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August 31, 2006
President Bush 'assassinated' In New TV Docudrama
This is a direct threat
to the sitting president
of our country!
Bush is shot by a sniper in a scene from Death of a President.
This is the dramatic moment when President George Bush is gunned down by a sniper after a public address at a hotel, in a gripping new docudrama soon to be aired on TV.
Set around October 2007, President Bush is assassinated as he leaves the Sheraton Hotel in Chicago.
Death of a President, shot in the style of a retrospective documentary, looks at the effect the assassination of Bush has on America in light of its 'War on Terror'.
The 90 minutes feature explores who could have planned the murder, with a Syrian-born man wrongly put in the frame.
Peter Dale, head of More4, which is due to air the film on October 9, said the drama was a "thought-provoking critique" of contemporary US society.
He said: "It's an extraordinarily gripping and powerful piece of work, a drama constructed like a documentary that looks back at the assassination of George Bush as the starting point for a very gripping detective story."
"It's a pointed political examination of what the War on Terror did to the American body politic.
"I'm sure that there will be people who will be upset by it but when you watch it you realise what a sophisticated piece of work it is.
"It's not sensationalist, or simplistic but a very thought-provoking, powerful drama. I hope people will see that the intention behind it is good."
The film will premier at the Toronto Film Festival in September and was written and directed by Gabriel Range.The drama takes the form of a fictional documentary looking back at the assassination of Mr Bush in October 2007, after he has delivered a speech to business leaders in Chicago.
When Mr Bush arrives in the city he is confronted by a massive demonstration against the Iraq war and is gunned down by a sniper as he leaves the venue. The hunt for Mr Bush's killer focuses on a Syrian-born man, Jamal Abu Zikri.
Death of a President will use a combination of archive footage, CGI special effects and scripted scenes.
Actors play the fictional secret service agents and other aides who are with Mr Bush when he is shot and recall the incident in interviews recorded for the retrospective documentary.
Death of a President also looks at the differing viewpoints of the pro- and anti-Iraq war lobbies and the impact of Mr Bush's war on terror on the US.
Death of a President has been made by Borough Films, the independent producer responsible for two similar BBC2 fictional pieces in the style of retrospective documentaries.
It has been produced by Gabriel Range, Simon Finch and Ed Guiney. It is a Canadian film.
Wild Thing's comment.....
In all my life, I have never seen such vile hate that is now spewing from liberals. Honestly, it is frightening to see them display such abject hatred. Oh, sure, it's just a movie some will claim, but the fact is that out of the abundance of the heart doth the mouth speak.
I believe these people secretly desire someone to really assassinate President Bush and thus put out such suggestive fodder hoping that someone a bit more wacked-out will actually do the job. It is a vile and disgusting display!
Liberals have converted to Islam and suicide belts will be next. They have always had weak minds and empty souls, and their behavior over the last 6 years proves it.
This is absolutely disgusting....to do this to ANY sitting President is an absolute evil!!!
I'm glad that they are debuting this film, just before the election in November! Go ahead lefties, you came from hell just like the terrorists. You just keep showing the world why you are evil, how evil you truly are.
This film is a call to assassinate Bush and I am MAD AS HELL about it!!! A obvious recruitment film for an assassin
This isn't artistic freedom. This is celluloid assault upon the entire United States by imprinting in people's minds the possibility of killing the current head of state. Movies are more powerful than people imagine. We like to think art mimics politics. In reality, art has always been set up to manipulate and direct our lives, especially politics. That's why filmed propaganda like this is so lethal.
President Bush will be kicking Jihadi ass until Jan. 20th, 2009!!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 PM | Comments (13)
Lebanon Refuses Contact With Israel
Lebanon's Prime Minister Fuad Saniora gestures while talking at a press conference at the Government House, in Beirut, Lebanon, Wednesday, Aug. 30, 2006. Saniora said Wednesday that he refused to have any direct contact with Israel, and that Lebanon would be the last Arab country to ever sign a peace deal with the Jewish state. (AP Photo)
Lebanese Prime Minister Fuad Saniora said Wednesday that he refused to have any direct contact with Israel and Lebanon would be the last Arab country to ever sign a peace deal with the Jewish state.
"Let it be clear, we are not seeking any agreement until there is just and comprehensive peace based on the Arab initiative," he said.
He was referring to a plan that came out of a 2002 Arab League summit in Beirut. It calls for Israel to return all territories it conquered in the 1967 Mideast war, the establishment of a Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital and a solution to the Palestinian refugee problem — all in exchange for peace and full normalization of Arab relations with Israel.
Israel has long sought a peace deal with Lebanon, but Beirut has hesitated as long as Israel's conflicts with the Palestinians and Syria remained unresolved.
Saniora said Lebanon wants to go back to the 1949 armistice agreement that formally ended the Arab-Israeli war over Israel's creation.
Also on Wednesday, a Hezbollah cabinet minister said that the guerrilla group will not release two captured Israeli soldiers unconditionally, and that they would only be freed in a prisoner exchange.
"There will be no unconditional release. This is not possible," Minister of Energy and Hydraulic Resources Mohammed Fneish said in Beirut. He is one of two Hezbollah members in Lebanon's Cabinet.
"There should be an exchange through indirect negotiations. This is the principle to which Hezbollah and the resistance are adhering," he said.
Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said earlier Wednesday that the Israel-Hezbollah cease-fire could be "a cornerstone to build a new reality between Israel and Lebanon."
Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni and U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan also said they hoped the cease-fire deal could evolve into a full-fledged peace agreement between Israel and Lebanon.
Implementation of the cease-fire "gives us a foundation to move forward and settle the differences between Israel and Lebanon once and for all, to establish a durable peace," Annan said.
Also Wednesday, Saniora said that his government would pay $33,000 per house to compensate residents whose homes were destroyed by Israeli attacks. The government has been criticized for being slow to respond with financial support for people who lost homes in the fighting.
Saniora said 130,000 housing units had been destroyed or damaged in more than a month of Israeli airstrikes and ground fighting with Hezbollah guerrillas, mostly in south Lebanon. He did not give a breakdown of the completely destroyed houses.
Hezbollah launched rebuilding campaigns in its strongholds within days of the Aug. 14 cease-fire, burnishing its support among residents.
Saniora said he would ask delegates to an international donors' conference in Sweden on Thursday to take responsibility for rebuilding specific villages hit by Israeli attacks. Organizers of the conference are aiming to raise $500 million in aid for Lebanon, Sweden's aid minister said Tuesday.
Wild Thing's comment......
How about if Israel gets the leadership of the Hezbollah and Lebanon and then sends them back piece by piece until the IDF soldiers are released. That is the only thing the enemy will understand. Strong yes, but talks never have made a difference anyway. Israel needs to tell the UN to shove it, kick Olmert the heck out of office and get a man that still has his manhood and is loyal to his country instead of a weak kneed Hamas kisser that wants to give more and more land away to the PLO etc.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:47 AM | Comments (8)
The Bribe To Exit Pakistan: 15 cents
August 30, 2006
For a little more than the price of tea, Abdul Razzak, a trader, says he crosses illegally from Pakistan into Afghanistan every day.
Mr. Razzak, who stood recently near the border, preparing to cross, has no passport or identification documents of any kind. But that doesn't matter: For only 10 rupees (about 15 cents), he bribes the border security forces to let him through. Sometimes he pays 20.
"I bargain for the price. All of these people," he says, indicating the throngs of pedestrians moving toward the border check post, "when crossing the border, don't have documents. They're all paying the Frontier Constabulary the border security forces."
Chaman, the main border crossing into Kandahar 60 miles away, is supposed to be a model of border security, symbolizing Pakistan's commitment to containing the Taliban surge.
Instead, security measures are breached for mere pennies, bolstering the accusation that Taliban fighters based in Pakistan are infiltrating the volatile Afghan provinces of Kandahar and Helmand.
That accusation was most recently leveled by Gen. John Abizaid, commander of the US Central Command. He told reporters at Bagram air base that militants are using Pakistan as a base from which to infiltrate into Afghanistan. He was quick to add, however, that he did not believe the Pakistani government is conspiring with them.
"I think that Pakistan has done an awful lot in going after Al Qaeda and it's important that they don't let the Taliban groups be organized on the Pakistani side of the border," he told reporters.
For 12 hours a day every day, 35,000 people pour through the Friend Gate at Chaman. Families and burqa-clad women stream from Pakistan to Afghanistan, gingerly bridging the divide in seconds. Border guards do a quick pat down, and random searches of bags, but mostly the stream continues uninterrupted, pacing through metal detectors that do not beep or produce any sounds.
Abdul Haleem, who was preparing to cross last week, says migrants can bypass even the occasional searches of pedestrians by paying 100 rupees (about $1.50) to hop on the back of amotorcycle . With young men perched on top, motorcycles roar through the checkpoint, seeming to stop for no one. As many as 4,000 motorcycles pass through Chaman every day, according to police sources. Mr. Haleem says many of them are illegally transporting people over the border.
Karem Mumtaz Ahmed, head of the Madina Mosque in Chaman, spoke recently of 12 men and their lethal commitment to jihad. Mr. Ahmed met them the night before their passage into Afghanistan, and said they had shaved their beards before crossing through Chaman.
"Yes, it's true, people are going to southern Afghanistan from Pakistan," he says. "The government of Pakistan is not sending its people from here. People are going by themselves.... It is the responsibility of Muslims to fight."
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
Stop The ACLU Blogburst
Crossposted from Stop The ACLU
The ACLU thinks that parents have no right to know if their pregnant underage daughter is seeking an abortion.
vs. America
80% of Americans think that parents have the right to know if their minor daughters are seeking an abortion. (CBS News Poll July 13-14, 2005)
The ACLU believes anyone, for any reason at any time should be allowed to abort a child.
vs. America
75% of Americans believe that there should at least be some restrictions on abortion. (CNN/USA Today/Gallup Poll June 24-26, 2005)
The ACLU opposes abstinence education.
vs. America
96% of American parents with children under 17 want their kids taught that abstinence is the best approach to sex.
93% of American parents with children under 17 want their kids taught that having sex leads to disease and pregnancy.
85 % of American parents with children under 17 want abstinence to be taught with at least equal emphasis as contraception receives.
79% of American parents with children under 17 want their kids taught that teen sex leads to harmful psychological and physical effects. (http://www.heritage.org/research/welfare/bg1722.cfm )
The ACLU has fought to have constitutionally-sound displays that include the Ten Commandments removed from public property.
vs. America
75% of Americans believe that the Ten Commandments should be displayed on public property. (CNN/USA Today/Gallup Poll June 24-26, 2005)
The ACLU is on record as supporting polygamy.
vs. America
92% of Americans think polygamy is morally repugnant. (The Gallup Poll May 5-7, 2003)
The ACLU has filed cases across the nation to redefine marriage against the repeatedly expressed will of the people and, now the overwhelming affirmation by even Left-leaning courts that the state is justified in retaining the definition of marriage. (Note: the ACLU got smoked in an attempt to prevent Tennesseans from even having the opportunity to express their will at the polls this year.)
vs. America
21 states have recently voted to protect marriage by an average of 70%: Alaska 68%, Hawaii 69%, Nebraska 70%, California 61%, Nevada 67%, Arkansas 75%, Georgia 76%, Kentucky 75%, Louisiana 78%, Michigan 59%, Mississippi 86%, Missouri 71%, Montana 67%, North Dakota 73%, Ohio 62%, Oklahoma 76%, Oregon 57%, Utah 66%, Kansas 70%; Alabama 81%; Texas 76%
The ACLU believes that children should be trapped in failed public schools, even inner-city children whose parents desperately want to escape the captivity of government education.
vs. America
69% of Americans believe that parents should be able to choose their child's public school rather than being assigned based solely on residence location. (http://www.edreform.com/_upload/2005ncsw-poll.pdf).
63% of Americans believe that parents should be able to choose the best school for their child, whether public or private. (Zogby International Polling July 2002)
The ACLU opposes personally-initiated prayer in school and moments of silence as well as individual acknowledgement of religious beliefs at public events.
vs. America
83% of Americans think prayer should be permitted during school activities including graduation ceremonies. (Gallup/CNN/USA Today Poll June 25-27, 1999)
The ACLU has filed lawsuits and threatened cities and schools all across the country to prevent Christmas from being openly celebrated in public fora.
vs. America
96% of Americans celebrate Christmas
87% of Americans believe Christmas displays should be allowed on public property.
(FOX News Opinion Dynamics Poll December 3-4, 2003)
The ACLU has attacked Mt. Soledad memorial in San Diego since the the very beginning of Bush the Elder's Administration because it includes a cross. This is just one of countless examples of the ACLU's seek and destroy mission to eliminate all religious symbols from public grounds.
vs. America
76% of San Diegans voted to save the Mt. Soledad National War Memorial from the ACLU's attack on behalf of a single atheist. That atheist, Jim McElroy was quoted as saying following the vote: "It still doesn't mean a damn thing," he said, according to the San Diego Union-Tribune. "Voters should have never voted on it. It's a waste of taxpayers' money."
The reaction from ACLU-types will predictably be something like: "What is right and Constitutional is not always popular." Easy answer: What the ACLU does is invent rights and distort the Constitution, which is why the ACLU is so UNpopular. The ACLU has used dubious interpretations of law NEVER imagined by our Founders with compliance from radical judges to push an agenda abhorrent to most Americans and indeed to the intent of the Constitution. Look no further than the ACLU's pro bono defense of a website that advocates pedophilia and instructs its visitors in how to rape children and evade prosecution. So...the ACLU considers encouraging instruction on how to commit and get away with child rape a First Amendment right...does anyone believe that the Founders would agree? Therefore, can't we conclude that if the ACLU is so wrong on this, that it may be wrong on many other things? Judge the evidence for yourself.
This has been a production of Stop The ACLU Blogburst. If you would like to join us, please email Jay or Gribbit. You will be added to our mailing list and blogroll. Over 200 blogs already on-board.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (6)
August 30, 2006
Wictory Wednesday
This week Wictory Wednesday is highlighting the candidacy of Michael Steele for the Maryland Senate. It is a closely watched race that is in contention for a GOP and conservative pickup in the Senate. Currently there are two main contenders for the Democratic nomination, Kweisi Mfume and Ben Cardin.
Michael Steele is something of a mythical candidate to the left; he's a black conservative Republican and there has been a history from the left to use racial attacks against him. Two former staffers of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee were found guilty of stealing Steele's credit report -- a federal crime.
Lt. Gov. Steele supports strong programs to continue to grow the American economy and is particularly focused on expanding home ownership. It is crucial that as many citizens as possible own their own homes as home ownership is one of the major keys to economic independence and success. He understands that low taxes and reduced government grow the economy and increase jobs.
Steele is a supporter of transparency of lobbying expenses and fundraising and seeks to eliminate many of the "perks" of being a Senator, like gifts from lobbyists. He is solidly a supporter of earmark reform, a process that allows legislators to slip in pork barrel projects without executive or legislative review. Surprisingly there is no rule preventing a legislator for putting in an earmark where he stands to personally gain from that earmark. Steele is looking to end that.
Michael Steele understands that legal immigration is essential to a successful nation, however, a nation worthy of its name must enforce its laws. He supports sealing the border that allows such a flagrant area of lawlessness inside American soil. He also supports Social Security reform because he understands the nation's youth and young adults will have no retirement system if drastic reforms aren't made.
Please consider donating to or supporting the campaign of Michael Steele
This has been a production of the Wictory Wednesday blogburst. If you would like to join Wictory Wednesday, please see this post or contact John Bambenek at jcb (dot) blog [at] gmail {dot} com. The following sites are members of the Wictory Wednesday team:
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:47 PM | Comments (2)
ACLU In Love With Terrorists
ACLU Wants Suspected Terrorists Allowed Back Into U.S.
U.S. Blocks Men’s Return to California From Pakistan
LOS ANGELES, Aug. 28 — Federal authorities have prevented two relatives of a father and son convicted recently in a terrorism-related case from returning home to California from Pakistan unless they agree to be interviewed by the F.B.I.The United States attorney, McGregor W. Scott, reiterated a comment he had made to The San Francisco Chronicle, which reported Saturday about the Ismails’ troubles.
“They’ve been given the opportunity to meet with the F.B.I. over there and answer a few questions, and they’ve declined to do that,” Mr. Scott said through a spokeswoman, Mary Wenger.
The Ismails live in Lodi, Calif., a small farming town south of Sacramento, where their relatives Umer Hayat and his son, Hamid, were arrested last summer as part of what federal prosecutors said was an investigation into terrorist links.
The Ismails discovered they were on the federal government’s no-fly list of people not allowed to enter the United States after they were refused permission to board a connecting flight in Hong Kong on April 21; they had been trying to return to California after several years in Pakistan, said Julia Harumi Mass of the American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California, who is representing them.
Now lets get one thing straight… this is not a case of profiling. The FBI received information that Jaber had attending a Pakistani Terrorist Training camp. Now here comes this young man trying to return to the United States after being in Pakistan for 4 years doing “religious study”. I applaud the FBI and Department of Homeland Security for denying him access to this country until he submits to a polygraph test to determine if he has indeed attending a terrorist training camp.The ACLU on the other hand believes “They want to come home and have an absolute right to come home,” according to Julia Harumi Mass a lawyer for the American Civil Liberties Union. An absolute right?? The term absolute right reflects rights that cannot be taken away, such as Freedom of Speech, and Freedom of Religion. Suspected terrorists DO NOT have an absolute right to enter this country, even if they are US citizens!
Wild Thing's comment.....
I would like to know who the hell died and made the ACLU the boss, the leader of this country. Who the heck put them in charge of Homeland Security!!!
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:55 AM | Comments (10)
Muslim Man Goes On A Hit And Run Spree
Up to 14 hurt in SF hit-and-run spree 7 critical; driver believed to have struck, killed a man in Fremont earlier
San Francisco Chronicle
Updated 6:13 p.m. -- As many as 14 people were injured this afternoon by a motorist who drove around San Francisco deliberately running them down before being arrested by police, who believe the same driver struck and killed a man earlier today in Fremont.
At least one hit-and-run victim remained in critical condition this evening.
Reports of the incidents began pouring in at 12:47 p.m., police said.
Within a half-hour, San Francisco police had cornered and arrested 29-year-old Omeed Aziz Popal, who has addresses in Ceres (Stanislaus County) and Fremont.
Authorities suspect Popal was the same driver who ran over and killed a 54-year-old man in Fremont around noon.
That man, whose name was not immediately released, had been walking in a bicycle lane at Fremont Boulevard near Ferry Lane when he was struck and thrown into a field, where, as of 5:30 p.m., his body remained covered with a tarp.
That crash scene is just blocks from Popal's Fremont address, where he had most recently been living.
San Francisco police spokesman Sgt. Neville Gittens said the attacks in the city occurred at 12 locations over a 20-minute period.
"The hits were intentional,'' he said, noting that police are treating them as assaults.
Gittens had no information about a possible motive.
Popal was arrested after patrol cars boxed in his black Honda SUV, its windshield and right front headlight smashed, outside a Walgreens store on Spruce Street between California and Mayfair in the Laurel Heights area.
A dental office manager, who identified herself only as Kira, watched from a second-floor window as police dragged the driver out of his vehicle.
"He was absolutely indifferent, no fear, no expression,'' she said. "He was like a zombie.''
Architect Jeremy Warms also saw police pull Popal out of the SUV and sit him down on the curb.
"He looked calm and pretty clean-cut, like a normal guy,'' Warms said. "He sat on the pavement for a good 25 minutes. I don't think anyone said anything to him. They put him in a police car and took him away.''
This evening, it was unclear exactly how many people had been injured, and in what order the incidents occurred. The police reported the following injuries:
-- Two people, one of them a child, were seriously injured on the 3500 block of California Street in Laurel Heights.
-- Three people were hit at California and Fillmore streets. Witnesses said they included a man with a broken hip and a woman with a gashed head.
-- Two people were seriously hurt at Bush and Pierce streets.
-- One person was seriously injured at Bush and Buchanan streets.
-- One person suffered minor injuries in an incident at 1850 Fillmore St.
-- Two other people suffered minor injuries when they were hit at Pine at Divisadero streets.
-- Two people were hit and suffered minor injuries at Divisadero and Bush streets.
"It was like 'Death Race 2000,' " firefighter Danny Bright said at California and Fillmore streets as an ambulance stood nearby. "Guys were walking down the sidewalk, and the guy just came up and ran them over. The guy went crazy."
Mayor Gavin Newsom visited five of the victims at San Francisco General Hospital.
"This was so senseless and inexplicable,'' the mayor said afterward.
One man he visited, who identified himself as Jesse, said as he was walking out of the hospital, "The car came after me. I'm lucky to be alive. Life is good.''
Of the other six victims taken to S.F. General, who ranged in age from 18 to 84, four were scheduled to be discharged later in the day, and one was in critical condition in the intensive care unit, said Eileen Shields, spokeswoman for the city Public Health Department.
Three other victims were taken to St. Francis Hospital, one to Kaiser and two to California Pacific Medical Center, authorities said.
Emanule Gowan, 50, said he had been standing on his Steiner Street doorstep around 1 p.m. when an SUV roared by, driving the wrong way down Bush Street, and hit an elderly man in the crosswalk.
"The man must have gone up in the air about 8 feet and landed on the SUV's windshield,'' Gowan said. "He slid off the windshield, and the SUV rolled right over him and took off, leaving the man hollering on the ground.''
After running a stop sign and hitting another pedestrian in a crosswalk on Sutter Street, the driver headed off down Steiner, Gowan said.
"I looked right at him, and he looked at me as he busted down the street," Gowan said. "He was very calm.''
Other witnesses described the SUV as jumping the sidewalk in apparent pursuit of pedestrians.
Jackie Le, owner of J.T. Nails on Fillmore Street, said she was filing a customer's nails around 12:50 p.m. when the woman started screaming, "Oh my God, an SUV on the sidewalk -- it hit a woman on the sidewalk.''
Linda Tuttle, a stylist at a beauty salon on Fillmore between Bush and Sutter, said she saw the driver heading down the sidewalk, sitting close to the steering wheel, an angry look on his face.
Larry Jackson saw the vehicle driving the right direction on Bush Street, slowing at the intersection of Pierce Street as a woman walked in the crosswalk.
"He let her walk by till she got in front of him, and he just punched it," Jackson said. He attended to the woman and, a short time later, the driver roared down Bush in the wrong direction.
The SUV struck two people in front of the Jewish Community Center of San Francisco on California Street, a few blocks from where the rampage ended.
Blood covered the sidewalk in front of the center's gift store entrance, and 50 feet farther down the sidewalk lay a mangled bicycle.
Security cameras in front of the center captured images of the incident, which happened at 1:12 p.m., according to Aaron Rosenthal, spokesman for the community center.
One victim, Pedro Aglugov, 70, was sitting at a table at a sidewalk cafe at California and Fillmore with his head bandaged with gauze, holding an ice pack to one elbow.
"He was going real fast," Aglugov said of the driver. "I was lucky I wasn't hurt more.''
Eliseo Billones Jr., 24, a canvasser for Greenpeace, had been standing on the corner when Aglugov was hit.
"He was going berserk," Billones said of the driver. "It was a red light, and he just ran the red light. I saw him (Aglugov) hit the corner of the bumper and tumble.''
Barclay Lynn, 39, of San Francisco, said she and a friend had been traveling east on Bush when they noticed a black SUV driving away and saw that a motorcyclist had been hit.
"The motorcyclist stood in the intersection trying to signal the driver to stop,'' Lynn said. The SUV then "went speeding in reverse on Bush heading west, weaving in and out of traffic. The whole right side of his SUV was smashed in.''
At Frankie's Bohemian Cafe at Divisadero and Pine, a man named William, who asked that his last name not be used, said he had been walking south on Divisadero when "we heard the thump, turned around, saw bodies flying.''
The driver went down Pine and Bush, "stood on the gas," then a couple of minutes later "came flying up through the bus lane" headed north on Divisadero.
Another man at the cafe, Max Bran, said, "We thought he was going to stop and give up, but instead he just stepped on the gas. It didn't matter, regardless of the lights.''
Bran said he saw a woman knocked down. "She was just crossing the street, just crossing the street," he said. "In fact, I had just crossed the street.''
Authorities suspect that the SUV is the same one that struck and killed a pedestrian in Fremont earlier today.
That victim had been walking north on Fremont Boulevard in the bicycle lane when he was struck from behind and knocked several feet into a field, Fremont Officer Alan Zambonin said.
He was pronounced dead at the scene. The black SUV, a Honda described as a Pilot or a CRV, made no attempt to stop or help the victim, police said.
Zambonin estimated the SUV had been traveling as fast as 50 mph and sped away with a shattered windshield and damage to the right front side.
"It's a good possibility (the incidents) are all connected,'' Zambonin said.
KRON has a video of what happened. It also tells of how three people living in the residence (a Cabrillo Drive house) were taken down to Fremont police headquarters for questioning.
The man's family is claiming he is was upset returning recently from Afghanistan where he was recently married, and that he is not well mentally. Mercury News
Wild Thing's comment........
I honestly don't care what the reason is, if you listen to the video the family member is asked how he feels about what his relative did, how his mother feels and it is more of the Muslim BS. You know telling us what a nice bog he is and nothing of remorse for the victims of their jihad Muslim son's actions. Screw you Muslims, one day you might learn that normal people would have said how sorry they were for what their son did. Mentally ill or not!
This jihad Muslim knew the Jewish Center was there, he aimed at it!
* Something and Half of Something
* Michelle Malkin
* Hugh Hewitt
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (6)
Number 1 Threat To America
Wild Thing's comment.......
You just know I had to post this since I am a teddy bear collector and the name of my blog is Theodore's World
(aka PC Free Zone) after Theodore Roosevelt.
Just a little something for fun for all of you. Thank you Linda for the video. ( giggle)
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (5)
August 29, 2006
Ahmadinejad Wants To Debate Bush
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Tuesday invited US President George W. Bush to a uncensored and live television debate. Ahmadinejad said:
"I offer Mr Bush to take part in a TV debate with me without any censorship so that we put forward our views on ways to come out of the current international crises".
PressZoom - Ahmadinejad did not take any position to concrete topics like the atomic conflict the Iran. Ahmadinejad criticized that the USA and Great Britain used the UN, in order to force the world upon their will.
Ahmadinejad said: "I offer Mr Bush to take part in a TV debate with me without any censorship so that we put forward our views on ways to come out of the current international crises".
Ahmadinejad's condition: "This TV debate may not be censored for US public".
During the television debate, he would like to discuss possibilities with Bush of diminishing the up-to-date existing tensions.
"We have proposals for resolving the international crises on the basis of justice, dignity and equality of human being," Ahmadinejad added.
You can VOTE at CNN who you think would win the debate.
Just scroll down on right side to see where to vote.
Get this Ahmadinejad is ahead. WTF!
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:27 PM | Comments (6)
The Cat Who Crossed The Border
IDF News
By Amir Kidon
An unusual sight was seen a few days ago, with the exit of Paratrooper Brigade forces from Lebanon: one of the brigade reserve soldiers was carrying, along with all his heavy equipment and weapon, a white kitten. "On the way back to Israeli territory we passed through the village of Kauzer," said the soldier, "and all of a sudden I saw a kitten coming out of one of the houses. After a few seconds I realized it is wounded and that its hearing has been hurt. I picked it up and carried it for six kilometers, until we reached Israeli territory. I decided it deserves a better future. After all, it is not its fault that war broke out." The first thing the cat and its new owner did after having crossed the border into Israeli territory was to share IDF military canned meat. The cat was named Kauzer by its new owner.
And here is another adorable kitty.
Kitten on porch of Katyusha-damaged apartment building in Nahariya
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:47 AM | Comments (4)
Please Pray for Friend and Fellow Blogger ~ Delftsman
This morning at 0800 hrs Delftsman will be having surgery. Please pray for him, for the surgeon and for his family.
Delftsman is a dear friend and could use all our prayers.
Thank you so much
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
UNIFIL Broadcast Israeli Troops Movements
What did you do in the war, UNIFIL?
DURING THE RECENT month-long war between Hezbollah and Israel, U.N. "peacekeeping" forces made a startling contribution: They openly published daily real-time intelligence, of obvious usefulness to Hezbollah, on the location, equipment, and force structure of Israeli troops in Lebanon.
UNIFIL--the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon, a nearly 2,000-man blue-helmet contingent that has been present on the Lebanon-Israel border since 1978--is officially neutral. Yet, throughout the recent war, it posted on its website for all to see precise information about the movements of Israeli Defense Forces soldiers and the nature of their weaponry and materiel, even specifying the placement of IDF safety structures within hours of their construction. New information was sometimes only 30 minutes old when it was posted, and never more than 24 hours old.
Meanwhile, UNIFIL posted not a single item of specific intelligence regarding Hezbollah forces. Statements on the order of Hezbollah "fired rockets in large numbers from various locations" and Hezbollah's rockets "were fired in significantly larger numbers from various locations" are as precise as its coverage of the other side ever got.
Inquiries made of various Israeli military and government representatives and analysts yielded near unanimous agreement that at least some of UNIFIL's postings, in the words of one retired senior military analyst, "could have exposed Israeli soldiers to grave danger." These analysts, including a current high ranking military official, noted that the same intelligence would not have been provided by the U.N. about Israel's enemies.
Sure enough, a review of every single UNIFIL web posting during the war shows that, while UNIFIL was daily revealing the towns where Israeli soldiers were located, the positions from which they were firing, and when and how they had entered Lebanese territory, it never described Hezbollah movements or locations with any specificity whatsoever.
Compare the vague "various locations" language with this UNIFIL posting from July 25:
Yesterday and during last night, the IDF moved significant reinforcements, including a number of tanks, armored personnel carriers, bulldozers and infantry, to the area of Marun Al Ras inside Lebanese territory. The IDF advanced from that area north toward Bint Jubayl, and south towards Yarun.
Or with the posting on July 24, in which UNIFIL revealed that the IDF stationed between Marun Al Ras and Bint Jubayl were "significantly reinforced during the night and this morning with a number of tanks and armored personnel carriers."
You can read the rest of the article HERE
Wild Thing's comment....
The UN is a despicable conglomeration of despots and dictators under the auspicious leadership of Kofi the Kommie.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (2)
Good! We can nuke Iran and just say it never happened!
Ahmadinejad: Holocaust made up to embarrass Germany
Iranian president, in a letter to German chancellor, once again questions veracity of Holocaust, suggests it was an Allied ploy to impede German progress.
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has told German Chancellor Angela Merkel that the Holocaust may have been invented by the victorious Allied powers in World War II to embarrass Germany, the semi-official news agency Mehr reported.
The remarks by the outspoken Ahmadinejad, who has repeatedly questioned the veracity of the Holocaust, came in a letter sent to Merkel in July whose contents have not been disclosed until now.
"Is it not a reasonable possibility that some countries that had won the war made up this excuse to constantly embarrass the defeated people ... to bar their progress," Ahmadinejad asked in the letter.
"The question is if these countries, especially Britain, felt responsible for the Holocaust survivors, why they did not settle them in their own countries?" he continued.
It is not the first time Ahmadinejad has voiced doubt about the mass slaughter of Jews under Nazi Germany, previously describing the Holocaust as a "myth" used to justify the creation of Israel .
"By promoting the necessity of settlement of Holocaust survivors in the occupied Palestine, they have created a constant threat in the Middle East," he said, referring to Israel.
Merkel indicated that she would not formally respond to the letter, saying it contained "totally unacceptable" criticism of Israel and "constantly put in question" the Jewish state's right to exist.
Wild Thing's comment.....
Psycho Mahmoud Ahmadinejad certainly loves to write letters. He needs a blog of his own and then he can put little animated Muzzies running around on it and a sound track of Allah Akbar.
I'm sure he is not too happy about Germany selling Israel two nuclear submarines. Heheheheheheheh
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:44 AM | Comments (3)
August 28, 2006
Dearest Gilad ~ May you come home safe soon!
It is your 20th Birthday today, Gilad.
May peace and freedom be the air you breathe very soon.
You are in my thoughts and prayers.
When you are released and you WILL be, you have to be,
then everyday will be your birthday. We celebrate your life
and we will celebrate your release too.
Wild Thing
Neighbors of the family described the Shalits as "extremely quiet, gentle and nice."The family were among the founders of the small community of Mitzpe Hila in the Lower Galilee, a popular retreat for Israelis seeking bed and breakfast establishments in the country's north.
"He's such a great kid," said the neighbor. "This is very hard for all of us. We are in shock since we heard about the incident," she said.
"He's one of the funniest people I've ever met," Shalit's friend Dor Peled told Israel Radio. "He loves sports, soccer; he's very athletic." Peled said. He added that Shalit was a good friend, who had never done anyone a bad turn.
A student who excelled in mathematics, Shalit once sat with him for two hours before an exam, Peled said.
"What I couldn't learn in weeks he taught me in a couple of hours."
Ilana Zrihen, another neighbor, said the family was just waiting to hear that their son would be home soon. "Gilad is a magical kid, quiet and cheerful, everyone's friend," she told Israel Radio. "May he come home soon," she added.
In Jerusalem, thousands gathered at the Western Wall to pray for Shalit's safe return.
A dedicated basketball fan, he would get up in the middle of the night to watch NBA games broadcast live from the United States.
"He's the quiet one, always smiling," said Matan Zrihen, 16, who grew up next door. "He was never one of those kids who were loud or made trouble. He's very gentle."
He is the first Israeli soldier captured by Palestinians since Nachson Wachsman in 1994. Early on Sunday morning, June 25, 2006, he was captured by Palestinians who attacked an army post in Israel after crossing the border from the Gaza Strip into Israel via a tunnel near the Kerem Shalom crossing at the south Gaza Strip border. During the morning attack, two of his friends also Israel Defense Force soldiers were killed and four others wounded, He suffered a broken left hand and a light shoulder wound.
Thank you Linda for letting me know it is Gilad Shalit's 20th Birthday today.
Posted by Wild Thing at 10:55 AM | Comments (2)
Nasrallah Does The Muslim Whine
Nasrallah sorry for scale of war BBC
Hezbollah chief Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah has said he would not have ordered the capture of two Israeli soldiers if he had known it would lead to such a war.
"Had we known that the kidnapping of the soldiers would have led to this, we would definitely not have done it," he said in an interview on Lebanese TV.
"We did not think that there was a 1% chance that the kidnapping would lead to a war of this scale and magnitude," Sheikh Nasrallah said.
"Now you ask me if this was 11 July and there was a 1% chance that the kidnapping would lead to a war like the one that has taken place, would you go ahead with the kidnapping?
"I would say no, definitely not, for humanitarian, moral, social, security, military and political reasons.
Wild Thing's comment......
Nasrallah so you returned them, right? And made 100% sure no more rockets were fired randomly into the civilian areas of Israel, right?
Maybe the islamists should quit committing war crimes.
The point is to effect such a disproportionate response that terrorists clearly understand their actions aren't worth it. Nasrallah's statement is proof that approach works. Do the freakin' muslim garbage think the world is going to roll over for their murder and mayhem, America and Israel's answer is NO we won't!
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (5)
Helo Thunder
Wild Thing's comment.....
I absolutely love this, I could ride in one of these every single day. This is an awesome video of helicopters in action. This is so cool and inspiring to see men and women who love their country with a PASSION and awe-inspiring bravery!!! Very cool dropping the packages.
The music is by an Australian Group, AC/DC (Accadaca).
Thank you Jack, Conservative Insurgent for sending this to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (3)
No Punches Pulled Here
Insight of a Sergeant Major
(The author, J.D. Pendry, is a retired Army Command Sergeant Major who writes for Random House.)
Jimmy Carter, you're the father of the Islamic Nazi movement. You threw the Shah under the bus, welcomed the Ayatollah home and then lacked the spine to confront the terrorists when they took our embassy and our people hostage. You're the Runner-in-Chief.
Bill Clinton, you played "ring around the Lewinsky" while the terrorists were at war with us. You got us into a fight with them in Somalia, and then you ran from it. Your weak-willed responses embolden the killers. Each time you failed to respond adequately they grew bolder, until 9/11.
John Kerry, dishonesty is your most prominent attribute. You lied about American Soldiers in Vietnam. Your military service, like your life, is more fiction than fact. You've accused our Soldiers of terrorizing women and in Iraq. Yo u called Iraq the wrong war, wrong place, wrong time... the same words you used to describe Vietnam. You're a fake. You want to run from Iraq and abandon the Iraqis to murderers just as you did the Vietnamese. Iraq, like Vietnam is another war that you were for, before you were against it.
John Murtha, you said our military was broken. You said we can't win militarily in Iraq. You accused United States Marines of cold-blooded murder without proof. And said we should redeploy to Okinawa. Okinawa, John? And the Democrats call you their military expert. Are you sure you didn't suffer a traumatic brain injury while you were off building your war hero resume? You're a sad, pitiable, corrupt and washed up politician. You're not a Marine sir. You wouldn't amount to a pimple on a real Marine's a**. You're a phony and a disgrace. Run away John.
Dick Durbin, you accused our Soldiers at Guantanamo of being Nazis, tenders of Soviet style gulags and as bad as the regime of Pol Pot who murdered two million of his own people after your party abandoned South East Asia to the Communists. Now you want to abandon the Iraqis to the same fate. History was not a good teacher for you, was it? See Dick run.
Ted Kennedy, for days on end you held poster sized pictures from Abu Grhaib in front of any available television camera. Al Jazeera quoted you saying that Iraqis torture chambers were open under new management. Did you see the news this week Teddy? The Islamic Nazis demonstrate real torture for you again. If you truly supported our troops, you'd show the world poster-sized pictures of that atrocity and demand the annihilation of it. Your legislation stripping support from the South Vietnamese which led to a communist victory there. You're a bloated fool bent on repeating the same historical blunder that turned freedom-seeking people over to homicidal, genocidal maniacs. To paraphrase John Murtha, all while sitting on you wide, gin- soaked rear-end in Washington.
Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Carl Levine, Barbara Boxer, Diane Feinstein, Russ Feingold, Hillary Clinton, Pat Leahy, Chuck Schumer et al ad nauseam. Every time you stand in front of television cameras and broadcast to the Islamic Nazis that we went to war because our President lied. That the war is wrong and our Soldiers are torturers. That we should leave Iraq, you give the Islamic butchers - the same ones that tortured and mutilated American Soldiers - cause to think that we will run away again and all they have to do is hang on a little longer.
American news media, the New York Times particularly. Each time you publish stories about national defense secrets and our intelligence gathering methods, you become one with the sub-human pieces of camel dung that torture and mutilate the bodies of American Soldiers. You can't strike up the courage to publish cartoons, but you can help Al Qaeda destroy my country. Actually, you are more dangerous to us than Al Qaeda is. Think about that each time you face Mecca to admire your Pulitzer.
You are America's axis of idiots. Your collective stupidity will destroy us. Self-serving politics and terrorist abetting news scoops are more important to you than our national security or the lives of innocent civilians and Soldiers. It bothers you that defending ourselves gets in the way of your elitist sport of politics and your ignorant editorializing. There is as much blood on your hands as is on the hands of murdering terrorists. Don't ever doubt that. Your frolics will only serve to extend this war as they extended Vietnam. If you want our Soldiers home, as you claim, knock off the crap and try supporting your country ahead of supporting your silly political aims and aiding our enemies. Yes, I'm questioning your patriotism. Your loyalty ends with -self. I'm also questioning why you're stealing air that decent Americans could be breathing. You don't deserve the protection of our men and women in uniform. You need to run away from this war and this country. Leave the war to the people who have the will to see it through and the country to people who are willing to defend it.
No Commander in Chief, you don't get off the hook either. Our country has two enemies. Those who want to destroy us from the outside and those who attempt it from within. Your Soldiers are dealing with the outside force. It's your obligation to support them by confronting the axis of idiots. America must hear it from you that these people are harming our country, abetting the enemy and endangering our safety. Well up a little anger please, and channel it toward the appropriate target. You must prosecute those who leak national security secrets to the media. You must prosecute those in the media who knowingly publish those secrets. Our Soldiers need you to confront the enemy that they cannot. They need you to do it now.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:44 AM | Comments (6)
August 27, 2006
Something To Realize
A Hostage Affair in Gaza is Ended by a Three-Part Ransom
DEBKA file
On the face of it, conversion to Islam would appear to provide a painless escape device for any hostage who happens to fall into fundamentalist terrorist hands. After all, once free, the hostage can always revert to his real faith or non-faith. It is hard to blame the two Fox News journalists, the American Steve Centanni, 60, and the New Zealander, Olaf Wiig, 36, for taking that path on to buy their way out of an uncertain fate at the hands of Palestinian terrorists – especially as they later reported they were forced to make the gesture at gunpoint.
And, indeed the two journalists were released from 13 days of captivity in Gaza three hours after announcing their conversion on a new videotape released by the kidnappers in Gaza.
Relief over the two journalists’ coming safely out of their ordeal is quite apart from considerations of the consequences for the war on terrorism. It must be said that the Palestinian kidnappers also walked away without suffering any harm and can keep on snatching victims without fear – exactly as the same terrorist gang got away with murdering three Americans in Gaza in 2003. In fact, the prime minister Ismail Haniya, who belongs to an Islamist terror group, was allowed to take credit for the release after winning a face saver in the form of the conversions and an anti-American diatribe.
Some further points are worth considering:
1. Shortly after Centanni and Wiig were snatched by masked gunmen in Gaza on Aug. 14, the various intelligence agencies operating in Gaza knew who the kidnapper was: the Palestinian warlord Zakaria Dughmush, who had been hired by the same Hamas group which on June 25 kidnapped and - is still holding - the Israeli soldier Gilead Shalit.
Dughmush is a former follower of the late Jemal Semhadana, head of the Palestinian Popular Resistance Committees who was killed in Rafah by rockets fired from an Israeli warplane on June 8, 2006. Semhadana was the first Palestinian terrorist to attack Americans. He staged the bombing attack of October 15, 2003 on a US embassy convoy from Tel Aviv as it drove past Beit Hanoun in the northern Gaza Strip. Three American security officers died in that attack.
After Semhadana’s death, his PRC fragmented into several small militias, one of them led by Dughmush, a fundamentalist freelance terrorist, who set up base in Gaza City. He was adopted by Hamas, but also draws funds and weapons from al Qaeda and Hizballah elements working together in the Gaza Strip.
The efforts of the Hamas abductors of Shalit to negotiate a prisoner swap broke down. Hamas ended up refusing the quid pro quo of a promise by Israeli prime minister Ehud Olmert, already deposited with Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak, to release 600 Palestinian prisoners. The abductors held out for a simultaneous trade and then withdrew from the talks.
Then, when pressure built up to end the episode which was embarrassing Haniya, Mahmoud Abbas and others, they contracted Dughmush to stage a more spectacular abduction operation. He chose the two American Fox New journalists as his prey.
2. Although the foreign intelligence agencies with a presence in Gaza knew where the Fox reporters were being held, neither the Americans, the Israelis nor the British – the senior US ally in the war on terror – were willing to go in and recover them by force, or even lay hands on Dughmush and his gunmen.
In the final reckoning, the Palestinians were granted a face-saver – the Hamas prime minister in particular, who is using the release of the American and the New Zealander to whitewash his organization, without freeing the Israeli soldier.
3. Various Palestinian middlemen were used by British agents at the request of the US to bring the Fox journalists home. They worked out a convoluted deal which entailed their public conversion to Islam, an anti-American harangue on air and a six-figure cash ransom paid under the table to Dughmush to fund his terrorist militia’s operations in Gaza. While the first two parts of the ransom were publicly aired, the third part will no doubt be vehemently denied. But the face remains that a terrorist chief who freelances for at least three fundamentalist terrorist organizations walks free with a strong incentive to develop his profitable hostage-taking business.
4. For Israel, the fate of Gilead Shalit, whom Hamas kidnapped from sovereign Israel in a cross-border assault, is left up in the air. Israel did not link him to the two Fox journalists; Hamas did. The Americans, the New Zealanders and the British worked fast to separate the two abduction episodes. Israeli prime minister Ehud Olmert, who says he does not sleep at night for worrying about Shalit and the two Israelis in Hizballah hands, did not take advantage of the subsequent abductions of Centanni and Wiig to have him included in the package for their release. He must have known that the two journalists would not have been released without the say-so of the Hamas group holding the Israeli soldier. This was a card Olmert did not play.
All that remains to be found out now about this shabby episode is the size of the rake-off the Palestinian warlord Dughmush has handed over from his ransom to Shalit’s Hamas abductors.
Posted by Wild Thing at 11:55 AM | Comments (4)
Thank God! But NO Thank You Allah the Moon god
Fox News
GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip — Two FOX News journalists were released by their kidnappers Sunday, nearly two weeks after they were taken hostage in the Gaza Strip.
The two journalists were dropped off at Gaza City's Beach Hotel by Palestinian security officials and appeared to be in good health. A tearful Centanni embraced a Palestinian journalist briefly as he entered, then rushed upstairs as Wiig followed.
Centanni, in a phone interview shortly after his release, said "I'm fine. I'm just so happy to be free."
He said he was so emotional because he was out and alive.
"There were times when I thought 'I'm dead,' and I'm not," Centanni said. "I'm fine. I'm so very happy."
He recounted how he and Wiig were pulled out of their car on August 14 and taken at gunpoint into another car. The kidnappers blindfolded them and handcuffed their hands behind their backs with plastic ties. They were then transferred to another car and driven to a building that they later learned was a garage.
"We were pushed down onto the dirt-covered concrete floor and we were forced to life face down with our handcuffs on," Centanni said.
"Olaf was in the same room with me. Our shoulders were wrenched back, very painful."
Both of the men were forced to convert to Islam at gunpoint, Centanni said.
"We were forced to convert to Islam at gunpoint," Centanni told FOX News. "Don't get me wrong here. I have the highest respect for Islam, and I learned a lot of good things about it, but it was something we felt we had to do because they had the guns, and we didn't know what the hell was going on."
"My name is Steve, I am American, after I entered Islam I changed my name to Khaled," Fox News Correspondent, Steve Centanni said in the Video."My name is Olaf, I am from New Zealand. After I entered the Islam I changed my name became Yaqoub," said Fox News Cameraman, Olaf Wiig.
Wild Thing's comment.....
I am glad these two men are free, I thank God for it, and I have prayed for their safety and that nothing would happen to them such as beheading that the followers of Islam love to do.
I am STILL praying for the release, ALIVE and well of the IDF soldiers that have all but been forgotten by so many.
Palestinian Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh, is a terrorists, an evil man from the depths of hell. IMO he is going to use this to say how wonderful he is ( which he is NOT) and how Islam is the religion of peace. ( which it is NOT)
When we all know Islam is NOT the religion of peace it is a death cult and let us never forget that.
I was listening to the three stooges on Fox & Friends and they were going on and on about how great it was that the two journalists didn't have any animosity towards their captors, they were being professional in doing so, etc.. I found this smacked of appalling, sickening, and full of the usual liberal American guilt. We are talking about vicious animal terrorists, kidnapped two of their own (other journalists), threatened them, and the three stooges felt they had to humanize these terrorist and basically give them a pass. I thought the moral relativism by the news media was disgusting.
Fake conversion is not the issue.
The press pretending that Hamas and the Pals had nothing to do with this kidnapping is sickening.So now we are supposed to swallow the line that the "good people" of Hamas and the Pal authority worked hard to get their release from some mythical "radical" group?
Thank goodness for Brit Hume, he is the BEST! His commentary regarding the release and forced conversions of Steve Centanni and Olaf Wigg is just fabulous. He said something like: What a "great" faith is Islam when people are forced to convert at the end of a gun"? (something like that)
* Captain's Quarters
* Hot Air
* Michelle Malkin
Posted by Wild Thing at 11:47 AM
Dancers Arrive In Iraq
Dancers Land in Iraq. Marines Offer No Resistance
One by one, the marines took the stage for one of the most coveted photo opportunities of the war. Tanea sat on a knee of an eager marine while Laurie rested on the other.
Hands on their miniskirted hips, Amber and Renee posed at each side. Dani stood behind and held the marine’s rifle as the camera snapped the photo. Some of the young marines who lined up for the memento were so mesmerized by the experience that they had to be reminded not to leave their weapons behind.
The Haditha Dam is in a hostile stretch of the Euphrates River 140 miles northwest of Baghdad where the marines do battle with insurgents in the oppressive heat. But for a few hours this summer, the chow hall inside the dam was transformed into a theater for five shapely dancers who seemed to embody many a young marine’s fantasy.
It was all part of a program to keep up morale in a war that is more dangerous than ever. There is a long history of providing entertainment for troops in war zones, including performances by attractive starlets. Marilyn Monroe and Jane Russell toured with Bob Hope in Korea, who delighted troops during four conflicts. Raquel Welch and Ann-Margret performed in Vietnam.
But at Haditha Dam, the marines have the Purrfect Angelz, as the dancers are known. Their tours, which organizers say are paid for by the military, have occasionally stirred some controversy. During the group’s 2005 visit to Baghdad, a female Air Force officer complained that the dancers’ wardrobes and routines encouraged insensitive attitudes toward women in the military.
On the group’s third tour of Iraq, there were no complaints from the boisterous crowd of male marines at the dam or the solitary soldier in the audience from Azerbaijan, who mistook the Oklahoma-born Tanea for a Russian. A small group of Iraqi Army officers who are being trained by the marines were so enthusiastic they all but rushed the stage and filled their digital cameras with this sampling of American culture.
Sgt. Dale Gooden, 31, a Marine reservist from Jacksonville, Fla., who is assigned to the dam security unit, saw the show as a sign that the American public had not forgotten about the troops. The most impressive part of the show, he said, was “just the fact that they came out here to see us.”
Certainly, Haditha Dam seems an unlikely venue. The 10-story hydroelectric dam, which was built in the 1980’s, was captured in the opening weeks of the American-led invasion. The secret Delta Force destroyed much of the Iraqi defenses near the dam, while Army Rangers swooped in later to seize the structure.
The Americans said the dam had to be taken to prevent Saddam Hussein from destroying it as part of a scorched-earth policy, though there is no indication that Mr. Hussein ever had such a plan. It was a firefight at the dam, in fact, that initially put it at risk. After discovering that the poorly maintained dam was damaged in the fighting, a sergeant in an Army civil affairs unit flew to the site and worked with the Iraqi engineers to keep the dam functioning.
During a multimillion-dollar repair project by the Army Corps of Engineers, the dam’s turbines were rehabilitated. In addition to generating electricity, the dam also serves as a headquarters for the Marine battalion that is charged with securing the Haditha area and is home to a small contingent of troops from Azerbaijan who are helping the marines guard the structure.
For the Purrfect Angelz, it was a stop on a tour that also took them to bases like Al Qaim and Taji. The dancers, former cheerleaders, calendar models and aspiring actresses, have an active schedule in the United States, much of which consists of events for motorcycle riders. By design, the routines at Haditha are a bit tamer than the biker fare.
“We want to make it more about talent than being risqué,” Tanea Brooks said. “We are not going to boost every part of the morale.” Her credits include a three-year stint as a Dallas Cowboys cheerleader, a role in a country music video, “Honky Tonk Badonkadonk” by Trace Adkins, and a turn as quarterback for the New York Euphoria, one of the teams that established the Lingerie Football League, in which models played football dressed in underwear.
But for marines who deploy for seven months at a stretch, are forbidden to consume alcohol, have no real opportunities for social interaction with the Iraqi population and routinely travel down roads seeded by roadside bombs, the performance was exciting enough. “Servicemen are our best audience,” said Ms. Brooks, who gave her age as “21 forever.” “They are so appreciative. We love touring for them. They always get excited.”
David Chavez, the president of Pro Sports MVP, which organized the tour, said that it was paid for by the military and that the expenses consisted of travel costs and small stipends. A Pentagon spokesman said he had no immediate information on what the tour cost or the financial arrangements.
A recent show began with an entreaty by a diligent sergeant who saw the event as an opportunity to appeal to the marines to re-enlist. He was loudly shouted down. An announcer who was traveling with the dance group told the marines not to pay attention to news media reports that the American public did not support the war. The nation, she said, was solidly behind them.
Then the dancers, in revealing outfits, energetically performed dance routines that were more rousing than most Super Bowl halftime acts — wardrobe malfunctions notwithstanding — but far less provocative than Las Vegas shows. At one point, one of the Angelz sang Lee Greenwood’s song “God Bless the USA,” a veritable anthem for many of the troops.
The event wound up with the photo and autograph session. Then it was on to the next stop.
The troops’ verdict on the tour seemed to be summed up by an e-mail message that an Army captain later sent the dancers from the base at Taji. He thanked them for helping to “make us forget about our jobs for a little while.”
Click HERE to see their website
Wild Thing's comment.......
Bob Hope used to say on a tour "Let me show you what you guys are out here fighting for".
I love it when people go and entertain the troops.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (7)
Galloway Galloway Congratulates Hezbollah
George Galloway Congratulates Hezbollah and its Leader on "Victory" over Israel
MP George Galloway has congratulated Hizbollah on its "victory" in Israel.
At a news conference in a Beirut hotel, the controversial politician said: "I came here to extend my congratulations to the Lebanese people on a great and historic victory against this aggression."I want to congratulate the Lebanese resistance and their leading edge, Hizbollah, whose martyrs and her s have achieved this great victory.
"And in particular to their leader, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, whose name now rings in joy around the world."
Galloway is in Beirut to present a phone-in radio show for a British radio station.
He also condemned Prime Minister Tony Blair's response to Israel's war with Hizbollah.
"Tony Blair did everything he could to extend, to prolong, to intensify the suffering of the people of Lebanon. The blood of these thousands is on his hands," he said.
Galloway is known for his outspoken comments and was kicked out of the Labour party for his outspoken opposition to the Iraq war.
Wild Thing's comment.....
When the Brits arrest and try this man for treason, we will know that they are serious about preventing terrorism.
The really sad thing is the left thinks it is immune from destruction due to their support of the poor Jihadis. They think they will be rewarded for the support. They are the last to realize, too late, that their heads can roll also.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (7)
Kittie and Dog Show So Cute
I thought you all might like to see something really cute.
I have no idea what they are saying, but it is visual and says it all.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:02 AM | Comments (2)
August 26, 2006
How To Negotiate With Terrorists
A peacemaker walks up to the left side of a line. A terrorist walks up to the right side of the line. The peacemaker introduces himself. The terrorist kills him.
A peacemaker walks up to the left side of the line. A terrorist walks up to the right side of the line. The peacemaker asks, "why did you kill my friend?" The terrorist kills him and rapes his wife.
A peacemaker walks up to the left side of the line. A terrorist walks up to the right side of the line. The peacemaker says, "Stop that!" The terrorist kills him, rapes his daughter and kills his wife.
A peacemaker walks up to the left side of the line. A terrorist walks up to the right side of the line. The peacemaker says, "I'll pay you $1000 if you stop attacking us." The terrorist agrees to the deal, takes th! e $1000 , and kills him.
A peacemaker walks up to the left side of the line. A terrorist walks up to the right side of the line. The peacemaker appeals to the United Nations. The United Nations says the peacemaker is at fault. The terrorist kills him.
A peacemaker walks up to the left side of the line. A terrorist walks up to the right side of the line. The peacemaker now has a gun, and threatens to use it. Other peacemakers start chanting the old 60's whine, "Can't we all just get along?" The peacemaker hesitates. The terrorist kills him.
A peacemaker walks up to the left side of the line. A terrorist walks up to the right side of the line. The peacemaker tries to convince his peacemaker friends that the terrorists aren't going to respond to negotiations, but they insist that if he kills the terrorist it'll just make the other terrorists mad. The peacemaker reluctantly agrees to try negotiating again. The terrorist kills him., his entire family, and his neighbo! r's fam ily.
A heated debate now ensues between the peacemakers who want to be nice to the terrorists and the peacemakers who believe that there can never be peace until the terrorists are all dead. While they are debating, the terrorists kill 15 more peacemakers.
A peacemaker walks up to the left side of the line. A terrorist walks up to the right side of the line. The peacemaker asks himself, "Which is more important: being liked by everyone, or protecting my family?" The terrorist pulls a knife to kill the peacemaker, but the peacemaker pulls a gun and kills the terrorist first. The United Nations condemns the peacemaker's use of unproportional force. Many of his peacemaker friends turn against him.
A peacemaker walks up to the left side of the line. A terrorist walks up to the right side of the line. The peacemaker apologizes for what his friend did to the other terrorist. The terrorist kills him, his entire family and his neighbors, and threatens to destroy! the ci ty as soon as they develop a bigger weapon.
A peacemaker refuses to meet at the line because every time a peacemaker goes to the line the terrorist kills him. A terrorist walks up to the right side of the line and fires rockets into the peacemaker's town. The United Nations condemns the way the peacemaker provoked the terrorist by refusing to come to the line and meet with him.
Generations pass and not much changes until one day when the son of a peacemaker decides that the old strategy simply won't work. He walks up to the left side of the line a little early. As the terrorist approaches the right side of the line the peacemaker shoots him. Another terrorist approaches to replace the first, and the peacemaker shoots him too. This scene plays out several more times. Then a terrorist approaches carrying a white flag, but he also has weapons. The peacemaker shoots him. A terrorist next approaches with a ceasefire resolution from the U.N. The peacemaker shoots him! also. A large group of terrorists approach and the peacemaker shoots them all and drops a nuclear bomb on the city they came from. The peacemaker continues killing the terrorists until the terrorists are all dead.
There is finally peace on earth and the United Nations takes the credit.
(No peacemakers or terrorists were harmed during the writing of this)
Wild Thing's comment..........
Thank you Cuchieddie for sending this to me. Hahaha Love it!
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (4)
August 25, 2006
The Man Who is Coming To Dinner
Contact: Ibrahim Hooper of CAIR, 202-488-8787 or 202-744-7726, or ihooper@cair-net.org
News Advisory:
On Friday, Sept. 8, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) will host a dinner for former Iranian President Mohammad Khatami at the Marriott Crystal Gateway in Arlington, Va. The theme of his address at the CAIR dinner will be "The Dialogue of Civilizations: Five Years After 9/11." Khatami will be in Washington, D.C., to take part in an event at the National Cathedral.
WHAT: CAIR Hosts Dinner for Former President of Iran
WHEN: Friday, Sept. 8 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. (A private reception with President Khatami, including a photo opportunity, will precede the dinner at 6 p.m.)
WHERE: Marriott Crystal Gateway, 1700 Jefferson Davis Highway, Arlington, Va.
COST: Dinner only: $250 per person; private reception and dinner: $500 per person
CONTACT: R.S.V.P. by Tuesday, Sept. 5, by calling 202-742-6409 or 202-488-8787 ext. 6052, or e-mailing irahman@cair.com
Not only that but also this.......
Former President of Iran Invited to Speak in D.C.
Despite a looming diplomatic showdown with Iran over its nuclear program, the Bush administration has agreed to issue a visa to former Iranian President Mohammad Khatami to give a public address at the Washington National Cathedral next month, according to the Rev. Canon John L. Peterson, director of the Center for Global Justice and Reconciliation.
Khatami would be the most senior Iranian to visit Washington since Iran's 1979 revolution and the 1979-1981 takeover of the U.S. Embassy, which led Washington to sever relations with a country that had been one of its two closest allies in the Middle East.
The State Department said yesterday that it had not yet approved a visa for Khatami because he has not yet formally applied, which he must do outside Iran.
The White House decision to allow a prominent Iranian reformer to visit comes at a time of mounting tension with the new hard-line leadership in Tehran. Iran is expected to give its official answer today to a U.S.-backed package of incentives designed to get Tehran to give up uranium enrichment, a process in a peaceful nuclear energy program that can be converted to develop a nuclear weapon.
Undersecretary of State R. Nicholas Burns said Friday that the United States is ready to push for new international sanctions on Iran at the United Nations if it does not accept the undisclosed package. Burns's office made the decision to grant the visa, according to the cathedral.
The Rev. Samuel T. Lloyd III, dean of the cathedral, said, "It will be an honor for the cathedral to provide a platform for President Khatami." He added: "President Khatami's commitment to a dialogue between civilizations and cultures is an important component in the peace process. This is much needed in the world today."
Wild Thing's comment........
Khatami is a BIG supporter of Hezbollah's Nasrallah. Perhaps CAIR could invite Osama over for dinner as well.
Remember this quote from CAIR:
"Islam isn't in America to be equal to any other faith but to become dominant." -- Omar Ahmad, CAIR chairman of the board, July 4, 1998.
Undersecretary of State R. Nicholas Burns, why are you allowing this guy into the US?
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:07 AM | Comments (11)
Hezbollah – Coming to a town near you?
Family Security Matters
FSM Editorial Staff
August 24, 2006
Many Americans learned about Hezbollah for the first time only during the recent Israel-Hezbollah war. Others hadn't thought of the terrorist organization for years, since its high profile attacks during the 1980's.
But Hezbollah has been thinking about America for a long time. More than 300 Hezbollah members have been arrested in America over the last few years. That's right – 300 members of an organization that has killed and kidnapped hundreds of Americans were captured right here on American soil. One of them was even a general who entered the United States across our porous Mexican border.
Additionally, law enforcement has identified 11 Hezbollah cells in the United States. Of course, these are only the ones the public knows about. So at least 11 Hezbollah cells have been identified in the United States, the target of Hezbollah's perennial vow, “Death to America”.
Of the 25,000 Americans the United States government transported out of Lebanon during the recent war, many were Hezbollah sympathizers. More than 7000 were from Dearborn, Michigan, where a pro-Hezbollah demonstration was staged soon after their arrival.
The war in the Middle East may have fallen quiet as the parties involved learn how to live with the new cease fire, but the threat has not disappeared. Hezbollah is still active in Lebanon and it would be dangerously naïve to expect that it has become inactive here in the United States. The American people must confront this threat and not hamstring our nation under the weight of political correctness and willful blindness.
Wild Thing's comment......
Just an FYI for you..........You can click HERE to look up your local mosque.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (2)
August 24, 2006
An E-Mail From Afghanistan
From Townhall.com
Our son, Boots Dunlap, is a Capt. in the 1-32 Inf Battalion (nicknamed Chosin Bn.). We just got this letter to soldiers' families from the Battalion Commander. These men and women are doing a great job and spilling their blood for us at home. I hope American appreciate their sacrifice. Charlie Dunlap
Dear Chosin Family,
As you all make your way back from summer vacations and travels, I
thought I would welcome you back with some great information about your
loved ones' exploits over here in Operation Enduring Freedom.
It has been a long, hot summer here in AOR Chosin, but things are
going very well. As you know, we have perhaps the most challenging
area of responsibility in the division; the mountains are very high and
very steep, the roads and the towns are very undeveloped, and the enemy
is fighting hard to hold onto his most cherished safe haven. It is a
tough fight. To win, we have to defend the population from the enemy's
intimidation, and we have to hunt the enemy in his hiding places and
homes. This is not easy: our soldiers, unlike in other theaters, have
to live among the people we protect. Our soldiers have to spend
enormous amounts of time in the field, living daily without the
creature comforts most people consider necessities - running water,
phones, hot meals, beds. Most of all, our soldiers have to spend
enormous amounts of time in contact with the enemy, crowding him out of
his normal stomping grounds and cornering him in places we can destroy
him. And we are succeeding at this every day. This battalion has
beaten more enemy in more places in six months than most brigades do in
a whole year. We have forced the enemy out of his sanctuaries and we
have run him out of his towns and we have closed off his escape routes.
Most of all, we have separated the enemy from the people. Every day,
we fight to convince the people of Afghanistan that their best future
lies with us and with the Government of Afghanistan. We have built
roads and bridges and clinics and schools. We have conducted medical
visits that have treated thousands and thousands of people. We have
handed out eyeglasses and bookbags and more pens than we can count. We
have built hydroelectric plants, we have trained policemen, we have
conducted classes on governance. We have spoken at schools, started
sports clubs, and spent countless hours on street corners teaching kids
to do high-fives. We have saved drowned children and cared for kids
who have fallen out of trees and have worked feverishly to save the
lives of people hurt in accidents or wounded by the enemy. We have
created an incredible sense of goodwill toward us and toward the
Government of Afghanistan in this part of the world. When a 1-32
patrol comes by, people gather from all around to greet us and to
interact. As we roll up in HMMWVs, we can see children running
-sprinting-hundreds of meters across open fields just to wave at us or
to ask for a Gatorade. It is impossible to visit AOR Chosin and not
feel the affection of the people toward us. We are creating for them
the first hope for a good future that they have had in more than thirty
All of this is possible first and foremost because we are protecting
the people. The enemy preys on the local populace remorselessly, and
intimidates and beats and kills those who don't go along with them. If
we are to create hope for these people, the first step is to keep the
enemy away from them. We can't roll out, do some good, and then head
back to our bases, leaving the people to contend with the enemy for the
rest of the night. If we were to do that, merely accepting our
goodwill would bring people trouble, and believe me, these poor people
can't afford any more trouble than they've already got in their lives.
So, the most important thing we do is stay out among the people and
protect them. We are there with them - we are out in the rain and the
sun and the wind, and we are in their villages and on their roads
keeping the enemy away from them. And they know it. Over time, as the
people have realized that we are there for them, that we truly are
committed to our mission, they have come to trust us. They bring us
food, they bring us "chai," and -most of all- they bring us information
about the enemy. By being among them in the good times and the bad, we
have earned their trust, and given them the confidence to side with us
against the enemy.
The enemy sees what we are doing. He knows the people are turning
against him, and he senses that his time is slipping away. He will
strike back when he can, and he will strike where he thinks we are
absent. This is the time for us to press the fight.
The enemy will not just go away, he will need to be faced down and
chased away - by your valiant loved ones, who will continue to show the
people of Afghanistan and of America what it means to fight for right.
This doesn't come free. It takes incredible effort to remain as
committed to the mission as we have. It takes sweat, and some tears,
and -despite our best efforts-some blood. We have lost many soldiers
here, fine young men and women whose patriotism and valor is exceeded
only by the bravery they displayed in Always Placing the Mission First.
Their efforts and their sacrifice have been in the service of a just
cause, and an important one. The enemy we fight is not some strange
group of unknowns in a far-off land; this enemy is the direct enemy of
the United States, the very groups and their associates who launched
the attacks of 9/11, 2001. When we fight here, dear members of the
Chosin Family, we are fighting America's fight. We are defending the
way of life we cherish for each of you, and we are carving out the
future that we want our children to have. We are truly doing the
Nation's work in 1-32, and I very deeply believe that our sacrifice
-even the Ultimate Sacrifice-is not in vain. We are winning.
But we aren't there yet. Day in, day out, the soldiers of 1-32
continue to face and overcome obstacles that would stop any other
unit. They are led by wonderful sergeants and excellent lieutenants,
who lead by example and by their own bravery: of the dozens of Purple
Hearts earned so far in 1-32, the vast majority have been earned by
Team Leaders and Squad Leaders and Platoon Leaders who put themselves
in front, who put their own lives on the line, that they might
accomplish the mission and their men might live. And what men, what
They succeed wherever they go and whatever they do, no matter what the
odds. Your loved ones have earned for themselves a reputation as the
hardest-fighting battalion in this Division. It is impossible to take
two steps in this country without hearing tales of the daring and valor
of the soldiers of 1-32 Infantry. I hope you can understand even a
small portion of the pride we feel for the job we are doing. Your
loved ones are writing new pages in our Regiment's history, our
Division's history, and, indeed, in the history of our Army.
If I sound proud, I am. I have never, in almost twenty years of
military service, seen a battalion perform this brilliantly, for this
long, under such harsh conditions. And it is clear where the credit is
due: to the fine soldiers of this great unit, who daily display the
finest qualities of military professionalism and American citizenship.
And the credit is due to our strong families, our rocks, who wait at
It is truly the deepest privilege of my life to serve among you all.
With Respect and Affection,
Chris Cavoli
1-32 Battalion Commander
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:55 AM | Comments (2)
From The Mail Room
From Al Kuwayt, Kuwait
----- Original Message -----
From: "Raja Alhaj" ralhaj1@hotmail.com
To: wildbronco@comcast.net
Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2006 4:30 AM
Subject: FUCK YOU
You are a sick fucking bastard just like all other Americans and Christians.
Just wait for another 9/11 you fucking bastard, we'll hang you all on
crosses just like fucking christ you filthy zionist mother fucking piece oof
christian conservative crap
From Ottawa, Canada
----- Original Message -----
From: "Malak Hreiche" cutie_pie_94@hotmail.com
To: wildbronco@comcast.net
Sent: Tuesday, August 08, 2006 3:14 PM
Subject: readthis
hi. whatever your name is... it doesn't matter wat my name is, it doesn't
matter wat age i am, wat matters is wat i am. jsut to let you know, im
muslim, and i saw your disgusting website... i couldn't care less that
your're standing up with israel... but insulting, my religion is wat
matters. you can hate islam as much as you want... but you can not diss
prophet mohammed, nor put pictures saying "islam religion of peace my ass"
that i can't stand...and you saying all those things about hezbollah has
made me love them even more. you can say their terrorrists, i don't care.
say wat ever you want to say abou them... i don't care as well. ... if you
like israel so much, shouldn't you know about their history. let me ask you
this question....... do you know how the war in 1980 started between lebanon
and israel ? you know what? just go on this website(fromisraeltolebanon.org)
or(fromisraeltolebanon.com). and just to let you know israel is getting
their children to write love notes on their rockets,, like from israel and
all the cildrens' names, and who is receiving them? lebanon's children,
lebanon's children that don't even have the ability of holding a weapon. the
other day, a baby died and he was only 1 day old. so far, more than1000
poeple died in lebanon, and only 50 poeple in israel, which side is the
terrorist. is this democracy. is this peace. plz write back
From Slagelse, Denmark
----- Original Message -----
From: "Hizbollah's PrinCeSS" msksaj@hotmail.com
To: wildbronco@comcast.net
Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2006 8:20PM
Subject: Hizbollah
Haha you think your so funny wild think - or should i say geeK?? hahaha you stink take a bath once in while .... i can smell your ugly breath all the way to denmark... Well You ugly PIG i dont have time 2 you but i have 2 tell you something (GeeK) .... Hizbollah Is a real Man a FIGHTER not like the israelian the only fight up in the air they cant come on ground the know hizbollah will burn there asses to died hahaha, Hizbolla is only a group of 2000 men againt israel .... and u know israel lost the war.. they only kill children and womens. israel lie to ther people they dont say the trust about how many israelian is died orrrrr that sharoon is rotten in the grave hahahaha lieeeeeeeeeeeer:) HIZBOLLAH HIZBOLLAH HIZBOLLAH HIZBOLLAH HIZBOLLAH HIZBOLLAH HIZBOLLAH ... Peace OuT!
PS dont forget 2 take a bath stinky bai bai bai
Hallo Dont get Mad its just the Trust u fucking Idiot
Hizbollah's PrinCeSS
From Johannesburg, South Africa
----- Original Message -----
From: " guiyj" guiy000@hotmail.com
To: wildbronco@comcast.net
Sent: Sunday, August 13, 2006 2:34 AM
Subject: hey cunt
you are a idiot words fail me. i am driven to this meaningless, anonymous insult by the utter callousness and ignorance of your remarks, the likes of which are so responsible for so much mayhem and killing in the world. charge on you brainless cunt.
From Manama, Bahrain
This one actually got creative and colored his/hers red and made the font huge. haha
----- Original Message -----
From: JAHANGIR ALOM jahangiry2000@yahoo.com
To: wildbronco@comcast.net
Sent: Wednesday, July 26, 2006 2:35 PM
OH! Harami Oh! Debil Stop, Stop It.
I Want Kill You .
We Are Muslim.
We Fear Only Allmighty Allah.
Wild Thing's comments.......
These are true cowards, too afraid to make an actual comment on here, and so they take the road of less resistence by sending an email. More then likely a fake email address I have no idea as I never answer them.
The IP address on the mail tells me enough as to where they are located.
The kuffar are not afraid of fighting. The next act of destruction you accomplish will sweep away the cowards and the weak voices in our countries that remain. Only the warriors will be heard then.
Our wrath upon Islam is done not by spewing of hate in darkened streets, screaming turban headed filthy hate filled people holding signs of threats and burning Flags, back rooms in mosques or emails sent in a weak attempt to still a voice. No our wrath is delivered with modern weapons and the strength of troops so massive that history will one day write about our warriors with gratitude and pride. Because our military will one day set the world free of the death cult of Islam.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:47 AM | Comments (31)
LTC Randolph C. White
LTC Randolph C. White Jr. Delivers Infantry Graduation Speec
Wild Thing's comment.....
This is a fantastic speech! God bless our troops and keep them all safe.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (6)
Do You Remember?
Please pause a moment, reflect; and take the following multiple choice test. The events are actual cuts from past history. They actually happened!
Do you remember?
1968 Bobby Kennedy was shot and killed by
a. Superman
b. Jay Lenno
c. Harry Potter
d. Muslim male extremist between the ages of 17 and 40
1. In 1972 at theMunich Olympics, athletes were kidnapped and massacred by
a. Olga Corbett
b. Sitting Bull
c. Arnold Schwarzenegger
d. Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 40
2. In 1979, the US embassy in Iran was taken over by:
a. Lost Norwegians
b. Elvis
c. A tour bus full of 80-year-old women
d. Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 40
3. During the 1980s a number of Americans were kidnapped in Lebanon by:
a. John Dillinger
b. The King of Sweden
c. The Boy Scouts
d. Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 40
4. In 1983, the US Marine barracks in Beirut was blown up by:
a. A pizza delivery boy
b. Pee Wee Herman
c. Geraldo Rivera
d. Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 40
5. In 1985 the cruise ship Achille Lauro was hijacked and a 70 year old American
passenger was murdered and thrown overboard in his wheelchair by:
a. The Smurfs
b. Davy Jones
c. The Little Mermaid
d. Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 40
6. In 1985TWA flight 847 was hijacked at Athens, and a US Navy diver
trying to rescue passengers was murdered by:
a. Captain Kidd
b. Charles Lindberg
c. Mother Teresa
d. Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 40
7. In 1988,Pan Am Flight 103 was bombed by:
a. Scooby Doo
b. The Tooth Fairy
c. Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid
d. Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 40
8. In 1993 the World Trade Center was bombed the first time by:
a. Richard Simmons
b. Grandma Moses
c. Michael Jordan
d. Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 40
9. In 1998, the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania were bombed by:
a. Mr. Rogers
b. Hillary Clinton, to distract attention from Wild Bill' s women problems
c. The World Wrestling Federation
d. Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 40
10. On 9/11/01, four airliners were hijacked; two were used as
missiles to take out the World Trade Centers and of the remaining two, one
crashed into the US Pentagon and the other was diverted and crashed by the
passengers.Thousands of people were killed by:
a. Bugs Bunny, Wiley E. Coyote, Daffy Duck and Elmer Fudd
b. The Supreme Court of Florida
c. Mr. Bean
d. Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 40
11. In 2002 the United States fought a war in Afghanistan against:
a. Enron
b. The Lutheran Church
c. The NFL
d. Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 40
12. In 2002 reporter Daniel Pearl was kidnapped and murdered by:
a. Bonnie and Clyde
b. Captain Kangaroo
c. Billy Graham
d. Muslim male extremist s mostly between the ages of 17 and 40
Wild Thing's comment......
This list is not complete of course it ends in 2002 but we all know what the answers would be if it had continued on up to this very day. Not any different at all.
CAIR and the ACLU do not like to have Muslims profiled. Something about we are picking on them. Boo Hoo, which is more important, to make sure a flight is safe or take our chances as it being the last flight of ones life.
The ACLU is completely anti-American and CAIR protects their Muslims and that is never going to change. But what CAN change is how tuff our leadership takes a stand on protecting this country and its citizens.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (6)
August 23, 2006
The “Holy Jihad Brigades Statement
August 23, 2006
A group claiming to have kidnapped two FOX News journalists released a video Wednesday showing both Steve Centanni and Olaf Wiig. The Holy Jihad Brigades released the following statement with the video.
"This is a statement directed to the infidels in general, without discrimination of their georgraphical location. This is an invitation to enter into the religion of God before a day comes when being an infidel will not do you any good. The victory of God's soldiers can only be achieved by God's help. Nobody can frighten us about our enemy and what it possesses. In the name of God and taught Adam the names. If they throw us in fire it would be cool and safe on us. And if they throw us in water then the whale would pick us up and take us to land. If they want to cut us up, God will save us by sending a sacrifice and deliver us to safety.
No nation can be defeated without the will of God. Quoting Mohammed: 'Do not be sad for God is with us.'
Therefore lords of infidelity and masters of darkness and injustice believe in God and you will be safe or else wait for your turn because we come to slaughter. And every soul will reap what it has done.
You have angered us and we are not the kind that is angered. We are subdued, but rather the fountains of Islam and faith spring up in us.
We now tell you this is the chance we give you. God knows how often this kind of chance can be repeated.
In exchange for the release of the Muslim prisoners, males and females in the prisons of America, with our prisoners.
Release our prisoners and we will do the same. This applies to all without exception. And every Muslim is more cherished and more generous that a 1,000 Bushes. But this is a tradeoff of equals.
We will grant you 72 hours, that starts as of noon today during which you can look into this and if you carry out our condition we will carry out our promise, or else wait and we will wait with you and it will be in God's hands. And God's order is higher than any other and most people do not know. 'Those who have been injust will find out the consequences.'
The time you have starts as of noon Wednesday the 29th of Rajab (the Islamic month) of the year 1447 (Muslim year) which is the 23rd of August 2006.
Our thanks to God, the most gracious.
The Holy Jihad Brigades"
Wild Thing's comment.......
We need to keep pray really hard for Steve Centanni and Olaf Wiig and for their families.
Here is an UPDATE from Mary Katharine Ham at Townhall
Update 2:32pm: Fox News VP John Moody released a statement, grabbed it off the Fox broadcast.
"We’re encouraged that our colleagues appear to be are alive and well in the video released today. We trust that the abductors understand that they are responsible for Steve and Olaf's welfare and safe return. We ask for their immediate release."
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:05 PM | Comments (4)
Steve Centanni and Olag Wiig Video
Video shows seized Gaza abductees
A previously unknown militant group has released a video of two Western journalists who were kidnapped in the Gaza Strip nine days ago.
Olaf Wiig, 36, and Steve Centanni, 60, of US channel Fox News, were shown telling their families they were in "fairly good health".
A fax from the "Holy Jihad Brigades" to news agencies demanded the US release "Muslim prisoners" within 72 hours.
The video was sent to the Qatar-based TV news channel al-Jazeera TV.
The two men were kidnapped in Gaza City on 14 August. The footage shows the two men seated on the ground side-by-side and cross-legged, in an apparently darkened room, dressed in tracksuits.
Call for pressure
"We're in fairly good condition, we're alive and well," Mr Centanni, a US citizen and a Fox News reporter, says in the video.
"Just want to let you know I'm here and alive and give my love to my family and friends and ask you to do anything you can to try to help us get out of here."
He adds that the two men have been given access to clean water, showers, toilets, food and clothing.
Mr Wiig, a cameraman from New Zealand, asks his family and supporters to apply pressure for their release on the Palestinian government in Gaza and the West Bank.
"To my family, I love you all. Please don't worry, I'll do all the worrying for us," Mr Wiig says.
The group also issued pictures of the journalists' identity cards, and, in a separate statement faxed to news agencies, called for a prisoner release within three days.
The statement, which was written in strongly religious language and quoted from the Koran, did not say what would happen to the two journalists if the US did not meet their demand.
The Palestinian Prime Minister, Ismail Haniya, of the militant group and ruling party Hamas, re-iterated his call for the journalists' release.
"Our demand for the people behind the kidnapping to release the journalists still stands, because... this act contradicts the habits and customs of our people," he said.
'More serious'
There had been no word on the journalists since they were seized from their vehicle near the Palestinian security services' headquarters in Gaza City.
The crew's Palestinian driver told security officials their car had been stopped in Gaza City .
He said masked gunmen ordered the men into another vehicle and they were driven away.
The BBC's Nick Thorpe in Jerusalem says several factors make this kidnapping more serious than several previous abductions of foreign journalists and aid workers in Gaza in recent months.
The length of time the journalists have been held is longer than in previous cases, and also their fate has now been linked to the question of prisoners and thus to the wider conflict in the Middle East, our correspondent says.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:55 PM
Bin Laden Given 10 Million Killing Cap
LONDON, England (CNN) -- Nearly five years have passed since the September 11 terrorist attacks, yet Osama bin Laden -- the world's most-wanted terrorist -- remains a dangerous fugitive, his words and actions inspiring jihadists across the globe.
Bin Laden has been given permission by a young cleric in Saudi Arabia authorizing al Qaeda to "use nuclear weapons against the United States ... capping the casualties at 10 million."
Wild Thing's comment......
What makes the cleric so special? He's the one who can count to 10 million.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:47 AM | Comments (6)
America's Most Wanted List for Lack of Brain Cells
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (6)
Italy Reports Seizing US-bound Arms Shipment ~ Grazie
Italian authorities seized a container full of weapons including Kalashnikov assault rifles and plastic explosives bound for the US from Saudi Arabia in May, Press reports said.Il Mattino newspaper reported that the 'arsenal' was discovered during a search of a ship registered to an unnamed ex-Soviet republic which was travelling from Saudi Arabia to the US east coast.
In addition to 70 AK-47 assault rifles and plastics used in explosives, the shipment also contained launch pads for rockets, it said.
An inquiry is under way with the participation of US secret services, said an AFP report.
The report could not be confirmed.
BUT this is weird........ I remembered something like this from a long time ago, so is it the same story re-rerleased or a new one. weird.
AK-47s headed to U.S. had legal permits
The Associated Press
4/28/2004, 3:13 p.m. CT
WASHINGTON (AP) — A U.S.-bound shipment of thousands of AK-47 assault rifles and other combat-type weapons, seized by Italian authorities who suspected they were being smuggled, actually have legal permits to be imported, American officials said Wednesday.About 7,500 AK-47s, AKM rifles and other weapons worth an estimated $6 million were seized April 20 aboard a Turkish-flagged ship in the port of Gioia Tauro. They were bound for New York from Romania.
At the time, Italian authorities said the guns were hidden aboard the ship.
But Andrew Lluberes, spokesman for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, said the weapons actually were cleared by U.S. authorities. "The permits are valid," he said.
Wild Thing's comment.....
When it absolutely, positively needs to get there.....
Sorry I could not resist!
Wouldn't you love to know who was going to pick them up here in the USA? And I wonder how many shipments they've missed.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (4)
August 22, 2006
No More Silence About The Fox News Journalists
On August 14, 2006 two journalists working for FOX News were kidnapped in Gaza City near the Palestinian security services headquarters. Abducted were Steve Centanni, 60, national correspondent for FOX News and cameraman Olaf Wiig, 36, of New Zealand.Questions are arising over the blackout of information regarding the investigation of the missing FOX journalists. The FOX News Network itself has been virtually silent concerning the story. There is little or no mention of the incident by FOX's hard news division, including FOX's lineup of primetime political talk shows.
The mainstream media, including other cable news networks, have also seemingly ignored the kidnappings. In the past, when journalists were abducted by Islamic extremists in the Middle East their stories were widely covered, bringing daily headlines about the status and condition of the abductees.
Some are speculating the silence over the disappearance of Centanni and Wiig is due to the fact negotiations may be underway regarding the release of the two men and the media may not want to antagonize those who perpetrated the crime by heavily reporting on the search for the FOX News journalists. However, it is not clear who would be negotiating with who--if there are indeed negotiations taking place.
FOX News has been a harsh critic of what some are calling Islamic fascism, leading many to believe its journalists were targeted for this reason. However, critics feel this strategy may be setting a dangerous precedent concerning the safety of other journalists working in the Middle East and whether such a strategy might influence how the war against terrorism is covered in the United States.
Wild Thing's comment........
I have not mentioned the kidnapping of Fox News reporter Steve Centanni and his free-lance cameraman, Olaf Wiig, because it was my understanding that Fox was working hard to negotiate a release of these men.
I am not a patient person and so in war I know I have to go into the patient mode and I can handle that. But this is different and I have thought about these men every day since they were kidnapped. Not saying one word on my blog about them trying to be supportive of the negotiations. I still am supportive but I am no longer going to keep silent.
I am not the only one that has decided to speak out about this, Michelle Malkin, Ace of Spades . Riehl World, and others are speaking out about it as well.
For their families you are in my prayers.
I hope and pray Steve Centanni and his cameraman Olaf Wiig may be recovered safely.
I think that the terrorists were pissed off at Fox for telling the truth. For the human pieces of flesh that have kidnapped these men there is a special place in hell for you and I hope you get there soon.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:55 PM | Comments (4)
Voted Early Yesterday
Nick wanted to vote early, so we voted yesterday. It was my first time to vote ahead of time and it wasn't that bad. Now we just have to wait till the real live voting day to get the results. That is the only hard thing about this early stuff. hahaha
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:55 AM | Comments (8)
CTV Documentary Angers Muslims
A Czech Television (ČTV) documentary is threatening to raise tensions within the country's Muslim population to a level not seen here during weeks of recent global unrest over the publication of cartoons depicting the Prophet Muhammad.
Czech Muslim community say they are outraged by a documentary aired on ČTV last fall that used hidden camera footage of conversations in a Prague mosque and spliced it — they say unfairly — with images of terrorism.
"The reaction is usually immediate, while in this case it took a month for any reaction to appear and two months for it to grow," says Jiří Ovečka, the documentary's producer. "It was the same with the Muhammad cartoons."
You can watch it HERE It is 28 minutes long, in Czech with English subtitles.
Here is a quote from the video:
"Apparently, the Muslims consider Germany and not only Germany, to be their own, Islamic country."
Thank you Jack at Conservative Insurgent for telling me about this and the link.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:47 AM | Comments (10)
Yair Gladwasser Speaks About His Brother
Yair Goldwasser brother of Ehud Goldwesser
War Isn't Over for the Goldweisser Family
Aug. 20, 2006 0:30
Yair Goldwasser's last contacts with his brother Ehud were so normal it seems bizarre in retrospect. He ate dinner with Ehud and his wife, Karnit, in their Haifa apartment. Then there was an ordinary phone conversation a few days before Ehud left for the final leg of his reserve duty on the northern border.
His family has not seen him since, because on July 12, Hizbullah gunmen kidnapped him and fellow reservist Eldad Regev, 26. The word normal has become a stranger for Yair and his family.
For more than five weeks they have subsisted on a diet of hope and anxiety, with no word on the fate of the tall environmental engineering student. Their belief that he was wounded only makes matters worse. While fellow Nahariya residents are breathing in relief at the cessation of the Hizbullah rocket fire, the war is not over for Yair Goldwasser, 26, and his younger brother Gadi, 23.
"This is where our battle begins," said Gadi as he sat with Yair in their childhood home. On wooden shelves behind them were clay pieces sculpted by their mother. The guitar that Ehud - known in the family as "Udi" - loved to play lay on a dining room chair. The warning sirens have fallen silent and the rockets have stopped since Monday's cease-fire. But the two young men, who have been pleading with officials from around the world for some word about their older brother, are hardly at peace. They believe he is alive, but they would like to bolster that faith with concrete evidence.
Yair Goldwasser dismissed encouraging words from Vice Premier Shimon Peres, who said Wednesday that Ehud was alive. There isn't sufficient evidence behind those words, he said. Gadi and Yair told The Jerusalem Post this week they feared that as people returned to their normal routines they would forget about "Udi" and Regev.
"We know this. We are not blind," said Gadi. He and the family are doing everything in their power to keep the two men's fate on the top of the national agenda.
…. Yair was home in Nahariya watching television when his world was turned upside down. Gadi was traveling in India with his girlfriend and a friend. Their parents were in South Africa, where the family has lived on and off since 1987 due to father Shlomo's work as a cargo ship skipper.
Yair said he been about to start working on his car when he suddenly had a premonition telling him to stay put. "Four minutes later officers knocked on my door and gave me the news that my brother was missing in action," Yair said. He was the first in the family to know that Ehud was gone. He e-mailed brother Gadi and sent a text message asking father Shlomo to break the news to their mother.
The IDF officer stopped Yair from calling Ehud's wife, Karnit, suggesting it was better handled by a professional team.
….Unlike many of their neighbors who fled Nahariya during the war, the Goldwassers stayed put.
"We don't believe in leaving our home. It's ridiculous to even think about it," said Yair. The rockets falling around them paled in comparison to the pain caused by the sudden absence of their big brother. They didn't head to a protected room or a bomb shelter. Yair said he was more likely to head to the roof to see where the rockets had hit.
Two rockets exploded at a nearby elementary school, one landed 50 meters down the road and another dropped 100 meters further away, he said.
….. Yair said he understood from the start that they were in for a long haul. "We have to be patient, strong and have a lot of hope," he said. "We are not in grief. We are not in mourning. He [Ehud] is not dead. We can feel that. By standing strong we help him and send him all of our strength."
The brothers said they were neither diplomats nor government officials. They were simply two young men who wanted their brother back, they said. "I would turn the world upside down to do that," Gadi said.
Ehud Gladwasser
Wild Things' comment.....
Prayers for Ehud Goldwasser, Eldad Regev and Gilad Shalit and their families and loved ones.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:47 AM | Comments (4)
August 21, 2006
Guard the Borders Blogburst
This week's Blogburst was written by Heidi of Euphoric Reality blog.
***A podcast of this week's Blogburst is now available.***
By Heidi at Euphoric Reality
There are only a few hours left to have some impact on the case of two Border Patrol agents, Ignacio Ramos and Jose Alonso Compean, who are being sentenced tomorrow for attempting to apprehend a drug smuggler who was fleeing across the border illegally. The charges against the Border Patrol agents were serious bodily injury; assault with a deadly weapon; discharge of a firearm in relation to a crime of violence; and a civil rights violation. Compean and Ramos also were convicted of four counts and two counts, respectively, of obstruction of justice for not reporting that their weapons had been fired. The Texas jury acquitted both men of assault with intent to commit murder, but found them guilty on all other charges. The recommended sentencing is 20 years in prison.
You can read the entire account of the case in this Daily Bulletin article written by Sara Carter, but there are a few things you need to know up front:
Assistant U.S. Attorney Debra Kanof, who prosecuted this travesty of justice against the two BP agents, has successfully contended that BP agents are NOT SUPPOSED to apprehend or pursue illegals.
"It is a violation of Border Patrol regulations to go after someone who is fleeing," she said. "The Border Patrol pursuit policy prohibits the pursuit of someone."
Two weeks after the incident, a Homeland Security agent tracked down the drug smuggler in Mexico and offered him immunity to testify against the two Texas Border Patrol agents. They found the drug smuggler based upon a tip from another BP agent in Arizona! The connection between the Arizona BP agent and the drug smuggler is murky, though the prosecutor gets upset at any one who dares to question the unsavory connection.
The drug smuggler was treated to free tax-payer funded medical care in El Paso in addition to his full immunity to testify against the BP agents.
The drug smuggler changed his story, but the fact that he lied was never disclosed to the jury.
According to the memo, Aldrete-Davila told investigators the agents shot him in the buttocks when he was trying to enter the country illegally from Mexico. But according to Aldrete-Davila's later testimony and that of the agents, he was shot after trying to evade the agents upon his re-entry into Mexico.The memo never was disclosed to the jury.
As a Border Patrol agent, Ramos has been involved in the capture of nearly 100 drug smugglers and the seizure of untold thousands of pounds of narcotics. He also was nominated for Border Patrol Agent of the Year in March 2005, though the nomination was withdrawn after details of the Aldrete-Davila incident came out.Ramos also had drug interdiction training from the Drug Enforcement Agency and qualified as a Task Force Officer with the Border Patrol. But Ramos' training in narcotics -- as well as the numerous credentials he had received for taking Border Patrol field training classes -- was not admissible during the trial, he said.
TJ Bonner, president of the National Border Patrol Council, just addressed the Congressional hearings here in Houston on August 16th, where this case was of great concern among all the law enforcement officials.
He said the Border Patrol's official pursuit policy handcuffs agents in the field. He also sees the prosecution of Ramos and Compean as part of a larger effort by the federal government."The pursuit policy has negatively affected the Border Patrol's mission as well as public safety. Part of that mission is to stop terrorists and drug smugglers," Bonner said. "They could be smuggling Osama bin Laden, drugs, illegal aliens, or it could have been just some drunk teenager out on a joyride. You don't know until you stop them."
"The administration is trying to intimidate front-line agents from doing their job," he added. "If they can't do it administratively, they'll do it with trumped-up criminal charges.
"Moreover, the specter of improprieties in the prosecution of this case raises serious concerns that demand an immediate, thorough and impartial investigation."
Ramos and Compean and their young families have been living under threats of retaliation from criminals in the drug underworld.
The El Paso Sheriff's Department has met with the Ramos family to discuss continued threats against them from people they believe to be associated with Aldrete-Davila. The sheriff's department also has increased patrols around the family's home.The only other organization that has responded to the Ramoses thus far, Monica Ramos said, is the Chino-based nonprofit group Friends of the Border Patrol, chaired by Andy Ramirez.
"This is the greatest miscarriage of justice I have ever seen," Ramirez said. "This drug smuggler has fully contributed to the destruction of two brave agents and their families and has sent a very loud message to the other Border Patrol agents: If you confront a smuggler, this is what will happen to you."
This case has been virtually ignored by the press, which is why the American public only found out about it after the conviction of the two BP agents. But now that we know, we must take action. If, as TJ Bonner has said, this case is a dirty attempt by our government to intimidate law enforcement officers into leaving the borders wide open and unguarded, then the American people must speak out immediately.
You can do so by signing a petition that will be delivered to the President - but you must do so TODAY, it's the last day. The men will be sentenced tomorrow.
The goal is to collect 100,000 signatures asking President Bush to pardon these two men. So far, 97,589 people have signed the petition and there is no doubt in my mind that Guard the Borders readers can fill in the remaining numbers needed. The petition, to which you may add your own comment reads as follows:
To: President George W. Bush,As a citizen of the United States I am outraged to learn that two U.S. Border Agents are facing twenty-year prison terms for doing their jobs-- pursuing illegal aliens who cross our border, and I’m calling on you to officially pardon them for their actions.
I am even more outraged to learn that this illegal alien (who was attempting to smuggle about 800 pounds of marijuana into our country), was tracked down by a Department of Homeland Security Investigator and granted immunity for his testimony against these two agents!
This is a terrible injustice, and I urge you to use your considerable authority and power to pardon these two agents and right this obvious wrong!
In addition to rallying your friends and family to take action with you, I would also ask that you call the White House Comments line, and leave a message on behalf of these agents. White House Comments line: 202-456-6213
Please do not hesitate to take this small action on behalf of men whose lives have been destroyed by a drug smuggler and corrupt government agents and prosecutors. It's the very least we can do for them - I wish there was more.
What if this was you? What will happen to these two men? What will be the fallout from such a miscarriage of justice?
"My husband is a good man, a loving father, and his devotion to his country and his job is undeniable," Monica Ramos said. "Prosecutors treated the drug smuggler like an innocent victim, refusing to allow testimony that would have helped my husband. The smuggler was given immunity. My husband is facing a life in prison."It's so frightening, it doesn't seem real."
About a week ago, feeling little hope, Joe Loya, Monica Ramos' father, took the family on what will be Ignacio Ramos' last fishing trip with his sons before he is sentenced.
"What kind of justice is this?" Loya asked. "What kind of nation do we live in when the word of a smuggler means more than the word of a just man?"
Monica Ramos says her hardest day is yet to come -- the day the authorities take her husband away.
"We just guard (our children's) hearts right now," Monica Ramos said. "I think about the last time he'll hug them as children, and maybe not get the chance to hug them again until they are grown men."
The sons are between 6 and 13 years old.
Ignacio Ramos was, if anything, even more emotional.
"Less than a month left with my family," he said, his voice choking, as though the air had been pulled from his lungs. "My sons," he whispered. Then silence.
It took several minutes for Ramos to summon more words. "All I think about at night is the day I have to leave my family. I can't sleep. I've always been with them."
Then he talked about the memories he would never have, "their first dates, high school graduation, sports," and the tears falling from his eyes were mirrored only by those of his wife, who took his hand into hers.
Families destroyed. A drug smuggler on the loose to threaten the lives of others and on the scam for $5 million dollars. And a government who won't do anything about either – unless we force it to.
The only ones left who can help are the American people themselves. That means you.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:55 PM | Comments (5)
In Country With 172nd Stryker
Soldiers seize weapons, munitions
Multi-National Division – Baghdad PAO
Soldiers from 172nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team, Multi-National Division – Baghdad, detained two suspected terrorists and seized a large weapons cache in a warehouse during a search of Nur and Ghazalyia Friday in support of Operation Together Forward.The weapons and munitions seized included more than 580 mortar rounds, about 39,000 rounds of small-arms ammunition, more than 100 rocket-propelled grenades, more than 270 rockets, two landmines, a shape charge, a crater charge, 11 fragmentation grenades, several machine guns, ammunition drums, 5,000 feet of detonation cord, mortar tubes and bipods, land mines, more than 50 rocket motors and various other bomb-making materials and ordnance.
Five hundred buildings were searched during the operation.
Operations have taken place in Doura, Shula, Ghazaliyah and Ameriyah from Aug. 7-16. During this time, Iraqi Army, Iraqi Police and MND-B Soldiers have cleared more than 23,000 buildings, 21 mosques, detained 54 suspected terrorists, seized 326 weapons, registered 341 weapons, found 10 weapons and munitions caches and removed 900 tons of trash.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:47 AM | Comments (2)
How Liberal Or Conservative Are You?
Fun quiz to take....HERE
Your Political Profile: |
Overall: 95% Conservative, 5% Liberal |
Social Issues: 100% Conservative, 0% Liberal |
Personal Responsibility: 100% Conservative, 0% Liberal |
Fiscal Issues: 100% Conservative, 0% Liberal |
Ethics: 75% Conservative, 25% Liberal |
Defense and Crime: 100% Conservative, 0% Liberal |
Wild Thing's comment....
I love tests that a person just has to answer their gut feeling and not a lot of math. hahahahaha I hate math!
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (8)
August 20, 2006
From The Heart of Major General
Americans murdered on a bridge in Falluja by followers of Islam
And this.....................
From the heart of Major General, USMC (Ret) Richard Cooke
I often mention in my posts a little
Mexican restaurant that I frequent here in San Diego that goes by the name of
Las Quatro Milpas, which serves the best authentic Mexican food in San Diego. I
mention it today, because of what has changed when I stand in that long line in
the heat down on Logan Avenue waiting for those 5 dear Mexican women to serve
the hundreds of us who show up before I melt in the hot sun.
The line outside of Quatro Milpas is a
place to meet new friends, reunite with people you have not seen in weeks or
months, but happen to get that same desire for that Chorizo at the same time you
did, so that every time you show up again, you can restart your friendship as if
it never stopped. Everyone has a story about how long they have been coming to
Quatro Milpas or how they discovered it, or how long was the longest line they
have stood in waiting to get to their food.
What has changed, is that this week, instead of the jovial mood in the line, I
was struck with the thought of what would happen to this place if someone were
to walk into the line, and get into the restaurant, around say 1300 hours, at
the height of the lunch rush and blow about 100 people to hell in the name of
As I thought about this, I wondered what it must be like for the people if
Israel, who no matter where they go, have to consider the possibility of
terrorism, and that their next steps out into society might be their last. I
thought about what it must be like for a little Israeli schoolchild on a bus
heading from school when someone gets on the bus in the middle of summer wearing
a large overcoat.
I have an anger that will not go away this morning, as I watch the media try to
tell me that Israel is the aggressor, that they are wantonly killing civilians,
and that they must agree to a cease-fire with people who have sworn to kill
them. I wish I could say I cannot imagine how we got to this point in society,
where a portion of our society would side with the very monsters that have
killed both Israelis and Americans, because of a fear of violence, but the
reason is all too clear.
The free world has been too tolerant of the non-free world. We have allowed them
to be portrayed as victims, and to assume the moral high ground at the same time
that they cut the heads off innocent people and film it for worldwide
consumption. Okay, that is the nice way to put it. The honest way to put it is
that we have lost our nerve. When a society of radicals can drag a dead American
through the streets of their towns, and hang their bodies from a bridge as a
collective finger flashed at America, and our response is "patience"
we have lost not only our nerves, but our balls as well.
I get a sense from the older veteran friends of mine in this city that our
problem is that we have it too good, and do not remember what was done on our
behalf to make things this good. Have we forgotten that for every time we can
leave our homes, go stand in line at our favorite restaurant, and NOT think
about the possibility of someone bombing the place, which someone many years ago
gave their very life for that freedom we enjoy? I think the young people in line
at Quatro Milpas and wonder how many of them would have volunteered to fly with
along side Doolittle on his way to Tokyo, knowing they had not the gas to get
Omaha Beach,anyone? I understand that these days, in Marine Corps boot camp, a
recruit can call a "time out" if he is feeling too much stress. Is our
State Dept. running the Marines now? This, I find disgusting.
But no more disgusting then those who seek a cease-fire in Lebanon this morning
after civilians were killed after their building collapsed from the concussion
of a bomb dropped near them that was targeting the site of where rockets were
launched into Israel resulting in the deaths of 18 Israeli civilians. It is as
though these Israeli deaths do not matter at all. Especially when you stop to
consider that this conflict began with Hezbollah coming across the Israeli
border, ambushing and killing 8 Israeli soldiers and kidnapping two more.
Cease-fire, my ass!
To every person who believes that you
can reason with these animals, I must ask you where your mind went.
It is the weakness of the free-world's
NON-response that has allowed the terrorist threat to grow into a movement that
threatens our very existence. When a U.S. soldier can be dragged through the
streets of Somalia and our response is to LEAVE, when 280 Marines can be bombed
in their sleep and our response is to LEAVE, when after terrorists kill Spanish
civilians on a train, and their nation's response is to elect capitulating
socialists who order the immediate retreat of their soldiers from Iraq, and so
on, and so on, what are the terrorists to think, but that the free world has
become a pussy?
The fact that a majority of Americans think this nation needs AN EXCUSE for
going after terrorism after 911 scares the hell out of me.
It suggests that we as
a nation will eventually fail to produce the men and women who every day, stand
between freedom and tyranny.
Yesterday, San Diego had its Gay Pride
Parade. Oh, the joy.. It was billed as the largest 'celebration' in the cities
history. THIS city. (The City I grew up in
during WWII! md) The very city where sailors
came home to after fighting in Midway. The city that trains half of this nations
Marines, hosts the USS Ronald Reagan, the USS Nimitz, the former Fightertown
USA...our largest celebration is for the GAY...PRIDE..PARADE. Ponder that with
me, will you?
We are at war.
I want Israel to continue, even escalate their attacks on Lebanon. I want them
to ignore the media, ignore the pundits, and ignore even the weak among them who
want to find a peaceful way out of this current conflict.
History teaches us that until a bully is beaten, the bully keeps coming.
The free world paid for our freedom in
blood, and if blood is what it will take to keep it, then lets just have at it
now, shall we?
Let Iran and Syria attempt to aid Hezbollah. Let Israel attack them. Let it
escalate until we are forced to fight at Israel's side. Then, can we for the
last time, just kick some ass until it is over? Every generation must pay this
price, as long as there are those who seek to force us to follow a dictatorial
ideology. Radical Islam says, "Agree or die." In response, we should
stop asking them, if there is a middle ground to be reached. We should be
saying, "Fine, but it is YOU that will die."
Israel, I see you fighting not just for your freedoms, but also
for the world's. I trust that if you continue, the free world will be forced to
side with you, even if it means that a few of us die in the process. The time is
now. It is time for THIS generation to prove itself worthy of those that came
before us. It is time for us to say NO MORE to the terrorist threat, to find
them and kill them.
Do not stop fighting, Israel.
Make the free world help you put an end to this
madness. In doing so, you might help us find the courage and moral convictions
that made us free to begin with, so that one day, little Jewish children, and
old lovers of Mexican food in America can
go about our daily lives with the freedom that others died to give us.
I am adding this comment from
5 (VN 69-70)
is also a Retired Police Officer of 30 years
15 of those years on a Swat Team
comment is: do we as a united Republic have what it takes? I am truly worried
that we don’t. Because as a people of ONE country/nation we are not united,
and as he says we have it to good. Many can not fathom what could happen.
I sometimes wonder if it is just me that
feels this way. I have shed blood for this Country on more that one occasion and
I hate to see this happening here, the divided country, the arrogance of those
that think “it will never happen here”. It means that my friends that I lost
and that what I have done is for nothing. Sometimes that’s just the way I
feel. The new breed does not care what the earlier generations have done, it’s
all for knout.
So many relatives on both side of my family have given their all for this country. Almost every war except Korea. One was one of the first Sheriff’s of the NW Territory. So I have deep loyalty to the Republic, and become upset with those that don’t.
Thank you John and thank you Major General Cooke and thank you to all Veterans and our troops today.
Posted by Wild Thing at 05:56 PM | Comments (16)
~*~ Happy Birthday Jack Hamilton! ~*~
Jack H. everyone at Theodore's World wishes you the best birthday! And many, many more. Thank you for serving our country and all you have done to help make this the land of the free.
Thank you for your kindness and friendship, comments and input to this blog and to my life.
Wild Thing and the Theodore's World commandos
Posted by Wild Thing at 08:58 AM | Comments (6)
Hamas Members Killed on the er ah Job
Jenin: 3 Hamas members killed while making bombs
Palestinian sources say three Hamas members killed after setting off explosives belt accidentally
Three Hamas members were killed by an explosion which took place Friday in the village of Dir Abu Daif, in the Jenin area. Palestinian sources say that the blast apparently took place because of a 'work accident' which took place while preparing explosives.
The AP news agencies reported that three Hamas members were brought to hospital, with the body of one in two parts. Palestinian security sources say he was likely a Hamas member who accidentally set off an explosives belt he was wearing.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:47 AM | Comments (12)
U.S. Aid to Lebanon Will Go Straight to Hezbollah
Hezbollah whore......MY Title of this photo!
A Lebanese woman watches her husband count U.S dollar bills they received from a Hizbollah member, at a school in Bourj el-Barajneh, a southern suburb in Beirut, August 19, 2006. Hizbollah handed out bundles of cash on Friday to people whose homes were wrecked by Israeli bombing, consolidating the Iranian-backed group's support among Lebanon's Shi'ites and embarrassing the Beirut government. REUTERS/Eric Gaillard (LEBANON) Email Photo Print Photo
This is just a little from the article, it makes me too ill to put the whole idiotic thing here, sorry................
A Path To Lasting Peace
The writer is the Secretary of State
Looking ahead, our most pressing challenge is to help the hundreds of thousands of displaced people within Lebanon to return to their homes and rebuild their lives. This reconstruction effort will be led by the government of Lebanon, but it will demand the generosity of the entire world.
For our part, the United States is helping to lead relief efforts for the people of Lebanon, and we will fully support them as they rebuild their country. As a first step, we have increased our immediate humanitarian assistance to $50 million. To secure the gains of peace, the Lebanese people must emerge from this conflict with more opportunities and greater prosperity.
Wild Thing's comment......
This is NOT good imo, but I have nothing to say about it so bye bye tax dollars to the Hezbollah! What the hell else did they think would happen? That the Hezbollah would say, ah no we don't want the money, give it to the Israeli's or to those living in Lebanon that are the few and far between non Hezbollah.
Let's see, we give money to the Hezbollah while they are burning OUR Flag, saying they want us dead along with all the Jews in Israel. Sure that makes a whole lot of sense to me. NOT!
And another thing.....grrrrrr, you know the tons of photos a person sees or can see online of Muslim women, weeping, gnashing or is it knashing their teeth, whatever, with their few rotten teeth they have for the camera's, the faces they make of such pretend grief at the loss of a loved one that was killed in the war instead of as a suicide bomber that would have made them rejoice?????!!!! Well the wailing and gnashing stops when the bucks show up don't they. The next freakin thing we will hear out of the vile mouths is they “ want to go to Disneyland” God help us!
Since Russia has armed Iran and Syria then in turn they armed the Hezbollah and Hamas which issued orders to take IDF hostages and trigger the war. Let the damn Russians pick up the entire tab.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (15)
Israeli Soldier Killed in Lebanon Raid
Israeli commando dies in Lebanon raid
BEIRUT, Lebanon - Hezbollah fighters battled Israeli commandos who landed near the militants' stronghold deep inside Lebanon early Saturday, killing one soldier, in the first large-scale violation of the U.N.-brokered cease-fire between the sides.Hezbollah said its guerrillas foiled the raid after a gunbattle, and the Israeli army said one officer was killed and two soldiers were wounded, one seriously.
Witnesses said Israeli missiles destroyed a bridge during the raid — the first major violation of the U.N.-imposed cease-fire that took effect Monday following 34 days of fighting.
The Israeli army said the special forces operation aimed "to prevent and interfere with terror activity against Israel, especially the smuggling of arms from Iran and Syria to Hezbollah." It said the commando team completed its mission.
The army said such operations would be carried out until "an effective monitoring unit" of Lebanese or multinational troops was in place to prevent Hezbollah from rebuilding its arsenal.
Hezbollah TV and Lebanese security officials said Israeli helicopters dropped off a commando team outside the village of Boudai west of Baalbek in eastern Lebanon.
The officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because they are not authorized to release information to the media, said the Israelis apparently were seeking a guerrilla target in a nearby school but had no other details. The officials also reported heavy overflights of Israeli jets.
Such a bold operation risked scuttling the fragile cease-fire and suggested Israel was going after a major target near Baalbek — perhaps to rescue two Israeli soldiers snatched by Hezbollah on July 12, or to try to capture a senior guerrilla official to trade for the soldiers.
Hezbollah has said it wants to exchange the two soldiers for Arab prisoners, but the U.N. cease-fire resolution demands Hezbollah unconditionally release the soldiers.
Local media said Sheik Mohammed Yazbeck, a senior Hezbollah official in the Bekaa and a member of the Shura council of the group, may have been the target. Yazbeck is a native of Boudai.
Israeli troops have killed several guerrillas who Israel said threatened its troops in south Lebanon since the cease-fire, and warplanes have flown over the country. But the cease-fire allows military action in self-defense, and the commando raid was by far the most serious incident since Monday.
Lebanese Foreign Minister Fawzi Salloukh said Lebanese authorities found blood at the scene of the raid, indicating Israeli casualties. Salloukh, speaking to reporters after meeting with U.N. envoy Terje Roed-Larsen in Beirut, said he informed the U.N. team of the Israeli action in Baalbek and said the U.N. team would raise the issue with Israeli authorities.
"If Israel continues its violations, it is the responsibility of the (U.N.) Security Council to take action and ask Israel to stop these violations," he said.
A provincial government official, Bekaa Valley Gov. Antoine Suleiman, confirmed the Israeli troop landing. He told the privately owned Voice of Lebanon radio station that the landing party brought with it two vehicles that were later withdrawn after clashes.
Hezbollah's Al-Manar TV said the Israeli commando force landed before dawn and was driving into Boudai when it was intercepted by guerrillas who forced it to retreat under the cover of warplanes, which staged mock raids.
Hezbollah officials on the scene said overflights from Israeli jet fighters drowned the clatter of helicopters as they flew into the foothills of the central Lebanese mountains, dropping commandos and two vehicles they used to drive into the village when the Hezbollah fighters intercepted them in a field.
The commandos identified themselves as the Lebanese army, but the guerrillas grew suspicious and gunfire erupted, the officials said.
Israeli helicopters fired missiles as the commandos withdrew and flew out of the area an hour later, they said.
Witnesses saw bandages and syringes at the site. The also saw a destroyed bridge about 500 yards from the area where the landing took place, after missiles were fired by Israeli aircraft.
Overflights were reported Friday night in the same area.
Israel said late Friday its warplanes have not attacked Lebanon since the cease-fire took effect.
Baalbek is the birthplace of the Iranian and Syrian-backed Hezbollah. The area in the eastern Bekaa Valley, 60 miles north of the Israeli border, is a major guerrilla stronghold.
The U.N. Security Council cease-fire resolution calls for an immediate cessation by Hezbollah of all attacks and the immediate cessation by Israel of all offensive military operations.
In letters to Lebanese and Israeli leaders, U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan has warned the two countries against occupying additional territory and told them to refrain from responding to any attacks "except where clearly required in immediate self-defense."
Annan also told Israel and Lebanon that once the cessation of hostilities took effect there must be no firing from the ground, sea or air into the other side's territory or at its forces.
Wild Thing's comment..................
“Such a bold operation risked scuttling the fragile cease-fire and suggested Israel was going after a major target near Baalbek”
Give me a break! Blaming Israel for this and making it sound like they were the ones to break the so called ceasefire is a lie. The Hezbollah never disarmed.
Israel gave up Gaza and South Lebanon and got rockets and Jihad in return.
Insane greed, jealousy and hate, destruction and death in the name of Allah, because the Jews in their little nation are productive and intelligent. Instead of contributing to the world, the Hezbollah and Hamas seek to destroy it.
We need to keep remembering this.....the Ceasefire was broken the minute the Hezbollah said they would not disarm and they never did, but we knew they wouldn't. The Hezbollah broke the cease fire within hours firing into Israel. Of course the article below does not say that, more typical BS agenda of the terrorist hugging Media.
The Hamaz, Hezbollah and Iran threaten Israel with destruction every week. This has stripped all pretensions from the Arab/Palestinian agenda. The Muslim goal is to destroy Israel. Not to get back "occupied lands" and then be content and make peace.
Hudna is integral to Jihad. Islam believes in permanent Jihad until the whole world is Muslim. There are such things as honest treaties and honest cease fires. This is never the case with Islam because Jihad is eternal, so the Muslim is commanded.
“Hudna has a distinct meaning to Islamic fundamentalists, well-versed in their history: The prophet Mohammad struck a legendary, ten-year hudna with the Quraysh tribe that controlled Mecca in the seventh century. Over the following two years, Mohammad rearmed and took advantage of a minor Quraysh infraction to break the hudna and launch the full conquest of Mecca, the holiest city in Islam.In essence, this is religious license to renege on ones word, and to regroup, rearm, and reorganize to attack when ones enemy is lulled into thinking that one will be honest and fulfill ones side of a truce. This is tactic has been used over and over in Islam's history, and is used to great effect today by Yasser Arafat, Hamas, al-Aqsa, and other Islamic terrorists all over the world. Recent examples include Fallujah and Najaf. What Westerners need to do is to read Islamic scripture and learn that in Islam there is no concept of permanent submission to any other power than Allah. Treaties mean nothing. Beware the hudna.”....from Clarity and Resolve
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM
August 19, 2006
Protesting the Protesters
What the media doesn't show you: Military personnel and their families protesting the protesters.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:05 PM | Comments (2)
N. Korean Authorities Urge Civilians to Evacuate
N. Korean Authorities Urge Civilians to Evacuate Near Site of Possible Nuke Test
Reports from Seoul Korea, (daily newspaper Joongang Ilbo in Seoul) via the Japanese Jiji press agency, that South Korean intelligence has intercepted radio messages/communications in North Korea, which were aired last month, to civilians in the Kilju County, Northern Hamgyeong Province area of northeastern D.P.R.K., to evacuate.
"By late April 2005 there were reports that North Koreans were constructing a reviewing stand and filling in a tunnel, both signs that an underground nuclear test was imminent. Tunnels for underground nuclear tests are different from regular mines, since they have to be plugged up to contain the blast. Satellite imagery reportedly indicated the North Koreans were "stemming" the tunnel, taking material back into the shaft to plug it up. Satellite imagery indicated that North Korea was shipping concrete and grouting to the site, possibly to plug the tunnel. Although there were signs of continued activity near tunnels in the Kilju area, there was disagreement among intelligence agencies as to whether the recent activity indicated an impending nuclear test.Other reports indicated that the satellite imagery showed the North Koreans had dug and refilled a significant hole at the suspected test site. The hole was said to have been dug in a manner consistent with preparations for an underground nuclear test, but there was no conclusive indication as to whether the North Koreans had deposited a weapon inside. These reports indicate that the shaft is a vertical shaft, rather than a horizontal tunnel. Imagery also detected frequent truck movement bringing cranes and other equipment. The presence of cranes is consistent with a vertical shaft, but not a horizontal tunnel.
Imagery was also reported to show recent construction of an elaborate reviewing stand for visiting dignitaries a few kilometers from the suspected test site. The reviewing stand was considered a significant indicator of a possible nuclear test. American intelligence had overlooked the reviewing stand built prior to the 1998 Taepodong-1 missile launch. The North Koreans had visitors from other countries invited to watch the launch.
The source in the South Korean government said "our interpretation is that following North Korea's underground nuclear blast test, they wish to head off any escape of radiation that would be a threat to the nearby civilian population and are evacuating as such."
Wild Thing's comment.......
Since when did North Korea care about the welfare of its citizens? I would not be surprised if there were a technical delegation of Iranian nuclear scientists and purchasing agents staying in one of the major Pyongyang Hotels at this very time, or maybe in a DPRK government guest house.
Could a North Korean nuke test be Ahmadinejad's August 22nd announcement? Just wondering.
Here is our MOAB test off of Florida..........VIDEO
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (10)
Hillary "Outraged" by bin Laden Ad
New York - Senator Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., took time out from an event commemorating 9/11 to take a swipe at a campaign commercial by John Spencer, her likely Republican opponent in November.
In the commercial, slated to run in New York City and on suburban cable stations, Spencer, the former mayor of Yonkers, accuses Clinton of being soft on national security issues and as such, aiding al-Qaida strongman Osama bin Laden.
It was Clinton who helped lead the Democratic attempt to filibuster the renewal of the Patriot Act, though she eventually voted for it.
The controversial Spencer commercial proceeds to superimpose images of Clinton and bin Laden together.
An angry Sen. Clinton told a group of huddled reporters: "It's just outrageous that we see for political purposes someone not only being factually inaccurate about my voting record, but putting Osama bin Laden on the TV screen and trying to make a connection with me," Clinton said.
"This is beyond outrageous. We need to get back to the business of trying to work together in a bipartisan, or really a non-partisan way to win the war against terror. I think people do a great disservice accusing patriotic Americans of being in bed with Osama bin Laden. It is a terrible injustice to use that in a campaign."
Clinton then added: "I take a seat to nobody when it comes to the issue of national security."
The Republican primary is slated for Sept. 12, when Spencer is expected to defeat Katherine (KT) McFarland, the only other candidate on the Republican ballot. McFarland, like Clinton has also criticized the Spencer campaign tactics.
Latest polls give Clinton more than a 25 point advantage over either Republican opponent.
The former first lady is seeking her second term as New York's junior senator and is widely believe to be eyeing a run for the White House.
Here is the LINK to the AD
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (4)
August 18, 2006
France To Send 400 Troops To Lebanon
Bangladesh and France offers troops for Lebanon
UNITED NATIONS - Nearly 50 countries that could contribute the 13,000 new troops needed to expand the U.N. peacekeeping force in Lebanon met Thursday amid concern over the ground rules and firepower the soldiers could use.Bangladesh pledged up to 2,000 troops and France offered 200, a disappointment to some who expected more from the country likely to lead the force.
In an opening speech, Deputy Secretary-General Mark Malloch Brown said at least 3,500 troops are needed to deploy within 10 days to expand the 2,000-strong U.N. force trying to help maintain an uneasy truce between Israel and Hezbollah militants.
"Every moment we delay is a moment of risk that the fighting could re-erupt," he said.
Malloch Brown told diplomats from the 49 countries invited to the meeting that details on how the expanded force will operate and the rules of engagement will make clear that "this will be a strong, robust force, equipped and authorized to take all necessary action in its key tasks."
The U.N. resolution that led to Monday's cease-fire between Israel and Hezbollah after a brutal 34-day war authorized up to 15,000 U.N. peacekeepers to help 15,000 Lebanese troops extend their authority throughout south Lebanon, which Hezbollah controls, as Israeli troops withdraw. The aim is to create a buffer zone free of Hezbollah fighters between the Litani River and the U.N.-drawn border, about 18 miles to the south.
Malloch Brown said the draft rules of engagement call for the use of force to prevent hostile activities in the buffer zone and to resist attempts to prevent the U.N. force, known as UNIFIL, from discharging its duties. The rules also allow UNIFIL to use force in assisting the Lebanese government if asked to secure its borders to prevent foreign forces, weapons and ammunition from entering the country, he said.
France and Italy said earlier Thursday that the peacekeeping mandate — partly written by the French — is not explicit enough, and demanded the U.N. set clear rules of engagement for troops that would bolster the force. A key concern, not mentioned by Malloch Brown, is whether the force will be called on to disarm Hezbollah fighters, as called for in a September 2004 U.N. resolution.
Even though the Israel withdrawal and handover to U.N. forces has gone well thus far, some potential contributors are believed to be concerned about avoiding confrontation with Hezbollah or being caught in the middle of a future conflict. Germany — uneasy given its Nazi past of any possible military confrontation with Israeli soldiers — said it wouldn't send any but is expected to provide logistical support.
Italy has said it could quickly send as many as 3,000 soldiers — up from its current contribution of about 50 — but Italian Prime Minister Romano Prodi's office said that he was pushing for explicit ground rules. In a telephone conversation late Wednesday with U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan, Prodi called for "a clear mandate, without any ambiguity and with very precise rules of engagement, for the soldiers who will be deployed," the premier's office said.
President Jacques Chirac announced Thursday that France will immediately double to 400 troops its contingent in the U.N. peacekeeping force in Lebanon.
The statement from Chirac's office came after he spoke by phone with U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan. France currently leads the UNIFIL force in southern Lebanon, and its decision-making on its role in a strengthened force has been closely watched.
Chirac told Annan that France "will immediately double its current contribution by sending 200 men," the statement said.
The plan will be presented at a U.N. meeting in New York later Thursday to flesh out which countries will participate in the peacekeeping force as it expands from the current 2,000 troops to as many as 15,000, Chirac's office said.
Wild Thing's comment......
That's almost enough cooks for the fighting men who need to be stationed there. Hey maybe they can teach Hezbollah how to surrender.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:55 AM | Comments (4)
Iran To Launch Major Military Maneuvers ~ Like Right After They Pray?
Iran to launch major military maneuvers
The Jerusalem Post
Iran will launch a series of large-scale military maneuvers across the country and has not made plans for an end to the ongoing war games, the army said Thursday.
"The maneuvers are aimed at introducing Iran's new defensive doctrine," military spokesman Gen. Mohammad Reza Ashtiani was quoted as saying by state-run television.
He said the exercises would begin on Saturday in the south east of the country. "It will continue in the whole of Iran, stage by stage for an unspecified period," Ashtiani said.
The announcement came as Iran faces heightened international scrutiny because of its contentious nuclear program and for supporting the Lebanese Hizbullah guerrillas.
Iran denies Israeli accusations it is arming and training Hizbullah fighters.
Ashtiani praised Hizbullah for its month-long fight against Israel. "Human forces can decide fate of a war. We saw it in Lebanon," the general said, echoing Hizbullah claims it won the war by resisting a massive bombing and ground offensive for more than a month before a UN-brokered cease-fire came into place earlier this week.
The military spokesman said Iran's maneuvers reflected the current level of tension in the Middle East. "We have to be prepared against any threat and we should be a role model for other countries," local newspapers quoted Gen. Ashtiani, as saying. "Our army is ready to defuse all plots against Islamic Republic of Iran."
The military exercise, involving 12 infantry regiments, is called "The Blow of Zolfaghar," in reference to a sword that belonged to Imam Ali, one of the most revered figures of Islam for Shi'ite Muslims. A majority of Iran's 70 million people are Shi'ite.
On Wednesday, the Interior Ministry said that Iran also plans to boost security patrols on its borders.
Wild Thing's comment.....
So who are they planning on going to war with?
And here a question I have. When they are at war such the Hezbollah and the so called army of Iran etc. They are supposed to pray 5 times a day, I mean IF they are a good Muslim / Muzzbolla and all. . So how do they work in their prayer time and shooting time.
In the film industry there are stand-ins for us. They stand their when lighting a set and for all kinds of reasons. Does the Iranian military have stand-ins for praying for them? Or maybe they are exempt as long as they are killing innocent people.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:14 AM | Comments (15)
Satellite Blackout in Tehran
The government of Iran is going from building to building in Tehran, smashing satellite dishes. This can only be construed as an effort to cut Iranians off, as much as possible, from news originating in the outside world.
And from Deja vu -- Judith Apter Klinghoffer
Hundreds of police in Tehran have begun dismantling satellite antenna dishes from the city's rooftops - part of a campaign to prevent Iranians from watching Western television programmes. The move follows a recent police order that all satellite dishes - officially banned but tolerated until now - be removed. The campaign against satellite television was launched by the Minister for Culture and Islamic Orientation, Hassan Saffar Harandi, who said "we have to halt the West's cultural offensive," on Iran.Some observers believe that the clampdown is aimed at keeping the government's control over news regarding Iran's dispute with the international community regarding its nuclear programme.
The government on Tuesday reiterated its intention to respond to a package of incentives, devised by the permanent members of the UN Security Council plus Germany, to persuade Tehran to drop its uranium enrichment plans.
A little more information:
Tehran, 16 August (AKI) - Hundreds of police in Tehran have begun dismantling satellite antenna dishes from the city's rooftops - part of a campaign to prevent Iranians from watching Western television programmes. The move follows a recent police order that all satellite dishes - officially banned but tolerated until now - be removed. The campaign against satellite television was launched by the Minister for Culture and Islamic Orientation, Hassan Saffar Harandi, who said "we have to halt the West's cultural offensive," on Iran.Some observers believe that the clampdown is aimed at keeping the government's control over news regarding Iran's dispute with the international community regarding its nuclear programme.
The government on Tuesday reiterated its intention to respond to a package of incentives, devised by the permanent members of the UN Security Council plus Germany, to persuade Tehran to drop its uranium enrichment plans.
In recent months, all news coverage on the issue in Iran has had to be done with the approval of the Supreme Council of National Security, prompting people who wish to be informed by non-government sources to watch and listen to television and radio programmes broadcast from abroad.
Wild Thing's comment.....
If our government did that to us can you just imagine what would happen?! Even for people that seldom watch TV shows, news shows or care about world events. To be under that kind of government control sure shows me how afraid the Iran government is of their people finding things out. Little cowards one and all in that Iran government. But wait, are they still going to make those incessant stupid threatening videos they send to us that we see on FOX News, CNN and other networks?
* HNN...Judith Apter Klinghoffer
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (11)
Iran Weapons Found At Iraq's Port City
Weapons from Iran discovered in Iraq’s port city
An array of weapons made in Iran were discovered in Iraq’s southern port city of Um Qasr, the Iraqi television channel al-Zora reported on Monday. In the weapons cache were hundreds of Katyusha rockets and mortar shells as well as several thousand light arms, the report said, adding that the weapons had all been manufactured in neighbouring Iran.
The weapons were discovered in the city’s al-Hora district, it said.
Um Qasr, the country’s largest deepwater port city, is close to the city of Basra which Iraqi officials say has become a hub for agents of Iran’s Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS).
Wild Thing's comment.....
So what is the deal are we supposed to imagine that the weapons were not allowed to continue through or what. Talk about half assed reporting.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (4)
August 17, 2006
In Country With Our Troops
BAGHDAD – U.S. Air Force Staff Sgt. Jessie Mendez, military working dog handler, 2nd Security Forces, Barksdale Air Force Base, Shreveport, La., attached to Multi-National Division – Baghdad's 4th Infantry Division, waits while his assigned dog, "King,” takes a breather from searching buildings and cars during a joint clearance operation conducted by Iraqi National Police and Soldiers from Company C, 5th Battalion, 20th Infantry Regiment, 3rd Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division, in the Abu T'Shir neighborhood Saturday. (U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Kevin Lovel, 363rd MPAD)
GHARMAH, Iraq, Aug. 16, 2006 — Marines from 2nd Battalion, 8th Marine Regiment, are demonstrating to insurgents there is no safe passage through their area of operations.
Marines from the battalion’s Weapons Company performed mounted and dismounted patrols in Gharmah, to interrupt insurgents moving in the area. The aim was to disrupt insurgent activity, interdict insurgents and weapons being transported through the area and maintain security in the region.
Vehicle checkpoints are important because, although, we don’t always catch people, it shows we are out here,” said Lance Cpl. Thomas A. Upton, a 20-year-old assaultman from Mooresville, N.C. “We’re still constricting the flow of supplies from the north to the south.”
Marines stopped vehicles along a road in the area, searching the drivers and passengers. At the same time, Marines checked every corner of the vehicle – peeking under hood, into trunks and even in the fold in seat cushions – for hidden weapons or insurgent paraphernalia.
Most times, searches went without incident. Identifications were returned. Marines thanked the Iraqis for their patience and they were sent on their way.
Still there was one intense moment
One Iraqi driver approached the checkpoint and stopped his car. He hesitated a moment, drove in reverse and stopped once more. Then he approached the checkpoint one more time, passing the first Marines guarding the checkpoint.
Another Marine grabbed a signal flare and shot it over the top the Iraqi’s truck. He stopped immediately as Marines approached the truck.
The vehicle was inspected and nothing was found. The driver told Marines he was in a hurry.
“Popping the pop-up was the right thing to do,” said Sgt. Tim C. Stellhorn, a 23-year-old section leader from Batlimore. “It was the correct step in the escalation of force.”
The outcome could have been worse for the driver but the Marines did not lose their nerve. They kept their composure, holding their fire and keeping an innocent Iraqi from getting harmed.
“They did what they were trained to do,” said Gunnery Sgt. Shawn M. Dempsey, a 33-year-old platoon commander from Jersey City, N.J.
Marines collapsed the checkpoint and moved along into the city to patrol through the maze of buildings. They stopped to search homes and speak to Iraqis, learning of their needs and concerns and asking about insurgent activity in the region.
Dempsey said he planned to continue conducting checkpoints to interfere with insurgents’ plans. The checkpoints and patrols, he explained, remind the insurgents Marines are always on the prowl, never allowing the insurgents a chance to get established and launch attacks against Marines, Iraqi Security Forces and terrorize local residents.
“I think checkpoints are effective as long as we don’t set a routine,” Dempsey said.
Stellhorn said he was pleased with his Marines’ actions from the day’s activities. He said they kept their wits about them and maintained their awareness despite the heat and long hours of walking through the city.
“The patrol went well,” Stellhorn said. “The VCP’s looked good. The Marines are tired but they are working real hard.”
The battalion is serving with Regimental Combat Team 5 near Fallujah.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:55 AM
Carter Be Gone!
Former US president Jimmy Carter: "I don't think that Israel has any legal or moral justification for their massive bombing of the entire nation of Lebanon."
And his recent Spiegel interview HERE
Former US president Jimmy Carter speaks with DER SPIEGEL about the danger posed to American values by George W. Bush, the difficult situation in the Middle East and Cuba's ailing Fidel Castro.
Carter: "I don't think that Israel has any legal or moral justification for their massive bombing of the entire nation of Lebanon. What happened is that Israel is holding almost 10,000 prisoners, so when the militants in Lebanon or in Gaza take one or two soldiers, Israel looks upon this as a justification for an attack on the civilian population of Lebanon and Gaza. I do not think that's justified, no."
Wild Thing's comment.....
The same man who couldn't get a handful of American hostages freed. And then there is the Panama Canal...........sheesh the list with this jerk is very long.
And I actually thought that the damage he wanted to do this country would have ended on 1-20-81. Not even close. He keeps on going and going.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (33)
Please Pray For Delftsman
A dear friend Delftsman is back at the hospital, waiting to get a room in a cardiac unit.
Please say a prayer for Delfts.
Thank you so much
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (4)
August 16, 2006
Russian Weapons To Hezbollah via Syria and Iran
Israel Finds Evidence That Syria, Iran Arm Hezbollah With Russian Weapons
Wed, 16 Aug 2006, 01:04
Abandoned Hezbollah positions in Lebanon yesterday revealed conclusive evidence that Syria — and almost certainly Iran — provided the Russian-made anti-tank missiles that have blunted the power of Israel’s once invincible armor, the Daily Telegraph reported.
After one of the fiercest confrontations of the war, Israeli forces took the small town of Ghandouriyeh, east of the southern city of Tyre, on Sunday evening, hours before a ceasefire brokered by the United Nations took effect.
At least 24 Israeli soldiers were killed in the advance on the strategic hilltop town as Hezbollah fighters were pushed back to its outskirts, abandoning many weapons.
The discovery helped to explain the slow progress made by Israeli ground forces in nearly five weeks of a war which Hezbollah last night claimed as “a historic victory.” Israeli political and military leaders are facing mounting criticism over the conduct of the offensive, which was intended to smash the Iranian-backed Shia militia.
Outside one of the town’s two mosques a van was found filled with green casings about 6ft long. The serial numbers identified them as AT-5 Spandrel anti-tank missiles. The wire-guided weapon was developed in Russia but Iran began making a copy in 2000.
Beyond no-man’s land, in the east of the village, was evidence of Syrian-supplied hardware. In a garden next to a junction used as an outpost by Hezbollah lay eight Kornet anti-tank rockets, described by Brig Mickey Edelstein, the commander of the Nahal troops who took Ghandouriyeh, as “some of the best in the world”.
Written underneath a contract number on each casing were the words: “Customer: Ministry of Defence of Syria. Supplier: KBP, Tula, Russia.”
Brig Edelstein said: “If they tell you that Syria knew nothing about this, just look. This is the evidence. Proof, not just talk.”
The discovery of the origin of the weapons proved to the Israelis that their enemy was not a ragged and lightly armed militia but a semi-professional army equipped by Syria and Iran to take on Israel. The weapons require serious training to operate and could be beyond the capabilities of some supposedly regular armies in the Middle East. The Kornet was unveiled by Russia in 1994. It is laser-guided, has a range of three miles and carries a double warhead capable of penetrating the reactive armour on Israeli Merkava tanks. Russia started supplying them to Syria in 1998.
Israeli forces were taken by surprise by the sophistication of the anti-tank weapons they faced. They are believed to have accounted for many of the 116 deaths the army suffered. Dozens of tanks were hit and an unknown number destroyed.
The missiles were also used against infantry, in one case bringing down a house and killing nine soldiers. They played an important part in Hezbollah’s tactics of using a network of concealed positions to set up ambushes for the Israelis as they inched in.
Last night, Hassan Nasrallah, the Hezbollah leader, said his men had achieved “a strategic, historic victory” over “a confused, cowardly and defeated” enemy. He said the militia would not disarm, as Israel and the UN Security Council were demanding. It would be “immoral, incorrect and inappropriate,” he said. “It is the wrong timing on a pyschological and moral level.”
As the militia leader was claiming victory, Ehud Olmert, the Israeli prime minister, defended his handling of the crisis and said that the massive air, ground and sea attack had changed the face of the Middle East. But he admitted that the military and political leadership was guilty of “shortcomings”, not least in underestimating the threat from anti-tank weapons.
Critics say that he placed too much faith in the ability of the air force to break the back of Hezbollah and delayed launching a major ground offensive until it was too late.
Benjamin Netanyahu, the Likud Party leader and a rival, said:
“There were many failures — failures on identifying the threat, failures in preparing to meet the threat, failures in the management of the war, failures in the management of the home front.”
Last night, President George W. Bush blamed Iran and Syria for fomenting the conflict between Israel and Hezbollah. “We can only imagine how much more dangerous this conflict would be if Iran had the nuclear weapon it seeks,” he said.
Wild Thing's comment.......
I am not surprised at all. Thanks for nothing Russia you must want to go backward in history instead of forward. Sure we can say Russia is doing this to garner protection to their country, but in all honesty I think it goes much deeper and sicker then that. It is one thing to know your enemy and we should, it is another thing to sleep with them. Will the Hezbollah call you in the morning Russia? Only time will tell.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:55 AM | Comments (19)
Hamas Demands Prisoners For Shalit
Kidnapped IDF soldier Cpl. Gilad Shalit, who is being held in the Gaza Strip, will be released only if Israel agrees to free thousands of Palestinian prisoners, a senior Hamas official announced on Tuesday.
The announcement came as Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas held a closed meeting in Gaza City with PA Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh and urged him to release Shalit immediately. The two also discussed the possibility of establishing a national unity government.
Abbas, who arrived in the Gaza Strip on Monday, called on Hamas to release Shalit in return for promises that Israel would free Palestinian prisoners in the future. Abbas suggested that the soldier be handed over to the Egypt, which has been acting as a mediator ever since Shalit was kidnapped by Hamas last June. Egyptian mediators have been trying to persuade Hamas to soften its position, but to no avail.
"Israel must pay a heavy price for its soldier," said Khalil al-Hayeh, head of Hamas's parliamentary list. "We have rejected demands to release the soldier in return for promises that Israel would release our prisoners sometime in the future."
Hayeh said Hamas was "disturbed" by pressure on the kidnappers to release Shalit unconditionally: "To all those who are exerting pressure on us, we say: Enough!" No Palestinian will ever agree to the release of the Israeli soldier without getting anything in return. They know what our conditions are and I don't think that they are hard to fulfill."
At the meeting, Abbas briefed Haniyeh on the outcome of his recent tour of Arab countries and discussed with him the prospects of forming a joint Fatah-Hamas government.
PA officials said after the meeting that there was still no room for optimism regarding the fate of Shalit. They pointed out that while Haniyeh appeared to be flexible on the issue, he clearly does not have influence on the kidnappers.
"Haniyeh wants to resolve the case by tomorrow," one official told The Jerusalem Post. "His problem is that he has no control over the kidnappers and their patrons in Syria and Iran."
For the rest of the article see The Jerusalem Post HERE
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (7)
August 15, 2006
A Child Shall Lead Them Takes on a Different Meaning in Islam
Future generations of hate, war, terrorists and death......what hope is there in their cult of death.......none.
Golda Meir was so right and wise. She said it all in one quote by her.
Posted by Wild Thing at 06:14 PM | Comments (6)
"The Great Muslim Adventure Day" at Six Flags
I never heard of this before but it is for real..............
Six Flags, New Jersey for an entire day: The Great Muslim Adventure Day.
Insha Allah, September 15, 2006, is the "Great Muslim Adventure Day" at Six Flags, NJ. The park will be open from 10 AM to 11 PM. Come, join 15,000 Muslims for a day featuring Jummah prayers, quality ethnic Halal food, Islamic bazaar and much more! All this is, of course, in addition to the regular thrills Six Flags Great Adventure is known for, including what is claimed to be the largest safari outside Africa. In addition to the drive-thru safari, tiger and dolphin shows, there will be special shows for children! Special fireworks show is also arranged!
Wild Thing's comment.....
According to Solomonia blog this event has happened before. IN 2004 and again in 2005.
OK now get this.....I thought ok so is the park open for everyone or Muslims only. So to find out I looked up the contact number online and called them YEP.....one does have to investiagte this shit to find stuff out.
Six Flags Great Adventure
Route 537, P.O. Box 120
Jackson, New Jersey 08527
Guest Relations (732) 928-2000 x2838 This is the number I called.
I asked the girl if anyone could come to the park today or if it was ONLY for Muslims. Here is what she said..........
" The Muslim group bought the rights to the park today, so if anyone wants to come that is not a Muslim they have to buy tickets from the Muslim group renting the park for the entire day. "
Of course any group can do this if they want to I would imagine. But this kind of thing in my opinion goes right along with the hyphenated Americans. Muslims do not take being Muslim as ONLY a so-called religion. Being Muslim is their country so to speak more then being Americans. They do not assimilate into the country they live in such as America, being true Americans. They make demands for special treatment such the woman that insisted on having her veil on her face for her drivers license etc. They make up attacks and report them to CAIR, total lies just to get some kind of sick attention in the poor us realm.
They do not speak out about terrorists attacks done to Americans and instead yell and scream and whine of how they are picked on with profiling.
If this kind of thing at Six Flags goes on then I ask this......what about a skin head day.... god forbid, or a Black Panther Day, or a day for any other group that has the funds to pay the financial cost.
Six Flags in doing this is wrong. They simply could avoid this by saying that their business does not cater to any specific group in any way that it is for all to come to during park hours.
Yes that would exclude good American groups from being singled out but it also would stop the favoritism to Muslims that we in the know have already realized are a dangerous cult to our lives.
Beth at Blue Star Chronicles....she has a write up evenyone should see called Modern Rules of Engagement.
Posted by Wild Thing at 10:44 AM | Comments (16)
Holocaust Cartoon Fair Opens In Iran
An international contest of cartoons on the Holocaust opened in Tehran in response to the publication in Western papers last September of caricatures of the Prophet Mohammed.
"We staged this fair to explore the limits of freedom Westerners believe in," Masoud Shojai, head of the country's "Iran Cartoon" association and the fair organizer, said.
"They can freely write anything they like about our prophet, but if one raises doubts about the Holocaust he is either fined or sent to prison," he added.
"Though we do not deny that fact that Jews were killed in the (second world) war, why should the Palestinians pay for it?" Shojai told the opening ceremony of the month-long fair in Tehran's Palestine Contemporary Art Museum.
He added that around 1,100 cartoons were submitted by participants from more than 60 countries and that more than 200 are on show.
He said the top three cartoons will be announced on September 2, with the winners being awarded prizes of 12,000, 8,000 and 5,000 dollars respectively.
Shojai did not elaborate on the source of the prize money, but emphasized that it did not come from any governmental body.
The fair is being staged by Iran Cartoon and the country's largest selling newspaper Hamshahri newspaper, which is published by Tehran's conservative municipality.
The contest was announced in February in a tit-for-tat move after caricatures of the Prophet Mohammed were first printed in Denmark and then picked up and published worldwide, enraging Muslims.
Iran's fiercely anti-Israeli regime is supportive of so-called Holocaust revisionists, who maintain that the systematic slaughter by the Nazis of mainland Europe's Jews and other groups during World War II was either invented or exaggerated.
Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has also prompted international anger by dismissing the Holocaust as a "myth" used to justify the creation of Israel.
Here are samples of the cartoons. Shocking this hate that Islam has.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:27 AM | Comments (2)
August 14, 2006
Guard the Borders Blogburst
This week's Blogburst was written by Heidi of Euphoric Reality blog
By Heidi at Euphoric Reality
For a long time here at GTB, we have focused on the tsunami of humanity that flows over our southern border from Mexico. Mexicans, by far, are the largest group of illegals inside our borders, and their open agenda of Reconquista has place tax-funded groups like La Raza, MEChA, and LULAC under the microscope. We've also covered the alarming news of the number of Middle Easterners who take full advantage of our unguarded borders to infiltrate our country, paying coyotes tens of thousands of dollars to allow them to blend in with herds of illegals crossing the border. Once inside the country, they disperse and fade away into our society.
Lately, focus has shifted from clandestine border crossings to blatant visa violations as the FBI hunted and captured 11 Egyptian men who entered the country under false pretenses. Such visa violations (including overstaying visa expirations) are not unusual for Middle Easterners, particularly from Pakistan, Yemen, Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon, etc., but we Americans are rarely aware of them. Chechens are also making concerted efforts to get into the country illegally, despite the generous visa allowances for their country.
Today, I'd like to examine our broken immigration process in the light of the current war in the Middle East. To that end, I'd like you to reference this column by Investor's Business Daily.
Why Borders Matter
Aug 09 06
The war in Lebanon is an object lesson in border protection. Hezbollah secretly beefed up its forces there as Israel lowered its northern guard. Then Hezbollah attacked. We should take note.
Lest Americans think this is "Israel's war," it's worth repeating that it was Hezbollah that bombed the U.S. Embassy and Marine barracks in Lebanon, killing some 250 Americans. Hezbollah also kidnapped Americans Terry Anderson and Beirut CIA Station Chief William Buckley. Buckley died in captivity with nine others. Some of the masterminds are still at large.
Hezbollah (Party of Allah) is not just a faraway threat. Its leaders have infiltrated the U.S. by breaching our own porous borders.
No matter where you stand on the war in the Middle East, it is not safe or prudent for Americans to be vulnerable - on their own soil - to the volatile agenda of sworn enemies of the United States. Our lax immigration system lets potential enemies slip through all the time, and the recent nationwide scramble to find 11 supposedly harmless Egyptians proves that.
With Hezbollah trying to infiltrate America, and teams of suspicious young men entering the U.S. under false pretenses, it's time to put more teeth in the National Security Entry-Exit Registration System that requires young men from the Middle East who arrived after 9-11 to check in with immigration officials during their stays — not kill the program, as some in Washington have proposed.
The IBD article ends with a clear call to action. There is no reason why our national security ought to be compromised on the altar of political correctness. With enemies at our gates, we shouldn’t be forced to swing them wide to prove how kind and inclusive we are. There are already more than enough "tourists", "students", and "temporary residents" from the Middle East inside our borders with nefarious purposes; it's time we clamped down on their access to our people. While the demand for more teeth in the National Security Entry-Exit Registration System is appropriate, perhaps we also need to consider reviewing and revoking the visas of others who we know support Hezbollah, Hamas, or al Qaeda. Those people shouldn't be too hard to find, even for an inept ICE and INS - they are marching in the streets proclaiming their loyalty to our enemies on a daily basis!
This has been a production of the Guard the Borders Blogburst. It was started by Euphoric Reality, and serves to keep immigration issues in the forefront of our minds as we're going about our daily lives and continuing to fight the war on terror. If you are concerned with the trend of illegal immigration facing our country, join our Blogburst! Just send an email with your blog name and url to euphoricrealitynet at gmail dot com.
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:24 PM | Comments (2)
Patton's Speech To Troops
General George S. Patton Jr.
Patton's Famous Speech To The Troops Of The 3rd Army, 6th Armored Div
England, May 31, 1944
"Now I want you to remember that no bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. You won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country. Men, all this stuff you've heard about America not wanting to fight, wanting to stay out of the war, is a lot of horse dung. Americans traditionally love to fight. ALL REAL Americans, love the sting of battle.
When you were kids, you all admired the champion marble shooter, the fastest runner, the big league ball players, the toughest boxers . . . Americans love a winner and will not tolerate a loser. Americans play to win all the time. I wouldn't give a hoot in Hell for a man who lost and laughed. That's why Americans have never lost and will never lose a war. Because the very thought of losing is hateful to Americans. Now, an army is a team. It lives, eats, sleeps, fights as a team. This individuality stuff is a bunch of crap. The bilious bastards who wrote that stuff about individuality for the Saturday Evening Post, don't know anything more about real battle than they do about fornicating. Now we have the finest food and equipment, the best spirit, and the best men in the world.
You know . . . My God, I actually pity those poor bastards we're going up against. My God, I do.
We're not just going to shoot the bastards, we're going to cut out their living guts and use them to grease the treads of our tanks. We're going to murder those lousy Hun bastards by the bushel.
Now some of you boys, I know, are wondering whether or not you'll chicken out under fire. Don't worry about it. I can assure you that you'll all do your duty. The Nazis are the enemy. Wade into them. Spill their blood, shoot them in the belly.
When you put your hand into a bunch of goo, that a moment before was your best friends face, you'll know what to do.
Now there's another thing I want you to remember. I don't want to get any messages saying that we are holding our position. We're not holding anything, we'll let the Hun do that. We are advancing constantly, and we're not interested in holding onto anything except the enemy. We're going to hold onto him by the nose, and we're going to kick him in the ass. We're going to kick the hell out of him all the time, and we're going to go through him like crap through a goose.
Now, there's one thing that you men will be able to say when you get back home, and you may thank God for it. Thirty years from now when you're sitting around your fireside with your grandson on your knee, and he asks you, "What did you do in the great World War Two?" You won't have to say, "Well, I shoveled shit in Louisiana."
Alright now, you sons of bitches, you know how I feel. Oh! . . . I will be proud to lead you wonderful guys into battle anytime, anywhere. That's all."
General George S. Patton - England, May 31, 1944
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:14 AM | Comments (9)
Crossword Puzzles Tools of Hamas ~ Isn't That Special!
Terrorists who killed the largerst number of Israelis are the greatest Palestinian national heroes, an attitude that is widely expressed in that the names which appear frequently as the answers to clues in Palestinian crossword puzzles. For example, the name of the terrorist Yihyeh Ayaash, who prepared the bombs for the Hamas suicide bombers, appears frequently in crossword puzzles, as many as three times in a month. Similarly the names of terrorists from the past appear as clues, such as that of Dala’al Magra’abi who participated in the Coastal Road Bus Massacre in which 36 Israelis were killed. Woven into the crossword puzzle clues is an underlying theme that glorifies violence against Israel and Israelis.
Wild Thing's comment......
It is so totally sick that this death cult of Islam cannot even do a crossword puzzle without teaching hate. Amazing
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (4)
Please Leave So We Don't Shed Your Blood
History repeats itself 1948 & 2006 Arabs called to leave Haifa to facilitate the killing of Jews PMW
1948 - Arab League tells Arabs to leave Haifa to facilitate the killing of Jews
2006 - Hezbollah tells Arabs to leave Haifa to facilitate the killing of Jews bombing and killing of Jews in Haifa is the identical call heard by the Arabs of Haifa and other cities by the Arab League attacking the new State of Israel in 1948.
2006 - Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah:
"I have a special message to the Arabs of Haifa, to your martyrs and to your wounded. I call you to leave this city. I hope you do this. ... Please leave so we don't shed your blood, which is our blood."
1948 - Palestinian journalist describes Arab leaders action in 1948:
"To the [Arab] Kings and Presidents: Poverty is killing us... yet you are still searching for the way to provide aid... like the armies of your predecessors in the year of 1948, who forced us to leave [Israel], on the pretext of clearing the battlefields of civilians... "Fuad Abu Higla, columnist official PA daily Al Hayat Al Jadida, in an article before an Arab Summit, critical of Arab leaders for a series of failures. Al-Hayat Al-Jadidah, March 19, 2001
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (2)
August 13, 2006
Muslims So Peaceful (NOT) Celebrate The Islam Way
Muslims hold placards with portrait of Hezbollah leader Sheik Hassan Nasrallah during an anti US and Israel protest, in Bombay, India, Saturday, Aug. 12, 2006. (AP Photo/Rajesh Nirgude)
Indian Muslims burn a U.S. flag at a protest in Bombay, India, Saturday, Aug. 12, 2006, against the killing of civilians in Lebanon and Palestinian territories by Israel. (AP Photo/Rajesh Nirgude)
Iranian students attend in a pro-Palestinian and anti-Israeli demonstration in front of the U.N office in Tehran, Saturday, Aug. 12, 2006. An Iranian student holds a poster of Hezbollah leader Sheik Hassan Nasrallah in center. (AP Photo/Hasan Sarbakhshian)
Wild Thing's comment.......
It is not that hard, just pick a side to be on.
you celebrate life, freedom and liberty you are on the side of the USA and Israel. If you celebrate death your own and the killing your own children as you use them for suicide bombers, are into beheadings and torture of taking of limbs and such of your captives, praying 5 times a day with your ass in the air, and wearing non washed smelly turbans on your filthy hair then you are on the side of the followers of Islam......just pick a Muslim infested country and there you go.
So why am I pissed? Why does my heart hurt and my stomach feel sick? Because this is dead on serious business the taking over by the Hezboallah and other Islam groups. They have an agenda that is getting its claws dug deeply into the future of the freedoms we know and love.
What, what, what does Israel get out of this "hudna"?
Return of the captive soldiers? No.
Disarming of Hezbollah? No.
Hezbollah is claiming victory.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:55 AM | Comments (10)
RG Takes A Stand Against the Hezbollah Check It Out

I would like to introduce you to a friend of mine. She goes by RG online and this is her blog...Girl on the Right. She is awesome and yesterday ( Saturday ) she attended an anti-Hezbollah rally in Toronto to counter the pro-Hezbollah rally that was taking place in front of the Israeli Consulate.
Great write up, real photos unlike Reuters and a real trooper with a fabulous personality..... my friend Girl on the Right!
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:47 AM | Comments (3)
August 12, 2006
"Americans will die for liberty"
Americans will die for liberty
By Andrew Gimson
As we took off from London for New York a few days ago, our three over-excited children asked if there was any chance of the plane being blown up. I explained that the likelihood of that happening was virtually zero, and wondered how we were going to maintain some semblance of order during the flight. One did not wish the sedate American passengers by whom we were surrounded to form the impression that British parents are unable or unwilling to impart the rudiments of good manners.
Luckily, American Airlines had provided a screen on the back of the seat in front of one's own, on which one could watch old movies. There was also a map showing how far we had gone, on which places of interest were marked. It began by showing only two places: London and Chartwell.
The Americans are more old-fashioned than us, and what is equally admirable, they are not ashamed of being old-fashioned. They know Churchill was a great man, so they put his house on the map. There is a kind of Englishman to whom this sort of behaviour seems painfully unsophisticated.
We are inclined, in our snobbish way, to dismiss the Americans as a new and vulgar people, whose civilisation has hardly risen above the level of cowboys and Indians. Yet the United States of America is actually the oldest republic in the world, with a constitution that is one of the noblest works of man. When one strips away the distracting symbols of modernity - motor cars, skyscrapers, space rockets, microchips, junk food - one finds an essentially 18th-century country. While Europe has engaged in the headlong and frankly rather immature pursuit of novelty - how many constitutions have the nations of Europe been through in this time? - the Americans have held to the ideals enunciated more than 200 years ago by their founding fathers.
The sense of entering an older country, and one with a sterner sense of purpose than is found among the flippant and inconstant Europeans, can be enjoyed even before one gets off the plane. On the immigration forms that one has to fill in, one is asked: "Have you ever been arrested or convicted for an offence or crime involving moral turpitude?" Who now would dare to pose such a question in Europe? The very word "turpitude" brings a smile, almost a sneer, to our lips.
The quiet solicitude that Americans show for the comfort of their visitors, and the tact with which they make one feel at home, can only be described as gentlemanly. These graceful manners, so often overlooked by brash European tourists, whisper the last enchantments of an earlier and more dignified age, when liberty was not confused with licence.
But lest these impressions of the United States seem unduly favourable, it should be added that the Americans have not remained in happy possession of their free constitution without cost. Thomas Jefferson warned that the tree of liberty must be watered from time to time with the blood of tyrants and patriots. To the Americans, the idea that freedom and democracy exact a cost in blood is second nature.
We went to the fine new museum in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, devoted to the American Civil War. It was the bloodiest war in American history. Americans slaughtered Americans in terrible numbers before the North prevailed. You can look up the names of soldiers on a computer, and I found to my slight surprise that a man called Joseph Gimson served on the Union side as a private in the 37th Regiment of Coloured Infantry, and was "severely and dangerously wounded" in the battle of Northeast Station on February 22, 1865.
We stood at Gettysburg, scene of the bloodiest battle of all, on a field covered with memorials to the fallen. Here Abraham Lincoln gave his great and sublimely brief address, ending with the hope "that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom - and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth".
Again some Europeans will give an unkind smile. All this sounds so Puritan, so naïve and so self-righteous. We cannot help feeling that the Americans ought to have been able to settle their quarrel without killing each other, and, while we cannot defend the institution of slavery, we wonder whether the North had the right to impose its will by force.
These are vain quibbles. The North went to war and was victorious.
The Americans are prepared to use force in pursuit of what they regard as noble aims. It is yet another respect in which they are rather old-fashioned. They are patriots who venerate their nation and their flag.
The idea has somehow gained currency in Britain that America is an essentially peaceful nation. Quite how this notion took root, I do not know. Perhaps we were unduly impressed by the protesters against the Vietnam war.
It is an idea that cannot survive a visit to the National Museum of American History in Washington, where one is informed that the "price of freedom" is over and over again paid in blood.
The Americans' tactics in Iraq, and their sanction for Israel's tactics in Lebanon, have given rise to astonishment and anger in Europe. It may well be that those tactics are counter-productive, and that the Americans and Israelis need to take a different approach to these ventures if they are ever to have any hope of winning hearts and minds.
But when the Americans speak of freedom, we should not imagine, in our cynical and worldly-wise way, that they are merely using that word as a cloak for realpolitik. They are not above realpolitik, but they also mean what they say.
These formidable people think freedom is so valuable that it is worth dying for.
Wild Thing's comment......
The writer is correct we are willing to die for our freedom and our liberty. And we hold close to our hearts what America is about and what we stand for to ourselves and to the world. I am proud of America and blessed to be born here and not a day goes by that I do not think of why I am free and how grateful I am to our Veterans and our troops today for that freedom and liberty.
* A huge thank you to one my friends, Kat at Cat House Chat, as I went to her blog this morning and saw this article there.
Posted by Wild Thing at 10:08 AM | Comments (8)
Might As Well Say Hezbollah Is Running The UN
UN rights council sets up probe of Israeli attacks in Lebanon
The UN Human Rights Council voted to set up a commission of inquiry into "systematic" Israeli attacks on civilians in Lebanon, despite fears that it could upset diplomatic moves to end the conflict.
Twenty-seven countries in the 47-member Council backed a resolution submitted by Islamic Nations, including China, Russia and South Africa, setting aside concerns that the resolution was one-sided because it failed to tackle attacks by Hezbollah in northern Israel.
Eleven countries, mainly European Union nations and Japan, voted against. Eight more abstained, while one was absent.
The draft resolution proposed by member states in the Organisation of Islamic Conference "strongly condemns grave Israeli violations of human rights and breaches of international humanitarian law in Lebanon."
It called on Israel to "immediately stop military operations against civilian population."
The Council decided to urgently dispatch "a high level commission of inquiry" composed of experts on human rights and humanitarian law to "investigate the systematic targeting and killings of civilians by Israel in Lebanon."
The United States, which is only an observer on the Council, believed that the session was "potentially counter-productive to the Security Council's efforts" to deal with the conflict, ambassador Warren Tichenor said.
The vote also ignored a warning by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Louise Arbour, who said that an inquiry must also cover rocket attacks by Hezbollah on northern Israel and the alleged use of human shields by the group.
"The independence, impartiality and objectivity of such an inquiry must be guaranteed not only by the credibility of the panel members, but also the scope and methodology of their mandate," she said.
However, Arbour said a balanced probe was necessary and insisted before the vote that the crisis "demands a firm and meaningful response from this Council.
"There is a clear and urgent need to bring clarity to a situation in which facts and allegations are now given the same credit but without the benefit of systematic, independent, thorough and credible scrutiny," she told the special session.
Negotiations between the OIC states and Western nations to try to modify the text failed despite an added call for all parties to refrain from violence against civilians.
Israel, which is not a member of the Council, rejected the resolution was one-sided.
"It is painful and regrettable that the Council made a distinction between the sufferings, the blood and the deaths, and this failure will forever be written in the annals of that body," said Israeli ambassador Itzhak Levanon.
Arbour had earlier told the Council that "Israeli attacks affecting civilians continue unabated," while Hezbollah's "indiscriminate" shelling of northern Israel was "unrelenting."
Indiscriminate attacks and human shields are prohibited, she warned while advance warnings of bombardments did not relieve the warring sides of their legal obligation to spare civilians.
The UN rights chief underlined that those in "positions of command and control," could be held personally responsible for those breaches and face war crimes charges.
"I reminded all belligerents that war crimes and crimes against humanity may be committed even by those who believe, accurately or not, that their combat is a just one and their cause a worthy pursuit," she added.
In Lebanon, more than 1,000 civilians -- nearly one-third of them children under 12 -- have been killed and nearly a million have fled their homes.
About 120 people have died in Hezbollah rocket attacks in northern Israel.
Human rights groups including Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and the International Commission of Jurists said an inquiry should be set up by UN Secretary General Kofi Annan or the Security Council.
Wild Thing's comment....
The hate for Jews is strong, and seeking favor with the Hezbollah is growing among the left on all levels. This is outrageous and should anger everyone that realizes we are at war with Isalm.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:55 AM | Comments (10)
UN ambassador Dan Gillerman Speaking To The Anti-Semitic Security Council
Israel warns of “greater tragedy” if Lebanon does not change (AFP)
12 August 2006
Israel warned the world would face an even “greater tragedy” in the Middle East if the resolution passed by the UN Security Council on Friday did not produce change in Lebanon.
“A resolution alone will do nothing,” Israel’s UN ambassador Dan Gillerman told the Security Council of the UN statement calling for the disarmament of Hezbollah and the establishment of an arms free zone in southern Lebanon after the withdrawal of Israeli troops.
“Unless the tools set out in this resolution are used, with resolve and decisiveness, we will be back at this table -- if not in a week then in a month or a year, facing an even greater tragedy.
“For then the terrorists, supplied no doubt with even more lethal weapons by Iran, will be yet further emboldened by yet another demonstration of our lack of commitment and will.”
Gillerman put the blame for the conflict on Lebanon, accusing the Lebanese government of failing to control Hezbollah and establish its authority over the country.
Israel launched its strikes against southern Lebanon on July 12 after Hezbollah, which dominates southern Lebanon, abducted two Israeli soldiers. The conflict has since left more than 1,100 dead in the two countries.
“Israel, like any state, has the right and duty to defend its citizens from Hezbollah’s unprovoked attacks,” said Gillerman. ”However it is ready to respond to the calls of this council and to give another chance to the government of Lebanon and the international community to create a new reality on the ground.”
Gillerman also warned that the alleged airline-bombing plot uncovered by Britain this week was a sign that terrorism that has become a mark of the Middle East is a threat to the whole world.
He said the foiled plot showed that “The tragedy we have seen in our region over the past weeks ... is but a preview of a coming attraction, produced by Iran, directed by Syria, acted by terrorist groups, soon to be seen in a theater near you.”
Wild Thing's comment.......
I like Dan Gillerman, I respect him. He is NOT anything like Olmert. What Gillerman said is true. They will be back at the tables again...."if not in a week then in a month or a year, facing an even greater tragedy.".......He knows it because he knows what the Hezbollah is about.
A cease-fire is not peace!!!! In a true peace a new understanding has been reached with ironclad promises for both sides not to attack the other. In a "ceasefire", there is no new understanding; both sides have merely agreed to stop killing each other for the time being. And we all know that that is impossible for the Hezbollah! In this case Hezbollah, whether it is firing missiles at Israel or not, is still dedicated wholly to its destruction. That is not peace. It is an interim for rearming for the Hezbollah!
This is vile horrible news about this freaking so called cease fire has me so angry. If this goes final, Hezbollah will gain even more credibility in the Muslim world. They were already credited for getting Israel to withdraw from Lebanon in the first place.
Olmert is giving the Hezbollah a victory. The IDF did declare that it needed time to destroy those terrorists but Olmert's patience ran out and he is capitulating to France's demand.
They are TERRORISTS...that's what they DO. They have sworn to kill all Israelis and drive them into the sea. This isn't over by a long shot.
This post linked over at Basil's blog
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (2)
August 11, 2006
Say Thank You To Our Troops
Here is a chance to send a postcard to our service men and women serving overseas. I have posted 3 samples and there are more at this website called Let's Say Thanks.
The mission of Let's Say Thanks is to provide a way for individuals across the country to recognize U.S. troops stationed overseas. By submitting a message through this site you will send a free personalized postcard greeting to deployed servicemen and women.
To date, more than 12,000 postcards have been mailed to soldiers. Xerox is committed to helping people across the nation express their gratitude to our troops overseas. The launch of this program is aimed at reminding them how much Americans appreciate their service.
Wild Thing's comments......
I am so proud of Xerox, thank you so much for what you are doing. And thank you Beth at MVRWC for telling me about this.
Posted by Wild Thing at 10:47 AM | Comments (6)
US Marine Humvee
Thank you John 5 (VN69/70) for the photo.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:55 AM | Comments (1)
Love In War Time
Love is a Battlefield IDF soldier received heart shaped cookie somewhere near the Lebanon border....
God bless all our troops and the IDF as they fight our enemy Islam.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:47 AM | Comments (4)
Hey CAIR ! Get Over It! BOO HOO
US Muslims bristle at Bush term "Islamic fascists"
WASHINGTON (Reuters) -
U.S. Muslim groups criticized President George W. Bush on Thursday for calling a foiled plot to blow up airplanes part of a "war with Islamic fascists," saying the term could inflame anti-Muslim tensions.
U.S. officials have said the plot, thwarted by Britain, to blow up several aircraft over the Atlantic bore many of the hallmarks of al Qaeda.
"We believe this is an ill-advised term and we believe that it is counter-productive to associate Islam or Muslims with fascism," said Nihad Awad, executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations advocacy group.
"We ought to take advantage of these incidents to make sure that we do not start a religious war against Islam and Muslims," he told a news conference in Washington.
"We urge him (Bush) and we urge other public officials to restrain themselves."
Awad said U.S. officials should take the lead from their British counterparts who had steered clear of using what he considered inflammatory terms when they announced the arrest of more than 20 suspects in the reported plot.
Hours after the news broke, Bush said it was "a stark reminder that this nation is at war with Islamic fascists who will use any means to destroy those of us who love freedom, to hurt our nation."
You can read the REST of ARTICLE HERE
Wild Thing's comment......
Here they had a chance ONCE AGAIN to be speak out against terrorism and they failed. I am sick of it, totally!
The terrorists, homicide bombers, Hezbollah, etc all have one thing in common...they're all Muslims!
Well as your sicko the prophet once said, "If the shoe fits, you probably don't have enough explosives in it".
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (8)
Say What? Someone on the Left Not A Hillary Fan heh heh
Over at Blogs Against Hillary there is a great find, telling about a web site created by a liberal to stop Hillary from running in 2008. It is called No Hillary No. How sweet is this, to have one of her own, a liberal doing this.
"If you think Hillary Clinton is going to win the 2008 election you are either seriously deluded or just plain stupid. I realize that the last few years have been difficult and that many of you have retreated into a fantasy land where a Hillary run makes sense, but here in reality, we know better. Hillary Clinton, regardless of her many qualifications, will never win the presidential election in '08. It simply will not happen and deep down--you know it. The Republicans could run a cross-dressing lipstick smeared Pat Robertson against her and probably win. Little Kenny Mehlman and the crooks who pay his salary and control the RNC are going to, once again, play on the mouth breathing majorities fears and ram another nitwit down our throats. He will appear to be a "moderate" but as soon as he is done taking his oath we will once again get screwed. Think McCain. He has been auditioning for over 6 years now.
I really do not care to repeat the last 6 years. Something has to change.I am asking Hillary Clinton to forget about Democratic nomination for President in '08 and to remove herself from consideration. She needs to put an end to the rumors now. She has a job to do as Senator and she needs to focus on doing that job. The Democrats need to field a candidate who can defeat whatever sock puppet the RNC picks. Hillary Clinton is not that candidate. I have nothing against her. She would be a major improvement over the clown currently occupying 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue but facts are facts, she will not receive the votes to become our President. It really is that simple."
Please go there to read the rest of what is said at Blogs Against Hillary.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM
Ahmadinejad Demands US Change 'behavior'
August 10,2006
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad accused the United States of harboring imperial ambitions and demanded the administration change its behavior, in an interview with a US television network.The Americans "want to build an empire," said Ahmadinejad, according to excerpts of the interview published by the CBS network on its website Wednesday.
"And they don't want to live side-by-side in peace with other nations. The American government, sir, it is very clear to me they have to change their behavior and everything will be resolved," said Ahmadinejad.
The interview, which was to be broadcast in full on Sunday on the "60 minutes" program, coincides with rising tensions between Washington and Tehran over Iran's disputed nuclear program and Israel's offensive against Hezbollah in Lebanon.
The hardline Iranian president said the administration of President George W. Bush had adopted a condescending attitude towards Iran over its nuclear program and criticized a UN Security Council resolution requiring Tehran suspend uranium enrichment activities or face the prospect of sanctions.
"Well, please look at the makeup of the American administration, the behavior of the American administration. See how they talk down to my nation. And this recent resolution passed about the nuclear issue, look at the wording."
The July 31 resolution was pushed through after Iran ignored a previous non-binding deadline and failed to respond to an international offer of a package of incentives in exchange for a moratorium on nuclear fuel work.
Ahmadinejad said Iran was still reviewing the package of incentives.
Western powers had "presented us with a package which we are studying right now," the president said. "We even gave them a date for our response. Ignoring that, they passed a resolution."
Ahmadinejad also expressed disappointment that the US administration had not responded to a letter he sent to Bush in May, which Tehran had presented as an important diplomatic initiative.
"Well, (with the letter) I wanted to open a window towards the light for the president so that he can see that one can look on the world through a different perspective," he said.
The Bush administration, however, dismissed the 18-page letter as little more than a rambling philosophical treatise that offered nothing new on the nuclear crisis.
Ahmadinejad scoffed at Bush for refusing his "invitation" in the form of his letter.
"We are all free to choose. But please give him this message, sir: Those who refuse to accept an invitation will not have a good ending or fate," he said.
"You see that his approval rating is dropping every day. Hatred vis-a-vis the president is increasing every day around the world."
Wild Thing's comment....
"Those who refuse to accept an invitation will not have a good ending or fate," he said.
OK here is the word Daw'ah - Inviting people to convert to Islam, if they refuse, one is then justified in waging a jihad of extermination. In jiahdi speak, he just made a direct and overt threat on our President.
Hey stinky Ahmadinejad here ya go..........this is the American way tou pissant moon god ( allah) worshiper!
"If you open the can on these worms you must be prepared to go all the way because they’re not gonna give up the fight until one of you is dead… Do you want to know how to get Capone? You’ve got to do it the Chicago Way. He pulls a knife, you pull a gun. He sends one o’ yours to the hospital, you send one o’ his to the morgue. That’s the Chicago way. And that’s how you get Capone."
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:44 AM | Comments (4)
Remember The Budwiser Commercial? Here is Shalom
Thanks Linda.......Something.....and Half of Something Hahaha I love it!
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:27 AM
August 10, 2006
Not For Me Nope
McCain-Feingold reminder:
For two months up until the ‘06 election, political ads and agitation will be off-limits.
Amendment I.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
That is why I don’t need any “interim final rule” to say what I want to say: I already have a permanent, non-negotiable rule—and that rule applies to Congress, not to me. Note that the First Amendment doesn’t have an asterisk which says *unless there’s an election looming.
So McCain/Feingold can shove it where the sun does not shine. We at Theodore's World aka PC Free Zone blog will not be falling for your BS. I have NO intention of NOT speaking out and they can kiss my ass! I stand on the First Amendment!
And a VERY special thank you to John 5 (VN69/70) for the heads up in my email about this.
HEY McCain and Feingold!
Posted by Wild Thing at 11:55 AM | Comments (6)
US raises security threat level to "severe"
US raises security threat level to "severe"
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Department of Homeland Security is taking immediate steps to increase security measures in the aviation sector in coordination with heightened security precautions in the United Kingdom, the department said in a statement on Thursday.
"For that reason, the United States Government has raised the nation's threat level to Severe, or Red, for commercial flights originating in the United Kingdom bound for the United States," the statement said.
Statement from Department of Homeland Security The Department of Homeland Security is taking immediate steps to increase security measures in the aviation sector in coordination with heightened security precautions in the United Kingdom. Over the last few hours, British authorities have arrested a significant number of extremists engaged in a substantial plot to destroy multiple passenger aircraft flying from the United Kingdom to the United States. Currently, there is no indication, however, of plotting within the United States. We believe that these arrests have significantly disrupted the threat, but we cannot be sure that the threat has been entirely eliminated or the plot completely thwarted.
For that reason, the United States Government has raised the nation’s threat level to Severe, or Red, for commercial flights originating in the United Kingdom bound for the United States. This adjustment reflects the Critical, or highest, alert level that has been implemented in the United Kingdom. To defend further against any remaining threat from this plot, we will also raise the threat level to High, or Orange, for all commercial aviation operating in or destined for the United States. Consistent with these higher threat levels, the Transportation Security Administration is coordinating with federal partners, airport authorities and commercial airlines on expanding the intensity of existing security requirements. Due to the nature of the threat revealed by this investigation, we are prohibiting any liquids, including beverages, hair gels, and lotions from being carried on the airplane. This determination will be constantly evaluated and updated when circumstances warrant. These changes will take effect at 4:00 AM local time across the country. Travelers should also anticipate additional security measures within the airport and at screening checkpoints.
These measures will continue to assure that our aviation system remains safe and secure. Travelers should go about their plans confidently, while maintaining vigilance in their surroundings and exercising patience with screening and security officials.
The United States and the United Kingdom are fully united and resolute in this effort and in our ongoing efforts to secure our respective homelands.
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:58 AM | Comments (2)
'Plot to blow up planes' foiled in UK ~ Terror Alert Level Raised to Critical!
A major terrorist plot to blow up planes in mid-flight has been disrupted, Scotland Yard has said. It is thought the plan was to detonate explosive devices smuggled on aircraft in hand luggage, with flights from the UK to the US being targeted.
As many as 20 planes were targeted! And 18 have been arrested.
UPDATE on amount of planes: AT 4:05 a.m. they are saying it was 6 planes.
During the night, police arrested a number of people in London after a counter-terrorist operation they said had lasted several months.
Security at all airports in the UK has been tightened and delays are expected.
Scotland Yard said in a statement:
"We would like to reassure the public that this operation was carried out with public safety uppermost in our minds."
"This is a major operation which inevitably will be lengthy and complex."
The Department for Transport set out the details of the security measures at UK airports.
Transparent bags
Passengers will not be allowed to take any hand luggage on to any flights in the UK, the department said.
Only the barest essentials - including passports and wallets - will be allowed to be carried on board in transparent plastic bags.
"We hope that these measures, which are being kept under review by the government, will need to be in place for a limited period only," the statement said.
BBC journalist Joe Lynam encountered the increased security measures at Gatwick airport.
"I was handed a piece of paper saying that pretty much nothing could be taken on board the plane," he said.
"Everything had to be checked in and that includes mobile phones, ipods, wallets - even spectacle cases had to be checked in."
The MI5 and UK Intelligence Community websites are displaying that the UK Terror Threat Level has been raised to 'Critical', which indicates an attack is expected imminently.
Wild Thing's comment......
I am wondering if this has anything to do with what happened at the airport in London.
A man from Scotland's Lebanese community waves the Scottish and Lebanese flags outside Prestwick Airport in Scotland during a demonstration against the UK government's decision to allow U.S. military aircraft carrying bombs destined for Israel to re-fuel at airports in the UK July 30, 2006. It has recently emerged that Prestwick Airport had re-fuelled U.S.aircraft carrying weapons without the UK government's knowledge.
U.S. raises threat level in response to British threat
The Associated Press, Aug. 10, 2006
The U.S. government raised its threat level to the highest level for commercial flights from Britain to the United States early Thursday in response to a reported terror plot in London and also stepped up the general level for all flights within the U.S. or entering the country.
"We believe that these arrests (in London) have significantly disrupted the threat, but we cannot be sure that the threat has been entirely eliminated or the plot completely thwarted," said Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff in announcing that the threat level for flights from Britain to the United States has been raised to the highest "severe or red" level.
"To defend further against any remaining threat from this plot, we will also raise the threat level to High, or Orange, for all commercial aviation operating in or destined for the United States," Chertoff said.
10 August 2006; 0200 ET:
Police in the United Kingdom have reportedly arrested 18 suspects, and more being sought in the UK and at least 2 other countries, including the US. According to US intelligence sources close to the Northeast Intelligence Network, the investigation is expected to expand "well beyond the UK," and described the threat to the US as "just the tip of the iceberg and very significant."
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
FBI Alert: Approach Missing Egyptians with Caution
The FBI has issued an urgent nationwide alert for 11 Egyptian students who entered the United States last week but failed to show up for their courses at Montana State University.An FBI advisory says there are, at present, no known connections to any terrorist group but that the students are to be "approached with caution" and taken into custody. They "are here illegally and wanted for questioning," the advisory says.
The advisory comes just over a month before the five-year anniversary of the September 11 terror attacks on the United States.
"This is of very serious concern and is being closely tracked," said Rep. Peter King (R-NY), Chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee.
The FBI says the Egyptians arrived at John F. Kennedy Airport in New York on July 29 and disappeared. The advisory says the alert is nationwide but that there is specific concern the Egyptians may be on the Eastern Seaboard.
These 11 Egyptian students have been identified as follows:
(UPDATE: 3 have reportedly been captured - one confirmed)
This is nation wide, with specific region of interest is the eastern seaboard--from Maine to Florida. The predicate for this action is that these individuals are in the U.S. illegally and are wanted for questioning. Approach with caution.
And this from CounterTerrorism Blog:
Excerpts: "Consequently, I am not reassured when the FBI says that they do not know of any terrorist affiliations that these illegal aliens may have. It is not reassuring that we do not know, as these public relations spokespersons claim. The point is that I find it curious that there are millions of illegal aliens currently present in our country, but these 11 are the subject of a "Be on the lookout" alert. I do not believe that there are many other such illegal aliens who are the subject of a similar alert."Excerpt: "MSU alerted federal Homeland Security and Mansoura officials and notified the students via e-mail they had 24 hours to show up in Bozeman. None of them did, Dooley said."
Excerpt: " Officials at the Egyptian Consulate in New York and the Egyptian Embassy in Washington, D.C., said they were unfamiliar with the situation. "
The last two excerpts were on that site and from an article from the NY Post.
Watching for updates here: UPDATES
Wild Thing's comment......
The only thing I find odd about this is that this is not posted at the FBI website, nor is ICE saying anything that I know of. At least not as of this writing. Perhaps it is to cover themselves if they are wrong about these individuals, I am not sure. But they certainly notified all the various news media about it as an alert so there is a certain amount of concern for sure.
In order to get their student visas and get admitted to the program, the "students" also had to list a financial sponsor and provide a certification of financial support. Who were their sponsors?
I hope they profile these guys like crazy and any one else like this. Just ONE other thing, STOP allowing anyone into this country of ours from any Muslim country.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:45 AM | Comments (2)
FATwah From The Mouthpiece Of Leftist Mullah Moore
Representing the far-left wing that is said to now be running the Democrat Party, Michael Moore is warning all Democrat candidates for office that they must tow the leftist line or face defeat as did Senator Joe Lieberman. Moore also warns these candidates that the left-wing of the Democrat Party will work actively to defeat all candidates that do not support an anti-war policy and an immediate withdrawal from Iraq.
It's All About Who You Sleep With ... a Cautionary Note from Michael Moore
Let the resounding defeat of Senator Joe Lieberman send a cold shiver down the spine of every Democrat who supported the invasion of Iraq and who continues to support, in any way, this senseless, immoral, unwinnable war. Make no mistake about it: We, the majority of Americans, want this war ended -- and we will actively work to defeat each and every one of you who does not support an immediate end to this war.
Nearly every Democrat set to run for president in 2008 is responsible for this war. They voted for it or they supported it. That single, stupid decision has cost us 2,592 American lives and tens of thousands of Iraqi lives. Lieberman and Company made a colossal mistake -- and we are going to make sure they pay for that mistake. Payback time started last night.
I realize that there are those like Kerry and Edwards who have now changed their position and are strongly anti-war. Perhaps that switch will be enough for some to support them. For others, like me -- while I'm glad they've seen the light -- their massive error in judgment is, sadly, proof that they are not fit for the job. They sided with Bush, and for that, they may never enter the promised land.
To Hillary, our first best hope for a woman to become president, I cannot for the life of me figure out why you continue to support Bush and his war. I'm sure someone has advised you that a woman can't be elected unless she proves she can kick ass just as crazy as any man. I'm here to tell you that you will never make it through the Democratic primaries unless you start now by strongly opposing the war. It is your only hope. You and Joe have been Bush's biggest Democratic supporters of the war. Last night's voter revolt took place just a few miles from your home in Chappaqua. Did you hear the noise? Can you read the writing on the wall?
To every Democratic Senator and Congressman who continues to back Bush's War, allow me to inform you that your days in elective office are now numbered. Myself and tens of millions of citizens are going to work hard to actively remove you from any position of power.
If you don't believe us, give Joe a call.
Michael Moore
P.S. Republicans -- sorry to leave you out of this letter. It's just that our side has a little housecleaning to do. We'll take care of you this November.
Wild Thing's comment......
The Party of Saddam and the supporters of Terrorists speaks again. What can we do to keep this guy talking! HAHAHA
* Blue Star Chronicles ....Beth has a wonderful post on this.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:44 AM | Comments (7)
August 09, 2006
Demand a Ban on Exploitation of Fallen Soldiers
Remember last year, when RightMarch.com traveled to Crawford, Texas to confront all of the left-wing loonies led by Cindy Sheehan, who were there to protest President Bush and the War on Terror?
One of the great men I got to know there was Gary Qualls, the father of Marine LCPL Louis W. Qualls, who saved the lives of 21 Marines and 37 Iraqi National Guard troops before falling to insurgent fire in the Battle of Fallujah. This father of a fallen hero was outraged that Cindy Sheehan's cohorts had put his son's name on one of their crosses and stuck it in a ditch to protest the war, at what they called "Camp Casey".
Gary Qualls went to Sheehan's site, yanked up his son's cross, and took it to his own site. When they put up another one, he yanked that up too, and another, and another. As a result, parents came from around the country and followed his example, and all of those crosses were put together at what came to be called "Fort Qualls". It was a magnificent sight to behold.
But the fact is, none of these parents should have had to go through what they did. Their fallen heroes should have been protected from that kind of exploitation by the radical leftists like Cindy Sheehan.
Now, they can be -- with your help.
U.S. Representative Charles W. Boustany, Jr. (R-LA) and U.S. Representative Geoff Davis (R-KY) have introduced legislation that would ban the unauthorized use of a deceased soldier's name or image for commercial or political purpose. The "Military Fallen Heroes Protection Act" (H.R. 5772) comes in response to recent commercial and political use of names and images of fallen soldiers without the expressed consent from their families."America's fallen soldiers, and the families they leave behind, deserve to know that their names and images will be protected from this shameful exploitation," said Boustany. "While there is no way to ever express in words the significance of their sacrifice, we have a duty to honor and protect their memories."
Boustany introduced the measure at the request of several families who have lost loved ones in Iraq, particularly the mothers of Pfc. David Burridge (U.S. Marine Corps) and Corporal Joseph Thibodeaux (U.S. Army), both of Lafayette, LA. Pfc. Burridge and Cpl. Thibodeaux were both killed in Iraq in September of 2004.
Their families were shocked and appalled to discover that the names of their sons had been printed on the back of anti-war t-shirts being sold for profit. They subsequently called on their state and federal lawmakers to prevent this unauthorized business practice. Similar legislation has been signed into law in Louisiana which makes the unauthorized use of the identity of a deceased soldier a crime.
It's about time. We need to PUSH HARD to make sure this bill is quickly made into law when Congress returns from their recess.
TAKE ACTION: It's unfortunate that the "anti-war" leftists have sunk to a new low by choosing to use the images of our fallen soldiers for their political gain. No one who is shameless enough to dishonor the memories of these brave men and women should ever be allowed to benefit from such an act, either by commercial or political means.
Please CLICK HERE to send a free message to your Representative, telling him or her to pass the "Military Fallen Heroes Protection Act"
Thank you Jack ( Conservative Insurgent) for sending this Alert to me.
* Basil's Blog...thank you Basil
Posted by Wild Thing at 11:47 AM
Captured the Hizbullah Kidnapper Details Syrian, Iranian Collusion
Video released by the Israeli Defense Forces, Monday Aug. 7, 2006, shows Hizb'allah terrorist Hussein Ali Suleiman. Suleiman acknowledged his part in the raid on an Israeli army patrol July 12, that ignited the current conflict with Lebanon.
If the MSM reported this, then the MSM would not be able to blame Israel for Islamic terrorist attack worldwide.
Captured Hizbullah Kidnapper Details Syrian, Iranian Collusion 21:53 Aug 08, '06 / 14 Av 5766 by Nissan Ratzlav-KatzIsrael National News (Arutz Sheva)
The IDF released videotaped footage of an interview with a captured Hizbullah member who was involved in the July 12th attack in which eight IDF soldiers were killed and two others kidnapped.Chief of military intelligence, Maj.-Gen. Amos Yadlin, told cabinet ministers on Sunday that the Hizbullah terrorist had been taken prisoner during an operation in Lebanon. Soldiers Ehud Goldwasser and Eldad Regev are still being held hostage by the Iranian-backed Hizbullah.
Among other revelations of Hizbullah recruitment and training methods, the captured terrorist, Hussein Ali Sliman, said that he and a group of 40 or 50 others travelled from Beirut to Iran by way of an unofficial Syrian air strip in 2003. He also noted that the caravan of Hizbullah vehicles crossing into Syria travelled by way of an official military lane. The trip was undertaken for one of two practical field exercises of Hizbullah terrorists under Iranian tutelage.
Sliman, age 22 from the Beirut-area Burj Al-Barajneh PLO refugee camp, was interrogated after being captured by IDF forces in an unspecified raid in Lebanon. Speaking in Arabic, the captive Hizbullah member appears to be very calm and cooperative with his off-camera interrogator in the edited recording.
Early in the interview, Sliman described how he began Hizbullah militia training activities at the age of 15, after school hours, in his home town. The training, Sliman said, lasted one and a half months, during which the youths were given military, educational and religious instruction.
Sliman: "I was young. In 2000, I took part in a combat course, after the liberation [a reference to the Israeli unilateral withdrawal from southern Lebanon in that year - ed.]."
Interrogator: "And until 2000, what did you do during that period?"
Sliman: "Nothing. Mosque attendance. Mosque attendance and lessons with the sheikh [Muslim cleric]."
After a multi-faceted 45-day combat course in the Ba'albek region of eastern Lebanon, Sliman learned how to use anti-tank weapons and eventually took part in what might be likened to a military officers course for commanders of specific districts.
When asked by his questioner if he took courses outside of Lebanon, Sliman answered, "Not a course. I took part in practical field training exercises ['war games' - ed.]. Two exercises."
Interrogator: "When was the first exercise?"
Sliman: "At the end of 2003."
Interrogator: "Where did you do it?"
Sliman: "In Iran."
Interrogator: "How did you leave for Iran?"
Sliman: "We left Beirut in cars, range rovers, other vehicles...."
Interrogator: "Hizbullah cars. It is known that military cars belong to the Hizbullah."
Sliman: "Not military vehicles, but..."
Interrogator: "But they are recognized as belonging to the Hizbullah."
Sliman: "Yes. Recognizable."
The captured Hizbullah terrorist was then asked where they went from Beirut. "From Beirut to the Damascus airport," he replied. "At the Al-Missna Crossing, by way of the military lane."
After clarifying that the group of about 50 Hizbullah terrorists traveled to Syria as a group, by way of a military crossing, the interrogator asked Sliman what they did once they reached the Damascus airport.
Sliman: "We did not enter the Damascus airport, we entered a separate area...."
Interrogator: "That is to say, unofficial."
Sliman: "Yes, unofficial."
Interrogator: "They entered the Damascus airport..."
Sliman: "An airport bus, the bus came and took us and we took off in the plane."
Interrogator: "Did they stamp your passports when you left?"
Sliman: "We didn't have any passports."
The video then cuts to a discussion of the attacks Sliman carried out once back in Lebanon. In 2005, he was part of a peripheral team assigned to prevent Israeli tanks from firing at the border town of Rajar, as another cell attempted to kill or kidnap IDF soldiers stationed on the Israeli side of the border. That operation failed. "The main goal was really not achieved," he admitted, "but the secondary goal was to land a harsh blow against the military outposts."Regarding his part in the July 12th attack and kidnapping on the Lebanese-Israeli border, Sliman said that he was assigned to prevent the approach of IDF reinforcements from nearby military positions.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
August 8th Primary Election
Lieberman Concedes Defeat In Senate Race
11:22 PM EDT, August 8, 2006
By JON LENDER, ELIZABETH HAMILTON And DAVID OWENS, The Hartford Courant U.S. Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman conceded defeat just after 11 p.m. in the bitter Connecticut primary.
But Lieberman pledged to continue his candidacy as an independent in the general election in November.
And this...........
Rep. Cynthia McKinney has lost a runoff election for her district's Democratic nomination to attorney Hank Johnson, a former county commissioner.
Wild Thing's comment.......
I always feel dirty when I watch Dems for an entire evening. ugh! Thank God for bubble baths.
Did you see the "Hannity Sucks Ass" sign at the Lamont headquarters inadvertently shown on Fox? I love Sean Hannity and he pretty much kept a straight face.
The Democrat Party is peeling back a few more of the layers of skin of their onion. And it once again isn't pretty. Lamont is the poster child for the Soros camp which speaks volumes as to where the Dem party is digging it's heals in with a vengence.
And as for slugger McKinney, it looks like the terrorists will have to find a new Congressional Representative. Oh wait there are a lot of others to pick from in the Democratic party.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:49 AM | Comments (6)
Children of Afghanistan Feel Freedom Thanks To Our Troops
In Kandaksai, Afghanistan, Afghan children look at U.S. soldiers establishing a new base along the Pakistan border.
ONLY because they were liberated by the United States do these young boys have freedom to meet.
Previously they would have been seen only as Taliban sex-slaves. Under the Taliban children were prohibited from even flying a kite.
In Kabul, Afghan girls and children attend classes.ONLY because they were liberated by the United States do
these girls have opportunity to learn. Previously, school for girls was banned by the Taliban.
Wild Thing's comment.......
These children would have none of this if it weren't for our troops.
God bless our troops and please pray for their safety.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (2)
August 08, 2006
CAIR Rally Against Israeli War on Lebanon and Palestine
An attendee of the “Stop the Terror Rally” sponsored by the Council for America-Islamic Relations – Ohio held at the Federal Courthouse in downtown Columbus, Ohio, on Friday July 28 says she was twice assaulted by CAIR’s National Vice-Chairman, Dr. Ahmad Al-Akhras, when she asked too many questions about the organization’s apparent support for Hezbollah terrorists. Fortunately, she caught it all on tape and has put the video online so the public can see the reaction of one of CAIR’s top officials. The alleged assault victim, who chooses to remain anonymous for fear of retaliation, but who posts under her nom de guerre “ciaospirit” at Little Green Footballs, describes herself as an independent filmmaker and “new media” journalist At one point in the video, Dr. Al-Akhras is asked by one of his associates who she is, and he mentions aloud the name of ciaospirit’s employer – a fact she says she had never disclosed to him or anyone else.
Fortunately, she caught it all on tape and has put the video online so the public can see the reaction of one of CAIR’s top officials.
In a phone interview shortly after the incident, “ciaospirit” described the events that precipitated the unprovoked attacks by Dr. Al-Akhras.
I went to the event because CAIR had advertised that it was open to the public, and regardless, it was held on a public sidewalk in front of a Federal building. I had every right to be there. It was clear that they had a message they wanted to express, and I hoped to get them to speak beyond their scripted press release comments…to get some straight answers about how they really feel about the violence and terrorism committed by Hezbollah that provoked the Israeli response.
I wasn’t there more than a couple of minutes when I began to interview a gentleman wearing a kafiyyeh that concealed everything but his eyes. I was asking him about his support for Hezbollah when Dr. Al-Akhras approached us and began telling everyone in the vicinity not to speak to me. I then asked him what his message and I kept rolling as he explained how they were there opposing terror. He was clearly agitated. It was when several of them were telling me about Israel bombing innocent civilians, and I responded by asking them about Hezbollah missiles being fired into Israel killing innocent civilians that Al-Akhras lunged at me and grabbed ahold of my camera as I was filming.
She described CAIR’s tactics as intimidating and its message on terror as contradictory:
His people – all male and much larger than me – swarmed me and wouldn’t let me tape, and I was concerned about what they intended to do. All I could do was to remind them that this was a public event held on a public sidewalk in front of a public building and that I had as much right to be there as they did. And I really believe that someone there had to ask the hard questions. All day the speakers were screaming about Israel killing innocent Lebanese civilians, but no mention was ever made about the targeting of Israeli citizens by Hezbollah or the kidnapping of Israeli military personnel in violation of international law. I was told by one CAIR spokesman at the rally that Hezbollah isn’t a terrorist organization because they run hospitals and schools (which I caught on tape). Not one mention of innocent children in Israel that have been killed in indiscriminate Hezbollah rocket attacks. No one there wanted to confront the glaring contradiction of their position. They apparently think that if they don’t answer the question that the question doesn’t exist. There’s clearly an agenda they want to hide. They were condemning Israel all day long, but not one word about Hezbollah violence. Their statements condemning terrorism clearly run only one way – towards Israel.
She says that throughout the rest of the rally, Dr. Al-Akhras followed her closely, instructing people not to talk to her as she tried to interview them. At one point in her video, one woman can be seen taping her.
This is here blog and she has more videos there of what happened. It is called Hour Glass 1941
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:57 PM | Comments (4)
Modem Problems But Lap Top Saves The Day
I apologize for being so late responding to your comments and no new posts this morning.
I had some computer problems late last night and this morning. Then forgot I had a lap top. Now how funny and blonde moment is that. hahahaahaha And I love this lap top, I just so seldom use it.
It is my modem so the guy will fix it tomorrow morning...yippee
((( hugs)))
Posted by Wild Thing at 04:27 PM | Comments (2)
August 07, 2006
Hugos Weekly Show On Venezuelan TV
Wild Thing's comment.....
This is hilarious! He is such a joke! I thought you might like a good laugh.
Posted by Wild Thing at 07:04 PM | Comments (11)
Guard the Borders Blogburst
This week's Blogburst was written by Toni at Bear Creek Ledger
Illegal Alien Stole 10 yr old girl’s identity
By Toni at Bear Creek Ledger
How would you like to find out your child's identity had been stolen? You of course probably wouldn't know until the child reached adulthood.
Kern found out quite by accident when Hayley's application for the North Carolina Children's Health Insurance Program was initially rejected because her earned income was too high. Hayley is 10 years old. She doesn't have any earned income. Guess the Social Security Administration doesn't look at earned income for 10 year olds or 5 year olds for that matter. What she learned was that a man, an illegal immigrant in his 20s, had been working under Hayley's Social Security number for the past six years. [...] Rosario does not speak English. Through an interpreter, Knight learned that when Rosario came to the U.S. from Mexico at age 22, he was told he needed "work papers" to get a job. The working papers acquaintances provided was a Social Security card with Rosario's name and a fraudulent number. He believed the number was the "work papers" that allowed him to work in the U.S. Knight said Rosario was at a loss to understand what he had done wrong.
As much as I'd like to empathize with this Mexican man, I can't. I find it difficult to believe this man has been in the US working for 6 years and is unaware of the political fight going on with illegal aliens in this country. The one consistency with this man though; he has been in this country for 6 years, he can't speak any English and yet has a drivers license and vehicle. I'm surprised he hasn't purchased a home yet!
The mother, Shelly Kern now has the terrible task of trying to clear her childs identity. Clearing your child's name can be just as frustrating and infuriating as clearing an adult's name. Kern said maybe more so. First, she was referred to the regional Social Security Administration office where she was told there was nothing they could do. They sent her to the Employment Security Commission. Neither agency nor the DSS has enforcement powers, so Kern went to the Star Police Department. […] When Kern tried to order a credit report on her daughter, she hit obstacle after obstacle. 0nline, the credit reporting agencies want credit information that her daughter, at age 10, does not have and she cannot get a credit report for Rosario, no matter that the Social Security number is fraudulent. She has appealed to the N.C. Attorney General's Office for assistance.
Apparently this has been happening for years:
The practice of stealing, selling and using Social Security numbers from juveniles began over 20 years ago in southern California and has spread throughout the country. Apparently, the SSNs are obtained through brokers, who are primarily Permanent Legal Residents. The "brokers" physically monitor court house records of newborns, and obtain their birth registry issued SSNs from open public records, or from other Permanent Legal Residents/Naturalized Citizens who are employees of city and county government that have access to tax records.The reason this illegal practice has been relatively successful is that the IRS/SSA doesn't note that one to five year old children shouldn't be working, despite the SSA records that show the age of number holders. Also, ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) is not known for pursuing this line of investigation.
If you have children you should really read the rest of this story since there's more information covered that you should know.
The Courier-Tribune :: News Page
And of course, I want to give a bit of promo to Dan Demay's song - Illegal.
This has been a production of the Guard the Borders Blogburst. It was started by Euphoric Reality, and serves to keep immigration issues in the forefront of our minds as we're going about our daily lives and continuing to fight the war on terror. If you are concerned with the trend of illegal immigration facing our country, join our Blogburst! Just send an email with your blog name and url to euphoricrealitynet at gmail dot com.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 PM | Comments (5)
Tomcat Chapter Draws to a Close
Forever-Fearsome F-14 Tomcat Fighter Jet's Last Official Launch, Flyby, Landing
Aboard USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN 71), an F-14D Tomcat assigned to the "Tomcatters" of Fighter Squadron Three One (VF-31), aircraft number 112, accelerates down the ship’s number three catapult during the final launch of an F-14 Tomcat fighter aircraft.
Tomcat Chapter Draws To a Close
A long, storied chapter in naval aviation history came to a close July 28 with the final aircraft carrier flight operations for F-14 Tomcats, fighter jets that have spent more than 32 years in the fleet but are now retiring and making room for F/A-18E/F Super Hornets.The final aircraft carrier operational launch for Tomcats happened aboard the Norfolk-based Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN 71) when aircraft No. 112 from the "Tomcatters" of Fighter Squadron (VF) 31, piloted by Lt. Blake Coleman and Radar Intercept Officer Lt. Cmdr. Dave Lauderbaugh, made its way down catapult No. 3 at 4:42 p.m.
"Bittersweet is a perfect term for this," said Tomcatters' Commanding Officer, Cmdr. Jim Howe. "As a career F-14 pilot, I would be much happier flying the Tomcat until the end of my days in the Navy. But instead we have to enjoy this as long as we can."
The Navy's transition from the F-14D Tomcat fighter jet to the F/A-18E/F Super Hornet, a strike-fighter aircraft, is all but complete, as Carrier Air Wing (CVW) 8's Tomcatters now make up the final F-14 squadron.
As part of the final transition, F-14 pilots and maintainers will take on any necessary additional training and learn the ins and outs of Super Hornets, which Howe said is a much easier aircraft to work with.
"One of the reasons the Tomcat is going away is because it's so hard to fix," Howe said. "I'm happy for my young maintenance guys, because they've worked their tails off and they can fix just about anything. So, this transition to the Super Hornet, because that particular aircraft is so much easier to maintain, will be an easy one for them."
Dating back to its initial combat missions during Vietnam and spanning to its most recent combat missions in the Persian Gulf, the F-14 Tomcat has played a vital role in naval aviation.
The Tomcat entered operational service with Navy fighter squadrons VF-1 Wolfpack and VF-2 Bounty Hunters aboard USS Enterprise (CVN 65) in September 1974. The F-14's purpose was to serve as a fighter interceptor, eventually replacing the F-4 Phantom II Fighter, which was completely phased-out in 1986.
Although its dogfighting superiority had already been made clear through simulated training missions, the F-14 was first tested in combat operations in August 1981. While on patrol outside Libya, two F-14As were fired upon by two Libyan Sukhoi SU-22s. The Tomcat pilots safely maneuvered from a defensive position to an offensive one before engaging and destroying both SUs.
Four years later in 1985, F-14s were called upon in response to the hijacking of an Italian cruise ship. The terrorists, who were from the Palestine Liberation Organization, attempted to make an escape after going ashore and boarding a Boeing-737 commercial airliner. Tomcats from VF-74 and VF-103 were launched from USS Saratoga (CV 60) to intercept the 737. The terrorists, realizing they were no match for the Tomcat's air-to-air attack capabilities, allowed the airliner to safely land in Sigonella, Sicily.
In 1989, the Tomcat was once again challenged by Libya when two MiG-23 Floggers engaged two F-14As from VF-32 that were flying combat air patrol missions from aboard USS John F. Kennedy (CV 67). The MiG-23s were determined hostile and the eight-minute engagement resulted in the downing of both Floggers.
During its first 17 years of operational service in the Navy, the Tomcat played a vital role as an interceptor with its air-to-air capabilities. However, during the 1991 Persian Gulf War, where there was more need for air-to-ground abilities, the need for the Tomcat's air-to-air capabilities diminished.
Despite its many upgrades over the years, from the F-14A, to the F-14B, and finally the F-14D with its powerful GE F110 engines and more sophisticated weaponry and surveillance equipment, it appeared the Tomcat's days were fading fast.
However, this state of uncertainty wouldn't last for long. Shortly following the Persian Gulf War, Navy leaders decided to devise removable bomb racks for Tomcats to allow them to carry MK-80 "dumb" bombs. The Tomcats were also given the Low-Altitude Navigation and Targeting Infrared for Night (LANTIRN) targeting system to allow for delivery of laser-guided bombs. With its new upgrades the Tomcat's were soon dubbed "Bombcats."
"This aircraft has done a lot for naval aviation history," said Senior Chief Aviation Structural Mechanic (AW) Fred Parker. "It's obviously been through, and played a vital role in, many wars and evolutions."
During the proceeding years, the F-14s took on a new, more effective role as a fighter-bomber.
In Operation Deliberate Force in Bosnia, the Tomcats delivered laser-guided bombs while other aircraft painted the targets with lasers. The Navy was credited with 30 percent of the kills against forces in Kosovo as a result of the bombing performance of the Tomcat.
The F-14 also demonstrated its ground attack capabilities in Afghanistan and Operation Iraqi Freedom. In 2002, VF-14 led the first long-range tactical air strike, flying more than 1,700 miles round trip to Mazar-e Sharif, destroying Taliban aircraft on the ground. During Operation Iraqi Freedom, the Tomcats lived up to their "Bombcat" nickname with their air-to-ground missions, continuing to save the lives of coalition ground forces.
"I will never forget flying a ‘show of force' over a city in Iraq where our troops were taking fire from insurgents," said Lt. Cmdr. Gregory Knepper, a pilot for VF-31. "After making a high speed/low altitude pass over the shoot-out, the insurgents fled and hopefully, we saved the lives of some of our Soldiers. The Tomcat has been a phenomenal part of naval aviation. It will be sad to see such a storied fighter decommissioned."
The Tomcat has been leading the way in naval aviation for some time now, but just like a senior Sailor retiring to make way for a new up and coming junior Sailor, it is time for the Tomcat to retire and make way for the Super Hornet.
"A lot of the guys in the squadron have been upbeat and we've been having a great time, but this is bittersweet," said Lt. Chris Rattigan, a pilot for VF-31 who piloted the final arrested landing today. "Now we'll transition to the F/A-18E, which is a single-seat version of the Super Hornet. It's okay though. I'm just glad to have gotten the chance to be a part of this aircraft. It's been a lot of fun. This is something I've always wanted to do growing up, and I was lucky enough to be able to do it."
TR is currently training as part of the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN 69) Carrier Strike Group Joint Task Force Exercise (JTFEX) in the Atlantic Ocean.
Additional F-14 Tomcat Photos, 28 July 2006, USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN 71) in the Atlantic Ocean:
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Wild Thing's comment.....
I think this is sad.
If you want to see one of these beautiful machines, go the Ronald Reagan library in Simi Valley, California. They have on of these aircraft outside and the actual Air Force 1 (Tail # 27000) inside the library. Quite an impressive visit for a VERY impressive man.
Posted by Wild Thing at 09:55 AM | Comments (6)
Truth About Islam From An Ex-Muslim
Wafa Sultan, a psychologist from LA, speaks with Dr. Ahmad Bin Muhammad, an Algerian professor.
* Conservative Insurgent - Thank you so much Jack for sending this to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at 09:15 AM | Comments (2)
What Did Murtha Know and When ~ It Matters!
From Murtha Must Go blog
Information compiled by Leo Pusateri
When Murtha fired his shot heard round the world-- when he declared that Marines killed "innocent civilians" in "cold blood", he admitted that he had not read reports of the incident before making the charge, but claimed that he received his information from sources inside the pentagon. Back when Murtha first made his seditious remarks, according to the Army Times:
“I do not know where Rep. Murtha is obtaining is information,” said Lt. Col. Sean Gibson, a spokesman for Marine Corps Forces Central Command in Tampa, Fla. “Thoroughness will drive the investigation.”
Well, it may turn out that we may never know how Murtha got his information. But one thing appears for certain--Murtha received his briefing regarding the Haditha incident after he made his proclamation of guilt against the Marines!
WASHINGTON, Aug 3 (Reuters) - The head of the U.S. Marine Corps briefed Rep. John Murtha on the Haditha case after the vocal war critic publicly said Marines had killed innocent civilians in that Iraqi city, the Corps said on Thursday.A group of Marines, while suspected in the killing of 24 Iraqi civilians, has not been charged, and official results from the military's investigation remain outstanding. A U.S. defense official said on Wednesday, however that evidence indicates Marines deliberately shot to death unarmed civilians.
Murtha, a Pennsylvania Democrat, is being sued by one of the accused Marines for libel. He had told The Philadelphia Inquirer that Gen. Michael Hagee had given him the information on which he based his charge that Marines killed innocent civilians.
But a spokesman for the Marine Corps said Hagee briefed Murtha on May 24 about Haditha. Murtha had made comments on the case as early as May 17. On May 17, for example, he said at a news conference, "Our troops overreacted because of the pressure on them and they killed innocent civilians in cold blood." (emphases mine)
A spokeswoman for Murtha was not immediately available.
Posted by Wild Thing at 09:04 AM | Comments (2)
August 06, 2006
The Brink of Madness
From the Pen of Victor Hanson
The Brink of Madness
by Victor Davis Hanson
National Review Online
When I used to read about the 1930s — the Italian invasion of Abyssinia, the rise of fascism in Italy, Spain, and Germany, the appeasement in France and Britain, the murderous duplicity of the Soviet Union, and the racist Japanese murdering in China — I never could quite figure out why, during those bleak years, Western Europeans and those in the United States did not speak out and condemn the growing madness, if only to defend the millennia-long promise of Western liberalism.Of course, the trauma of the Great War was all too fresh, and the utopian hopes for the League of Nations were not yet dashed. The Great Depression made the thought of rearmament seem absurd. The connivances of Stalin with Hitler — both satanic, yet sometimes in alliance, sometimes not — could confuse political judgments.
But nevertheless it is still surreal to reread the fantasies of Chamberlain, Daladier, and Pope Pius, or the stump speeches by Charles Lindbergh (“Their [the Jews’] greatest danger to this country lies in their large ownership and influence in our motion pictures, our press, our radio, and our government”) or Father Coughlin (“Many people are beginning to wonder whom they should fear most — the Roosevelt-Churchill combination or the Hitler-Mussolini combination.”) — and it is even more baffling to consider that such men ever had any influence.
Not any longer.
Our present generation too is on the brink of moral insanity. That has never been more evident than in the last three weeks, as the West has proven utterly unable to distinguish between an attacked democracy that seeks to strike back at terrorist combatants, and terrorist aggressors who seek to kill civilians.
It is now nearly five years since jihadists from the Arab world left a crater in Manhattan and ignited the Pentagon. Apart from the frontline in Iraq , the United States and NATO have troops battling the Islamic fascists in Afghanistan . European police scramble daily to avoid another London or Madrid train bombing. The French, Dutch, and Danish governments are worried that a sizable number of Muslim immigrants inside their countries are not assimilating, and, more worrisome, are starting to demand that their hosts alter their liberal values to accommodate radical Islam. It is apparently not safe for Australians in Bali, and a Jew alone in any Arab nation would have to be discreet — and perhaps now in France or Sweden as well. Canadians’ past opposition to the Iraq war, and their empathy for the Palestinians, earned no reprieve, if we can believe that Islamists were caught plotting to behead their prime minister. Russians have been blown up by Muslim Chechnyans from Moscow to Beslan. India is routinely attacked by Islamic terrorists. An elected Lebanese minister must keep in mind that a Hezbollah or Syrian terrorist — not an Israeli bomb — might kill him if he utters a wrong word. The only mystery here in the United States is which target the jihadists want to destroy first: the Holland Tunnel in New York or the Sears Tower in Chicago .
In nearly all these cases there is a certain sameness: The Koran is quoted as the moral authority of the perpetrators; terrorism is the preferred method of violence; Jews are usually blamed; dozens of rambling complaints are aired, and killers are often considered stateless, at least in the sense that the countries in which they seek shelter or conduct business or find support do not accept culpability for their actions.
Yet the present Western apology to all this is often to deal piecemeal with these perceived Muslim grievances: India , after all, is in Kashmir; Russia is in Chechnya ; America is in Iraq , Canada is in Afghanistan ; Spain was in Iraq (or rather, still is in Al Andalus); or Israel was in Gaza and Lebanon . Therefore we are to believe that “freedom fighters” commit terror for political purposes of “liberation.” At the most extreme, some think there is absolutely no pattern to global terrorism, and the mere suggestion that there is constitutes “Islamaphobia.”
Here at home, yet another Islamic fanatic conducts an act of al Qaedism in Seattle, and the police worry immediately about the safety of the mosques from which such hatred has in the past often emanated — as if the problem of a Jew being murdered at the Los Angeles airport or a Seattle civic center arises from not protecting mosques, rather than protecting us from what sometimes goes on in mosques.
But then the world is awash with a vicious hatred that we have not seen in our generation: the most lavish film in Turkish history, “Valley of the Wolves,” depicts a Jewish-American harvesting organs at Abu Ghraib in order to sell them; the Palestinian state press regularly denigrates the race and appearance of the American Secretary of State; the U.N. secretary general calls a mistaken Israeli strike on a U.N. post “deliberate,” without a word that his own Blue Helmets have for years watched Hezbollah arm rockets in violation of U.N. resolutions, and Hezbollah’s terrorists routinely hide behind U.N. peacekeepers to ensure impunity while launching missiles.
If you think I exaggerate the bankruptcy of the West or only refer to the serial ravings on the Middle East of Pat Buchanan or Jimmy Carter, consider some of the most recent comments from Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah about Israel: “When the people of this temporary country lose their confidence in their legendary army, the end of this entity will begin [emphasis added].” Then compare Nasrallah’s remarks about the U.S: “To President Bush, Prime Minister Olmert and every other tyrannical aggressor. I want to invite you to do what you want, practice your hostilities. By God, you will not succeed in erasing our memory, our presence or eradicating our strong belief. Your masses will soon waste away, and your days are numbered [emphasis added].”
And finally examine here at home reaction to Hezbollah — which has butchered Americans in Lebanon and Saudi Arabia — from a prominent Democratic Congressman, John Dingell: “I don’t take sides for or against Hezbollah.” And isn’t that the point, after all: the amoral Westerner cannot exercise moral judgment because he no longer has any?
An Arab rights group, between denunciations of Israel and America , is suing its alma mater the United States for not evacuating Arab-Americans quickly enough from Lebanon , despite government warnings of the dangers of going there, and the explicit tactics of Hezbollah, in the manner of Saddam Hussein, of using civilians as human shields in the war it started against Israel .
Demonstrators on behalf of Hezbollah inside the United States — does anyone remember our 241 Marines slaughtered by these cowardly terrorists? — routinely carry placards with the Star of David juxtaposed with Swastikas, as voices praise terrorist killers. Few Arab-American groups these past few days have publicly explained that the sort of violence, tyranny, and lawlessness of the Middle East that drove them to the shores of a compassionate and successful America is best epitomized by the primordial creed of Hezbollah.
There is no need to mention Europe , an entire continent now returning to the cowardice of the 1930s. Its cartoonists are terrified of offending Muslim sensibilities, so they now portray the Jews as Nazis, secure that no offended Israeli terrorist might chop off their heads. The French foreign minister meets with the Iranians to show solidarity with the terrorists who promise to wipe Israel off the map (“In the region there is of course a country such as Iran — a great country, a great people and a great civilization which is respected and which plays a stabilizing role in the region”) — and manages to outdo Chamberlain at Munich. One wonders only whether the prime catalyst for such French debasement is worry over oil, terrorists, nukes, unassimilated Arab minorities at home, or the old Gallic Jew-hatred.
It is now a cliché to rant about the spread of postmodernism, cultural relativism, utopian pacifism, and moral equivalence among the affluent and leisured societies of the West. But we are seeing the insidious wages of such pernicious theories as they filter down from our media, universities, and government — and never more so than in the general public’s nonchalance since Hezbollah attacked Israel .
These past few days the inability of millions of Westerners, both here and in Europe, to condemn fascist terrorists who start wars, spread racial hatred, and despise Western democracies is the real story, not the “quarter-ton” Israeli bombs that inadvertently hit civilians in Lebanon who live among rocket launchers that send missiles into Israeli cities and suburbs.
Yes, perhaps Israel should have hit more quickly, harder, and on the ground; yes, it has run an inept public relations campaign; yes, to these criticisms and more. But what is lost sight of is the central moral issue of our times: a humane democracy mired in an asymmetrical war is trying to protect itself against terrorists from the 7th century, while under the scrutiny of a corrupt world that needs oil, is largely anti-Semitic and deathly afraid of Islamic terrorists, and finds psychic enjoyment in seeing successful Western societies under duress.
In short, if we wish to learn what was going on in Europe in 1938, just look around.
Thank you Jack Hamilton for sending this to me.
Victor Hanson is excellent, and once again he has nailed it.
Posted by Wild Thing at 10:55 AM | Comments (8)
Iran's Plot To Mine Uranium In Africa
Times Online UK
and also FOX News USA
IRAN is seeking to import large consignments of bomb-making uranium from the African mining area that produced the Hiroshima bomb, an investigation has revealed.
A United Nations report, dated July 18, said there was “no doubt” that a huge shipment of smuggled uranium 238, uncovered by customs officials in Tanzania, was transported from the Lubumbashi mines in the Congo.
Tanzanian customs officials told The Sunday Times it was destined for the Iranian port of Bandar Abbas, and was stopped on October 22 last year during a routine check.
The disclosure will heighten western fears about the extent of Iran’s presumed nuclear weapons programme and the strategic implications of Iran’s continuing support for Hezbollah during the war with Israel.
It has also emerged that terror cells backed by Iran may be prepared to mount attacks against nuclear power plants in Britain. Intelligence circulating in Whitehall suggests that sleeper cells linked to Tehran have been conducting reconnaissance at some nuclear sites in preparation for a possible attack.
The parliamentary intelligence and security committee has reported that Iran represented one of the three biggest security threats to Britain. The UN security council has given Iran until the end of this month to halt its uranium enrichment activities. The UN has threatened sanctions if Tehran fails to do so.
A senior Tanzanian customs official said the illicit uranium shipment was found hidden in a consignment of coltan, a rare mineral used to make chips in mobile telephones. The shipment was destined for smelting in the former Soviet republic of Kazakhstan, delivered via Bandar Abbas, Iran’s biggest port.
“There were several containers due to be shipped and they were all routinely scanned with a Geiger counter,” the official said.
“This one was very radioactive. When we opened the container it was full of drums of coltan. Each drum contains about 50kg of ore. When the first and second rows were removed,the ones after that were found to be drums of uranium.”
In a nuclear reactor, uranium 238 can be used to breed plutonium used in nuclear weapons.
The customs officer, who spoke to The Sunday Times on condition he was not named, added: “The container was put in a secure part of the port and it was later taken away, by the Americans, I think, or at least with their help. We have all been told not to talk to anyone about this.”
The report by the UN investigation team was submitted to the chairman of the UN sanctions committee, Oswaldo de Rivero, at the end of July and will be considered soon by the security council.
It states that Tanzania provided “limited data” on three other shipments of radioactive materials seized in Dar es Salaam over the past 10 years.
The experts said: “In reference to the last shipment from October 2005, the Tanzanian government left no doubt that the uranium was transported from Lubumbashi by road through Zambia to the united republic of Tanzania.”
Lubumbashi is the capital of mineral-rich Katanga province, home of the Shinkolobwe uranium mine that produced material for the two atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945.
The mine has officially been closed since 1961, before the country’s independence from Belgium, but the UN investigators have told the security council that they found evidence of illegal mining still going on at the site.
In 1999 there were reports that the Congolese authorities had tried to re-open the mine with the help of North Korea. In recent years miners are said to have broken open the lids and extracted ore from the shafts, while police and local authorities turned a blind eye.
In June a parliamentary committee warned that Britain could be attacked by Iranian terrorists if tensions increased.
A source with access to current MI5 assessments said: “There is great concern about Iranian sleeper cells inside this country. The intelligence services are taking this threat very seriously.”
Posted by Wild Thing at 03:55 AM | Comments (9)
Never Give UP ! Our Enemy Won't
Wild Thing's comment..........
This last week Rummy was put through many questions from the Dems and Hillary in particular. There are polls all over on the internet asking should Rummy resign....should we get out of Iraq and on and on.
I am not afraid of any terrorist or nations who supports terrorist's. Our troops pushed through enemy lines further and faster and with the least amount of people killed in the history of man kind. Our troops acted with honor and bravery. I love them and I am damn proud of them.
During WWII, the US Gloria was sunk by a German destroyer. We lost over two thousand Sailors that day. Where is our resolve today? We lost three thousand people on 911. I want our country to make sure the terrorists know not to come back over here with more attacks. I want to come down hard on our enemy and I think that is exactly what these people will understand. They worship a death cult, they have no respect for human life and most certainly not their own nor their children's lives.
When in Rome thinking might very well be the way to go ... and the Middle East is not Kansas.
I have been to D.C. and Gettysburg many times. I stood on hollowed ground at Gettysburg. I stood on a piece of ground where 2,400 Yankee Calvary Soldiers gave their lives for freedom in one day.
How long have we been in the heart of the Middle East? We are in the heart of a people who will burn our flag and hate our guts just because we support Israel's right to exist? They want all Jews and Christians dead, here in America, Israel and the world. We have the posture to take out terrorist on their own turf.
We need to be patient enough to get through the tough times. Tough times never last but tough people do. We don't need to be making knee jerk decisions and fire people because the Demorats and the media say we should.
IMO, the biggest mistake we can make in Iraq/Afghanistan is to lose our patients, then cut and run ala Murtha and most Democrats.
I want to just add this. Israel has been fighting, restraining, and fighting some more the same terrorists that we have been faced with only much longer then we have. Something like 57 years of it for Israel. I will stand by Israel always and I pray our country does as well. And any fool like France thinking that some agreement will be kept by the Hezbollah needs to get their brain examined. And I include our country as well if we insist on this to be done. Cease fire for Israel is one thing, cease fire for the Hezbollah is never going to happen in anyone's lifetime.
The Hezbollah, Hamas and all terrorists groups need to be struck down with such a force that their children and their childrens children will tell stories of how the Jews and Christians said they had enough. How the non- Muslims of the world were NOT going to take it anymore and fought back with a vengence.
Respect comes in many forms, it can come from love and admiration, but it also can come from fear of one that is stronger. I may not be saying that exactly right so I hope you know what I mean. It is late here as I am writing this.
Pray for our troops for their safety and for our country and it's leadership.
Posted by Wild Thing at 02:55 AM | Comments (15)
August 05, 2006
Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr MIA at Protest Rally in Baghdad
Iraqi Shiites Chant 'Death to Israel'
BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) -
BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) - Hundreds of thousands of Shiites chanting ``Death to Israel'' and ``Death to America'' marched through the streets of Baghdad's biggest Shiite district Friday in a massive show of support for Hezbollah in its battle against Israel.
No violence was reported during the rally in Sadr City. But at least 26 people were killed elsewhere in the country, most of them in a car bombing and gunbattle in Mosul in the north.
The demonstration was the biggest in the Middle East in support of Hezbollah since Israel launched its attacks against the guerrillas in Lebanon on July 12. The protest was organized by radical Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, whose political movement built around the Mahdi Army militia has been modeled after Hezbollah.
Al-Sadr summoned followers from throughout the Shiite heartland of southern Iraq to converge on Baghdad for the rally but he himself did not attend.
Demonstrators, wearing white shrouds symbolizing willingness to die for Hezbollah, waved the guerrillas' yellow banner and chanted slogans in support of their leader Sheik Hassan Nasrallah, which has attained a cult status in the Arab world for its defiance of Israeli military power.
``Allah, Allah, give victory to Hassan Nasrallah,'' the crowd chanted.
``Mahdi Army and Hezbollah are one, let them confront us if they dare,'' the predominantly male crowd shouted, waving the flags of Hezbollah, Lebanon and Iraq. Many walked with umbrellas in the searing afternoon sun. Volunteers sprayed them with water.
``I am wearing the shroud and I am ready to meet martyrdom,'' said Mohammed Khalaf, 35, owner of a clothes shop in the southern city of Amarah.
Al-Sadr followers painted U.S. and Israeli flags on the main road leading to the rally site, and demonstrators stepped on them - a gesture of contempt in Iraq. Alongside the painted flags was written: ``These are the terrorists.''
Protesters set fire to American and Israeli flags, as well as effigies of President George W. Bush and Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, showing the men with Dracula teeth. ``Saddam and Bush, Two Faces of One Coin'' was scrawled on Bush's effigy.
Iraqi government television said the Defense Ministry had approved the demonstration, a sign of the public anger over Israel's offensive in Lebanon and of al-Sadr's stature as a major player in Iraqi politics.
``I consider my participation in this rally a religious duty. I am proud to join this crowd and I am ready to die for the sake of Lebanon,'' said Khazim al-Ibadi, 40, a government employee from Hillah.
Although the rally was about Hezbollah, it was also a show of strength by al-Sadr, and many worried that the presence of so many Shiite demonstrators - most of them from the Mahdi Army - would add to tensions in the city that has seen almost daily clashes between Shiite and Sunni extremists.
The sectarian violence escalated after the Feb. 22 bombing of a Shiite shrine in Samarra unleashed a wave of reprisal attacks on Sunnis nationwide.
In the latest violence Friday, at least 13 people were killed when Iraqi security forces fought street gunbattles with suspected insurgents in Mosul after a suicide car bomber blew up a police patrol, provincial police commander Maj. Gen. Withiq al-Hamdani said.
He said the suicide bombing killed four policemen and eight insurgents were killed in the subsequent gunbattle.
Also Friday, another suicide bomber killed three people on a soccer field in Hatra town near Mosul. An engineer was shot dead and an unidentified body, showing signs of torture, was found in western Baghdad.
The U.S. military said in a statement that coalition forces killed at least three ``terrorists'' during an air strike and multiple raids southeast of Baghdad on Thursday.
Separately. gunmen shot and killed four people and wounded eight from a Shiite family late Thursday in Dujail, 80 kilometers (50 miles) north of Baghdad, police Lt. Hussam al-Dujeili, said.
On Thursday, Gen. John Abizaid, the top U.S. commander in the Middle East, told a Senate committee in Washington that sectarian violence in Iraq ``is probably as bad as I have seen it'' and that if the spiral continued the country ``could move toward civil war.''
Wild Thing's comment......
They're always chanting DEATH to someone, it's in the DNA of their Quran, their death cult, Islam. It's a shame we missed an excellent target of opportunity.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:55 AM | Comments (8)
In Country in Iraq
BAGHDAD – The clamor and the hustle of a Baghdad market is common throughout the city as hundreds of citizens crowd the local streets to purchase necessities for their homes.
The thriving venues of vendors are comparable to a mall, with consumers waiting in line to purchase an array of fresh produce, clothing, electronics or other commodities.
But here, in a small market in the Doura neighborhood of southern Baghdad, Iraqi police are focused on improving security, said 2nd Lt. Terry Gambrel, a platoon leader with Multi-National Division – Baghdad.
The Soldiers of the 2nd Battalion, 506th Infantry Regiment, attached to the 4th Infantry Division, have patrolled Doura for months. Working with Iraqi Police, the Soldiers hope to restore peace to the neighborhood, said Gambrel, a native of Mobile, Ala.
He said police officers from the Doura Police Station are fast becoming more proficient and capable.
Gambrel and his Soldiers are integrating the Doura police into civil military operations, which means conducting more combined patrols.
Conducting raids, running checkpoints and securing the area from terrorists are all ways the police will achieve the public’s confidence, said Gambrel.
Spc. Dana Estacio scales a makeshift fence during security operations in the Doura market of southern Baghdad.
An increased presence on the streets will help provide additional security, but this also means attacks on the IP will increase as well, said Spc. Dana Estacio of the 506th.
“There have been many times when we are out on patrol with the police when they have been attacked. Sometimes only a couple blocks away from us,” said the Susanville, Calif., native while walking between vendors inside the Doura Market.
The best way to learn is from experience, said Estacio.
“They do pretty well when they’re out here,” he said of the police. “Most of them come out here and want to work. They want to do their jobs.
“We find a lot of (improvised-explosive devices) and get into a lot of firefights. It’s just a rough neck of the woods,” Dawson said.
The ability to gain actionable intelligence on terrorists operating in the neighborhood is hard to come by. Most fear that their families will be in danger if they talk to the Soldiers and Iraqi Police, who patrol the neighborhood market daily.
“Usually when we talk to the people on the streets, we try to get information about the terrorists; but most of the time, the conversation twists back about the water and electricity problems they are having,” Dawson said.
The citizens of the neighborhood wait until they are alone with the Soldiers to report violence, Dawson said. In most cases, it is too late to locate the individuals responsible for the crimes.
As the people of the neighborhood become confident in the police force, Dawson said he expects the citizens will start reporting transgressions to the Doura police so they can deal with the problems independently.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM
August 04, 2006
Rumsfeld Takes On Hillary
Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton on Thursday called on Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld to resign, hours after excoriating him at a public hearing over what she called "failed policy" in Iraq.
CLICK HERE , for the C-Span coverage (in Real Player).
Scan to 1:45:40 for Hillary's remarks and to 1:50:45 for Rumsfeld's response. (If you make the window wider than the default, precise scrolling is easier.)
Wild Thing's comment......
Hillary is the one who ought to resign. She has a lot of nerve to question anyone about anything. She is disgusting beyond words. She belongs in a dungeon with no food or water for the rest of her sick commie life.
Rumsfeld was at the hearing at the specific insistence of Hillary and a few other Dems. It was not essential, the Generals could have handled it, but they insisted. Then they launch their attacks. Just a pathetic, planned media ploy that gave Rummy a chance to put all in their place.
Leadership is something the Democrats will never be accused of having. Everytime they have an occasion to tuck-tail and run, they do so. They can always be counted on to talk a lot but not do a damn thing. Democrats are such "pattern people"...no good for playing chess or poker, that's for sure.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:27 AM | Comments (4)
Nasrallah Thinks Tel Aviv Is Capitol Of Israel ~ LOL
Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah threatened to bomb Tel Aviv during a TV address Thursday night, should Israel attack in Beirut. His threat was delivered in a broadcast over Hizballah’s mouthpiece, al Manar TV.
"If you indeed do this, I say this clearly. I won't use terms I used up to now, past Haifa, but I will say clearly and in a way that is not open to interpretation: If you bomb our capital we'll bomb your capital. We'll bomb Tel Aviv and we can do this."
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (2)
U.N. Official Says "Hezbollah deserves U.S. respect"
U.N. boss: Hezbollah deserves U.S. respect
Global group's deputy secretary-general would give terrorists conference-table seat
A top United Nations official says to quiet the "demons" across the "wider Islamic world" the United States and the international community must respect Hezbollah as a political party, not a terrorist organization.
"Everybody would want a solution here which takes away the recruiting power of Hezbollah in the broader Arab world," said Mark Malloch Brown, the U.N.'s deputy secretary general.
That would be one, he said, that "allows Hezbollah a political as against a militia future inside an independent Lebanon."
The military conflagration in the Mideast going on now was sparked by Hezbollah's military attack on Israel, and Brown said if Hezbollah and its supporters are given that political acknowledgement the motivation for military attacks would decline.
Wild Thing's comment......
British numb brain that whined about Rush Limbaugh and Fox news a few weeks back, and got taken apart by John Bolton, and everyone else. I suggest the fool remain in Britain, where they are happy to listen to his nonsense, and not bother to come back.
Ask the Marines that were bombed in Beirut about Hezballah!!
Of all of the insulting things to say to a nation who has had it's citizens murdered by these monsters! Respect? I will NEVER respect any of these lower than snake terrorists! How dare he say this! I have no respect for the UN either. It is official, the world is nuts!
The U.N. is a terrorist organization. It is dominated by the Islamofascist virus and it needs to be eradicated once and for all, by any means necessary.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (4)
August 03, 2006
Rightroots ~ Great Things Are Possible With People Who Do Things
Rightroots is a broad coalition of conservatives joining together in support of a solid slate of Republican candidates for the US House and Senate. Properly funded, these candidates represent our best chance to retain control of Congress and to enact a conservative agenda.The bloggers and groups listed at the right have come together to support this slate, and together with ABCPAC.com and your generous support, will expand our conservative majority in November.
This is the plan................
In order to do that, we’re going to need a lot of help from the blogosphere and talk radio, which is why I’m contacting you.What would we like you to do?
#1) We’d like you endorse the list. (Endorsements will be listed on the Rightroots page)
#2) We’d love for you to link the list today. The bigger start we can get right off the bat and the more buzz we can generate, the better.
#3) If you’re part of any big Republican mailing lists, forums, or know any big name conservatives you could pass this onto, it would be great!
#4) It would be fantastic if you permanently link the Rightroots page, preferably in a prominent spot.
#5) Usually with a blogosphere story, you link it once and go on. In this case, we’re hoping that people will link this list once or twice a week from now until the election. That’s the key factor that will really keep the money rolling in.
Now, what if you don’t feel comfortable endorsing the list or promoting all the candidates?
No problem! If you just support a candidate or two on the list, feel free to send your readers over to the Rightroots list to donate to them. On the other hand, even if you don’t want to do that, there may still be some news value in comparing what this list raises to the liberal list.
The more people talk about us and link to us, the better for the slate of candidates — and for you. Keep in mind that this is a project that has the potential to benefit the whole right side of the blogosphere. You ever wondered why Democratic politicians pay so much attention to liberal bloggers? A big part of the reason is because they raise money for them. If we do a good job of fund raising, it will raise our prestige level and profile. Make no mistake about it, if we can raise more money than the left side of the blogosphere over the final three months of the campaign, it will get politicians and journalists talking about the influence of the right side of the blogosphere — and that’s good for all of us!
Read more about it at Right Wing News, and at Mary Katherine Ham’s Townhall article and at Lorie Byrd’s post at Wizbang, and PLEASE, y’all, go over to the Rightroots/ABCPAC site and give it your support.
And you can find graphcis for this to use at your blog HERE.
Wild Thing's comment......
We can complain till the cows come home and it won't make a difference. Action is what makes a difference and the left has always been better at this then we are on the right. We have watched PC take over step by step, inch by inch and then wonder how America has become soooo PC. Well PC began way back when I was in grade school and it has proven one thing.
The left is good at winning one battle at a time. They know they cannot win the war in one move so they choose to win one hill, one battle and then the next. We as Republicans like to win the whole shabang at once and that is one of the things that cause us not to win anything.
The left is paid to protest the right is NOT, we do it because we believe in our causes and do not expect to be paid for it. We have jobs and the left, well many do not and insted they get money from the vile leftie groups to do nothing more then protest and push their agenda of destruction to America.
I for one will not be one of the ones that is only a keyboard patriot, I want action and will do what I can to make a difference.
Please send this post out to all you know that love America. We CAN make a difference but it takes an effort. Let's not let the left win this next election on anything. They do NOT love America.
* My Vast Right Wing Conspiracy
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:44 PM
Did Barney the Dog Join the Cult of Islam?
A guard dog has ripped apart a collection of rare teddy bears, including one once owned by Elvis Presley, during a rampage at a children's museum.
"He just went berserk," said Daniel Medley, general manager of the Wookey Hole Caves near Wells, England, where hundreds of bears were chewed up Tuesday night by the 6-year-old Doberman pinscher named Barney.
Barney ripped the head off a brown stuffed bear once owned by the young Presley during the attack, leaving fluffy stuffing and bits of bears' limbs and heads on the museum floor. The bear, named Mabel, was made in 1909 by the German manufacturer Steiff.
The collection, valued at more than $900,000, included a red bear made by Farnell in 1910 and a Bobby Bruin made by Merrythought in 1936.
The bear with Elvis connections was owned by English aristocrat Benjamin Slade, who bought it at an Elvis memorabilia auction in Memphis, Tenn., and had loaned it to the museum.
"I've spoken to the bear's owner and he is not very pleased at all," Medley said.
A security guard at the museum, Greg West, said he spent several minutes chasing Barney before wrestling the dog to the ground.
Wild Thing's comment.......
I have had dogs and kitties all my life and never had one attack my teddy bear collection. Sometimes a dog will adopt a bear for his own and sleep with it and play with it. So this story is very odd indeed. Since the Islam is the cult of death and destruction I will just say that dear ole Barney must have the heart of a Muslim.
* Something.....and Half of Something
Posted by Wild Thing at 10:18 AM | Comments (8)
In Country With Our Troops
A Soldier from the 4th Brigade, 101st Airborne Division posts a warning notice to insurgents in an area east of Baghdad. This photo appeared on www.army.mil
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Peter Pace signs a message on a Soldier’s howitzer round. The Soldier is from 4th Brigade, 10th Mountain Division at Camp Salerno, Afghanistan. This photo appeared on www.army.mil.
CAMP TAJI, Iraq – Lt. Col. Dave Thompson, commander, 7th Squadron, 10th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, speaks to the squadron July 22 about the exploits eight Soldiers presented the Bronze Star Medal with V device and four Army Commendation Medal with V device. "We earned these medals rescuing fellow Soldiers from burning vehicles and killing terrorists," Thompson said. "Usually battalion commanders don't get to give these out, but I presented a bunch of them. I'll never forget this day." (U.S. Army photo by Maj. David Olson, 1st BCT PAO, 4th Inf. Div.)
Blackanthem Military News, CAMP TAJI, Iraq – As the sun began to set on 7th Squadron, 10th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, the squadron commander presented 45 troopers with medals and badges during a mid-tour awards ceremony at Camp Taji July 22.Lt. Col. Dave Thompson, commander, 7th Sqdn., presented eight Bronze Star Medals with V device for valor during combat operations, four Army Commendation Medals with V device for valor during combat, 13 ARCOMs for achievement, 21 Combat Action Badges for satisfactory performance under hostile fire with the enemy and two Combat Medical Badges for satisfactory performance of medical duties under hostile fire.
In a speech to the troopers, Thompson praised his Soldiers.
Wild Thing's comment......
Thank you troops for all you do, for the tremendous risks you take and sacrifices you make everyday. God keep you safe!
You have my OK to kill lots of terrorists! Take no prisoners and save yourself the grief of the terrorists loving media and lefties.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:55 AM | Comments (4)
Wild Thing's comment........
This little documentary film was made by Second Draft.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:47 AM | Comments (4)
Gillerman on Carter
Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations Dan Gillerman doesn't like former President Jimmy Carter meddling in Israeli affairs.
Asked on C-SPAN's Washington Journal program to comment on Mr. Carter's opinion column in yesterday's Washington Post calling on Israel to withdraw from Lebanese territory and release its prisoners, the ambassador replied:
"I think that President Carter's appearances, op-eds, and speeches are an embarrassment. I think that they are an embarrassment to the great institution of the presidency. I mean, President Carter wasn't that great of a president to start with ... I really don't know what has happened to him over the last few years."
Wild Thing's comment......
God bless you Dan Gillerman.
Dan Gillerman is totally awesome, everytime he speaks on any of the TV political shows I want to stand up and cheer. I wish I had that feeling with our politicians. WOW.... Gillerman thank you!
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (6)
Peanuts for Brains Carter
by John Gibson
Tuesday he ( Jimmy Carter) writes in The Washington Post that Israel has a right to defend itself, but it shouldn't make civilians in Lebanon suffer and expect them to blame Hezbollah for the devastation and death from Israeli return fire.
Thus, according to Carter logic, if Hezbollah fires rockets at Israelis from the middle of Lebanese civilians — as the U.N. says Hezbollah has in fact done — then Israel must not shoot back because civilians might be hurt or killed.
Carter says it is inhumane to make Lebanese civilians suffer. OK, agreed. But it is also wrong to exempt Hezbollah from blame for the suffering it has brought on its own people.
Under these peculiar Carter rules, Hezbollah can always shoot at Israel as long as they do it from areas with heavy civilian populations.
Hezbollah picks the places to fire rockets, and so it picks the places Israel will attack in response.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (6)
August 02, 2006
~ * ~ Happy Birthday Rhod! ~ * ~
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:55 AM | Comments (13)
Ramsey Clark Plans 'Emergency March' to Stop Israel
And this is what they are demanding............ Why am I NOT surprised!!!!
(CNSNews.com) - Former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark, alongside various anti-war and Muslim groups, has announced plans for a "National Emergency March on Washington" to stop what he described as U.S. funding of the "Israeli war machine."
Clark claimed that U.S. funding to Israel, which is battling Hizballah terrorists in southern Lebanon, is grounds for impeaching President Bush. "If we'd acted on impeachment before now, Lebanon wouldn't be subjected to this misery," said Clark at the National Press Club Thursday. "If we fail to act now, who is next?"
The National Council of Arab-Americans, Partnership for Civil Justice, Muslim American Society Freedom Foundation, and the ANSWER Coalition are partnering to show their dissent of U.S.-Israeli policy in a march planned near the White House on Aug. 12.
"It is important to let the people of Lebanon and the people of Palestine know that even though the Bush administration speaks in our name -- spending our tax dollars to fund and finance these wars both in Iraq and in Lebanon -- it does so without the consent of the American people," said Brian Becker, national coordinator for the ANSWER Coalition.
The Palestinian-dominated Hamas and Iranian-funded Hizballah are not considered terrorist organizations by ANSWER, and the group claims that they should not be labeled as such by the Bush administration. Becker said that both groups are widely supported by political parties that include at least 30 to 40 percent of the people.
"So was the Nazi party," said Ariel Cohen, Ph.D., a senior research fellow from the conservative think tank Heritage Foundation.
Cohen said Hizballah consists of the "troops founded, funded, trained and equipped by the Islamic republic of Iran," continued Cohen. "With the statement yesterday, the number two of al-Qaeda -- Ayman al- Zawahiri -- declared solidarity with Hizballah."
"Oh Muslims everywhere, I call on you to fight and become martyrs in the war against the Zionists and the Crusaders," al-Zawahiri said in a video message Thursday.
However, Becker said the only purpose of using the label "terrorist" is to demonize regimes that are opposed to U.S. occupation.
"The characterization of Hizballah as a terrorist organization by the Bush administration must be understood in exactly the same way that they conducted the demonization campaign against the Iraqi government under the Saddam Hussein era," said Becker.
"Which is simply to find a rationale to justify terrorist actions against the people who live in Lebanon," he continued, "just as the Bush administration needed to find an explanation to carry out its war crimes, its crimes against humanity and its state-sponsored terrorism against the people of Iraq."
While Clark, ANSWER and the United Nations do not list Hamas as a terrorist organization, Australia, Canada, Israel, the United States and the European Union do. Hamas, a political arm of the Palestinian government, has orchestrated multiple suicide bombings in Israel.
Hizballah is listed as a terrorist organization only by Israel and the U.S., although the European Parliament said in 2005 that it recognized evidence of terrorist activity from Hizballah. Both Hamas and Hizballah began as resistance movements to the State of Israel.
"The terror that is being waged right now is the terror carried out by the Israeli government with the full backing of the United States government," said Becker.
The leftist groups criticized the U.S. for sending precision-guided bombs to Israel as part of what they called a multi-million dollar arms deal allowing Israel to draw from it when necessary. They called it a direct violation of the Arms Export Control Act -- an act that allows the president to export arms as long as they do not aid terrorists or kill civilians.
"The U.S. rushed 5,000 pound bombs to Israel so that they could bomb in Lebanon and Palestine. Not because they are blowing up buildings, because they are blowing up human beings," said Mounzer Sleiman, founding member of National Council of Arab-Americans and independent military and political analyst.
But Cohen believes people like Clark, Becker and Sleiman are trying to misinform the American public.
"These people are masters of disinformation," said Cohen. "The U.S government would not violate the Arms Expert Control Act. Israel has received in the past and is receiving now sophisticated technology from the United States and is developing by itself sophisticated technology that it provides to the United States under collaborative agreements."
Sleiman also alleged that Israel's attacks are a product of the U.S. efforts to gain control of the Middle East for its oil reserves, using Israel as its pawn.
"The main aim of this war is not to free captured soldiers. It is not even to remove Hizballah. It is purely and simply to bring Lebanon down on its knees and bring about its disintegration," said Sleiman. "Apparently this is a condition Condi Rice called 'the birth of the Middle East.'"
Cohen disagreed. "This is not about Israel. The al-Zawahiri statement says that they want to impose their version of Islam, their dark ages version of Islam from Spain to Iraq.
"This is an attack on the West, on the U.S. interests and the U.S. ally Israel," he continued. "And the idea is to weaken Israel to make her bleed. Then if the U.S. inserts its forces there or Europeans insert their forces there, to make them bleed."
Wild Thing's comment......
Clark never met a terrorist he didn't like. Ramsey Clark is a traitor to his own country, to freedom, to justice, and an eager ally to all that is wrong in this world...if there's a communist or islamic regime he's all for it, especially when they're fighting his own country. He revels in supporting the most despicable men on the face of the planet....Saddam, Milosevic, Castro, Chavez...he's a friend to them all. He's an utter disgrace, and we'll all be better off when his time on this earth is over.
The Commissar has announced the verdicts of his most recent Show Trial.
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:47 AM | Comments (19)
August 01, 2006
Summer Camp for Muslim Youth NOT So Pro American
The Young Muslims are in hiding. They are hiding the location of their August 2nd youth camp, and the public has a right to know why.
The Young Muslims (YM) was founded well over a decade ago, as a subsidiary of the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), an organization that was created specifically to emulate the violent Muslim Brotherhood of Pakistan, Jamaat-e-Islami. Through ICNA, YM holds events that feature as speakers some of the most radical individuals in the Islamic community. These events include youth camps, which, prior to the attacks on 9/11, were referred to as “jihad camps.”
The latest YM camp, themed ‘Deen and Dunya: Finding the Balance,’ will be held tomorrow, August 2nd through August 6th. The organization has worked hard to keep the location of the destination under wraps. On the YM website, people are explicitly told not to discuss the matter.
Originally, the event was to be held in Villanova, Pennsylvania, at the 23-acre Foundation for Islamic Education (FIE), where many YM events are held throughout the year. [This includes one last April featuring UK Imam Sheik Riyadh ul-Haq, who, just two months later, was banned from entering Canada, “because his views could incite terror and hatred.”] However, the camp was to be a five-day affair – a violation of local zoning regulations – and after years of infractions perpetrated by FIE, the residents complained and got the Township of Lower Merion, where FIE is located, to threaten an injunction against the group.
YM had previously held its August 2004 camp at FIE, the theme of which was ‘A Few Good Men.’ Controversy erupted over it, when, shortly before the camp was to begin, one of the invited speakers, Mazen Mokhtar, had his house raided and his computers confiscated by the FBI. Mokhtar, currently the Youth Director for the New Jersey chapter of the Muslim American Society (MAS), prior to 9/11, created a mirror (replica) website of a site that raised funds and recruited terror fighters for Al-Qaeda and the Taliban. The site was also used as a portal to the official website of Hamas, a group that Mokhtar has called “heroic.” He has also said he supports suicide bombings.
REST of article HERE
Wild Thing's comments......
If you go to google and search for Muslim Youth Camps there are many!
The front lines will soon be Main Street USA. We have been far to complacent, and will soon have to pay the piper. Please know what I have put here is a drop in the bucket. There is more information out there but it is so extensive it would make this post extremely long....longer then it already is.
We need to be aware, we need to learn about our enemy and what they are doing.
More information:
The foundation for Islamic Education is a private institute and is owned and managed by a Board of trustees based in Saudi Arabia . The president of the Board is His Excellency Mahmoud Abdullah Taiba, a member of the Majlis Ash Shura and former Secretary General of the the Energy and Electricity in Riyadh Saudi Arabia.
The speakers at the upcoming Muslim Youth camp (see original announcement below) have documented terrorism ties and reads like a Who's Who of radical Islamists.
The residents of Villanova have good reason to be concerned about security issues and should do everything possible to stop the planned expansion of the Foundation for Islamic Education. At a 2000 ICNA conference in Baltimore the head of the Young Muslims organisation which is running the camp, urged parents to send their sons to fight Jihad in Chechnya:
According to testimony given by counter terrorism expert Steven Emerson:
At the July 2000 annual convention of the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) in Baltimore, speaker Tayyab Yunus pleaded with the audience:
"The youth is very important…And, we all want to see our youth to succeed to become doctors, to become engineers; but how many of you can actually say that you want to send your sons to Jihad, to Chechnya? How many of you can actually say that? [Takbir! Allahua Akbar!] How many of you can actually say that you want to send your child… How many of you can actually say that you want to send your youth to fight in Jihad or to send them to…to these Islamic Institutions to become educated? I'm sorry. Other than that, I honestly believe in my heart that this is the time, right now is the time."
And this..........
This year's camp is to be held at Villanova Academy, an Islamic school in Pennsylvania, and its theme is "A Few Good Men/Lives of the Khulafa Rashideen (Pious Caliphs)."
Before the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, the group's summer gatherings were called "Jihad Camp." Advertised speakers in August 2001 included Imam Siraj Wahaj, identified by federal prosecutors in 1995 as a "possible unindicted co-conspirator" in the terrorism case against blind sheik Omar Abdel Rahman and Saffet Catovic, a Bosnian associated with the Benevolence International Foundation, a now-defunct Muslim charity accused by the U.S. government of financing terrorism.
Here is one in Chicago, Illinois
You Are The Best UmmahMUSLIM YOUTH CAMP 2006
GIRLS: August 5 –11, 2006Organized by
Muslim Community Center
4380 N. Elston Avenue
Chicago, IL 60641,
(773) 725-9047
Al Qaeda linked cleric among speakers at Muslim Youth camp at Foundation for Islamic Education in Villanova PA 8/2-6/06.
An Al Qaeda linked Imam,suicide bomber supporter, and volunteer for a Hamas 'charity' are speakers at upcoming Young Muslims camp in Villanova PA .
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:41 PM | Comments (18)
Hezbollah Use Civilians (children) To Hide Behind
Wild Thing's comment......
God Bless Israel and give her strength and courage to prevail. The Hezbollah, Hamas and all terrorists of Islam are unspeakable monsters. Satan must be very proud of them.
Posted by Wild Thing at 11:47 AM | Comments (3)
Party At Fidel's ~ Castro Steps Down Temporarily
......at the Copa ... Copacabana ..... hottest spot north of Havana .... music and passion are always in fashion at the Copa ................ Dan Rather fell in love ... copa ... copacabana.......
Castro has surgery, relinquishes power
HAVANA - Fidel Castro announced Monday night in a letter read by his secretary live on state television that due to illness he was temporarily relinquishing the presidency to his brother and successor Raul, the defense minister.
In the letter read by his secretary Carlos Valenciaga, Castro said he had suffered gastrointestinal bleeding, apparently due to stress from recent public appearances in Argentina and Cuba, and had to undergo an operation.
The operation obligates me to undertake several weeks of rest," said the letter. Extreme stress "had provoked in me a sharp intestinal crisis with sustained bleeding that obligated me to undergo a complicated surgical procedure."
Castro said he was temporarily relinquishing the presidency to his younger brother and successor Raul, the defense minister, but said the move was of "a provisional character." There was no immediate appearance or statement by Raul Castro.
It was the first time in his decades-long tenure that Castro has given up power, though he has been sidelined briefly in the recent past with occasional health problems.
The elder Castro asked that celebrations scheduled for his 80th birthday on Aug. 13 be postponed until Dec. 2, the 50th anniversary of Cuba's Revolutionary Armed Forces.
Castro said he would also temporarily delegate his duties as first secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba to Raul, who turned 75 in June and who has been taking on a more public profile in recent weeks.
From Bablau blog
"There are thousands of Cuban-Americans out on the streets of Miami right now, all of them celebrating the possible demise of fidel castro. All of them cheering and carrying Cuban flags alongside Old Glory. You can here the shouts of "Libertad! Libertad! Libertad!' in the background on the news reports. It is, indeed, a joyous occassion. But I'd like all of you to know that behind each celebratory scream, behind every smile, behind every feeling of unbridled joy and desperate happiness, there are 47 years of tears. Forty seven years of frustration. Of anger. Of pain. Of loss. Of separated families and drowned brothers and sisters. These celebrations have been paid for in blood. And they are more than well deserved."
From Kill Castro blog
"The population is coming out to the streets in Havana, the Brigadas de Respuesta Rapida have been patrolling with the police, but in La Vibora, Centro Habana, and El Cerro the residents are out on the streets and there are screams of ABAJO FIDEL.
Many people went down la Rampa from Coppelia towards el Malecon. There are police presence in the area of Coppelia and the Havana Hilton, and near other hotels in the Capital."
And what about this Raul Castro??
Castro's Younger Brother More Radical
Cuban Defense Minister Raul Castro is President Fidel Castro's staunchly loyal younger brother and his designated successor. At 75 and five years younger than Fidel, Raul is far less charismatic than his brother though far more radical.Three weeks after taking power in January 1959, Castro named Raul his successor, telling supporters: "Behind me are others more radical than I."
He officially designated Raul as his successor at a Communist Party congress in October 1997, saying "Raul is younger than I, more energetic than I. He can count on much more time."
As head of Cuba's armed forces, Raul has been deeply involved in Cuba's military involvement in Angola and Ethiopia during the 1970s _ as well as with the military's successful peacetime efforts to help rescue Cuba's economy following the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991.
I am among those who believe that it would be in imperialism's interest to try, with our irreconcilable differences, to normalize relations as much as possible during Fidel's life," Raul said in the interview with state television. Later, he said, "it will be more difficult," implying he would be harder to deal with.
Raul, a political hardliner, belonged to a Communist youth group even before the revolution. The elder Castro didn't publicly embrace socialism until 1961.
Like his brother, Raul has been suspicious of the United States and at a September 1960 rally denounced the U.S. Embassy as "a cave of spies."
In a July 1962 visit to the Soviet Union, Raul was given a promise of Soviet missiles _ a development that led to the U.S.-Soviet missile crisis of October 1962 which brought the world to the brink of nuclear war.
Wild Thing's comment.......
May his surgeon be a relative of one of his victims. The Devil is now on alert for a possible VIP arrival. I'm sure the liberal media is going to all be crying when their hero Castro dies and printing lots of articles with rewritten history where they claim all the good castro did. Dan Rather is probably drinking himself into a stupor at some bar right now over this news, his hero might be dying.
If Castro actually finally does assume room temperature here is the funeral guest list:
Jimmah Carter
Dan Rather
Barbara Walters
John Kerry
Steven Spielberg
Chevy Chase
Oliver Stone
Danny Glover
Whoopi Goldberg
Harry Belafonte
Ted Turner
Susan Sarandon
Robert Redford
Cindy Sheehan
Michael Moore
Posted by Wild Thing at 01:55 AM | Comments (4)
Ford To Put Toy Fusion Car in Cereal Boxes
Ford To Put 600K Toy Cars In Cereal Boxes
DEARBORN, Michigan -- Ford Motor Co., in an effort to keep promoting its Fusion mid-sized car, plans to put 600,000 toy cars into Kellogg Co. cereal boxes starting Sunday.
The boxes, each containing a Fusion Hot Wheels car, will be distributed out of discount retailer Target Corp.'s stores nationwide. Fusion photos will appear on each box, the nation's second-largest automaker said.
The Fusion toys will be inserted in boxes of Froot Loops, Apple Jacks, Frosted Flakes and Cocoa Krispies. Ford said one red model with the Target logo will be among them, and whoever gets that box will win a real Fusion.
Continued promotion of the Fusion, one of Ford's better-selling models, is a priority for Mark Fields, Ford's president of the Americas. In a recent interview, he said Ford used to roll out a vehicle, then stop promoting it.
"We used to do the launch and abandon, which means advertise it for three or four months and then move onto the next product," he said.
"In the case of the Fusion, it's a new nameplate. We need to make sure we continually have the right care and feeding of that nameplate so that the awareness builds over time," Fields said.
Fusion sales have grown in most months since its introduction last October, peaking 14,940 in May and dropping slightly to 13,691 in June.
Dearborn-based Ford sold 71,089 Fusions during the first half of this year, still far short of its main competitors, the Toyota Camry and Honda Accord. Toyota sold 211,131 Camrys during the first half of 2006, while Honda sold 174,871 Accords.
Wild Thing's comment......
Nope it won't work for me even with all this advertising. I love my Grand Jeep Cherokee soooo much. So I will stick with Cherrio's for breakfast and someone else can have the Fusion toy car. haha
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:55 AM | Comments (4)
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei Drooling Over Nasrallah
Iran supreme leader calls Hezbollah chief 'world favorite'
Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei feted Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah as the "people's favorite person all over the world," state television said.
His comments coincided with Nasrallah vowing to strike cities in the centre of Israel and declaring that the Jewish state had failed to win any military victory after days of bloody clashes with his Shiite militant group.
"The courageous resistance of the Lebanese people and Hezbollah is the manifestation of the rebellious spirit of Muslim and Arab nations against America," Khamenei was quoted as saying.
"Today all the Arab and Muslim nations are supporting Hezbollah. Since it is resisting America and the Zionist regime, the leader of Hezbollah has become the people's favourite person all over the world," Khamenei insisted.
The supreme leader made the comments in a meeting with visiting Venezuelan president and fellow anti-American Hugo Chavez.
The Americans are still not ready to understand what is happening, so they are accusing others of interfering in Lebanese affairs," Khamenei said in response to those allegations.
According to Khamenei, "the Zionist aggression against Lebanon is a pre-planned plot by the Americans."
He also hit out at the UN Security Council -- currently pressuring Iran over its disputed nuclear programme -- by complaining that "world bodies are not bothered and they do not object" to Israel's attack.
"The Americans got the Zionist regime involved in it, thinking they will take a long stride towards the creation of an American Middle East. But they did not factor the Lebanese people into their calculation," Khamenei told Chavez, who had earlier declared his unity with Iran to "defeat imperialism."
"The Americans were aiming at creating lackey governments, but Hezbollah's blistering attack... has foiled the American plot," Khamenei added.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Khamenei and Nasrallah, may the fleas of a million camels infest and torment you in the most private parts of your bodies. Just for starters anyway.
Posted by Wild Thing at 12:47 AM | Comments (2)