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November 14, 2005
A Lesson for Condi Rice

The EVIL Hamas start them young on the road to HATE and killing of Jews ! Do NOT kid yourself the YOUNG Hamas are the enemy not ONLY the adults among them !
PM Sharon Meets With US Secy. of State Condoleeza Rice; We Will Never Hold Contacts With Hamas."
(Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)
Monday, 14 November, 2005
Prime Minister Ariel Sharon met this morning (Monday),
14.11.05with US Secretary of State Dr. Condoleeza Rice
The Prime Minister said at the start of the meeting: "We welcome Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice, a friend of Israel who has worked very hard to reach a diplomatic settlement between Israel and the Palestinians and is making great efforts to strengthen the democratization process in the Middle East. We are pleased to welcome her and I am certain that this visit will strengthen the network of bilateral relations."
US Secy. of State Rice thanked the Prime Minister and conveyed greetings from US President George Bush. She said that US President Bush and the American people admired Prime Minister Sharon's courage and leadership in
successfully implementing the Disengagement Plan. She said that she expects to continue working closely with the Prime Minister and his team on advancing toward a solution of two states living side by side in peace, without terrorism, in a more democratic manner, and in bringing peace to the entire region.
Prime Minister Shalom congratulated US Secy. of State Rice on her birthday and presented her with a gift - a Bible in Hebrew and English with Jerusalem embossed in gold on the cover; she thanked him for the gift.
Prime Minister Sharon briefed US Secy. of State Rice on developments regarding the Rafiah crossing and told her the issue is due to be resolved; he praised the work of quartet envoy James Wolfensohn. Dr. Rice thanked the Prime Minister for the progress and added that she hoped a deal would be signed today.
The US Secy. of State said that while the US would never ask the Prime Minister to do anything that might impair Israel's security, it was important to see how matters could be otherwise helped along. She added that while Palestinian Authority (PA) Chairman Abu Mazen is not doing what is expected of him, he is better than previous leaders and is certainly better than the alternative.
.......Hey Condi ..Abu Mazen is a terrorist!
Prime Minister Sharon emphasized that Hamas's participation in the elections would be a serious mistake because the participation of an armed terrorist organization would only weaken Abu Mazen:
"While we will not interfere in the elections we will not coordinate on them and will not allow Hamas members to either work or move about other than they do today. Hamas's participation could lead to the end of the Roadmap, if there is a situation in which an armed terrorist organization is a political partner in the Palestinian administration. While we fully support the President's democratization efforts, we will not help Hamas. We will not help those who murder Jews even if they participate in the elections. Nowhere in the world would they be allowed to participate in elections. Even according to the Oslo accords, they were not allowed to participate in elections."
The Prime Minister stressed that only if Hamas disarms and annuls its covenant (http://tinyurl.com/9fzok), which calls for the destruction of Israel, would Israel be able to assist the elections and accept Hamas's participation in them.
Prime Minister Sharon said that if Abu Mazen does not fight terrorism now, he will be less likely to do so after the elections. The Prime Minister noted that after going home last to the Shikmim farm, he heard artillery fire all night.
US Secy. of State Rice said that she believes that after the PA elections, it will be easier to compel Hamas to disarm because the pressure will come from the entire international community. She said that this was what had happened in northern Ireland and Angola. She said that she respects the Israeli position and added that if Abu Mazen does not disarm Hamas, he would lose both American and international support. Dr. Rice said that the US would never hold contacts with Hamas or Islamic Jihad even if they are in the administration, adding that the US would never countenance a situation in which terrorist organizations that remain armed take part in the Palestinian administration.
Wild Thing's comment......
Dear Condi, you are a dreamer ....."Rice said that she believes that after the PA elections, it will be easier to compel Hamas to disarm because the pressure will come from the entire international community".......the reality Condi is that the Hamas and the Hezbollah, could care less what the international community thinks about them. And to compare northern Ireland and Angola to the Hamas....well that is like comparing apples and oranges. The Hamas and the orther Muslim terrorists groups want anyone in the entire world dead unless they are the radical Muslims that they ( the terrorists) are. The terrorists even want other Muslims dead that are not in agreement with them. Now think about it Condi, do you worried about terrorists fromm Ireland cominog to America and flying places into the World Trade Center....NO. Did the terrorists from Ireland attack the USS Cole, Bombing of Marine Barracks April 1983,Bombing of Marine Barracks, Beirut, Oct of 1983, Beirut, Pan Am 747 Flight 103 Bombing, Lockerbie and on and on and on.....
You see Condi, the terrorists hate with all that is in them the Christian and the Jew more then loving their own life and being alive. More then their own childrens lives as we see them send their children out with bombs strapped to their young bodies to kill the Jews and Christians. You can see a partial list of Islamic Terrorists attacks here at my Terrorists page at my web site
“Islam is a revolutionary faith that comes to destroy any government made by man. Islam doesn’t look for a nation to be in better condition than another nation. Islam doesn’t care about the land or who own the land.The goal of Islam is to rule the entire world and submit all of mankind to the faith of Islam. Any nation or power in this world that tries to get in the way of that goal, Islam will fight and destroy.” -Mawlana Abul Ala Mawdudi, founder of Pakistan’s fundamentalist movement
“Oh Allah, strike the apostate rulers, Oh Allah, kill them one after the other, sparing none." -Abu Musab al Zarqawi January 7, 2004
Israelis made their desert bloom. They built the only industrialized economy in the entire Middle East. They built the only liberal democracy in the Middle East. I am a fierce supporter of Israel’s survival and have no sympathy for the Palestinian side in the conflict in the Middle East. Israel's longtime enemy, and its enemy today, is of the very same terror that was launched on us on Sept.11,2001.... but, if less confounding, more routine and more tolerated. It is the world's acceptance of the routineization of this killing of Jews that has so affronted Israel, its allies, and others like myself . It is time to show that Jewish blood is NOT cheap and those who shed it will pay a tremendous price !
With the thinking of Condi Rice at least to me, in my opinion, she should never even say that about letting the Hamas be a part of the elections. I take that as an insult to all Jews as well as to all Christians and non-Muslims. Either we are at war against the terrorists or we are not. That to me means we do not pick up a daisy and say , this one not that one, this one not that one. Israel has been fighiting the same terrorists groups that we are now fighting and we need to make it clear that we are against all of them NOT just a few are the axis of evil but all of them.
Terrorists see concessions as a victory and proof that their violence works, as the Oslo process and the withdrawal from south Lebanon have shown. That’s why everyone accepts that you don’t negotiate with terrorists. It is therefore only logical to conclude that further concessions will result in more terror when future demands are not met, as the PA leadership continues to proclaim.
For more of how I feel about Israel see my Israel page if you like.
Posted by Wild Thing at November 14, 2005 10:27 AM
Genesis 12:1-3 Now the LORD had said unto Abram...And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.
Never, Never forsake Israel. As long as we support Israel we will prosper as a nation; we have God’s word on it.
I am a Christian and as a Christian, Jesus Christ is my savior. When my savior walked among men, he did so as a Pork Abstaining, Sabbath Abiding, Circumcised JEW.
Posted by: BobF at November 15, 2005 12:38 PM
Thank you BobF, great reply! Thank you for posting the Bible Verse too.
Posted by: Wild Thing at November 15, 2005 02:04 PM