect Military Foot-Drills Showing Sword Ripping through a US Flag Decorated with a Swastika and a Star of David
Please CLICK below to see this
Well we know they hate us, but this seems like a lot of hoopla to say how they feel.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:40 AM | Comments (4)
October 28, 2007
Condi Discusses Mideast Peace With Chief Israel-hater Carter
Carter, Rice discuss Mideast peace role
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Former President Jimmy Carter met Wednesday with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to discuss ways Carter and other senior statesmen might help support administration efforts to broker peace among Palestinians and Israelis.
The talks took place hours after Rice warned the House Foreign Affairs Committee that chances for an Arab-Israeli peace accord were in danger of slipping away, as she works to bring Palestinians and Israelis together in Annapolis, Md., late next month for what would be the first substantive face-to-face peace talks in seven years.
Carter met separately on Capitol Hill with the committee's chairman, Rep. Tom Lantos (D-Calif.), to discuss whether informal diplomacy might be able to help advance the peace process after the envisioned Annapolis talks conclude.
Carter has ruled out a role for himself, or for the other statesmen, before the peace conference, said former Carter aide Stuart Eizenstat, who attended Wednesday's meeting.
With efforts to bring together Palestinians and Israelis at a delicate juncture, Carter "doesn't want to throw another set of actors" into the mix, said Eizenstat, who served as Carter's chief domestic policy adviser. Instead, he said, Carter wants "to see what happens — if anything — in the conference."
Carter declined to discuss Wednesday's meeting, which included a House Foreign Affairs Committee member, Rep. Gary Ackerman (D-N.Y.), who chairs the subcommittee on the Middle East and South Asia.
"I don't have time to talk," Carter said, waving off a reporter immediately after the half-hour meeting in Lantos' office. "I have a plane to catch."
Carter is part of the so-called Elders Group, assembled last July by former South African President Nelson Mandela. The group, including former U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan, recently visited Darfur, Sudan, and, working closely with U.N. personnel and others on the ground, prepared a report on human rights conditions in the troubled region.
One possibility Carter is exploring is whether the group, chaired by South African Bishop Desmond Tutu, might weigh in similarly on the Palestinian-Israeli question, said former Carter aide Robert Pastor, interim co-director of the elders group.
"We're not talking about mediation or negotiations. We're talking about just exploring whether a report would be useful," said Pastor. "We're at a very early stage of prebriefings and consultations."
In testimony before Lantos' committee earlier Wednesday, Rice warned that Iranian support for the militant group Hamas, considered a terrorist organization by the State Department, has influenced Palestinian politics to the point where chances for a historic compromise with Israel could be fading.
There was no immediate response from the White House or the State Department about the question of whether Carter might be called upon to help break the potentially dangerous impasse in the U.S.-Mideast relations, much as he used informal diplomacy to broker compromises with North Korea and Haiti a decade ago.
"I have no way of knowing whether anything like that is ongoing," said Carter's former national security adviser, Zbigniew Brzezinksi. "I doubt that the administration would be very receptive and so I'm a little skeptical about the speculation, but who ... knows?"
Wild Thing's comment........
As Rush Limbaugh said...."I think this is a brilliant idea: ask Carter what he would do - then do the exact opposite."
Discussing our security with one of the biggest internal enemies of America. Washington is TOTALLY OUT OF CONTROL. There is no question why this country and the world is so screwed up?
Asking the one person who played a big role in making the Palestinian terrorist movement- and the entire ME terrorist movement- what it is today for "advice" has got to be the most idiotic thing she has done to date. May as well give nukes to the terrorists. There is no end to the meddling of this Anti-Semite birdbrain Jimmy Peanut brain Carter.
This shows that she has no grasp of the situation whatsoever; she's just following the same old "Palestinian" lie that a foundation of peace can never be built on.
"Carter is part of the so-called Elders Group, South African President Nelson Mandela. former U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan chaired by South African Bishop Desmond Tutu, former Carter aide Robert Pastor, interim co-director of the elders group."
It's a collection of the most primitive minds on the planet. They must have been selected because they xrays show that their brains hadn't quite evolved to the current human size. No doubt monkey woman Jane Goodall selected this "group of elders".
ONce again we can see why the UN is so corrupt and screwed up, and what a wonderful job they are doing with Africa."group of elders", what a joke. A washed up terrorist, a washed up murdering dictator, a con- artist, and a peanut farmer, all uneducated idiots.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:47 AM | Comments (21)
Terrorists: "Vote Hillary; Kill Rudy"
Terrorists: Vote Hillary; Kill Rudy
by Deroy Murdock
Human Events
Senator Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign is gaining fans, even on the West Bank.
“I hope Hillary is elected in order to have the occasion to carry out all the promises she is giving regarding Iraq,” said Ala Senakreh, West Bank chief of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, a Palestinian terror group. “President Clinton wanted to give the Palestinians 98 percent of the West Bank territories. I hope Hillary will move a step forward and will give the Palestinians all their rights.”
Senakreh and other top Islamo-fascists want Hillary in the Oval Office. These mass murders also have “gone negative.” They want GOP contender Rudy Giuliani dead.
“We see Hillary and other candidates are competing on who will withdraw from Iraq,” said Abu Jihad of Al Aqsa’s Nablus unit. “This is a moment of glory for the revolutionary movements in the Arab world…”
Al Aqsa’s Nasser Abu Aziz, considered it “very good” that there are “voices like Hillary and others who are now attacking the Iraq invasion.”
Islamic Jihad’s Abu Ayman felt “emboldened” by Clinton’s demands that America retreat from Iraq. He said: “It is clear that it is the resistance operations of the mujahideen that have brought about these calls for withdrawal.”
“All Americans must vote Democrat,” insisted Jihad Jaara, an exiled Al Aqsa agent who commanded 2002’s siege of Bethlehem’s Church of the Nativity.
Since 1995, these terrorists’ organizations have killed an estimated 162 and wounded 368 others in Israel. Aaron Klein, an Orthodox Jew who is WorldNetDaily.com’s Jerusalem Bureau Chief, interviewed some three dozen leading Muslim fanatics, including those quoted here. His new book, “Schmoozing with Terrorists,” details these chilling encounters with violent Islamic extremists in Israel’s Palestinian territories.
Why do these hardened butchers have a soft spot for Hillary Clinton? Perhaps because the New York Democrat is soft on terrorism.
*Clinton rejects robustly interrogating terrorists even in “ticking time bomb” scenarios. In a September 26 Democratic debate, she said: “It cannot be American policy, period.”
*Clinton opposes the U.S. Terrorist Surveillance Program, calling it “a secret program that spies on Americans.”
*Clinton voted against military tribunals for terror suspects, including al-Qaeda detainees.
* Clinton has zigzagged on Iraq. In autumn 2002, she voted for Operation Iraqi Freedom. Last January 18, she told PBS: “I think the timetable still remains problematic” for leaving Iraq. But on February 17, she stated: “It’s time to say the redeployment should start in 90 days…”
Wild Thing's comment........
Can you imagine having a President that is someone the terrorists prefer? VERY SCARY.
And of course they are going to hate Rudy or anyone else that has taken a strong stand on terrorists.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (14)
Football Week Eight
Here are the matchups for today Sunday 10/28/07...All Times are EST
DET @ CHI 1:00 PM
IND @ CAR 1:00 PM
PIT @ CIN 1:00 PM
OAK @ TEN 1:00 PM
CLE @ STL 1:00 PM
PHI @ MIN 1:00 PM
NYG @ MIA 1:00 PM
BUF @ NYJ 4:05 PM
HOU @ SD 4:05 PM
JAC @ TB 4:05 PM
WAS @ NE 4:15 PM
NO @ SF 4:15 PM
GB @ DEN 8:30 PM
Byes: Cardinals, Falcons, Ravens, Cowboys, Chiefs, Seahawks
These are the teams I think everyone is for. I will add to this as you tell me your favorite teams.
(Some names are those deployed in Iraq)
Lynn - Broncos, Bears, Browns
Tom - Cowboys
Darth - New York Giants, Tampa Bay Bucs, (ABP - 'anybody' but Philly )
Mark - Patriots, Buffalo Bills, Bears
Bob - Buffalo Bills
Billy - Jets, NY Giants, Bears
Nick - Cowboys, Rams and Raiders
Karsten - Tampa Bay Bucs, NY Giants
navycopjoe - Chicago Bears
LindaSOG - Miami Dolphins
Jonathan - Raiders
Dawn - Seahawks, Bronco's ....(husband USARMY delpoyed, Iraq)
Amber - Green Bay Packers .....(husband USMC delpoyed Iraq)
Cuchieddie - Raiders
Sierrahome - Colts
patrickdaniel - Chargers, Cowboys
Eve - Colts ....(husband USARMY deployed Iraq)
Beth - Bears , Saints
Chrissie - Bears, Broncos and Cowboys
Andy ( USMC) - Colts
Mike ( USARMY) - Seattle Seahawks
Sand Man ( (USMC) - Bronco's
Dave (USARMY) - Patriots
Tim ( USMC) - Bears
Jean ( USARMY) - Atlanta Falcons
Darth and Bob have written me they are on vacation this week. Have a wonderful time and a safe time off.I have been reading blogs this morning and Basil has some neat posts about football.
Sunday FINAL Scores
PIT 24 AT CIN 13
NYG 13 AT MIA 10
PHI 23 AT MIN 16
CLE 27 AT STL 20
HOU 10 AT SD 35
JAC 24 AT TB 23
WAS 7 AT NE 52
NO 31 AT SF 10
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (10)
U.S. Led Coalition Kills 80 Taliban In Battle
US says 80 Taliban killed in battle
U.S. led coalition forces killed about 80 Taliban fighters during a six-hour battle outside a Taliban-controlled town in southern Afghanistan on Saturday, the latest in a series of increasingly bloody engagements in the region, officials said.
Also Saturday, suicide bomber wearing an Afghan security uniform detonated his explosives at the entrance to a combined U.S.-Afghan base in the east of the country, killing four Afghan soldiers and a civilian, officials said.
The battle near Musa Qala in Helmand province — the world's largest poppy growing region — is at least the fifth major fight in the area since Sept. 1. The five battles have killed more than 250 Taliban fighters, a possible sign that U.S. or British forces could be trying to wrest the area back from Taliban militants.
The latest fight began when Taliban fighters attacked a combined U.S. coalition and Afghan patrol with rockets and gunfire, prompting the combined force to call in attack aircraft, which resulted in "almost seven dozen Taliban fighters killed," the U.S.-led coalition said in a statement early Sunday.
The coalition said that four bombs were dropped on a trench line filled with Taliban fighters, resulting in most of the deaths.
Taliban militants overran Musa Qala in February, four months after British troops left the town following a contentious peace agreement that handed over security responsibilities to Afghan elders. Musa Qala has been in control of Taliban fighters ever since.
Situated in the north of Helmand, Musa Qala and the region around it have been the front line of the bloodiest fighting this year. It is also the heartland of Afghanistan's illicit opium poppy farms.
Violence in Afghanistan this year has been the deadliest since the 2001 U.S.-led invasion. More than 5,200 people have died this year due to the insurgency, according to an Associated Press count based on figures from Afghan and Western officials
The suicide bomber walked up to a security gate for Afghan soldiers outside Forward Operating Base Bermel in the eastern province of Paktika, near the border with Pakistan, NATO's International Security Assistance Force said.
Four Afghan soldiers and a civilian were killed and six Afghans were wounded, NATO's International Security Assistance Force said. No Americans were hurt.
It was not immediately clear if the bomber had been trying to gain entry to the base.
Taliban insurgents have set off more than 100 suicide blasts this year, a record pace.
Elsewhere, Taliban militants killed three Afghan police who had been trying to prevent them from carrying out a kidnapping, said Helmand provincial police chief Mohammad Hussein Andiwal. The militants successfully kidnapped an Afghan man during the gunbattle, he said.
Australia's prime minister, meanwhile, said more NATO powers must directly engage the Taliban to help ease the burden on Australia, the United States, Britain, Canada and the Netherlands, which all have troops in the dangerous southern and central parts of Afghanistan.
Germany, Italy, France and Spain have troops in the relatively safer northern sections, a fact that is causing a rift within NATO, and Australian Prime Minister John Howard said those countries need to help ease the burden on countries operating in the south.
"Some of the other countries have lots of troops in Afghanistan, but they're not in some of the areas that are experiencing the heaviest fighting," he said.
The governments of the Netherlands and Canada, in particular, are coming under domestic pressure to pull out troops because of heavy casualties.
"I think the Dutch government has been very courageous to date," Howard said. "It's not for me to comment on Dutch politics, but I do observe that the Dutch are making a great contribution and as are of course the Canadians."
Wild Thing's comment........
"The coalition said that four bombs were dropped on a trench line filled with Taliban fighters, resulting in most of the deaths."
Nice of them to dig a trench. Saves lots of work.
It was not immediately clear if the bomber had been trying to gain entry to the base.
Ummm.. maybe he was just stopping to ask for directions? Hellooooo. this must be a first time for the writer of this article. haha
God bless our troops and keep them safe.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (6)
Suicide Bomber Detonates Upon Discovery
Suicide bomber detonates upon discovery by CLCs (Muqdadiya)
Acting on a tip from a local citizen, a group of Concerned Local Citizens located a suicide bomber, who detonated himself upon discovery in Muqdadiya Oct. 26.
The suicide bomber, who was believed to be targeting a populated area, detonated as soon as the CLC group entered the house he was located in, causing it to collapse. The collapse wounded one CLC and a suspected extremist who was in the house with the suicide bomber.
“Today’s discovery is a sure sign the population continues to grow tired of al- Qaeda’s barbaric acts,” said Col. David W. Sutherland, commander of Coalition Forces in Diyala province.
“The local citizens and CLCs are both playing active roles in securing their areas and neighborhoods across Diyala – an important sign that they realize they must be the definers of their own democracy.”
“Because of the actions by the CLCs, many lives were saved,” Sutherland continued. “This is not the first time the CLCs have saved lives in their neighborhoods.
They truly are patriots serving to protect their families, tribes and neighbors.”
The wounded were transferred to a Coalition Forces’ medical facility for treatment.
Wild Thing's comment........
Nice try, sucker. The only thing this clown succeeded in doing was blowing up his own house. Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid , John Murtha and the rest of their ilk will now be in mourning.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:40 AM | Comments (6)
October 27, 2007
Yemen Frees USS Cole Bomb Plotter
Al Qaeda militant Jamal al-Badawi, was convicted of participation in the October 2000 attack on the USS Cole.
Yemen frees one of USS Cole bombers (one of the al-Qaida masterminds of USS Cole bombing in 2000)
Yemen has set free one of the al-Qaida masterminds of the USS Cole bombing in 2000 that killed 17 American sailors, a senior security official said Thursday.
Jamal al-Badawi, who is wanted by the FBI, was convicted in 2004 of plotting, preparing and helping carry out the USS Cole bombing and received a death sentence that was commuted to 15 years in prison.
He and 22 others, mostly al-Qaida fighters, escaped from prison in 2004. But al-Badawi was granted his freedom after turning himself in 15 days ago and pledging loyalty to Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh, said the official, speaking on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the media.
The official said police were told by the government to "stop all previous orders concerning measures adopted against al-Badawi."
Witnesses told The Associated Press that al-Badawi was receiving well-wishers at his home in the al-Buraika district in Aden.
The Interior Ministry said earlier that al-Badawi voluntarily gave himself up to police, but media reports said tribal chiefs mediated his surrender after he renounced terrorism and pledged allegiance to the Yemeni leader.
Al-Badawi had escaped prison once before with nine other suspects of the Cole attack in April 2003, but was rearrested.
Al-Qaida used to have an active presence in Yemen, the ancestral home of Osama bin Laden. The group was blamed for the bombing of the Cole and the attack on a French oil tanker that killed one person two years later.
Also Thursday, a second security official said police have uncovered a terrorist cell composed of four extremists who were recruiting young Yemenis to carry out suicide attacks in Iraq and elsewhere.
The four were allegedly receiving funds from abroad and were recruiting young men in their twenties from mosques and religious seminars during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, said the official, citing their confessions. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the media.
Yemen does not have a law that criminalizes Jihad, or holy war. Detainees remain in prison until they either renounce their commitment to Jihad or are released under pressure from family and human rights groups.
Since the suicide attack in July that killed eight Spanish tourists visiting an ancient Yemeni temple, President Saleh has said in several interviews with local papers that al-Qaida had reached a truce with the government.
Wild Thing's comment........
" his surrender after he renounced terrorism and pledged allegiance to the Yemeni leader"
So let me get this straight, he surrenders and he promises to be good. So it is ok to let him go free???? OMG! a little promise not to speak bad about your country's president and he'll let you go like a good little boy, now just run along now and play nice now OK? Sheesh! This guy has been on the lam for 3 years, turns himself in 15 days ago, and gets freed. Time for real justice. The blood of 17 of our sailors demands it!!!!
He should be freed from life itself, and should be buried in pigskin to keep those pesky virgins away from him!
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (13)
Kill the Law of the Sea Treaty
Hunter Calls on Congress:
Kill the Law of the Sea Treaty
Amid debate on the decades-old Law of the Sea Treaty (LOST) in the Senate, Republican presidential candidate Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-CA) urged his colleagues to follow the lead set by President Reagan by defeating the treaty.
Explaining the dangers of the treaty, Hunter detailed:
"It is imperative that our nation does not surrender decision making power for military navigation or resource extraction, especially in this age of terrorism with technology and weapons proliferation. And adding a new set of UN bureaucrats with license to tax and adjudicate disputes is the last thing this country needs."
Hunter continued, "Rest assured no treaty that infringes on the sovereignty of the United States, or further empowers the United Nations, will get anything but a trip to the waste basket in a Hunter Administration."
Rep. Hunter has served on the House Armed Services Committee since his election to Congress in 1980 and has been that committee's chairman for four years. Serving a critical role during the Reagan Administration, he helped establish and maintain the U.S. Strategic Defense Initiative. Hunter led a delegation with Rep. Henry Hyde to the Eastern Block during the Cold War stand-off to press President Reagan's policy of solidarity. Hunter also led the Republican Congress in rebuilding the U.S. military after the Clinton Administration's devastating cuts and slashes to critical defense personnel and materiel.
And there is this the Heritage Foundation...about the Law of the Sea Treaty
Wild Thing's comment........
There are serious issues of sovereignty involved, I pray that don't let US sovereignty be eroded.
Bush administration is putting on a major effort for Senate ratification of the United Nations' Law of the Sea Treaty, a wide-ranging measure that will grant the U.N. control of 70 percent of the planet under its oceans.
Democrats are in almost unanimous agreement with the treaty and the Bush administration is behind it as well, it will be up to a handful of determined Republican senators to derail it from getting a two-thirds vote in the upper house.
This is not the first time LOST has come up, of course. International negotiators drafted it in 1982 in an attempt to establish a comprehensive legal regime for international management of the seas and their resources. President Ronald Reagan, however, refused to sign LOST because he realized that the treaty doesn't serve U.S. interests.
In 1994, however, President Clinton signed a revised version of the treaty and forwarded it to the Senate. The record shows the Senate was not convinced the 1994 changes corrected the problems, and it has deferred action on the treaty ever since.
The Heritage Foundation warns the treaty would have unintended consequences for U.S. interests – including a threat to sovereignty.
This thing is appalling. Its passage with Bush’s support would pretty much all by itself negate any good that Bush has done.
How in the world can any rational, thinking person in the U.S. ever support anything that the U.N. favors?? If the U.N. and it’s gaggle of petty tyrant members are positive about anything...anything at all...it’s got to be bad for America. The headlong rush to adopt this “Oh, I’m a Good Guy, Too” liberal twaddle is absolutely disgusting. “Oh, but everybody else is doing it...Oh, nobody will like us if we don’t do it” whine and snivel the bed-wetters and hand-wringers. “To Hell with them all”, I say. AMERICA FIRST.
Between the wide open borders and now this POS, the question must be asked; “Why is our government (both parties) in such a hurry to surrender our sovereignty?” The Law of the Sea Treaty will impede the U.S.'s ability to defend its interests in time of war.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (8)
Uncle Sam Drafts Diplomats For Embassy In Iraq
It occupies some 104 acres next to the Tigris
Uncle Sam drafts diplomats for embassy in Iraq
The State Department said Friday it will require some diplomats to serve in Iraq because of a lack of volunteers willing to work at the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad.
Beginning Monday, 200 to 300 diplomats will be notified they have been identified as prime candidates to fill 40 to 50 vacancies that will open next year at the embassy, said Harry Thomas, director general of the Foreign Service.
Those notified they have been selected for a one-year posting will have 10 days to respond. Only those with compelling reasons, such as a medical condition, will be excused from duty, Thomas said.
He said those being sent to Iraq will receive extra pay and vacation time. About 50 diplomats will be needed in Iraq by January, in addition to the current level of 200.
However, those refusing Iraq duty may face disciplinary action up to and including dismissal for failing to uphold their oath to serve the United States and the Constitution, Thomas said.
Wild Thing's comment........
Send Reid, Pelosi, Boxer, and Feinstein then Durbin, Schumer, Kerry, Murtha, Kerry, and Kennedy for starters. They can rotate every two months. Let’s see how brave and willing to defend the nation these Liberal/Marxists truly are.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:44 AM | Comments (10)
Putin Doesn't Like US Sanctions On Iran ~ Get Real
The US imposes new sanctions on Iranian revolutionary guards and banks. Asia Times
Putin compared Sanctions to razor blades and those advocating it to madmen:
"Why worsen the situation by threatening sanctions and bring it to a dead end?" Putin said in a veiled reference to the US push for harsher international sanctions on Teheran.
"It's not the best way to resolve the situation by running around like a madman with a razor blade in his hand."
Russian President Vladimir Putin's visit to Tehran for the Caspian Sea summit last week was a key face-to-face meeting with Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.
A high-level diplomatic source in Tehran tells Asia Times Online that essentially Putin and the Supreme Leader have agreed on a plan to nullify the George W Bush administration's relentless drive towards launching a preemptive attack, perhaps a tactical nuclear strike, against Iran. An American attack on Iran will be viewed by Moscow as an attack on Russia.
Wild Thing's comment........
Maybe Putin believes he can control the Moslems, but little does he realize that future generations of his countrymen will be speaking Farsi and bowing to Mecca.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:40 AM | Comments (15)
October 26, 2007
Hillary Birthday Bash A Fund Raiser
60! Hillary To Hold Star-Studded NYC Birthday Bash
Fundraiser At Beacon Theater To Feature Billy Crystal, Elvis Costello
What's a presidential candidate to do on the eve of an important birthday? Hold a big fundraiser, of course.
Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton planned to celebrate her 60th birthday at a star-studded gala Thursday night at New York's historic Beacon Theater. Her husband, former President Bill Clinton, was to host the celebration, with comedian Billy Crystal serving as master of ceremonies. Musical guests Elvis Costello and the Wallflowers were set to round out the program.
The party was expected to rake in over $1 million for the New York senator's presidential bid. Her birthday is Friday, Oct. 26.
It's the second major birthday fundraiser for Clinton's campaign this week. Movie director Rob Reiner threw a party for her at his Los Angeles home Sunday night, with several Hollywood celebrities on hand.
The campaign has also used her birthday as an organizing tool, posting a video message on her campaign Web site from former President Clinton urging supporters to send birthday greetings.
It's a milestone birthday for the former first lady, who made her debut on the national stage in her husband's 1992 presidential race. Then, the Clintons were portrayed as a youthful power couple who would bring new energy and a generational shift to the White House -- a message Democrat Barack Obama has tried to capture this time.
Clinton has joked publicly about her age in several recent campaign appearances.
"I have been reminded by some of my friends that when you get to be my age having so many men pay attention to you is kind of flattering," Clinton said in Iowa this week, referring to her political rivals.
Wild Thing's comment........
Here is my wish for Hillary on her birthday. May she never ever celebrate her birthday as President.
And if your stomach can handle it.......LOL Just think we can all tell her Happy Birthday..........NOT!
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (12)
"Hero" Performed by Michael Israel in New York
Hero performed by Michael Israel in New York
HERO explores commitment to an ideal. It asks the question: What endeavor would you undertake knowing full well that the odds are you will fail? What would you give your all to knowing it’s likely you will be severely injured or even die trying? What is the greatest possible reward and in that thought, what is the most valuable and priceless thing on earth?
Paul and Chrissie are a young couple, in their twenties, and have started a new family.
Story as told by Chrissie
I’ll never forget that day. My husband Paul didn’t even eat breakfast, he was excited and wanted to get to the fire station early. It was his first week on the job. And there at the door, he stood he stood waiting for a hug from Jessie our adorable 3 year old. When Paul told that her he loved her, Jessie’s face lit up with a big smile and in her tiny voice she said “Daddy, will you play with me when you get home?”Paul smiled and said “Of course.”
I hated that we both had to work, but I was glad that Jessie could go to Gail’s apartment to play her daughter Jen. When we got there Jessie and Jen started playing with dolls right away. And then on my way out the door I heard Jessie tell Jen that her daddy is a fireman. She sounded so proud. I left feeling happy and proud of both Jessie and Paul.
I didn’t know that that day would change my life forever.
They tell me that Jessie got up to go to the bathroom. Right after she closed the door there was huge explosion, the entire building shook. Gail said the apartment filled with smoke. Without even thinking Gail grabbed Jen and ran out.
Frantically she found the fire chief and told him that there was another little girl trapped in her apartment. But, the chief told her there was no way he could send anyone into that collapsing old building.
The Gail heard Paul’s voice on the radio saying he was on the second floor.
The chief told Paul to get out… that he had a family to think about, but Paul’s voice came back on the radio and said that he wouldn’t leave until he knew everyone was safe.
He said he heard there was a little girl trapped in one of the apartments. Little did he know…
The chief was yelling at him: “Are you insane, GET OUT OF THERE before the building collapses”, but Paul refused.
When I got there I didn’t see Jessie and just went crazy. I was going to go in there and get her myself. The chief had to grab me to stop me.
When he realized who I was he told me Paul was already in there. But when I asked him if they were OK, he just looked at me.
Then I heard Paul’s voice on the radio. It was broken up, but I heard him say he it was really bad. He said he was going to try to get the child and make it to a window. He told the chief “You’d better call my wife. Tell Chrissie I love her and tell her to take good care of Jessie, and…” The radio went dead.
I screamed! All I could do was scream. “Paul, its Jessie! IT’S JESSIE! God, he doesn’t know!”
In my heart, I imagined he found her… That he hugged her and at least for a moment everything was OK.
There was another huge explosion, the ground shook more violently than ever and fire blew out the windows. I just fell to my knees. “Noooooo!”
The chief tied to tell me what a hero Paul was and that he went in there with good reason that day. I felt like someone had just punched me in the stomach. I was shaking, delirious about what had just happened. I started thinking “Oh my God, my life is over. Did I say the right things, did I do the right things? Did I tell them I love them?”
And then all of a sudden there they were jumping out of the fourth floor window. It was like a dream. There was Paul hanging on to Jessie with her arms wrapped around his neck.
Paul stood still holding Jessie, his head bowed in a silent pray of thanks. Jessie was hugging him, her head turned back with tear filled eyes watching as the rest of the building collapsed. She said “Mommy, I wasn’t scared. I knew Daddy would come. He’s my hero, isn’t he?”
Wild Thing's comment........
This story and the video really got to me. We lost 11 of our friends (firefighters) on 9-11, friends that we met though one of our nephews that is a firefighter in New York City. In reading the story told by Chrissie (not me another Chrissie) it touched my heart so much.
....Thank you John (VN 89-70) for sending this video to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (9)
Christmas Cards For The Wounded Troops
When you are making out your Christmas card list this year, please include the following:
A Recovering American soldier
c/o Walter Reed Army Medical Center
6900 Georgia Avenue,NW
Washington,D.C. 20307-5001
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (7)
Dance Party in Iraq
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:44 AM | Comments (4)
Proof Of Global Warming ~ LOL
....Thank you Jack. I love it. hahaha
And the bear is so cute!! Jack's blog is Conservative Insurgent.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:40 AM | Comments (6)
October 25, 2007
Recent Raid Produces An Intelligence Bonanza
U.S. commanders in Iraq say a recent raid produced an intelligence bonanza that could lead to future successes in the battle against Al-Qeada.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (11)
Soldiers Help Celebrate Sadr City School Renovation
From left to right: Army Capt. Alex Carter, a civil affairs team chief attached to 1st Squadron, 2nd Stryker Cavalry Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division; an Iraqi police officer; Brig. Gen. Ali Ibrahim Daboun, commander of 8th Brigade, 2nd INP Division; Army Staff Sgt. Brandon Lantz, a civil affairs linguist; and Army Lt. Col. Dan Barnett, commander of 1st Squadron, 2nd Stryker Cavalry Regiment. Photo by Sgt. Mike Pryor, USA
Oct. 24, 2007
When students at the Yarmook Girls' School in Baghdad’s Sadr City neighborhood returned from summer vacation last month, they found that their school had received an extreme makeover thanks to the government of Iraq and the U.S. Army.
U.S. soldiers and Iraqi National Police visited the recently renovated school Oct. 22 to see the improvements and hand out backpacks and soccer balls to the students.
The renovations to the school totaled $200,000 of improvements, including a new roof, a new lighting system, repairs to cracks in the pavement and stairs, and a paint job, said Glen Allen, Va., native Capt. Alex Carter, a U.S. Army civil affairs team chief who helped oversee the project.
"Nine other schools in Sadr City also have been renovated over the past few months, as part of the same program that refurbished the Yarmook Girl’s School, "Carter said.
"The school improvement program was made possible by cooperation among the Ministry of Education, the local neighborhood councils, school officials, the Iraqi National Police, and the U.S. Army’s 1st Squadron, 2nd Stryker Cavalry Regiment, which operates in the Sadr City area," he said.
“What makes this special to me is that this really validates how effective we are working with the Iraqi police in Sadr City,” Carter said.
The top Iraqi police official present at the school visit, Brig. Gen. Ali Ibrahim Daboun, commander of 8th Brigade, 2nd Iraqi National Police Division, said he also was pleased by cooperation between the Iraqi government, the Iraqi security forces, and the U.S. military.
He said he hopes that the school improvement program would show the 2.5 million residents of Sadr City that they are a priority of the Iraqi government.
“In the past, they were neglected, but the new government will serve them,” he said.
(Army Sgt. Mike Pryor is assigned to 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division.)
Wild Thing's comment........
Of course our media doesn't want us to know about this. God bless our troops and keep them safe. I am so proud of them, they are truly amazing.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (4)
DREAM Act Fails Senate Test Vote - Hallelujah!
( Illegal) Immigration Plan Fails Senate Test Vote
Legislation to give children of illegal immigrants a path toward legality failed a crucial test vote in the Senate Wednesday, likely putting a final stamp on major immigration measures for the year.
Supporters needed to get 60 votes to advance the DREAM Act, which would have allowed illegal immigrants who plan to attend college or join the military, and who came to the United States with their families before they turned 16, to move toward legality.
The final vote was 52-44.
Wild Thing's comment........
Just an update as to what happened with the vote yesterday.
Yep once again it failed. Now we get a breather till the next time whenever that will be, because we all know they are not going to give up. They will try again. It will be some type of stealth maneuver. I hope Americans remember who the traitors are and kick them out of Congress when their terms are up.
Here are the Republicans that should be ashamed of themselves:
YEAs -—52
Bennett (R-UT)
Brownback (R-KS)..........yep the guy that WAS running for President
Coleman (R-MN)
Collins (R-ME)
Craig (R-ID)
Hagel (R-NE)
Hatch (R-UT)
Hutchison (R-TX)-Hutchinson wants to be governor of Texas- this won’t sit well with the American citizens of TX
Lott (R-MS)
Lugar (R-IN)
Martinez (R-FL)
Snowe (R-ME)
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (13)
Ahmadinejad’s News Agency Gets Involved in Islamo-Fascism Week
UPDATE on Islamo-Fascism Week
A week-long series of forums discussing Islamic fundamentalism’s ties to human rights abuses and terrorism has sparked protests and charges of hate speech on college campuses nationwide.
Students on more than 100 college campuses nationwide are participating in Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week, which organizers say is designed to “rally American students to defend their country.” Events are scheduled at schools including Princeton, UCLA, Columbia University, and Penn State.
Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week is the creation of Terrorism Awareness Project (TAP), a student offshoot of the David Horowitz Freedom Center. Its mission, according to its Web site, is to counteract the “blame America first” crowd that dominates America’s universities. The group aims to educate students and other Americans about the “cadre of Islamic terrorists” who “have declared Holy War on the U.S.,” according to organizers.
“We are trying to arm students with the truth that they aren’t getting from the left on college campuses,” TAP President Stephen Miller tells Newsmax. “America cannot defend herself without the support of her people. If the citizens of this country don’t understand this deadly threat — its resources, its aims, its capabilities — they won’t be able to protect her and defeat our enemy.”
Even Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s Islamic Republic News Agency is getting into the fray, issuing two press releases to help students at Columbia University protest Horowitz’s appearance at his alma mater later this week.
Protesters went so far as to plaster the campus of George Washington University with phony fliers reading, "Hate Muslims? So Do We!!!" The posters purported to promote the Islamo-Fascism Awareness event and appeared to be signed by the conservative student group GWU Young America's Foundation.
“We did not put up those posters," YAF chapter president Sergio Gor, a senior, tells the Washington Post. “Someone took our name and used it. It was hateful. It's clear when you look at the flier that this is an obvious attack from the left.”
“The only thing people should be afraid of is ignorance of the threat facing our nation,” says Miller. “We’re drawing a big distinction between Islam and Islamo-fascists. In fact, Muslims should join us. [Islamo-fascsists] killed, raped, tortured, and maimed people, and anyone who is an advocate of human rights should support us.
“Our opponents have demanded we abandon the term Islamo-fascism and instead use only vague terms like terrorism. That is ridiculous — and dangerous,” Miller says. “It's hard to defeat an enemy you're not permitted to describe. One of the points of this week is to get rid of the political correctness that handcuffs us when we talk about the threat.
“We’re not going to back down an inch to the leftist bullies. We are going to continue this fight,” he says.
Wild Thing's comment........
LOL this is too funny.
Good grief, here they let, invited... whatever Ahmadinejad to speak at a University here in America, and now he is one of the leftie activists even though he is far away. What the heck will be next, making Ahmadinejad a Professor. Ahmadinejad getting a Nobel Prize, let's see maybe he can become Jimmy Carter's PR man too. They do have so much in common after all.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:44 AM | Comments (8)
October 24, 2007
Camp Pendleton Marines Aid In Calif. Wildfire Relief
Additional 550 Marines from Camp Pendleton are preparing to deploy to the fire area
Marines here joined disaster-relief efforts for California wildfires Monday night by supplying food, water and hundreds of cots to residents on the base and in surrounding communities.
Paul McHale, assistant secretary of defense for homeland defense, said that 12 Defense Department camp pendleton fire fighting teams, with 12 engines, are already working the blazes and more than 17,000 National Guardsmen are potentially available if needed.
In addition, he said, 550 Marines from camp pendleton are preparing to deploy to the camp pendleton fire area.
Wildfires have destroyed much of Southern California, forcing mass evacuations and burning hundreds of homes. Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger declared a state of emergency for seven counties including San Diego County Monday.
Camp Pendleton has allowed 20,000-23,000 civilian vehicles to travel through to the greater San Diego area, said Col. J.B. Seaton III, commanding officer of Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton.
“We feared what we would have to face,” said Abby Deloach, a Fallbrook resident who sought refuge with her husband. “We guessed there would be something here. Even if we had to sleep in our car we would feel safer (on base) anyway.”
Within two hours of notification, Marines stocked the field house with food, water and beds.
Camp Pendleton’s Paige Field House was utilized to house the refugees looking for shelter.
The field house will shelter and supply people in need for as long as the resources are needed, said Kerri Latimore, manager of Paige Field House.
The Paige Field House was on standby, waiting for the call telling them their facility would soon become an evacuation center.
“We need to take a bigger part in the community,” said Sgt. Fernando J. Urena, 27, from Los Angeles. “It makes me glad that Marines rose to the occasion.”
Marine Corps Air Station Camp Pendleton has also offered its resources for refueling civilian and government aircraft. Marine Corps Air Station Miramar remains on standby to assist with firefighting efforts.
The Marine Corps is not only looking after displaced civilians, but also service members who need assistance.
“The Navy Marine Corps Relief Society is offering financial assistance for any military service member who has been evacuated and might need money for food or gas,” said Roxanne Clouse, the Deputy Director of the Navy Marine Corps Relief Society here.
Wild Thing's comment........
This fire has to be the worst in history for Calif. Just guessing but it is worse then the two that Nick and I survived when we lived in Malibu. I know what it feels like to have choppers over our house, flames over 100 feet right next to our home and kerchiefs on our faces so we could breath. Being told to leave, not wanting to but knowing you have to go and getting our animals in a safe place. Going back to see if we can see our home if it is OK or not.......all of it a feeling I would not wish on anyone and will never forget.
Prayers for all in the wake of this horrible fire and for those that have been effected by this fire. Prayers too for the safety of those fighting this fire.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (13)
Illegal Loving Sen.Harry Reid and Dick Durbin At It Again
Wednesday Cloture Vote Set For DREAM Act Amnesty Bill
(October 23)
Numbers USA
Last night, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) filed to invoke cloture on S. 2205, Assistant Majority Leader Dick Durbin’s (D-Ill.) new stand-alone DREAM Act amnesty bill.
The cloture vote, for which 60 YES votes are necessary to prevent a filibuster on the measure, is set for Wednesday, October 24. Reid is attempting to bring this nightmarish amnesty bill to the floor under Senate Rule XIV without it ever having been debated in committee.
Some of the text:
By Mr. DURBIN (for himself, Mr.HAGEL, and Mr. LUGAR):S. 2205. A bill to authorize the cancellation
of removal and adjustment of
status of certain alien students who
are long-term United States residents
and who entered the United States as
children, and for other purposes; read
the first time.Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, I ask
unanimous consent that the text of the
bill be printed in the RECORD.
There being no objection, the text of
the bill was ordered to be placed in the
RECORD, as follows:S. 2205
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives
of the United States of America in
Congress assembled,
This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Development,
Relief, and Education for Alien Minors
Act of 2007’’ or the ‘‘DREAM Act of 2007’’.
The Senators listed below have made a firm commitment to vote NO on the DREAM Act amnesty under any circumstances.
Anti-Amnesty Champions
Alabama: Sessions; Shelby
Colorado: Allard
Georgia: Chambliss; Isakson
Kansas: Roberts
Kentucky: Bunning; McConnell
Louisiana: Vitter
Mississippi: Lott
Missouri: Bond
North Carolina: Burr; Dole
Oklahoma: Coburn; Inhofe
South Carolina: DeMint
South Dakota: Thune
Tennessee: Alexander; Corker
Wyoming: Barrasso; Enzi
Representative Tom Tancredo (R-Littleton) today released a statement regarding an event Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) reportedly plans to hold in conjunction with discussion of the DREAM ACT – an event that will be attended by several illegal aliens.
“I call on the Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency to detain any illegal aliens at this press conference. Just because these illegal aliens are being used for political gain doesn’t mean they get immunity from the law.”
“If we can’t enforce our laws inside the building where American laws are made, where can we enforce them?”
Tancredo alerted the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency earlier today regarding Durbin’s 3:00 PM meeting.
Wild Thing's comment........
I am so sick and tired of this, they just keep at it. With short breaks in between and won't give up favoring the illeglas.
At least he is pointing out what kind of law-breaking is going on in OUR buildings. I just wonder what it will take to move these people to represent the U.S. of A. and the legal citizens.
The co-sponsors are Lugar and Hagel and if it passes a republican president will sign it. Let’s be honest, this is a bipartisan effort to sell out the country.
As Jeff Sessions pointed out, it's not just 1 million and something that will get amnesty. Once they become citizens, they can bring in all the currently illegal family members. So you see, it's not just a question of innocent children who were brought here by their parents. This bill would reward the illegal parents via chain migration!
They are the illegal children that their illegal parents brought to our country. These 'children' (as defined in the Dream Act to age 30) need to address the consequences of their parents' actions with their parents who broke the law. I owe them nothing. Not one damn thing. We need to remember not all of these 'children' were brought here -- some came on their own initiative.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (14)
GOP Pledges To Fight Spitzer Plan of Driver's Lic. For Illegals
Protestors rally Monday, Oct. 22 at the Capitol against driver's licenses for illegal immigrants. (Philip Kamrass / Times Union)
County clerk sues DMV; opposing bill passes in Senate as GOP pledges to fight Spitzer plan
Lawsuit filed as pressure increases
times union.com...for complete article
Opponents of Gov. Eliot Spitzer's plan to allow illegal immigrants to gain driver's licenses turned up the pressure on the first-term Democrat on Monday, with Rensselaer County's elected clerk filing a private lawsuit, Assembly and Senate Republicans threatening taxpayer-funded litigation and several hundred citizens rallying against the governor's "unilateral" act.
"We are going to do everything that we can to keep that from happening," said Senate Majority Leader Joseph L. Bruno, R-Brunswick, in supporting a bill passed Monday night to derail the governor's action.
Rensselaer County Clerk Frank Merola, a Republican, sued the state Department of Motor Vehicles in Albany County in an effort to block the governor's policy and, as Merola told demonstrators on the Capitol steps, "to stop this nonsense."
"The governor is not listening to the people; perhaps he may listen to the courts," Merola said. "New York residents have stated loudly and clearly that we are not in favor of giving licenses to illegal aliens and all we get from the governor are lectures on how we are wrong, and that if we were as smart as he was, we would understand and support this policy," Merola said.
Spitzer, who met privately with Democratic lawmakers, some of whom also dislike the directive, insists it is legal and seemed undeterred by the heavy criticism and a recent poll showing more than 70 percent of New Yorkers dislike his licensing plan. He said he governs according to principle, not polls.
"That is part of the discourse we have on tough issues and that's wonderful, as it should be," Spitzer said. "Some of the rhetoric that has been imposed and brought into this issue is not only overheated but ... counterproductive."
Some of Spitzer's Democratic allies in the Senate minority and Assembly majority portrayed him as showing leadership amid fear-mongering and an undercurrent of racism.
Wild Thing's comment........
Assemblyman David Townsend, R-Rome, said the Spitzer initiative is part of a conspiracy to get illegal immigrants registered as voters in time to vote for Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-N.Y., next year in the presidential primary and general election.
That is EXACTLY what this sham is...a huge voting bloc for Hillary.
""A driver's license is not a ticket to voting," Spitzer said"
He's lying through his teeth. A license is all you need to sign up to vote with motor voter. Spitzer is such lying, arrogant, jerk.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:44 AM | Comments (11)
Newt On When Do We Draw The Line
Newt Gingrich discusses the war on terror at the National Press Club
Wild Thing's comment........
I had never seen this video before, it is good. America is sleepwalking towards a tomorrow of catastrophic consequences. None are so blind as those who will not see. Unfortunately folks, a majority of Americans do not see, and our political leadership encourages that blindness.
"I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery." Thomas Jefferson.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:40 AM | Comments (8)
October 23, 2007
Presidential Wanna Be Obama Video ~ During Anthem
UPDATE: addition to my previous post about this
Here is the video and the audio of it is horrible, but it is in English if you can call it that. The singer is doing her thing with the melody as so many black singers try to do. Which in my opinion I don't care for when it comes to our Anthem. But to each his own.
This video shows that during the entire anthem MOSLEM Obama has chosen NOT to put his hand over his heart. He is even moving around like some kid that can't wait for something to be over. Obama is a pos and has no respect for our Flag, our Anthem or our country.
....Thank you so much Dan. I really appreciate it.
Posted by Wild Thing at 09:28 AM | Comments (13)
Medal of Honor Ceremony For Lt. Michael P. Murphy
Navy SEALs (Sea, Air, Land) operating in Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. From left to right: Sonar Technician -- Surface 2nd Class (SEAL) Matthew G. Axelson, 29, of Cupertino, Calif; Information Systems Technician Senior Chief (SEAL) Daniel R. Healy, 36, of Exeter, N.H.; Quartermaster 2nd Class (SEAL) James Suh, 28, of Deerfield Beach, Fla.; Hospital Corpsman Second Class (SEAL) Marcus Luttrell; Machinist Mate 2nd Class (SEAL) Eric S. Patton, 22, of Boulder City, Nev.; LT (SEAL) Michael P. Murphy, 29, of Patchogue, N.Y. With the exception of the lone survivor, Luttrell, all were killed June 28, 2005 by enemy forces while supporting Operation Redwing
We can NEVER repay them for their devotion to duty and to US. Marcus Luttrell’s survival is miraculous.
President Bush will award a posthumous Medal of Honor to the family of Navy LT Michael P. Murphy. For Operation Red Wing he led a 3-man SEAL recon team that was taken under fire by several dozen Taliban in June 2005. When his commo man was wounded, Murphy had to expose himself to enemy fire to radio for a rescue chopper (shot down upon arrival; all aboard killed). LINK for his website HERE
On Tuesday October 23 at 11:00a.m., LT Murphy will be inducted into the Pentagon's Hall of Heroes, where all Medal of Honor recipients are honored.
Though shot in the back while doing so, he completed that call and, multiply wounded, returned to the team, now engaged in a desperate battle. Some 2 hours later, only one, Luttrell, remained alive.
A brief memorial to those lost on the 28th of June, 2005
SEAL Team 10 Memorial
Marcus Luttrell describing that day
Marcus Luttrell writes LONE SURVIVOR 2 Honor Fallen Brothers
Marcus Luttrell and his three buddies had to make an impossible decision. Afghani goat herders disrupted their secret mission to track a Taliban leader. Killing them would be a violation of the ROE (Rules of Engagement). Holding them would reveal their position. Letting them go would likely bring the Taliban upon them. Luttrell, who’s riveting new book ‘Lone Survivor: The Eyewitness Account of Operation Redwing and the Lost Heroes of SEAL Team 10’ is fast top seller, talks to Breitbart.tv in front of the U.S. Capitol about courage, the consequence of decisions, and the meaning of his Navy Cross.
His Brietbart interview
"As an Officer, Murph chose to use Engine 53 and Ladder 43 as a symbol for his teammates. Shortly after being deployed, Mike requested enough company patches to distribute to his fellow SEAL members. We were informed that Mike wore our patch with pride on every mission, on every deployment."
President Bush Presents Medal of Honor to Lieutenant Michael P. Murphy, U.S. Navy
On Monday, President Bush said:
"The Medal of Honor is the highest military decoration that a President can bestow. It recognizes gallantry that goes above and beyond the call of duty in the face of an enemy attack. The tradition of awarding this honor began during the Civil War. And many of those who have received the medal have given their lives in the action that earned it. Today, we add Lieutenant Michael Murphy's name to the list of recipients who have made the ultimate sacrifice. "
Video here, it is the second story with the video in the middle of the page.
If you would like you can pay your respects to Lt. Murphy’s family here:
Fox News covered it. I cried while I watched it, what brave men we have, our American troops.
And the book, "LONE SURVIVOR" by Marcus Luttrell.........Marcus was part of Lt. Murphy's team and was the only one to survive the ordeal. Unbelievable book and makes me furious everytime I hear or see the traitorous democrats.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (4)
Iran Forbids Public Displays Of Affection
Iran forbids public displays of affection
Morality police forbids 'inappropriate behavior of couples in public', including holding hands, kissing
ynet news
Iranian police have decided to crack down on "inappropriate behavior of couples in public", the semi-official FARS new agency reported Sunday.
"If someone walks in the street with his partner and commits an offense, we will deal with it," Ahmad Ruzbahani, chief of the morality police, was quoted as saying.
Islamic republic's 'modesty guard' plans to boost operations, detain young women and men straying from strict Islamic dress codes
Iranian law forbids women to be seen in public with men who are not family members. However, not all Iranians comply, and many meet their significant others in public parks.
Now police have decided to put an end to the growing phenomenon and forbid couples to hold hands in public. Ruzbahani said married couples were also called upon to "act modestly" in public.
"They should not act in an inappropriate manner or in a way that will attract attention," he said.
Other police officials said kissing in public was also strictly forbidden.
Last week it was reported that a young woman committed suicide after being arrested for a "moral offense". Zuhara Bani, a 27-year-old med student, was caught in a public park with her boyfriend.
She was taken to a detention facility, where she hung herself 48 hours later with a piece of cloth she had found.
The wide scale campaign to enforce "morality" in Iran, which was launched some six months ago, has evoked opposing responses within the Islamic Republic. The moderates criticized the regime, while the conservative sector of Iranian society lauded the campaign, saying it has contributed to an increase in personal security and morality.
Wild Thing's comment........
Islam’s idea of an appropriate public display is a beheading. Or hanging in the center of towns for all to see.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (11)
Johnny Carson ~ Tonight Show Egg Fight
Johnny Carson and Dom DeLuise make a mess with eggs in this Tonight Show episode telecast September 26, 1974.
LOL thought you might like to see this after all these years.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (2)
October 22, 2007
John Bolton Book Cites Effort to Halt Powell's Iran Initiative
Bolton Book Cites Effort to Halt Powell's Iran Initiative
Book at Amazon
Washington Times article about the book
On the eve of the 2004 presidential elections, then-Secretary of State Colin L. Powell secretly attempted to shift U.S. policy on Iran by telling key allies he wanted to offer "carrots" to the Islamic Republic to halt its nuclear ambitions, former U.N. ambassador John R. Bolton writes in his soon-to-be-published memoir.
Bolton, then undersecretary of state, says that he worked hard to thwart Powell's plans -- only to discover, to his dismay, that Powell's replacement, Condoleezza Rice, would pursue the same approach in President Bush's second term.
Bolton reveals many private conversations and internal debates as the administration struggled to deal with such issues as the North Korean and Iranian nuclear threats, the tragedy in Sudan's Darfur region, the Israeli-Hezbollah war and deteriorating relations with Russia.
Bolton's recounting of these episodes adds to the growing body of insider accounts about the inner workings of the Bush administration, though this is one of the first by a leading conservative figure.
It will likely cause angst at the State Department and in some foreign capitals, including London, because of Bolton's depiction of the diplomatic exchanges. In typically pugnacious style, Bolton lashes out at his opponents in the administration and overseas, repeatedly referring to European Union diplomats as "EUroids" and foes in State's East Asia and Pacific Affairs Bureau as "EAPeasers."
Bolton in particular criticizes Rice and one of her top aides, Undersecretary R. Nicholas Burns, for what he considers poor diplomacy. He recounts his anger -- and that of other administration conservatives -- at many of her decisions, especially her handling of North Korea, Iran and the Israeli war, arguing that Rice was too willing to make unnecessary concessions in pursuit of ineffectual achievements.
During a meeting on Hamas's participation in Palestinian elections at the United Nations, for instance, Bolton says he watched Rice make a series of "unforced errors" because she was too eager to be accommodating.
Bolton attributes Powell's 2004 gambit on Iran to what he caustically calls the "George C. Marshall Legacy Project," which he said involved "distancing Powell from Bush." Bolton, as the administration's chief arms control official, was critical of efforts by Britain, France and Germany (the "EU-3") to forge a deal with Iran.
He believed that Tehran used the talks only to build up its nuclear capability. The administration was also openly skeptical, so he says he was shocked to learn that Powell, at a Sept. 22, 2004, dinner with "Group of Eight" foreign ministers, agreed that Iran should be given a package of "carrots."
Bolton says he got a vague response from Powell when he asked about it, but he soon saw a European reporting cable on the meal and a Canadian letter that confirmed Powell's proposal. In what Bolton described as the most difficult three weeks of his tenure in the administration, he says he used every possible bureaucratic and diplomatic maneuver to kill Powell's plan.
"Powell had violated our long-standing Iran policy, colluded with the EU-3 against it and come out nearly endorsing [Sen. John F.] Kerry's position only weeks before our election," Bolton writes. "Along with others, I had foiled Powell's legacy gambit. I knew it, and he knew I knew it."
But then to Bolton's shock, Rice adopted the same approach when she became secretary. He says he began thinking of leaving the administration when Rice gave him the news over dinner in 2006. A depressed Bolton pointedly ordered carrot soup with the meal.
Wild Thing's comment........
I have tremendous respect for John Bolton. I look forward to reading this book and I think this article about the book is also excellent. Bolton has always been a man of his word, a conservative and someone I always felt truly loves America.
As far as Powell is concerned I am no fan of his, he has said and done too many things I don't agree with and the same with Condi.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (12)
U.S. Army Choppers in Action ~ LOVE it!
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (12)
Horowitz's Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week-Oct. 22-26

Horowitz plans week-long war against rise of radical Islam
Trib Review
David Horowitz minces no words to evoke a stark image.
Asked what threat radical Islamic terrorism poses to the United States, the conservative writer and activist sums up his view: "One dirty nuclear bomb can ruin your day."
"They are very dangerous, the most dangerous enemy we've ever faced," Horowitz, head of the Los Angeles-based David Horowitz Freedom Center, said in an interview with the Tribune-Review.
Another chilling image -- the picture showing a robed executioner, the bore of his rifle inches from the head of a cowering, hooded figure -- illustrates a poster that's being distributed this week at more than 100 college campuses across the nation, including several in Pennsylvania, promoting what Freedom Center calls "Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week -- Oct. 22-26."
Horowitz says the campaign, including speakers, panel discussions, aims to make Americans more aware of a growing peril to Western civilization and to protest customs and laws that oppress, persecute and kill women in parts of the Islamic world.
Critics say Horowitz and his team of speakers, which includes former U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum, are stirring hate and racism toward Muslims in general.
Ibrahim Hooper, spokesman for the Council on American-Islamic Relations, a Washington-based Muslim advocacy organization, describes the week of events as "a collection of Muslim-bashers and Islamophobes descending on campuses to try and promote hostility toward the faith of Islam and the American Muslim community. "
Santorum, a senior fellow with the Ethics and Public Policy Center, a conservative Washington think tank, called the charge "a canard."
Anyone who fires back that merely discussing radical Islam is an attack on all Muslims is wrong, Santorum said. Such a false statement is intended to stifle debate, he said.
During his unsuccessful re-election campaign last year, Santorum frequently cited Islamo-Fascism as a form of radical Islam that he sees as an increasing threat to the United States. He warned during those speeches that Iran, controlled by a sect of radical Islamism, was working toward obtaining nuclear weapons that could fall into the hands of terrorists.
Horowitz and others -- including conservative commentator Ann Coulter, writer Robert Spencer, and Daniel Pipes, a historian and Middle East expert -- are fanning out to speak at campuses from coast to coast.
"It is to raise awareness that there are religious radicals who are obviously armed to the teeth who want to impose their religious law on everybody and who will kill anybody who gets in the way, who they regard as infidels," Horowitz said.
Wild Thing's comment........
I agree with Horowitz, too many people don't want to face what and who our enemy is. Not only our enemy but the enemy of the world.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (10)
In Country With Our Troops - Sadr City
Coalition forces were engaged in a heavy firefight this morning killing an estimated 49 criminals during operations in Sadr City.
The operation’s objective was an individual reported to be a long time Special Groups member specializing in kidnapping operations. Intelligence indicates he is a well-known cell leader and has previously sought funding from Iran to carry out high profile kidnappings.
Upon arrival, the ground force began to clear a series of buildings in the target are and received sustained heavy fire from adjacent structures, to include automatic weapons and rocket propelled grenades, or RPGs. Responding in self-defense, Coalition forces engaged, killing an estimated 33 criminals. Supporting aircraft was also called to engage enemy personnel maneuvering with RPGs toward the ground force, killing an estimated six criminals.
Upon departing the target area, Coalition forces continued to receive heavy fire from automatic weapons and RPGs and were also attacked by an improvised explosive device. Responding in self-defense, the ground force engaged the hostile threat, killing an additional estimated 10 combatants.
All total, Collation forces estimate that 49 criminals were killed in three separate engagements during this operation. Ground forces reported they were unaware of any innocent civilians being killed as a result of this operation.
“We continue to support the Government of Iraq in welcoming the commitment by Muqtada al-Sadr to stop attacks and we will continue to show restraint in dealing with those who honor his pledge. We will not show the same restraint against those criminals who dishonor this pledge by attacking security forces and Iraqi citizens,” said Maj. Winfield Danielson, MNF-I spokesman. “Coalition forces will take the necessary action against these criminals to protect the Iraqi people against future terrorist acts.”
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:44 AM | Comments (4)
Troops Find 41,000 Pounds Of Homemade Explosives
41,000 pounds of homemade explosives seized
By Multi-National Division - North PAO
TARMIYAH, Iraq - Coalition Force Soldiers discovered and destroyed one of the largest weapons caches found in the Salah ad Din Province in the last 15 months Oct. 18.
CF discovered five weapons caches which contained approximately 41,000 pounds of explosives as well as 35 projectiles west of Tarmiya.
The caches were then destroyed by EOD without any additional damage or any casualties.
The fifth cache alone contained 300 separate bags of homemade explosives, each weighing 100 lbs. The crater from the blast measured 100 feet wide, 100 feet long and 30 feet deep.
"A discovery of this magnitude deals a crippling blow to the enemy," said Col. Bryan Owens, commander, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division. "We will continue to do what is necessary to take weapons from the enemy and provide peace for the Iraqi people."The caches were initially discovered by a Coalition Forces helicopter in the area.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:40 AM | Comments (4)
October 21, 2007
Football Week Seven
Here are the matchups for today Sunday 10/21/07...All Times are EST
Byes: Panthers, Browns, Packers, Chargers
These are the teams I think everyone is for. I will add to this as you tell me your favorite teams.
(Some names are those deployed in Iraq)
Lynn - Broncos, Bears, Browns
Tom - Cowboys
Darth - New York Giants, Tampa Bay Bucs, (ABP - 'anybody' but Philly )
Mark - Patriots, Buffalo Bills, Bears
Bob - Buffalo Bills
Billy - Jets, NY Giants, Bears
Nick - Cowboys, Rams and Raiders
Karsten - Tampa Bay Bucs, NY Giants
navycopjoe - Chicago Bears
LindaSOG - Miami Dolphins
Jonathan - Raiders
Dawn - Seahawks, Bronco's ....(husband USARMY delpoyed, Iraq)
Amber - Green Bay Packers .....(husband USMC delpoyed Iraq)
Cuchieddie - Raiders
Sierrahome - Colts
patrickdaniel - Chargers, Cowboys
Eve - Colts ....(husband USARMY deployed Iraq)
Chrissie - Bears, Broncos and Cowboys
Andy ( USMC) - Colts
Mike ( USARMY) - Seattle Seahawks
Sand Man ( (USMC) - Bronco's
Dave (USARMY) - Patriots
Tim ( USMC) - Bears
Jean ( USARMY) - Atlanta Falcons
Sunday FINAL Scores
BAL 14 AT BUF 19
ATL 16 AT NO 22
ARI 19 AT WAS 21
SF 15 AT NYG 33
NE 49 AT MIA 28
TEN 38 AT HOU 36
TB 16 AT DET 23
KC 12 AT OAK 10
NYJ 31 AT CIN 38
CHI 19 AT PHI 16
MIN 14 AT DAL 24
PIT 28 AT DEN 31
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 PM | Comments (10)
Hussein Obama - The Enemy Within ~ Presidential Material NOT
Senator Barack Obama, Governor Bill Richardson, Senator Hillary Clinton and Ruth Harkin stand during the National Anthem.
During rendition of the national anthem when the flag is displayed, all present except those in uniform should stand at attention facing the flag with the right hand over the heart. Men not in uniform should remove their headdress with their right hand and hold it at the left shoulder, the hand being over the heart.
United States Code, Title 36, Chapter 10, Sec. 171
Wild Thing's comment........
There's an old saying--"The devil is in the details." He won't wear a flag pin, and he doesn't salute during the Pledge.
So to him it is more important to put his hands over his crotch. Hussein Obama’s loyalties lie with B. Hussein Obama.
If he holds no allegiance to our flag, how does he expect to lead our nation?
We have a Muslim in Congress ( Keith Ellison) and a Muslim in the Senate (Hussein Obama). The enemy is infiltrating.
Neither of these Moslems should ever have become members of our government.
Obama's thang' is more to the tune of Durka, durka, durka, mohammad jihad!
You Gotta Serve Somebody <<< click to hear song. This is a great song.
Photo from Time.com
The photo was taken at the Steak Fry of Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) on September 17 in Indianola, IA.
* SondraK.com is where I saw this photo
Posted by Wild Thing at 11:47 AM | Comments (16)
Woodstock Museum Funding Nixed
Woodstock Museum Funding Nixed
$1 Million Earmark Removed From Health Bill
Plans for $1 million in federal funding for a museum to honor the 1969 Woodstock Music Festival struck a sour note with critics Thursday.
It ended badly, with critics successfully striking down the plan for federal tax money to be spent on the museum.
The plan began as an earmark in the federal health and education spending bill.
Sen. Hillary Clinton and Sen. Chuck Schumer, both of New York, supported the earmark.
Critics, though, targeted the plan after it gained some national exposure.
“The Woodstock museum is a shining example of what’s wrong with Washington on pork-barrel, out-of-control spending,” said John McCain, Arizona senator and presidential hopeful.
“The earmark pork-barrel spending has made the American people disenchanted and angry,” McCain said.
Sens. Jon Kyl, R-Ariz, and Tom Coburn, R-Okla., moved Thursday to strip the Woodstock earmark from the health and education bill.
They won a key 52-42 vote and the earmark was dropped.
Ohio’s two senators were split on the issue, according to The Associated Press.
Sen. George Voinovich voted to kill the earmark. Sen. Sherrod Brown voted to keep it.
In a written statement, Coburn said the health and education bill should fund just that, health and education.
“I’m pleased my colleagues took a bold stand today in defense of common sense and rejected the self-interested parochial politics that have disillusioned millions of Americans. Maybe this is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius for taxpayers,” Coburn said.
The Woodstock museum is due to open next year in the upstate New York town of Bethel.
Supporters of the earmark said the federal funding would spur economic development and tourism.
Critics called it a hippie museum and a taxpayer-funded LSD flashback.
Look at the rest of this information from.........
USA Today
WASHINGTON — The Senate voted Thursday to kill a $1 million grant for a museum on the site of the 1969 Woodstock concert, a rare rebuke of a legislative pet project and a blow to the presidential candidate who backed it, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Clinton and her New York colleague, Sen. Charles Schumer, had the funding inserted into the $604 billion education and health spending bill. The Woodstock project's main backer, Alan Gerry, is a registered Republican who recently became a major contributor to the Schumer-led Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee.
Nine days after the "earmark" was placed in the bill in June, Gerry and his wife contributed the maximum of $9,200 to Clinton's primary and general election campaign funds. The Gerry family contributed an additional $20,000 to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, USA TODAY reported Wednesday.
Two Republican senators, Oklahoma's Tom Coburn and Arizona's Jon Kyl, offered an amendment Thursday seeking to redirect the money to a maternal health care program. In a time of mounting deficits, they argued, senators shouldn't be steering money to a museum that has wealthy private supporters.
"How can we, with a straight face, argue to (the public) that we're not wasting their hard-earned money," Kyl said.
Wild Thing's comment........
Thank God there were some politicans that have common sense to stop this freaking idiotic tribute to a low life hippies, acid freaks and haters of our fine military. I have zero tolerance for hippies and as far as I am concerned they are a total waste of good air.....then and now.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (9)
Soldiers Show Zero Tolerance For Attacks
Soldiers show zero tolerance for attacks in Adhamiyah
By Sgt. Mike Pryor
2nd Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division Public Affairs
If the people in the Adhamiyah District’s Abu Hanifa Market hadn’t already heard about the afternoon’s grenade attack on a U.S. Soldier, they heard about it when Lt. Col. Jeff Broadwater showed up.
“Who threw the grenade!?” Broadwater shouted, stalking from shop to shop as an Apache gunship circled overhead. “Where are they? Show me where they are and I will take them out of here!”
Not half an hour before, a Soldier from Broadwater’s unit, the 3rd Squadron, 7th Cavalry Regiment, had been wounded by a grenade thrown at his patrol. Now, in response, Broadwater was bringing the full weight of U.S. military to bear in the hunt for the culprits.
“We’re sending a message that attacks will not be tolerated,” said Broadwater, a Fort Knox, Ky. native, as dozens of Iraqi and U.S. troops fanned out through the stalls and shops of the market and helicopters continued to buzz through the sky.
It was a show of force with a purpose. In Adhamiyah – a mostly-Sunni neighborhood in eastern Baghdad which until recently was a hotbed of insurgent activity – the 3-7 Cav. “Sabers” have made dramatic improvements to the security situation by taking a zero tolerance approach to attacks.
“Any time there’s an attack we do an immediate mass response. We flood the area with as many people as we can,” said Staff Sgt. Eric Bull, a section leader with 3-7’s Troop C, from Perryville, Ark. “We don’t want to give the insurgents time to rest.”
“They punch us, we punch back harder,” explained Capt. Andrew Steadman, who commands a quick reaction force of Stryker vehicles based in Adhamiyah.
It’s a policy that began during the Sabers’ first days in the area, when insurgents tried to test the unit’s mettle with grenade and rocket propelled grenade attacks. When they did, they received a ferocious response from the Saber Soldiers, said Roanoke, Va., native Staff Sgt. William Schilling, of Troop B.
Since then, the well of “opportunists” – not hardcore insurgents, but locals willing to shoot a few rounds or lob a grenade at Coalition forces to earn some quick cash – has dried up, Schilling said.
Insurgent leaders have been forced to resort to desperate tactics like paying children to do their attacks for them, said Kisimmee, Fla., native Maj. Ike Sallee, the squadron’s operations officer. The Sabers recently captured a nine-year-old boy who had been paid to throw a grenade at one of their patrols. (The boy was later returned to his parents.)
Broadwater said the Sabers’s tactics have put the insurgents on the ropes, and the numbers seem to back up that claim. There has been a 70 percent overall decline in attacks since the 3-7 took over responsibility for Adhamiyah four months ago, said Sgt. Tim Luna, a squadron intelligence analyst.
When attacks do occur, such as the grenade attack at the market that wounded one Soldier Oct. 15, they are met with an overwhelming response. Even as the wounded Soldier was being evacuated, Broadwater was ordering scores of Soldiers in Humvees and Stryker vehicles to move in to secure the area. Fifteen minutes after the attack, there was a vehicle at every intersection around the market, and dismounted troops had begun searching from building to building.
A few blocks down, Steadman’s Stryker Company was also in position after responding to the call. Soldiers were everywhere: taking a knee at the corners, scanning the sector from positions on the roof, trudging up and down narrow flights of stairs inside an apartment complex, and working their way from courtyard to courtyard. Inside the houses they were polite and professional, careful to make as little of a disruption as possible as they searched.
“We don’t come in to scare people, it’s just to show them our presence and let them know we’re here and we mean business,” said Garden City, Mo., native Spc. Lonnie Pearson, of Headquarters Company, 1st Squadron, 2nd Stryker Cavalry Regiment. Pearson said most residents were friendly and helpful when the Soldiers knocked on their doors.
“They want the bad guys out of here just as bad as we do,” he said.
It wasn’t long before the Soldiers located a witness who had seen the grenade being thrown. He gave them a detailed description of the suspects. The description went out over the net and was passed down to every Soldier. But it was apparently too late. The grenade throwers had managed to slip through the net. Several hours after it began, Broadwater called the search off.
Later that evening, after he had visited the wounded Soldier in the hospital, Broadwater said he felt encouraged by the resolve of his Soldiers – and by the reactions he had seen from people in the community.
“The people see that we’re not going to let (attacks) go unanswered, and they appreciate that,” Broadwater said. And though the insurgents who threw the grenade hadn’t been apprehended, Broadwater was confident he had delivered his message to them.
“We will find you,” he promised. “It may not be this time, but sooner or later, we will find you.”
Wild Thing's comment........
I love true military leaders, kick ass and do what needs and has to be done. OH yessssssss!!!!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (4)
Ahmadinejad Wanted to Visit 9-11 To Prevent "False Idol" Like the Holocaust"
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: " I wanted to Visit Ground Zero to Prevent 9/11 from Becoming Another "False Idol" Like the Holocaust"
Wild Thing's comment........
Oh sure that's a good reason to want to go to the 9-11 site where the Towers were, let's see to prevent it from becoming a FALSE idol???? I wonder if he stays awake thinking of the next stupid, hateful thing he can say. Nah, it just comes naturally to a being like Ahmadinejad an dhis ilk.
Ahmadinejad history is filled of what happens to people like you.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (5)
October 20, 2007
Despicable Harry Reid A Hostage To His Own Stupidity
OMG this is hysterical.......... I heard it on Rush yesterday ( Thursday) and it is so funny. Reid is trying to get credit for the money donated to this letter of his and the idea of the charity Rush chose to donate to.
He actually suggested that THEY go to his (Reid’s) website to donate to the Marine Corps Law Enforcement Fund.
He ignored Rush’s matching contribution on purpose. Hahahahahah. Then, declining to acknowledge that Rush has also asked the 41 signers to match, implores others to donate! Dems are not even conscious of the possibility they could donate their own money, it’s a foreign concept to them. Surreal.
Harry Reid makes a spinnin' fool out of himself, click to see video......................
Harry Reid go KO'd....Harry you loser, never go toe to toe with a heavyweight you moron ! hahahaha
Reid was “skunked” by Rush Limaugh. A REAL MAN and a great human being. Thanks Rush. A sweet Victory!!!!
Just one more thing.... while you listen to Reid talk doesn't he always sound like the whole world has come to an end?? haha
The woman that won the bid was Betty Casey from the Eugene B. Casey Foundation called me back and issued this statement:
“The Eugene B. Casey Foundation believes freedom of speech is a basic right of every citizen of this country. The purchase of the smear letter was to demonstrate their belief in this right and to support Rush Limbaugh, his views, and his continued education of us.”
Article about her and a photo. HERE
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (13)
Fox Wants To Know What You'd Ask GOP Presidential Candidates.
What Would You Ask the GOP Presidential Candidates?
"FOX News wants to know what you would ask the Republican presidential candidates when they debate in Orlando, Fla., on Sunday, Oct. 21.Please e-mail your question to debate@foxnews.com
Include your name, town, state and contact number for verification.
Please keep your question sharp, brief and to the point. And let us know which candidate you'd like us to ask.
Watch the debate live on FOX News Channel at 8 p.m. ET on Oct. 21 to see if your question was selected."
Well here are some questions if the debate Sunday night was the Democrats debating:
Senator Clinton, have you ever spoken personally with Juanita Broderick?
Dennis Kucinich, how do you make those delicious Keebler fudge cookies?
Paper or plastic?
To Hillary . . . . boxers or briefs ? heh heh
Are you now, or have you ever been, a member of the communist party?
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (5)
Bye Bye RINO ~ Martinez Quits As RNC Chairman
Martinez Quits As RNC General Chairman
Mel Martinez, the public face of the Republican National Committee as its general chairman, announced Friday he was stepping down from his post after serving only 10 months.
"I believe that our future as a party and nation is bright and I have every intention of continuing to fight for our president, our party and our candidates," the Florida senator said in a statement.
His resignation came months earlier than anticipated. Martinez wasn't expected to step down until a Republican presidential nominee was selected, and the earliest that could occur is February.
The RNC said Martinez' job would not be filled.
Martinez, a prominent Cuban-American who is up for re-election in 2010, said he was relinquishing the job to spend more time focusing on his Florida constituents. He also said the RNC had achieved the objective he set when he assumed the job in January.
"I would love to tell you that it was all a perfect world, but you know in a practical matter that it's not, and sure, I think that the conflicting pressures and my always making the choice for the Senate, which is what I should and always did, at times caused frustration in not being able to get to an event or give a speech," Martinez said in a conference call with reporters.
The RNC, which raised $61 million by the end of September, has been the only national GOP party committee to outraise its Democratic counterpart this year.
Though the party committee has done better than the Democratic National Committee in fundraising this year, Republicans have privately expressed concern that the RNC's finances are not stronger. The RNC has not kept pace with the far more robust financial picture the party displayed in 2003, when it had raised more than $77 million by the end of September, and 2005 when it had raised about $78.5 million for the same period.
Several Republicans with close ties to the RNC said Martinez needed to focus on retaining his seat in Florida, where his job approval rating has fallen. A Quinnipiac University poll in September found that 38 percent of those surveyed said they approved of the job he was doing, down from 48 percent in February.
By tapping Martinez to be the party's public persona a year ago, the White House had turned to a lawmaker who has been a staunch supporter of the president, including on the issue of comprehensive immigration reform, including a guest-worker program.
Wild Thing's comment.........
GOOD and take your amnesty jerk buddies with you! This is great news.....he presided over the malaise and in his spare time........poked sharp sticks in conservatives eyes repeatedly.
"said he was relinquishing the job to spend more time focusing on his Florida constituents"
YOU, yes YOU Martinez, illegal hugger you are a LYING Piece of poop! He never replied even once to any of my emails like he give a hoot about his constituents.
Mel Martinez turned his back on the US after stabbing the country in the heart. The very country that gave him his freedom and a second chance at life! His open border/total amnesty advocacy and attacking legal immirgrants was the last straw.
Now we need to get his traitorous glutes out of the senate.
Take your commie buddies with ya and don’t let the door hit ya on the bottom on the way out.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (8)
October 19, 2007
Democrat Rep. Pete Stark's Unbelievable Comments
Congress Hits Another LOW With
Congressman Fortney “Pete” Stark He is Despicable
While on the House floor, Rep. Pete Stark (D-CA), took the SCHIP debate to a new low. He said:
“You don't have money to fund the war or children. But you're going to spend it to blow up innocent people if we can get enough kids to grow old enough for you to send to Iraq to get their heads blown off for the President's amusement.”
Rep. Pete Stark is the Rep. for California's Thirteenth Congressional District is located on the eastern shore of the San Francisco Bay - commonly known as the "East Bay".
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Jeb Hensarling, Chairman of the Republican Study Committee, called on Democrat Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the entire Democrat leadership to condemn a statement made on the House floor by Congressman Fortney “Pete” Stark in which referred to the “President’s amusement” in seeing American servicemen “get their heads blown off” while serving in Iraq.
In addition, Hensarling called on Congressman Stark to immediately apologize for his hateful comments or resign from office.
Early today, during House consideration of a bill on children’s healthcare, Stark made the following comments:
“I yield myself two minutes. Madam speaker, I, first of all, I’m just amazed that they can't figure out — the Republicans are worried that they can't pay for insuring an additional 10 million children. They sure don't care about finding $200 billion to fight the illegal war in Iraq. Where are you going to get that money? Are you going to tell us lies like you're telling us today? Is that how you're going to fund the war? You don't have money to fund the war on children. But you're going to spend it to blow up innocent people if he can get enough kids to grow old enough for you to send to Iraq to get their heads blown off for the President's amusement.”RSC Chairman Jeb Hensarling (R-TX) issued the following statement:“Congressman Stark’s comments were hateful and wrong, and should be labeled as such by the House Democrat Leadership. No matter your political position on the war in Iraq or any other issue, it shows a complete disregard for the men and women who have volunteered for military service and the Office of the Presidency to make such an outlandish and asinine statement.
“Congressman Stark’s comments are completely inappropriate for an elected official. He should offer an immediate apology, or he should resign from the office in which he has been entrusted to serve. He owes that to the men and women who have so courageously put their life on the line to serve their country and the families that support them.”
Wild Thing's comment........
Pete Stark is a socialist POS scumbag! He's a "Congressman for life" playing to "San Francisco-Berkeley!
When is our country going to make examples of these low lifes and kick them out of our government and treat them as the traitors they are.
I dare him to go to Iraq, without his Special Congressional Protection Privaleges, and say that to the Troops Face to Face.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:55 AM | Comments (22)
The Veterans and Troops Supporters Answer The Call
Code Pink vandalized the Marine Recruiting Center in Berkeley, California and is harrassing the landlord to cancel the lease for the 'illegal, immoral, unjust' war machine--calling our military men and women 'TRAITORS.'
The police took one knife from the “peaceful” commies.
Lt Col. Patterson was there as well.
Robert "Buzz" Patterson, two-time New York Times best selling author, radio show host, popular speaker and retired United States Air Force pilot. Since his military retirement in 2001, Buzz has emerged as a vitally important voice for the American military and national security. As the author of New York Times best sellers, Dereliction of Duty: How Bill Clinton Compromised America's National Security, and his recent release, Reckless Disregard: How Liberal Democrats Undercut Our Military, Endanger Our Soldiers, and Jeopardize Our Security.
CLOSE UP OF that great sign! heh heh
Wild Thing's comment........
This is a coalition of groups including Gathering of Eagles, Eagles Up, Move America Forward, Protest Warriors, and many many other Veterans Groups and others that support the troops. Many were also family members of those serving now as well.
I loved this and wanted to show it to all of you. God bless our Veterans and our troops today.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:47 AM | Comments (12)
Brownback To Drop White House Bid
Republican expected to withdraw from ’08 race on Friday
Republican Sam Brownback will drop out of the 2008 presidential campaign on Friday, people close to the Kansas senator told NBC News Thursday.
Trouble raising money was a main reason for his decision, said one person close to Brownback, who requested anonymity because the candidate had not yet announced his plans.
Brownback, a lesser-known conservative contender, is expected announce his withdrawal in Topeka, Kan.
The senator is widely expected to seek the Kansas governor’s office in 2010, when his term—his second—expires. He had promised in his first Senate campaign to serve no more than two terms.
Brownback had raised a little more than $800,000 from July through September and around $4 million overall. He is eligible for $2 million in federal matching funds.
Besides money, Brownback’s support for a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants hurt him in Iowa, an early-voting state that has struggled to provide education, medical care and other services as the number of immigrants has more than doubled since 1990.
Wild Thing's comment........
1. Immigration—he developed the “Switchback Brownback” moniker for a reason.
2. Iraq—Joining up with Joe Biden of all people for an Iraq plan isn’t going to endear him to conservatives.
Just my take. Not sure if he will turn his votes over to Fred Thompson, Duncan Hunter or who it will be if any of the others. We will have to wait and see I guess.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:45 AM | Comments (7)
October 18, 2007
Bush Warns Putin Over 'World War Three'
President George W Bush today warned that world leaders risk helping bring about "World War Three" unless they do more to prevent Iran developing nuclear weapons.
In remarks timed to coincide with Russian president Vladimir Putin's visit to Teheran, Mr Bush said the Islamic republic must remain isolated until it drops its nuclear ambitions.
"We've got a leader in Iran who has announced that he wants to destroy Israel," Mr Bush told a White House press conference."So I've told people that, if you're interested in avoiding World War Three, it seems like you ought to be interested in preventing them from having the knowledge necessary to make a nuclear weapon."
Mr Bush's pointed statement follows the warm words exchanged by Mr Putin and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the Iranian president, at an historic summit in Teheran this week.
After their meeting Mr Putin repeated Moscow's line that there is no evidence to suggest Iran wants to build a nuclear bomb, and pledged to continue helping the country develop its civil nuclear technology.
As the first Kremlin leader to visit Iran since Josef Stalin in 1943, he also secured the vital backing of Azerbaijan in a five-nation pact by the Caspian states to prevent the US from using the region as a staging ground for military action against Iran.
Mr Bush added today that he had no doubts that Russia appreciated the dangers of a nuclear Iran.But he said that he wished to speak to Mr Putin about his meeting with Ayatollah Khamenei, the supreme Iranian leader, during which he is said to have suggested a new proposal to end the nuclear stand-off.
"I'm looking forward to getting President Putin's read-out from the meeting," Mr Bush said.
"The thing I'm interested in is whether or not he continues to harbor the same concerns that I do.
"I will continue to work with Russia as well as other nations to keep a focused effort on sending Iran a message that you will remain isolated if you continue your nuclear weapons ambitions."
Although Russia lent its reluctant backing to two United Nations resolutions imposing sanctions on Iran, it has been stridently opposed to escalating the penalties after Teheran refused to stop its uranium enrichment programme.
Among Western diplomats, opinion is divided as to whether Russia — which has little to gain from a nuclear Iran — will eventually acquiesce.
Emboldened by its vast energy resources and desperate to reclaim its status as a global power, Russia could also stand to gain by seeing the United States dragged into a new, controversial and potentially debilitating Middle East conflict.
Wild Thing's comment........
Repeat after me, Russia is not our friend, Russia is not our friend.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:55 AM | Comments (28)
Bid For Rush's Letter Grows
When "Dingy Harry" Reid and the U.S. Senate turned away from the business of the nation to instead smear a private citizen, forty-one of them sent a letter demanding the "repudiation" of their inaccurate interpretation of Rush Limbaugh's comments about Jesse Al-Zaid (a.k.a. Jesse MacBeth) and other "phony soldiers" who falsify their service. This letter was delivered to Mark Mays of Clear Channel Communications, Rush Limbaugh's syndication partner, and widely quoted in the Drive-By Media.
Up for auction is the original letter signed by 41 Democrat senators. This historic document may well represent the first time in the history of America that this large a group of U.S. senators attempted to demonize a private citizen by lying about his views. As such, it is a priceless memento of the folly of Harry Reid and his 40 senatorial co-signers.
The entire proceeds of this auction.. the entire high bid... will be donated to The Marine Corps - Law Enforcement Foundation, a registered charity which provides financial assistance to the children of fallen Marines and federal law enforcement officers. Rush Limbaugh serves on the Board of this organization and has been active on its behalf. All costs of this auction will be paid by the seller... every dollar of your winning bid will go to this charity.
The Marine Corps - Law Enforcement Foundation encourages the spiritual, moral and intellectual development of children through education. The Foundation was formed in February 1995, by former Marines and law enforcement personnel who strongly believe that our nation's most precious resource is its youth.
As winning bidder, you get:
- The original and infamous "Harry Reid Smear" letter, signed by 41 Democat senators
- The Halliburton briefcase in which this letter is secured 24 hours a day
- A personal letter of thanks from the Man Who Runs America, Rush Limbaugh
- A photograph of Rush displaying the letter on stage in Philadelphia on October 11th
I LOVE this!!!! God bless Rush!
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:47 AM | Comments (16)
The Phone Call
Tonight the phone rang, we never answer it after 20:00. That is our time to be together in the evening, from 20:00 till 23:00 when I come back on the computer to do posts for the following day. Usually I am up doing this till 2, 3 or 5 in the morning. Our friends and family know this so there has never been a problem.
The phone rang at 19:55, so I answered it.
No Name: Hello may I speak with Christine
Chrissie: Yes this is she
No Name: I am calling from the Republican National Committee and would like to know how much you could .....
Chrissie: Wait, are you asking me to donate to the RNC? I notified them last year I will not be donating anymore, I will still vote Republican but no more donations.
No Name: Goodbye
Chrissie : Don't you want to know why? I mean it seems to me you should want to know the reason and make a note of it so we can take our party back from the rinos's in office and some of the rino's running for office. Am I not correct on this?
No Name: goodbye
dead phone line on other end.........sound of silence.............
hahahaha I am laughing because it is so obvious that all they want is money, money to keep making the same mistakes they have been making that has caused my party to become loaded with rino's.
Sitting here thinking about it I am also angry, but I know nothing I say or do is going to change it. After my sending and making hundreds of emails, faxes, and phone calls over the years, cheering on the good guys, and ranting at the bad ones, it comes down to a very scary 2008 coming up if we want America to survive as we know it.
I am a warrior, I can't help it, I will fight for my country as best I can with 100% effort till I take my last breath. I have traveled the world more then once and I know first hand we have the best country there is and I am still proud of her for so many reasons. But right now she is needing us, we the people, to keep her strong.
Pray for America and for our troops.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:44 AM | Comments (8)
Burgundy Burka Bandit Hits N.C. Bank
HIDDENITE, N.C. -- Police are investigating an unusual robbery in Hiddenite.
Someone dressed in a burgundy burka walked into the People’s Bank at 3:45 p.m. Tuesday, showed the teller a handgun and demanded money.
The robber then took off down N.C. 90 in a burgundy sport utility vehicle.
Authorities are looking into whether this bank robbery can be connected to one in Morganton.
An androgynously dressed person held up a bank there last week.
Officers aren’t sure whether they’re looking for a man or a woman in either case.
Police also think there is a good chance the burka burglar is working with at least one other person, a getaway driver.
Wild Thing's comment.........
So what happens if and when they catch her/him. Does the bandit go to CAIR and complain of being treated badly? Crazier things have happened.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:40 AM | Comments (13)
October 17, 2007
General Peter Pace Leaves Stars At The Wall
This about cards left at the Wall...from Old Sarge's blog:
At the Vietnam Wall we saw something unbelievable. We noticed three small index cards at the base of the Wall. I knelt down for a closer look and noticed that a 4-star general's rank was pinned to each card.
The cards were personally addressed and said something like:
These are Yours - not mine! With Love and Respect, Your Platoon Leader, Pete Pace 1 Oct 2007The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs had laid down his rank for his boys who died in Nam. Oct 1 was the day he stepped down as Chairman."
Thank you Old Sarge for the sharing what you saw. Below is more information that I would like to add to this post. - Wild Thing
“I find myself at the end of 40-plus years of service hopelessly behind in trying to give back,” he continued. “Because the more I have tried to give, the more that has been given to me. It’s been an incredible cycle that makes me feel humble to have had the opportunity to associate myself with so many wonderful Americans.” General Peter Pace
With Pace it has always been about the Marines who lost their lives while he was their platoon commander, especially Guido, who took a bullet for him.
Pace said he can still remember the names and see the faces of the Marines whom he served with in Vietnam.
An excerpt from the article about his visit to Farinaro’s High School:
The lance corporal’s death also had a profound impact on the young lieutenant. “We were on patrol one day outside Da Nang, and Guido was killed by a sniper,” Pace said. “As I stayed with him, a sense of rage came through me, and as the platoon leader, I started calling an artillery strike on the village where the round had been fired.
"I never want to lose that," he said. "Under the glass on my desk is a picture of Lance Cpl. Guido Farinaro of Bethpage, N.Y., a 19 year-old corporal killed by a sniper. He was the first Marine I lost in combat. I keep his picture as a reminder that he and Lance Cpl. Chubby Hale, and Lance Cpl. Buddy Travers and Cpl. Mike Witt and Staff Sgt. Willie Williams and all the others died following 2nd Lt. Pace's orders. I can never repay that."
(Google the name Guido Farinaro....)
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Marine Gen. Peter Pace hugs U.S. Marine 1st Lt. Andrew Kinard at the Pentagon Sept. 27, 2007, following his final press conference as chairman. Pace, who will be retiring Sept. 30, 2007, after more than 40 years of service, will be turning over his position as chairman to U.S. Navy Adm. Mike Mullen Oct. 1, 2007. Kinard, who lost both legs to an improvised explosive device in Iraq, now works at the Pentagon. DoD photo by Staff Sgt. D. Myles Cullen, U.S. Air Force. (Released)
Men and women of the Defense Department line the halls and applaud Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff U.S. Marine Gen. Peter Pace on his last official day at the Pentagon, Sept. 27, 2007. Defense Dept. photo by Cherie A. Thurlby
MINEOLA, N.Y., Sept. 19, 2007 – The reason the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff visited Chaminade High School here was on the wall as he entered the building today: a simple plaque with the names of graduates killed in combat.
Midway down the list of 55 Chaminade graduates killed in combat was the name Guido Farinaro, Class of 1967, killed in Vietnam in 1968.
Marine Gen. Peter Pace came to this Catholic school to honor Lance Corporal Farinaro, the first Marine to die following 2nd Lt. Peter Pace’s orders. The four-star general keeps a picture of the young lance corporal under the glass on his desk in the Pentagon to remind him of the sacrifices young servicemembers make.
Rev. James C. Williams, the president of the school, invited Pace to address the 1,700 students of the all-male school.
“This is selfish on my part to want to come here to Chaminade,” Pace told the students. “I’ve been invited to several Gold Star Masses and have not been able to attend. I did not want to leave active duty without coming to the place from which the single most influential military person in my life graduated.”During Pace’s talk, the normal restlessness of young men disappeared. You could hear a pin drop when the general told the student body that he wanted to come to the school “to have a chance to look you in the eye and tell you of just one of Chaminade’s incredible graduates.”
Pace wanted the students to know that their lives will make a difference. “I want you to know about one Chaminade graduate whose life made a difference,” Pace said.
Guido Farinaro was a 1967 graduate of the high school, Pace said. “As with all classes in Chaminade, the vast majority went on to college, but Guido joined the Marine Corps,” he said. “When asked why, he said he was born in Italy, raised in the United States and had the opportunity to attend this incredible school and felt the need to pay back the country before he did any more schooling.”
Pace met the young lance corporal in February 1968 during the Tet Offensive in Hue City, Vietnam. Pace was the third leader of the 2nd Platoon, Golf Company, 2nd Battalion, 5th Marines in as many weeks. The platoon was a skeleton, with only 14 Marines left. “Guido was one of them,” Pace said to the assembly. “He and I served together until July 1968, and I came to know Guido as a great young man.”
The lance corporal’s death also had a profound impact on the young lieutenant. “We were on patrol one day outside Da Nang, and Guido was killed by a sniper,” Pace said. “As I stayed with him, a sense of rage came through me, and as the platoon leader, I started calling an artillery strike on the village where the round had been fired.
“My platoon sergeant, who was my age – 21 or 22 -- didn’t say anything at all,” Pace said. “He just looked at me. And I knew in the look that he gave me that what I was doing was wrong.”
Pace called off the strike and led the platoon to do what he should have done in the first place – a dismounted sweep of the village. “We found nothing but women and children,” he said. “Had that artillery strike been conducted, I do not know how I could have possibly lived with myself.”
The lesson for Pace was immediate. “Regardless what you do in your life, hold on to your moral compass,” he said. “When you are emotionally least capable of defending yourself is when the biggest challenge will come. If you don’t have an idea of what you will let yourself do and what you will not let yourself do, you may find that you have done something that you would never believe yourself capable of doing.”
He said his epiphany came in combat, but it doesn’t have to. “I learned that day, to think through what was going to be happening each day thereafter, and to think through what I would allow myself to do and not do,” he said.
It could come in a meeting, a test, a temptation, whatever. “If you have thought through who you want to be at the end of each day, you will see that person,” he said. “But, if you have not, you may not like the person you end up being.”
This was one way the lance corporal’s life changed the young officer’s life. Guido Farinaro and all the other Marines who died following his orders made Pace realize what he should do with his life.
Pace never received a scratch during his 13-month tour in Vietnam. Farinaro was standing next to Pace when he was shot by the sniper. Another Marine was walking in front of Pace when another sniper shot and killed that Marine instead of Pace. “Some died, others did not. I still truly do not understand,” he said. “But because of Guido and the others I lost, I determined that I would continue to serve in the Marine Corps until I was no longer needed, and to try to serve in a way that paid respect to their lives.”
Pace said he was determined to give those Marines and servicemembers in his charge what he could not longer give to the men he had lost, and that he built his military career around that idea.
And as he faces the conclusion of his four decades of service when he retires at the end of the month, Pace said that was the last lesson he learned from the young Marines he commanded.
"I’m very calm about what comes next because of what I learned from Guido and Guido’s death, which is we don’t control when we’re going to die. We do control how we live,” he said. “In every disappointment there is a new door of opportunity. Every time in my adult life, when something happened that I wished had not happened, or I did not get what I thought I should get, in retrospect has turned out to be a blessing.
“I am not a volunteer to leave the armed forces of the United States,” he continued. “I still owe Guido and his fellow Marines, and now so many others, more than I can ever repay.”
Pace told the young men that he has no idea what he will do in the future, but that it will include another opportunity to serve. He asked the young men to serve, too.
“I ask you to embrace the path that God lays out for you: do the very best you can on that path and take care of the people near you who look to you for leadership,” he said.
Wild Thing's comment........
I cried while doing this post, how could I not. Just to be able to say this man is an American and served in our military, I owe him so much and am so grateful. He is a man of honor and an American Hero. We lost a great leader when we allowed Pete to be pushed overboard.
It is unforgiveable that Bush threw Pace under the bus yet failed to shove the despicable likes of Ike Skelton, Harry Reid, Hillary Clinton, Chuck Schumer, Dick Durbin, Nancy Pelosi, John Murtha, et al, down the chute to the Yuri I. Nosenko Suite of the Vidkin Quisling Wing of the seventh subterranean level of Leavenworth.
Shall the nation now reelect the dual diablos who loathe the military.
God Bless you,General Peter Pace!
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (16)
"Stay on him" ~ Apache Takes Out Insurgents and their Truck
Apache Takes Out Insurgents and their Truck
....Thank you Tom, gosh I love these videos.
I am so proud of or troops!
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (8)
Disney Bans “God” From The Ten Commandments Movie Ads
Disney Bans “God” From The Ten Commandments Movie Ads
This report will leave you scratching your head in disbelief. In an incredibly irrational move that is shocking even by Disney standards, Radio Disney has required Promenade Pictures to remove the words “chosen by God” from radio ads promoting the new film, The Ten Commandments.”
The controversy was caused by an email from a Disney employee to a media buyer about the proposed ads, stating:
“Our BS&P said both scripts need to include the studio mention and omit the following line: CHOSEN BY GOD … Please let me know if you have any questions.” Ok, I have a question. Why would anyone think it necessary or even rational to censor the word “God” from an ad about a Biblical film? The Disney/ABC BS&P (Bureau of Standards and Practices) censors have taken a misguided step off the politically-correct cliff.
Frank Yablans, the founder and CEO of Promenade Pictures who worked with Walt Disney himself, asked us, “Who does Disney Radio think chose Moses – Tinkerbell?” If Walt Disney were alive and leading Disney today, he would have put an end to this nonsense.
I predict that Disney’s misguided censorship will backfire. Liberty Counsel is already receiving emails from disgusted people who are giving up on ABC, Disney and related companies. Disney needs to apologize for its actions and admit that G-o-d is not a four-letter word.
Wild Thing's comment........
I guess if it was allah it would be ok. And to you freaking Muslims reading this allah was a moon god, own it, realize it and bug off. We are talking about the one true God.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (10)
US Airforce F-16 Bombs a truck full of Insurgents
US Airforce F-16 Bombs a truck full of Insurgents
....Thank you so much Tom for sending this video to me. LOVE it.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:44 AM | Comments (5)
In Country With America's Heroes
C-17 crews make record airdrop - As 16 bundles from the lead C-17 Globemaster III drift to the ground, a second C-17 drops more bundles to a drop zone Oct. 11 in Afghanistan. A total of 62 cargo bundles were dropped from two C-17s in two passes.
This was the first time a combat cargo drop of this magnitude has taken place from two C-17s in formation over one drop zone.
The planes and crews are part of the 817th Expeditionary Airlift Squadron at Manas Air Base, Kyrgyzstan. (U.S. Air Force photo/Staff Sgt. Brian Ferguson)
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:40 AM
October 16, 2007
Pelosi To Antiwar Activists' - I Feel Your Pain
Pelosi: I would not give Congress high marks on ending the war
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Sunday that she would not give Congress high marks with regard to ending the war in Iraq, adding that she understands voter dissatisfaction on the issue that has sent the congressional approval rating tumbling.
The speaker, in an interview aired on ABC’s “This Week with George Stephanopoulos,” stated it was ironic that, as an outspoken opponent to the Iraq campaign, anti-war activists are targeting her now. However, Pelosi added that she understands and respects the frustrations of the Democratic base.
“We will continue to pass legislation to make that point that the war should end,” she said. “And we happen to be blocked by a 60-vote hurdle in the Senate, but the public doesn’t want -- care about that. They just want us to end the war.”
Pelosi also said that she would not bring up to a vote language that designates Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps a terrorist organization.
The measure had passed in the Senate earlier this year.
Pelosi said now is the time to take up action on the Armenian issue because the last of the survivors are dying.
“Some of the things that are harmful to our troops relate to values -- Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo, torture. All of those [are] issues about who we are as a country,” Pelosi said. “And I think that our troops are well-served when we declare who we are as a country and increase the respect that people have for us as a nation.”
House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) said on Fox News Sunday that there is “no question that the suffering of the Armenian people some 90 years ago was extreme.” However, he added that those events “ought to be a subject for historians to sort out, not politicians here in Washington.”
“Bringing this bill to the floor may be the most irresponsible thing I’ve seen this new Congress do this year,” Boehner said.
Wild Thing's comment........
Pelosi is doing all she can to make this war harder for our troops to fight. I think that is why she has pushed this Turkey thing like she has. Just to mess with our soldeirs and what they are up against.
She feels more for these wretched punks the anti-war cowards, than she does her country or our military. Try feeling the pain of the 911 victims families, or the families of those murdered by Saddams henchmen and al Queda.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (12)
Rice: Now is time for Palestinian State
Rice: Now is time for Palestinian state
Saying the time is now for a Palestinian state, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice on Monday prodded Israel and the Palestinians to agree at a U.S.-sponsored conference this fall on how and when to start formal peace talks.
In one of her strongest statements yet on the issue, Rice declared that creation of a Palestinian state is a key U.S. interest and urged the two sides to drop contentious demands and reach consensus on a substantive joint statement ahead of the international conference.
"Frankly, it's time for the establishment of a Palestinian state," Rice told a news conference with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, who she saw on the second of a four-day intense Middle East shuttle diplomacy mission.
"The United States sees the establishment of a Palestinian state and a two-state solution as absolutely essential for the future, not just of Palestinians and Israelis but also for the Middle East and indeed to American interests," she said.
"That's really a message that I think only I can deliver," Rice said, explaining her mission to prepare for the conference to be held in Annapolis, Md. as early as late November.
The secretary is facing daunting challenges in trying to bring the two sides close enough to make the conference worthwhile.
Rice, who expects to return to the region at least once before the conference takes place, played down the chances for any breakthroughs before she traveled here.
Rice met with Israeli officials on Sunday and will see both sides again on Wednesday after visiting Egypt on Tuesday and finally traveling to London to meet Jordan's King Abdullah II in a bid to build support for the meeting among skeptical Arab nations.
In her talks in Jerusalem and the West Bank, she is seeking to bridge wide gaps between Israel and the Palestinians over the declaration to be endorsed in Annapolis that President Bush hopes will lead to negotiations for a final settlement of the long-running conflict.
Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has said he does not see the document as a prerequisite for the conference. He wants it as vague as possible on critical so-called "final status issues" like the borders of a Palestinian state, the status of disputed Jerusalem, Israeli settlements and Palestinian refugees.
The Palestinians, meanwhile, have said they will not attend the conference without a document that contains details on these matters as well as a specific timeline for their resolution. Arab states share the Palestinian concerns.
"No doubt that before we go to (the conference), the document will be ready," said Abbas, whose authority has been limited to the West Bank since the militant Hamas movement seized control of the Gaza Strip in June.
"The negotiations should not be open-ended, but subject to a certain time period," he added.
Standing next to Abbas in the West Bank city of Ramallah, Rice insisted the conference will be "serious and substantive."
"We frankly have better things to do than invite people to Annapolis for a photo op," she said in the first public confirmation from a U.S. official that Washington has chosen the Maryland capital as the venue for the meeting.
Speaking to reporters at her Jerusalem hotel after seeing Abbas, Rice declined to reveal her private discussions with Israeli and Palestinian officials but suggested that neither side would get its way in their demands for the joint statement.
"I am not certain that a timetable that says we have to complete X by Y time is where we want to go," she said when asked about the Palestinian demand for deadlines.
"We're talking about ways to demonstrate continued momentum if and when they begin formal negotiations but we haven't come to any conclusions at this point," Rice said.
She also said the joint statement "does not have to be detailed in order to be serious (or) substantive."
At the same time, she said that despite Israeli reservations, the document would have to include references to the final status issues.
"If it's going to address the establishment of a Palestinian state, then it has to address core issues," Rice said. "You do have to have enough that is concrete so that people know that we're not just starting out with the general principle that everyone would like to have a Palestinian state."
She also defended the plan for the conference, which some critics believe Bush called prematurely when he announced in July that it would be held in the fall — a year before the next presidential elections.
"I understand as well as anybody that there are risks to announcing a meeting and then doing the hard work to get it prepared," Rice said. But the other side of that ... something had to spark their active and intensive engagement, something had to spark the region to take advantage of what was a slowly opening historic opportunity."
Palestinian officials had expressed disappointment with Rice's less-than-optimistic comments on Sunday and in her meeting with Abbas she sought to reassure the Palestinians of the U.S. commitment to peace.
"We have come a long way," she said. "We have got quite a long way to go, but we are not going to tire until I have given it my last ounce of energy and my last moment in office."
Also Monday, the Israeli and Palestinian teams charged with drafting the pre-conference document were to meet in Jerusalem, Qureia's office said. The teams had met only once before.
At the same time, Olmert hinted Monday that he is ready to share control of Jerusalem, saying for the first time that Israel could do without controlling some of the holy city's outlying Arab neighborhoods.
Wild Thing's comment........
We are definitely living in some alternate universe. The former producers of Twilight Zone would have a field day getting script ideas from today’s morons in DC.
I don't know if they want a State but they sure do want to kill Jews.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (15)
Rockies Heading To Its First World Series
Rockies earn first World Series berth
Colorado sweeps Diamondbacks to win NL pennant
DENVER (AP) -- Riding a Rocky Mountain High like none other, Colorado is heading to its first World Series.
With their 21st win in 22 games, the relentless Rockies beat the rattled Arizona Diamondbacks 6-4 in Game 4 Monday night to sweep the NL championship series at a chilly Coors Field.
The Rockies are the first team since the 1935 Chicago Cubs to win at least 21 of 22 after Sept. 1, according to Elias Sports Bureau.
Wild Thing's comment........
I am a Cub fan, Rockies and a Red Sox fan, and Nick is a Dodger fan. This is just so awesome, the way the Rockies have played all year. It is just so cool, I love it. The Red Sox so far are still in it. So we will see what happens. If it ends up that it is Rockies and Red Sox I will go with the Rockies since they have never won the World Series.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (7)
The Amazing Color Changing Card Trick
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:44 AM | Comments (2)
October 15, 2007
Carter: One Helicopter Away From Greatness????
Speaking with XM Radio's Bob Edwards on Tuesday, former President Jimmy Carter (you know, the guy who gave the "malaise" speech) told the radio host that he "would not want to have changed anything" during his presidency.
Well, okay, maybe one thing. Referring to the Iran hostage crisis, Carter said:
"I have a specific regret in not having one more helicopter when I wanted to rescue our hostages. If I had had one more helicopter, they would have been rescued. I might have been reelected president."
Wild Thing's comment........
Jimmah "one more copter" Carter regrets nothing. Well he is delusional that's for sure. He should regret his entire life.
"they would have been rescued. I might have been reelected president"
Oh really?? It sounds to me like Carter is more interested in that he could have been reelected then in the hostages.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (18)
US Tries To Halt Turkey A Muslim Country From Attacking
US Tries To Halt Turkey Attack
Diplomats fly to Ankara to stop military move against Iraqi Kurds after 'genocide' resolution
Senior US officials were engaged last night in last-ditch efforts to persuade Turkey not to launch a major military incursion into Iraqi Kurdistan to target armed separatists.
A team was diverted from a mission to Russia to make an unscheduled stop in Ankara yesterday. Against the background of the escalating diplomatic row between Turkey and the US over a congressional resolution that branded as 'genocide' massacres of Armenians by Ottoman Turks in 1915, US Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice, revealed she had personally urged Turkey to refrain from any major military operation in northern Iraq.
The row between the two Nato allies comes against the dangerous background of a threat by the Turkish parliament to approve this week a 'hot pursuit' of the Kurdish separatist Kurdistan Workers' Party, the PKK, across the border into northern Iraq.
'I urged restraint,' said Rice, on a visit to Moscow, acknowledging 'a difficult time' between the two countries as she described her telephone conversations with Turkey's President Abdullah Gul, its Prime Minister and foreign minister.
'It's a difficult time for the relationship,' Rice said. 'We just thought it was a very good idea for two senior officials to go and talk to the Turks and have reassurance to the Turks that we really value this relationship.' Rice said that in her conversation with the Turks 'they were dismayed' by the congressional resolution. 'The Turkish government, I think, is trying to react responsibly. They recognise how hard we worked to prevent that vote from taking place.'
About 60,000 Turkish troops are based near the northern Iraqi border. US military officials have said they believe they will get some warning if the Turks attack the PKK.
Rice's phone conversations came as two senior US officials flew to Turkey yesterday to attempt to defuse tension that has seen the Turkish ambassador to Washington return home for consultations following the resolution, which Turks regard as deeply offensive.
And this..........................
Premier Says Turkey Is Ready For Split With U.S. Over Kurds
Washington Post
Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Friday that he is prepared for a rupture in relations with the United States if his government launches an incursion into northern Iraq in search of Kurdish rebels.
"If such an option is chosen, whatever its price, it will be paid," Erdogan said to reporters Friday after meeting with party leaders. "There could be pros and cons of such a decision, but what is important is our country's interests."
Erdogan criticized the United States for warning against a Turkish attack in one of the few relatively stable regions of war-ravaged Iraq.
"Did they seek permission from anyone when they came from a distance of 10,000 kilometers and hit Iraq?" Erdogan asked. "We do not need anyone else's advice."
"Democrats are harming the future of the United States and are encouraging anti-American sentiments," Erdogan said Friday, referring to Democratic Party leaders who supported the measure."
Wild Thing's comment.........
Turkey is full of it.They took forever to decide to let us use their country when our troops went into Iraq. They said no for a long time and we needed them right away. It is a Muslim country and I honesly think they are using this as an excuse.
As far as what stupid Pelosi did she is vile and horrible and knew all along what would happen and that it would put our troops in even more danger and she could care less.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:54 AM | Comments (13)
Democrats: Children Will Get Insurance
Democrats: Children Will Get Insurance
House Democratic leaders said Sunday they were working to gather votes to override a veto on a popular children's health program, but pledged to find a way to cover millions without insurance should their effort fail.
In talk show interviews, Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Majority Leader Steny Hoyer did not dispute claims by Republican leaders that the GOP will have enough votes to sustain President Bush's veto when the House holds its override vote on Thursday.
Pelosi and Hoyer promised to pass another bipartisan bill if needed.
"Isn't that sad for America's children?" said Pelosi, D-Calif., when asked about the GOP's assurances the override vote will fail. "It doesn't mean we aren't working hard throughout the country: governors, mayors, people who deal with children on a regular basis.
"We'll try very hard to override it. But one thing's for sure: We won't rest until those 10 million children have health care," she said in an interview broadcast Sunday.
Hoyer, D-Md., declined to predict Thursday's vote.
"This is a defining moment for the Republican Party, in my opinion," Hoyer said, before adding later: The program is "not going to die. We're going to go back and we're going to pass another bill."
House Democrats scheduled the vote after Bush earlier this month vetoed legislation that would increase spending for the State Children's Health Insurance Program by $35 billion over five years. Bush has called for a $5 billion increase.
An override requires a two-thirds majority in the House and Senate. The Senate approved the increase by a veto-proof margin, but the earlier House vote fell about two dozen votes short.
The program provides health insurance to children in families with incomes too great for Medicaid eligibility but not enough to afford private insurance. Bush has said the bill is too costly. The president now says he might be willing to provide more than $5 billion originally offered but that the current proposal shifts too much insurance burden onto the government rather than private providers.
On Sunday, House Minority Leader John Boehner, R-Ohio, said he hopes that Democrats will agree to negotiate once the veto is sustained so that the children's insurance program can be reauthorized.
"We will have the votes to sustain the president's veto," Boehner said. "And I think the differences are resolvable, but we're standing on our principle that poor kids ought to come first."
"Most people don't want government-run health insurance," he added. "Republicans are working on a plan that will provide access to all Americans to high-quality health insurance, make sure that we increase the quality of health insurance that we have in America."
Wild Thing's comment........
Interesting that the AP left out three key points:
1. This bill is funded by increasing the tax on cigarettes. This funding source is already declining due to the number of people giving up smoking. What are the RATs plans for funding when the cigarette tax increase is no longer enough?
2. As proposed by the RATs, this bill, originally designed for folks just barely outside Medicaid, will pay benefits for families earning in excess of $80,000 per year and will cover "kids" up to 25 years of age.
3. There's nothing "wrong" with the existing bill, especially with the $5,000,000,000 that President Bush wants to add. This BS bill from the RATs is nothing more than one more stealth step towards government run health care.
These socialists pushing this thing are in our faces with it, but the media is perpetuating the big lie about the specifics. The media are no longer doing their jobs, instead they have blatantly chosen sides. They are nothing but full blown partisan democrats of the worst kind.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (8)
Former Doolittle Raider Passes Away
Former Doolittle Raider passes away
Former Lt. Nolan A. Herndon, a member of the famed Doolittle Raiders, died of pneumonia Oct. 8 at the age of 88. The lieutenant was a navigator-bombardier on one of the B-25 bombers that took off from an aircraft carrier on April 18, 1942, to strike targets in Japan.
Wild Thing's comment........
God speed Lt. Herndon and thank you sir.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (14)
Three Pitchers Visit The Troops
Three diamond heroes, baseball pitchers Mike Remlinger, Turk Wendell and Adam Bernero, recently visited heroes of the battlefield stationed here as part of a morale boosting tour.
The three pitchers were the latest professional athletes to visit Soldiers here this year. Earlier visits have included basketball players and professional golfers.
Pro Sports MVP tours, organized by a Colorado Springs-based sports and marketing firm, provide Soldiers a chance to get autographs, pictures, and swap stories with the pros.
“Lots of baseball stories, fun times we had on the field, off the field,” said Bernero of the stories commonly told. “We talk about home, baseball stories; tell a bunch of lies about what we do back home,” he added with a laugh.
While the Soldiers enjoyed the stories, the players were impressed by the Soldiers’ daily sacrifices.
“In the big scheme of things, I was just a baseball player; what have I done with my life?” Wendell asked. “You guys are putting your life on the line everyday just so we can do what we do back in the States. All I did was throw a baseball.”
Such admiration prompted Wendell, a pitcher best known for his time with the Mets, which included pitching in the 2000 World Series, to make the trip here.
Bernero said a desire to see the sacrifices of the troops prompted him to visit.
“You hear a lot in the news and you read a lot but you don’t really know what is going on until you see it firsthand,” Bernero added. “I wanted to look people in the eye and hear what they had to say. That is more truthful than anything you read (in the newspapers).”
Wendell said he sees a lot of determination in the Soldiers he meets. In the same spirit as professional athletes, Soldiers want to win, he said.
“Keep up the battle. Everyone who I know believes in you,” said Wendell.
Pfc. Brandon Gilley, Battery B, 1st Battalion, 9th Field Artillery Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division, said he was glad to see the players.
As a baseball fan, Gilley said he probably has many of the players’ cards in his baseball card collection at home. In addition to getting autographed pictures of the trio, he also added a signed Texas state flag to his baseball memorabilia.
“I brought it along to get it signed by famous people who visited,” he said. “I wanted to represent my state.”Likewise, the players said they wanted to represent the regard American people have for service members fighting to protect freedom back home.
Bernero also brought along a message to the troops to keep their head up and continue to persevere.
Bernero, who last pitched in 2006 with the Philadelphia Phillies and Kansas City Royals, missed 2007 due to injury; he is currently preparing to get back on the mound in 2008, having been signed by the Boston Red Sox minor league team.
While he admits that his sacrifices are minor compared to the ones Soldiers are making everyday, he hopes that he can leave them with inspiration to continue to work hard and do their country proud.
“Some things are a little bigger in life and this is one of them,” Wendell said. “You really got to believe in yourself. You can’t settle for second. It is not an option.”
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:40 AM | Comments (6)
October 14, 2007
Hillary Congratulates Muslims on the Occasion of Eid ul-Fitr
Clinton Congratulates Muslim-Americans on the Occasion of Eid ul-Fitr
Her stupid websitehttp://www.hillaryclinton.com/news/release/view/?id=3699
Hillary Clinton today released the following statement in celebration of Eid-ul-Fitr, which marks the end the month of Ramadan or fasting.
"I am pleased to join Muslim-Americans today in celebration of Eid-ul-Fitr, marking the end of the sacred month of Ramadan. During these times of conflict, it is critical that we recognize the positive role of spiritual renewal, compassion, and charity that the month of Ramadan symbolizes. In the United States, millions of Muslims represent hard-working, law-abiding, and family-oriented Americans of all ethnicities and national origins."I am committed to encouraging the principles of diversity and mutual respect that are the bedrock of our nation. We need to help all Americans understand the important contributions that Muslim-Americans make to keep our communities and country strong. I wish Eid Mubarak, or Happy Eid, with prayers for peace and harmony to all."
Wild Thing's comment........
"We need to help all Americans understand the important contributions that Muslim-Americans make to keep our communities and country strong."
Good grief, I can't think of anything in my life, or anyones life that has imporved in any way by an invention, a scientific breakthrough or anything else by a Muslim. I can't think of even ONE thing. I’m sure the enemy appreciates the aid and comfort.
One day there will be a Nobel Prize for Muslim Ass Kissing and Bush and Hillary can compete.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (15)
N. Korea Beefs Up Guard At Nuclear Test Site
N. Korea beefs up guard at nuclear test site
SEOUL (Reuters)
North Korea has increased security around a site where it conducted a nuclear test last year, South Korea's Yonhap news agency reported on Sunday.
"Intelligence information was obtained that guards were being reinforced at the nuclear test site, along with (additional fencing)," it quoted an unnamed South Korean government source as saying.
"South Korea and U.S. authorities are keeping a close watch on the area and analysing the North's intentions."
But the source dismissed the likelihood of a second test at the Gilju site in North Hamkyung province, citing Pyongyang's pledge to the international community to disable its nuclear facilities.
North Korea marked the first anniversary of the nuclear test on October 9 that made it globally ostracised and the target of painful sanctions.
Wild Thing's comment........
Does Bush really believe that N. Korea is going to abide by our demands? I sure wouldn't. They must think Hillary is going to get elected so they’re getting ready to get all new updated equipment from the Pentagon.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (4)
Football Week Six
If you would like to save your pinup, just right click and save picture as or click copy. Then just save to your computer. Thank you Dawn for helping me make these.Each week some will be added and some will be used another week. So you don't get tired of them. giggle I hope you like them. - Chrissie
Here are the matchups for today Sunday 10/14/07...All Times are EST
CIN @ KC 1:00 PM
HOU @ JAC 1:00 PM
MIA @ CLE 1:00 PM
WAS @ GB 1:00 PM
STL @ BAL 1:00 PM
MIN @ CHI 1:00 PM
PHI @ NYJ 1:00 PM
TEN @ TB 1:00 PM
CAR @ ARI 4:05 PM
NE @ DAL 4:15 PM
OAK @ SD 4:15 PM
NO @ SEA 8:15 PM
Monday, October 15 Time (EST)
NYG @ ATL 8:30 PM
Byes: Bills, Broncos, Lions, Colts, Steelers, 49ers
These are the teams I think everyone is for. I will add to this as you tell me your favorite teams.
(Some names are those deployed in Iraq)
Lynn - Broncos, Bears, Browns
Tom - Cowboys
Darth - New York Giants, Tampa Bay Bucs, (ABP - 'anybody' but Philly )
Mark - Patriots, Buffalo Bills, Bears
Bob - Buffalo Bills
Billy - Jets, NY Giants, Bears
Nick - Cowboys, Rams and Raiders
Karsten - Tampa Bay Bucs, NY Giants
navycopjoe - Chicago Bears
LindaSOG - Miami Dolphins
Jonathan - Raiders
Dawn - Seahawks, Bronco's ....(husband USARMY delpoyed, Iraq)
Amber - Green Bay Packers .....(husband USMC delpoyed Iraq)
Cuchieddie - Raiders
Eve - Colts ....(husband USARMY deployed Iraq)
Chrissie - Bears, Broncos and Cowboys
Andy ( USMC) - Colts
Mike ( USARMY) - Seattle Seahawks
Sand Man ( (USMC) - Bronco's
Dave (USARMY) - Patriots
Tim ( USMC) - Bears
Jean ( USARMY) - Atlanta Falcons
Sunday FINAL Scores Top Passer Top Rusher Top Receiver
MIN 34 @ CHI 31 FINAL CHI Brian Griese: 381 Yds MIN Adrian Peterson: 224 Yds CHI Devin Hester: 81 Yds
MIA 31 @ CLE 41 FINAL MIA Cleo Lemon: 256 Yds MIA Ronnie Brown: 101 Yds CLE Kellen Winslow: 90 Yds
WAS 14 @ GB 17 FINAL WAS Jason Campbell: 217 Yds WAS Clinton Portis: 64 Yds WAS Chris Cooley: 105 Yds
HOU 17 @ JAC 37 FINAL HOU Matt Schaub: 259 Yds JAC Maurice Jones-Drew: 125 Yds HOU Kevin Walter: 160 Yds
STL 3 @ BAL 22 FINAL STL Gus Frerotte: 208 Yds BAL Willis McGahee: 61 Yds BAL Derrick Mason: 79 Yds
CIN 20 @ KC 27 FINAL CIN Carson Palmer: 320 Yds KC Larry Johnson: 119 Yds CIN T.J. Houshmandzadeh: 145 Yds
TEN 10 @ TB 13 FINAL TB Jeff Garcia: 274 Yds TEN LenDale White: 64 Yds TB Joey Galloway: 97 Yds
PHI 16 @ NYJ 9 FINAL PHI Donovan McNabb: 278 Yds NYJ Thomas Jones: 130 Yds PHI Kevin Curtis: 121 Yds
CAR 25 @ ARI 10 FINAL CAR Vinny Testaverde: 206 Yds CAR DeAngelo Williams: 121 Yds CAR Steve Smith: 136 Yds
OAK 14 @ SD 28 FINAL OAK Daunte Culpepper: 230 Yds SD LaDainian Tomlinson: 198 Yds OAK Ronald Curry: 73 Yds
NE 48 @ DAL 27 FINAL NE Tom Brady: 388 Yds DAL Julius Jones: 51 Yds NE Donte' Stallworth: 136 Yds
NO 28 @ SEA 17 FINALE just finished
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (16)
October 13, 2007
Happy 232nd Birthday To Our US NAVY
Happy 232nd Birthday U.S.Navy
Thank you to all that have served and serve today in our US Navy. God bless and protect each one of you.
- Wild Thing
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (9)
Navy Being Downsized
America’s Elegant Decline
The Atlantic.com
Hulls in the water could soon displace boots on the ground as the most important military catchphrase of our time. But our Navy is stretched thin. How we manage dwindling naval resources will go a long way toward determining our future standing in the world.Beware pendulum swings. Before 9/11, not enough U.S. generals believed that the future of war was unconventional and tied to global anarchy. They insisted on having divisions to fight against, not ragtag groups of religious warriors who, as it turned out, fought better than state armies in the Muslim world ever did.
Now the Pentagon is consumed by a focus on urban warfare and counterinsurgency; inside military circles, the development of culturally adroit foreign-area officers (FAOs) and the learning of exotic languages have become the rage. My own warnings about anarchy (“The Coming Anarchy,” February 1994 Atlantic) and my concentration on FAOs and Army Special Forces in recent books may have helped this trend.
But have we pushed it too far? We may finally master the art of counterinsurgency just in time for it to recede in importance.
Today, while we remain fixated on street fighting in Baghdad, the militaries of China, India, South Korea, and Japan are modernizing, and Russia has maintained and subsidized its military research-and- development base by selling weapons to China and others. Though counterinsurgency will remain a core part of our military doctrine, the Pentagon does not have the luxury of planning for one military future; it must plan for several.
Wild Thing's comment........
This feels very weird to me. First it is our Navy's birthday and then I happened to see this article. It feels like a pat on the back and a slap in the face all at the same time.
The last thing that we should be doing is shrinking the size of any branch of our armed forces.
I think our war ships are awesome and I hate to see us getting rid of them. Our enemies will always be looking to hit us where we are weakest, relative to them.
"From time immemorial, the purpose of a navy has been to influence, and sometimes to decide, issues on land. This was so with the Greeks of antiquity; the Romans, who created a navy to defeat Carthage; the Spanish, whose armada tried and failed to conquer England; and most eminently, in the Atlantic and Pacific during two world wars. The sea has always given man inexpensive transport and ease of communication over long distances. The sea has supplied mobility, capability, and support throughout Western history, and those failing in the sea-power test – notably Alexander, Napoleon and Hitler – also failed the longevity one." ---First Sea Lord Admiral Sir Alan West
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (9)
The Original Homeland Security Department
Ask the American Indians what happens when you don't control immigration
This is good!!!
....Thank you Tom for sending this to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (13)
Palestinians Want Western Wall as Part of Any Settlement
Palestinians Want Western Wall as Part of Any Settlement
As an American-hosted Middle East summit approaches, Palestinian Arabs are hardening their positions: An aide to the Palestinian Authority president, Mahmoud Abbas, said yesterday that the Palestinians will demand sole Arab control over Judaism's holiest site in Jerusalem, the Western Wall.
Mr. Abbas's adviser on religious affairs, Adnan al-Husseini, made the new demand in an interview with the Israeli newspaper Ma'ariv, sparking an outcry from many Israeli politicians who complained that recent reports about the Olmert government's proposal to transfer Arab-dominated neighborhoods in Jerusalem to the jurisdiction of a Palestinian state have led to further Arab demands.
As the last remnant of the ancient Second Temple, which was destroyed by the Romans in the year 70 of the common era, the Western Wall, also known as the Wailing Wall, is considered Judaism's holiest site. Muslims, who call it Al-Burak, also venerate it as the place where they believe the prophet Muhammad tied his horse before ascending to the heavens.
"We are talking about full control" over Jerusalem, Mr. Husseini, a scion of one of the most prominent Palestinian Arab families, told Ma'ariv. "The Wailing Wall," he said, "is a Muslim waqf," or sacred endowment, "and therefore cannot be abandoned." He cited a 1928 British mandate white paper that called for the area to be under Muslim control where Jews would be allowed to worship.
Mr. Husseini's demand "is a direct result of the unilateral appeasement policies of the Olmert-Barak government," according to a statement released by the right-of-center Likud Party, referring respectively to the prime minister of the centrist Kadima Party, and the left-of-center Labor Party leader, Ehud Barak, who is the defense minister. These policies, the statement said, would "abandon Jerusalem to the threats of Hamas."
Some Laborites were also angry. "The Wall is a remnant of our Temple, the holiest place for Jews," Labor's Knesset member Danny Yatom told Ma'ariv. He said the November 26 summit in Annapolis, Md., is bound to fail if the Palestinian Arabs raise such extreme ideas.
Wild Thing's comment........
“An aide to the Palestinian Authority president, Mahmoud Abbas, said yesterday that the Palestinians will demand sole Arab control over Judaism’s holiest site in Jerusalem, the Western Wall”
For any who still kid themselves that the Arabs actually want peace with Israel, this should provide them a good hint. All their maneuvers are just aimed at the eventual destruction of Israel.
"they believe the prophet Muhammad tied his horse before ascending to the heavens."
If I am going to ascend to heaven I would first turn my horse loose.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:44 AM | Comments (5)
October 12, 2007
The Warriors of the USS Cole
On October 12, 2000, the USS Cole (DDG 67) was attacked/bombed in the Port of Aden in Yemen by terrorists.
Think about the USS Cole, think about that ship and what those sailors were going through at that moment with that impact. In the dark, there was twisted steel, they had gaseous fumes, toxic fumes. They were operating under all kinds of adverse conditions, and then the power generation went out and they had to bail the water out by hand. And they were doing it all while they were saving other members who had been injured, and trying to recover those who had been killed.
Let us never forget our Heroes and never forget those that gave their all on the USS Cole.
- Wild Thing
A tribute to the men and women of the U.S.S. COLE
My cargo, so precious, I carried with pride;
Brave men and women who stood side by side.The stars and stripes, waving so high up above;
My country, my mission, any vessel would love.My sailors all knew their assignment, full well.
They performed at top merit, their Captains would tell.As a unit, they stood all together as one;
So deserving of honor, America's daughters and sons.This wasn't a war, just a bright sunny day.
A sudden shudder tore my hull away;A gaping hole, letting water inside.
With that thunderous blast, some had died.My sirens were screaming, flames reaching high.
Sailors were moaning and so was I!Work hard men and women! We must not fail!
Seal off the compartments! It's too much to bail!All the medics were working, at a feverish pace;
Scenes of pure heroism all over the place!The strongest were praying, while their muscles of steel
Assisted in any way they could see or feel.When darkness fell we scarcely noticed at all,
Aching to hear every voice at roll call.Finally, the moving memorial came,
Only because of those heroes so brave.My stars and stripes, (lower), still flew just the same;
All our beautiful children accounted for by name.Now I stood naked, before the whole world;
Men working feverishly where bombs had been hurled.My heroes are living and healing and dead
And I will come home, just the way I am led.You'll welcome me home, as you always do.
The cheers will be heard by all of my crew.We're still wounded, still healing, but proud just the same
And the U.S.S. Cole will serve you again.For you'll build back my hull, with a star and a story,
To the tip of the flagpole raise high Old Glory.We'll always remember FREEDOM'S NOT FREE!!!
And we'll never forget HEROES LIKE THESE!
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 PM | Comments (8)
Muslims tell Christians:'Make peace with us or survival of world is at stake'
Muslims want to make peace with us?? And they don't mention the Jews in their letter either. Obviously they don't want to make peace with the Jews.
Qur’an 33:60 “Truly, if the Hypocrites stir up sedition, if the agitators in the City do not desist, We shall urge you to go against them and set you over them. They shall have a curse on them. Whenever they are found, they shall be seized and slain without mercy—a fierce slaughter—murdered, a horrible murdering.”
Muslims tell Christians: 'Make peace with us or survival of world is at stake'
Prominent Muslim scholars are warning that the "survival of the world" is at stake if Muslims and Christians do not make peace with each other.
In an unprecedented open letter signed by 138 leading Muslim scholars from every sect of Islam, the Muslims plead with Christian leaders "to come together with us on the common essentials of our two religions."
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, and Pope Benedict are believed to have been sent copies of the document which calls for greater understanding between the two faiths.
The letter also spells out the similarities between passages of the Bible and the Koran.
The Muslim scholars state: "As Muslims, we say to Christians that we are not against them and that Islam is not against them - so long as they do not wage war against Muslims on account of their religion, oppress them and drive them out of their homes."
The phrasing has similarities to the New Testament passage: "He that is not with me is against me" - a passage used by President George Bush when addressing a joint session of Congress nine days after 9/11.
The Royal Aal al-Bayt Institute for Islamic Thought, a non-governmental organisation based in Amman, Jordan, has organised the letter.
The Institute said: "This historic letter is intended by its 138 signatories as an open invitation to Christians to unite with Muslims over the most essential aspects of their respective faiths - the principles of love of one God and love of the neighbour.
"It is hoped that the recognition of this common ground will provide the followers of both faiths with a shared understanding that will serve to defuse tensions around the world."
It continues: "Finding common ground between Muslims and Christians is not simply a matter for polite ecumenical dialogue between selected religious leaders.
"Together they (Muslims and Christians) make up more than 55 per cent of the population, making the relationship between these two religious communities the most important factor in contributing to meaningful peace around the world. If Muslims and Christians are not at peace, the world cannot be at peace."
Among those launching the letter in the UK will be David Ford, Regius Professor of Divinity, and Fellow of Selwyn College, University of Cambridge and founding director of the Cambridge Inter-Faith Programme.
Aref Ali Nayed, a leading theologian and senior adviser to the Inter-Faith Programme, will also take part at the event in central London.
HERE is the letter it is a pdf file
An Open Letter and Call from Muslim Religious Leaders to:
His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI etc.
Nihad Awad
National Executive Director and Co-founder of the Council on American-Islamic
Relations (CAIR), USA
(near the bottom of pg 22)
Wild Thing's comment........
Let us kill you peacefully, or we’ll kill you!
What hypocrites...they declare Jihad against all those who do not bend a knee to Islam...and they tell us not to wage war against them. I guess they are asking us to convert or be servants to Islam and if we Christians do not then kill us all.
The sheer arrogance of these people. Their pride is bigger than their brains, apparently. There will be no reasoning with them. There is NO commonality of Christianity with Islam.
Perhaps instead of sending their letter to Christian leaders, they should have sent it to Muslim terrorists. They are the ones who are threatening the existence of the world.
The use of the name "God" to blend Allah and Jehovah into one being is sickening.
....Thank you so much Lynn for sending this article to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:55 AM | Comments (18)
Mrs.Clinton Says She'd Negotiate With Iran
Clinton Says She'd Negotiate With Iran
Hillary Rodham Clinton called Barack Obama naive when he said he'd meet with the leaders of Iran without precondition. Now she says she'd do the same thing, too.
During a Democratic presidential debate in July, Obama said he would be willing to meet without precondition in the first year of his presidency with the leaders of Iran, Syria, Venezuela, Cuba and North Korea.
Standing with him on stage, Clinton said she would first send envoys to test the waters and called Obama's position irresponsible and naive.
But asked about it Thursday by a voter, the New York senator said twice that she, too, would negotiate with Iran "with no conditions."
"I would engage in negotiations with Iran, with no conditions, because we don't really understand how Iran works. We think we do, from the outside, but I think that is misleading," she said at an apple orchard.
She characterized her recent vote to label Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps a terrorist organization as a way to gain leverage for those negotiations.
Obama and other rivals for the Democratic presidential nomination have been criticizing Clinton's vote late last month in favor of the resolution, comparing it to her 2002 vote authorizing the war in Iraq.
They have suggested that the Iran vote was the first step toward a military invasion there.
Wild Thing's comment........
"I would engage in negotiations with Iran, with no conditions, because we don't really understand how Iran works. We think we do, from the outside, but I think that is misleading,"
Who is she talking about when she said "we"? If she doesn't understand Iran, that doesn't mean "we" don't understand Iran. We don't engage in negotiations with Iran because we do understand how Iran works. And if you have no conditions, how do you negotiate?
Will she give Iran free 401Ks too?
A few other things Hillary has said: from NO To Hillary
"We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good."
"We must stop thinking of the individual and start thinking about what is best for society.”
"It's time for a new beginning, for an end to government of the few, by the few, for the few, and to replace it with shared responsibility for shared prosperity."
"We can't just let business as usual go on, and that means something has to be taken away from some people.""
"We have to build a political consensus and that requires people to give up a little bit of their own turf in order to create this common ground."
"I certainly think the free market has failed."
"I think it's time to send a clear message to what has become the most profitable sector [oil] in the entire economy, that they are being watched."
"What I want to do is take those profits and apply them to alternative energy."
"I have a million ideas. The country can't afford them all."
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (9)
Carter says "U.S. tortures prisoners" ~ He Says That Like It Is A Bad Thing
Carter says U.S. tortures prisoners
The United States tortures prisoners in violation of international law, former President Carter said Wednesday.
I don't think it. I know it," Carter told CNN's Wolf Blitzer.
"Our country for the first time in my life time has abandoned the basic principle of human rights," Carter said. "We've said that the Geneva Conventions do not apply to those people in Abu Ghraib prison and Guantanamo, and we've said we can torture prisoners and deprive them of an accusation of a crime to which they are accused."
Carter also said President Bush creates his own definition of human rights.
Carter's comments come on the heels of an October 4 article in The New York Times disclosing the existence of secret Justice Department memorandums supporting the use of "harsh interrogation techniques." These include "head-slapping, simulated drowning and frigid temperatures," according to the Times.
The White House last week confirmed the existence of the documents but would not make them public.
Responding to the newspaper report Friday, Bush defended the techniques used, saying, "This government does not torture people."
Asked about Bush's comments, Carter said, "That's not an accurate statement if you use the international norms of torture as has always been honored -- certainly in the last 60 years since the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was promulgated.
"But you can make your own definition of human rights and say we don't violate them, and you can make your own definition of torture and say we don't violate them."
Carter also criticized some of the 2008 Republican presidential candidates, calling former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani "foolish" for his contention the United States should be open to use force on Iran.
"I hope that he doesn't become president and try to impose his conviction that we need to go to war with Iran," Carter said.
The Giuliani campaign declined to comment on Carter's criticism.
The former president didn't spare the rest of the GOP field either.
They all seem to be outdoing each other in who wants to go to war first with Iran, who wants to keep Guantanamo open longer and expand its capacity -- things of that kind," Carter said.
"They're competing with each other to appeal to the ultra-right-wing, war-mongering element in our country, which I think is the minority of our total population."Carter declined to say which Republican candidate he feared the most.
"If I condemn one of them, it might escalate him to the top position in the Republican ranks," he said.
Democratic Sens. Hillary Clinton of New York and Barack Obama of Illinois also drew Carter's criticism for refusing recently to pledge to withdraw all troops from Iraq by the end of their first terms if they win the presidency in 2008.
"I disagree with their basic premise that we'll still be there; I think the American people want out," Carter said. "If there is an unforeseen development where Iraqi people request American presence over a period of time I think that would possibly be acceptable, but that's not my personal preference."
Wild Thing's comment........
Jimmy Carter never met an enemy of the USA he didn’t love! Carter is a filthy,worthless,despicable piece of excrement. May he rot in hell!
Darth and Billy, there were a couple of your comments that didn't show up right away. I have no idea what happened, since your email address is on the comment freely list. Just the server acting up I suppose. I have ok'd them. Thank you so much.Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (14)
Tancredo and Father Of Murdered Speak Out To Bush
Tancredo Criticizes Bush Decision to Appeal Illegal Alien Murder Case
Tom Tancredo website
Representative Tom Tancredo (R-Littleton) today criticized the decision by President Bush to allow an appeals case to move to the Supreme Court regarding an illegal alien who was convicted of gang-raping, sodomizing and murdering two 14 year old girls.
“It’s astonishing that this president would give into international pressure from the Mexican government and possibly set this convicted gang member free,” Tancredo said.
Jose Medellin confessed, along with a handful of other gang members, to gang raping, sodomizing and murdering two 14 year old girls. He even took a wristwatch from one of the girls as a souvenir.
At issue is whether or not Medellin and the others were denied their right to contact the Mexican consulate prior to confessing their crimes. The International Court of Justice at The Hague ruled in favor of the Mexican government and asked that the United States reconsider their sentences.
Concluded Tancredo, “If the decree of some international tribunal were to trump our judicial system it would be a national embarrassment.”
Father of Murdered Girl Questions Bush's Support to Halt Killer's Execution
Fox News
The father of a 14-year-old Texas girl who was raped, sodomized and then strangled with a belt and shoe laces, wants to know why President Bush supports halting the execution of the Mexican national who confessed to killing his daughter and her friend."Our daughters are just pawns in a game that we have no control over," Randy Ertman, father of Jennifer Ertman, told FOX News. "What can I say to the president of the United States or the Supreme Court that would make any difference?"
Jennifer Ertman, 14, and her classmate, Elizabeth Pena, 16, were brutally raped and killed in 1993 after stumbling upon a gang. Jose "Joe" Ernesto Medellin, who was born in Mexico but spent much of his childhood in Texas, confessed to the killings and was sentenced to death. But 14 years later, Medellin still sits in a Texas prison cell as the White House argues that his conviction was flawed because Houston police failed to tell him of his right to seek help from the Mexican consulate.
Medellin's right to seek legal advice from Mexican diplomats is protected by the 1963 Vienna Convention, an international treaty that President Bush must follow under the U.S. Constitution, said Susan Gzesh, director of the human rights program at the University of Chicago.
A Father's Plea "If the U.S. is going to disobey the obligations we've undertaken under the Vienna Convention, then other countries could retaliate," Gzesh said. "Bush is following the treaty."
The Supreme Court heard an oral argument Wednesday in the case of Medellin v. Texas, where the State of Texas presented arguments to counter those from the Bush administration and Medellin's attorney asked the court to set aside Medellin's conviction and death sentence and grant him a new hearing.
Wild Thing's comment........
Good for Tancredo. Bush’s action is outrageous.
We certainly wouldn’t want to do anything to jeopardize our great working relationship with our neighbor to the south . . .
They might, Mexico, gee, I dunno—they might start flooding our country with tens of thousands of their undesirable, unemployable, grade school drop-outs.
Or they might start smuggling tons of illegal drugs into our country, while their mealy-mouthed president says things like, “Mexico is wherever you find Mexicans.”
Also, how are we ever to integrate into a North American Union if we don’t learn how to kow-tow to the dictates of a European kangaroo-court?
Mexico and the Euros can go pound sand
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (6)
Turkey Threatens Repercussions for U.S.
Turkey Threatens Repercussions for US
ANKARA, Turkey (AP)
Turkey, which is a key supply route to U.S. troops in Iraq, recalled its ambassador to Washington on Thursday and warned of serious repercussions if Congress labels the killing of Armenians by Turks a century ago as genocide.
Ordered after a House committee endorsed the genocide measure, the summons of the ambassador for consultations was a further sign of the deteriorating relations between two longtime allies and the potential for new turmoil in an already troubled region.
Egeman Bagis, an aide to Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, told Turkish media that Turkey - a conduit for many of the supplies shipped to American bases in both Iraq and Afghanistan - might have to "cut logistical support to the U.S."
Analysts also have speculated the resolution could make Turkey more inclined to send troops into northern Iraq to hunt Turkish Kurd rebels, a move opposed by the U.S. because it would disrupt one of the few relatively stable and peaceful Iraqi areas.
There are steps that we will take," Turkey's prime minister told reporters, but without elaboration. It also wasn't clear if he meant his government would act immediately or wait to see what happens to the resolution in Congress.
He declined to answer questions about whether Turkey might shut down Incirlik air base in southern Turkey, a major cargo hub for U.S. and allied military forces in Iraq and Afghanistan. Turkey's Mediterranean port of Iskenderun is also used to ferry goods to American troops.
"You don't talk about such things, you just do them," Erdogan said.
The measure before Congress is just a nonbinding resolution without the force of law, but the debate has incensed Turkey's government.
Continued article HERE
Turkey recalls ambassador over genocide resolution
Turkey recalled its ambassador to the United States in response to a House resolution that uses the word "genocide" in reference to what it calls the Turkish massacre of Armenians during World War I, the Turkish Foreign Ministry said Thursday.
"Yesterday some in Congress wanted to play hardball," said Egemen Bagis, foreign policy adviser to Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan. "I can assure you Turkey knows how to play hardball."
Gates Expresses Concern About Resolution's Impact on U.S.-Turkey Relations
Despite appeals from President Bush and other top U.S. officials to reject the measure, the U.S. House of Representatives’ Foreign Affairs Committee yesterday voted 27 to 21 in favor of a nonbinding resolution that characterized the mass killings of some 1.5 million Armenians, which began in 1915, as genocide.
“This is a very sensitive subject for a close ally, an ally that is incredibly important to the United States in terms of our operations in Iraq,” Gates said during a news conference in London with British Secretary of State for Defense Desmond Browne.
Seventy percent of America’s air cargo for the war effort goes through Turkey, along with 30 percent of the fuel. Ninety-five percent of mine-resistant, ambush-protected heavy vehicles being flown into Iraq go through Turkey as well, the secretary said.
In response to the passage of yesterday’s damning resolution, Turkey has threatened to cut off its support of coalition operations in Iraq, a move that has enormous implications for American soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines in Iraq and must be taken seriously, Gates said.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:40 AM | Comments (16)
October 11, 2007
To Appease The Enemy Empire State Building To Go Green For Muslim Holiday
Empire State Building to go green for Muslim holiday
New York's iconic Empire State Building is to be lit up green from Friday in honor of the Muslim holiday of Eid, the biggest festival in the Muslim calendar marking the end of Ramadan, officials said.
"This is the first time that the Empire State Building will be illuminated for Eid, and the lighting will become an annual event in the same tradition of the yearly lightings for Christmas and Hannukah," according to a statement.
Eid al-Fitr, which marks the end of the fasting month, is expected to be celebrated in New York from Friday, depending on when the new moon is sighted, and the city's tallest skyscraper will remain green until Sunday.
Built in the early 1930s, the 443-meter-tall (1,454-feet-tall) Empire State Building was first lit up with colored lighting in 1976, when red, white and blue lights were used to mark the American Bicentennial.
An estimated seven million Muslims live in the United States.
Special Lighting Requests:
The Empire State Building has developed an annual lighting schedule which honors National Holidays, seasons, the myriad ethnic groups living in the New York City area and many worthy causes
list of the upcoming Tower Light themes
Wild Thing's comment........
I think the Mussies have lit up enough US buildings thank you very much!
Appease the lunatics and they won’t make you a target, doncha know? It is the Muslimization of American that has grown since 9/11. Commit terrorist acts and we will love you kind of message. If they came out with a press release tomorrow stating that they are installing a crescent moon on top of the building, it wouldn’t surprise me one bit. The surrender monkeys will be putting a burka on the Statue of Liberty soon enough.
....Thank you Tom for the link to this information.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (21)
An Israeli Strike on Syria Kindles Debate (Cheney vs.Rice) in the U.S.
A familiar administration divide: Vice President Dick Cheney says Israeli intelligence was credible, while Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice questions whether there was a real threat.
An Israeli Strike on Syria Kindles Debate in the U.S.
NYT ....for complete article
A sharp debate is under way in the Bush administration about the significance of the Israeli intelligence that led to last month’s Israeli strike inside Syria, according to current and former American government officials.
At issue is whether intelligence that Israel presented months ago to the White House — to support claims that Syria had begun early work on what could become a nuclear weapons program with help from North Korea — was conclusive enough to justify military action by Israel and a possible rethinking of American policy toward the two nations.
The debate has fractured along now-familiar fault lines, with Vice President Dick Cheney and conservative hawks in the administration portraying the Israeli intelligence as credible and arguing that it should cause the United States to reconsider its diplomatic overtures to Syria and North Korea.
By contrast, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and her allies within the administration have said they do not believe that the intelligence presented so far merits any change in the American diplomatic approach.
“Some people think that it means that the sky is falling,” a senior administration official said. “Others say that they’re not convinced that the real intelligence poses a threat.”
Several current and former officials, as well as outside experts, spoke on the condition of anonymity because the intelligence surrounding the Israeli strike remains highly classified.
It has long been known that North Korean scientists have aided Damascus in developing sophisticated ballistic missile technology, and there appears to be little debate that North Koreans frequently visited a site in the Syrian desert that Israeli jets attacked Sept. 6. Where officials disagree is whether the accumulated evidence points to a Syrian nuclear program that poses a significant threat to the Middle East.
Mr. Cheney and his allies have expressed unease at the decision last week by President Bush and Ms. Rice to proceed with an agreement to supply North Korea with economic aid in return for the North’s disabling its nuclear reactor. Those officials argued that the Israeli intelligence demonstrates that North Korea cannot be trusted. They also argue that the United States should be prepared to scuttle the agreement unless North Korea admits to its dealing with the Syrians.
Since North Korea detonated its nuclear device, Ms. Rice has prodded Mr. Bush toward a more diplomatic approach with North Korea, through talks that also include Japan, Russia, South Korea and China.
That deal angered conservatives who believed that the Bush administration had made diplomacy toward North Korea too high a priority, at the expense of efforts to combat the spread of illicit weapons in the Middle East.
“Opposing the Israeli strike to protect the six-party talks would be a breathtaking repudiation of the administration’s own national security strategy,” said John R. Bolton, former United States ambassador to the United Nations.
Wild Thing's comment........
Cheney is right, Rice is wrong. Bush should fire her pronto - her policy predilections are far too dangerous to US and world security, she is another Powell or worse.
It is past time that Condi should shut up and accept N. Korea for what it is.
Condi opposed the plan over the summer, and still insists on going on the diplomatic dance even when N. Korea is caught outsourcing their nuclear program. Now that the incontrovertible evidence was secured as she or Bush insisted, she should stop ignoring the reality. N. Korea crossed the red line: proliferating nuclear weapons/materials, the very thing she claims to stop by her diplomatic approach.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (10)
Bush Sides With Sides With A Murdering Rapist Against State Of Texas
Death Penalty Case Puts Bush and Texas at Odds Over Mexican's Fate
Fox News
President Bush, who presided over 152 executions as governor of Texas, wants to halt the state's execution of a Mexican national for the brutal killing of two teenage girls.
The case of Jose Ernesto Medellin has become a confusing test of presidential power that the U.S. Supreme Court, which hears the case this week, ultimately will sort out.
The president wants to enforce a decision by the International Court of Justice that found the convictions of Medellin and 50 other Mexican-born prisoners violated their rights to legal help as outlined in the 1963 Vienna Convention.
That is the same court Bush has since said he plans to ignore if it makes similar decisions affecting state criminal laws.
"The president does not agree with the ICJ's interpretation of the Vienna Convention," the administration said in arguments filed with the court. This time, though, the U.S. agreed to abide by the international court's decision because ignoring it would harm American interests abroad, the government said.
Texas argues that neither the international court nor Bush has any say in Medellin's case.
Medellin was born in Mexico, but spent much of his childhood in the United States. He was 18 in June 1993, when he and other members of the Black and Whites gang in Houston encountered two teenage girls on a railroad trestle.
The girls were gang-raped and strangled. Their bodies were found four days later.
Medellin was arrested a few days later. He was told he had a right to remain silent and have a lawyer present, but the police did not tell him that he could request assistance from the Mexican consulate.
Medellin gave a written confession. He was convicted of murder in the course of a sexual assault, a capital offense in Texas. A judge sentenced him to death in October 1994.
Medellin did not raise the lack of assistance from Mexican diplomats during his trial or sentencing. When he did claim his rights had been violated, Texas and federal courts turned him down because he had not objected at his trial. Mexico later sued the United States in the International Court of Justice in The Hague, Netherlands, on behalf of Medellin and 50 other Mexicans on death row in the U.S.
Notice that the story says, "two teen aged girls" and doesn't provide further details of the crime. The girls have names and there are details of the gang rape and murder of Jennifer Ertman and Elizabeth Pena.
What happened...
Jennifer Ertman and Elizabeth Pena were 14 and 16 years old, respectively. There is a website telling all that happened and photos of the girls.
Wild Thing's comment.......
So once again we see that Bush an un-registered lobbyist for Mexico. Bush is pushing the envelope, seeing how far he can go. What is next?
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (16)
Terrorist Recruiting Center Now A New School
Joint effort turns terrorist recruiting center into school
LUTIFIYAH — For American schoolchildren, libraries, restrooms and desks and chairs in the school are a given. For many Iraqi children, however, those elements of school life would be regarded as luxuries.
Thus, the exuberant celebration surrounding the re-opening of the Jolen School, reclaimed from terrorists who had overtaken the building.
“This school was once used as an al Qaida recruiting facility,” explained U.S. Army 1st Lt. Aaron Hall, civil affairs officer, 2nd Battalion, 15th Field Artillery Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division (Light Infantry), Military Transition Team. “I remember when this building was covered with graffiti.”
Hall asked his battalion commander, Lt. Col. Bob Morschauser, to approve the use of Commander’s Emergency Response Program funds to renovate the school for the children after the terrorists were driven out and the area was secured.
Once the project was approved, the 2nd Battalion, 15th Field Artillery Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division (Light Infantry) worked with the 4th Brigade, 6th Iraqi Army Division and Iraqi contractors on the renovation project.
“We used a contracting company that was widely known for its work before the war started,” Hall explained.
Within a few months, the fruits of everyone’s labor showed as hundreds of Iraqi children gathered to see their newly renovated school.
“This really makes me happy,” said Mustafar, a student at Jolen School. “Our school has never been this nice.”
The two-story school is now large enough to house 1,200 students; 600 during the day and 600 at night. The school is equipped with a computer lab, new desks, renovated classrooms and even a playground in the school yard.
But it is the small amenities that really make the school special.
“Before the school had broken windows and only one bathroom that all 1,200 students used,” Hall said. “Now there are several bathrooms and all of the windows are fixed.”
School renovations are just a small way to show Iraqis the importance of their future, Hall said.
Iraqi Army Brig. Gen. Muhammad Ali Jassim al-Frejee, commander of the 4th Brigade, 6th Iraqi Army Division, concurred, smiling as he walked through the schoolhouse and pausing to chat with students and to reflect on what the opening of a renovated school means to the local citizens.
“All of this is for our future. Our time is gone,” Ali said, speaking of the Iraqi elders as he looked at the children, “but our future is right here.”
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:44 AM | Comments (2)
In Country With Our Troops
Marines with 1st Platoon, Company A, 1st Battalion, 7th Marine Regiment, Regimental Combat Team 2, sweep through the desert on the outside of the city. The company, known as the Animals, frequently goes on patrols lasting more than six hours and regularly covers a dozen miles each day.
(Oct. 10, 2007)
“Enjoy it while you can maggots,” rasped the drill instructor into the darkness of the squad bay, “This is the most sleep you will see in the Corps, especially if you are allowed to become grunts.” The Marines with Company A, 1st Battalion, 7th Marine Regiment, Regimental Combat Team 2, now agree with the phantom from boot camp.
In the small patrol base which borders on the village of Dulab, near the edge of the Euphrates River, sleep truly is a commodity. The Marines of Company A, known as the “Animals,” spend most of their time on foot patrols in or around the city or in overwatch positions for Iraqi Security Forces. Any free time is spent trying to catch up on their shut-eye.
“We have a lot of area to cover and not an abundance of people to cover it,” explained 2nd Lt. Andrew D. Markoff, a platoon commander with the company. “We try to push into the desert, cover the river, and steal the night from the enemy, plus it’s all on foot. It adds up after a while.”
The platoon who occupies the patrol base, 1st Platoon, is constantly on the move.
“I would say the average length is about five to eight miles per patrol,” said Markoff, Raleigh, N.C., native. “And if we are doing an overwatch position, you can tack about six hours on to the middle of that patrol.”
Most of the Marines agree the lack of sleep is a welcome price for the progress being made in the area.
“The Iraqi Security Forces are much easier to work with this year,” said Lance Cpl. Patrick K. Mason, a squad leader with the platoon. “Last deployment we were focused on creating the IP force, but now these guys have experience. You don’t have to be afraid to go on patrols with them anymore because you’re more confident in their capabilities.”
The Iraqi soldiers and police have begun operating on their own with either little or no support from the Animals.
“Compared to last year, this is a pretty big step,” said Lance Cpl. Cameron J. Jensen, a team leader with the platoon. “This proves were doing our job here. They aren’t perfect yet, but it won’t be long. They lack the natural discipline that Marines have, but slowly they are learning not to talk during an operation, take a knee when you stop, keep a low silhouette on the horizon, stuff like that.”
The Marines in the company are being urged to foster the differences between the two security forces. Their goal is to get the Iraqi police away from a military mindset, and into the local police mindset.
The job sounds much easier than it really is. It is common for a group of police to arrest someone, and bring them to the Marines to be detained. The Marines ask what the crime was and if there is proof. The police will vouch that ‘this man is bad.’ When asked for witnesses, more police will agree ‘everyone knows he is bad.’ The legal process is, however, making headway.
Coalition forces kill nine terrorists; detain 21 suspects
BAGHDAD, Iraq – Coalition forces killed nine terrorists and detained 21 suspects during operations Monday and Tuesday to disrupt al-Qaeda in Iraq networks operating in central and northern parts of the country.
South of Baghdad, Coalition forces conducted an operation targeting an associate of al-Qaeda in Iraq operating in the southern belt. The targeted individual is reportedly responsible for providing guidance on operations against Coalition forces. Upon arriving to the target area, the ground force was engaged by an armed individual throwing a grenade. Responding in self-defense, Coalition forces returned fire and observed several individuals maneuvering from the target area. The ground force called for supporting aircraft to engage the fleeing men, killing three terrorists. Eight suspected terrorists were also detained during the operation.
In an operation south of Mahmudiyah, Coalition forces targeted an associate of al-Qaeda in Iraq believed to be a military leader in Yusufiyah. Reports also indicate he is responsible for coordinating the movement of foreign terrorists and suicide bombers for attacks against Coalition forces. Upon arrival to the target area, the ground force discovered three armed individuals in a field. Coalition forces called for the individuals to come out from their location, but they did not comply. Perceiving a hostile threat, the ground force engaged, killing two of the three armed terrorists. The third armed man fled the area and was engaged and killed by supporting aircraft. One of the terrorists killed was wearing a military-style assault vest. The ground force also discovered grenades and blasting caps which were safely destroyed on site. As Coalition forces continued to secure the area, they encountered an individual armed with several grenades. Responding in self-defense, the ground force engaged and killed him. In addition, one suspected terrorist was detained during the operation.
Near Bayji, Coalition forces captured an associate of al-Qaeda in Iraq believed to be involved in weapons facilitation and providing false documentation to facilitate travel for senior terrorist leaders. In addition to the targeted individual, the ground force detained four other suspected terrorists on site without incident.
Farther north in Mosul, Coalition forces detained three suspected terrorists while targeting an associate of al-Qaeda in Iraq believed to be responsible for security for the terrorist network in the city. Reports also indicate that the targeted individual is involved in kidnapping operations in the area.
Coalition forces captured another wanted individual during an operation west of Samarra. The suspect is alleged to be a leader of a Sunni extremist group affiliated with al-Qaeda in Iraq and is involved in kidnappings and improvised explosive device production. Intelligence reports indicated that the target area was used as a weapons cache site. In addition to the targeted individual, the ground force detained three other suspects.
South of Samarra Monday, Coalition forces conducted a precision operation targeting associates of al-Qaeda in Iraq alleged to have ties to senior terrorist leaders. Acting on time-sensitive intelligence, Coalition forces pinpointed the exact location of the wanted individuals and supporting aircraft engaged, killing two terrorists.
“Terrorists who attempt to attack civilians, Iraqi security forces and Coalition forces will be found, and they will be captured or killed,” said Maj. Winfield Danielson, Multi-National Force – Iraq spokesman. “We will not allow criminals to interfere with the progress the Iraqi people and their elected government are making.”
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:40 AM | Comments (4)
October 10, 2007
Have You Seen My America?
Political Correctness On Display In Washington As U.S. House Passes First-Ever Resolution Honoring Islam and Ramadan.
The resolution acknowledging the importance of Muslims in America, the first of its kind, was introduced by Texas Representative Eddie Bernice Johnson and co-sponsored by 30 legislators, including Representative Keith Ellison of Minnesota. Ellison is the first Muslim to be elected to the U.S. Congress.
Congressman Tom Tancredo, one of 42 voting “present,” in a press release after the vote cited the resolution as "an example of the degree to which political correctness has captured the political and media elite" in America. He further stated: “I am not opposed to commending any religion for their faith. The problem is that any attempt to do so for Jews or Christians is immediately condemned as ’breaching’ the non-existent line between Church and State by the same elite.”
Congressman Scott Garrett commented that in his five years in Congress he could not remember a resolution honoring Christmas or Easter. As of this morning, a search by the ACT for America staff had not uncovered any resolution in the past 20 years honoring a Jewish holiday.
Other Members of Congress expressed being “troubled” by the resolution. Yet it passed without a single “no” vote. Why? And why the special treatment of an Islamic holiday?
Because politically correct treatment of Islam is growing, and the pressures in Washington to knuckle under to this political correctness have become extremely intense.
Rep. Mike Pence (R-Ind.) said, “I voted ‘present’ because I read somewhere that Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion.”
Joining Tancredo in his “present” vote were:
Republican Reps. Robert Aderholt (Ala.), Todd Akin (Mo.), Gresham Barrett (S.C.), Jo Bonner (Ala.), Mary Bono (Calif.), Paul Broun (Ga.), Ginny Brown-Waite (Fla.), Michael Burgess (Texas), Steve Buyer (Ind.), John Carter (Texas), Mike Conaway (Texas), Nathan Deal (Ga.), Terry Everett (Ala.), Mary Fallin (Okla.), Randy Forbes (Va.), Trent Franks (Ariz.), Scott Garrett (N.J.), Louie Gohmert (Texas), Virgil Goode (Va.), Kay Granger (Texas), Robin Hayes (N.C.), Sam Johnson (Texas), Jim Jordan (Ohio), Steve King (Iowa), Doug Lamborn (Colo.), Kenny Marchant (Texas), Jeff Miller (Fla.), Randy Neugebauer (Texas), Tom Price (Ga.), Mike Rogers (Ala.), Mark Souder (Ind.), Mac Thornberry (Texas), Todd Tiahrt (Kan.), Tim Walberg (Mich.), Zach Wamp (Tenn.), Dave Weldon (Fla.), Lynn Westmoreland (Ga.), Don Young (Alaska) and Bill Young (Fla.), as well as Democrat Mike McIntyre (N.C.).
Recognizing the commencement of Ramadan, the Islamic holy month of fasting and spiritual renewal, and commending Muslims in the United States and throughout the world for their faith. (Introduced in House)
1st Session
H. RES. 635
Recognizing the commencement of Ramadan , the Islamic holy month of fasting and spiritual renewal, and commending Muslims in the United States and throughout the world for their faith.
September 5, 2007
Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas (for herself, Mr. MEEKS of New York, and Mr. ELLISON) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs
Recognizing the commencement of Ramadan , the Islamic holy month of fasting and spiritual renewal, and commending Muslims in the United States and throughout the world for their faith.
Whereas since the terrorist attacks on the United States on September 11, 2001, threats and incidents of violence have been directed at law-abiding, patriotic Americans of African, Arab, and South Asian descent, particularly members of the Islamic faith;
Whereas, on September 14, 2001, the House of Representatives passed a concurrent resolution condemning bigotry and violence against Arab-Americans, American Muslims, and Americans from South Asia in the wake of the terrorist attacks;
Whereas it is estimated that there are approximately 1,500,000,000 Muslims worldwide;
Whereas Ramadan is the holy month of fasting and spiritual renewal for Muslims worldwide, and is the 9th month of the Muslim calendar year; and
Whereas the observance of the Islamic holy month of Ramadan commences at dusk on September 13, 2007, and continues for one lunar month: Now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That—
(1) during this time of conflict, in order to demonstrate solidarity with and support for members of the community of Islam in the United States and throughout the world, the House of Representatives recognizes the Islamic faith as one of the great religions of the world; and
(2) in observance of and out of respect for the commencement of Ramadan , the Islamic holy month of fasting and spiritual renewal, the House of Representatives acknowledges the onset of Ramadan and expresses its deepest respect to Muslims in the United States and throughout the world on this significant occasion.
Wild Thing's comment........
Have you seen the America I knew and loved so dearly?
Yes, there are still children playing with glee, kites flying in the wind, picnic's in the park, friends and family get together's and parades in most cities celebrating our wonderful Veterans and our troops today for our Freedom.
But slowly right before our very eyes the America that we knew and loved is slipping through our fingers like water running through an open hand.
Open borders, pandering to illegal's from the very top positions of leadership down, abundant information available to one and all about the enemy we are fighting, Islam, and yet we have a President that says it is a religion of peace. Misguided I think not. Deliberate catering to the enemy is more like it.
Those of you here, Team Theodore, are very knowledgeable of what has been happening. Your love for America and your passion is seen and shared with the thousands of hits I get each day at this blog. We are not alone in our disappointment, sadness, frustration and anger.
I don't know what our future holds for our country, but it feels like our country is being put to a test of strength. Will we pass this test or fail? I know our Veterans sure as hell deserve better, you served and did your amazing part to keep us a land of the free, and I think that is where my heart hurts the most when I see what has been happening.
Our troops of today, deserve better too. They are fighting an enemy that want to rule the world.
I won't give up on America she is worth fighting for. This may be the most important election in my lifetime. I pray America gets another chance.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (15)
"God" Missing In Congressional Flag Certificates
Capitol flag policy assailed
washington times
A group of Republican lawmakers is demanding the architect of the U.S. Capitol reverse a policy that bans the use of the word "God" on flag certificates sent to constituents.
Rep. Michael R. Turner of Ohio said one of his constituents, Paul Larochelle, recently requested to receive a flag that had flown over the Capitol. Mr. Larochelle's son had hoped to present the flag and the accompanying certificate to his grandfather, an Army veteran.
The Larochelles wanted the certificate's inscription to read, in part: "In honor of my grandfather, Marcel Larochelle, and his dedication and love of God, country and family." However, when the flag and the certificate arrived at Mr. Turner's office from the architect of the U.S. Capitol's office, which handles the Capitol flag program, the word "God" had been eliminated.
Mr. Turner said he requested an explanation from the architect's office, which cited one of its 14 Flag Office Services rules. The rule states, "... religious expressions are not permitted on flag certificates."
The bureaucrats at the Architect of the Capitol's office, which is controlled by Speaker Pelosi, removed the word God from the certificate. They have apparently, without the proper legislative authority, created new rules to prevent the word God from appearing on their certificates.
Mr. Turner — along with fellow Republican Reps. Steve King of Iowa, Marilyn Musgrave of Colorado, Randy Neugebauer of Texas and Steve Pearce of New Mexico — complained in a letter this week to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi that the architect's office had "informed several congressional offices that the use of the word 'God' violates the rule."
"This is an abuse of power, plain and simple," Mr. Neugebauer said. "Using the nonpartisan position of maintaining the Capitol to decide what citizens can have written on their flag certificates is unacceptable."
Stephen T. Ayers has been acting architect of the U.S. Capitol since February, when his predecessor, Alan M. Hantman, retired. Mr. Ayers' spokeswoman was unavailable for comment yesterday.
The lawmakers are asking Mrs. Pelosi, California Democrat, to review the authority under which the architect's office made the rules and that the policy "which censors our citizens' right to expressions of their faith" be reversed.
They also point out that as the custodian of the Capitol, the architect is responsible for a building inscribed with many religious references, including "In God We Trust" in the House and Senate chambers.
"The architect's policy is in direct conflict with his charge as well as the scope of his office and brings into question his ability to preserve a building containing many national religious symbols," the lawmakers stated.
A spokesman for Mrs. Pelosi said a Democratic proposal may help solve the problem.
The proposal would have the architect certify that the flag was flown, and then a member of Congress could add the constituent's message separately, Pelosi spokesman Brendan Daly said.
"It will be resolved in the near future," he said.
Lawmakers receive more than 100,000 requests from constituents each year for flags that have flown over the Capitol.
Wild Thing's comment........
Several years ago, BEFORE Pelosi was in charge, I got one of these Flags for Nick on the anniversary of his service in the Navy. It has meant a lot to him.
This Congress and those in charge are so horrible. Recognizing the muHAMadan time of Ramadamadingdong is a farce. Not including all of the text of the flag honor is sick. They have turned their back on God and this country.
They are all pandering to a bunch of deep rooted anti-Christian muggers. Look at the organizations that represent the Moslems in this country and you will see that they are nothing but terrorist front groups. Not saying that every member is a terrorist but that the groups themselves present a danger to this country.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (14)
Patriot Guard Riders
This is a wonderful video and I wanted to share it with you all.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (3)
Polish Model Going To Afghanistan To Support Polish Troops
Polish sex-bomb to support Polish soldiers in Afghanistan
Polish news
Poland’s Ministry of National Defence is preparing a visit to Afghanistan by singer Dorota ‘Doda’ Rabczewska, to rally the troops and improve morale of the 1100 soldiers stationed there.
The date of 23 year old Doda’s ‘field concert’ remains top secret military information.
“We held a meeting with Doda and all that’s left to do is to determine the details of the concert,” Ministry’s spokesman Jarosław Rybak said.
I never heard of her before so in case you haven't either here is a video of her.
Wild Thing's comment........
The Taliban will be wishing they had a different poster babe then Helen Thomas, Nancy Pelosi, the Code Pinko's. heh heh
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:44 AM | Comments (7)
October 09, 2007
Republican Debate Tonight
CNBC/MSNBC/The Wall Street Journal are jointly sponsoring the first Republican Presidential debate of the 2008 campaign focusing on economic issues.
It will be held in Dearborn, Michigan at the University of Michigan-Dearborn at the Ford Community and Performing Arts Center. Broadcast is live on CNBC at 4 PM ET (1 PM PT) and re-broadcast on MSNBC at 9 PM ET (6 PM PT). CNBC's Maria Bartiromo and MSNBC's Chris Matthews will host the debate.
Candidates participating:
Sam Brownback
Rudy Giuliani
Mike Huckabee
Duncan Hunter
John McCain
Ron Paul
Mitt Romney
Tom Tancredo
Fred Thompson
I didn't know there was a debate today, I just found out.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:47 PM | Comments (4)
Sandy Berger Joins Hillary Clinton Campaign
GOP Lawmakers Blast Hillary Clinton for Taking Advice From Sandy Berger
Fox News
October 9,2007
WASHINGTON — Hillary Clinton claims Sandy Berger has "no official role" in her campaign after Republican lawmakers blasted her Monday upon learning that Clinton's campaign is taking advice from the former top aide to President Bill Clinton who admitted stealing classified documents and disposing them.
"I think it’s a bad move," said Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, speaking with FOX News. "He stole documents, classified documents, from the National Archives, destroyed them, lied about what he did (and) is not the kind of adviser that you would want surrounding a candidate for president of the United States. I think it’s a bad decision."
"I think anyone who would surround themselves with advisers like that is demonstrating bad judgment, and I think Sen. Clinton should reconsider," he added.
And Rep. Peter Hoekstra, R-Mich., said: "I am not surprised but I think it's a very inappropriate choice."
Hoekstra said Clinton's campaign "should clearly distance themselves from Sandy Berger. This person should not be a key adviser to one of the leading presidential candidates in 2007."
And Republican National Committee spokesman Danny Diaz added this shot: "It is beyond belief that Hillary Clinton would have someone advising her campaign who has pled guilty to stealing and destroying national security documents. Sen. Clinton tries to sound tough on national security issues, but it seems that repaying old friends like MoveOn.org and Sandy Berger is her real priority."
And there is also this.............
He’s back: Sandy Berger now advising Hillary Clinton
Sandy Berger, who stole highly classified terrorism documents from the National Archives, destroyed them and lied to investigators, is now an adviser to presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Berger, who was fired from John Kerry’s presidential campaign when the scandal broke in 2004, has assumed a similar role in Clinton’s campaign, even though his security clearance has been suspended until September 2008. This is raising eyebrows even among Clinton’s admirers.
“It shows poor judgment and a lack of regard for Berger’s serious misdeeds,” said law professor Jonathan Adler of Case Western Reserve University, who nonetheless called Clinton “by far the most impressive candidate in the Democratic field.”
Adler told The Examiner that it is “simply incomprehensible to me that a serious contender for the presidency would rely upon him as a key foreign policy advisor.”
He added: “If Senator Clinton becomes the Democratic nominee, at some point she will begin to receive national security briefings that will include sensitive information. At such a point, continuing to keep Berger on board as a key advisor, where he might have access to sensitive material, would be beyond incomprehensible.”
The Clinton campaign declined to comment.
Berger has admitted stealing documents from the National Archives in advance of the 9/11 Commission hearings in 2003. The documents, written by White House counterterrorism czar Richard Clarke, were a “tough review” of the Clinton administration’s shortcomings in dealing with terrorism, Clarke’s lawyer told the Washington Post.
On several occasions, Berger stuffed highly classified documents into his pants and socks before spiriting them out of the Archives building in Washington, according to investigators. On one occasion, upon reaching the street, he hid documents under a construction trailer after checking the windows of the Archives and Justice Department buildings to make sure he was not being watched.
Berger came back later and retrieved the documents, taking them home and cutting them up with scissors. Two days later, he was informed by Archive employees that his removal of documents had been detected.
“Berger panicked because he realized he was caught,” said a report by the National Archives inspector general, which also recounted his initial reaction. “Berger lied.”
Berger also lied to the public, telling reporters he made an “honest mistake” by “inadvertently” taking the documents, which he blamed on his own “sloppiness.” Bill Clinton vouched for the explanation for Berger, who served as his national security adviser.
Berger later conceded: “I was giving a benign explanation for what was not benign.”
At his sentencing in September 2005, Berger was fined $50,000, placed on probation for two years and stripped of his security clearance for three years.
Wild Thing's comment........
Hillary is really brazen to put Berger on. Maybe this is a way to send some hush money his way by means of a salary.
You know, if our party doesn’t have the guts to show a bright light on all of the dirt that Hillary Clinton and her vile husband have all over themselves and their co-horts - then we don’t deserve to win.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (22)
Henry Waxman to Investigate Talk Radio
Henry Waxman D-Calif. is beginning investigations on Rush Limbaug, Hannity and Mark Levin.
Relevant paragraphs
Others on the Democrat side are pushing ahead with other plans. Rep. Henry Waxman has asked his investigative staff to begin compiling reports on Limbaugh, and fellow radio hosts Sean Hannity and Mark Levin based on transcripts from their shows, and to call in Federal Communications Commission chairman Kevin Martin to discuss the so-called "Fairness Doctrine."
"Limbaugh isn't the only one who needs to be made uncomfortable about what he says on the radio," says a House leadership source. "We don't have as big a megaphone as these guys, but this all political, and we'll do what we can to gain the advantage. If we can take them off their game for a while, it will help our folks out there on the campaign trail."
Wild Thing's comment........
When it smells like Stalinism, it is Stalinism. This rodent hasn’t done anything but conduct investigations since he got into office. Someone needs to tell Waxman to brush up on his First Amendment.
Here are two things Mr. Waxman had better keep in mind when going after talk radio:
1.Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
2. A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.
I wonder which will happen first here in the U. S. - the War Against Islam or the open rebellion against the federal government?
Because they’re both coming.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (26)
Ben Stein and The Thin Red Line
Wild Thing's comment........
This is from Eagles Up! website. Thank you Ben Stein and thank you Eagles Up for the video.
Bravo, Ben Stein. Bravo.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (2)
Sen. Byrd and Unruly Code Pink Protestors ~ LOL
Sen. Byrd and the unruly Code Pink protestors from a Senate hearing
Wild Thing's comment........
The other morning Laura Ingraham was playing this over and over. I was laughing so hard as I listened. I finally found the video so I could show it to you. Turn up the volume, this is so funny what Byrd says and how only he can say it. I am no fan of Sen. Byrd or gawd awful Code Pink, but nonetheless, funny is funny.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:44 AM | Comments (6)
October 08, 2007
Bush: All religions pray to 'same God'
Bush: All religions pray to 'same God'
'That's what I believe. I believe Islam is a great religion that preaches peace'
President George Bush has repeated his belief all religions, "whether they be Muslim, Christian, or any other religion, prays to the same God" – an assertion that caused outrage among evangelical leaders when he said it in November 2003.
Bush made the statement Friday in an interview with Al Arabiya reporter Elie Nakouzi.
Al Arabiya is Al Jazeerah's top competitor in the Mideast.
As the president and Nakouzi walked from the Oval Office to the Map Room in the White House residence, Nazouki asked, "But I want to tell you – and I hope this doesn't bother you at all – that in the Islamic world they think that President Bush is an enemy of Islam – that he wants to destroy their religion, what they believe in. Is that in any way true, Mr. President?"
"No, it's not," said Bush. "I've heard that, and it just shows [sic] to show a couple of things: One, that the radicals have done a good job of propagandizing. In other words, they've spread the word that this really isn't peaceful people versus radical people or terrorists, this is really about the America not liking Islam.
"Well, first of all, I believe in an Almighty God, and I believe that all the world, whether they be Muslim, Christian, or any other religion, prays to the same God. That's what I believe. I believe that Islam is a great religion that preaches peace. And I believe people who murder the innocent to achieve political objectives aren't religious people, whether they be a Christian who does that – we had a person blow up our – blow up a federal building in Oklahoma City who professed to be a Christian, but that's not a Christian act to kill innocent people.
"And I just simply don't subscribe to the idea that murdering innocent men, women and children – particularly Muslim men, women and children in the Middle East – is an act of somebody who is a religious person.
Reaction from U.S. evangelical leaders was swift and strong.
Richard Land, president of the Southern Baptist Convention, the nation's largest Protestant denomination, was quoted in the Baptist Press as saying the president "is simply mistaken."
According to a Washington Post account, Land said in an interview: "We should always remember that he is commander in chief, not theologian in chief. The Bible is clear on this: The one and true god is Jehovah, and his only begotten son is Jesus Christ."
In Friday's interview with Al Arabiya, Bush emphasized his outreach to Muslims.
"We are having an Iftaar dinner tonight – I say, 'we' – it's my wife and I," Bush told Nakouzi. "This is the seventh one in the seven years I've been the president. It gives me a chance to say 'Ramadan Mubarak.' The reason I do this is I want people to understand about my country. In other words, I hope this message gets out of America. I want people to understand that one of the great freedoms in America is the right for people to worship any way they see fit. If you're a Muslim, an agnostic, a Christian, a Jew, a Hindu, you're equally American.
"And the value – the most valuable thing I think about America is that – particularly if you're a religious person – you can be free to worship, and it's your choice to make. It's not the state's choice, and you shouldn't be intimidated after you've made your choice. And that's a right that I jealously guard.
"Secondly, I want American citizens to see me hosting an Iftaar dinner."
"That's a strong message for the Americans," said Nakouzi.
Last year, criticism of Bush from Wafa Sultan, a native of Syria, who said the president was empowering terrorist leaders whose ultimate aim is for Islamic law to govern the world by proclaiming Islam a "religion of peace."
"I believe he undermines our credibility by saying that," said Sultan. "We came from Islam, and we know what kind of religion Islam is."
Wild Thing's comment........
You couldn't be more wrong Bush. It is not merely a minority of Muslims perpetrating the violence. Islam is built on the precept non Muslims are to be subjugated to Islam, convert to Islam or Destroyed. Allah commands his minions to kill and die, to enslave and plunder, and to wreak vengeance and havoc for him.
Bush is a secular globalist, like his dad. I don't believe we will ever again see anything but a secular globalist or worse in the White House. We couldn't get a strong pro-American elected. Reagan was the last. There will be no more.
The Koran demands perpetual war against all who deny Mahomet as the prophet of God - John Quincy Adams
John Quincy Adams was apparently a man who that understood Islam is the religion of Satan, aka Allah.
It's too bad that our current crop of political "leaders" don't have a clue about the monstrous spiritual entity who is worshiped by the deceived Islamics, because the fate of our nation may well depend on their understanding of him and his blasphemous "religion of peace".
God promised Abraham that he would make his illegitimate son Ishmael into a great tribe, and he did. But he did NOT say that Ishmael or his progeny would worship Jehovah (God) , and they don't.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (21)
Al Qaeda in Haditha: The battle the media ignored
Al Qaeda in Haditha: The battle the media ignored
Defend Our Marines
War Chronicle.com
by Nathaniel R. Helms 2007
October 6, 2007 – Buried in the mountain of exhibits attached to the once secret Haditha, Iraq murder inquiry prepared by US Army Maj. Gen. Eldon A. Bargewell is an obscure Marine Corps intelligence summary (see pdf) that says the deadly encounter was an intentional propaganda ploy planned and paid for by Al Qaeda foreign fighters.
Veteran military defense attorney Gary Meyers said he never understood why the Naval Criminal Investigative Service special agents leading the Haditha criminal investigation didn’t "examine the linkage" between Al Qaeda, the local insurgency and the events at Haditha. Meyers was an attorney on the defense team that successfully defended Justin Sharratt, a Marine infantryman accused of multiple murders at Haditha.
The report – apparently overlooked by a Washington press corps awash in leaked Bargewell documents and secret Naval Criminal Investigative Service reports – shows that Marine Corps intelligence operatives were advised of the scheme to demonize the Marines by an informant named Muhannad Hassan Hamadi. The informant was snared by 3/1 Marines on December 11 2005 and decided to cooperate.
Planning a "massacre"
The attack was carried out by multiple cells of local Wahabi extremists and well-paid local gunmen from Al Asa’ib al-Iraq [the Clans of the People of Iraq] that were led by Al Qaeda foreign fighters, the summary claims. Their case was bolstered by Marine signal intercepts revealing that the al Qaeda fighters planned to videotape the attacks and exploit the resulting carnage for propaganda purposes.Eleven insurgents involved in the attack are identified by name and affiliation in the details of the summary. All of them were killed or captured in the days immediately following the Haditha incident.
During the November Haditha battle, the insurgents secreted themselves among local civilians to guarantee pursuing Marines would catch innocent civilians in the ensuing crossfire. On January 6, 2006 six insurgents who tried to do the same thing at another location in Haditha were turned in to Coalition authorities before they could mount a similar assault, the report says.
On January 18, 2006, almost two months after the infamous Haditha attack, Iraqi insurgents identified as Talal Abdullah Yusif and Omar Ramsey “planned to attack a dismounted C[oalition] F[orces] patrol” along with four brothers named Khalif Muhammad Hassan.
It wasn't coincidental that brother Sa'ib Khalif Muhammad Hassan lived next to an Al Qaeda "safe house" destroyed on November 19 by Marine jets. Sa'ib had rented the house to the foreign fighters. That attack was stopped by local Iraqis and Sa'ib Hassan was arrested, the report says.
The summary also details the Marines finding three dead bodies near the Sub Hani Mosque after the November 19 fight was over. The dead men are described as “military-aged males” wearing “chest rigs.” Two of the decedents were “missing parts of lower torso.” The authors opined the victims were foreign fighters killed in one of the Marine bombings during the day-long combat.
Our media, the enemy within
The prosecutors in the case against eight Marines charged with murder and cover up at Haditha still maintain the besieged infantrymen acted solely out of malice and poor judgment when they killed 24 Iraqis there. The prosecution’s investigation was launched after a story by Time magazine reporter Tim McGirk on March 6, 2006 accused the Marines of cold blooded murder in retaliation for the death of a brother Marine.
McGirk received his video "evidence" and contacts from two known Iraqi insurgent operatives already under observation by Marine Corps counter intelligence teams. One of the Iraqi witnesses McGirk relied on had just been released from almost six months captivity for insurgent activities and the other witness was considered a useful intelligence tool by Marines listening to him talk on his cell phone. McGirk never interviewed the Marines, who ironically had prepared a similar intelligence summary in anticipation of his canceled visit.
Please continue reading the rest of the report by Nathaniel Helms at Defend our Marines he has an exclusive report on the battle in Haditha that the media ignored. The report states that the attack was carried out by “multiple cells of local Wahabi extremists and well-paid local gunmen from Al Asa’ib al-Iraq.
Wild Thing's comment........
This report by Helms really shows how much the media is aiding the enemy with the media's propaganda machine in full force.
All this information was available to Congressman John Murtha before his cold-blooded killer slander on May 17, 2006.
This information was also leaked to the media more than a year ago. But they suppressed it in favor of a lie about a massacre.
Helms uses information that was available to the NCIS agents investigating the case and JAG prosecutors pursuing the case against these Marines to show al Qaeda was deeply involved in the event but ignored that evidence. The NCIS and JAG prosecutors should be held accountable.
And here were Murtha's own words:
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (6)
Kid Rock Rips Sean Penn: Be Careful Ripping on the US Soldier
Kid Rock Rips Sean Penn: Be Careful Ripping on the US Soldier
National Ledger
By Josh Hart
Oct 7, 2007
Kid Rock is none too happy with Sean Penn. The angry left-wing actor never seems to take a break from ripping on America and the US Troops and apparently Bob Ritchie (aka Kid Rock) has tired of the whole mess.
Rock has made several trips to Iraq to entertain and support the troops and let his anger towards Penn known front and center in an interview set for Penthouse magazine. The New York Post speculates that he is referring to Sean Penn.
It's not exactly apparent that it is Sean Penn, one could pick any of the Hollywood's left anti-war crowd, but the Detroit rocker spares no words when lighting up those that challenge American troops.
Rock gives this: "These kids U.S. soldiers are very young and a lot of them think people who oppose the war are against them. You have to be very careful with what you talk about - especially when you are some Hollywood (expletive). Just because you made a great movie doesn't make you are an expert on foreign policy."
Kid Rock spent Christmas with the troops and met then-Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, whom he defends as well. "I was at the White House drinking a Beam and Coke, shooting the shit with Rumsfeld, when President Bush came by and gave me five like we were on Seven Mile and Van Dyke in Detroit," he told Penthouse. It didn't stop there either.
Bob Ritchie even dabbled into a bit of history and the second amendment in the interview. Kid Rock made it known that he is a big proponent of firearms: "If it weren't for guns and people who know how to use them in America, we'd all be sitting around with swastikas saying, 'Heil Hitler!'"
From one of Kid Rock's trips to visit the troops.
U..S. troops in Kuwait and Iraq got an all-American treat this Christmas: A visit from Kid Rock."This year for Christmas I wanted to make sure somebody was thanking our troops for their service" said Kid Rock.
"I I could be spending Christmas with my family, but in my heart I know this is the right thing to do – not only for our men and women in service, but also to set an unselfish example for my son and send a strong message to the world to be thankful and think of others at Christmas time," said Rock (real name: Robert Ritchie), whose son, Robert Jr., is 13.He arrived in Kuwait from his Detroit hometown on Dec. 23 and from there flew to Iraq. On Christmas Eve, he writes in his online blog, he sang and signed autographs for 16 hours on visits to three separate camps. "Met lots of troops," he writes. "Played my guitar and sang some songs for 'em, old school style no mic stand (so people had to hold the mic while I sang!!)."
Another highlight: "Had one of the most thrilling rides of my life in a Blackhawk today with some real 'rock n roll cowboy pilots'!! I never knew you could do things like we did in a helicopter!!"
But things turned grim on Christmas when the troops learned one of their Hummers had been hit with in improvised explosive device while on a mission. "I went with the captain immediately to the hospital in Baghdad and hung with two soldiers who were injured," Rock writes. "One of the other soldiers I do not think made it. I said a prayer for him."
Wild Thing's comment........
Thanks to Kid Rock, you have done a good thing. There is absolutely NO excuse why every single one of our entertainers cannot go to Iraq, support the troops and be for this war. They should and I will never forgive those that don't do this.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (8)
Happy Columbus Day
Have a great day everyone. I was in a contest in one of the graphics groups I am in. This was my entry for the Columbus Day contest. It is ok but not nearly as good as the girl that won the contest, she had it all filled with animated water. hahaha It was really awesome what she did with hers. But it was fun do to.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:44 AM | Comments (6)
Jihad Watch: The "Islam is Peace" Campaign
Robert Spencer takes a look a the UK's Orwellian "Islam is Peace" campaign, which is actually designed to fight critics of terrorism, not terrorism itself.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:43 AM | Comments (2)
Gen. Petraeus Accuses Iran of Fueling Iraq Violence
General Petraeus Accuses Iran of Fueling Iraq Violence
Fox News
Gen. David Petraeus laid further blame on Iran for violence in Iraq on Sunday, charging that Tehran's ambassador to Baghdad was once a member of Iran’s elite Revolutionary Guards force.
Petraeus added that Iran has been aiding Iraqi rebels with training and gifts of high-powered weaponry.
"They are responsible for providing the weapons, the training, the funding and in some cases the direction for operations that have indeed killed U.S. soldiers," Petraeus told reporters in Diyala Province.
Without citing any specific intelligence, Petraeus labeled Hassan Kazemi-Qomi, Iran's envoy to Baghdad, as a former member of the Revolutionary Guards Quds force. But he did not suggest that action would be taken against the ambassador.
"Now he has diplomatic immunity and therefore he is obviously not subject [to scrutiny]. He is acting as a diplomat," he said.
The Iranian Foreign Ministry dismissed the charges agaisnt Kazemi-Qomi “baseless” accusations, according to the Islamic Republic News Agency.
"They repeatedly link those arrested or killed in the bombardments with the Quds force. If they can, they announce names of those people or hand over the names to the Islamic Republic of Iran," Mohammad-Ali Hosseini told IRNA.
The Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps has been under intense scrutiny by U.S. officials. In August, President Bush signed an executive order branding them as a “specially designated global terrorist.”
Iran returned the “favor” last week with a parliamentary order that gave the U.S. Army and the CIA the same distinction.
Separately on Sunday, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Tehran will not hold talks with Washington until the U.S. changes its attitude.
"We firstly say that we never asked for negotiations with the United States. Negotiations with the U.S. will happen when the U.S. government applies basic changes in its behavior and attitude," Ahmadinejad was quoted as saying.
Wild Thing's comment........
It must be very frustrating for Gen Petraeus when he would like to take care of a situation caused by Hassan Kazemi-Qomi and not be able to. Just like al-Sadr too, he has caused a lot of deaths of our troops and they can't do anything to him. I vote to let our military do whatever they need or want to do.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:42 AM | Comments (4)
400 Pounds May Have Saved Shooting Victim
Being 400 Pounds May Have Saved Shooting Victim
A 400-lb. man shot several times in the parking lot of Tommy's Original Hamburger downtown, might have survived his wounds because he is overweight, according to a Los Angeles police sargeant.The shooting outside Tommy's Original Hamburger at 2575 W. Beverly Blvd. occurred about 1:10 a.m., said Sgt. Melvin Gamble of the Rampart Station.
The victim, a man whose name was withheld, was struck "several times" in the stomach and once in the leg, Gamble said.
He was taken to a hospital where he was reported to have stable vital signs.
The man got into a dispute with several other men and, during the altercation, one of the men pulled out a pistol and opened fire, Gamble said.
The suspects then fled in a gray 4-door sedan, he said.
The hamburger stand, which opened in 1946 and spawned a chain of restaurants, as well as dozens of imitators, has long been a late-night favorite
Wild Thing's comment........
Kevlar Burger's to be added to the menu maybe?
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:40 AM | Comments (4)
October 07, 2007
Football Week Five
CLICK here for current squad of Raiders Cheerleaders.
Here are the matchups for today Sunday 10/7/07...All Times are EST
CLE @ NE 1:00 PM
SEA @ PIT 1:00 PM
CAR @ NO 1:00 PM
DET @ WAS 1:00 PM
NYJ @ NYG 1:00 PM
MIA @ HOU 1:00 PM
ATL @ TEN 1:00 PM
JAC @ KC 1:00 PM
ARI @ STL 1:00 PM
TB @ IND 4:05 PM
SD @ DEN 4:15 PM
BAL @ SF 4:15 PM
CHI @ GB 8:15 PM
Monday, October 08 Time (EST)
DAL @ BUF 8:30 PM
These are the teams I think everyone is for. I will add to this as you tell me your favorite teams.
(Some names are those deployed in Iraq)
Lynn - Broncos, Bears, Browns
Tom - Cowboys
Darth - New York Giants, Tampa Bay Bucs, (ABP - 'anybody' but Philly )
Mark - Patriots, Buffalo Bills, Bears
Bob - Buffalo Bills
Billy - Jets, NY Giants, Bears
Nick - Cowboys, Rams and Raiders
Karsten - Tampa Bay Bucs, NY Giants
navycopjoe - Chicago Bears
LindaSOG - Miami Dolphins
Jonathan - Raiders
Dawn - Seahawks
Amber - Green Bay Packers
Cuchieddie - Raiders
Eve - Colts
Chrissie - Bears, Broncos and Cowboys
Andy ( USMC) - Colts
Mike ( USARMY) - Seattle Seahawks
Sand Man ( (USMC) - Bronco's
Dave (USARMY) - Patriots
Tim ( USMC) - Bears
Final Scores:
CAR 16 @ NO 13 FINAL
CLE 17 @ NE 34 FINAL
TB 14 @ IND 33 FINAL
CHI 27 @ GB 20 FINAL
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (16)
10/7/2001 Operation Enduring Freedom Begins In Afghanistan
This is the day in 2001 that bombing began by our awesome troops in Afghanistan.
War has come to our shores. It was committed on American soil. We have been able to live in Freedom only because of those who have fought in the past wars giving life, limb and all the sacrifices for us to live in Freedom and go about our day without fear.
On September 11, 2001, that comfort, that feeling of living in a land that would not be attacked ended.
William T. Sherman said it succinctly, "War is hell."
The day has come for this Nation and its people to understand that there is a risk in losing its freedom, and in reality there always has been. We have ONLY stayed free because of the sacrifices of our military, our warriors.
This is about saving the future of America. Aristotle said, "We make war that we may live in peace."
Those in our military are our Nation's warriors. And our MILITARY, our Warriors, are America's TRUE HEROS!
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:50 AM | Comments (5)
Here We Go Again ~ This Time Feed Him To The Pigs
Muslim inmate sues Missouri jail, claims he was fed pork product
A Muslim inmate is suing a southwest Missouri jail, claiming the facility's administrators violated his religious rights by feeding him sandwiches with a pork product concealed in them.
Odell M. Edwards, who as a Muslim is not allowed to eat pork, filed his lawsuit against the Greene County Justice Center this past week in U.S. District Court in Springfield. Jail officials maintain that the jelly is made with fruit pectin extracted from plants. Pectin is a natural substance that thickens jams and jellies.
The sandwiches in question were served to Edwards and other Muslim inmates during the holy month of Ramadan. Jail Director C.E. Wells said officials consulted with a Muslim spiritual adviser when planning the Ramadan menu, and the peanut butter and jelly sandwiches were preapproved.
But Edwards said the jelly in the sandwiches contained gelatin, which is often extracted from pig tissue. He appears to be seeking $250,000 per day for the period in which he was served the jelly.
Edwards, a federal prisoner, is awaiting trial in Springfield on drug charges. He's been an inmate since April 2006.
It's not clear whether the court will dismiss the lawsuit as unfounded - which is what happens to many such cases - or allow it to proceed.
Edwards said in a court filing that jail guards told him on Sept. 12 that his meals contained pork and had for some time. Edwards filed a request for remedy with the jail, asking to see the jelly ingredients and demanding a cultured cook or a dietitian that handled Muslim and pork-free foods.
"I would also like to be compensated for the foul act!" he wrote.
Wells sent a written response to Edwards telling the inmate that the jelly contained fruit pectin and not gelatin.
Wells said Edwards didn't just have a problem with the jelly. In his court filing, the inmate also complained that an overabundance of peanut butter in his diet had led to stomach pain and constipation, Wells said.
"It's sad that your only answer to this problem is an unhealthy amount of peanut butter or don't participate in Ramadan," Edwards wrote. "Again it is my duty and right to share in Ramadan but not to be tricked and bullied by an unhealthy diet!"
Wells said Edwards knew what the special meals for Ramadan would include when he signed up for them.
Ramadan is from Sept. 13 to Oct. 13. During that time, Muslims fast from dawn to sunset each day. They break their fast each evening with a celebratory evening meal.
Wild Thing's comment........
The other day I posted about another prisoner complaining about bacon on his plate, and now this. Personally, any prisoner should be feed whatever the prison serves as food as long it meets the daily requirements for nutrition. Eat whatever is served or starve......your choice you idiot Mooselimb. Or stay out of prison and you can eat all the moon god restricted food you want.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:48 AM | Comments (7)
Prayers Anyone ~ LOL
It's Insult the Islamotard's Day
This is so funny, I have watched it several times. hahaahhaha
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (4)
Muslim Rave Party Sensation
Wild Thing's comment........
This is hilarious, I laugh every time I see it.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (7)
A Stranger in Her Own City
It’s a part of a documentary called “A stranger in her city” by Khadija Al-Salami.
al-Salami’s documentary follows a fabulous, spunky 13 year old girl - Najmia in Yemen. Najmia refuses to wear the veil, despite it being a social compulsion. She is laughed at, hears taunts all day. But she has a mind of her own.
This young girl has a mind of her own, to be like that in her land is dangerous. The video shows how she is well aware of the danger.
....Thank you Tom for telling me about this video.
* Thank you Billy( Billy O'Blog) for having the video at your blog.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:44 AM | Comments (8)
A Palestinian's Journey
This is the day we do Insult the Islamotard's Day. This is such an excellent video by Walid Shoebat that it is perfect to show what the enemy is about.
A Palestinian's Journey (Growing up in the PA)
Walid Shoebat
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:40 AM | Comments (4)
October 06, 2007
US General Odierno:Do Not Release The 5 Iranians
US General: Five Iranians Detained in Iraq Should Not be Released
October 05, 2007
AFP Yahoo News!
General Raymond Odierno, the number two leader of US forces in Iraq, said in an interview published Friday that he will recommend that the five Iranians that US forces detained in Iraq in January should not be released.
Their case will be reviewed this month, and according to The Washington Post it is so sensitive that it is being reviewed by the White House.
"Militarily, we should hold on to them," Odierno told the Post.
US forces detained the five in the Kurdish city of Irbil, and say they were helping insurgents fighting US-led forces in Iraq.
Iran insists the captives are diplomats working at Tehran's consulate in Irbil.
Iranian officials continue to demand their release, arguing that the five did nothing illegal.
Separately, Iraq is calling for the release of Mahmudi Farhadi, another Iranian US forces detained September 20 in Sulaimaniyah, also in Iraq's northern autonomous Kurdish region.
In Baghdad, Major General Kevin Bergner told reporters Wednesday that "multiple sources" implicated Farhadi in providing weapons to "Iraqi criminal elements in the service of Iran."
Iran condemned what it called the "unwarranted" arrest of Farhani, described as a businessman in Iraq at the invitation of the Kurdish regional government.
Iraqi President Jalal Talabani has slammed the arrest as illegal and demanded Farhadi's release.
And on September 24, Iran shut its frontiers with Iraq in protest, causing mayhem at the border and major economic losses to traders in the Kurdish region.
Wild Thing's comment........
Keep them otherwise they'll be back to kill our troops.
And what the heck is this???? GRRRRRRRRRRRRR
Separately, Iraq is calling for the release of Mahmudi Farhadi, another Iranian US forces detained September 20 in Sulaimaniyah, also in Iraq's northern autonomous Kurdish region.
In Baghdad, Major General Kevin Bergner told reporters Wednesday that "multiple sources" implicated Farhadi in providing weapons to "Iraqi criminal elements in the service of Iran."
Iraqi President Jalal Talabani has slammed the arrest as illegal and demanded Farhadi's release.
Hello Iraq, you better make up your mind, our troops are risking life and limb over there!
And then this part.....
US forces detained the five in the Kurdish city of Irbil, and say they were helping insurgents fighting US-led forces in Iraq.
Iran insists the captives are diplomats working at Tehran's consulate in Irbil.
Those are not mutually exclusive statements. They very well could be "diplomats" and also helping, or directing, the insurgents.
Iran can always send them friendship cards to the GITMO address where we could put these prisoners.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (9)
1 in 5 Democrats Say World Will Be Better Off if U.S. Loses War
FOX News Poll: Nearly 1 in 5 Democrats Say World Will Be Better Off if U.S. Loses War
Nearly one out of every five Democrats thinks the world will be better off if America loses the war in Iraq, according to the FOX News Opinion Dynamics Poll released Thursday.
The percentage of Democrats (19 percent) who believe that is nearly four times the number of Republicans (5 percent) who gave the same answer. Seven percent of independents said the world would be better off if the U.S. lost the war.
Overall, 11 percent of Americans think the world would be "better off" if the U.S. lost the war, and 73 percent disagree.
Opinion Dynamics Corp. conducted the national telephone poll of 900 registered voters for FOX News from Sept. 25 to Sept. 26. The poll has a 3-point margin of error.
Wild Thing's comment........
So typical of Democrats to think this way. All these people should be taken out and put in jail for treason. Or at least their names submitted to be watched. I wonder how many of them were Moslems. Then again they are Democrats so they do not break the law nor are they prosecuted for being traitors.
This says it all!
“A nation which can prefer disgrace to danger is prepared for a master and deserves one.” Alexander Hamilton via Ronald Reagan, “A Time for Choosing
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (14)
Bill Clinton Envisions Diplomatic Role
French President Nicolas Sarkozy, left, and former US President Bill Clinton smile as they wait for the arrival of Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko, at the Elysee Palace in Paris
Bill Clinton envisions diplomatic role Yahoo news LONDON
Former President Clinton has said his wife wants him to lead efforts to rebuild the United States' tarnished reputation abroad — if she is elected to the White House next year.
The former president made the comments in interviews released Friday in Britain where he was fundraising for Hillary Rodham Clinton, the front-runner for the Democratic nomination for next year's presidential election.
Clinton was asked what his public role might be if his wife becomes president, in interviews with The Guardian newspaper and British Broadcasting Corp. television.
He joked that his Scottish friends have suggested his title could be "first laddie."
"What Hillary has said is that if she were elected she would ask me, and others — including former Republican presidents — to go out and immediately try to restore America's standing, go out and tell people America was open for business and cooperation again," he was quoted as telling the newspaper.
He said for the first time in his political experience, "ordinary Americans in the heartlands" were concerned about how the world sees the U.S. after years of unilateralism of President Bush's administration on issues such as Iraq, climate change, and nuclear nonproliferation.
"The collective effect of that was to enrage the world at the very moment when we had more world support than we've had in recent memory because of 9/11. It was an unbelievable turnaround," Clinton said.
As an example of how the U.S. can win by working with others, Clinton pointed to the six-nation North Korea arms talks this week, where the country committed to disabling its main nuclear facilities by year-end.
"You can see in the recent success of the North Korean nuclear effort that when America moved from unilateralism to working through, and with, others it works pretty well," he said.
Wild Thing's comment........
Just what we need, Clinton out there straightening things out for us. ( NOT)
He should be in Ft. Leavenworth wearing an orange jumpsuit and so should his wife.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (16)
U.S.Military Pulls Plug On 6 al-Qaeda Outlets
Media hubs in Iraq mark new battlefield
The U.S. military says it has captured at least six al-Qaeda media centers in Iraq and arrested 20 suspected propaganda leaders since June.
The seizures of the centers underscore the importance al-Qaeda has placed on media, primarily the Internet, as a tool to communicate to its members and use against U.S. forces in Iraq. The group's media emphasis continues to increase, intelligence analysts say.
Al-Qaeda is keenly aware that the battle is ultimately for the "hearts and minds of the ummah," the community of Muslim believers, says Gordon Woo, catastrophe analyst for RMS, a London-based firm that consults private companies on terrorism risks. Woo notes that Ayman al-Zawahri, Osama bin Laden's deputy, said in 2005 that most "of this battle is taking place in the battlefield of the media."
The progress against al-Qaeda's media operations stems from new offensives aimed at al-Qaeda sanctuaries and an emphasis on blunting the terrorist group's extensive propaganda operations, U.S. officers say.
"One of our goals is to target these propaganda networks, and we've had more success over the past three months," says Air Force Col. Donald Bacon, a staff officer at Multi-National Force-Iraq.
Those seizures have sharply curtailed the amount of videos and other communications posted to the Internet from Iraq, Bacon says.
Recent U.S. efforts have made it difficult for al-Qaeda's Internet operations, but such successes are hard to define and may only be temporary, says Rita Katz of the SITE Institute, which monitors terrorist websites. The SITE Institute noted al-Qaeda in Iraq's recent distribution of a 20-minute video, called "The Astray Arrow," alleging the failure of the coalition's offensive in Diyala province, Operation Arrowhead Ripper.
Al-Qaeda's media output in Iraq dipped starting five or six weeks ago, Katz says, but it has since recovered.
The group often uses the Internet to raise money and attract recruits, the U.S. military says. Al-Qaeda's militants are ordered to film every attack they conduct on coalition or Iraqi forces, Bacon says. Music is often added to the edited package, for effect.
For some Arab viewers who don't regularly view Western media, the overwhelming impression from the videos could be that militants are winning. The benefit for militants is to turn a single attack into a larger strategic weapon.
Along with the raids in Iraq, the Pentagon also is developing plans to attack computer networks and websites used by terrorists, military records show.
Gen. David Petraeus, the top U.S. commander in Iraq, told Congress last month that the "war is not only being fought on the ground in Iraq but also in cyberspace."
Petraeus has "placed a greater command emphasis on the media war," says Maj. Winfield Danielson, a military spokesman in Iraq.
The terrorist group's media centers are nondescript from the outside but jammed with production equipment, Bacon says. One house raided recently in Samarra, north of Baghdad, included 12 computers, 65 hard drives and a filming studio.
The U.S. military says it has uncovered media operations in the past, but not as many as in recent months. It is not clear how many centers exist, Bacon says.
Wild Thing's comment........
It sounds like they are gutting the heart and twisted soul of the al-qaeda internet over there. They already have gotten a lot of the brains. Our troops are doing such hard work and a lot of success!! God bless each one of them.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:44 AM | Comments (6)
October 05, 2007
Pins Replace 'True Patriotism,' Obama Says
Obama on American flag: 'I decided I won't wear that pin on my chest'USA Today
An eagle-eyed reporter for the ABC affiliate in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, noticed something missing from Democratic presidential contender Sen. Barack Obama's, D-Ill., lapels.
"You don't have the American flag pin on. Is that a fashion statement?" the reporter asked, at the end of a brief interview with Obama on Wednesday. "Those have been on politicians since Sept. 12, 2001."
The standard political reply to that question might well have been, "My patriotism speaks for itself."
But Obama didn't say that.
Instead the Illinois senator answered the question at length, explaining that he no longer wears such a pin, at least in part, because of the Iraq War.
"You know, the truth is that right after 9/11, I had a pin," Obama said. "Shortly after 9/11, particularly because as we're talking about the Iraq War, that became a substitute for I think true patriotism, which is speaking out on issues that are of importance to our national security, I decided I won't wear that pin on my chest. "Instead," he said, "I'm going to try to tell the American people what I believe will make this country great, and hopefully that will be a testimony to my patriotism."
The Chicago Tribune's The Swamp blog reports that after it got several questions about the pin story, the Obama campaign released a statement from the senator.
"Patriotism to me, isn't what you wear on your lapel," he said. "It's what you carry in your heart. I don't need a pin to certify my love for this country."
In addition, The Swamp says that Obama spokesman Dan Pfeiffer said: "Like many Americans, he wore one after 9/11, but hasn't worn one in years."
Wild Thing's comment........
Hussein Obama is no patriot. We know where the loyalties of a madrassah educated muslim lie. Obviously, wearing a pin is not “true patriotism”; it is only a symbol. do you think that Obama realizes that taking it off is a symbol, too? And not of patriotism, either.
"I decided I won't wear that pin on my chest," he said in the interview. "Instead, I'm going to try to tell the American people what I believe will make this country great, and hopefully that will be a testament to my patriotism."
What Obama IS saying is this:
.......because it isn’t great already. It isn’t great, though California’s economy alone is the size of Germany’s. It isn’t great because we’ve freed over 59 million people around the world through force of arms. It isn’t great because the United States became the breeding ground of innovation for the great minds of the world, who flocked here from their situations abroad and changed the world. Nope, it won’t be great until you elect my defeatist, blame-the-US-first, flag-hating, race-baiting, demogogue, no-executive-experience, Senator personage from the corrupt socialist republic of Illinois. So, that’s why no flag pin. OK?
Sure Obama, just keep telling us that YOU are the only person that can make this country great.
.....Thank you Lynn for sending this story to me and the lnk.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:17 PM | Comments (14)
Royal Marine Lifts Two-ton Truck Off Drowning Comrade
'Incredible Hulk' Royal Marine lifts two-ton truck off drowning comrade during gun battle in Afghanistan
Daily Mail co.uk
Drowning in 3ft of ditch water, his leg trapped under a two - ton truck , Royal Marine Mark Farr must have thought there was no way he would make it out of Afghanistan alive.
But he reckoned without the heroism of his fellow Marine, Colour Sergeant Carl 'Tatts' Tatton, who braved Taliban mortar fire to lift the vehicle by himself, although it was 13 times his body weight.
Marine Farr, 29, dubbed his rescuer 'The Incredible Bulk' after the superhuman feat.
"Without Tatts I'd have drowned," he said. "I owe him my life."
Now back in Britain, Colour Sergeant Tatton has spoken out for the first time about the adrenaline rush that allowed him to move the truck on November 5 last year.
The 38-year- old from Ford, Plymouth, said unassumingly: "When you see one of your mates in danger, you just react."
But his senior commander, Lieutenant Colonel Andy Price of 3 Commando, refused to accept such modesty, saying: "Colour Sergeant Tatton gave no thoughts to his own safety.
"This is typical of the man - he embodies the very highest standards of the Royal Marines."
At the time of the incident in Gereshk, southern Afghanistan, Colour Sergeant Tatton was a physical training instructor with Marine Farr's J Company, 42 Commando.
Marine Farr became trapped when a mortar bomb exploded near to the water-filled ditch he was working in, flipping the truck down the bank and on to his leg.
As more shells rained in, Colour Sergeant Tatton leapt into the ditch to try to free his comrade.
Recalling the incident after arriving back at barracks in Plymouth, the hero said: "At the time it was one of our fiercest days of contact with the enemy. It was one of those days when it was just mad.
"We were working in the Sangin Valley trying to disrupt Taliban movement when we came under intense mortar attack.
"We arrived under the cover of darkness and we thought it was going to be quite quiet. At about 10am the first mortar came in.
We heard on the radio that a section of J Company was under heavy mortar fire so I decided to take more sandbags up to reinforce one of the forward positions.
"We loaded the bags on to our Pinzgauer truck and reversed towards the position on one of the narrow tracks."
"We got to the location and I jumped out to make sure the junction was clear. A mortar round then exploded on the side of a bank, which caused it to break. "
"The truck toppled over into a deep stream, trapping Marine Farr's legs as he tried to jump out."
After an initial yell, the Marine was dragged under the surface.
"He was pinned down about 3ft underwater," said Colour Sergeant Tatton. "He was seconds from drowning. I jumped in and tried to lift his head up but realised I'd have to lift up the truck. I grabbed the roll bar and lifted the suspension enough to release him."
"A few lads ran over thinking the lad was seriously injured because they heard all this screaming - it turned out it was me making all the noise trying to lift the thing."
• Lifting a two-ton lorry would challenge even most professional weightlifters."
But in situations of extreme danger, the body releases adrenaline, which can enable feats of strength far beyond our natural capacity.
The effects include increased blood-flow, a heightened pulse rate, extra reserves of determination and increased physical performance.
Those acting in emergency situations often report becoming aware when adrenaline has kicked in.
Life coach Michael Neill paid tribute to the power of adrenaline in situations where it is necessary to conquer one's fears, saying:
"'You can use the power of adrenaline to "feel the fear" and do something anyway."
Wild Thing's comment..........
This is an amazing story and great news. One thing for sure the enemy will never have stories like this. It is not in them to be a heros.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (6)
Bill Criminal Clinton With His Entourage Of Over 20 Bodyguards
Bill Clinton brings Reservoir Dogs to London with his entourage of over 20 bodyguards
Whoever said it's lonely at the top, it wasn't Bill Clinton.
So when he attended a book signing in London on Thursday, he brought a crowd of his own.
The one-time US leader looked like he was auditioning for a part in Quentin Tarantino's Reservoir Dogs.
The burly men in suits fanned out around 61-year-old Mr Clinton as he went window shopping in Jermyn Street before arriving at the Piccadilly branch of Waterstone's.
Fortunately for the former resident of the White House, they turned out to be heavily outnumbered by 1,000 or so fans who bought his book Giving - How Each of Us Can Change the World.
Mr Clinton stood down in 2001. Former Presidents and their spouses are entitled to be guarded by the Secret Service for ten years after they leave office.
He flew to Britain to attend a fundraising meeting at a private house in Windsor for Democrats Abroad.
Wild Thing's comment........
Funny how odd..... I don’t see thousands of fans. And according to the loony left he is the most popular man in the world. And have any former presidents had the chutzpah to demand 20 Secret Service guys on tap? Or does he actually pay for some of his security detail out of his own pocket? I know the answer...hahaha
Couldn't he just hire some of his Ark. Dixie Mafia to guard him? Or whoever they used to take out all the people on their dead list to get them in power and keep them there when they were in our White House.
What fine people these are the Clinton's. These are a few quotes but they are by Hillary:
“We Just can’t trust the American people to make those kinds of choices...Government has to make those choices”(Hillary 1993)
“F**k off! It’s enough that I have to see you s*it-kickers every day,
I’m not going to talk to you too!! Just do your G*damn job and keep your mouth shut.”
(From the book “American Evita” by Christopher Anderson, p. 90 – Hillary to her State Trooper bodyguards after one of them greeted her with “Good morning.”
“You f**king idiot.”
(From the book “Crossfire” p. 84 - Hillary to a State Trooper who was
driving her to an event.)
“If you want to remain on this detail, get your f**king *ss over here
and grab those bags!”
(From the book “The First Partner” p. 259 – Hillary to a Secret Service Agent who was reluctant to carry her luggage because he wanted to keep his hands free in case of an incident.)
“Get f**ked! Get the f**k out of my way!!! Get out of my face!!!”
(From the book “Hillary’s Scheme” p. 89 - Hillary’s various comments to her Secret Service detail agents.)
“Stay the f**k back, stay the f**k away from me! Don’t come within ten
yards of me, or else! Just f**king do as I say, Okay!!!?”
(From the book “Unlimited Access”, by Clinton FBI Agent in Charge, Gary Aldrige, p. 139 - Hillary screaming at he Secret Service detail.)
“Many of you are well enough off that [President Bush’s] tax cuts may have helped you. We’re saying that for America to get back on track, we’re probably going to cut that short and not give it to you. We’re going to have to take things away from you on behalf of the common good.” (Hillary grandstanding at a fund raising speech in San Francisco; SFGate.com 6/28/2004.)
“Why do I have to keep proving to people that I am not a liar?!”
(From the book “The Survivor,” by John Harris, p.382
- Hillary in her 2000 Senate campaign)
“Where’s the miserable c*ck sucker?” (From the book “The Truth About Hillary” by Edward Klein, p. 5 – Hillary shouting at a Secret Service officer)
“Put this on the ground! I left my sunglasses in the limo. I need those sunglasses. We need to go back!”
(From the book “Dereliction of Duty” p. 71-72 -Hillary to Marine One helicopter pilot to turn back while en route to Air Force One.)
“What are you doing inviting these people into my home? These people are our enemies! They are trying to destroy us!”
(From the book “The Survivor” by John Harris, p. 99- Hillary screaming
to an aide, when she found out that some Republicans
had been invited to the Clinton White House)
“Come on Bill, put your d*ck up! You can’t f**k her here!!”
(From the book “Inside The White House” by Ronald
Kessler, p. 243 - Hillary to Gov. Clinton when she spots him talking
with an attractive female at an Arkansas political rally)
“You know, I’m going to start thanking the woman who cleans the restroom in the building I work in. I’m going to start thinking of her as a human being”
-Hillary Clinton
(From the book “The Case Against Hillary Clinton” by
Peggy Noonan, p. 55)
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (16)
Apache 30mm Gun Takes Out 4 Insurgents
4 Insurgents eliminated and one little dog escapes
And watch how fast the dog in the upper right of the picture moves out of the way.
....Thank you Tom and Bob for sending this to me. This is GREAT. I love how fast the dog moves out of the way too. Thank God the dog is ok and the insurgents aren't.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (9)
Just Another Day Hearing From A Moslem ~ LOL
This is my response to our little troll that landed here yesterday. In this post just a little further down........
Islam More Then Needs It's Their Agenda
Your mom.... even your email address is amusing to me. So Welcome to Theodore's World where we speak the truth, love it when our troops take out the insurgents, thank our Veterans, salute our American Flag and are grateful we live in the best country in the world.
Thank you to everyone except for Your mom for your terrific comments yesterday. ((hug))
IP Address:
Name: Your mom
Email Address: kissmyass@yahoo.com
OK here is my reply to you ....Your mom..........
First my mother passed away so dream on about being my mom. Maybe your name is other kind of "Mother......" but that has two words.
Secondly, you say I am "too scared to reveal your true identity"......LMAO that is too funny. First of all I am an open book, that means I have given my personal information to almost all of the regulars that comment on here and have asked for that information for things like Christmas cards (that YOU do not believe in) and other reasons for them wanting it. As well as tons of information on my website and my MySpace listed in the sidebar. So once again a Moslem lies. LOL
Third, you seem to be obsessed with sex of perversion as you state in your sick comments.
Fourth, your love for the word Porn is funny to me. Nudity or even scantily clad men or women does not necessarily carry the title of porn. Unless you are jealous of great looking Marines with healthy trained bodies as seen in the photo of the Marines learning Martial Arts. Or other servicemen in other branches of our fantastic military.
And if you mean porn about the scantly dressed pinups I use on here or even the photos of myself then have at it. All I can say is handle it, God created our bodies not your allah and our troops that read this blog love seeing especially the pinups as they don't get a lot of that where they are fighting for our country. Maybe you prefer one of your goats, but our men are real men, the healthy attitude American male and women that realize these things unlike you are not hung up on such things.
And fifth, your allah is a moon god, I know that will disappoint you but sometimes the truth hurts.
So no thanks, I know what side I am on and it is not the side of Islam.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:44 AM | Comments (12)
October 04, 2007
Flag of Mexico Flown Illegally Over Reno Business
Veteran Cuts Down Mexican Flag - Watch more free videos
A Mexican bar owner in Reno Nevada flew the Mexican flag above that of the United States
Only problem is that this is specifically illegal under United States Code Section 7, Title Four, which states,
This is specifically illegal under United States Code Section 7, Title Four, which states:
(c) No other flag or pennant should be placed above or, if on the same level, to the right of the flag of the United States of America, except during church services conducted by naval chaplains at sea, when the church pennant may be flown above the flag during church services for the personnel of the Navy. No person shall display the flag of the United Nations or any other national or international flag equal, above, or in a position of superior prominence or honor to, or in place of, the flag of the United States at any place within the United States or any Territory or possession thereof: Provided, That nothing in this section shall make unlawful the continuance of the practice heretofore followed of displaying the flag of the United Nations in a position of superior prominence or honor, and other national flags in positions of equal prominence or honor, with that of the flag of the United States at the headquarters of the United Nations.
The brazen effrontery of the bar prompted an American veteran to cut down both flags.
Here is the VIDEO <<<< just CLICK
Wild Thing's comment.........
This is what a friend of Theodore's World blog has to say. He emailed me about this news earlier today. He is a Retired US Army Sergeant Major and he calls himself.....he is still meaner 'n hell.
" Chrissie here is my penalty you can postHere's the penalty:
The United States of America is a sovereign nation.
We owe allegiance to no other country, no other flag.
I and many thousands of others like me, know damn well that we are a sovereign nation, owing allegiance to no other country.
Therefore, I and thousands of others like me, will not allow the Flag of the United States of America to be flown inferior to any other flag, in these United States.
I, for one, if I see it, I'll do the same damn thing the hero in the video did.
I'll rip the damn mex flag down, confiscate the Flag of the United States of America and dare the damn fool that displayed it to confront me.
I'm tired of this stinking pussy-footing around about this crap.
We are being invaded.
We are being invaded by a bunch of welfare leeches from a third world crap hole, said third world leeches thinking that they are the rightful occupants of our land.
I will not, I cannot stand and see the Flag of the United States of America flown inferior to any other flag.
I don't give a damn what flag it is, if it is flown superior to the Flag of the United States of America, I shall interpret it as an act of war and I will respond accordingly."
.....Thank you Lynn for sending this article to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (23)
Islam More Then Needs It's Their Agenda
Mosque says to avoid Western holidays
National Post
A Toronto mosque is telling Muslims not to say "Happy Thanksgiving" or invite friends into their homes for turkey dinner on the holiday weekend.
The Khalid Bin Al-Walid Mosque says to "avoid participating" in dinners, parties or greetings on Thanksgiving because it is a kuffaar, or non-Muslim, celebration.
A two-part article on the mosque Web site says Muslims should also "stay completely away" from "Halloween trick-and treat nonsense," Christmas, New Year's, anniversaries, birthdays and Earth Day.
"How can we bring ourselves to congratulate or wish people well for their disobedience to Allah? Thus expressions such as:Happy Thanksgiving, Happy Birthday, Happy New Year, etc, are completely out," it says.
In 2003, the Khalid mosque, which mainly serves the Toronto Somali-Canadian community, apologized for a newsletter that compared wishing someone a Merry Christmas to congratulating a murderer.
At the time, a junior employee was blamed for the slight, but the mosque's Web site has since posted similar edicts covering not only Christmas but also virtually every other Western celebration.
Muslims who participate in the holidays are termed ignorant and hypocritical.
While not all are religious holidays, the Internet site says Muslims are required to be different from non-Muslims "in matters which are representative of them or are characteristic of their identity."
Also banned, it says, are: watching sports or soap operas, walking dogs, family photos, wedding bands, Western hats, mingling and shaking hands with the opposite sex.
"Allah and his messenger have warned us against following or imitating non-Muslims in things which are characteristic of their religion or beliefs. This is more emphasized in the case of their eids [festivals] or occasions, which always hold some religious or ideological non-Islamic meanings, and on which the kuffaar indulge in many evil practices."
The Web site also has a question-and-answer section, which advises that Muslims can join political parties only if they are "able to exert some influence on the direction of the party so that it will take an Islamic direction."
Elsewhere in the Q&A section, it says that, "with strong determination and patience, the world will God-willing be under the Muslims' control."
The mosque is run by a federally registered charity. Rival factions within the Somali Muslim community are fighting in court for control of the charity. The mosque president could not be reached yesterday.
Wild Thing's comment........
Hmmmm well one thing we also know.....Jesus Loves You, and allah Wants You Dead. Well, at least they got one right. I don’t celebrate “Earth Day” either.
The bottom is this, Americans, Canadians and the UK etc. are so dense that they don't have a clue of what they are up against - here is the clue for those with apathy, and those not wanting to wake up - it is not about their "needs" - It is not about holidiays, or foot baths, prayer rooms or bacon on a plate in a prison cell, or anything else. It IS about DESTROYING you (us) and getting all of us to SUBMIT!!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (18)
Mexican UCLA Teacher planning revolt inside USA
Mexican UCLA Teacher planning revolt inside USA
Wild Thing's comment........
He calls us frail, racists white people.
.....Thank you John (VN 89-70) for the video.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (12)
Blackwater Copter Rescues Polish Ambassador
Blackwater copter rescues Polish ambassador The Seattle Times By KIM CURTIS The Associated Press
A daring ambush of bombs and gunfire left Poland's ambassador pinned down in a burning vehicle today before being pulled to safety and airlifted in a rescue mission by the embattled security firm Blackwater USA. At least three people were killed, including a Polish bodyguard.
The attack — apparently well planned in one of Baghdad's most secure neighborhoods — raised questions about whether it sought to punish Poland for its contributions to the U.S.-led military force in Iraq. But Poland's prime minister, Jaroslaw Kaczynski, said his nation would not retreat "in the face of terrorists."
The diplomatic convoy was hit by three bombs and then attackers opened fire in the Shiite-controlled Karradah district. Polish guards returned fire as the injured ambassador, Gen. Edward Pietrzyk, was pulled from his burning vehicle. At least 10 people, including four Polish security agents, were wounded.
U.S. Embassy officials dispatched Blackwater helicopters to evacuate the ambassador and others. Blackwater was not involved in protecting the Polish convoy.
Pietrzyk, who was commander of ground forces in Poland before taking the ambassador post in April, suffered minor burns over 20 percent of his body, including his head and right arm and leg, said Polish Charge d'Affaires Waldemar Figaj.
"They were waiting for us," Figaj told The Associated Press as he gave details of the attack.
Shortly after the assault, Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki renewed his government's offensive against Blackwater.
"There have been 190 victims of Blackwater ... The kind of accusations leveled against the company means it is not fit to work in Iraq," he told a news conference.
It was not known if al-Maliki knew Blackwater rescued the Polish envoy. It also was not clear if the 190 victims represented a new figure arising from an Iraqi investigation or a reference to the 195 incidents involving the U.S. security company outlined in a House report earlier this week.
Congress is looking into Blackwater's role in a Sept. 16 shootout that left 11 Iraqis dead in a west Baghdad intersection and other incidents by the Moyock, N.C.-based company, which protects U.S. diplomats and others in Iraq.
Diplomatic missions or foreign envoys in Iraq have been attacked at least seven times since the war began, including the July 2005 kidnapping and murder of Egypt's ambassador.
Poland, a staunch U.S. ally, contributed combat troops to the 2003 U.S.-led invasion and has since led a multinational division south of Baghdad. About 900 Polish troops remain in the country training Iraqi personnel; 21 Poles have died during the conflict.
Last year, the Polish government extended its mission in Iraq until the end of 2007, but has made no decision on next year.
Pietrzyk was treated at the U.S. military hospital in the fortified Green Zone and later flown to Warsaw.
"He is going to be fine," Figaj said. "He is stable, but he needs rest."
Two Iraqi passers-by also were killed in the 10 a.m. blasts, according to an Iraqi police official who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to release the information.
A Polish security guard, Bartosz Orzechowski, 29, died at the hospital, said Poland's Interior Minister Wladyslaw Stasiak. The slain guard had been employed by the service since 2004.
Robert Szaniawski, a spokesman for the Polish Foreign Ministry, said officials "don't have the reasons for the attack," which destroyed three armored vehicles just a few hundred yards from the Polish Embassy.
But Figaj noted that Poland is a "strong U.S. ally and you can make your own conclusions."
Polish Foreign Minister Anna Fotyga said officials planned to move the embassy into the Green Zone.
"Backing out in the face of terrorists is the worst possible solution and I trust that the Poles, who are a brave nation, will not desert the battle field," said Poland's prime minister, Kaczynski. "We must fight terrorism and that entails a certain risk."
U.S. Ambassador Ryan Crocker and Gen. David Petraeus, the top U.S. military commander in Iraq, issued a joint statement condemning the attack.
"Poland has been a strong and steadfast ally here and around the world, and we commend its commitment to a stable and secure Iraq," the statement said. "We stand ready to provide any additional assistance we can."
Wild Thing's comment........
I suppose the Democrats will demand an investigation. It’s not an isolated incident either. These guys are proving to be one of the most reliable partners the US has.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:44 AM | Comments (8)
October 03, 2007
Oops LOL ~ Fatah Bombs Hamas Security Office in Gaza
Three Palestinians killed in Gaza car blast
Three Palestinians were killed on Tuesday when their car exploded outside a Hamas security office in Gaza and the Islamist militant group which runs the territory accused Fatah rivals of trying to plant a bomb near its outpost.
The incident could stoke internal tensions between Hamas and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas's Fatah faction nearly four months after the Islamist group seized the coastal territory by force.
Hospital officials said another Palestinian was wounded in the blast in Gaza City.
A Hamas security official said the three Palestinians who died in the blast belonged to Fatah and accused the secular group of attempting to plant a bomb near one of its security post when their vehicle exploded.
The official said at least one of the men was a "senior Fatah militant," though he declined to provide any of their names.
No Fatah officials were immediately available to comment on the charges.
Hamas officials had earlier identified the four men as members of one of Hamas's security forces and said an Israeli warship fired a shell that destroyed the vehicle.
Israel said it was not involved in any attack.
Hamas's account would make it the deadliest incident of internal violence since Hamas took over in June.
Wild Thing's comment........
Headlines like this give me that warm fuzzy feeling. heh heh
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (10)
~ Welcome Home Justin Sharratt ~
A note from the family..........
"The Sharratt family, Darryl, Theresa, Jaclyn and Justin, thank you for your unyielding support and prayers. Yes, Justin is HOME. The hugs were long and the tears flowed. We are fortunate and thankful that God chose to return him to us. We, as a family, can now look to the future.With the return of Justin our ordeal of the past 20 months has come to an end. I assure you we will not rest till LCpl Tatum, SSgt Wuterich, Lt Grayson and LtCol Chessani are exonerated.
God Bless
God Bless Our Haditha Marines
Darryl, Theresa, Jaclyn and Justin"
For you Justin!!
Wild Thing's comment........
Welcome home, Justin! As with all the troops serving our great Nation, thank you, for your service. Salute!
And I thank all of you on here, Team Theodore for your support for these men and your prayers for them and their families.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (11)
From a Marine Hero: The 5 Things I Saw that Make Me Support the War
Marine Hero: The 5 Things I Saw that Make Me Support the War
Marco Martinez, a recipient of the Navy Cross, is author of the new book Hard Corps: From Gangster to Marine Hero (Crown Forum).
Liberals often like to say that "violence is senseless."That’s wrong.
Violence isn't senseless. Senseless violence is senseless. And I should know. Before being awarded the Navy Cross and having the privilege of becoming a Marine, I was a gang member. Sometimes it takes having used violence for both evil as well as good to know that there's a profound moral difference between the two.
People often ask me whether I still support the war. I never hesitate when answering: "Absolutely I support completing the mission," I tell them, "Now more than ever."
I was honored to have been given the opportunity to fight in Iraq on our country’s behalf. And it was that experience—and five things I saw firsthand—that illustrate the foolishness of those who would equate American military power to that used by thugs and tyrants.
1. Mass Graves
I was part of a group that was tasked with guarding Saddam’s mass graves. And let me tell you something: anyone who could look straight down into those huge holes at the skeletons and remains and see what that monster did to 300,000 of his own people would have no doubt that we did the right thing in removing him from power. Saddam’s henchmen would tie two people together, some with babies in their arms, stand them at the crater’s edge, and then shoot one of the people in the head, relying on the weight of the dead body to drag them both into the hole. This would save on rounds and also ensure that both people died, one from a gunshot, the other by being buried alive.
2. Tongue-less Man
You never know how precious freedom of speech is until you meet somehow who has had it taken from them—literally taken from them. During a patrol we came upon two hungry Iraqi men scavenging for food. When our translator began speaking with the men I noticed that one of them had a stub for a tongue. Through the translator we learned that the tongue-less man had spoken against the regime and that Saddam’s henchmen had severed his tongue. Saddam had quite literally removed the man’s freedom of speech.
3. Adrenaline-Fueled Fedayeen Saddam
I couldn't for the life of me understand why the ninja costume-wearing terrorists we encountered in a series of hellish firefights just wouldn’t go down—even after being shot. Once my fire team and I cleared a terrorist-filled house in a close quarters shootout, I saw dead bodies all around the kitchen. I looked up at the countertops. Scattered everywhere were vials of adrenaline, syringes, and khat (pronounced "cot"), a drug similar to PCP that gives users a surge of energy and strength. That’s when we realized that our zombie-like attackers were zealots who came to fight and die.
4. Human Experiment Pictures
I still can’t shake the pictures out of my head. We discovered them inside a strange laboratory we found inside a Special Republican Guard barracks that had been plunked down inside an amusement park. When I cracked open the photo album, my jaw dropped. There in front of me were the most horrifying images of experiments being performed on newborn and infant children. Picture after picture, page after page, the binder was filled with the most extreme deformities and experimental mutations one could imagine. One baby had an eye that was shifted toward the middle of its head. We turned the books over to our lieutenant as valuable pieces of intelligence.
5. Bomb-Making Materials In a Mosque
Well after the invasion we were tasked to conduct city patrols and build rapport with local sheiks and mosque members. On one occasion we revisited a mosque where the sheik had previously been warm and friendly. Yet this time something seemed a little off. As we made our way through the mosque compound, we were told there were certain "praying houses" we weren’t allowed to enter. But when a Marine walked through a side hallway and passed by a door that had been left ajar, he spotted a huge bottle of nitroglycerin and assorted bomb-making materials.
When I think about my gang member past I shudder in shame. But if there was one lesson I learned from my past it is that there is a profound moral difference between using violence to destroy lives and using violence to save lives. Terrorists do the former; soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines do the latter.Antimilitary liberals need to learn the difference between the two.
Marco Martinez became the first Hispanic American since Vietnam to be awarded the Navy Cross and the first Marine to receive that honor in the War on Terror. Raised in New Mexico, he now attends a community college in Southern California while working full-time in nuclear security.
Here is Sgt. Martinez’s Navy Cross citation:
The President of the United States
Takes Pleasure in Presenting
The Navy Cross
Marco A. Martinez
Corporal, United States Marine Corps
For Services as Set Forth in the Following
For extraordinary heroism while serving as 1st Fire Team Leader, 2nd Squad, 1st Platoon, Company G, 2nd Battalion, 5th Marines, 1st Marine Division, I Marine Expeditionary Force in support of Operation IRAQI FREEDOM on 12 April 2003.
Responding to a call to reinforce his Platoon that was ambushed, Corporal Martinez effectively deployed his team under fire in supporting positions for a squad assault. After his squad leader was wounded, he took control and led the assault through a tree line where the ambush originated. As his squad advanced to secure successive enemy positions, it received sustained small arms fire from a nearby building.
Enduring intense enemy fire and without regard for his own personal safety, Corporal Martinez launched a captured enemy rocket propelled grenade into the building temporarily silencing the enemy and allowing a wounded Marine to be evacuated and receive medical treatment. After receiving additional fire, he single-handedly assaulted the building and killed four enemy soldiers with a grenade and his rifle.
By his outstanding display of decisive leadership, unlimited courage in the face of heavy enemy fire, and utmost devotion to duty, Corporal Martinez reflected great credit upon himself and upheld the highest traditions of the Marine Corps and the United States Naval Service.
Wild Thing's comment........
Saying you support the troops but not their mission is like saying you support firefighters... but not putting out fires.
God bless our our troops, all of them and all their families as well.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (14)
Wesley Clark has Calls For Rush Removed From Armed Forces Radio
Wild Thing's comment........
It's amazing how desperate the Democrats have become.
Rush comments about "phony soldiers", mentioning the lying (convicted criminal) creampuff known as Jesse Macbeth, and the left go into a slobbering hysteria.
Failed presidential candidate General Wesley Clark has called for Rush to be removed from Armed Forces Radio. Is it just me, or is it odd that a former general and presidential candidate posts to a dripping Tampax of a site like Huffington Post? I think that fact alone is very telling. I wonder if he donated to MoveOn's General Betrayus ad?
What would you recommend as replacement programming, General? Barbra Streisand tunes?
Here is what Rush said today about this:
"Rush: Folks, I am more energized and focused on the task of advancing liberty and victory than ever before. I am more energized and focused on the task of defeating Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and Hillary Clinton than ever before. I will not rest. I'm not going to stop until they are exposed, until they are pushed back and defeated. They must not control our government; they must not be put in charge of our military; they must not gain the power they crave to shut down talk radio and free speech wherever they don't like it. They must not control anything in which our future is at stake. Let me add another point about all this. It has not gone unnoticed here that only a handful of Republicans and conservatives have dared to speak up about what has been taking place here. I see it. Most of them think I can handle these things on my own and so forth, but there's a fear out there. The fear and the weakness that permeates the Republican Party, and even parts of the conservative movement is also on display now, as it has been for too long. "
I am not going to put the link on this blog for the Huffington blog. No way, Huffington and all those that write articles at her site ( including this POS Wesley Clark) are all the enemy within.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:44 AM | Comments (8)
October 02, 2007
Soldiers and Marines Not Welcome In Passenger Terminal
Oakland Airport Outrage
Fox News
written by John Gibson
On a flight from Phoenix to San Antonio, a flight attendant came back to coach and quietly informed a young soldier returning from Iraq that a woman in first class wanted to switch seats with him. He went to the front — to the big seats and the hot lunch — and the first class lady came back to his bag-of-peanuts coach seat.
Passengers around her applauded and a few were moved to tears. Acknowledging the applause the first class lady said simply: "I did it because he deserves it."
Cut to the San Francisco Bay Area where soldiers and Marines returning to their home base in Hawaii stopped for a layover, but found they were not welcome in the passenger terminal.
This comes from noted neocon Michael Ledeen in the National Review, who reports receiving an e-mail from a Marine chaplain returning with troops from Iraq. The chaplain said when troops got to Oakland International Airport in Oakland, California — not far from San Francisco — the welcome mat was not out:
"On September 27, 204 Marines and soldiers who were returning from Iraq were not allowed into the passenger terminal at Oakland International Airport. Instead they had to deplane about 400 yards away from the terminal where the extra baggage trailers were located."
This was not a security measure. After going through super-tight security, checking for contraband, ammunition and explosives in Kuwait, the soldiers and Marines had been allowed in the terminal building in Germany and at JFK in New York. But on the far-left coast they were quarantined from civilians.
This smacks of the bad old days in the Bay Area when returning Vietnam vets were spat upon. Some high-ranking military person should make sure it never happens again. Our Iraq vets should be welcome anywhere and everywhere.
Wild Thing's comment........
Those **** wouldn't even let the Marines film in the streets. They refused to have a war ship as a museum, they vote to ban hand guns, and now they refuse to let Marines in to the airport terminal! That city needs to be ejected from the Union! Remove it from California, cut their funding, sever their water supplies, and let the liberal filth in that city starve! I AM BEYOND FEDUP with San Fransicko!
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (17)
Cut and Run Harry Reid Calls On Senators To Condemn Limbaugh
Reid Calls On Senators To Join In Condemning Limbaugh's Attack On Our Troops
Washington, DC—Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid made the following statement today on the floor of the U.S. Senate, urging Senators to sign a letter that calls on Mark P. Mays, CEO of Clear Channel Communications, to publicly repudiate Rush Limbaugh’s characterization of troops who speak out against the Iraq war as “phony soldiers.”
“On Friday, many Democrats joined me in drafting a letter to the Chief Executive Officer of Clear Channel, Mark Mays that we will send out this week. Here is what we wrote:
‘Dear Mr. Mays,‘At the time we sign this letter, 3,801 American soldiers have been killed in Iraq, and another 27,936 have been wounded. 160,000 others awoke this morning on foreign sand, far from home, to face the danger and uncertainty of another day at war.
‘Although Americans of goodwill debate the merits of this war, we can all agree that those who serve with such great courage deserve our deepest respect and gratitude. That is why Rush Limbaugh’s recent characterization of troops who oppose the war as “phony soldiers” is such an outrage.
‘Our troops are fighting and dying to bring to others the freedoms that many take for granted. It is unconscionable that Mr. Limbaugh would criticize them for exercising the fundamentally American right to free speech. Mr. Limbaugh has made outrageous remarks before, but this affront to our soldiers is beyond the pale.
‘The military, like any community within the United States, includes members both for and against the war. Senior generals, such as General John Batiste and Paul Eaton, have come out against the war while others have publicly supported it. A December 2006 poll conducted by the Military Times found just 35 percent of service members approved of President Bush’s handling of the war in Iraq, compared to 42 percent who disapproved. From this figure alone, it is clear that Mr. Limbaugh’s insult is directed at thousands of American service members.
‘Active and retired members of our armed forces have a unique perspective on the war and offer a valuable contribution to our national debate. In August, seven soldiers wrote an op-ed expressing their concern with the current strategy in Iraq. Tragically, since then, two of those seven soldiers have made the ultimate sacrifice in Iraq.
‘Thousands of active troops and veterans were subjected to Mr. Limbaugh’s unpatriotic and indefensible comments on your broadcast. We trust you will agree that not a single one of our sons, daughters, neighbors and friends serving overseas is a “phony soldier.” We call on you to publicly repudiate these comments that call into question their service and sacrifice and to ask Mr. Limbaugh to apologize for his comments.’
“Just as patriotism is the exclusive realm of neither party, taking a stand against those who spew hate and impugn the integrity of our troops is a job that belongs to all of us. I can’t help but wonder how my Republican colleagues would have reacted if the tables were turned – if a well-known Democratic radio personality had used the same insulting line of attack against troops who support the war.
“The letter I read will be available on the Senate floor for the entire day. My colleagues on both sides of the aisle will have every chance to add their names to it, and I encourage all of us to do so. If we take the Republican side at their word that last week’s vote on another controversial statement related to the war was truly about patriotism, not politics, then I have no doubt that they will stand with us against Limbaugh’s comments with equal fervor.
“I am confident we will see Republicans join with us in overwhelming numbers. Anything less would be a double standard that has no place in the United States Senate. I ask my colleagues, Democrat and Republican alike, to join together against this irresponsible, hateful, and unpatriotic attack by calling upon Rush Limbaugh to give our troops the apology they deserve.”
Rush Limbaugh respondes to the smear tactics of the Left
Wild Thing's comment........
Rush has challenged Harry Reid to come on his show and say what he is saying to his face on today's show. I bet Harry will be a no show. He is a total coward and he is telling lies once again, just trying to get rid of Rush.
They leftie liars do NOT support the troops, they are the ones that hold up signs that are anti-military, anti-American and Reid is a part of that crap.
Harry Reid is a disgrace and a puke punk to boot. He disgraces the Senate. He should be removed from office. He should apologize to our country immediately. And Tom Harkin, should be removed also for what he said. He is a Soros bitch along with Reid, Pelosi, Durbin and the rest of that pack.
You have the power-mad socialist element, along with the criminality all rolled into the lefts’s campaign for 2008. well funded with the perverted, demented likes of Soros, et al. The criminal, rotten Left cannot stand the daylight of TRUTH about itself. It does not want ANYONE TO HEAR THE TRUTH about them...who and what they are, and what their agenda for America is.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (12)
John Kerry Blasts Limbaugh Over ‘phony soldiers’ Remark
From The Hill, here's Senator John Kerry (D-MA) dishonestly blasting Rush:
Kerry blasts Limbaugh over ‘phony soldiers’ remark
Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) on Thursday demanded an apology from conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh, who called soldiers who oppose the Iraq war “phony.”
“This disgusting attack from Rush Limbaugh, cheerleader for the chicken-hawk wing of the far right, is an insult to American troops,” Kerry said. “Mr. Limbaugh owes an apology to everyone who has ever worn the uniform of our country, and an apology to the families of every soldier buried in Arlington National Cemetery.”
Wild Thing's comment........
This from a guy who asserted that our troops are “terrorizing Iraqi women and children in the dead of night," among the other things he has said and done!! Hmmmmm This from a guy that went to Paris to negotiate with the North Vietnamese while he was still a commissioned Naval officer! An act of treason for surr....yes THAT John Kerry.
Kerry has been riding the waves of a falsified Military resume for decades. F U John Effing Kerry.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (13)
October 01, 2007
Our Flag MIA at Debate Due To Not Wanting To Offend ~ WTF!
Whose broad stripes and bright stars?
Baltimore Sun
Republican front-runners weren’t the only things missing from the presidential debate stage. The American flag was AWOL, too.
The backdrop to the “All-American Presidential Forum,” brought to you by Tavis Smiley and PBS, was a map of the United States, superimposed with a checkerboard of multicultural faces.
Rep. Duncan Hunter of California, one of the presidential hopefuls, asked debate organizers to get Old Glory up there, too, according to Chris Cavey, first vice chairman of the state GOP.
Cavey was acting as an escort for another candidate, Tom Tancredo of Colorado, and heard Hunter’s request over his earpiece about half an hour before the show began.
“Escorts were wired. I heard [in the earpiece], ‘Congressman Hunter is requesting a flag on stage,’” Cavey said.
Request denied.
The buzz among some Republicans was that organizers thought the flag might “offend” some members of the audience. Cavey, while critical of the decision, chalks it up to aesthetics, not politics. Red-white-and-blue simply would have clashed with the map’s yellow-to-burnt-orange hues…
Isn’t it possible that the producers just couldn’t find a flag in time after Hunter raised the issue?
“They could have walked across the street to the police station to get a flag in half an hour, and I know personally that Morgan State University has a flag somewhere,” Cavey said. “I thought it was absolutely inappropriate that the ‘All-American Presidential Debate’ couldn’t even produce an American flag.”
Wild Thing's comment.........
Please read Mark's comment, it says it all and I agree!!
.....Thank you so much Mark for the heads up on this.
And thank you Mark for your comment on this:
"The reason ? Our flag MIGHT OFFEND someone in the audience. We have Red states and Blue states, the map on the stage was all different colors reflecting the multi-cultural, multi-diversity of the country. everything was there except the American Flag. Whose friggin country is it. And if someone is offended, why the hell don't we show these retarded sons of bitches the door.Who the hell is running the government Dr. Seuss, I mean c'mon if the American Flag offends someone, in the audience, living in this country, then their being in this country, is not that of being an American.
When are we going to stop being afraid of offending someone because of OUR culture. I say, if our country offends you, you have two choices 1.) F'n leave or... 2.) Shut the hell up and learn why you have the freedoms you have, it aint because of Hillary Clinton or any mealy mouthed self righteous F'n Liberal. It is because when we are challanged we kept this land because we won't back down.
I have had it with this multi-cultural crap, I have had it with 'Dissing God', He is the reason we have rights, I am tired of these punks trying to change the Pledge. We used to be a country of majority rule, since when does one disaffected individual have the right to tell the rest of us that our Culture and tradition is wrong, Screw that disaffected moron. We either got to stand up and fight to get our country back or we will surely lose it."
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:47 PM | Comments (13)
Marines Martial Arts Program
The Marine hits the ground, stares at the hot sun, and waits for a moment before sitting up. The instructor calls out, “Alright, your turn! Execute a hip throw!” With a devilish smile, the Marine thinks payback
Groans and occasional smiles flourished as approximately 20 Marines and sailors from Weapons Company, Battalion Landing Team, 2nd Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment, 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit, honed their martial arts skills and warrior ethos during a Marine Corps, Martial Arts Program
The course trained the leathernecks to qualify for their green belt, the third belt in the Corps’ five-belt martial arts system.
Staff Sgt. Ronald Sampson, a Combined Anti-Armor Platoon section leader with Weapons Co., who led the course, explained that their goal was to have the company qualify for green belt before the Dec. 31, 2008 deadline set by the Commandant of the Marine Corps Gen. James T. Conway.
However, Marines and sailors of Weapons Co. view the training as something more important than meeting a deadline.
"It builds the fighting spirit," said Cpl. John Cunningham, a machine gunner with Weapons Co. "It gets everyone in a combat mindset."
The seven-week course combines existing and new hand-to-hand and close combat techniques, with morale and team-building functions in what the Marine Corps calls the "Warrior Ethos.” Some of the techniques the war-fighters trained on were unarmed combat, edged weapons, weapons of opportunity and rifle and bayonet maneuvers.
As war-fighters who are accustomed to engaging the enemy with heavy firepower, the MCMAP training made for an addition to their typical training, explained Sampson. The students would participate in the course around their daily schedule.
"It's a fun way of doing (MCMAP), getting out there and sparing each other. Everyone wants to get out their and do it. As someone who has no background in martial arts, this is pretty interesting and a great learning experience,” said Cunningham, a native of El Segundo, Calif.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (9)
Cox and Forkum Taking a Final Bow
With mixed emotions I announce: John and I will no longer be producing editorial cartoons. John will continue posting his work at his blog, John Cox Art, and he and I will continue working together on various projects, but there will be no more regularly scheduled editorial cartoons. The Web site will remain running indefinitely, as a means to market our books and as an archive of our work.
"....Allen Forkum and I have hung up our spurs over at Cox and Forkum.com. You can read in detail the whys and wherefors of our decision but be assured.....I'm still kickin'. I've got lots to do here and you haven't seen NUTHIN' yet.....For all of those who have been aware of our work for the last few years, thank you for the encouragement you've so generously given. We've enjoyed the ride."
There is more of the explanation at the Cox and Forkum website.
Wild Thing's comment........
Thank you for all the great cartoons, that have lifted our spirits and had us laughing and also your many cartoons that spoke volumes of what was going on in today's world.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (4)
Iran's Parliament Signs Resolution to Label CIA, Army as 'Terrorist Organizations'
Iran's Parliament Signs Resolution to Label CIA, Army as 'Terrorist Organizations'
Fox News
Iran's parliament on Saturday approved a nonbinding resolution labeling the CIA and the U.S. Army "terrorist organizations," in apparent response to a Senate resolution seeking to give a similar designation to Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps.
The hard-line dominated parliament cited U.S. involvement in dropping nuclear bombs in Japan in World War II, using depleted uranium munitions in the Balkans, Afghanistan and Iraq, supporting the killings of Palestinians by Israel, bombing and killing Iraqi civilians, and torturing terror suspects in prisons.
"The aggressor U.S. Army and the Central Intelligence Agency are terrorists and also nurture terror," said a statement by the 215 lawmakers who signed the resolution at an open session of the Iranian parliament. The session was broadcast live on state-run radio.
The resolution, which is seen as a diplomatic offensive against the U.S., urges Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's government to treat the two as terrorist organizations. It also paves the way for the resolution to become legislation that — if ratified by the country's hardline constitutional watchdog — would become law.
The government is expected to wait for U.S. reaction before making its decision. In Washington, the White House declined to comment Saturday.
On Wednesday, the Senate voted 76-22 in favor of a resolution urging the State Department to designate Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps a terrorist organization. While the proposal attracted overwhelming bipartisan support, a small group of Democrats said they feared labeling the state-sponsored organization a terrorist group could be interpreted as a congressional authorization of military force in Iran.
The Bush administration had already been considering whether to blacklist an elite unit within the Revolutionary Guard, subjecting part of the vast military operation to financial sanctions.
The U.S. legislative push came a day after Ahmadinejad told world leaders at the U.N. General Assembly that his country would defy attempts to impose new sanctions by "arrogant powers" seeking to curb its nuclear program, accusing them of lying and imposing illegal penalties on his country.
He said the nuclear issue was now "closed" as a political issue and Iran would pursue the monitoring of its nuclear program "through its appropriate legal path," the International Atomic Energy Agency, which is the U.N.'s nuclear watchdog.
Tensions between the U.S. and Iran have escalated over Washington accusations that Iran is secretly trying to develop nuclear weapons and has been supplying Shiite militias in Iraq with deadly weapons used to kill U.S. troops. Iran denies both of the allegations.
Wild Thing's comment.............
OH really?? Ya think so??? Do Ya?? Well eat some of this!
Please CLICK link above to hear song
Carpet bombing just because we can if we want to!
This sounds like a declaration of war. If threatening to wipe out 6 million jews, attacking and killing our soldiers in Iraq and now this isn’t a out in the open come kick my butt invitation to war I don’t know what is.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (12)
In Country With Our Troops ~ We Thank You
"I was with that which others did not want to be, I went to where others feared to go, and did what others failed to do. I asked nothing of those who gave nothing, and reluctantly accepted the thought of eternal loneliness that I feel. I have seen the face of terror, felt the stinging cold of fear, And enjoyed the sweet taste of a moments love. I have cried pain and hope, But most of all I have lived times others would say were best forgotten. At least some day I'll be able to say, That I was proud what I was, A Soldier." ~anonymous

Soldiers uncover weapons cache in orchard
By Spc. Ricardo Branch
3rd Infantry Division Public Affairs
U.S. soldiers scoured the orchard of a small Iraqi village near here with the help of Iraqi Community Watch members.
Moving with weapons at the ready and armed with the latest bomb-finding materials, the soldiers of Troop B, 5th Squadron, 7th Cavalry Regiment and Iraqi Community Watch personnel were looking for a weapons cache used by the enemy.
“We received information from a local that people were coming in here, removing weapons from a cache and then transporting them on the back of a truck,” said Army Spc. Josh Sones, a Troop B cavalry scout. “They obviously had more stuff still here, so we took a patrol here today to find out.”
The 21-year-old said that upon arriving in the area, the searchers began looking for signs that someone else was in the area looking to find the cache.
“This cache wasn’t hard to find,” Sones said. “It was between two fig trees in an apple orchard. Finding something like this makes you feel like you’re making a difference here because you get a real good sense of accomplishment from finding it.”
Although the cache was not a large one, the soldiers said they are pleased to confiscate anything used by insurgents.
“Every bit helps out here,” Sones said. “Without weapons and munitions, they can’t do anything to us besides [stage] peaceful protests.”
Uncovered from the weapons cache were items commonly used to build improvised explosive devices: gunpowder, fertilizer, copper wire spools, a timer, blasting cap initiators, batteries and a couple 120mm artillery rounds. An explosive ordnance disposal team destroyed the cache in place.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:44 AM | Comments (6)