I know I already posted about this but I saw some poems and wanted to share them with you.
OK first you need to know that I collect Teddybears. I have since I was a child, and of course Winnie Pooh and his friends are part of my collection. So when I heard that the NOT so fuzzy Muzzies (the freakin terrorist and their ilk) wanted Piglet banned and all books etc. having to do with pigs banned as well…. GRRRRRRRrrrrrr I was furious! “Charlottes Web” a great book about friendship and others…..sheesh!

Cartoon by Cox and Forkum
This is a poem by Gateway Pundit….I love it and it is good!
The Brits still
manage to muster
some political correctness
Even after
the tube blasts
from the not
so distant past.
You’ll have to go to Cox & Forkum
to get the whole scoop
but lets just say that Piglet and other toy pigs
are in very deep poop!
Oh, D-D-Dear!
And this is another poem I saw at Eyes On The Ball News

Picture of pig
On tissue box
Who you going call?
An infidel
Eat pork product
Who you going call?
I ain’t ‘fraid o’ no dhimm’
I ain’t ‘fraid o’ no dhimm’
At three o’clock
Only you are pray
Who you going call?
Unveiled woman
At your workplace
Who you going call?
I ain’t ‘fraid o’ no dhimm’
They’ll cave when it’s their turn
I ain’t ‘fraid o’ no dhimm’
Halal lal lal lal lal lal lal!
Coworker no give
Allah credit for all
Who you going call?
No bombmaking skills
Will your jihad stall
Unless you call
Be ready to believe us, oh no
All of you dimmi
Who live in sin, baby
Repent and call
Beheading make me feel good!
Who you going call?
I no hear you!
Who you going call?
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